HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231129Customer Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfIn The Matter Of: THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC., et al. CUSTOMER HEARING November 27, 2023 T&T Reporting, LLC 477 Shoup Avenue, Suite 105 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 (208) 529-5491 Min-U-Script® with Word Index 1 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2 * * * * * * 3 4 5 6 7 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF FALLS WATER CO., INC., FOR ) 8 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) CASE NO.: AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN ) FLS-W-23-01 9 THE STATE OF IDAHO ) _________________________________) 10 11 12 13 14 REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT OF CUSTOMER HEARING 15 Monday, November 27, 2023; 11:01 o'clock a.m. 16 17 18 19 20 BE IT REMEMBERED that the customer hearing in the above-captioned matter was taken at the Elks 21 Lodge, 640 East Elva Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho, before DiAnn Erdman Prock, CSR SRL 963, CCR, Court 22 Reporter and Notary Public, in and for the State of Idaho. 23 24 25 2 1 A P P E A R A N C E S 2 Commissioners Present: ERIC ANDERSON, President 3 JOHN R. HAMMOND, JR. 4 For Falls Water: SCOTT BRUCE, General Manager 5 For the Commissioners: 6 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL BY: CHRISTEN J. BURDIN 7 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8 8 Suite 201A Boise, Idaho 83720 9 (208) 334-0314 E-mail: chris.burdin@puc.idaho.gov 10 Also present: 11 MARIA BARRATT-RILEY 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CUSTOMER HEARING - November 27, 2023 3 1 (The hearing proceeded at 11:01 a.m. as 2 follows:) 3 * * * * * * 4 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Good morning. 5 This is the time and place for a 6 customer hearing in case number FLSW-23-01, also 7 referred to as in the matter of the application of 8 Falls Water Company for authority to increase its 9 rates and charges for water service in the state of 10 Idaho. 11 The purpose of this hearing is to take 12 testimony from members of the public in reference to 13 Falls Water's request that was filed with the 14 Commission on May 12, 2023. 15 My name is Commissioner John Hammond. I 16 am the chair of today's proceedings. I'm also 17 joined by commissioner and president Eric Anderson. 18 Commissioner Lodge is unable to be here today, but 19 we comprise the commission in this case that will 20 collectively make a final determination in this 21 matter. 22 To this point, no parties have 23 intervened in this case, and an informational 24 workshop for the public has been conducted. 25 Today's objective is to take live public CUSTOMER HEARING - November 27, 2023 4 1 testimony which we added to the underlying record in 2 this case. 3 The commissioners will review the facts 4 and evidence and the record to make its final 5 determination for this proceeding. 6 At this point we don't have anybody, I 7 believe, that has signed up to provide testimony in 8 this proceeding, so I am not going to run through 9 any procedure for that at the moment. 10 If someone shows up, we will do that and 11 give instructions on testimony and how folks will be 12 sworn in to testify. 13 At this point, let's take the appearance 14 of the parties and let's begin with the company, 15 Falls Water Company. 16 Is anybody here today? 17 SCOTT BRUCE: Scott Bruce with Falls 18 Water. I'm the general manager. 19 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: And now the 20 Deputy Attorney General representing the staff. 21 MR. BURDIN: Thank you, Commissioners. 22 Chris Burdin, Deputy Attorney General, representing 23 the staff. 24 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Are there any 25 other parties to the case that need to be recognized CUSTOMER HEARING - November 27, 2023 5 1 this morning? 2 (No audible response.) 3 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: I don't see 4 anybody raising their hand. 5 At this point, since we have nobody here 6 in the room to testify, I would like to adjourn the 7 hearing for five minutes -- do you want a ten-minute 8 recess, or five to ten? Let's do ten. And see if 9 anybody comes to offer testimony, and we will 10 reconvene again in ten minutes, and go back on the 11 record. 12 So thank you very much. 13 (A brief recess was had.) 14 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Let's go back on 15 the record today. 16 We are back on the record for in the 17 matter of Falls Water's application for authority to 18 increase its rates and charges for water services in 19 the state of Idaho. 20 We waited for ten minutes to see if any 21 customers or interested parties would appear at the 22 hearing to provide testimony. We have not had 23 anybody sign in or show up to the hearing. So at 24 this point, we are going to close the hearing and 25 end it early since we do not have anyone here to CUSTOMER HEARING - November 27, 2023 6 1 testify. 2 So thanks, everyone, for attending. And 3 we will see you later. 4 THE COURT REPORTER: Do you need this 5 transcribed? 6 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Good question. 7 MS. BARRATT-RILEY: Just that nobody 8 came. 9 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Yes, we do, so we 10 have a record that we did it. 11 THE COURT REPORTER: Who do I send the 12 bill to? 13 MS. BARRATT-RILEY: Me. 14 (Whereupon, the proceedings concluded at 15 11:15 a.m.) 16 * * * * * * 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 1 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 2 STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. 3 COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE ) 4 5 6 I, DiAnn Erdman Prock, CSR, CCR, a duly commissioned Notary Public in and for the State of 7 Idaho, do hereby certify: 8 That I took down in Stenotype all of the proceedings had in the before-entitled matter at the 9 time and place indicated, and that thereafter said Stenotype notes were transcribed into typewriting at 10 and under my direction and supervision, and the foregoing transcript constitutes a full, true and 11 accurate record of the proceedings had. 12 I further certify that I have no interest in the event of the action. 13 WITNESS my hand and seal this 28th day of 14 November, 2023. 15 16 17 18 19 _____________________________ 20 DiAnn Erdman Prock Idaho CSR SRL 963, CCR 21 Notary Public in and for the State of Idaho 22 23 My commission expires November 26, 2025. 24 25 THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC., et al. CUSTOMER HEARING November 27, 2023 A added (1) 4:1 adjourn (1) 5:6 again (1) 5:10 Anderson (1) 3:17 appear (1) 5:21 appearance (1) 4:13 application (2) 3:7;5:17 attending (1) 6:2 Attorney (2) 4:20,22 audible (1) 5:2 authority (2) 3:8;5:17 B back (3) 5:10,14,16 BARRATT-RILEY (2) 6:7,13 begin (1) 4:14 bill (1) 6:12 brief (1) 5:13 BRUCE (2) 4:17,17 BURDIN (2) 4:21,22 C came (1) 6:8 case (5) 3:6,19,23;4:2,25 chair (1) 3:16 charges (2) 3:9;5:18 Chris (1) 4:22 close (1) 5:24 collectively (1) 3:20 Commission (2) 3:14,19 COMMISSIONER (10) 3:4,15,17,18;4:19, 24;5:3,14;6:6,9 commissioners (2) 4:3,21 Company (3) 3:8;4:14,15 comprise (1) 3:19 concluded (1) 6:14 conducted (1) 3:24 COURT (2) 6:4,11 customer (1) 3:6 customers (1) 5:21 D Deputy (2) 4:20,22 determination (2) 3:20;4:5 E early (1) 5:25 end (1) 5:25 Eric (1) 3:17 everyone (1) 6:2 evidence (1) 4:4 F facts (1) 4:3 Falls (5) 3:8,13;4:15,17;5:17 filed (1) 3:13 final (2) 3:20;4:4 five (2) 5:7,8 FLSW-23-01 (1) 3:6 folks (1) 4:11 follows (1) 3:2 G general (3) 4:18,20,22 Good (2) 3:4;6:6 H HAMMOND (8) 3:4,15;4:19,24;5:3, 14;6:6,9 hand (1) 5:4 hearing (7) 3:1,6,11;5:7,22,23, 24 I Idaho (2) 3:10;5:19 increase (2) 3:8;5:18 informational (1) 3:23 instructions (1) 4:11 interested (1) 5:21 intervened (1) 3:23 J John (1) 3:15 joined (1) 3:17 L later (1) 6:3 live (1) 3:25 Lodge (1) 3:18 M manager (1) 4:18 matter (3) 3:7,21;5:17 May (1) 3:14 members (1) 3:12 minutes (3) 5:7,10,20 moment (1) 4:9 morning (2) 3:4;5:1 much (1) 5:12 N name (1) 3:15 need (2) 4:25;6:4 nobody (2) 5:5;6:7 number (1) 3:6 O objective (1) 3:25 offer (1) 5:9 P parties (4) 3:22;4:14,25;5:21 place (1) 3:5 point (5) 3:22;4:6,13;5:5,24 president (1) 3:17 procedure (1) 4:9 proceeded (1) 3:1 proceeding (2) 4:5,8 proceedings (2) 3:16;6:14 provide (2) 4:7;5:22 public (3) 3:12,24,25 purpose (1) 3:11 R raising (1) 5:4 rates (2) 3:9;5:18 recess (2) 5:8,13 recognized (1) 4:25 reconvene (1) 5:10 record (6) 4:1,4;5:11,15,16; 6:10 reference (1) 3:12 referred (1) 3:7 REPORTER (2) 6:4,11 representing (2) 4:20,22 request (1) 3:13 response (1) 5:2 review (1) 4:3 room (1) 5:6 run (1) 4:8 S Scott (2) 4:17,17 send (1) 6:11 service (1) 3:9 services (1) 5:18 show (1) 5:23 shows (1) 4:10 sign (1) 5:23 signed (1) 4:7 someone (1) 4:10 staff (2) 4:20,23 state (2) 3:9;5:19 sworn (1) 4:12 T ten (4) 5:8,8,10,20 ten-minute (1) 5:7 testify (3) 4:12;5:6;6:1 testimony (6) 3:12;4:1,7,11;5:9, 22 thanks (1) 6:2 today (3) 3:18;4:16;5:15 today's (2) 3:16,25 transcribed (1) 6:5 Min-U-Script®(1) added - transcribed THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC., et al. CUSTOMER HEARING November 27, 2023 U unable (1) 3:18 underlying (1) 4:1 up (3) 4:7,10;5:23 W waited (1) 5:20 Water (5) 3:8,9;4:15,18;5:18 Water's (2) 3:13;5:17 Whereupon (1) 6:14 workshop (1) 3:24 1 11:01 (1) 3:1 11:15 (1) 6:15 12 (1) 3:14 2 2023 (1) 3:14 Min-U-Script®(2) unable - 2023