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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081126DEQ Letter to MNV.pdf::";PA,Q'",
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2088 NOV 26 AM 8: 08
900 North Skyline Drive, Suite B . Idaho Falls, Idaho 8342 . (208) 528-2650 u Col "Butch" Otter, Governor
Toni Hardesty, Director
November 24, 2008
Nolan Gneiting
Morning View Water Company
P.O. Box 595
Rigby,ID 83442
Certified Mail:¡vIOV - to--a 6-0 f
Morning View Water System PWS# 7260063
Dear Mr. Gneiting:
This letter is in regard to October 28, 2008, letter prepared by your engineer, Ryan Lofts of
Aspen Engineering. Due to an errant email address, I spoke to Ryan on November 7,2008 and
subsequently received an email with the October 28,2008 letter on November 72008. Ryan's
letter discussed Morning View's plan to address inadequate water pressure within the distribution
system as stated during our October 17, 2008 compliance conference.
In summar, the October 28th letter outlines the following pressure correction action plan:
1. The Deparent agreed to record water system pressure data at a water user's service line
during November. We have completed recording pressure data and have provided it to
you and Ryan. All of the pressure data wil be used by Morning View to develop a
formal pressure correction action plan to be submitted to the Departent by Januar 2,
2009. The pump controls will be adjusted to assure minimum pressure. You need to
follow your engineer's recommendations on pump control settings.
2. Water meters wil be installed on each service connection by March 15,2009 before
irritation season.
Please provide documentation of the meter tye and installation when available.
3. An application for tiered rate strcture based on metered water usage wil be submitted to
Please provide a copy when available.
4. If the above items cannot maintain minimum pressures of 40 psi within the distribution
system, other measures including installation of variable frequency drives, pressure
monitoring stations and other capitol improvements will be required.
Specifically, the Department understood the following during the compliance conference:
a. If minimum pressures of 40 psi within the distribution system cannot be
maintained, Moi:i~g Yiew shall be prepared to install variable frequency drives SCANNED
before the peak irrgation season.
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b. Pressure monitoring stations wil be installed to document distribution system
c. The number of service connection has increased by 35% since 2002; an
additional well to provide peak hour demand with the larger well out of service
as required by IDAPA, is needed. The Deparent is aware
Morning View Water Company has applied for but not received additional water
rights by the Idaho Deparent of Water Resources. The Water Company
expressed the commitment to add an additional source upon securing the water
right. Additional design elements may be needed as par of the plan and
specification submittaL. The new well shall have sufficient dedicated on-site
standby power, with automatic switch-over capability, so that water may be
supplied to pressurize the entire distribution system during power outages.
d. Morning View needs to submit and implement a written cross connection control
program. The plan is due Januar 2009.
e. Morning View provided evidence of the installation of a flushing valve on the
dead end, thus satisfying Item 9.h. ofthe Consent Order.
f. Morning View provided a copy of the 3rd quarter public notice on September 24,
2008. The notification for the 4th Quarter of 2008 must be submitted no later
than December 31, 2008.
The proposed January 2009 plan to be submitted to the Department wil be incorporated into a
finalized facility planning study as well as our September 2,2008 letter comments. If you have
any questions, please call me at 528-2650.SA~
Greg Eager
Engineering Manager
C: Bar N. Burell, Water Quity Division Administtor
Erick Neher, Regional Administtor
Bryan Zibbell, Drnking Water Program Enforcement Coordinator
Lance Nielsen, Dring Water Program Manager
Naysha Foster, Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Administrator
Chris Hecht, Public Utilties Commission
Dennis Dunn, Idaho Water Resources
Ryan Loftus, Aspen Engineering