HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210817Eagle Water to Staff 11-14.pdfMOLLY O'LEARY BizC-ou nselor @ Law, PLLC ln5W. Sate Street #150 BO|SE, TDAHO 83702 208.453.5t06 IDAHO BAR NO. 4996 Mollv @ BizCou nselorAtlaw.com Attorneys for Eagle Water C.ompany, lnc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ' ,1 I ii_1 =i it.l rN THE MATTER OF THE IOINT ) APPLTCATTON OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO AND ) cAsE NO. SUZ.W-I8-02/ EAG-W-t&0t EAGLE WATER COMPANY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY APPLICANT EAGLE WATER CoMPANY, lNC.',S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST COMES NOW Applicant Eagle Water Company, lnc., by and through undersigned counsel, and provides the following Responses to the Commision Staff's Fourth Production Request. REQUEST NO. ll: In Order No. 34265, Case No. EAG-W-|SO| , the C-ommission approved a Joint Settlement Stipulation in which Eagle Water Company was to deposit $45,28 in overearnings annually into the surcharge lineof-credit account beginning in 2016. What is the current balance of the surcharge line-of-credit account? EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FOURTH PRODUCIION REQUEST - r ) ) ) ) ) ) EAGLE WATER COMPANY',S RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. il: According to the loint Seulement Stipulation in Case No. EAG-MS{| (see attached, "EWCO'S RESPONSE TO PUC STAFF'S REQUEST NO. ll"), the start date for EWCOT contributions to the socalled Surcharge Line of Credit Account was 2017, not 2016 as suted in Request No. ll. 12. Hookup chargeVline of credit. The Company will discontinue the $100 and $500 hookup charges it has been collecting per Tariffschedule No. 5. The balance of the accounts that contain the hookup charges ($365,580, as of July 12.2018) will be allowed to remain in the surcharge account, and going fonvard be used as a line-of-credit (funds to be used and repaid). The parties agree that the Company will deposit $45,288 of overearnings annually in to the surcharge line-of-credit account beginning in 2017. This arrangement shall remain until the Company requests and the Commission approves different ffeatment. See Worksheet B. EWCO has not created a separate "Surcharge Line of Credit Account." The balance of the three accounts that were to comprise the Surcharge Line of Credit Account is $272$&58 as of August 16,2021, broken down as follows: a. Idaho First Bank Account "132.7 IFB Engineering" (formerly ldaho Banking Account 4nl - $s7pos.63 b. ldaho First Bank Account 'l3L6lFB Well Construction" (formerly ldaho Banking Account 4%) - Wfi%.21 c. ldaho First Bank Account "1325lFB Surcharge" (formerly ldaho Banking Account l3l.l) - $150,132.74 This Response was prepared by Eagle Water Company Office Manager Julie Chatterton. Telephon e : 2@.939.0242 Address: 188 W. State Street, Eagle, ID 83616 Record Holder (if different): NA Witness to sponsor testimony regarding: Julie Chatterton EAGLE WATER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FOURTH PRODUCilON REQUEST - 2 REQUEST NO. 12: Has Eagle Water Company used the surcharge line-of- credit account to make any plant investments? If so, please provide details of the plant investments. EAGLE WATER COMPANY',S RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. t2: The only plant investment paid for by Eagle Water Company from the so-called Surcharge Line of Credit Account was $91174.55 on l4ay 23,2019 [see attached, "EWCO RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. l2{a)'"). The invoice from Core & Main, LP was paid by EWCO from ldaho First Bank account "13L7 IFB Engineering" (formerly ID. Banking Account 428} All other plant investments expenditures were paid for from EWCO'S General Ledger Account (see attached, "EWCO RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. lz(b',"). This Response was prepared by Eagle Water Company Office Manager Julie Chatterton. Tel eph o n e z 2@.939 .0242 Address: 188 W. State Street, Eagle,lD 83516 Record Holder (if different) NA Witnes to sponsor testimony regarding: Julie Chatterton REQUEST NO. 13: lf plant investments have been made from the surcharge line- of credit account, has the account been repaid ? EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: Although funds have been deposited by EWCO into the ldaho First Bank account titled "132.5 IFB Surcharge" (formerly ldaho Banking Account l3l.l), such funds were not in the form of a reimbursement by EWCO for plant investment expenditures. This Response was prepared by Eagle Water Company Office Manager Julie Chatterton. Tel e p h on e : 2@.939 .0242 Addres:188 W. State Street, Eagle, ID 83616 Record Holder (if different): NA EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFFS FOURTH PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 3 Witnes to sponsor testimony regarding: Julie Chatterton REQUEST NO. 14: How does Eagle Water Company plan to account for the balance of the surcharge lineof-credit account as part of the sale to SUEZ Water of ldaho? EAGLE WATER COMPANY',S RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. t4: EWCO and SUEZ did not specifically discuss this issue in the purchase and sale agreements. SUEZ and Eagle Water Company intend to work together to agree on how the surcharge account should be treated and would welcome Staff's input on options on how to treat the account as part of the overall transaction. This Response was prepared by Eagle Water Operatlons C,onsultant Daryl Farnsworth. Tele p h o n e z 208.939.0242 Addres:188 W. Sate Street, Eagle, lD 83616 Record Holder (if different): NA Witness to sponsor testimony regarding: Daryl Farnsworth DATED at Boise, Idaho, this t7th day of August, 2021. ba- Mol ,PLLC for hgle Water Company, lnc. EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FOURTH PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 4 CER.TIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the lTth day of August, 2021, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following in the manner indicated: COMMISSION Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street Boise, ldaho 8770.2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO, INC. Applicant Marshall Thompson Suez Water ldaho, lnc. 8248 W. Victory Road Boise, Idaho 877Cf MichaelC. Creamer Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley, LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 87702 Attorneys for Suez Water ldaho, lnc. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. Applicant Robert V. DeShazo,lr. Eagle Water Company, lnc. 188 W. State Street Eagle, Idaho 83616 EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST . 5 [ ] bv U.S. Mail lX bV Personal Delivery (Original 81 3 copies) I I bV Facsimile t I bV E-Mail: Secretarv@puc.idaho.sov Ian.Noriyuki@ ouc.idaho.eov I I bv U.S. Mail I ] bV Personal Delivery ll bV Facsimile tX bV E-Mail: Marshall.Thompson@Suez.com I I bv U.S. Mail I ] bV Personal Delivery t I bV Facsimile tX bv E-Mail: mcc @ givenspu rslev.com PrestonCa rter @ eivenspu rsley.com I I bv U.S. Mail I ] bV Personal Delivery t I bV Facsimile lxl bV E-Mail: EaeleWaterCo@email.com N.L. Bangle H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC 188 W. State Street Eagle, ID 83616 COMMISSION STAFF Dayn Hardie Matt Hunter Deputy Attorneys General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 8T72OQO74 Attorneys for IPUC INTERVENORS City of Eaele lason Pierce, Mayor B. Newall Squyres Murray D. Feldman Holland & Hart, LLC 8OO W. Main Street, Suite I75O P. O. Box 2527 Boise, lD 87702-2527 Attorneys for City of Eagle EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAff'S FOURTH PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 6 [ ] bv U.S. Mail I ] bV Personal Delivery I I bV Facsimile IXJ bv E-Mail: NBanele@ H2Gsolutionsllc.net I I bv U.S. Mail [ ] bv Personal Delivery t I bV Facsimile tXI bv E-Mail: davn.hardie @ puc.ida ho.sov matt.h u nter @ puc.idaho.sov t I bv U.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery I I bv Facsimile tXl bv E-Mail: nsq uvres @ hollandha rt.com mfeldma n @ holla ndhart.com Citizens Allied for Inteeritv and Accountabilitv lames M. Piotrowski PIOTROWSKI DURAND, PLLC P.O. Box 2864 lO2O W. Main Street, Suite 440 Boise, lD 837OI Attorneys for Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accounability Communitv Action Partnership Association of ldaho Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2Ol9 N. lTh Street Boise, lD 877o.2 Attorney for Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho Eaele Water Customers Group Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 8OO West Main Street, Suite l3OO Boise, Idaho 87702 Attorneys for hgle Water Customers Group EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FOURTH PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 7 t I bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery tl bV Facsimile lxl bV E-Mail: Iames@idunionlaw.com t I bv U.S. Mail I ] bV Personal Delivery ll bV Facsimile tXI bV E-Mail: BMPurdv@hotmail.com t I by U.S. Mail t ] bV Personal Delivery t I by Facsimile tXI by E-Mail: NSema n ko @ pa rsonsbehle.com ECF@parsonsbehle.com Citv of Boise Mary Grant Scott B. Muir Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office l5O N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 5OO Boise, ldaho ST/0IO5OO Attorneys for Clty of Boise EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FOURTH PRODUCnON REQUEST - I I I bv U.S. Mail [ ] bv Personal Delivery I I by Facsimile IXI by E-Mail: boisecitva ttornev @ citvofboise.ors Brr: EWCO RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. ll EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMTSSTON STAFFS PRODUCTTON REQUEST NO. ll Frcm: To: Cc: Subffi: Dah: Attaclrments: Importane: Mollv OnLearv Brandon Karoen Robert Deshazo (eaqlgwaterco6omail.com) RE: 1075/21 - RE: Setuement SUp EAGW1501_bk Wednesday, Decmber 5, 2018 1:28:00 PM imaoeO13,ono imaoeOl4.ono imaoeOl5.ono imaoe0l6.ono 12.05.18 - Surdraroe Settement (Sioned).odf imaoe001.ono imaoefi)2.ono imaoe003.ono imaoe004.pno High Brandon - Please see the attached Settlement Stipulation executed yesterday by Robert V. DeShazo,lr. on behalf of Eagle Water Company, Inc. Please note that: . The year noted in Paragraph 12 has been corrected to read "2Ol7" - per your e- mail, below.o Para. 5 has been revised to read "On December 4,2018o The signature block has been updated to reflect the signature date, December 4, 20r8 Otherwise, the document remains identical to that which you sent to me on November 21,2018. Best regards, gulot$ O'Lear) BizCounsd@#w ''t#,;lfo':##ott Voice / Texc 208.453.6106 E-Maik Molly@ BizCounselor A,tlaw.com > Twitter: @Bizc.ounseto. El > Hnked-tn: m , p...uoon E Mol an li go maith ag an deireadh e Praise the good day at the close of it. Disclaimen This mesage may contain confidential communications protected by the attorney cllent prlvllege. lf you received this message in error, please delete lt and notify me of the error. Thank you! From: Brandon Karpen [mailto : Brandon. Karpen@puc. idaho. gov] Sent: Thursda% November 29,2018 1:39 PM To: Molly O'Leary Sublectr RE: 1076/21 - RE: Settlement Stip EAGWfs0f_bk Molly, One correction - Paragraph 12 should actually read 2017. I misspoke before speaking to Terri about it. lt is retroactive; we do not want to give the Company credit for the application stalling. Thanks, Brandon From: Mol ly O'Leary [mailto:molly@ bizcounseloratlaw.com] Sent Thursday, November 29, 2018 11:25 AM To: Brandon Karpen <Brandon. Karpen @ puc.ida ho.gov> Cc: Terri Carlock <Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: 7O76l2L- RE: Settlement Stip EAGW1501_bk Brandon - Awaiting final "OK" from EWCO's accountant, but I do not anticipate any issues. ln the interim, Para.12 of the Stip references the year 2016 regarding required payments by EWCO to the Surcharge Account Line of Credit. ls that correct? And, lastly, what, if any, effect do you anticipate the proposed sale of EWCO to Suez to have on the implementation of the Stip a PUC Order, once entered? Thanks, %ott1 O'Lear) ln5 W. Sate Street, #l5O Boise, Idaho 8!702 Voice / Text 208.453.6106 E-Maik Molly@ Bi,CounselorAtlaw.com > LinkedJn: m , rr..uoor E> Twitter: @BizCounselor Mol an li go maith ag an deireadh 6 Praise the good day at the close of it. Disclaimer: This mesage may contain confidential communications protected by the attorney client privilege. If you received this mesage in error, please delete it and notify me of the error. Thank you! From: Brandon Karpen [mailto : Brandon. Karpen@puc. idaho. gov] Senfi Wednesday, November 2L,20L811:35 AM To: Molly O'Leary Cc: TeniCarlock SubJect Settlement Stip EAGW1501_bk Molly, Attached is the proposed settlement and associated documents. The settlement agreement itself may need a few knits, but I think it is ready to do. Please let me know if you would like to set up a meeting with Staff, or if not, once we have a final signed stipulation, l'll get it in front of the Commission. Finally, please note that the Commission's final full agenda for the year will be December 11. Likewise, I will need a finalized settlement by December 6 to get it done by yea/s end Regards, Brandon BRANDON KAR?EN, ISB No. 7956 Deputy Attorney General P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 837 20-007 4 Telephone: (208) 334-0357 Attorney for Commission Staff MOLLY O'LEARY, ISB No. 4996 BizCounselor@Law, PLLC 1775 W. State Street #150 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 453-61 06 Attorneyfor Eagle Water Company, Inc. IN THE MATTER OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A CUSTOMER SURCHARGE BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) cAsE NO. EAG-W-I5-01 JOINT SETTLEMENT STIPULATION This Settlement Stipulation is entered into by Eagle Water Company and the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (collectively, "Parties"). The Parties, by and through their counsel of record, hereby stipulate and agree to the following: INTRODUCTION The Parties agree this Stipulation represents a fair, just and reasonable compromise of the issues raised in Eagle Water's Application for authority to implement a customer surcharge, and beyond the issues raised in the Company's Application to recognize the needs and conditions of the Company. The resulting settlement will not increase rates or charges to customers, and is in the public interest. The Parties believe the Stipulation and its acceptance by the Commission represents a reasonable resolution of the systemic issues identified in this matter. The Panies, therefore, recommend that the Commission, in accordance with Rule 274, approve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions without material change or condition. JOINT SETTLEMENT STIPULATION I BACKGROUND l. On November 10, 2015, Eagle Water filed an Application seeking authority to implement a 53.82% surcharge on customers' water usage. Eagle Water requested that its Application be processed via Modified Procedure and that the surcharge become effective in approximately 30 days. On December 3,2015, the Commission issued Order No. 33430 suspending the proposed effective date for a period of 90 days, until March 10, 2016. 2. On March 4,2016, with Eagle Water's concurrence, Staff filed a motion to further suspend the proposed effective date in this matter for an additional 90 days, until June 8, 2016. The Commission approved the Motion in Order No. 33478. 3. On April 25,2016, pursuant to ldaho Code $ 61-622(4), the parties jointly stipulated to again suspend the effective date in this matter until September 6, 2016. The parties further agreed that by July l, 2016, Eagle Water would inform Staffof its position on settlement, or if the Company would rather set a schedule for modified procedure for the Application. The Commission approved this request in Order No. 33509. 4. Following the stipulated suspensions, on August 10, 2016, by agreement, the the case was stayed until a full resolution of the issues was reached, or dismissal was requested by Staff. .See Order Nos. 33567, 33836, and 3391 l. 5. On December 4, 2018, the Company and Staff agreed to a full settlement. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION 6. Fair Resolution. The settlement is reached as a fair resolution to several disputed issues between the parties, recognizing that no party was likely to prevail on every issue at hearing. The settlement results in a significant change to the Company's financial books through the allowance of a one-time accounting adjustment. Customer rates will remain the same. The Parties consider this a one-time accounting correction-an atypical process unique to the Company's circumstances. This is not a reward for the Company, but a measure to ensure stability for the Company and its customers based on reasonable evidence. 7. Negative Rate Base. The parties agree that the Company has accumulated a negative rate base through years of improperly booking capital expenditures, and providing inadequate documentation of plant installation. The negative rate base has accumulated to the point of creating unsound ratemaking requests. The parties agree to a one time elimination of negative base in 2008 by reducing $1,236,375 in year 2008 contributions in aid of construction. JOINT SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 2 Year 2008 is used for the purpose of settlement due to the construction of well number 8 during that year. Until now, well 8 has only been partially capitalized. The settlement capitalizes all documented well 8 costs as plant in service. 8. Plant. The plant in service referenced in the Company's Application will be capitalized, so long as the plant has not been previously capitalized and is supported by invoices and proper documentation. This includes plant, equipment, materials, and labor, as specified in See Worksheet A, attached. The Company shall be allowed to capitalize a l5o/o labor adder for this plant to reflect the Company's undocumented labor costs. Going forward, the Company must properly document and capitalize actual labor costs. 9. Other Plant. The parties agree to allow capitalization of certain plant in service items put in service 2009-2015, such as meters, wells, and repairs that should have been capitalized previously by the company, but were found by Staff to be improperly booked by the Company. See Worksheet A. 10. Depreciation. Allow the Company to depreciate this newly capitalized plant and begin depreciation as if placed in service, allowing for depreciation of the full amount. I l. Meter Charges. The parties agree to allow the Company to continue to collect a $245 meter charge. The Company agrees, that as a condition to allowing this charge, that it will properly capitalize the meters and installation cost into plant-in-service in order to prevent a reoccurrence of negative rate base. Labor will be properly allocated between capitalized and expensed amounts. The Company acknowledges the meter charge may not change without prior Commission approval. 12. Hookup charges/Line of credit. The Company will discontinue the $100 and $500 hookup charges it has been collecting per TariffSchedule No. 5. The balance of the accounts that contain the hookup charges ($365,580, as of July 12, 2018) will be allowed to remain in the surcharge account, and going forward be used as a line-of-credit (funds to be used and repaid). The parties agree that the Company will deposit $45,288 of overearnings annually in to the surcharge line-of-credit account beginning in 2017. This arrangement shall remain until the Company requests and the Commission approves different treatment. See Worksheet B. 13. Rent. The parties agree to allow the Company include in its revenue requirement office rent of $950 per month. While Staff found that the Company had improperly booked its JOINT SETTLEMENT STTPULATION 3 office space rent in the past, the parties agree that $950 per month for the water company is a reasonable compromise, and represents a proper market value. 14. Reallocation of costs. The Parties agree to Staff adjustments to the Company's revenue requirement for reallocation of costs between the Company and the owners' comingled construction business. Costs were added and removed to properly reflect the correct business expenses and costs. See Worksheet A. 15. Water Testing. The parties agree to allow the Company to increase the revenue requirement for water testing costs to better reflect the normalized costs over a 9-year testing cycle. 16. Accounting and reporting. The Company aggress that it will provide Staff with quarterly reports. Staff will conduct routine audits to ensure proper booking of expenditures. 17. Successor in Interest. Any successor in interest to Eagle Water shall comply with all terms of this agreement CUSTOMER RATES 18. Customer Rates. The parties agree that the Company's water rates will be unchanged as a result of this agreement. 19. Tariffs. The Company agrees to work with Staffto updates the Company's tariff language. Final updated tariffs shall be submitted no later than December 31, 2018. FURTHER COOPERATION 20. Supporting Comments. The Parties will file written comments supporting this Stipulation on or before December 21,2018. 21. Just and Reasonable: The Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public's interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. The Parties agree to use their best efforts to obtain Commission approval of the Stipulation. 22. No Acknowledgement. No Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgement by any Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at JOINT SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 4 this Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the furure. No findings of fact or conclusion of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 23, Commission Approval. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with RP 274-276. 24. Confidentiality. The Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Parties. Therefore, other than any testimony filed in support of the approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation, as directed by RP 272, all statements made and positions taken in negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall be confidential and will not be admissible in evidence in this or any other proceeding. 25. Best Efforts. The Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety. Parties shall support this Stipulation before the Commission, and no Pany shall appeal a Commission Order approving the Stipulation or an issue resolved by the Stipulation. lf this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation, the Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to file testimony, cross-examine witnesses, and put on such case, as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlements embodied in this Stipulation. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Parties to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Stipulation. 26. Counterparts. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED this day of December 2018.DATED this4tayof December 20 I 8 Terri Carlock, Utilities Division Administrator Idaho Public Utilities Commtssion Sta.ff Eagle Water Company, Inc. Robert V., President JOTNT SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 5 EWCO RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. l2(a) EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. l2(a) MAIN --II =-fl -- 1830 Craig Pa* Court St. Louis, MO 63146 I 7 I I SP 0.500 E0 1 7 I X l0 1 90 04775275146 S2 P6i158848 0001 :0001 lllllt'llllh,llrrlllllllllrrll,llllhrllll,lllrpll,lrrlllhhg EAGLE TAATER CO INC IAATER OPERATIONS PO BOX /t55 FAGLE tD 83616-0455 INVOICE lnvolce # lnvolco Date Account # Sales Rep Phone # Branch# 306 To,tal Amount Due Remh To: CORE & MAIil LP PO BOX 28it30 ST. LOUIS, ilO 631/tG Ka79532 1t'i2u19 2380i3 DAI{IEL HAUn(lilS 208{E8{886 Itlerldlen, lD 30,174.65 ffi Shlpped to: CUSTOITTER PICK-UP - Thank you ior tho opportunlty to rcrrt youl lllle epprtclrtc your Fompt paymont Dab Ordered Date Shtpped Customer PO f Job ltemc4126119 41261'19 METERS STOCK METERS STOCK Prduct Godc DeacrlpUon 43ED2D21RPTAF11SG8 T1O 3/4 SL PROCODER RgOOICF BRZ W6' ANT ED2D2RPVVF1 1 SGEg 96PA]NTUDBL #20 CAN UPSIDE D PAINT,BLUE Job# Blll of Lading Shlpped Via WLL CALL Quantty Ordered Shlppcd BrO 24 24 12 12 Price 358.82000 3.63000 lnvolca # K475532 Exbndcd Prlce 8,611.68 43.56 8,655.24 0.00 519.31 um EA EA ii !i Frelght Dellvery Handllng Reatock illsc. Tefln: ilET3O Ord.r.d By: BMDY - JEFF lnvolce Total:19,174.65 Subtotal: Other: Tax: Vhlt Gorll. mda.com for a currcnt W-9 $orm . Pay Online . Signed Deli\rery Receipts Arrliru . Paperless Billing. lnvoEe Faeprlnb Thl! tr.rr.c0on lc govetned by and subroct to CORE & mAlll's stenrLtd brnte and condldoru, wlrlch aro lncorpor.tod by rofierencc .nd .ccepilod. To revlewthele btmr end condlUons, pleere vlrlt liltp:tttendc.comndmain.conrl. oool:oool page 1 of .l <o o?06 39t9P $Hf; EO arJ -3ti.0IG)-oEo 9. -gO6 @Etf5N Io2m :h Noo ooo gloolo N!(Irm 3Ed= oI No No (0 o 5o!3 ffi[t!f $ii iit,ttI Aa EHTmminc,0u333 m{m7tmo @3 €l>E,trItr !m ;oo ! am 'oo7 6xm x5 @(,l(.)N q, o C'T(,l i.,5 ah,IIom g dI E {o cc o ooo Eo o ooo ,Itoo o< oFOo qHHiiE t3i333 Hq**$ao ==o 3' 8"sm @a 9f,I n HE' I No o oboo {t +0l,m0Nc,h, ut€1t o6) (D CDTPz{c0@ e n B 6oa ilE' Tot Io I a 3m m!o U' oi)xur (o(, It rl @{.{ N ''JCjoNo TSSS Ff"13IHsB IHE BEiEhgq o(o n E H 3n ,t,n n ci)xbo-n g o{ !--o cc v c nalc7c1 =(,Em 5H3 F6'rr, m, ir'' <18i e o;i6:pE'()8;9 $uE e E E E E oo om 5, bo Prltrt tl t f;ho dsI ft H5 x 5m! E E Fr,lr5 t t I,Ii bo ,fro 8i 6 I 2!!mE' eFo g ; E tur-6t,ort 2{ iloo n It 9x0 ! o F o 6P oto aLl ul6 mzoo.n ou0mv B (0 iolcl d{? 2 I 9f, Z 3 T z tlt i$r *rip i8.B$g Eii tii 3 ...t-!qr3I. E - it-E !G EN {lrGtt fip !a =EE!i.rm EWCO RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. lz(b) EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMTSSTON STAFF',S PRODUCTTON REQUEST NO. l2[b) Company Reason Amount Paid Date Well4 Priest Electric Pump Motor $7,939.70 07-07-17 Air Care, LLC lnstall Heat Pump $3,400.00 05-23-2018 Well 6 Priest Electric Repair $6,730.92 03-15-2017 Well 7 Priest Electric Repair $7,685.42 03-21-2018 Well 8 Post Drilling N/A $46,875.00 07.o7-2017 Layne of ldaho N/A $37,227.20 08-16-2017 Post Drilling Rehabilitating $34,250.00 02-21-2018 Post Drilling Rehabilitating $28,000.00 03-28-2018 Layne of ldaho N/A $22,267.80 0742-2018 Vehicle Price Purchase Date 2012 Chevy Colorado $9,999.00 12-14-2017 1997 Ford F150 $3,722.94 01-06-2020