HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170419GPW to Staff 1-27.pdfr,Ionnrrtrf,llrronrs 4ltsl2o17 l: , ldaho Public Utilities Commission : : PO Box 83720 ;; Boise,lD 83720-0074 :':, Case No. GPW-W-17{1 . : Regording: First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Grouse Point Woter ComporlfDoted* Aprit5,2077 i: r\-l On behalf of Grouse Point Water Company, LLC, Mountain Watenrorks respectfully submits this Production Request Response to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission for review. 1. Production Request No. 1 Please list all instances in which the fire pump was activated over the period 2012 through 2016. Please include the reason for activation, duration of the activation, and the quantity pumped. Response: ln 2013, the Ditch Company shut down the irrigation woter in August of that yeor, so irrigotion demands coused the fire pump to run. Where required, the system operator is notified thot the fire pump activated with o phone coll from the auto dioler. A red light on the control ponel is then deoctivated manuolly on-site. The operotor does not track the woter produced from the well ot this time but coptures production on o monthly basis. Therefore, the octivity, duration ond quality ore not currently tracked. 2. Production Request No.2 Please list all instances in which the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality was notified that the fire pump was activated. Response: The fire pump run events ore not communicoted with IDEQ os they are under the 60 days per year emergency requirement. 3. Production Request No.3 Supplemental Schedule #3 states that the fire pump pressure settings are OpsilTOpsi, and that the potable water pump uses a VFD set at 60 psi. During its March 20th site visit, Staff observed that the fire pump is controlled using a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). Please answer the following questions: a. Under what circumstances will the fire pump be running, and under what circumstances will it be completely off? Response: The fire pump will only run when system pressure is below 30 psi. The fire pump will turn off when system pressures ore above 62 psi where the domestic pump will mointoin a 65 psi set point pressure. ln general, system demands obove 150-175 gpm will octivote the fire pump. b. What are the VFD set points for the fire pump? Response: On-30 psi, Off-62 psi, Mointoin 55 psi c. Given its use of a VFD, how is the fire pump turned-off? Response: The fire pump is controlled by o mercury pressure switch, offsetting is 55 psi. d. What is the rationale for using a VFD with the fire pump? Response: The fire pump is a high copocity pump. The VFD will ollow the pump/motor to saft start ond stop, ond maintain o constont pressure ot varioble system demands. Boise I Coeur d'Alene I Lewiston I McCall 208.780.3990 - office@mountainMr.com www.mountainwtr.com i ii i-i,i:t trfiountalnIJATBf,WOBIIS 4. Production Request No.4 How does the Company assure that the fire pump is only operated during water emergencies as defined by the ldaho Department of Water Resources and the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality? Response: The domestic pump can produce 750-175 gpm ot system pressure. The pump wos sized to meet system demands of 6.25 gpm per customer or 9,000 gollons per doy. Under peak domestic demands the primary pump will meet all system demonds. System demands above 150 gpm should be o result of o fire flow event, lorge system leak or foilure of the domestic pump. 5. Production Request No.5 How does the Company assure that total flow from its pumps does not exceed the 0.47 cfs limit established by the ldaho Department of Water Resources? Response: The water right of 0.47 cfs equotes to opproximotely 210 gpm, which is significantly more thon the domestic pump con produce (150 gpm). ln the event of o fire flow, IDWR does limit production to the 0.47 cfs. (See response to Production Request No. 4). 5. Production Request No.5 What are the potable water pump high and low pressure settings? Under what circumstances will this pump be running, and under what circumstances should it be completely off? Response: The set point pressure for the VFD to maintain is 65 psi. The VFD will turn off once the pump hos reached a speed where no woter is being produced for o set time period 30-60 seconds estimated (sleep mode). Once the pressure has dropped to opproximately 55 psi the VFD will start and romp up to the 65 psi set point pressure. The pump will turn off when there is no demand in the system and will run when there is system demand that the pressure tank cannot supply at pressure below 55 psi. 7. Production Request No.7 Please provide the make, model, power rating, and pump curves for all well pumps and motors operated by the Company. Response: Pleose refer to lnformal Responses-Mountain Waterworks on Behalf of Grouse Point Water Compony (Submitted to the IPUC on 4-6-2017)-Exhibit D-Pump House for the make, model, power roting ond pump curves informotion. 8. Production Request No.8 What is the power consumed by the potable water pump when used to maintain system pressure (no water flow)? Response: The domestic pump will turn off when the PWS is not calling for water. When the pump is not producing woter there is o short time period thot the pump will not be doing any work prior to going into sleep mode. Under this scenario, a fan in the VFD will be running dnd the motor will be spinning but will run on very low amps. Boise I Coeur d'Alene I Lewiston I IUcCall 208.780.3990 - office@mountainwtr.com www.mountainwtr.com 2 MountalnIllAT B NIJO B I( S 9. Production Request No.9 Please answer the following questions regarding the pressure tank: Response: For oll responses to Request No.9, please review Exhibit A-Pressure Tonk Cut Sheet a. What is the manufacturer, make, and model? Response: WM-jSWB b. ls it currently being used by the system? Response: Response: Yes c. What is its capacity? Response: 120 gallons d. What is its drawdown between the system high and low pressure settings? Response: 55-65 psi, a pproxi motely 20 ga llons. e. When was tank pressure last inspected, and what is its pressure when empty? Response: The tonk pressure was lost tested during the 2073 pump replocement. The pressure tonk hos on oir valve thot is set to o pressure of opproximately the set point pressure of 65 psi. 10. Production Request No.10 Please provide a list of all Company-owned equipment that consume electrical power for water service. For each piece of equipment, provide its power rating and the number of hours that it operates each year. Response: lt is not common to instoll hour meters on eoch piece of electrical equipment thot is needed to operate this facility. Therefore, we will be unable to provide the run time informotion. Please refer to Exhibit B-Electrical Equipment. 11. Production Request No.11 Please list all chemical and biologicaltests that are required by the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality for each well. Response: Well No. 2 is required to test for nitrate and totol coliform. Well No.j is required to test for oll primory drinking woter contominonts, os listed in the attoched Exhibit C- EPA Primory Drinking Woter Contaminonts. 12. Production Request No.12 Please list all well tests performed on each pump for the period 2012 through 2016. Response: Once the wells were test pumped during construction no additionol aquifer tests were compIeted from 2012-20L6. 13. Production Request No.13 Please provide the manufacturer's recommended periodic maintenance schedule for both pumps. Response: Since both octive well pumps and motors ore submersible ond severol hundred feet below ground, no onnuol mointenonce can be completed. 14. Production Request No.14 Has the old potable water well been deactivated? lf so, please state how it has been isolated from the system. Response: The well has simply been disconnected electrically. lf the well were to be octivated agoin, additional drive, controls and electrical modifications would be required to use this well. Boise I Coeur d'Alene I Lewiston I McCall 208.780.3990 - offi ce@mountainwtr.com www.mountainwtr.com 3 MountalnWATBBWOBTS 15. Production Request No.15 Has water from the fire well been tested for uranium? lf so, when was the last test performed and what were the results? Response: Well No. 2 was sampled for uronium by United Water in 2004, with Analytical Laborotory sompling results of 66 micro groms per liter (ug/) of uranium-totdl. Refer to Exhibit D- Sompling Results. 15. Production Request No.16 Supplemental Schedule 3 states that the potable water wellconsumes L2,777 kWh per year, and that the fire well consumes 2,200 kwh per year. Billing information from ldaho Power indicates that the Company annually consumes between 48,000 kWh and 56,000 kWh per year. Please explain the discrepancy. Response: This schedule hos been updoted. The production from Well No. 2 (fire) hos been estimated due to inoccurocies of the flow meter ond the fact that this meter also is a common meter with WellNo. i 17. Production Request No.17 Supplemental Schedule 3 states that the fire pump consumed 2,200 kwh, but only produced 20,000 gallons. Please explain why so much energy was consumed pumping 20,000 gallons of water. Response: As there is only o single power meter for the Well Focility, individual power usage for eoch pump can only be estimated. Schedule 3 hos been revised to include on estimote of power utilization for Well No. 2. Since well production meters are inoccurate ond the large meter is common to both wells, 200,000 gollons per yeor hos been estimoted for Well No. 2 production has been estimated ot 200,000 gallons per yeor. This would equote to 3.3 hours of run time at 7,000 gpm. Power utilization is estimated ot 185 kWh. 18. Production Request No.18 How is hydrogen peroxide metered into the system? How is the concentration of hydrogen peroxide computed if there are no functioning master meters at the system? Response: The chemical is flow paced into the system with o LMI chemicalfeed pump. Since the flow meter has not been reoding occurately, the system operotor will toke o residual concentration reoding in the distribution system and adjust the pump to meet the required 3 mq/l or less residual. Refer to Exhibit E-Peroxide-Well. 19. Production Request No.19 Please provide the manufacturer and model of the hydrogen peroxide system. Response: The peroxide chemicol feed system is not o pockoge system. lt is composed of o LMI chemicol pump (AA947-45H1, 0.48 gpm), chemicol storoge tank, injection quill ond piping. Refer to Exhi bit E-Pe roxid e-W e I l. Boise I Coeur d'Alene I Lewiston I McCall 208.780.3990 - office@mountainwtr.com www.mountiainwtr.com 4 Mountaln 20. Production Request No.20 What is the manufacturers' suggested range of concentration (specify units) for the hydrogen peroxide system? Response: Hydrogen Peroxide is used for mony opplications other than an oxidizing agent for public water systems. The monufacturer does not set recommended ronges for injection, but IDEQ has requested thot 3.0 mgfl residuol not be exceeded. Refer to Exhibit E-Peroxide-Well. 21. Production Request No.21 The Company's 2015 annual report states that the Company pumped 1,340,000 gallons of water. The Company's well total for this same year is L,252,0O0 gallons. According to Company billing records, the Company sold2,473,000 gallons in 2015. Please explain the discrepancies Response: Production meters ore known to be inoccurote due to buildup on the inside of the meters. Therefore, on overdge estimote of production is estimated ot 2.3 million gollons produced to customers ond 200,000 for fire protection. The overoge production is estimated ot 2,500,000 gollons per yeor. 22. Production Request No.22 ln August and September of 2013, the Company used the fire pump to provide potable water to residents of Grouse Point. Why was the old potable water well, which the Company maintains as a back-up well, not used for this purpose? Response: There wos no need to use Well No. 1, os Well No. 2 came on to ougment Well No. 3 supply during short periods where Well No. 3 could not maintoin pressure. The system controls and electrical wiring was in ploce to use Well No. 2 and Well No. 3. Well No. 2 is on o VFD ond produced woter ot constont pressure ore vorioble flow rotes. The averoge system demand during September 2013 was only 27 gpm on averoge. There would have been odditionol cost and time required to make Well No. 7 octive. 23. Production Request No.23 Please provide an accurate system map showing the locations of wells, pumps, meters, and other major equipment. Please indicate the locations and diameters of all pipes and services. Response: Please see lnformol Responses-Mountoin Waterworks on Beholf of Grouse Point Water Compony (Submitted to the IPUC on 4-6-2077)-Exhibit B-System Mop. 24. Production Request No.24 Please provide the manufacturer and model number of residential meters. Response: Sensus SRll L-inch meters. 25. Production Request No.25 Please provide the manufacturer and model number of allwell metering equipment. Response: McCrometer, Electromognetic (Ulto Mog),2-inch Primory domestic meter; McCrometer (McPropeller), 6-inch Common Meter Boise I Coeur d'Alene I Lewiston I McCall 208.780.3990 - office@mountainwtr.com www.mountainwtr.com 5 MountalnwarEn!Jon3.s 26, Production Request No.26 Please provide hourly power consumption interval data for the years 2012 through 2016. Data should be provided in EXCEL format. This can be obtained through ldaho Power's customer service department (reference Zach Harris). Response: We have contocted Zach Harris in the Regulotory Affairs Department at ldaho Power, to occumulote these requested 35,000 dato points. Mr. Horris informed Tim Forrell thot the request will have to come from the owner of the account, Liso Wonner. Mr. Harris is working with other deportments to determine the required worklood and timing to complete this production request. We ore in process of scheduling a call among the owner of the account, Lisa Wonner. Mountoin Woterworks ond ldoho Power to determine whether we may request the information and obtain the informotion (35,000+ dota points) in on efficient monner. lf it is so determined by ldaho Power, Zach Harris will send the data to Tim Farrellfor submittolto the IPUC. 27. Production Request No.27 For period 2012 through 2016, please identifu and explain specific instances of extra-ordinary consumption that the Company believes should not be included in calculation of its billing determinants. Response: Three specific instonces of "extra-ordinory" consumption are: 7) During the late summer months of 201j, the HOA's irrigotion system wos not avoilable due to drought conditions and the domestic public water system wos used for irrigotion purposes. 2) 12059 Kittridge had significant woter usoge during the months of luly, August, and September, 2015. These high meter reodings were observed by the woter operotor ond reported to the owner. Utilizing the meter reading doto, it wc,s never confirmed whether there was o leok or unusual watering. Woter usage returned to normol during November ond December, 2075. 3) Other high customer woter usoge was usuolly associated with peak summer woter demonds in the late summer months. Boise I Coeur d'Alene I Lewiston I McCall 208.780.3990 - offi ce@mountainMr.com www.mountrainwtr.com 6 Exhibit A Pressure Tank Cut Sheet First Production Requesf-Grouse Point Water Company-Date Apfl 5, 2017 WM Series I WELLMATE Pentair Water Page I of2 f nrxmrn wELLuATE' WM Series CAPTIVE AIR AND RETENTION IANKS Easier to install than steel and tougher over time. Foatures E Benelits lltplrtc,rblt air ct ll assurt s r,rsicr lrt'l.l st'n icing. (it,rtr r tlnldorn tlrrrr crrrrrp;rr,rbl1 sizcd sttel trnls lieltls grcatcr tlllciencr listcndt rl l,tlr,r s rrrarrtr (,1)rff'n ri rr rrl:tblt lo horR,on ne ts \\/ort't rust in cr'rrosirc cn\irr)no)(nts. prrtictrlrrrll inrp,,11,1n1 in c,,:rst,tl rc*( rtri. {]uiclicr rnd l(ss cr,sll\ t(, tr1still, trsu,rllt rcgurnng r)ull on( p(rs(rrr ,lrrJ fcscr rn,tn-ltrrurs. Wicicr pressure * ttrng tlrl-lirtnti,rl pror idcs grtrtcr flcsil>rlirr Find thc Ripht 'I'ank for torrr Installation Applicalions llesidt rrti.rl l,rght crrrnrnrrci.rl l'rt ssttrt lrrxrstrn.q Specifrcations lX/Nl Scrics Quick Connccl Pcrformancc f)ata Wrrl-.| / U llfi)60 QC vl\t,6 / wt\t00?5 Qc wit-9 / \r'It0l20 QC wt\t-t2 / u't\t0150 Qc \I'r\l-l{\X'B /wt\l0llr0 Qc \\/t\l-20$i A / Wr\102.t5 QC lzt x('l 125 Fl,l l2i x(l 125 tr,-. 125 h(,1 t25 E6: l" rrr.rl. Nl'I I rrr.rlt \l'l l' rrr.rl. ^ii'l l' rrr.r[ \l'l I I l" ,rr.rlt \t,t 14.5 l9.lt 29.3 {0.J l7.l 60.0 ii Ii: Iil l-h 8(, ti a, h( ra' fi/, 4.5 6.1 ,.1 r J..i It.ar 18.5 l- lr ll -l it l l- j l(, lt, l(, la .ll {t 1l lt /, I 26 (,( 12 rr tJ ll: 5? 11: { t..1 t,ri {1,5 I , ,i t 3/1 I l/1 I l,/r t 3/r 2 t/l 2 t/1 l(r-9 20.85 28.ti0 J5.05 t(t.2'7 52.87 ll II -ll rl ;- li'r lltt lr ,,I I t' nr,rl,\l,l:l Drawdorn .r0/50 Setring*+ gal / litr Dianretcta inch / cm Or'a.all Heighr.inch / cm Hcighrtinhr/oullct t() llootinch / crn Svstcm Conncction Assrmt lrWeiShlr'lbl[g Pellct QTY. ltlodcl Numhcr Capecitlgel,/ litcr Irf exim u nr Opereting Prcsrurcpsi/kPt/8u http://www.wellmate.com/en-US/producVresidential-productVcaptive-air-and-retention-ta... 4ll4l20l7 WM Series I WELLMATE Pentair Water Page 2 of2 !flI\{ Scries Classic Pcrformance Data N,rtc: l\lltinrunr trtcr Dl)rrNl loll ur( .llrol ("lo(.) ' l)rrntrtrr, hcrght lrrrl sright tnrr rrn slglrtlr trlh,rut rrrlrct tlrr accuracr anrl i,pcritir,t ,,[ lhc prcssurr strtch rorl giulr in(l r11111i11, t(n)l\'raturr ,f th! r\it(ol ,r'' (.oFrrtgltt folT l)(rrtrrr lltrrdcntirl I ilrrati,rr l.l.t IUrxlcl Numbcr Crprcitlgtl / lirct [\leximum Optreting Ptcssurc psi / kPe ,/ Bar Dreu dot n .10/50 Scrting.rgal ,/ lirr Diemctcra inch / cnr Or cre ll Hcight+ inch ,/ cm Hcight. inler,/ oullct loIloor inch / crn Sys:cm Conncction Asscmbly- \vcightrlb/Ig Paller QTY. wM-zt ,i wrt0.100 Qc vlu-z5\*'B /wr\t0330 Qc vru-3swB /wM0{50 Qc 79-6 ilrl l25.n6trli6 t25 66: .8 (, l2S 86: *.(, 24.6 I et I 26.8, l{)l i 37.0'l-1,,.1 1 5j :1 ('1 ll r {'l 62 .'. t3- 53 l/1 , tlt' 1l l/4 . tx,) Il2 t/1 I ' z t/l 5r il I ti -1" 01L Nt) I 7l.01 'i5 rt .la, l -,1 86.? i:8 I 1,,-1" nrxhNt,l 77.22 9.1 2t/4,;.II{-oik Nt,l t02 I l5l Maximum Opcraring Prcseulcgti/kPt/Bx Dte*doq n l0l50 ScrrinS*rgrl / lircr Dirmcrcrt inch / cm 0vctell Hrighr* inch / cm Hcighttinls/ outlel toflmr anch / ctrr S-rstem Connection AcscnrblylVcight* tb / kra Prllcr QTY, lvtodcl Numbcr Caprciry gal / liter r.5 , 55 l9.t i 7i zi.s ,, n: 40.3 I i.l 47.1 / t18 60.0 i ::7 79.6 , Tttl ti6.? , 1:l{ 125 h6l, n6 125 ., lt6: I 6 6 125, n(,1, I( 125 n('l / x6 125 tr(,: , tl 6 12.5 .r: .i 14.6 , 15 i lll.5 ' 7u il 21.6 i ,\ I 26.E l"l i t6 .{t tt ;1 2.t : (t :r al :r 6t 2:6 ; k, 12 t trl 4l l r: 57 . l-ri 41.3'lrt5 41.5 ,' l|5 62 r;; l3/1 , 1.1 t3/4 i 11 t ,/4 .l .t l 3/4 , ),t 2l/4.31 2l/4 t 31 2 t/4 .' li rl{.5 ' 66 i 17.75 E I i I zr.us 'r r : 65.1 '2' I Il I so, ::il I 8n2 I 8.(,I l" nralt NI'l 6.1 i 1r -l 9.1.3{l 72-7i ! \\.tl 72.75 , \itt 4.5 t1L1 .l .l {i I i -l I in' 125 12, lzt 1" nreh Nl'l I l -l'' nrelr l" n1.l! Nl'l l" nrelr Nl'l I l,/{" nrrltNt'l I L'-.1" malr Nt, t I I /-{" f,ral( N t,ti l 5s l/1 ll,' I 2 , .17.g , 1 1,, 1 I 21 6l125 861 t{.. http://www.wellmate.com/en-US/productiresidential-products/captive-air-and-retention-ta... 4/1412017 t Exhibit B Electrical Equipment First Production Requesf-Grouse Point Water Company-Date April 5, 2017 I (,ocG Eul-Itt I o,(Do EIs Fflttl|rd! 8!I o E 5C LE -ur-3ur Ell_ I IL .l aa -ll - { i IFrfil*g E8t- a?Epr Z* EAoac, l- EFEFE rlJd=<dEGSP EERER I? , 4 fatxfEf,&tr"r.$ iljEtr[rI :t:,d ...a,A-'Lura- ?JbE:U--LIItrEt-:cc\qa- -rlit=:*€- II-*,;-: rr_E ": ".{l'-o ,, 7t'- -\- 4 'd -lD{---*G{ {Dl5rE'I I -' tt E*.p" E[-- =d CJ. CJ =(ED =a= =--O ,- lr:lt-= <r. -r-Axfi =tE =o= aEia f{:r CDG'* I {E) -.}- (r:D :\l - tA,tE -G'r.:D -e C':D ts: = trrh- -. EE FTraF aI \riar{aEq- LE r-ir;l;;IE E*l -: t+- S E O L. {. -r t 1 E €tI rn E]o o € € U sb 0-z L UJd lJ-= =g o(3os h{ JII(J L) GtE J Y FlltalJtrJ +I =o t uzzEI d-gfiXEIJJ Fcc=<<Gx=gz 6= r3ot;<ls a9a' t!Es Ec OF =(E<s* tt) b .EE EE{g EPTg EOE{.9 E E€ *lr*#EgE= b s6-3 g. i}}l il.ll r{.4.4 t.t rl ir ttl iii iti.r .,'lii r1 ;'.' l, i5 IIE ilE:6- !lEhB ir= I=furi! c,:r7 iIE ffi= i I la|lt-rh3r-- Fseulrl IF t zTt i s ri I H $ ,I I Ft .t-I ^^{ iiFIIT ri lrF ?fi [88tn,dtt,?o 'fi, bctl {r 6I Ei $ t[:l: Y ,( I [I TH tlat ${,\ d t!o l- boDe--ao nEeI $il3$$r *s dl|r|F :g Ii,o.$ rnS u -3st ,tl t- l. I (-"TDs](-_oG;}ti, {I ! it -ll--!- :-_ l- ,a =:=a =_ r.r<t 5Ei -,iF -I.Ll'r { =\:-- \-.-t!i 5s f i":. -.f I! ---->frf '< -.;,-r + rrr =tL.ri= -r-<r_: ,,-. < B- .D5 i ;q.;EiE = il:I {H = l,;;:lu,'l <€=Itl :o 'ot- --(] = ]]i:.u =h,_- iE - 'l.r; r}=ltr:# -- :H!-i;- -,.. 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I Exhibit C EPA Primary Drinking Water Contaminants First Production Requesf-Grouse Point Water Company-Date April 5, 2017 Brcm8te DBP DBP ffi National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Contaminant Acrylamide Alachlor Alpha/photon cmittes Antimony Amnic Asbestos (frbeB >10 micrometcn) Atrazinc Brium Bmne BcnD(a)pyrcne (PAHS) Berytlium Beta photon emitt€s Cadmium Ca6ofumn Carbon tetrachloride D chlonmin*(asCl) Chlordane D Chlorine(sclr) Chlorinc dioxide (as ClO,) Chlorite Chlorcbemne Chromium (total) Copp€r CDptosporidiun Potential health effec,ts lrom long.termr erposure above the ilCL Inre in blood cholestercl; deacase in blood sugar Skin damage or problms with cirolatory systems, md my have incrcascd risk of getting oncr Common sources of contamlnant in drinklng water Ercsion of natml deposits of certain minmls that arc ndioaclivc mdmy cmit a fom of ndi.tior hom as alpha ndiation Discharge from petrolem refineries: fire rctardanlri ceramics; electronicsi soldcr Erosion ofnatuml deposits; runoff from orchads; mtrftom glass & elrctsonics production msts DEEy of sbeslos ccment in water mim; msion of muml deposib Di$harge from metal refnsies and coal-bming factories; discharge from electriol, aerospace, mddefme industies Neruou system or blood prcblms; incresed risk of cmcq Added to water duing sewage./ wstewater treahent Eye, liver, kidney or splm prcblems; anemia; increued risk of cancq Runofffrom herticide uscd on row crops Incrca$d risk ofcanccr Public Health Goal(mg/L)'a 0.006 7 MFL 0.003 2 0.004 0.005 MRDLG{I MRDLG=4' MRDLG=0.81 0.8 0.1 0.1 1.3 rerc rerc nrc 0 rerc rcrc nfo &to 0.04 rerc zeto Cardiovs3cular system or Eproductive prcblems Runoffftom herbicide ucd on rcw sops lncrrucd risk of developiag borign intestiml polyps Increased risk ofencs Increased risk ofcmcer Kidncy damge Anemia; infants, young children, and fetuscs of prcgnant wom€n: nfloN systcm cfrectE Shon-tcm cxposue: Gashointestinal distre$. Long-tem exposue: Liver or kidncy damage . People with Wilrcn's Disease should consult their pcrcoal d6lor if lhe mout of copper in their water excecds the action level Short-tcm exposure: Giltrointestinal illness (e.g., dianhca, vomiting, cmmps) Dery of natuml and man-made dc?Gits of ccrtain mincEls thst 8rc mdimctivc and my mit fom of mdiation knom as photom 8nd b€ta mdistion Byprcduct of drinking water disinfetion Conosion of galvmized pipcs; crcsion of natunl dcposits; di$harg€ from mctal rcfinqi*; mofffrom wstc baBqies and paints Conosion of houehold plmbing syslms; ercsion of natural depGits Hman md animal fecal waste lncrase in blood presrue Dischargc of drilling wstes; dischsrgc Aom melal refineries; erosion of mtuml depsits Anmia; dcqeuc in blood platclets;inmcdriskofms Di*bargc Aom factories; leaching from gd stomg€ tanks md lmrffills Rcprcductivc difEculties; imscd risk of cancer Laching tanks End from linings of wts stomgc distibution lincs Intcatiml lesions Prcblem with bloo4 trflos systenr, or rcproductiv€ system I*aching of rcil fumigant used on ric€ md alfalfa Liver prcblcm; inreased risk of cucer Discharge from chemical plants and other indushial activities Eyc./nooc initation; stomach dircomfort; ancma mimbcs Livcr or nenous systeD prcblems; incrcued risk of mer Residuc of bmed temiticide Eyclnosc irilation; stomach dircomfort Wster additive sed to @Dtrol microb€s Watcr additive used to control micrcbcs Anmia; infanr, yomg children, and fetuses ofpregmt women: nnou systm effects Byproduct of drinking water disinfection Livr or kidaey prcblm Discharge from chmical ud agricultural chemical factorim Allcrgic dcmatitis Discharge from stcel and pulp millc; crosion of natunl dcposits zefo D Disintechnt @ orintuaion Byproduct @ horganic Chemicat ticroorganism @organicChemical IRadlonuclldes Gonhminant Gommon sources of conbmlnant in drlnklng wabr HlIMedsiml fsalwstc Publlc Hcrlth Goal(mg/L)' 0.07 0.2 m 0.6 0.075 0.007 0.07 0.1 z2ra) 0.007 m 0.002 w{ Cyalide(r tec rymidc) 2A.D Dalapon longtermr exposur. ebovt tte IICL dirharge fioD plaltic ud fcrtilia fetdid Kidncy, liva, or r&cml glmd prcblm Ruofffiom herbicidc uscd on row crops Minorki&ey chmges Runofrfrom herbicide used or rightsofmy R@roduclive ditrcultiq incuscd riskofcms Rmofi/l*hing fr om soil frrmigmt uod on coybeam, muon, pincrpplcs, and orchrds Livcr,5dncy, mcirculstory syst mprcblm Dischargc from industrial chmiul factcis Amia liva, kidncy orsplmr damage; chugca inblmd Discbarge &om industrial chmielfactorio Inmaeed risk of cmcc Diccbrrge ftom indurtrial chmicalfrctorid chcmical Livcr problcms Dimhargc Aom indurtrial chcmical frctorics Liverpmblm Dirchrgc ftom indutrial chcmical fsctori6 Livq problcmq incrcarcd rir& of ema Dircbargc Aom &ug aod cbsmielf.ctfiics lncrcased dsk ofcanccr Dircbargc Aom industsial cbcNtdcal factorics losl livcrpmblcsr*apmible Dirchargc tom chmical frctoricg rcproduaivc diffialtic Rcpoductivc dificultics: liva problm; iacrascd ds& of onccr Dircbargc frm rubbcr and chmiel fdctorics Reproductive difr cultics RuoffAom herticide used oa soytrcam aDd wgeteblee Rcprodrtire dift cultie; imsed risk of caoccr Emirim fr om waste ircinmtim and othcr comburtion; dircharge from chmicrl frctoria Catrracb Runofrftom hertisidc usc Stomocb and intestinal pmblm RunofrAom herbicide usc Liwproblm Incrascd ms risk rtmrch problmg Dircharge from indwtrial chmical hctorimi m iryuity of rcmc mtertutstrmtchdiql! Livcr or kidncy problcms Dilchrrgc Aom pctrolcum rcfincries P:oblems with liver, storuh, Eprodrtivc rystcm, or kidn€rys; incrcued risk of crer Dimhargc tom peroleurn refncries 1,2-Dibromo3- chloropropre(DBCP) o-DicNmbsnzcoc p-Dichlmbelzcnc 1,2-Dichlorccthaac l,l-Dichlmclhylmc cisJ 2-Dichlomcthylcrc taB-12- Dichlorelhylcnc Dicblomtharc 1"2-Dichloropropme Di(2+thylhxyl) adipate Di(2+thylhcxyl) phthrlatc Dimseb Diorin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) Eadrin EpichlomhyLin Ethylbcnzcnc Ethylene dibrcmi& FeololifmandE.oli flwidc Giadia lamblia Gb?hoste Halocetic cids(HAA5) Hcptacblor Heptachlor epoxide H€tmtrophic plate cout GIPC) &to Feal colifcm and E oli rrc boctqia vhoccplffic indi€td thrt th3 weta my bc contsmimted with hmn c miml wcts. Micrcb€s in lhclc wast€6 may c6wc short tcro cffoctg, ruch as diartca, cramps,nam, hodaches, c othcr symptom. Thcy mry posc a sp€cial hc0llh dsk for infonts, yong chil&en, aadpeople with severcly cmpromiscd fumrme systemg. Bonc dirase (pain udtm&rnm of tbe boncs); childm my gct mottled teth Wlts sdditive wtich promotsf stong tccth; mion of mtural dcporits; dirchargc ftom fcrtilizu and aluminum factoric ,2ro ,Ero 0.4 0.02 0.1 m 0.7 m 4.0 2m zcto m nla Short-tm qpore: OsstroirtcstiDl illnBs (c,g., diantea, vomiting, mqs) Kidney prcblm; rcprcduaivedifrctrltie Inmased risk of cmccr Livcr dmgc; inmsd ridr of crnm Liva damge; increascd rirk of cmcs HPC has m health effcctr; it is an maMc method used to meme lhevdcty of bactoria thrt m colmn in wats. The low€r thc concmtntion of bactcia in drinking watcr, thc bcttcr mitrt8i[Gd thc w8t6 syslm is. Hwnedeimlfml wstc RuoffAom herbicide w Byprcducl of &iddng w8ttr disinfcction Rcsiduc of b8mcd tcmiticidc Breskdom ofhepl8cblor HPC measres a mge of beteria thst ue mh[8lly pMt in theavircmcil 0.7 nlge Diqoat Endothall DBP D Didnfectant @orinhomByprcduct @ horganlc Chemical Wffifi tilicroorganlsm @OrganicGhemicrl EFtadlmuclldo. Contaminant Hexachlorobeuene I*ad Legionella Lindae Mercury (ilorganic) Mcthoxycblor Nitrate (meMed ssNitrogen) Nihite (m€sued 8s Nitogcn) Oxmyl (gdate) Pmtachloro,phmol Piclolm Polychlorimled (PCBs) biphmyls Radim226 md Radim 228 (mmbined) Selenim Simzine Styrcre Tetrachlorethylene Thalliu Tolume Total Colifoms Total Trihalomethmc (TTHMS) Toxaphcne 2y',5-TP (Silvex) I ,2,4-Trichlorcbcuene l,l,l -Trichlorcthane I , I ,2-Trichloretbane Trichlorethylene Potential health elfoc$ from long-lerm3 exposuro abovo tho ilCL Kidney or stomach prcblms Infants and childrcn: Delays in physiol or or mmt l development; childrfl could show slight deficits itr anentiotr span md leming abilitix;Adults: Kidney problem; bigh blood preme Lrgiomirc's Disre, a type of pneumoua Liva or kidney problm Kidney damgc Reproductivc dif, Ecultics Common sourcos of contaminant in drinklng water Dfucbarge from chcmical factorics Comsion of houchold plmbing systems; erosion of natual deposits Hcrbicidc moff Fomd natumlly in water; multiplies in hcating systms Rmofi/leaching fiom imcticidc wcd on fruits, vcgctables, alfalfa, livestock RuoflAom fenilizer us€; le.ching &om septic tanks, sewage; ercsion of natunl deposits Rmofffrom fenilia usc; laching &om scptic tanls, scwagc; msion ofmhml dcposits RmoMerching from irecticidc uscd on applB, potstcs, and tomtocs Dischargc Aom wod-prc*ruing fsctorics Herbicide roofr Ruofffiom ludflls; discharge of wmte chemicals Ercsior of mhml dcposits Dircbarge from pctoleum md metal rcfineries;msion of natunl deposits; di$hErge from mine Public Health Goal(mglL)'z 0.04 l0 0.5 rere 0.004 0.1 0.0005 o.2 0.003 Livr or kidney prcblms; reprcductive difficultics: incrcased risk of cmcer Discharge fiom metal refinqies and sgriculn[al chcmical factorics reto 0.05 rcto 0.2 zarc rcrc 0.05 wrc Krc r/a' krc 0.05 0.07 &to Ruoff/loching from imticidc ued on cattle, lumber, gardms 0.0002 Erosion of natunl dcp6its; dischsrge from refineries ud factories: 0.002 mofffrom lmdfills md coplmds Infants b€low the age ofsix months who &ink wats containing nitnte in excms of the MCL could become seriouly illm4 if mtreated m8y die. Symptoms include shotuess of brath od blue-baby syndrcme. Infants below lhc age ofsix months who &ink wats containing nitritc in cxccss of the MCL could bccome scriouly ill an4 if utrsled, my die. Synptom include shortness ofbrath md blue-baby Slight nfloB Bystem cffets Livo or kidncy prcblm; inrud cmcer risk Livo problm Skin chmge; thymw gland prcblm;imuc dcfciacics; rcproductivc or ncryos systcm dimcultie; incrcd risk of orcq lncrascd risk of erccr Hair or fngeroil los; numbnes in fingen or tes; cimlatory prcblcffi Livcr, kirhcy, or circulatmy systsm prcblm Liver pmblcms; incrcued risk of mer Dischergc from rubbcr and plastic factoris; leaching from landfills DischErge tom factorie md dry cleueru Hair loss; chmge in blod; kirhrey, inastine, or livcr problem l:aching from ore-pmessing site; disharge from clcctronics, glase, and &ug frctorics Neilou systm, kidtrcy, or livc prcblcm Discharge from pcoolcum factcics Colifoms rc bacteria that indicatc that othet potentially hmful brcteris m8y be prffint. See fecal colifoms md E coli Natunlly pr$ent in thc enYircmnt Liva, kidncy or central neNou systm prcblem; incrcarcd risk ofcanccr Byproduct of drinking wster disinfcctiotr KidDcy, liv6, or ihymid prcblcm; inqeased risk of encs Ruoff4csching &om insticidc Ncd on cotton and 6ttle Liver prcblems Residue of bmed hcfticide Chmges in adrmal glmds Discbarge from textile finishing factorics Livcr, nGNoN systm, or circulatoryproblem Discharye from mctsl degrcasing sitcs end othcr factorics Liver, kidney, or imue syst€mproblms Discharge fiom industrial chemical factoris Liver problems; inrerocd risk of cancer Discharge Aom metal degreasing sites md othcr factorics DBP Eto D Disinfectant @ oisinruaion Byproduct @ tnorganic chemical Microorganism @organicChemica! IRadionuclides Gonhminant Potentla! hcalth offecb hom longterm! cxpooure above the l{CL Inmed risk of cam, kidney toxicity Inmcd risL of ces Shst-tm creorc: GssEointcstiul ilbBs (c.g., dianhca, vomiting, cnryr) N€rvous rystco damrge Conmon rources of conhminant ln drlnklng water Soilmfr Erosion of neiurd deposit Lcrching tom PVC piFs; dircbargc from plastic fectcic Humrn 0darind fsl s.rstc Dirchsr8E from pcrolm fraorie; di*hsrgc fiom chmical fsctorie Publlc Health Goal(mgrlP TUtidity Umim Vinyl chloridc Vitrscs (mtaic) Xylcnee (totrl) D Ditinfuc-lent @orrrmtonByproduct @horyanlcGhmicd Sllmlcrooqinbm @OrganicChemicel Iitaoiaructde NOTES I Definitions. Maximum Contaminant LevBl G€l (McLGFThe hvel ot a mtaminant in drinking water b6low whidr theE i8 m knom d expoctod risk lo heallh. MCLG8 alof, ior a mrgin of sfety ard are mn{nio@bls public hsallh goals.. Maximum Cmtaminant Level (MCLFThe highat l6wl of a ontaminant that is allow€d in drinkng wator. MCL8 ars s6t as dos lo MCLGS as f€8iuo using tho best availablo tro6tnent tshnology and taking @st intio consid€Bts. MCLS are 6nfreabl6 standalds.. Modmum Residusl Dislnf€ctanl L6v6l Gosl (MRDLGFThS levol of I drinking wattr disinfoc'tant bolow whicfi thsrc is m kmm s expected dsk io h€alth. MRDLGS do not rsfloct the bsnefits of ths u8€ of disinisclants lo ontrd misobial mtaminants.. Maximum Rosldual Dlsinf€cl8nt Lsvel (MRDLFThg highost lovol of a dislnfoclant sllowod in drinking water. TheE is ffivindng eviden@ that addition of I disinfoctant is necassary br . Troatnont Tochnlquo (ITFA roquired prc6$ intend6d to Bdus lha level of a contamimnt ln drlnklng w8ter. 2 Units are in milligrams per liler (mg/L) unles otheilb€ noted. Milligrems per litor aro equivalent to parls psr million (ppm). 3 Hoalth €fiec{s sre frcm long-tsm exposuE unloss spocifiod as shoil-lem axposuE. a Esch wattr statem must eiify annualty, in uiting, to th€ stBta (using third-pa]ty il mnufadurss Grtifcatbn) that wh€n it tffi adylamkle ardlor epichlo.ohydrin to traat water, the ffibination (or prcducl) of dos6 and monomor lsvel dcs not ex@d lhe levels 6p€cilad, as follows: Acrybmlds = 0.05 porQnt dos€d 8t I mg/L (q squiElonl); Epichkxohyddn = 0.01 p3mnt dosod at 20 mg^ (or squivalent). 5 Lead and @pper ar6 rogulat€d by a Treatrnent Trchnique lhat roquires syst6ms to mtrol tha @mdwffi of th€ir water. lf more than 'l 0 pecnt o, tap mtor smplos ex@od lhe 8c1in lov6l, wat6r slstm mst take a(Hitlmal steps. Fq 6pp€r, the adim lorel b 1.3 mg/L, and for lead is 0.015 mgn-. 6 A routn8 ssmph hat is f6cal cdilomfGiwe d E @rnposidw tigg6E rcpeat smpls$"it any Epeet smple is total mlfmpodtvE, tho systsm tEs an ejt€ MCL vlolatlon. A mutlns smpl€ that is btal olimnfosilive and f6cal otbm{egatiw tr E @limgEliw tigg€B 6peat emplos-it any Bpeat smple b f€cal @lifu.m+cEilire tr E oJipositiB, the systom hs an ets MCL vb*ttion. S€s abo Total Coliforms. 7 EPAS surfae water tr€atrrent rules require systems using 8urfacs water or gEund water under th6 dirilt influence of surface water to (l ) disinfect their water, and (2) filtsr thsir watsr or mst dltsda fur avoldlng fltration s that ths following ontaminanb aB oontollod at th€ folowlng leveb:. Cryplowidlumi 99 po@nt romoval for systams thal llltsr. Unfllt€Ed systems aro pqulred to incbde CDotosporidium in their existing wateBhed connol provisions.. Giardia hmbfa: 99.9 p€mnt Emvauinelivation . Viruses: 99.9!) psmt Bmvauinaclivation. Lagbmrrs: tlo linit, but EPA bdioves that if Glrdia dd viruses aB remved/imcliwted according lo the troatnent tedrnh$ in th€ srfaco wator treatrent rule, Legriomrr, will also b€ fftoflod.. TubUity: Fq systsm lhat u$ qlwliml tr dftrct ffbaton, 8t rc tire en tit*tly (dordk6 d water) go hEhs lhan 1 n€ph€lolmtic turbidity unil (NTU), and smples tor trrbuity must be les thil q €q€l to 0.3 NTU in at le$t 95 porcont of th€ smpl6 in arry mfi. Systm that use ftbatim ofrH than @nventixEl tr dicd filtralion mGt blox state ,mits, whicfi msl irdude turtidlty . HPC: No mo.o tlan 50O bacterial coloni€s p€r milliliter. Long Tm 1 Enhamd SurfaG Wbttr Trffitrmnt; Surfae mttr sydom tr gmnd mttr sydems under lh€ dir6c1 idlume of surfa€ mt6r s€rvlng fewil lhan ,0,000 psde must @mply with th€ apdicablo LorE Tm 1 Enhanc€d S$fa€ Wbbr T@tmnt Rule Ewisiru (6.9. turbidity standards, individual f lter monitoring, Ctyptowidiun r6moval requirom€nts, updated watershed conlrol requiroments ror unfiltered 6y6toms).. Long Tsm 2 Enhanced Surfacs Wstsr Treatmen! Thls rule applies to all surface wator systoms or ground water systems under lho dirsct infiu6n6 of surtace water. The rule targets additional C4p{pspo/rfirm feafilont r€quir€mnt fur highs rbk sFlem ard includs prwidms b rcdu6 rhks fm untrGd inbh€d sEtar daags faclro€s ard b €nEiB lhd the qdsre mintsin [icrcbial pptecton s thsy laks st6p6 to r€du@ lhs iomation of disintection b!,?rcducts. (Monitodng stiart datos aG stagg€rod by systom size. Th6 largest systems (seMng at least 100,fl)0 p€oplo) will b6gin mnitoring in Octobor 2fi)6 and th6 smallost syslems (ssrying torer than 10,000 p6opl€) wil mt b€gin monitoring untl Octobor 2008. Alld omplstng monltoring and detemining their beatmnt bin, systffi gmmly haw thE yeaE to 6mply wih any additiml traatrEnt requiromonts.). Filter Bacltrash Rscycling: Tho Filtor Badoash Reyding Rul6 rcquiEs systems thal recycl6 to Etum sp€cmc mych f,orc thmugh all p@ss of th6 syst€m's existing Mv€nlional or dirocl filBatjon system or at an altomata location approred by the stale. 6 No mm than 5.0 p6mnt samples total olifdmfositivo ln a lmth. (For wat8r s),stems that 6llec1 fes,er lhan 40 routlno sampl€s psr npnth, no moro lhan ons sample En be lotal @ltfom.posl0vo per mnth.) Every sample thet hes total mliiom must be anelyzed for eilher fecel olifoms d E cdi lf trc 6ns6qJtiv€ Tc?ositivo smpl6, and on6 is abo positive br E @ri tr fa€l 6lioms, 8!6tem has an aete MCL viohdon. 9 Although lhero is no @llsclivo MCLG for thb ontaminant grcup, ther6 ar6 individual MCLGS for some of the individual mntaminants:. Hd€@tic acids: dichlorca€tic acid (zero); trichloroacelic acid (0.3 mg/L). Trftdorn€ftaM: bunodichloom€dlm (mI hotrrolb.m (eI dhomocr{mm€EEm (0.06 ndL) ll National Secondary Drinking Water Regulation NationalSecondary Drinking Water Regulations are non+nforceable guidelines regarding contaminants that may cause cosmelic efiects (such as skin or tooth discoloration) or aes- thetic efiects (such as taste, odor, or color) in drinking water. EPA recommends secondary standards to rvater systems but does not require systems to comply. Horever, some states may droose to adopt trcm as enforceable standards. United States Environmental Protection Agency EPASlGF-09-m4 May 2fi)9 For More lnformation EPA's Safe Drinking Water Web site http ://www.epa. gov/saf ewater/ EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800) 426-4791 To order additional posters or other ground water and drinking water publications, please contact the National Service Center for Environmental Publications at : (800) 490-9198, or email: nscep@bps-lmit.com.m m 9EPA Exhibit D Sampling Results First Production Reguesf-Gtouse Point Water Company-Date April 5, 2017 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. llt04 N. 33rd Strcct Iloise. ldaho 113703 l'hone (208) 342-55 I 5 Attn: CnMll-I.U IIROWN t lNl'l'l:D WA'I'F-R lDAllO 8248 W VICTORY ItD P O t]()X t9()420 BOISt--. lD 83719-0420 Collected By: Submitted By: Source of Sample: (iRoLJSE P]'#2 uu-t-cH C BROWN Date Completed Time of Collection Drte of Collectionr Date Received: Report Drte: ,1:45 6i23/2004 6i23/2004 7 t13t2004 PWS: 4010232 Laboratory Analysis Report Sample Number: 04203 l4 ELI.TESTINC PERTORMED A'T ENERGY LABORA'TORIES. INC. RESI.'L'TS RECEIVED $7II2IO1. Test Requcsted McL f;fjftt lrnirs MDL Method Uranium-Total 30 66 pCi/L 0.2 LPA 908. r 7nt2004 ELt Analyst N4CL = l\larimum Contarrination Lcrel'-...- ,ttDL - M.thodMirrimum Dctcction Limit lR = Unregulatcd CC: CDHD-BOISE 'flmnk 1 ou tbr choosiDg Anal-ltical L:bomrorias for yotu tcstrng nccds Ifrur have an1 qtrestrons sonccnring this repon. please contact: ( .ler c Oualletlc l'lrgc I ol I l" lit,lr Analytical Laboratories, Inc.ft lll04 N. 33rd Strcct Iloise. ldaho lti703 I'hone (20E) 342-55 I 5 Attn: CAMII-I,E I]RoWN tINITED WAI'ER IDAIIO ,t248 W VtC'rORY RD POB()X 190420 BOtSE. lD 83719-()420 Collected By: Submirted By: Source of Sample: (;ROLJSti P'l's2 I]UTCH C BROWN Date Completed Time of Collection Date of Collection: Date Received: Report Date: Test Requested Uranium-Total '7:45 6t23t21t1t4 6t23t21t04 7il312004 PWS: 4010232 Laboratory Analysis Report Sample Number: 04203 l4 ELI-TESTINO PERIORMED A'T ENERCNT LABORA'TORIES. INC. RESIIL'TS RECEIVED 07/I2III1 MCL 30 Anrlysis Result 66 units lllDL Method pCi/L Analyst 0.2 EPA 908.1 7nt2004 ELt { MCL = lltarimunr Contmindion Lcvel'-..- ,r.tOL = Mcrhod,Minimum Detcction Limit lR = Unregulatcd CC: CDHD-BOISE 'fltanh l ou tbr choosing Analyical L:bomtorics for your tcsltng nccrls. ll';-ou havc irnl qucstrons corccnring this rcpon. pl.asc conlact: ( lere Oucllette l':rg.c I ol l Exhibit E Peroxide Well First Production Requesf-Grouse PointWater Company-Date Apil 5, 2017 o(9 (\loNI (\qo t-c\lo Fc!o @qo (o ci c!o tc!o c)(\lo (\tqo oc\lo ro ci (0 ci Nc!o (Y' o o O) o o oqo o o 1l) o qo Nc\lo o)qo rc C; ro d s C; F- o $ o sf ci sf c; oYo NoNE oO)qo C\lO)qo fr)o,qo o o ro@qo o)oqo 6F.oo (or-oo t\(ooo @(oqo (oqo (t)@qo (ooci (o(oqo (oroqo rl)(oo C' 6l(oqo oooo' N(ooc; rJ)o)oo to,oo (v)ooo N(ooo o(noo oo d @@oc; $o o @@oo O)oo (Y) CDo C; o EoE Eo()o6; =oo G =,z E .9(o o -gCLEoo o)CIo(1,J o ao(, EE6o o EE@o Eo .t2(E o(,io Ea o EEod, oo.9, E (Uo:(D E6 1'o-vo Eo EooEo Efo. EoE(, (Eo o E6 !,a0o=o. E =o" EoEo!,oo)coEo E(Eo o. E5o- =oz o(, E o, =!(l,co -9o !)!) o E -et! UJSga9rcLOgE 9soq ;o-:EC(Eso 9eg-d 6 (E-o Eo $loNE o o E.E, oo Eo NoNE o o oqo(\l lOolt\ ou?oo F- ro\st ro ou?o loe.l(n\t ro\rot oq st ou? o)(Y) oqN(9 ro\ro(') roq(r) (Y) oq c) oqo(,) ou? @N ou?u)6l ou?tt)(\t oqroN roc!NN oqoN ou? @ lf,\N ou? rJ) oq oc@ oqro u?o u? 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