HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170508MNV to Staff 1-13.pdf|, 'rl 1lIi/;11 Application of Morning View Water Co., Inc. t ' "' " ' I i/ L L' For deferral and Recovery of Costs Associated With ,':ll 1,,',';' -3 Pl{ 3: I .f Well System Failure October 6,2016 i , irl Case NO. MNV-W-16-02 First Production Request Responses May 4,2017 ti;il,loii Request NO. l: Schedule of Expenditures. Exhibit l. Paid by MV AspenEngineering, $250 Adjust V.F.D. settings On-Site Help l0V6 Scotty's Two Rental $ 44.52 Rent Dryer Pump Nulite Electric $126.63 Repair wall heater BMC $233.18 Building Materials Teton Micro Lab $ 25.00 Extra Const. Lab test Speedy Print CPS $ 19.03 Print Report to PUC Exhibit 2 Paid by MV Exhibit 3 Paid by MV Exhibit 4 Paid by Landco Exhibit 5 Paid by MV Exhibit 6 Paid by MV Exhibit 7 Paid by MV Exhibit 8 3( Paid Brady by MV Paid Brad by Landco Exhibit 9 Paid by Landco Exhibit 10 Paid by Landco Exhibit 11 Paid by MV Total expenditure so far Of which Landco lent MV Watson Brothers American Pump Aspen Engineering $160 $ 9.33 Print water Shut off Notices $ 900 Repair of old well ( $450 each separate checks) $ 1107.54 Repair and install New safety Mechanisms Oversight, Adjustment and inspection Repair smallest well-not functioning Nulite Elecfiic $ 85 s 2960.23 81717 .54 See Promissory Note PROMISSORY NOTE l4o* i .z$t'l t t 5,/0/J \ FOR VALUE RECEIVED I WE OR EIT}IER OF US PROMSE TO P YTO ORDER OF or at such other place as the holder may designate in writingt1,DOLLARS C at the ratc o Per ) Per annlrn,f U as follo lf6dt bs il& i! 6. pyroert of ury iur[m.fll undcr drir rtorc,0r ortir prir*ipd rrm ud rsuC ofrioo of t; hot& of trir notc, Ttrc iilun olthc holda of hir norc lo onforcc is righu upon doiulr h in 0rc rvcrl of r erbrcqucnt &6ult. lf uril ir insiturcd to collccr hii notc or ury ponion 0rcrco( !n etclr nivc prtrcnurrert for prpncnl porca, noticc of potc*rnd of nor,prymonl otthh notc. hcna rhrll u oncl bqgl. duc rDd pyrblc.,rvidiout nodcc rr Src ury of thc tcnu olhb notc $rll nor r urivcr of uty *clr right$it. Thc nulcrq rlraioq tutnnlon.trrof :c,rcnlly,T, - C.9-r/ L C )- t4&t * o o ,4spen hgineering, Inc. 10727 N Yellowstone Hwy. ldaho Falls, !D 83401 Phone: (2oB) 542-1911 BillTo: Moming View Water Company Nolan Gneiting 3996 E 200 N P.O. Box 598 Rigby, lD 83442 Make all checks payable to Aspen Engineering. Overdue accounts are subject to a service charge of $30.00 plus 1.5% per month on all past due balances. lnvoice Terms Due on receipt Past Due On: 11t812016 )/tV W*'{ ilort' r,wfi- Ltttlrl Date 111812016 lnvoice #2016.1M Job #2016.210 Project Certified Water Operator Description Hours Rate Amount Adjust V.F.D. settings by American Pump On-Site Help - 10/6 150.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 Thank you for your Business Total $250.00 3 q\,blt iR 10.1.9+ RENTED AND/OR SOLD TO WRITTEN BY CAB LICENSE NUMBER Customer 7 45- 0029 CONTRACT NUMBER DATE AND TIME IN DATE AND TIME OUT INVOICE NUMBER au-L{ /A/ ADDRESS AT WHICH EOUIPMENT WILL BE L SCOTTY'S TWOJUST ASK RENTAL295 SOUTH STATERIGBY, ID 83442(208)'74s-6992 CHECKED IN BY AUTHOBIZED RENTER JOB LOCATION DRIVEB'S LICENSE NUMBER P. O. NO, OH JOB NO.DATE AND TIME DUE IN ITEMS RENTED AND/OR SOLD ][======================================================COntfaCt NUmbeRENTAL CONTRACT 0]._055850-0 1,0 / ot /te Gneitinq. Nolan3996 E 2oO URIGBY, TD 83442 Gneitinq. Nolan3996 E 260 N RTGBY, ID 83442 7 45-0029 Emergency after hours number 208-82L-7617 =Item No. 08-0910L-02 ***EYE****** - -Recei pts Out:Due:FRI MON to /.0710/ 10 09200800/le/16 DAMAGEWAIVER CHABGE (DWC) Ch OF RENTAL CHABGE. neNrER Mhy, AV ;NTT1ALS PBOMPT BETUHN OF YOUB RENTAL SAVES HEBEON, DECLINE BENEFITS Or plnAenapH YO--U MONEY. ALLTIME lS CHABGED INCLUDING to,g*mireerelat!{E8EerEBE/EnSEspEgE=saEED4!guJgg,3!D=[o!lgaJ1.=============== ====rHrscoNrBAct _ _ _ _Date Ses ow40/0r7/str6ru&f SummarvRef/P0 Amount RENTAL44 .52 === = ={Jnlt= =EXtende 42.00 42.0 5.00 /28d210.00 .EQUIPMENT. TI** Summary 42 .0 2.5 44 .5 MON 10/1,0/16 0800 fdaho Tax Total I have read and understand the terms and conditions on both sides of this agreement and certify that those printed on the other side are agreed to as if printed above my signature. There are no oral or other representations not included herein. Unless declined, I also agree to the damage waiver charges. I have received a copy of this agreement. Lessee's Signature Pg Sales Agent:I Lr-sa Customer:Gneiting,te:/07Da10 Contract:01-056850-01 7 Nolan 1'';:,.<)hJ:,14:tffi lnvoicenulite electric llc 5570 brookfield.J- ?\l idaho falls id 83406 BillTo aoroing vicw watcr co pobox#598 iiSbyid$#2 Date lnvoice # ttmnorc 600 P.O. No.Terms Project I : Quantity RateDescription Amount Elcctricsl work io pump housc install ocw bsseboard heatcr material labor clectrician lst hr Co;liAN i6AHO FUe'REaUuire6'C6MFAuv 46t2916 51.63 75.00 126.63 OO Rsv l t/il 51.63 75.00 \ Nulite Electric Repaii Pumphouse Heating ilIilillilil ilt 0r5.{2t -./. 126.63 2*-z (Jeckinh s126.63Total uuliteif@gmail.com2086809990 .- hrr t--+ ?u6 4ila<- it, aL€ tu ai :r.,i I2 I r boao \.f{.uf tsav .s F g\ Nsao J \Ioo z t hF3*F?Yb= Lti'$:q5t ul a\\.r >F-ItxII tr-g o ct,? 3 I{Lt?IItl I Ylp ., o) , drlf , I {.h.x.1-:t i T:e UF-/-u { ,",)cloos \}J ee t.+ <'.: !o0(t ?(!o. s U, &c E Jo0c ino Xorgt =.cacrc=6oqA<D-9d(t-5ra ta(! EXB s$E }E E.t ta\ PFE H$E[]rsF 3 t$EE F'P $Tdt1"iri I8 II?o.L {e tt I ET9I €: rqrtr ;le=f { E' b i { x I { N \ L f!z9 =i++rQTrE a. r Uti ,ert B I, -b acDr3rt tto n 9.?.LEoo il \ \>l\\\sh (tE .E, Eot! bItaoIt \\'$r) J o9.x 8BE" rilEt o 00 -!ysFgt Eo \ol\) B F T \oNt\,gl Ft v,Nt\)(Jl!Ir \ot\)l\l(, FI \ol\)h,tlF! s BFI \C'N BE'i \ot\)NI(, EEa!rI r.lq Eoo e otx \ot\, ts w v s Bl!i iI tr,Itro .1.aEI tsoorx S (!- \, R N\ 5\ b !r- "o \l.{t \ N x* \qOo\ l.r\6 (,\ -0t lu, lr ElcLIa. lilto i,F Ir F2.s(s"ixJ <,, oETg. E 6?o Ut &! $ Erio EI o q Emvltt BCilI ; l,l s.O hi t' 2 !UtJ o g =Ft T il ; (- o f( m,DIn>F ; F l. s E E+ It! l,t tg o\\o Fll, =vx v? g E c!troE8E trtr ?E !i,Ct{ ( zo9 N Nx =lt .T :'E Et'a t .5 F t c pr$\\-I;qi Nl._r}Y $ h -iI.$ 9r I n 7r -fl ZII, Fl o0,5t 5 fORt{IM' VIEW YYATER CO. ' AT{ IDAHO PUC REGUI.ATED COf,PAI{Y 46/.1 A-% .r?(,2t,/r/* 0'/ b /ai,zo L'-rA4 n elitr 3 IORilNO UEWIVATER OO. 'Ail DA}IO PI'C RECII-A'rED GMATY 6+A,A n #(4665wcl, aela fta*? ^/%z /zc.'az G-* o/4a & tpo> / ( I I4u UORT{ING VIEU' IVATER CO. ' At{ IDAHO PUC REGUI-ATED COTFANY D,A,b,T+7 4667 cd ,1r ?0/66 7z: proT'*, 7d"^v/ -( ,l'-- BMC *;l,l;t 7 DOCUMEI.IT: INVLIiCE CUST ll: ee388ee BII.L TO: NOLAN BNEITINE * pD Box 598 RiEBY, rD 83442-0598 SHIP T0: NULAN GNEITINB *p0 Box 598 CONTBOLCOPY BMC I.IEST LLE DBR DMC 1485 N HBLMES AVE IDAH0 FALLST ID 83403-1831 aa8-sea-5571 BLSREP INVOIIE -DRTE OcJL 19538e96-O0 TAHEN BY P. B, N0. I VRGE *pan pump house- 1TYPE DATE RND TIIIE PRINT AND BY60 I' lg/"7 / 16 10:49 Pan REIi1IT TOI BMCp0 Box grc?aE DENVER CU B0e91-ee89 INSTRUCTICINS TERlrls." AR 31 N 1OTH sHIF, DATE DUE DATE LINE N0. RIEBY, iD 8344e-q'598 F'RODUIT RND DESCRIPTION OTY T]RD ATY 8.0. sHIp viA PRoM SHIp D0 DEt-MRy n/?7/16ATY BTY UNITSHP U/M PRIEE FRICE U/M AMOUNT (NET) .1 KNEUFEOEUAK Rl t l-1 /ax 15X93" l(F 155. O0SAFT ? 48leDht 4X8 I /e DRYttALt .3 4B7t6CISB. 4XB 7116 OSB SNUARE EDBE 4 80NUF,04000 O4OBfi TOUCH 'N FORM, SEALANT 1AOZ 5 "DApl8401 18401 ALEX FILUS CRYSTAL CLE0R 10.102 5 Lines Total a 0 c. Ety Shipped Total 16 ER 451,16 IYISF ER 330.601 MSF 390. a5 trlSF EA 5.69 EA ER A.99 EA Tot al IDRHO STATE TRX Balanee Due e fi e 77,86 4e.3e 73.61 11. 38 5.98 a10, s5 L?.63 tas. re t 0 0 0 4 6 e. 4 6EA 43i-'i-' i:. ;'t4 .t{.,e . li' I&;J'l'rr,ffiJ"-L**' IEE: Bize of prodr.rct may differ froo nominal description. products qenerates wood dus on ing wood t-t 221/5 /y'-f& &$if; j * i')t1 t '5:1rrc, f,'nJu,U.b* Br.lvdts C_d_ i:--.\ /1-'" c: ll e ,.///ur,/I 5*-rf",{ as,r-.(.l)(t $../ da ( cr',// t,ef'b ca .j,:-,a'ci 9ca L.lsw,"/ */;t%l ?o"./ *sb @: -l TO .DNE z ,,i '<'.c,: 7 TER}IS ilc4. ACCOUNTWrrH lru Del ,4l* *{le' ,.r...//3 +h e /lte ,'fd v u't4 4.r*/*-7,/ t/ €. &i.r.i to 'L, o s i,..",a-7- ,.,j'. -; .?) ,reElo. ru[t ffisflil i ,. /,6i t , i :..vi d/ - i2- #fu-f U4*<a-:- r.' - -- \ii faf ' ';'tt11'e; A;.:_. L r,a l.\n ,wy-sl&o B$tr'flgilts cni{'a{.,'i.:;l }rk i'oi.\ ti&trfl! rul3r,^ (_i Check Details Check Number Date Posted Check Amount *[,i,r #V 4671 Lt/08/16 $4s0.00 ..;.1...--i' 4Ef1{tEt$Frn$rflI.lltFOEOITI?frEr3Y.OEa/Es{,?uriar -t.' 'l s ' lilOm$EylE1f'Hf,ttn00. or.*tft DtlE ptlc REBL[-ttlo cotrpArflFO*(flf,. RlotY, lD:lj{.a i!.'' t' .ts.. ::.t'! .':.'.. --i. :r, :. ..i ., .i " f'!:. - .! ir --L' t. ta .: lrtrltl!.. !:.?3Enl ': ' ' ,[Fi[*, * .r. E ',a<3s<rL+llri:ii:iff*{E'IAFI ,irHf,ilffiry E}TiBEi. E I.l :HEtE f i illil-...:jl'l -r:'!t !::i,e .ti: ' '. .: -;. ;1 :: .:i: i :: :, '.:l,ii :i --.t r .!t .t 't ;: :i.-.! i.'!;:i [ $r " lia itu {il$ 5 Hriir $$.: ilii ;.li itri; f l ' -1 ':i.* L'inl... _. *Note The account number, signature, and endorsement are removed from the image(s) for security reasons. To obtain a full copy of the image, please call us at 1-800-TO-WELLS (1-800-869-3557),24 hours,Tdaysaweek. @ Equal Housing Lender lL erd,u J + 7 nru\fffi[ffiffican American PumP Co. o@ P.O. Box 267 ucoN, lD 83454s\Voice: 208.5,294;517Fax: 2@-52*4587 lnroice Number: 028146 lnvobe Date: A9r 29,2017Page: 1@ a BIII NOLAtl GNEITING MORNINGVIEWWATER CO. 862 SOUTH HOLMES AVE. IDAHO FALLS,ID 83401 NOLAI{ GNEITING TRI-STAR REALW 1980 WEST BROADWAY IDAHO FALLS,ID 83402 I I I to: TermsGusbrnerPO Net 15 Days Ship lhte Due Dale GNEITN 5114117 ChecUCrediit Memo No: PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE 1.5% SERVICE CHARGEAFTER 30 DAYS WE NOW ACCEPT VISC & MASTER CARD A 1 .5O/O CHARGE WILL APPLY I.ABORTO HIGH PRESSURE KILL, ADJUST PROGRAIvI DRIVES, FLUSH AND PUT ONUNE BACKUP WELL.PRESSURE SWTTCH 4O€O LBS BALL VALVE 1/4' GALVANIZED NIPPLE 1/4'X CLOSED GALVAN'ZED NIPPLE 3/4" X CLOSED GALVANIZED NIPPLE 314" X2.112" GALVANZED TEE 3/4' GALVANIEED NIPPI-E 1/4" X 3" GALVANIZED REDUCER BUSHING 3/4'X 112" GALVAT{IZED REDUCER BUSHING 12'X 114" GALVANIZED 1/4'90 GALVAI{IZED TEE 1/4' GALVANIZED NIPPLE'II4' X 2" GALVANIZED NIPPLE 114" X 4' TRANSDU CER,O-1 00 PS 1,4-20mA,lFM TRANSDUCER CABLE WITH PLUG Subtotal Total lnvoioe Amount PaymenUCredil Applied 2.OO 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PS4060 BVB GNBCL GNFCL GNFL GTF GNBM GRBFD G9B GTB GNBK GNBP P)<3224 25.45 13.07 1.12 1.34 1.54 2.20 1.50 5.47 2.42 1.17 1.66 275.00 19.30 50.90 39.21 1.12 1.U f.il 2.20 1.50 5.47 001 BDBGR 2.71 2.10 2.71 2.10 2.42 1.17 1.66 275.00 19.30 Continued Conlinued Continued Gontlnued t3 Quantlty Item TOTAL P LEAS E Vl SIT O UR W EBS ITE : AM ER lCAt{ PU MPCO.COM rl&t 4 ? lilvorcEAmerican Pump Go. P.O. Box267 ljcoN,lD 83454 Vdce: 28$*4517Fax: 208€2$4587 lnrobe Number: 028146 lmoice Date: Ag N, ?f17Page: 2 NOLAI.I GNEIflNG MORIIING VIEW WATER @ 862 SOT,TH HOLMES AVE. IDA}O FALLS,ID 83401 }IOLAII GNE]TIIIG TRI-STAR REALW l9SOWESTBROADWAY IDA}O FALLS,ID 83/M2 GNBTN i,let 15 Days 5114117 1ru.00 TRA}.ISDUCERWRE o.52 62.& Srtrotal 1,147.il SahTax Flebht Tdallrwole Amount 1,107.31 PayrnenUCrcdf ApdbdChock/Credft Memo No: PLEASE PAYFROM THIS IIWOICE 1.5% SEFMEE CIIARGEAFTER 30 DAYS WE NOW ACCEPT VISA & MASTER CARD A 1.5% CHARGE WIIIAPPLY tl PLEASE Vl SIT O UR WEB$ITE : AMERICI0-I PU MPCO.COM V-'/eq-,tJ1BJ I.ANDCO tNc.I,UELLS FARGO BANI(, T{A PO BOX 127 RIGBY, ID 83142 c2-379/1241 ORDER TOPAY THE OF C*,,rcdt ,4roo C ; $ //o7,5/t I3 E T e A TAMPER BESISTAJ'rT ToNEB AaEA A z N *'*T,/oan, ,2Dm *,n-/ro Z Vntzr'a'g uit-u uo#zllco y'b. fevfan; ' z/c// /o,Ic*ot O? ? LE 5rr' t: L ?I l0I ?qq!:t0Et,tt=rr". LANDCO BUILDING & DEVELOPiiENT INC. o# 29702 6/12091 (3.-1ii) &toncaz4 /*f Co a 22185 #o ry4)a4 ,/lra z ,y' 0 ilIilt ililtII I]t 017851 Bev 1 lii i a {lr,&? f , lo ,4spen F-,nsineerirzg; Inc. 10727 N Yellowstone Hwy. ldaho Falls, lD 83401 Phone: eOqil2-1911 Bill To: Morning View Water Company Nolan Gneiting 3996 E 200 N P.O. Box 598 Rigby, lD 83442 Make all checks payable to Aspen Engineering. Overdue accounts are subject to a service charge of $30.00 plus 1.5% per month on all past due balances. $mwmfrse Terms Due on receipt Past Due On: 5t3t2017 1L Date 5t312017 lnvoice #2017.065 Job #2017.099 Project Gertift ed Water Operator Description Hours Rate Amount On-site support - Valve operation for new monitoring 2 80.00 160.00 Total $160.00 i,-:Llr/rmrill.t !N9. / 2r A1a'* -/a / ) ru ) )J . , :l!' ') ;,:i l:' 'i..\ ,l / : l .";.. I (a/ 3)illtII]ilililt il oo01785r,l B€v 11/t1 L t7 clI MORNING VIEW WATER CO.lfi* fr42"^T c MPANY Z"</"d-Lffi*//a*4 z#ry /4sry .ffi 5002 :'i.. j:i: t'r* : \.:, 'i" ..i\th.:rpr .i'ffi. ipdffi:##_. ],;4YY'",p1' .:l.i:kr.,. I ir .: i.::'::, :Ij .'t' .,: ,. : :], '!l.l ,-"r i.iYi : I l,ll , ' ': ;.,: .. .r:|,'i le a S- :qJ €oIx mIt o{ $ VJ 0{ m z {rLoC-t z Ioz{cu FI oC{ = T S h.\s {mI Fr s<Jt{t N ,, P *J t-lv J t IocIa{o r !{m N 1'T6m Ooq \.}o ocz{ J =m zor trou,moon0 ocz{ !Io2m I 10o t s 0d oo!,Ioo ( Co!zc3ona o-{ {o f omaoI!-|oz 3ocz{ -ao mrr z moCa Lo ID mx!mzoma !\\ I d \ \1t >{mTtr -lo{ mx1',0z= fiB E3 3{: iErr ! Dom onoo2!-{6z o.ll:oax t.. og tn1tl \o fl \ oCz{ DntrmoE,xo>Ii; C,!rx Lotr ={frt =l- o =CI l- Eo7 f,moof, E' Y trnl o \, /1 t4 <ut w o-lt h."f sr. - v zpla* o\ "lJ on<- 7 pt'rch o-"'J ' & 5nFpl,nnrnf^( h.J., olso w Morning View Water ComPanY Well failure and Flood October 612016 Break Flooding in Old Well House 2t V Vr Ceu fY<.s5ur<- $vn7o r S fa.;/ s)f,ft 2L dr.7rn cr' /n,l ,r'snlI /''',' ary u"// 2) Oicltoe ll hc *r".71 ,"ir",- ( t.il,Rt-yo", nY $ " fru^, Aft., z7 (lo"r rn*-hh sk"-t 'f{ volu ' ft\totL<. 1o"1, 2.t Request NO.2 Anticipated Cost Estimates : l. Bulging Garage Door (see pictures) replace two bottom panels, adjustsettings BMC About $250. 2.Pantinside of old well house $400 plus paint $350 Paint outside of well house where nails burst from outside panel siding. (see pictures) S450 plus paint $400 We have a hungry college student Weston Chapple, who is willing to do the painting for said amounts. 3.Clean facility and re-attach shelving in old well house. Four hours of labor at $15.00 per hour equaling $60 4. There are several missing roof tiles in the area of the ceiling damage. We have the tiles and estimate replacement to be about $150. 5. When we started up the well this week we discovered a leaking pipe fitting. (see picture) No estimate on repair costs yet. Nolan will be supervising all work and helping but physically not handling ladders, lifting etc. aL l'.. t , -'ri m C.c;.-< /. (,r ft(r.l i''' ,lrt)'' -, i r'; ;a,' r:,i q- v 'i I Ct- Lrc ,.,a J ( ,7,; ,: 1 1- r1r.,- .1l-rtl- J -r" i,- (.r.,t*, lr|-ttc,-;1 ti .l(trt,c', d !),.it,nti ,) ,.i.t ' '1S ,). it ,. .,.' - ., . ,| t, )' I fir{ .'l{fi. :t , tt{ 1I J I ;: ilufu:*" !/ {, I 'I I I *, ; d ! ,l I , lI I ! I! af ! I c/ I) : II iII ; t t .t/('t1 :(.(l / t.- -t..(! t (tr)", / I : ff ,| t 1+ t.t5: I \ l i. D. f" r-.- Ve ti.)e.{ <. to.J r.nc.1t- 6snltn\5f / r,, Q-f L n zxtre.n^-{7 + h,-+ th ,- r-crr,F *t""r; .Li o t drL\T,.J i"1 t-r- -I --- tfrrr3ur", chdrtc.l 6 tr\dt brll t't rhlt$rill'i?11.,7 1 I U-: fr9i"r .r( Cbt<:L\p, l'L _/ '{i L,/ , t a-k- .lt{"i*J u:hvn St'tf un :t*rricJttal(IPi7 '^ o . Jtt'.,*{.= y "l ,r^ c.r:1 fl ;rnA d,,^*1,' .J 5e-v?'r ct( i,^"1,f f,lts (De hor . vna-f .", ,- i , t^obe n e-5(, .rroJ ".( et k r5o Jo Request NO. 3 Schedule oftime spent on the resolution of Well breakage Dawn: October 6, 2016 -afternoon-Handled two customer calls of low water pressure then went to old well to check. Opened the door to two feet of water pushing on the door. Called Nolan, David, Engineer. 30 minutes. Photographed the flood and aftermath. Removed floating objects and cleared path. As staffarrived helped with pipe keys and problem solving. I was the helper as staffturned offvalves and accessed shut offs etc. 2 hours Once old well was shut ofi the crew went to check new well and a new problem was discovered necessitating the new well be turned off I obtained customer lists and began calling customers. My Granddaughter made calls as well for I hour lhour Customer arrived at my home and was yelling and screaming about her inconvenience and I calmed her. 30 minutes. Total time 4 hours plus I hourgrand daughter October 9th-t3ttt I worked on the report to IPUC and DEQ. This included developing picture, amassing information, writing, tping and getting the document printed and mailed. t hours Spoke with DEQ about monies available to help. 30 minutes October 2l Printed shut offnotices and hand delivered them to all customer homes. 2 hours 15 minutes )t October 24, Tookextra Water Sample and delivered it to lats as required by DEQ. thour 30 minutes November met with Ryan and Nolan regarding plans for well. t hour Dec 6, 20L6 Composed, typed and sent letter to 3H Construction, Aspen Engineering and Omni Security regarding problem. Received Nolan's input, editing and approval. Typed and Sent Letter. 2hours 30 minutes December 30 Met with Engineer to start up and flush out the well and to take several routine year end required water samples. t hour January 2017 Met at pump sites with Todd from American Pump, Erik with Omni Security and Ryan from Aspen Engineering to plan the upgrades to secure the whole well system upgrades 2 hours April 2017 Coordinated schedules for repairs and contacted companies regarding their delays. t hour April 25 2Ol7 Reviewed IPUC request document. Discussed plans for the report with Nolan and David. 2 hours Apil26 Searched Well manual, new well project documents, Site plans etc to amass needed data. 3 hours April 27 Coordinated with David to obtain invoices and check history for the report. thour )z- April 30 Worked with Nolan on site map. I hour May 1 worked with Am. Pump and Engineer during installation and inspection. Provided keys, Called electrician when small well didn't start. 2 hours May 2 Hand delivered to Ucon payments and obtained invoices so they could be included in IPUC report due May 4,2017 I hour May 2 draftedreport" developed pictures, took more picture and developed them. Conferred with Nolan. Pulled together documentation. 7 hours and 30 minutes May 3 Conference with David on final invoices and check payments and received documents needed. I hour May 4 Typed document revised document after input from Nolan Went to the printer co., Mailed document. t hor:rs 53 hours 45 minutes plus I hotr granddaughter at $ per hour Nolan October 6,2016 Responded to call about pipe break. Worked on turning off wells, cleared debris, problem solving, checked wells. 4 hours October 7, Removed standing water, moved equipment, collected damaged goods, and disposed ofthem, Assessed damage and started a list of repair needs. Rented drying fan, 2 hours 30 minutes October 9tr ttrough 13tr Worked on IPUC report, providing back ground and documentations for Dawn 2 hours b November 2l Purchased heater for the well house. t hotr November 21 worked with electrician who replaced damaged wall heater I hour 30 minutes November Met with Ryan and Dawn regarding plans for wells. I hour November 25 Meastred walls and ceilings and ordered materials for old well indoor repair. I hour 30 minutes November 27 Ordered supplies at BMC for repairs. I hour 30 minutes November 29 beganwork with the Watson Brothers to remove shelving, equipment, removing damaged dry wall and rebuilding. Over next several weeks 23 hours December 6 Worked with Dawn on letter to 3H Construction, Aspen Engineering and Omni Security regarding problem and lack of work to resolve break. t hour 30 minutes. January Received update on Dawn's meeting with Am. Pump, Aspen Engineering and Ornni Security. Came to agreement on plans to improve the monitoring systems. t hour April 25 2017 Reviewed and discussed plans for the IPUC Request report. 2 hours April 26 Help provide data and back ground for the IPUC report. 2 hours April 30 Drew map of system pipes, valves and meters t hour v May 2 Conferred with Dawn about the IPUC report. t hour May 4 reviewed IPUC report and signed it. t hour Total 47 hours 30 minutes at $ per hour David October 6,2016 Responded to my mother's call about the well and was there within a half hour. Worked on accessing shut offs turned valves with Engineer and Nolan. Helped clear areas of debris, problem solved. Once old well was shut ofi went with engineer to new well to asisess the damage. Discovered the high pressure problem and assisted him in changing out the transducer that failed. Helped with calls and reviewed next steps. . 4 hours. October 13 Discussed report on well flood and reviewed document. t hour April 24 Reviewed IPUC Request due May 4,2017 Discussed it with Dawn and Nolan I hotr April 27 Provided invoices and check history for the IPUC report. I hour May 3 Coordinated with Dawn and provided final invoices and emailed said information. lhour Total 8 hours at $ perhour ,Ys Request NO.4 The 3H Company complied with the warranty. (see atcached) At no charge they reattached the pipe corurection according to engineer Ryan Loftus' specifications. Request NO. 5 See attached two maps Two small storage tanks are used for the small and old well that are integrated together. The new well has one. (see pictures) The system is a variable speed system. Meters are located on each residential lot. Underground pipes throughout the system are 6" and 4" and comply with the standards the IPUC set in approving the new well and adjustments to the other two wells. Request NO. 6 See attached documentation and pictures ofpumps and culves Request NO.7 See attached written procedures These procedures were followed. Request NO. 8 The maps ( Request NO. 5 )show shut offlocations and were used at time of accident as needed. Nolan and Engineer have excellent recall in the field and were handily able to access and isolate the problem. ,r* fyo" "f A/c ' '/ ONE YEAR CONSTRUCTION WARRANTY I 3H Construction, LLC PO Box 2250 Idaho Falls, ID 83403 208-359-8009 office 208-589 -77L3 cell 208-359 -LSLZ fax Contractor Registration: RCE- 1 73 19 Public Works License: L5614-AA-4 PROfECT:Mornine View Water Comnanv - New WelI and Meter Installation WE HEREBY WARRANW AND GUARANTEE ALL LABOR AND MATERIAI5 FURNISHED BY OUR FIRM FOR THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT FOR WORK AS SET FORTH !N OUR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. SUCH WORK IS NOW, AND SHALL REMAIN FOR ONE YEAR, FREE FROM DEFECTS OF MATERIALAND WORKMANSHIP. WE AGREE TO REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY WORK THAT MAY PROVE DEFECTIVE IN lTS MATERTALS OR WORKMANSHTP WTTHIN A PERTOD OF ONE (1)YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT BY OWNER. ORDIMRY WEAR AND TEAR, IMPROPER USE AND ACTS OF GOD EXCUDED. SIGNED:Q,oon-Q. b{*.l.$DATE:8-\l - ,s Reed Hill - Operations Manager 3H Construction, LLC DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: 37 N \\ \ \ \ \ Ns' $ $ J H ., 4 o tc o (oo o EE co8rr)8- $ o COoENa e r.C)o 6la (')as trla EATa B -r E (\I8n5l6t =f s6 t\(\'C) GIL!(Y)(f B I (o COo trGTc) (os!taroc{oI ta GTaF E a <!oo I (ooo E>( oo s\ do)oo o E t6oo oo(ooo .x (9 (ooo 6l og 6o(qaat|r)ooo-E. * \ta,oo 9.q -!aoo 6/'oo $too (3o EE[ (J oJ !6.!tE.t E TBE c! .a \^ s \\, \ N\>-{r.\\s 'J \\>--\ \5\-=s =\s+\ s s -l i!. )lI g u^ u €;d-"., \ s\N N \ N N t! do IJ = u, rH Its(o atfTI!a oa o ER to iE!u-a \ I t II I I I (r) (O \ R Ns \ NSSsS:.* SN SsN+\\ s\ q s , .'| r... rrrrtrr : --:l'::==-- AA9r-- I\ ,\: I t:i.'^ ,J t',/11 ii 6! irl x\ H ffil H, mt N, mt EI ffiI @, Hf LH, m ffii Ho HI S\..t (i It s s t_* i$ u=:.lVNY't_l ,Fl. il I i\\s I I'l I N(5r{)\to )t.,.J, .o I. -{-'i)- tr\, \N:.] Ns( \ss sN i\s $ss!!t NNN\iS stI\ ll l! 11."1:;ri ii r-\J-1 .) I I;:It'l-t'.r . l::l,ll.I t- t! t_ I;t il I tl d ;) ct)\()Ori. I .. q) I I I i I \s 9N/NUONao?l/ a s I )l- j' 't llflll I t, ,J:lj ' ot) O)cD\cvY I L-!rrrrrrtrrrltrtrlrtr ---Jm I.___t___-iavll,-*. _rNNns--" avct.{ o!qlIFI a h!lrFcI !otrlfhhTt i:j '.: Iu Fl.' Ai .l l:,uS :'t i :i oo FI EI HI BB g) a HI a ffio H t *z-:---1-_., I :il -* I I \ ^NN\ NNs.J 'j l,I,\Sr.,N J tNN NSS ilsu ss\lN\Ns5s.JSN. s\ NNs NNS N t\ '.' s\ ,.n"NrIliS Q*)- sN \NNt *N$:,N5* l s ^t \n.*N\h iNSNN- \,\+Rr l:\\N. \, stc NNNN N i!-\ N \liit n,'' ^,,',,"i'l.,l-l i,l^ \l\,s:r:r t;t; o;o;oiult;n rinit \l : ii lii$is u',mNlu,slul$ltl$N; .\Q\N NNI:r\Cy> u SsoN*t\S-iN$ Ntt N$N tJe slr', l'------' \l- soU (( N 9 il lWNnSaraT- tr, ) a h *t0 'Vctl rTye{ atr' G Operotlon ond Mointenonce Monuol For Mornlng View Woter Compony ot Morning View Subdivision sEcTroN vIrI - EQUIPMENT TNFORMATTON The following is a list of equipment used in the water system. o Pumps - 500 gpm, 60 hp Goulds TTHC . Generator- Kohler S0REZGD 80kw, 2771480,3 Phase, 4 Wire, 1,800 rpm, GM Engine (NaturalGas) . Generator Controller - Kohler Decision-Makero 3000 Controller o Transfer Switch - Kohler Model KEP-DMTC-0250S-NN o Exhaust Fan - Canarm Standard Exhaust Fan o Gate Valve -American Flow Control V-142 o Valves - Kennedy 106/1106 Check Valves, L26lLL26 Check Valves, 706 Wafer Check Valves, 426 Groove Check Valves, 506 Resilient Hinged Check Valves, 305/1306 lncreasing Check Valves, and/or 206/tzOG Cushion Check Valves o Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) - ABB ACS550 Standard Drive o Flowmeter - Octave Ultrasonic Bulk Water Meter o Water Tank - XTROL WX250 o Air and Vacuum Valve -Val-Matic 1"-4" Combination Air Valve o Pressure Gauges - 5-inch diameter, 0-100 psi o Overhead lnterior Lighting - Lithonia Lighting C232 MV T8 General Purpose Strip, lnstant Start o External Lighting - Lumark XTOR3A 9rosstour LED Wall Pack Series, Photocontrol 120V o Hydrants - Waterhouse 5-% inch Pacer Fire Hydrant o Fire Alarm - Concord 4 0 Aspen Englneering, lnc.Page 10 /o 1nn tr tr- b dm, f*o, llttt n,ltltUSa/ / 15 {""i o".f ,i d., i. .l tl 4/ i.';i /i 'i/ 1/ i ,$ Ati ,t ,/'{1 r/ 'P ll.-r ).il.Ar.,tr*/,-l i'-v,fl l: ,t r 1 <* uto// tl i- lk,u, //Ui_/- 66 f1arz., f r/ilr?,; t70 /o'l 'u'n ryt Q*,ltvo 7 Operotion and Mointenonce Monuol For Morning View Woter Compony at Morning View Subdivision SECTION IV . SERVICE CONNECTIONS/CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL All service connections are required to have backflow prevention assemblles. Additionally, any location in the system (particularly in the pump houses) where the potential exists for backflow or siphoning to occur must have a backflow prevention assembly installed. This includes: o Air Gap o Barometric Loop o Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker o Hose Bibb Vacuum Breaker o Pressure Vacuum Breiker o Check Valve SECTION V - RECORD KEEPING AND SAMPTING The Utility must ensure detailed records are kept of all inspections and repairs, operation malfunctions, data collection, sampling etc. Records of inspections should be kept for a minimum of five years and all collected data should be preserved for at least ten years. The Utility must submit an annual report - Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) to IDEQ by July 1 of each year for the information from the previous year. The report must include as a minimum: monthly water quality sampling results, operation logs, maintenance and repair information and any other pertinent operating data (failures, anomalies, etc.). All backflow prevention assemblies shall be inspected and tested at least annually. t-0r. ASECTTON Vr - EMERGENCTES ln an emergency, particularly when conducting eme[gency repairs the operator isolates the well heads from the distribution system prior to performing any line repairs. The area or location of the repair should be isolated to prevent any back siphon to the water system remaining in operation during the repairs. This is accomplished by closing the underground main line water valves located near each well house. A valve key is located in each well house. G?/,;" /) ,t4 0 oro"n Engineering, lnc.Page 8 7 Operotion ond Mointenonce Monuol For Morning View Woter Compony ot Morning Vlew Subdivision Power Failure -The system has a backup power generator that can power the system in the event of a power failure, and the system can recover from intermittent power failures without impacting performance. Pump Failure - lf one well pump fails, the other pump will continue to operate. Repair of the failed pump should be completed as soon as possible to avoid excessive wear on the remaining operating pump. When the failed pump is repaired or replaced, the second pump should be inspected for wear and operating condition. Valve Failure - lf a valve fails the valve should be isolated by either closing available control valves or the system turned off and depressurized. The.broken valve can be repaired or replaced by qualified personnel. Piping Failure - lsolation of a broken length of pipe or turning off the system and depressurizing the line is required prior to any pipe repair. All repair work should be completed using matching materials. Do not work on any pressure system until the system has been depressurized and locked out. SECTION VII . SAFETY AWARENESS Personal injury can be prevented by establishing and following safety rules and procedures when performing inspection or maintenance on the system. Safety depends on people knowing how to do a job correctly and what to do in the event of an emergency. Procedures should be thoroughly understood before attempting to operate and maintain the system, as emergency circumstances frequently do not permit time to read a manual. Safety precautions relative mechanical and electrical equipment are discussed in following sections. Mechanical and electrical equipment hazards are present with the operation of the system and the following actions should be employed to prevent accidents. Lock out any mechanical or electrical equipment before performing maintenance or repair. Before working on pressurized equipment, relieve or discharge all pressure from valves, piping, or pumps. Avoid loose clothing when working around equipment with moving parts. Do not operate any equipment or perform any repair or maintenance without being properly trained and authorized. All electrical equipment and wires should be maintained in excellent condition to prevent electrical shock. When performing maintenance or replacefirent of electrical components, the components should be isolated from possible electrical sources by shutting off circuit breakers, removing fuses, or shutting off power to the entire system. 611*-r14, N It 0 oro"n Engineering, lnc.Page 9 Request NO. 9 At the time of the incident the new well was the only pump operating according to the engineer. The old well was acted upon and the break occurred at the point water was flowing to old well but not activation. Request NO. 10 All pumps are set at 40 psi low and 85 psi high. Request NO. 11 At 85 psi we now have high pressure shut offswirches and transducers to prevent a similar problem as the October 6,2016 event. The Onrni security system is programmed to alert us via our smart phone and the internet. These wer€ programmed to the IPUC mandates and approvals. Request NO. 12 Compression attachments 100 pounds of pressure. The flow meter is new as of November 2016 as is the attachment pipe. No other specifics are available but repair was ovenieen by the engineer. Work was done by 3H Constmction Co. (see pictures) Request NO. 13 Throughout the report we have outlined the steps we have taken to secure the water system. Limits of 40psi low and 85psi pressure settings have been progfimlmed as have new transducers and controls and secrnity systems as outlined. Nolan is coordinating efforts and conferring with the engineer seasonally as needed to make setting adjustnents. sP <xt'r- 5 ['*f, af f it s;6 7;(/t EL irrf r,,/ '.Ntt t ,) il rt w. (l 5l he,w N< l( i eoL f,rrr-r^; -\" "rl Pn nf T,..n o Jom **1 2s t1 I ,iat':7/t t,l arf e6[ crnn*!,0,., q1 No other changes to plumbing and shut offvalves are planned. Our emergency shut offplan worked during the flood even though the alert system didn't. That has been rectified. The small shutoffs valves we installed at the emergency alerting sites now allow us to change a bad tansducer without having to turn offthe water system. We are hopeful that we will be able to recoup our losses and thank you for your consideration. Respectfu lly Submitted,May 4,2017 Dawn Gneiting Report writer 241 s2s4 Nolan Gneiting. Owner Morning View Water Co. P.O. 598 Rigby, ID 83442 5s