HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230330VP Inc to Staff 1-9.pdfRECEIVED 2023 March, 30 4:40PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONTHE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION INTO WHETHER VP, INC. IS A PUBLIC UTILITY SUBJECT TO REGULATION BY THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. GNR-W-17-01 Answers to First Production Request The following answers were prepared by Richard A. Villelli, President of VP Inc. and who is also the record holder who's physical address is 517 Lakeshore Ave #204, Dover, Idaho 83825. Phone 208-660-8474. Mailing address PO Box 1785, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864. E-mail dick@villellipnw.com. There are no supporting work papers other than those attached as requested. REQUEST NO. 1: Does VP, Inc. ("the Company") or any other entity associated with VP, Inc., currently own and operate a water system that provides water to customers? Answer: Yes REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide a legal description of the territory in which VP Inc. operates and provides potable drinking water. Answer: Hidden Lakes Subdivision, Hidden Lakes Subdivision 1st Addition, Hidden Lakes Subdivision 2nd addition, Assessor parcels: 58N01W368550, and 58N01 W365250 and 58N01 W361811, all located in Bonner County, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 3: Is the Company's system currently interconnected with any other water or sewer system? If yes, please describe the interconnection and ownership of the system(s) the Company's system is interconnected with. Please provide any applicable agreements or contracts. Answer: Yes. The system is connected with a valve at the connection which is closed. REQUEST NO. 4: Has the Company's system been interconnected with any other water or sewer system? If yes, please describe the interconnection and ownership of the system(s) the Company's system was connected to and when physical separation of the system(s) was completed? Provide any applicable agreements or contracts. Answer: Yes. The connection was via a service pipe. TIC utilities was the connection ownership. The valve was closed and system disconnected after numerous requests and finally after a court order, (see attached order modifying injunction) The exact date of the disconnect is unknown but approximately October of 2021. REQUEST NO. 5: Please indicate whether any private water, co-operative, municipal or Commission regulated water utility customer service territories overlap VP Inc's customer service territory. If so, please identify all those that overlap, how they overlap, and explain any effect from the overlapping of territories, such as disputes that may occur or current agreements for keeping them separated. Answer: Not currently overlapping but through current court appeal VP Inc. believes disputed service territory will be returned to VP Inc. REQUEST NO. 6: Is VP, Inc., or any of its associated entities, involved in current, pending, or resolved litigation outside of the Bonner County cases (and the related appeals) Genesis Golf Builders, Inc vs. Pend Oreille Bonner Development, LLC, et. al., CV-2009-1810 and VP, Incorporated, vs. TIC Property Management, LLC, CV09-20-1602. If so, please state the Case No., County, and date filed. Answer: No REQUEST NO. 7: Please provide a copy of articles of incorporation and bylaws for VP, Inc. and any of its associated entities. Answer: See attached REQUEST NO. 8: Is the Company currently in compliance with all Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("IDEQ") and Idaho Department of Water Resources ("IDWR") requirements and regulations? If not, please describe all noncompliance issues and resolution plans. Answer: Yes REQUEST NO. 9: Please provide details of all lDEQ and IDWR compliance discrepancies resolved since 2017. Answer: None Dated in Sandpoint, Idaho March 30,2023. VP Inc. Richard A. Villelli, President Richard L. Stacey, ISB #6800 JeffR. Sykes, ISB #5058 Filed: 09/10/2021 16:10:23MT McCONNELL WAGNER SYKES & STACEY PLLc 827 East Park Boulevard, Suite 201 First Judicial District, Bonner County Michael W Rosedale, Clerk of the Court By: Deputy Clerk -Steiger, Brandy Boise, Idaho 83712 Telephone: 208.489.0100 Facsimile: 208.489.0110 stacey@mwsslawyers.com sykes@mwsslawyers.com Attorneys For Valiant Idaho, LLC IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER GENESIS GOLF BUILDERS, INC., formerly known as NATIONAL GOLF BUILDERS, INC., a Nevada corporation, Plaintiff, vs. PEND OREILLE BONNER DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company; et al., Defendants. AND RELATED COUNTER, CROSS AND THIRD PARTY ACTIONS PREVIOUSLY FILED HEREIN. ORDER OF MODIFICATION OF INJUNCTION ENTERED APRIL 28, 2017 I Page 1 I:\ 1547.201 \PLD\lnjunction\lnjunction Modification-ORDER.docx Case No. CV-2009-1810 ORDER MODIFYNG INJUNCTION ENTERED APRIL 28, 2017 Honorable Barbara Buchanan THIS MATTER came before the Court on August 19, 2021, for a hearing on Valiant Idaho, LLC's ("Valiant") Second Motion To Modify Injunction Entered April 28, 2017 ("Motion to Modify") filed August 5, 2021. Appearing on behalf of Valiant was Richard L. Stacey of McConnell Wagner Sykes & Stacey PLLC, and appearing on behalf of VP, Incorporated ("VP") was Susan P. Weeks of James, Vernon & Weeks, PA. By way of its Motion to Modify, Valiant seeks a modification of this Court's Order Granting Injunction entered April 28, 2017 ("Injunction"). WHEREAS, an Injunction was entered by this Court on April 28, 2017. WHEREAS, the Injunction has remained in full force and effect through the date of this Order of Modification of Injunction Entered April 28, 2017 ("Order") and shall continue to remain in full force and effect until October l, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. PDST. WHEREAS, Valiant has drilled its own groundwater wells and constructed infrastructure and other improvements necessary to provide water services to the real properties located within The Idaho Club's Planned Unit Development ("PUD") without using VP's groundwater wells. WHEREAS, VP has not constructed a sewer lagoon and other sewer system infrastructure necessary to provide sewer services to the parcels located outside of The Idaho Club's PUD without Valiant's sewer lagoon and other sewer system infrastructure. NOW, THEREFORE, upon consideration of the pleadings filed in support of and in opposition to the Motion to Modify, and oral argument presented at the hearing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. Effective as of October l, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. PDST, the Injunction is hereby modified as follows: ORDER OF MODIFICATION OF INJUNCTION ENTERED APRIL 28, 2017 I Page 2 I:\ 154 7 .20 I \PLD\Injunction\Injunction Modification-ORDER.docx a. Paragraphs 1 thru 5 of the Injunction Re: Water System Services (pp. 5-7) are vacated and shall not have any further force or effect; b. Any agreements VP has entered into with residents/customers to provide water or sewer services to parcels located within The Idaho Club's PUD shall thereafter be void and of no further force or effect. Valiant will enter into agreements with said residents/customers governing the provision of water and sewer services thereafter; c. The Writ of Assistance granted to Valiant on March 6, 2017 shall thereafter be in full force and effect, such that the Sheriff of Bonner County is again directed to, without delay, eject and remove each and every person or entity, including, but not limited to VP, from using, holding, or detaining any real property owned by Valiant within The Idaho Club's PUD, and all fixtures, appurtenances, and improvements associated therewith, including the sewer and water systems, or any parts thereof; d. VP and Valiant shall cooperate to allow Valiant, and its agents, engineers, contractors, and/or employees, to disconnect and separate, as efficiently and cost effectively as reasonably possible, the water system for the real properties within The Idaho Club's PUD ("PUD Water System"), which shall thereafter be operated and maintained by Valiant, from the water system for the real properties that are not within The Idaho Club's PUD ("Hidden Lakes' Water System"), which shall thereafter be operated and maintained by VP; e. Valiant and VP shall cooperate to disconnect and separate the PUD Water System from the Hidden Lakes' Water System in such a manner that it will cause as little disruption as is reasonably possible in water services to existing residents/customers, properties, and/or any other recipients; ORDER OF MODIFICATION OF INJUNCTION ENTERED APRIL 28, 2017 I Page 3 I:\ 1547.201 \PLD\Injunction\Injunction Modification-ORDER.docx f. Valiant shall remain responsible for the construction of any improvements to the PUD Water System that are necessary for it to operate properly and independently after the PUD Water System and the Hidden Lakes' Water System have been disconnected and separated; and g. VP shall remain responsible for the construction of any improvements to the Hidden Lakes' Water System that are necessary for it to operate properly and independently after the PUD Water System and the Hidden Lakes Water System have been disconnected and separated. If it is discovered that the Hidden Lakes' Water System cannot operate properly unless or until VP constructs additional infrastructure or improvements thereto, then Valiant shall provide water services to The Idaho Club and Hidden Lakes using its source wells until such time as VP has completed said additional infrastructure or improvements. 2. Paragraphs 1 thru 4 of the Injunction Re: Sewer System Services shall continue to remain in full force and effect. IT IS SO ORDERED. DATED: 9/10/2021 09:08 AM ORDER OF MODIFICATION OF INJUNCTION ENTERED APRIL 28, 2017 I Page 4 I:\154 7 .20 I \PLD\Injtmction\Injunction Modification-ORDER.docx Honorable Barbara Buchanan Judge of the First Judicial District CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that oJPl10t2021 03:10 PM , a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served via electronic mail upon the following party(ies): Susan P. Weeks, Esq. James, Vernon & Weeks, PA 1626 Lincoln Way sweeks@jvwlaw.net Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 christine@jvwlaw.net Telephone: 208.667.0683 Counsel For VP Incorporated/North Idaho Resorts Richard L. Stacey, Esq. McConnell Wagner Sykes & Stacey PLLC 827 East Park Boulevard, Suite 201 stacey@mwsslawyers.com Boise, Idaho 83 712 Telephone: 208.489.0100 lemieux@mwsslawyers.com Counsel For Valiant Idaho, LLC .£rcwij:l.o.S~ Clerk of the Court ORDER OF MODIFICATION OF INJUNCTION ENTERED APRIL 28, 2017 \ Page 5 1:\1547.20 I \PLD\lnjunction\lnjunction Modification-ORDER.docx I . .. ..... ·,. ',, .·· .·.;.: ·. J.: Stafe of ld§:ho·• '• . I . • . •• • . I I CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF VP, INCORPORATED File number C 106766 • ·' I I, PETET. CENA~USA, Secretary of State o'f the State of Idaho, l1ereby certify . that duplicate originals of Articles of Incorporation for the incorporation of the above ... : . named corporation, duly signed pursuant to the provisions of the Idaho Business Corporation Act, have been received in th.is office and are found to conform to law. '· '1 . '1•· A_CCORDINGL Y and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this · Certificate of Incorporation and attach hereto a duplicate original of the .Articles of Incorporation., Dated:. June 23, 1994 ' ~§'~ SECRETARY OF STATE By ., ,.I I I t . : .. ·:.::, • :1 ~' : ..... ,, -.':· -·· .... ' . I,' • . , '-·:' . ,1,. I I·, I . UJ 1- I (._c::' ARTICLES OP INCORPORATION OF VP, INCORPORATED rj ~ ~-.El> w] l;j.. ,., .0 C":) ~. e T~.'undersigned, acting as Incorporator of a Corporation u~er <.[) :, the·1'Ida'H6 Business corporation Act, adopts the following _Articles '~ ~. of Incorporation for such Corporation. ARTICLE I The name of the Corporation is VP, Incorporated. AR.TICLE II PURJ?OSE The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized ara to transact all lawful business for which corporations may be organized under the Business Corporation Act of the State of Idaho. ARTICLE III DURATIPl:l The period of duration of the corporation is perpetual. ARTICLE IV SHARES The total authorized stock of the Corporation is 10,000 shares of common stock, having a par value of $1.00 per share. ARTICLE V NON-CUMULATIVE VOTING The shareholders shall not have the right of cumulative voting ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION -l u II # r-· ' . as provided by Idaho Code §30-l-33{d). ARTICLE VI PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS The shareholders of the Corporation shall have no preemptive right, by virtue of Idaho Code §30-1-26, to buy, purchase or acquire stock issued or to be issued by the Corporation. ARTICLE YI! REGISTERED OFFICE The address of the initial registered office is 218 Cedar street, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864. The initial registered agent at that address is Roberta A. Bostock. ARTICLE 'VI!I DIRECTORS The initial Board of Directors shall consist of two directors, and the names and addresses of the persons who shall serve as directors until the first annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors can be elected and qualified are: ~ Barbara J. Huguenin Richard A. Villelli ARTICLE IX BYLAWS Address 218 Cedar Street Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 HCR 61, Box 169 Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805 The i~itial Bylaws of the corporation shall be adopted by the Board of Directors. The power to alter, amend or repeal the Bylaws or adopt new Bylaws, subject to repeal or change by action of the ARTICLES 0~ INCORPORATION -2 12086646338 PAINE HAMBLEN/CDA 181 P04 JUL 13 '94 10:00 sharaholdars, shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The Bylaws may col'ltain any provisions for the regulations and management of the affairs of the corporation not inconsistent with law or these Articles of Incorporation as the same may be amended from time to time. M'l!ICLE X lNb!MN!JtcATioN or DIBECTQRi, OffICExs, iijiPLQYEES MD AGENT§ The corporation shall have the right to enter into such agreements and arrangements with its directors, officers, employees and agents to provide for their indemnification while acting for and on behalf of the Corporation, pursuant to Idaho Code §30-1-5. ABTICLI XI IflCOBPQRATOB The name and business address of the Incorporator is as follows: Name Dennis R. Duty Address 218 Cedar Street Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Incorporator of the above­ named corporation, has hereunto signed these Articles of $'! Incorporation on this 2( day of June, 1994. M~ICLES OF INCORPORATION -3 STATE OF IDAHO ) : ss. county of Kootenai ) On this e2/41"day of June, 1994, before me, Janet o. Robnett, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Dennis R. Duty, known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. (SEAL) ary Public for esiding at Coeur d'Alene Commission Expires: 4/26/97 \lSU0\00007\PlOO ARTICLES or INCORPORATION -4 BYLAWS of VP, INCORPORATED ARTICLE I OFFICES The corporation shall continuously maintain in the State of Idaho a registered office and a registered agent whose office is identical with such registered office, and may have other offices within or without the state. Until changed by resolution of the Board of Directors, the registered office in the State of Idaho shall be located at: 218 Cedar Street Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 The registered agent at that address is Roberta A. Bostock. ARTICLE II SHAREHOLDERS SECTION l. ANNUAL MEETING . An annual meeting of the shareholders shall be held on the second Monday of November of each year at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. If the day fixed for the annual meeting shall be a legal holiday, such meeting shall be held on the next succeeding business day. SECTION 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the shareholders may be called either by the president, by the board of directors or by the holders of not less than one-fifth {1/5) of all the outstanding shares of the corporation, for the purpose or purposes stated in the call of the meeting. SECTION 3. PLACE OF MEETING. The board of directors may designate any place, as the place of meeting for any annual meting or for any special meeting called by the board of directors. If no designation is made, or if a special meeting be otherwise called, the place of meeting shall be at the corporation's principal place of business in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. SECTION 4. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Written notice stating BYLAWS -l the place, date, and hour of the meeting, and, in the case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than ten nor more than forty days before days before the date of the meeting, or in the case of a merger or consolidation, sale of assets outside the ordinary course of business or where otherwise required by law, not less than twenty nor more than forty days before the meeting, either personally or by mail, by or at the direction of the president, or the secretary, or the officer or persons calling the meeting, to each shareholder of record entitled to vote at such meeting. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States-Mail, addressed to the shareholder at his address as it appears on the records of the corporation, with postage thereon prepaid. When a meeting is adjourned to another time or place, notice need not be given of the adjourned meeting if the time and place thereof are announced at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken. SECTION s. FIXING OF RECORD DATE. For the purpose of determining the shareholders entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of shareholders or any adjournment thereof, or to express consent to corporate action in writing without a meeting, or to receive payment of any dividend, or other distribution or allotment of any rights, or to exercise any rights in respect of any change, conversion or exchange of shares or for the purpose of any other lawful action, the board of directors of the corporation may fix in advance a record date which shall not be more than forty days and, for a meeting of shareholders, not less than ten days, or in the case of a merger or consolidation, not less than twenty days, before the date of such meeting. If no record date is fixed, the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of shareholders shall be the date on which notice of the meeting is mailed, and the record date for the determination of shareholders for any other purpose shall be the date on which the board of directors adopts the resolution relating thereto. A determination of shareholders of record entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of shareholders shall apply to any adjournment of the meeting. SECTION 6. VOTING LISTS. The officer or agent having charge of the transfer books for shares of the corporation shall make, at least ten days before each meeting of shareholders, a complete list of the shareholders entitled to vote at such meeting, arranged in alphabetical order, showing the address of and the number of shares registered in the name of the shareholder, which list, for a period of ten days prior to such meeting, shall be kept on file at the registered office of the corporation and shall be open to inspection by any shareholder for any purpose germane to the meeting, at any time during usual business hours. such list shall also be produced and kept open at the time and place of the meeting and may be inspected by any shareholder during the whole time of the meeting. The original share ledger or transfer book, BYLAWS -2 or a duplicate thereof kept in this State, shall be prima facie evidence as to who are the shareholders entitled to examine such list or share ledger or transfer book or to vote at any meeting of shareholders. SECTION 7. QUORUM. The holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of the corporation, present in person or represented by proxy, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of shareholders; provided that if less than a majority of the outstanding shares are represented at said meeting, a majority of the shares so represented may adjourn the meeting at anytime without further notice. If a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of the majority of the shares represented at the meeting shall be the act of the shareholders, unless the vote of a greater number or voting by classes is required by the statutes of the State of Idaho, the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws. At any adjourned meeting at which a quorum shall be present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the original meeting. Withdrawal of shareholders from any meeting shall not cause failure of a duly constituted quorum at that meeting. SECTION a. PROXIES. Each shareholder entitled to vote at a meeting of shareholders or to express consent or dissent to corporate action in writing without a meeting may authorize another person or persons to act for him by proxy, but no such proxy shall be valid after eleven months from the date of its execution, unless otherwise provided in the proxy. SECTION 9. VOTING OF SHARES. Each outstanding share, regardless of class, shall be entitled to one vote upon each matter submitted to vote at a meeting of shareholders. SECTION 10. VOTING OF SHARES BY CERTAIN HOLDERS. Shares standing in the name of another corporation, domestic or foreign, may be voted by such officer, agent, or proxy as the Bylaws of such corporation may prescribe, or, in the absence of such provision, as the board of directors of such corporation may determine. Shares standing in the name of a deceased person, a minor ward or an incompetent person, may be voted by his administrator, Personal Representative, court appointed guardian, or conservator, either in person or by proxy without a transfer of such shares into the name of such administrator, executor, court appointed guardian, or conservator. Shares standing in the name of a trustee may be voted by him, either in person or by proxy. Shares standing in the name of a receiver may be voted by such receiver,and shares held by or under the control of a receiver may be voted by such receiver without the transfer thereof into his name if authority so to do be contained in an appropriate order of the court by which such receiver was appointed. BYLAWS -3 A shareholder whose shares are pledged shall be entitled to vote such shares until the shares have been transferred into the name of the pledgee, and thereafter the pledgee shall be entitled to vote the shares so transferred. Any number of shareholders may create a voting trust for the purpose of conferring upon a trustee or trustees the right to vote or otherwise represent their shares, for a period not to exceed ten years, by entering into a written voting trust agreement specifying the terms and conditions of the voting trust, and by transferring their shares to such trustee or trustees for the purpose of the agreement. Any such trust agreement shall not become effective until a counterpart of the agreement is deposited with the corporation at its registered off ice. The counterpart of the voting trust agreement so deposited with the corporation shall be subject to the same right of examination by a shareholder of the corporation, in person or by agent or attorney, as are the books and records of the corporation, and shall be subject to examination by any holder of a beneficial interest in the voting trust, either in person or by agent or attorney, at any reasonable time for any proper purpose. Shares of its own stock belonging to this corporation shall not be voted, directly or indirectly, at any meeting and shall not be counted in determining the total number of outstanding shares at any given time, but shares of its own stock held by it in a fiduciary capacity may be voted and shall be counted in determining the total number of outstanding shares at any given time. SECTION 11. NON-CUMULATIVE VOTING. In all elections for directors, every shareholder shall have the right to vote, in person or by proxy, the number of shares owned by him or ,her. No right vests to cumulate voting rights. SECTION 12. INSPECTORS. At any meeting of shareholders, the presiding officer may, or upon the request of any shareholder shall, appoint one or more persons as inspectors for such meeting. Such inspectors shall ascertain and report the number of shares represented at the meeting, based upon their determination of the validity and effect of proxies; count all votes and report the results; and do such other acts as are proper to conduct the election and voting with impartiality and fairness to all the shareholders. Each report of an inspector shall be in writing and signed by him or by a majority of them if there be more than one inspector acting at such meeting. If there is more than one inspector, the report of a majority shall be the report of the inspectors. The report of the inspector or inspectors on the number of shares represented at the meeting and the results of the voting shall be prima facie evidence thereof. BYLAWS -4 SECTION 13. INFORMAL ACTION BY SHAREHOLDERS. Any action required to be taken at a meeting of the shareholders, or other action which may be taken at a meeting of the shareholders, may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the shareholders entitled to vote with respect to the subject matter thereof. SECTION 14. VOTING BY BALLOT. Voting on any question or in any election may be by voice unless the presiding officer shall order or any shareholder shall demand that voting be by ballot. ARTICLE III DIRECTORS SECTION 1. GENERAL POWERS. The business of the corporation shall be managed by its board of directors. SECTION 2. NUMBER, TENURE AND QUALIFICATIONS. The number of directors of the corporation shall be not less than two (2). Each director shall hold office until the next annual meeting of shareholders or until their successor shall have been elected and qualified. Directors need not be residents of Idaho or shareholders of the corporation. The number of directors may be increased or decreased from time to time by the amendment of this section; but no decrease shall have the effect of shortening the term of any incumbent director. SECTION 3. REGULAR MEETINGS. A regular meeting of the board of directors shall be held without other notice than this Bylaw, immediately after the annual meeting of shareholders. The board of directors may provide, by resolution, the time and place for the holding of additional regular meetings without other notice than such resolution. All meetings of the board of directors, regular or special meetings, may be conducted by telephone conference call or other similar electronic medium, as the directors may deem reasonable or necessary under the circumstances. SECTION 4. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the board of directors may be called by or at the request of the president or any director. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the board of directors may fix any place as the place for holding any special meeting of the board of directors called by them. SECTION 5. NOTICE. Notice of any special meeting shall be given at least five (5) days previous thereto by written notice to each director at his business address. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States Mail so addressed, with postage thereon prepaid. If notice be given by telegram, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when the telegram is delivered to the telegram company. If notice be BYLAWS -S r given by facsimile transmission of written notice, such notice shall be deemed delivered upon the sender's confirmation of successful transmission. The attendance of a director at any such meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a director attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any regular or special meeting of the board of directors need be specified in the notice or waiver of notice of such meeting. SECTION 6. QUORUM. A majority of the number of directors fixed by these Bylaws shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business at any meeting of the board of directors, provided that less than a majority of the directors present may adjourn the meeting at any time without further notice. SECTION 7. MANNER OF ACTING. The act of the majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the board of directors, unless the act of a greater number is required by statute, these Bylaws, or the Articles of Incorporation. SECTION 8. VACANCIES. Any vacancy occurring in the board of directors and any directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of directors, may be filled by election at an annual meeting or at a special meeting of shareholders called for that purpose. SECTION 9. ACTION WITHOUT A MEETING. Unless specifically prohibited by the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws, any action required to be taken at a meeting of the board of directors may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all the directors entitled to vote with respect to the subject matter thereof. Any such consent signed by all the directors shall have the same effect as a unanimous vote, and may be stated as such in any document filed with the Secretary of State or with anyone else. SECTION 10. COMPENSATION. The board of directors, by the affirmative vote of a majority of directors then in office, and irrespective of any personal interest of any of its members, shall have authority to establish reasonable compensation of all directors for services to the corporation as directors, officers, or otherwise. By resolution of the board of directors, the directors may be paid their expenses, if any, of attendance at each meeting of the board. No such payment previously mentioned in this section shall preclude any director from serving the corporation in any other capacity and receiving compensation therefor. SECTION 11. PRESUMPTION OF ASSENT. A director of the corporation who is present at a meeting of the board of directors BYLAWS -6 r : at which action on any corporate matter is taken shall be conclusively presumed to have assented to the action taken unless his dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting or unless he shall file his written dissent to such action with the person acting as the secretary of the meeting before the adjournment thereof or shall forward such dissent by registered mail to the secretary of the corporation immediately after the adjournment of the meeting. Such right to dissent shall not apply to a director who voted in favor of such action. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS SECTION 1. NUMBER. The officers of the corporation shall be a president, treasurer and secretary, and such other officers as may be elected from time to time by the board of directors. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of president and secretary. SECTION 2. ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE. The officers of the corporation shall be elected annually by the board of directors at the first meeting of the board of directors held after each annual meeting of shareholders. If the election of officers shall not be held at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon thereafter as conveniently may be. Vacancies may be filled or new offices created and filled at any meeting of the board of directors. Each officer shall hold office until his successor shall have been duly elected and shall have qualified or until his death or until he shall resign or shall have been removed in the manner hereinafter provided. Election of an officer shall not of itself create contract rights. SECTION 3. REMOVAL. Any officer elected or appointed by the board of directors whenever in its judgment the best interests of the corporation would be served thereby, but such removal shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the person so removed. SECTION 4. PRESIDENT. The president of the corporation shall preside over all board of directors and stockholders meetings, shall have the general supervisory authority over the management and operations of the business of the corporation, and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the board are carried into effect. He shall execute all authorized conveyances, contracts or other obligations in the name of the corporation except where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the board of directors to some other officer or agent of the corporation. SECTIONS. THE TREASURER. The treasurer shall be the principal accounting and financial officer of the corporation . He BYLAWS -7 ( shall: (a) have charge of and be responsible for the maintenance of adequate books of account for the corporation; (b) have charge and custody of all funds and securities of the corporation, and be responsible therefor and for the receipt and disbursement thereof; and (c) perform all the duties incident to the office of treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the president or by the board of directors. If required by the board of directors, the treasurer shall give a bond for the faithful discharge of his duties in such sum and with such surety or sureties as the board of directors may determine. SECTION 6. THE SECRETARY. The secretary shall: (a) record the minutes of the shareholders' and of the board of directors' meetings in one or more books provided for that purpose; (b) see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law; (c) be custodian of the corporate records and of the seal of the corporation; (d) keep a register of the post office address of each shareholder which shall be furnished to the secretary by such shareholder; ( e) sign with the president, or a vice president, or any other officer thereunto authorized by the board of directors, certificates for shares of the corporation, the issue of which shall have been authorized by the board of directors, and any contract, deeds, mortgages, bonds, or other instruments which the board of directors has authorized to be executed, according to the requirements of the form of the instrument, except when a different mode of execution is expressly prescribed by the board of directors or these Bylaws; (f) have general charge of the stock transfer books of the corporation; (g) perform all duties incident to the office of secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the president or by the board of directors. SECTION 7. SALARIES. The salaries of the officers shall be fixed from time to time by the board of directors and no officer shall be prevented from receiving such salary by reason of the fact that he is also a director of the corporation. ARTICLE V CONTRACTS, LOANS, CHECKS AND DEPOSITS SECTION 1. CONTRACTS. The board of directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the corporation, and such authority may be general BYLAWS -8 or confined to specific instances. SECTION 2. LOANS. No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the corporation and no evidences of indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by a resolution of the board of directors. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. SECTION 3. CHECKS, DRAFTS, ETC. All checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the corporation, shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the corporation and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the board of directors. SECTION 4. DEPOSITS. All funds of the corporation not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the board of directors may select. ARTICLE VI CERTIFICATES FOR SHARES AND THEIR TRANSFER SECTION 1. CERTIFICATES FOR SHARES. Certificates representing shares of the corporation shall be signed by the president or a vice president or by such officer as shall be designated by resolution of the board of directors and by the secretary or an assistant secretary, and shall be sealed with the seal or a facsimile of the seal of the corporation. If both of the signatures of the officers be by facsimile, the certificate shall be manually signed by or on behalf of a duly authorized transfer agent or clerk. Each certificate representing shares shall be consecutively numbered or otherwise identified, and shall also state the name of the person to whom issued, the number and class of shares (with designation of series, if any), the date of issue, that the corporation is organized under Idaho law, and the par value or a statement that the shares are without par value. If the corporation is authorized and does issue shares of more than one class or of series within a class, the certificate shall also contain such information or statement as maybe required by law. The name and address of each shareholder, the number and class of shares held and the date on which the certificates for the shares were issued shall be entered on the books of the corporation. The person in whose name shares stand on the books of the corporation shall be deemed the owner thereof for all purposes as regards the corporation. SECTION 2. LOST CERTIFICATES. If a certificate representing shares has allegedly been lost or destroyed, the board of directors may, in its discretion, except as may be required by BYLAWS -9 . .,.., law, direct that a new certificate be issued upon such indemnification and other reasonable requirements as it may impose. SECTION 3. TRANSFERS OF SHARES. Transfers of shares of the corporation shall be recorded on the books of the corporation and, except in the case of a lost or destroyed certificate, on surrender for cancellation of the certificate for such shares. A certificate presented for transfer must be duly endorsed and accompanied by proper guaranty of signature and other appropriate assurances that the endorsement is effective. ARTICLE VII FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the corporation shall be fixed by resolution of the board of directors. ARTICLE VIII DIVIDENDS The board of directors may from time to time declare, and the corporation may pay, dividends on its outstanding shares in the manner and upon the terms and conditions provided by law and its Articles of Incorporation. ARTICLE IX The corporate seal shall have inscribed. thereon the name of the corporation and the words "Corporate Seal, Idaho". The seal may be used by causing it or a facsimile thereof to be impressed or affixed or in any manner reproduced . ARTICLE X WAIVER OF NOTICE Whenever any notice is required to be given under the provisions of these Bylaws or under the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or under the provisions of the Business Corporation Act of the State of Idaho, a waiver thereof in writing, signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein , shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice. BYLAWS -10 :; ,' ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS The power to make, alter, amend, or repeal the Bylaws of the Corporation shall be vested in the board of directors, unless reserved to the shareholders by the Articles of Incorporation. The Bylaws may contain any provisions for the regulation and management of the affairs of the corporation not inconsistent with law of the Articles of Incorporation . CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION OF BYLAWS Adoption of First President The undersigned persons appointed by the initial board of directors to act as the First President and Secretary of the above­ named corporation hereby adopt the same as the Bylaws of said corporation. ,,// 7 3/ ?--, . .,,,.,---I Dated this -day of /_,. fa , 1994 . +---,-~/-_.,, --/ / Certificate by Secretary I DO HEREBY CERTIFY AS FOLLOWS : Th at I am the duly elected, qualified and acting secretary of the above-named Corporation; that the foregoing Bylaws were adopted as the Bylaws of said Corporation on the date set forth above by the initial board of directors ; and that the Articles of Incorporation of this Corporation do not expressly permit its shareholders to adopt, amend, alter, revoke or repeal the Bylaws of this Corporation. I N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal t h is / 5../--A day of _'l;;;:,.../c ..... 'd ...... i....,f,.__--, 1994. iJJJJP Richard A. Villelli \lSll0\00007\PlOl BYLAWS -11