HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008Annual Report.pdfRECEIVED January 9,2010 lVlU~""W-lb-öl iow JAN I 3 AM 8= l 5 f -_ _ IQl\HO Pü8L.l¡CO P U C U. ¡ If i l i~s ."'f).. 1\." "Q"" ~ , .ear . . . I II. C l- JrlHVllv;;¡üN I am sending my Annual report for 2008. My accountant just got it put together for me. I am also requesting a rate increase for Murray Water Works. I have been loosing money on the system for the past five years since I purchased the system. I need to install water meters into the system to isolate water leakage as well as water usage in the summer. I have had people abusing the water usage with broken water lines they knew was leaking and never fixed. last year I had to hire a leak detector from Spokane Washington to find a leak that a customer knew was leaking at a cost of $1 ,000.00 to the company. I also have invested $15,000 as well as 360 hrs. of labor installng the new water main through Murry. With out a rate increase I wil never recoupe my investment. I have looked into other water company's rates in the area and have found they are $45.00 for a 3/4 inch line. They are also metered, so that rate increases in the summer. I have two homes in the East Shoshone water district, and the rate is $42.50. I am sending copies of their bils. I am requesting that the rate increase to $40.00 per month. I have never been able to pay my self for running the company and I am intitled to some kind of salury . I also need to invest in machinery to do upkeep on the system. My backhoe has lost the transmition . The cost of replacement is $2,000 plus labor to repair. When I purchased the system my power bil was $45.00 to $50.00 per month. My power for 2008 was $1813.00. The company water testing has gone from $10.00 to $15.00 per sample. The taxes have also gone up. i also would like to request some rule changes. 1.New customer hookup fees to be increase from $800.00 to $2,000 plus parts and labor to install. Other companies like Central Shoshone are $6700.00. i think that new customers should help out with the investment that has been made into the system. . # 2.For customers on the system that are not using water there should be a $5.00 a month charge to help maintain the system. If they do not pay the minimum for 3 months they wil loose there hookup. # 3. The fees for commursial buildings to be $60.00 per month for 1 inch line. For a 2 inch line the fee to be $75.00. #4. The shut off and on fee to be raised to $50.00 from April 1 to Oct 1. From Nov 1 to March 31 to be & 75.00.1/10/2010 ) EAST SHOSi10NE COUNTY WATER DisTRICT 606 CEDAR Si. WALLACE, ID 83873 (208) 752.11 74 EAST SHOSHONE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED SERVICE ADDRESS FIF:ST ST. 21;:: BILLING DATE LISH~ ARLEN & NANCY 410 lJALLEY V ra.. KINGSTON ID a38~3;3 n SERVICE ADDRESS F If1ST ST. 212 EAST SHOSHONE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED EAST SHOSHONE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 606 CEDAR St WALLACE, ID 83873 (208) 752.1174 BILLING DATE ACCOUNT NUMBER . . PR~VIOLJS 11 /l!!i~/Øt:3 o PRESENTI LISH, ARLEN & NANCY ,4 1 ø t.) ALLE\I V I EW KINGSTON ID 83839 n~ ,lii .B. II ,\wl\.li\.,3i \. ilu liHu un Hn .!In., i\\t:u\ DATE TRANSACTION 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31-60 DAYS PAST DUE 61-90 DAYS PAST DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE AMOUNT DUE _.___1 90.67 CENTRAL SHOSHONE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT / 409 S MAIN ST / KELLOGG, ID 83837-2630 / (208) 786-9141 DATE TRANSACTION AMOUNT BALANCE 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31-60 DAYS PAST DUE 61-90 DAYS PAST DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE AMOUNT DUE ,-I ~.,"" _m _'_K~~"__"".,_'__""90.68 CENTRAL SHOSHONE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT / 409 S MAIN ST / KELLOGG, 1083837-2630/ (208) 786-9141 574 04- Water Distribution OPERATOR STATEMENT MURRY WATER WORKS SYSTEMS .. Under the penalties ofpuijui, I hereby certify that ths statement has been prepared under my direction and supervsion from the original books and records of said compnay and that the facts, statements, and schedules in ths statement are tre, correct, and com lete to the best of my knowled e.Signatue Date 1-/v~;ioJO ,4,,1e1t Ui' OWpe-R- Telephone Number ;; íl5~1?;;-~S9d COMPANY INFORMATION Appraisal Tax Representative Title StateY-~¡i( 5/8- Fax NumberZJ8-b?:i-s 'Ø in and Tax Code Area Re resentative Title OWIìl;~ E-Mail Address c¿ I,/s l ti tJC¡t ~T, (/d J- Telephone Number - t;.2 -~S-?N Fax Number ...f- 3S'f6' Tax Bil Representative Representative (This person will receive the tax bil.) Title itsl ;) -1;;l ., 3. sc t O!Jn Fax N;~~-b ø:i -351' d'Teiephone Number 3 of 15 EF000066 Water Distribution Industry Operator Statement Company Name: 1(J~ú-rêN w:JeWörts ,I Under the penalties of perjury, I hereby certify that this statement has been prepared under my direction and supervision from the original books and records of said company and that ttìe facts, statements, and schedules in this statement are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature Date/-~j;-£l/ 0 ~fle-e Telephone number ;; (78 .£9/2 ?~. HISTORY OF COMPANY Full title of company ./hlA XCCav lJ.;e.woe Period covered by this report ~a.'y\L Çloo X :t ~~l2Ø(J~l i Location of principal offce ~'- ~ß: ~tt+ÒYL ~J 5?'$ )l3 7 Date when company was originally organized (r2 Date of any reorganization or consolidation Date when company began rendering service ttß~ Name of parent company, if any A!IA-i Ngrne of companies owned, controlled, or qperated lJ11t Names of Idaho coLJnties in which you operate 7:~~t)V\e- CLJstomers by Class cQOOCi rJCYïq Class Number of Customers Current Year Number of CLJstomers Last Year Residence 32 Commercial ~A- Industrial Other - Fire Protection, etc. IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR j2~r; T, l- -.,(JJTi~ 4 of 15 EFOOOO6612/2006 17 BALANCE SHEET ~ose 0 ear .No. Year Decrease Assets 1 Utility Plant in Service 101 :l ~t/;: . e,Ç,S\~4 ~ 3~Gf 2 Utility Plant Leased to Others 102 . 3 Plant Held for Future Use 103 Construction Work in Progress 105 Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustment 114 Subtotal (Lines 1 thru 5):t SLJ~~b.X'hU Co3l-e¡ Accumulated Depreciation 108.1 V1 'l~+i~Jq~+6i (0 "to Accumulated Depreciation - Utilty Plant Leased to \ Others 108.2 Accumulated Depreciation - Propert Held for 108.3Future Use 0 AccLJmulated Amortization - Utilty Plant in Service 110.1 1 AccumLJlated Amortization - Utility Plant Leased to 110.2Others 2 Accumulated Amortization - Acquisition Adjustment 115 3 Net Utilty Plant (Line 6 less lines 7 thru 12)C?a\C1 tP?Jqf;T i:r?P 4 Investment in Subsidiaries 123 5 Other Investments 145 6 Total Investments (Add lines 14 & 15) Cash 131 \\b~-=i\(3f)- ,Short Term Investments 135 \ Accounts/Notes Receivable - Customers 141 \~qL\\0 (a'. (~l- )--Other Receivables 142 . Receivables from Associated Companies 145 Materials & Supplies Inventory 151. Prepaid Expenses 162 Unbiled (Accwed) Utilty Revenue 173 Provision for Uncollectable Accounts 143 Total Current Assets bL~~1-\t4'g (~(Add lines 17 thru 24 less line 25) Unamortized Debt Discount & Expense 181 Preliminary Survey & Investigation Charges 183 Deferred Rate Case Expenses 184 Other Deferred Charges 186 Total Assets (Add lines 13, 16, and 26 thru 30)lP,L\\~(Pbi egos-?i \ leo . 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5 of 15 EF0000661212006 1 BALANCE SHEET ~ose 0 earNo. Year Decrease Equity 1 Common Stock 201-3 2 Preferred Stock 204-6 3 Miscellaneous Capital Accounts 207-13 Appropriated Retained Earnings 214 5 Unappropriated Retained Earnings 215 Reacquired Capital Stock 216 Proprietary Capital 218 CsC? 4. i¡;~tjr 5~q~ Total Equity Capital (Add lines 1 thru 7)l¿' ~f~it;~ 9f'6 53q~ Bonds -221-2 0 Advances from Associated Companies 223 1 Other Long-Term Debt 224 2 Accounts Payable 231 " 3 Notes Payable 232 .:cr~~--'Ö-(~~ÖÒ\-v4Accounts Payable - Associated Companies 233 . 5 Customer Deposits (Refundable) .235 6 Accrued Other Taxes Payable 236.1 7 Accrued Income Taxes Payable 236.1 8 Accrued Taxes - Non~Utility 236.2 Accmed Debt, Interest, & Dividends Payable 237.4 Miscellaneous Current & AccrLJed Liabilties 241 Unamortized Debt PremiLJm 251 Advances for Construction 252 AccumLJlated Amortization for Advances for ConstrLJction Other Deferred Liabilities 253 AccumLJlated Investment Tax Credits - Utility 255.1 . Accumulated Investment Tax Credits - Non-Utility 255.2 Operating Reserves 261-5 Contributions in Aid of Construction 271 Accumulated Amortization of Contribution in Aid of 272Construction .Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 281-3 ;-~ Total Liabilties (Add lines 9 thru 30)9-~~~-O-f ;i ;):::;~) Total Liabilties and Capital (Add lines 8 & 31)~:i L4~&5: 5(OÇ"?-i tor) 4 6 7 8 9 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 6 of 15 EF000066121006 27 28 29 30 31 32 REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Description ~REVENUE 1 Total Operating Revenue 400 " . 2 DEQ Fees Biled Separately to Customers " 3 Hookup or Connection Fees Collected 4 Commission Approved SLJrcharges Collected OPERATING EXPENSES 5 Labor - Operation & Maintenance 601.1-6 6 Labor - Customer Accounts 601.7 7 Labor - Administrative & General 601.8 8 Salaries - Officers & Directors 603 9 Employee Pensions & Benefis 604 o Purchased Water 610 1 Purchased Power & Fuel for Power 615-16 L/~\.~ 2 Chemicals (Includes Chemical Container Deposits)618 3 Materials & Supplies - Operation & Maintenance (Includes Postage)620.1-6 J Q:;, 'i 4 Materials & Supplies - A&G, Customer Care (Includes Postage)620.7-8 -(ed 5 Contract Services - Professional Accounting, Legal, & Management Fees 631-34 il)~ 6 Contract Services - Water Testing 635 "~0i 7 Contract Services - Other 636 8 Rentals - Property & EqLJipment .641-42 9 Transportation Expense 650 I l-;¿or 0 Insurance 656-59 --q 1 Advertising 660 l~ Rate Case Expense 666 RegLJlatory Commission Expense 667 Bad Debt Expense 670 Miscellaneous \) OI'QA'f--675 ¿;~34Total Operating ExpenseS' (Add Lines 5 thru 25)401 ÇJQ..("r1v , OTHER TAXES OR FEES Amount of Increase List of Taxes or Fees Current Year or Decrease From Preceding Year Real & Personal Property Tax Y::¡.:T- Idaho State IncOme Tax' Payroll Tax State Corporation License Fees Idaho Public Utilties Fees l~lo Other Fees 2 2 22 23 . 24 25 26 7 of 15 EF0000661212006 18 REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL (continued)' Acct. No.Description Amount 1 403 Depreciation Expense a&ll- 2 406 Amortization - Utiliy Plant Acquisition Adjustment 3 407 Amortization Expenses - Other Utilty Plant 4 408.10 Regulatory Fees (PUC) 5 408.11 Propert Taxes 6 408.12 Payròll Taxes 7 408.13 Other Taxes:303 8 Idaho Sales & Use Tax 9 Taxes Paid on CIAC 0 409.10 Federal Income Taxes 1 409.11 State Income Taxes . 2 410.10 Provision for Deferred Income Tax - Federal . 3 410.11 Provision for Deferred Income Tax - State 4 411 Provision for Deferred Utility Income Tax Credits 5 412 Investment Tax Credits - Utiity 6 Total Expenses From Operations Before Interest t\..5\Q3I(Add line 26 from page 6 and lines 1 thru 15,)7 7 413 Income From Utiity Plant Leased to Others 414 Gains (Losses) From Disposition of Utilty Plant Net Operating Income (Add line 1 from page 6 and lines 17 and 18 less line 16.)a~c9\ 415 Revenues; Merchandizing, Jobbing, and Contract Work 416 Expenses, Merchandizing, Jobbing, and Contracts 419 Interest and Dividend Income - Other 420 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction. 421 Miscellaneous Non-Utilty Income 426 Miscellaneous Non-Utility Expense 408.20 Other Taxes - Non-Utilty Operations 409.20 Income Taxes - Non-Utilty Operations 427.2 Interest Expense on Long-TermDebt 427.5 Other Interest Charges i4 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8 of 15 EF0000661212006 Ac c t . No . Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n UT I L I T Y P L A N T A C C O U N T S F O R R A T E B A S E (A ) ( B ) ( C ) I ( D ) Ba l a n c e a t B e i n n i n . . . fY g g A d d e d D u r i n g Y e a r W i t h d r a w n D u r i n g Y e a r B a l a n c e a t E n d o f Ye a r o e a r 30 1 O r g a n i z a t i o n 2 I 3 0 2 F r a n c h i s e & C o n s e n t s 3 1 3 0 3 L a n d & L a n d R i g h t s 4 1 3 0 4 S t r u c t u r e s & I m p r o v e m e n t s 5 1 3 0 5 R e s e r v o i r s & S t a n d p i p e s 6 3 0 6 L a k e , R i v e r , & O t h e r I n t a k e s 7 3 0 7 W e l l s 8 3 1 1 P o w e r P u m p i n g E q u i p m e n t 9 3 2 0 P L J r i f i c a t i o n S y s t e m 10 1 3 3 1 T r a n s m i s s i o n & D i s t r i b u t i o n M a i n s 11 1 3 3 3 S e r v i c e s 12 1 3 3 4 M e t e r s 13 1 3 3 5 H y d r a n t s 14 1 3 4 0 O f f c e F u r n i t u r e & E q u i p m e n t 15 1 3 4 1 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n E q u i p m e n t 16 1 3 4 3 S h o p E q u i p m e n t & T o o l s 17 1 3 4 8 O t h e r T a n g i b l e P l a n t 18 ! I n t a n g i b l e P e r s o n a l P r o p e r t 19 1 T o t a l B e g i n n i n g o f Ye a r Li n e s 1 t h r o u g h 1 8 , c o l u m n A 20 I T o t a l A d d e d D u r i n g Y e a r Li n e s 1 t h r o u g h 1 8 , c o l u m n B 21 1 T o t a l W i t h d r a w n D u r i n g Y e a r Li n e s 1 t h r o u g h 1 8 , c o l u m n C 22 I To t a l E n d o f Ye a r "L i n e s 1 t h r o u g h 1 8 , c o l u m n 0 90 f 1 5 EF O 0 0 0 6 6 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 Ac c t . No . Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n UT I L I T Y P L A N T A C C O U N T S F O R C I A C (A ) ( B ) ( C ) I ( D ) Ba l a n c e a t B e i n n i n . . . . . . ' f Y g g A d d e d D u r i n g Y e a r W i t h d r a w n D u r i n g Y e a r B a l a n c e a t E n d o f Y e a r o e a r 1 3 0 1 O r g a n i z a t i o n 2 3 0 2 F r a n c h i s e & C o n s e n t s 3 3 0 3 L a n d & L a n d R i g h t s 4 3 0 4 S t r u c t u r e s & I m p r o v e m e n t s 5 3 0 5 R e s e r v o i r s & S t a n d p i p e s 6 3 0 6 L a k e , R i v e r , & O t h e r I n t a k e s 7 3 0 7 W e l l s 8 3 1 1 P o w e r P u m p i n g E q u i p m e n t 9 3 2 0 P L J r i f i c a t i o n S y s t e m 10 3 3 1 T r a n s m i s s i o n & D i s t r i b u t i o n M a i n s 11 3 3 3 S e r v i c e s 12 3 3 4 M e t e r s 13 3 3 5 H y d r a n t s 14 3 4 0 O f f i c e F u r n i t L J r e & E q L J i p m e n t 15 3 4 1 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n E q u i p m e n t 16 3 4 3 S h o p E q L J i p m e n t & T o o l s 17 3 4 8 O t h e r T a n g i b l e P l a n t 18 I n t a n g i b l e P e r s o n a l Pr o p e r t y 19 T o t a l B e g i n n i n g o f Ye a r Li n e s 1 t h r o u g h 1 8 , c o l u m n A 20 I To t a l A d d e d D u r i n g Y e a r Li n e s 1 t h r o u g h 1 8 , c o l u m n B 21 I To t a l W i t h d r a w n D u r i n g Y e a r Li n e s 1 t h r o u g h 1 8 , c o l u m n C 22 1 T o t a l E n d o f Ye a r Li n e s 1 t h r o u g h 1 1 3 , c o l u m n D 10 o f 1 5 EF 0 0 0 0 6 6 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 EXEMPTIONS The following items are exempt. Show the value for each applicable item and explain how you determined the value. In all instances you must show depreciated or amortized values.Attach a separate page for calculations, if needed. Value Calculation (Include account number or detailed descriotion.) A.Licensed Vehicles (§63-602J) (Include only vehicles licensed in Idaho.) B.Pollution Control (§63-602P) (Include only pollution control equipment in Idaho.) Property Tax Rule 619: You mustfile the completed declaration by March 15,2007. C.Intangible Personal Propert (§63-602L and Property Tax Rule 615) Contracts and Contract Rights Copyrights Custom Computer Programs (See general instructions, page 1, item 7.) Customer Lists Franchises Goodwil Licenses Patents Rights-of-way that are possessory only and not accompanied by title Trademarks Trade Secrets . D.Others (Include itemized list, values, and provide legal and factual basis for exemption.) Check the preferred option to remove intangible personal property from the appraised value. DOption A. Value of exempt intangible personal propert is subtracted out at the system leveL. DOption B. Value of exempt intangible personal property is subtracted OLlt at the state leveL. DOption C. ValLIe of exempt intangible personal propert is excluded from the valLIe using valuation models which value only the nonexempt assets. . 11 of 15 EF000066 12/2006 PROPERTY NOT APPORTIONED (SITUS) Report information by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the Idaho State Tax Commission. County Tax Code Area Number Description of Propert Undepreciated Investmene (Round to the nearest dollar.) 1 Report undepreciated investment in situs propert including microwaves and/or radio relay stations. 120f 15 EF00006612/2006 MILEAGE BY TAX CODE AREA Report information by the uniform tax code area system as prescribed by the Idaho State Tax Commission. County (List in alpha order.) Tax Code Area Number (List in numerical order within county.) (One total per code area per county) 1 3" Equivalent Pipeline Mileage (Carry to two decimal places.? 1 Please put counties in alphabetical order and the tax code areas in numerical order. Please list only one total per tax code area. 2 3" Equivalent Basis: 1 "=0.33, 2"=0.66, 3"=1.00, 6"=2.00, 12"=4.00, 24"=8.00, etc. 13 of 15 EF00006612/2006 IDAHO DECLARATION OF LEASED MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT County Tax Code Area Number Name of Leasing Company Number Description of of Units Equipment Leased Year OriginalCostBuilt (New) 14 of 15 EF00006612f2006 SYSTEM DECLARATION OF LEASED PROPERTY NONCAPITALIZED LEASES (Furnish copies of all leases.)Location of Year Original' Propert Leased From Description of Propert Built Cost (New) Rental Expense ¡U(A- . 15 of 15 EF000066 12/2006