HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170330FLS to Staff 1-7 and Exhibits.pdfFhILSWITER '*Con,tPANY 2180 N Deborah Dr,Idaho Falls,Idaho 83401 Website: www.fallswater.com March 29,2017 ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Tel.: (208) s22-1?OO Fax (208) 522-N99 '2 -*J =t3 6 n-'r (-)r\a =m LJ F:EI rJ}r. -l{.rf LrI Enclosed are one (1) originaland seven (7) copies of the Company's Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff. Also enclosed is a CD disk with an electronic version of the response with exhibits and Excel files referred to in response. lf you need anything else, please, let me know what you need. Thank you, FL*w1-t-Ot K'<*flq^., K. Scott Bruce GeneralManager Falls Water Company, lnc. Enclosures K, Scott *ruce Falls Water Company, lnc. 2180 North Deborah Dr ldaho Falls, lD 83401 Tel. (?08)522-1300 Fax (20S) 522-11099 E-mail: scp.J!3-&lf,l"l5wsl$"{,eam Representative for Falls Water Co., Inc. i".;: j^.:li1/i:n ,"i; ."13c Lli l!: !6 '.' a, BEFORE THf, II}AHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA]TER OF THE APPTICATICIH OF FALLs WATER COMPANY, INC FOR AUTHORIZATION TO BUILD A NEW WATER SOURCE, AND ACCESS TO THT sPTCIAL PLANT RISERVE ACCOUNT" cAsE NO. FLS-W-17-{,1 COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUTST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO FAIT$ l,\,ATER COMPANY Falls Water Cornpany hereby submits the following resp$nses to the fir$t production request of the commission staff. The records are held by Falls Water Company in their main office located at 2180 North Deborah Drive, ldaho Falls, ldaho 83401. Scott Sruce is the contact person for the records and can be reached at {208} 522-1300. Scctt Bruce, General Manager, will be the witness who can $ponsor answers at hearing far the responses to the production requests unless n*ted differently in the resp0nse, RIQUEST N0. 1: Please describe the process by which amounts are posted to the Plant Reserve Account created by Order No. 32663. Please include within your respon$e a recent accounting entry that includes the date posted, accounts posted, and both the debit and credit amounts in the transaction. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: finsponse prepared by Scott Sruce, fieneral Manager. Witn€ss at hearing will be Scott Bruce. 1 ln Order No. 32663, the Company was ordered to keep detail records of its metering equipment. To cornply with the order the Cornpany created an Excel spreadsheet that lists each meter and MXU installed in the service area. lt also includes other information related to the cost of asset! in Account 334 * Meters. {An electronic copy of the spreadsheet{s} is included on lhe CD {See Excel file "Meter Depreciation 20L6) accompanying this response.) On the spreadsheel is a tab labeled "520M MXU's part of the 2011 proj". This sheet contains a listing of all the 520M MXU's that were installed as a part of the metering project. The depreciati*n schedule for these assets is on this spre*dsheet also. Each month the spreadsheet is updated to account for any of the MXU'* that are ehanged out due to damage to the unit {non-warranty issues} or malfunction CIf the unit {warranty issues}. At the bottom of the page is a summary of the monthly depreciation, the m*nthly portlon ftf the fuel and labor savings (annually $8,315.00 per Order No.32663), and the remaining net boak balance for any damaged units removed from service. The total of the above items is the amount that is moved to the cash accounl dedicated to the Plant Res*rue Account, On January 31, 2017, the following entry was made to put funds in the Plant Boserve Aecount from the Company's cash account: Account Number & Name Debit Credit L27 ,1* MXU PROJECT DEPR SAVINGS 5,495.94 L29 - FWC-BofCommerce 5,495.94 The amount rf $5,495.94 was the amount for December 2016 {Depreciation of $2,055.S6 plus Meter Reading Labor and Fuel Savings of $692.91" totaling $2,747.97) and the estimated January 3*17 amount ol $2,7a7.97 comprised of the same compsnsnis as the Oecefirber 2016 arnount" Desemb*r 2S16 had no MXU's damaged, so nff net book balance for damaged MXU's was included. REQUEST NO. 2: Please describe the process by which amounts are withdralvn from th* Flant Reserve Account created by Order No. 32653" Please include within your response a recent accounling entry that includes the date pcsted, accounts posted, and both the debit and credit amsunts in the trarrsaction. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2: Response prepared by Scott Bruce, General Manager. witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce 2 As the Company understands the Cornmissicn's Order No.326S3, the Flant Reserve Account is not tn have monies withdrawn from it unless the Commission approves the intended use of the funds" The funds *re to be used for infrastructure projects like trunk line improvements, storage tank and booster statisns. and replacing old water lines. The company has to date not withdrawn funds from the Flant Reserve Fund for any purpose. No accounting entries exist on the Company's books showing that funds were withdrawn from the Plant Reserve Fund BEQUEST t\l0. 3: Please provide a list of expenditures/withdrawals from the Plant Reserve Acccunt by Year {2012, 2013, 2014, 2O\5,2016, and 201.7 [through February 28, 2017]]. Flease include within your reseponse: ;t. The Type of expenditure; b. The reasonfiustification for the expenditure/withdrawal; c" Documentltransaction/identification number for expenditure/withdrawal; d. Dollar amounts and account numbers where posted; and e. Documentation supporting the expenditure/withdrawal such as an invoice. RESPONSE TO BEQUEST NO. 3: &esponse prepared by Scott Bruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce. As stated in the response to request no. 2, the Company has made no withdrawal of funds for a*y reason or purpose since creating the fund in compliance with Final Order No. 32663. Therefore, no d*cumentation exists showing any type of withdrawal from the fund. REQUTST N0. 4: Please provide the underlying accounting detail (such as a trial balance or general ledger) in the Plant Reserve Account for Calendar Years Ending 2015 and 2016. RTSPONSE TO BEQUEST NO. 4; Response prepared by Scott &ruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce. Attached are copies of the December 31, 2015 (Exhibit 1) and December 31, 2015 (Exhibit 2l trial balance reports. Copies of the detail for the plant reserve account, Account 127.1" - MXU Froject Depr Savings, as of December 33", 2015 {Exhibit 1-1) and Oecember 31, 2016 (txhibit 2-1) are attached. 3 RIQUIST N0. 5: Please pravide bank staternents supporting the special plant reserve fund balan*e RESPONSE TO RrqUrST NO. 5: Response prepar*d by Scott Eruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce The bank account that contains the special plant reserve funds is Bank of Commerce account number 2107422199. Attached are page 3 ofthe December 31, 2015 (Exhibit 3) and pages 3 and 4 of the December 31, 201"6 (txhibit 4) Bank of Commerce bank statements showing the account number ?107422199. REQU€ST NO. 6: Please identify how the Company plsns to finance this project including all details that are currently available. RESPONSE TO RTQUEST NO. 6: Kesponse preparecl by Scott Bruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce. The Company plans ta fund the proj*ct with cash from retained earnings, cash from the Plant Reserve Acccunt, and the difference being paid short term by the Company's olvner. The current *nticipated breakdown is: Available Cash s2s0.000,00 Plant Reserve Accnunt $i"68,469.78 Owner $228,745.22 Total 5647,215.00 The expected conrpletion of the project is in August 2017. The Company will cantinue to make deposits to the Plant Reser'*e Account during and after the project. The monthly minimurn deposit will be $2,745.46. $ver the six month period, March 201.7 through August 2017, the total minimum deposited for the six mcnth period will be $16,472.76. This amount plus the current accsunt balance of 5151,997.0? totals the reque:ted disbursement of 5168,469"78 from the Plant Reserve Account. 4 REQUEST NO. 7: Please provide the detailed source information (vendor bids, cost estimates, calculations) associated with each Estimated Well Cost in Exhibit 6 of the Company's Application. Please include within your response the dollar amount for each activity by vendor and specifically identify those activities performed by the water company and any affiliated/related companies and individuals. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7 Response prepared by Scott Bruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce. The estimated costs submitted were based on the costs from the last well built by the Company in 2009 with some adjustments based on the size of the well and the type of well house expected to be built for the new well. The Excel file "Well l-0 Estimate comparison to Well 9 Costs" (File is on CD) gives a side by side comparison of the Well L0 estimate provided in the application (See Exhibit 5 Schiess & Associate Engineering cost proposal) to the corresponding costs from the construction of Well 9 (See Exhibits 5-1 to 6-3 Well 9 Actual Costs). lncluded in the worksheet are any actual low bids the company has received for portions of the work to be done along with the company names (See ExhibitsT-1.to7-7 Well 10 Low Bids to date). ln the worksheet, comments are placed in the cells to explain the adjustment made from the corresponding Well 9 actual costs for the line item. The Company anticipates doing the site work and painting of the building. lt is not anticipated that any of the work will be performed by affiliated/related companies or individuals. Dated at ldaho Falls, ldaho, this 29th day of March 2017 Respectful ly submitted, FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. { *-fl84"-. K. Scott Bruce, General Manager 5 exhibit 1 Page 1 of2 2110 FM c3rl 5/1 ? Ascrual gasis Falls tlUater Company lnc Trial Balance As of Deeember 31, 2015 Dec 3{,l5 1 27 . lnterest Bearing Savings 127.1 . MXU Project Depr $avings 128 . Cash in Bank 128 " Cash in Bank:129 . FWC.BofCommerce 128 ^ Cash in Bank:129,1 . FlffC Capital lmprovemenl Fund 128 ' Cash in Bank:120.11 . CIAC - Wat€r Rights 128 ' Cash in Bank:129.2 ' Cash-Wster Sludy Partners:129.21 " Ca$h-liYater $t$dy Partners-A,m,,, 128 ' Cash in Bank:I29.2 , Ca$h-y\tater $tudy Partners:l2t.22 . Cah-Water $tudy.Eonneville Cty 128 ' Cash in Bank:129.2 ' Cash-Water $tudy Pcrtnars:l29.23 . Ca*h-liYatsr $tudy Partners-Ucon 128 ' Ca$h in Bank:128.3 . fiash Fieservo-Fl$ Surface Water { 2S - Cash in Bank:129.4 , $eposit* f$r SubSivisisnt 1?8 .Sash in Bank:119,5 . Misc Oevelopfi*nt Fee$ 119"6 .Xpross Bill Fay Acct 130 " Ft#C-First Securily Bank 131 . FWC-Old Wells Fargo 123 . lnvestrnerrt in r,s$ociatsd Compan 139 " Misc t'lon-Utilities A/R 132 " Undeposited Funds 't40 ^ Accts Receivahle:141 " Cust Accts Reeeivabls I40 ' Accts Receivable:143 , Uncollectable Allswanse 151 . Plant llllaterial and Supplies {01 ' Utility Flant ,01 " Utility Plant:303 " Land & Land Right$ 101 . Utility Plant:304 'Structures and lmprovements 101 .Utility Plant:307 "l,Veils 10{ 'Utility Flant:310 . Censrators 101 . Utility Plant:311 ' Pumping Equipment 101 .Utility Plant:3?0 . Purilication System 101 ^ Utility Plant:330'Tanks 101 . Utiliry Plant:331 . llYater iialns 101 " Utility Plant:334- MetBrs 101 ^ Utility Plant:335'Hydrants 101 " Utility Ptant:340 .Office Furn & Fixtt0{' Utility Plant:341' Transportation Equipm*nt 101 . Utility Plant:343 .Tool* & Fquipment 101 . Utility Ptant:345 ' Power Opsmted Equiprnent 103 " Property lleld for Future Uses '105 'Construction Work in Frogress 108 . Ptant Oepre*iatiorr 16! ' Prepayrnent*:162,1 . IDEQ Loan Rssorv* 232 . Accts Fayahle 2110 . Direct Depceit Liabiliti*s 231 ' FWC Accounts Fayable t31 ' FYIIC As6ount$ Payable:?3l,1 ' Migc &cc8 Fayabte t31 ' FVUC Ac$ounts Payable:231.10 . Group llVater $tudy Payable:23'!.{1 . Group Water $tudy -".. 231 ' FWC Accounts F*yable:231.10 . Group lffater $tudy Payable:231.12 " Group Water Study -.." 231 " FWC Accounts Fayable:23'|.10 .Group ltyater Study Payable:23l.13 ' Group Water Study -*.. 231 ' FWC Account$ Payable:231.10 . Group ltYater Study Payable:231,14 . Group Water $tudy -... ?3, " FWC Accounts payabl€:231.2 ' Fayable to irHBLalor Gravco 23'l . FWC Accounts Payable:23'|.3 . Payable to WCC/CD Crossing 231 ' FIIVC Accounts Payable:231,4 ' Payabte to lryCc/yt s[3 231 . FWC Accounts Payable:231.5 " Payabt* to ltCClGenerator 231 . F\,YC Accounts Payable:231.6 , Payahte to WCCiRepairs 231 ' FWC Accounts Payable:231"7 . Payabte ts WCCflAeIEB 231 ' FWC Accounts Payable:231.8 . Payable en Summit Park 231 . FWC Accounts Payabte:231,9 . Crimson Valley lffater Main 231"15 . Oeposits Payable - Development 233 .A/P on Currpnl Loans 236 . Taxes Payable:236.? ' State Tax Fayable 236 ' Taxee Payable:236"3 . Other Tares Payabl* 241"1 . 401{k) Liability 241.2 . Flex Savings Account Liabili* 241.3 . Employer P/R Tax Liab" 141.4 . Ernploy*e PiR Tax Liab. Oebit 250,803.16 109.006.60 108.334.?3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0s t4$.37 5$.24S.S6 0.** s,d3?.SS 0.fl* 0.00 0.00 1,33S.00 $,41S.S3 s0.543.81 22,0?0.s4 0.00 ,,1 21 ,305.03 4&8.781"50 {*1,S30.S8 1$,6S3.04 4$$,s2?.48 38.525.56 0.00 1,?1?,8S6.70 't ,966,471.99 63,S82.81 59.968.4{ 177,16r"37 74.15S.?S 104,{08.'t3 80,000.00 7,79S,0s tss,s54.s0 0.ss fi.00 0.00 0^00 fi.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0^00 0.00 s,00 s.0s s.00 c.00 Cradit 850.04 145,'121"30 1,300.00 *,??8,134.80 't7,7$S.47 55.246.86 67,408.84 154 41 I,y19.55 5,323.24 0.s0 0.90 s.*0 Page I D*c 31, l5 Debit Credit 241.5 ' Employes Garnishmant Liab. ?41.6 .Workers Comp lnt Liab 223 .Advances from Associated Co. 224 . Long-Term Debt:234.1 . Lincoln Road Proj - S*LF Loan ??4 ' Long-Term Debtr224.2 . liYell #9 & llYater Right Purchase 271 " Contribution in Aid of Construc 271 . Contribution in Aid of Construc:!?I.1 . CIAC - Source Phy$lc6l P,ant 271 " Cootribution in Aid ol Construs:??1"1 ^CIAC - l,yater Rights 271 " Co,ntributlon ]n Aid ol Construc:2?{"3 ' C$nnertion Fees ??2 . Accurn Amort - Contrib Aid Conet 100 . 0pening Bal Equity I01 . Capatsl $to(k 211 .Sther Faid -in Sapital ?15 'Retained Earniogu 400 ' Operatirrg Revenue:il6'1.1 . Alelered Eesidential 400 . Oparatlfi g Revenuer46l.2 . Commercial Revenue {00 . Qperating Revenue:4$'|.$' Multiple Farnily Cu$t Revenue 400 ' Operating Revenue:470 . Late Faymsnt Fee Ftsvenuas 400 , Operating Revenue:4?'l ' *litc Serviee Revenues 414 . Cain (Lo35) on Property 601.5 ' Labor Field 601.8 . Lahor Oflice 60t.9.Admin-Labor 604 . Employee Bensfits 610 . Purchased Water 615. Electrical Po$rer 618 . Chemlcals 520.2"Source m&S 620.6 . Distribution M&S 620.7 .Postage 620.8 'Office 620.81' Telephone Expe.nse 620.82 . Bank service charges 620.83 ' O?fice Ulilitss Expense 031"1 "Engineering 831.2 " Accounting 631.ti . Payroll Services 635 'Testing 636.3 .Trash 636.4 . Sutsourced Bad Debt Colleetion 63S"6 . Oistrihution Gonlract Repsirs $3S.7 .Oata Procesaing 641 ,Rental of Froperty 6d2 , Rental of Eq$ipmsnl 650 . Transportation Expense 6$6 . lneurance Expenre 656.{ . Workers Compefi$ation ln$ 670" Bad Debt Expense 675"1 . Training Expenses 675.2 . oues & Publications 675.tt' IDHW Fea Expense 419 . lntere$t Eerned 4?1 ^ Non-Utility lncome 403 . Depreciation Expense 408 .Taxes:408.1'l ' Proporty Taxsf 408 .Taxes:408.12 . Payroll Taxet 408.10 . Regulatory Fee 426' {ll!isc. Non-Utility Expenses 4?6.'l ' Donations - Tax Deductible 427.3 . lntere$t fixpense TOTAL 8,0?r.54 1,70?,86{,$? 0.0s 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,3?2.03 148,841.54 s0,*'t?.00 1s2,500.04 66,{53.8$ 3,300"38 1?9,$39.3: ?.763.79 5.31i|.53 30,649,78 23,3S5.08 28,3S9.43 1S,i190.30 30,510.?$ 6,3!5.7$ 1,834.4S 3,714.30 150.40 8.S83.00 1,4?0.74 131.S'! s,0r?.s4 7,S30.S4 s$,902.m s,t76.00 52,683.84 ,9.328"{'t r0,136.1 r 10,855.43 1,088.54 5,13rt.S0 12,706.50 138.388 99 837,593.65 1,331,387 80 1.1Sd,274.?0 1,3??,S16.53 35,00s.00 1 ,*02,15?.44 s$5,ss3.00 t.356,675.3S s7,759.84 39,313.46 4,518.10 3,615.00 120 54 ?s,r32.55 1:4,775.80 {6,310.22 35,327.93 3,460.S6 43,615.50 100.0* 3$,505.55 11,042,411.*0 1't,{43,4t1.00 P*ge 2 fixhibit 1 Page 2 of 2 ?:10 PM 0311 5rt? Accrual Basis Falls Water Company lnc Trial Balance As of 0ecember 31, 2015 :t** x l.lJ o(t E;oq.6o o6es{'t-rt oq @o(}- 6(, osasGt-+ rO**0F6-OO-6F00f)s0{;*cicid@a+Eoor60NNooF:0- q (1- o- 0-o- o- o-vNtsl-FOSA&NNtstsNOO6O SS0rNFo&':qqq\\qqqs0000sqNft rS6*O $NG ^i s(.io SA(rS*SSs Qeep0cosNNftNfiNNN OeOOTOFFoooooNo6r960SONNoooo b.==.= b b ib * P *i;bE Eg$$EFF og 6fr c aErt Es = E z s oGo.J ODO& s00$upuEEEsasoscfi60sLbLoo('ha) fi o sL)u(J obtutltrltsEblr,,r,A?i6do(od!A.l tu d o ,! ,l .l o*eggt3B.gu-!::.:rLur.b (r, Oi xxxxxxxx ss60soosN'.rr&NNre{{S.*FFs ss$a*E*?e ^>Cii -{ o'5* s, O0O L cB; 5r-eg sin &.E Ei* !- aE * HEa o*i0r' ad:E^. 0--; t8ss * gs'u EO_(Lv .^a6* HXn& pPts 6EEE*!3E E€€95,r'88 $Lsa s o,c"50U'a6c] u6'p' L3x = ONSN&- 1AFFo,- w 6{o it,(}tio e x = ts 6 F (,3E9. f s H FI:o- Eoo;LI.&o,Ao6# E TH:sE<(il-lJ. (I F 6?q,a =:Etilr I-oNO< Hxhibit 2 Page 1 of 3 t:12 PM 03/! 5t1 ? Accrual Basis Falls Water Gompeny lnc Trial Balance As of Decemher 31, 2016 Dec 31, 16 0ebit Credit {2? . lnterest Bearing Savings 127"1 . inXU Project Depr Savings 128 .Cash in Bank 128'Cash in Banl:129 . FWC-BofCommerce 118 'Cash in Bank:129.1 . FWC Capital lmprsyem€nt Fund 128 . Cash in Bank:l29.11 .CIAC - Wat€r Right$ 128 " Cash in Eank:129^2 . Cash-Water $tudy Partners:'i29.?1 . Cash-Watsr Study partners-4m".. 128 ' Cash in Bank:129.2 ' Cash-li/ater Study Fartflers:'129.22 . Cash-Water Study-Bonnevilte Cty 128 'Cash in Bankr129.2 .Cash-lffater Study Partncrs:129.23 'Ca*h-lffafer $tudy Partnerr-Ucon 128 .Cash in Bank:"|29.3 Cash Reserve.PlD Surhc* Iyater 1I8 ' Cash in Bank:119.4 . Oeposits for Silbdivisions 1?8 'Cash in Bank:129.5 . Misc Developmenl Fees 'l ?9.6 " Xpress Bill Pay Acct 12S.7 " Op*rations Checking 130. FWC-First $ecurity Bank 131 . FWC-Old Wells Fargo t?3 'lrlveslment ir Associated Ccmpan 139" Misc Noft-Utilities AIR {31 " Undeposited Funds 140 " Accts fteceivabl€r141 ' Cust I'cetp R*csiyablc 14S " ,qccts Receirrabla:'143 . Uncollectabl* Allowanee 1f;'l . Fl*nt Materiat and $upplies 101 " Utility Plant 1Si .Utility plant:303 .Land & Lard RighB 1S1 . Utilibl Plant:304 " Structur€$ and l!",,lprovements 1S{ . Utility Ptanr:307 .weils 101 ' Utilify Flant:}I0 . Geosrato$ 101 .Uiility Plqnt:3ll .pufiping Equlpm€nt 101 ' Utility Plant:3?0 ' Furification System 101 . Utility Ptant:330 ' Tanhs 10{ " Utility Plant:33{ 'UYater ltiains 101 . Utitity Ptant:334 . Melers 101 . Utllity Plant:33$ .Hydrants 101 ' Utility Planh340 . Office Furn & Fixt 101 . Ulility Planl:341 .Trancportation Equipment 101 " Utility Plant:343 .Tools & Equipment 101 ' Utility Plant:345" Power Operated Equipment 103 " Property lleld for Future Uscs 105 . Construction lrvork in Progress ,08 . Plant Deprcciation 162' Prepayments:162.'l " IDEQ Loan Reserve 132 .Accts Pryable Credit Card at Capital One Car 2110 . Direct Deposit Liabilities 231 . FWC Accounb Payable 23t " fWC Account$ Payable:231.1 ' Misc Accts Payable 231 . FWC Accounls Payeblo:23l.10 . Group Water Study Payable:231.11 231 ' FWC Accounls payable:231.10 . Group \Arater $tudy Payablelz31.1? 131 ' fWC Accounts Fayable:23l"10 . Grcup lff*ter Study Payable:331"13 231 . FWC Accounts Payable:231.{0 " Group Water Study Payable:231.14 ?31 ' fWC Account$ Payable;231 .2 . Payable to I{lHE/Labor Gravcs 231 " fWC Account$ Payahle:I31.3 ' Payable to WCCTCD Crossing 231 ' FYLC Accounts Payable:!31.4 , payab'e to W*CAltIellS 431 . FWC Ascount$ Payablelz3l.5 ' Fayable to ltrt C0r$enerator fl31 . FWC Account$ Fayable:231.6 . Payable to lffCCtRepairs 331 ' FWC Accqunl$ Payable:!31.7 . payahle to 1#CCl!,Yell6B f3t . FrrVC Accoun8 Fayahl*;2$1.S ' Fayabl* sn Summit park 131 ' FWC Accsunte Payahle:23'1.€ .Crirfisofi Valley Water fr{ain 231 ^1 S . Ooposita payabte - Oevelopnxent 233 'A/P on Current Loans 236"faxes Payable;z3$.2 , State Tax Payabl* 936 . Texes Payable:236.3 " Other Taxes Payahle 241.1 . {S1(k} Liability 3{1.2 . Ftax Savings Account Liatrility Group \lUater Study -"." Group llVater Study -"". Group Water $tudy -... Group Watsr Study .... 100,844.1 5 140,254.6? ".l32,441 91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 249.37 55,246.8S 0.00 6,tB$.14 1,977.15 0.00 0.00 0"00 2S.78 5.b/u. lJ 100,s67-s? 17,486.S? 0.00 2,121 ,305.03 506.154.29 401,930.88 16,6S3.04 481,000.71 45,712_88 0.00 1,3S7,385.36 2,0??,155.37 65,401 .07 69,553.10 205,669.00 86,272^65 104,406.13 80,000 00 60,810.40 100,854.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0s 0.00 s00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85S.04 47,701.40 r,300.00 3,102.16,t.93 $,139.13 15,794 03 $s.346.8S s9,ss8,il7 8Sr,07 0.00 0.00 s.00 Pago i fxhibit 2 Page 2 of 3 l:12 PM 03t15t17 Accrual Basis Falls Water Company Inc Trial Balance As of Decembar 31, ?016 Oec 3'1, 18ne"sii-- cr;iit 241.3 ^ Employer PIR Tax Liab. 241.4 ' Ernployee PJR Tax Liab. 241.5 , Effiployee Gaini$hmenl Liab, 241.S "lr?orfters Comp lns Liab 223 , Advances trom Associated Co. 224" Long-Tenn Debt:224.1 . Lincoln Road Proj - SRLF Loan 224 . Lonu-Teffi DGbt:12{.2 . Well Sg & Water Rlght Purehase 2?1 . Centributisn in Aid of Coristruf 271 . *$Htribution in Aid of Construs;2?1.1 . CIAC * Source Physical Plant 2?'l . Contributisn in Aid of Construc:l?l.2 ' CIAC - l,Yater RighE 2?1 ' Contribution in t'id of Constr*c:2?1.3 ' Connection Fees 272 . Accum Amort - Contrib Aid Canst 100'0pening Bal Equi$ 201 .C*pitat Stochlll . othe.r Faid -in Gapital ?15 . Retained Earnings 400 . Opsrating Revenue:461.1 'metered Residential 400 " Operating Revenue:461.2 ' Comrnercial Revenue 400 " Operating Reve*ue:461.5 . Multipta Family Cust Revenua 400 , Operating Rev6fiue:4?0 " Late Paym*nt Fee Revenu6$ 400 ' Gperating Revenue;47'l . Misc Service Revenues 414 .Gain {Los$} on Property 601.5 . Labor Field 601.8 . Labor Otfice S01.9'Aclmin - Lobor 604 ' EmBloyeo Benefits 6'10 . Furchased llYater 6'15 . Electrical Poerer 618 .Chemicals S?0,?'Source ill&S 620.6 . Di$tribution M&$ $?0.7 . Fostage 620.8 .Office 620.51 " Telephone Expense 620,82 . Bank $erYic* ckarges 620.83 . gffice Utilites Expen$e 63!,1 . Engine*ring 631.2 . Aceounting 631-3 .Attorney 631.4 ' Payroll Services 635 .Testing 636.2 . $ource Contrect Repairs S36.3 .Traeh 836.4 . Outsourced Bad Sebt Collection 636.6 . Sistribution Contract Repairs 636.7 ' Data Processing 630.0 . Csntract Othsrs 641 ' Rsntal of Froperty &{2 . Rental of Equipinent 650 . Tran$portrtion €xpens€ 6$8 . lnsurance €xpense 656.1 " lttlorhert Compensation lns S60' Advertising Expense 670 . Bad hebt Expense 675.1' ?rainlng fxpenses 675"2' Oues & Publicstion* 675.4. lnllW Fee fixpense 4'19 . lntsrest Earnsd 421 " Hon-Utility lncomejt03' Sspr*eiation Expsn$s 408 .Taxes:408.'t'l , Property Taxes 408 , Tax€s:408,12 . Payroll Taxes 408.10 . Regulatory Fee 426 " Misc. Non-Utiiity Expen*es 500.00 0.00 000 &,02!.54 1,911,238 05 0.00 530.34 1,559.00 r?4,006.31 ?8?,278.?S 1 ,331,387.80 1,164,??4.20 1,455,11S.53 3$,000.s0 1 ,*S3,1S7.44 631,765.57 1,503,835.20 65,504.36 38,653.66 $,040.38 3,490.00 101.55 18,938.S7 3,7?2.88 1&2,4$3.61 5?,900"76 1S7,S44.24 sc,?86_70 3,300.38 187,285.90 7,9*5.44 1S,710.?0 3$,0$4,43 25,298.35 34,SS4.37 16,339.17 :3.883.68 s,&85.84 850.00 2,805.00 164.00 '169,75 s,s70 00 1,7?S,35 1,$8?.0$ 3{0.s? 0.00 €,845.1g 5S0.00q6 0d? nn 7.$O4.97 45,004.11 16,170^20 13,228.03 1,S89.0? s,s{s 83 1 .!03.1 I 5"070.00 13,5*0.00 1*:.9S7.{3 31.212.U 38.314.63 2,739.50 43,517.94 Page 2 Exhibit 2 Page 3 of 3 2:11PM 0311 5117 Acerual Basis Falls Water Company Inc Trial Balance As of December 31, 2016 427.3 , lnt6ro$t Expense TOTAL Dec 31, 16 _?e9rl 33,4{5.12 Credit 11,662,411.80 11,652,411"80 Page 3 IC! aagC}{t! tsq 3 o'ra q6il F.q sNCi r,-o*iiN. s OONGeFtN{hloqSN(oNOI-(rOG€;dhciorF{OOFNtsO@6OdoN06NNd)6C{No*9?hN-!;doAserrrOoq{ €oNooosflooo&6ev6@9NNri$ir|-6riN6SF4?FFHFtsE N O Osir\. N c. s (os6<s<orp$rsll, oo0000000NNNNftNNNN60r?O{Or?NNOFdeoNdrNo+(OSOrc{OOd6OO6-F 0 0; o* o* 0* F'6U *'6 gE f'fi I .$STEtrETET }FF':F(fFC}FO 6Fts s* s m c a so & o odo c o ool4, o o oIEoEuEoEoFt-otr{rEog{, (')(J m() 6(J et) 6 o b* oa ow ok696qAtoi;SA(o:i(Jo g() Eo 9() C33E883939*e.*[*uk[.] t,rt (.) l o0&s68&oo6l{1 rNFNwNrz'-qr?Fqrt xxxxxxxxx g;fit/)6 ='6fie ,ud OBpd.sx =_>-.roJ0rsx6x,S=hF9* - i6 &;^$;$t_u.E'c g * g D;t c d o*i( z * sdg 3 a hg; ! E Eorli qd E OetgggoE o C .Eo',-fii5i' lA-e i$$$$$$$g $ s* $EG 2 o GU (,c 6(o (I$ o(l)'g' x = oir!g Ro Aoo Ut, EL3x T F 0o. F J{Fo EE-0{o>r{J:[t]c >sos Qtlr*t EEgsHta ttt u,=c<fs 6 ao =5eGDpiSsNa*f, Exhibit 3 (Yq' 9l)B P.O. Box 1887 IDAHO FALLS, tD 83403-1SS7 Wcffifrffibrce {208} 523-S0?0 B00ir77-S1S3 $/\,yw. bankofc0rfl rfi er$e. org r.&.Lls wATln car{F&}iY 'INc Bq4s$bsx 3I, ?iJ15 Fege 4 :fits.re$t Paid this &e3i6dintere$t Paid 2*1$ Tax llithheLd 2015Interest Earned Annual Ferce$t*$ir Yield ts.rrred .*0{. {n . ts.$ &eginlrin$ S&:.sn** D$p$$ i. t s ici. tlld reue:. sf:nding Balanl:s ? c i *3. 3! S.58 .t0 30?| 0t-1s. rio UJte ile s c r i. De i.o:i }lixxl:|ev A,n*ont T{rx ilith!:*ld - Balafl*e ..i?J3Ll::: III?fiRIIE':' ExOl{ CH**t(I}l(; d?34 }, 564.9}]:il::tJ s rNTsR0sf Fr) t?. t9 it)*. 93*.:1 :1i,9,0*6.60 Member FDIC Exhibtt 4 Fage 1 of2 ^r1 rrr*BfiflkorLOmmerce {20s} s23"2028 s00-4??-s1s3 www. ban*ofcrmft $ rce. 0IgP.$ Box 1s$7 IDAH0 FALL$, l0 $3403-1887 ii&i,j*$ i{.St'8F, Cii!,lp,qNY INC :}e."ccmb*: 3}. 201S FaQe 1l - s * NN(*+r l)aie *dte 0e$cristise &$:**rlt. g$]Exl{s 1T ii:0i-J$tt^i'i"i'. t :)$;.t41rst5 i i6t$ Ll{:I8:isi:s i1J1',: tr$3:.i$ :. : $.1{ .1. : $]'r' r;t/:sl.i{;Ili'i.$.1 I $ 1?1I0,,'j.{rl.llIli'i$ it.riiJl $}ij I:rJ.:_ $ .ti'.Jr8Jr.s l.;:rrils,i ! 6 1:,/?*11.6 {i " $i::?.1?S,/t (i p&Yf{nxTotx }flpc$r:T liil$il.{i Ch*ck.l"tlISliS Clrer:lt li,/?S j 1.6 Ch{ickitlISll$ ,.ltr*rk ltJ?8r'i$ Chschll,r?$l:.$ u€Bp*sit: 1:I.,;9I I,t, PATi4ENTTi,;R LEPOSITlill?-.i/.t6 Checi( i;:lnrlA iranrqf :^?l tsli 6 }AYI{INTSS]I ]aPO$rr l ti {i3$ 1r640 18S 1]i 1, 26S ?I6" lSs)$.0s tq.J, :riq. ui:t43. $s8,*5r45,e:*"34 146, )$3.?:.J $: $II ${ 3 $i T5? t$2t{4 3.;{;;1}.5'j 39C. l 1 3,8{s.,r4 ?8.32 :i. it-\.3]l, :.1?0.13), _$$a . *? 3,52s],994 43C 1.24: 2, 158?)? *- $ 6'.I 00 l.'$l$"1 f'()r This Period Tf t"c i. YEar * l:.$-llatefotrel (i?*rriraft IEes 5. 0c t s it {J I*t*resl l'B:d ?his $erlc.ll.rrere$t Psid 2S:.6t*x ili.tnheld:0L5 Y^!ar-ce. B.E:\a^ &Ilnual p*r ,:i*niaga vJielC Ea rneil Segrirfij.nq tsal.&ilge DeF+s j" t.5 $ i. Lhdr asa.i$ard).ng gei*nce {0. }}I "$$.rc0,8s{. "i5 . iJSt Jl,rti.si !s . -?ore-''-*ij:sf,i..Ll;nn.-'-'--'-''.--'': . iS,hFSl-d*- njLlq,+cf:"?J3:.1:1.$ L|ri*re$i xd Xf,").S :.**"*{E.t} Ap"r"ne7t-o?."?tr9 B rxgff sAyIltcs -.---'''''..-'-.'-'''''--.'''.'''''''''-_ Iftt€r€stl l,riid 1'his !*:icd li.0l *iiq}rnin$ Sa)&):ce 1{0.:3T.6+i$\:exe$t P{::{t 3}:6 {*.3$ i:i*p{}liits : }.T. S}:'ax i{irhhoLS il$tS " ff* i'lir.hidr}$*.1$ $ . r}$Inlerr$t E,.Lr&ed $. ?4 flndin$ Sal*nc{} i4S,3S{. $?&nnu"i] per'{:r$t,}q$ tr-.i$l$ Earned . $5C ,ridt* llr$c{; r:t:ori ;iD,ri*}er Sslu:!g teli Eithhckl Bal * ure:lt/.1,i..r1t ::&i:{.ir:esi Fd Member FDIC LEN tq*"Jt11q rt Exhibit 4 Page? at2 P.0^ Box 1887 toAHo FALL$, tn 83403-1887 WCffifrWerce {20&i $?3-2e30 800-4??-9{93 www. ba nkotcommerce.org rAi,I$ I,I&?6F COMPAI{Y :NC se{edrber 3}. 2S:$ Page 4 Int-erest- laid ?his f nL€resl Paid ?0i..'rtax Liithh*ld 2015fntare-st [ar'led Pariod A$nual F*;qsntegs Yiefd Earn*d aesj-nning B*lance f!€pos i t s$ithdraxaLgEnding Bdl"ance L7 qU 09 )g103,3;9ao2tn{r {.40.0!t 1.$S, $SS. $S lax'iv'{ tv .sels *$*,$r:xi$ti sq$_].Ir'3:..f :1 }ltTs&lrHt fR*Fl cHE:r(ri':j$ ,$l-r4 so $$4. $3 J.s8, $${.5rl?Jr:l:.,i}$ INTs&r$T f$ 1t.09 rSS. [8*^ 6S ; Member FDIC !I?t9 Exhibit 5 Page 1 of4 cf f,,f,kit-*,,*,,S|-fs-1$ll,H Ilrofessional Sen'ices Agreement Project No.r60t9 ir*lo"r subit:*L to the t*rn:s und *onditir;rns set tbnh below and on the lbllorring pages herer:fi A. CLIL,N'I INFORMATION {llirnt \ltme Reomsrntrli!q [:a!ls Wster Cornpany Scott Bru*e Addrcss ('itr Strlc Zin ? 180 N lfeborah Dr ldaher Falls ID 8340t Phont Numlrr lirr Numbrr f,-lllail Addrcss (208) 5:2- r 300 (208)Scort I iJllal lswater.com &. PROJAC"!'DTiSCRIPTION Pvoicrl Nanrt New Well #10 and Associated Pump Station l'ruirrt l-.oc*lir*f,siimst.d bo{in I tfid dflls* ldaho Falls, lt)lnrmediatelyllate Surnmer 20 I 7 C. ENCINIiER'S SERVICES: gNCINEER shall providc surveying aod engineelirrg services set lbrth in Exhibit A attached hqlero. Scruices n$t *\fires$|y s*t fbrth in F,xhihit A or other*isc incicJental to or inrplicir in those scrvices, as tieter*rined solely h"v tiNClN}i*-iR. are not a s$rviee crf INCINh.ER. n. COMPENIiATI{IN: f.NOlNgER shall be u$nrp**sated as descriherl in Hxhihit A anel in a*ctrdonee with the payment prtvisionsolthe Ceneral Condition*giveninExhibitB. CLttiN'f shal! payarctainingt*Leot'$!![priorteiL:on]m$n$e.rTrulltof [:N( itrNt]l-lR's selvic*s. Said tbe shail be applied to the final invoi*e f-or ssrvic*s provid*d lr*reundtr. E. AMENDivI[,NTS: lt'eitherpartyriesiresrochangethescopeofxervicesorthcschetlule.thepirrtydcsiringsilchachangeshlll suhrnir u amr:ndmcnt to the other party t$r acirptaficr. .{cccptancc must he milde in writing and *ill tofislitute and nmqndment t{) lhi$ i3*,,lir'r11t:{u, ir will then be *onsideled an amendri:ent to this cont€{rt. Marirrg r*arl. unclersmrd and agr**tJ to the lirn:going, tnd [he termsln{.Soqfl.ifio4,s",, lpt forth.qn fht folloqilrq,p4sq$,hcr"f""o"$ (L,l.N'I and L.NCINE[.R, by and through their authori,.,cd representat;ve$. have suhrcribed their names hereto eilbctive ths last dste apJ:rrirrinq belort. FAI,I"S WA TER Ct}L.IPANY SCHIHSS AFJD ASSQCIATES at.i..J.:._ I ji-I ,.tr'fL"u { i B.1trrrrnr1:-Iitle: lJ*te: Scutt tJruce (ierrrlal \4anager' By Utrint): Title: Date: Paul l{. ScorcsbS', PE Ilrincip*l l,iovr:mber lS,2Sl6 []n:i*ct No. 16029 FWC Well #10 and Pump Station Ilrge I t"lf 4 Exhibit 5 Page 2 of 4 dr ,Schiess & Associafes :\$l:!y!. j\ill.i {-i (..r$1,,{aJ!l}]l-1 y ;Nf R.4\} i i{il i1 I.JRf. ,' :r";jr j;:lijl ri ,.1 niI r 1 ilrlir{ij rri;,;,:l lqi li.;:: . - i:rili"i: ., .. ::.:.1 iir,.r .,.:r,^'r.,. ... flxhibit A - Scope of Work and Fee I\'tvirie design anri construc{ion errgineering and limited resident project represcntntive ser.o,ises llrr the lill}r:r+irrg: F'alls Water t't:ntpanv {FWC) Well # 10. Work will be *crunrplished ia accordarce with the ldaho Drinking Water fi.ules and Well Driiling Rules. f]r*rvirrgs *,ili he prepurcd in an I I x l7 lormat lor convenient use and disribution. 'T'he lattst ISPWC speci]ications and details will be us*rl and sr"rpplrrncnlcd as n*uessary for the identitication of pr*pcr materiais and peltbrnranc* rlthe x'ork. FWC will obtai;r AuloCud rl::py o{'site plu;l firr l:ingineer's use^ Alchitu*turlrl drurvings {roof tiaming plan ar':d building *l*vution drar+ings} nc*rtssary lirr a huilding p*rmit u,ill be provid*rJ by Client" Ciirnt will act as the gener":al clnlr*ctor 1o auconrplish the w'ork. 'larg*t well pradu*ti*n is 1"2i)0 ppm. Design Hngincering. llrepar$ well sile and rvell dcsign and s*ek lppror,al lrom DEQ.r C*ll tbr lligline l*cates lbr desigrr and conduct bri*f survey firr buildirg sit* b*nchmark and surv*y e*ntroiI Desi$n plans rvill include a site plan. new pump housc and new vertical turbine pump. column end m$tor and VFD end piping. tlcctrical and rnecbanical, lloor plan, typical section and lirundatiun plan"r Plans ruill consiiler space tbr t'utu|e sand $epitraa{rr, sodiurn hypoclrlorlte inlrclion system and exterior diesel gcfirrator.r Siic design includes pump to wasle abiliry and t'loor drai* to gra<ie *r to infiltrator hasinsr Euii*ing ra,ill be w*$d frame and be tllly enveloped and insulat*d, ilesign a SCADA eonn*ctir:r tirr ux* with the $CAllA $yiil*rx. This will br le{l open tbr IWC to consieler alternale SCADA suppliers. Cl*nrtrl panel wi}l include an t lMl. r 'f'her* arc pians lbr a iuture pcrnransnt gensratrlr at this well. 'l'bus provisitn {irr a future generatsr {but not desi8n thsrr:of} q,ill be included. Conduits necessary to eliminate retn:fitting anij luture excavution will be designed far placement n$\t. r llesign a sodium hypurehlorite disinfbction syste m lhat is a pellet sy*tsm lhar is supplied Lry Scctt Wells" . Desis* u llow me*r that sends otl'a 4-20 mA signal that can be used Lo Frotr{}rti{}nally add cht*ri*e. Decliuilt*<J h**epirrslc$ wiil bu dusigncd lbr thc mehring pumF, $$ that lh* metcring pump is onl,u.. poru*reri when the well pl:nrp i* running.r 'lhe specitications will require Client to apply I'or the local Lruildi*g pxrnrit and tbr Client and hi:; csnstrurilion team to apply and pay {br state elecrrical. H VAC and plumbing permit*. "l'he speciliralions *'ill inc}ude elec$ical. piping, pumping" nrechanicul cr)m[$r]ent$- but no truilding eomponcnt$.. llrcFarc DliQ suhmittal inlilrnra(ion lbr pump station including letter, required design ualuulations and cheuklists. Suhr*it do*urn*nts tr> CIient and DtiQ krr rer.ierv. Answer DtiQ and Client quesli*rrs. rf,vise qlocuments anr$ ru**bmit itnee*s*xry. o Pr"uvide {)ne flnal pape.r cr}py *l'planx & sp*cilications tr:r CIient and an elect,oni* copy Jbr Clicnt ln *se for bitlding. B idi Subccntractor $electi+n $uppr:rt r An$w*r't{u*stions during the hidding psriods tbr rvell and pump $teti$n. Preptre addenda as needed. . $\'trvi<ic nsxistancc $ Clicnt as r*quesied t* rcview and cornpare hids fionr pump supplitrs, electri*i*ns and r+ell driilers and give *pinitn lbr whcrn: trr hire. Constructiun En gi neering r (-'cnrtrurli()n supporr inclrrding suhmittill revierv. screen design" periorJic site visi$ tbr well driilittg and pump lesl rif:scl"v;lti*n and decisi*n rfl {ctings i l' neccssary. " Strling iit'i.vell k:calicnr Collcct samplcs and suhmir tirr an*lysis tbr ur)mplete rvater qualily t*sting ol'new rJrinking water s$ur$r. A r:onrpiete set *t neu.rlrinling w&ter st)urce water quality annlysis is included. 'l'his is about a $3"20{} valu*.. PrcFaratnrn oi'rvell completir:n repori flnd submittal to DF,Qr $uhrnitt*l rsvie\.v of'Contraclorlliient nraterials and r:quiplnent lbr pump stationr AnsrverCli*ntr'Contlactor RFI'tr lssuc lleid ordcrs tr: Clicn#Ctrntraclorr Site visits at key prints in the oonstruclign: unclergnrund pipe work and pre$sure tests, cleotrical insrallation pritr to E>uring csn*t'er* f1oor, pump installation and genelally observe construction lbr cornpliancc with plans and specilicatiocs' . Attend s{anup ofpump stction with rlectrical sub-consultanl and prepare plnch list. Clienigeneral ct}ntraclor schedulus the mfstifi$.r Work rrith Clienl anel trrily l"*:**lutir:n *f punch listr (.ollecr an<i bind sul:nrittals and rnanuf]clurer O&M *ranuals f'rom Client/ti)ntractrtr and deliver lwa paper c*pies tu f,l]ient at tht' c{}uiili.ll,i{>n ol" pro.icctr llr*par* rerrord ctr;trvin$s liom the rerl-linerl as-huilts proviclcd [r,v Clienur(-]ontractor and th€ir tcam ar':ri submit to t]liQ rvith cll1s(6ul letl()rr Condu*{ MPA t*st tc initigate lbr piorimity !o *urlb*e water and deliver r*sults 1tr the Client. llluiccl No. t$029 f WC Well #10 and Pump $tation Fage ? ol'4 Exhibit 5 Fage 3 of 4 $chiess & Associates 'rl.!!\.1r-!+.. /ri.iJr rr t.. tNtg'^.:.. !U1!: f iUf lit)i :r":,il't;.11, ,Lr;illl i ii.li!r.t rJ i:,4i..t..1,: li..r i::!irl) fii()l!f:. it;.rri i ,: i;iji ij:rjj,r' ,jit:.:i?l'':i;l Nr:t tncluded ln Scr:prr l*l'n':i*irrF, li:es ur utility t'ees ul"any kindr Pcrrnit preparatir:n ra,ith Pr<tgrcssive lrrigatirn to use Sand Creek to dischargc water made during drilling and the test pur*p.e lvlalcrials testing miln&grrlleat af,id msterials te*ting f'ees. Client will manage all desired third party materials testing.r Olrnsirur:rion stxking i*f building and sire piping. Any.. other servi*e ordinarily *onsider*d an ad<litiorral ser,"'ice s*ch as additional site r.tplorations" tests, rep*rls, detailer.i 0&.M manual or *lternativt aaall,sis of selccted equipnrent nr:t named iri scopc. etc.r Pritrli** beyand en€ paper copy each to l)[Q and lbr Client of the plans and specilications lbr *ell and p*mp station ' (imr"dinating **twr*n Clisnt's subcontracttrs <iuring pump stirtion c()n$lr{;ciion. Wr expgct to work thr*ugh the (.'Ii€ntlcontract$r. . l.lnris*aping designr ,A,rcl:itr:utuyal drarvinSs (eletation views and roof traming plan) Engineer's Subconsultantsr Wcll rJesign anri construction $upF)rt: Cleanr.ater Ceosciences. l:ilec{ric;rl and light nrechanicsl: Br'adlcy 0nginecringr Stri-vtrvinS: llenchrnark l,and Surl,eying Lstinrntr:d Fee Surnm*r-vr firoiecl authr:rrizution $ I,000r Well sitr: d*sign and Well [nginecling $ lt].0CIO. !]idiDriller Selection Support for Weti $500r (.enstr{rclicn Support for Well Cnnstruclion $lt,*O$r l'unrFr Sration ilngin*r:ring $3,{,{X}(}. Bitl,'1iut-'coitlriielor Sefuction $uppr:rt tbr Building and llump $)stem .$1,00{,o {.ons(ruction llnginecring lirr Pump Station 510,000. k1tl$*tqlr$.Ajpdis€_e$S1:r!_icrl. s.hirytirsetut.hrl!d.li.***....., _. .. -$SS,'['otal Fee $5$,f,01] Lunrp Sum TIME ANt, MA'f ERlALii WORIr: 1'he tbllowing mre schedule is applicable fur all additional tirne rnd rnatcrials *ork rcquestt:d b"v.,Ct-,iil*\'l'tr.:auccr:rplishta*ksnolinthesccpeol'worh. Fce*will be baserJon.standardt'eesatthetimether&questtirrildditi*nrrl servic*sisliutholixrJ,'Ihel"*eslistedheloware validfi:roneyearfiomthedale fifthisrontrant. WeErrei:*r*$eCLtf,lll'tr:allow l;N{iiNl:IiR 1o pr:rltrrnr construction *!:senation services applicable cn th* worh inclurJed in this conlract' f,r/fi'rsJY0N.-{ 1" RATE SC'"|EDULE 2{tlt5 l)r'ineipal Ingintcl {)r'*le*t Manager Il ^ "..... -.... " Prcr^frct Manag*r I ..""... l:ngin*r:r lll ."""... {:nginrrr ll ......."... $:.ngincerl -..." -- Conltruction ()hservation 11.,,....,. ...,.. {.lurrrlruction (Jhs*r-r'ttion I ..... ". " ".. I)crignr:r...,... L)ratisrnarr. Clerical ar li*cr*txry.. llroti:ssional Engi**er on f,xpert Witness llro.jects Rccording Fee -^......,.... Direct erpenres lirill be billed at cost plus l5olo 77tl r,?I. Mileag*... Fcr dienr 1 if applicablc). $ I 30.00 per hour $ I 20.00 per hour $ I 10.00 per hour $100.("X) per hour $ 90.00 per haur $ E0.00 per hour $ 80.00 per hour $ f)$.00 per hour $ 80.00 per hour $ 60^00 per hour S 50.00 ;xr hour $?ilti.{}0 per hour s 50.00 $ 0.60 per nrile ,1; (qrst frrr.i*ut N*. l6i]2i) lrWC Well SI0 and Pump Station Frye 3 ol4 €xhibit 5 Page 4 af 4 df s..t lr-if l;t,, *^, * :-[,.? pi* I,.r..t Exhibit B - General Conditions ARIlCl"f 1 - OeHNrl|O$i$'!.t ii*i^$ iq ClSrn] Any effJ at dnrfrt. n{i}ffi. l:esse* $t sclitr ri$hts, dar}s{{r$. luhiliti&$. f8$aSas. s.{s, rq}eil$es" and/0v ls€s {i$6J a{x.l &rd attormygi d afly r10luro stxlsM*' i{lseily rr alle$edly. drestiy nr indirsdly adsAlg od o, w rg*r$ !o tlB il{iarJ. *heltur m ml 3.Sffied k!!M $u$ffire6. *sco*red. dim*ffibie , tr$Jtr latEr(. if,duJilU but mt timadts brBtr|, at ffitrtrl {frtffis $ ir?lr€di. bi*rch o, wffie^ly {srpr€i$ O( irp{i€rri.i?gl8effi. {s0k r la*t. a('iE 0r pals.ri$}. nwsent msfspra{enlldm. $l]ld prcdudi lrebitly sloti babtty. rdsntv. 6ilribution. $r*rogalion reimbr6*re.1, simratioo. and/orsc*adtr s{ satl*e. ade, trdamre, n e s reo[trlrdsn. 1.? $:!-$J:-!riLP.lt.. d EFIGI,{EER and itr stser$td€rs. dtr.i0$, ottc€,rs. aomts,rrpe$rita&*s. 4flp{oyer, 61$rttrtg Or any si S'ffi 1.3 .{3:gr-dcjuA StEre*ds &ry efid all ha:ardous. tasq. ifliectisu$ and&{ oits dartcmus rftlarts, ffitinJBats, SJlillrfft$. substan€es afrdts m*lemls ol ar,y ,Eture wt8lsel€r {rxtefi&ls. €*si, rf,lelher o,leilic, rt$r'Ssnic, rhem(s{, iid$Sical. s&porou$. Sa$aau, tie{id. srdhr solid. r!$uding bu? mt lifirt(S b asbe$os. petn*strfr-$tsed malA/,#s, stc s,rd flll oth# ffis*,id*, gh. ftiw O{ i}erealler $L$itrt tc fqdt}ftt. *1.01e, ffrlltr local lfirys. rubs. ffnd w*rra&$ns 1.4 R*lr*psiS{qd* fix{refl$ds.xn$dtsi$ Nn tlp intems{ e)sE$$lird} ffide by ttit Ei'JGIN€ER. its srf$}rees o{ ied ${i}sisl€rffi axi lodSso whan llE fxqsd. indfl.rg &, rl(d limibd tlr trsnsporldion, t?wlino rfr cofiffi.lis{r *lh I pmiec[ l$no distAr](E tr lolii€le*om caiJs lebgrarjt, meisooer s$€. teld d,ce e&ense$ aM bas tr*d lctsx*rE *rr{xad d ai{hsil*s }ts!,iflS iunsdidtr trs ?he g(*xr; .eprcdudior, poSage ard haRtle$ cl daeire$. spSoiBhons. repafts U- s{her l{o,ed{elned doqrrer*$: ffiprd€rtm lt*rdiftq d1*rytr i$ qrprlxry trogfaffi: ard pfepanng porspe(,yos, r€rrsnrBs o.{mdet;. d the liffit Eslahli$lad tselry: streptlrti, ii8s sisis$ su! tt &e i*dffi*liss' sda ffislilBfiar. EN$l$tEll. *t el. aB $l tisills lo cl.i8ijT hr smeQ*(nliel ry rfr;dent i damases tx ,r, Caain smge{c-sl.aggulssj}$. Al piax. $p,sci*ca$as$, €pilts, notes, data, bs5. diaries. and({lB dK{n*r{s. BoflUk5s sf fte*(m s ffilent. pdap*reil r}y ff m lBhlif d f n6lNt*tl, el d. ae rmrumerxs q{ lhsr *Pecti€ patesimd 3*M}s an* s}HIl rermio lh€rl Frope{y Up{n pdyment io €N*iNEER ol dt *rtE dire hEr*uff er. CLIFIiT rs gmnbd a rBrexdr6,€. sm$$tenaare ,icen* lo u* 3a*., rstrum,*s on ard ls llit ftq,6qr Sudl instur€nl$ aE inie.d€d ltr # $.{dy !y CIIENT as an aril8{rahd sl fr S'ir lmie{i Oissmner.m. mdifi€iim s {* s oll€r p(4€ds ot iny s dl sldi rnsrrffifll$ stheit E.NG&\IEE'I s p6s erp.esr wisen ffi*,{ rldl bs at CLIENI : 8116 Ii5&. CLIIi T M\e$ and ag@: b tbld hmies5, sd*wfo snd defend ENGINEER. "l i'. lrcm arld €86,8& aoy ard rii Claims s€ain$ eN$if,aHF&. et al. iriin0 gql ad erry grdl n$.Frrils*ra dl9*.nina{on, n8dlca{iffi tr ffi: e{{a$*n$ thote e*ns out o( lhc irdeoYldat go{e na$rigsffi. $[l)dwo lnfo{oallq! El',lGiNtEA, al &1. s{t **litled lo sly on srry and ell nli,ffilis cu,.$lkd by. lhlu{4,h e trr be'\St itl (t,f $T *od, sl}sni 6n axF*$s sgrs*ren l, do so, haw .D l&gal ot qonlr66lrld duty lf wdry S,e sffirrty ol stJcfi rr,rcamatidiu CllElllt waj€s eny aed *ll Claims ,8sin$l [ttGlNG{R. €l d. *ri$i!S ,rd o{ 3ct!61 o{ a$qlsd dBfdendts irr ar., ssh rnlffiailm *fid ,Sless la hc{d lurxaei* ind€ffitty 8Gd ddteng e&SINEEA, st d EB,e trsn. erae0tns thosd slisif,s $"d tf 8}e ind€ffii&es' s$h re$igeroe Rffs{ $oc!nB$ Any r&o.d rr&r'1e6lt Pslidad tr drfred by ENG,I'r€€R t s rre$€d r{}6n filemlts orouartc iy lhe ca{{radtr. wt-n is l$ doa}nant \.arieliff6 b*iresn derqn ard actxll comfucrioe. gNtllNf [R is *fllitled b oly Ltron snd ]ss ,lo b{dl s *tradud d1iy lo *r,' lh€ a(.IracY 0a *ah,t lpdlitr afid do4s nol tlaranl fi€ ec&fsf,y a{ lE€afd dffifr*rlr. A&*g!. CL,ENI wan&ts lrr:ely ao*$ lfr IHSINE€R. et a] to 6lt FRFeily radssbiy lws$ry lo !18 rfdornam ol tl*u s$ ca $t-8, *Csl$ilrolE. U,less [qr*$d] ag&ed at]EN*. ENGINLE${ s wni#s En{ ffiSin-mmem$xe {D ire dt*ffi G, Harardous M?trt.ials ffi, in s ltrder ihs pI+je{t $ite tr rea$./ lxtF,Dtlie$ 6rd {ii} site ff{ilor$ ,ite tln$e lBpre**slxt ;t1 ifr?er*s;ffi Srolided b! $E*(,gh e M bltrrf d fllftiT andlor tho* .ess*nably or&epat d ftr e 5i e ol ais ffitue ni* lordily. Sha-ad sca! t ae$ls ie dis.lv*nd ot sasuld 6{3{sl e.dlistlg vary msteri#iy lfffi **s egreslrBd 6r aritdp'{lad. eiilrer 9trly drall ha* 3n 6b$aat * afi ur@ftdiiortsi dgln l,o l€miffite (t sJ$$er$ *rr 30rEmeol. CLIEI',T M€s trI* agtees !s hold hffioles$. iulesnfu and deiend ENSltlEeR. el al. llom sDS aqili$l 6ry aid aJl CAim ogatost ENSIN* Flt, et st arrudly w d€0edy, dic{#y tr $$reiy tisag *ul ol *t relaM to {i} the detadis. dlerurdrs, llttr,{trs, ssF4, rekas*' ctischt8e. raoffi*t. sp*8e. s,atilimtifi. abalemt*, llf!dl*$, B,ed, tao$t$rl3non sltraQe tr disp64 sl xuwdous M*riais andlfi {ii} rty mteritl dBnlo in rcp€stted s {r*iorBted orsittoffi: erc8obflg oDse ariiin! s!, o, ds indesdliss' sde ne$I0#ffi. PGf$flr!0mtjil*!S{g. ENGNE* R's w*5 hffiuudct shdl be Bnde'ed m$istsei 8i$1 ;itd ,rldsed iibry t he slill r$ ffie sdi*arily rre.cjsd !y rretrters d llB ffi ero*irri, g**rmir6 l*e srq*s in $s $u!B {d ldalp fil lhe rsmo tim EN$NtfR {l|trJdre arv ffid dl wrt antes. esrr$,} s *rSi8d. roGsr$tu the qu{dly (d ils lmitr$ s thq in$trurr'cr{5lttrrgol. iftludins bl, $(d lir*a{ f, warf,r*ie$ s{nlness, tre{}6fl4t}'i}t. il wrslis{raa idth fudenl, sirte. ;r ldcal le$. n**$. regdrli$ns. trdif,arroe$, ot dsi$n tr b*ldrql r$d6 or stdnd*rds Sisl,ltl€ Ritsiiligj Arry {iit8!{e rt|s{ed to t*r a$ruelwl, slhs' p6rtl-$ pedsrrxnx fiqesrd€{,sdrtr €HGiNEER. ol 01.'$ sw&s sl*{l b! &bryited }s md*,tw bsltte I sutls0yffir*aille redatot Frtr !s i.i&atim ol tfigdio,l d 6$'ct karnad #ltld{3trve (ffised.r€* 3? ARlICIE ? - PAY'(EHTTr*ffiffi-?LEtriai taB afe{:tw d6te ot 'htt agree$*i]l ard *t {}E Eid d esch tr ildsr ffith tfie.$Aethffir sird, .sff€d tlllf,S ltr mft per{m€d by EllcltlEfR dudrx lhe month iffiicatpayrxfit oft &1 jft$e i5 dd upsd ffiipt o{ *w i.t?6i*, ln *,s erent of a disg(ne regtrding an ,1*ui. clf r h'r ehsii p8y dli undi$8dDd arun!$ a5 $*r lhr$ A$)$€ 3.2 f$le Psy,ryIl EtioiNfEfi r€y 6ss$ n ury ch*rQ€ d 1.$ p*r$flt per |mttr on prcoresspe/retrts rud rode within *rrly (30) da)6 ol li* dtsls $f iaskx. rfrch cflargp Cll€NTffi.Grrls s* be Fad ffi demald. AHG,Nr.8R flBy, rt i$ $de disetis ard wthout ncbe, sr$pepl jtr $fltras hareundgr shodd CLtENt ilot pry ifi irll ,rt Slmnl inwe{ vithntortr$* i"!si *sys o, rltr dale d inwiw. f I\IG|NF-ER &rtfi*r rcssves the duhl to r,ithholdfrs Ullg$ff €ily ios?umr{s ot EI.IGINEER'$ $em*s prndins pa}wol m CLI€NT''a60w f 3 S&tS.-8daS. ENSiNf €.R ,?sems tl* ,gill !s *dtv$ $rrBd bdl{q raes the irsl day ol Jeuary b{ sach les lh* mnt?(t rs in torce. ARYICLF 3-SPECIAL IERMS ANDCQI'IO]IOhIS : 1 C3l)galqt!{! €*Jmlqg aN$NEER'5 of,inofis. it ey. d prc&sbl€ snrruJod s$ls. ilufl$ies # iire se urled 19 rrlwu€ and e* fti&{&sft r@n t€r3ons ard Mrs owsh& ENSI&€ER ha$ m ffiltroi. EI,IGINEER d*s el luaErl*e lhe afficf ot sh s{im61e9. 1I e$.$.$sisit".-*l]i!S*s. ENSINEER s mslediofl obffid($r s mnilbrir!* strrss. d trryd rr*s$s spe*lird $rhMre. aro ruitls gxl'ru$tiw M mnljffsus &nd engst $obly {* w,$dic s&lr !o rh{ p{qe{i $,le to dglffiine wltslhe wn$ttsction i$ p{ogta&{ir{ n !m$dsn{Driru.,ia sith the paafls and $g€ri$slisns €}ISINEER is not Blsneble tff tl]e titr*llngss. rream. r*lhsd$ rr $eq*Ms ol sn$rf'lim mr fff ftc $$fety ol s,t* ert,ffi at s e# th8 pfqs$ sl8. EITGINEER doe$ rmt guaranry tha prbarEntr s' lhe ffi1?,sfle ftrbsntEdtr, guppil4rs r ofls 9$rttits laDor. mleriai tr sica fur lhe frcj*l. er is it ,f$ssrsble ttr lha. a(r$. errtr-q or ffiisi)ns linb$s eEF.esgy SOrBdolhets. :N$lNlfrt1s csypeoinlior br aoy srctr siffi cff{erdsis me {1}slrlutsr en8ad beirq let and ffi{rudi6 6tr$e{m s{lifl lhe $9s:nsd tits ptmd. $}*dd rye lhan one {1) 61gtr6ta* soged be bl ry sid pe.,od ttr cmstrvci@ be exreded t}trv$lln rc l$Jt o{ aNG|NEER, EruGlNEgFi's ffipensdion shs$ b€ eqdtably h1u$ed. sterd €NSINFER ff he rctaired to proido trstrrr.ton obssyaton. mon{onfig.{r sitr*'e **ioe$. CilgNI waiffi ard ryress t) hald harniess. trdar"*ty and d€tend {:NGll'iEtE. ar d fim and aqaiflsl sr$ a*d ell dri$s i*n*l 8NGIHEER. e't at b€sed in wts{€ or rfi i}e{ rv6n 6dual ff allaged dsl€(ls in wn$F!(ion, i6rtrunff}i* afid,ior rulorials;teFlins l}ls€ arinif,g all of tie mdeffir,l*s' s{*e negfigem. 3] kjli$1.elfeA Tlis igree,rer1l {riy 8e termn*led: {1 $y eilher ps{Y Won stten (?} dtyssi{cn efira sr$ils tho clh*r pafiy tdl to $ub6tartidty Sertonr {i$ dgretrcnl !fuough no kolt d &E trmrty intu.alin! llp tffiirHriofi, (ti] oy $LIENT ups *l ,ssst se*n {7) aray$ witlfn rutde l0 ENGilteLR in rhe ewr{ ltsi ltp proied b pem1am$, ab{tdorad, o{ (iii} by f.Nci*f ER $ ihe effix {s *ryi6 sre eusierd{d ,s a 6ndod emedirlg llirry (3O] dry$ lf tf,s aoresry* i$ letrfrialed tli?"r!|h .p tsdl d ltte ENGNI.ER, CtleNT shdt piy Et'li:lNEtfi 's{ *nics3 pe.rotr*d aod Refltmable fxpeffs imtred rn acoor&race ui$r llls agwffif trrd. upon oqusl. a Tmlr|}bm Ao{drBrit eqsafrB ftes pffcanl {15 } of $E eslrffiif, ffip€nsatm remdning trc b€ asE* at nx $r!e d tffiintion b retfrltr EHANf;ER's resdcarding arlFtrlerrs. reas$igmer* o, pct$onnel and aelattd 6ris irlMqd d* t(r{ffii.uion 3{ ikpreI€l$-*g' E$IG|N*ER sad CLIENT sh*l eadr desigrBle in silr{ 3 pemn &rtheixd tc a{! a5 lhtr mFxffilrljw. $aii gemrs shall *&e ls sde inmmr,rddiee belwsn F.N$ll.ltEtl rnd CLIENT dnd;l$ll be su$)od?edts bird tharmspBct6 pnrdpali. ]}S !*tuiisE.$-l lie-Slilt. kr &s{onitoo srd e{t*l,sb& dl0mter qt lhe rejslve ri$k$ afid terufi15 Qa r\ry $mied. ilLtgNI hftl$, r0 fE tull*st exl*r* Fc4rid6d by ldw. the totd o-q$r*$ak lia*dily *l Fr.lGlN€ER. et *. s CLIENI aad dl mfira(lw, s(haofii/ot os end rq)!r,e,$ sn dl Claift; ari$i,U oL.l $1, ofi fi ,el$ed b tie pt4mx fo $5O.0S. PVitr to theRt&r,n ul Fl,iGlXE€Fi's $s,ies he(erods, tlis lrel ruy be rMeasd $p ls EryOifi,Ef.q s lheff elte{tw iflsrae lidl ups 6utud agressi sd CLIENT'g $t rent sf *1 addiij$nar lee ol B. 5% ol tho amotc]t ol arwrcresre in sw€ga Ts lim [{as erdst osmrs! i,y ifr*. CLlEill waiws arr 6ry€ts ls hdd l€rr{€ss. indesity and derend EniGlNFf R. el ;,. tren frrd aoaiffit ffiy .nd dl o#rs sg&ret ENGIN€€R. et * in ex6s "l'ssdrd,}n, veft4 cJ lhe st*!e sl daho 'ffis a$ffi|€nl strdal ho rdslx€rss at my idisr*s *:s€*d be erdBvgy in 3g 3lt xrl AXNCLC I. GTfiTE'i. TsB'6 AilP rtl 42 ii3 d{ {5 {.6 {.? SJt 0{ Or rtj&refJ tC 8onffiviue Codxy. 8w)il5.r8 !* ll* lftS llrs a$ffiae{* a}r llm SLte 0{ ldaho. aftl $e ,ies heender prDuded *iSa$AU.$teSSfi!ffiS8S. freitts psty 3r€ll ssln ,ts riJils q delegale ds dldiee ui,er tt s agw'lmffitur,t Ss pffi. exp.€s5, wnnm mnsea ot he orH ENGI$CER roy $ubwdracl *ny poltiar ff its sasi{*c wiftaui $ch (on$of{ larcq Uiigr"{*. A$y dslsdt in tt€ P€dDnnsffw af tris ,Sr*ffin? ie #usd bB a"}' o' lhe 6'>ifri*ir,iii* *no wilhsut taull or r*$i$srx* m lt€ part *l ll* de{sd?ing @lv sasl ml sqhr.ie a brear:h ol ffi$ad: ;$t r,f $ad, Soriemfrisrrt sa ptbiic Grffny: iiih*; efitw$o; im, isod, eX$d{fic, uffidly sele(s wihtr a{*s. slh*r estas{d0$ry r1atl{al ffid tr {iia3ter; sldltr guwiiats. S*$Prai!!rylilAtfry ln th€ swfit sry poudon ot tlr$ aoGo{r*,rl is ,nvalid-x !'**k{*ahl?. i&ErqtlrB frw*oc 5tr6l1 ffiain 6iid arld afl!ilBabls waiwr $, * bffi6h al any prausi,rr is nil a mis ot . stS*qfflf besch $t aha ssre s ary oths pB'siff B/mrS!ry!E;*!&Iggl. Tras a$rffir* nHy bs amend.{ o{,y bt flNen in$Mrd e{x?s$ty A;trO herota arld Sry ssnd bY }ht parte$ Thr$ agresxr* 6o5!lubs f€ *r{ire ard fie$rat"d igffinr betcec ,h* }arlie* atd El{'e*des di p{s q m*erpwamris rugota*w. *prcsertatitm o.drw aq'menta ltBtl8t *ltts tr tral :!!ts|l}{E8qtlt9. No f{rd Parl/ $eneirjatY rights are s*iled by ilis aqreamftl. ffi ooes ihig aimrmnl ssale ary @usr st tdim if, {tYer ol *ny tiid pffty allefld ettfte( sarty harem. ,.mA$g:te!SS! $titlrttry peffidt sf lir*ffii*n l# CLlf M" Cunns 6*ans f r*Glltf*fi. et iit" rtrstt X*inio rrs m laler ltut* fr* ddh s{ e*,$iannd md$€,jo{], lt$ dsls 4f ffit{}amY ot lt* pqi& o( t\e portffi ol th* Sro$ffl s$ 10 ?hif,,tt fre Ciem is rsde. tr ihf {:rd* s{*erdMt d lhe fx*ist , whi&'lsmr dot* i$ aorliest llrr:i**t No- l6tl:9 FWC Well #10 and Pump litation Fuge 4 cf * t:xntnl( s-1 Exhibit A * tleecristlsn of Engina*ring Serviees prsjs*t Nm. $41Sf, S*liv*r*b!*: Gsrnp{ets *esign, hic$, mftd *s$}s{ruotior! s*ruic*.c *$ Well tl*" $ **d wwN{h**** *vifi a gem*ratnr s{e*d $mr ths well. The w*llhsusa r*i{t he wxpand*blx f*r a &*tur* h**stor p{Jsnp rqcm mnd m *hlsrin* rgcrn. e---*ontrmt{lm,wnleu Yrmkin ge> $*opq a*d Frlco lor Lu*rp $um eontr*st B*tall6d t{sk liet subtstat Tstal lump sunB &msurst t.!sB ltsre .['hQs F$rs6rri eam$s&F 10*% 'rss% rffi$&{ffi 1ffiS $ss *t& sss& $t& ssb Gurn Eam*d Affiffiffi s$.psffi $3,$?S &.7r* $r,ssss"5s ss,s** $&$$s &1.1*S s* $* *%ffiss* 8$L sess *9* *% ss s9& tr% we sx6 o% m6 0%ss ffie &3! 096 s% $% sse sx osL gd"ffi g4%& t*0,3${r $&14 ss $$* $e $* $* str $* $s s* $CI $s $s $s $o $s $o $s $s w4 $e $* $# $* sfi s$ $s*"s$* **"sxffi! S41M Fsils Wetw Ss$'!reflly Wu$ N*. S efld Wsil Fbuss Pnli*#t de(al6#&sill B3,l t#*ll f"l*. $ $itffi svel$sti*: end submittai t* *EQ $*.?*{ sI^fl&)Fi*id sury** f*r sit* dts!*tr isll r**es*"Jr & rlnnfuvl plens prepqratisn {t s& {qr ws{{. t sot fior bu$ldins] arid submittal ts ilEffi (2 **enittatt]sfr,sofi $pssilic8tisn$ prspsretb* in€luding DHG rsquirem€nt$ & $uhr$&itsl ts ffitrm it suhrrll$sl$]$s,s$e ffiid dosr*m@fii* {l ssd tsr wMl, 't set tor *rq }Adlh$u$ts}sl^2& *n$.tfiJrfisrlteti*n g$M*tre*t l{}r VFS. sr*gs*a6 ke}1$duoer^ ttbs*yls*s{sf .fi{ $E,{0QBradl6$ En{in8qr{fiS silbssntreet {ets6tri**l inBludin$ o\rersiats st hask&sms ##nefi& fsr frx*re bso*tor stefrssi. g*nsrabr erld $C&#A wirlng to s tannin&t**{t Selt€l} lnWft urs{l sermit srsssreNion $s*fr )6si*fl rns*tinss {k)s4& trrmvkls hid dseuln*nte t* hiddsrs {1 16r sreltr. '{ {or b$ildifiil}$ E-&Frsh**f *sfitre*hr erJssti&lB fe hid **fi*d$l le*u* *ddonduru* {3 *ld s*riod*} Evalxste bids & prss&r& rs6sr'lxms$detisns for *rv.srd { 1 lor ryusl}" 'l isr nslilrousei &*prers&r& ssnss*l$ *n* Ms&in8 $f &$'srd* {1 *rr well, X lor $,*llhsu$B} {&$.1i,1W.H$r r*J s t$."g$qrk$$L t etr:lerwr!*6dNntiss t* pro(:{ae{$ {1 {rr r.,mll- 1 for bxildiru:rl sxr*dxitv fio#nlxlts's $nlclns {lafisins. buikli*uxeor*or*, wsll & nsnsrat$I} fiBi $stis"r- sl{ms test nb**rrxti*n" s*nd anafveis snd ca}*uktiErns nos wd$*ntre*ts{s {4 ffis*ti$os} m in*lud[rn mr*et*rm s for inl{)nfi€tir]n $B{6retlon a*{, rM0*'!rfi *Rdatbn yises & r€csrEim*xd*il*n m l'! *&" {sr sslt & rrrr${lhoiles eontrg*t*i #eilfy {4 cssie*} hsiles *$fttr*e{s't $b $*s{$B.SSfi 60 bost{let$ S $?$ ffinlrasts,$t.s,qs Profes*i**el $*wkst Ssr$€rsst Exhibit S-2 Qrillinti and Teslrng o{ Test Wall fg Proj*cl No. 0419? (All ilems mu*{ ha!€ "Unit pric€" and "Total dmosnt" tilled in} FRy Qeqvosl # Lr')| \.,rt!,dr iutrl l).J(!itrl; )r Qrr6inxl {)riieait! Rtivrsst) {}rrr*rtr ?$ui IEV'SEt) ()t!., {i}r}rplet.{l fu Ilnto iirtit f'flcr f{tttl Tr *}$l*{}Rt{-itNAt. Ur{l A$r01trt ltirlr\lileilrl IJ, riilir,*r;ru;l)r:urlli I irotioo ii 6:i6:t.67 $ Lir0.iril $il.i.)5 {rR t i -i(il] {}{,{2 :$j ilt} l" t.:irir::5tl i".i:t?o L.r i?!!l?{}6:1.0t)!.i,rir0 {}{}i i- 150.0$tl 9,!1.+tJ s l')ri1i:li:i ttr)it l4 t L.i)241 24t I t8.o{,s,i.l.3$ n(r gr 30() {x,!i4 .rili.00 iJa l, F.u4 t.r 2j4 ])4 {l ) t}o {4 (5X {}rl 11. J5rr.00 !d.nis ta l,'r),ililre !{x)LT JQ L.F:.$t? 00 *)lrnrt|}gi .tot, o{}$i.? I {i.{tiJ i' { ;r\i,,r i:l '\.:,r..",rJi,vi i00 t.. l..1lt{}Lt:{}si: a0 $ti to $-t 6{[).{xl sr.,:Ii l$rq ..1$l. li 0 $r?0$$o Qu t l.l{' r}'t Sii.{}} .\l':r!k1,.., 1.'\' l\'ill I l-s n 3134 l. s.r lll4 r.tt].!.,$ l.Il,i).{)tl $?.?r)0.{}8 t l.::{li} (ll)$u.^lrk, *{l ati)t)toR (ii i.{{l{i!}1 tt).til LiiliTEST IfiTELL TOTAL (.xnNr;€ $Rllt:tt #l { (.}l i iil" t'.rtinir 4<t t- l-'49 4'sii) t]0 .i r.+ Ii) ixi $l.,l7ii ,:!i 41.]i ti lil' f lr rlli:r*r08 l. l:t08 t(18 $.1?.0(,$1.{i(r.tlt!$'i,{in iio $d.*?6.fti $r).{il)t,t,r.i?(,.ai0 lf/r CHAilSE OROER f1 TOTAL $IQ rst^L rEsrwELL w?H cHANcE o*o*o i- :1..*u..r:*j---u*.***-, I - u.*iJ flt \!r:ll !)rriiirr:: l,jr:.!lr.-.tir)l ts r.. 5 i trl r.){i(i Qa 1^r.91!{; i,!,i:i-'I)i, rxl $1..i{ili r}i} l..s I ti i 0rxi {}0 i i d{xr ito 3l {}ix} {{}Tl {}i}l} ft, ).f i .r ill! i{,i! r,i ,r,:(l trrnort 3{i..i:t-I'4Q 4!)li70 {il)3.4i{} {X,t3 ,rx) ti;si.{3{i.ri(} l,i llrilii*rr l{10 t!j t.r att <)l {t '?f} Qo ril ] 6x! {ro tlq l)0ll {}tl 3 I T.rlt,.!it) l:0 LI '28 L!t?l $91 $0 $r r.lil?.tlt!I i i,ns0 (r{)$ll.$}r.{rr! {li)' !)i;-'. \lsri ,.s l.t,I 1l Jori a){}$ I .i{!{).{"t{)S.r Sfil) C{!*l i{}ii l){ l :ti) i).rliidt ?0${-$,-18 L,I]l6i t(t 1r5000 $14.3*{}.00 $]0 tl{i'D t,l}$?,1"ir}o txl l:lii'' ('.!Jrxd {if il{irrritiavi 40 i,t {.1 Mr :59 x6? on st? :i!:1 {t{}S) 684 0{l 5t1 1i? tio l(' l irrri: !1rr,c;il ri..{:!sar!I r.!t..s I t i l{lf} QrJ 5l ?0*t$$ l.l{}'} (x){ I ^)i){) {t(} t.i I{; i)riilirr: {ri o+1.:rrarrt j ,ls ,!',i4 L!lt4 l:d tl{}{} oo 91,"{o,}{,4 .$:,00{}.1}{}Xl I 4{}r} {}$ il r?H(I ts.t5 $:i5 0{):li{i.l t8.15 s3 :i{}0 rr}${,.}}3S?-i t?'l r\1 i'rl$!3 !.'il,rl;?it;('il t-s 1 j-i J(io 00 :ii io* {r(}$a i{tr {x,$i 1r.x) ix) dt)iln .16 j't.5 $ l{,ll.l}0 st 2.4{Jt t}ri -{{r ,t{)r}.1}o 5$..i{xi.ilti i,i !ir:r lirt ric.rl ?5 r0 tJ (')I ).?i t]5!) ()t,1;,i.4:i? li,${ ll?ri 01,{,4 4-i} S{r Ji 'i V lrrlftrt;rr;I t.s t..s I $, ^$x!.0{}$ 1.ltrl{} tHl S, .{}rx,.{l{}'i,1.(iG{} {l,i lli \\.r!(' I )rr;il;rv is\rir,'I IS t-s I I $? l4rl tl(!g.) )4i) (|l!5;:.!{t, o0 s,r :,tl] *6 lt ,li: l'trnr \torcrl orr Sitc lrl'0 ls lJ]" {'.!,:r1i{ 5r0rLil r}il aitlil rl'$ $t8t.?it;J.Ir)li.r.t5 (tl $t7.t isO ?sPBOgUCTIOU }I'ELL TOTAL *. r\l(n (}\rn (} .f Crr** r'J I { c D{j h q d, e :r { I q) <) , c 4 c C ;: (t,t(ogg xuJ i; 9o ;- J: :i> -g.;.*- ;! ,,Ai, t:k !t .:. ; c; "i .[. -_ t; Xg *:6 s *:; r, :r F,'*'i 2,' -{ f. ?- 'Pt ez *:a<;* O ll (i<} (} (} C O O C O () O c)c)(} O<}CC}(} OOO(S(}OO()O(}:7 ii* isx oa(i()o(3(}()(3(}(3clo()o(}()o(3o()OOO()AOOO i I i I ; : i II I i i I { i i Ii (}' Oi(}cc) <) ^tN <UUz&&r-{ < <d,&Xl .;i .- : **;*\r I -.-. 1.\i4:*-t]r$ ;"a '$ ili ::*{ ooo6oo(}c)(}oaoo<)(3o(3(}(}(}d*dd*ddHdd G(}S(} dHdd iJ i$ c\,1 e.l C$ \O GI@ *lnd\Otnf\lQs"i+'*t't' #, 6€\-* " ---*.*"' oclaC)(}o(}o(}{)(}ooclc{}(}(}Q() (}if,)Cnl/1et.1F\(}!O \O Or f\ () \O \Dq)f\l(\l€r\a\rCOO\() A O () Q A c) OIQO Oo (3 0 () a c3 c.(}c) Q r f,flS l'- ()0 $.1 Ol aaflrr) (,l u t,,, ^ L){ '{h li'Ii*+i*; c c i."r & CVUVU (,o .ir\s€ St{]n (fQ(}O QA(3<iC}C}O(}(3O<3rlaa oo<:)(3coo<)oo <\ \s f!rnGI o(r\ (}<:)(f,(i()(3(}(}OCCOO(}()(3(fOOO (,t(nf"'lfl()t.rirao\O rS ('r t.- (3 \Q u1 {)*., {\l A r'' Cq CO Ot O t\.1 fl F. Ln d \I} rn e! L} ^li{ '' (} .* ao\ CC U ^ -.! e'{ ts*-'o u1f{r cndd U*,rU*U* \* \;) C\ !'"- C ri ui{\d (\{ C f-", fri i4 $r {\.1 €dtt1 d'rgtlul h-* Sl*j OC)(}GO(}(}O {} {} (':t &al(3rildfi{."i rt) s i-\ ^*a-ch*rnd ". *'.""*" _gJ*:3_ . UU.-* G (3 rs; b*, L U; - r.t f\i ai'i iC f.\r.{- l.Jr, 1.,.1 *, r.: * lr 5...q" ;4."-n :.1 *-, .: f .:: i a r'. 7 :" !*i.{ .rl Flrt lrl:r Z Ik ,/-r .d* oco-c0 Eio'E-v3(E6u6 EO{r *xhihil T-j tragm tr ofS Asnen Engineering, fnc. l0??7 N" Yellowstune Hwy'" . Idaho Falls" Idaho e3401 Phmne: {'?08} 543-l9l I ryanffin$p*nsng"nst De*enrber Sth, ;fi16 T*ny Wise Fm{ls Wat*r f,umpany 2i*0 N Deborah Dr. ldsho Falls, ldaho S340X RE: New Well - lrnprovement Drawings Demr Mr"'. Wis*: Asp*n [ngineering, [nc" is pleased to present an enEineering cost propr:sal for the r*qurred ir:rprovements at the Wolf er*ek Subdivision located along East 49'h Narth in fiq:n:Teville {ounty, ld*h*. Aspen [ngineerins prspo$es tm co{r}plete the well $ct and w*ll hmuse drawinEs, the eieetrical eonnection and controls drawings, and support the c*nstruetion th*reof" We will als* eomplete the struetural pians far well h*use. The c*st f*r thes* activiti*s are shown mn Attaehrnent "'A'n. S*r ccsts are based on receiving en AutnCAD cornpetihle file *f the development lay*ut including tap*graphic survey p*i*ts. fiur work will inrlueje suhmitting the plans ts DEQ and Sonrreville County *nd them addressinrg &ny {*rnments nrade by the r*gr-:latinE agencies. We anticipat* the design work wiil be e*mptete thr*e to four weeks follcwing our ree*ipt of notic* to pr*ce*d. *t which tinte the work will be submitted to DEQ and Bonneville dounty for thein revrew. Cornrnent resolutlon is *xpected to tak* approximately s*v*n w*rkinq d*ys fr*m r*ceipt m{ th* comments. Aspen Hngin*cring, 1*c. Falls Watee C*mpa:ry- [ngineering Cost Frop*sal $,age tr of} Exhibit 7-1 Fage 2 of 3 We appreciat* the opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you have any questions regarding this proposal please feelfree to contact me. This proposal will constitute a (ontract to complete the described work after being signed by an authorized agent and receipt by Aspen Engineering, lnc. Accepted by; Nam Respectfu I ly su bmitted, ASPEN ENGINEERING, INC. W Ryan Loftus, PE Aspctr Engineering lnc. Falls Water Ccmpany* Engineering Cost Prcpcsal Page 2 of2 Exhibit 7-1 Page 3 of 3 @ ASPEN ENGINEERING, IITC 10727 N. YELLOWSTOilE HI'ff IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 83401 2S&5,4?-19't 1 PR0JECT NAME: Falls Water CompanyFRCIJeCT#: ATTACHMENT'A.CLIf;NT: Falls Water CompanyfiATH: S-Sec-lS - NewWell Proiect Gost Proposal Praliminary Deeign lnitial site visit Meet y,lith owner's rep $ite plan Coord w1 Owners Rep and other consultants Survey Electrical Landscape Construction Document* ElectricaUFiping/Site Plan/Layout Well/pumphouse design 0utside approvats (DEQ & Bonn Co) Specifications Revise per review comments Pre bid meeting Bidding Advefiisement of work Bid meeting Complete bid/award pa perwork Construction Process shop dwgslsubmittals,/contractor gueslions Process change orders lnspeclions and reports Coord wl owner testing Complotion Pre substantial completion chscklist Substational completion inspection Final inspection Complete final paperwork As-Built Draw{ngs 6 2 10 0 28 0 , 16 4I 4 4 0 0 0 ?, ? 2A 2 4 $ 1?5"00 $$ 125.00 $$ 125.00 $$ 125.00 $$ 125.00 $$ 125.00 $ $ 125.00 $$ 125.00 $$ 125.00 $ $ 125.00 $$ 125.00 $$ 125.00 s$ 125.00 $$ 125.00 $$ 135.00 $ ,t 750.00 ?$0.00 1,?50.00 3,500.00 37S.00 ?,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 500,00 $ s50.00$ 250.00$ 2,500.00$ 250.00$ 500.00 $ s,8?5"00 $ 4,87S.00 $ $ 3,7SS.00 $ 1,sCI$.00 $ 125.00$ 125.00s 125.00$ 125.00$ 12$"00 2 2 2 2 4 $ 125.00 $$ 12s.00 $$ 125.00 $$ 125.00 $$ 1A5.00 $ 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 500^00 Total Page 1 of 1 TOTAL I 16.000.00 Exhibit 7€ Page I of2 570S E. Franklin Rd., Suile tso I'larllpa, ldaho 83687 wlM r.hormchs.Ccm HO'R"ROCI<Sffbll{re nN(iTNIlERS {2t?{, Ftriod E*d .fl-l}rr tr-?5}r(lt Tel: 28E.463 41S,Fax: ?08.483'7$61 Ymr 20 16 t'Finrl N0Pry Rtqurst No.r Projctt Ntmbcr: Projcet Deseription: Nrmr {,f Clicnl: frllr \trrtcr lYcll Lot Srllr ltrtar Co. tf,r.rt Johnionl Amt Dur this invoicc: tl".$.1J.50 S1JMMARY OF WORK FOIT WHICH PAYMENT IS REQUE$TSD l'ssk or Item D.ecriDtiotr l'ee Arcurllulative Amount Carre[t fcriod 6/o Billed E E tj ( t 99 Conccpt L.yor.l. Exhiiitc & R"O.S. Rrimbur}rble ErF.ricr (T&M) T&M $r,6t5.s0 $ t,61s.r0 s T0TAl. A[{otiNT t}lIl].:$1.6 I S.Sll $ 1,61s.50 Pk*sr scnd peymml, ta: llorrmk'r Enginerru 2l6X W. Grovr Prrkwa?, fil{10 Plcrsrnt Grovc, tlT 8{062 "Icl: EIll-763-5100 It(lTf,: Adclitkrul $ftlS tt be billtd onrt pitrs *rt sta rnd rtcnd ll srrlrty ir rrctlrlul. Exhibit 7-2 Page 2 cf 3 SUMMARY OF WORK PERTORMED FOR T&M TASKS 'Iask or Item Task Description Summary of work performed during billing pcriod for T&M tnsks" 2. i$ I s9 {ioncrpt Lryout, Exhihir* & R.&.S, Reimburlablr Erp*n*ts NOTE: *C:rrtc lot hyout for Clitnt rcvitrv. i Producc ltgrl dercriptioo snd R.O.S. cxhibit of prcel. * Clicnt mccting to disctss proicct and leyout. Reto tf.gutt Amount Engineer. P.E. 3r. CAD Techtcian Sub.creek Hollow $ Q 120.00 s?.00 ,f .50 $ 9.00 $ $ 13.80 r 540.00 828.00 247 50 1.615.s0Tol*l Hours: NOTE: $ $ 0.00 t Exhibit 7-3 Clearwster Geosciences, LLP I8l8 fi 49th South Idaho Falls, ID 83404 BILI- TO Falls Wster Company Mr. Sceitt Bruce 1770 Sabin Dr. Idaho Falls. lD 83406 DUE DATE rHvorcE * 3fin017 2017-11 TERMS P.0. NO. PERIOD ITEIi DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AItiOUHT u28n*fi 2t28t2017 LQ8/2011 2178n0fi Contract ltcm Contract Item Contract ltcrn Contract ltcm Falls Water'Wcll 10, lilcll Design Falls Watcr Wcll 10, Bid $pccifications Falls waer lvcll I 0, DEQ Chccklists Falls Watcr Wcll 10, Mectings drillcrs, phonc calls, clicnt etc. 760.00 760"00 760.00 380.00 760.00 760.00 760.00 380.00 Balance Due $2,660.00 ?-"W" Nffi. U),$,* Jlto *.Q-u$*a*", an *tHo};ol*B.fo ty?df {' l*$ r*,ater 6eas*i#n*es . L t, P {i ra uxd Water Devel*pment anrl lixp torutiatr Exhibit 74Ccortit*ret. t.!.f{llenrwater Item l{umber rnd Oescrlp$on Quantrty Unit Prlce Total AmountUnit Pricr lirrtttan in Word6 OollrB C13 D6lLr*gtg DR'LI.I'{G AHO TE$TIi{G WELL 1O sp-1 MOBILIIATIO[\I/DEMOEILIZATX}N 1 lS4;* *4rill.t s fd{d cro qoi fr 24.INCH DRME SI.IOEc p_"1 EACH 7o"rr%"-, Nr*A"J s iWi (rt ,lfua d$ ?4.INCH ORI I ftO-qF-3 lnn tF *u* llM),"J ?r<n- A*il[&,q *ilp dd $?m* 9d 24.INCH TEMPORARY CASS{GsP-{ds tF$-r* H"^J,-Q * tffCI Itt -U*a q) 2O.f{CH DRMF SHC,Fstr-s 1 FACHM,dl*tT},"*r\P .ot8*AU .9 *0 er* z8.INCH DRILLING 1 o '.1,'Xr'* fi'rr'.$^"r"|,fl$'r){}37or't{ 20-$\tcH o 375" WAL| CASTNGsp-7 1?$ tr*fl.+;fs .4&<ra1 .lt3f8 eir: 1B-rr{C*?rr375" WAt t CASTNGsF-6 23? LF --S;& V,**t .bs &,t f{*S a{ sp-9 Grie(JTs\tG s cY.ob ,3oo cf),*7a* Pl n I 24-s'lCH IFMPORARY CASlrtGSF.1o 45 L.F**-& gi"<*tS O0 " lrlS e) sP-l 1 {TFINCH SRff.LNG 1d5 tF * lls#drl N) Lk'*i).*J -g rrlfr 1AO LFsP-l2 12-ilcfi o.oso' slor s f{ruell scRreH * 116 ,{r {}>w d9fr( tJ4.t*& EtA 5 l__FsP.13 .ef,A,Nl€s€4*El*idt'o ppr jilalY!&) Alrir,,fu,*k * {L,t}.t * {f'o sP-14 t(pacrcR 16 To 12"rNCH I EACII $l,t,tf,*t4 *"*J"*l * itffi sa "l3d*ll HO{JRsP-r 5 tliELL OEVEi"OPMEI{T t?O*,i.8*sa **ot>i"^fr A"*r'$'**1ts $p- r r* - puMp rgsr MoBtltzATtfN/opllrfi&il rrarrlN 1 L.S.*" rtAor*r,j Yr;u* lt"*h$-sl#i6t (.lL Jqw & $P-r8 - PUMFII\,G TE$T 30 HOURrthil tJ-*r,)^r*,*&<8 rgN or-1 qP-,c RIG D'ftECIEO ff3TE n HOUR&,* il*,v#,"&s 1d#pt-).4t#*t) - l{rY.*&O 6),r* N*"6}-d X$f*..re.**J #*,r&"r$'-$ X*\J"SS&* w&$@ fr /n*rt*^ Figure 3. Bid lSheet. Page 56 l8t8 E 49r! Sou&fdaho Falls, ID 83404 208.51t9^5555 SiT- s,ys"-3 NSe tts;;**;$w Exhibit 7-S Page 1 of2 American Pumo Co. P.CI. Box 267 ucoN, rD 83454 ESTIMATE Eslimate Number; m782 Estimate Da&: Dec S, ?016Pege: 1 Voice; 2S8-52$*4517Fax: ?0S-52$4587 Tol : FALLS WATER CO. ?1ff0 N. BEBORAH DRIVE IOAHO FALLS, ID 83401 FALLSW SSA'RLINEl/4 VHSMOTOR 1t8,t17 INCLUDING VFD PUMP PANEL: GALVANIZED CONE STRAINER 1CI' THREAOEO 14RJHC, O STAGE, WATER LUBE tS'x 9 11-1I4'WATER LUBE COLUMN PIPE, T&C 10" x 5 11-1/4"WATER LUBE COLUMN PIPE, T&C 1.1S16"X 10'CARBON SIIAFTWITH SS SLEEVE 1-15/.16''X 5'CARBON SHAFTWITH S$ SLEEVE WATER LUBE RETAINER PVC COATED STAINLESS STEEL AIR LINE BANDING MATERIAL 1.2S'' ryC S'NLLING TUBE 1CI'PUMPHEAD WATER LEVEL TRANSAUCER VERTICAL I.IOLLOW SHAFT MCITOR,350 HP. PREM1UM EFF ABB ACS550 SERTESVFD, 350rlP, {80V, 486A. NEI*A 1 STEEI. CABINET, MAIN CIRCUIT BREAXER. P(TER},IAL (EYPAD. .00 .00 ?5.00 2.00 25"00 TGCSK. 2.00 26.00 275"00 1,00 270.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .001 Conlinued CrnlinusdSalEs Tex Freight Conlinued i$-'n.i ., ,'fi61!&l|.t*, Subtotal Exhibil T-S Page 2 of 2 American Pump Co. P.0" Box 267 IJCON, TD 83454 ESTIITATE Estimat* Numben m782 EstimeE Dats: Dec 9,2016Page: 2 Voice: 208-52$4517Fax: 208-52S4587 Quottdlor FALLS WATER CO. 3180N. DEBORAH DRIVE toAl.0 FALLS.ID 83401 FALLSW 11f/17 Net 15 *ays 'r.00 TOP.EXIT POWER WIRING MTE I{ARMONIC FILTER, 35OHP. 48OV, 482A MAX LOAD, FREE.SIANOING NEMA 1 STEEL ENCLOSURE PRESSURE TRAN$DUCER L.ABOR & EQUIPMENT PUMP RIG (TRAVEL, SET PUMP, TRA\IEL SACK} 1.00 20.00 LEFUMPRIG#IR THIS OOES NOT INCLUDE ELECTRICAL WlRlNG, AtlY CONCRETEWORK, OR DISCHARGE CITJCTILE IRON PLUMBING (WAITIN6 FOR ENGINEER OESISN FOR PLUMBING) $ales Tax 2.550.00Frei1;ht Subtotal 115,426.00 03/13/r7 Exhibit 7-6 Pag* 1 of2 Professional Tschnieal Serrices & Supplv $cope Letter Falls Water Well 10 Process Control and lnstrumentation Systernst qhl T\h-:*J t*e il**ir:qi*s & t" 2.4 1.0 Scope D*scriptian and Key Notes The following rcope is for PhOCESS COI{TROL AND INSTRUMEI{TATION SYSTEMS 1.1. Provide Well t0 Control Panet {Similar ta conFol panel for wells 2,4 & 6} 1"2 Antenna & Antenna Mast supply and installation 1.3 Human Machine lnterface {HMl) i.C. SCgOn/HMl programming {graphlc $creens, database programming, alarming, trending} L"5 PLC programmingl Site contrsl 1.5 Provide all PLC settings along rxith fixed and programmed set points. 1.7 Cnntrol Panel and PLC Hardware Submittals, Shop Drawings and 0&M Manuals 1.8 FLCs shall communicate with Owner's existing SCAOA systerfl using EthsrNet/lP comrnunications 1.9 Communicate data to the Primary Control System for historical storage. 1.10 UL508A Fabrication and tusembly of Control Panels 1.1.1 Delivery of lnstruments and control panels to the jobsite . 1.12 Provide {1} trip to terminate instrument and control wires in the Control Panel Cabinet 1.13 Provide tf ) trip for Calibratisn, Commissioning and Testing. Provide field modification as required during te$tin6. l.t4 Provide {1} trip for Startup and Training on the Control Panel and pLC SYstem' Cost Schedule Well l0 Control Panel, PLC/SCADA/IIMI pnrgrarnnring, Field Terminations of control wiring, Anlenna & Mast Installation, On-Sits Start-up & 1'raining Instrumcntation Pcr section 4 $ 14.6?0 Total Not Included $ 14,6?$ 2., Sales lox is NOT included PLC and Control Penel Scope of Supply List 3.1 Well 10 Control Panel lnstrument Hardware l,ist At this tirne, instrument requirements are unknown and are NOT included under the *cope of this proposal" The tist below ar an exgected instrument list for this project. When additional infi:rmation becomes available, NKO can prtvide a proposal to provide these instruments- 4.7 Well Level Sensor - reguired depth TBD 4.2 Well Pump Pressure Yransmitter 4.i Welt Pump Flow Meter* Pipe siw TBD 5.0 ltlotes 3.0 4.0 , ;li.i lt i\li Rirlht$ tl{}$*\'ti* Tlrls il*ri:rT\etil is PR*pRli:tARY .:!rrrJ i:{}t{i:':r}F!'*1 l"{;.^ Exhibit ?-S Fage 2 *f t Page 2 of 2 Fsll$ l&{*ter * lfirell 10 Prccese $ontr*i *nd lnstrum*iltstion $y*tem* * ru ffi\&# 6^$ ?"s 8.0 5.i lt is experted that the mechaniral ecntrartor shall install allfield devices such as Mag Flowmeter, l-evel Transrnitters, Lrvel $uritches" Pressure Transrnitters and Fressure Switches" 5.: lt i$ expected that the *laetrical contrtsrtsr shatl run e*rnduits and wire to all field deviees and install field d*vices sr:ch as Level Sensor$, OoorSwitches, Flow Meters, and pressilrr Transmitters" 5.3 tt is expected that the electrica| contractor shall install the Contral P**el, *onduits and wirin6 between devices. lt is expected th*t thts elertricat Eontractor will terminate the wiring at the field devices" S.4 lt is expected that NKD Technclogles will provide the design and engine*ring, fi*ld support, programming, commissiofiing, stsrt-up and training r*quired ts intesrate a crmpl*te and operational SCAD& systern. tmlu*ions from Scap* S.1 System cantrols and devices nst sp*cifically defined in this proposal. 6.2 lnstrument l{ardwar* fi$ted in Sectian 4 5.3 Tr*ubleshaoting Guide S.4 M$tors, gearb*xes, drives *nd mechanical csrnpsnent$ external to the control panel. S.5 ,Any por ,*r ar controf termination hpxes in the field. 6.6 lnstallation and Hook Up drawings for ln$tnrment$ Qualificatinns; The technical expertise to ccmplete this prrj*ct .sme$ from 30* ye*rs' experienee in the Water and Wartewater lnduxtry all *rcrking in specialty technieal fields such as chlarinaticrlde-chlorinstion, pump rcntrols aftd systems, pnlcess automati$n, systerns integration, radio cornmunieation, and SCAOA. NKff Technologies maintains and op*rates a Ul508A P*nel Shap Hurran R*nsurce Team; R. Srutt Wells will be the Project Mana6er for this project" Mr. Wells is *xperi*nced in the complete prccess nf StrADA &utomation and f,ontrols lntegration. tngagement t)*rcription; The proj*ct scope of supply inc*ption will be imnrd.iate fqflnulins grqep.Sq*S* qf tfu$-pftpsqel *sith a ereation nf pro.iect schedule of values and submittxl preFaration. PLC cabinnts will be assembled, f*ctory txst*d and ready for delivery to jobs,te. SCADA sy$tem cornmissioning and testing completed folla*ring instaliatisn *f field panels' Startup, training, finaf acceptanee and prsj*ct closeout of projeet. 1&.0 Engagement Funding Source (PCI) 9.0 Sign Agrcement * " I .t $ e1\u?*"-"""Wi..l3 March ?01? $ate Robert fi. Cl*ward, P.E, FIKS Teehnologies Date E \* S'\ S*$ Exhibit 7-Z ezChlor, LLC 5320 W. Wells Park Rd. #15 West Jordan, UT 84081 s88-495-3075 slacey@ezchlor.com www.ezchlor.com ADDRESS Falls Water Co. 2180 N. Oeborah Drive ldaho Falls, lD 83401 03/0&a017 03/08/2017 Thank you for your businsss Accepled By 'chlor SHIPTO Falls WaterCo. Falls Water Co. ?180 N. Deborah Drive ldaho Falls,lD 83401 ESTIMATE # 1OO4 DATE 03/08/2017 EXFIRAT|oil DATE A4IA7 /2Ol 7 1 17,500.00LCG Liquid Chlorine Generator ShhplrU & Handlrqf Prapay & Add 1 0.00 17, 500 .00 0.0 0 TOTAL Accepted 0ate $17,500,00