HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230725FLS to Staff 55-56_59_62_65-66_68_73.pdfFALLS WATER CO., INC.’S RESPONSES TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 1 OF 2 Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Office: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com [16861728_1.docx] Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. FLS-W-23-01 FALLS WATER CO., INC.’S RESPONSES TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Falls Water Co., Inc., (“Falls Water,” “Applicant,” or “Company”) in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Falls Water Co., Inc. dated June 23, 2023, submits the following responses. Responsive documents are available for download using the link provided in the accompanying email. Confidential responses and documents are subject to the protective agreement in this case, and are available for download using a password-protected link that will be provided separately by email. The password will be provided in a third email. DATED July 25, 2023. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP By Preston N. Carter Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. RECEIVED 2023 JULY 25, 2023 4:21PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FALLS WATER CO., INC.’S RESPONSES TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 2 OF 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on July 25, 2023, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing document to the person(s) listed below by the method indicated: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov _________________________________________ Preston N. Carter Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 55 Please provide a thorough and complete description of the system. This should include any deficiencies known that need to be addressed to maintain system integrity and efficiency (e.g., to remove iron or other chemical deposits) and to support growth, as well as any changes/investments that the Company plans to implement to address deficiencies relative to items included below. Include the costs and benefits for any investments or increases in expense. Response: The Company’s Drinking Water Capital Facilities Plan can be found at FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 32. In the plan, the system deficiencies are found in Table 4 under Section 2.6 on pages 19 and 20. The plan provides a list of proposed projects and what deficiencies the projects will correct as found in Section 3.5 Tables 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Company has completed some of the projects found in the tables of the Facilities Plan referenced above. The table below lists projects completed and planned: ID Project Description 2019 Cost Estimate Project Completed Completed Cost Planned Date A-1 Ryan Anderson Development Well $771,700 8/1/2022 $1,096,000 N/A A-2 Crowley Road from 1st Street to John Adams Pkwy (8” Extension) $319,000 8/31/20 $188,732.6 8 N/A A-3 Lincoln Road from 4743 E to Wood River Road (12” Extension) $70,500 5/26/21 $21,597.32 N/A A-4 Replace 6” Pipe in Fall River Road with 8” Pipe $72,900 10/5/21 $35,743.76 N/A A-5 Replace 6” Pipe in Edwards Drive with 8” Pipe $183,300 N/A N/A 2024 A-6 Harding Lane from Kit Lane to 1st Street (8” Extension) $95,900 Estimated 7/31/2023 Estimated $23,095.18 N/A FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 55 Page 1 of 3 ID Project Description 2019 Cost Estimate Project Completed Completed Cost Planned Date A-7 25th East and Iona Road Waterline Extensions $1,233,800 6/30/20 $986,971.6 2 N/A A-8 Ammon Road From Pearce Drive to Greenwillow Drive (12” Extension) $147,800 Line already exists N/A N/A A-9 Ammon Road From Greenwillow Drive to O’Bryant Street (10” Extension) $187,200 N/A N/A 2024 A- 10 Replace 6” Pipe in Dixie Street with 10” Pipe $42,600 N/A N/A 2024 A-11 Replace 8” Pipe East of Well 2 with 12” Pipe $37,400 N/A N/A 2025 A- 12 First Street from Robison Drive to Wheatfield Lane (10” Extension) $245,100 N/A N/A 2026 A- 13 First Street from Ammon Road to Nassau Drive (10” Extension) $278,800 N/A N/A 2026 A- 14 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes – Lakewood Street and Upland Street $411,900 N/A N/A 2027 A- 15 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes –Jensen Drive $141,900 N/A N/A 2026 A- 16 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes –Contour Avenue $454,800 N/A N/A 2025 A- 17 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes –Crawford Street $131,100 N/A N/A 2025 A- 18 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes –North Adams Drive $166,500 N/A N/A 2027 A- 19 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes –Mobile Drive $67,400 N/A N/A 2026 A- 20 Increase the volumetric water right capacity by at least 535 acre-feet and the diversion rate by 3,170 gpm $1,230,500 Have acquired 383.4 AF and 915.61 gpm N/A Ongoing A- 21 Reconfigure the SCADA system control of pump start and stop triggers $34,500 N/A N/A 2023 B-1 New 2.0 MG Storage Tank $2,517,200 N/A N/A 2023 B-2 New Booster Pump Station with 5,500 gpm capacity $426,700 N/A N/A 2023 B-3 New Tank Pipeline Upgrades $367,800 N/A N/A 2023 FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 55 Page 2 of 3 The Company does not have revised costs for the planned future projects. Most of the planned projects, with the exceptions of the Ryan Anderson Development Well (Well 11) and the 2.0 MG storage tank and booster pump station, do not increase operations and maintenance expenses. The electrical power bills for Well 11 have been provided in the FLS- W-23-01 IPUC DR 60 response. The booster pump station will have increased power costs for the two vertical turbine pumps that will pump storage water into the distribution system. No information was available to estimate the increased electrical costs of the demand charge and commodity charges. The storage tank will require sand to be cleaned out every few years. The Company does not have a cost estimate available at this time. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 55 Page 3 of 3 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 56 Please provide up-to-date and separate geo-spatial system maps that outline all contiguous water utility systems operated by Falls Water in the State of Idaho. The map should include the location and elevation of major equipment including wells, distribution piping, storage tanks, booster pumps, shut-off valves, meters, fire hydrants, water treatment equipment, etc. Please include the following information by breaking them down for Falls Water ("FW"), Taylor Mountain ("TM"), and Morning view ("MV") customer systems. a) The depth, width, length, capacity, construction materials of each well (including backup wells, if any), and length of time in service. b) The make, model, type, and rating of each well pump motor, and length of time in service. c) The make, model, capacity, and limit switch settings of each pressurized storage tank, and length of time in service. d) The make, model, capacity, and limit switch settings of each unpressurized storage tank/reservoir, length of time in service. e) The make, model, and rating of each booster pump and motor, and length of time in service. f) The make, model, and capacity of all water treatment equipment, and length of time in service. g) The year, make, model, and capacity for backup generation supporting the well pumps, and length of time in service. Indicate if the generation has an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) or if it must be manually started. h) The distribution piping line size and materials specified in the installation, and length of time in service. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 56 Page 1 of 2 NOTE: Please provide this map in an electronic format (.pdf) which can be scaled, enlarged to identify all aspects of the system. Response: The information for each system requested in a – h is found if FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 56 Attachment 1. The maps for the Morningview, Falls Water, Taylor Mountain systems can be found in FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 56 Attachment 2 – 4. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 56 Page 2 of 2 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 59 Please provide information related to the capacity and sizing of the system and the ability of the system to meet historical and future system peak demand. Information would include not only capacity/constraints of/in the system, but also consumption and consumption at peak periods. Response: The Falls Water 2019 Drinking Water Capital Facilities Plan submitted as FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 32 Attachment 1 – 2 provides the information on the capacity and sizing of the system and ability to meet historical and future peak demand. There is not currently available a facility plan for Taylor Mountain. The testimony of Company witness Bruce provides details of the status and timing for a facilities plan on page 6 lines 9 - 11. The 2012 Morning View facilities plan submitted as FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 32 Attachment 3 provides the latest information on capacity, sizing and ability to meet historical and future demand. The testimony of Company witness Bruce provides details of the status and timing for an updated facilities plan on page 6 lines 12- 14. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 59 Page 1 of 1 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 62 Please provide the monthly metered total customer demands/water usage data (gallons) over the past 5 years. Please provide a breakdown for FW, TM, and MV customer systems. Response: The monthly metered demand for the three systems is provided in the attachments listed below.  Data for the Falls Water system are provided in FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 62 Attachment 1. The data reflect the period from January 2018 to June 2023.  Data for the Taylor Mountain system are provided in FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 62 Attachment 2. The demand data were not included the billing system for August and September 2020 for Taylor Mountain. However, the data are available from October 2020 to June 2023. The Company was converting to the UMS Billing system when Taylor Mountain was acquired, and the UMS system was used to bill them in August and September 2020 but the data are not available. Data for the Morning View system are provided in FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 62 Attachment 3. The customer demand data are available from February 2021 to June 2023. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 62 Page 1 of 1 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 65 Please provide the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality Sanitary Survey for the past 3 years. Response: The latest surveys for Fall Water, Morning View, and Taylor Mountain are provided as FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 65 Attachment 1 – 4.  FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 65 Attachment 1 is the Falls Water Sanitary Survey from 2020.  FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 65 Attachment 2 is the Morning View Sanitary Survey from 2021.  FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 65 Attachment 3 - 4 is the latest Taylor Mountain survey from 2019. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC 65 Attachment 3 contains the deficiencies and FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 65 Attachment 4 contains the photo log. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 65 Page 1 of 1 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 66 Please provide the average hourly pressure data in the main distribution line (averaged over 7 days in each week for each hour) in each month over the past 3 years. Response: The average hourly pressure data in the main distribution line for the past three years is found at FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 66 Attachments 1 – 3. The attached files have the pressure data from the Company’s SCADA systems. Falls Water system has data for each wellsite. Well 2 has the data for the well field which includes wells 2, 4, and 6. All other wells are shown individually. Pressure data are available from August 9, 2021 for Wells 1 and 2 and from August 10, 2021 for Well 3 for the Morning View water system. Pressure data are available from August 11, 2021 for Well 1 and from August 10, 2021 for Well 2 for Taylor Mountain water system. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 66 Page 1 of 1 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 68 Please provide all documents/invoices to support the purchase of the following and include any cost benefit analysis used by the Company justifying the purchases: a. 2015 Chevy Silverado $28,634.00 purchased 8/5/22. b. Brown flatbed $1,165.98 purchased 8/30/22. c. Industrial shelving $9,529.71 purchased 9/17/22. Response: a. The 2015 Chevy Silverado flatbed truck was purchased on August 5, 2022, for $28,634 to replace the 2007 GMC Sierra utility bed pickup to provide utility service in the field. The 2007 GMC Sierra was sold for $5,500 on September 9, 2022. The invoices for the Chevy Silverado can be found in FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 68 Attachment 1. b. Toolboxes were purchased and installed on the 2015 Chevy Silverado to carry tools and small inventory parts on the service truck. The toolboxes cost $1,165.98. The invoices for the toolbox can be found in FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 68 Attachment 2. c. The Company has increased its on-hand inventory because of the pandemic induced supply-chain issues. This resulted in a need to safely store the inventory. The industrial shelves were purchased to better utilize vertical space in the warehouse. The shelves have a 6,800-pound capacity per shelf. They provided safe storage for any inventory the Company maintains. The invoices for the industrial shelving can be found in FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 68 Attachment 3. FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 68 Page 1 of 1 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-23-01 In the Matter of Falls Water Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service Data Request Response Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce General Manager, Falls Water Company, Inc (208) 522-1300 Request No.: FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 73 Please explain how the CIAC for each account is calculated in Bruce's Exhibit No. I-B, pages 1-7. Response: The CIAC for each account represented in Bruce’s Exhibit No. I-B represents contribution made by developers or customers in aid of construction. The funds collected are contributed to the utility and the amounts recorded into the CIAC account are based on the amounts contributed spent by the Company on those projects. The funds collected by developers or customer are used to finance CIAC related investments. The CIAC amounts are an offset, or reduction, to rate base and lower the revenue requirement. The funds collected in CIAC are used to finance investments shown in Bruce’s Exhibit No. I-B as summarized in the table below. Account Description Amount 303 Land & Land Rights - CIAC $435,942.05 304 Well Structures & Improvements - CIAC $320,147.87 307 Wells - CIAC $85,585.43 311 Pumps - CIAC $159,163.47 FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 73 Page 1 of 2 320 Seperators / Purification Systems - CIAC $17,174.55 331 Lines - CIAC $403,432.98 334 Meters - CIAC $827,913.57 335 Hydrants - CIAC $17,334.63 341 Transportation Equipment - CIAC $31,450.11 345 Power Operated Equipment - CIAC $86,701.18 Total $2,384,845.84 FLS-W-23-01 IPUC Staff DR 73 Page 2 of 2