HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201028Falls Water to Staff 21-60.pdf+: t' .1 rj-l ._ .'" : I Y *U :'i::LT tS Pffi lr $?o ]lW Notursl' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 51 REQUEST NO. 51: Exhibit 2 (Proforma of Ops) shows $6,984 in Training Expenses booked to Account 675.1 in 2019. The training expenses for 2018 and 2017 were $1,018 and $654, respectively. Please provide documentation and the Company's rationale for the 586% increase. Response: ln the past, Falls Water has done the minimum training required to ensure that operators and field personnel earned the annual CEUs necessary to maintain their water operator certifications. Little to no training was given to managers and office personnel. With the acquisition of Falls Water Co., lnc. by Northwest Natural Water on September 13,2018, the new owner wants to have more training for Falls Water's managers to ensure that they are given ongoing educational opportunities to improve their managerial skills. ln 2019, Northwest NaturalWater held a management training in Portland, Oregon, and the expectation is that this will be a recurring event, The Company's General Manager and Operations Manager attended this training, and the Company looks forward to attending these trainings going forward. Northwest Natural Water presented corporate policies and programs which were new to the managers of the water companies acquired by them. lt also presented an environment to meet the other water companies' managers and share ideas and experiences. lt is valuable to gain understanding of what resources Northwest Natural Water brings to the Company in risk management, legal, accounting, and human resources. The other major training opportunity was for the Genera! Manager, Operations Manager, and one serviceman to attend the annual AWWA conference in Sun Valley, Idaho. The training at the conference was exceptional. Practical reviews of system maintenance, safety, and management principles were helpful and insightful. lt is valuable to learn from the experiences of others who work in the industry, and the Company plans to send representatives to AWWA conferences going forward. Other training for the servicemen was available for them to learn and prepare for their water distribution operators certification tests and to earn CEUs needed to maintain thei r existing operator certifi cations. Please see FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 51 Attachment 1 for the requested documentation ,, li,,;,,:'$ttt:i*f s,.#{* $ ** ilsturor Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Fa!!s Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 52 REQUEST NO. 52: ln Response to Production Request Nos. 5 and 37, please provide updated costs on projects listed in Exhibit 1, Column B. Response: The final cost for the 8-inch main on Crowley Road from 1st Street to John Adams Parkway project listed in Exhibit 1, Column B is $188,732.68. No other updates are applicable. 0 .* ]toturor Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 53 REQUEST NO. 53: ln Response to Production Request No. 16, please provide the Cost Allocation Manualfiled with the OPUC and WUTC. Response: Please see FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 53 Aftachments 1 and 2 for the most recent Master Services Agreement and Cost Allocation Manual filed by Northwest Natural with the Public Utility Commission of Oregon in Docket UI 385 on December 28, 2018, and with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in Docket UG-181053 on December 31,2018, respectively. The attached filings redact the confidential organizational chart. Falls Water filed the current version of the organizational chart with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission as Confidential Exhibit 3 to the Direct Testimony of Justin Palfreyman accompanying its Application in FLS-W-20-04, Application for Approval of Acquisition of Assets of Morning View Water. o llYY Noturqf Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case' Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 54 REQUEST NO. 54: ln Response to Production Request No. 16, Attachment 1, Row 19 and Row 21, please provide a detailed cost breakdown of each amount in Column E. Also, include with your response the workpapers calculating the benefits to Falls Water Company ratepayers. Response: Please see FLS-W-20-03IPUC DR 54 Aftachment 1. For a discussion of quantifiable benefits to Falls Water Company ratepayers, please see the Company's responses to FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 55 and DR 56. {$ t, ltoturol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 55 REQUEST NO. 55: Please provide cost savings that Falls Water has realized through 2019 for Shared Services paid to NW Natura!. Please provide workpapers with formulas intact detailing the savings amount and include a list of any positions that have been eliminated as a result. Response: As a result of NW Natural Water's acquisition of Falls Water in September 2018 and the resulting Shared Services paid to NW Natura! through 2019, Falls Water has saved on paying the salary and related costs of the former owner, Brent Johnson, after September 2019. Such cost savings are reflected, for example, as a component in the net removal of $50,484 (partial year salary) from Account 601.9 (Admin - Labor) in Column (C) of Exhibit No. 2. ln addition ,2019 results shown in Column (A) of Exhibit No. 2 already reflect the removal of about $3,100 in annual income tax preparation costs that Falls Water had been incurring as a stand-alone company. Further, NW Natural Holdings' structure as a publicly traded holding company provides substantial benefits to its regulated utilities and other affiliates through access to capital markets. This access to capital markets will allow for execution of a business plan of further consolidation of smaller systems and the benefits of sharing @mmon costs over a larger customer base. O ** Noturol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 56 REQUEST NO. 56: Please provide any additional cost savings that Falls Water will realize during the year 2020 tor Shared Services with NW Natural. Please provide workpapers with formula intact detailing the savings amount and include a list of any positions that will be eliminated as a result. Response: During the year 2020, Fa!!s Water continues to realize the cost savings identified in its response to FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 55. The Company has not identified any "additional' cost savings. o ilW ]aqturof Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 57 REQUEST NO. 57: Please provide the yearly percentiage pay rate increase by employee and position since the last general rate case in 2015. Please provide an excel spreadsheet with formulas intact. Response: The Company requests that the accompanying spreadsheet be kept confidential due to its listing of commercially sensitive employee wage information. Please see the accompanying spreadsheet file CONFIDENTIAL FLS-20-03 IPUC DR 57 Attachment 1 for the yearly percentage pay increase by employee and position since the last general rate case in 2012. The wage data are available for all employees who worked for the Company during the requested timeframe. $ ** ltsturoln Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 58 REQUEST NO. 58: Please explain why the amounts booked to Account 675.9 - 2012 MXU Proj Mtr Reader Lbr are not booked to Account 127.1- MXU Project Depr Savings as ordered in Order No. 32663, page 11. Response: The amounts booked to Account 675.9 - 2012 MXU Proj Mtr Reader Lbr are booked to Account 127.1 - MXU Project Depr Savings, as ordered in Order No. 32663, page 1 1. The transaction that books the $692.92 for the meter reading labor savings is a part of the totalfunds that is transferred each month from Account 129 - FWC - BofCommerce to Account 127.1 - MXU Project Depr Savings. Table 1 is an excerpt found in the Meter Depreciation 2019.x1s spreadsheet on the "520 M MXU's Part of 2011 Pr$" worksheet tab. Note the line "Mtr Rdng Labor Savings" in the table corresponds to the amount booked in Account 675.9 - 2012 MXU Proj Mtr Reader Lbr. Table 1 January February March April May June July August September October November December Monthly Denr 7.203.21 2.O40.57 2.039.31 2.038.68 2 n3A n5 2.037.42 2.035.53 2.034.90 2.034.90 2.033.64 2.033.64 2.033.01 2.033.O1 24.432.66 I I I I I Oamaged MXU's 26q C4 1?434 133.71 't33.O8 397.35 171.A2 2F,1 ',t2 1)0 ao 1 sqn 66 Total to Doposit in SRF 3,003.4it 2,866.57 2,731.@ 2,864.68 2,863.42 3,125.80 2,859.64 2,727.82 2,987.67 2,726.6 2,855.22 2,725.92 34,338.32 The amount in the "Totalto Deposit in SRF" line is the balance transferred to Account 127.1- MXU Project Depr Savings from Account 129 - FWC - BofCommerce. This total is the total depreciation of the MXU's from the project, retired damaged project MXU's, and the Meter Reading Labor Savings. The amount is transferred at the beginning of the following month to capture any MXU's from the project that have been retired due to damage during the month. Table 2 below is a copy of the Account 127.1 register lor 2019. Note the highlighted amounts correspond to the totals shown on the table above. FLS-W-20.03 IPUC DR 58 NWN Response Page2 of 2 Toble 2 Falls Water Comp{ry lnc l0/Am2l lrr!1rM Rrgis l:?.1 MXti ]hojq Dgx sNlogs f m olmli1rl9 thnr,llt l2/l 1,2019 Ss.d h: th.. Ir?o NE b.r:R., It b NEb.r ?.yc ildo lll*rl C D.Fe td.E 0 tIr,20t9 0tix/mt9 ortJmt9 olmlmt9 0{/01.20t 9 0{o4,20t9 oJ0rat9 tr{x,20l9 612&20t9 06'304t0 t9 0t/01,2019 o90Jn0l9 0ry302019 l0ro2r20l9 I t/0.t,?ol9 I 2A540t9 ly\t,ot9 {t9 r2t t2l Dt l19 t!t t:r t2t t2t al9 r2t llt {19 ta t2t t:8 at9 lnl$ Irocd (a* if, Artr:129 (dl in B$l:129 ( sl in Bril.; L9 ('si h llr*: l!9 C.dt in Bskl29 frdr in 0d:129 Cd h ad:129 lnffi litr d rdhM:lI Cdr in Bail:129 lffi*inrd ('dr h Brnt:129 C.$ in Bon!:l!9 CS in Bet:llg ltffi[rrd l)s'2011 Mr RdX 1.... ,e ml9 MXt, Pmj ... tjt$201e-20!l MX... llrr2Ol9.:Ol2 Mlr. . AFmlg. MXU Prc.. x I t.J2 2.rrr.{t tilr.., 2.&Jt t1.27 ,'AlIo tsaat uar.{l ,.lt r 2t.l{ ,.1r,4 Lfn.n ,2.11 ?"*lIi, 2,7rarJ l,st.a. t.3t {tJ90.16 ar.l:t.24 It,t2?.67 !0,99a-:a ,1.01 t.5l 5!.7{l.ll J5.60r.?0 59.a7 t.2 I 6lr9r.0l 62.61t.1, 6r.l11.in 6tJ0r.6t 6t:2t.(x ,rJt5.?J ,J.9.1:.JO 76.r97.r1 ?ctoJ.ll rwc.... IS( -. t,wc.. x !( x rw(r... rwc-... l'ltrc-... t-w('-....lft 20l9 Llxl, lX!... lnld Iffifa ml, MJ(t, .. Au r0le MXtl ftoj... lffi Sqt 2019tmrt6ol-... (b2019 MrRdt 1.... No! ,Ol9 for llw r... lffi x x x x x x x x x tvc,... F*C-... llv(:.. ruc-... t,w(:... x x x x hee I {f ** Noturol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 59 REQUEST NO. 59: Please provide any supporting documentation for the Company's requested 10.5o/o requested return on equity. Response: The Company's requested '10.5o/o return on equity is the same percentage as the Commission approved in Falls Water's last rate case, FLS-W-12-01, Order No., 32663, dated October 12,2012. Falls Water's position is that the 10.5% ROE continues to be fair to both the Company's investors and its customers and will enable the Company to successfully operate and attract capital. The Company also notes that Suez Water filed its most recent rate case on September 30,2020, SUZ-W-20-O2, and its expert consultiant is recommending a 10.2% ROE (Walker, p. 62). Falls Water's 10.5% requested ROE is within the range of reasonableness, especially given its smaller size compared with Suez Water. The Company could have hired an expert ROE consultant for this rate case, but decided that it was more in the public interest to not incur such rate case expense to be amortized over a period of time and recovered from customers. A final consideration is that while Falls Water's actua! capital structure as of December 31,2019 was 84.6% equity I 15.4o/o debt, the Company is proposing a more balanced hypothetical capital structure of 55% equity I 45o/o debt, and that concession merits adopting an ROE at the top end of any range. {} .* Noturof Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 60 REQUEST No. 60: Please provide the fee schedule for the Xpress Bill pay Transactions. Also include a copy of the contract with Xpress Bilr pay. Response: lncluded with the response are pdf fites of Xpress Bill Pay's current fee schedule and a copy of the original contract for services. Please refer to the following fites: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 60 Attachment 1 (Xpress Bill Pay Current Fee Schedule.pdf) FLS-W-20-03 lPUc DR 60 Attachment 2 (Falls Water xBp GAS Agreement.pdf)