HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200917Falls Water to Staff 41-50.pdf4,llW lloturol' ii;;l:r = i''d ilil :i:i* sff, t? Pl{ ltr 00 ,:', - ili:l"iil t.. : f"j.- i i i;i'-: L;**+i:;jli$i#liRates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 41 REQUEST NO. 41: Please provide a list of all rental properties and lease expenses. Please include copies of all leases and provide the contractual monthly expenses. Response: The Company leases the following properties: Building at2180 North Deborah Drive, ldaho Falls, ldaho as its office and warehouse. o . Well site and well at 2855 East Lincoln Road, ldaho Falls, ldaho. o Water Rights for well at 2855 East Lincoln Road, ldaho Falls, ldaho. o 1986 Peterbilt Dump Truck The Company is responsible to pay all utilities (electric, natural gas, telephone, and internet) at2180 North Deborah Drive. The monthly rent for the building is $3,496.00. The annua! property tax on the building is also paid by the Company. The Company maintains casualty property insurance on the building and performs needed maintenance on the building to maintain the building in good condition. Copies of the lease for 2180 North Deborah Drive and the lease addendums and amendments are included with the response as FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 41 Attachments 1 and 2. The well site lease payment is due annually on August 1st. ln 2019, the amount paid was $2,150. The annual rent has a built-in escalation factor of $50 each year. Copies of the Ieases for the well and well site are included with the response as FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 41 Attachment 3. The water right lease payment is due annually on August 1st. The annual amount due is $3,300.38. A copy of the lease is provided with the response as FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 41 Attachment 4. The Company leased the 1986 Peterbilt dump truck from January 1,2019 to April 30, 2019. The monthly lease was $848.00 per month. No signed lease agreement is available. The vehicle was leased from Brent Johnson. {$} ** ltoturol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 42 REQUEST NO. 42: Please provide the fixed asset re-valuation summary completed after the sale to Northwest Natural Water Company on September 14,2018. Please include with your response all workpapers and supporting documentation. Response: Four files are included that show the changes to revalue the assets as of September 14, 2018. FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 42 Attachment 1 (Excelfile "Meter Depreciation as of Sept 14 2018.x1s") shows the calculation of depreciation of assets through September '14,2018 This file in conjunction with FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 42 Aftachment 2 (Excelfile "Meter Depreciation starting Sept 15 2018.xls') show the revalued assets after removing the depreciation through September 14, 2018. The joumal entry pdf files attached (FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR42 Aftachments 3 and 4) show the entry made to remove Accumulated Depreciation for investor owned assets and the entry made to remove Accumulated Amortization of CIAC assets calculated through September 1 4, 2018. llW ]loturol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 43 REQUEST NO. 43: Please explain the Company's policy for awarding bonuses/incentive payments to Staff and the criteria to receive the bonuses. Please explain how this bonus/incentive policy benefits customers. Response: The Company has always given a year-end holiday bonus to its employees to show appreciation for their efforts during the past year. This bonus has been modest in nature, but has always been appreciated by the employees. When the employees are happy, their performance at work improves thus providing good service to the customers. ln the purchase of the Company by Northwest Natural, a bonus incentive was given to employees who were working for the Company as of the date of sale. The bonus was in the form of a Restricted Stock Unit (RSU) distribution over a five-year period. The incentive was placed in the purchase agreement to encourage the existing employees to stay with the Company after the sale. The RSU bonus distributes a fixed number of shares to the employees based on their time employed at the Company. Those with the longest tenure receive the most units. This encourages the employees with the most working knowledge to remain with the Company after the change of ownership. Even with this incentive, the Company lost its third longest tenured employee and another employee of shorter tenure during the first year after the ownership change. The longer tenured employee left the Company because the former employee was offered better wages by a neighboring water system. The other employee left the Company to take a higher paying job with an excavation contractor in the area. The benefit to the customers regarding the RSU bonus is that the Company retains its skilled professional workforce. The customers also benefit from skilled workers that know the details of the water system and provide quality service to protect the public's health and safety. .1, 4,lllfl Noturof Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 44 REQUEST NO.44: Please provide an invoice and description of the Company's $159 advertising expense in 2019. Response: A copy of the invoice from Sign Pro is included with the response as FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 44 Attachment 1. The invoice was for Falls Water Co., lnc. decals placed on the driver and passenger doors of the 2019 pickup truck purchased May 21, 2019 for use by the Company's Operations Manager, Tony Wise. .(,tlW tloturol Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 45 REQUEST NO. 45: Please provide the following for Well Number 10: a.copies of all related contracts and invoices; b.an explanation for the purpose of each contract/invoice; and c.lnvoices for the Funds Transfer found in account 343 - Tools and Equipment. Response: a. The invoice copies for Well 10 are provided with this response as FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 45 Attachment 1. The contract for drilling the well is also provided with this response as FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 45 Attachment 2. b. The list of all invoices with their purposes noted is provided in the Excel spreadsheet provided as FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 45 Attachment 3. c. The invoice found in account 343 is provided as FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 45 Attachment 4. The invoice is for a trench box that was purchased to provide added safety to our servicemen as they did excavation repairs and installations. O .* iloturol' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 47 REQUEST NO. 47: Please provide copies of all Company Credit Card Stiatements for 2018. Response: lncluded as FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 47 Attachments 1 through 16 are copies of the Company's 2018 credit card statements: Capital One credit card statements for January 2018 through October 2018 and CitiBusiness credit card statements from July 2018 through December 2018. .l)IW ]loturol Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Reouest Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 48 REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide copies of invoices for purchases larger than 94,000 found in the following accounts for 2019: a.311 - Pumping Equipment; b.340 - Office Furniture and Fixtures; c.343 - Tools and Equipment; and d.345 - Power Operated Equipment. Response: Copies of the invoices for purchases larger than $4,000 are included with the response. a. 311 - Pumping Equipment; 1 invoice for $29,776.59 (FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 48 Attachment 1) b. 340 - Office Furniture and Fixtures; 1 invoice for $4,022.70 (FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 48 Attachment 2) c. 343 - Tools and Equipment; 2 invoices for $19,413.26 and $11,866.15 (FLS-W- 20-03 IPUC DR 48 Attachment 3) d. 345- PowerOperated Equipment. 1 invoicefor$41,870.00 (FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 48 Attachment 4) ($ ** ]toturot Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 49 REQUEST NO. 49: Please provide the bill of sale for the following vehicles and explain the reason for each sale: a.2012 Ford Pickup - $44,450.00; and b.2007 Cadillac Escalade - $10,484.44. Response: 2012 Ford Pickup was the company vehicle that was driven by Brent Johnson, the PresidenUOwner of Falls Water before the sale of the company to Northwest Natural Water, LLC. Mr. Johnson did not include the 2012 Ford Pickup as part of the assets being sold to Northwest. As the vehicle was fully depreciated, he had the title of the vehicle transferred to his name and it was removed from the asset !ist. No bill of sale was created. 2007 Cadillac Escalade was sold to Clair Manwill on January 11,2019. The vehicle was starting to experience mechanical issues and the company did not want to pay for repairs to the vehicle since it was twelve years old. The bill of sale is provided as FLS- W-20-03 IPUC DR 49 Attachment 1. {r *, iloturor Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-20-03 Falls Water Company Rate Case Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 50 REQUEST NO. 50: Please provide the bill of sale for the purchase of the following vehicles and explain the reason for each purchase: a.2007 Peterbilt Dump Truck - $41,024.34; b.Equipment Hauling Trailer - $15,000.00; and c.2019 Chevy 2500 - $42,981.10. Response: Copies of bills of sale for the requested purchases are included with the response a. 2007 Peterbilt Dump Truck - $41,024.34 (FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 50 Attachment 1). The dump truck was purchased to replace the aging rental 1986 dump truck leased from Brent Johnson. The dump truck is necessary when hauling off dirt and spoils from repairs made to the system and bringing new materials to the repair site. The Company purchased a used 2007 vehicle that was mechanically sound and in decent condition to perform the necessary work of hauling materialfrom and to repairs made in the system by our servicemen. q Equipment Hauling Trailer - $15,000.00 (FLS-W-20-03 IPUC DR 50 Attachment 2). The equipment hauling trailer was purchased to haul the Company's backhoe and/or mini excavator to and from repairs, thus reducing wear and tear on the equipment, prolonging tire and track life, and reducing time to mobilize equipment for a repair. c. 2019 Chevy 2500 - $42,981.10 (FLS-W-20-03 lPUc DR 50 Attachment 3). The pickup was purchased to replace the 2007 Cadillac Escalade that was sold in January 2019. The vehicle is being used by the Operations Manager to oversee work being done in the water system.