HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150611Falls Water to Staff 1-5.pdfK. Scott Bruce Falls Water Company, lnc. 2180 North Deborah Dr ldaho Falls, lD 83401 Tel. (208)i22-L3OO Fax (208) 522-4099 E-mail: scottl @fa llswater,com Representative for Falls Water Co., lnc. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER COMPANY FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSIW. l.- . r"i i.l ' rl':'i I I nr{ n. qc)!t,, i I i.1l ,_i. UU an r,-1,'.-i I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. FLS-W-15-01 COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REqUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO FAttS WATER COMPANY Falls Water Company hereby submits the following responses to the first production request of the commission staff. The records are held by Falls Water Company in their main office located at 2180 North Deborah Drive, ldaho Falls, ldaho 83401. Scott Bruce is the contact person for the records and can be reached at (208) 522-1300. Scott Bruce, General Manager, will be the witness who can sponsor answers at hearing for the responses to the production requests unless noted differently in the response. REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide a list of current customers, in table format, according to location (i.e., by service area and areas covered under the existing Amended Certificate No. 235), meter class, customer type. Please also provide the date when the Company started delivering water and started charging fees for water service (i.e., month and year). Response to Request No. 1 Response prepared by Scott Bruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce. Please refer to Excel spreadsheet file "Request 1 Response - Customer List by Location-Meter Class-Customer Type.xlsx". The file breaks out the customers located in the existing service area of 1 Certificate No. 236 and in each of the six areas listed in the legal descriptions submitted in the original application. REqUEST NO. 2: Please provide the following maps: 1) Plat map(s) of Falls Water service areas showing legal descriptions similar to Exhibit A, except on a larger scale with legible notations. 2l Water System Overall Site Plan(s) on a larger scale with legible notations. Please indicate location of the wells and other facility locations (well house, pumps, valves, mainline, and distribution lines indicating pipe size, etc.) on the same map. Please also show the components of the water system that have been built and currently are being used to provide water service to current customers. 3) Please show on a separate plat map(s) any areas that are (a) undeveloped, (b) being supplied with irrigation water, and (c) actively under construction and will require future water service. Response to Request No. 2 Response prepared by Tony Wise, Operations Manager. Witness at hearing will be Tony Wise. Response to item No. 1: See enlarged map (Exhibit 1). Response to item No. 2: See maps (Exhibit 2 - North and Exhibit 2 - South) Response to item No. 3: See map (Exhibit 3) REQUEST NO. 3: ln response to Staff Request No. 34 in the FLS W-12-01 case, the Company withdrew its proposalto create a new schedule for Private Fire Sprinkler and Service. Staff then recommended that the Company further investigate how many customers have private fire sprinkler lines for firefighting purposes connected to the Company's distribution System. Please provide the following: 1) Results of the Company's additional investigations on firefighting-related connections. 2l A map of the fire hydrant locations. All available fire hydrant testing data. Any correspondence with the Fire Marshall regarding the adequacy of the fire response system including the number of fire hydrants, the presence of adequate pressure or other service adequacy issues. A list of anticipated firefighting services (i.e., fire hydrants and associated services such as application, inspection, pressure testing, bacteria testing, and mapping). Please explain. Response to Request No. 3 Response prepared by Scott Bruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce. Response to item No. 1: The Company found eighteen customers with private fire sprinkler lines for firefighting purposes. None of the customers have ever had occasion to use their firefighting sprinklers to date. The Company concluded that it was not necessary to further pursue the request for a rate schedule for Private Fire Sprinkler and Service. Response to item No. 2: Our system mapping does not have fire hydrants as a separate layer on the map. The fire hydrants are shown on the map submitted in response to Request No. 2, ltem No. 2 listed above (Exhibit 2 - North and Exhibit 2 - South). The Company currently owns and maintains four hundred sixteen (415) fire hydrants in its system. Response to item No. 3: See Excel file "2OL4 Fire Hydrant Testing Data.xls". The last three columns provide pitot pressure, flow in gpm, and date tested for the hydrants tested in 2014. Response to item No. 4: The Company has no written correspondence either to or from the Fire Marshalls of The City of Ammon or Bonneville County Fire District #1 regarding the adequacy of the fire response system, the presence of adequate pressure or other service adequacy issues. Response to item No. 5: Currently for private firefighting sprinkler systems, the Company has no application process, post-installation inspections process, or other testing processes specific to private firefighting sprinkler systems. Such systems are the property of the customer and as such are the customer's responsibility to maintain in proper working order. 3) 4l s) We have no information that could guide us in anticipating the number of private firefighting sprinkler systems that might be installed in the future. The need for the sprinkler system is wholly dependent upon the future customer's needs when building on the lot. The Company does not require the builder to submit architectural plans for the buildings built in the water system. Fire hydrants in the system are placed in accordance with the building codes for Bonneville County, ldaho. The placement of fire hydrants within a commercialor residentialdevelopment can be no furtherthan five hundred (500) feet apart. REQUEST NO. 4: Please provide any water quality and water system issues or violations identified since the completion of the most recent Sanitary Survey. Please also provide the status of compliance regarding all issues and/or violations. Response to Request No. 4 Response prepared by Scott Bruce, General Manager. Witness at hearing will be Scott Bruce. The most recent sanitary survey was completed on April 28,2075. No water quality issues needed to be addressed. The summary of findings are: 1. Significant Deficiencies: none 2. Deficiencies Threaded spigots were found on many of the well discharge piping to the distribution system. All threaded spigots should have an anti-siphon attachment installed, or have treads removed from the spigot. Pump seven requires a meter. The well 5 pump to waste requires a screen. 3. Recommendations: none. a. b. The deficiencies listed above have been corrected as of June 5, 2015. Anti-siphon devices have been installed on all threaded spigots in the well houses. A working meter has been installed on pump seven. A screen has been installed on well 6 pump to waste. REQUEST NO. 5: Please describe and estimate the cost of any major capital improvements planned during the next three years.). Response to Request No. 5 Major Capital lmprovements for 2015: L. Loop 10" line from Ammon Road to Lakewood Avenue Connect 10" waterline on Ammon Road to Lakewood Ave at intersection of Upland Street and Lakewood Avenue approximately 360 feet. Estimated cost $25,000. 2. Loop 12" line on East end of Lincoln Road to east frontage property line for Wood River subdivision. Run 12" line east on Lincoln Road from where waterline currently ends for 563 feet. Connect 6" waterline from Wood River Road to l2" waterline on Lincoln Road. Estimated cost $45,000 Major Capital lmprovements for 2015: 1. Loop 8" line under railroad tracks on Deloy Drive. Connect 8" waterline that runs in Deloy Drive and currently is not connected under the railroad approximately 252feet. Estimated cost $75,000. 2. Loop 10" line under railroad tracks on First Street. Run 10" line under railroad tracks on First Street approximately 585 feet. Loop will connect existing 10" line on west side of railroad tracks to dead end lines going north on Crimson Drive with 6" waterline approximately 182 feet and south on Robison Drive with 6" waterline approximately 140 feet. Estimated cost $85,000 Major Capital lmprovements for 2017: 1. NewWell#10 Build a new well preferably in the northern part of the water system. The well should produce approximately 2200 gpm. Well house, SCADA controls and telemetry will be part of project. Estimated cost $600,000 to $700,000. Dated at ldaho Falls, ldaho, this 10th day of June 2015. Respectfully submitted, FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. K. Scott Bruce, General Manager