HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221221Falls Water to Staff 1-8.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Danielle M. Sffollo, ISB No. 11496 Give,ns Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@ sivenspursley. com dms@ eivenspursley. com ;"iECEIVTD irli il[C 2 I PI-l l: 57 , rrtl lr1. .,i_ .rr.UC;Lll.; , I :., ili-ifuth'tlSSION Attornqtsfor Falls Water Co.,Inc. BEFORE THE IDAIIO PTTBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF FALLS WATER CO., INC.'S APPLICATION FOR DEFERRAL OF CERTAIN COSTS Fllrc W,lrnR Coltplnv's REspoNsEs ro THE FIRST PROOUCUON REQT]EST OFTHE CounnrssroN SrAFF Falls Water Co., Inc. ("Falls Water" or "Company'), in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staffto Falls Water dated November 30, 2022, submits the information below. DATED December 21, 2022. GrveNs Punslnv LLP ." _-e--7 - Preston Carter Givens Pursley, LLP Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc cAsE NO. FLS-W-22-01 RrspoNses ro FrRST PRoDUCTIoN Rrquesr Pece 1 or2 CERTIFICATE OX' SERVICE I c€rtify that on D@€mber 21,2022, a tnre aod correct copy of the foregoing was swd upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Shfr Jan Noriyrki, Commission Secretary Idaho Fublic Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-.4' Boise,ID 83714 Vie Elcctronic lfiail j an.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov Ar>,? PrestonN. Carter RrspoNsrs ro FrRsr PRoDUcrroN Rreunsr Pecn2 or2 o lltY lloturof Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-22-01 Falls Water Company Application for Deferra! of Certain Costs Data Request Resoonse Prepared by: Scott Bruce Reouest No.: FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 1 1. The Company requests a deferral of costs associated with groundwater mitigation to include mitigation fees for 2022, and possibly "other costs." Application at 4. a. Please provide all known and expected costs associated with "mitigation fees for 2022" to date in Excel format with formulas enabled. b. PIease explain what "other costs" may be included in the request. Application at 4. Response: a. Falls Water has not yet been invoiced for the special assessment, but based on the $100 per acre foot assessment cost and the respective volumes, the expected costs are roughly $152,000 for 2022 production to be invoiced in2023. Please see FLS- W-22-01|PUC DR 1 Attachment 1. b. The'other costs' referenced in the Application are intended to include the cost of acquiring additional supplies to mitigate the special assessment, such as leasing or purchasing water rights. FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR I Page I ofl llW llotulo!' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-22-01 Falls Water Company Application for Deferral of Certain Costs Data Reouest Response Prepared by: Scott Bruce Reouest No.: FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 2 2. The Company describes efforts to reduce the water production demand from its customers. a. Please explain what methods have been used to communicate with customers for conservation efforts, i.e., flyers, advertisements, etc. b. Please describe what additional methods or practices the Company has considered, if any, besides the initial efforts urging customers to conserve water. c. Please provide the costs associated with water conservation communications and methods in a worksheet with formulas enabled. Resoonse: a. The Company sent notice to its customers on June 27, 2022 at 2:30 pm via the RAVE mass communication system. The notice was sent as an email, text message, and a phone voice message. Copies of the message are attached as FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 2 Attachment 1. The Company also placed on its website a notice about conserving water during the drought, which is provided as FLS-!V-22-01 IPUC DR 2 Attachment 2. b. The Company is exploring a range of methods to encourage conservation to reduce water production, including, but not limited to, the following: o A tiered rate structure during the next rate case. Purchase or lease water rights to mitigate over production. This works so long as the cost of the leased water right is less than the District's special assessment per acre foot. Potential use of pressurized irrigation. Please see attachment FLS'W-22-01 IPUC DR 2 Attachment 3 tor an estimate of costs associated with water conservation communications to date. FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 2 Page I ofl o a llW lloturol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-22-01 Falls Water Company Application for Deferralof Certain Costs Data Reouest Resoonse Prepared by: Scott Bruce Reouest No.: FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 3 3. The Company describes how the Surface Water Coalition ("SWC') and ldaho Ground Water Appropriators ("IGWA") Stipulated Mitigation Plan 201 6 ("Stipulated Mitigation Plan in 2016") contains a requirement to reduce annual water pumping by approximately 240,000 acre-feet. As part of that plan, the District, in which the Company is located, is required to reduce annual water pumping by 18,000 acre- feet. a. Please describe the baseline production !eve! that the District, and by extension, the Company must adhere to as calculated for 2014. b. Please quantify the amount that the Company is required to reduce in acre-feet as part of the District. Response: a. Bonneville-Jefferson Ground Water District ('BJG\ /D') was allocated 18,264 acre- feet out of the 240,000 acre-feet of pumping reductions stipulated in the Stipulated Mitigation Plan in 2016. The allocation was made based on the percentage of total pumping of the 2010-2014 average usage. Those years also served as a baseline, or starting point, from which reductions in pumping would be measured. Those years were used because they were the most recent usage data available at the time, the usage data were the most complete for those years, and they included a good range of seasonal consumptive irrigation requirement. The baseline production level that the Company must adhere to is 3,732.2 acre- feet, which is roughly 260lo below 2021 usage levels. b. BJGWD elected to distribute those reductions to district irrigators. Recognizing the difficulty for non-irrigation users to reduce pumping, BJGWD set a policy that non- irrigators would not be required to reduce pumping. lnstead, they would pay an assessment on any pumping in addition to their 2010-2014 baseline data. Most non- irrigation water rights are designed to increase usage over time as expansion occurs. Any new usage requires mitigation under the Stipulated Mitigation Plan in 2016 which is a burden that is shifted to the inigators. An assessment is designed to generate sufficient funds for the ground water district to purchase mitigation water or incentivize other water users to reduce additional pumping. Falls Water Company must either pump at or below its baseline of 3,732.2 acre-feet, or pay an overage assessment for every acre-foot pumped over that amount. FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR3 Page I ofl o Please see FLS-W-22-O1 IPUC DR 3 Attachment 1. o XIY tlotulol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-22-01 Falls Water Company Application for Deferralof Certain Costs Data Request Response Prepared by: Scott Bruce Request No.: FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 4 4. Please provide the following information for each of the customer classes (residential, commercial, and multifamily) by metersize(5/8" &314",1", 1.5",2",and 4")foreach year from 2010-2022: a. Average number of metered customers. b. New connections. c. Average monthly gallons used. d. Sum of the total gallons used. Resoonse: a. The average number of metered customers can be found in FLS-W-22-01|PUC DR 4 Attachment 1. The counts by meter size and class were extracted from the current CUSI system and the prior Caselle system from 2016 - 2022 but prior data is only available in total from the annual report. b. The number of new connects can be found in FLS-W-22-O1 IPUC DR 4 Attachment 1. The counts by meter size and class were extracted from the cunent CUSI system and the prior Caselle system from 2016 -2022 but prior data is only available in total from the annual report. c. The average monthly gallons can be found in FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 4 Attachment 1. The counts by meter size and class were extracted from the current CUSI system and the prior Caselle system from 2016 - 2022 but prior data is only available in total from the annual report. d. The total gallons used can be found in FLS-W-22-O1 IPUC DR 4 Attachment 1. The counts by meter size and class were extracted from the current CUSI system and the prior Caselle system from 2016 -2022 but prior data is only available in total from the annual report. FLS-W-22-01 IPUCDR 4 Page I ofl Iril iloturol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-22-01 Falls Water Company Application for Deferral of Certain Costs Data Request Resoonse Prepared by: Scott Bruce Request No.: FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 5 5. The Company stiates "conservation measures have worked to some degree: Falls Water pumped less water tn 2022 than in 2021." Application at 4. Please provide Company workpapers supporting this stratement for 2021 and 2022in Excel format with formulas intact. Please explain if all months were included in the calculation for 2022. Resoonse: See FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 5 Attachment I for workpapers related to 2022 and 2021 production volumes. Falls Water estimated December 2022 prduction based on January 2022 production. FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 5 Page I ofl o llW lotulol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-22-01 Falls Water Company Application for Deferral of Certain Costs Data Request Response Prepared by: Scott Bruce Request No.: FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 6 6. Please describe and explain how much each of the customer classes by meter size are required to reduce their water consumption to meet the Stipulated Mitigation Plan 2016 in 2023. Please also describe how the Company plans to communicate this information and the cost of incuned Mitigation Fees to its customers. Resoonse: Falls Water is looking to meet the Stipulated Mitigation Plan by a combination of reduced water consumption and acquisition, by purchase or lease, of water rights to meet customer demands. lf the Stipulation was met exclusively with reduced consumption, then the overall red ucti on req ui rement needed wou ld be 27 o/o as co m par ed to 2022. T he 2022 consumption was 1.5 billion gallons, or 4,676-acre feet, while the Water District Allowance was 3,732-acre feet. The typical water losses are approximately 9% for Falls Water. Therefore, reduction if 27% by customer class can be found at FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 6 Attachment 1 . The range of monthly reductions would be 2,740 gallons for 5/8 & 3/o-tnch meter customer to 56,478 gallons for 4-inch meter customers. To communicate with customers, the Company issues RAVE alerts through its communications system to inform customers in times where action is needed to reduce demand. We plan to post information related to the Stipulated Mitigation Plan on the Falls Water website. ln addition, the costs of the Mitigation Fees will be incorporated into the next rate case filing and Falls Water intents to communicate the key drivers of cost increase, including the Mitigation Fees in its next rate case. FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 6 Page I of I tfr (} t, roturor Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-22-01 Falls Water Company Application for Deferralof Certain Costs Data Request Response Prepared by: Scoft Bruce Reouest No.: FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 7 7. The Stipulated Mitigation Plan 2016 contains benchmarks for 2020 ground water levels. a. Please provide the 2015 ground water !eve! that is used as the baseline stabilization levelfor the IGWA plan as described on page 3 of Exhibit B to the Stipulated Mitigation Plan 2016. b. Please provide the2020 ground water levels. c. Please confirm if the 2020 stabilization level as calculated with the 2015 ground water levels was met. d. Please quantify the Company's contribution to meeting or failing to meet IGWA benchmarks. Response: a. See FLS-]ti/-22-01-IPUC DR 7 Attachment 7 for the 2022 update related to the 2015 ground water level that is used as the baseline stabilization levelfor the IGWA plan. The agreement stipulates accomplishing aquifer enhancement to achieve increases in the aquifer to the levels of the orange targets on the graph. The first benchmark was in 2020 and was met. The second benchmark is in 2023 and will not be met. b. See FLS-W-22-01-IPUC DR 7 Attachment f for the 2020 groundwater levels. c. See FLS-W-22-01-IPUC DR 7 Attachment f for the 2020 groundwater levels and benchmark, which indicate the target was met. d. Falls Water Company's usage increased the mitigation burden on the Ground Water District because they did not reduce pumping, but increased usage since the start of the agreement. The Ground Water District did not meet their 18,264 acre-ft pumping reductions in 202O or 2021and the Falls Water increase in usage contributed to the overage. The 2022 usage for Falls Water was 4,676 acre ft, as compared to their allowance of 3,732, which was an overage of 943, or 20o/o. Non-irrigating pumping is not required to reduced below baseline amounts but is charged the assessment for exceeding the baseline. FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 7 Page I ofl O t, ttoturot' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-22-01 Falls Water Company Application for Deferral of Certain Costs Data Reouest Response Prepared by: Scott Bruce Reouest No.: FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 8 8. ln ldaho Department of Water Resources Docket No. CM-MP-2016-001, IGWA, of which the District is a member, was found to be in breach of the Stipulated Mitigation Plan 2016. Please explain the impact that this breach has on the Company and describe the steps that the Company will take to help the District meet its requirement. Response: The issue of IGWA's alleged breach of the 2016 Stipulated Mitigation Plan is the subject of ongoing discussions between IGWA and other parties. The ultimate resolution to the alleged breach, and the steps that IGWA may take to resolve this issue, has not been determined, and neither has what steps, if any, the Company may or must take as part of that resolution. Curtailment of junior water rights, possibly including water rights of the Company, could occur if the District, IGWA and other parties are unable to reach a resolution. The Company does not know when an agreement on this issue will be reached. The Company is working to minimize the impacts on the Company's customers of any agreement between the District, IGWA, and other interested parties. FLS-W-22-01 IPUC DR 8 Page I ofl