HomeMy WebLinkAboutGNRW011.docx 1 SANDPOINT, IDAHO, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2002, 1:00 P.M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Well, good 5 afternoon. This is the time and place for a 6 technical hearing in Case No. GNR-W-01-1, also 7 referred to as In the matter of the investigation 8 into whether Ponderosa Terrace Estates Water System, 9 Inc., is a public utility subject to regulation by 10 the Idaho Public Utilities. 11 My name's Paul Kjellander; I'll be the 12 Chairman of today's hearing. To my left is 13 Commissioner Marsha Smith, and to my right is 14 Commissioner Dennis Hansen. The three of us 15 comprise the Commission, and upon the conclusion of 16 this technical hearing and public hearing we will be 17 the three who deliberate on the record that is 18 developed here today and issue a final Order based 19 on that official record. 20 The two main issues before us today in 21 the hearing are, one, what rate shall be collected 22 pending a final Order issued after these 23 proceedings; and the second issue is billing and 24 disconnection issues. 25 As I mentioned, this is the technical 1 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING COLLOQUY P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 1 hearing. Later this evening we have a public 2 hearing scheduled, however, I do believe that there 3 are some individuals here who are users of the Water 4 Company, if I'm not mistaken. So if you would like, 5 upon the conclusion of the technical hearing or 6 perhaps during a break depending on how things shake 7 out, we might be able to give you an opportunity to 8 provide your public testimony so that you don't have 9 to stay around until six o'clock this evening when 10 we're scheduled for that hearing. So we'll try to 11 accommodate that if that will fit into your 12 schedule. 13 So with that, why don't we begin with 14 the appearances of the party, and let's begin with 15 the -- let's see -- assistant lieutenant -- 16 assistant attorney general representing the Staff of 17 the Public Utilities Commission. 18 MS. NORDSTROM: Thank you. My name is 19 Lisa Nordstrom, and I'm a deputy attorney general 20 for the State of Idaho representing the Commission 21 Staff in this case. 22 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And why 23 don't we move to the Water Company, Mr. Cobott. 24 MR. COBOTT: My name is Robaer Cobott. 25 I'm the owner and operator of the Water Company. 2 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING COLLOQUY P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 1 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. 2 Are there any preliminary matters that 3 need to come before the Commission before we begin 4 these proceedings? 5 MS. NORDSTROM: Staff has one 6 preliminary issue: 7 Based upon the testimony that was 8 filed by Mr. Cobott and Mr. Fairfax, Staff has 9 prepared rebuttal testimony and we have it in 10 written form. It's approximately two pages with 11 three exhibits. And we propose providing that to 12 the Commission and we've provided it to the other 13 party, and the Commission may need time to review it 14 if they would like to do so. 15 Staff also recommends that direct and 16 rebuttal be combined to accommodate this or to allow 17 this new testimony to be considered at the same time 18 as the direct. The hope is -- is that that will 19 provide some efficiency so that we can talk about 20 the issues with all the information at hand. 21 Staff's feeling that that might be helpful, rather 22 than provide an artificial distinction. 23 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. Thank 24 you. So then it's your intent then to do the direct 25 and rebuttal combined. 3 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING COLLOQUY P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 1 MS. NORDSTROM: Yes. 2 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And without 3 objection, we'll move in that direction. 4 MR. COBOTT: I have a comment to that, 5 please. 6 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Certainly, 7 Mr. Cobott. 8 MR. COBOTT: I do not agree with the 9 rebuttal. You asked for my direct testimony, I gave 10 it to you, end of story. I am not going to answer 11 any more questions on a direct rebuttal, especially 12 from Bob Smith, end of story. You take my testimony 13 or forget it. 14 HEARING OFFICER: Mr. Cobott, we 15 appreciate your comments. The Rules of Procedure 16 that we follow is that when you're under oath, if 17 apparently at that point if you don't feel like 18 asking questions, then you can respond accordingly 19 at that time. 20 MR. COBOTT: I will not answer any 21 questions. I will not even look at it. I gave my 22 testimony. In other words, what you're saying is I 23 lied on my testimony. I am not going to be called a 24 liar; I've been called a liar before. I'm not going 25 to be called a liar again. Now, if you want to get 4 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING COLLOQUY P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 1 hard-nosed here, I'll get really hard-nosed. 2 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Mr. Cobott, 3 appreciate your comments. We'll move forward with 4 the proceeding. What I would like to ask you though 5 at this point is that you have received a copy of 6 the rebuttal testimony. If you'd like an 7 opportunity to take a break or -- 8 MR. COBOTT: I refused the copy. I 9 did not receive it; I refused it. I will not read 10 it. I will not answer any questions on that 11 rebuttal statement. 12 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: That is 13 certainly your prerogative. 14 Are there other issues that need to 15 come before the Commission at this time? 16 MS. NORDSTROM: I'm sorry. 17 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Are there 18 other issues that need to come before the Commission 19 at this time? 20 MS. NORDSTROM: No. No. But I do 21 have copies of the rebuttal testimony if the 22 Commissioners would like to receive it. 23 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: I would 24 certainly like that, and I would also like to take a 25 break of about 10 to 15 minutes to give the 5 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING COLLOQUY P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 1 Commissioners an opportunity to review that 2 testimony. 3 (Recess.) 4 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: I think 5 we're ready to go back on the record. We've had an 6 opportunity to review the rebuttal testimony filed 7 by Mr. Smith. 8 And would also like to remind 9 individuals involved today including those that are 10 in attendance in the audience that we act as a court 11 in our operation in this function. We have a court 12 reporter. So it's significant that as we move 13 forward with testimony and the cross-examination 14 that we have just one person talking at a time, 15 because it makes it extraordinarily impossible for 16 our court reporter to actually try and run dialogue 17 from two people simultaneously. So I just want to 18 put that as a remainder as we go forward. 19 So with that then, I believe we're 20 ready for Ms. Nordstrom, Deputy Attorney General, 21 and her first witness. 22 MS. NORDSTROM: Thank you, 23 Mr. Chairman. The State would call as its first 24 witness Robert Smith. 25 6 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING COLLOQUY P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 1 ROBERT E. SMITH, 2 produced as a witness at the instance of the Staff, 3 being first duly sworn, was examined and testified 4 as follows: 5 6 DIRECT EXAMINATION 7 8 BY MS. NORDSTROM: 9 Q. Good afternoon. Please state your 10 name and spell your last name for the record. 11 A. My name is Robert E. Smith, S-M-I-T-H. 12 Q. By whom are you employed and in what 13 capacity? 14 A. I'm employed by the Idaho Public 15 Utilities Commission as a utilities auditor. 16 Q. Are you the same Robert E. Smith that 17 filed direct testimony on June 7th, and prepared 18 Exhibit Nos. 101 through 106? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. Are you also the same Robert E. Smith 21 that filed rebuttal testimony on today's date, 22 June 20, 2002, numbered one through two, with 23 Exhibit Nos. 117 through 119? 24 A. Yes, I am. 25 Q. Do you have any changes or corrections 7 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING SMITH (Di) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID Staff 1 to your testimony or exhibits? 2 A. None that I'm aware of. 3 Q. If I were to ask you the questions set 4 out in your prefiled testimony today, would your 5 answers be the same? 6 A. Yes, they would. 7 MS. NORDSTROM: I would move that the 8 prefiled direct and rebuttal testimony of 9 Robert E. Smith be spread upon the record as if 10 read, and that Exhibits 101 through 106 and 117 11 through 119 be marked for identification. 12 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Without 13 objection, we will have both the direct and the 14 rebuttal testimony of Mr. Smith spread across the 15 record, and Exhibits 101 through 106 marked for 16 identification. 17 (The following prefiled direct and 18 rebuttal testimony of Mr. Smith is spread upon the 19 record.) 20 21 22 23 24 25 8 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING SMITH (Di) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID Staff