HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100524MUR to Staff 1-31.pdffile:1 I IC :/Documents%20and%20Settngs/xallen.PUC/Local %20Sett... See attached final requests/responses.M uR '-w- /O-ò ( ZØlO HAY 24 AM 8: 51 Stacey IDAH'U~ OJ I:. ¡ ¡,"_. .-.-. _..- i ¥Qi.dL~ UTILITiES CO;,,~M¡SSION The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy. i of!5/24/2010 8:48 AM RECEiVED CASE NO. MUR-W-10-01 ~g:i~~~~~~;~~ ~:~~ ~~:~i~g~~~~~~IØllllE AM ~f5'v iSSiONI UT\U REQUEST NO.1: Please provide the total number of residential and commercial customers you curently serve. Include all full time and par time customer for each customer class. Response to Request No.1 24 full time customers, 1 par-time commercial, 2 fulltime commercal,7 par-time 1 commercial is off, 4 residential customer are off also. #1 Don Corder 2006,2007,2008,2009 tu on was April, offwas Nov. He turned his water offhimself-no charge #2 John Murphy 2006,2007,2008,2009 his water stays on but pays for 6 months. He comes and goes par time. #3 Ron Fuller 2006,2007,2008,2009 Pays for 6 months and tus his water off and on. no charge #4 Arden Swerein comes in to Murray to hunt for a week and pays for a month and tus his water on and off He comes on in 2008 #5 Lee Hopkins pays for 6 months come on in 2008 #6 Glen Lafon Pays for 6 months and tus his water on and off no charge. come on in 2009 Gerr I went back through my books and some of the customers I put in par time have had there water off but are now full time so I am not real sure what category to put them in. Some of them have there water off and I put them as Pm time also. As of now I have 24 full time 6 par time .4 commercial if! count the courouse that has a hook up, and 3 customers with there water off. Ter Kelly was tued off Nov, 2007, Lisa Haneman tued off on Aug, 2008, Lloyd Roath tued off on Oct 18,2008, Star Material tued off on 12-2-08 Rico Cissone tuined off Sept 2008, Sherl Sundstr Aug. 2008 tu on, Bett Ells tued off Nov., 2009, turned on March 2010 REQUEST NO.2: For residential customers, please provide the total number of customers who requested seasonal disconnect in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Seasonal disconnect means a requested disconnect for non-maintenance reason exceeding 30 days in duration. Please provide also the averge number of months of disconnect in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Response to Request No.2 2007 5 customers, 2008 7 customers, 2009 7 customer REQUEST NO.3: For commercial customers, please provide the total number of customers who requested seasonal disconnect in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Please provide also the average number of months of disconnect in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Response to Request No.3 2007 1 customer, city park 7 months, 2008 city park 7 months, 2009 city park 7 months REQUEST NO.4: Please provide a breakdown of the size of serce connections for all customer classes. For example, %-inch service = 15 residential customers; I-inch serice = 2 commercial customers, and so on. Note that the total number of customers is equal to your response to the total number of customers shown in Request No. 1. Response to Request No.4 I can only confirm 1 customer with a 1 inch line, and 1 commercial customer with a 2 inch line. I wil assume the rest are 3/4 inch lines until I discover otherise. REQUEST NO.5: How many undeveloped lots stil remain in the Company's serce area that could potentially request water servce in the futue? How many new connections (residential and commercial) do you anticipate in the next two to three years? Response to Request No.5 4 undeveloped lots. I anticipate 1 par time hookup in the next 3 years. No commercial hookups. REQUEST NO.6: Please provide a tyical constrction plan or sketch with approximate dimensions for installing a new residential and commercial (if different) serice connection (hook-up). Response to Request No.6 I revised the drawing for hook-up. One is for meter. ~ )-l'- ~ ~~.... "l ~ Lv. ,,- ~,~ 3\f \f ~ .. \t.. ~ ~ ~ ~ l~V~~~ l.l \\i '!l\) .v.t ~~ tt -.-- ~ ~ " ~~ cl 'tu t¡~ ,r.. .. 'Ci:.. ,.-..\t _~'l~ "''i.. \9 ~ ~~,:,. £.~'~...:~:.,".:!..'.,. .__ __.- t.J.',/:-"~". :'. ',.~: ,~ ~i\f.~ d ~!tS -. ~'t ~~":4:~~~~ REQUEST NO.7: Please provide a detailed cost estimate or bid for the installation of a new serice connection for residential customer as described in Request NO.6 above. Include the cost of materals (pipe, fittings, shut offvalve, etc.) and labor (hot tapping the main, trenching, backfillng, etc.). Response to Request No.7 Joe Leckie has the material quote. I am attchig a bid quote from Panandle Pipe for labor. Dean Jenicek (208) 783-5820. Bid is for 2 serces at a time.l0 hours at $130.00 pr.. For customers across street add $300 plus boring charge of $400.00 mobilization and $20.00 pro foot. about 60 feet permit is $35.00 Apr 191004:09p PANHANDLE PIPE & WELDING 2086822941 p.1 April 18, 2010 Re: Water meter installation Hello Arlen Following are some figures that can be use for meer instllaton~ Two man utlit crew ( includes backho, operator, service truck, labrer) $ 130.00/hr With transport to and frm Murry area, estimate 8-10 hrs per 2 services. Backhoe/operator only (g $75.00/hr If you need more information, cotact me at shop, 783-5820, or home, 682-4051 Sincerely Pea.n Jeoicek li .. ... . ......... .. ... . ...J. . .... ". ....~.i:ø'rn,~ti~~. ~J¡1J¡ B~~ .~....... .~ '1r. fØt16ìÎtaW;"f ~...:; dJp.(l~TlJ.!riØLJ 6t; ~ll REQUEST NO.8: Please provide a monthy water production data from the well in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Please use the attached form for your response if desired. Response to Request No.8 No data available. REQUEST NO.9: The Company indicated that Amercan Leak Detector was hired to find the leak that a customer knew was leakng which cost the Company $1,000. Please provide a copy of the wrtten report(s) from Amercan Leak Company explaining its fidings and recommendations. Please provide also a copy of its invoice. Response to Request No.9 Joe Leckie has that data. REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide the monthy electrc usage (in kWh) and power cost of pumping in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Please use the attched form for your response if desired. Response to Request No. 10 Joe Leckie has that data. REQUEST NO. 11: The Company indicated that it invested $15,000 and logged 360 hours oflabor for installing a new mainline through Muray. Please provide the following: a) a copy of the as-built constrction plan or a sketch of the mainline project completed in relation to the overall system layout; b) additional project information such as length of pipes, size, tye, appurenances installed, trenching details, etc.; c) list of expenditues, invoices, bids and other documents supporting the $15,000 amount invested; and d) project completion date. Response to Request No. 11 Joe Leckie has data. I am mailing additional info. REQUEST NO. 12: Staff understads that IDEQ has to review engineerng and/or constrction plans before any signficant change is done on the water system such as installing a new mainline. Please provide a copy of all approvalletter(s) or other proof showing that the completed project as descrbed in Request No. 11 has been reviewed/approved by IDEQ. Response to Request No. 12 I met with DEQ, They approved the plan. I have no proof. You could contact them. REQUEST NO. 13: Please provide anual cost of water quality tests conducted in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Please provide a copy of the results of these tests. Response to Request No. 13 Joe has the paper work. REQUEST NO. 14: Preliminar discussions with the Idaho Deparent of Environmental Quality, Coeur d Alene Regional Offce revealed that one major deficiency of the Murray Water System is that the well lot does not provide a 50-foot separation between the well and the nearest propert line. In addition, there are two cesspools that appear to be located less than the required minimum separation distance of 100 feet from the welL. DEQ Letter to Arlene Lish on July 9, 2008, Santar Surey Report of Murray Water Works. Please provide a copy of the required plan of correction submitted to IDEQ concernng this deficiency. Please provide also an estimate of the total cost for correcting this deficiency. If no plan has been submitted to date, please explain how the Company wil correct this deficiency and the estimated cost to correct this deficiency. Response to Request No. 14 All these problems were in place when I purchased the system. Panandle Health Dept controls the septic issues in the state ofIdi:o. DEQ controls PHH. I th the DEQ should resolve the issues. The state ofIdaho installed new septics for Burke Canyon in Wallace two years ago. Maybe they should help out in this case. There were some mistakes made by the DEQ before I purchased ths system, and now I have no answer to resolve ths matter. The only thing I can see is to buy the two properies and demo them. REQUEST NO. 15: Please provide the name ofthe cerified water operator managing the Muray Water system and copy of appropriate certification. Response to Request No. 15 Arlen Lish REQUEST NO. 16: Please provide the bRn statements for the Company for the years 2005 to the present. Please include the deposit slips and copies of all the checks wrtten. Response to Request No. 16 I am in the process of gatherng data. I wil mail as soon as I can. REQUEST NO. 17: Pleae provide a copy of all ta retus, schedules, reports and correspondence with the IRS for the years from 2007 to the present. Response to Request No. 17 Joe has that info from my accountant. REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide all documentation on the revenue collected by the Company for the years 2007 to the present. Please include a breakdown of the amount received from residential customers and from commercial customers. Please include a schedule of all customers who have a delinquent balance, the amount of the balance and the age of the balance. Response to Request No. 18 Joe should have that info from my accountant. As for delinquent balances: # 1 Lloyd Roath has a delinquent balance $102.00 2 months water and $50.00 shut off charge from NovemberJ 7,2008. #2 Don Corder has a balance of$130.00 in 2009 and $104.00 for 2010. He lost his wife last fall and had a stroke last winter. I spoke to him 3 weeks ago and told hi we can work it out when he gets feeling better. #3 Mat Coe has abalance of $208.00 from Sept 2009. The only address I have for him is Houser Lake, Idaho but I have had no retued mail I have sent. He was sent a 7 day notice on 4-6-10 #4 Lee Hopkins is delinquent all of 2009 $156.00 #5 Roger Jennings Balance from Dec. 2009 $130.00. On 3-30-10 payment of $65.00 was paid on account. #6 Dave Miler delinquent from Jan. 2010. Biled 3-10-10, 7 day notice sent 4-6-10 balance $104.00 REQUEST NO. 19: Please provide the bils and invoices for all the following expenses for the years 2007,2008,2009 and all available for 2010: 1. Contracted Labor (Accounting, Legal and Management) 2. Purchased Water 3. Power Bils 4. Chemicas 5. Materiàis and Supplies 6. Water Testing 7. Transportation Expenses 8. Insurance 9. Adverising 10. Repairs Response to Request No. 19 Joe has that info. REQUEST NO. 20: Please provide all documentation for all salares or wages paid by the Company to employees. Please include any time records, witholding records and tax reports. Response to Request No. 20 I have just paid myself for testing and for the work I have done on the system. Joe should have that info from my accountant. I have no employees. REQUEST NO. 21: Please provide a copy of all state, county, and local tax assessments that may have been levied on the Company for the years 2007 to the present. Please include documentation showing the payment of all such assessments. Response to Request No. 21 I have no data. You may contact Connie at assessor's offce, Shoshone CO.752-1202 REQUEST NO. 22: Please provide a schedule ofthe proper that is considered plant in serce and include in the schedule a balance for each item of propery that totals to the amount of plant in serice the Company claims in its anual report. Response to Request No. 22 Joe should have that info from my accountant REQUEST NO. 23: Please provide a copy of any depreciation schedules used by the Company in any of its reports to any governental agency. The depreciation schedule should include the listing of the proper in serce, the original cost, the date the asset was placed in service, the useful life used to depreciate the asset, the accumulated depreciation to date, and the remaing undepreciated balance of the asset. Response to Request No. 23 Joe should have that from accountant REQUEST NO. 24: Please provide information regarding the Company policy for collections of deposits. Rule 101 and Rule 102 of the Utilty Customer Relations Rules (UCRR). Response to Request No. 24 I collect no deposits REQUEST NO. 25: Please provide a sample copy of a bil sent to customer with no past due balance and a sample copy of a bil sent to customer with a past due balance. (UCRR Rules 201, 202, 204,206,207). Response to Request No. 25 Joe has that info. REQUEST NO. 26: Please provide a sample copy of the following Company documents: Initial Notice to Terinate, Final Notice ofIntent to Terinate Service (if sent), and the written information provided to customers following terination of serice (door tag or notice if used), for each rate schedule or class of customers if the documents vary. Please provide an explanation of how the Company conducts its ternation process. (UCRR Rules 304, 305, 310, 311). Response to Request No. 26 Joe has the 7 day and the 24 notices. After the 24 hour notice is delivered I would go and knock on door. I have only turned one person off and that was after he was placed in a rest home. REQUEST NO. 27: Does Company offer customers a pre-printed form for the medical emergency cerficate? If so, please provide a copy of the form. (UCRR Rule 308). Response to Request No. 27 I have no preprinted form for medicaL. REQUEST NO. 28: Does the Company keep a written record of customer complaints? Please provide copies of these records. (UCRR Rule 401). Response to Request No. 28 No REQUEST NO. 29: Please provide the number of customer complaints received by the Company for calendar years 2007 through 2010 to date, broken into.categories e.g., disconnection, water quality, outages, etc. (UCRR Rule 403). Response to Request No. 29 Two complaints PUC has record of. 2008 Lloyde Roath and Allen Berce1ieri discounted their bil because the power was off in Muray. REQUEST NO. 30: Please provide a sample copy of the Company Rules Summar distrbuted to customers. How and when are customers given the sumar? (UCRR Rule 701). Response to Request No. 30 Copy is enclosed- Joe Leckie has a copy. REQUEST NO. 31: Please provide a sample copy of the Explanation of Rate Schedule distrbuted to customers. How and when are customers given the summar? (Rule 101 of the Utility Customer Information Riles (UCIR). Response to Request No. 31 No copy of rate schedile. Submitted by: Company: Position: Date Submitted: