HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200813Falls Water to Staff 12 Attachment 1.pdfPAGE lot2 IMTERMOUNTAIN^ GAS COMPANY A Subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc. In the Community to Serve' SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDENDR IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401-3602 www.intgas.com ACCOUNT NUMBER OATE DUE 489 393 3000 6 Jan 21, 2019 BILL DATE Jan 3, 2019 AMOUNT DUE $220.62 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance $199.58 Payment Received 12/18/2018 Thank you -199.58 Current Gas Charges 220.62 Amount Due on 1/21/19 $220.62 Any balance remaining after the due date is subject to a late payment charge of 1 % per month. CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE JanuaiV 208-377-6840 - Boise/Treasure Valley S M T w F 1-800-548-3679-Ail Cher , y I I ^ 1, Emergencies: 24 hours a day le 17 is Non-emergencies: Mon-Fri, 7 a.m, - 7 p.m. 23 24 zs 27 28 29 30 31 Email: customerserviceQintgas.com Mail: Intemiountain Gas Company, Attn: Customer Service. PO Box 7608, Boise, ID " payment Due s 83707-1608. Piease include your account number, your Biir CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 811 on ffie back of this page. 20m||22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 12/1/18-1/2/19 33 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER READ DATE 1/2/19 Next scheduled read 1131/19 RATE GS-1 Gerterai PREVIOUS REMIING USAGE HISTORY (Therms) Jan '18 Average Daily Therms 15.89 Average regional temp 22 Days in billing period 35 USAGE 100CUFT = 452 BlUIKC FACTOR ' X 0.934300 Customer Charge Cost of Gas 422 Therms x $0.32798 Distribution Cost 200 Therms x $0.18465 Distribution Cost 222 Therms x $0.16117 Total Gas Charges $220.62 Note: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extend the due date of past bills. fr:v Date jInvoice # -Hfi;35A.3«ai5i2.fe P Postod by:_ dj ' MESSAGE CEHTER PLEASE KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. I GAS COMPANY ^ Subsidiary ol MDU Kesources Group, Inc. In the Community to Serve* SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDEN OR IDAHO FALLS. ID 83401-3602 www.intgas.com ACCOUNT NUMBER DAH DUE 489 393 3000 6 Feb 19. 2019 PAGE lot2 BILL DATE Jan 31, 2019 AMOUNT DUE $206.92 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance $220.62 Payment Received 1/15/2019 Thank you -220.62 Current Gas Charges 206.92 Amount Due on 2/19/19 $206.92 Any balance remaining after the due date Is subject to a late payment charge of 1 % per month. Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 1/3/19- 1/29/19 27 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER READ DATE 1/29/19 Next scheduled read 3/1/19 RATE GS-1 General USAGE HISTORY (Ttierms) S I § I S § Ie e e 5 i e S Jan '18 Average Daily Therms 13.41 Average regional temp 30 Days in billing period 27 CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE 100 CUFT 8165 -7754 = 41 Customer Charge Cost of Gas 394 Therms x $0.32798 Distribution Cost 200 Therms x $0.18465 Distribution Cost 194 Therms x $0.16ll7 X 0.958400 Total Gas Charges $206.92 CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE 1 February 208-377-6840 • BoiseA'feasure Valley j s M t w T F 1 -800-548-3679 - ah other ^ 3 4 5 6 7 8Emergencies: 24 hours a day io 11^^13 u is Non-emergencies: Mon-Fti, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 17 18SBS20 21 22 Email; customerservice&ntgas.com ^ Mall: Intermountain Gas Company, Attn: Customer Service. PO Box 7608, Boise, ID ^ 83707-1608. Please include your account number Pajmient Due s . See'Ways to Pay Yoor BIB' CALL BEFORE YOU DIG Oil on the back ol this page. Note: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extenil the due date of past bills. Inv Date Invoice if , . _ "'r.juri! Code 7 aOCa/^2- Posted by: _ LJ hvM n MES^E CENTER: PLEASE KEEP THtS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. PAGE 1 of 2 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY A Sub^iary of MDU Resources Group. Inc. In the Community to Serve' SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDEN DR IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401-3602 wwfw.intgas.com ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE 489 393 3000 6 Mar 19, 2019 BILL DATE Mar 1,2019 AMOUNT DUE $236.27 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance $206.92 Payment Received 2/12/2019 Thank you -206.92 Current Gas Charges 236.27 Amount Due on 3/19/19 $236.27 Any balance remaining after the due date is subject to a late payment charge of 1 % per month. CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE 208-377-6840 - Boise/rreasureValley 1-800-548-3679 - Aiiaher March Emergencies: 24 hours a day ii|||jj|||i3 i4 15 i6 Non-emergencies: Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. " zi 22 23 Email: customerservice&ntgas.com Mail: Intermountain Gas Company, Attn; Customer Service. PO Box 7608, Boise, ID Payment Due~A 83707-1608. Please include your account number. your BUf CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 811 or^tbetackolthispage. I 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 1/30/19-2/28/19 30 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER READ DATE 2/28/19 Next scheduled read 412119 RATE GS-1 General CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE HISTORY (TDerms) " ?5 f5 S Feb '18 Average Daily Therms 14.69 Average regional temp 29 Days in billing period 29 USAGE 100 CUFT X 0.961000 Customer Charge Cost of Gas 454 Therms x $0.32798 Distribution Cost 200 Therms x $0.18465 Distribution Cost 254 Therms x $0.16117 Total Gas Charges $236.27 Note: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extend the due date of past bills. I - Inv Date invoice n Posted by: ] LZj Htfit I Ag,62> 2>o0o Account Code ZZT" - PLEASE KEEP THIS POnHON R» YOUR RECCflDS INTERMOUNTAIN CAS COMPANY A SubskJiary ofMDUResources Group, Inc. In the Community to Serve' SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDENDR IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401-3602 www.intgas.com ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE 489 393 3000 6 Apr 22. 2019 PAGE 1 of 2 Apr 2. 2019 AMOUNT DUE $180.50 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance Payment Received 3/12/2019 Thank you Current Gas Charges Amount Due on 4/22/19Amount Due on 4/22/19 $236.27 -236.27 180.50 $180.50 Any balance remaining after the due date is subject to a late payment charge of 1 % per month. CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE 208-377-6840 - Boise/Treasure Valley 1-800-548-3679 •All other Emergencies: 24 hours a day Non-emergencies: Mon-Fti, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Email: customerservice&ntgas.com Mall: Intermountain Gas Company, Attn: Customer Service, PO Box 7608, Boise, ID 83707-1608. Please include your account number. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 811 .16 17 18 19 » 123 24 25 26 27 Payment Due A See "tVays to Pay Your Bill' on the back of this page. Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 3/1/19-4/1/19 32 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER READ DATE 4/1/19 Next scheduled read 5/2/19 RATE GS-1 General PREVIOUS READING 9000 -8637 = 363 Customer Charge Cost of Gas 340 Therms x $0.32798 Distribution Cost 200 Therms x $0.18465 Distribution Cost 140 Therms x $0.16117 USAGE HISTORY (Therms) § § S §Q 5 i <g Mar '18 Average Daily Therms 11.27 Average regional temp 33 Days in billing period 30 USAGE lOOCUFT X 0.937300 Total Gas Charges = 340 $180.50 Note: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extend the doe date of past bills. fr.v Dote ... Oue Date ^ Invoice;/ HTR 3T&^OOQ:d lr"l^ .-v'c tlT MESSAGE CENTER: PLEASE KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS GAS COMPANY A SuOsidlary ofMDU Resources Croup, Inc. In the Community to Serve* SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDEN OR IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401-3602 www.intgas.com ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE 489 393 3000 6 May 20, 2019 PAGE 1 of 2 BILL DATE May 2, 2019 AMOUNT DUE $101.78 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance $180.50 Payment Received 4/15/2019 Thank you -180.50 Current Gas Charges 101.78 Amount Due on 5/20/19 $101.78 Any balance remaining after the due date is subject to a late payment charge of 1 % per month. CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE 208-377-6840 - Boise/Treasure Valley 1-800-548-3679 • All Olher Emergencies: 24 hours a day Non-emergencies: Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. • 7 p.m. Email: c(/sfon)erserv/ce@mtgas.com Mall: Intermountain Gas Company, Attn: Customer Service, PO Box 7608, Boise, ID 83707-1808. Please include your account number. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 811 s M T W 1 s 6 7 e ^^14 IS ij 22 Payment Due s See 'Ways to Pay Your Bill' Of} lha back of this page. Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 4/2/19-5/1/19 30 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER READ DATE 5/1/19 Next scheduled read 6/3/19 RATE GS-1 General CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE HISTORY (Therms) Apr'18 Average Daily Therms 6.03 Average regional temp 46 Days in billing period 31 USAGE 100CUFT 9196 -9000 = 196 Customer Charge Cost of Gas 180 Therms x $0.32798 Distribution Cost 180 Therms x $0.18465 X 0.917500 Total Gas Charges $101.78 Note: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extend the due date of past hills. .i u.; ,«i.^ PLEASE KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. AINTERMOUNTAIN fl GAS COMPANY A Subsitiiary of UOU Resources Group, ItK. In the Community to Serve* SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDEN DR IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401-3602 www.intgas.com PAGE 1 of 2 ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE 489 393 3000 6 Jun21,2019 BILL DATE Jun 3, 2019 AMOUNT DUE $52.56 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance $101.78 Payment Received 5/14/2019 Thank you -101.78 Current Gas Charges 52.56 Amount Due on 6/21/19 $52.56 Any balance remaining after the due date is subject to a late payment charge of 1% per month. CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE 208-377-6840 - Boise/Treasure Valley j 1-800-548-3679 - aii other Emergencies: 24 hours a day Non-emergencies: Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Email: customerservice@intgas.com Mail: Intermountain Gas Company, Attn: Customer Sen/ice, PO Box 7608, Boise, ID 83707-1608. Please include your account number. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 811 M T W T F S a 1 7 6 10 11 12 ^,5 17 18 19 4■22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Payment Due ▲See 'Ways to Pay Your Bill' on the back of this page. Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 5/2/19-5/31/19 30 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER HEAD DATE 5^1/19 Next scheduled read 712119 RATE GS-1 General CURRENTREADING PREVIOUS READING USAGE HISTORY (Therms) - ft aj c5 8 § I 3 3 s Jun '18 Average Daily Therms 2.00Average regional temp 56 Days In billing period 32 USAGE100 CU FT 9288 -9196 = 9; Customer Charge ~ Cost of Gas 84 Therms x $0.32798 Distribution Cost 84 Therms x $0.18465 X 0,908800" Total Gas Charges $52.56 Note: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extend the due date of past bills. (nvcice # _ ; — ^Account Cnrfo L... u Posted bv: " 1—1 ■ : — rJ ;n ue Datejc'Ci '7Qr-n_ , -r ME^GE CENTER: .'1!.PLEASE KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS GAS COMPANYfi SuDshtfryo/mu Resources &-wp. Irv. In the Community to Serve" SERVtCE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 707 EDEN DR IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401-3602 ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE 780 834 3000 5 Jul22, 2019 www.mtgas.com ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance ^20 17 Payment Received 6/18/2019 Thank you -20 17 Current Gas Charges 15 61 Amount Due on 7/22/19 $15^ Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 6/1/19-7/1/19 31 METER NUMBER 482476514 METER READ DATE 7/1/19 Next scheduled read 8/2/19 RAH RS-Residentia! USAGE HISTORY (Therms) 1111 5 « S Jun 'IB Average Daily Therms 0.86 Average regional temp 62 Days in billing period 28 CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE 100 cun 9151 -9129 = 22 Customer Charge ^ Cost of Gas 20 Therms x $0.33884 Distribution Cost 20 Therms x $0.16305Energy Efficiency Charge 20 Therm.«i x $0.00367 X 0.898200 Total Gas Charges BILL DATE Jul 2, 2019 AMOUNT DUE $15.61 CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE I— pf 208-377-6840 - Boise/Treasure Valley s m t w ^ t f 1-800-548-3679-Another 1 2 3 4 5 ■- ^ 9 9 10 11 12Emergences: 24 hours a day ,4^,a ,7 ,8 19 eoNon.emergencies:Mon-Fri,7a.m.-7p.m. 21^823 24 25 26 27Email: customerservice@intgas.com 28 29 30 31Mail: Inlermountain Gas Company,Attn: Customer Service, PO Box 7608. Boise, ID '83707-1608, Please include your account number Payment Due A CALL BEFORF vnii mn fl11 See'Ways to Pay Your BiirUALL Btl-URE YOU DIG Oil on the back ot this page. Note: Charges for current services are due and payableupon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extend the due date of past bilis. inv Da'o.rKiig. UuoOa;; invoiced r •/ PLEASE KEEP THIS RMTfON FOR VOUR RECORDS. GAS COMPANY A Subsidiary ofMDU Resources Croup, Inc. In the Community to Serve* SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDENDR IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401-3602 vfww.intgas.com ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE 489 393 3000 6 Aug20, 2019 BILL DATE AMOUNT DUE Aug2,2019 $9.50 PAGE 1 of 2 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance $19.24 Payment Received 7/16/2019 Thank you -19.24 Current Gas Charges 9.50 Amount Due on 8/20/19 $9.50 Any balance remaining after the due date is subject to a late payment charge of 1% per month. CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE r~~AugUSt 208-377-6840 - Boise/Treasure Valley s M t w t F 1-800-548-3679-AllOther ^ ' 4 S 6 7 B 9 Emergencies; 24 hours a day ii is is Non-emergencies; Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. le 22 23 Email; customerserviceQtntgas.com 25 26 27 zs 29 30 Mail: Intermountain Gas Company, Attn; Customer Service, PO Box 7608, Boise, ID 83707-1608. Please include your account number Payment Due A . See'Ways to Pay Your Bill' CALL BEFORE YOU DIG Oil ort the back ol this page. Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 7/2/19-7/31/19 30 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER READ DATE 7^1/19 Next scheduled read 8130119 RATE GS-1 General USAGE HISTORY (Therms) ||||||SSS33 CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING 9309 - 9309 Customer Charge Aug '18 Average Daily TTierms 0.03 Average regional temp 71 Days in billing period 34 USAGE 100 CU FT X 0.878900 Total Gas Charges Note: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extend the due date of past bills. ^ n F'awJiJtJ riw: Pl£ASE KEEP THIS TORTION FOR YOUR RECOROS. GAS COMPANY A Subsidiary otMDU Resources Group, inc. In the Community to Serve' SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDEN DR IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401-3602 www.intgas.com PAGE 1 of Z ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE 489 393 3000 6 Sep 17,2019 BILL DATE AMOUNT DUE Aug30.2019 $9.50 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance $9.50 Payment Received 8/20/2019 Thank you -9.50 Current Gas Charges 9.50 Amount Due on 9/17/19 $9.50 Any balance remaining after the due date is subject to a late payment charge of 1 % per month. CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE 208-377-6840 - Boise/Treasure Valtey 1-800-548-3679 - All Other Emergencies: 24 hours a day Non-emergencies: Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. • 7 p.m. Email: customerservice@intgas.com Mail: intermountain Gas Company. Attn: Customer Service, PO Box 7608, Boise, ID 83707-1608. Please include your account number. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 811 September Payment Due A See 'Ways to Pay Your Bill' on the back of this page. Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 8/1/19-8/28/19 28 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER READ DATE 8/28/19 Next scheduled read 10/3119 RATE GS-1 General USAGE HISTORY (THerms) CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING 9309 - 9309 Customer Charge Auq '18 Average Dally Therms 0.07 Average regional temp 66 Days In billing period 28 USAGE IDGCUFT X 0.882400 Total Gas Charges Note: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extend the due date of past bills. . 9-/5^/InvolCf: 3'^'^ 3c00 Q) ':: u3^9-r3> (.'--irb. a '^.qo & MESSAGE CENTER: PLEASE KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. GAS COMPANY A Subsidiary ofMDU Resources Group, Inc. In the Community to Serve* SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDEN DR IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401-3602 www.intgas.com PAGE 1 of 2 ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE 489 393 3000 6 Oct21.2019 BILL DATE 0Ct3, 2019 AMOUNT DUE $32.06 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance $9.50 Payment Received 9/16/2019 Thank you -9.50 Current Gas Charges 32.06 Amount Due on 10^1/19 $32.06 Any balance remaining after the due date is subject to a fate payment charge of 1% per month. CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE October 208-377-6840 - Bolse/Tfeasure Valley s M T W T F S 1-800-548-3679 - Another 1 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 Emergencies; 24 hours a day 13_^15 16 17 18 19 Non-emergencies: Mon-Fii, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.»l Z3 24 25 26 Email: customerservice®intgas.com Mail: Intermountain Gas Company, Attn; Customer Service, PC Box 7608, Boise. ID 83707-1608. Please include your account number. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 811 27 28 29 30 31 Payment Due s See 'Ways fo Pay Your Bill' on the back of this page. Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 8/29/19- 10/2/19 35 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER READ DATE 10/2/19 Next scheduled read 10131119 RATE GS-1 General CURRENT READINQ PREVIOUS READING USAGE HISTORY (Therms) Isiiiiiiili Get'18 Average Daily Therms 0.59 Average regional temp 60 Days In billing period 32 USAGE 100 CUFT 9358 -9309 = 49 Customer Charge Cost of Gas 41 Therms x $0.32798 Cost of Gas 3 Therms x $0.32883 Distribution Cost 44 Therms x $0.18465 X 0.902400 Total Gas Charges $32.06 Mote: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extend the due date of past bills. t,,--UJ..S V,..^ V-'*- ouf. [>ai^ /n-i ua Cods by: UESSAGE CENTER: PLEA^ KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS CAS COMPANY A Sufisttfafy o' Resources Group. Inc. In the Community to Serve* SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDEN DR IDAHO FALLS. ID 83401-3602 wwwJntgas.com PAGE lot2 ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE 489 393 3000 6 Nov18, 2019 BILL DATE Oct 31,2019 AMOUNT DUE $146.98 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Balance Payment Received 10/15/2019 Thank you Current Gas Charges Amount Due on 11/18/19 $32.06 -32.06 146.98 $146.98 Any balance remaining after the due date is subject to a late payment charge of 1 % per month. CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE 208-377-6840 - Boise/Treasure Valley 1-800-548-3679 - Another November Emergencies: 24 hours a day Non-emergencies: Mon-Fii, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. ^7|||p|i9 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 Email: cusfomerservice@intgas.com Mail; intermountain Gas Company, Attn: Customer Service, PO Box 7608, Boise, ID PavmentDue s 83707-1608. Please Include your account number. Your Bill' CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 811 on the back or rh/s page. I19 20 21 22 I 24 25 26 27 Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 10/3/19- 10/30/19 28 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER READ DATE 10/30/19 Next scheduled read 1213119 RATE QS-1 General PREVIOUS READING USAGE HISTORY (Therms) Pel-18 Average Daily Therms 6.36 Average regional temp 46 Days In billing period 28 USAGE 100 CUFT BILLING ' FACTOR X 0.941900 Customer Charge Cost of Gas 271 Therms x $0.32883 Distribution Cost 200 Therms x $0.18465 Distribution Cost 71 Thermsx$0.16117 Total Gas Charges $146.98 Note: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bili does not extend the due date of past bills. iV^I MESSAGE CENTER; PLEASE KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS GAS COMPANY A Subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc. In the Community to Serve* PAGE 1of2 SERVICE FOR FALLS WATER COMPANY 711 EDEN DR IDAHO FALLS. ID 83401-3602 www.intgas.com ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE 489 393 3000 6 Dec 23, 2019 BILL DATE Dec 3,2019 AMOUNT DUE $200.40 ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous Baiance Payment Received 11/13/2019 Thank you Current Gas Charges Amount Due on 12/23/19 $146.98 -146.98 200.40 $200.40 Any balance remaining after the due date is subject to a late payment charge of 1 % per month. CUSTOMER SERVICE & EMERGENCY SERVICE December 208-377-6840 • BoiseH'foasure Valley s M t w T f 1-800-548-3679-AllOther 1 2 3 4 5 68 9 10 11 12 13 Emergencies: 24 hours a day is—j|ll|i7 is 19 20 : Non-emergencies: Mon-Frl, 7 a.ni. - 7 p.m. 2s 26 27 : 29 30 31Email: cusromerserv/ce#/n(gss.com Mail: Intermountain Gas Company. Attn: Customer Sen/ice, PO Box 7608, Boise, ID mpnt83707-1608. Please include your account number. ^ (0 Sy y<wr Biir CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 811 on the back of this page. Gas Charges BILLING PERIOD DAYS 10/31/19-12/2/19 33 METER NUMBER 482627009 METER READ DATE 12/2/19 Next scheduled read 1/3/20 RATE GS-1 General PREVIOUS READING USAGE HISTORY (Therms) How'18 Average Dally Therms 11.84 Average regional temp 31 Days in billing period 32 USAGE 100 CU FT BILUNB FACTOR . X 0.943400 Customer Charge Cost of Gas 380 Therms x $0.32883 Distribution Cost 200 Therms x $0.18465 Distribution Cost 180 TTierms x $0.16117 Total Gas Charges $200.40 Note: Charges for current services are due and payable upon receipt of bill and are past due as noted. This bill does not extend the due date of past bills. Want one less bill in your mailbox?; Sign up for eBIII on our website Available In all sizes! It's fast, secure, and erivironrrtentglly f