HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090120DEQ Letter.pdfr:/¿P~Rtl'vi""q../- -'':/1'",~'( "0q ""'" ,¡i~':1 ;:'"~\ if:'L.. . /"! ~~;..,.........___;/1:0'\ Viii I: hJT 12 ~y STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REf"E\\l r: n. ...1' . ".... ionq JMl 20 AM 8: 31 900 North Skyline Drive, Suite B . Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 . (208) 528-2650 C.L. "Butch" Oter, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director Januar 15,2009 Nolan Gneiting Morning View Water Company P.O. Box 595 Rigby,ID 83442 Certified Mail:ttlJ V - tù-ò '-0 I Morning View Water System PWS# 7260063 Dear Mr. Gneiting: This letter is in regard to the October 28, 2008 letter prepared by your engineer, Ryan Lofts of Aspen Engineering, and the Deparment of Environmental Quality's (Department) November 24,2008 letter. A copy ofthe October 28, 2008 letter is attched. The October 28, 2008 letter discussed Morning View Water System's (Morning View) plan to address inadequate water pressure within the distribution system as agreed during our October 17, 2008 compliance conference. The Deparent provided water system pressure data at a water user's service line during November 13, 2008 through November 20,2008 to you and Mr. Lofts. This new, as well as existing pressure data, was to be used by Morning View to develop a formal pressure correction action plan to be submitted to the DEQ by January 2,2009. It was agreed that the proposed Januar 2,2009 pressure correction action plan to be submitted to the DEQ and our September 2, 2008 letter comments wil be incorporated into a finalized facility planning study. The Department has not received the pressure correction action plan. If we do not receive the finalized facilty plan including the pressure correction action plan or the nitrate water quality analysis report by February 2, 2009, DEQ may pursue civil actions against the Morning View water system. Additionally, the Departent has not received Morning View's 2008 nitrate anazsis reports of the water produced by the two wells, even though Morning View provided a copy of the 4 quarer public notice on December 23,2008. Therefore, Morning View has accrued an additional drinking water system violation for failure to monitor. The Deparent also reminds you that Morning View agreed that water meters wil be installed on each service connection by March 15,2009 before irrigation season, and that Morning View needs to submit and implement a written cross connection control program by the end of January 2009, If you have any questions, please call me at 528-2650. . /GregEag Engineering Manager ¿r Attachment SCANNED JAN 15 200 P p n~. r: ;i r: ç,Ed Paoe C: Bar N. Burell, Water Quality Division Administtor Erick Neher, Regional Administator Rochelle Mason, DEQ- Idaho Falls Bryan Zibbell, Driing Water Program Enforcement Coordinator Lance Nielsen, Driing Water Program Manager Naysha Foster, Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Administrator Chris Hecht, Public Utilities Commission Dennis Dunn, Idaho Water Resources Ryan Lofts, Aspen Engineering /fl2l"Aseen 10gg J, . vF!IVl~'f)E. .. '41120. ngineering, Inc. UlìL/D1iio 4118:37 ~,J .,-..October 28, 2008 10727 N. Yellowstone Hwy. · Idaho Falls, . 01 Phone: (208) 542-1911 · Fax: (208) 542~ '~i! Greg Eager Idaho Depaent of Environm.enta Quaity 900 Nort Skyline Drive Suite B Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 RE: Morng View Wate Company - Follow up from October 17, 2008 conference cal Dea Mr. Eaer: This letter serves to follow up with our unerdig of th requirents defed in the Ocbe 17 conferece cal held with DEQ Boise. Mornng View Wate Compay agees to: · Gather pressure data frm the distrbuton systm (durng this non-ilTigation sean, ie now) and use tht data to adjust the pump contrl settngs, if neede, to consistently mant 40 psi thughout the system. DEQ has agred to "help" with a porton of ths by insling a prssur data logger for one week durng the non-irgaton seasn. MVWC wil us the new preur dat with existg information to draw up a formal plan. explaining how adequa pressure will be sustaied. The form plan will be completed and submitted to DEQ in Janua of 2009. . Intal meters at eah service conntion by March 15th 2009, subject to appval by IPUC. · Design a tiered rate strcture bas on metered services, and submit the rate strtu to the PUC for approva. Th is to be done in conjuncton with the meter instlation an is to be complet by March 15th 2009. · If the above procss does not produce the reui 40 psi consistntly then other meas including the inlation of vaable fruecy drves, prsu monitorin stations or othr capital improvements will be reuired. It is underod by MVWC that consstent pressu of 40 psi or grter ar reui thughut the distbuon sy. In addition to the above work Morng View ba be reined th quarly notices to all customer ar still required, along with sending a copy of th notices to DEQ. Respctly submitt, ASPEN ENGINEERIG, INC.~ Ryan Loftus, PE C:\Docments and Settngs\Ape\.\-y Douments\Wordpeect Docs\2008 Le\aen-2008.053.wp