HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210504PIC to Staff 1-25.pdfL:U . ,;,.,';' *i Pli 2: i8 j_ - i . / ; t-*'-, *,i i FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST FROM IDAHO PUBLIC UTITITiE&;i;:SSrOru COMMISSION TO PICABO WATER SYSTEM April25,2OZl Mr. Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General Travis Culbertson, Auditor ldaho Public utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-@74 ?tc-tJ- ar'ol Dear Mr. Hunter and Mr. Culbertson: Below are answers, to the best of our ability, to the 25 requests you sent to the Picabo Water System. The Water System has no staff and the system serves only about 80 customers. The system is integrated into the books of Picabo Livestock and your questions make it evident that the Water Systems financial information needs to be separated into its own stand-alone set of books. There is a big deficiency between the expenses of the Water System and its income and the Picabo Livestock Company funds that, however that needs to be documented from separate financial information of the Water System. Labor and maintain of the system is done by Nick Purdy the owner or his ranch employees and that is not broken out or kept track of, and it will be in the future. Questions answered by Nick Purdy, owner manager of Picabo Livestock Company which is owner, of Picabo Water System. ?t4f*4 a(- l-r- br( 1 REQUEST NO 1: A complete description of the Company's water system The Picabo Water System was installed by the Kilpatrick's, ancestors of the current owners of the Picabo Livestock Co, the Purdy's. The system was installed when the town of Picabo was platted in 1917 and the source of water was a desert spring two miles from Picabo, and the water lines were wooden and the trenches were dug by hand. The Purdy ancestors, the Kilpatricks, installed a 5O@0 gal storage tank in 1917 that is stil! in use today. The water source is now a well and the water lines have all been replace with pvc. An alternate well is being drilled this summer,2O2l, and the storage tank needs painted and funds are needed for all that. A loan is being requested from the ldaho Dept of Water Resources. Picabo Livestock inherited the water system when the Ranch was purchased from the Kilpatrick's and it is a financial burden, but a necessary service for the 100 some residents of Picabo. Water rates have not been raised for over 25 years and a loss each year is absorbed by the Picabo Livestock Company. A. OVERVIEW The Picabo Water System is a privately-owned water conveyance company delivering potable water to Picabo, ldaho. The water system currently consists of the following components: 1. Primary well located near the storage tank, capacity 294 gpm 2. Backup well located on a priate, residential lot on 2nd street in Picabo that will be abandoned 3. 50,00Ggallon (nominal) elevated storage tank 4. Booster pump with a capacity of at least 500 gpm 5. Chlorine injection system in pump room 6. Approximately 80 service connections serving a population of less than 200 persons 7. About tz,ON feet of 6 in pvc water pipe to distribute water to the 80 service connections The primary well delivers water to the elevated storage tank . Because the tank does not supply sufficient pressure for the entire service area, a booster pump increases the pressure and delivers water to the distribution system. Water from the primary source is chlorinated prior to entering the tank, with contact time being provided in the tank. The backup well is located on a private lot in town and its usage is no longer possible. Therefore, a new well is being drilled near the tank. This well will pump to the wellhouse and thence to the tank in the same manner as the current primary well. The new well will be utilized in a duplex fashion alongside the existing well. As the existing backup well will no longer be used, it will be abandoned and disconnected from the system. 2 REQUEST NO. 2 PTEASE SEPARATELY DESCRIBE ANY DEFICIENCIES NEEDED To ADDRESS SYSTEM RELIABILIW, SYSTEM INTERGRITY, AND /OR TO SUPPORT POTENTIAL FUTURE GROWTH. a. A deficiency is the lack of a back up well for redundancy and fire flow augmentation. A new well has been contracted to be dug and to be piped into existing storage tank and to be powered by a new three phase power line. b. A 590,000 loan has been secured from the Department of Water Resources to fund the improvement. The new well will be a backup to the old well and in the event of a fire it can be used to increase fire flow and water pressure. Water Meters should be installed to control the use of excess water. Backflow preventers need to be inspected for proper operation. c d. 3 REOUEST NO. 3 PLEASE PROVTDE ALr STUDTE REPORTS, OR REGULATORY REQUTREMENTS STATING THE NEED FOR A NEW ALTERNATE WEIL. 4 Nick Purdy ' :fom: Attachments: Sent: To: Cc: Joseph.Otero@deq.idaho.gov Monday, April 12, 2021 9:16 AM Nick.Purdy@deq.idaho.gov Aaron.Trevino@deq.idaho.gov RE: picabo well 1D5070041 PICABO WATER SYSTEM - ESS Report - 12-27-2018.PDF Subject: IEXTERNAL SENDER] Mr. Purdy: IDAPA states the requirements for multiple sources. 17. Ground Water Source Redundancy. New community water systems served by ground water shall have a minimum of two (2) sources if they are intended to serve more than twenty-five (25) connections or equivalent dwelling units (EDUs). Under normal operating conditions, with any source out of service, the remaining source(s) shall be capable of providing either the peak hour demand of the system or a minimum of the maximum day demand plus equalization storage. See Subsection 501.18 for general design and redundancy requirements concerning fi re flow capacity.(3-20-20!' Please see the attached Sanitary Survey from 2018. _ Let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you: Ioseph Otero, P.E. I Senior Water Quality Engineer ldaho Department of Environmental Quality 650 Addison Avenue West, Suite 110, Twin Falls, ldaho Office: (208)735-2190 http ://www.deq. ida ho.eov/ Our mission is to protect humon heolth and the qualiA of ldoho's oir, land, ond woter. From: Nick Purdy lmailto: nick@purdyent.com] Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021 9:05 AM To: Joe Oterc Subject picabo well Joseph, I am filling out a questioner for the PUC and they are asking what regulation requires an alternate well for the Picabo Water System. Would you please forward me that regulation or requirement that states such. They also want a copy of our last sanitary survey if you would please forward that I would appreclate it very much. lhe well driller is coming this week so hopefully we can get it done soon. Thanks 1 REQUEST NO. 4 PLEASE PROVIDE ALL BlDs FoR THE INSTALIATION oF THE NEW ALTERNATE WELL 5 o oo o oolts HH H PHIL LL t LtI(, (, (, (, o urlt" lo'r$ N)N N NNlrro oo o ooloN NN N NNI; ;; ; ;;llJ PP P HHIUIF PH H **lflF EH B HHIf-l-,. F- l4 P- l& P.toFJ HP P HHIOP trtJ P PPIEBgEgBEEFTIEH'=HH'adElrI Eg:HEEsslHB 3=P' c)}ulE' 2 HH"; + l$ t0 0rH ,-E 6 --[ Hlrl,I!'3 3- \t B lfP P:" P P Io oo o o Io oo o ., l,i' l"i a Igo oo N t\) 15o our o o lrlP PP P PPo o() o 90o oo o oo IIsa,b)s Yotr $5o 5s o s q Ffooct oo : I I I I IlI I I I I II I I I IIIIIIIII II II IItIIII I I €ort 0,H {otst\) Aulo oo o zaFilgdIi98 " !r 3t?o a mx m7tz vtmzIm7 goD zox'oc7o <1'qg 88F-de EEa3q3 =99=' =ddd .€.8 =r6.<€E;'oo+oo o Iosco oc,o oo) ttcoat o:,I FJXil 9d' =d=aGl r<ocg 9.. =ooo trl(nctP.70,cfo xrk ,,,oo (,cop PoOo(rootHCDHHOt(, rtN F.I T'(,N)O@o(,o(,(, Irj(,'o,aCct U) T{(ftrIx!ro}c, rrrt. oP' o0,0, rtrtOo..+ OHPN).|E,P('lU) N)oNP <,Pf\) .D(,O oo ,>ool-Jo(t,a frzHHo()PXtDoroCOFHC'F3< F( {trlrtJ E E==E -= F= n 3 B sS s 3 E-* E,fJl, ) = $ o3-'E .? E.E J -9!Ls +A3H HFeg. :6s.= { i$- = ilaqt-tu ='o*N)c?F?8g3tv= F!,q REQUEST NO. 5 PIEASE PROVIDEAIISTUUES, REPORIS TATNGTHE NEED FoR PANnNGTTIE INSIDE OFTHE sO,MO GAI,"LON STORAGE TANK. The tank was constructed in 1917 and has not be painted in the last 80 years and h is showing signs of rusting. Upon inspection W Mcquire lron, who painted the outside of the tank, it was recommend that the tank be cleaned and painted. 6 REQUEST NO. 6 PLEASE PROVIDE ALL BIDS FOR PAINTING THE INSIDE OFTHE 5O,OOO GALLON STORAGE TANK 7 -''=.!, " .:i,i::, ', ' ;; ' 't i'-l' j i "':Lqi jj_l. -.i' :: ' .. : l. .... . , lil.''.. - . The orner will be responsibb to the Company for the mst (at curent market rates) of any work that has been performed prior to termination. HAZARITOUS iIATERIAL DISCLAIilIER: ln the event that hazardous mateials are on the watertank and this information is not addressed in the specifrcation or made known to Maguire lron, lnc. piorto the pie or bid being supplied by Maguire hon, lnc., any additional means of hazardous mateial abatement or disposa/ cosfs will be bom upon the Owner. Owner and the authorized agents signing this contract as such agents do hereby expressly wanant that Owner has authority to make and enter into this contract and that it becomes a party hercto pursuant to a lawful leolution duly and regularly adopted by the goveming board of said Orner pursuant to the applicable statutes of this State. Customer shall reimburse Company for alltravel, meal and entertainment expenses incuned by Company and its employees in connection with Company's performance under the contract. To the extent that any meal or entertainment expenses incuned by Company or its employees are subject to the limitation on deduc'tibility under IRC Section 274(n) (1) and the Regulations thereunder, Customer shallbe subject to the limitation and shall reduce its deduc-tion accordingly. This is included in the above pricing. Thb constitutes the entire contract. No verbal agreemenB or additions uvill be honored. Any amendments or additions hereto must be in unr'ting and executed by the duly authorized agents and officers of the parties hereto. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and seals the day and year above written. Ownen Picabo Comnanv IIAGUIRE IRON,INC. 0,; r,-t-* (Name)Cnfle) (Name)(Iitle) Date Accepted 3- tr-lo a-o Upon awptane, please prcvtule two (2) signatures and date the agreement. .?lcr'tt A/ By: By:By: -3*iiu.-,if.i - 3t16t2020 (Auhorized Agent) (Date) lGlTucker CoNTRACT FOR SERVTCES/UMITED MATNTENANCE This contract rnade and entered into this JOth day of March . , 2020 by and between Picabo Livestoct Companv hereinafrer called the "Ownef or'Customef and Maguire lron, lnc., a South Dakota Corporation with ib principal office located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, hereinafter called the'Contractof or "Companf for and in consideration of the mutual co\renanb and promises hereinafter contained. WTNESSETH: Contrac-tor agrees to make the following repairs and improvements on Ure Owne/s watersupplytank, and to fumish the necessary equipment, labor, material, as urcllas Worlsnen's Compensation lnsurance and Contraciol's Liability lnsurane, and to do the work hereinafter stated in a good and urorkmanlike manner. lnterior Paintl S0 tG Cone Elevated Water Storaoe Tank 1. Gontractor hereby agrses Sandblast the completa lntedor of the water tower to an SSPC€P 10 near white blast, this is b include the habhes, roof and all raillngs.2. Conhactor will then do a complete prime coat of lndustrlal Epoxy to all blastert surfiaces. Foltowing all manufactures specifications.3. Contractor will then apply a full finish coat to all surfaces in a different color to ensure omplete covemge as per manuEc-tures specifi catlons.4. After painting and curing sche<lule is complete, interior wet surfaces are to be disinbded per AWWA mehod 3. lf after sandblasUng inErior, pitting is rcvealed and/or beams are severely conoded and need to be repaired/replaced, prices will be dlscussed with owner bebre any work is done. a Vent lndall t 50 ffiG Cone Elevated WaGrStoraqe Tank 1. Contxacbr hereby agrees to remove existing vent and install new 16' hostfroof vent @tner is rcsponsible for disponl or salwge of all remaining material to indude spent bla$ media, paint antahers, and offierltb slte ralaH mateial. Owner will inspect the work as it progreqses and upon compbtion and acceptance by Owner of the above work, the sum of $ SEE ABOVE plus applicable sales, excise, and/or use tal( shall become due and payable in full. Terms: Net 30 days from acoeptiane and invoicing, plus applicable sales, use, excise, transfer or similar taxes required by law. A seMe charge of 11/zoh per month (annual rate of 187o) will be charged on past due accounts. During any exterior painting, Oumer shallassist in removing any vehicles in the area which might reeive paint damage. lf there is any sandblasting involved in the work, Owner will be responsible fur collection and disposal of any and all blast media. Maguire lron, lnc. willexercise leasonable care and caution to avoid, but willaccept no liabilig for damage to antenna, comrnunication, telemetry and/or electrical system(s) which may be attached totr 'tructure. Removal, repair and/or replaement of the antenna, communication, telemetry and/or electrical s).rem(s) shall be the rcsponsibility of the Owner- The Parties further agree that Maguire lron shall have the right to apply a fuel surctaqge to reflect the increases in the prioes of fud in accordance with economic conditions- REQUESI t{O. 7 HAs rHE coMpANy sruDrED ANy ALTERNATTES ro rHE cAprrAL TNVESTMENTS INCTUDED INTHIS CASE. The capital investments proposed are the new ahernate well and pumps and ontrols and the power line to provide electricfi for it. There are no vlrabk alternatives to these openditures to provide reliable services and water to the residents of Picabo. An altemative which would be unacceptable would be to abandon the water system and reguire the residentr to drill wells for watcr. This would be a big hardship on the low inome people in Picabo. I I REQUEST NO 8: PtfAsE PRovIDE MoNTHLY FLow RATE DATA FoR EAcH SYSTEM wELL PUMP AND EACH BOOSTER PUMP DURING THE PAST THREE YEARS. The present well is a 20 hp and pumps 240gpm measured by a flow meter. The udldischarges into the 50,(XX) pllon storage tank and the water, when called upon to run into the pipe distribution $fstem , is boosted by a 10 hp pump that deliverc the water to the main line at 45psi. lt is estimated that the average usage of water by town is 2fl1,fl)0 gallons per week. The ahernate wellwill hane an identical pump ln the welland a 10hp booster pump in the pump house. There is no data detailing the three yearc flow rate forthe pumps. 9 REQUEST NO 9: Please provide monthly electric bills for each system. 10 An roAcoRP company PAGE 1OF 2 Bllllng Date Prlnt Date PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account N umber: 2203182098 Previous Balance Payments Received - Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Yourhan* lI ouoil2020 0L10812020 s0.00,: s460.87 grso.gz ,' . .' %qr F ll20201072loa2a.dn.aG99.ml& l Due Date o1 12212020 An IDACORP Company Amount Due $5.raPAGE 1 OF 2 Billlng Date Print Date 0110il2020 o1108/2020 Ss.r+ - Ss.ra s0.00 S5.rq 9s.re PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 2204485L36 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank Y6u Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Do You Pay by Mail? lf sq please note the new malllng address on your blll stub: Processlng Center, P.O. Box 53t1, Carcl Stlerm, lL 60197-5381 Learn about other ways you can pay your bill by vlsltlrg ldshopoweacom/ways2pay. Hetp nelghbors ln need with their enel8y costs. .. lroJect Share uses donaildns for nelghbors who need help paylng thelr energy bllls. 100 percent of your donatlon wlll go to Project Share reclplents. To make a pledge, vlslt ldahopower:,com/profectshare or mark the approprlate box on the back of thls pay stub. ffi-1r W-tr Average Dally Energy Use for 402 2ND ST / PICABO,ID " 8 6 4 2 Ga oL =xoueo \tt titt o oclc{Nclcl6dNN!rE o ol ot c] or 'or oi o o orFdHd6diiddo o o o o o o o. o o.!ryF:t.y.,idNddNE 3 s egE i f ,rad xlml0 ^g,POWER @ An TDACORP Company )E toF 2 Bllling Date Print Date PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 2203L82098 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Total Adjustments Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthlycharge of 1 percent. Average Dally Energy Use for 412 0210s12020 0210612020 s460.87 -'S4ss.73 Ss.rar . S.05 s464.6s $46e.84 e ot(1afirl u ,A aq1.fr Lnq,q( 1"171,{l ffiT 115)-,ffi I 3oe 0,qsi zoe o,@.eo)< 103 o!loor o!6ol6lo\ot.(^Fooooooo.,.tryFIrlryddE s oigE i,f ; lq'zois' oto .A (,r 6 ct Ee ffi Due Date o2l2ol2O2o Ir U P3 @ ioo2dt262 lota l.dil.arx,a!ffi 1095 An TDACORP CompanY Billhg Date Print Date.GE 1OF Z PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account N umber: 2204485t36 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thanlt You Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Average Dally Energy Use for 0210s12020 0210612020 Sf.r+ Ss.ra So.oo $f,.Ia $s.14 . ).. s3x 0)ueo 86 oo oto\aaidHdoooo.t.i.fryPI""g c)o cI 6to J ffi Due Date 02l20l2O2o tr o.t T li23,ts t- 6 -,.tIffiJPOI'I'ER- lr o?dr10520a053.d.r4257.mI1I An IDACORP CompanY. Billing Date Print Date 03|os12020 0310612020PAGE 1OF 2 Due Date 0312012020 - i;.j. PICABO WATER SYSTEM Accou nt N umber: 22O3L82098 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Slgn Access your your bill, Visitgse:ehd ffiil*S,- Account Balance 5469.84 - s469.84 So.oo s474.s5 $474.s6 3 30e od =i zoeoEgoi ror l r- €- !00[O3052OaO5!dnn1025tm t 1x Due Date 03l20l2o2O An TDACORP Company ;E 1OF 2 Billing Date Print Date 0310s/2020 0310612020 PICABO WATER SYSTEM . )unt Number: 22O4485t36 Previous Balance ..1 Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Access your account 2417 to pay your bill, track your use and learn to save. Visit ldahopower.com/myaccount to get started W 5s.:.a - Ss.ra So.oo Ss.re $s.r+ . a .i : '-..,1-.,}:',. F f rerage Daily Energy Use for 402 2ND ST/ PICABO,ID I 6 4 oo 3o ororotolo\gtoto o o c, o o 'o o oN N N d d :N N N+ * I a + '& A *E f s = = lE ,l 6 F .Alp JFCM'ER. An TDACORP Companv Billing Date Print DatePAGE 1OF 2 PICABO WATER SYSTEM Accou nt N um ber: 2203L82098 Previous Balance Paynlents Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NoTt: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent Are you ready to go paperless? Log into My Account on idahopower.com to track your use 2417 and sign up for paperless bills, Auto Pay or bill alerts. 04/03/2020 0410612020 5474.s6 - 5474,s6 So.oo s374.82 5374.82 Amount Due $ila.az Due Date 0p,l20l2020 Average Daily Energy Use for 1565 S 1320 E / PICABO,ID 408 ij;] 2o1e tr 2o2o ,.: .!o)N a 306 od !i ,ooo@E 0< 102 qo qt ots: I o qoGN i.t oo oqo Fi rO 01 or o o! o) or or or o\ .o o O edHadddiddNNdNooooooooooooon .l ":i ry q r,{ ry ry ry .i r.I ry .IigE=i'so8iEEEEoa \$o n\oF F- 8uo26ao62u56.dd-r357.m r0g ,(IIHCIy'PO'IER, An IDACORP Company Billing Date Print DatePAGE T OF 2 PICABO WATER SYSTEM Accou nt N urn ber: 22O4485L36 ievious Balance Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward .'' Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Are you ready to go paperless? Log into My Account on ldahopower.com to track your use2417 and sign up for paperless bills, Auto Pay or bill alerts. 04/0312020 04/0612020 Ss.rq Ss.r+ s0.00 ss.14 ss.14 8ffi1*1r Due Date 0/,l20l2O2O Average Daily Energy Use for 402 2ND ST / PICABO,ID 8 6o oI =ouoo \€ 4 61 6 6 6 or or Or ol ol O O O. Od d d d d d d H d N. d' N Ncrooooooooooooryryryqry+.t$.t.l.l.J"IE g E = E* S I ! E E E'E oE HuI zorg J 2ozo F k -.t 05l04l2o2o 0s10s12020 5374.82 - 5374.82 So.oo s391.69 s391.59 A(m[,f,] PffiN'ER ,if t i i),a.l. a,lifr Corllt)any PAGE 1 OF 2 Eilling Date Print Date r:ilff;") PICABO WATER SYSTEM Accou nt Nurnber: 22A3182098 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NoTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Summer Rates Reminder Summer rates are in effect June, July and August. You may see summer and non-summer charges on your bill. Summer rates reflect the increased costs of higher energy demands. For more information visit ldahopoweacom/rates. m Due Date 0sltel2o2o Amount Due s391.69 Average Daily Energy Use for 1555 S 1320 E / PICABqID a 408 q Fn *> 1.-,R 306 0JNLNO :.'4.. TNE 204 i s ,',-.Gd,,'Ur,o- 102 q co irti\: i; i''.t o6000ol0rorocoood;rddddddNddNNo o o o o o o o o o ro o o1 ry f:' .y q ry ry ^/ n n 'ry n .:,e:=s38!EEESEg rqoN q aoctN ",j a o.! ro q ro .': -:j i .,rti 2019 I 2020 f rfiru0 ^sFO'tER. tF' 8l202OO!042Oa1aa.d.l{ tO!t-@(o12 ts An roAcoRP companY Billing Date Print DatePAGE 1OF 2 PICABO WATER SYSTEM Accou nt Number: 22O4485L16 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent, Summer Rates Remlnder Summer rates are ln effect June, July and August. You may see summer and non-summer charges on your blll. Summer rates reflect the ln$eased costs of hlgher energy demands. Foi more lnformation vlsit lda hoporer.com/rates. 0s/0412020 0s/0s12020 Ss.rq - Ss.14 s0.00 Ss.re $s.14 ffi Due Date oslLelzo2o Amount Due $s.14 Average Daily Energy Use for 402 2ND Sf / PICABO,ID 8 6 4 oo o,C 3xo@p o, 2 oloTo]OTo!oiotglOO.OOOFHdddd6ilNdtlldalooooooocrooooo- - - - d + Fi .t + FI. r,{'..fI "lggiHsdtiEEdEig ffi _zorg Jzo29.*-.-*.,-. _.. i arr IoACORP Conlpany 4ffiHffiFMiIffircU,ER" PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Nurnber: 2203182098 revioLrs Balance Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Arry unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. 81202@603204223.da1468t@ml 22 3 Recent Changes to Your Rates The ldaho Public Utilities Commission approved an average lncrease of 5.54 percent in your l09S electricity rates. You will see this change beginning June 1,2020. For more information, please visit ld ahopower.com/rates. PAGE 1 OF 2 Billing Date Print Date 06/03/2020 06/04l2O2O S391.59 - Ssgr.og 5o.oo Ss10.12 ss10.12 Due Date 06lt8l2O2O Amount Due ss10.12 Average Daily Energy Use for 1555 S 1320 E / PICABO,ID oN \6 408 306 204 102 ao oa t3 o@ ao)su qq 6 n @ ot6o]0rolororooooooddddddddNNdNNoooooooooooooT a ry q q 1 1{ ry Fj ..I'.y .ir qtE=:'SEtgEEEEgE ;6rHm6NOO Nd 0q ao N 4Lful- SAWFWI Kqs:lt 515.'ztaq \o ii,ilzors Izozo_ r zL14z U2O:0€03204213.d.HS87.(xmU2 l tii'.',i. rl, l'., . -: i.l ?;::i ,6""*.-*i Sffi*" An TDACORP Company PAGE 1OF 2 Billing Date Print Date PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 2204485136 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank You -Qalance Forward -urrent Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Recent Chantes to Your Rates The ldaho Publlc Utilities Commlssion approved an average lncrease of 3.48 percent in your 107 elecfiiclty rates. You willsee this change beginnlng June 1, 2020. For more informatlon, please visit ' ldahopower.com/rates. 0610312020 06l04/2020 Ss.ra - Ss.ra so.0o Ss.ra $s.rq ffi-\r Due Date wltsl2o2o Average Daily Energy Use for 402 2ND ST / PICABO,ID I F Q 6 4 a oI u ; rE-',ooo',-r,o'oooooooo ootorot6roioreoooooH H i d d .d d d N d N d dooooooooocrooo.In.rq'ryryq$.t++$^JE=HfrE!EE3E"'EE l' . i'&Ef, 2o1e I 2020 N=I'['IIIIEK. PAGE 1 OF 2 An loAcoRP company o Billing Date Print Date 0710212020 0710312020 ss10.12 - $sro.rz s0.00 s617.36 . $erz.sef'..rt# )ICABO WATER SYSTEM Accou nt Number: 220rL82098 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Average Daily Energy Usri n 8.306--- oGEi,* i roz i j i I o!o)oo +do Due Date 07lL7l2O20 ( t'- i' t .' ; l - tlrlltu2ozo PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 2204485L36 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank you Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be ass6ssed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Ss.r+ Ss.rq So,oo Ss.re $s.ra Average Dally il"ryffii;i 4 oo o,c 3v U@6o gr o t q! or '6 6rHdldoooOI .lNNNdoA*+e3d9 i o1 f = l'- i 6l2o2m420a7 19.d.! 3!,889-Om Uls <lmHo .gPOl,lrER.-.,9 1}'An TDACORP Company Billing Date Print DatePAGE 1 OF 2 PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 2203182098 Previous Balance Payments Received - ThanklYou Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NoTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. 0810412020 oslosl2ozo -: .'..ffi-lslLog '.rf,: s617.36 - Ssri;ss s0.00 s772.t1 57tz.tt ':. . :i:t i . ry I 306 o,o-,cizuoq0oo < 102 or or ol otddddooooNddNt,."r i t! o E 2020 Due Date a}l19l2o2O I '.1 ,'i j;i"-FSI'I'ER, An IDACORP ComDanv PAGE 1 OF 2 IICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 2204485L36 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance f NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Average Daily Energy Use for > :._ .,4 2.-,.:-.-... '.4., Bllling Date Print Date o8lo4l202o 0e/0s12020 ss.14 - ss.14 So.oo Ss,rd $s.ra'u- @ 0)CE;+ 6600ddddoooe.t r_.t + .,1,e's8 ! ,''r. a" ,' li Due Date oslLel202o :- .t i3 ,tf 'Sffi*8no20090l2oa30l.dn-3919l.mr 16 1 An TDACORP Company )AGE 1 OF 2 PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 2203782098 Previous Balance .i Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges 5772.11 'Sttz.tt')-'r \ $soo s763.s8 Account Balance $763.58 Billing Date Prlnt Date 0910412020 0910512020 ':ffi@ NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assesed a monthly charge of 1 percent, Due Date @l2tl2O2O Average 408 - o 306. 204 102 ,E3 0,boEo Daily Energy Use I rO 610\olOrHiddooooq+6iryaF>U35:t ooIo l'. i I I ,.',,,,,:,;,rir;,1;.". ,;', . ,,,;:fi'ffii''"+,i'1,:'+:;;t '''til'+lgii'''';;I/i--t::i:i" i ,dffi*o m2qr$a2oaitoa.dx.r9a89m u6r An lDAcoRP company l PAGE 1 OF 2 Billing Date Print Date PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 2204/;85736 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance lJI NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent, Avarsgs Daily Energy Use for 0s10412020 0910s12020 'ufi $s.14 - Ss.rq s0.00 Ss.ra $s.rc 6oo a c B !!! u t '94 unfw Avilr, 3q '1b9.tz I g '"to / etrt,?o Jo't,,8t Due Date @12u2020 t' ' .' 'r F iab-ob o''5I )6r /.ry,1:i.ir:!: .r"t ".,d g H,D \ 8tm?o10520a?o5.dd-193a?{mu 15tmlp PO'I'ERo Due Date 1012012020 An IDACORP Company Billing Date Print Date t0losl2o2o 7010612020 +fi Due PAGE 1 OF 2 Shaie usei dbnitions for W-r PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account N umber: 22O?L82098 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NOTE| Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthlycharge of 1 percent. Average Daily Energy Use for l 155s S 1320 E their 100$763.s8 - S763.s8 So.oo ss83.63 $s83.63 wpaperless I 400 300 200 100 oo odE =oueo, o 6t6 = ,g os5 @ zors I 2o2o f l l'i 81r020t(}{62o4r05.d.!39385@12 13 o An IDACoRP CompanY PAGE 1 OF 2 Billing Date Print Date PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 22O4485t36 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. 1010s12020 1010612020 ss.14 r Ss.tn @ Ss.r+ $s.ro Due Date tol20l2020 Average Dally Energy Use 4 1 -::-,--.i,--- ..- -.i-- :':l ... l' . i oL = =oo0eo Or .or '1 odddNooooNNNN**.ia6 i t i!:.i f ':":&+l ,1.t it An TDACORP Companv JE TOF 2 Billing Date Prlnt oate PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 2203L82098 Previous Balance I I Payments Received - Thank ifou Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balance. NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. 7u0412020 Ltl0s/2020 ss83.63 - ss83.63 . So.oou s3u*s ss11.16 lrro2ottoa2o!t!o.dd-390tr,@ u.2 100 , Due Date rtltel2o2o Average Dally Energy Use for ao o 'ot or otaF{docodNdJ.iAEEg ' -:,. i r.|;;:.*..'*+i6. An loAcoRP company GE1OF2 Billlng Date Prlnt Date PICABO WATER SYSTEM Account Number: 2204485136 Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank You l Balance Forward Current Charges Account Balince NOTE: Any unpaid balance may be assessed a monthly charge of 1 petcent. Luo4l2020 1.u0s/2020 Ss.ra - Ss.rq So.oo Ss.er $s.sr !E02oud:oaaS,dd.ltDtlm urz 'r-i ""' 6tr I c 3 o&eu 3 +i- -: 2 .-----.1.* -. -.-.- -...:-:- .--r- ----. .6t 'o+.- z. :': i inHo ^ioo 60ooryqlE.a60 o';O' 9"6E,. ,f:::''4ftf/tr$" ; nf,{..lEr*i,'- .;, .i ;,'i... ,"': "t .,.1: i - rt.:i"- . BE@01!0Q0a9t2.drt-1942 l{mu57 .! .: t .ia'. An IDACORP Company 10F 2 PICABO WATER SYSTEM Accou nt N um ber: 2203182098 Previous Balance Payments Received - Balance Forward Current Charges You s511.16 So.oo Saffig Account Balance $403.59 Billing Date Print Date L2lO4l2020 t210s12020 NOTE: Any unpaid balance be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. Due Date t212L12020 I J I Ij) 300 -.--- .'-.-..'-,..---:.,---r- 100 r. '.riri :. i 800201i1o1204922.dil-38{23.m 1257 @ lAn IDACORP Company E1OF2 PICABO WATER SYSTEM Bllling Date Print Date 1210412020 tzl0sl2o2o ..,i,i,. i ;'ti'i-l Account Number: Previous Balance I22044851 l ) 36 Ss.sr Ss;gr So.oo* Ss.36 ss.36 ls. Payments Received - Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges the Account Balance NOTE: Any unpaid balance be assessed a monthly charge of 1 percent. ;). s =,. ,!,:;& E:o 1 Due Date t2l2{2020 .,J ;,{!E a'.ir,-:.' .. :, it i+.Jii -: i3 ; i,:l,4fo1qffiiilap:'rri" ti, itr,., .r,,' .';,,,,;'., -... I REQUEST NO 10: Please provide a current system map showing the location and elevation of major equipment including wells, pipe, storage tanks, etc. TL o htfEEERS -r qcaqg-BtsETE lD3n-oLo- aoo tosaa tr I>1ho.oGIoA =$ol-6t 'l?! .o & !c GI E()E' o &ql 0)a b0tr .E t),E'oEEc)GIo qtt,o outG'r botr,o-c!V) t, v,c) 0)to E C)z AEI F(,I-'. a1IgAns \*-*,{''B t ts t+jEsj B *re\. *. o GIcqetoetob6o if, lt4 -E- E & \ B x i, il*, eEi;r ta€6" ,"fO FF (i$rr.,+ tnrr, ?^It- J alc, 3, "*- ; , EUl6,lguqud qFFoDot,E $ ar = h B a r-5\. oo+ ctIt\(t, dz .JcL.rl-oA , =odIoo'= .LoU' i- 1I rfrH !(o EE3JYZ =E=EeE Er $ig6 3E Ed 3 -n o 3io o E0 Eho Z E nu e G Er3e UIzUo5 Ez6F2oE 2eo a clcoEoou!2 I@ tsg?le>f. gr"E I.igE le 3? AE Sc CE IE $a+d rI 6zfo = *'..:...v1-rI L+ rB,'{? sI f', \- Ioz TUtF o- E Ec.9oE5x E5 Eaoo Es g+t 5 tb-]"t. !z!o0 z = Uto dUo1 ciz5. H*bk =d 6 EF aoo 2 , ----___rS '1_ (:.,ed. .,t.t.\f */l q" /Hf8 }!T . i:,...r. .t o do * ,&. IaE E< EEB9 Ia o3o j uI13u.t Fts20) lu AEdolrJ <L)ss>EO^ctrad, ca-otra- oJ FIUooz z 5o. ulF6 ;9PBe9iBETCBtieF:., ET2 E oJJo. o2t.ululz6zU =YooE,@ i 7 I a I; t!srl ai = c .8 IE ju =BY'6Ur6doU< 'E8ng8acoEc L =Ezo .i,FUUIo&ul 6() o)d ctZa,IId262u, i 8no E3 i9 EE$lc3 fEeEEg,r3I at !I II xuloz o =3 d.o 2o =cl UI)FF 3rl ooiEiitt2 EE EU#$ii,lri!i !;iE:!=*2i22'-i iiill1i ? z --4 .12giiii,zi :i;iiiz Li4lali I;EEE!: liii'll IEE!E=sEiETE i-EEE E!EiEEg iiEiilii ri ggiEg; giEEiH EiiEEiffi iEIffisi r: EiE EEi ti!i5i: o! EHi lEr iriE iEEI EE Hi i* ItgE H$dE 9i9r lE EE AE] _{l EEg ltst sEEE IiEs iEEE =dI5Ef;E!B9E EiiE A:EI siEi IEEE -d EE flH EHbtTP EAlE ir ;EF9 il*rZ4grg oat EE5 EEE;TE Eii ite EEE HEE fi5i daE i 6F H I6 F ogE $d EEEo 6H iI 8E59 tE OJrtg* Eil tI 3P.6 Egq6 =5ot AL i2i!rl t rEg iEiIeE EErel* Ef;E$* iiEE Eg;!EE I iI q iEiiE,H E I! E; iEiEEEH iiBIgEiHEI nI ? p t 1 It E cF E Z I s E dEEPqi E{9t ?oE If,EEEIBE!t3EqEj9s 3rxHtsEgdl etsE egd IEE EE'let EiE*stPgLgiI E'P IEEE IEEE EiEE E#qi3:I EEEE HEiE ri E2Et,t3EEEU iEEiEgE EsEi if;EEEifi igEE EBEi EEEi IEEi E$EE2it\ EEEErlEi EE AEE6 Bb8 tI3 eiEn ErEr EEEE EFEH IEEE gEEg EiEEg;E[ E E It $ Eh d I 2e Es E! Hi 3Ta; TE iE8P EH ff Ei EBt!, EE rD BolnlE E$I EIEx97EL3 BBE 5lE :iI 5tE EI$*;E;5I $[E EEE EIE Il6 HEE iE3 I aIo 6 5 E tE2oF 6 e EI EiiE EEE$ iE3E gEEE iiIE IiEE EqEE IEdg FEEE ri E E22:t8-SIet6; [3 IA TTE: HEri EE6r$i9 Ei2!g BRii E:d8l5IO t-1i 0 =uE!+F' EE;."8 3rFr ;g "r'.,.+$ - iEo9E4J TEr $[ -tu E: tuF EiFZ iiotu st A il ,EEEfr? friE!r-J ="f; EEO,1 EH TH iEIL TL ;;$O HIEx iiE EIE- EI EEE9I EEP fl*iEE &Is H 9l I gr uO iEIE qi EE6et? }E 6dIo EEBrga EEE IEE EEE EgI :TEErtP EiE it$ aa I : dd $ta.t 6I I f n E tf, I ilHlit$e q8-16 utzotrz UJzoo(9zJaFu,o Ef,iiliaw E " EeE eEcI3 EsEeE :':Tts I ec]gw'" < rO. oacar?tt3<<E I I 6 Eg ET E- ETbtippE EuaEJ =E*{t*2ts o , EP-TEt! E f = 5rE, EEE; . rici ;- 3z = ![ii3E ,cgE*EEtrt=l: 3oI 3 a;5-,i =!$o3oE c ceEIgo HIE?BP EEE EE; : ; " "i, . 3{r "3 3E E Es ; \ REQUE$T 1{O 11: please provide the make and modelof pumps and motors. a. The make and modelof the well pump is a 2O hp Goulds zfllAO b. The make and modelof the well pump motor is a CentriPro 5M204 c. The llmft switch setting is regulated by float switches in the tank d. The make and model of the booster pumps is a 10hp Goulds 10BF2L centrifugal pump that delivers pressure to approximately 50 psl from 38 psi from the tank elevation. e. The booster pump motoris a Baldorf. The water treatment chlorine pump and motor are a 45MHP2 Stenner L2 REQUEST NO 12: FnE PREvENnoN a. The Carey Runlffre chief is Richard Kimbell at2W72G2O76 b, The chief would like 10@gpm at 50 psi. With the new well and extra booster the system should deliver 500gpm at 45psi. I 13 O REQUEST t{O 13: cAPAowAND DEMAND a. Maximum build out population 2(X) b, Average daily in-house demand 15,0q) GPD c. Maximum daily in-house demand 45,m0 GPD d. Peak hour in-house demand 90,000 GPD OR 63 GPM e. lrrigatlon demand peak (gpml, 12hr period 132 gpm f. Totalpeakhourdemand 195gprn e. Fire flow demand >Sil) gpm 14 REQUEST NO 14: SANITARYSURVEY 15 Water Jling Addmae: could will need b consfud sile sampling plan. P{e-of SURVEY DATE PWS*SYSTET INVENTORY INFORMATPN A0pror€d B Conmuntty Water Sysbm I norfarSentl{smmmuilty I frarrrert ilmaorrnrlty - NC yes, E wBl ndd ilanflbu/Spilng Bo( Yes No fl nle oFft Clced: No DOGhetgc Oprntor(DO): Ms. Ownrfi Ieme:u"EtE Yes Llcon8eType: DWD1 E nfr LiceneeNuftber IIWDl-lt5l8 PO BOX688 Carcy,lD 83320 Stab, ZpCode: Stab, Zip Code: rD 8334E Ihy ZFT2ll€150 2&7',t2o,51fi (oP): ur. I tts. RorpondbbCheqc Aaron Trsvino DO locdion the Oown$ip, Aeron TrBvino Regional [linklng Wabr Program Coordinato,r 90 E D IDEQ 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 D6s 0E 3yEbrn ourrnr haw a writbn sanph siting plan that b l€presentalive ot wabr th,Dughout 0re dbfbdbn sysbrn? D g. erB TCR/RTCR monibring sampbs bing bken in accodancewitr the sampb siting plan? E +. naw mEbrisl modificelions been mado to [re PUIIS sinca the last ESS? E s. lf yee, *tre phns and specs submilbd to and apgwod by DEO? I O. ele Urere any known iscusa or problema with equiment or operstion of the PUI/S y6 m na u* oCa beenDEficbndes sddressed?Significant r]tr8tr 1. Have uEntrtr8DEt] uutr 0 ) EJ tryen sorrcefl Spring Soure sklregs Hydropneumatic Tanks Dbtsbution E Pumping E fnandal Cepacity ManagerialCapacity Treabnsnt Application Elobinhdion D Gas cP D Noos Photo 1 total Modules I IOEQ - Enhanosd Sanibry Su.vsy - 7l5rr15 eny on Generel lnbrmalion TT'ELL SOURCE . PG.I A sourDes brm must be fined out hr Livestock property E TT trT trT U'T lD and 1. Thla source ie: E narr" I eropoeeO I fnactve f] emergerry ( t nplanned use ) b lhe uuell on a sopateto br? (!ryrlic,ible it @nilvdctt frer lffinl) &e the bllowlng mi*mun diahnces frqr the Pl/l/S well being ,not? - Nesreot property llne..-....................-..................50 Ft - l6ypolential sour€ of ........50 Ft. (aclct oonnent) - Lhrcstod(.,..... .....50 Ft. - Csnals, 6fe8ms, dlbho!, ld(es. po{rd8 8nd bnks usod to storc mnpotrble erbdances............50 Ft. - Slorm wateriacilitbE disposing Btorm rvabr origheting ofi he Ell bt...................................50 FL - Ch33 A Municipel Redaimed WasteuaEr PressurE dsfihllftn 11ne..............................,......50 Ft, - g@ri$ wasterfater 11ne............................,...,.,...50 Ft. - Prrssure wasbunter line....-................,.....,,....,,100 F! - Seplic hrk...-. ....,100 FL - Drainfield fteld. ..-.100 Ft. - Seepage pit..-.-.............. ....,.....,..100 Ft. - Pduio6....................,00 Ft. - Absorplion module - lerge scil absorplion sysbm....150 - 300 Ft. - Municipal or industrial rya8te{rator t'Batnont plant. . ..500 Ft - Biosoli(ls apdicetion site............. . 1000 Ft. - Red8metion and rerce of munlcapal and irxtusrhl mstourEtor sltes..-.....,...,......... .Permit specific 19. &e fost f€e hydrants placed a minimum ol five (5) led arEy hom Ittcvfill? (MA il ptot*ted by AVB) 20. ArB pestcldes, hsrbii&s, lbrtillarE. poilrblo containsrs of pcfioleum foducts, or othor brdc or hszardous matorids rilorad on tre ue[ br? 2'1. AI€ p€stiddes, heltij(b6, or fBrtlizers applied b the udl lot withon prior appiovsl tom the Departno.tfl 22. lslhewslllnaplf? llyos.Datecondrucbd: 23. W83 ttle rvall thail h hcated in a pit lnstell€d der luil',,? 24. lf pit uyas instslled pdor b 1 1r5r6a - Hes DEO grant€d en exceptlon and dos6 the pit have ynbr tight construciion of pit walls ard floor, a floor draln and an scc8ptable pit cot er? ls the SURVEY DATE PVIS# Page- Of - yr3 no ile unk nobEtr DD3.Etr trtrq.ED !tr5.Etl trtr6. .Itrtrf,7. n !0. !ne.trtri0.trnr.X tl 12.Dtr13.trtr11.trtris.trtr1G.DX17.tr!i8. ED EtrEtlENEtrEDEtrEugDEtrED truE DE trE T trtrtr8trDtrrEntr 1A4DO18 nmtifrtttwi I sozoolr lsthbsourEeTr€atod? lzl Yesfl troof Sourca:associabd with a: I wemeu E Manitotd Treafnent Objec'tive'. il rlr Disinfedion a Yes No Ttoafirliartl T@in in Ms) TreaEnent Types: Size (ln)Depth (F0 12 WaterCapactty (F0 Unk55 (F0 Unk 106 Drilled; 3t20,J1 Depth (Ft):! unrves E ro fl unt Ud((Ft): E v"s No D unr the -alitude fflidrdh 43.305036 l7l vermeo as aocuate i!5 IDEQ - Enhancsd Sanitary Suncy - 7/15/t5 Grurruhabr Soure Ef ! trET tr T 8Utrf,tr VUELL SOURCES .PG.z tr I]!n tr D Common Name DoeB the casing cxlend a minimum of 1E inchos above the final ground surface or 12 inches aboue the pump house floor? 27. ls the rydl vented with tho ogen end o, the vent scra€ned wilh a 24 mesh and Eminated tlownrvad at least 18 inches aboue the finalground surhce or 12 inctes above the pump ho$se floor? 2E. ls the well pmvidod witt an epproved cap that ptevents surface wBter enfy? 29. ls th€ well cased and sealed in such a manner that surface water cannot snter lhe ruell? 30. ls flere e srrloo$ nosed semple lap provided on the u€ll discharge fipe prlor to fcatment? ls an inslentan€ous and totalizing tlow meter eguipped with nonvolatile memory instialled on the pump dist.ibulion line of thB well and is it maintainecl and worklng prDperly? PWS Page - Of GroundYualer Source 32. ls a plessure gauge prwlded on all tlisclurge pldng and ls it mainlained and mrtins properiya I ,idlps'. yes no fila unk noletrEtrtrN8trtrtrD8trtrtrtr8rtrtrtrDDftrtr Cen the well be pum@ b wEsE 8t the (EBign capadty of fe u,ell via an appmved air gap at a location prior to the first service conneclion wilhout deFessurizing the distih,tion system? Pt P HOUSE (only puttp houses that @ntain a grrund watet &ure) 34. ls the source localed in a pump house? 35. ls the pump house kept dean and ln Oood Epain 36. ls tho trrmp hou6e protected fiom unaulhoized personnel? 37. Ooes he pump hous€ have adequab lighting lhoughout? 38. ArE allthreaded hose bibc installed in the pump houee equipped with an appopriate backflor prevention device? lE adequate venulation pranided in the punp house ior dissipation of erc6s heat and mcisfuie from the €quipment? ls adoquate heaftng pmvided in the pump house to pmyitled sah and effcient operation of equipmant to preuent ftB€zin0? 41. ls ths pump house probcted from flooding, have ad€quate drainage, and is the ground surhce gratted so aE to lead surface water away frofll the pump house? (Unlcs6 otheNlse approved by the Department) {2. ls the sump for pump house fior drains doser han 30 feet fiorn the well? ITEI Well#1 s07004112t4ng18 no nle unk noae indlcate Unable to check pump to waste screen. Owner specificed during that he does not believe a flapper valve or sqeen is Operator to check in snow melt and fix if needed. IDEQ - Enhaned SanitBry Suoey - 7r15l15 TIIELL SOURCE . PG.I A souras hm must be fi[ed olt fur eech wdl associated lo thc PWS. Location: Street Picabo, lD no r,la urri nots ,rra unk SURVEY OATE 1. Thi3source is: E] actite I noposeo I tnadve ! rmergenry ( Unplanned us ) lE thosdl m a soparab lofr? (rypliable il olnsfrnfred a/i..er 1 1/r/77) ori0inating off th€ well |ot,.............,...,....-.......,...50 Ft. 6. - ClasB A Municipal Reclainred Waslewater Prcssure dletributon 11ne...,....,............................50 Ft 9. - Gravitv wastewater |ine...............50 Fr. ..i00 Ft10. - Pressurc wasteurater line.... 1 t. - Septic tank..-.. .....100 Ft. 12, - Drahfield fi61d. .....100 Ft. 13. - Seepage pit.... .....100 Ft..l4. - Privio8........... ...,100 Ft.'15. - r\bsorption module - large soil absorplion syttem.,..150 - 3fl) Ft. 16, - Municipal or inductrial uraste$oter tr€atment plant....500 Ft. 17. - Biosolids application 6ile...-..-..-,. ..1000 Ft. 18. - Reclematon and rBuss of munlcipal and industriel wa8teuratBr sitos .Permit specific 19. Are tru6t fr6e hydranB placed 8 minimum of five (5) feet away fmm the slsll? (MA if ptolocted by AVB) 20. Are pesiicides, herbid&s, Ertilizer3, portable containeG ot petrobum pmducis, or other toxlc or hazadous materbls shcred on lhe ruell lot? 21. Are pBlicides, herbicides, or tsdilizers applH to the uall lot wi0rout ptior apgoual ltom the DepadmenP 22. ls thsryell in a pin f ye3, Date coflstrud: 23. Wae the u€ll thst is located in a pit instelled aier 11i5lli/.? 24. lf pit uras installed prior to l1l5/84 - Has DEO granled an exception and does fE pit haE rEter tigh[ @nsfudion of flt walls and f,oor. a floor drsin and an acceptabh pitcorcr? E the PWS# of- EtrEtr Jtr tue thefollowing minimum distanoes hom the PWS well being m6t? 3, - tlsarest properly |ine..........................................50 Ft. 1. - Any poEnthl source of ootamination...-..,.......... ..50 FL (edd comnent) 5. - Urre3tock........ ...,......................q) Ft. 6, - Canals, slr€am8, ditctes, lakes, ponds and Enk3 u8sd b slore nonpolable subsbncer......,....,5o Ft. 7, - Storm water facllities dl8poslng storm water Dtrtrtr trtr En tr tr EU tr nEtr tr trEtr t] DEX tr DEN D NEtr D Dtrtr ! trEtr D trEtr tr trET D D ENtrtrT trE D tr TE D N trE tr DNtrEtrDtrTEtrt] Page d rg 12t4ti20't8 Tleabd?l{osf Soule:associetod Yrilh a: fJ weme6fl uantOlO Tnatment Objective; fJ ula No Ur*a well ior lhe Yes TrcaMTrainin@mnenb) N/ATreatnent Types: Casing Size (ln)Date Ddlhd;Oepfi (F0 Ur* Groul Unk Wabr (F0 ls the Casirg Screened? fl vo E ruo E] unrr Depth (Ft):N/A lhetr Gasiry Yes !No E unt as aacurate Sgrdfcart De|lderry Downgrade to Defciency. Well was installed on private property and is Operator to investigate and report to DEQ on exact location ofseptic tank for property owner. It is believed to more than 100 feet away. Operator to ln. IDEO - Enhaned Sanitaty Srrwy - 7rt5r15 GromdmErSource WELL SOURCES.PG.2 D tr 0 9gnificant OefirlerEy Defcierry E tr tr Common Name SURVEY DATE 41 . ls the pump houss proteded from flooding, have adequate drainage, and is the ground surface graded so aE to laad Eurface waler away fom the pump house? (Unless olheryvise approvcd by the Department) 42. ls the sump ior pump house fuor drains closer than 30 feet hom the rvell? PWS# Does the casing €rGrd a minimum of 18 inches above the final gmund surface or 12 inctres aDore the pump houso floo.? 27. ls the l|rll vented with tlE opefl end of lhe vent screened with a 24 mesh end terminated dornrvard at leest t8 lncrles aboue lhe riml ground surhe or 12 inches above lhe pump house noor? 28. ls the rvell p.ovidsd with an apprcved cap thet prevenb Burlace water entry? 29. ls 0E rirell cased and sealed in such a manoer that surface watar cannot enter lhe rrell? 30. ls lhere a sfliodh nosed 6amde tap pmvided on lhe ryell dkctrarge ppe prior to treatment? ls an instantanoous and tohlizing ffow mstcr equipped wilh nonuol3tile memory installod on the pump dlstrlfution lin6 oil the nsll aml is it maintained and t|orking properly? E 32. ls a pressure gauge po!ffi on all dischange piling and is it maintained and working prope,ly? Can the well bo pumped b $,asle at lhe desi0n capacity of th€ w€ll vh an approved air gap at a location prlor to he first service conn6clion wilhout deprcssurizirp lhe disuihruon systsm? PUiiP ll9USE (Only puilp housesthat wilain a gruud watet sourrc) 34. ls the sourca located in a pump house? 35. ls tie pump house kefl dean and in oood rBpsia 38. ls lhe pump house protecied from unauthorized personnel? 37. tloes lhe nrmp house llaUe adequaE ligtrting thoughout? 38. Are all thrcaded hose bibs anstElled in the pump hou3e oquipped wilh an appropriate backflcnv prevention devhe? ls adequate ventilation prwided in the pump house for dissipation ol excess heat and molsture ftom lhe eguipmcnt? ls adequale heating provided in the pump hous€ to provided safe and efftcient operiauon o, equipment to prarsnt frreezing? Etr N EET tr D trftrDil u yes no nrs unk notetrN8trtrDTEtrTtrXEDInngtrnDtrEtrN Page - Of Groundwater Sorrce I #2 1214n018 mnnfrtww) I sozoo+t no nle unk nde GOuitEt{TS: (ebase indicaE almdioo nurter) Wellis around 14 inches off However, grading arcund would facililate adequate -32 Back up well not active during time of inspection. ar II :- :' ':' ' .".rt a2 '-l'- ' i'A IDEO - Enhance<l Sanitrary Survey - 7/15/15 t€t no rlle u1kEUtrtrnatrtr STORAGE trtr8UtrEDXDtr8Utrtrtr trtr SURVEY DATE brm must be oul br ,Ele f] t. ts tre sbrege sfucfie tarlbly acceselUe to the inEpedoA E Z ts ttre PWS sloragp bnk loca&d wihin 500ftetof anymuniripal or lndustrisl mstermbr featnont phnt orany lard which is spray inlgated wlth rvastewEbr or w€d fur sludge di8posal? fl g. Ar€ any oil the siorsp slrucn re d;aim dirccty qrneded b a s€xror c sbrm drain? 4. ls an oyerflow prouid€d thet disdtarges to dayllght in a uray that will proalrde the po$ibillty of backf,of,, to the roEeruolr aod, urhorB pradicel, prorided rllith an 6,pandod rnotel scrcen inst lled urlttln the plpe lfiet wlll exdude rcdenE and debr vandslism? lhe receiving surface? (D< tc dianeter d the disd,s/ue dpe fune a basin dm) 6. Do overffoycs disclrarEe ovor e drainego inlot 8t uclure or Eplg8h plate?(etorm or eanitary) 7. ls f,ia sloregB struchrre Geqr.e fum unauhorized:Foess? 8. Dc ttE dorage ceerroirharc a web,tight roof or cover and ie it sloped to lbcllltate draimge? 9. ls lh6 storage wabr p.oteded trum contamindin? 10. ls th€ sbragE !frwlult strcfirrally 8o!rd? 11. Could rregotation in tE 8r€e pobntially inpad the etoogp *tflwe?(fucfln tE tH) 12. ls the abrage sfudulB dBigned !o thsl it can bE lcolabd fiom he tlislributlon ayrbm wi0tout rcceeEiteting loss of prsaurg in the distributlon sysbm? 13. ls 1e6l€ge evl&nt at time ot hspec{on? 14. F lhe storsoe sfuctJre intedor costlng or liner peeling or cracked? PIilS# P6go- of- E !n tr [ 5. aro overnorc brought down b an elevalion betwn 12 ard 24 arrches above tru DXD trtril trtrtr tr trEtrt]tr8trtrEDtrDEtrNN 8trtrtr tcr m da unkEtrNE ! tS. ts 0n eorage sfuctrre u*d b Sre linished uyaba E| to. A,o acme nunhole openingr for the ctorsgo sbuc'turB 4 irdres or groatsr ebore the suilace of lhe toof, wilh e cover 2 lnches ouerlapping, $Eter tEht, himEd and bcked? El tZ. nre att wnts c)&nffi 12 incfie8 ebotre the ]oof ard con8fucbd b ardudB potenlial sourcos of contamination? (Iie owilow pipe shail not be cotlsidercd a vent) mo ABOVE GROUI{D STORAGE B te, Oo att mnts open duvruad and are lhey flned udft I24 mesh non-conodlblo screen? nao GROUIID-LEVEL PARTIALLY BllRlEO. or AELOW-GROUIID STORAGE I rS. Ooes Un orledlow br lho Ebrage strudu]e have a verlical caclion of pipe at lead 2 pipe dienobrs in hngttr? ! 20. ls trra overf,oyy br lhe storage sfuduro povlded wtth either a 24 mesh mn-conodiblo sdeen insbH wlthin the plpe when pradlcal, or an or@nded m€ial sclecn hrsl,a[od wlthin he pipe dus a u,sbhbd 0apper or checfi? I Zt. S ne arcs surroundlng lhe slorage st ucturc gBded in e m8nner thst will provent suri.ce wrl€r ftom ibnding withan 50lbet of it? ! Z. nrc al rrcnb furthe 3torage Etrucfirra open dowilerd wlth the o9€ning at least 2.1 indles abow lhe ml or the gmund level and covercd wlh Zrt mesh noniofiodUe sqsen to exdude poEntial oontatnlrdion? ,tda D ZO. nr" 'ef-f menholes elevabd 24 inche! abor6 the surfece of the .oof or the gound l€n al, hftbh arer E high€r? n 2+. ts therE 8 minimum distanca of 50 hel betxre.en $e Ebrage struciurs and any noFpoteble mgin. stendhg yuatsr. or ofircr possible EourEe d contamination? yc5 ng nla uohtrtrEtr trt]8tr trtr4tr NEET yc1' rro rlle unkNtrEtr trNEtr fit4m18 fl)7m41 Tank -Stomop.TAe:lJ Re*ndrfrankE scnopipe Gonslruc{ion: lJ Above-GroundI erana-loaI rartiaryarnedI aenw€rwnd @ncrete Jvl naUntty OrtaineO Plasffc Flberglass Wood Metal Total Daye Supply (This stnidurc): E unr uvas inspected aId wtth NSF approved epo)ry liner approximately 10 Doungrade to Eleficency has sealed the by other means to rodents and deter Did not physically climb and inspect. Operator as buifh urere by DEa and have not been modified since. 7 Did not physically climb and inspec't. Operator indicated as builts were by DEQ and have been modified since. 8 Did not physically climb and inspect. Operator as builts uvere by DEQ and have been modified since. ago- . : :,::a rrrI IDEO - Enhanced Senllary Suryey - 7r15rl5 Slorago .DISTRIBUTION brell arl9 line made of:tr Unk l] steet E HDPE(black)[ Asbestos/cement E PVC fJ Ducfle lron Copper D ourer: yes no rve unk notsDE!NN trNEtr utrEn uuntrtr 4. Wasthe 5.lf yps: Location: Time:note 1. Have ttple been any intonuptions in service during the past ytat? (including pt€$ure bst) D 2. f a bss of pnssur ocanncd (<20 poi), did fre PWS provide public notice and digintuctthe cystem? (Remitfrl ! 3. ls th€ PWS able to m.intain a minimum prcssur€ of tnBnty (20) psi throughout the clbfibuton sFt€m (including li]8 frow), or fody (40) psi for PtlVSs construc,ted afrer71111985 (excluding ftrc tlow), during marimum hourly dernand onditkrnr? SURVEY DATE PWS# the at a scrvhg connedion? [] rur.[ e.u.),es no nla unkEDXtrEtrNtr tr 6. Do all watrr maim that provide filp lbw havo a diamehr of at best 6 incr'tgs? n 7. Are uahres lf ycs, how often?UtrEtr EE D tr 9. Does tha ryrtem have leaking uabr mains that noad to be Gpait€d or 8. lstherea lsakdetodion pmgram? ReconxzlrlrdelO) pplaed? 10. ls a watgr oonservalion program in etrect? (Refp,mn7dlndtrd) 1 1. ls an adequate map of the disfflbutbn rrltent meintgined? (RecDnnened) 12. Do€8 the syst€m flush all main lines snnually? (Rewworfud) 13, Are all ded end water maine equipped with a means to f,ush? 14. lf yor, sr€ the deederdc flrlshcd at leadaemiannually? 15. Alg thGra any distntution materiala used that should not be in contact with the ddnking uret€n ,f,€s, explein in wwnents sectflzn, 16. ls the syslom ed€quably prcteded llrom fiaezing? 17. ls theru e cross connectioo contsol ptogram that complles with the Rulos and b it boing implementad? (Community PWSs Only) 18, ls ths operator trained in cross connec'tion contlol? (R@tt nr,ncloct) 19. ArB therc any knowt unprcbcted cros! connedions ot rnrorB any unprcbded cmss connec{ions obserwd during the couce of the eurwy? tr E E 2O. ll a sepexate non-potable inlgation sysbm B provided for the corcUmer, are sll maans, hydrants, and appurhnances easily id€ntlfied aa nonfotable? (Purple Tape or otter) (Recornmertud) nor. @ - Plaed at hifit poirts in watcr mains, I 21. Are allautomaticairrelbf valves equipped with e means ofbaddow proteciion? EXDtr!DENNtrEtrNXtrEXrUtrEtrtrDt]IEtrtrtr ET!trtrEtrTtrE ?trtrtrrt]EtrDN yes no nla unkTtrEN tr Page Of 1 507004 and 6" tnk hrmhar rrl Firo l.,l 0 outof 34 7 Operatorwas unable to Connection Control during inspection. DEQ reconimneds that CCCP be on file with system re@rds. sepaEte non-potable lines or may not be marked, but surfaoe at a fuw spots in .-r,:" rrji IDEQ - Enhenced Sanitary Suruey -7115115 Dbtrbution PUTIPING . PG. 'atl n g ND yBs no Ne unk nol€N8trtrtrEtrXNtrEDDNN EDNNN lres rx, nla unk nole8trtrtrtr 8trtrtrtr SURVEY DATE ALL PUMPS 1. Doe3 the pumpF) clcle exeash,8w R€rornrenc,f,,d) 2. An all pumps provided with rcadily eveihble sparo perls and toolr? 3. Does he syatem have an apprcved mefiod to pr€rEnl exca!8it o prcssure dcwlopment? 4. lg a standard prBssure gaqe inslalled and fundioning on the discfiaqe line? U'ELL PUIf,PS 5. ls thera sn accessible drcd( vahre instrllod ln the dbdrarge line of eac*r rvsll b€ftrcen the pump and lhe shut-off vahre? 6. lf th€ syrbm has a vgilisal luftlne motor ddven pump(s), ie an air ,rlsese-vecuum telief vafue loadsd upct ram fiom the check vabe, with exhaust/relief phing Erminsting in e doun-tumed position at least 18 inches above the fioor and covepd wifr a 24 megh conoEion Esistcnt gcteen? 7. lf the pump(s) is'bil lubrhaH", is the oil NSF apprcved and guitable br human consumption? PWS# Page - Qf --...- Pumping lrBs no ile unk noteEDtrt]t]IYATEB flrmFS (rct wett putrps) 8. ls an acessible ched< vahp on the disdrs€e side between the pump and lhe shutoffvahrc? tru trntrDntr trtr !DEtrDEtrtr8 trtrE ls therc auxiliary pow on-aite? (Communfi PWSs Only) 10, ls auiliary porurbstod? (Rarr,nmerdpd) 11. f a diesel orgasoline fuebd enginc b uscd on the ncll h; is the fuel trnk and conn€ctirE pifing double walled? 12. ls the tugl tank above ground? 13. ls a ceilified operator pro3rnt dudng the fillitE of the fuel tank? 14. f the engine b ln the u,ell housa, B the englne exhaust dinctly discheryed out3ile the utll houSo? I 5. F a spill contBinment strudulc sunounding all fu el tanks adequate? (SecrrtdAry crrfialment - t ldb fuol tank wlune) Coamnttf SVaqntQntv 16- (@nmunity Sys{ums buill or subdantidly nloditud afrer tlll1to7 W) ls on-site pwer or stendby storage provided so wetor can be tt€aEd and supplbd to pr€ssurizo ths entiro disttibution Bydem during a poter outrage for a minimum of 8 houts? '17. (Coffnunlty Syslams Duilt or substantially trdiW &cr afiil7 qily) lf standby power b provitlcd, is thete a minimum of I houtt of fuel stot€d and bcabd on sit6? n tr D tr tr II 1i:"' ;'".''qr . .] 1i 1.:,1.., .]J I 5o7qxr House 10 WellHouse 20 I IDEQ - Enhanoed Sanitary Suouy -711il15 DATE PWS # Page - Of - PUMPING - PG.2 no unk 18. ls an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter installed wherc the boosEr pump is directly connected to the disttibution system? '19. Are all in-line booster pumps supplbd with an automatic cutolf that adivates when intake pressul€ is less than or equal to 5 psi? 20. ls lhe booster pump located on a sudion line that is diroctly connected to any storeg€ Ies€woia 2't . lf yes, arc all booster pumps proteded by an automatic cutoff lo pr€vent pump damage and avoid excessive leselvoir dravudourn? rIrfJntr E]nDI yeF no nle unk no!trEINNtrEDtrITETIXI]trTD PUI$PHOU8E (Only punp houses that donl contain a goud water source) 22. ls the pump houso kept clean and in good repai? 23 ls the pump house protected trom unauthotizcd perconnel? 24. Does the pump house have adequate lQhting thoughou0 25. No all non€amplo taps instalbd in the pump house equipped with an approprhle backfr ow pevention device? ls adequate ventilstion provlled in tha pump house for dissipation of excess heat and moisture from the equipment? ls ad.equate heeting prcvided in the pump hous€ to proviied seb and eftcient oparation of equipment (prownt moMure buitdup eruAorfrcezing)? 28. ls the pump house protectcd from fiooding. have adequate drainage, ard is the gmund sutface graded so as to had surfece wabr awey ftom the pump house? (Unless otheruisc approved by the Department) 29. ls the sump for pump house lloor drainB clcer than 30 feet from the well? 30. ls the floor drain connected to seurer, storn dEins, chbrination room drains, or any other souroc of contamination? (Unless otheruuise approved by the Oepartment) TtrETt]trDEtrN Significant Defrdency 1A4nO18 507004'l indicate the IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Suruey - 7115115 Pumping no nle unktrrrtrtrDEa FINANCIAL noie FINANCIAL CAPACITY f] t. ls the PWS currcnl wilh the payment of drinkirq ruater bes? n Z. Oo". the PWS charge a drinking lfyes,whatislhehe: $trEtrDN 3. ls the PWS in the buslness olselling weter? #3 NOtg: - lf no, idenlify urhy in the comments section and mark 'ilUA' on gtaallom 4 - 10. n tr E E E l. Ooes the Pt\rS provide and use en annualbuQet? (Rea mwderl) I D E tr fJ S. tt applicable, is the PWS fund soparaE fiom the wastc water/sorver utility tund? Remwnen*a) tr n tr E E O. Ooffilersystem rsyenuesexcsedepsndfturle? (Frclmnnn&d) n n E D n Z. nr. controls established to prewnt axpendfturcs fmm exoeeding revenres? n I E tr E a.Hasanindeperdenlfinarcial auctitbeencomffied?(Reamnertud) tr tr E tr [ S. f yer, is a copy of the mmt rscent belance sheet for the water system available? (Rea mpfued) D tr E t] E lo. Doesth€wetersyBtsm indudsa cash budgetwitftin iBsnnual budgst br cash nwfi fierxtlwended) tr n E tr fJ tt. DoesthosaErsysun menagernent rerriewthe userhe, user charge, or rale system at least annually? (ruernnerfficr) '12. When wag the uSer ohaqe, or reb systsm adjustment? nde[] rs. Au.n rs. 16. D DD '17. H8s the cepitel budget been updated in the last T 16 months? (Rwnnemled) n r a. Does the ureter syEtern budget prov&re funding ior deprBciation o, eisting plent in servica and/or for the funding of r€sen es for sy3bm raplacement? E t g. Are thee suffcient funds for training porsonnel? PWS# ot- y?l no nle unktrDEN trtrEtrITEtr Does the weter syltsm managemont revbw financial lBports at least monthly? (Remnnemlefl Does the PWS provUe and use e capitel budget? (ruoomrcncled) Hag this PWS prcduod and does it anrrcntly utilizs a capital improrements plan? (Rec",nmen&d) lf yes, wfien was the budget produced? Eu Etr I I 5070041 indhatc the $41lmonth summer $22lmonth winter IOEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Survey -T115115 Page Financial Gapacity !re8 no nla unkEntrtrtrErtr SURVEY DATE CAPACITY not" MANAFERIAL CAPACITY tr 1. E a properly licensed operator auailable at all times? (i,l/A br GW-NC PhlS) tr 2. Does this PWS harre a governing body or board of directorc? lf no, please indicatc: E sou Poprietorship fl Partnership!Limited 3. Howoftendoestheboardmeet? E nn tr weekly n sernl-anruafly n nev€rn monthly t] annually fl unknown n bimonthly E as necessary tr Are the b,llowing records maintained onsitg or locebd near by? - BacleriologicalAnalysis - 5 yr.it rclentlon. - Chemical Analyrb - t0 yealr.rieftUon. - Records of actions taken to corect violations - 3 yean rcbntion. - Copies of rcpoils, summarbs or communication Ielabd to sanitary surueys - l0 yearr lltefl0on. - Reports conooming vafianes orexemptions - 5 tt3sr8 tliention. - Copiea of public notices bsued - 3 years rctentlon. - Daily fiee chlorine residuals (reguircd disinfectbn)- l yrar retention. 1 'l . Does the eystem owner havr an Aeret Managemcnl Plan? (Raamrcnded) 2. ls an operation and maintenance manua(s) provided for the PWS and does it include; weter sy3tcrn specific openuons dens; mainbnsnce inbmation and cied<ligtg; and manufacture/s product inbrmation, etc? tr n 13. ls ther€ a char plan of organization and control among tlrc people Esponsible for management and operations of the water systqt? (Refd nnenM) Are any samplas of the following psrameters past due? 14. Collform 15. Nitratet 16. Nilrites 17. Lead and Gopper 18. lOCs 19. VOCS 20. SOCs 21, DisinGctionByproductr 22. Radionuclide 23. ls a wdtbn totsl coliform rub ffCR) sample site pbn aveilable for revicw? 24. Doee the (ICR) ssmple site plan meet the minimum EquiEments? 25. Doas the 3ystsm have a rufficbnt supply of epprov€d sampling bottles properly stored? (Rwnmeded) 26. Does the PWS provlle stainrap, laddere and handraib wherc neded? 27. Ala trcads of non-slip material ptwidcd whorc needed? 2E. ls a health concsm produced lrom inadequatsly protected electrical wiring? 29- 00e3 ttle sysEm harre any confined tpaces? 30. lf yes, ere protocols follored br confind space entry? (Raunnonded) 31. Are theE any unused subsurfuco uratsr stoEge tenks that need to be abandoned? 32. Are lhere any wabr supply rvells that aro no longer being uged that n6ed to be abandoned? the PWS# Page - O{ Menageriel Capacity l,P3 no ile unk noteUtrIIE4DtrtrNE5.ntrntrE'6.tr!trtr8?. NtrDf,EE.nDnIEsnntrDElo. unk noleNDtrutrtrxtrirtrDtrTtrDTuD EDtr )ret no fllaNEtrDETtrE!trEDtr8trtrEtrNETtrEtrtrEn T!tr8trEXtrTD yeE no nla unk nole E] trDtrt]EtrNNNtrETtrNDEDtrDDtrEtrTtrtrEUD xEutruyeB no ila unk note IIA If 12tmti2018 midwil I sozm+r GOilTENTS: (Pbsge indicate h€ quslk n number) #4-10 Owner keeps records all the back to 2005. Records are well organized and were to search thorugh. DEQ sfucture for all records. Ovmer could not find site sampling plan at time of inspection. organizing filing IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Suruey -7115115 utilize SCADA? .TREATi'ENT APPLICATION & CONTROL Date Pt/r,s # must be out fur TlEetment PWS. onG Prrrcess rn for inspec{ion: -] seoimntatmBasnfl fikatonE AenOing! OtrLatimE lonExdrange E aeraton I narcrseOsrtosls f] sequesfaUonbynoVpho+hates I Oetention eaSn f] glemicat Coagr-ilation E Sotenlng I OiSnftcton (Cqnphte Dbinftction Mod.) [ Sequestration by Sodium Silkat€s 1. Are proviEions made tor plopor dispoEel of waler treatmsnt plant we8te Buctr as s8nitary. laboratory, dadficalion sludge, soft€ning sludge, iron sludgs, filter bacl(wssh water, brlnes and t eelmsnt media? 2. lf yes, hou, are .urastes beino disposod o? (ldantfy in oomments) sAil?LE TAPq 3. ArE Bamdlng teps govided prbrto end ater each brm of testilent? (Sample tep musl be of the smootlrnosed tpe if sample is for becteriologlcal analysis) CHEffiCALAPFUCAIIOI{ Itno cfismlcal .pplied, quesUorr+23 se n/a yeB Do ole un* noleTt]EDN ntr yes ,](, nla unk noteEDD!tr E N/a+-zg ye3 no nls urrk notoE!trX! tr E]ntrtrtr 8trtrtrtr8trtrNtr8trtrtrN EtrNND ENDf,D 8trNtrtrtr8trtrNtrtrEETtr!Etrtr trtr8trU 4. Aro sparo partB availablo br all crlemical feeders to replae parts wirich are subjed to fEqugnt rYear and damage? 5. ArB the bedem manuaDy or automaticatry controlled? fl uannt I aumrnac 6. For chemlcal application conbol syotems, ic the chemical feeder controtred by a llm sensing device 60 lhat iqlciion of the chamicals will nol conlinue wlren lhe ffou, ofwater Btops? 7. Are dremlcsl Ged rates poportional to ffow? 8. &e provlelonE made for measuting the qualrtiUec of cfiemic€ls used? L IE c.oss-connection conlrol pmvided on ths iervic8 wabr linos that disdla 96 to the soluuon tranks? 10, ls crcrs-connoction control povided Eo lhat lquid dremical solutiom cannot be siphoned through tolution hedec hto tfie waler supply? '11. 16 the dlemical fBod equipment readily accessble for sewicing, repah, and observation of operalion? 12. lE space provid€d br convenienl/effidenl slorage & handling ol eiemlela?(Flewnmencled) 13. fto dremicals that arc lncompalhle slorBd or haodled togethor? 14. ArB dnmical eoMlon tanks kept covored? 15. Am chemlcal Eolutbn tank orroiloB lripes, when povided, tumed dormwad with the €nd sseoned? (fu@i,,nbned) 16. tb cfiemlcal Bolutlon tank owrflow pipes, $fien provt ed, have ftee fall dbcharge? (Recp,nne,nded) 17. tthere more than one (1) cfi€mical is stored or handH, ar€ tanks and pipelines clearly labeled to identfy tho cfi€mical they contsin? '18. Arr floor surfiaceB smootfi and impeMous, slip-proof and well dreined? (fucoflt/'tlp,nded) 10. ArE vents trom heder6, storage racilitios and equipment orhaust dbcfisrged to lhe outside atmosphoG above gnde and romoto ftom air Snlakes? 20. Ars cfiemical shipping contiainers fully labele<t to indudo chemacsl name, purity, concentratim, supplier name and addrcss, and eyitence of ANSINSF certificalion? 21. ArE ad& and csustics kept in closed conosion-rBsbtsnt shhping containerE or storag€ units? 22. Ar€ at haEt ona pair of rubber glows, a dust respirat$ of a type certified by NIOSH for toxic dusts, an apron or other pmtedive dothing and gogglee or face mask provi{ted ior eacfi opcrator as rcquied by the rwieulng auttrority? 23. ls a deluge ehwor anUor eyeuashing devloe installed rhBre etug adds alktlh ere DtrEt]N EtrtrNtrEDtrt]tr EtrNtr! EDNt]tr ENNEtr DtrDNE] I Date Orline: Ll unt L€atedwat€r(GPD). t] llik Sources TreaH by FaciliU: Fag r) E0(Ja877 ( Well#1) Manufadurer Ghernical Trade Name: Sodium Hypochlorite Manufacturer:ffi EI v.str H" trfl vestr no tr N/A N/A N/A tr cerlilled? Y€s IDEQ - Enhanced Sanltary Survey -T115115 Tmetment - lmosrtant the "Treatment Application" module also needs to be filled out for each facility that utilizes disinfection DISINFEGTION - Syetems Udns only cround wabr A brm be fillGd oul fur cach unit in thc PWS. DtStNFEGJTION l. ls disinbciion used on a voluntary bacls to prevont bac{edel contaminalion of the dbfbdbn sysbm? 2. Any intemJdionc in disintsction in the pasl year? lf yes, comrnsnl. 3. Haye any changes been made b $B tredment hrility eince the last ESS? 4. lf yos, uerc plans and Dab epprovsd: 5. D,oes the eyshm have a means of ril€eslring the ccidual dlninHsnt concentrations.of tae clrlorine, cornbined chlorine (ctloramines), and/or chlodne diox6e? f 6. b I sfiiooth noeed sampb hp provirted babre and aftertreatment? f| 7. ls a drlorinc resitlual bcing recorded wlresr all compliance total colihm ramples are being tiakcn? yes no nle unk noleEtrtrNT EINDEtrf,N trENDNTE!N!TNf,DN ED!Ntr Pllrs# Page - of- )ras noEN trEEN Eu nlan ntr n unk D nn tr note! trn tr VOLUNTARY CHLORIilANOil 8. ls a measuEbh froe ctlorine asidual mointained thprrghout the distrlbutirn Bystom? (Recrlrlmatffi) 9. ls the fro€ drtorine Esiduel beirg rncaeurcd daily? (Recrrnnwfud) 10. lg an automatic propodioning chbrinabr bdng uscd where the rab of flow or chlodne d€mard is nlt roasonsbly constanf? 'l l, ls the analysis for ftee drlorine ledlual being made at a fieqrcncy that b suffciont to deted varlafions in cfilorine clemand or cfiange3 in uratsr frou/'? REQUIRED DISINFECNOil 12. ls the fiee ddodne Bsirual being measuod daily at I location priorto the 13. ls the daily trce chlorine lesftlual beirp r€@rdsd and ke$ on fle br a minimum of l ycar? 14. lr a detectable chlorin€ 'lsHual maintain€d th'ougnout the distibulirn syBtBtn? 15- ls an aubmatic prcportioning chlorinator belng used whsr€ ths reE of f,wy or chlodne demand is not roasonably constanf? 16. Wherc ctlorination b nqulrcd br protec-tion of the supply, is thene standby equipment of sutrc*rnt capecity available to eplace the laryeat unit? 17. I primary dbinfucdbn is accomplished uslng ozone or some other chamicsl that doe3 not provide e rssiduel diginEctant, is chlorine add€d to provide a rosEual dieinbdant? yes no n/e unk nobunEtrn DtrEDN trtraED D u n trE!tr DDEI n mry2018 Online;Name: all disinbciion types used: Sodiurnt,vGas d2 Free Chlorine is measured awcek. DEQ checking daily. IDEQ - Enhened Ssnltery Survey -T115115 Dieinfuction fl)7m4'Pt4r2Tfi I trurW*V,ts,l I J Ofier:6 Photo:Date:By:(initiats) Direc{ion: (N,S.E.W, etc.)File Name:Description: I z4no18 AT hmphouse Drssa,re oeugo. 2 IAT IMG -OE7 Pump to wact6 correrBd by tozen elrew bales. 3 12t4ng18 AT IMG. OET Wetl I 4 AT Wo[ 1 Totslizer 5 t4no18 AT Slorao6 lank orerflou, not scrBonod, 6 I 2t4ti2018 AT IMG OE7 Woll2 bad( uD Tha phot - .1. : ;i .'l State of ldaho Department of Environmental Quallty Photo Loo Dab 35mm aa€/ttn Page --------0I - Pholo LogIDEQ - Enhanced SanitBry Survey - 7/15/15 o Picebo Water System PWSID507004I ESS Photo Log Photo 1 -pressure - ,t i Photo 5-Storagetank overflow not screened. F.+ . ,i. *tt.,;f$rrltff'.;- + rE'- r*, ._ i" " -j*^.1 ' ' t{['': :i"*,frftcn+ ir.i **+' &e"'{ar &X!,,,. '-ir'a *:':'$l:i** PhotoS-Well2Backup REQUEST NO 15: wArER sYsrEM oPERAToR Name: Robert Simpson Operator license number DWD1-11518 Business address Box 6, Carey, ldaho 83320 204 North Main 16 REQUEST NO. 16: FoR wArER RtGHrs FRoM IDWR t7 ,\ a Page 1 of 7 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES TRANSFER OF WATER RIGHT TRANSFER NO.84670 This is to certify that: PICABO LIVESTOCK CO PO BOX 688 PlcABO, tD 83348-0688 has requested a change to the water right(s) listed below. This change in water right(s) is authorized pursuant to the provisions of Section 42-222, ldaho Code. A summary of the changes is also listed below. The authorized change for each affected water right, including conditions of approval, is shown on the following pages of this document. Summary of VUater Rights Before the Proposed Changes Water Right 37-11628 37-21400 37-74s5 Orioin/Basis WR/DECREED WR/LICENSE WR/DECREED Priority Date 9/1/1 930 3t612003 9tzt1975 Dlve'qion Rate Diversion Volume N/A N/A 12.0 at Acre Limit N/A N/A N/A Total Acres N/A N/A N/A 0.060 cfs 0.700 cfs 0.060 cfs Source GROUND WATER GROUND WATER GROUND WATER Current Number 37-11628 37-21400 37-7455 POr/ NO NO NO Split NO NO NO Purpose sf Tratsfgr (Chanqes Proposedl POD YES YES YES Summary Of Water Riohts,After the Approved Qhange Transfer Transfer Acre fot"t ^&!j]-- Remainino Remainino Remainino RemaininoRate volume r--iiit ^rr* ffi*ffi^ &!e yrtlEe Acre Lirnit Total AErcf Nature of UsePeriod of UseAdd POD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Existino Rioht 37-11628 37-21400 37-7455 New No. LChanqedPortionl 37-11628 37-21400 37-7455 0.050 cfs 0.700 cfs 0.060 cfs N/A N/A 12.0 aI N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NiA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ACOMBINED TOTALS 0.760 cfs N/A NiA N/A N/A This water right(s) is subject to all prior water rights and shall be administered in accordance with ldaho law and applicable rules of the Department of Water Resources. Detailed Water Right Description(s) attached. 'tqll Dated this L5 aay ot illrr/^Zoz ( Southern Manager Transfer No. 84670 I Page 2 of 7 WATER RIGHT NO. 37.11628 As Modified by Transfer No. 84670 ln accordance with the approval of Transfer No. 84670, Water Right No. 37-'l 1628 is now described as follows: Right Holder:PICABO LIVESTOCK CO PO BOX 688 PlCABO, lD 83348-0688 Priority Date: Source: 9t1t1930 GROUND WATER BENEFICIAL USE STOCKWATER STOCKWATER Froin 04101 11rtl Toto 1110'lto 04/01 Diversion Rate 0.020 cfs 0.060 cfs 0.060 cfs LOCATION OF POINT(S) OF DIVERSION GROUND WATER GROUND WATER NESWSW NWSWSW Sec 27 Ttyp 0lS Rge 20E BLAINE County'Sec27 Turp!1S Rge 20E BLA|NECounty PLAGE OF USE: STOCKWATER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1 . The quantity of water under this right shall not exceed 13,000 gallons per day 2. Rights 37-7455 and 37-11628 when combined shall not exceed a total diversion rate o10.12 cfs and a total annual maximum diversion volume of 26.6 af from all points of diversion. 3. Rights 37-7455, 37-11628, and 37-21400 when combined shall not exceed a total diversion rate of 0.76 cfs. 4 Use of water under this right may be regulated by a watermaster with responsibility for the distribution of water among appropriators within a water district. At the time of this approval, this water right is within State Water District No. 37. 5 The right holder shall maintain a measuring device and lockable controlling works of a type approved by the Department in a manner that will provide the watermaster suitable control of the diversion(s). NE S Two Rno Sec NE NW SW SE NE 'SW'l':SE;NE.'l lrlw SE NE NW SW SE Totals 0ts 20E 27 -i-. I :x :l 0 Transfer No. 84670 t Page 3 of 7 WATER RIGHT NO. 37.11628 As Modified by Transfer No. 84670 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 6 Right holder shall comply with the drilling permit requirements of ldaho Code $ 42-235 and applicable Well Construction Rules of the Department. 7 The right holder shall accomplish the change authorized by this transfer within one year of the date of this approval. 8.Failure of the right holder to comply--with the conditions of this transfer is cause for the Director to rescind approval of the transfer. i., i, t:.'t l Pursuant to ldaho Code $ 42-1412\E\,this mter right is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of !he-t-t$hts or for the efficient administration of water rights as determined by the Snake River Ba5ih Adjudic-+tion court in the final unified decree enteredo8t2612014. .-;,..: . .:! ,:, 1r'1.' i.:, ' .' 9 Transfer No. 84670 Page 4 of 7 WATER RIGHT NO. 37-7455 As Modified by Transfer No. 84670 ln accordance with the approval of Transfer No. 84670, Water Right No. 37-7455 is now described as follows: Right Holder:PICABO LIVESTOCK CO PO BOX 688 PlCABO, lD 83348-0688 Priority Date Source: GROUND WATER GROUND WATER 912t1975 GROUND WATER BENEFICIAL USE MUNICIPAL LOCATION OF POINT(S) OF DIVERSION ToFrom 01/0i Rge 20E Rge 20EIrypI rrvp 27 27 lo 12131 Diversion Rate 0.060 cfs 0.060 cfs BLAINE County BLAlNE,County Diversion Volume 12.0 al 12.O at NESWSW NWSWSW Sec se9 01s 01s CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1 2. The boundary encompassing the place of use for this water right is described with a digital boundary as authorized by ldaho law. The data comprising the digital boundary arc stored in the electronic document management system of the Department and are incorporated into this approval by this reference. A map depicting the place of use is attached to this approval document to illustrate the place of use described by the digital boundary. 3. Rights 37-7455 and 37-1 1628 when combined shall not exceed a total diversion rate ol 0.12 cfs and a total annual maximum diversion volume of 26.6 af from all points of diversion. 4. Rights 37-7455,37-11628, and 37-21400 when combined shall not exceed a total diversion rate of 0.76 cfs. 5. Use of water under this right may be regulated by a watermaster with responsibility for the distribution of water among appropriators within a water district. At the time of this approval, this water right is within State Water District No. 37. 6. The right holder shall maintain a measuring device and lockable controlling works of a type approved by the Department in a manner that will provide the watermaster suitable control of the diversion(s). Right holder shall comply with the drilling permit requirements of Section 42-235,ldaho Code and applicable Well Construction Rules of the Department. Transfer No. 84670 Place of use is within the area served by the public water-supply system of Picabo Livestock Company, lnc. The place of use is gqnerally ldcated within Sections 26 & 27, Township 01S, Range 20E. r ' 1 a Page 5 of 7 WATER RIGHT NO. 37.7455 As Modified by Transfer No. 84670 GONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 8. The right holder shall not provide water diverted under this right for the irrigation of land having appurtenant surface water rights as a primary source of inigation water except when the surface water rights are not available for use. This conditton applies to all land with appurtenant surface water rights, including land converted from irrigated agricultural use to other land uses but still requiring water to irrigate lawns and landscaping. 9. This right does not grant any right-of--way or easement across the land of another 10. The right holder shall accomplish thii change authorized by this transfer within one year of the date of this approval. 11 . Failure of the right holder to compiy with the conditions of this transfer is cause for the Director to rescind approval of the transfer. ,.. 12. Pursuant to ldaho Code $ 42-1412(6r,this water right is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of the rilhts or for lhe eflicient administration of water rights as determined by the Snake River Basin $djudication court in the final unified decree entered o8126t2014. Transfer No. 84670 a Page 6 of 7 WATER RIGHT NO. 37-21400 As Modified by Transfer No. 84670 ln accordance with the approval of Transfer No. 84670, Water Right No. 37-21400 is now described as follows: Right Holder:PICABO LIVESTOCK CO PO BOX 688 PtCABO, lD 83348-0688 Priority Date: Source: 31612003 GROUND WATER BENEFIGIAL USE MUNICIPAL GROUND WATER GROUND WATER Eroqn0u01 Toto 12131 Diversion Rate 0.700 cfs 0.700 cfs LOGATTON OF POINT(SI OF pIVERSION NESWSW NWSWSW Sec 27 Twi 01S Rge 20E BLAINE County Sec27 lyq01S Rge 20E BLAINE County -l CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1 Place of use is within the area served by the public water suppli.system of Picabo Livestock Company, lnc. The place of use is grgnerally loidted within'sedion'C 26 & 27, Township 01S, Range 20E. 2. The boundary encompassing the place of use for this water right is described with a digital boundary as authorized by ldaho law. The data comprising the digital boundary arc stored in the electronic document management system of the Department and are incorporated into this approval by this reference. A map depicting the place of use is attached to this approval document to illustrate the place of use described by the digital boundary. 3. The daily diversion volume for non-domestic uses under this municipal right shall not exceed 2,500 gallons per use and the daily diversion volume for domestic uses under this right shall not exceed 13,000 gallons per dwelling in accordance with Section 42-111 , ldaho Code. 4. Rights 37-7455, 37-11628, and 37-21400 when combined shall not exceed a total diversion rate of 0.76 cfs. 5. Use of water under this right may be regulated by a watermaster with responsibility for the distribution of water among appropriators within a water district. At the time of this approval, this water right is within State Water District No. 37. The right holder shall maintain a measuring device and lockable controlling works of a type approved by the Department in a manner that will provide the watermaster suitable control of the diversion(s). Transfer No. 84670 6 PageT ot7 WATER RIGHT NO. 37.21400 As Modified by Transfer No. 84670 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 7 lrrigation of large projects such as parks, golf courses, or sports activities fields is not authorized under this right. 8 The right holder shall not provide water diverted under this right for the irrigation of land having appurtenant surface water rights as a primary source of irrigation water except when the surface water rights are not available for use. This condition applies to all land with appurtenant surface water rights, including land converted from irrigated agricultural use to other land uses but still requiring water to irrigate lawns and landscaping. 9. This right is for the use of trust water, and it is subject to review 20 years after its initial approval (date of permit approval) to re-evdllqte the availability of trust water for the authorized use and to re.evaluate the public interest criteria Jor reallocating trust water. 10. Right holder shall comply with the ddllhg permit requirements of ldaho Code g 42-235 and applicable Well Construction Rules of the Department. 11. This right does not grant any right-of-wayor easement across the land of another 12. The right holder shall accomplish the change authorized by this transfer within one year of the date of this approval. 13.Failure of the right holder to comply with the colditions of this transfer is cause for the Director to rescind approval of the transfer. Transfer No. 84670 q Picabo Llvestocf Co Attachment to Transfer # 84670 37-7455 & 37-21tO0 This map depicts the MUNICIPAL place of use boundary for thEse water right at the time of this apprcvaland is attached to the approval document solely for illustrative purposes. 20E U'o o Point of Diversion \l\Iater Service Area Boundary Townshipa PLS Seclions Quarter Quarters 0 0.275 0.55 1.1 Miles trf N tffi rltr= r,rtrJri [81*, , [+'i^'';rcr G:iS[. qI;(:l: LItrtl [{,,,,i:. ijt{-e. l- --" 4,Ll;!', 1i,T,Fi'.', i,'l?-li',"i /t.'i','i'{5 (;';. Ls1) tftlE !"'SYAf q{L:* dii.u tlsi! fJ:.Eil t)r, til.1,j:ir ,jj.*f::li t -{-a .1 4..tI-.:,)l:i l'rU5-. i?-i'.'r,id) li:i{;il t-IWJIE tli*L i,:i'iiiill L'13.:(i tii-ui.i,. LJ.iil: i'itil";.r"i i'-['.-.'t, ."', : rt.,L*Lij3 i",l-,lij;. tJf,I; .:lJ-.t]; :i,,;i '€lEil:i tiL{:.L:,rit /Y :' \L'f ,.'r I 'tti..r-," l, ii.:.l:,, Ci;.(:"-t.r.! ' g,ifiiiil (r,l4.li'l (,'{; t-5:) ,, Llt,,l,irt: {..jJ:],= qf:(J:r l.-'.'i,r:i, ilditlJ li.itltJi lll{i=c i1=.r-^ €L&r-= it*i=a{:it:{i $t\?[\ii€ti tl-t.jj [.t,-tt-. ji]v al-.ltl:'.1 <.i- lJll.lrE [:g-l= i.:i:.,,i]i, i:lf,i:i' ml,ft L,i{t Li{;,,-ri: l:lt,i:,j: l-Ii:^:I:L 1.1{.i. t};)(f3)ffitr r1{& l ti-.'r":iJil Llli{i' s;;; Ctfr,U I,J!E{U I m3fl lttlH 1 tIilI= Et-Ji"r,Lrl €ti{i,: fu.i Nl![r! tttli sI*# i[iiiil/ ifffi i."jfi6E [t*1= 1. ;-.. , ,_ i , "',., , :. .-,, 'i.i t:,, v State of ldaho Department of tiJater Resources Attachment to Transfer # 84670 37-11828 This map depicts the STOCI(VIIATER place of use boundary lor this water right at the time of this approval and is attached to the approval document solely for illustrative purposes. 20E oo o Point of Diversion Place Of Use Boundary Townships PLS Sections Quarter Quarters 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 Miles EI N I REQUEST NO. 17: a. IDWR Welltag Number EOO0O7877 b. THE LOCATION 01S20E27 c. The well logs see attached 18 l- F'/l,'-7|l,Dll rqp Ssir r / p tLt ooo JO 5{o ?L{, ?o,?bnq toAlro Wr*{tvtl OEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES /4 ro DRTLLERS REPoRI L r YV J/'l I $M,KE {.urELLTAC 1{O. DRIII.I'{G PEXTMTNO...,' OdrcrlOIt/RNo. Z O'NERl5r iftqkPudyPfcrblludEl- P-O-BarTltcU- eFr+ . ultrzP 3. LoCATlOll OF tfUEt by lrgd docrlpdon: Sftt mp ffit |lr.t g! Sr uilr Salbr nD f xutr EI c estr E . b. 20 atr c wxE8c ,2' *r^ #gt" #stnOo/tLC Oart Brlnur lrc rErCttlrl & Prrrdy nnch nrd fo cry [l 8L. ea. ltttr .II. }YE]II TEEtB: UJtTrlp. d3 E 0!nErnf. 45UY*Orryfcarnrtlt: DrilfitdUtfrhCmoutr _ 12. UTHOLOGE LOG: @Ei.trpdrce'ffi) ' 3. DRILLEFS CERTIFICATION:lrlYrcrtt lltt I it*iln d dSrdol.Lr.6 Et orfipld trft ntrtrrtrr!nrrtEd. CoapglSrr Ffii ilo. 2G h errrr!200{Flilffird llrilt w Flo.h6 I t_ trrnd*a truol trrrttrtrUrar Eolrr crry 5. TYPE OF IUORIGffiJrlTct (Rrrorra. rBlEt*vur trrcy Eler*ru Elotrr G DRILT IETIIOD:E*noy tru trnrary Eor wlrtt .ID|..C? EV Ex aDDdt0, w-ctiJD-E't Ev [Xtt tw? lJr ltg lfdDA trDtrtrtrtr tr \.A0Ci.E I L.lDdlE - O. PERFORANOilS'9CREET{8;trrtrr lrrrr 4 USE: . troorro E]n:nt --* Desrr &r.a!l'F Itu To tt tl lfd.,m H r0. SrAnc WATER LErrEr QR ARTES|A!{ pRESSURE; tlr nlhrtud ,iltrprn _ lr tlil trtru Hre trtrtr Orl, 1n I.J 8G }rr*ttt 1A YIrleiJtrat.Urrtrn Put"hglrd fhr 2U a tmE h lo n nlt!: LhcAI, $rr: O* f Trrrtrn laa rall Y l,rlrlno1i,l,irtn tln EI hrrd aav bmrlt 1r1n 3A I rrr..lhrrrr h.rd b..iltlrtnItc2olnhrhhckhrrrf,'lrln a,CItlntt rnhed brrgn alrv- rh I to Ehrd.r It1naoablra&lnl 1r1E ),i!..ftlltqrTntlltthrrd hlrck Lrr .12 t5 12 hrrd blea&hur 12 t2 to 1)tt ,11,hrrdhhck lnnq)1t 1ll kntrl lner 12 lia tl!lnrd blrdr hur 12 tlt 721 Itr,q,N tll I l,tl!q3,annl 1'qE,.13;hrd rhr&uahdnoanud sftrolln- iloond*rhen ram ond whra blandaa bdow lltl NEG rlvEu nrr" l,o ?nnt CotphdD?i 1aa.(U-rr&)E hd Dilzoo7 Oanpltd *lt'itoo1 l|nllf8-*H To at.,L*EI b TE HOO ,l;a lh.dpmrrbrrbnllro hrnhalh I m ,tmh ranlamm; ,h ta h H1?+2 t!.l?I tut OrflrlhrrEl.d _ _lt Drcilompctqofibd--drrbc ELLrlrtdrtr DilraOpra FORIA'ARD TA'}IITE COT,'' TO WAIER RESOIJRCES D.D t rt r200t REQUEST NO. 19: b. lncome and Balance sheet See Exhibit 18 in Quick Books 20 REQUEST NO. 20: a. Supporting documents for income ol5L6,977 2t 11:10 AM 04/L9/21 Accrual Basis PICABO LI\IESTOCK COMPANY Account QuickRePort January through Decenber 2020 ryPe Date NUE lila-Ee I'lemo split ADount TiTATER T{ORKS INCOME (7) Deposit check Deposit Deposit DepositDeposit Deposit DepositDeposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit CheckDeposit Deposit Check DepositDeposit DepositDeposit Check Deposit DepositDeposit Deposit CheckDeposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Check Deposit Deposi-t Check DepositDeposit Deposit Check DepositDeposit Deposit Deposit Check Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Check Deposit DepositDeposit Deposit Check DePositDeposit DEPOSIT SILVER CREEK DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOS]T DEPOS]T DEPOSIT S]LVER CREEK DEPOSIT DEPOSIT SlLVER CREEK DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT SILVER CREEK DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOS]T DEPOSIT S]LVER CREEK DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT SlLVER CREEK DEPOSIT DEPOSIT SILVER CREEK DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT SILVER CREEK DEPOSlT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT SILVER CREEK DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSTT DEPOSIT SILVER CREEK DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT S]LVER CREEK DEPOSIT DEPOSIT Deposit JOHN Deposit DepositDeposit DepositDeposit Deposit DepositDeposit Deposit Deposit Deposlt JOHN & ETI DepositDeposit JOHN & SABAH Deposit DepositDeposit Deposit JOHN Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit JOHN Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit JOHN HUBER Deposit Deposit JOHN & RUIZ Deposit Deposit Deposit HUBERDeposit Deposit Deposit Deposit HUBERDeposit Deposit Deposit DepositDeposit HUBER E RUIZ Deposit Deposit DepositDeposit HUBER Deposit Deposit CHECKI CHECKI CHECKI CHECKI CHECKI CHECKI CHECKING EA CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKlNG CHECKTNG CHECKING CHECKING CEECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKlNG CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKlNG CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKlNG CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING CHECKING 0t/08/202C 01/09/202C 01/70/202c 01/76/202C 01 / 2L /202C 01/30/202C 02 / 03 /202C 02 /06/202C 02/0't /202c 02/72/202C 02 /L8 /202C 02 /24 /202C 02 /28 / 202C 03 / 09 /202C 03 /09 /202C 03 /23 /202C 04 /03 /202C 04 /08 /202C 04 /L5 /202C 04 /23 /202C 04 /30 /202C 05/05/202C 05/o'1 /202C 05/17/202C 05 / r8 /202C 05 /29 /202C 06/ 03 /202C 06/08/202C 06/t0/202c 06/L8/202C 06/29/202C o't /07 /202c 01/08/202C 07 /15/202C 07 /31/202C 08/70/202C 08/LL/202C 08/18/202C 09/o4/202C 09 / o8 /202C 09/14/202C 09 / 22 /202C 09/29/202C r0/05/202C ta / o6/202C L0 / L5 /202C t0 / 19 /202C L0/26/202C t0 /28 /202C Lt / o4 /202C 11 / 05 /202c t\/13/202C t7 /30 /202Crt /30 /202C 1.2/04/202c 72/09/202C 72/76/202C t2 /28 / 202C 1,0o2 204 22 959 270 1.45 582 328 128 22 964 48'l t23 187 4l 428 NG FA NG FA NG FA NG FA NG FA NG EA 239.00 22.002121-l 21395 214't 9 21518 211 05 218r4 2194L 22048 22159 22280 22389 e- C- rA FA FA FA FA EA FA EA FA FA FA EA EA rA FA !B FA EA EA FA FA EA rA rA rA rA EA FA FA EA FA EA EA EA rA FA FA FA rA FA FA .!A EA FA EA FA FA FA EA EA FA 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 103 . 33s. ZLU. 63. a1 65. 21.0. 103. 63. 169. 66. 188. 1(O 82. 368. 169. 510.qo 22. 110 . 874. 100. 103. a) 404. 939. 41 !17 4). 87 123 472 37 657 22 't 42 1 732 235 t6,9't'7 .00Total- WATER WORKS INCOME (7) 16, 97? .00TOTAI, Page 1 REQUEST NO. 21: a. Customer list 22 \ PICABO LIVESTOCK WATER SYSTEM CUSTOMERS: BUSINESS: RANCHERS SUPPLY PICABO STORAGE LLC FIRE DISTRICT: PICABO FIRE DISTRICT RESIDENTIAL: PAUL AGUILAR KAYLA ANDERSON TIM BENNETT G.R. BROWN ROBIN CHRISTENSEN JON CORDOVA EVERETT CRICK JUAN CRUZ PHIL DINAPOLI MARVIN EISENHAUER RICHARD ELLER JOSHUA FORTIN INGRID CLADICS TIM HAFT ED HERR (2 HOUSES) NEVIN HERR JOHN HUBER DIANE JAMES RrcH JOHNSON JIM LATHROP SARAH MURPHY TED OSGOOD (2 HOUSES) NICK PURDY FIDEL RUIZ SARAH FENDLEY TED STOUT AARON TAYLOR BRAD TAYLOR FRANK TONNEMAKER JACK TONNEMAKER BOB TURZIAN COREY WEBB JILL WRIGHT OUTLETS: FOLLOWER CHURCH CHARLIE MORRIS PICABO PARK STEVEN PATTERSON REQUEST NO. 22: a. Plant in Service Account See quick books 23 REQUESTNO.23: a. Future Plant in Service New welland electrical service and electrical controls and pumps 24 REQUEST NO. 24: a. Expense lnvoices Documentation 25 t, r 9:30 AM 0a/21/21 Accrual Basis .t PICABO LI\IESTOCK COMPA}IY Account QuickReport January through Decenber 2020 r].P€Da.te Num Naor traao split eoount I{AIER WOBKS E;XPB\ISE (29) General Journal 01,/07/202CCheck 0l/09/202CCheck 01/09/202C Check 0l/L7 /202Ccheck 02/10/2O2C Check O2/20/202Ccheck O3/09/202C Check 03/1-l /2O2CCheck 04/08/202CCheck 04/15/2O2Ccheck O5/0't /202CCheck 05/07 /2O2CCheck 05/I2/202CCheck O5/12/202C Check 05/27/2O2CCheck 06/t6/202CCheck 0'7 /08 /202CCheck 0'7 /08/202C Check 07 /17 /202CCheck 08/04/202CCheck 0e/10/2O2CCheck 08/14/2O2CCheck 09/08/202C Check 09/08/2O2CCheck 09/14/2O2CCheck 1O/06/202CCheck 10/2O/202CCheck l7/O5/202C Check l1/15/202CCheck L2/09/202C Check L2/21/202C General Journal 12/3I/202C BCC2. 21.208 27277 272A'7 21311 2133s 2L39t 21.421" 2t489 21506 21583 27585 21.606 27679 21656 21.1 42 2).830 27838 27861_ 21909 27944 27961 2203"1 22042 22069 2214't 22208 22283 2234r 22350 22438 BCC2. . -665. 1s L ,920 408.95 508.50 1 7, 000.00 5L5.26 230.00 18.00 622 .50 100.00 7 68 .72 195.00 588.77 \AUToMATED DArRY... WATER DYNAMICS LLC IDAHO POWER WATER DYNAMICS LLC IDAHO POWER IRWA SUPPORT SE... IDAHO POWER WATER DYNAMICS LLC IDAHO POWER WATER DYNA}4ICS LLC IDAHO PUBLIC UT... IDAHO POWER WATER DYNAIUICS LLC MAGUIRE IRON INC IDAHO POWER IDAHO RURA1 WAT... WATER DYNAMICS LLC IDAHO POWER US POST OFFICE WATER DYNA},IICS LLC rDAHO POWER TAUTOMATED DAIRY... IDAHO DEPT OF E... IDAHO POWER WATER DYNAMICS LLC rDAHO POWER WATER DYNAMICS LIC rDAHO POWER WATER DYNAMICS LLC IDAHO POWER Record AP ... WATER WORK... WATER EXPE... JANUARY WATER EXPE... FEBRUARY rNv*0-ss827 MARCH WATER EXPE... MARCH WA?ER EXPE... WATER 29 APRIL WATER EXPE... FINAL PAYMENT MAY 2020 DUES WATER EXPE... JUNE MAILINGS WATER EXPE... AUGUST WATER WORK...rNv* 20211.252 AUGUST WATER EXPE... OCTOBER WATER EXPE... NOVEMBER WATER EXPE... DECEMBER FEED & SALT CHECKING FA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKING EA.. CHECKTNG FA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKING EA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKING TA,. CHECKING EA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKING EA.. CHECKTNG FA.. CHECKING EA.. CHECKING EA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKING TA.. CHECKTNG FA.. CHECKING TA.. CHECKTNG TA., CHECKING TA.. C}TECKING TA.. CHECKING EA.. CHECKING FA.. CHECKTNG EA.. CHECKING EA.. FEED & SALT l4 00 01 00 98 00't0 00 96 00 00 83 0018 745 54 466 18 4'7 4 4'79 18 319 18 50 396 18.00 516.97 36.00 36.00 32.50 7L7 .25 793.52 Total WATER woRKS EXPENSE (29) TOTAI, 25,279.41 26,279.41 Page 1 AUTOHATED DAIRY Bill To PICABO WATER P.O. BOX 688 PtcABO tD 83348 Return policy: All eales subject to a 25% re-stocking fe6. Parts must be clean, in orginal packaglng, and within 30 days of purchasr Special order policy: 50% down and no retum8 Ship To: t' lNVrt26OlO 1z3n019 I PICABOWATER P.O. BOX688 PtcABO tD 83348,., l.let l00r QBTN$0PICA f. T4HLOR . TSGALTCHLOR/I533 $0.00 s0.00 0145.14 ., AUTOMAtrED DAIRY Bill To: PICABO WATER P.O. BOX 688 PtcABO lD 83348 Ship To: tNV451156 an3,no20 1 PICABO WATER P.O. BOX688 PtcABO tD 83348 4 0Net loth u$r?o,mJsnnaPICA 4 s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $193.52 Return policy: All sales subject to a 25% re'stocking fee. Parts must be clean, in orginal packaging, and wlthln 30 days of purchast oecial order policy: 50% down and no retums t' . ,' ,x'Support Services, I.LC' o065 W. Corporal Lane Boise, ID 83704 BillTo Picabo Water System c/o Picabo Angler (Nick Purdy) 18918 Highway 20 Picabo, ID 83348 Ufl 4 iir/oio6.#1. ar8n020 Q-SS 827 ffiffi}ffiffi Quantity For questions regarding your bill, please contact Tina Manolopoulos at 208-343 -700 I or email tinam@idahoruralwater.com. Payments/CrediE $0.00 ( i': i i GIS Mapping Services per quote dated Septemba 16,2019 On-site data collection of wastewater features Map processing and production Wall map & map book printing I year subscription to Diamond Maps / Work completed lanuuy 2020 1,920.00 i 1,920.00 l' . i - i.: ;;-i:'r,,!!,;,t.. l,; r,:,,: , . ,t::.,..:r.,.-:;:-',: . . -; i.:t lt..jrjrj- .::.: il- coNTRAgr FOR SERVICES/UM|TED MATNTENANCE This contract made and entered into this 16th day of March . 2020 by and betueen Picabo Livestoq* Gomoany hereinafter called the "Ovrner'or'CustomerP and Maguire lron, lnc., a South Dakota Corporation with b principal offce located in Sioux Falls, South Dakotra, hereinaftCr called the 'Contrractof or "Cornpanf for and in consideration of the mufual correnants and promises hereinafter contained. W|TNESSETH: Contractor agrees to make the following repairs and improvements on the Ovrne/s water supply tank, and to fumish the necessary equipment, labor, materhl, as well as Worlqnen's Cornpensation lnsurance and Contnac'to/s Liabili$ lnsurance, and b do the work hereinafter stated in a good and workmanlike manner. lnterioi Paint/ fl! tG Gone Elevated WaGr Storase Tank 1 . Contractor hereby agrees Sandblast $e complete lnterior of the water tower to an SSPGSP 10 near white blast this is to include the habhes, roof and all raillngs.2. Conhc'tor will then do a oomplete pdme coat of lndustriat Epory to all blasH surfac€s. Following all manufactures specificatione.3. Contnactor will then apply a full finish coat to all surfaces in a different color to ensure ompbte covemge as per manufacfirres speciEcatftrns.4. After painting and ofing schedule is complete, interion wet surfiaces are to be disinbded per AWWA methort 3. lf after sandblasting interior, pitting is revealed and/or beams are severely conoded and need b be repaired/replaced, prices will be discussed with owner before any work is done. Vent lnsilrll I 50,tG Gone Elevaled UUater Storaoe Tank 1. Conhac'tor hereby agrees to remove existing vent and install new 16" frostjroof vent. Owner is respnsible fu disposal or salvage of all rcmaining material to indude spnt Hasf media, paint antainers, and other job snb relafedmateial- Owner will inspect the work as it progresses and upon completion and acceptance by Owner of the above work, the sum of $SEE plus applicable saleo, excise, and/or use tax shall bemme due and payable in full ferms: Net 30 days from acceptane and invoicing, plus applicable sales, use, excise, transfer or similar taxes required by law. A servioe charge st 1r/zo/o per month (annual rate of 18%) will be charged on past due accounB. During any exterior painting, Owner shallassist in removing any vehicles in the area which might receive paint Camage. lf therc is any sandblasting involved in the work, Owner will be responsible fur collestion and disposalof rny and all blast media. Maguire lron, lnc. willexercise reasonable care and caution to avoid, but willacept no liability for damage to antenna, communi@tion, telemetry and/or ebctrical system(s) wttich may be attached to 'J"- structure. Removal, repair and/or replaement of the antenna, cornmunication, telemetry and/or electrical 3. im(s) shall be the esponsibility of the Orner. The Parties further agree that Maguire lron shall have the right o apply a fuel surcharge to rcflect the increases in the prioes of fuel in accordance with economic conditions. , .. #f1",i;,j1r':L'1;1,, i.'1.'.:, The owner will be responsibb to the Company for the cost (at cunent market rates) of any work that has been performed prior to termination. HAZARDOUS ilIATERIAL DISCLAIilIER: ln the event that hazardous mateials are on the water tank and this information is nof addressd in the spcification or made known to Maguire lron, lnc. prior to the pricr- or bid being supplied by Maguirc lran, lnc., any additional means of hazardous mateial abatement or disposal cosfs will be bom upon the Owner. Owner and the authorized agents signing this contract as such agents do hereby expressly wanant that Owner has authority to make and enter into this contract and that it becomes a party hereto pursuant to a lawful rcsolution duly and regularly adopted by the goveming board of said Onner pursuant to the applicable statutes of this State. Customer shall reimburse Company for alltravel, meal and entertainment expenses incuned by Company and its employees in connec*ion with Gompany's performance under the contract. To the extent that any meal or entertiainment expenses incuned by Company or its employees are subject to the limitation on deductibility under IRC Section2T4(n) (1) and the Regulations thereunder, Customer shallbe subject to the limitation and shall reduce its deduction accordingly. Thb is included in the above pricing. This constitutes the enlire contract. No verbal agreements or additions will be honored. Any amendments or additions hereto must be in uniting and executed by the duly authorized agents and officers of the parties hereto. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and seals the day and year above written. Ownen Picabo Livesbck Comoanv ilTAGUIRE IRON, !NC.?Itt-L?0uSrq-u Cnfle) M By: By: (Name) I By: -j.tA{iqj'.€,r^-(Auhorized Agent) (He) lGlTucker (Name)fftile) DateAeepted:3- tr-te Lo Upon awptana, plea* provklelwo (2) signaturesand datethe agreement. EXPERTS X info@magLrireirori corr-, e l?J,?- t,lt'3"j 7;,li^" L (605) 334-974E WATER TOWER llaguin tron, lnc, CoNTRACT FOR SERVTCES/LIM|TED MATNTENANCE This contract made and entered into this 16th of March 2020 by and between Picabo Livestock Company hereinafrer called the "Orvned or'Customef and Maguire lron, lnc., a South Dakota Corporation with its principaloffice located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, hereinafier called the'Contractof or "Companf for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter contained. WTNESSETH: Contractor agrees to make the following repairs and improvernents on the Ownefs water supply tank, and to fumish the necessary equipment, labor, material, as wellas Workmen's Compensation lnsurance and Contracto/s Liability lnsuran@, and to do the work hereinafter stated in a good and workmanlike manner. lnterior Paint/ 50 ilG Cone Elevabd Water Storaqe Tank 1 . Contractor heeby agrees Sandblast the complete lnterior of the water tower to an SSPC-SP 10 near white blast, this is to include the hatches, roof and all railings.2. Contractor will then do a complete prime coat of lndustrial Epoxy to all blasted surfaces. Following all manutsctures specifications.3. Contractor will then apply a full finish coat to all surfaces in a different color to ensure complete coverage as per manufactures specift cations.4. After painting and curing schedule is complete, interior wet surfaces are to be disinbcGd per ALWVA method 3. lf afrer sandblasting interior, pitting is revealed and/or beams are severely conoded and need to be repaired/replaced, prices will be discussed with owner before any work is done. Vent lnstall / 50 ISG Cone Elevaled Water Storaoe Tank 1. Contractor hereby agrees to remove existing vent and install nevv 16' frost-proof vent. Owner is rcWnsible for disposal or salvage of all remaining matefialto include spent blast media, paint antainers, and other job site ralated mateial. Owner will inspect the work as it progresses and upon completion and acceptance by Owner of the above work, the sum of $ SEE ABOVE plus applicable sales, excise, and/or use tax shall become due and payable in full Tems: Net 30 days from acceptance and invoicing, plus applicable sales, use, excise, transfer or similar taxes required by law. A service charge of lYzo/o per month (annual rate of 18%) will be charged on past due accounts. During any exterior painting, Owner shallassist in removing any vehicles in the area which might receive paint damage. lf there is any sandblasting involved in the work, Owner will be responsible for collection and disposal of any and all blast media. Maguire lron, Inc. will exercise reasonable care and caution to avoid, but will accept no lial'ility for damage to antenna, communication, telemetry and/or electrical system(s) which may be attached tot. itructure. Removal, repair and/or replaoement of the antenna, communication, telemetry and/or electrical system(s) shall be the responsibility of the Owner. The Partles further agree that Maguire lron shall have the right to apply a fuel surcharge to reflect the increases in the prices of fuel in accordance with economic conditions. MAGUIREIRON.COM EXPERTS WATER TOWER 0 L (605) 334-974E X info@magttireironccrn 1610 l'l [v4irrrresota Avc -Sioux Falls SD 57104 r(aguilt lron, lno. The owner will be responsible to the Company for the cost (at cunent market rates) of any work that has been performed prior to termination. HAZARDOUS iIATERIAL DISCLAIilER: /n the event that hazardous materials are on the water tank and this information is not addressed in the specification or made known to Maguirc lron, lnc. prior to the price or bid being supplied by Maguirc lron, lnc., any additional means of hazardous material abatement or disposa/ cosfs will be bom upon the Owner. Owner and the authorized agents signing this contract as such agents do hereby expressly wanant that Owner has authonty to make and enter into this contract and that it beoomes a party hereto purcuant to a lawfrll resolution duly and regularly adopted by the goveming board of said Owner pursuant to the applicable statutes of this State. Customer shall reimburse Company for all travel, meal and entertainment expenses incuned by Company and its employees in connection with Company's performance under the contract. To the extent that any mealor entertainment expenses incuned by Company or its employees are subject to the limitation on deductibility under IRC Section2T4(nl (1) and the Regulations thereunder, Gustomer shall be subject to the limitation and shall reduce its deduction accordingly. This is included in the above pricing. This constitutes the entire contract. No verbalagreements or additions will be honored. Any amendments or additions hereto must be in writing and executed by the duly authorized agents and officers of the parties hereto. lN WTNESS WFIEREOF, we have set our hands and seals the day and year above wriften. Owner:Picabo Livestock Comoanv MAGUIRE IRON, INC. (Name)(Title) By KalTuq*-e.r -(Name)(Title)(Authorized Agent) (Date) Kal Tucker Date Acceoted: upon axiptan ne agreenrent. By: By: MAGUIREIRON.COM STATEMENT Maguire lron, lnc. '1610 N Minnesota Ave PO Box 1446 P'-'rx Falls SD 57101-14/;G , ) 334-9749 Ext.1616 ry,,,'prrolrr,ntts rlrr Unless altemative credit arrangemenb appy a 1.5% finance charge wlll apply to all in\lolces not paU wt'thin 30 days of the involoe date. Reminder : Final Payment of 817,000.00 is comingdue. Deposlts Recelved: 4 $0.00 3n5n0r|0 PrcrDol PICABO LIVESTOCK COMPANY PO BOX 688 PICABO tD 83348 ,Dr$iimdn[iilo., ;,rii:,],,t:li,::.:i'.,.'Eii6i.ri r :.,.r.ii:ir'l i{liiii{iil rr::,iiii,j.}ji:iii Bilffi ! i :i :'ii;ii,.t ii'ii:i PYMNTO9429 tvco1 1115 PYMNTOg812 10n4n018 5D2nO19 61412019 PMT SLS PMT Job PlClD0101 $40,750.00 30.m tl7,@0.00 $17,000.00 7 0-30 Davs $0.00 3l - 60 Darrs 6t - 90 Davs 9l and Over $0.00 8r7.000.00 t0.00 s0.o . Crtllllcap- Rat rtt@ E0.00 ,isLsscP OR = Sales / lnroi:es= Scioduled Payrnenl!= Debll ,rlemos F0{c'FtlrlEClulpr CRRIII Pt[T . .;,.q! -a. "., . ;"i{prg}$iq "''=..;"-. .;t|,r,.:41[i+.i::if ,i;,'r.'i:,i:- r.:;! i lodes: s0.00 UIRN = l,brarb6 n REQUEST NO.25: a. Expected labor Expenses Enpenses for labor in 2021will be for installation of alternate wbll, pipe line to tanlc, wire and installation to tank, electrkal controls and labor to install, pumps and installation etc 26 MATTHUNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 10655 Street Address for Express Mail: I I33I W CHINDEN BVLD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PT]BLIC UTILITTES COMMISSION IN TIIE MATTER OF PICABO WATER SYSTEM'S APPLICATION FOR AUTIIORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AI\[D CHARGES [.OR WATER SERVICE IN TIIE STATE OF IDAHO cAsE NO. PIC-W-21-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQIIEST OF TTIE COMMISSION STATT TO PICABO WATER SYSTEM The Staffofthe Idatro Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attomey of record, Matt Hunter, Depuf Attomey General, requests that Picabo Water System provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later rhan X'RIDAY, APRIL 3012021. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Picabo Water System is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it, or any person acting on its behalt may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title, and telephone number of the person preparing the documents. Please identifr the narne, job title, location, and telephone number of the record holder. FIRST PRODUCTION REQI.JEST TO PICABO V/ATER SYSTEM ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I APRIL 9,2021 In addition to the nritten copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files on CD with formulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide a complete description of the Company's current system. REQUEST NO. 2: Please separately describe any deficiencies needed to address system reliability, system integrity, and/or to support potential future growth. a. Identifr any changes or investnnents the Company plans to implement to address each individual deficiency. b. Please include the costs and identified benefits for any investments or increase in expense. REQIIEST NO. 3: Please provide all studies, reports, or regulatory requirements stating the need for a new alternate well. REQUEST NO. 4: Pleasp provide all bids forthe installation of the new alternate well REQIIEST NO. 5: Please provide all studies, reports, or regulatory stating the need for painting the inside of the 50,000-gallon storage tank. REQTIEST NO. 6: Please provide all bids forpainting the inside of the 50,000-gallon storage tnnk. REQT EST NO. 7: Has the Company studied any alternatives to the capital investnents included in this case? If the answer is yes, please provide all analysis performed. If the answer is no, please explain why not. REQITEST NO. 8: Please provide monthly flow rate data for each system well pump and each booster pump during the past three years. FrRST PRODUCTION REQIIEST TO PICABO WATER SYSTEM 2 APRIL 9,2021 REQLIEST NO. 9: Please provide monthly electic bills for each system well pump and each boosterpump during the past tbree years. These bills would show monthly enerry use (klvh) and peak energy demand (kV). REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide a current system map showing the location and elevation of major equipment including wells, plpes, storage tanks, booster ptunps, shut-off valves, meters, fire hydrants, and water teatnent equipment. REQITEST NO. 11: Please provide the following infomration: a- The make, model, and rating of each well pump. b. The make, model, and rating of each well pump motor. c. The make, model, capacity, and limit switch settings of each pressurized storage tank. d. The make, model, capacity, and limit switch settings of each unpressurized storage tank/reservoir. (Note: Also include referenced elevations for normat, high, and low static water levels.) e. The make, model, and rating of each booster pump. f. The make, model, and capacity of all water fieatment equipment. REQUEST NO. 12: Ifthe system supplies fire prevention capacity, please provide the following: a. The name and contact information for the fire authority who prescribes requirements for the system. b. Fire flow and storage requirements prescribed by the fire authority. REQLIEST NO. 13: Please provide inforrration related to the capacity and sizing of the system and the ability of the system to meet historical and future syskm peak demand. This information would include not only capacity information, but also any constaints within the system to meet peak demand. Please also provide inforrration on average consumption and consumption at peak periods. FIRST PRODUCTION REQI.JEST TO PICABO WATER SYSTEM 3 APRIL 9,2021 REQTIEST NO. 14: Please provide the most recent Idaho Division of Environmental Qualrty Sanitary Survey. REQLIEST NO. 15: Water system operators are licensed by the Idaho Board of Drinking Water and Wastewater Professionals. Please provide the following information about your water system operator: a- Name b. Operator license number and class c- Business address REQIIEST NO. 16: For each water right used by the system, please provide the Idaho Deparfinent of Water Resources (*IDWR') Water Right Numbers (basin and sequence number). REQLIEST NO. 17: For each well used by the water system, please provide the following: a. The IDWR Well TagNumber (D-Tag Number) currently on-file with IDWR. b. The location (Township, Range, Section, and TracQ. c. The well log. REQITEST NO. 18: If Picabo Water System uses QuickBooks, please provide a copy of the Company's QuickBooks file. Please ensure that this file has data from January 1,2019 through December 31,2020. Please also note which edition of QuickBooks is currenfly used, and provide sufficient credentials, such as usemame and password, to access the file. An external accountant login for the QuickBooks file should be sufficient. REQUEST NO. 19: Please provide a printed copy or PDF file of the Company's income statement and balance sheet from the accounting and financial software used by the Company for the Calendar Years Ended (*CYE") 2019 and2020. REQTIEST NO. 20: Please provide all supporting documentation for revenues posted in the2020 annual report totaling $16,977, including amounts billed and amotutts collected. FIRST PRODUCTION REQI.]EST TO PICABO WATER SYSTEM 4 APRIL 9,2021 REQIIEST NO. 21: Please provide a customer list broken out by customer type: Residential, Commercial and Private Fire Protection, as provided in the 2020 annrnlreport. REQTIEST NO.22: Please provide a spreadsheet detailing Picabo Water System Account l0l Plant in Service, or Assets, separately identified by each sub-account number or category, as of the fiscal year ended December 31,2020. Please include in your response the following: a. Plant in Service Accormt Number b. Original Price ofthe Asset c. Net Book Value ofthe Asset d. Date Asset Placed in Service e. Current Annual Depreciation Expense f. Accumulated Depreciation REQUEST NO. 23: Please provide a list of all Plant in Service expected to be added through year-end 2021 and, if any, please provide the expected cost. REQUEST NO. 24: Please provide supporting documentation, including invoices and contracts, for the following expenses for CYE December 31,2020. Please include any allocation factors if applicable for these expenses: a. Operations and Maintenance 2020Labr Expense b. Exterior Tank Painting Conhact and Final Payment c. Purchased Power Expense (Total: $6,366) d. Chemicals (Total: $339) e. Materials & Supplies O&M (Total: $1,550) f. Idaho Rural Water Fee (Total: $1,920) REQT EST NO. 25: Please provide the expected Labor expenses for 2021not included in the installation of the main line extension and water towercapital expenses. Include a cost breakdown by month. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO PICABO WATER SYSTEM 5 APRIL 9,2021 n DATEI) atBoise,Idabo, this day ofApril202l. IvIffiHmter Degrfiy Atbmey G€n€ral iilmiso:prodeq&icC2l.lffic pd rcq I FrRST PRODUCTION REQI JEST TO PICABO WATERSYSTEM 6 APRIL 9,2021 Nick Purdy ,nom:Travis Culbertson <Travis.Culbertson@puc.idaho.gov> Wednesday, March 31,20213:45 PM Nick Purdy Matt Hunter PIC-W-zl-01 General Rate Case Sent To: Cc: Subject IEXTERNAL SENDERI Hello Mr. Purdy, I wanted to let you know that the Commission has recognized your case as a general rate case. It has been delayed an additional 5 months and 30 days. You will start receiveing production requests asking for more information about your water system, customerc, and e:rpenses. If you have any questions or concents please reach out and we will do our best to answe,r them. I believe that is it for now. Have a great day. Thanks, Travis Culbertson--'Auditor Idaho Public Utilities Commission O:208-334-0375 F:208-3344045 1 n DATED at Boise,Idaho, this i:umispr.o&oqbiav2l. I il&tfirc Dro.l ats I FIRST PROETIJCTION REQUESI TO PTCABO IVATEB SYSIEM f *rofABnil 202t. il&tt ffiirtcr Dceuty Atbmsy Crerlefial 6 -l APruL 9,2021