HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221221FLS to Staff DR 2 Attachment 1.docxRAVE messages sent on June 27, 2022 from Falls Water Co., Inc. to customers about conservation of water during the drought. Text message: Idaho is experiencing drought and Falls Water asking customers to reduce water use this summer. Find a watering schedule and water saving tips at fallswater.com Voice message: This message is from Falls Water. A drought has been declared in the State of Idaho which has created an urgent situation for our community. Falls Water is already taking steps to conserve water and is also asking customers to follow a lawn and landscape watering schedule this summer. To see your days, and for water-saving tips for your home, visit fallswater.com. We understand cutting back water use is not easy. However, if we all work together, we can help lessen the drought’s effects. Thank you. Email: Valued Falls Water Customer,   As we head into the hotter months, drought conditions persist across the West and experts are predicting a drier than normal summer.   In late April the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) issued a drought declaration that includes Southeast Idaho. In response to the state’s limited water supply, the Bonneville-Jefferson Groundwater District has asked Falls Water – along with other members of our water district – to decrease our water production by 10%-20% during 2022.   The drought has created an urgent situation that impacts our community, and Falls Water is already taking company-wide steps to save water including flushing hydrants only when necessary and keeping our system in top condition to minimize leaks. But to meet the Bonneville-Jefferson Groundwater District’s water conservation targets, we will need your help. That’s why we’re asking our customers to help reduce their water use this summer.   Since lawn and landscape watering is one of the the biggest uses of water, we are asking our customers to follow the odd/even day watering schedule below. We also offer some water saving tips for your home.   We understand this is a difficult request and that cutting back water use is not easy. However, if we all work together to conserve water, we can help lessen the drought’s effects. As these challenging conditions continue, Falls Water remains committed to providing the best service possible.   If you have questions, or would like more information, please feel free to contact us at fallswater@fallswater.com or through our website.   On behalf of Falls Water and the greater community, thank you in advance for your conservation efforts.   Falls Water   *To review the drought declaration, visit the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) website.     LAWN WATERING CONSERVATION SCHEDULE (through October 15, 2022)   If your house number ends with:   0, 2, 4, 6, 8 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 1, 3, 5, 7, 9          Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday   HOME WATER CONSERVATON TIPS Water two days per week, in accordance with the above schedule.Reducing watering frequency encourages roots to grow deep and leads to healthier grass.   Raise your mower blades.Taller grass shades the ground, which helps soil hold water better and decreases evaporation.   Set times for your automatic sprinkler system.Have the system turn on only when it’s needed.   Consider xeriscaping.Add decorative rock and drought-resistant plants to your yard.   Turn off running water.Close taps when doing the dishes or brushing your teeth.   Run full loads in your dishwasher or washing machine. Depending on the appliance, this could save several gallons of water.   Fix plumbing and irrigation leaks. Running toilets, dripping faucets and leaky irrigation hoses can waste water.   Install energy-efficient plumbing fixtures.Low-flow toilets, shower heads and aerators all help conserve water.