HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170918Hearing Transcript.pdfORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF GROUSE POINT WATER COMPANY, LLC FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATE AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN IDAHO. Case No. GPW-W-17-01, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2OL7 KUNA CITY HALL 75]. WEST 4TH STREET KUNA, IDAHO7:05 P.M. N) Ca) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION: ERIC ANDERSON, CHAIRMAN PAUL KJELLANDER, COMMISSIONER REPORTER BY: Beverly A. Benjamin, CSR No. 7L0 Notary Public }IEBRICK COURT REPORTING POST OFFICE BOX 578 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208-336-9208 ,9t Ag, il* fin</twr"rrrg,rrhco M3 tl 2 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 TESTIMOIiW PROVIDED BY Rogler IJ. CoLbrY Bob PerkinE Arnie Spriggel Aaron Leuck ,fennifer Leuck PAGE o I L2 L9 2L T I I I I T T I I I I I I I E I I I I Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 D[R. AIiIDERSON: Good evening, ladies and gentl.emen. Today ie Wednesday, t,he 5th September 20L7. ThiE ie the time and place get forth for the public hearing before the Idaho FubLic Ut,ilitiee Courmieeion, CaEe No . GPw-w- L7 - 07- , furtlrer identi f ied as s fn The Matter of the Application of Grouee Point Water Company, LLC For Authority to Inereaee ite Ratee and Chargee for Water Service in the State of ldatro. We are Lrere thiE eveningr to take pubLic testimony from the cuEtomers of Grouge Point Water Company. ltry name iE Eric.Andereon. I'11 be the chairnan tonight for these proceedinge. I wanted two Corunieeionerg preeent. To my Ief,t is Corsrigsioner PauI KjelJ.ander. Asrd we trawe wittr uE our court reporter, Beverly Benja.nin. The intent of these proceedinge t,hie evening, aE I said, is for tshe Comniegionerg to take public testimony to compLete the building of the record. Once the record ie completely buiJ.t and the case ie elosed, Comrissioners will ttren deLiberate baeed on all of the evidence and all the mattserE ttrat are part of the officiaL record of the cage. We Eerve aE a three-paneI judiciary body, and the role, again, thiE evening iE tso agEure Ltrat, your testimony is included and, appropriately entered into the 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 LI L8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 I I I I I I I I t t I t t I I I T I t Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 record. The way werlL operate this evening is that we wiLl caLl the na.mes of people who trave eigned up to testify. So if you traven I t teEtif ied, speak with Matt there and herII help you get eigned up. Ared if yourll come forrrrardt EtB I call your narne, Conuniesioner KJ ellander will awear you in and Brandon Karpen, our Attorney General from the Attorney GeneraL'E office, wiLl ask you a few queetione to identify you for the purpoge of ttre formal record, t,hen you may proceed with your statement. ff you trave Eome additional. remarke if you have any written test,imony provided earlierr )ro1l do not trawe go t,eetify tonigtrt, brrt if yorr do trawe arry some additional remarks, pleage feel free to do ttrat becauae you may have thought of Eomething elee or heard somebody elEe t,eatify and you have something to add, and you are perfectly welcome to do that. The Comnrieeion' s decision in thig cage hae to be baged upon eubet,antial and competent evidence in the record, which is why all our proceedinge are tranEeribed by a court reporter and are awailable for public inspection. Before we start the public tegtimony we will now tsake the appearancea of any PartieE present at thiE 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 L3 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2A17 hearing. IE t,here anybody repreEenting Grouee Point ?llater Company? If you would like to introduce yourselvee, pleaee, for the CommiEsion. MS. WAI{NER: I'm Lisa Wanner, Grouge Point Water Company. MR. AIiIDERSON: Thank you very much. Lastly, a reminder, thie ie not a queetion-and-anewer period for t,he Conuniegionars. This is an opportunity for yorr to t,estify to the Cormniesion. Then once you compJ.ete your testimony, there may be an opportunity for uE to ask you queetione if we see fit. ff you want to ask a follow-up queation baeed on what, yor.r hawe eaid if we warrt, tso aek you a f ollow-up queetion, we have ttre ability to do that. For the courts reporterrs sake, pleaee speak clearly and don'ts be offended if Etre tras to stop you for clarification because she can only do her thing Eo faEt, and stre wonrt be bashful to etop you if you need to be s topped . So uri th t,hat , let r g go ahead and dive right into our f iret individual wtro traE eigned up. Roger Colbry, please come forward and be sworn in. 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 t T I I t I t I I I t I I I t I I I I Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 L0 L1 t2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 t t O. (BY MR. KARPEN) Good ewening, Mr. Colbry. Can you pleaee state your fulL name and spelling; of your Iast rr€Lme. A. Roger IJ. Colbry, C-o-1-b-r-y. a. Can you plea.se algo state yorr addrees. A. LL923 West Gamekeeper Drive, Kuna. A. And are you a cugtomer of Grouee Point Water Company? A. Yes, I am. A. Thank you. PleaEe provide your etatement, for the record. A . Okay . f did send in a E tatemant wi th ttre engineer, but I also wanted to come for'ward at t,he meeting here and state that we definitely think thats the amount of raEe is way exorbitanE. We have other inweEtsment properties, and I did Bome comparison on tshe ottrer propertiee. To use 8,000 gal.lons per month would eost about $20 to $25, and then an addj.tional dollar and half to $2 per 1,000 over trtrat,. So I just want to reiterate ttrat ttre rate that is being proposed is way exorbitant to any of the other T T T I I T t I I I I ROGER I,. COLBRY, first duly aworn to teII ttre truth relating to said eauge, tseetifLed aE fol.Iows: Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2A17 properties tshat we have, aB well aE our current property. We are also concerned about the quality of water. We have been at thie property for 10 yeare, and we did put in a whole houee syetem to purify the water, at our own e:rpenee. And Eo we alEo want to be ageured that the quality of, water wiLl be at a good quality. And then the coEt for the wells ttremeelveg, we didn'ts have any inputr ErB far aE even the second weLl being drilled, and ttrat wae an expenae that maybe we f ee1 wasn I t neceEreary . Ttrat i E the end of my stsatement . MR . AIiIDERSON: Thank you, Mr . Colbry, f or your teetimony. Excuge me, Mr. Colbry, will you stay for a gecond. Q. (BY MR. K{IEIJLAIIDER) iluEt one clarification question. .Lnd tlrank you once again for your testimony. Ylltren you were talking about the otsh,er properties that you have and were offering Eome coet eompariEone, who providee the eervice on those other propertiee? A. One of tkrem iE Garden City, the property ttrat we own in their district. A. So vrould that be Suez? A. No. we pay that through Garden City. 7 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I o 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 I I T I I I I t I t I I t t I t I I I Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 8 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 L5 15 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 O. Okay. So iE,'e a municipal. A. At least we are bilLed directly from Garden Ci ty. O. OkaY. A. And the other one is City of Meridian, and we are billed di.rectly with ttre City of Meridian. O . Ttrank you. MR. AIiIDERSON: Thank you very much. Nexts Iet'e call Bob Perkins. WeLeome. BOB PERKINS, firet duly sworn to tell t,he truth relating to eaid cauge, teetified aE followe: a. (ay Un. KARPEN) Good ewening, Mr. Perking. PLeaEe state your na.trle and spell your laEt narne for Ehe record. A. My name is Bob Perkins, and Perkins is spelled P-e-r-k-i-n-s. A. PLease state your addrees for the record. A. My address is L2O2O Gamekeeper Dri.ve, Kuna, Idaho. A. Are you a cuet,omer of Grouse Point, Water? A. I am. A. Wou1d you please provide your Etatement for ttre record. I I I I I t I T ! I I I I I I I T t I Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 A. Great. $[eII, thank you, Mr. Chairman, CommLeeioner, for allowing us to come before you today and talk about, some of the experienceE and what our thought,s are about the water system. We moved into our houre baek in 20L3. And when we moved into it, we didnr ts hawe much knowledge about ttre water eysEem that was out tlrere, but we goU a faet exerciee in what it was like real quickly when we moved in, because the water syetem iE euppJ.ied by a hydrogen peroxide eystem to a:mend the H2S in ttre water. WeII, the day we moved in t,ha,t eystsenr f ailed, and as we are moving in, we were moving into a home that emelLed and reeked of Eewer. And to my wifers a.mazement, and aetoniELrment, alre was in tears. Stre ttrouglrt we trad bought a home that weIl, quite frankly wae going to be a Lemon for ue. And luckily the H2S syatern went back online and tlre water wag anended. Buts ttre quality of the water Le, DEQ etandard-wiee iE grea,t, it meetE alL the minimr:m gtandards. But aeetheticalLy, without thats hydrogen peroxide being introduced in the eystem, its's water you can I t bat,he in, it' s watser you ean I t drink, and it' e a qual.ity of wat,er that you juet canrt uee. Irike Roger, we inetalled a eyatem that in caoe that hydrogen peroxide system goeo offline again, its 9 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I T t I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 L0 11 L2 13 14 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 L0 wiLl Eerve as a backupr Eo it'e aJ.waye continuing to aurend the water. That, wae at our own expense aE well. Beyond ttrat, the quaLity of the water, we aleo think that the rateE that are proposed by Grouee Point Water Company are exceggive. When we looked around and did some of <:ur owrl regearch out there about what ottrer wat,er systeme were ctrargJ.ng, it was conEiderably leEE. I Ehink we are all in agreement that Grouse Point Water System probably iE due for an increa.ee, buts ttre increaEe ttrey are proposingi ig justs way tsoo muctr. We were etrocked when we Stot ttre Letter tro Eee how much they were requeeting, and I had to aetuaLly do a doubl-e - take when I got the Letter in the mail . The wat.er compaBy and I know the owrner ie here today, and t,hank you for being trere and listening to our teetimony. And thie is by no way to baeh the company or anything Like that. But, we wouLd Like to maybe, yolr know, if we are going down tlre road, trying to Look at operating cogts and what it coete to operate that syetem, we are only a 24 -home subdivigion, Eo that cost lrag to be epLit up between 24 lromes. I wouLd be happy to maybe t,a1k about ways that we can help reduce your eoets in the future, Eo we can maybe be able to puts that into the equation of lowering I t I I I T I I I T t I I I T T I t T I 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 15 a7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 11 what would be a monthly coEt Ehat is being propoeed. Some of the things that we might be able Eo do would be to look at smaIl capital expenditureE to be able to maybe do Eome time-weighted averaging of ttre eystem by ueing two different welIe that, you have out there. So that may he1.p you reduce the cogt of that H2S eye t,em. Irve algo already puts in my statement Q. Can I aek you a queetion for cLarification? A. YeE. A. Trltren you Eay averaging of tlre welIs, do you mean mixJ.ng water from the new welL? A. No. $Ihat f rm talking about ig ueing there ie a well they had tlrat had uranir.rm in it. DEQ said you hawe to do sometlring else; you canr t have ttrat weLl aE your water eyetem. So I think what Grouse Point Water Syetem did wae they drilled another well to go ahead and coanply with ttre EPA and DEQ standards. WeIl, ttrats was the well that has the H2S water. Illtrat you can do , according to DEQ, i E you can do time-weighted averaging. So you take the water out of tstre uraninm eide of the well tstrats doesnrt need to have ttre H2S to amend it or any of the hydrogen peroxide to anrend it for a eertain part of the year, ao Iet's juet aay 5 months out of year. Then they average T I I I T I I T I T T t I I T I I I t Notice of Public Hearing - September 6n 2017 L2 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 L5 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 the uranir:m in that water over the courBe of a year to the EPA standard,. When you get to that standard, then you switch over to the other weII that haE tha H2S in it. So that way you get a well that is not having to be amended and addingr to that operating coe t a la,rge portion of the time. So it,E one thing to consider. Also, I wag just going to stay, f already have a st,atements on record that I submittsed. Ttrere waa quite a few tromeowners ttrat, euJcmitted reEponEeE to the proposed rate increase. I trope you've had a chance to take a look at some of thoEe. MR. ANDERSON: We have. THE WITNESS: With t}.at I will be happy to etsand for any questions MR. AIIDERSON: Thank you very mueh, Mr. Perkins. Arnie Spriggel. ERNIE SPRIGGEIJ, firgt duly aworn to telL the truth relating to said cauae, test,ified aa folLowe: A. (BY !dR. ITARPEN) Thank you. Can you pleaee provide your fulI name for the record and spelI your laEt narle. A. Arnie Spriggel, S-p-r-i-g-g-e-L. We live at I T I I t I I I I I t I I I t I I T t Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 L2094 Kittredge. O. Are you a customer of Grouge Point Water? A. YeE, we are. A. Thank you. PLeaee provide your teet,imony for the record,, A. Ttrank yorl, gentlemen, for being trere tonight, traweling aLI tshe way to Kuna for this small meet,ing. I sent in a letter on Auguet 15th, with 10 pointe that I wanted to point out to the Conuniesion. So that iE on record. IIm not going tso go into great det,aiL on all those 10 points, but I will highlight a few of them. First of all, we are original tromeownere in ttre deveLopment. We moved into a. new trome ttrere in 1998. We bought the property from Liea'e father, WaIt Wanner, and WaLt waE the developer and was the manager of ttre water Eystem. From tstrat initial purchaee, we learned f rom Walt that the eyetem had been built with the intent of using it alEo for adjacent property that they owned to the north, and ttrat ttrats wel,l waE owerbuilt for that purpoee. He was very open that tlre water company waEn t t reaLly aLl that Eo1vent, and I think Liga can testify to that, for all these years with that anticipation that, they would ewentuaLLy be able to uee that owereized I I I I I I t I I I I t I T I I T T I 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 t4 syetem for a multitude of properties. The famil.y etilI ownE the property to the north, aE I underEtand. The eyetem that wag upgraded and ttre weLLg that were put in were equal in gize to whatsr or greater even t,tran whats wae there bef ore. And Eo in my mind ttre capacity to trandLe these additional homee ig stilL there with the new weII. And it'E my opinion that the homeownerE, being only 24 Lromes, eLrouLdnr t be required to pay for a eyetem t,trat iE overeized, with what I feeL is etilL a cLear intent at Eome point to uge that syetem for a development. AE I 6alr the property is still owned by the fanil.y to ttre north and ttre weLLE Eit, on ttrat propert,y. My f iret three comnents I gxresE are in that regard. I wonrt be able to go into detail on thoee. You can read ttroee in ter.Elg of what I added to ttrat comrent. Cormtent 4 of the 10, I would agk the Commiesion or your managterE if there was any eoet cornpariEon. Ttre weLI tstrat waE drilled waE very e:<pensive, and we didnr ts Eee any coet comparative infonnation that, ehowed what the correLating uranium eontamination treatment, would be, if t,hey choee tso t,reat the uranir-rnr ratlrer tsLran dritl a wtrole new weI1. Arrd I I T I T I I T T I I I I I T I I T I I L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 1.5 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2417 15 wou1d aEk the Conmission if that could be provided. And did Grouee Point do ite due diLigence in epending the money for a well vereuE treatingr tshe conta.ninants to what, I believe, could have been a leEg coatly option. Item 6, Grouee Point, has ineluded a fee of $3,700 for outgide eonsultJ.ng for the purpoae of putting together their requeet. That Eeems exceeEive, congidering the raw dat,a ie pretty simple in terms of a etrrall coatmunity of 24, the uaage eactr year, their expenEea each year you can write otr ttre back of a napkin. Item 7, I dontt know what the cuatomary allowance is for thig percentage retsurn on net rate. Grotrse Point, is a,aking for LZ percent, wtriclr iE $11,500 per year or 31 percents of the totaL rate requeet for profit and overhead. Wtren you conEider that their experrgeg for tLre year are only fi2].,000, Just the sale of, water, wtren you add another $1L , 0 0 0 f or return otr their eapital inveetment, it seema that that rate iE too high. And cro I rve asked for Eome elarif,ication on what might be allowab1e in that category. It a.leo E eems that Grouee Point Lras incorrectLy baeed itE rate height requeet on a declining capital expenditure. In other words, L2 percenu of todayre remaining $95,000 of depreciation will be half t T t I I t I I I t I t T T I I I I I I T I I I t T I t I I I I T I t t I T 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11. L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 15 that in 10 yearE. So if the rate increaEe goee through with that, LZ percent, in 10 yearg it would literally be half of that. So it aeerrrcr like ttrere oughts to be a halfway mark that LE factored into that depreciation ealculation. Xt wae aleo my underetanding that there was Eevere leakage iEsueE during the water year of, 2OL3, wtrich is part of the et,atietic period that tstrey etudied between 2AL2 and 2015. I've asked that, perhape that year be taken out of thiE Etatietical analysie to provide a better baeeline for what was actually used in the 4 years provided. And aLEo 2OLG was excluded in ttre etudy, wlrich was a wetter year, which ehould have reEuLted in lesE water usag6 and leee cost. L,astly, I Eee no subetantiation of the coet giwen by Grouse Points Water for ttre BLock 2 rate of $5 per 1,000 gallons for conaumption greater than 8,000. ObvioueJ.y we are very concerned about the 584 percent increaee. For many of ua ttrat are retired myself, I have unfortunately a cancer disability it's very difficult to swaLLow thie kind of increase on a fixed income. And Eo I wouLd appreciate your grentlemerarE diligence in rewiewing tstrese figures. Ttrank you. MR . AIIDERSON: Queetions ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 15 L7 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 L7 A. (BY MR. K,TELLAIIDER) ilugt one queetsion. It may not be eomething that you know the anEwer to. But if the adjaeent property that ie glated for poaeible future developurent that might, be able to utilize aoule of the water fron the wells and an extengion ttren of additional cuetomers eoming in, do you know approxinately or have you heard how many lots thats you would be looking trE, potent,ial homes that would be incLuded in that t)6le of development,? You are at 24 cuetomerE now. Tlhat ie the potsential? And if you donr t know, that'g f ine. A . Vlle1l , WaL t indi cated i t could be as mueh aE two to ttrree timeE ttre annount of trouEeE that we lrave. So in my Letster I Eaid on ttre order of 40. Ttrere ig 50 acres there. Grouge Point Le built on 30 acreE, 24 homes on an acre and tlren ttre roade and facilitieE uge up 30 acreE. So they I ve 9ot , I bel j.eve , in exceEg of 50 , Eo that would be double the homes, Et leaet on the property. LiEa could maybe provide better inforrration otr the eize of ttrat. I meant to look on Google Earth and try to get an idea of the exact aize, but it'E at leaet two timee bigger than our eubdivieion. And that waB kind of in line with the worde WaIt uEed early on, in termE of Lris wiEion of furtstrer development. I I I I T T I I I t t t I t I T T T I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 L5 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 18 A. iluet one other queet,ion, Ae far aE waEer preeaure is concerned, ie that fairly decent? A. You know, it's wariabLe. We have people in and around us that have bettser water preeaure than we do. I dontt have eufficient water preEsure to run my yard sprinklera . I haven' t had ttrem on for yeare beeauee I don! t trawe enough presaure to run t,hose. Ag far aE the houeehold is concerned, itte fine. ?ile juets rely on the irrigation water to do our eprinkling. A. lrltrat, ie ttre eize of the Lotse that you liwe on now. Are they an acre? A. Eaeh of uE have juet under or juet over an acre r )I€EI . MR. K{IELTLANDER: Ttrankg . MR. ADiIDERSON: Thank you for your teetimony, Mr. Spriggel . CaII Mary Stevens, pleaee. MS. STEVENS: Can I a.ek a question? I,m not aure I'm eLigibJ.e to comment on thie. fE this water, this rate inereaEe onLy in regard to a certain section of Kuna or is it overall? MR. ATiIDERSON: It is only for GrorrEe point. MR. KARPEN: Customers of Grouse Point Water. MS. STEVENS: So it's not through the City of Kuna? Then I ehouldn't cornment becauEe I rm not in that I I I t t T t I I T I I I T I I T I T Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 19 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 L8 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 area. MR. ATiIDERSON: Thank you for eoming though. MR. KiIEL,LAIiIDER: We can get you their address ttrougtr. MR . AIIDERSON: Aaron Leuck . Welcome . Come get aworn in, pleaee. AARON LEUCK, first duly Eworn to telL ttre truttr relating to said cauEe, testsified aE followe: A. (BY MR. KARPEN) Thank you. Good evening, Mr. Leuck. Can you pleaee giwe us your name and spe1I your laet for the reeord. A. My narrre iE Aaron tetrck, L-e-u-c-k. Q. Can you state your addrees. A. rtrE 11940 Kittredge. Q. Are you a cugtomer of GrouEe Foint Water? A. I €rm. A, Can you pLeaee provide your testimony for the record. A. Yeah. Firet, I would Like to thank you guys for coming out and the Wanners for coming out. We have met wi th the Wanners a couple t,imes , and i t t e always been eordial. I like ttrem. My big concern a lot of the things would be t I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I T I I L 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 2A the Eane aE the other teetinonies. I think about resale of ttre houEe. I rm not perfect on my calculatione, but Irn thinking we are about, if that wae the total, lika 5 tineg the coEt of United Water. Arrd I think peopJ.e comingr outs to look aE your houee to buy it would go: Your water bill ie how much? And that etarts making me think, do I need to look at putting in a well tso make E ure tstrat doegn ! t become an iesue for me. l, Like ttre ottrer customerE, have put in a syeteur to get rid of the H2S. Thoee werenrt cheap. I think they ran u6 about 2 grand. .Artd, like I gaid, moet of ttre ottrer tlringrs hawe been touctred on. MR. ^AIiIDERSON: Thank you. Any questionE? l{le dontt have anybody elsa eigmed up. Ie there anybody that wishee to teetif,y? Thie iE your chance to be part of the record. If not MR. Kr.TEL,LAIiIDER: I thinlc the matter is ful1y submitted. But it would probabLy be eustornary though to aIlow you, if t,tre clrair*ran EeeE fit, to aLlow us untiL Friday to Let you aE cuEtomers provide any additional written coutsrents ttrat you might want to make in caee t,here ig something that you wanted to additionalJ.y add tso the reeord. We can leave the record open until Friday. And once we hit that cloEure of, ttre record, ttren we can of f icially begin to deliberate. T T T I I T T I I I I t I I I I t I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 L3 L4 15 15 L7 L8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 2L So that'e why it I E important for us to kind of put together that deadline. But it'g to the chairmanrE digcretion if he would like to alLow for an exteneion of time to aLlow for Eome additional written corurente to be gnJrmitted to the Corurieeion. MR. AIiIDERSON: It ehould be by 5:00 on Friday, elosing time of the office. I juet would like to extend my appreciation for the courtesiee ehowrr to one another on each eide of tshie, the water company. That,re important to ue. It hag a lot more weight,. TtIe all have neigh.bora, we need to Learn to live witl- one another more and more in this world. I think itre good that we do that. So wittr ttrat, one laet offer, if anybody wiEtree to speak. Thank you very mueh would you like to speak? MS . IJEUCK: Maybe I would, just brief J.y on th,e introduction of thiE wtrole eyetem. MR. KiIEI"L,AIiIDER: Come on up . And don I t be nervoue. Thie is aB cl.oee to a Norman Rockwell painting a.s w€! gets. TENNIFER LEUCK, firet duly 6worn to tell the truth relating to Eaid cauge, teetified aE followe: u T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 L1 t2 13 14 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 22 Q. (BY MR. I(ARPEN) Will you please state your name and spell your last narle for the record. A. ItsrE ilennifer Leuck, and itrE l"-e-u-c-k. Q. What iE your addreee? A. Itre 11940 West Kittredge. Q. Are you a cuetsomer of Grouee Foint Water? A. Yee. A. Pl,eaee provide your teetimony f or the record. A. So we moved into Grouse Point in L997 r Bo !tr6 were maybe tshe third trouee in the subdiwision. Arrd I relnember ttre uraniunr very weII, and I remember ttrat procesE that we went through. we met with walt. slalt, had anoth,er meeting wittr our subdiwision. Becanrge of the uranium iegrre, Ite had an engineer involved with working on that, along with the DEQ in eneuring that we were getting good water. .end Ehat was a proceae that t,ook Eevera} yeare in the making, of ttre DEQ trying to get WaIt to be in compliance with our watser. At the time I had very young twing and my hueband had cancer aE wellr Bo when I was hearing uranirrm, that was definitely wha,t wag on my mind. And I think that, Tlalt, I talked with trim aft^er the meeting, he was very cordial, vetry nice, very nice. And he did mention his big system, aE far aB extending t I I I t T I I I t I T I I T I I t I Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 25 out that lot for more growth in the future. He had mentioned thats to me ats that, meeting aftsenyarde. At that time me and Nicki Lrowe, another neighbor, had talked to the neighbors aa wel}, What do we need to do about thiE uraniurn? And I know it waE digcuesed to either dril1 a new well wag discuEsed aa an optsion. Another option wag Lo have a fiLtration eyetem in eaeh houee that would filt,er out the uranium. The DEQ eaid aB long aE we had no compliance issuee with that being tested, then that wouLd be a cheaper option that we could go to through the errbdivi eion . Wtren ttre weLl c€raler w€ trad no idea, other tlran we Ea$r equipment orrt tstrere and ttrey deeided ttrat t,tre well muet have been the beet opt,ion, and Eo that is what they went with. So f juet kind of wantsed to give you a Little bit more of ttrat background before we got to the point where we were at. When we did geE, the new water, like everyone eaid, its waE, ttre gme1l wae Like Yellowetone. So if you imagine that. The Eu1fur wae very strong. And washing laundryr forrr clottree stuek, yorr etunk. I t was not enJoyable. So we did end up going and putsting in a carbon filtratsion syetem to e1.eanEe out that smel}. And tshen T t I I t I I I I I I t I I I I T t I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 L3 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 24 we added in reveree osmoeie aE well to our eyatem, juet to enaure that we weren' ts getting any other bad watser in our ayatem. I t,hink more f or the Eense of I was worrying about the heaLth of my famiJ.y. And at that point juet uranium wag the only thing they were checking, besidee moatly, right, LE what you checked for your baeic? Uranir:m and tlren bacteria coliform, And Bo th.at wae juet extra protection for ue, I thought, for the reverEe oemoeig. But I juet kind of wanted to give you a littLe bit rnore of that background and wlrere we are at. I do underEtand that it t e an expeneive syetem; with 24 houses Lt'E a litt1e hard to break that piece up. So hopefulLy we can come through to an underatanding that wiJ.l work f,or everyone. Obwiouely, nots everyone iE cool with it. But that,le all, f juet wanted to kind of give you that background prior to the point that this new welL was in. Ttrank you. A. (BY MR . A.LIDERSON) Ma I a,m, j uEts a quick question. The earbon filter and the osmoeie eyetem you put in, does it actsually effectiveIy take aLJ. of ttrose concerns away? Is ttre odor grone? A. Somet,imes . ?l!?rat I see more of ten, where t,he probJ.em ig, is if we have eitting water. So I waE told t I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Notice of Public Hearing - September 6, 2017 25 when I had taLked to, maybe it waE the DEQ, becauEe I had talked to the DEQ eeveral. timee ae weII, that it's a bacteria. There is a bacteria wit,h the eulfur. f don't know. Irm looking ats yoLr, Tom, becauEe f rm thinking t,hat and Eo like that sitting water, that bacteria etarts growing again, and because tlrere ig sulfites and eulfatee, and lrm not sure, I,m not a chemietry major, but, they eaid that the bacteria then can grow and cauee that smelL aB weII. So in my laundry , Lf I hawen I t done the Laundry for a couple daye, I wiLl Emell sometimee the initial runningl through of what that eitting water wag in the waehing machine, it will eometimes have a Little bit of that gme1I. Brrts for tstre most part, Lf I'm conEistently using a faucet, or eomething Like that, it doee a pretty good job. MR. AIiIDERSON: Thank you very much. THE WITNESS: Yorr are welcome. MR. AIIDERSON: And you did very well. THE WITNESS: Thank you. MR. AIiIDERSON: Okay. No one else? Your testimony here tonight will become pa,rt of the reeord, And seeing no other busineee before us tonight, rr€ are adj ourned. (Meet,ingr adjourned at "l:39 p.m.) T I T I T t r I I t I T I I t I I t I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 L5 15 L7 L8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 I I REPORTER I S CERTIFICAEE l, BEVERIJY A. BEN{IAIIIN, CSR No. 710, Certified Shorthand Reporter, certify: That the foregoing proceedingre were taken before me at the time and place therein Eet forttr, at which time the witneeaee were put under oath; Thats the teEEimony and aLl obJectione made were recorded Etenographically by rne and tranEcribed by me or under my direction; That the foregoing ie a tsrue and eorrect record of aL1 teetimony given, to t,he beEt of my ability; I furt,her cerEify that I am not a relative or employee of any attorney or party, nor Eun I financially intereeted in the action. IN WITNESS WIIEREOE, I set my hand and eeal thie 13th day of Septernber, 2017 . ,'1 rtilA, t, ll l,j{.ht'ikl ix'f iuJd,n*w A Lil {,,}J BEVERI,Y E,. BENTAMIN, CSR Notary Public P . O. Box 2636 Boise, Idaho 8370L-2636 My commieEion expires May 28, 20L9. l I I T T I T T I I t T I I 1 ?- 3 4 q, 6 7 8 9 l_0 11 1,2 L3 L4 15 1-6 L1 18 19 20 21- 22 23 24 25 REPORTER' S CERTIFICATE T. BEVERLY A. BENJAMIN. CSR No. 710. Certified Shorthand Reporter, certify: That the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at the time and place therein set forth, dt which time the witness was put under oath by me; That the testimony and all objections made were recorded stenographically by me and transcribed by me or under my direction; That the foregoing is a true and correct record of aII testimony given, to the best of my ability; f furt.her certify that f am not a relative or employee of any attorney or party, nor am I financially interested in the action. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I set my hand and seal this t)tL day or SpaL en, h prz \ot7 -T BEVERLY A. BENJAMIN, CSR Notarv Pub1ic P.O. Box 2636 Boise, fdaho 83701-2636 My commission expires May 28, 2019.loaHo ,tltl + r ti v ,f- (A-t r 4:22 average (1) IL:25 averaging (3) l1:4,11,21 away (l) 24:23 B 10:8 ahead (2) 5:21;ll:17 allow (4) 2019,19;21:3,4 allowable (1) l5:21 allowance (1) I 5:13 allowing (1) 9:2 along (1) 22:15 always (2) 10:1;19:23 amazement (L) 9: l3 amend (4) 9:10;10:2;l l:23,24 amended (2) 9:17;12:5 amount (2) 6:19;17:13 analysis (1) I 6:10 ANDERSON (r8) 3 : 1,1 | ;5 :'1 ;7 :12;8:8;12: 12, l5;16:25; l8: I 5,22;19:2,5; 20 : 13 ;21 : 6 ;24 :l 9 ;25 : 17,1 9, 27 anticipation (1) 13:24 appearances (l) 4:25 Application (1) 3:6 appreciate (1) l6:22 appreciation (1) 21:8 appropriately (l) 3:25 approximately (l) 17:7 area (1) l9:1 Arnie (3) 12:17,18,25 around (2) l0:5;18:4 assure (1) 3:24 assured (1) 7:6 astonishment (l) 9:14 Attorney (2) 4:8,8 August (1) 13:8 Authority (1) 3:7 available (l) back (3) 9:5,16;15:10 background (3) 23:18;24:11,17 backup (1) l0;1 bacteria (5) 24:8:25:3,3,6,8 bad (1) 24:2 based (4) 3:20;4:20:5:13;15:23 baseline (1) 16:1 I bash (1) l0: l6 bashful (1) 5: l9 basic (1) 24:7 bathe (1) 9:22 become (2) 20:8:25:22 begin (1) 20:25 Benjamin (1) 3:15 besides (1) 24:6 best (1) 23:15 better (3) l6:ll l'l:20;18:4 Beverly (1) 3:15 Beyond (1) 10:3 big (2) l9:25;22:25 bigger (1) 17:23 bill (r) 20:6 billed (2) 8:2,6 bit (3) 23:1.8;24:ll;25:14 Block (1) I 6:16 Bob (3) 8:9,10,17 body (1) In the Matter of the Application of Grouse Point Water Company to Iniiease Rates Notice of Public Hearing September 6,2017 $11,000 (1) l5: 18 $11,600 (1) 15:14 $2 (1) 6:23 $20 (1) 6:22 $21,000 (1) l5:17 $2s (1) 6:22 $3,700 (1) 15:6 $s (1) l6:16 $96,000 (1) 15:25 3:23 bought (2) 9:15; l3:15 Brandon (1) 4:8 break (1) 24:13 briefty (1) 2l:18 building (1) 3:18 built (3) 3:19;1 3:19;1 7:1 5 business (1) 25:23 buy (l) 20:5 s A calculation (1) 16:5 calculations (1) 20,,2 call (4) 4:3,6;8:9;18:17 came (l) 23:13 can (21) 5 : 1 8;6:6,9; 1 0 :24,24:l I :9, 20,20;12:22:13 :23 ;l 4 : 17 ; 15: l0;18: 18;19:3,12,15,19; 20:23,25;24:14;25:9 cancer (2) l6:20;22:21 capacity (1) l4:6 capital (3) ll:3:15:19,24 carbon (2) 23:24;24:21 Case (6) 3 : 5,19,22;4 :1 9 ;9 :24;20:21 category (1) 15,,21 cause (6) 6:3;8:12;12:20; l9:9; 2l:25;25:9 certain (2) l1:24;18:24 chairman (3) 3:12;9:l;20:19 chairmanrs (1) 2l:2 chance (2) 12:lA;20:16 Charges (l) 3:7 charging (1) l0:7 cheap (1) 20:10 cheaper (1) C Aaron (3) 19:5,7,14 abitity (1) 5:15 able (6) I 0:25 ; 1 I :2,4;13 :25 ;1 4:l 6; 17:4 according (1) 11:20 acre (3) 17:16;18:1 1,13 acres (3) 17:15,15,17 actually (3) 10:12; l6:1 l:24:22 add (3) 4:17;15:18;20:22 added (2) 1417;24:l adding (1) 12:5 additional (7) 4 : l2,l 5 ;6:22;1 4:6;1 7 :6 ; 20:20;21:4 additionally (l) 20,22 address (Q 6:9;8: 1 9,20; I 9:3,15;22:4 adjacent (2) 13:20;17:3 adjourned (2) 25:24,25 aesthetically (1) 9:20 afterwards (1) 23:2 again (4) 3:24;7:17 ;9:25;25:6 agreement (1) 1.i I r -l i-"(iori.r;rir,M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-e61l(ph) (800)234-e6ll (208)-34s-8800(fax) (2O $11,000 - cheaper D data (1) l5:8 day (l) 9:11 days (1) 25:ll deadline (l) ) 1.) decent (1) l8:2 decided (1) 23:14 decision (1) 4:19 declining (1) 15:23 definitely (2) 6:18;22:22 deliberate (2) 3:20;24:25 depreciation (2) 15:25;16:4 DEQ (e) 9: 1 8; 1 1 : 14, 1 8,20i22:16, 18;23:9;25:1,2 detail (2) l3:l 1;14:16 developer (l) 13:16 development (5) 13 :14;14:12;17 :4,9,25 different (1) I l:5 diflicult (1) l6:21 diligence (2) l5:2;16:23 directly (2) 8:2,6 disability (1) l6:20 discretion (1) 2l:3 discussed (2) 23:6,6 district (1) 7:23 dive (1) 5:21 dollar (1) 6:22 done (1) 25: l0 double (l) 17:19 double.take (1) 10:13 down (1) l0: l9 drill (2) complete (2) 3:18;5:11 completely (1) 3:19 compliance (2) 22:19;23:9 comply (1) I 1:18 concern (1) 19:25 concerned (4) 7:3;16: l8;18:2,8 concerns (I) 24:23 consider (2) 12:6;15:16 considerably (1) l0:7 considering (1) 15:8 consistently (1) 25:15 consulting (1) l5:6 consumption (1) l6:17 contaminants (1) 15:3 contamination (1) l4:24 continuing (1) 10:1 coot (1) 24:15 cordial (2) 19:24;22:24 correlating (l) l4:23 cost (12) 6:22;7 :8,19 ;10 :21 ;l I :1,6; l2:5 ;14:20,22;l 6:1 4,1 5 ;20 :4 costly (1) l5:4 costs (3) 10:20,20,24 couple (2) 19:23;25:11 course (1) 12:1 court (3) 3:15;4:22;5:16 courtesies (1) 2l:9 current (l) 7:l customary (2) l5:12;20:18 customer (5) 6:1 1 ;8:22;13 :2;19 : 17 ;22:6 customers (6) 3 : 1 0; 1 7:6, I 0; 18:23 ;20:9, 20 In the Water Matter of the to Application of Grouse Point Increase Rates Notice of Public Hearing September 6,2017 23:1 I checked (1) 24:7 checking (1) 24:6 chemistry (1) 25:8 chose (1) l4:24 City (6) 7 :22,25 ;8:3,5,6; I 8 :24 clarification (4) 5:18;7:16;l l:9;15:20 cleanse (l) 23:25 clear (1) l4:10 clearly (1) 5:17 close (1) 21:21 closed (1) 3: l9 closing (1) 2l:7 closure (l) 20:24 clothes (L) 23:22 Colbry (6) 5:23;6:7,5,8;7:12,74 C-o-l-b-r-y (1) 6:8 coliform (1) 24:8 coming (5) 17:6;19:2,22,22;20:5 comment (4) l4:18,19;1 8:19,25 comments (3) l4:15;20:21;21:4 Commission (7) 3:4;5:4, l0; 13 :9;74:20; 15:1;21:5 Commissioner (3) 3:14;4:7;9:2 Commissioners (4) 3:13,17,20;5:9 Commissionrs (1) 4:19 community (1) 15:9 Company (10) 3 :6,1 1 ;5 :2,6;6:12;10:, 5,1 4, 17;13.,22;21:10 comparative (1) l4:22 comparison (2) 6:20;14:21 comparisons (1) 7:20 competent (1) 4:20 14:25;23:6 drilled (3) 7 :10;ll:17;14:21 drink (l) 9:22 Drive (2) 6:10;8:20 due (2) l0:9;15:2 duly (5) 6:2;8: 1 1 :12: 19 :19:8;21 :24 during (1) 16:7 earlier (1) 4:13 early (1) 17:24 Earth (1) 17:21 effectivety (1) 24:22 either (1) 23:6 eligible (1) l 8:19 else (5) 4: 1 6, I 7; 1 1 : 15 ;20:14;25:21 end (2) 7:ll;23:24 engineer (2) 6:17;22:15 enjoyable (1) 23:23 enough (1) 18:7 ensure (1) 24:2 ensurlng (1) 22:16 entered (l) 3:25 EPA (2) ll:18;12:2 equal (l) 14:4 equation (1) l0:25 equipment (1) 23:14 Eric (1) 3:11 even (2) 7:9;14:5 evening (8) 3 : 1,9,16,24;4:2;6:5 ;8: I 4; 19:1 I eventually (1) l3:25 everyone (3) 23:20l,24:15,15 E .nvi i *-tr i -li*r is:t,iii M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-e6tt (208)-34s-8800(fax) (27) checked - everyone Google (1) 17:21 GPW-W-17-01(1) 3:5 grand (1) 20:ll Great (3) 9:1,19;13:10 greater (2) l4:4;16:17 Grouse (21) 3 :6, I 0;5: 1,5;6:ll;8:22; 1 0:4,8 ; I I :l 6:13:2;1 5 :2,5,14, 22;l 6 : I 6;17 :l 5 ;18 :22,23 ; 19:.17;22:6,9 grow (1) 25:9 growing (1) 25:6 growth (1) 23:l guess (1) 14:15 guys (1) 19:21 H figures (1) l6:23 filter (2) 23:8;24:21 filtration (2) 23:7,25 fine (2) 17: I I ;18:8 first (9) 5:22;6:2;8:ll;12:19; I 3 : 13 ; 14: 1 5 ; I 9 :8,21:,21 :24 frt (2' 5:12;20:19 fixed (1) l6:22 follows (5) 6 :3 ;8 : 12;12:20 ;l 9 :9 :21 :25 follow-up (2) 5:13,1 5 formal (1) 4;10 forth (1) 3:3 forward (3) 4:6:5:23;6:17 frankly (1) 9:15 free (I) 4:15 Friday (3) 20:20,24;21:6 full (2) 6:6;12:23 fully (l) 20:17 further (2) 3:5;17:25 future (3) L0:24;17:4;23:l G H2S (7) 9 : 1 O 1 6; I 1 :6, 19,23 ;12:3; 20: l0 half (3) 6:23;15:25;16:3 halfway (1) l6:4 handte (1) l4:6 happy (2) 10:23;12:13 hard (1) 24:13 health (1) 24:4 heard (2) 4:16l;17:7 hearing (3) 3:4;5:l;22:21 height (1) l5:23 help (3) 4:5;10:24;ll:6 high (r) 15: l9 highlight (1) 13:1 I hit (1) 20:24 home (4) 9:5,12,15;13'.14 homeowners (3) l2:9;13:13;14:8 homes (6) 10:22;14:6,9 :1 7 :8, 1 6, I 9 gallons (2) 6:21;16:17 Gamekeeper (2) 6:10;8:20 Garden (3) 7:22,25;8:2 General (1) 4:8 General's (l) 4:9 gentlemen (2) 3:2;13:6 gentlemen's (1) l6:23 given (1) 16: l6 goes (2) 9:25;16:l Good (8) 3 :1 ;6:5;7 :7 ;8: 14; I 9: 1 1 ; 2l:13;22:16;25:16 In the Matter of the Application of Grouse Point Water Company to Increase Rates evidence (2) 3:21;4:20 exact (1) 17:22 excess (1) l7:18 excessive (2) 10:5;15:7 excluded (1) l6:12 Excuse (1) 7:14 exercise (l) 9:8 exorbitant (2) 6:19,25 expenditure (1) 15:24 expenditures (1) 11:3 expense (3) 7:6,10;10:2 expenses (2) l5:10,17 expensive (2) 14:22:,24:12 experiences (1) 9:3 extend (l) 2l:8 extending (1) 22:25 extension (2) 17:5:21:3 extra (1) 248 Notice of Public Hearing September 6,2017 hope (1) 12:10 hopefully (1) 24:13 house (5) 7 :5 ;20:2,5 ;22: I 0 ;23 :8 household (1) 18:8 houses (2) 17:13;24:12 husband (1) 1'r.11 hydrogen (4) 9:9,20,25;11:23 I facilities (l) 17:16 factored (1) l6:4 failed (1) 9:l I fairly (r) 18:2 family (3) l4:1,13;24:4 far (4) 7 :9;18:1,8;22:25 fast (2) 5: l8;9:7 father (1) 13:15 faucet (l) 25:15 fee (1) l5:5 feel (3) 4:15;7:11;14:10 few (3) 4:9;12:9;13:12 Idaho (3) 3:4,8;8:21 idea (2) l7:22;23:13 identilied (1) 3:5 identify (1) 4:10 imagine (1) 23:21 important (2) 2l:1,10 included (3) 3:25;15:5:17:9 income (1) l6:22 incorrectly (1) l5:23 Increase (8) 3 ;7; 1 0:9, l0; I 2:10;1 6:1,19, 21;18:20 indicated (1) I7:12 individual (l) 5:22 information (2) 14:23;17:20 initiat (2) l3:18;25:12 input (l) 7:9 inspection (1) 4:23 installed (1) 9:24 intent (3) 3:16;13:19;14:l 1 into (11) 3 :25 ;5 :22;9 : 5,6,12;10 :25 ; 13: 10,14;14: I 6;16:4;22:9 introduce (l) 5:3 introduced (l) 9:21 introduction (1) 21:19 F . i t,^ '7 i di,,,, r_.-."r,;.'i:;i :4'._r-.'ru- i .la i;;M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-e61 l(ph) (800)234-e61 1 (208)-34s-8800(fax) (28) evidence - introduction r left (1) 3:14 lemon (1) 9:16 less (4) 10:7;75:4;16:14,14 letter (4) l0:1 1,13;1 3:8;17;14 Leuck (7) I 9 : 5,7,1 2,1 4;21 : I 8,23 ; 22:3 L-e-u-c-k (2) 19:14;22:3 line (1) 17:24 Lisa (3) 5:5:13:23;17:20 Lisa's (1) 13:15 listening (1) 10:15 Uterally (1) l6:2 little (4) 23:77 :24:10,13;25:13 Iive (3) 12:25;18:10;21:12 LLC (1) 3:7 long (1) 23:9 look (6) 10: 19; 1 I :3; 12 :ll;1,7 :21; 20l.5,7 looked (1) 10:5 looking (2) 17:8;25:4 lot (3) 19:25;21:11;23:l lots (2) l7:7;18: l0 Lowe (1) 23:3 lowering (1) l0:25 Iuckily (1) 9:16 M managers (l) I4:20 many (2) 16:19;17:7 mark (1) l6:4 Mary (1) l8:17 Matt (1) 4:4 Matter (2) 3:6;24:fi matters (1) 3:21 may (5) 4: I 1,16;5; I l;ll:6:17:2 maybe (9) 7: 10; l0: I 8,23,25;l | :4; I7 :20;21 : 18 ;22:10 ;25 : I mean (1) ll:12 meant (1) 17:21 meeting (6) 6:1 8 ;l 3 :7 ;22:13,24 ;23 :2; 25:25 meets (1) 9:19 mention (1) 22:25 mentioned (l) 23:2 Meridian (2) 8:5,6 met (2) 19:23;22:13 might (4) 1 1 :2;l 5 :20;1 7 :4 ;20 :21 mind (2) l4:5;22:22 minimum (1) 9:19 mixing (1) l1:12 money (1) 15:3 month (1) 6:21 monthly (1) l1:l months (1) 11:25 more (8) 2l :1 1,12,12 ;23 : 1,1 8;24:3, 11,24 most (2) 20:11;25:14 mostly (1) 24:6 moved (6) 9 : 5,6,8, I 1 ;13 :14;22:9 moving (2) 9:12,12 Ma'am (1) 24:19 machine (1) 25:13 mail (1) l0:13 major (1) 25:8 making (2) 20:6:22:18 manager (l) l3:16 In the Matter of the Application of Grouse Point Water Company to Increase Rates investment (2) 6:20;15:19 involved (1) 22:15 irrigation (1) 18:9 issue (2) 20:8;22:14 issues (2) l6:7;23:10 Item (2) 15:5,12 J JENNTFER(2) )1,)7.)).7 - t i-J rk-.Jjob (1) 25:16 judiciary (l) 3:23 K Karpen (7) 4: 8 ;6: 5 ;8: 1 4; 12:22;1 8:23 ; 19:ll;22:l kind (6) I 6:21 ;17 :24 ;21 :1 ;23 : 17 ; 24:10,16 Kittredge (3) l3:L;19:16;22:5 Kjellander (8) 3:14:14:7;7:16; I7: I; I8:14; 19:3;20:17;21:20 knowledge (1) 9:6 Kuna (5) 6: I 0;8 :20; 1 3 : 7 ;18'.21,25 L Notice of Public Hearing September 6,2017 ladies (1) 3;1 Iarge (1) 12:5 last (6) 6:7 ;8:l 5 ;12:24;19 : 13 ; 11 .1 4..)7.) Lastly (2) 5:8;16: l5 laundry (3) 23:22;25:10,11 leakage (l) l6:7 learn (1) 21:12 learned (l) l3: l8 teast (3) 8:2;17:19,23 leave (1) 20:23 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)345-9611(ph) (800)234-9611 (208)-34s-8800(fax) much (10) 5:7;8:8;9:6;10: 10,1 1; 12: | 5 ;17 :12;20 :6;2 | : I 6 ; 25:17 multitude (1) 14:l municipal (L) 8:l must (1) 23:15 myself (1) 16:20 N name (13) 3 :l l;4:7 ;6:6,7;8: I 5, I 5, 17; | 2 :23,24 ; I 9 : 1 2,1 4 ;22:2,2 names (1) 4:3 napkin (1) 15:il necessary (1) 7:ll need (5) 5 : | 9 ;l 1 :22;20 :7 ;21 : I | ; 23:5 neighbor (1) 23:4 neighbors (2) 2l:ll:23:4 nervous (1) 2l:21 net (1) I 5:13 new (7) I 1 : 12;13 : I 4 ;l 4 :7,2 5 ;23 :6, 19;24:17 Next (1) 8:9 nice (2) 22:24,24 Nicki (1) 23:3 Norman (1) 2l:21 north (3) 13:21;14:2,13 o Obviously (2) l6:18;24:15 odor (1) 24:23 offended (l) 5:17 offer (1) 2l:14 offering (1) 7:19 oflice (2) 4:9;21:7 ,;l {t.l-i, -i:ir.:1" iilt'i,t,(29) investment - office P l5:8;25:16 prior (1) 24:17 probably (2) 10:9;20:18 problem (l) 24:25 proceed (1) 4:11 proceedings (3) 3:12,16;4:21 process (2) 22:12,17 profit (l) 15: l6 properties (6) 6 :20,21 ;7 : 1, I 9,21 ; I 4 : I property (10) 7 :2,4,22;13 :1 5,20;1 4:2,12, 14;17:3,20 proposed (4) 6:25;10:4;ll: l;12:10 proposing (1) l0: l0 protection (1) 24:9 provide (9) 6 : | 4 ;8 :24 ;1 2 :23 ; | 3 : 4 ; I 6: 1 1 ; I 7120; I 9 :19 ;20:20; 22:8 provided (3) 4: l3;15:1;16:12 provides (1) 7:20 public (6) 3:3,4,9,17;4:22,24 purchase (1) 13: l8 purify (l) 7:5 purpose (3) 4:101'13:22;15:6 put (7) 7 : 5 ;10:25 ;l 1 :8;1 4:4;20:9 ;) I .).)4.)) - L.-r- t.-- putting (3) l5:6;20:7;23:24 o quality (6) 7:3,7,7;9:18,23;10:3 question-and-answer (1) 5:9 quick (1) 24:19 quickly (1) 9:8 quite (2) 9:15;12:8 R painting (1) 21:21 part (6) 3 :21 ;1 I :24;1 6:8 ;20 : | 6; 25:14,22 parties (1) 4:25 Paul (1) 3:14 pav (2) 7:25;149 people (3) 4:3;18:3;20:4 per (4) 6:21,23;15:15;16:17 percent (5) l5:14,15,24;16:2,19 percentage (l) l5:13 perfect (1) 20:2 perfecUy (1) 4:18 perhaps (1) 16:9 period (2) 5:9;16:8 Perkins (6) P-e-r-k-i-n-s (1) 8:18 peroxide (4) 9:10,21,25;ll:24 piece (1) 24:13 place (1) 3:3 ptease (18) 4 : I 5 ;5 :4,1 6,23 ;6: 6,9,1 4 ; 8:l 5,19,24 ;12:22;1 3 :4; I 8 : 17 ;19 : 6,12,1 9 ;22 : 7,8 Point (26) 3 :6, I 0;5 : 1,5;6 :l I ;8:22; 1 0:4,9; i | :1 6;13:2,9;1 4:1 | ; I 5:2,5,14,22;1 6: I 6; 1 7: I 5; I 8:22,23 ;1 9 : | 7 ;22 : 6,9 ; 23:18;24:5,17 points (2) l3;9,11 portion (l) 12:6 possible (1) 17:3 potential (2) 17:8,10 present (2) 3:13;4:25 pressure (4) 18:2,4,5,7 pretty (2) In the Matter of the Application of Grouse Point Water Company to Increase Rates official (1) 1.'r1 oflicially (1) 20:25 offline (l) 9:25 often (1) 24:24 Once (4) 3:18;5:l l;7:17;20:24 one (10) 7 : I 6,22;8: 5 ;12:6:17 :l ; 1 8:1 ;21 :9,12,1 4;25 :21 online (1) 9:17 only (7) 5: I 8; 10:2 I ; 14:9;15:17 ; 18:20,22;24:5 open (2) 13:22;20:23 operate (2) 4:2;10',20 operating (2) 10: l9;12:5 opinion (1) 14:8 opportunity (2) 5:10,12 option (5) 15:4;23:7 ,7,11,15 order (l) l7:14 original (1) 13:13 osmosis (3) 24:1,9,21 ought (l) l6;3 out (14) 9 :7 ;10:6;l I :5,21,25 ;13 :9 ; I 6: 10:19 :22,22;20 :5 ;23 :1,8, 14,25 outside (1) l5:6 over (4) 6:23;12:1,3;18:12 overall (1) 18:21 overbuilt (1) 13:21 overhead (l) 15: l6 oversized (2) 13:25;14:10 own (4) 7:6,23;10:2,6 owned (2) L3:20;14:12 owner (1) l0: l4 owns (1) l4:2 ran (l) 20:1 I rate (10) 6:19,24;12:10; I 5: I 3, I 5, 19,23; l6:1,16;18:20 Rates (2) 3:7;10:4 rather (1) l4:25 raw (1) l5:8 read (l) 14:17 real (1) 9:8 really (1) 13:23 record (23) 3 :18,19,22;4:1, I 0,2 1 ;6: 1 5 ; 8:16,19,25 ;12:8,23 ; I 3 :5, I 0; I 9 : I 3,20 ;20 : I 6,23,23,24 ; 22:2,8;25:23 reduce (2) 70:24;ll:6 reeked (1) 9: l3 regard (2) l4:16;18:20 reiterate (1) 6:24 relating (5) 6 : 2 ;8 : 1 | ;12:.L9 ;19 :8;21 :24 rely (1) l8:9 remaining (1) l5:25 remarks (2) 4:12,15 remember (2) 22:ll,ll reminder (l) 5:8 reporter (2) 3:15;4:22 reporter's (1) 5:16 representing (1) 5:1 request (3) l5:7,15,23 requesting (1) l0:12 required (1) l4:9 resale (1) 20:l research (1) 10:6 responses (1) l2:9 resulted (1) l6:14 retired (1) Notice of Public Hearing September 6,2017 'r l'"^ : r ii ,-'-." 'i.| !. s i-;d ! ' *.-r.. r j, t. r M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234461r (208)-34s-8800(fax) (30) official - retired l I start (1) 4:24 starts (2) 20:6;25:6 State (8) 3:8;6:6,9, I 8;8: I 5, I 9; 19:15;22:l statement (7) 4:l 1 ;6:14,1 6;7 :l I ;8:24; 11:8;12:8 statistic (1) 16:8 statistical (1) 1 6:10 stay (2) 7:14;12:7 Stevens (3) 18:17,18,24 still (4) l4:1,6,10,12 stop (2) 5:17,19 stopped (1) 5:20 strong (1) 23:21 stuck (1) 23:22 studied (l) 16:8 study (1) 16:13 stunk (1) 23:22 subdivision (5) 10:21 ;17 :23 ;22:10,1 4; 23:12 submitted (4) 12:8,9;20:18;21:5 substantial (1) 4:20 substantiation (1) 16:15 Suez (1) 7:24 sufficient (1) 18:5 sulfates (l) 25:7 sulfites (1) 25:7 sulfur (2) 23,,21;25:3 supplied (1) 9:9 sure (3) 18:19;20:8;25:7 swallow (1) l6:21 swear (1) 4:7 switch (1) 12:3 l6:7 sewer (1) 9:13 shocked (1) 10:11 showed (1) l4:23 shown (1) 2l:9 side (2) 1l:22;21:9 signed (4) 4:3,5;5:22;20:14 simple (1) l5:8 sit (r) l4:13 sitting (3) 24:25:25:5,12 size (4) 14:4;17:21,22;18:10 slated (1) 17:3 small (3) l1:3;13:7;15:9 smell (5) 23:20,25;25:9,11,14 smelled (1) 9: l3 solvent (1) 13:23 somebody (1) 4:16 Sometimes (3) 24:24:25:ll,l3 speak (4) 4:4;5:16;21:15,17 spell (4) 8 :l 5 :12:23 ;19 : | 2:22:2 spelled (1) 8:17 spelting (I) 6:6 spending (1) l5:2 split (1) 10:21 Spriggel (4) 12:17,78,25;18:16 S-p-r-ig-g-e.l (l) 12:25 sprinklers (1) l8:6 sprinkling (1) 18:9 stand (1) 12:14 standard (2) l2-.2,2 standards (2) 9:20;11:18 standard-wise (l) 9: l9 In the Matter of the Application of Grouse Point Water Company to Increase Rates Notice of Public Hearing September 6,2017 sworn (7) 5:23;6:2:8:11; I2: I9; I9:6, 8;21:24 system (31) 7 :5 ;9 :4,7,9,1A,1 1,1 6,21,24, 25 10 :9,20 ;l | :5,7,1 6,17 ; 13:17 ,L9;74:1,3,9,1 1 ;20: I 0; 2 I : I 9 ;22 :25 ;23 :8,25 ;24: 1,3, 12,21 systems (I) l0:7 T l6:19 return (2) 15:13,18 reverse (2) 24:1,9 reviewing (l) l6:23 rid (1) 20:lO right (2) 5:21;24:6 road (1) I 0:19 roads (l) l'l:16 Rockwell (1) 2l:21 Roger (4) 5:23;6:1,8;9:24 role (1) 3:24 run (2) 18:5,7 running (1) 25:12 sake (1) 5:16 sale (1) l5:17 same (1) 20:l saw (1) 23:14 second (2) 7:9,15 section (1) 18:20 seeing (l) 25:23 seems (4) l5:7,19,22;16:3 sees (1) 20:19 send (l) 6:16 sense (1) 24:3 sent (1) 13:8 September (1) 3:2 serve (2) 3:23;10:1 Service (2) 3:8;7:20 set (l) 3:3 several (2) 22:17;25:2 severe (1) S talk (2) 9:3;10:23 talked (4) 22:23;23:4;25:1,2 talking (2) 7:18;11:13 tears (l) 9:14 terms (3) 14:17:'15:8;17.,25 tested (l) 23:10 testified (6) 4 :4;6 :3 ;8 : | 2;l 2:20 ;l 9 :9 ; 2l:25 testify (6) 4:4,1 4,17 ;5 :10:'13 :23 ; 20:15 testimonies (l) 20: I testimony (14) 3: 10, 1 8,25;4: 13,24;5:ll ; 7 :13,17 ;10:16; I 3 :4; I 8: 1 5; 19:19;22:8;25:22 Thanks (1) 18: l4 thinking (2) 20:3;25:5 third (1) 22:lO though (3) 19,2,4;20:18 thought (3) 4:16;9:14;24:9 thoughts (1) 9:4 three (2) 14:15;17: l3 three-panel (1) 3:23 times (5) | 7 : I 3,23 ;l 9 :23 ;20 : 4 ;2 5 :2 time-weighted (2) ll:4,21 Today (3) 3:2;9:2;1015 today's (1) 15:25 together (2) :3ilr-Xi*l-i*;'ipt,+M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-e6rt (208)-34s-8800(fax) (31) return - together Utilities (1) 3:4 utilize (1) 17:4 v variable (l) 18:3 versus (1) l5:3 vision (1) 17:25 words (2) 15:24:17:24 work (1) 24:14 working (l) 22:15 world (1) 2l:13 worrying (1) 24:4 write (l) 15: l0 written (3) 4:13;20:21;21:4w Y yard (1) 18:6 year (10) I 1:24,25:12:l; I 5:9, I 0, I 5, 17;16:7,10,13 years (7) 7 : 4 ;l 3 :24 ;1 6 : 1,2,1 2;1 8: 6; 22:17 Yellowstone (1) 23:2A young (1) 22:20 I 1,000 (2) 6:23;16:17 10 (6) 7 :4;13 :8,17 ;l4:19;l 6:1,2 11e23 (r) 6:10 11940 (2) 19:16;22:5 12 (3) l5:14,24;16:'2 12020 (l) 8:20 120e4 (1) l3:1 16th (1) 13:8 t9e7 (t) 22:9 19e8 (1) 1 3:15 ) Walt (9) I 3: 1 5,1 6, I 9;l 7 :12,24; 22:13,13,18,23 WANNER (3) 5:5,5;13:16 Wanners (2) 19:22,23 washing (2) 23:22:25:13 Water (57) 3 :6,8, 10;5 :2,6 ;6:11 ;7 :4,5, 7 ;8:22;9 :4,7,9,10,17,18,27, 22,23 ;l 0 :2,3,5,7,9,1 4 ;7 I : I 2, I 6,1 6,19,21 ;12:l ;13 :2,17,22; I 5: 18;16:7,14,16;17:5; 18: 1, 4,5,9,1 9,23 :l 9 t 17 ;20 :4,6; 21 :10 ;22:6,17,19 ;23 :19 ; 24:2,25:,25:6,12 way (7) 4 :2;6 : I 9,2 5 ;l O : lO,l 6 ;l 2 :4 ; 13:7 ways (1) l0:23 Wednesday (l) 3:2 weight (1) 21:11 welcome (4) 4:18;8:9;19:5;25: l8 wells (6) 7:8; I 1:5,1 l;14:3,13;17:5 werenrt (2) 20:10;24:2 rilest (2) 6:10;22:5 wetter (1) 16:13 whole (3) 7:5;14:25;21:19 wife's (1) 9:13 wishes (2) 20:15;21: l5 without (1) 9:20 WTTNESS (3) 12:13;25:18,20 2 (2) l6:16;20:11 2012 (1) l6:9 2013 (2) 9:5;16:7 201s (r) 16:9 In the Matter of the Application of Grouse Point Water Company to Increase Rates l5:7;21:2 told (1) 24:25 Tom (1) 25:4 tonight (5) 3 : | 2 ;4 : | 4 ;1 3 : 6 ;2 5 :22,2 4 took (1) 22:17 total (2) l5:15;20:3 touched (l) 20:12 transcribed (1) 4:21 traveling (1) 13:7 treat (1) l4:24 treating (1) 15:3 treatment (1) l4:24 truth (5) 6 :2;8:l | ;72: 19 ;1 9 :8;27 :24 try (r) 17:22 trying (2) 10: l9;22:18 twins (l) 22:24 two (4) 3:13;ll:5;17:13,23 type (l) 17:9 U Notice of Public Hearing September 6,2017 2016 (r) L6:12 20r7 (1) 3:2 24 (6) I 0:22;1 4:9 ;l 5 :9 ;1 7 :9,1 5 ; 24:12 24-home (1) lA:21 30 (2) 17:15,17 3l (1) 15: 15 4 (2) 14:19;16:12 40 (1) 17:14 s (1) 20:3 5:00 (l) 21:6 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 (2) 1 1:25; l5:5 60 (2') 17:14,18 684 (1) l6:18 6th (r) 3:2 under (1) l8:12 unfortunately (1) l620 United (1) 20:4 up (9) 4:3,5 ;5 :22;l 0 :22 ;1 7 : I 7 ; 20 : I 4 ;2 I :20 ;23 :24 ;24 : I 3 upgraded (1) l4:3 upon (l) 4:20 uranium (12) I I : | 4,22 ;1 2: I ;l 4 :23,25 ; 22: I 1,1 4,22;23 : 5,8 ;24 : 5,7 usage (2) 15:9;16: l4 use (5) 6 :2 I ;9 :23 ;l 3 :25 ;l 4 : I I ; l7:16 used (2) 16:ll;17:24 using (4) 11:5,13;13:20;25:15 7 (l) 15:12 7:39 pm (1) 25:25 8,000 (2) 6:21;16:17 Itl i tt- { ; -,-t* r it-*tlii;M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-e61 l(ph) (800)234-96t1 (208)-34s-8800(fax) (32) told - 8,000 I