HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210714FLS to Staff 1-23.pdfPreston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,'tD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter@eivenspursley.com 1 5749408_1.docx [ 3988-8] Attorneysfor Falls Water Co., Inc. IN rue MATTER oF THE APPLTCATTON Or Faus WereR Co., INc. FoR APPRovAL oF THREE cArITAL rRoJECTS: I ) cnrauoN or ANEW WATER SOURCE,2) CONSTnUCTION OFA STORAGE TANK, AND 3) coNsrnucrroN oF A wELLHousE .:i l t-:ia: 1V iiil ;.ri i -iiti. i i* Ptl 2: 5$ ,,, ,:LilJ''1r!r+''lr\ll ": :/t rl-";l-\-'i i'J BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. FLS-W-2f-0f Fells WerpR Co., INC.'s RgspoNses ro FrRsraNn SecoNo Requesrs ron PRooucuoN oF DoCUMENTS FRoM CouurssroN Srapr' Falls Water Co., Inc. ("Falls Water" or "Company'') respectfully submits the following Responses to the First and Second set of Production Request from Commission Staff dated June 15,2021and June 23,2021. Confidential materials will be filed under separate cover. DATED: July 14,2021. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP l-',/ - *. 2_r - Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneysfor Falls Water Co., Inc. FALLS WATER Co., INC.'S RESPONSES To Fm.ST AND SECOND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS FROM CoMMISSIoN Srarr- I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certiff that on July 14, 2021, atrue and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, lD 83714 j an.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste.201-A Boise, ID 83714 dayn.hardie@puc. idaho. gov Electronic Mail Electronic Mail ,,2-z:* Preston N. Carter FALLS WATER Co., INC.,S RESPONSES TO FTRST AND SECoND T{EQUESTS FoR PRoDUCTIoN oF DoCUMENTS FRoM CoptrurssroN STAFF- 2