HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230830FLS to Staff 89_90_92_95.pdfFALLS WATER CO., INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIFTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 1 OF 2 Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Office: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com [16922294_1.DOCX] Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. FLS-W-23-01 FALLS WATER CO., INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIFTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Falls Water Co., Inc., (“Falls Water,” “Applicant,” or “Company”) in response to the Fifth Production Request of the Commission Staff to Falls Water Co., Inc. dated August 7, 2023, submits the following response. Responsive documents are available for download using the link provided in the accompanying email. DATED August 30, 2023. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP By Preston N. Carter Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. RECEIVED Wednesday, August 30, 2023 11:52:57 AM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FALLS WATER CO., INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIFTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 2 OF 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on August 30, 2023, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing document to the person(s) listed below by the method indicated: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov _________________________________________ Preston N. Carter Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 89 Please provide a detailed description of each charge in the invoice provided in the Company's response to Production Request No. 36, Attachment 2. Also, please provide the calculations the District used to calculate each charge in Excel format. Response: Production Request No. 36, Attachment 2 is the 2023 assessment invoice from Bonneville-Jefferson Groundwater District. The invoice has three components: 1. Base Assessment is the fee for the District’s administrative expenses each year. The fee is assessed based on the acres each member has within the District. The District calculates an estimated total acreage for water rights not showing an acreage amount in the water right based on the diversion rate (cfs) of the water right times the District’s average cfs per acre of 0.01872281 to estimate acres. The Company’s total acres and estimated acres for this portion of the assessment is 1,817.11 acres. The assessment rate per acre is $7.00. The total base assessment is $12,719.78 and is found in FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 89 Attachment 1, in column ‘N’ of the “2023 Assessment Calculations” tab. 2. Mitigation Assessment is based on the District’s mitigation needs to meet estimated water shortfall for the current irrigation season. The mitigation needs are based on the mitigation needs that the District is obligated to share in from Idaho Groundwater Appropriator (IGWA) agreements and on ensuring that any potential curtailments for the District’s patrons baseline production is met so the patrons can pump. In 2023, the District anticipated needing 13,425 acre-feet of mitigation to ensure its patrons were not curtailed under IDWR’s methodology order Docket No. CM-DC-2010-001 issued April 21, 2023 and to meet other mitigation obligations. The calculation is made by multiplying the tier average dollar per acre costs of the mitigation water costs by the Company’s individual water right acreage/estimated acreage (which provides a weighted adjustment FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 89 Page 1 of 2 for the water rights priority date). FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 89 Attachment 1 indicates the calculation in column ‘R’ of the “2023 Assessment Calculations” tab. The total mitigation assessment is $35,633.41. 3. The “2021-2022 Over/Under Pumping Charge/Credit” invoice line item is for the prior year’s over production above the Company’s baseline production set by the 2015 Agreement between the Surface Water Coalition (SWC) and the Idaho Groundwater Appropriators (IGWA). The invoice submitted as “Production Request No. 36, Attachment 2” is incorrect as noted in the FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 88 response. The water rights purchased in 2021, 25-14482 and 25-14483, were not included in the calculation of the baseline acre-feet in the original invoice. The added water rights increased the baseline production number by 84.3 acre-feet reducing the original invoiced $105,739.61 to $99,782.67. FLS-W- 23-01 IPUC DR 89 Attachment 1 shows the calculation in column ‘I’ of the “2021- 2022 Overage” tab. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 89 Page 2 of 2 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 90 As a supplement to the response to Production Request No. 89, please reconcile the description of each charge to Company's response to Production Request No. 36, Attachment 1. Response: Please see the Company’s response to FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 89. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 90 Page 1 of 1 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 92 Please provide the Company's baseline in acre-feet for its compliance for the 2015 Stipulated Mitigation Plan, including the most recent purchases of water rights. Response: The baseline in acre-feet is 3955.4 and the details including the most recent water rights purchases can be found in FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 92 Attachment 1. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 92 Page 1 of 1 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 95 Please provide total monthly water production forecasts at each well site for the next 5 years. Please include all workpapers with formulas enabled in similar format as Company's response to Production Request No. 37, Attachment 1, Tab "Production vs Baseline Production". Response: The projected monthly water production for each well site for the next five years can be found in FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 95 Attachment 1. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 95 Page 1 of 1