HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100305Staff to MUR 1-31.pdfNEIL PRICE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO. 6864 !J ;~: f-i ~:¡ .,,- ';j:,.. it; ~ -~5 MilO: 52 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) MURRY WATER WORKS SYSTEMS FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND ) CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE ) ) ) ) CASE NO. MUR-W-10-01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO MURRY WATER WORKS The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Neil Price, Deputy Attorney General, requests that Muray Water Works Systems (Company; Muray Water) provide the following documents and information on or before FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2010. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Muray Water is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that wil augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question and any supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations. The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name, location and phone number of the record FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO MURRY WATER WORKS 1 MARCH 5, 2010 holder and if different the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be. Reference IDAPA In addition to the written copies provided as response to the questions, please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. Please use the attached forms for your responses, if the use of these forms is more convenient for you to respond (three Attachments). REQUEST NO.1: Please provide the total number of residential and commercial customers you currently serve. Include all full time and par time customers for each customer class. REQUEST NO.2: For residential customers, please provide the total number of customers who requested seasonal disconnect in 2007,2008 and 2009. Seasonal disconnect means a requested disconnect for non-maintenance reason exceeding 30 days in duration. Please provide also the average number of months of disconnect in 2007, 2008 and 2009. REQUEST NO.3: For commercial customers, please provide the total number of customers who requested seasonal disconnect in 2007,2008 and 2009. Please provide also the average number of months of disconnect in 2007, 2008 and 2009. REQUEST NO.4: Please provide a breakdown of the size of service connections for all customer classes. For example, %-inch service = 15 residential customers; I-inch service = 2 commercial customers, and so on. Note that the total number of customers is equal to your response to the total number of customers shown in Request NO.1. REQUEST NO.5: How many undeveloped lots stil remain in the Company's service area that could potentially request water service in the future? How many new connections (residential and commercial) do you anticipate in the next two to three years? REQUEST NO.6: Please provide a typical constrction plan or sketch with approximate dimensions for installng a new residential and commercial (if different) service connection (hook-up). FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO MURRY WATER WORKS 2 MARCH 5, 2010 REQUEST NO.7: Please provide a detailed cost estimate or bid for the installation of a new service connection for residential customer as described in Request NO.6 above. Include the cost of materials (pipe, fittings, shut offvalve, etc.) and labor (hot tapping the main, trenching, backfillng, etc.). REQUEST NO.8: Please provide a monthly water production data from the well in 2007,2008, and 2009. Please use the attached form for your response if desired. REQUEST NO.9: The Company indicated that American Leak Detector was hired to find the leak that a customer knew was leaking which cost the Company $1,000. Please provide a copy of the written report(s) from American Leak Company explaining its findings and recommendations. Please provide also a copy of its invoice. REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide the monthly electric usage (in kWh) and power cost of pumping in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Please use the. attached form for your response if desired. REQUEST NO. 11: The Company indicated that it invested $15,000 and logged 360 hours oflabor for installng a new mainline through Murray. Please provide the following: a) a copy of the as-built construction plan or a sketch of the mainline project completed in relation to the overall system layout; b) additional project information such as length of pipes, size, type, appurtenances installed, trenching details, etc.; c) list of expenditures, invoices, bids and other documents supporting the $15,000 amount invested; and d) project completion date. REQUEST NO. 12: Staff understands that IDEQ has to review engineering and/or constrction plans before any significant change is done on the water system such as installng a new mainline. Please provide a copy of all approval letter(s) or other proof showing that the completed project as described in Request No. 11 has been reviewed/approved by IDEQ. REQUEST NO. 13: Please provide anual cost of water quality tests conducted in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Please provide a copy of the results of these tests. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO MURR Y WATER WORKS 3 MARCH 5, 2010 REQUEST NO. 14: Preliminar discussions with the Idaho Deparment of Environmental Quality, Coeur d Alene Regional Office revealed that one major deficiency of the Murray Water System is that the well lot does not provide a 50-foot separation between the well and the nearest property line. In addition, there are two cesspools that appear to be located less than the required minimum separation distance of 100 feet from the well. DEQ Letter to Arlene Lish on July 9, 2008, Sanitar Survey Report of Muray Water Works. Please provide a copy of the required plan of correction submitted to IDEQ concerning this deficiency. Please provide also an estimate of the total cost for correcting this deficiency. Ifno plan has been submitted to date, please explain how the Company will correct this deficiency and the estimated cost to correct this deficiency. REQUEST NO. 15: Please provide the name of the certified water operator managing the Murray Water system and copy of appropriate certification. REQUEST NO. 16: Please provide the ban statements for the Company for the years 2005 to the present. Please include the deposit slips and copies of all the checks written. REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide a copy of all ta returns, schedules, reports and correspondence with the IRS for the years from 2007 to the present. REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide all documentation on the revenue collected by the Company for the years 2007 to the present. Please include a breakdown of the amount received from residential customers and from commercial customers. Please include a schedule of all customers who have a delinquent balance, the amount of the balance and the age of the balance. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO MURRY WATER WORKS 4 MARCH 5, 2010 REQUEST NO. 19: Please provide the bils and invoices for all the following expenses for the years 2007, 2008, 2009 and all available for 2010: 1. Contracted Labor (Accounting, Legal and Management) 2. Purchased Water 3. Power Bils 4. Chemicals 5. Materials and Supplies 6. Water Testing 7. Transportation Expenses 8. Insurance 9. Advertising 10. Repairs REQUEST NO. 20: Please provide all documentation for all salaries or wages paid by the Company to employees. Please include any time records, withholding records and tax reports. REQUEST NO. 21: Please provide a copy of all state, county, and local tax assessments that may have been levied on the Company for the years 2007 to the present. Please include documentation showing the payment of all such assessments. REQUEST NO. 22: Please provide a schedule of the property that is considered plant in service and include in the schedule a balance for each item of property that totals to the amount of plant in service the Company claims in its anual report. REQUEST NO. 23: Please provide a copy of any depreciation schedules used by the Company in any of its reports to any governental agency. The depreciation schedule should include the listing of the property in service, the original cost, the date the asset was placed in service, the useful life used to depreciate the asset, the accumulated depreciation to date, and the remaining undepreciated balance of the asset. REQUEST NO. 24: Please provide information regarding the Company policy for collections of deposits. Rule 101 and Rule 102 of the Utilty Customer Relations Rules (UCRR). FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO MURRY WATER WORKS 5 MARCH 5, 2010 REQUEST NO. 25: Please provide a sample copy of a bil sent to customer with no past due balance and a sample copy of a bil sent to customer with a past due balance. (UCRR Rules 201, 202, 204, 206, 207). REQUEST NO. 26: Please provide a sample copy of the following Company documents: Initial Notice to Terminate, Final Notice of Intent to Terminate Service (if sent), and the written information provided to customers following termination of service (door tag or notice if used), for each rate schedule or class of customers if the documents var. Please provide an explanation of how the Company conducts its termination process. (UCRR Rules 304, 305, 310, 311). REQUEST NO. 27: Does Company offer customers a pre-printed form for the medical emergency certificate? If so, please provide a copy of the form. (UCRR Rule 308). REQUEST NO. 28: Does the Company keep a wrtten record of customer complaints? Please provide copies of these records. (UCRR Rule 401). REQUEST NO. 29: Please provide the number of customer complaints received by the Company for calendar years 2007 through 2010 to date, broken into categories e.g., disconnection, water quality, outages, etc. (UCRR Rule 403). REQUEST NO. 30: Please provide a sample copy of the Company Rules Summary distributed to customers. How and when are customers given the summary? (UCRR Rule 701). REQUEST NO. 31: Please provide a sample copy of the Explanation of Rate Schedule distributed to customers. How and when are customers given the summary? (Rule 101 of the Utility Customer Information Rules (UCIR). FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO MURRY WATER WORKS 6 MARCH 5, 2010 Respectfully submitted this5"~y of March 2010. ¡~ Neil Price Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Gerr Galinato/I-15 Joe Leckie/16-23 Chris Hecht/24-31 i:umisc:prod reqs/murwlO. Inpjlggcwh prod req I FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO MURRY WATER WORKS 7 MARCH 5, 2010 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 5TH DAY OF MARCH 2010, SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO MURRY WATER WORKS SYSTEMS, IN CASE NO. MUR-W-1O-01, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: ARLENLISH OWNER MURRY WATER WORKS POBOX 117 KIGSTON ID 83839 ~~ SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE CASE NO. MUR-W-I0-0l COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO MURRY WATER WORK SYSTEM REQUEST NO.1: Please provide the total number of residential and commercial customers you curently serve. Include all full time and par time customers for each customer class. Response to Request No.1 REQUEST NO.2: For residential customers, please provide the total number of customers who requested seasonal disconnect in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Seasonal disconnect means a requested disconnect for non-maintenance reason exceeding 30 days in duration. Please provide also the average number of months of disconnect in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Response to Request No.2 REQUEST NO.3: For commercial customers, please provide the total number of customers who requested seasonal disconnect in 2007,2008 and 2009. Please provide also the average number of months of disconnect in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Response to Request No.3 REQUEST NO.4: Please provide a breakdown of the size of service connections for all customer classes. For example, %-inch service = 15 residential customers; I-inch service = 2 commercial customers, and so on. Note that the total number of customers is equal to your response to the total number of customers shown in Request NO.1. Response to Request No.4 REQUEST NO.5: How many undeveloped lots stil remain in the Company's service area that could potentially request water service in the future? How many new connections (residential and commercial) do you anticipate in the next two to three years? Response to Request No.5 REQUEST NO.6: Please provide a typical construction plan or sketch with approximate dimensions for installng a new residential and commercial (if different) service connection (hook-up). Response to Request No.6 REQUEST NO.7: Please provide a detailed cost estimate or bid for the installation of a new service connection for residential customer as described in Request NO.6 above. Include the cost of materials (pipe, fittings, shut off valve, etc.) and labor (hot tapping the main, trenching, backfilling, etc.). Response to Request No.7 REQUEST NO.8: Please provide a monthly water production data from the well in 2007,2008, and 2009. Please use the attched form for your response if desired. Response to Request No.8 REQUEST NO.9: The Company indicated that American Leak Detector was hired to find the leak that a customer knew was leaking which cost the Company $1,000. Please provide a copy of the written report(s) from American Leak Company explaining its findings and recommendations. Please provide also a copy of its invoice. Response to Request No.9 REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide the monthly electric usage (in kWh) and power cost of pumping in 2007,2008, and 2009. Please use the attached form for your response if desired. Response to Request No. 10 REQUEST NO. 11: The Company indicated that it invested $15,000 and logged 360 hours of labor for installng a new mainline through Muray. Please provide the following: a) a copy of the as-built construction plan or a sketch of the mainline project completed in relation to the overall system layout; b) additional project information such as length of pipes, size, type, appurenances installed, trenching details, etc.; c) list of expenditures, invoices, bids and other documents supporting the $15,000 amount invested; and d) project completion date. Response to Request No. 11 REQUEST NO. 12: Staff understads that IDEQ has to review engineering and/or construction plans before any significant change is done on the water system such as installng a new mainline. Please provide a copy of all approval letter( s) or other proof showing that the completed project as described in Request No. 11 has been reviewed/approved by IDEQ. Response to Request No. 12 REQUEST NO. 13: Please provide anual cost of water quality tests conducted in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Please provide a copy of the results of these tests. Response to Request No. 13 REQUEST NO. 14: Preliminar discussions with the Idaho Deparment of Environmental Quality, Coeur d Alene Regional Offce revealed that one major deficiency of the Murray Water System is that the well lot does not provide a 50-foot separation between the well and the nearest propert line. In addition, there are two cesspools that appear to be located less than the required minimum separation distance of 100 feet from the welL. DEQ Letter to Arlene Lish on July 9, 2008, Sanita Survey Report of Muray Water Works. Please provide a copy of the required plan of correction submitted to IDEQ concerning this deficiency. Please provide also an estimate of the total cost for correcting this deficiency. If no plan has been submitted to date, please explain how the Company wil correct this deficiency and the estimated cost to correct this deficiency. Response to Request No. 14 REQUEST NO. 15: Please provide the name of the certified water operator managing the Muray Water system and copy of appropriate certification. Response to Request No. 15 REQUEST NO. 16: Please provide the ban statements for the Company for the years 2005 to the present. Please include the deposit slips and copies of all the checks written. Response to Request No. 16 REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide a copy of all ta returns, schedules, reports and correspondence with the IRS for the years from 2007 to the present. Response to Request No. 17 REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide all documentation on the revenue collected by the Company for the years 2007 to the present. Please include a breakdown of the amount received from residential customers and from commercial customers. Please include a schedule of all customers who have a delinquent balance, the amount of the balance and the age of the balance. Response to Request No. 18 REQUEST NO. 19: Please provide the bils and invoices for all the following expenses for the years 2007, 2008, 2009 and all available for 2010: 1. Contracted Labor (Accounting, Legal and Management) 2. Purchased Water 3. Power Bils 4. Chemicals 5. Materials and Supplies 6. Water Testing 7. Transportation Expenses 8. Insurance 9. Advertising 10. Repairs Response to Request No. 19 REQUEST NO. 20: Please provide all documentation for all salaries or wages paid by the Company to employees. Please include any time records, withholding records and tax reports. Response to Request No. 20 REQUEST NO. 21: Please provide a copy of all state, county, and local tax assessments that may have been levied on the Company for the years 2007 to the present. Please include documentation showing the payment of all such assessments. Response to Request No. 20 REQUEST NO. 22: Please provide a schedule of the property that is considered plant in service and include in the schedule a balance for each item of propert that totals to the amount of plant in service the Company claims in its anual report. Response to Request No. 21 REQUEST NO. 23: Please provide a copy of any depreciation schedules used by the Company in any of its reports to any governental agency. The depreciation schedule should include the listing of the property in service, the original cost, the date the asset was placed in service, the useful life used to depreciate the asset, the accumulated depreciation to date, and the remaining undepreciated balance of the asset. Response to Request No. 23 REQUEST NO. 24: Please provide information regarding the Company policy for collections of deposits. Rule 101 and Rule 102 of the Utilty Customer Relations Rules (UCRR). Response to Request No. 24 REQUEST NO. 25: Please provide a sample copy of a bil sent to customer with no past due balance and a sample copy of a bil sent to customer with a past due balance. (UCRR Rules 201, 202, 204, 206, 207). Response to Request No. 25 REQUEST NO. 26: Please provide a sample copy of the following Company documents: Initial Notice to Terminate, Final Notice of Intent to Terminate Service (if sent), and the written information provided to customers following termination of service (door tag or notice if used), for each rate schedule or class of customers if the documents var. Please provide an explanation of how the Company conducts its termination process. (UCRR Rules 304, 305, 310, 311). Response to Request No. 26 REQUEST NO. 27: Does Company offer customers a pre-printed form for the medical emergency certificate? If so, please provide a copy of the form. (UCRR Rule 308). Response to Request No. 27 REQUEST NO. 28: Does the Company keep a wrtten record of customer complaints? Please provide copies of these records. (UCRR Rule 401). Response to Request No. 28 REQUEST NO. 29: Please provide the number of customer complaints received by the Company for calendar years 2007 through 2010 to date, broken into categories e.g., disconnection, water quality, outages, etc. (UCRR Rule 403). Response to Request No. 29 REQUEST NO. 30: Please provide a sample copy of the Company Rules Summar distributed to customers. How and when are customers given the sumar? (UCRR Rule 701). Response to Request No. 30 REQUEST NO. 31: Please provide a sample copy of the Explanation of Rate Schedule distributed to customers. How and when are customers given the summar? (Rule 101 of the Utility Customer Information Rules (UCIR). Response to Request No. 31 Submitted by: Company: Position: Date Submitted: Murray Water Work Systems Case No. MUR-W-l0-0l Monthly Water Production Data Well NO.1 2007 2008 2009 Month Gallons Gallons Gallons Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Murray Water Work Systems Case No. MUR-W-l0-01 Annual Pumping Energy Usage and Cost Well No.1 2007 2008 2009 Month kwh Cost kwh Cost kwh Cost Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec