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20200813Falls Water to Staff 28 Attachment 7 .pdf
E5RENT R JOHNSON FALLS WATER CO INC Member Since 2006 Business Account: 5082 2900 3174 0738 Billing Period: 06/22/)9-07/19/l9 iULY STATEM^NJ Minimum payment due: $<55.06 New balance as of 07/19/19: $4,380.99 Payment due date: 08/08/19 To avoid paying interest on purctiases, you should pay $4,380.99 by the due date. CARDHOLDER SUMMARY Total Cardmembers: 8 Cardholder Card number ending in Amount BRENT R JOHNSON 7955 SO.OO TONY WISE 6534 $747.89 MATT L WISE ***• •*** 1623 $260.81 TIMOTHY WOLFE «««« «««« 5334 $203.31 SCOTT BRUCE 5575 $1,799.50 NYLES J JOHNSON «««« ***« 9135 SO.OO BRONSONWDOMINGUEZ «*** 2567 $713.06 KENNY JMANWILL «««« 5490 $656.42 Ht'so. 9^ v/ww.citK:ard->.::o)i) Customer Service 1-800-750-7453 TTY-hearing-impaired services only 1-800-325-2865 PO Box 6235 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-6235 Account Summary Previous balance $20,964.03 Payments/Credits/ Adjustments -$20,964.03 Purchases -h$4,380.99 Cash advances -tSO.OO Fees -i-SO.OO Finance Charges +$0.00 New balance $4,380.99 Business Credit Line Credit Line $46,000 Includes $7,000 cash advance line Available Credit Line $41,619 Includes $7,000 available for cash advances . W '.--I • Bet Contact a Personal Business Assistant to save valuable time with your business needs, including travel, dining, shopping and entertainment. When you have a lot to accomplish and not enough time to do it a Personal Business Assistant is there to help, 24/7 at 1-800-301-5584. Total ThankYou Member Available Point Balance: as of 06/30/19 » See page 3 for more information about your rewards www.dtfcards.com BRENT R JOHNSON FALLS WATER CO INC BUSINESS ACCOUNT SUMMARY FALLS WATER CO INC Trans. Post Customer Service 1-800-750-7453 TTY-hearing-impaired services only 1-800-325-2865 Business Payments, Credits and Adjustments 07/05 PAYMENT THANK YOU -$20964.03Total Business Payments, Credits and Adjustments -$20,964.03 Interest Charge/Finance Charge Summary Days In billing cycle: 28 PeriodicNominal APR FINANCE CHARGE PURCHASES Transaction Fee/ FINANCE CHARGE Standard Purch 25.990% $0.00 $0.00 CASH ADVANCES Standard Adv 25.990% $0.00 $0.00 Total Interest Charge/FINANCE CHARGE $0.00 Transactfons Trans. Post date date Description Amount BRENT R JOHNSON Card number ending in 7966 Employee credit line: $46,000 Employee cash advance line: $7,000 No Activity TONY WISE Card number ending in 6534 Employee credit line: $30,000 Employee cash advance line: $7,000 Purchases 113746 IDAHO FALLS ID $44.48 JACOM^ 208-542-1835 '$38"a6staples 66T04763XMMON ID $106 51 IDAHO FALLS'"iD $^:45OT/Oi SPORTSMA^^^ Vd $74^9 id $12739 FEDEX 788243168054 MEMPHIS TN '$66!25 AMMON ID $68.0607/12 $65;oo 91!}}. lOAHO FAL IDAHO FALLS' ib' '$36.'74 9797 ^i]}! OFFICEMAX/DEPOT 6423 IDAHO FALLS' Td $58!22 Subtotal of Activity for Account Number *••• 6534 $747 89 MATT L WISE Card number ending In 1623 Employee credit line: $7,000 Employee cash advance line: $7,000 Purchases ■•3iindai'd Purcii.isi^s 06/28 06/28 MAVERiK #385 IDAHO FALLS ID fALls PLUMBiNG 'sUPPLY''[DAHbF^'''maVeRIK#385 ibAHbTALLs'"'lD07/10 67/16 MAVERIKi'ieS ibAHbFALLS'''fD Subtotal of Activity for Account Number 1623 $87.67 $12.66 $7539 "$85.'69 $260.81 Member ID: 8910237570751248 ThankVou Points Earned This Period Base 4381 Category Bonus +329 Merchant Bonus + 0 Cardmember Bonus + 0 Adjusted + q Total Earned 4,710 ThankYou Points Earned Year to Date Total Base 66,477 Total Bonus + 2,492 Total Adjusted + 0 Total Earned 68,969 » Visit thankyou.com to redeem points 01 see full rewards details Bonus Points may take one to two billing cycles to appear on your statement. Please refer to the specific terms and conditions pertaining to the promotion for further details. www.cltlcards.com Customer Service 1-800-750-7453 BRENT R JOHNSON TTY-hearing-impaired services only 1-800-325-2865 FALLS WATER CO INC TIMOTHY WOLFE Card number ending In 8334 Employee credit line: $7,000 Employee cash advance line: $0 Trans. Post date date .DsscripUon Amount Purchases SuiiidaiCt Purc.hssG:^ 06/25 06/25 MAVERIK #385 IDAHO FALLS ID $57.50 '66/28 06/28 THE HOME DEP^^^^^ '$45.'54 07/10 07/i0 "C-A-L RANCH S'fd ID '$46.'27 oijii 07/12 MAVERTk#^^^^^ iDAHOFALLS'lb $66.00 Subtotal of Activity for Account Number **»• 8334 $203.31 P'jQ? of P SCOTT BRUCE Card number ending in 6676 Employee credit line: $46,000 Employee cash advance line: $7,000 o ■nJ ixi □3 a ru Purchases S [ a ! i a I d Pu rc !i aes 06/25 06/25 CKE*PITMASTER BARBOUE IDAHO FALLS ID $32.27 06/30 06/30 VZWRLSS*APOCC Vise 800-922-0204 FL $198.03 07/01 07/01 HSW*CABLEONE.COM 8664632507 IL $6.95 07/02 07/02 WORKERS COMPENSATION F 3853518030 UT $926.00 07/05 07/05 ANSAFONE COMMUNICATION 714-5601000 CA $112.41 07/05 07/05 OFFICE DEPOT #1080 8004633768 CO $104.91 07/15 07/15 WCrPSI ENVIRON IF 208-529-8084 ID $97.50 07/15 07/15 SPARKLIGHT 877-6922253 AZ $321.43 Subtotal of Activity for Account Number »*»» 6676 $1,799.50 NYLES J JOHNSON Card number ending In 9135 Employee credit line: $46,000 Employee cash advance line: $4,600 No Activity BRONSON W DOMINGUEZ Card number ending in 2567 Employee credit line: $46,000 Employee cash advance line: $4,600 Purchases Standard Purchases 06/24 06/24 ACE HARDWARE-AMMON AMMON ID $3.16 06/25 06/25 MAVERIK #385 IDAHO FALLS ID $40.07 06/26 06/26 PHILLIPS 66 - BUCKS IDAHO FALLS ID $87.14 07/03 07/03 MAVERIK #396 IDAHO FALLS ID $68.75 07/03 07/03 THE HOME DEPOT #1802 IDAHO FALLS ID $152.13 07/16 07/16 CHEVRON 0201853 IDAHO FALLS ID $85.47 07/16 07/16 PHILLIPS 66 - CONRAD & IDAHO FALLS ID $186.90 07/16 07/16 THE HOME DEPOT #1802 IDAHO FALLS ID $25.10 07/17 07/17 MAVERIK #385 IDAHO FALLS ID $64.34 Subtotal of Activity for Account Number •**» **** 2567 $713.06 KENNY J MANWILL Card number ending In 5490 Employee credit line: $46,000 Employee cash advance line: $4,600 Purchases Standard Purchases 06/21 06/22 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION IDAHO FALLS ID 66/24"" 06/24 "gAS-N-GRUB IDAHO?ALLS"'"ib "67/63""b7/b3 'j|"fFY'lu'be'#2^^^^ iDAHOFALLS'lb' 'oi'/bi 07/03 'm'a'vErTk #396 IDAHO FALLS lb $27.03 '$ib'6^b '"$7'4.'43 " "$'9'3.'bl ¥nivw.citicards.coin Customor Servico 1"800"750"7453 p^qc- TTY-hearing-impaired services only 1-800-325-2865 BRENTRJOHNSON FALLS WATER CO INC KENNY J MANWILL (continued) Trans. Post date date Description Amount 07/\i 6"7/ii MAVERTKi'is^ 'DAHOFA^^^ $9L66 Ol/ii 07/17 ACE 'hARO'wA^^^ id ^ $5.29 07/18 07/18 edgeconstru Subtotal of Activity for Account Number **** **** **** 5490 $656.42 Account messages Detailed online reports make It easy to monitor account activity and help with planning and budgeting. For more information, visit www.citi.com or call 1-800-750-7453. Please be sure to pay on time. If you submit your payment'by mail, we suggest you mail it no later than 08/01/2019 to allow enough,time for regular mail to reach us. ©2018 Citibank, N.A. Citi, Citi with Arc Design, Citi ThankVou, ThankVou and Citi ThankVou Rewards Design are registered service marks of Citigroup Inc. ° Privacy Notice: jn Please see the enclosed Privacy Notice for important information. Any oj choices you have made previously will continue to apply until you tell us to a make a change. LU Don't miss out on special ThankYou(R) Rewards offers and promotions! Make sure you're set up to receive special offers, new redemption options and more. Simply log in to thankyou.com, select My Profile and update your email address and email settings.» Check your preferences now at thankyou.com/email