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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210427GSW to Staff 1-9.pdf;i;ii [i iViri O ** ]roturor ,,. i, r,iil ZJ All l0: 3g Rates & Regulatory Affairs , ,. ., ;1.;i)GSW-W-21-01 .r , ,;:-., l'- . .6q,.i*i-t$l0l'rApplication of Gem State Water Company, LLC Approvalof AssetS of thr Business of Troy Hoffman Water Corporation lnc. Data Reouest Response Request No.: GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 1 REQUEST NO. 1: The Company's Application states that the Troy Hoffman water system is designed to supply fire flows. Application at 7. ln the 2016 DEQ Sanitary Survey, two fire hydrants were identified as not having sufficient fire flow. ld at 5. The system does not provide adequate fire flow as established by the Coeur d'Alene Fire Department to two fire hydrants installed on 6-inch distribution main. As per ldaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (Rules) "adequacy of the water system fire flow capacity is determined by loca! fire authority." Lack of adequate fire flow presents a risk of damage to main in the event fire pumps were connected to hydrants. In order to prevent this, operators have notified the Coeur d'Alene Fire Department regarding this concern. ln response the Fire Department does not recognize the two hydrants supplied by the system. Rather, fire flow is provided to the subdivislon from four hydrants supplied by the City of Coeur d'Alene Water Department and located at Troy, Margaret, and Anne Avenues, and Easy Street. a) Please explain why the Troy Hoffman water system design fails to meet fire flow requirements. b) Please provide a map of the Troy Hoffman fire flow system including locations of all fire hydrants and fire flow capability at each individual hydrant. ldentify the two hydrants that do not provide adequate fire flow as described in the DEQ 2016 Sanitary Survey. c) Please provide a map that shows locations of the four hydrants supplied by the City of Coeur d'Alene for fire flow. d) Please provide copies of agreements between Troy Hoffman and the City of Coeur d'Alene Water Department for fire flow. e) Please explain what actions have been taken to prevent the Coeur d'Alene Fire Department from connecting to the two Troy Hoffman hydrants identified in the DEQ 2016 Sanitary Survey and potentially damaging the water system. lf no actions have been taken to prevent connection by the Coeur d'Alene Fire Department, please explain why not. GSW.W.21-01 IPUC DR 1 NWN Response Page2of 2 Response: a) The Troy Hoffman water system was not designed to provide fire flows and is not required to do so unless materia! changes are made to the water system, in which case Gem State Waterwould employ a complete engineering plan including any requirements by IDAPA such as new potentialfire flow requirements. In hindsight, the Application (at 7) should have stated: "Troy Hoffman Wate/s water system is nof designed to supply fire flows in its cunent sfafe." (Emphasis added). b) Please see GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 1 Attachment 1, which includes a map showing the locations of Troy Hoffman's fire hydrants. Fire flow capability is unknown. All 3 hydrants do not provide adequate fire flow (2 on Margaret Ave and 1 on Hoffman Ave). These hydrants are considered to provide end of line flushing, not fire flow. There are 3 Troy Hoffman flush hydrants and 12 City of Coeur d'Alene hydrants within the Troy Hoffman service area, as shown in GSW- W-21-01 IPUC DR 1 Attachment 1. c) Please see GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 1 Attachment 1, which includes a map showing locations of City of Coeur d'AIene fire hydrants. d) Troy Hoffman does not have a wriften agreement with the City of Coeur d'AIene Water Department for fire flow. The cunent owners of Troy Hoffman have indicated to Gem State Water that the City of Coeur d'Alene Fire Department is aware of the positioning and situation regarding Troy Hoffman's 3 "flush hydrants." Gem State Water has contacted the Fire Department and received confirmation that the Department is aware of these circumstances. e) No action has been taken. The City of Coeur d'Alene has adequate hydrants in the coverage area and so it does not need to access the Troy Hoffman hydrants Gem State Water will lock out the "flush hydrants" and tag the Troy Hoffman hydrants, to avoid any confusion as to the nature of the hydrants. E (mf, I ov GSW-W-21-O1 IPUC DR 1 Aftachment 1 Page 1 of2 ? t^5L I (\I> --I*FI t ronAx:F-lir--- It_/ I It ov> 6'rat.1 IAI' 6.IEE \<-_ - . ... , Jc.t6 Il. <nIoDm =F,t a)P!i tf I IIRm g t Er7 : Err cT , b ,@ a UI I5-TH ST Pago- L B(, xEllD. GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 1 Aftachment 1 Page2 of 2 ST a 7. ---+ I i L TI &A\) ---- - -- r-"- - Lr,f Lr.a lrIItilI 3qt-c 4-TH @ .,*f*9*,n. EZ\ST rlr Ii ,c* I ------T ANf{E T c, troz a*ur{ t^!an6ar I M @ II I C)-t ,(\:, I Prrl It ts ,4;! Jc{rf L t- i *f!t Y :r ( Iov,m I t A rt'l c t5 ts$ilm CT ($ ** roturor Rates & Regulatory Affairs GSW-W-21-01 Application of Gem State Water Company, LLC Approval of Assets of the Water Business of Troy Hoffman Water Corporation lnc. Data Request Response Request No.: GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 2 REQUEST NO. 2: PIease explain how and when alldeficiencies, requirements, and recommendations listed in the 2016 DEQ Sanitary Survey were resolved. lf deficiencies, requirements, and recommendations have not been resolved, please explain why not, what actions are taking place to resolve them and when they will be completed. Response: The following is a list of the deficiencies, requirements and recommendations listed in the 2016 DEQ Sanitary Survey, with the requested information after each listed item rn italicized font. Deficiencies 1. Accurate instantaneous and totalizing flow meters are required on the 20 and 30 hp submersible well pump discharge lines as per IDAPA 58.01 .08.542.04. To Gem Sfafe Water's knowledge, Troy Hoffman has not resolved this deficiency. Gem Sfafe Water already has been in contact with our local vendor inquiring about approaches fo reso/ve the flow meter deficiency. Should the Commission approve this transaction and then upon ifs c/ose, our vendor and engineer would submit a repair plan to IDEQ and Gem Sfafe Water would implement it upon IDEQ approval. 2. The pressure relief valve outlet on the 30 hp pump discharge is leaking and requires repair as per IDAPA Ihe pressure relief value outlet on the 30 hp pump discharge was replaced on October 16,2017. Add itional Requirement 1. Please complete the attached financia! forms and return to the DEQ Coeur d'Alene Regional Office by March 31,2017 . GSW.W-21.01 IPUC DR 2 NWN Response Page2of 2 To Gem Sfafe Water's knowledge, Troy Hoffman did not complete the attached financial forms or return them to the DEQ Coeur d'Alene Regional Office by March 31, 2017. Should the Commr'ssion approve this transaction and then from its closing, Gem State Water would ensure that financial forms are completed and returned to the DEQ Coeur d'Alene Regional Offtce as required. Recommendations 1. lt is recommended the system valves are exercised on an annual basis. To Gem Sfafe Water's knowledge, Troy Hoffman exercises the system valves every Spring as routine maintenance. Should the Commr.ssion approve this transaction and then from its closing, Gem State Water would use Besf Management Practices and exercise and flush valves two times per year. 2. lt is recommended that an Operation and Maintenance Manual be developed for the system. To Gem Sfafe Water's knowledge, Troy Hoffman has not developed an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manualfor its sysfem. Should the Commission approve this transaction and then shortly after its closing, Gem State Water would start developing an O&M Manual and a facility plan for the Troy Hoffman sysfem that ultimately would become part of Gem State Water's overall Master Plan. {$ ,, roturor Rates & Regulatory Affairs GSW-W-21-01 Application of Gem State Water Company,LLC Approval of Assets of the Water Business of Trcy Hoffman Water Corporation lnc. Data Request Response Request No.: GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 REQUEST NO. 3: Please provide electronic copies of all uater quality test results and reports conducted since the 2016 DEQ Sanitary Survey. Response: Please see GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1. llet u rlr l.inks ('lrtnt, I{atl Sirrnplcs \\/ate r S! ste nr I)ctail Waler S Ystert n s Watc-r Systern Sr:arclr ('ounty N4ap Glossary GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 11 Drinking Water Branch Chem/Rad Sample Results This list displays sample/results of all non-microbial analyrcs GSAANtYT.TYPE_CODE c MOR) associated to the selected saryle. Results for Microbial Analytes are not included. Total ilumber of Records Fetched = 2l WelerSyrtem No.:Walerffit l{ame: Prlnclpa! Counfy Serucd : Status: l,ab Sample ilo. : IDl28m96 TROYHOFFMANS'Af,ER@RP KOOTENAI A Y2ff026 FcderelTlpe: Stebllpe: PrlmarySource: AcfrvlU Dete: Gollectlon Dab: c c GW 0445-1989 w-?3-m$ enatl tcl {'odc I Analr te l\anrc l\lrthotl ( odc l,css than lndicator [.er el 'l .r pc lleporting l.eve I t ()ncerrlrafioil krel \l on itoring Pcriotl tscein Date l\lonitoring I'eriod l,nd Datc 2378 I|2+TRTCHI.oROBENA{null Y MDL ).000500000 MG/LI 0l4l-20r4 t2-3t-2019 2380 prs-12- btcm.onoBrrma.te null Y MDL ).ooo5ooooo Mc/r.l 0l{t-20r4 t2-3t-20t9 2955 F(yLENBS,TOTAL aull Y MDL ).mos(xnmMo/rl 0l4l-2014 ,2-3taotg 29fi DICHLOROMETTIANB aull Y MDL ).m05fir000Mc/Ll 0l{l-2014 t2-31-2019 2968 pDICIIIOROBENANE uull Y MDL ).0005mm0MG/[I 0l{l-2014 t2-31-2019 2969 F-DICHLOROBENUNE null Y MDL ).000s00m0Mc/Il 0l-01-2014 l2-31-2019 2976 [mtrYLCHrrRIDE null Y MDL ).0005fixn0 MG/LI 0l4l-2014 t2-3t-2019 2977 II,I-DICIIIOROEITIYLENE null Y MDL ).000500000 Mc/Ij 0l{l-2014 ,/2-3r-m$ 2979 rrRAl.IS-12- brcrr,orornrvrm.iB null Y MDL ).ooo5ooooo Mc/4 0l-01-2014 t2-31-2019 2980 II2-DICHLOROETIIANE null Y MDL ).000500000 MG/II 0l-01-2014 t2-3t-20t9 2981 ll,l,l-TRrcflroRoETHANE null Y MDL ).0m500000 MG/LI 0l{l-2014 t2-3t-2019 2982 EARBON lrerRAcltroRDe null Y MDL ).omsooooo MG/r.l 0l{l-2014 l2-31-2019 29t3 II2-DTCHTOROPROPANE null Y MDL ).qr05(nxr0 MG/LI 0l{l-2014 l2-31-2019 2984 IIRICHITOROETIIYLENE null Y MDL ).000sqm00 MG/LI 0l{l-2014 t2-31-2019 2985 ll,l2-TRICTtrOROETIIANE null Y MDL ).0m500000MG/LI 0l{l-2014 t2-31-2019 29T7 TTETRACHLOROETITYLENE null Y MDL ).000500m0MG/LI 0l-01-2014 l2-31-2019 2989 pHITROBENZENE null Y MDL ).omsqnnMG/LI 0l{)l-2014 t2-3t-2019 2990 tsE}{ZEX{E trnll Y MDL ).000500m0MG/LI 0l{t-2014 t2-3t-2019 299t rrol.t ENE aull Y MDL ).m05(xxn0Mc/r.l 0l{l-2014 l2-31-2019 2992 ETITYLBENENE null Y MDL ).omsflnnMc/r.l 0l{l-2014 l2-31-2019 2996 FTYREI{E null Y MDL ).0m50m00MG/r.l 0l4l-2014 t2-3t-20t9 Ref urrr Links ('he rni Iiad Satlples Wuter Syste rn [)etail Watcr Systerrs \Vater Sy,stenr Search County IVIap Glossary GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1 Page2oi'11 Drinking Water Branch Chem/Rad Sample Results This list displays sample/results of all non-microbial analytes (TSAANLYT.TYPE_CODE o MOR) associated to the selected sample. Results for Microbial Analytes are not included. Total Number of Records Fetched = 15 WaterSyrtem No.: IhrSyrtem Name: Prlnclpal Goufi Serurd: Sffiur: lab Sample No. : rD1280096 TROYHOFFIYI{N WATER CORP KOOTENAI A n090.25 Fe&ralTlpe: Sffi Type : PrlmarySource: Acfrvlfl Date: Gollecflon Date: c c GW 04-05-1989 @-23-20t9 anatvrl code I Analyte Name Method Code Less than lndicator [,evel 'rype Reporting Level []oncentration Ievel Monitoring Period Besin Date Monitoring Period End Date l00s hRsENIc 200-9 N 0E-9 .0053 MG/L 01-01-2017 t2-31-2019 l0l0 tsARrIrM 2m.7 N 0E-9 .022 MG{L 0t-01-2011 t2-3t-2019 l0l5 pADMnJM null Y MDL 0E-9 0141-2011 t2-31-2019 1020 pIrRoMn M null Y MDL 0E-9 0t-01-2011 t2-3t-2019 1025 FLUORTDE null Y MDL 0E-9 0l-01-2011 t2-31-2019 1035 I,IERCLTRY null Y MDL 0E-9 0l-0r-2011 t2-31-2019 1035 F.IICKEL null Y MDL 0E-9 0l-01-2011 t2-31-2019 1038 MIRAIE- hurrurs 300.0 N 0E-9 .6E8 MG/L 1040 hlrTRArE 300.0 N 0E-9 .688 MG/L 0l-01-2019 t2-31-2019 l04l F{rIRffE null Y MDL 0E-9 0l-01-2011 t2-31-2019 1045 FELENTLJM null Y MDL 0E-9 0l-01-2011 t2-31-20t9 1052 FODTLJM 200.7 N 0E-9 3.91 MG/L 0l-01-2017 t2-3t-2019 t074 hNTIMONY,horx,null Y MDL 0E-9 0l-01-2011 t2-3t-2019 1075 tsERYLLruIvI, hrorer,null Y MDL 0F-9 0l-01-2011 t2-31-20t9 1085 fIIfALLIU!vI, horru.null Y MDL 0E-9 0l-01-2011 t2-31-2019 Re{urn l,inks \\ art:r St slt-tl I )c'1a i I \\'atcr. Svstenrs \\'alr:r Svslcln Scarc'lr ('oLrnl1, N{a1r (Jlossa GSW-W-2'1-01 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1 Page3of11 Drinking Water Branch C olifo rm/lVlicrobial S amp_lg.Results This list displays results of all microbial analytes (TSAANLYT.TYPE_CODE = MOR) forthe last 2 years by default. Sample/Results will be displayed regardless if the sample rezult is or is not associated to a monitoring period. If you need to search for a specific date range, use the following date fields (you can also pick a date from the popup calendar next to the field) and click on Search. Sample Collecdon Date Fnom To E (D Irlrter Syabm No. : UUrter Syslar ilame : Prlnclpal Gounty Sorved : Statur: ID1280096 TROY HOFFI&{N WATER CORP KOOTEI{AI A Fedeml llpe : State IYpe : Pdmaly8ource: Ac'tlvlty Date : c c GW 04{5-1989 Sanrpling l)oinl Sanrplr l,ocation Prcsencc, Allsence lndicator Analvtt ('ode Arrah'tc n-aIIle lVlonitorinp Pcriod Besirr Date l\{onitorirg Periutl l-nd I)a(c I.alloralorrI1'pc l,ab Sanrplr No. Collection tla(e &'l'irne GENMIC SAMPLING PT I A 3t00 COLIFORU crcR)$4t-zo2t 03-31-2(Dl ACCI.JRATE TESTING I.ABS RT 226390 03-u-2021 GENERIC SAMPLING PT 02-t7-2021 I A 3100 COLIFORM (rcR)024t-202t 02a8-202t ACCT'RATE TESTING LABS RT 225452 GENERIC SAMPLINC PT I A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)0r-0r-2(2l 0r-3t-202t ACCTJRATE TESTING I.ABS RT 2Un3 0l-28-2021 GENERIC SAMPLING PT I A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)t2-01-2u20 t2-31-2020 ACCI.JRIIiIE TESTING I.ABS RT 223775 t2-tG2W0 GENERIC SAMPLING PT I A 3100 COLIFORIU crcR)lt-01-2020 ll-30-2020 ACCI,JRATE TESTING I.ABS RT 223W0 n-2+2020 GENERIC SAMPLING PT I A 3100 COLIFORM CrcR)l&01-2@0 lo-3r-2020 ACCI,JRATE TESTING I.ABS RT 2220073 tG22-2020 GE}.IERIC SAMPLING PT I A 3100 COI.IFORU (rcR)0941-2V20 @-3G2V20 ACCIJRATE TBSTING LABS RT 22t265 w-29-2020 GENERIC SAMPLING PT I A 3100 COLIFORM CrcR)08-01-2(D0 08-31-2020 ACCI.JRATE TESTINC I.ABS RI 219486 0v20-20m GENERIC }AMPLING PT RT 218165 07-?fr-2020 I A 3r00 SOLIFORM CrcR)0741-2gm 07-3t-2t20 ACCI.JruITE TESTING LABS GBNERIC }AMPLING PT RI 2n3n 0G29-2020 I A 3100 COLIFORU GCR)06iot-2020 0&3G2020 ACCT'RATB TESTING LABS GEI.IERIC SAMPLING PT RT 2tffit 05-2G2020 I A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)05-01-2020 05-31-2020 ACCI.JRAIE TESTING LABS GENERIC }AMPLING PT RT 2t4931 @.ts-2020 I A 3r00 COIJFORM crcR)wot-2v20 w3G2020 ACCI,JRATB TESTING I.ABS GENERIC IAMPLING PT I A COLIFORM (rcR)03-01-2020 03-31-2020 ACCT'RATE TESTING LABS RI 214206 03-17-2020 3100 ACCT'RAIE TESTING RI 213518 02-2fi-2020 3100 (rcR) PT GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1 11 LABS I GENERIC SAMPLINC PT RT 212861 0t-27-2020 I A 3r00 -t,Llr\,Ilryt crcR)ot-0t-2020 0r-3t-2020 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS RT 212065 t2-19-2019 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)t2-01-2019 t2-31-2019 ACCURATE TESTING LABS GENERJC SAMPLING PT RT 211249 tt-21-2019 I A 3100 COLIFORM CTCR) ll-01-2019 1t-30-2019 ACCI.JRAIE TESTING LABS RT 2t032t t0-24-2019 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3100 COLIFORM CTCR) 10-01-2019 l0-31-2019 ACCI.]RATE TESTING LABS RT 209020 09-23-2019 I GENERIC SAMPLINC PT A 3100 COLIFORM (rcR)09-01-20r9 09-30-2019 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS RT 207979 08-28-2019 EPI EP-WELL I A 3100 COLIFORM crcR) ACCT.JRATE TESTING LABS RT 207979 08-28-2019 EPI EP-WELL I A 3014 E. COLI ACCI.'RATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RP 206573 07-29-2019 t A 3r00 COLIFORM crcR)07-01-2019 07-31-2019 ACCT]RAIE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RP 206573 07-29-2019 I A 3014 E. COLI 0741-2019 07-31-2019 ACCI.]RATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RP 206574 07-29-2019 I A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)07-01-2019 07-3t-2019 ACCI.JRAjIE TESTING LABS GENERIC $AMPLINC PT RP 206574 o7-29-2019 I A 3014 E. COLI 07-01-2019 07-3r-20t9 ACCI.JRAIE TESTING LABS RP 206575 o7-29-2019 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3100 COLIFORM CTCR) 07-01-2019 o7-31-2019 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS RP 206575 o7-29-2019 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3014 E. COLI 07-01-2019 07-31-2019 ACCT]RAIE TESTING LABS RP 206576 07-29-2019 EPI EP-WELL I A 3100 COLIFOR.IM (rcR) ACCT]RATE TESTING LABS RP 206s76 07-29-2019 EPI EP.WELL I A 3014 E. COLI ACCT.]RATE TESTING LABS GENERIC iAMPLINC PT RT 2065M*07-26-2019 I P 3100 OOLIFOR.I\,I (rcR)07-01-2019 07-3t-2019 ACCT]RAirE TESTING LABS GENERIC ]AMPLING PT RT 20654*07-262019 I A 3014 E. COLI 07-01-2019 07-3t-2019 ACCI.]RATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT 240839 06-13-2019 I A 3100 SOLIFORM CTCR) 06-01-2019 0G30-2019 ACCI.]RATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT 203546 05-06-2019 I A 3100 SOLIFORM GCR)05-01-2019 0s-31-2019 ACCT,IRATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT 203125 0/-r9-20t9 I A 3r00 ]OLIFORM GCR)04-01-2019 &3G.2019 ACCI.JRAIE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT 202001 03-r1-2019 I A 3100 ]OLIFORM (rcR)03-01-20r9 03-31-2019 ACCI.'RATE TESTING LABS RT 201734 02-26-2019 GENERIC A 3100 oz-ot-2019 02-28-2019 ACCTJRATE GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1 tncEf 11 TESTING LABSPT I GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3100 u(rLlr(JI1M (rcR)0t-01-2019 0l-3 l-2019 ACCT.IRATE TESTING LABS RT 200785 01-lt-2019 GENERIC SAMPLINC PT A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)l2-01-2018 t2-31-2018 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS RT 200353 12-19-2018 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3100 COLIFORM (rcR)ll{)t-2018 ll-30-2018 ACCT.JRATE TESTING LABS RT 199391 ll-13-2018 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3100 COLIFORM (rcR)l0-01-2018 l0-3r-2018 ACCURATE TESTING LABS RT 198770 tG22-2018 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3 100 COLIFORM (rcR)09-01-20r8 09-30-2018 ACCI.'RATE TESTING LABS RT t9760s 09-19-2018 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3100 ]OLIFORM GCR)08-0r-2018 08-31-2018 ACCT'RAiIE TESTING LABS RT 196309 08-14-2018 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT 3100 ]OLIFORM (rcR)07-01-2018 07-31-2018 ACCTJRATE TESTING LABS RT 194985 07-05-2018 I A GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3100 SOLIFORM (rcR)0G01-2018 0G30-2018 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS RT 194614 06-26-2018 I GENERJC SAMPLING PT A 3100 ]OLIFORM crcR)05-01-2018 05-31-2018 ACCT.JRATE TESTING LABS RT t93672 0s-30-2018 I GENERIC SAMPLINC PT 3r00 IOLmORI\4 crcR)m01-2018 04-3G.2018 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS RT 192452 M-18-2018 I A GENERIC SAMPLINC PT A 3100 SOLIFORM (rcR)03-01-2018 03-31-2018 ACCIJRATE TESTING LABS RT 191678 03-21-2018 I GENERJC SAMPLING PT COLIFORM crcR)02-01-2018 02-28-2018 ACCI.'RATE TESTING LABS RT t90597 u47-2018 I A 3100 0l-01-2018 0l-3t-2018 ACCI.JRAjrE TESTING LABS RT 190139 0t-22-2018 1 GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3100 OOLIFOR.IM (rcR) GENERIC SAMPLING PT t2-0t-20t7 t2-31-2017 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS RT r89l2l 12-aG20t7 I A 3r00 COLIFORIV (rcR) GENERIC JAMPLING PT 3100 COLIFORM crcR)ll-01-2017 I l-30-2017 ACCI.'RAIE TESTING LABS RT 188282 rt4G20t7 I A GENERIC JAMPLING PT A 3r00 COLIFORM crcR)l0-01-2017 t0-31-2017 ACCURATE TESTING LABS RT 188107 to-27-2017 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT I A 3100 COLIFORM (rcR)09-01-2017 09-30-2017 ACCI.JRAIE TESTING LABS RT 186177 @-06-2017 GENERIC SAMPLINC PT ACCI.'RAIE TESTING LABS I A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)08-01-2017 08-31-2017RT18559408-2t-2017 07-01-20t7 07-31-2017 ACCI.'RATE TESTING LABS 07-26-2017 I GENERIC SAMPLING PT A 3100 COLIFORM (rcR)RT t84728 GENERIC SAMPLING PT 0G0l-2017 w30-2017 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS 06-t2-2017 I A 3100 COLIFOR.L, (rcR)RT 182946 GENERIC SAMPLING PT 05-31-2017 ACCI..IRATE TESTING LABS I A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)05-01-20I7RTL8247305-25-20t7 RT 181554 o+262017 GENERIC A 3100 GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Aftachment 1 U+or-zorz w3G20t7I ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS (rcR) COLIFORIU (rcR) )AIVITLII\U PT GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT 180245 03-14-2017 I A 03-01-2017 o3-31-2017 ACCT]RATE TESIING LABS 3100 GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT 179815 02-21-2017 I A 3r00 COLIFORI\,' crcR)o24t-2017 02-28-2017 ACCTJRAIE TESTING LABS GENERJC SAMPLING PT RT 178741 01-@2017 I A 3100 COLIFORI\,I (rcR)0l-01-2017 0t-31-2017 ACCI.JRATE IESITING LABS GENERIC SAMPLINC PT RT 178524 12-21-2016 I A 3100 COLIFORM CrcR)t24t-20t6 t2-31-2016 ACCT]RATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT 177453 n49-2016 t A 3100 COLIFORIvI GCR) lt-01-2016 It-30-2016 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABs GENERIC SAMPLINC PT RT 1766/,6 l0-11-2015 I A 3100 COLIFOR},I crcR)t0-01-2016 lG3l-2016 ACCT.]RATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT 176203 @-28-2016 I A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)09-01-2016 09-3G2016 ACCIJRAirE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT l74t8l 08-262016 I A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)08-01-2016 08-31-2016 ACCTJRATE TESTING I*ABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT 173034 07-19-2016 I A 3100 COLIFORM (rcR)o7-01a0rc o7-31-2016 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT 172413RT 06-28-2016 I A 3r00 COLIFORM crcR)0601-2015 0630-2015 ACCT.JRATE TES|TING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RT 170984 05-12-2016 I A 3100 COLIFORM crcR)05-01-2016 05-31-20r6 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLINC PT RT t7M25 w2t-2016 I A 3100 COLIFORM (rcR)04,01-2016 0+30-2016 ACCI.JRATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLINC PT RT 159560 03-2+2016 I A 3100 COLIFORM CrcR)03-0I-2016 03-31-2016 ACCI.JRATE lESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RI 168693 02-tt-2016 I A 3r00 COLIFORM (rcR)02-01-2016 02-29-2016 ACCTJRATE TESTING LABS GENERIC SAMPLING PT RI 168205 0t-21-2016 I A 3100 COLIFOR"I\,I (rcR)0l-01-2016 0l-31-2016 ACCI.]RAIrE TESTING LABS Total Number of Records Fetched = 73 Return Links Water S),stenl I)etail Water Sy,stenrs Water Systenr Search C'ounty Map ()lossary GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1 Page7 oi 11 Drinking Water Branch Lead and Copprr Sampte Summary Results This list displays Lead and Copper Sample Summary Results forthe last 2 years by default. If you need to search for a specific date range, use the following date fields (you can also pick a date from the pop-up calendar next to the fielQ and click on Search. Monttoring Period Begin Dete X'rom E to E (D Total Number of Records Fetched = 2 WatarSlptem No.: Water Syrtem Name : Prlnclpa! Gounty Serusd: Status: ID1280096 TROYHOFFMANWAf,ER CORP KOOTENAI A FederalTlpe: C 9tateType: C PdmarySource:GW Acflvltyt Date : 04-05-19t9 l)ata Qualitr(lode lllonitoring Period Begin Date Monitoring Period End Date \untber ol' Sanrples llteasurr (mg/l) \4/ater S1'stem I,-acility State Asgn lD No. Date Sunrnrary Received Analytc A 01,01-2017 t2-31-2019 5 0.1050000fi Tl280095DSt 09-30- 2019 Copper A 0l-01-2017 t2-3t-2019 5 0.00200000(Tl280096DSl 09-30- 2019 L€ad Ilclurrr l.inks ( lrerrr,'liirrl Sa Ir rp lc: \\'ate r Sr slcrtr I)ctail \\'irterr Sr sle rns \\/atcr S_vslcru Sear clr ('orrnlt l\4a1r (i lossa rt GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1 Page8of11 Drinking Water Branch Chem/Rad Sample Resutts This list displays sample/results of all non-microbial analytes (TSAAI.ILYT.TYPE_CODE o MOR) associated to the selected sample. Results for Microbial Analytes are not included. Total Number of Records Fetched = { Water System No. : Water System Name : Prlnclpal County Served: Status: lab Sample No. : rD1280096 TROYHOFFMANWAXER CORP KOOTENAI A N170426 Federal 1}pe : C StateType: C Prlmary Source : GW ActlvltyDah: 04-05-1989 Gollec'tlonDate: 04.12l-2016 ,\nalr lc Nante \nalr I ( -odt,\le I lrod ('ode Lcss lhart lndicator l,cr e I'l') pe I{eporlinp I ,er cl ('onccnll'aliolr ler el N{onitoring Period Begin Date \{onitoring Ilcriod Flrrd I)atc 1040 F'{ITRATE 300.0 N 0E-9 .57 MGIL 0l-01-2016 t2-31-2016 llclurrr Lilrks ( lrcrr r,'lt arl Slirrrplcs Wirtcr S.1 stcrrr l)ctiril \\'ater Sr slcllls \\/ittcr S_1,'stcrrr Scrrlclr ( ountl l\4ap ( J lossa rt, GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Aftachment 1 Page9of11 Drinking Water Branch Chem/Rad Samole Results This list displays sarrple/results of all non-microbial analytes CISAANLYT.TYPE_CODE o MOR) associated to the selected sample. Results for Microbial Analyrcs are not included. Total Number of Records Fetched = I Water System l{o. : WabrSystem Name: Prlnclpal County Served: Status: lab Sample No. : rD1280096 TROYHOFFMANWATER CORP KOOTENAI A N182474 Federal Tlpe : S-tate Type : Prlmary Source: Actlvlty Date : Collectlon Date: c c GW 04-05-1989 05-25-2017 Anall'tc ('ode lnl"tl,,,,t I r',,0e Anall tr Nanrc Less tharr lndicator l,cr e I 'l.r pt Iteporling Levcl ( onrrntraliolr lcvel Monitoring Period llesin Date l\{onitoring Pcriorl [.]nd Date 1040 \rmRArEl 300.0 N 0E-9 .67 MGIL 0l-0t-2017 t2-31-2017 Ilclurrt l,inks ( lrcrtr,[tatl S irtr r1l lcs Walcr St'slcrrr I )cla rl \\'irtcr S\,-stcrrrs Watcr S.vslerrr Search ('orrrrtl N4 ap ( i lossa rr GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 1 1 Drinking Water Branch ChemlRad Sample Results This list displays sample/results of all non-microbial ana$es (TSAAI{LYT.TYPE_CODE o MOR) associatedto the selected sample. Results for Microbial Analytes are not included- Total Number of Records Fetched = I lHerSyctem ilo.: WaterSyshm Name: Prlnclpal Gounty Served: Status: lab Sample No. : rD1280096 TROY HOFFMAN 1VAXBR CORP KOOTENAI A Nl9l679 Federal Tfpe : State Type : Prlmary Source : Ac'tlvlty Date: Gollectlon Date: c c GW 04-05-1989 03-21-2018 ,\lralrlr ('otlt, l\lrl hod('orlrA nal.r I Nalnt, Less than lndica{or [,cr el 'l )'pe ( oncrnlration lclel l\loniloring Pe riotl Ikgin Date ftrrporting Level N{onitoring Period linrl Date 1040 vrTRAf,El 300.0 N 0E-9 .668 MG/L 0l-0r-2018 t2-31-2018 Ilcluln Links ( lterrr,'l{ad Sir rrip les \\ratcr Svsterrr I )cta il \\'atur St stcnis \\liitet Svslerrt Searcli (.ountr It4alt (ilossary GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 11 Drinking Water Branch Chem/Rad Sample Results This list displays sample/results of all non-microbial analytes (TSAAIILYT.TYPE_CODE o MOR) associated to the selected sample. Results for Microbial Analytes are not included" Total Number of Records Fetched = I Water System No. : Water Syslem Name : Prlnclpal County Served: Status: lab Sample No. : rD1280096 TROYHOFFMANWAf,ER CORP KOOTENAI A N214207 Federal f}pe : State Type : Prlmary Sourco : ActMty Date: Collec{lon Date: c c GW 04-05-1989 03-17-2020 Anal.l te Nanre \l et hotl ('odt, l,ess than I ndicator l,cr cl 'l'r'pe Rcportirrg LcveI ( oncrrrlratiolr lcr el \Ioniloring Pcriod Bcsin l)ale A naly le ('otlt J\{onitorinp Pr:riud Entl I)atc 1040 NIIRATE 300.0 N 0E-9 .76 MGIL 0l-01-2020 t2-31-2020 O ** roturol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs GSW-W-21-01 Application of Gem State Water Company,LLG Approval of Assets of the Water Business of Troy Hoffman Water Corporation lnc. Data Request Response Request No.: GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 4 REQUEST NO. 4: Please describe howthe Company will manage the transfer of Troy Hoffman water rights if the transaction is approved by the Commission. lf an ldaho Department of Water Resources Form 42-248142-1409 (Notice of Change in Water Right Ownership) has already been submitted, please provide a copy. Response: Gem State Water Company LLC will file with the ldaho Department of Water Resources a Notice of Change in Water Rights Ownership that will be executed by both parties upon sale/transfer of Troy Hoffman to Gem State Water. o llW lloturoF Rates & Regulatory Affairs GSW-W-21-01 Application of Gem State Water Company,LLC Approva! of Assets of the Water Business of Troy Hoffman Water Corporation lnc. Data Request Response Request No.: GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 5 REQUEST NO. 5: In reference to Confidential Exhibit No. 1, Page 11, under the "Schedule 2. Assets," subsection (b), the descriptions for the real property parce!, buildings, fixtures, structures, and improvements have information that is incomprehensible. For example, the property description as written does not match the general location of the property, and some of the items listed in the table contain potential mistakes and typos. Please review and verifo this document for accuracy and provide a corrected version. Response: Thank you for bringing this to our attention. A corrected version was filed in this case on March 18,2021. t|,Irt ]loturol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs GSW-W-21-01 Application of Gem State Water Company,LLC Approvalof Assets of the Water Business of Troy Hoffman Water Corporation !nc. Data Request Response Request No.: GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 6 REQUEST NO. 6: ln Bullet 22, on page 6 of the Application, the Company states, "Transaction-related costs related to the acquisition have been incuned by NW Natural Holdings, not by Gem State Water, related to activities including due diligence, environmentalconsultants, research, legal, traveland negotiations. The costs will not be passed to Gem State Water and will not be included in any rate case filings." Will the acquisition costs in this case be treated similarly to the transaction-related costs and if not, please explain how the Company plans to address the acquisition costs in future proceedings? Response: Yes, the acquisition costs (i.e., the purchase price forthe assets purchased from Troy Hoffman Water in excess of book value) will be treated similarly to the transaction- related costs. .o llW lloturof Rates & Regulatory Affairs GSW-W-21-01 Application of Gem State Water Company,LLC Approvalof Assets of the Water Business of Troy Hofiman Water Corporation lnc. Data Reouest Response Request No.: GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 7 REQUEST NO. 7: Please identify the "Assumed Liabilities" included in the Purchase Price as shown on page 1 of the Confidential Exhibit No. 1. Resoonse: - The "Assumed Liabilities" are Aocounb Payable o ]lW lloturof Rates & Regulatory Affairs GSW-W-21-01 Application of Gem State Water Company,LlC Approval of Assets of the Water Business of Troy Hoffman Water Corporation Inc. Data Request Response Request No.: GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 8 The following questions pertain to the 2019 Annual Report submitted to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission on March 31,2020, specifically the balance sheet, where on page 8 of 13 it shows Other Long-Term Debt of $16,656. This debt is detailed on page 9 of 13 as being owed to the following lenders: Al! Service Electric - Year-end Balance of $1,661.00 Northstar - Year-end Balance of $1 ,715 Dalton Square - Year-end Balance of $13,279.00 REQUEST NO. 8: PIease provide the loan documents forthese loans. Response: These loans are being retained by the Owners (i.e., the seller) and are not being acquired by the Buyer (i.e., Gem State Water). This data request caused the parties to execute the First Amendment to Asset Purchase Agreement, provided as GSW-W-21- 01 IPUC DR I Attachment 1, for the avoidance of doubt. S"tn:'r*;;"' rPUc DR 8 Atta'fircnt I FIRST AMENDMENT TO ASSET PI.IRCHASE AGREEMENT ThiS FIRST AMENDMENT TO ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT (thiS "Firct Amendmenf') is made and entercd into effective as of this 9ft day of February, 2021, beween Gem State Water Company, LLC ("Buyer'), Troy Hoffrnan Water Company, lnc. ("Seller"), Dalton Square, LLC, as the sole shareholder of Seller ("Shereholder") and Ronald Sadley and Kenneth Murren, the owners of Shareholder (and collectively with Shareholder, the "l0wtrers"). RECITALS: A. The parties entered into that certain Asset Purchase Agreement effective as of December 18, 2020 (the "Agreement"). Each capitalized term sct forth in this First Amendment that is not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Agreement. B. The parties desire to amend the Agreernent as provided in this Firs Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions and covenants contained herein, and of certain other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffrciency of which are hereby acknowledged, the panies hereby agree as follows: l. Recitals lncorporated. The rccitals set forth above are incorporated in this Section I and shall be deemed terms and provisions of this First Amendment. 2. Section L Section I of the Agreement shall be amended by adding the sentence shown in red underline below, resulting in Section I reading in is entirety as follows: "1. Assets; Assumed Llabtllties. At Closing, Buyer will buy, and Seller will sell and transfer, the asses of the Business, including without limiation, the items listed on Schedule 2, other than the Excluded Assets (defined below) (the "Assets"). At Closing, Buyer will assume the liabilities of Seller in respect of Assigned Conracts only to the extent required to be performed after the Closing incured in the ordinary course of business, and unrelated to any failure to perform, improper performance, or other default or violation by Seller before Closing and will assume Accounts Payable, (the "Assumed Liabilities"). [: or. !h c a 1 qlrjirryc -it Llllb! tl rc j\s.\!q]!!l-i;rbi I rti 5ha! cxc'ltlclc [l tlit Ioarl .\grrcrrll1l! i1ill!'lirnyi..xrrr i\tilg _bC!l!!!! SSllcf .r.r !)qry111cr lnd .Nl,$qr,rl!'.' I.lgctrj-r--.!nc'. ilt l-ctL{qt rb!s! 1N,C-l'nUgttrt ll-lltittr: t Llic L,r4tt Agrquucii! ittll I'r,ttt-r1SXU: \_qrc-b_rtl1tq!.U =Sqllc_t asl)_orlrugI i!!d it)tllt,:ttrt ]l-qtldcfl -q" !ctl1!Ct lqtirl,1' q1 !LU li, l(|09._41trl]irij llte l-rfgrf lgrc-stUg11ljtlrd f rorrris'o!]_\atu_ bc,tLl.rlitSS.!lcr as 11919ur"! urd l)elqr1-fuu,rrr. I,l (',r: !r1r1d_r11rlqprj a; e!'J.,.Ug_iUt !. l_!!11 Seller and each Owner, jointly and severally represent and warant to Buyer that the stateme{rts set forth on Schedule 3 are true and correct on Signing Date and will be tnre and corr€ct on the Closing Date." 3. Schedule 2. Schedule 2(g) shall be amended by adding the clause shown in red underline below, resulting in Schedule 2(g) reading in its entirety as follows: Flnt Amendmeot to Aset Purchue Agreemcnt Prgc I 3i#i;f3"' rPUc DR 8 Att d,nsi 1 "(g) all contracts and oth€r agr€cments, commitments and legally binding amrngements ('Contracts') of the Business, excluding (ilthe contract wittt All Service Elecuic, Inc. dated January 2,2015; and-{jilthe contnact with Northstar Northwest, Inc. dated as of January 2,2015; (iii) the Loan Agreenrent and Promissory Note between as A (ir,) the LoaU Agreement and Promissory Note between Seller as Borrower and Northstar Builders as Lender dated as of Ma\, 27.2009; and (v) the L<.ran Asreement and Pronrissory Note between Seller as Borrou,cr and Dalton Square. L[.C as Lender dated as qf-krrgaly i*2g[ (the "Assigned Contracts"), including the following: None" 4. Execution. This First Amendment may be cxecuted in multiple counter?arts, each of which, when assembled to include a signatue by each party cootemplarcd to sign ttris Fint Amendment, shall constitute one (l) complae and fully executcd First Amcn&nent. Counterparts to this First Amendment may bc executcd and delivcrcd by e-mail or facsimile uansmission. 5. Headings. Section headings contained herein are for convenience or reference only and shall not govern the interprctation of any of the provisions conained herein. [Remainder of Page Intentionally If,ft Blank] [Signatures on Following Page(s)] Flrrt Amendmcrt to Arrct Purchrrc Agrccmcat Pege 2 F"XX I;iI"""'" oR 8 Atbcttt*t'l IN WT[NESS WHEREOF, the partics hereto have set theirhaods and seals as of the day and year first referenced above. GEM STATE WATER COMPAITTY, LLC TROY EOTTTMAN W INC. Name: Justin Pal&,qfiDan Title: Prcsident By: Name: Titlc: Date: Prresidcntr tI lY/ z.t DALTONSQUARE LLC By: Name Title: Datc: Kenneth Murren (Sigltrun) Name: Ronald Date: (SitBrlr) Name: Date: [Sl3nrturc to Flnt ADGDdnoil to Ar*t Purcherc Agrccocotl O *, roturor Rates & Regulatory Affairs GSW-W-z1-01 Application of Gem State Water Company,LlC Approvalof Assets of the Water Business of Troy Hoffman Water Corporation lnc. Data Request Response Reouest No.: GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR I REQUEST NO. 9: These loans appear to be with affiliated companies. Therefore, please demonstrate that these loans were obtained at the lower of cost or market. Please provide the documentation that ensures that these loans do not shift costs from the non-regulated affiliate to the regulated water company. Response: Please see the Company's response to GSW-W-21-01 IPUC DR 8.