HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071128Ltr from MR to Hasselstrom.pdfI MNV'" tJ-o~ -0 I Mack A. Redford Commssîoner Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 c.L. "Butch" Otter Governor November 28, 2007 Carol Hasselstrom 188 Nort 3950 East Rigby, ID 83442 Dear Ms. Hasselstrom: This letter is in response to a letter you sent to Governor Otter on November 13,2007, regarding the status of water service provided by Morning View Water Company. I want to first than you for yoU! report on the recentimprovements and continuing problems in service quaity provided by the water company. The Commission identified and addressed several water service problems in its Mornng View Water rate case order issued August 30th of this year, and it is helpful to hear from customers regarding impact on service. As you correctly pointed out in your letter, the.Commission has.established a moratorium on new connections pending improvement in system water pressure~ acquisition of sufficient water rights to serve the system and the metering of customers. The Commssion has worked closely with the Division of Environmenta Quality (DEQ) to convince Mr. Gneiting to undertake the necessary system improvements. Our focus has been on maintaining water service while improving system water pressure and water quality. Installationofa backup well in July is just the first step in improving overall service. The approach used by the Commission in situations like these is to persuade small-water compaiîY owners,.in ths case Mr. Gneiting, to voluntaly make system improvements and properly manage the water system without fines or lengty litigation. We do this by working with the owner to identify physical system deficiencies and developing methods, such as the surcharge, to pay for improvements. We find that for undercapitalized operations like Morning View Water it is often easier for the owner to walk away from the system or fight the Commission though lengthy litigation than to invest in needed system improvements. In most cases, the Commission believes that water customers are ultimately better served by encouraging cost-effective upgrades by existing owners than they would be though fines, jail time or attempting to remove curent ownership. These steps are viewed as a last resort. Located at 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-3427 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 Carol Hasselstrom November 28, 2007 Page 2 Ultimately, the challenge is to provide adequate service at reasonable rates. To that end the Commssion will continue to work with Mr. Gneiting to assure compliance with DEQ regulations, to begin instalation of customer meters, to secure necessar water rights and to improve customer relations. Again, I want to than you for your letter. Your periodic feedback is very valuable in helping assess our progress. ~.ereiy. ('.. A.- . ,.. ~ Mack . r President MARJ:jj cc: Governor C. L. "Butch" Otter .. RE,CEiVEC' za-nlNûY i 9 PMÍ1: l 6 C. L. "BUTCH" OnER GOVËRNOR 'f"åHO PUBue , ¡..il IJfii:c- CÎ'~J)If.~Sîn¡\¡u 1 ~u i,~.~a: 'vl:hoU U ,,,,.. November 19,2007 Carol HasseIstrom 188 Nort 3950 East Rigby, in 83442 Dear Carol, Tha you for contactig me about sml public utility water companes. I appreciate the opportty to respond. I have forwarded yoUr concers to PUC CommissIon President Mack A. Redford. I have -asked the commssioner to respond directy to you~on this matter an to provide me with a copy of IDS response. ."Than again for contactIng me. Pleae kee me infonned on ths and any other state governent issues of concer to you. CLOlbb STATE CAPITOL. BOISE, IOAHO 83720. (208) 334-210Q l~ V. V I J. V Carol Halstrm 188 Nort 3950 Eas Rigby, il 83442 RECEfVED NOV 15207, November 13; 2007 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Governor C. L. Oter Offce of the Goveror Sta Capital Boise, il 83720 Dea. Governor Otter: This leter is for two resons: (first) to th you for your forwardin my previous lett requestg a change in the laws regarding smal public utilty water compa.es and (second) to updte you on what ha been accomplished Thans to your leter accompaying my letrs to the Public Utilities Commission and the Deparen of Envionentai Quaty, a $400 fie wa a.qsessed by the DEQ for low water pressur on Nola Gneiti and the Public Utilities Commsson restcted any new unts being hooked up to the wells un cern crtea is met. We now hBvc water pressur. Morning View Water removed a sand tr that ha not worked for years and we no longer have sand and rut visible in the water. The Public Utilities Commission ha stopped all hookups to th wells unti (1) Morning View Water purchaes adequate shaes of water to cover what it is deliverng to customer, (2) water pressure must be kePt at lega lits, and (3) all of the existig unts must have meter ined. As I stated abve, the water prssure is up. I don't know if it's in the lega limts: but it is an improvement. Jeffern County ha stopped issug building pets for th ar Mr. Gneitig lost his license to nm a public utty an ha had to get someone with a licese to help ru Morning View Water. He ha not taen the necessar stps to have his licene reinted or renewed, whichever one he needed. One of my neighbors is trg to put a manufactured home on proper they have owned for sever years. Becae the property had water to it before the Public Utiities cut off any new building permts, they can obta a permt for this propert as soon as Nola submits water samples from each of the thee wells to the DEQ. Ths st han't happeed even thoug my neighbors have ben working on this for severa months. Nolan keeps ielli them that he has everyg taen care of and it will jus be a couple of more weeks. A manuf~iu home,Company in Idaho Fal pur~ei several lots frm Mr. Gneiting. Now they are not able to put liomeson these lots. 'i believe th thy ar looking at Jegåàction aganst Mr. Gneiti.' , , The above is all 'busis as usua' for Mr. Gneiting. He wil never meter the existing unts even though he has been offered the acal meter free. He win not purhase any more water rights th the ones he has. Mr. Gneitîng uses most of the revenue from the water to finance his many business interests. He has never put any more into the business tI has been absolutely necessar to get the DEQ and PUC off of his back. Jefferson County ordered Mr. Gneitig to stop putng tlàilers into his 'not quite legal' trler pak eaHer ths year. Mr. Gncîting ha put at Ieati 15 more trailers in since then. My point is that Mr. Gneitng caot be forced to do anytg. and he knows It. Ifhe waits long enough the pressur wîI go away and he can go back to 'busiess as usual' . We, the cusomers ofMomig View Water, are not the only ones in th position. Reading the open and closed cases on the PUC websIte shows me th Mr. Gneitiis only one of a number of smal Public Utilities who are doing the same thg to their customers. Who pays for all of this neglect - the customer pay with rae jncreaes and special levies. The people who are responsible for the collapse of the water sysems 'don't have to. This isn't fair and needs to stop. It win not ~iop until thè laws arc changed and enforced to ~iop the above. The curnt enforcement of the curent laws only enbles these sml companes to remai in business. Agai than you and your stff so much for your reponse in tils matr. Sinceely, Ceu Carol Hasselstom