HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210630Staff 1-3 to NSW.pdfStreet Address for Express Mail: 1 133I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ERICK SHANER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO. 5214 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF NORTH STAR WATER, LLC TO REQUEST THE COMMISSION TO ISSUE A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY (CPCN) AUTHORIZING THE NORTH STAR WATER, LLC TO OPERATE AS A PUBLIC UTILITY IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. NSW-W-21-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO NORTH STAR WATER, LLC ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), by and through its attomey of record, Erick Shaner, Deputy Attorney General, requests that North Star Water, LLC ("Company") provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than WEDNESDAY, JULY 21,2021. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it, or any person acting on its behalf, may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title, and telephone FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO NORTH STAR WATER 1 JLrNE 30,2021 number of the person preparing the documents. Please also identif,i the name, job title, location, and telephone number of the record holder. In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files on CD with formulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. 1: The following requests are related to Attachment No 1. Attachment No. I is Attachment B, Caldwell Fire Department Agreement, Capacity Data, and Acknowledgement to the Pump System Preliminary Engineering Report, Plans and Specifications prepared by SPF Water Engineering,LLC for Black Water LLC dated January 2021 and later revised May of 2021. a. Please confirm that the City of Caldwell Fire Department's September 23,2019, approval letter is currently in force; b. If any changes have been made since the signing of the original September 23, 2019, approval letter, please provide an updated copy; c. Please explain how the Company will meet the 450-gpm requirement described in the September 23,2019, approval letter; d. Please provide the current section of the Northstar Subdivision Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) that details fire sprinkler requirements; e. Please explain who is responsible for ensuring each home is equipped with fire sprinklers; f. Will the City of Caldwell Fire Department have access and ability to connect to the North Star Water System? If so, please explain; g. Item 3 reads: The Northstar subdivision will connect to City water when it is stubbed to the front of the subdivision and availablelatthorized to connect by the City of Caldwell. With this connection, all homes will be of City water and the on-site community well will be switched to only serve as a pressure irrigation pump station for Northstar. i) Please describe when the Company and City of Caldwell anticipate that this switch will occur and provide available supporting documentation. ii) Please describe what the Company plans to file with the Commission when the system is switched to provide irrigation only. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO NORTH STAR WATER 2 JLINE 30,2021 REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide a oopy ofproposed tariffs that the Company would file wifithe Commissionifthe CPCN is approved. REQUEST N0. 3: Please provide a copy of the Water System Agreement with customers and the 2500 North Star company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, Ar So%ay of June 2AZl. <tu1- Erick Deputy Attorney General i:umirc:prodreq/nsww2l. lesksk prod rcq I FIRST PRODUCTION REQI.IEST TO NORTH STAR WATER J JUNE 3O,2O2I ATTACHMENT I NSW-W-21-01PRODUCTION REQUEST NUMBER 1 "t'0; FROM: DATEI Re: Andy Cater, Caldwcll Fire Depaftment Dave Yorgason, representing lnnovative Custom Hornes September 15, 2016 Northstar Subdivision Fire Departmenf approval Dear Mr- Cater, Thank you again for spending the time rvith us over the past several weeks regarding the Narthrtar $ubdivision in fanyon County. The new developer for rhe Norilstar Subriivirion is Ben and He*ther Echevarria with lnnovatjys Custom Homes. We hired SPFWiter and Valley Hydro to conducted water tlow tests and the results look good. Please see the atached for a summary and detailed report of the tests. Based on ths t*$t resu.ltq reconrmendations from $t'}F Water, and the conver$atiorls we had with you, we are comlnimad to do the following which we understand will enable an approval by rhe Fire DepartmenL: Alt hornes rvill be required to have fire sprinklers. Though the average will be less, rhe maximum square footage of a home, includtng garage and other cclv€red areas, will be 5,50t) square feet for a singJe level home and 5,500 square feet for a tlvo-story home. The Northstar subdivision will connect to City n'ater when it is stubbed to the front of the subdivision and available/authorized to connect by the City of Caldwell. With this csnncrtion, all homes will he on City watcr and the on-site commutrity woll will he slritched to cnly sen'e as a pres$ure irrigation pump station for ltlorthstar, To ensure proper notifieation and long-term compliance witlr all future homebuyrrs, wc will amend thc Northstar Subdivision CC&Rs to includ€ the ahove requinernents. Ttre Northstar communily well provider a nrinimum ,*50 gpm bared on the test on September 12, ?016. A pressure-sustaining valve will be installed along with separate pressure irrigation lines and services per the recommendation nf SPF Waler (as suted in SPF Summary Report dated September 14, ?0f6), lf acceptable, will you please sign rhe following? Based on the staternents and commitrnents above, the Caldrvell Fire Department orthsrar Subdivision. t. Z. 3. ,1, 5. *n*,L{*-,r* t {zs f ru Date Attachment No. I Case No. NSW-W-21-01 First Production Request to North Star 06130121 Page I of 2 Cater Title IanfDatron k nrtE Tc tsti6ct Atil PirB <ferry84rrofcd*rdtErgs ftr$ry. Oe$'ts 17. ?#0 t3E Pilr Sern rlllciBdr *L filort r*grS&dvigion Fka Bery rrol6 to[c Fr cs'tv*gror {ilBr Bodt" rluE $3! l{isHr drft.rl!@!.,$6r8t f.HrlF rarr r.lil*d*y, oerrrecr 1Z tgo uj$? Artl TcE atrlt Forrt/ <s.$?ysd@sfgFg&k ne rsor*w *&m*sifi rcE'rtffir dm Otqtrs #&rerklrrell Elr{dr.tqfirrF, lry€rrtrt ilodk B ryGifid bf ttr kdrfrtrnua Phffi * g* fitrdr.dryleltr@sCsr.t4dhlrtrllrsrytfrBr6GtFa*Ie. f$ilrHattoketmeo@rrrdryouanrdrfor ltrrt mrrdsrat{e 3rd ll shoddme }.!oE 6 d* *a&t Elfi- ttrnds &rf+alr@ gil drrg. tetff€ lqr(esff *nmue rnyq.,&re. Senn f..rT. A&€ltrsrt df I ra'(ifuAgeEcr lPru/!r.f .BrgFers{i,$f aftErl.a.rE Pefi.*ra :El I a.rs. lDtA?86 F M,EIE.nB * [. A3ArIll I O. &]J|.A:]l34c.ffih*tmllffi#! r. mlr&mffi,ml Fora: Cd,r F€.ry leloDlEE$oleh*sELCIElgrrc Mondar. Eecfi*,6r14 zo&rr3.$Ptit Toc 5.m dbcrtstxn .d*EffiEgdhdffiJ6]|r fidiGit: RB ft{il*Elart&6da#lsr FfeHsrn Fe*ru *Ers&ruto&€Ftrsdfirnnrpffifoffitmr*rir&rfimta$t llr€snBasellfiul&!ffiBs}at*8tr4fie$s$6tfiWa8ur,!rq+gms of *Ecilrduom rrc&d bryktrHfld EStFIiEtedfid rc{LstEd ta*h*kf*r3l$lrd#r S*et&#z3.mIFffidardrrifid. rr.mE tesl r&r#wl €EglmeEfrlEt€{leil}ftre llhadry, Be€3rr!ts€r lilb 2ma!r*l.l9tra ror ll.n Pisr,,t @gmdEuM&s&hsE*ses*&@ nordrer:rfr*{hrtukn Ffi'e Hefi frle *eop?oftfiarkis' En*raB.GtruE{elllE*atyrsrEecfik d. ?tifd,r&6,.p$E.l,$Eco.rdttorEarf d*ryrwtaa* Lffi€rfridn lBts r4x*r.q *tE toit ralsI$ernents ftr ttr* slq}'{!0t.r srbdtui$oft s4 Nlrll ra8d rrld ** @l paup mectl dr.*t*rrnndrcnwe wrem? Laltma kBorr lf W{ri'Eedirrydhsr@rptlrrsn ar horyslf*tsoHt" Tftines gsgo tril r: Abc.lrffi,.gr | lcloffi ryiB lFf u4ttlr EErffirln8, urfmlil5ktDd*,3e.ffo I aoIE, IDIDffi F !!&n$'Id;{o I L #.!an"*!fiN I d. li!,1s.{E*"l{s{x*rIrullsdr6rsHE*ffi t' wafrrslfi8f,EM AtachmentNo' I -CaseNo. NSW-W-21-01'it noauoio" RequesttoNorth Star OilBOnl Paga}of? CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 3OTH DAY OF JUNE 2021, SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF TO NORTH STAR WATER, LLC, IN CASE NO. NSW.W-21.0I, BYE-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: MIKE BLACK NORTH STAR WATER LLC PO BOX 3723 NAMPA ID 83653 E-MAIL: blackwaterllc.idaho@gmail.com SECRETAR CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE