HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170518FLS to Staff 21-24.pdfFhlLSVt/nrER COn,tPANY 2180 N Deborah Dr,Idaho Falls,Idaho 834()1 Website: wnnar.fallswater.com May 17,2017 ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Tel.: (208) 522-1300 ,:.i Fax (208) 522-&ss fi ij;,"+E5;f . Ft>v)-tlDt{ H -r1 -.4. i rli)c0 rnr6L.,(3 ; Enclosed are one (1) original and seven (7) copies of the Company's Response to Third Production Request of the Commission Staff. Also enclosed is a CD disk with an electronic version of the response with exhibits and Excel files referred to in response, lf you need anything else, please, let me know what you need. Thank you, (, U"oflE,",q K. Scott Bruce GeneralManager Falls Water Company, lnc. Enclosures K. Scott Bruce Falls Water Company, lnc. 2180 North Deborah Dr ldaho Falls, lD 83401 Tel. (208)522-t3OO Fax (208) s22-4099 E-mail : scottl (0fal Iswater.com Representative for Falls Water Co., lnc. iI":i,:;:I\iE[] , ' ;'ii illi!:!+ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPTICATION OF FATTS WATER COMPANY, INC FOR AUTHORIZATION TO BUILD A NEW WATER souRcE, AND ACCESS TO THE SPECTAL ptANT RESERVE ACCOUNT. cAsE NO. FLS-W-17-01 COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO FATLS WATER COMPANY Falls Water Company hereby submits the following responses to the third production request of the commission staff. The records are held by Falls Water Company in their main office located at 2180 North Deborah Drive, ldaho Falls, ldaho 83401. Scott Bruce is the contact person for the records and can be reached at (208) 522-73OO. Scott Bruce, General Manager, will be the witness who can sponsor answers at hearing for the responses to the production requests unless noted differently in the response. REQUEST NO. 21: ln response to Production Request No. 7, the Company supplied and Excel spreadsheet titled "Well 10 Estimate [comparison] to Well 9 Costs." Staff reviewed the spreadsheet and observed that a number of values within it are to be determined. Additionally, the spreadsheet does not include a Sgg,2SZ.00 generator cost listed in exhibit 6-3. Please provide an updated spreadsheet with formulas intact that includes values that are now known or to be determined items. lnclude values for any known items not detailed in the original such as the above mentioned generator. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I 1 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 21: Response prepared by Scott Bruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce lncluded on the CD accompanying the Company's response to the Third Production Request is the Excel file "Revision L - Well L0 estimate comparison to Well 9 costs" as requested. The Company anticipates that the well house will be a 30 foot by 30 foot building. Because it will be located in a residential location, the building will be a wood frame construction with an architectural shingle roof and vinyl siding. The cost of the structure, including plumbing, electrical, and mechanical portions of the structure, is estimated until the final building design is completed. The Company has requested a waiver for the stand-by generator for Well 10 (Exhibit 1). The well house will be built to accommodate the use of a portable diesel generator that can operate either the pump in Well 10 or the pumps in Wells 2,4, and 6. We are awaiting the response from the Department of Environmental Quality. Should the waiver not be granted, the company estimates that it can find a used generator for about 575,000 that would provide stand-by power for the well. The sand separator is optional based upon how much sand the well produces after it has been developed. The size of the separator listed in the costs is based on the well producing 2,200 gpm. REQUEST NO. 22: The Company's response to Production Request No. 1 provided the electronic spreadsheet showing the calculations supporting the deposits to Account No. 127.1- MXU Project Depreciation and Savings for 2016. Please provide the same spreadsheets to support the calculations for each year (by month) since the inception of the fund through 2077 as available. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 22: Response prepared by Scott Bruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce. lncluded on the CD accompanying the Company's response to the third production request, are the following requested Excel spreadsheet files: o Meter Depreciation 2012 o Meter Depreciation 2013 o Meter Depreciation 2014 o Meter Depreciation 2015 o Meter Depreciation 2017 2 REQUEST NO.23: The Company's Response to Production Request No.4 provided the detailed transactions for Account No. 127.1 as of December 31, 2015 (Exhibit 1-1) and December 37,zOtG (Exhibit 2-1). Please provide similar exhibits for each of the other years since the inception of the fund through 2077 as available. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 23: Response prepared by Scott Bruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce. The first deposit to Account 127.1. - MXU Project Depr Savings was made on March 25,20!3. The requested reports for 2013 (Exhibit 2'l,2OL4 (Exhibit 3), and 2017 (Exhibit 4) are attached with Company's response to the third production request. REQUEST NO. 24: The Company's Response to Production Request No. 6 provided project financing details. Please provide additional details for the owner funds: a Are the short-term owner funds a request for debt authority? b. Will the owner funds be temporarily treated as owner paid-in capital? c. Will these funds be returned (reduced) once cash become available from operations? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 24: Response prepared by Scott Bruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce. The Company is not requesting authority to incur debt to finance the Well 10 project. The funds that the owner will put into the project will be treated as paid-in capital temporarily (estimating the company will be able to pay back the investment in three to nine months). No interest will be paid on the amount brought in by the owner. As payments to the owner are made to repay the amount temporarily posted to paid-in capital, it will be removed from the paid-in capital account. 3 Dated at ldaho Falls, ldaho, this 17th day of May 2OL7. Respectfully submitted, FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. k.#)8,*r K. Scott Bruce, General Manager 4 ExnDn 1 EALLS \ITINT ERre--*COnApANy 2180 N. Deborah Dr., ldaho Falls, ldaho 83401 Website: www.fallswater.oom Tel.: (208) 522-1300 Fan : (208) 5224{Xrg w 12,2017 ldaho Departsnent of Environmental Quality Ath: Greg Eager 900 N Skyline Dr, #B ldaho Falls, lD 83402 Grcgg, We are requesting a waiver to the rule that we need a backup generabr br the nw well being built on Telfud Road east of North Ammon Road. The reasoning br the request is that we cunenUy have badcup genenators on two of our welts. Th6e uells can produce more than enough rrvater to supdy our cusbmefti wth in-house use in an emergency. We do want to install a backup genenabr on site in he fufure. The well house drarings will have electrical rough-in to installa future generabrto the exteriorof frte building. The rough-in can be utilized to use a portable backup generabr if needed. Falls Wabr Co., lnc.'s oflner, Brent Johnson, oirns a portable diesel generatorthatuould be available b the company upon requestwhen additbnal pmping is necessary in an emergency. The generator is bQ enough to proville porcr to eiher the three wells (wells 2, 4, and 6) at the south end of the system orthe pump e<pected b be installed in well 10. ln this rvay yue can prwide the adclitional pumping at the bcation that will best meet the needs of the cusbmers. Sincerely,(.{"fl4"* K Scot Bruce GeneralManager Client: Attn: Address: Phone: Project: Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N. Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls, ID 83401 208-522-t300 New Well fAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocotello, fD 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fox: (208) 237-3336 emoil: iosEc3308@iosenvirochem.com . www.iolienviroshem.com Analytical Services Quotation Pricing Summary Exhibit 1-1 Detcz 05ll5D0l7 Eficctivc: 05n6n0n Expires: 05n6n0lE Quoted by: Ryan Pattie Prrameter Mcthod Quantity Unit Pricc Extcndcd Pricc Drinking Water Gross Alpha Gross Bcta IOC Phase II IOC Phasc V Nitrate:N Nitritc:N Radium 226 Radium 228 SOC Total Coliform P/A tJranium VOC 900.0 900.0 Varies Varies 300.0 300.0 903.0 904.0 Varies SM9223B P/A Colilert 200.8 varics I I I I I I I I I I $ 145.00 $ r 45.00 $120.00 $90.00 $ 15.00 $15.00 $15s.00 $ t 65.00 $ r,200.00 $16.00 $r25.00 $ r 90.00 $ r 45.00 $r45.00 $120.00 $e0.00 $ 15.00 $1s.00 $165.00 $ r 65.00 $ r,200.00 $ 16.00 $125.00 $190.00 Price Per Srmplc: $2,391.00 Page I of I Exhibit 1-2 Quantity Falls Water Co., lnc. Estimate of Well House 10 Piping and Site Work as of May t7,2017 Description ntAmou 1 10" Cla-Val Check Valve 1 10" MrCrometer Ultra Mag Flow Meter 1 2" ValMatic Air Release/Vac Valve 1 L0" Flanged Valve 2 10" MJ gO's 1 12x12x10 Tee 2 1_2" 45',s 6 12" Bolt Packs 5 10" Bolt Pack 8 Zip Flange 1 10"x2" Saddle 3 10"x1" Saddle 60 Ft. 10" Ductile lron Pipe 80 ft. 12 C9O0 PVC Pipe Concrets for thrust blocks misc. fittings Sub-Total Tax ( 6%l Materials Total Labor Grand Total S 9,835.00 s 4,357.00 S 2, i.67.05 s 1,256.00 5 297.87 $ 250.33 $ 33r.92 $ 731.50 $ 411.60 $ r,L82.27 $ 75.03 $ 178.29 $ 1,337.58 s 1,276.00s 3oo.oo S i.,ooo.oo with shipping with shipping 5 24,987.44 $ 1,499.2s 5 26,486.69 s 4,800.00 s 31,286.69 i.ligh:Flow Cdrbon Steel Sand Separatorst n 1'r tc' 1I Y 4 http//www,bigbrandwater. com/High-F low-Carbon- Steel- Sand-Separat. on S@ratoi n.t Pri(c: t4,5{4.00 S.l. Prlcc: 43.99t 12 M9Brtd RlI Pd..:15,29.00 S.l. PrIGC: ta.623j:l @ SrD.E6t R.t Pd(.r ,5,749.00 5.b PrlG.: t5,059-t2 pmSoratc Ret Pn(.:37,088.00 LET STAY CONNECTED! Ge Exhibit 1-3 () 5p' ( Tr H L,,J IA j I F) I n(. oa s.le s.le,{ff tr ("r lr tr' ( lxll275 Hlth tlil l,,931o lHllt5o Hlth fld IurcO lFStsrat@ Rrg tu.q tta938.O0 Ytgl aret EE q ei L, Elog Shopbybrand EduotionalLibrary TrmsrndCondltlons 8c(ome.n Aff,liate P.oductlndcx Categorylndrx 19528 Vcdur. Blvd *399 T.aah.. a 91 355 C.ll ToI Fr.. 888.426.9S4 tn.l Phon. l8l E)78088 F.r (E56) E71 '0!r5 Eh.ll dn@.crM(.@blgb6ndmr(oD Corylol 201 S Blg &and W.t r Flilr All lllhB n6!rd. Rc8 Pd<c: t! o.ml .m lO iCri t'ob 2 of2 5ll5/17,1l:09 AM High-Flow Carbon Steel Sand Separators http ://www.bigbrandwater.com/High-F low-Carbon-Steel-Sand-Separat.. I Big Brond ',1'r,iri i,,iilrr, l:,... HOMC ABOUTUS GIFIREGISIRY MYACCOUNT CONTACIUs BLOG HEI.LO GUEST, LOGIN 56aEh QUESTTONS? 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Provcn supedor for tod.y drmandinS 'iltration requiremeats. Our rrtenslve Lakos sand seper.tor saledion indgdcs the t.rkc5 SindM.itrpr serrrs for R6idcntial ,oDlicatlons, thc La(or rLB Seile5 for Iow flow ratcs whrn Carboh Stccl is rcquir€d, thc Lakos iLl 5eiles for low llow ritcs when stainless stael is required. the t.akos lHll Seres for hlSh flil ratas, au(omal,( pu.gng 5ysrems, and a variety of , epL:.emcnI p.rd s for all sy*emi lccc.odlt ShoF All Higtr-Fior! Carbon Steei Se,rd Scpernlors I I TILTRATION SYSTE I of2 +oducts (otal ltrms: 6) Sale sale Sal! 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