HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211227Falls Water to Staff 1-7.pdfRates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-21-03 Application to Amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No.236 Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 1 REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide a cost breakdown (using the same type of breakdown provided in Exhibit No. 7 in response to Staff Production Request No. 7, Case No. FLS-W-19-02) of the Company's recommended system upgrades discussed on page 3 of the Application. Response: Please see FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 1 Attachment 1. RECEIVED 2021 DEC 27 AM 8:00 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-21-03 Application to Amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No.236 Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 2 REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide the Company's estimated construction schedule to install the Company's recommended system upgrades discussed on page 3 of the Application. Response: Paul Scoresby, our engineer from S & A Engineers, PC, sent the following estimated construction schedule for the installation of the 8-inch water main and the eighteen service connections for the customers of Honey Bee Acres: Scott, Per our phone conversation, here is the estimated construction time for this project: Mobilization & permitting - 5 days Mainline construction - 2,400 lineal feet / 200 lineal feet/day = 12 days Service line & meter installs - 18 services / 2 installs/day = 9 days Pressure testing & disinfection - 5 days Landscaping repairs in each yard - 18 services / 3/day = 6 days Total days = 37 working days or 7 weeks Based on experience with this type of construction, I would recommend you allow a minimum of 60 calendar days for this work to be accomplished in a contract with a heavy construction pipe layer contractor. -- Sincerely, Paul H. Scoresby, PE Mobile: 208-313-2454 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-21-03 Application to Amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No.236 Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 3 REQUEST NO. 3: Please provide the Company's plan for each of the Honey Bee Acres' water system assets that will be received as a result of this agreement (i.e., wells, pumping equipment, main line, service lines, and water rights). Response: The Company will operate the system as is until the eight-inch main is installed and the current Honeybee Acres customers are hooked up to the Company’s water system. Once the Honeybee Acres customers are no longer on their existing system, the wells will be decommissioned per Idaho Department of Environmental Quality requirements. The pumps and VFD drives will be either sold or put in inventory as backup for Morningview Water Company’s small well. The water main will be abandoned. The Company will connect to the customers’ service line when the customer is connected to the eight-inch main. The ownership of the water rights will be transferred to Falls Water Co., Inc. and become part of the Company’s water right portfolio. Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-21-03 Application to Amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No.236 Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 4 REQUEST NO. 4: Please explain who is currently operating the Honey Bee Acres' water system and who will be operating the system until Honey Bee Acre customers are connected to the Falls Water water system. Response: Currently the Honeybee Acres water operator is Shane Finch. He is one of the homeowners in the Honeybee Acres system. He has been operating the system for the last 15 years or more. Once the acquisition is approved, Falls Water will operate the system as-is until the eight-inch main is installed and the current Honeybee Acres customers are hooked up to the Company’s water system. It is anticipated that the eight-inch main will be installed starting in the Spring of 2022. Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-21-03 Application to Amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No.236 Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 5 REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide any planned and necessary improvements to Honey Bee Acres wells. Response: The eight-inch main looping project will begin in the Spring of 2022. Once the main is installed, the current Honeybee Acres customers will be connected to the main as part of the project. Due to the customers then being on the Company’s water system, the Honeybee Acre wells will no longer be needed. The Company has no plans to upgrade the wells and they will be decommissioned. Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-21-03 Application to Amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No.236 Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 6 REQUEST NO. 6: In 2018 and 2020, Honey Bee Acres water system tested positive for coliform. Please provide the causes of the positive tests and a plan for how Falls Water will prevent future contaminations and/or potential cross-contamination to its current water system. Response: The probable causes listed on the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Level 1 Assessment Form for Public Water Systems (See Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2) are cross connections with irrigation systems using irrigation canal water and potentially no backflow prevention. The 2018 assessment form mentioned heavy rainfall. To correct the possibility of rainfall creating a future problem, Honey Bee Acres added 18 inches to the top of its well casings. Falls Water will verify backflow prevention and possible cross connections as part of the project to connect the Honey Bee Acres customers to Falls Water’s system prior to connecting the customers to the water system. Customers that need to take corrective action will not be connected until the problems are corrected. IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DRINKING WATER PROGRAM Leveu 1 Assessuerut FoRu ron PueLtc Weren Svsreus Level 1 Assessment is required to be performed following a triggering event (identified on page 2) and is required by the ldaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems, IDAPA The assessment within 30 event. A Level 'l Assessment can be owner or PWS Number: -. -4d)(':.1 t PWS Name:, / 2l{e>n<v t-)€e Qcr"c>Date co''l.ptebd, +/Zg/ / tlalne a fiG 5fPersqt completing Assespqreny'hW Arld)ef*n - C,62aYo:tor Phone,l'lumber:?r/?J-@'+O 'Jl*nadne l*^oll- a^ s""ti- t. S"nit"ry Defects a(d Potential lssues Review cn{.r Section 2. DesEfiptiort (select one & attach additional information if necessary) 1.Has anything unusual occurred p4EloJbglqlal coliform positive result? Loss of pressure. power failure. vandalism.@avy rainfalllr snowmelt. main breaks, etc. YesE[ t't5!SReviewed all items in Section I and no sanitary defects or issues found. OR E Sanitary defects or issues were identified in Section 1. Describe the potential sanitary defects or issues found and relevant dates (if known): 2.tlave there been any recent changes to the water system prior to the total coliform positive result(s)? Operations, maintenance, repairs, or installation of distribution svslem. olumbino. DumD(s), Dressure tank(s), treatment system, etc. YesE NoE 3.Sample site and sampling protocol: Were all reqrired repeat samples collected?19-- the sample tap damaged, dirty, threaded, or of ({iyglly!g}Have improper sampling techniques been used? lf anv arA+eq-chgct-YEs---Mo )v"BttoE 4.wefl and pump(s): Damaged, loose, or missing well cap, vent screen, conduit; other problem with wellhead; evidence of flooding, pump runs more oflen than normal, etc (lf not applicable, check No.) YesE r.r9lX 5.Spring(s)'. tnterruptions in flow, evidence of flooding, spring box it nqt tEucturally sound (e.g., does not exclude water, birds. animals, insects. and excestkE/rl@+{lfnot applicable. check No.)hK No sanitary defect(s) were identifled. , - / rchlorination and/or flushing was conducted. - 7/ C51i{ Section 3. Corrective Actions (select all that aoolv & attach additional information if necessarv) sampteswerJiaken */ ?//V samples were collected. E) A detailed Conective Aptip!" Plan (CAP) proposal and tim elkp is f)Cattached. - o,.<tl dy:f q -t o +r,,e x* ?4 <3T a 'E) A detailed Conective Aptip!"Plan (CAP) proposal and timeliqe is 4,attached. \ e6.4Ld]llf a-+ ?o-€r+ 1€.=T.' tfContfiVTactions were iaken fprovide details and datestr to > t q. e4(-,! @ V oE(7€+.8.x-1k",-) +*.Y Y ^^,^4o . 97ri+L/! 4#at-- ? a" x'' ;';;' ;+";:#r&r f .ten fprovioe aetaits and datesl: *o 5 cC., 9 C7d-D-r- Qfu.) ,++'Y, s7_r;nA< *yftax1 e4. {6, 9F"tn-7,-15d rtts-t qd f>a.d/-[-// 6.P (orez 4r:i,1,,?{ e{ e^1 6.ireatment process: lnterruptions in treatment. chemical reflll oXer+ey'rFr change due. incorrect chemical concentration. dosage adjustment neey'\l/oJIgll{tures or oDeratrons and maintenance issues. (lf nol applicable, check Mo )- / 1 YesE NoEr 7.Siorage/pressure tank(s): Storage/pressure lank in poor condition, low lurnover in tank (old wateo. hatch leaking, tank not properly venled/screened (lf not applicable, check -No.) ?r(*-v€ fc<ilf- (z A?(t Lxrv e tnq( rlxceL.-- Y"d t'loE' 8.Distribution system: Knovrledge of leaks, lowto no pressure, cross connections, main repair, dead-end mains, frozen pipes, etc. Yesflr.rfii 9.Other: Any other identilied potential sources of contamination. Describe event or condition in the Seclion 2 Description box. Yes! NoE< EField office staff collected assessment information (above) via phone.Field Office U8e Onlv Dateof rrisser: ? C_ly Date Reviewed: n -Lfl"t'c6 Reviewed rr, /l+r;/l lk^r;. o ( Eo/8 t3 JUL 3 1 20il sr EXHIBIT 1 FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 6 Exhibit 1 Page 1 of 2 Level 1 Sre AssessmENT !NFoRMATtoN AND lNSTRUcrloNs Conducting this Level 1 Assessment is intended to protect public health by identifying and correcting sanitary defects or potential issues that could lead to bacterial contaminaiion. A sanitary defect could provide a pathway of entry for microbial contamination into the distribution system or indicate a failure or imminent failure ln a protective barrier that is already in place. The Level 1 Assessment examines structures and components of the public water system and operational practices. Triggers for a Level 'l Assessment: A Level 'l Assessment must be completed and submitted to the local regulating agency within 30 davs of the following triggers:. Two or more samples are total coliform positive (and not E coli positive) for any system taking fewer than 40 total coliform samples per month or on quarterly monitoring.. Five percent (5%) of the samples are total coliform positive (and not E coli positive) for any system taking 40 or more total coliform samples per month.. The failure to take all required repeat samples following a total coliform positive result. Please note that if the public water system owner or operator failed to collect all repeat samples after any single routine total coliform positive sample, samples need to be collected immediately. lnstructions: Consult with your local field office at any time in the assessment process. Section 1: Review all facilities, components, and operations identified in this section or add a description in "other" that may have contributed to the total coliform positive result. Select "No" if the item in this section is either not applicable or no sanitary defect was discovered. Section 2: Clearly describe any sanitary defects found in Section 1 or, if none found, check the appropriate statement that no sanitary defects were found. Please aftach additional information as necessary to describe the sanitary defects found. Section 3: Select all corrective action items that apply. Corrective action(s) are required for all sanitary defects identified in Section 1.. lf no sanitary defects were found, please make the appropriate selection as well as any olher actions that were taken.. Public water systems required to perform a Level 1 Assessment due to the failure to take all required repeat samples must submit repeat samples as soon as possible.. ldentify all corrective actions, which must include the date the action was taken or the date the corrective action will be taken.. Attach and submit additional information as needed. Please note some common sanitary defects or issues that could cause bacterial contamination:. Maintenance performed on the distribution system (e.g., replace . Cross connections (connection between the drinking water supply and a broken pipe and fail to disinfect afterwards) potential source of contamination). lmproper sample collection protocol/procedures . Biofilm buildup. Loose-fifting well cap and electrical conduit . Dead-end mains (places where water could stagnate). Water ponding near the wellhead . Loss of pressure. Plumbing leaks total-coliform-rule-assessmenls-and€orrective-aclions. ldaho Department of Environmental Quality tdarch 2016 Page 2 of 2 www.deq.idaho.gov TR|M# 2016ADC11 FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 6 Exhibit 1 Page 2 of 2 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DRINKING WATER PROGRAM Leveu 1 Assessuerut FoRu ron PueLtc Weren Svsreus Level 1 Assessment is required to be performed following a triggering event (identified on page 2) and is required by the ldaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems, IDAPA The assessment within 30 event. A Level 'l Assessment can be owner or PWS Number: -. -4d)(':.1 t PWS Name:, / 2l{e>n<v t-)€e Qcr"c>Date co''l.ptebd, +/Zg/ / tlalne a fiG 5fPersqt completing Assespqreny'hW Arld)ef*n - C,62aYo:tor Phone,l'lumber:?r/?J-@'+O 'Jl*nadne l*^oll- a^ s""ti- t. S"nit"ry Defects a(d Potential lssues Review cn{.r Section 2. DesEfiptiort (select one & attach additional information if necessary) 1.Has anything unusual occurred p4EloJbglqlal coliform positive result? Loss of pressure. power failure. vandalism.@avy rainfalllr snowmelt. main breaks, etc. YesE[ t't5!SReviewed all items in Section I and no sanitary defects or issues found. OR E Sanitary defects or issues were identified in Section 1. Describe the potential sanitary defects or issues found and relevant dates (if known): 2.tlave there been any recent changes to the water system prior to the total coliform positive result(s)? Operations, maintenance, repairs, or installation of distribution svslem. olumbino. DumD(s), Dressure tank(s), treatment system, etc. YesE NoE 3.Sample site and sampling protocol: Were all reqrired repeat samples collected?19-- the sample tap damaged, dirty, threaded, or of ({iyglly!g}Have improper sampling techniques been used? lf anv arA+eq-chgct-YEs---Mo )v"BttoE 4.wefl and pump(s): Damaged, loose, or missing well cap, vent screen, conduit; other problem with wellhead; evidence of flooding, pump runs more oflen than normal, etc (lf not applicable, check No.) YesE r.r9lX 5.Spring(s)'. tnterruptions in flow, evidence of flooding, spring box it nqt tEucturally sound (e.g., does not exclude water, birds. animals, insects. and excestkE/rl@+{lfnot applicable. check No.)hK No sanitary defect(s) were identifled. , - / rchlorination and/or flushing was conducted. - 7/ C51i{ Section 3. Corrective Actions (select all that aoolv & attach additional information if necessarv) sampteswerJiaken */ ?//V samples were collected. E) A detailed Conective Aptip!" Plan (CAP) proposal and tim elkp is f)Cattached. - o,.<tl dy:f q -t o +r,,e x* ?4 <3T a 'E) A detailed Conective Aptip!"Plan (CAP) proposal and timeliqe is 4,attached. \ e6.4Ld]llf a-+ ?o-€r+ 1€.=T.' tfContfiVTactions were iaken fprovide details and datestr to > t q. e4(-,! @ V oE(7€+.8.x-1k",-) +*.Y Y ^^,^4o . 97ri+L/! 4#at-- ? a" x'' ;';;' ;+";:#r&r f .ten fprovioe aetaits and datesl: *o 5 cC., 9 C7d-D-r- Qfu.) ,++'Y, s7_r;nA< *yftax1 e4. {6, 9F"tn-7,-15d rtts-t qd f>a.d/-[-// 6.P (orez 4r:i,1,,?{ e{ e^1 6.ireatment process: lnterruptions in treatment. chemical reflll oXer+ey'rFr change due. incorrect chemical concentration. dosage adjustment neey'\l/oJIgll{tures or oDeratrons and maintenance issues. (lf nol applicable, check Mo )- / 1 YesE NoEr 7.Siorage/pressure tank(s): Storage/pressure lank in poor condition, low lurnover in tank (old wateo. hatch leaking, tank not properly venled/screened (lf not applicable, check -No.) ?r(*-v€ fc<ilf- (z A?(t Lxrv e tnq( rlxceL.-- Y"d t'loE' 8.Distribution system: Knovrledge of leaks, lowto no pressure, cross connections, main repair, dead-end mains, frozen pipes, etc. Yesflr.rfii 9.Other: Any other identilied potential sources of contamination. Describe event or condition in the Seclion 2 Description box. Yes! NoE< EField office staff collected assessment information (above) via phone.Field Office U8e Onlv Dateof rrisser: ? C_ly Date Reviewed: n -Lfl"t'c6 Reviewed rr, /l+r;/l lk^r;. o ( Eo/8 t3 JUL 3 1 20il sr EXHIBIT 1 FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 6 Exhibit 1 Page 1 of 2 Level 1 Sre AssessmENT !NFoRMATtoN AND lNSTRUcrloNs Conducting this Level 1 Assessment is intended to protect public health by identifying and correcting sanitary defects or potential issues that could lead to bacterial contaminaiion. A sanitary defect could provide a pathway of entry for microbial contamination into the distribution system or indicate a failure or imminent failure ln a protective barrier that is already in place. The Level 1 Assessment examines structures and components of the public water system and operational practices. Triggers for a Level 'l Assessment: A Level 'l Assessment must be completed and submitted to the local regulating agency within 30 davs of the following triggers:. Two or more samples are total coliform positive (and not E coli positive) for any system taking fewer than 40 total coliform samples per month or on quarterly monitoring.. Five percent (5%) of the samples are total coliform positive (and not E coli positive) for any system taking 40 or more total coliform samples per month.. The failure to take all required repeat samples following a total coliform positive result. Please note that if the public water system owner or operator failed to collect all repeat samples after any single routine total coliform positive sample, samples need to be collected immediately. lnstructions: Consult with your local field office at any time in the assessment process. Section 1: Review all facilities, components, and operations identified in this section or add a description in "other" that may have contributed to the total coliform positive result. Select "No" if the item in this section is either not applicable or no sanitary defect was discovered. Section 2: Clearly describe any sanitary defects found in Section 1 or, if none found, check the appropriate statement that no sanitary defects were found. Please aftach additional information as necessary to describe the sanitary defects found. Section 3: Select all corrective action items that apply. Corrective action(s) are required for all sanitary defects identified in Section 1.. lf no sanitary defects were found, please make the appropriate selection as well as any olher actions that were taken.. Public water systems required to perform a Level 1 Assessment due to the failure to take all required repeat samples must submit repeat samples as soon as possible.. ldentify all corrective actions, which must include the date the action was taken or the date the corrective action will be taken.. Attach and submit additional information as needed. Please note some common sanitary defects or issues that could cause bacterial contamination:. Maintenance performed on the distribution system (e.g., replace . Cross connections (connection between the drinking water supply and a broken pipe and fail to disinfect afterwards) potential source of contamination). lmproper sample collection protocol/procedures . Biofilm buildup. Loose-fifting well cap and electrical conduit . Dead-end mains (places where water could stagnate). Water ponding near the wellhead . Loss of pressure. Plumbing leaks total-coliform-rule-assessmenls-and€orrective-aclions. ldaho Department of Environmental Quality tdarch 2016 Page 2 of 2 www.deq.idaho.gov TR|M# 2016ADC11 FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 6 Exhibit 1 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT 2 FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 6 Exhibit 2 Page 1 of 1 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-21-03 Application to Amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No.236 Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-21-03 IPUC DR 7 REQUEST NO. 7: Please provide the proposed accounting treatment, including journal entries, for the transfer of Honey Bee Estates to Falls Water Co. Inc. Response: The accounting treatment currently is under internal review pending the Commission’s consideration of the Company’s Application. Preliminarily, we believe the book value of the current system is $1,400, which would be recorded as a credit to Property, Plant & Equipment. We are determining whether any additional journal entries would be necessary. Upon Commission approval of the Company’s Application, the Commission could order the Company to make a compliance filing of the actual accounting treatment, including journal entries, for the transaction.