HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200813Falls Water to Staff 12 Attachment 8.pdf11884 01 AV 0.375 41-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180 N DEBORAH DR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 riRsr CLASS MA'L t'H6SO«IeiD U.S. rOSTAGC PAID PACIFICOfiP Questions: Call 1-888-221-7070 24 hours a day. 7 days a week rockymountainpower.net Your Balance With Us Previous Account Balance Payments/Credits Payments Received 131.79 DATE DESCRIPTION New Charges Current Account Balance i Detailed Account Activity ITEM 1 - ELECTRIC SERVICE SERVICE PERIOD From -131.79 Dec 28,2018 Payment Received - Thank You +138.39 Total Payments $138.39 AMOUNT $131.79 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 " ELAPSED j METER READINGS DAYS Previous Current |l50W23104 I Dec 10,2018 Jan 10,2019 31 2974 Next scheduled read date: 02-08. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. METER AMOUM USED MULTIPLIER THIS MONTH 1.0 1,484 kwh NEWCHA8GES-0in9 Basic Charge - Single Phase Energy Charge Winter Block 1 Energy Charge Winter Block 2 Energy Cost Adjustment Customer Efficiency Services Tax Act Adjustment 8 P A Columbia River Benefits Total New Charges 1,000 kwh 484 kwh 1,484 kwh 1,484 kwh 1,484 kwh COST PER UNIT 0.0858060 0.1149430 0.0027600 0.0270000 -0.0025200 -0.0084030 5.00 85.81 55.63 4.10 4.06 -3.74 -12.47 : 138.39 When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use the Information from your check either to mak&a one-time - electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use infoxmation from your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as we receiva your-pay- ment and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. If you would like to opt out of this program and continue processing your payment as a check transaction, please call 1-800-895-0561. If you have opted out ptevipusly. please disregard this message. ,... r ROCKY MOUNTAIN^ POWER BILLING DATE: Jan 11, 2019 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 64462966-010 6 DUE DATE: Jan 28, 2019 AMOUNT DUE: Historical Data - ITEM 1 $138.39 L.J 2018 J FMAIMJJASONDJ 2011 Your Average Daily kwh Usage by Month PERIOD ENDING Jan 2019 Jan 2018 Avg. Dally Temp. 20 21 Toialkwh 1484 681 Avg. kwh per Day 48 23 Cost per Day $4.46 $2.06 Looking for other ways to pay? Visit rockymounlampower.net/pay for all your options. You can choose lo pay on your device using our mobile app, on our website, at a pay station in your community, or pay over the phone by calling 1 -888-221 -7070. Write account number on check & mail to: Rocky Min Power, PO Box 26000, Portland, OR 97256-0001 retain this portion for your records. Late Payment Charge for Idaho A fate payment charge of 1 % may be charged on the delinquent balance per month. 10901 01 AV 0.380 36-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180NDEBORAH DR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 riRST CLASS MAIl. PHf.SORTtO U.S. POSTAGG PAID PACIFCORP Questions: Call 1-888-221-7Q70 2A hours a day. 7 days a week rockymountainpower.net Your Balance With Us Previous Account Balance Payments/Credits New Charges i Current Account Balance $ Detailed Account Activity ITEM 1 - ELECTRIC SERVICE - Payments Received 138.39 DATE DESCRIPTION 138.39 Jan 24,2019 Payment Received - Thank You +126.95 Total Payments $126.95 AMOUNT $138.39 SERVICE PERIOD From 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 ' ELAPSED I METER RE;«)INGS DAYS Previous Current 150W23104 Jan 10.2019 Feb8,2019 29 4458 ! Next scheduled read date: 03-11. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. METER AMOUNT USED MULTIPLIER THIS MONTH 1.0 1,380 kwh NEW CHAKES-02/19 Basic Charge - Single Phase Energy Charge Winter Block 1 Energy Charge Winter Block 2 Energy Cost Adjustment Cuslomer Efficiency Services Tax Act Adjustment BRA Columbia River Benefits Total New Charoes D r M UUIUIIILHd nivci DOHCHio 1,000 kwh 380 kwh 1,380 kwh 1,380 kwh 1,380 kwh COST PER UNIT 0.0858060 0.1149430 0,0027600 0.0270000 -0.002520C -0.0084030 5.00 85.81 43.68 3.81 3.73 -3.48 -11,60^ *126 95 Total New Charoes 1.. '.'h', L ' ... n • Please consider helping your neighbors in need of energy assistance by using the enclosed enve^rb'iSialions rnay be^deductible. Rocky Mountain Power will contribute $2 for every $1 donated, allowing your contrijKitrofUO-^^gur^^ n n When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use the information from your chec^jltnertomiake a one-timeeiectroL fund transfer from your account or to process the payment.6 eCironiC lUlIU lldilblCI ifuui yuui abuuuiiiui lu pi uvwo iMv hruj iMViiv >. — ... ^^..1 y. r ROCKY MOUNTAIN^ POWER BILLING DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: Feb11,2019 64462966-010 6 DUE DATE: Fsb 26, 2019 AMOUNT DUE: Historical Data ^ ITEM 1 $126.95 2018 FMAMJJASONDJ F 2019 Your Average Daily kwh Usage by Month FEB2019 FEB 2018PERIOD ENDINS Avg. Daily Temp. Total kwh Avg. kwh per Day Cost per Day Make sure you are getting all your tax benelits this year. Set info on ttie Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and free tax preparation services for those who quaiify at www.eit- coulreach.org/help. Looking for other ways to pay? Visit rockymountainpov/er.net/pay for all your options. You can choose to pay on your device • using our mobile app, on our website, at a pay station in your community, or pay over the • phonebyc^pto^8ffi^<5]p70. your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your ment and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. If you would likejo.o^t out of this program andcontinue processing your payment as a check transaction, please call 1-800-895-0561. If you have opted out previously, See reverse ^ write account number on coaoki mail to: BockyMln Power. PO BOX 26000. Podland. OR 97256-0001 retain th,s portion POHyo.R records. ' Late Pi^nfct^r^a^or Idaho A late payment charge of 1% may be charged on the delinquent balance per month. 11537 01 AV 0.380 48-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180N DEBORAH OR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 HRSTCLASS MAIL PBEsonreu U.S.POSTAGC PAID PACIFCOeP Questions: Call 1-888-221-7070 24 hours a day, 7 days a week rockymountainpower.net Your Balance With Us Payments Received Detailed Account Activity ITEM 1 n ELECTRIC SERVICE : SERVICE PERIOD . From 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 n ELAPSED I METER READINGS DAYS Previous Current 150W23104 Feb8,2019 Mar 11.2019 31 5838 i Next scheduled read date; 04-09. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. NEWCHAHBES-mS UNITS Basic Charge - Single Phase Energy Charge Winter Block 1 1,000 kwh Energy Charge Winter Block 2 484 kwh Energy Cost Adjustment 1,484' kwh Customer Efficiency Services for 11 day{s) for 20 day(s) Tax Act Adjustment 1,484 kwh B P A Columbia River Benefits 1,484 kwh Total New Charges 1,484 kwh 1,484 kwh METER AMOUNT USED MULTIPLIER THIS MONTH 1.0 1,484 kwh COST PER UNIT 0.0858060 0.1149430 0.0027600 0.0225000 0.0270000 -0.0025200 -0.0084030 W ROCKY MOUNTAIN^ POWER BILLING DATE; Mar 12, 2019 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 64462966-010 6 DUE DATE: Mar 27, 2019 AMOUNT DUE: $138.15 Historical Data- /7£M 7 Previous Account Balance 126.95 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 50 Payments/Credits -126.95 Feb 27,2019 Payment Received - Thank You 126.95 . AO New Charges +138.15 Total Payments $126.95 n 1 Current Account Balance $138.15 1 20 at 1 10<5 I IIIiiiiiiiii 2018M AMJJASONDJFM 2013 Your Average Daily kwh Usage by Month MAR 2919 MAR 2018PERIOD ENDING Avg. Daily Temp. Total kwh Avg. kwh per Day Cost per Day To belter serve you. we're updating the look of 00 our bill alert emails over the next few months.g.| The new emails give you easy access to your bill, your energy usage graph and more. Go pa- periess at fockymountainpower.net/paper1ess. .10 Looking for Other ways to pay? n Visit rockymountainpower.net/pay for all your2-62 options. You can choose to pay on your device -3.74-,v, usinn our mobile app, on our website, at a pay r12.47i^ .-7' ^tionlh yo'uf-community, or pay over the 138.15^ ^rmfccaiiaK3-|88-2^§2^}Q Effective March 1,2019 the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved a decrease to the customer efficiency services 4 charge. This charge is for energy conservation and demand side management programs. Your bill wilt reflect chara.esM!ed at old and new rates. 1 Cods When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use the Information from your check either to make'a'one-time V electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use fnfdrrflation from See reverse Write account numtrer on check & mall to: Rocky Mtn Power, PO Box 26000, Portland, OR 97256-0001 retain this portion for your records Late Payme^d)ik^^bl^^^l A late payment charge of 1 % may be charged on the delinquent balance per month. 11306 01 AV 0.360 39-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180 N DEBORAH OR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 FIRST-CLASS MAIL PBfiSQftrifU U.S. POSTAGE PAID PAClP»CORP Questions: Call 1-888-221-7070 24 hours a day, 7 days a week rockymountainpower.net Your Balance With Us Previous Account Balance Payments/Credits Payments Received 138.15 DATE DESCRIPTION New Charges Current Account Balance Detailed Account Activity ITEM 1' ELECTRIC SERVICE -138.15 Mar27,2019 Payment Received - Thank You +79.57 Total Payments AMOUNT $138.15 SERVICE PERIOD From 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 " ELAPSED I METER READINGS DAYS Previous Current |150W23104 Mar11,2019 Apr8,2019 28 7322 I Next scheduled read date; 05-08. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. 1 METER AMOUNT USED ! MULTIPLIER THIS MONTH 1.0 935 kwh NEW CHARGES • 04/19 Basic Charge - Single Phase Energy Charge Winter Block 1 Energy Cost Adjustment Customer Efficiency Services Tax Act Adjustment B P A Columbia River Benefits Total New Charges 935 kwh 935 kwh 93^ kwh 935 kwh COST PER UNIT 0.0858060 0.0027600 0.0225000 ■0.0025200 -0.0084030 When you provide a check as payment, you authorize, usjo usfe ^'mformation from your check either to make a one-timeelectronic fund transfer from your account or to'prpc.^Ss ttie-^^ as a check transaction. When we use Information fromyour check to make an electronic fund transfer,' fuhaifj^^witbdrawn from.your account as soorras-we receive your payment and you will not receive your check back from-youtfci£i£!fi^stitutiori.^f you woli!di[!,fe;toOTt^j^ program andcontinue processing your payment as a check transaction.^^a^all 1-80d^-895-05Bi:it7Drhav^p6dn^ previously,please disregard this message. Q ^ ■r ROCKY MOUNTAIN^ POWER BILLING DATE ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE PATE: AMOUNT DUE Apr 10, 2019 64462966-010 6 Apr 25, 2019 $79.57 Historical Data - ITEM 1 imTiiiiiiii 2018 A M d J A S 0 N D J F M A 2019 Your Average Daily kwh Usage by Month " . PERIOD ENDING . APR 2019 APR 2018 Avg. Daily Temp. 37 37 Total kwh 935 893 Avg. kwh per 33 28 Cpstper Day - S2.84 $2.48 To better serve you. we're updating the look of our 1)111 alert emails over the next few months. The new emails give you easy access to your bill, your energy usage graph and more. Go pa perless at rackymountainpower.net/paperl6ss. Looking for other ways to pay? Visit rockymounlainpower.net/pay for all your options. You can choose to pay on your device using our mobile app. on our website, at a pay station in your community, or pay over the phone by calling 1-888-221-7070. Write account number on check 8 mall lo: Rocky MIn Power, POBox26000, Portland, OR 972S6'0B01 retain this portion for your records Late Payment Charge for Idaho A late payment charge of 1 % may be charged on the delinquent balance per month. 11442 01 AV 0.380 40-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180 N DEBORAH OR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 riRST-CtASS MAII PHESOHIfiO U.S. POSTAGE PAID PACIFICOBP Questions: Call 1-888-221'7070 24 hours a day. 7 days a week rockymountainpowec.net Bpr ROCKY MOUNTAIN^ POWER BILLING DATE ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE: AMOUNT DUE May 9, 2019 64462966-010 6 May 24, 2019 $72.63 Your Balance With Us Previous Account Balance Payments/Credits New Charges Current Account Balance Detailed Account Activity ITEM 1 - ELECTRIC SERVICE Payments Received Historical Data • ITEM 1 79.57 DATE DESCRIPTION -79.57 Apr24,2019 Payment Received - Thank You +72.63 Total Payments AMOUNT 50 79.57 40 . ^ 30$79.57 " i 1 20 s.10 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 " ELAPSED j METER READINGS DAYS Previous Current |150W23104 Apr 8.2019 May 8,2019 30 8257 ! Nexfscheduled read date: 06-07. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. NEW CHARGES-05/19 UNITS Basic Charge - Single Phase Energy Charge Summer Block 1 for 8 day(s) 187 kwh Energy Charge Summer Block 2 for 8 day(s) 19 kwh Energy Charge Winter Block 1 for 22 day(s) 565 kwh Energy Cost Adjustment 771 kwh Customer Efficiency Services Tax Act Adjustment 771 kwh B P A Columbia River Benefits 771 kwh Total New Charqes METER AMOUNT USED MULTIPLIER THIS MONTH 1.0 771 kwh III mill^ iiiiiiirnniiimii 2018 M JJASONOJFMAM 201£ Ysur Average Daily kwti Usage by MonUi PERIODENDINB MAV2019 MAY20t8METER SERVICE PERIOD [ELAPSED t METER READINGS METER AMOUNT USED r n ,.MAV.2019—MAYgOtS... NUMBER From To DAYS Previous Current MULTIPLIER THIS MONTH • AVfl. Daily Temp. 46 4? Total kwh 771 531150W23104 Apr8.2019 May8,2019 30 8257 9028 1.0 771 kwh Avg. kwh per Day 26 18 Nexf scheduled read date: 06-07. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. per Day $2.42 $1.85 NEWCHAHGES.05/19 UNITS ^ To better serve you. we're updating the lookol Basic Charge - Single Phase 5.00 our bili alert emails over the next few months. Energy Charge Summer Block 1 fore day(s) 187 kwh 0.1113160 20.82 The new emails give you easy at:cess to your Energy Charge Summer Block 2 for 8 day(s) 19 kwh 0.1493820 2.84 EnergyCharge Winter Block 1 for 22 day(s) 565 kwh 0.0858060 48.48 Energy Cost Adjustment 771 kwh 0.0027600 2.13 i »nrn»h«,...e,.,cr nr.»oCuslomer Efficiency Services 0.02^000 1.78 "^SaySi Tax Act Adjustment 771 kwh 0.0025200 -1 94 ; .s i ^ptiohs.Yoiicarichoosetopavgnyoyrdfivlce B P A Columbia River Benefits 771 kwh -0.0084030 -6.48 /^•<34^lfftour<jT)pb!leapp..onouriflpi}sRe/a8fl^y Total New Charges , , 72.63 -cou,"!! •' -When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use the information from your check either to make a one-time / "(jJO .' 3^ ; electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use information from 'j your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as we receive;you'r pay- 1 ment and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. If you would like to opt out of this prpgram and continueprocessingyour payment as a ctreck transaction, please call 1-800-895-0561. If you have opted out previously, please disregard this message. ' iLA " C' 1 COST PER UNIT 0.1113160 0.1493820 0.0858060 0.0027600 0.0225000 -0.0025200 -0.0084030 Write aecounl number on check & mail to: Rocky Mln Power, POBox2BOOO, Portland, OR 97256-0001 retain this portion foh your records. Late Payment Charge for Idaho A fate payment cha^e of 1% may be charged on the delinijuent balance per month. 10727 01 AV 0.380 37-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180 N DEBORAH OR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 riRST-CLASS MAIt. PRESORTEO O.S. POSTAGE PAID PAClFICOftP Questions: Call 1-888-221-7070 24 hours a day, 7 days a week rockymountainpower. net Your Balance With Us Previous Account Balance Payments Received 72.63 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Payments/Credits -72.63 May 22,2019 Payment Received - Thank You 72.63 New Charges +60.59 Total Payments $72.63 Current Account Balance Detailed Account Activity $60.59 ITEM 1 - ELECTRIC SERVICE 707 Eden Or Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 METER NUMBER SERVICE PERIOD from To ELAPSED DAYS METER READINGS Previous Current METER MULTIPLIER AMOUNT USED THIS MONTH 150W23104 May 8,2019 Jun6.2019 29 9028 9553 1.0 525 kwh NEW CHARGES-06/19 UNITS COST PER UNIT CHARGE Basic Charge - Single Phase Energy Charge Summer Block 1 Energy Cost Adjustment for 6 day(s) for 23 day(s) Customer Efficiency Services Tax Act Adjustment for 6 day(s) for 23 day(s) B P A Columbia River Benefits Total New Charges 525 kwh 109 kwh 416 kwh 109 kwh 416 kwh 525 kwh 0.1113160 0.0031600 0.0027600 0.0225000 -0.0030900 -0.0025200 -0.0084030 5.00 58.44 0.34 1.15 1.46 -0.34 ■m ROCKY MOUNTAINGrower Jun1Q, 2019 64462966-010 6 Jun25, 2019 $60.59 i BILLING DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ■DIJEDATE: AMOUNT DUE: iil»w ■ms2S UR- "Wb D'lrF'lirA'M j 2019 v'T ' " / : YouriAvefage^ Jt'EfemDENOi^g..^. aUN2019' ' JUN2018 .t/Avg-, W- 57 ' Jotalltwh 525 273Ayg.lcvi^pjsrDay, ." .18 9' Cbst;per-pa|^-\ - $2.09 $1.20 To betler ssrve you, we're updating the look of ' cur bill aledrenjalls owr the next few months.The new emails gfve you ea^ access to your. bill.^yourjenergy usage graph and^more. Go pa-'perfessatrbc^mountainpower.net/paperless. inv tbbjdng for Other waysYisit'rockymbunialnpower.net/pay for all your^oplions. You^can cItpQse to.pay on your device. usiiig OUT njoBileiap a pay Effective June 1,2019, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved a price increase to the Energy Cost AdjustmWlCiech-"anism (ECAM). The ECAM is designed to track the difference between the company's actual costs to providefetrici^ ToIdaho customers and the amount collected through current prices. Your bill may reflect charges billed at old |frnew7a!es Effective June 1,2019, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved a change to the tax act adjustment rat^i^i^^^b^came Wr/te account number on cheek & mail to: Rocky Mn Power, PO Box26000. Portland, OR 972S6-0001 retain this portion for your records. 'Tflaie g Anrour. p^nientcha^eof 1% ttMy becharged on the delinquent balance per month. inii m i»niii«iimi«,ajiinn.t'i.iiiiin«tii« 10870 01 AV 0.380 37-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180 N DEBORAH OR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 l^l> O.S. P03TAGC PAID PAcncORP Questions: Call 1-888-221-7070 24 hours a day, 7 days a week rockymountainpower.net Your Balance With Us Previous Account Balance Payments/Credits Payments Received 60.59 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT New Charges Current Account Balance Detailed Account Activity ITEM 1 n ELECTRIC SERVICE -60.59 Jun 25.2019 Payment Received - Thank You +35.08 Total Payments SERVICE PERIOD From 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 ' ELAPSED I METER READINGS DAYS Previous Current 150W23104 Jun 6,2019 Jul9.2019 33 9553 i Next scheduled read date: 08-08. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. METER AMOUNT USED MULTIPLIER THIS MONTH 1.0 284 kwh NEW CHARGES n 07/f19 Basic Charge - Single Phase Energy Charge Summer Block 1 Energy Cost Adjustment Customer Efficiency Services Tax Act Adjustment B P A Columbia River Benefits Total New Charoes 284 kwh 284 kwh 2Z4 kwh 284 kwh COST PER UNIT 0.1113160 0.0031600 0.0225000 -0.0030900 -0.0084030 W ROCKY MOUNTAIN ^ POWER BILLING DATE ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE: AMOUNT DUE JuMO, 2019 64462966-010 6 Jui 26, 2019 $35.08 Historical Data -/r£M 1 When you provide a check as payment, you authorise us to use the information from your check either to make a'diie-iime _ ^ electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use information-from ^ your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as we receive your — ment and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. If you would like to opt out of this program and continue processing your payment as a check transaction, please call 1 -800-895-0561. If you have opted out ipreviousJy, please disregard this message. , )// 2018 JAS0NDJFMAMJJ201 Your Average Daily kwh Usage by Month PERIODEWDINS JUL2Q19 JUL2018 Avg. Daily Temp. 62 83 Total kwh 284 213 Avg. kwh per Day. 9 6 Cost per Day $1.06 $0.84 To better serve you, we updated our bill alert emails. The new emails glue you easy access tt your bill, your energy usage grapti and more. ( paperless at rockymountainpower.net/paperles Looking for other ways to pay? Visit rockymountainpower.net/pay for all your options.. You can choose to pay on your device^ Vi^^ngourmobileapppOnpyrj^siteiatapay overthe T-'oPtr-J Write account number on ctieck & mail to: Rocky Mtn Power, PO Box 26000, Portland, OR 97256-0001 retain this portion for your recoros. Late Payment Charge for Idaho A late payment charge of 1 % may be charged on the delinquent balance per month. 11023 01 AV 0.380 51-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180 N DEBORAH OR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 nftSTCLASS MAII pRESoRrt-'r> li.s. postage PAID PACJFlCOftP Questions: Call 1-888-221-7070 24 hours a day, 7 days a week rockymountalnpower.net Your Balance With Us Payments Received Previous Account Balance 35.08 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Payments/Credits -35.08 Jul 23.2019 Payment Received - Thank You 35.08 New Charges +20.32 Total Payments $35.08 Current Account Balance $20.32 Detailed Account Activity ITEM 1 - ELECTRIC SERVICE 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 METER NUMBER SERVICE PERIOD From To ELAPSED DAYS METER READINGS Previous Current METER MULTIPLIER AMOUNT USED THIS MONTH 150W23104 Jul 9,2019 Aug 8.2019 30 9837 9981 1.0 144 kwh Next scheduled read date; 09-09. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. NEW CHARGES n 08/19 UNITS COST PER UNIT CHARGE Basic Charge - Single Phase 5.00 Energy Charge Summer Block 1 144 kwh 0.1113160 16.03 Energy Cost Adjustment 144 kwh 0.0031600 0.46 Customer Efficiency Services 0.0225000 0.48 Tax Act Adjustment 144 kwh -0.0030900 -0.44 B P A Columbia River Benefits 144 kwh -0.0084030 -1.21 Total New Charges 20.32 ROCKY MOUNTAIN I POWER BILLING DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: DUE DATE: AMOUNT DUE: Aug 9, 2019 64462966-010 6 Aug 26,2019 $20.32 When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use the information from your check either t^tm^^^d^ertime : , electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transactioii'When 'lifi-'' ftyQyi* q|^0^|( ni3f(0 3n OlCCtrC*^"^ fiirtrlo motf Ka \AJifhHroiifn ErfxtYi ifAiir QPi^/Tnnf:ae^c/tl%n oc imo rDPAlifO i/niir ment and you will not receive continue processing your please disregard this message. 20l8A"i^O'(l D j F.-M AM J J A 2019 ^ YojIir Ayerags Daily kKh Usage by M • -PERIOIXgJDlWG. r -AUB 2019 AUG 2018 ' Avg. Daily Temp: - -71 70 Total kvWi ' 144 135 Avg-RwhlierDay n 5 5 Costpe^day^ $0.68 $0.85 To better serve you, we updated our bill alert emaiIs:The newemails give you easy access to your bill, your energy usage graph and more. G paperless at rockymountainpower.net/paperles! Looking for otber ways to pay? , Visit rbclqtmpuntainpovyernel/pay for all your . options; You bah cftMseio p^ on your device using our mobile app, on our website, at a pay■station in your community, or pay over the phone bycalling 1-888-221-7070. i-'J Write aeeouol number on check & mail In: Rocky f/itn Power, PO Box 26000, Porliand, OR 972S6-0001 retain this portion for your records. —tate l^yment Charge for Idaho ■ " A late pevjnent charge of 1% may becharged on the delinquent balance per month. iyrranryrmfifr'T 11162 01 AV 0.380 38-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180 N DEBORAH OR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 nnsT CLASS futAtl. PR6SOR reo U.S. POSTAGC PAID PACriCORP Ques^ons: Call 1-888-221'7070 24 hours a day. 7 days a week rockymountainpower.net Your Balance With Us Payments Received Previous Account Balance 20.32 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Payments/Credits -20.32 Aug 21,2019 Payment Received - Thank You 20.32 New Charges +24.64 Total Payments $20.32 Current Account Balance $24.64 Detailed Account Activity ITEM 1 n ELECTRIC SERVICE 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 METER NUMBER SERVICE PERIOD From To ELAPSED DAYS METER READINGS Previous Current METER MULTIPLIER AMOUNT USED THIS MONTH 150W23104 Aug 8,2019 Sep9,2019 32 9981 166 1.0 185 kwh Next scheduled read date; 10-08. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. NEW CHANGES - 09/19 UNITS COST PER UNIT CHARGE Basic Charge - Single Phase 5.00 Energy Charge Summer Block 1 185 kwh 0.1113160 20.59 Energy Cost Adjustment 185 kwh 0.0031600 0.58 Customer Efficiency Services 0.0225000 0.59 Tax Act Adjustment 185 kwh -0.0030900 -0.57 B P A Columbia River Benefits 185 kwh -0.0084030 -1.55 Total New Charges 24.64 ROCKY MOUNTAIN^ POWER BILLING DATE; ACCOUNT NUMBER; DUE DATE: AMOUNT DUE: ^'Hi^dricdtokta r.lTEM.'1 SepIO, 2019 64462966-010 6 Sep25,2019 $24.64 rm, i -10 Mii ill 1 illi r? f ill-Miill 12 .2018 3^ 0 N p, J .F W A M J J A S 2019 Your Average Daily kwh Usage by Month n PERIOD ENDING SER2019 _SEI^2018^ Avg;.Daily Temp. Total kwh Avgi kwh per.p£y/ Cost per Day , 65 185 . 6 $0.77 64 172 6 $0.81 When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use the information from your check either to make a one-time ' electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use ii^ornii^&h from 1 your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as we r^eeiveiyeu^ay-:... ment and you will not receive your check back from your financial Institution. If you would like to opt out of this program and\ccouni Code continue processing your payment as a check transaction, please call 1 -800-895-0561. If you have opted oiijpreviousjy, please disregard this message. [ To better serve youi we updated our bill alert emails; The new ematls!give you easy access to your bill, your energy usage graph and more. Gc paperless at rockymountainpcwer.net/papertess . Totiking for other ways to pay? Visit rockymountainpower;net/pay for all your option's; You can choose to pay on your device using our mobile app, on our website, at a pay station inyour community, or pay over the /.phdrtety balling 1-888-221-7070.^ :19 Due uylP 'T' Write account number on check & mail to: Rocky bStn Power, PO Box26000, Portland, OR 97256-0001 retain this portion for your records. ^ IdahoA fatepa}knei)l):^a}ge of 1% maybe charged on the delinquent balance per month. 11356 01 AV 0.380 39-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180 N DEBORAH OR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 HRST-CLASS MAIL PRCSORT^O U.S. POSTAGE PAID PACriCORP Questions: Call 1'888-221-7070 24 hours a day. 7 days a week rockymountainpower.net iiii|iiiiiii|i|ii|ii|iiir|||i|i|i|ii|iih|ii|iii|i|iiiiii|||||||| Your Balance With Us Payments Received Detailed Account Activity ITEM 1 - ELECTRIC SERVICE 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 METER NUMBER SERVICE PERIOD From To ELAPSED DAYS METER READINGS Previous Current METER MULTIPLIER AMOUNT USED THIS MONTH 150W23104 Sep9.2019 0ct8,2019 29 166 658 1.0 492 kwh Next scheduled read date: 11-C6. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. NEW CHARGES-ms UMTS COST PER UNIT CHARGE Basic Charge - Single Phase 5.00 Energy Charge Summer Block 1 492 kwh 0.1113160 54.77 Energy Cost Adjustment 492 kwh 0.0031600 1.55 Customer Efficiency Services 0.0225000 1.38 Tax Act Adjustment 492 kwh -0.0030900 -1.52 BRA Columbia River Benefits 492 kwh -0.0084030 -4.13 Total New Charges 57.05 W ROCKY MOUNTAIN "Grower BILLING DATE: Oct9, 2019 ACCOUNT NUMBER; 64462966-010 6 DUE DATE: 0ct24, 2019 AMOUNT DUE: Historical.Data - ITEM 1 $57.05 Previous Account Balance 24.64 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT - 50 Payments/Credits -24.64 Sep 25,2019 Payment Received - Thank You 24.64 -40 New Charges +57.05 Total Payments $24.64 -|3Q Current Account Balance $57.05 •f 20 w n M 10 0fyiffyii 2018 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 20T Your Average Daily kwh Usage by Month PERIOD ENDING OCT 2019 0CT2018 Avg. Daily.Temp. Total kwh Avg. Iwh per Day Cost per Day 51 492 17 $1.97 55 328 11 $1.28 When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use the information from your checKsjlher to mak&a onortiipe electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. ;VVhfiri.we use infomiatioirTrd^ ^ your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as we receive your pay- La ment and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. If you would like to optT)ot of this program'a^ continue processing your payment as a check transaction, please call 1-800-895-0561. If yoti have opted out,previously, please disregard this message. • - L-- To better serve you, we updated our bill alert emails. The new emails give you easy access ti your biii, your energy usage graph and more, t paperless at rochymountainpower.net/paperles Looking for other ways to pay? Visit rocl^ouRtainpower.net/pay for ail your options. You can. choose to pay on your device using our mobile app, on our website, at a pay station in your community, or pay over the i Iphgne by calling 1 ^888-221-7070. i:j Write account number an check & mail to: Rocky Mtn Power, PO Box26000, Portland, OR 97256-0001 retain this portion for your records. A late pigment chafge of 1% may be chafed on the delinquent balance per month. 10961 01 AV 0.380 39-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180 N DEBORAH OR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 riRST CtASS MAII CHhSTM I f.|> U.5. postage PAID PACirtcopp Questions: Call 1-888-221-7070 24 hours a day, 7 days a week rockymountainpower. net Your Balance With Us Payments Received Previous Account Balance 57.05 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Payments/Credits -57.05 Get 23,2019 Payment Received - Thank You 57.05 New Charges +145.82 Total Payments $57.05 Current Account Balance $145.82 Detailed Account Activity ITEM 1 - ELECTRIC SERVICE 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 METER NUMBER SERVICE PERIOD From To EUPSED DAYS METER READINGS Previous Current METER MULTIPLIER AMOUNT USED THIS MONTH 150W23104 Oct8,2019 Nov6,2019 29 658 1886 1.0 1,228 kwh NEW CHARGES-ll/ta Basic Charge - Single Phase Energy Charge Summer Block 1 for 23 day(s) Energy Charge Summer Block 2 for 23 day(s) Energy Charge Winter Block 1 for 6 day(s) Energy Charge Winter Block 2 for 6 day(s) Energy Cost Adjustment Customer Efficiency Services Tax Act Adjustment B P A Columbia River Benefits Total New Charges UNITS COST PER UNIT CHARGE 5.00 555 kwh 0.1113160 61.78 419 kwh 0.1493820 62.59 207 kwh 0.0858060 17.76 47 kwh 0.1149430 5.40 1.228 kwh 0.0031600 3.88 0.0225000 3.52 1,228 kwh -0.0030900 -3.79 1,228 kwh -0.0084030 -10.32 145.82 ROCKY MOUNTAIN j POWER BILLING DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: DUE DATE: AMOUNT DUE: Nov7, 2019 64462968-010 6 Nov25,2019 $145.82 ka2018 NDJ'FMAMJ JASON 2019 ' YourrAverageJlany kwh Usage by Month PERIOD ENDIWS n N0V2019 N0V2018 Avg. Daily Temp; Tola! kwh Avg. kwh per Day Cost per Pay 35 1228 42 $5.03 43 795 27 $3 04 To better serve you, yve updated our bill alert emails. The new emails give you easy access to your bill, yOurenergy usage graph and more. Gc paperless at rockymountainpower.net/paperless. We are upgrading the security features on our website to further protect your account and per sonal information. In December, you may need to reset your password when you sign in to your online account. Protect yourself from scamsScammers are targeting utility customers. Beware of callers threatening to disconnect your service. Don't give out credit card - - - I- - or personal info. Protect yourself, learn more at rockymountainpower.nel/scam. _ ^ Protegete de las estafas ijate Pa^ntVhlstrge follJ^c A latep^mentcharge of 1% maybe charged on the delinquent balance per Write account number on check S mail to: Rocky Mln Power, PO Box 26000, Portland, OR 97256-0001 rnonth. See reverse RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. 10566 01 AV 0.380 36-0 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2180 N DEBORAH OR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 riRST CLASS MAIl PHfeSOftJ RO U.S. POSTAGE PAID . PACFICORP Questions: Call 1-888-221-7070 24 hours a day, 7 days a week rockymountalnpower.net Your Balance With Us Previous Account Balance Payments Received 145.82 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Payments/Credits ■145.82 Nov 19,2019 Payment Received - Thank You 145.82New Charges Current Account Balance $151.26 Detailed Account Activity +151.26 Total Payments $145.82 ITEM 1 - ELECTRIC SERVICE 707 Eden Dr Idaho Falls ID Residential Schedule 1 METER NUMBER 150W23104 SERVICE PERIOD From To Nov 6,2019 Dec 10,2019 EUPSED DAYS 34 METER READINGSPrevious Current 1886Next scheduled read date: 01-10. Date may vary due to scheduling or weather. (tew CHARGES-12/19 3496 METER MULTIPLIER 1.0 AMOUNT USED THIS MONTH 1,610 kwh COST PER UNITBasic Charge - Single Phase Energy Charge Winter Block 1Energy Charge Winter Block 2 Energy Cost Adjustment Customer Efficiency Services Tax Act Adjustment B P A Columbia River BenefitsTotal New Charges CHARGE 1,000 kwh 610 kwh 1,610 kwh 1,610 kwh 1,610 kwh 0.0858060 0.1149430 0.0031600 0.0225000 -0.0030900 -0.0084030 ROCKY MOUNTAIN I TOWER BILLING DATE: Dec11,2019 ACCOUNT NUMBER; 64462966-010 6 DUE DATE: Dec27, 2019 AMOUNT DUE: $151.26 His/oricai^taJr/TfM 1 . i 50' < ; 5^6 *? If'^1:26.^ wi con desconectar su Protegete de las estafasEstafadores estin apuntando a clientes de utilidades. Ten cuidado con personas que llaman y amenazanservicio electrico. No des informacidn personal. Aprende mas en rockymountainpower.net/fraude. From all of us at Rocky Mountain Power, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season. L Looking for other ways to pay? See reverseWrite account namber on check imallto: Rocky Mitt Power, POBox260OO, Portland. OR 97256-0001 retain th>s portion for your records. 2018 tT-O' F M A M j j A S 6 N D 2019 ' Your Averase Daily kwh Usage by Month PERIOD ENDING - DEC 2019 DEC20mAyg, Dally Temp. 30 25 Total kwh ' 1610 1424'AV9> kwhperDay •47 42CostperPay ' $4.45 $3.88 To better serve you, we updated our bill alert emails. The new emails give you easy access to your bill, yoiir energy usage graph and more Gopaperless at rdcliymounlainpbwer.net/papsrless. Protect ydursDif from scams; Scarhihers are largetihg customers. Beware of caiferethreatenirig to disconnett^^efytMi PppJUwe. out credit card or personal'mf6;4Projt#l^orseIfi leam more at rocl^moun- Late f^yment Charge fondahqA late payrnent charge of 1% may becharged on the delinquent balance per month.