HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190214Eagle Water to Staff 2-8.pdf%otfy O'Lear)NLilHIVfiL} I. ij f{B I li Pi{ 3: 38 r l., ir'", , t.-i!J' ' ;' ,'1,.ri,,1, il*cSlf;i; ln5 W. State Street, #l5O Boise, ldaho 83702 Voice / Text : 208.453.610 6 E-Mail: Mollv @ BizCounselorAtlaw.com 14 February 2019 Ms. D. Hanian Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission P O Box 83720 Boise lD 83720-@7+ Hand Deliverd RE: Case No. SUZ-MW2IEAC-W{8OI Dear Ms. Hanian: I am enclosing an original and three [3] copies of EAGLE WATER COMPANY, lNCs RESPONSE TO TF|E COMMISSION STAFFS SECOND PRODUCnON REQUEST. A portion of the document provided in response to the Saffs Request No. 2, and the entire document provided in response to the Saffs Request No. 3 are filed under seal, pursuant to Rule 233 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. An additional copy of this filing is enclosed to be dat+stamped and returned for our files. Very truly yours, lra- @hw, PLLC B ]tC @rtt L MOLLY O'LEARY BizCounselor@ Law, PLLC 1775W. Sate Street #150 BOISE, TDAHO 83702 208.453.5105 IDAHO BAR NO. 4995 Mol Iv @ BizCouonselorAtLaw.com Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE IO|NT APPLTCATTON OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO AND EAGLE WATER, COMPANY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY APPLICANT EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCflON REQUEST COMES NOW, Applicant Eagle Water Company, lnc., by and through undersigned counsel, and provides the following Responses to the Commission Staffs Second Production Request. REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide a copy of the "Original Agreement'' between Eagle Water Company and H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC dated May 14, 2018 as stated on page I under "Definitive Asset Purchase Agreement." RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2: Please see the attached document marked, "Eagle Water Company's Response to Commission Suffs Production Request No. 2." A portion of Section 2.O4 of the requested document has been redacted pursuant to IPUCRP 67, IPUCRP 233, the ldaho Trade Secret Act, Title 48, Chapter 8, Idaho Code, and Title 74, Chapter 1, ldaho Code. A CONFIDENTIAL copy of the un-redacted document has been filed with the Commission in accordance with IPUCRP 233.02. This Response was prepared by N. L. Bangle, President, H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC. EAGLE WATER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST - | l ) ) l l l l ) cAsE NO. SUZ-W-I*OZ| EAG-W-I8-01 Telephone : [469) 458-027 O Address: IBB W. State Street, Eagle, lD 83515 Record Holder [if differentJ: NA Witness to sponsor testimony regarding: Same REQUEST NO. 3: Please provide a list of names of current Eagle Water Company shareholders, date they became shareholders, and the number of shares they own. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3: A CONFIDENTIAL copy of the requested information, marked "Eagle Water Company's Response to Commission Saffs Production Request No. 3r" has been filed with the Commission in accordance with IPUCRP 233.02. The information provided is deemed confidential under IPUCRP 67 and IPUCRP 233; the ldaho Trade Secret Act, Title 48, Chapter 8, ldaho Code; and the ldaho Public Records Act, Title 74, Chapter l, ldaho Code. This Response was prepared by Eagle Water Company attorney Molly O'Leary, based on Eagle Water Company Corporate Minutes provided by Eagle Water Company shareholder Barry L. Marcus. B.L Marcus Telephone: [208) 3+2-3563 B.L. Marcus Address: 737 N 7th St, Boise, lD 83702 Record Holder [if differentJ: NA Witness to sponsor testimony regarding: Barry L. Marcus REQUEST NO. 4: Please provide a list and detailed descriptions of the near term Eagle Water Company system upgrades referenced by Robert DeShazo in Section X, on page 4 of the Application. Within the description, please include any drivers necessitating the upgrade, how the customer would benefit, and an estimate of the cost. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 4: Because of growth and the lack of proper booking procedures in the past, as the recent PUC Staff audit brought to light, the more urgent areas are: a. Additional administration personnel, as well as additional field technicians are required to support existing staff and company growth. Training is needed to improve the knowledge base of field technicians and new staff. New administration staff, a certified water technician and a Plant Superintendent is estimated to increase salary expense by $|75,OOO - $200,000 per year. b. Upgraded billing and processing systems, and necessary office computer upgrades are estimated to cost the Company about $1851000, with maintenance and support being about $25,000 annually. EAGLE WATER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 2 c. Beginning in early 2017, we began to install meters that would be compatible with a radio-read system in both new construction and replacement units. To fully bring the system on-line by replacing all non-radio read meters would cost an estimated $1,700,000 using current dollars. d. Some of our well sites require upgrades and refurbishing. Older generators need to be replaced with modern, remote-controlled natural gas generators. Wells number 2and3 need to redrilled and the well sites need to be completely renovated with new pumps, new well houses and new generators. AII well sites need upgraded security fencing and security systems. The wells require a SCADA system to monitor well flows and system issues. One pump station needs to be moved from private property owned by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. and placed on property owned by Eagle Water Company, Inc. Eagle Water Company is in need of a 2 million gallon reservoir to serve as pressure regulation and a back-up supply. The estimated costs for these much needed renovations, upgrades and additions stand at about $515001000 in current dollars. e. Our vehicles are older models as well as our miscellaneous support equipment. We need to purchase 4 new vehicles within the next two years at an estimated cost of $401000 per vehicle. Estimated support equipment replacements stand at about $5,000 annually. f. We require the use of contract engineering services for both short- and long-term needs to develop short- and long-term infrastructure reinforcement plans and construction budgets and day to day engineering responsibilities. The expected costs are estimated to be about $150,000 per year. This Response was prepared by Daryl Farnsworth, Eagle Water Company Operations Manager, in cooperation with Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., Eagle Water Company President. Telephone: [208] 939 -O2+2 Address: IBB W. State Street, Eagle, ID 83616 Record Holder [if different]: NA Witness to sponsor testimony regarding: Daryl Farnsworth REQUEST NO.5: Please provide a detailed description for all capital improvements over $50,OOO made in the last 3 years. Details should include a narrative description of the improvement, a description of the need[sJ driving the capital expenditure, and a breakdown of the project costs. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 5: There have been no capital expenses over $501000 in the past three years. EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 3 This Response was prepared by Daryl Farnsworth, Eagle Water Company Operations Manager, in cooperation with Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., Eagle Water Company President. Telephone: [208] 939 -O2+2 Address: IBB W. State Street, Eagle, lD 83515 Record Holder [if differentJ: NA Witness to sponsor testimony regarding: Daryl Farnsworth REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide a detailed description for all planned capital improvements exceeding $50,000 in the next 3 years. Details should include a narrative description of the improvement, a description of the driver[s] for each project illustrating why each are necessary, a cost/benefit analysis for each project, and a breakdown of the project costs. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 5: Due to capital restraints, Eagle Water Company has not hired an engineer to begin developing a short- and long-term construction plan. This Response was prepared by Daryl Farnsworth, Eagle Water Company Operations Manager, in cooperation with Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., Eagle Water Company President. Telephone: [208J 939-02+2 Address: IBB W. State Street, Eagle, lD 83615 Record Holder [if differentJ: NA Witness to sponsor testimony regarding: Daryl Farnsworth REQUEST NO.7: Is Eagle Water Company involved in any lawsuits that may interfere or affect the acquisition? lf so, please provide all information and documentation related to each lawsuit and how it will affect the acquisition. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7: There are no current lawsuits. This Response was prepared by Daryl Farnsworth, Eagle Water Company Operations Manager, in cooperation with Robert V. DeShazo,Jr.,Fagle Water Company President. Telephone: [208] 939 -0242 Address: l8B W. State Street, Eagle, lD 83616 Record Holder [if differentJ: NA Witness to sponsor testimony regarding: Daryl Farnsworth REQUEST NO. 8: Are there any liens on any of the assets being acquired by SUEZ Water ldaho through the acquisition? If so, please provide all information and documentation related to each lien. EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 4 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 8: There are no known liens. This Response was prepared by Daryl Farnsworth, Eagle Water Company Operations Manager, in cooperation with Robert V. DeShazor,fr., Eagle Water Company President. Telephone: [208] 939-0242 Address: lB8 W. State Street, Eagle, lD 83616 Record Holder [if differentJ: NA Witness to sponsor testimony regarding: Daryl Farnsworth DATED at Boise, ldaho, this l4'h day of February,2019. @ ,PLLC ttorney for Eagle Water Company, lnc. EACLE WATER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFFS SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST - s Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Sean Costello Deputy Attorney Ceneral ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Attorney for IPUC Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. Eagle Water Company, lnc. lB8 W. State Street Eagle, ldaho 83515 Applicant N.L. Bangle H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC IBB W. State Street Eagle, lD 83615 Applicant EAGLE WATER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 5 t I bv U.S. Mail tXl bV Personal Delivery [Original er 3copies] I I by Facsimile t I bV E-Mail: Secretarv@puc.idaho.gov Diane.Hanian @ puc.idaho.gov tl by U.S. Mail tl bV Personal Delivery tl bV Facsimile tXl by E-Mail: Sean.Costello@puc.idaho.eov t I bv U.S. Mail tl bV Personal Delivery tl bV Facsimile [X] by E-Mail: EagleWaterCo@email.com tl by U.S. Mail tl bV Personal Delivery [] bv Facsimile tX] bV E-Mail: NBanele@h2o-solutionsllc.net CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the l4th day of Februaryr 2Ol9, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following in the manner indicated: MichaelC. Creamer Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley, LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Attorneys for Applicant Suez Water ldaho, lnc. Marshall Thompson Suez Water ldaho, lnc. 8248 W. Victory Road Boise, ldaho 83709 Applicant San Ridgeway Mayor City of Eagle 55O E. Civil Lane Eagle, lD 83616 lntervenor Gty of Eagle B. Newal Squyres Murray D. Feldman Holland g Hart, LLP P.O. Box 25ZI Boise, ldaho 837O2-25n Attorneys for lntervenor City of Eagle Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle 8t Latimer BOO West Main Street, Suite l3OO Boise, ldaho 83702 Attorneys for lntervenor Eagle Water Customer Group EAGLE WATER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST -7 tl by U.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery tl bv Facsimile tXl bv E-Mail: mcc @ givenspursley.cam PrestonCa rter @ givenspu rslev.com t I bv U.S. Mail tl bV Personal Delivery t I bV Facsimile [X] bv E-Mail: MarshallThompson@Suez.com tl bv U.S. Mail t ] bv Personal Delivery tl bv Facsimile [X] by E-Mail: nsquvres@hollandhart.com mfeld man @ hollandhart.com I I bv U.S. Mail tl by Personal Delivery tl bv Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail: NSemanko@parsonsbehle.com ECF@parsonsbehle.com [ ] bv U.S. Mail tl bv Personal Delivery [] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail: SRideewav@citvofeagle.ors SBerema n n @ citvofeaele.ors Eagle Water Customer Group 8T7O W. Chaparral Road Eagle, ID 83616 tXl bv U.S. Mail [] bv Personal Delivery [] by Facsimile tl bv E-Mail lntervenor Eagle Water Customer Group Abigail R. Cermaine Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office l5O N. Capitol BIvd. P.O. Box 5OO Boise, ldaho 83701-0500 tl bv U.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery tl bV Facsimile tXl bV E-Mail: AGermaine@citvofboise.org Attorney for lntervenor, Crty of Boise City of Boise l5O N. Capitol BIvd. P.O. Box 5OO Boise, lD B37O|-O500 txl bv U.S. Mail tl bV Personal Delivery [ ] bv Facsimile tl bv E-Mail lntervenor fames M. Piotrowski PIOTROWSKI DURAND, PLLC P.O. Box 2A54 lO2O W. Main Street, Suite 440 Boise, ID 83701 tl by U.S. Mail t] bv Personal Delivery tl bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail: lames@idunionlaw.com Attorneys for lntervenor Citizens Allied for lntegrity and Accountability Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability P.O. Box 2622 Eagle, ldaho 83516 lXl bv U.S. Mail [] bV Personal Delivery tl bV Facsimile t I bv E-Mail lntervenor EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 8 Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Lalv 2Ol9 N. l7'h Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Attorney for lntervenor Com m u nity Actio n Partnersh ip Association of ldaho EACLE WATER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST - 9 t I bv U.S. Mail tl bV Personal Delivery tl bV Facsimile IXI bV E-Mail: BMPurdv@hotmail.com By: