HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210714Suez to Staff 48-49.pdfMichael C. Creamer (ISB No. 4030) Preston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 mcc@) qi venspursl ey. com prestoncarler@ qivenspursley. com I 5746338_l.doc (30-174) IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAIIO AI\D EAGLE WATER COMPANY FOR TIIE ACQUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY , , - :L Fii !r: liii Attorneysfor SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case Nos. SUZ-W-18-02/ EAG.W-I8-01 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO THIRI) PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF SUEZ Water Idaho Inc., ("SUEZWater" or "Company") submits the following responses to the Third Production Request of the Commission Staffto SUEZ Water, dated June 23, 2021. Please note that the responses to Request for Production No. 48 (updates to 5, 11 and one attachment to 34) and Request for Production No. 49 are confidential and will be submitted under separate cover per the Commission's rules. DATED: July 14,2021. ,7 --j- * e_ - z_ _. Michael C. Creamer Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. suEz WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO THIRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF - I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 146 day of July,202l, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following in the mailler indicated: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I1331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 Dayn Hardie Matt Hunter Deputy Afforneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise,ID 83714 Attorneysfor IPUC Molly O'Leary BizCounselor at Law 1775W. State St. #150 Boise,ID 83702 Counselfor Eagle Water Company Robert DeShazo Eagle Water Company, [nc. 188 W. State Street Eagle,Idaho 83616 Petitioner N.L. Bangle H2O Eagle Acquition, LLC 188 W. State Street Eagle,ID 83616 Petitioner Jason Pierce, Mayor City of Eagle 660 E. Civil Lane Eagle,ID 83616 Intervenor City of Eagle [ ] bvU.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail i an.noriyuki@puc.idaho. eov [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail dayn.hardie@puc.idaho.gov matt.hunter@puc.idaho. govlqel ltoiqpan. costeI o@puc.idaho.eov [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail molly@bizcounseloratlaw.com [ ] bv U.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery t I bV Facsimile [X] by E-Mail eaglewaterco@gmail.com [ ] bvU.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail nbangle@l0o-solutionsllc. net [ ] bvU.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail jpierce@cityofeagle.org tosborn@cityofeagle. org SI'EZ WATER IDAHO INC.'S RESPONSE TO THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 2 B. Newal Squyres Murray D. Feldman Holland & Hart LLP 800 W. Main Street, Suite 1750 P.O.Box2527 Boise, ID 83702-2527 Attorneys for Intervenor City of Eagle Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 West Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise,Idaho 83702 Attorneys for Intervenor Eagle Water Customer Group Mary Grant Scott B. Muir Deputy City Attomey Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 Attorneys for Intervenor, City of Boise James M. Piotrowski PIOTROWSKI DURAND, PLLC P.O. Box 2864 1020 W. Main Street, Suite 440 Boise,ID 83701 Attorneys for Intervenor Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, ID 83702 Attorney for Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail nsquyres@hollandhart.com mfeldman@hollandhart. com [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail NSemanko@parsonsbehle.com ecf@parsonsbehle.com [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [x] bv E-Mail boisecitvattomey@citvofboise. ore [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X]bV E-Mail James@idunionlaw.com [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail bmpurdy@hotmail.com Preston N. Carter suEZ WATER IDAHO INC.',S RESPONSE TO THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 3 STIEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SU7-W-18-02 TIIIRD PRODUCTION REQT]EST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila M. Cary REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide supplemental responses to Request No. I through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 6: SUEZ Water Idaho proposes a three year rate phase-in for Eagle Water customers after the acquisition (Cary testimony page 12,lines 6-15) Please break down the portion of the increase that will be recovered through basic service charges and the portion recovered through consumption rates. Please explain the method and rationale used and provide all supporting workpapers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO.6 UpDATED: The updated proposed five-year rate phase-in for Eagle Water customers would align rates into the existing SUEZ tariffrate structure, at an anticipated impact of $2,028,636 to create uniformity :rmong rate payers. Exhibit 1 Revised - Schedule la Revised, which was an exhibit originally provided with Cary's testimony, calculates the $2,028,636 impact of the rate phase-in using the latest available March 25,2021Eagle Water active customer count of 4,144, of which 3,629 are Residential customers with a 314" meter, an average monthly consumption of 16ccfs, and a 70% summertime consumption; and of which 515 are Commercial Customers with a l-112" meter, 75ccfs of average monthly consumption, and an85o/o summertime consumption. Using the same assumption as outlined above, the portion of the $2,028,636 increase expected to be recovered through basic service charges is $226)17 or ll.l5%o, while the portion expected to be recovered through consumption rates is $1,802,419 or 88.85%. These figures are calculated in the attached workpaper "Response No 48 Update to Response 6 Phase in fixed & consumptive.xlsx." suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 6 Page 1 of2 CASE NO. SUZ.W.18.O2 Response No.48 Update to Request No. 6 Attachment 1 Excel Spreadsheet Provided Separately in Native Format suz-w-18-02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 6 Page2of 2 ST]EZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQI]EST OF TITE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. REQUEST NO.48: Please provide supplemental responses to Request No. I through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 12: Please provide SUEZ Water Idaho's capital budget projections for the years 2019 -2025. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 12 UPDATED: SUEZ Water ldalro's actual capital expenditures and capital budget projections for 2019 -2024 are shown in the table below. Suez is curently in the planning stages for 2025, so no final budget projection is available at this time for 2025. suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 12 Page 1 of 1 Capital Budget Filed forApprova! ($ in 0fi)'s) Total Net Expendlture Excludins Comorate Overheads 2019 (Aauall 2020 (Actuall mzt 20T2 zJi23 202/t Suez Water ldaho and Eagle Water Company lmprovements Budget Proiection S zasos s 23,27L s 24,745 s 41,056 5 zt,gre s 39,538 Eagle Water Company Acquisition Budcet 5 10,500 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZW.18.O2 TIIIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide supplemental responses to Request No. 1 through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 13: Please provide SUEZ Water Idaho's budgets filed for approval with the board of directors for the years 2010 through 2018. Include in your response the actual capital investments by year for 2010 through 2018. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 13 UPDATED: SUEZ WateT Idaho's capital budget and actual expenditure information from 2010 through 2020 (updated from 2018) are included in the table below. Year Net Capital Expenditure Budgeted (S in 0@'s) Actual Net Capital Expenditure (S in 000's) 20LO 20Lt 20L2 2013 20L4 2015 20L6 20L7 2018 20t9 2020 11,535 11,656 7,9W 9,L73 L2,@9 L2,sffi 10,907 19,20L L5,476 22,859 24,L89 s s s s s S s S S s s LO,U7 10,101 8,243 10,030 L2,L47 13,863 LL,675 t9,62L 16,538 22,308 23,27L s s s S s 5 S S s s s suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 13 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE suz-w-18-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQT]EST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide supplemental responses to Request No. I through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 16: Please provide SUEZ Water Idaho's current meter replacement plan for SUEZ customers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 16 UPDATED: SUEZ Water Idaho's current new and replacement meter plan is shown below (with actuals for 2019 and 2020). Replacement meters include both "break-fix" and programmatic replacements with AMI meters. lnstallation Targets 20L9 (actual) 2020 (actuals)202L 2022 2023 2024 New Customer Meters (# of meters)L,4@ 1,385 7,7@ !,7N L,7N !,7N Replacement Customer Meters (# of meters)L,870 L,632 2,000 2,000 6,000 5,000 suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 16 Page 1 of 1 SIIEZ WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE suz-w-18-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQTIEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide supplemental responses to Request No. 1 through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 17: Please provide the meter replacement plan for Eagle Water customers if SUEZ acquires Eagle Water. RBSPONSE TO PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 17 UPDATED: The meter replacement plan for Eagle Water customers if SUEZ acquires Eagle Water is shown in the following table. lnstallation Targets Year 1 Year2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Replacement Customer Meters (# of meters)800 800 800 800 800 suz-w-18-02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 17 Page 1 of 1 STIEZ WATER IDAIIO INC. CASE SUUW.18.O2 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide supplemental responses to Request No. 1 through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RBSPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 19: Please provide the source documents and detailed cost estimates for the $13.4 million anticipated investment for the Eagle Water system. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 19 UPDATED: The estimate for Eagle Water Systern improvements was slightly altered to be updated and the improvements changed to a S-year timeframe instead of a 3-year timeframe. In general, costs were not changed for simplicity's sake. Changes from the original filing include (all $ in 000's): 1. Meter and Service Replacements - The same amount of dollars for meter and service replacements were evenly spread over 5 years instead of 3 years. 2. Meter Replacements - same costs spread across 5 years. The repeater costs are included in year 1. 3. Redwood Creek pipeline - costs were updated from 52,133 to 52,452 to reflect actual project costs as the pipeline was completed in May 2020. 4, Roll-up Projects (Pipeline Replacements, Safety and Security lmprovements, Production Roll- Up Work) - the same costs included for each of the first three years were added in for years 4 and 5. The original total was $13.358M. The updated total with the above changes is $14.626M. suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 19 Page 1 of 1 STIEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ.W.18-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQTIEST OF TITE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide supplemental responses to Request No. 1 through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO.20: Please reconcile the charts shown in Cooper's testimony on pages 7, 8 and 11. a. Are there projects listed on pages 7 and 8 that are duplicated on page 11? Please explain. b. ls the total cost actually the 530.141 million as shown on page 8 plus the 513.358 million shown on page 11 for a total of 543.499 million? Please explain. c. Please identifo which capital investments the Company would make with the acquisition of the Eagle Water system and which capital investments the Company would make without the acquisition of the Eagle Water system. RESPONSE TO PROpUCTTON REOUEST NO.20 UEETED: a. Yes. The charts were prepared for very different purposes and therefore some of the projects (or portions of projects) appear in multiple charts. The charts on pages 7 and 8 of Coope/s original testimony are updated below - "SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION" and "SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION,,. The costs for the Redwood CreeK Pipeline (a project completed in May 2020) have been updated. The Redwood Creek Pipeline project is included in both tables. For simplicity's sake, the other projects have been shifted to the appropriate year, but costs have not been updated as we believe they are still in the appropriate range. The Eagle Water Acquisition cost has been updated from St0 million to 510.5 million. suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 20 Page 1 of4 SUEZ SUPPTY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGTE WATER ACqUISITION Redwood Creek2.ne 2.L6 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3@0 rom Pump s 571 0.00 Optimist Booster Pump Station / New 2 MG Tank s 2.894 s 2,894 2.L6 lsland Woods Connection S 2.177 S z,tn Marden Expansion (6 MGD, no DAF), includes Main Enlargements to move the water away from Marden: Marden and Mobley Main Enlargement (23fl)'of 36" pipe), and Lewis / 6th Street Main Enlargement (11^,T10' o124" pipe)S 2./t5s s 8.618 S aozs Cumulative Cost (in 000's)s 13.81S)S 14.390 s 14.390 s 19.462 s 26.998 s 3s.516 s 43.641 Cumulative MGD 2.2 4.3 4.3 4.3 6.5 5.5 \2.5 Cost per MGD s 5.397 s 3.331 s 3.331 s 4.s0s s 4.155 s s.496 s 3.497 MGD Facility lmprovement 2020 202L 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 SUEZ SUPPTY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGTE WATER ACQUISITION Redwood Creek line2. 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 som Pumo/hisherTDH s 769 0.0c EWC Acouisition Price s 10,s00 0.0c Water Right Transfers / APODS to allow full caDacitv oumoinc from EWC Wells Ss6 3.24 New Pump EWC Well 8, PRV, connect to RWC Pioeline s 1.043 3.6C New Pump Well 6 PRV, connect to RWC Pipeline S 1.110 7.U New 2 MG Tank / Rehab Well 1 (1000 gpm additional available from Well 6)s 2.006 s 3.13s Cumulative Cost (in 0fl)'sl s 13.819 s 2s,088 s 25.!14 s 26.187 s 26.187 s 29.303 s 32438 Cumulative MGD 2.2 4.3 4.3 7.6 7.6 LL.2 L2.6 Cost per MGD s 6.398 S s.807 s s.820 s 3.48r s 3.464 s 2.626 s 2.574 2020 202t 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026Facility lmprovement Ir The two charts above compare only the costs of providing approximately 12.5 MGD of additional and redundant supply. These charts support the benefit of the acquisition to current SUEZ customers by dononstrating that approximately 12.5 MGD of future supply can be provided for $11.2M less "with the Eagle Water Acquisition" than "absent the Eagle Water Acquisition." The Planned Capital Improvements chart on page 1 1 of the original Cooper testimony was updated in Cooper's supplemental testimony filed in 2021(and is reproduced below) to reflect a five year project implementation timeframe and the actual costs of the Redwood Creek Pipeline suz-w-18-02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 20 Page2ol4 PTANNED CAPITAT IMPROVEMENTS fiAT wltl BENEFIT EAGTE WATER CUSTOMERS . 4I2O2I UPDATE Prolect Tltle Coots (ln 00'sl Bsnefit SummaryYcar I Year 2 Year 3 Ycar 4 Year 5 Add chlorination at wells 2. 4.6.7. A s 56 chlorine csidual in distributlon system, prctection against contamination risk. S10k olus OH D€rsite. SCADA at cach Facility (Wells2,4,6,7,8,2 boostcR), control rcom and assGiatcd hardwarc and software ( 5a2 SCADA controls at each faclllty will allow for 2+hour monitorlng of syst.m opcrations lncludes S25Ofor a control rcom, databasc, hlstorian, 6dio path surucy, etc if Eagle Wat.ronstructed thr improvem€nt (no OH on this portion). S35k p€r sit!, Ssk continsrnd- 6lui OH Mctcrand servicc Replaemnts (2,000 @ S19)o.achl 6n 6n 6n 6n 6n Half of EWC mctere - fix prcblcmatic mctcr lo€tions, movc lnto right-of-way, lessen depth for safety and access. I nstal I AMI mctc 6. Thc bcnefits of AMI mete R includc @ntinuous Eporting, with customcE ablc to src watcr usage through the Sucz websit., leak dctcclion, and backflow detcction. Meter Rcplaccment wlth aMr l2ooo a l388l 19'77t 7T Half of EWC mcteB - lnstall AMI meteB in cxisting mlter box.s. The benef lts of AMI mteE includc contlnuous roponlnE, with customcR ablc to sce watrr usagr through the Suezwcbsite, lcak dctection, and backflowdctcdion. lncludes Sl6kfortwo EDeateE if Eagle Wateronstructed thr imDrovercnts. no OH on this Dortion. Watcr RiSht TEnsfeR to add APODS to Eagle Water and sUEz Rishts (s These tBnsf.rs would allow the two d.livcry systems to be lntegEted in the future, cnhancing th€ rcliability and f lrxibility of both. ln addition, shared Eaglc rights and SUEZ rights would fill the curcnt shortfall ln Eaglc Watcr rights to m!et pcak dr mands. These tnnsfe tr would el i mi natc the need for Eagh Wate r to appropriatc n.w wat.r dlhts to fill it! .umnt rhortfall. lvlap Eagle Water System ()7 Prcvides the benefit of crcws being able to rapidly lffite buried infnstructure. lnclusion in the model will allow for syst.m optimization and targeted pipeline replaement planning. This will also include the Eaglc Waterfacilltics into Aouadvaned EncB. an cnew-savln! svstem oocEtlons Dlatfom, PRV at W.ll S s 528 PRV and portion of piping will interconnect the Eagl€ Watcr system with the Suez system. will provide acccss to fire stoESc and peaking volumc in Hiddrn Hollow Tankfor Earlc WatercustomeR. Bencfitof suoDlv and stoErc fromsuez svstem. PRV.t well6 s 341 PRV and portion of piping will intcrconnect thc Eagle Water system with the Sue2 rystem. Wll provide a@ss to firc stoEgc and peaking stoEgc in Hidden Hollow Tanl forEarle WatercustomeE. Benefit of suDDlv and stoErc from Suez svstem. Redwood creek PiDeline s 2.4s2 The Redwood Cre€k pipellnc will be thc intcr@nnection bctwcen th. Eagle Water system and thc suez system. This piprllnc wlll provldc Eatlc Watercustomecthe bcnefit of brinS ablc to acrss sourc and stoEgc f rcm the Suez system. The benef it is calculated on makinB up thc Edundancy shortfall in fircflow for Eaglc water ( 1375 gpm). This would also cover th€ shortage ln peak hour redundancy (1175 gpm) and the emergcncystandbyshortage (429gpm). ltwont be available to EWCcustometr until thc PRV at Well 8 is in plae, whlch ls why lt has bccn lncluded in Ycar 2. cost €lculatcd as a portion of the total pip.linc cost, 1375 gpm / zsogpm (ultimate pipeline @pacity with 10@ gpm being uscd loelly in FloatinS Feather and Eagle Wate r areaI. ? MG Trhk 3 2.m6 S 2.006 Will allow thc the Eagle Watcr wells to pump supply into a stoEge tank and provide rEvitvstoEre to the area. Pipellne Rcplacements (toq q 3os S 3os s 305 S 3os 0.Smilesofpipelinereplacemcntperyear. FirstyeatrwilltaBetundeRizcdlinesor lln.s at hirh.r risk of breakasc. Safety and securitv lmo6vements s 28 s28 (,R ()g (?e Ar.flr<hrhalv<i(:h.limbr6v.m.nt(.v.wash<tationr fallbrdt.di6natfa.ilitvsit.s Pr .firdi6n R6ll-l 16 Wark (tta 3 141 S 141 s 141 S 141 Pump replaements, HVAC, prcduction meter replaccments, pumping facility upgrades, landseping, sampllng stations, Scnerator replacements, add water level monitorin! in wGlls- etc Totals (1-!E s4!m sL327 sr.6'14 s3.333 sr4.6a6 ThaimprovementsinthistablehaveoverheadsaddedexeptforportlonsofimprovemantsthatwouldbecompletcdifEagleWaterweremakingtheimprovemcnts. For examplc, with respect to needed SCADA control for tha Eaglc Watcr system, SUE alcady has a @ntrcl @m, serye6, database, and historian computcrs to support the addition ofSCADAattheEagleWaterfacilities. EagleWaterd@snothaveacontrol r@morasssiatedamenitiesandwouldhavetopurchasethemtoimplcmrntfundionalSCADA control if Ea€le Wate r were construdinr the imDrcve me nt itself. The Eagle Water oortion of the @sts does not havc anv ove rheads i ncl uded. project. The updated total is $14.626 million. This chart shows project costs (or the portion of project costs) that would directly benefit Eagle Water Customers. These costs were used in the Eagle Water rate calculation presented in Cary's testimony. suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 20 Page 3 of 4 b. No. As explained in section (a) of this response, the charts were prepared for different purposes. Adding the chart totals together would duplicate some project costs. c. The projects in the table titled "SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION" totaling 543.541 million would be constructed absent the Eagle Water Acquisition to provide additional and redundant supply to current SUEZ customers. lf the Eagle Water Company acquisition is completed, the projects in the table titled "SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUlSlTlON" totaling S32.438M would be constructed to provide additional and redundant supply to current SUEZ customers and Eagle Water Customers. The capital investments shown in the "Planned Capital lmprovements" chart would all be made for the benefit of Eagle Water Customers. Note that some projects in the "Planned Capital lmprovements" chart are also relevant to and included in the supply analysis comparison, including the following. r Water Right Transfers to add APODS to Eagle Water and SUEZ Rights . PRV at WellS . PRV at Well 6 . Redwood Creek Pipeline . 2 MG Tank suz-w-18-02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 20 Page 4 of4 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZW.18.O2 THIRD PRODUCTION REQTTEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila M. Cary REQUEST NO.48: Please provide supplemental responses to Request No. I through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO.32: SUEZ Water Idaho anticipates it will need to add three additional employees to operate the Eagle Water Company system. See Cary Direct at 8. Please provide a job description and salary range for the new SCADA Operator, Meter Reader and Customer Service Representative positions. For each position, please indicate and explain whether: (a) the job description and salary range is the same as the current positions within SUEZ's existing Idaho service territory; and (b) the position will be dedicated solely to work related to serving customers within the Eagle Water Company's service area. If the answer to (b) is no, please provide further explanation regarding the need for the new positions. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO.32 UPDATED: The SUEZ ldaho Collective Bargaining Unit Contract expired on March 3I,2019 and was renegotiated. OPERATOR - Current contract wages for the Operator position based on years of service and qualifications range from$24.74 (75% of full wage for most newly hired Operator positions) to $32.98 (full wage, generally attained after 5 years of employment) per hour, with additional certification pay for professional certification levels achieved as required by the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses. Certification pay for achieving Operator Level I is an additional $0.15 per hour, Level II $0.55, Level III $0.75, and Level fV $0.90. Therefore the annual wages for Operators generally start from $51,761 ($24.74 + $0.15 Level I certification * 2,080 hours) for newly hired, less- suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 32 Page 1 of2 experienced employees, and can range up to $70,470 ($32.98 + $0.90 Level IV certification * 2,080 hours) for Operators with 5 years or more experience or where special circumstances warrant a new, well-qualified employee to be placed at an advanced step in the wage progression scale. Operator 1 and Chief Operator roles include supervisory oversight responsibilities, which would not apply to this role initially and were not included in the wage analysis. The bargaining contract also includes provisions for scheduled rotating standby time, for monitoring the system and responding to system needs, and alarms outside of a regularly scheduled shift, which would be in addition to the wages shown above. METER READER - A newly hired meter reader will generally start at$24.43 per hour, $1.00 less than the current established Meter reader Wage of $25.43. The anticipated annual wage for a newly hired meter reader is currently $50,814. While performing Customer Person Field Service duties, including completing field work orders, turning water on and off, troubleshooting and maintenance; the role would earn between $26.07 per hour for newly hired employees to $27.07 for established employees. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE - The current new hire wage for a CSR is $16.22 per hour, determined in part by the annual Boise CPI inflationary index and relevant years of experience. At 1,950 hours annually, the starting wage range would be $31,629. However, with relevant years of experience, the wage may be adjusted up by lo/oper year, up to a maximum of l5oh or $18.83 per hour and $36,719 annually for well-qualified candidates. Additionally, qualified Customer Service Representatives may be chosen to participate in a cross training opportunity where they may earn an additional $ 1.30 to $2.80 per hour while performing higher level tasks including: front office functions, payment processing, bad debt duties, and back office billing duties. suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 32 Page 2 of 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ.W-18-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQTIEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila M. Cary REQUEST NO.48: Please provide supplernental responses to RequestNo. I through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 33: How many SCADA Operator, Meter Reader and Customer Service Representative positions does SUEZ have currently? Please indicate how many of these positions are considered to be full time and whether the positions are currently filled or vacant. How many of these positions have been filled within the last twelve months? RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REOUEST NO.33 UPDATED: SUEZ employs 15 full-time Operators, including 2 Operator I positions and 2 Chief Operator positions. Currently there is one vacancy for an Operator position. Eight positions were filled within the most recent l2-month period. The most recent Operator hired was in June of 2021. The Company employs 6 full+ime Meter Readers with no vacancies. Two positions were filled in the last l2 months. There are 15 full-time Customer Service Representatives, with one vacancy with an estimated start date of July 12,2021. Four positions were filled in the last 12 months. suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 33 Page 1 of 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. cAsE su7-'w-18-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQTJEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila M. Cary REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide supplernental responses to Request No. I through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 34: For each Customer Service supervisory or managerial position for SUEZ Water Idaho, please provide: (a) the job description and salary range; (b) whether the position is considered to be full time; and (c) whether the position is currently filled or vacant. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REOUEST NO.34 UPDATED: SUEZ Idaho's Customer Service Manager is a full-time position, and is currently filled. SUEZ's Credit and Collections Supervisor position is a full time position and is filled. During 2020 the Company's Customer Field Service and Meter Reading staff were reorganized under the Transmission and Distribution department. SUEZ's Transmission & Distribution Supervisor position, which now oversees Customer Service field personnel and Meter Readers, is a full time position and is filled. Current job descriptions for the Customer Service department managerial and supervisory positions are attached: Attachment Production Request No. 48 Update to Request 34 - Customer Service Manager.docx, Attachment Production Request No. 48 Update to Request 34 Credit & Collections Supervisor, and Attachment Production Request No. 48 Update to Request 34 T&D Operations Supervisor. Salary information for these positions has been designated as Confidential and subject to the Protective Agreernent among the Parties and provided separately. Attachment Production Request No.48 Update to Request No.34 CS Wages CONFIDENTIAL.xIsx suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 34 Page 1 of 1 CASE NO. SIJZ-'W-18-02 Response No. 48 Update to Request No. 34 Confi dential Attachment Excel Spreadsheet Provided Separately in Native Format POSITION: Credit and Collections Supervisor DATE: February 2019 INCUMBENT:ANALYST: Jessica Reed DEPARTM ENTI O6O.RIID3O4 APPROVAL: Susan Gerard LOCATION: Idaho-O35 Manager Approval: Jarmila Cary REPORTS TO: Customer Serwice Manager 4Ol lob Code PEO572 Summarv: The main focus of the Credit and Collections Supervisor is to deliver a customer experience that differentiates SUEZ from peers and competitors through effective supervision of back office billing, front desk, and bad debt Customer Service Representatives (CSR) by delivering on key performance indicators. All efforts should have a clear focus and should be driven by customers' needs and expectations on delivering exceptional service to SUEZ'customers in-line with requirements defined by the Company, and regulators. The scope of the position covers the supervision, training and coaching of a results-oriented customer seruice team. This position is responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of the customer service standard operating procedure documents, management of the interna! training rotation and assessment program for the department and daily management and oversight of all work assigned to the back office billing, front office cashiering, and bad debt CSRs. This includes but is not limed to the management and reconciliation of the suspense accounts within the customer care and billing system for Idaho operations, ensuring all payments are processed, investigation and resolution of misapplied payments, balancing and validation of daily cash transmittals; ensuring al! proof of payments supplied are applied appropriately in accordance to service level agreementsl the completion and reconciliation meter sheets, service person's call sheets, and on/off (field service orders, AMI Flexnet, Water Scope, and Meter Test database); the completion and reconciliation of all system generated "to do" exceptions; investigation and resolution of inactive seruices showing meter consumption, inbound collection calls and correspondence, bankruptcies, outbound collection processes and 3'd party collection agency oversight. c0100 suz-w-l8-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page 1 ot 12 Human Resources www.mysuezwater.com The incumbent will be responsible for the oversight of all activities relating to aged receivables, collections and payment processing for SUEZ Idaho. The supervisor will ensure that work is processed in line with established internal service standards; in accordance with established policies and procedures and in compliance with all established CODIS/INCOME controls as well as the existing tariffs, contracts and regulations in effect at any given time. A key success factor for the incumbent wil! be ensuring a sustainable balance between productivity, compliance and quality assurance. The incumbent will pul!, evaluate, and disseminate detailed reporting to identify trends in assigned area of responsibility and share insights into challenges and opportunities that the data represents. Clear strategies will be communicated, implemented and tracked to address challenges and capture opportunities with a clear focus on innovative solutions and ongoing assessment of technologies available to invigorate and improve collection results. This position requires very strong leadership, communication skills, mentoring and coaching, thorough understanding of the customer/billing/payment/notification processes and customer billing system, the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), the Integrated Voice Response (IVR) system, CityWorks work management system, customer website and portal, Idaho Public Utility Commission (IPUC) regulatory rules, with a focus on policy, process adherence, and drive for improvement. Dimensions: Ed ucation' Eo u iva lent :. Minimum High School diploma required. Bachelor's Degree in relevant field or equivalent work experience preferred Work Exoerience ' qrledoe Needed:. Strong experience and working knowledge in related areas to include call center operations, credit and collections, billing, payment processing, customer information systems, performance benchmarking, and work management.. Experience with Customer Contact & Billing system (CC&B) a plus.. Good experience in training and development of office Customer Service Representatives (csR).. 5-7 years'experience in a customer contact/call center/collections/billing environment.o 2-3 years supervisory experience in a customer contact/call/collections/billing center environment.. Experience in Bookeeping or Accounting. Experience in areas of payment processing, performance benchmarking, and work management needed.. Utility or telecommunication experience preferred. . Direct/Indirect Reports:. Customers:. BudgetAccountabilities:. Annual Revenue:o Financial Responsibilities:. Operating Utilities: Soecial Skills hilities Needed: Human Resources 6+ 100,000 -$1M -$44M -$5M in aged receivables on an ongoing basis Idaho Operations c0100 suz-w-18-02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment-Page2o112 www.mysuezwater.com . Self-reliant / self-motivated and able to lead and adapt to change.. Ability to synthesize data and translate insights into relevant, usable, actionable, strategic and tactical recommendations. Proficiency with MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook.. Good knowledge of state and federal rules, regulations, codes and laws relating to customer service, collections, and privacy practices preferred.o Strong leadership, management and supervisory skills.o Experience with recruiting, hiring, training, and motivating.o Ability to train, coach, and mentor others in effective customer seruice practices, methods, and techniqueso Strong problem-solving abilities. Ability to synthesize data and translate insights into relevant, usable, actionable, strategic and tactical recommendations. Systems used include but are not limited to workforce management, IVR, AMI, CityWorks, customer information, contact & billing system (CC&B) and GIS.o Strong interpersonal and communications skills including the ability effectively work with, interact, and communicate well with al! levels of management, peers, customers, and frontline employees.o Strong negotiation and conflict resolution skills.o Demonstrated ability to work with customers, clients and regulators in a courteous, professional and diplomatic manner.o Ability to work under pressure and within deadlines.o Ability to handle multiple tasks and employee/key customers'demands with patience and diplomacy Nature & Scooe-Princioal Areas of Resoonslbilities: Superuision. Supervise and coordinate the work of assigned Lead CSRs and CSRs. Provide daily direction and communication to Lead CSRs and CSRs to ensure aged receivables management; payment processing and reconciliation; credit/refund management; inbound collection calls and correspondence; field collection activities; SUEZ Cares; bankruptcies; miscellaneous charges; deposits; outbound collection processes and 3'd party collection agency oversight and referral management are handled in a proper, timely, efficient, positive, and knowledgeable manner.. Assign and oversee workload to ensure work is processed in line with established internal seruice standards; in accordance with established policies and procedures, in compliance with established CODIS/INCOME controls, existing tariffs, contracts, and regulations in effect.. Monitor compliance of key revenue, collection and payment processes in terms of completeness, correctness and timeliness.o Document, deliver and maintain a thorough training program covering all procedures and processes related to assigned roles and responsibilities of the CSR team. Establish and monitor annual goals for the department and ensure that all assigned employees receive an employee performance/development review at least once a year.o Assist the Customer Service and HR Managers in the recruitment process. Train and develop Customer Seruice Representatives.o Assist the Customer Service and HR Manager with counseling, evaluation and motivation of personnel. Perform annual evaluations of assigned staff.. Identify staff training needs, provide and deliver recommended training solutions.. Conduct staff meeting and feedback sessions, and ensure appropriate work communication among personne! and departments. Perform regular work monitoring and performance feedback. c0100 suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page 3 ot 12 Human Resources www.mysuezwater.com a a a a Provide direction for conflict resolution to the Lead CSR, CSRs and field staff with customer contact and take an active role in the escalation process to ensure customer resolution and satisfaction. Ability to coach staff on digital changes including driving adoption rates of self-service channels, Ability to contribute to and align with Customer Service Strategy Physical: Ability to travel when required. Ability to sit and/or stand for extended time periods viewing computer screens and using keyboard and mouse. Sensory: Must be able to see clearly and hear. Must be able to speak, give direction, and converse with others fluently in English. Mental: Must be able to read complex operations reports, write detailed reports and prepare and deliver presentations. Ability to analyze complex operational and technical challenges and resolve same. Ability to interpret and explain complex regulatory requirements. Must be able to reason, problem solve and analyze complex operational challenges and resolve same. Must Resources C0100 suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page 4 of 12 Reg u lations/ Ru les/Standard Operating Processes. Respond and/or coordinate the response of other departments to Idaho Public Utility Commission complaints & resolve complex customer issues.o Remain abreast of and ensure implementation of relevant IPUC rules and regulations.o Ensure departmental compliance with all environmental, health, and safety policies and requirements, and/or take corrective action to resolve safety concern(s). This includes but is not limited to conducting safety training and accident prevention awareness. Reports/ Depa ft ment f mprovements. Participate on special management projects as necessary.r Run, review, and monitor various daily/monthly reports generated through the tVR and CC&B customer information system to ensure department activities and operations are in line with expectations. Communicate issues, progress made and trends to CS Superuisors and Manager.o Assist Customer Service Manager in conducting and implementing continuous process improvements of departmental procedures and processes.o Review and approve occasional customer billing adjustments, refunds, accounts payable invoices, time sheets and other reports as deemed appropriate by the Customer Service Managero Oversee sensitive collection accounts.o Ensure customer collections methods and procedures are implemented that achieve stated accounts receivable targets and metrics.. Establish work procedures and processes that support company and departmental standards, procedures, strategies, and metrics.r Ensure all INCOME/CODIS controls are followed in line with agreed upon standards and perform periodic checks to validate compliance.. Continuously improve work processes, and document same via Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's). Miscellaneous. Perform all other duties and projects as needed, including providing backup assistance and fill-in when needed for Customer Service supervisory functions (Field Customer Service Superuisor and Call Center and Key Account Supervisor).o Routinely communicate and collaborate with Field Customer Service Supervisor, Call Center and Key Account Supervisor, and other departments as needed, regarding customer service related issues. Essential Functions: a a a Human www.mysuezwater.com be able to learn new technological advances in water industry and train personnel. Must be able to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Must be able to multi-task. Must be able to make calm independent decisions, exercise good judgment and flexibility. This position description is intended for the purpose of evaluation and salary positioning and ls not a contract setting forth the full scope of employment. The employer retalns the right to deviate from the description at its discretion, wlthout notice. c0100 suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page 5 of 12 Human Resources www.mysuezwater.com POSITION: Customer Service Manager INCUMBENT: DEPARTMENT: 060R11D304 Customer Service LOCATION: 035-ldaho REPORTS TO: Direct Report to Corp Customer Service DirectorA/P (TBD) with a dotted line reporting relationship to Director of Finance of Location DATE:2020_10 ANALYST: Jessica Reed APPROVAL: Justy Thomas Manager Approval: Jarmila Cary JC: ME0245 Salary: B3Ql Summaru: The main responsibility of the Customer Service Manager is to define, implement, nurture and deliver a results- oriented team environment that meets operational performance expectations and delivers a customer experience which differentiates SUEZ from peers and competitors. All efforts should have a clear focus on delivering exceptional service to SUEZ'customers in-line with requirements defined by the Company, regulators and clients, and driven by customers' needs and expectations. The scope of the position covers all aspects of office customer service activities including call center, billing, and collections activities. This position requires very strong Ieadership, communicartion skills, mentoring and coaching, thorough understanding of the customer/billing/payment/notification processes and customer billing system, the Advanced Metering lnfrastructure (AM!), the lnteractive Voice Response (!VR) system, customer website and portal, ldaho Public Utilities (!PUC) regulatory rules, with a focus on policy, process adherence, and drive for improvement. Dimensions: DirecUlndirect Reports - Oversees between 18 and 20 employees: Direct: 1 Supervisor, 1 CSR Lead, 11 CSRs lndirect: 1 CSR Lead, 5 CSRs Customers: 100K (billed bi-monthly) Annual Revenue: -$49M Ed uc ati o nlEo u ival e nt: Bachelors Degree in relevant field or equivalent work experience BBA in Business Management or similar field preferred Work Etcpertence Needed:r 8+ years experience in Customer Service or related field, preferably at managemenUsupervisor levelo Good understanding of and experience with budget development and accountabilityo Strong working knowledge of general accounting, billing, collections, cash management, meter reading, and field service activities, processes and systemso Project management experience in relation to system development and implementation c0100 suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page 6 of 12 Human Resources www.mysuezwater.com a Special Skills/Abilities Needed : Excellent leadership, management and supervisory skills.o Self-reliant / self-motivated and able to lead and adapt to changeo Experience with recruiting, hiring, training, and motivating.o Ability to train, coach, and mentor others in effective customer service practices, methods, and techniqueso Strong problem-solving abilities. Ability to synthesize data and translate insights into relevant, usable, actionable, strategic and tactical recommendations.o Strong interpersonal and communications (oral and written) skills including the ability effectively work with, interact, and communicate well with all levels of management, peers, customers, and frontline employees. Strong negotiation and conflict resolution skills.o Demonstrated ability to work with customers, clients and regulators in a courteous, professional and diplomatic manner.o Ability to work under pressure and within deadlines.o Ability to handle multiple tasks and employee/key customers' demands with patience and diplomacy Strong proficiency with Microsoft Office, especiallyWord and Excel.o Systems used include but are not limited to workforce management, lVR, AMl, CitylVorks, customer information, contact & billing system (CC&B) and GlS. Strong knowledge of state and federal rules, regulations, codes and laws relating to customer service, collections, and privacy practices preferred a a a Nature & Scooe-Princioal Areas of Responsibilities: ManagemenUSupervisiono Establish work procedures and processes that support company and departmental standards, procedures, strategies, and metrics in partnership with direct reports/team. Prepare, oversee, and be accountable for departmental annual operating budgetso Ensure departmental compliance with all environmental, health, and safety policies and requirements Key Account Managemento Prepare and oversee annual customer experience feedback programso Ensure customer satisfaction while maintaining Key Performance lndicator (KPl) levels within expected guidelines. Use data relating to complaints, inquiries and customer experience feedback to improve service standards in line with customers' expectations and continuously enhance communication with customers. Communicate with colleagues, internal and external customers, stakeholders, vendors/consultants and business partners/contacts in a clear, respectful and consistent mannero Establish and monitor annual goals for direct reports and ensure that all department employees receive an employee performance/development review at least once a year Reg u lations/Ru les/Standard Operati ng Processeso Act as primary liaison to regulatory commission (IPUC) for resolution of customer complaints and issueso Develop, communicate and enforce written policies, procedures and financial controls to harmonize, strengthen and support timely and consistent response to customer inquiries and complaintso Conduct continuous process improvements of departmental procedures and processeso Ensure compliance with INCOME (CODIS), and all regulatory and contractual requirements. Ensure compliance with all regulatory commission (IPUC) and/or contractual requirements as related to all aspects of customer service Human Resources C0100 suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page 7 of 12 www.rr'Iys(re:7w Ater r;{}n r a Develop and continuously improve work processes, and document same via Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) Department I m provements/Reportso Continually observe and recommend process improvements for the departmento Participate on special management projects and or Corporate initiatives as necessaryo Participate in due diligence and acquisition integration when required. Prepare detailed departmental operational and management reports Miscellaneouso Manage relationships with key service providers ensuring that all services are in-line with contractual specifications Essenfhl Functions: . Physical: Ability to travel when required. Ability to sit for extended time periods.r SensoU: Must be able to see clearly and hear. Must be able to speak to give direction and converse with otherso Mental: Must be able to read complex operations reports, write detailed reports and prepare and deliver presentations. Ability to analyze complex operational and technical challenges and resolve same. Ability to interpret and explain complex regulatory requirements. Must be able to reason, problem solve and analyze complex operational challenges and resolve same. Must be able to learn new technological advances in water industry and train personnel. Must be able to work under pressure and meet deadlines. This position description is intended for the purpose of evaluation and salary positioning and is not a contract setting forth the full scope of employment. The employer retains the right to deviate from the description at its discretion, without notice. c0100 suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page I of 12 Human Resources www.mysuezwater.com POSITION: T&D Operations Supervisor INCUMBENT: DEPARTMENT: 060-RllD1 1 3 APPROVAL: Susan Gerard / Justy Thomas LOCAT]ON: ldaho - 035 Manager Approva!: Marshall Thompson/John Lee/David Johns REPORTS TO: T&D lr4anager Band:4Q2 Job Code: SE6014 Summarv: Supervises daily activities of the operations'water transmission and distribution systems, maintenance programs, construction and repair efforts, and field service and meter reading requirements to ensure its operational efficiency, dependability, and to deliver a customer experience which differentiates SUEZ from peers and competitors. Ensures that customer, company, governmental, and regulatory requirements and standards are consistently met. Requires the exercise of considerable knowledge of water distribution system operations policies, procedures, and laws. Responsible for emergency crew activities after hours. This position requires very strong leadership, communication, mentoring and coaching skills, and a thorough understanding of the transmission and distribution system, various technical systems used, and Idaho Public Utilities regulatory rules with a focus on policy, process adherence, and drive for improvement. Dimensions:. Subordinates: Maintenance Programs, up to 8 direct reports - Construction and Repair, up to B direct reports - Field Service and Meter Reading, up to 14 direct reports. Budget: $800k. Facilities under responsibility: Water distribution system consisting of 1,420 miles of main, 30,321 valves, -100,000 services, 2,2B1fire hydrants; 78,303 meters; 286 PRVs. Customers served: -100,000 (predominantly bi-monthly meter reading) c0100 suz-w-1&02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page 9 of 12 DATE:2020 08 ANALYST: Jessica Reed Human Resources www.mysuezwater.com Ed ucatio n / Ea u iva le nt :. High School degree or equivalent. Bachelors degree in business preferred. Valid state driver's license. Minimum of a state Class IV Water Operator Distribution License or the ability to obtain in 1 year. City of Boise Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Responsible Person license or the ability to obtain in 1 year. City of Boise Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Designer license or the ability to obtain in 1 year Work Exoerience Needed:. 5 years'experience in waterworks distribution operations, maintenance and construction, and utility meter reading and/or field service experience, preferably a water utility. 3 years in a lead or supervisory position in a water distribution system environment Soecial SkillslAb :. Foster teamwork and create a work culture that demonstrates the company's core values.o Demonstrated excellent communication skills verbally, in writing and in email.. Demonstrated ability to work with customers, clients and regulators in a courteous, professional and diplomatic manner.. Strong knowledge of OSHA and Company environmental health and safety rules, policies, and procedures. Strong understanding of road construction plans, including cuts and fills, sewer and storm drain profiles and grades. Strong knowledge of traffic and sediment control plan development. Basic understanding of cross-connection and backflow prevention. Good working knowledge of GIS and hydraulic principles. Strong expertise with construction, operations, maintenance, services and meters,and optimization of water distribution systems. Responsible for emergency crew activities after hours Must possess and maintain a valid state driver's license.. Strong knowledge of federal, state, and local transportation rulesr Strong problem-solving abilities. Ability to synthesize data and translate insights into relevant, usable, actionable, strategic and tactical recommendations,. Ability to function in the digital world, using computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone devices and software to communicate and perform and record work.o such as CityWorks workforce management, IVR, Sensus AMI, work management system, MVRS, Metron Waterscope customer information, contact & billing system (CC&B) and GIS or other system(s) as adopted by the Company is a plus.. Proficiency with business office computing systems.. Thrive in a fast paced environment where organizing and flexibility are necessary skills.. Self-reliant / self-motivated and able to lead and adapt to change.. Ability to work under pressure and within deadlines.. Ability to handle multiple tasks and employee/customer demands with patience and diplomacy. c0100 suz-w-l8-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page 10 of 12 Human Resources www.mysuezwater.com Nature & Scooe-Princioal Areas of Resoonsibilities: Supervision. Supervises, plans, schedules, and directs departmental personnel with regard to: repairing, replacing, and installing main lines, services, fire hydrants, valves, meters and associated appurtenances; raising, lowering or relocating facilities as required, meter reading and field customer service operations and maintenance performed by department employees and/or outside contractors.. Conduct staff meeting and feedback sessions, and ensure appropriate work communication among personnel and departments. Perform regular monitoring and performance feedback.. Assists in evaluating, selecting, implementing, and operating departmental tools and resources necessary for successful department operations.. Provides oversight to T&D department programs, identifies staff training needs, provides and delivers recommended training solutions such as: leak detection, valve exercising, meter replacement, hydrant maintenance, large meter testing, air relief and pressure reducing valves, proper working ergonomics, reading routes, troubleshooting technical system issues etc. Regulations/ Rules/Sta ndard Operating Processes. Coordinate the response of other departments to Idaho Public Utility Commission complaints & resolve complex customer issues.r Remain abreast of and ensure implementation of relevant IPUC rules and regulations.. Ensure departmental compliance with all environmental, health, and safety policies and requirements, and/or take corrective action to resolve safety concern(s). This includes but is not limited to conducting safety training, accident prevention awareness, and maintaining associated records. Reports/ Department Improvements. Rufl, review, and monitor various daily/monthly reports to ensure department activities and operations are in line with expectations. Communicate issues, progress made and trends to T&D Operations Supervisors, T&D Manager, and Director of Operations.. Assist Customer Service Manager in conducting and implementing continuous process improvements of departmental procedures and processes.. Review and approve time sheets and other reports as deemed appropriate. Establish work procedures and processes that support company and departmental standards, procedures, strategies, and metrics.o Ensure all INCOME/CODIS controls are followed in line with agreed upon standards and perform periodic checks to validate compliance.. Continuously improve work processes, and document same via Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's),. Participate on special management projects as necessary, Miscellaneous. Supervises annual and periodic distribution system flushing activities. Makes field investigations for road permits; prepares and submits road cut permits and sediment and erosion control plans. Prepares and submits traffic safety plans.. Must be available to respond to emergency situationsr Acts in the capacity of the department manager as needed. c0100 suz-w-l&02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page 11 ot 12 Human Resources www.mysuezwater.com Essential Functions: Physical: must be able to lift 50lbs. Ability to sit for long periods of time viewing computer screens and utilitzing a keyboard and mouse. Ability to bend, kneel, and stoop for extended periods of time. Mental: must be able to analyze complex problems and develop solutions. Ability to read, write, analyze, and reason. Ability to learn quickly and contribute to a team efforts. Abiltiy to work independently. Sensory: ability to see, speak, hear and communicate. This position description is intended for the purpose of evaluation and salary positioning and is not a contract setting forth the full scope of employment. The employer retains the right to deviate from the description at its discretion, without notice. c0100 suz-w-18-02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 34 Attachment - Page 12 of 12 Human Resources www.mysuezwater.com ST]EZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SU7-W-18-02 THIRD PRODUCTTON REQT EST OF THE COMMTSSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila M. Cary REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide supplemental responses to Request No. I through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO.35: Please provide anorgarizational chart for SUEZ Water Idaho. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 35 UPDATED: Please refer to affached file Attachment Response No. 48 Update to Production Request 35 - Org Chart.pptx suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 35 Page 1 of 1 l l l l suz-w-l&o2 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 35 Attadrment - Page 1 of 7 suz-w-l8-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 35 Attacfiment -Page?ot7 Wilson,Michael Weber,Tamara g Strp.r irr P1;r Rptg & Ar.r i,s:s Accorntrng Clerk suz-w-l8-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 35 Attacfiment - Page 3 of 7 Pierce,Scott R Standley,Brad g SLr1r,'rv sor Cr:)r!lrrlct orl Itri] trect itrp D('! €lrr Tc.tr suz-w-l&02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 35 Attachment - Page 4 of 7 suz-w-l8-02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 35 Attachment - Page 5 of 7 suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 35 Attacfiment - Page 6 of 7 Martinez,Rob N Furman,Bradley Shea,Erica oI ':'r (lir. I il i)l,r,r,,/'i1 r\ li,r,l\'i'r111,' \,' (,)rr: f Ll SIL r ,r ',1 suz-w-l8-02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 35 Attachment- Page 7 of 7 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SU7-W-18-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila M. Cary REQUEST NO. 48: Please provide supplanental responses to Request No. I through Request No. 47 updating for any known changes since the original application filed in 2018. RESPONSE NO.48 PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 42: Please provide the hours of operation for the Customer Service Call Center. Please explain how the Company handles all after-hours calls. How does the person handling after-hours calls determine what constitutes an emergency requiring immediate dispatch of a SUEZ employee? RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REOUEST NO.42 UPDATED: SUEZ's hours of operations are from 8:00AM - 4:30PM Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. As outlined in the Company's rules and regulations approved by the Commission, after-hour calls are answered by a designated "late" Customer Field Service Person until 6:30PM, with calls being routed by a local after-hours call answering service for customer service issues ranging from a back on from leak investigation, repairs, to an emergency tum off or on. From 6:30PM until 8:00AM the next moming, on weekends and during Company holidays, the Transmission & Distribution department on-call staff respond to all customer calls routed through the after-hours answering service. The after-hours answering service has outlined procedures for what the tlpes of customer after-hours calls and concems constitute an emergency requiring immediate dispatch to SUEZ staff. These emergency situations include: . When a customer calls informing of a leak in the street, immediate dispatch to SUEZ on call personnel . When a customer calls with a leak at their home, dispatched to SUEZ after they are notified of some details suz-w-18-02 RFP No. 48 Update to RFP 42 Page 1 of2 . When Digline locating service calls with an emergency, dispatched with information to SUEZ . If a discolored water call comes in, they are asked a few questions and asked to run their cold water for several minutes, if they have not already, then dispatched to SUEZ if not resolved . If any other water quallty issue is reported, dispatched to SUEZ . If the customer says at any time they have an emergency, are agitated, irritated or insistent, dispatched to SUEZ . If the answering service does not know the proper response, dispatched to SUEZ suz-w-18-02 RFP No.48 Update to RFP 42 Page2ol2