HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191011Falls Water to Staff 1-4.pdfldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED ocr I I zotg Boise, ldaho Preston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Charlie S. Baser (ISB No. 10884) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 prestoncarter(O qivenspursley. com charliebaser@,si venspursl ey. com 14833016_l.docx [3988-5] Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF THE WATER BUSINESS OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. FLS-W-19-01 FALLS WATER CO., INC.'S RESPONSES TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW Falls Water Co., Inc. ("Falls Water") and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staffto Falls Water, dated September 27,20lg,herewith submits its Responses. DATED: October 14, 2019. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP /g-^,. Preston N. Carter Charlie S. Baser Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for Falls Water Company FALLS WATER CO., INC.'S RESPONSES TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THECOMMISSIONSTAFF. I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on agtobct_l4,2019, a true and correct copy of FALLS WATER CO., INC.'S RESPONSES TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via the manner indicated below: Commission Staff Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83714 Di ane.holt@puc.idaho. eov Matt Hunter Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 Matt.Hunter@puc.idaho. sov Electronic Mail FALLS WATER CO., INC.'S RESPONSES TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 2 Electronic mail t, ,* Noturot' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-19-01 Taylor Mountain Acquisition Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-19-01 IPUC DR 1 Please provide a legal description of the property that the Company proposes to add to the lega! description in CPCN No. 236. Response: A written legal description of the property that Falls Water proposes to add to the legal description in CPCN No. 236 and a plotted map showing that description are provided in IPUC DR 1 Attachments 1 and 2, respectively. ln connection with this response and its response to IPUC DR 2, Falls Water wil! be filing an amended Exhibit 6 to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony, which is a corrected service area map and a legaldescription. FLS.W-19.01 IPUC DR 1 FW Response Page 1 of 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT A parcelof land being parts of Sections 2L,27, and 28, Township 1 North, Range 38 East, Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho described as follows; Beginning at the southeast corner of said Section 28 and running thence N89'41'21"W along the south section line, 2625.49 feet to the south % Corner of Section 28; thence N00"25'42"E along the N-S Center Section Line, 2645.37 feet to the Center of Section 28; thence N89"25'17"W along the E-W Center Section Line, 1325.46 feet to the southwest corner of the SE% NW%; thence N00"09'13"E along the west line of the East% of the NW%,265t.06 feet to a point on the north line of Section 28 also being the northwest corner of the NE% NW%; thence N89'11'10"W along the north section line, 82.23 feet; thence departing north section line N01"56'45"E, 1314.33 feet to a point on the north line of the South % of Section 21; thence 589"L7'27"E along said north line, 4066.46 feet to the northeast corner of the SE % SE % of said Section 21; thence S00'31'14"W along the east line of said Section 2t, L32!.52 feet to the southeast corner of said Section 21 also being the northeast corner of Section 28; thence S00"58'28"W along the east Section Line of said Section 28, t3L6.97 feet; thence departing east section line N89"45'19"E, 1305.24 feet to the center of the NW % of Section 27; thence 500'51'31"W,2640.3O feet to the center of the SW % of Section 27; thence N89'56'42"W, L3L0.46 feet to a point on the east line of Section 28; thence S00"58'28"W along said east line L3L6.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINING. Parcel contains 504.90 acres FLS.W-19-01 IPUC DR 1 FW Response ment 1 01 o E 00 Lo-oo Uc Io =(9 e,Gcc {=oLQttoo E bJo b/tr tt c 3GLot(l c cco I IU LP.9o Lo 3oIA c rc LoIG Bc'6 tr c o rcl- (I,Ecfoo LI P.vto o =ollt Ec(o o+,(o =.=(uPCfo o =P r'lilmf, H uJa3a I [- lr 3tt, uJ@ EoI!z 3z. trJz 3(r, ITJa =q UJz rl rl \ # I EU' e 'T 9.-t 3U' e I UJatt,a a li j-, a luJ\@lru tcn n t_lt] f- t I I ,3a I 3@ TIJz I3zl/ a3o e3Z , =z LUalLla UJov UJz4lz E*a ul{qtlJa UJz , uJz e =z'tlJZ UJ6 E EU) uJaTUu) *-,b4. tp,i Z4 HF{r-.{Y3 (r) -lz & oPE:'= -9!-ofie'x*x E.d!H ?: E !6 tgr#c! E =da6FOd ! =6gHno o>L E.EA.<EEE8.dE 9r 9eE 3cE,- uEE -a 5;* ;, do rn,:-o o k--q o Yo oo'E- !r C * E 8.It= ! siU Es23{u;* E sIe.+Et4;:€"1;EEEi€ uEi!g=sf >ii c'#6.5 9 o 2:(4gt=-EH<EESEtr -o>d/1r:-.!>-YiqAU cUH F) U F.UaF FL vd JU ;oof(L-o5PoiE5ai =e9=ItL l! N Co E a d o, Ec 1;cE u u Uzc q9?E€tst.:o!!=EcEO9!iH!!.t 2.9d! =.9'io EI,asOo EA C' zE-c,9i'r d l2 *vFCui! 4- }E_-r -. oaz!hgef[iE?;o-E 6! r'=3 3-6 i.-t = e'a. oo*L) - E:E: aEElra:68U'O Edq: -E I €6"a:2UEg !^!zlg frts e' = =ttxE . :l':9<rtFo!rcl ,2*2L!; !,d:i iiiiiIEiisilisiIiE i iiiiii i iiiiiiiiii i iE r z Fz =l)g.lJd lrlz2 oIof4a=dt-!cz<Ad aZ =<4n.A7-v9 rf;l\ ^UQiqElCda lrJ It<=Ud *xFV .. -.1 Fr{ FUtF0 d, Fralr)a z F z Fz d..oaJd> Z3= Zb = L,,: Y.:a F-,:4E>I LU) t?,> ,?< :c *. <x sF=2;z-2- lL<a=Y.?i.i-Fv+d.-7.t4 ^?-4. F.t) -2u.AC7.ar,lY7 l,+s2.1 *t-L7- z tl :l Y!- e 7'a F7. runoj i ss !I g E € :,i 1i. ( <fr NW Noturql' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-19,01 Taylor Mountain Acquisition Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-19-01 IPUC DR 2 Exhibit No. 6 of Palfreyman's direct testimony provides a map showing the "Application POU." One parcel, the SW % of NE lq sec 29 Township 1 North Range 38 East, does not currently appear to be connected to the existing water system. Does the Company plan to connect this parcel to the Taylor Mountain Water system? If so, how will this parcel be connected, and what capital improvements wil! be necessary to make this connection? Response: The Company will be filing a corrected Exhibit No. 6 of Mr. Palfreyman's direct testimony. The parcel identified in this request, the SW % of NE lc sec 29 Township 1 North Range 38 East (the "Parcel"), is not served by the Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District ("TMWSD") and is not within the service territory boundary of the TMWSD. The Parcelwas identified in error. Please also see the Company's response to FLS-W-19-01 IPUC DR 1. FLS-W-19.01 IPUC DR 2 FW Response Page 1 of 1 {f xt }toturot' Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-19-01 Taylor Mountain Acquisition Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-19-01 IPUC DR 3 For Taylor Mountain, please provide allfinancial statements prepared for estimating the revenue requirement. lf not clearly labeled in the workpapers, please provide assumptions on the cost of capital and annual (or quarterly, if applicable) expected revenue and costs, including plant in service, book depreciation, tax depreciation, income taxes, deferred taxes, property taxes, and other items typically included in a discounted cash flow analysis. Response: Falls Water intends to keep the existing tariff structure until a new rate case is completed. Cost of capita! and structure are assumed to be similar to Falls Water lncluded below are the current projections of 2019 revenues and historical costs along with the net undepreciated water system asset value is $29,338. FLS.W.19.O1 IPUC DR 3 FW Response Page 1 of2 Expected 2019 Revenue Water Base Rate Water Usage Rate Water New Connection Fees Total Revenues 5 g&4m 5 22,M s 4200 @5201 m* L2* 160 cu sto me rs @S14o0*3 new connects S 6s,ooo 2018Actual Costs Purchased power, other utilities Contractua I se rvi ces (acco u nti ng, I egal, etc) Materials & Repairs lnsurance Property tax Other Total Costs s S S S S s lt,625) 15,438) 41,899) (638) (330) (4o4) s (70,333) Depreciation s (4341) Operation !ncome s (9,574) Net PIant: Date Useful life Purchase 7 5 9,286 10 s 13,510 10 s 9,581 10 s 5,950 Prev. Dep 2019 DeprAcc. Depr s (2,s8s) 5 0,327l' s (4311) s (1,81s) s (1,351) s (3,175)s (es8) s (ess) s (1,e16)s s (ogs)s (6e6) Net Value 5 4,97s S 10,434 s 7,565 5 6,2il Water Pump 1 Water Pump 2 Well Upgrades 2 Flow meters 6/2e/2oL6 sl3Ll2OL7 7/7912OL8 e/7l20Le Total Net PP&E s 29,338 FLS.W-19.01 IPUC DR 3 FW Response Page 2 of 2 {l ** Noturqr Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-19-01 Taylor Mountain Acquisition Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-19-01 IPUC DR 4 for tiilor Mountain, please provide a listing of all plant in service, along with the in- service dates, original costs, and depreciation rates. Response: Date Usefullife Purchase Prev. Dep 2019DeprAcc. Depr NetValue 7 5 e,286 S(2,98s) 5$,327l. 5(4311) 5 4,97s 10 s13,610 s(1,815) s(1,351) s(3,176) srO,+Sq 10 s e,s81 s (9s8) s (ss8) s(1,e16) 5 7,66s 10s6,e6o s s (5e5) s (5e6) s6,264 Water Pump 1 Water Pump 2 Well Upgrades 2 Flow meters 6/2e/2OL6 sl3L/2077 7lL9(2OL8 e/7/2OLe Total Net PP&E $ 29,338 FLS-W-19-01 IPUC DR 4 FW Response Page 1 of 1 Expected 2019 Revenue water Base Rate Water Usage Rate Water New Connection Fees Total Revenues 2018 Actual Costs Purchased power, other utilities Contractual services (accounting, legal, etc) Materials & Repairs lnsurance Property tax Other Total Costs Depreciation Operation lncome S 38,400 5 22,4OO $ 4,200 @520 I m* L2* 160 custo me rs @S1400*3 new connects S 65,000 s (11,625) s (15,438) s (41,899) s (638) s (330) s (404) Water Pump 1 Water Pump 2 WellUpgrades 2 Flow meters Total Net PP&E s (70,333) s (4,341) S (9,674) Date Useful Iife Purchase Prev. Dep 2019 Depr Acc. Depr Net Value 7 s 9,286 s(2,98s) 5$,3271 s(4,311) 5 4,97s 10 s13,510 s (1,81s) s (1,351) s (3,176) 5LO,434 10se,s81 s (es8) s (es8) s(1,e15) s7,66s10s5,s5os s (6s6) s (6e6) 56,26q 6/2el2OL6 sl3L/2OL7 7/te/zoLg elTl2OLe s 29,338