HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201013Telephonic Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfo o CSB REPORTING C ertiJied S h o rth and Reporters Post Office Box9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 csbreportine@yahoo. com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: 1-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR BEEORE THE TDAHO PUBLTC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OE FALLS WATER CO.,fNC.'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF MORNING VIEW WATER COMPANY CASE NO. FLS-W-20-04 TELEPHON]C HEARING BEFORE rl,I ' -;:'.-" 1 ,,' i:rt1:lrd'r;{ ;. ffir'" fl4ir$#,fiDER (Presiding) i,3 ( Telephoni callyli(Telephonically) t!r*J r,.,:r **l tu) .rm (,t i$ 4lei i'$"1 r+'"1 COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLAN COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER COMMTSSTONER ERIC ANDERSON PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 11331 West Chinden Blvd.Building 8, Suite 201-ABoise, Idaho DATE:October 'l , 2020 VOLUMEI-Pagesl-4 o ORIGINAL o o o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 t6 t7 18 t_9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 APPEARANCES Eor the Staff:Matt Hunter, Esq. Deputy Attorney General PO Box 83120Boise, Idaho 83120-0074 For Falls Water Company: ( Telephonically ) Eric tt. Nelsen, Esq. Senior Regulatory Attorney NW Natural 250 SW Taylor Street Portl-and, Oregon 97204 o 25 APPEARANCES o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 o 13 74 15 16 L7 1B L9 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . s198 I BOISE, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY,OCTOBER 7, 2020, 6:00 P. M COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: WeI1, good evenj-ng. This is the time and place for a telephonic public hearJ-ng in Case No. FLS-W-20-04, also referred to as in the matter of Fal-Is Water Company, Inc.'s application for approval- of acquisition of the assets of Morning View Water Company. My name is Paul Kjellander. I'11 be Chairing this evening's telephonic public hearing. I'm joined on the telephone this evening with my two colleagues, Commissioner Kristine Raper and also Commissioner Eric Anderson. The purpose of this hearlng is to take testi-mony from members of the public in reference to this Fal-Is Water Companyrs filing and as it sits at this point, why don't we go ahead and get the appearances of the parties. Why don't we begin with the Deputy Attorney General representing the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. If you cou1d i-dentify yourseJ-f for the record and spell your name. MR. HUNTER: Certainly. Matt Hunter, Iast named spelled H-u-n-t-e-r. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And I be]ieve we have IegaI representation for Fal-l-s Water on the l_ine as25 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 72 o 13 L4 15 76 t1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 2 wel-I. Could we have you identify yourself officially for the record as weII? MR. NELSEN: Yes, good evening, Chairman and Commissioners, Eric Nelsen, N-e-I-s-e-D, Senj-or Regulatory Attorney, Northwest Natural, representing Falls Water. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very much. We do have a set of j-nstructions with regards to those who would be calling in, but as I understand it from Adam Rush, our public information offj-cer, that at this point we do not have any members of the general public, customers of the Companies that are on the l-ine to testify, so with that bei-ng our current status, it woul-d be my intent to go off the record for a period of ten minutes, at which I attention to my watch so and if we don't have any cl-ose the hearing down; hope I wil,l actually we come back at the cal-l-ers at this pay right time, wilI however, if we do point, w€ have some caIIers, for the I wil-l start off by providing the j-nstructions call--in and then we'lf move forward, so with that, we'l1 go off the record for a period of 10 minutes. (Recess. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We wil-l- go back on the record. Again, hy name is Paul- Kjellander. Irm Chairing the hearing this evening and as it stands now,25 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 o 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208-890.5198 3 there are no cal-l-ers on the line who wj-sh to testify, so are officiallyat this point, w€ wiII adj ourned. (The Hearing adjourn, so we adjourned at 6:13 p.m. ) 25 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 o 11 72 13 74 15 L6 t7 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 4 AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that the foregoing proceedings hel-d in the matter of Falls Water Company, Inc.'s application for approval of acquisition of the assets of Morning View Water Company, commencing at 6:00 p.m., oo Wednesday, October -l , 2020, dt the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 11331 W. Chinden B1vd, Building 8, Suite 207-A, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof for the fil-e of the Commission. CONSTANCE Certified S. BUCY Shorthand Report #187 CONSTAT'ICE S EUCY NOTARYPUBTJC. STAIE OF IOA}IO corMtssroN llultsER 12995 MY CoMMISSIoN EXPIRES $e2024 25 AUTHENTICAT]ON