HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190111Suez to Staff 1-20.pdfMichael C. Creamer (lSB No. 4030) Preston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 mcc@ givenspursley. com 1 441 2006 _l .doc (30- I 74) fi[cilvEt) i{]i9 J,4fi I I PH tr: Srr lnl ,A--rr)Ll(zlt,itdlss,oh, Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO AND EAGLE WATER COMPANY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY Case Nos. SUZ-W-I8-02/ EAG-W-18-01 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. ("SUEZ") and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to SUEZ Water tdaho Inc. dated December 27,2018, herewith submits its Responses. DATED this day of January,2079. SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. B Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 9th day of January,2019, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following in the manner indicated: Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 IPUC Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Attorneys.for IPUC Robert DeShazo Eagle Water Company, Inc. 188 W. State Street Eagle, Idaho 83616 Petitioner N.L. Bangle 188 W. State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Petitioner Stan Ridgeway, Mayor City of Eagle 660 E. Civil Lane Eagle,ID 83616 Intervenor City of Eagle Cherese D. Mclain MSBT Law, Chtd. 7699 W. Riverside Drive Boise,Idaho 83714 Attorneys for Intervenor City of Eagle Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 West Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise, Idaho 83702 Attorneys for Intervenor Eagle Water Customer Group [ ] bv U.S. Mail [X] by Personal Delivery (Original & 7 copies) [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail secretary@Fuc.idaho.gov diane. hanian@nuc. idaho. gov [ ] bv U.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail brandon.karpen@puc.idaho. sov [x] bv U.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [ ] bv E-Mail [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net t I bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail sridsewa],@cityofeaele.ore sbergmann@cityofeasle. org [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [x]by E-Mail cdm(@msbtlaw. com [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail NSemanko@parsonsbehle.com ecf@parsonsbehle.com SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 2 Eagle Water Customer Group 8770 W. Chaparral Road Eagle, ID 83616 Intervenor Eagle Water Customer Group Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701 -0500 Attorneys for Intervenor, City of Boise City of Boise City 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 Intervenor City of Boise James M. Piotrowski PIOTROWSKI DURAND, PLLC P.O. Box 2864 1020 W. Main Street, Suite 440 Boise,ID 83701 Attorneys for Intervenor Citizens Allied for Int e gri ty and Acc oun tabili ty Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability P.O.Box2622 Eagle,Idaho 83616 Intervenor, Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability Charlene K. Quade C.K. Quade Law, PLLC 600 E. Riverpark Lane, Suite 215 Boise,ID 83706 Co-Counsel, Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability [x] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [ ] bv E-Mail [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] by E-Mail agermaine@cityofboise.org [X] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [ ] bv E-Mail [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery t I bV Facsimile [X]bV E-Mail James@idunionlaw.com lxl bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [ ] bv E-Mail [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [x] bv E-Mail efi leidaho@charquadelaw. com SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 3 Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 Attorney for Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery t I bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail bmpurdy@hotmail.com Preston N. Carter SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 4 Cumulative MGD GPM Supply Analysis Guide MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2.16 1500 S1 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 4.32 1500 S2 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump 571$ S3 0.00 Optimist Booster Pump Station / New 2 MG Tank 2,894$ 2,894$ 6.48 1500 S4 2.16 Island Woods Connection 2,177$ 2,177$ 12.48 4166.4 S5 6.00 move the water away from Marden: Marden and Mobley Main Enlargement (2300' of 36" pipe), and Lewis / 6th Street Main 2,465$ 8,618$ 8,025$ Cumulative Cost (in 000's)2,032$ 12,022$ 15,058$ 28,747$ 41,844$ Cumulative MGD - 2.2 4.3 4.3 12.5 Supply Analysis MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2.16 1500 S1 2.16 4.32 1500 S6 2.16 4.32 0 0.00 4.32 0 S7 0.00 56$ 7.56 2250 S8 3.24 11.16 2500 S9 3.60 12.60 1000 S10 1.44 6)2,006$ 3,135$ SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION PROJECT: Redwood Creek Pipeline ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: C18D102_060_001 BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground)11,885 LF $15.00 $178,275 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel)- LF $15.00 $0 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)9,365 LF $25.00 $234,125 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial)3,160 LF $30.00 $94,800 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local)- LF $28.00 $0 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial)2,730 LF $33.00 $90,090 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path)4,020 LF $50.00 $201,000 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium)1,615 LF $50.00 $80,750 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 550 LF $600.00 $330,000 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch 530 LF $675.00 $357,750 11 Tesoro Crossings 100 LF $600.00 $60,000 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 24" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,300 LF $684.62 $890,006 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 - LF $788.68 $0 14 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)650 LF $70.00 $45,500 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)530 LF $85.00 $45,050 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)17,560 LF $145.00 $2,546,200 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)15,200 LF $165.00 $2,508,000 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main 1,200 LF $55.00 $66,000 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30"440 LF $100.00 $44,000 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)34 EA $5,392.00 $183,328 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)29 EA $7,088.00 $205,552 22 Connect to Existing Water Main 21 EA $2,500.00 $52,500 23 Flushing Station 3 EA $7,500.00 $22,500 24 Leakage Monitoring Station 2 EA $5,000.00 $10,000 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection 61 EA $2,500.00 $152,500 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings 24 EA $1,250.00 $30,000 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)21,665 LF $7.00 $151,655 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers)11,885 LF $3.50 $41,598 29 Mobilization (5%)1 LS $432,736.40 $432,736 30 Storm Water Management 33,550 LF $1.00 $33,550 31 Subtotal $9,087,465 32 Contingency 5%$454,373 33 Total Estimated Pipeline Construction Cost $9,541,838 34 PRV at Redwood Creek Well House $200,000 35 Phase 1 Pipeline (already constructed - 2018)$536,100 36 Design Costs $371,500 37 Total $10,649,438 $12,021,618 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 - 20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads PROJECT: Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump, 500 HP ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 New Pump and Column - 485' TDH, 3000 gpm, 500 hp 1 EA $100,000 $100,000 2 500 hp Motor 1 EA $40,000 $40,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $200,000 $200,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 $20,000 6 Design 10%$41,800 $41,800 7 Contingency 10%$45,980 $45,980 8 Total $505,780 $570,950 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 - 10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. REPLACE REDWOOD CREEK WELL PUMP 500 HP (TO GO WITH ISLAND WOODS CONNECTION) PROJECT: Optimist Booster and 2 MG Tank ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Optimist Booster Station - 6000 gpm with generator and redundant pump 1 EA $1,300,000.00 $1,300,000 2 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 Bid for Recent Sunset Peak Tank - $1.39/gallon, 1 MG tank 3 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 LF $105.00 $157,500 4 Subtotal $4,237,500 5 Design 10%$423,750 6 Contingency 10%$466,125 7 Total $5,127,375$5,788,037 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Island Woods Connection ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: C18M102_060_001 BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground)LF $15.00 $0 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel)LF $15.00 $0 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)7,700 LF $25.00 $192,500 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial)LF $30.00 $0 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local)LF $28.00 $0 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial)LF $33.00 $0 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path)LF $50.00 $0 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium)LF $50.00 $0 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 200 LF $600.00 $120,000 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch LF $675.00 $0 11 Tesoro Crossings LF $600.00 $0 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 20" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,000 LF $850.00 $850,000 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 LF $788.68 $0 14 Water Main Pipe - 16" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)7,900 LF $125.00 $987,500 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)LF $85.00 $0 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)LF $145.00 $0 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)LF $165.00 $0 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main LF $55.00 $0 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30"LF $100.00 $0 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)EA $5,392.00 $0 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)EA $7,088.00 $0 22 Connect to Existing Water Main EA $2,500.00 $0 23 Flushing Station EA $7,500.00 $0 24 Leakage Monitoring Station EA $5,000.00 $0 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection EA $2,500.00 $0 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings EA $1,250.00 $0 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)7,700 LF $7.00 $53,900 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers)LF $3.50 $0 29 Mobilization (5%), not including well upgrades LS $113,238.80 $0 30 Well Upgrades 2 EA $500,000.00 $1,000,000 31 Storm Water Management 8,700 LF $1.25 $10,875 32 Subtotal $3,214,775 33 Design and Permitting 10%$321,478 34 Contingency 10%$321,478 35 Total Estimated Construction Cost $3,857,730 $4,354,799 ISLAND WOODS CONNECTION This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads PROJECT: 6 MGD Marden Expansion ESTIMATE CLASS: 3LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST16 MGD Marden Expansion no DAF (From 2015 Facility Plan, cont. and eng. Incl.)1 EA $14,215,500.00 $14,215,500 Marden Expansion Estimate from 2015 Master Facilities Plann, March 19, 2015 Project Memorandum "Marden WTP Expansion Study", Page 5. No DAF Included 2 Lewis/6th Street Main (24")11,770 LF $183.00 $2,153,910 Per Foot cost from Master Plan3Marden / Mobley (2300' of 36")2,300 LF $242.60 $557,980 Per foot cost from Master Plan 4 Total $16,927,390$19,108,484 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to PROJECT: Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump, 600 HP ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 New Pump and Column - 495' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 $125,000 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 $55,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 $300,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 $25,000 6 Design 10%$56,300 $56,300 7 Contingency 10%$61,930 $61,930 8 Total $681,230 $769,006 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 - 10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Water Rights ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 individual SUEZ water rights to Eagle Water Wells (estimate of legal and technical 1 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 2 Transfer all Eagle Water Rights to be Alternate Points of Diversion (APODs) from all Eagle Water wells (estimate of legal and technical costs)1 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 $56,443 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: New Well 8 Pump ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 New Pump and Column - 2250 gpm, 479' TDH, 400 hp 1 EA $85,000 $85,000 2 400 hp Motor 1 EA $35,000 $35,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $10,000 $10,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $158,700 $158,700 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 $20,000 6 1000' of 16" DI main 1000 EA $105 $105,000 7 State Street Crossing $150,000 8 PRV $200,000 9 Design and Permitting 10%$76,370 10 Contingency 10%$84,007 11 Total $924,077 $1,043,144 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 - 10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: New Well 6 Pump ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 New Pump and Column - 500' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 $125,000 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 $55,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 $300,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 $25,000 6 Pipe and Connection 1 EA $50,000 $50,000 7 PRV 1 EA $200,000 $200,000 8 Design 0.1 $81,300 $81,300 9 Contingency 0.1 $89,430 $89,430 10 Total $983,730 $1,110,484 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 - 10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. NEW WELL 6 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads PROJECT: 2 MG Tank and Rehab Well 1 Facility ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Rehab Well 1 (new pump and piping, building)1 EA $826,000.00 $826,000 2 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 2017 Bid for SUEZ Sunset Peak Tank - $1.39/gallon, 1 MG tank 3 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 LF $105.00 $157,500 4 Subtotal $3,763,500 5 Design 10%$376,3506Contingency10%$413,985 7 Total $4,553,835 $5,140,597 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Project Title 2019 2020 2021 Benefit Summary Rate Analysis Cost Est. Number Guide R1 56$ R2 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 2 boosters), 532$ SCADA controls at each facility will allow for 24-hour monitoring of system operations. Includes $250 for a control room, database, historian, radio path survey, etc if Eagle Water constructed the improvement (no OH on this portion). $35k per site, $5k contingency, plus R3 Meter and Service Replacements (2,000 @ 1,129$ 1,129$ 1,129$ safety and access. Install AMI meters. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, R4 Meter Replacement with 454$ 438$ include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Includes $16k for two repeaters if Eagle R5 APODS to Eagle Water and 56$ enhancing the reliability and flexibility of both. In addition, shared Eagle rights and SUEZ rights would fill the current shortfall in Eagle Water rights to meet peak demands. These transfers would eliminate the need for Eagle Water to appropriate new water rights to fill its R6 Map Eagle Water System 27$ the model will allow for system optimization and targeted pipeline replacement planning. This will also include the Eagle Water facilities into Aquadvanced Energy, an energy-saving R7 Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. R8 Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. R9 the Suez system. This pipeline being in place will provide Eagle Water customers with the benefit of being able to access source and storage from the Suez system. The benefit is would also cover the shortage in peak hour redundancy (1175 gpm) and the emergency in place, which is why it has been included in 2020. Cost calculated as a portion of the total pipeline cost, 1375 gpm / 7750 gpm (ultimate pipeline capacity with 1000 gpm being used locally in Floating Feather and Eagle Water area to support current customers and growth R10 R11 305$ 305$ 305$ R12 28$ 28$ 28$ R13 landscaping, sampling stations, generator replacements, add water level monitoring in wells, Totals $2,700 $6,708 $3,950 $13,358 Costs (in 000's) PLANNED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL BENEFIT EAGLE WATER CUSTOMERS The improvements in this table have overheads added except for portions of improvements that would be completed if Eagle Water were making the improvements. For example, with respect to needed SCADA control for the Eagle Water system, SUEZ already has a control room, servers, database, and historian computers to support the addition of SCADA at the Eagle Water facilities. Eagle Water does not have a control room or associated amenities and would have to purchase them to implement functional SCADA control if Eagle Water were constructing the improvement itself. The Eagle Water PROJECT: Add Chlorination at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Chlorination System (tank, pump, containment basin, monitoring)5 EA $10,000.00 $50,000 $56,443 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: SCADA System ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 SCADA Controls at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, Yard Booster, Sage Acres Booster 7 EA $35,000.00 $245,000 2 Contingency on Site Controls 1 EA $5,000.00 $5,000 3 Subtotal $250,000 4 Subtotal with Local and Corporate Overheads $282,213 5 Control Room, Hardware, Software, Historian (If Eagle Water were to construct it's own control room)1 EA $250,000.00 $250,000 $532,213 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Meter and Service Replacements ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Meter and Service Replacements 2000 EA $1,500.00 $3,000,000 $3,386,550 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Meter Replacement with AMI ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Average Installed AMI Meter Cost (incl. Sales Tax)2000 EA $215.77 $431,540 2 Meter Setter Work/Repair 2000 EA $86.00 $172,000 3 Sensus RF Radio Unit (incl. Sales Tax)2000 EA $86.24 $172,480 4 Subtotal with Local and Corporate Overhead $876,010 5 Repeaters (Eagle Water currently has no repeaters)2 EA $8,000.00 $16,000 $892,010 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Water Rights ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 individual SUEZ water rights to Eagle Water Wells (estimate of legal and technical 1 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 2 Transfer all Eagle Water Rights to be Alternate Points of Diversion (APODs) from all Eagle Water wells (estimate of legal and technical costs)1 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 $56,443 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Mapping and Hydraulic Model ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Create map of Eagle Water System (GPS key points, create asset register in GIS), import GIS mapping into hydraulic model and calibrate. Estimate of labor hours.1 LS $24,000.00 $24,000 $27,092 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: New Well 8 Pump ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST Cost 1 New Pump and Column - 2250 gpm, 479' TDH, 400 hp 1 EA $85,000 $85,000 -$ 2 400 hp Motor 1 EA $35,000 $35,000 -$ 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $10,000 $10,000 -$ 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $158,700 $158,700 -$ 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 $20,000 -$ 6 1000' of 16" DI main 1000 EA $105 $105,000 50,000$ 7 State Street Crossing $150,000 150,000$ 8 PRV $200,000 200,000$ 9 Design and Permitting 10%$76,370 25,000$ 10 Contingency 10%$84,007 42,500$ 11 Total $924,077 467,500$ $1,043,144 527,737$ Calculate Eagle Water Company Benefit This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: New Well 6 Pump ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST COST 1 New Pump and Column - 500' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 $125,000 -$ 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 $55,000 -$ 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 $58,000 -$ 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 $300,000 -$ 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 $25,000 -$ 6 Pipe and Connection 1 EA $50,000 $50,000 50,000$ 7 PRV 1 EA $200,000 $200,000 200,000$ 8 Design 0.1 $81,300 $81,300 25,000$ 9 Contingency 0.1 $89,430 $89,430 27,500$ 10 Total $983,730 302,500$ $1,110,484 341,477$ NEW WELL 6 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 - 10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Calculate Eagle Water Company PROJECT: Redwood Creek Pipeline ESTIMATE CLASS: 3LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: C18D102_060_001 BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST COST 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground)11,885 LF $15.00 $178,275 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel)- LF $15.00 $0 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)9,365 LF $25.00 $234,125 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial)3,160 LF $30.00 $94,800 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local)- LF $28.00 $0 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial)2,730 LF $33.00 $90,090 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path)4,020 LF $50.00 $201,000 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium)1,615 LF $50.00 $80,750 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 550 LF $600.00 $330,000 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch 530 LF $675.00 $357,750 11 Tesoro Crossings 100 LF $600.00 $60,000 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 24" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,300 LF $684.62 $890,006 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 - LF $788.68 $0 14 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)650 LF $70.00 $45,500 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)530 LF $85.00 $45,050 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)17,560 LF $145.00 $2,546,200 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)15,200 LF $165.00 $2,508,000 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main 1,200 LF $55.00 $66,000 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30"440 LF $100.00 $44,000 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)34 EA $5,392.00 $183,328 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)29 EA $7,088.00 $205,552 22 Connect to Existing Water Main 21 EA $2,500.00 $52,500 23 Flushing Station 3 EA $7,500.00 $22,500 24 Leakage Monitoring Station 2 EA $5,000.00 $10,000 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection 61 EA $2,500.00 $152,500 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings 24 EA $1,250.00 $30,000 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)21,665 LF $7.00 $151,655 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers)11,885 LF $3.50 $41,598 29 Mobilization (5%)1 LS $432,736.40 $432,736 30 Storm Water Management 33,550 LF $1.00 $33,550 31 Subtotal $9,087,465 32 Contingency 5%$454,373 33 Total Estimated Pipeline Construction Cost $9,541,838 34 PRV at Redwood Creek Well House $200,000 35 Phase 1 Pipeline (already constructed - 2018)$536,100 36 Design Costs $371,500 37 Total $10,649,438 $12,021,618 $2,132,868 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 - 20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Calculate Eagle Water Company PROJECT: 2 MG Tank ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 2017 Bid for SUEZ Sunset Peak Tank - $1.39/gallon, 1 MG tank 2 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 LF $105.00 $157,500 3 Subtotal $2,937,500 4 Design 10%$293,750 5 Contingency 10%$323,125 6 Total $3,554,375$4,012,356 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: ROLL-UP PROJECTS ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Pipeline Replacements 1 LS $270,000.00 $270,000 2 Subtotal Pipeline Replacements with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 LS $304,789.50 $304,790 3 Safety and Security Improvements 1 LS $25,000.00 $25,000 4 Subtotal Safety and Security Improvements with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 LS $28,221.25 $28,221 5 Production Roll-Up Work 1 LS $100,000.00 $100,000 6 Production Roll-Up Work with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 LS $112,885.00 $112,885 ROLL-UP PROJECTS (CALCULATED PER YEAR) This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Cumulative MGD GPM Guide MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2.16 1500 S1 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 4.32 1500 S2 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump 571$ S3 0.00 Optimist Booster Pump Station / New 2 MG Tank 2,894$ 2,894$ 6.48 1500 S4 2.16 Island Woods Connection 2,177$ 2,177$ 12.48 4166.4 S5 6.00 move the water away from Marden: Marden and Mobley Main Enlargement (2300' of 36" pipe), and Lewis / 6th Street Main Enlargement (11,770' of 24" Pipe)2,465$ 8,618$ 8,025$ Guide MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2.16 1500 S1 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 4.32 1500 S6 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump/higher TDH 769$ 4.32 0 0.00 EWC Acquisition Price 10,000$ 4.32 0 S7 0.00 56$ 12.60 1000 S10 1.44 6)2,006$ 3,135$ SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION PROJECT: Redwood Creek Pipeline LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: C18D102_060_001 NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground)11,885 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel)- 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)9,365 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial)3,160 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local)- 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial)2,730 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path)4,020 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium)1,615 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 550 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch 530 11 Tesoro Crossings 100 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 24" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,300 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 - 14 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)650 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)530 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)17,560 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)15,200 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main 1,200 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30"440 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)34 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)29 22 Connect to Existing Water Main 21 23 Flushing Station 3 24 Leakage Monitoring Station 2 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection 61 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings 24 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)21,665 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers)11,885 29 Mobilization (5%)1 30 Storm Water Management 33,550 31 Subtotal 32 Contingency 33 Total Estimated Pipeline Construction Cost 34 PRV at Redwood Creek Well House 35 Phase 1 Pipeline (already constructed - 2018) 36 Design Costs REDWOOD CREEK PIPELINE 37 Total This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, mat contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically c 20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; C Grand Total with Loc ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST LF $15.00 $178,275 LF $15.00 $0 LF $25.00 $234,125 LF $30.00 $94,800 LF $28.00 $0 LF $33.00 $90,090 LF $50.00 $201,000 LF $50.00 $80,750 LF $600.00 $330,000 LF $675.00 $357,750 LF $600.00 $60,000 LF $684.62 $890,006 LF $788.68 $0 LF $70.00 $45,500 LF $85.00 $45,050 LF $145.00 $2,546,200 LF $165.00 $2,508,000 LF $55.00 $66,000 LF $100.00 $44,000 EA $5,392.00 $183,328 EA $7,088.00 $205,552 EA $2,500.00 $52,500 EA $7,500.00 $22,500 EA $5,000.00 $10,000 EA $2,500.00 $152,500 EA $1,250.00 $30,000 LF $7.00 $151,655 LF $3.50 $41,598 LS $432,736.40 $432,736 LF $1.00 $33,550 $9,087,465 5%$454,373 $9,541,838 $200,000 $536,100 $371,500 $10,649,438 $12,021,618 e project location. This estimate is subject to change terials, equipment, and services provided by others, considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 - Class 1 -3% to + 15%. al and Corporate Overheads PROJECT: Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump, 500 HP EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 485' TDH, 3000 gpm, 500 hp 1 EA $100,000 2 500 hp Motor 1 EA $40,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $200,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 6 Design 10%$41,800 7 Contingency 10%$45,980 8 Total Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. REPLACE REDWOOD CREEK WELL PUMP 500 HP (TO GO WITH ISLAND WOODS CONNECTION) IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC COST $100,000 $40,000 $58,000 $200,000 $20,000 $41,800 $45,980 $505,780 $570,950 ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; PROJECT: Optimist Booster and 2 MG Tank LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Optimist Booster Station - 6000 gpm with generator and redundant pump 1 2 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 3 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 4 Subtotal 5 Design 6 Contingency 7 Total OPTIMIST BOOSTER AND 2 MG TANK Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $1,300,000.00 $1,300,000 GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 Bid for Recent Sunset Peak Tank - $1.39/ga LF $105.00 $157,500 $4,237,500 10%$423,750 10%$466,125 $5,127,375 $5,788,037 al and Corporate Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. allon, 1 MG tank PROJECT: Island Woods Connection LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: C18M102_060_001 NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground) 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel) 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)7,700 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial) 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local) 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial) 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path) 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium) 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 200 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch 11 Tesoro Crossings 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 20" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,000 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 14 Water Main Pipe - 16" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)7,900 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only) 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install) 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install) 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30" 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ) 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ) 22 Connect to Existing Water Main 23 Flushing Station 24 Leakage Monitoring Station 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)7,700 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers) 29 Mobilization (5%), not including well upgrades 30 Well Upgrades 2 31 Storm Water Management 8,700 32 Subtotal 33 Design and Permitting 34 Contingency 35 Total Estimated Construction Cost ISLAND WOODS CONNECTION Grand Total with Local This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at th change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typic Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST LF $15.00 $0 LF $15.00 $0 LF $25.00 $192,500 LF $30.00 $0 LF $28.00 $0 LF $33.00 $0 LF $50.00 $0 LF $50.00 $0 LF $600.00 $120,000 LF $675.00 $0 LF $600.00 $0 LF $850.00 $850,000 LF $788.68 $0 LF $125.00 $987,500 LF $85.00 $0 LF $145.00 $0 LF $165.00 $0 LF $55.00 $0 LF $100.00 $0 EA $5,392.00 $0 EA $7,088.00 $0 EA $2,500.00 $0 EA $7,500.00 $0 EA $5,000.00 $0 EA $2,500.00 $0 EA $1,250.00 $0 LF $7.00 $53,900 LF $3.50 $0 LS $113,238.80 $0 EA $500,000.00 $1,000,000 LF $1.25 $10,875 $3,214,775 10%$321,478 10%$321,478 $3,857,730 $4,354,799 and Corporate Overheads he project location. This estimate is subject to materials, equipment, and services provided by cally considered accurate in the following ranges: ; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: 6 MGD Marden Expansion LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION 1 6 MGD Marden Expansion no DAF (From 2015 Facility Plan, cont. and eng. Incl.) 2 Lewis/6th Street Main (24") 3 Marden / Mobley (2300' of 36") 4 Total 6 MGD MARDEN WTP EXPANSIO Grand This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at t project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equ determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 EA $14,215,500.00 $14,215,500 Marden Expansion Est 11,770 LF $183.00 $2,153,910 Per Foot cost from Ma 2,300 LF $242.60 $557,980 Per foot cost from Ma $16,927,390 $19,108,484 ON Total with Local and Corporate Overheads the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the ipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; to + 15%. timate from 2015 Master Facilities Plann, March 19, 2015 Project Memorandum "Marden WTP Expansion Stud aster Plan aster Plan dy", Page 5. No DAF Included PROJECT: Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump, 600 HP EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 495' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 6 Design 10%$56,300 7 Contingency 10%$61,930 8 Total REPLACE REDWOOD CREEK WELL PUMP 600 HP (TO GO WITH EWC ACQUISITION OPTION) Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC COST $125,000 $55,000 $58,000 $300,000 $25,000 $56,300 $61,930 $681,230 $769,006 ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; PROJECT: Water Rights LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 individual SUEZ water rights to Eagle Water Wells (estimate of legal and technical 1 2 1 Water Rights Grand Total with Cor This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $25,000.00 $25,000 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 $56,443 rporate and Local Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: New Well 8 Pump EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 2250 gpm, 479' TDH, 400 hp 1 EA $85,000 2 400 hp Motor 1 EA $35,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $10,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $158,700 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 6 1000' of 16" DI main 1000 EA $105 7 State Street Crossing 8 PRV 9 Design and Permitting 10% 10 Contingency 10% 11 Total NEW WELL 8 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC COST $85,000 $35,000 $10,000 $158,700 $20,000 $105,000 $150,000 $200,000 $76,370 $84,007 $924,077 $1,043,144 ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; PROJECT: New Well 6 Pump EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 500' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 6 Pipe and Connection 1 EA $50,000 7 PRV 1 EA $200,000 8 Design 0.1 $81,300 9 Contingency 0.1 $89,430 10 Total This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. NEW WELL 6 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC COST $125,000 $55,000 $58,000 $300,000 $25,000 $50,000 $200,000 $81,300 $89,430 $983,730 $1,110,484 ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; PROJECT: 2 MG Tank and Rehab Well 1 Facility LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Rehab Well 1 (new pump and piping, building)1 2 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 3 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 4 Subtotal 5 Design 6 Contingency 7 Total 2 MG TANK AND REHAB WELL 1 FACILITY Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $826,000.00 $826,000 GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 2017 Bid for SUEZ Sunset Peak Tank - $1.3 LF $105.00 $157,500 $3,763,500 10%$376,350 10%$413,985 $4,553,835 $5,140,597 al and Corporate Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. 9/gallon, 1 MG tank Project Title 2019 2020 2021 Benefit SummaryRate Analysis Cost Est. Number Guide R1 56$ R2 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 2 boosters), 532$ SCADA controls at each facility will allow for 24-hour monitoring of system operations. Includes $250 for a control room, database, historian, radio path survey, etc if Eagle Water constructed the improvement (no OH on this portion). $35k per site, $5k contingency, plus R3 Meter and Service Replacements (2,000 @ 1,129$ 1,129$ 1,129$ safety and access. Install AMI meters. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, R4 Meter Replacement with 454$ 438$ Half of EWC meters - Install AMI meters in existing meter boxes. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Includes $16k for two repeaters if Eagle R5 APODS to Eagle Water and 56$ enhancing the reliability and flexibility of both. In addition, shared Eagle rights and SUEZ rights would fill the current shortfall in Eagle Water rights to meet peak demands. These transfers would eliminate the need for Eagle Water to appropriate new water rights to fill its R6 Map Eagle Water System 27$ the model will allow for system optimization and targeted pipeline replacement planning. This will also include the Eagle Water facilities into Aquadvanced Energy, an energy-saving R7 Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. R8 Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. R9 the Suez system. This pipeline being in place will provide Eagle Water customers with the benefit of being able to access source and storage from the Suez system. The benefit is would also cover the shortage in peak hour redundancy (1175 gpm) and the emergency in place, which is why it has been included in 2020. Cost calculated as a portion of the total pipeline cost, 1375 gpm / 7750 gpm (ultimate pipeline capacity with 1000 gpm being used locally in Floating Feather and Eagle Water area to support current customers and growth R10 R11 305$ 305$ 305$ R12 28$ 28$ 28$ R13 landscaping, sampling stations, generator replacements, add water level monitoring in wells, Totals $2,700 $6,708 $3,950 $13,358 Costs (in 000's) PLANNED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL BENEFIT EAGLE WATER CUSTOMERS The improvements in this table have overheads added except for portions of improvements that would be completed if Eagle Water were making the improvements. For example, with respect to needed SCADA control for the Eagle Water system, SUEZ already has a control room, servers, database, and historian computers to support the addition of SCADA at the Eagle Water facilities. Eagle Water does not have a control room or associated amenities and would have to purchase them to implement functional SCADA control if Eagle Water were constructing the improvement itself. The Eagle Water portion of the costs does not have any overheads included. PROJECT: Add Chlorination at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Chlorination System (tank, pump, containment basin, monitoring)5 ADD CHLORINATION AT WELLS 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $10,000.00 $50,000 $56,443 al and Corporate Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: SCADA System LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 SCADA Controls at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, Yard Booster, Sage Acres Booster 7 2 Contingency on Site Controls 1 3 Subtotal 4 Subtotal with Local and Corporate Overheads 5 own control room)1 SCADA SYSTEM This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $35,000.00 $245,000 EA $5,000.00 $5,000 $250,000 $282,213 EA $250,000.00 $250,000 $532,213 Grand Total ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: Meter and Service Replacements LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Meter and Service Replacements 2000 METER AND SERVICE REPLACEMENTS Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $1,500.00 $3,000,000 $3,386,550 al and Corporate Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: Meter Replacement with AMI LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Average Installed AMI Meter Cost (incl. Sales Tax)2000 2 Meter Setter Work/Repair 2000 3 Sensus RF Radio Unit (incl. Sales Tax)2000 4 Subtotal with Local and Corporate Overhead 5 Repeaters (Eagle Water currently has no repeaters)2 METER REPLACEMENT WITH AMI This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $215.77 $431,540 EA $86.00 $172,000 EA $86.24 $172,480 $876,010 EA $8,000.00 $16,000 $892,010 Grand Total ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: Water Rights LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 individual SUEZ water rights to Eagle Water Wells (estimate of legal and technical 1 2 1 Water Rights Grand Total with Cor This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $25,000.00 $25,000 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 $56,443 rporate and Local Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: Mapping and Hydraulic Model LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Create map of Eagle Water System (GPS key points, create asset register in GIS), import GIS mapping into hydraulic model and calibrate. Estimate of labor hours.1 Mapping and Hydraulic Model Grand Total with Cor This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST LS $24,000.00 $24,000 $27,092 rporate and Local Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: New Well 8 Pump EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 2250 gpm, 479' TDH, 400 hp 1 EA $85,000 2 400 hp Motor 1 EA $35,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $10,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $158,700 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 6 1000' of 16" DI main 1000 EA $105 7 State Street Crossing 8 PRV 9 Design and Permitting 10% 10 Contingency 10% 11 Total This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. NEW WELL 8 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018BY: CEC COST Cost $85,000 -$ $35,000 -$ $10,000 -$ $158,700 -$ $20,000 -$ $105,000 50,000$ $150,000 150,000$ $200,000 200,000$ $76,370 25,000$ $84,007 42,500$ $924,077 467,500$ $1,043,144 527,737$ ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; Calculate Eagle Water Company Benefit PROJECT: New Well 6 Pump EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 500' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 6 Pipe and Connection 1 EA $50,000 7 PRV 1 EA $200,000 8 Design 0.1 $81,300 9 Contingency 0.1 $89,430 10 Total NEW WELL 6 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC COST COST $125,000 -$ $55,000 -$ $58,000 -$ $300,000 -$ $25,000 -$ $50,000 50,000$ $200,000 200,000$ $81,300 25,000$ $89,430 27,500$ $983,730 302,500$ $1,110,484 341,477$ ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; Calculate Eagle Water Company PROJECT: Redwood Creek Pipeline LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: C18D102_060_001 NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground)11,885 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel)- 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)9,365 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial)3,160 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local)- 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial)2,730 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path)4,020 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium)1,615 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 550 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch 530 11 Tesoro Crossings 100 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 24" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,300 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 - 14 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)650 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)530 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)17,560 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)15,200 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main 1,200 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30"440 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)34 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)29 22 Connect to Existing Water Main 21 23 Flushing Station 3 24 Leakage Monitoring Station 2 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection 61 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings 24 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)21,665 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers)11,885 29 Mobilization (5%)1 30 Storm Water Management 33,550 31 Subtotal 32 Contingency 33 Total Estimated Pipeline Construction Cost 34 PRV at Redwood Creek Well House 35 Phase 1 Pipeline (already constructed - 2018) 36 Design Costs REDWOOD CREEK PIPELINE 37 Total Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, mat contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically c 20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; C ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST COST LF $15.00 $178,275 LF $15.00 $0 LF $25.00 $234,125 LF $30.00 $94,800 LF $28.00 $0 LF $33.00 $90,090 LF $50.00 $201,000 LF $50.00 $80,750 LF $600.00 $330,000 LF $675.00 $357,750 LF $600.00 $60,000 LF $684.62 $890,006 LF $788.68 $0 LF $70.00 $45,500 LF $85.00 $45,050 LF $145.00 $2,546,200 LF $165.00 $2,508,000 LF $55.00 $66,000 LF $100.00 $44,000 EA $5,392.00 $183,328 EA $7,088.00 $205,552 EA $2,500.00 $52,500 EA $7,500.00 $22,500 EA $5,000.00 $10,000 EA $2,500.00 $152,500 EA $1,250.00 $30,000 LF $7.00 $151,655 LF $3.50 $41,598 LS $432,736.40 $432,736 LF $1.00 $33,550 $9,087,465 5%$454,373 $9,541,838 $200,000 $536,100 $371,500 Calculate Eagle Water Company $10,649,438 $12,021,618 $2,132,868 al and Corporate Overheads e project location. This estimate is subject to change terials, equipment, and services provided by others, considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 - Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: 2 MG Tank LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 2 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 3 Subtotal 4 Design 5 Contingency 6 Total 2 MG TANK Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 2017 Bid for SUEZ Sunset Peak Tank - $1.3 LF $105.00 $157,500 $2,937,500 10%$293,750 10%$323,125 $3,554,375 $4,012,356 al and Corporate Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. 9/gallon, 1 MG tank PROJECT: ROLL-UP PROJECTS LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Pipeline Replacements 1 2 Subtotal Pipeline Replacements with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 3 Safety and Security Improvements 1 4 Subtotal Safety and Security Improvements with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 5 Production Roll-Up Work 1 6 Production Roll-Up Work with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 ROLL-UP PROJECTS (CALCULATED PER YEAR) This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST LS $270,000.00 $270,000 LS $304,789.50 $304,790 LS $25,000.00 $25,000 LS $28,221.25 $28,221 LS $100,000.00 $100,000 LS $112,885.00 $112,885 ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 1 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide all tables and exhibits included in all testimonies in electronic format with all formulas intact. Please also provide all associated workpapers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 1: The tables included in SUEZ testimony are produced to Staff on compact disc with formulas intact. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2 - PAGE 1 OF 3 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson, Vice President & General Manager SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2: Please identify and describe the escalation and/or change in state and federal regulations mentioned on page 3 of Thompson testimony for the years 2010 to present. Identify each agency or department requiring the regulation, and specify whether each escalation/change in regulation is local, state, or federal in nature. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2: The original intent of this referenced section from the Thompson testimony was to reflect increased regulatory obligations that utilities such as SUEZ and the Eagle Water Company will face in coming years. This includes, but is not limited to steps taken by the US Congress in 2018 regarding updates to portions of the Safe Drinking Water Act in America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, which was signed into law Oct. 23, 2018 by President Trump. Rule making has yet to establish formal guidelines on this legislation. However, it is clear that the recent legislative changes add to drinking water utility obligations in the following areas: • stronger requirements for notification of contaminant spills to downstream water utilities • encouragement to implement asset management practices • codification that provision of Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR) by electronic means are acceptable. • Required publication of CCRs twice annually for systems of significant size. • Revision of the format and content of CCRs • Utilities must now show that they are updating security and resiliency provisions for their facilities RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2 - PAGE 2 OF 3 Regarding lead and copper in drinking water, USEPA has indicated that a revised Lead and Copper Rule will be proposed in 2019. The Revised Lead and Copper Rule is expected to include new requirements for utilities to maintain inventories of distribution system materials, select targeted sampling pools, and conduct public education. Existing state administration of the current EPA rule set requires all drinking water utilities state-wide to sample for a growing list of possible contaminants. The EPA’s Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) is in its 4th generation. A clear connection is being drawn between that rule and a recently revised list of EPA Health Advisory Limits for common groundwater contaminants. EPA is also proceeding with proposed regulations for some of the currently unregulated contaminants that were included in previous rounds of the UCMR, such as perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) and 1,4-dioxane. Due to the relatively long timeline of USEPA rulemaking, State administrators are under increasing pressure from the community to promulgate their own drinking water regulations in advance of the federal initiatives. Regardless of system size, drinking water utilities will be well served to plan ahead for increasingly stringent regulation of trace contaminants. Since 2010, changes have also been seen in utility account and tax regulation. In January 2018, the Idaho Public Utility Commission directed in its Order in PUC Case No. GNR-U-18-01 (“Generic Tax Order”) a series of requirements for utilities under its jurisdiction related to the impacts of modifications to the Internal Revenue Tax Code by the implementation of The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (“TCJA”). TCJA reduced corporate income tax rates, which reduced current & deferred income tax expense, accumulated deferred income tax and eliminated the exemption for water and sewer utilities from recognizing CIAC as taxable income. SUEZ is currently in compliance with the RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2 - PAGE 3 OF 3 directives and requirements set forth in that order. The Company is not aware of any filing by Eagle Water Company in response to this same order. It is not known what accounting or procedural hurdles Eagle Water may need to overcome to come into compliance with this directive. Regardless of recent changes or new regulations on the horizon, SUEZ notes that Eagle Water Company has had difficulty meeting certain current regulatory obligations.These deficiencies can be found in the Company’s response to Staff’s production requests No. 9, No. 10, and No. 18. Excerpts from these responses will be summarized again here. • As noted in the Company’s response to request No. 9, the current Eagle Water system does not meet IDEQ requirements for redundant non-fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.17), redundant fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.18), and emergency operation (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.07). • The company’s response to request number 10 details several unaddressed material deficiencies from the system’s most recent IDEQ sanitary survey. These include leaks and structural issues with Well 2 facility, and a lack of appropriate level II licensure for the system’s lead operator. • In response to request No. 18, Company analysis has determined a significant water rights issue leaves Eagle Water with a peak hour water right shortfall of 1,877 gpm (6,900 gpm minus 5,023 gpm). RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 3 - PAGE 1 OF 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson, Vice President & General Manager SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 3: In reference to page 8 of Thompson testimony, please demonstrate how the Eagle Water system has “suffered from less than optimal capital investment” including deficiency reports from regulatory agencies, outage locations and durations, and complaints of inadequate service from Eagle Water customers. Please also provide the number of Eagle Water customers that have requested service from SUEZ Water Idaho due to the condition of the Eagle Water system. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 3: A review of Eagle Water Company’s history of owner investment in the system versus its accumulated depreciation demonstrates a non-optimal capital investment strategy over many years. The calculated negative rate base of $1,208,792 as of December 2017 indicates that the long-term capital investment needs of the system are not being met under current conditions. Further, the Eagle Water system’s reliance on emergency surcharges, most recently from 2009 through 2016, shows how stressful reactive repairs have been for this water system. Responding to urgent repairs is part of utility operations, but it should not become an immediate funding need to customers. A list of existing Eagle Water system deficiencies can be found in the Company’s response to production requests No. 9, No. 10, and No. 18. Excerpts from these responses are summarized here. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 3 - PAGE 2 OF 2 • As noted in the Company’s response to request No. 9, the current Eagle Water system does not meet IDEQ requirements for redundant non-fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.17), redundant fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.18), and emergency operation (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.07). • The company’s response to request number 10 details several unaddressed material deficiencies from the system’s most recent IDEQ sanitary survey. These include leaks and structural issues with the Well 2 facility, and a lack of appropriate level II licensure for the system’s lead operator. • Finally, in response to request No. 18, Company analysis has determined a significant water rights issue leaves Eagle Water with a peak hour water right shortfall of 1,877 gpm (6,900 gpm minus 5,023 gpm). In the Company’s due diligence efforts, no evidence was found indicating Eagle Water maintains records of customer outages or complaints. Since announcing its intentions to acquire Eagle Water Company assets, SUEZ received and tracked numerous calls from current Eagle Water customers requesting information on the PUC filing. We have not received any specific “requests for service from SUEZ Water Idaho due to the condition of the Eagle Water system.” However, the call outlined below from January 4, 2019 highlights the perspective of one current Eagle Water customer who is optimistic for improved water service. Call Summary – January 4, 2019 A SUEZ employee spoke with a longtime Eagle resident and Eagle Water Company customer who expressed his relief that SUEZ is seeking to purchase his water provider. He has experienced many water service disruptions, including an outage that lasted 7 days. Eagle Water Company brought in potable water for his neighborhood, but it was still a hardship for his family. This customer also complained of poor water pressure with Eagle Water, and mentioned automated watering of his lawn is a challenge. “Do I want my rates to go up? No, but I’m willing to take the risk with the sale that I’ll have better service,” he said. He expressed support for the sale, believes SUEZ provides dependable service, and he wants that reliability for his community. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 5 - PAGE 1 OF 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila M. Cary, Director of Finance, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide all financial analyses prepared by or for SUEZ Water Idaho for estimating the value of Eagle Water’s system. If not clearly labeled in the workpapers, please provide assumptions on the cost of capital and annual (or quarterly, if applicable) expected revenue and costs, including book depreciation, tax depreciation, income taxes, deferred taxes, property taxes, and other items typically included in a discounted cash flow analysis. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 5: The Company did not determine the Eagle Water purchase price through a discounted cash flow analysis because that valuation is highly dependent on regulatory treatment assumptions. The negotiated purchase price and estimated value of the Eagle Water system to SUEZ was substantiated by the avoided capital investment as outlined in Ms. Cooper’s testimony starting on page 5. Including the $10M Eagle Water purchase acquisition price, SUEZ estimates that $11.7M of additional planned capital investment would be avoided or deferred, while addressing the supply needs in the northwest area of the SUEZ system sooner. In that respect, the value of the Eagle Water system acquisition to SUEZ could be valued at as much as $21.7M. Other factors in the valuation consideration included the City of Eagle’s 2007 attempt to purchase Eagle Water at a proposed $6.3M price plus $900,000 in financing cost, for an estimated total cost of $7.2M. At that time, Cooper Norman Certified Public Accountants firm expressed an opinion that the proposed purchase price and financing cost “was reasonable and RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 5 - PAGE 2 OF 2 fair” to the City of Eagle. Published on its website, the City of Eagle also provided information regarding the proposed Eagle Water company purchase, which included reference to a 2002 valuation performed by JUB Engineers that estimated the value of Eagle Water company assets at that time, based on the replacement cost depreciation method, to be $6,728,593. The SUEZ acquisition price of the South County Water Company system in 1998 was $761 per customer, not adjusted for inflation, as referenced in case UWI-W-98-2 Linam testimony pages 6-8. In SUEZ’s 2015 general rate case no. UWI-W-15-01, SUEZ’s system investment was approximately $1,924 per customer at that time. SUEZ’s $10M Eagle Water proposed purchase price represents an approximate investment per customer of $2,380. In comparison, recent SUEZ small system acquisitions in New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas averaged between $3,000 and $5,000 investment per customer. Exhibit 1 Schedule 1a - Eagle Water Company projected capital and operating costs absent an acquisition, includes SUEZ assumptions for cost of capital, a 3% depreciation rate, and operating and maintenance costs based on Eagle Water’s 2017 Commission annual report, excluding any inflationary factors. The Company expects that with the acquisition of Eagle Water, SUEZ’s costs to maintain and operate the Eagle Water system would be $54,603 lower versus Eagle Water’s 2017 reported expenses, as outlined in Cary testimony pages 7-8. C:\NRPortbl\GPDMS\S274\14489379_1.xlsx Page 1 Eagle Water Company Proposed Rate Phase In 50%75%100% 100 cubic feet or CCF Summer Tariff Rate 0.4510$ 1.8577$ Winter Tariff Rate 0.4510$ 1.4674$ Per 3CCF Per 1 CCF Rate for first 3 CCF (winter & summer)change over 2017 EWC actual revenue 233% 600CF or less 7.84$ 3.92$ 1.307$ 1.4674$ change over existing EWC rates 235% Over 600 CF per 100 CF 0.4510$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)507,937$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)630,183$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)630,183$ Grand Total Impact 1,768,304$ GRAND TOTAL Percentage Residential Customer 3/4" Meter Over 6CCF 3CCF in Summer at Winter Rate Annual Increase 270,588$ Annual Increase 394,644$ Annual Increase 394,644$ Monthly Increase 6.44$ Monthly Increase 9.40$ Monthly Increase 9.40$ Winter/Summer Consumption 30%70%(Based on 2017 consumption by month avg.) 3/4" Meter - Monthly 7.84$ Total basic service charges impact (107,625)$ 110,828$ 10.56$ 110,828$ 114,030$ 167,640$ 9.48% CCF allowed 6 Consumption increase 378,213$ 283,816$ 0 283,816$ 945,845$ 1,600,664$ 90.52% Customers 3,500 Monthly Consumption (CCF Fixed Winter Summer Total Calculated Annual Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated 16 7.84$ 1.35$ 3.16$ 12.35$ 518,700$ 5.28$ 3.52$ 9.99$ 18.79$ 52%789,288$ 7.92$ 5.28$ 14.99$ 28.19$ 50%1,183,932$ 10.56$ 7.04$ 19.99$ 37.59$ 33%1,578,575$ 204.33%1,578,575$ Commercial Customer 1-1/2" Meter 3CCF in Summer at Winter Rate Annual Increase 237,349$ Annual Increase 235,540$ Annual Increase 235,540$ Monthly Increase 39.56$ Monthly Increase 39.26$ Monthly Increase 39.26$ Winter/Summer Consumption 15%85%(Based on 2017 consumption by month avg.) 1-1/2" Meter - Monthly 14.15$ Total basic service charges impact (15,645)$ 34,628$ 23.09$ 34,628$ 53,610$ CCF allowed 20 Consumption increase 252,994$ 200,912$ 200,912$ 654,818$ Customers 500 Monthly Consumption (CCF Fixed Winter Summer Total Calculated Annual Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated 75 14.15$ 3.72$ 21.08$ 38.96$ 233,730$ 11.54$ 8.25$ 58.72$ 78.51$ 102%471,079$ 17.31$ 12.38$ 88.07$ 117.77$ 50%706,619$ 23.09$ 16.51$ 117.43$ 157.03$ 33%942,158$ 303.10%942,158$ Eagle Water Company Rates RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 1 OF 6 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson, Vice President & General Manager SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4: Please quantify the monetary value of each item included in the list of “Identifiable synergies and efficiencies” listed on pages 8-11 of Thompson testimony. Please identify whether the benefit is to current Eagle Water customers or current SUEZ Water Idaho customers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4: 1) Eagle Water customers would benefit from lower operating expenses and increased capital investment. Ms. Cary’s testimony starting on page 7 discusses the minimum $54,603 projected operating expense decrease anticipated under SUEZ operation versus Eagle Water’s 2017 reported operating and maintenance costs of $611,863. The savings anticipated are the result of eliminating office space rental at a cost savings of $10,450 per year, by using SUEZ’s existing company offices. A $44,153 reduction in salary and benefit costs is anticipated by SUEZ operating the Eagle Water system with the addition of three employees – a meter reader, operator and customer service representative versus Eagle Water’s existing owner’s salary, staffing levels and benefit costs. 2) 24-hour automated system monitoring SUEZ recommends that the Eagle Water system be monitored around-the-clock through supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system and operated RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 2 OF 6 by two licensed, qualified operators. Ms. Cary’s testimony on page 6 discusses the projected operating costs for the Eagle Water system to add a dedicated SCADA operator at an estimated cost of $60,000 in payroll expense, plus benefit costs. Ms. Cooper’s testimony starting on page 10 discusses the anticipated $532,000 cost for adding SCADA controls at each Eagle Water facility. $250,000 of this capital investment includes a SCADA control room, database, historian, radio path survey etc. which Eagle Water would need that SUEZ already has in place. 3) Numerous field personnel trained and certified in water distribution, water treatment, and cross connection control that are able to respond quickly to any issues; In the company’s response to production request No. 10, several unaddressed material deficiencies from the Eagle Water system’s most recent IDEQ sanitary survey were detailed. Notably, this included a lack of appropriate state drinking water licensure for that system’s lead operator (IBOL Drinking Water Distribution Class II). As a fully licensed system in both water distribution and treatment, SUEZ can provide a fully licensed workforce where every utility worker and operator holds required Class II licensure as a condition of employment. These employees staff fully equipped repair and maintenance teams with materials on-hand from local inventory and guaranteed stock contracts with local vendors. SUEZ’s field personnel are available 24 hours per day for critical event response and issue correction. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 3 OF 6 4) Web site access for customers and electronic billing and payment options; The estimated average cost of designing, developing, and launching a website can range from $5,000 for a basic website to $100,000 or more depending on features for secure payment and integration of metering system data. SUEZ’s estimate for Eagle Water to develop a customer website with a similar level of customer service and information functionality and features as MySUEZWater.com is approximately $50,000, with additional on-going hosting and maintenance expenses. SUEZ’s incremental cost to incorporate Eagle Water’s 4,000 estimated customers into its online platform is estimated to be minimal. 5) Capital Funding Access SUEZ’s available capital budgets are substantial, as documented in Responses 12 and 13. In addition, SUEZ tracks assets and capital spending in accordance with regulated utility guidelines and does not use surcharges as a regular means of funding needed capital improvements. 6) Economies of Scale: National Contracts for Materials and Services. SUEZ uses national and global buying power to negotiate favorable terms on items that can be purchased from service providers and manufacturers. These contracts would be used in all aspects of SUEZ’s transition and maintenance of the Eagle Water system. For items used in direct operation of the system, Suez has contracts with manufacturers for meters, pipe, valves, hydrants, and lab testing/sampling equipment. The lab testing equipment contract provides discounts of 17% to 20% off list price. Our experience has shown that the RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 4 OF 6 contracts for meters, pipe, valves, and hydrants are typically 30% to 50% lower than prices that a distributor provides to smaller water systems. Suez has negotiated contracts for support services not directly used in the operation of the water system. Examples of these contracts include fleet, telecom services, uniforms, PPE products, and office supplies. Discounts will vary by item and service type. For example, telecom contracts provide a 19% to 21% discount of service and equipment. 7) Water conservation programs and no-cost conservation devices SUEZ’s comprehensive conservation program, approved by the Commission, includes customer education and outreach, xeriscape demonstration gardens, conservation devices including hose timers, sprinkler irrigation rain sensors, commercial kitchen sprayers, hose timers, etc. The cost in 2009 of designing and implementing the conservation plan was $192k. It is the Company’s position that a lack of ongoing capital investment in the Eagle Water System has provided a false impression of affordability to its current customers. When compared to usage patterns from adjacent SUEZ customers, Eagle Water customers use 150% the average annual volume per customer on record for SUEZ customers in the same period (2017). If Eagle Water residential customers were to conserve water to a similar level as the average SUEZ’s residential customer they could reduce usage, and associated volume billing charges, by up to 66%. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 5 OF 6 8) The ability to maintain the water system in regulatory compliance; SUEZ has noted elsewhere in our response to these request that Eagle Water has had difficulty meeting its current regulatory obligations. Notably, these deficiencies can be found in the Company’s response to production requests No. 9, No. 10, and No. 11. Excerpts from these responses will be summarized again here. As noted in the Company’s response to request No. 9, the Eagle Water system does not meet IDEQ requirements for redundant non-fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.17), redundant fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.18), and emergency operation (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.07). The company’s response to request No. 10 details several unaddressed material deficiencies from the system’s most recent IDEQ sanitary survey. These include leaks and structural issues with Well 2 facility, and a lack of appropriate level II licensure for the system’s lead operator. Finally, in response to request No. 18, Company analysis has determined a significant water rights issue leaves Eagle Water with a peak hour water right shortfall of 1,877 gpm (6,900 gpm minus 5,023 gpm). In conjunction with SUEZ’s standards for system maintenance, sampling, and operation, the capital investment plan offered in our testimony would bring Eagle RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 6 OF 6 Water Company assets up to utility and regulatory standards enjoyed by its neighboring utilities. Further, the reasonable and stable rate structure proposed by SUEZ would ensures these investments are maintained in the future to the benefit customers. 9) The ability to spread costs of Eagle area capital improvements over a large customer base and avoidance of future surcharges. SUEZ tracks all assets and capital investments in accordance with typical regulated utility practices and does not regularly use surcharges as a means to fund needed capital improvements. One benefit of a large water system that Eagle Water customers would gain by joining SUEZ is that required costs are spread over a large number of customers. The Redwood Creek Pipeline project is a good example of this opportunity (addressed in Production Response No. 9). SUEZ customers need the Redwood Creek Pipeline to transmit additional supply to SUEZ’ Hidden Hollow Tank. Simple pressure reducing connections from this pipeline into the Eagle Water system will remedy their IDEQ pumping shortfall deficiencies. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 6 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary, Director of Finance, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 6: SUEZ Water Idaho proposes a three year rate phase-in for Eagle Water customers after the acquisition (Cary testimony page 12, lines 6-15). Please break down the portion of the increase that will be recovered through basic service charges and the portion recovered through consumption rates. Please explain the method and rationale used and provide all supporting workpapers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 6: The proposed three-year rate phase-in for Eagle Water customers would align rates into the existing SUEZ tariff rate structure, at an anticipated impact of $1,768,304 to create uniformity among rate payers. Exhibit 2 to the testimony calculates the $1,768,304 impact of the rate phase-in assuming 3,500 Residential customers with an average monthly consumption of 16ccfs with 70% summertime consumption and 500 Commercial Customers with a 2” meter and 75ccfs of monthly consumption and 85% summertime consumption. Using the same assumption as outlined above, the portion of the $1,768,304 increase expected to be recovered through basic service charges is $167,640 or 9.48%, while the portion expected to be recovered through consumption rates is $1,600,664 or 90.52%. These figures are calculated in the attached workpaper Response #6 Break down of increase.xlsx which is a condensed version of Exhibit 2. C:\NRPortbl\GPDMS\S274\14489379_1.xlsx Page 1 Eagle Water Company Proposed Rate Phase In 50%75%100% 100 cubic feet or CCF Summer Tariff Rate 0.4510$ 1.8577$ Winter Tariff Rate 0.4510$ 1.4674$ Per 3CCF Per 1 CCF Rate for first 3 CCF (winter & summer)change over 2017 EWC actual revenue 233% 600CF or less 7.84$ 3.92$ 1.307$ 1.4674$ change over existing EWC rates 235% Over 600 CF per 100 CF 0.4510$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)507,937$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)630,183$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)630,183$ Grand Total Impact 1,768,304$ GRAND TOTAL Percentage Residential Customer 3/4" Meter Over 6CCF 3CCF in Summer at Winter Rate Annual Increase 270,588$ Annual Increase 394,644$ Annual Increase 394,644$ Monthly Increase 6.44$ Monthly Increase 9.40$ Monthly Increase 9.40$ Winter/Summer Consumption 30%70%(Based on 2017 consumption by month avg.) 3/4" Meter - Monthly 7.84$ Total basic service charges impact (107,625)$ 110,828$ 10.56$ 110,828$ 114,030$ 167,640$ 9.48% CCF allowed 6 Consumption increase 378,213$ 283,816$ 0 283,816$ 945,845$ 1,600,664$ 90.52% Customers 3,500 Monthly Consumption (CCF Fixed Winter Summer Total Calculated Annual Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated 16 7.84$ 1.35$ 3.16$ 12.35$ 518,700$ 5.28$ 3.52$ 9.99$ 18.79$ 52%789,288$ 7.92$ 5.28$ 14.99$ 28.19$ 50%1,183,932$ 10.56$ 7.04$ 19.99$ 37.59$ 33%1,578,575$ 204.33%1,578,575$ Commercial Customer 1-1/2" Meter 3CCF in Summer at Winter Rate Annual Increase 237,349$ Annual Increase 235,540$ Annual Increase 235,540$ Monthly Increase 39.56$ Monthly Increase 39.26$ Monthly Increase 39.26$ Winter/Summer Consumption 15%85%(Based on 2017 consumption by month avg.) 1-1/2" Meter - Monthly 14.15$ Total basic service charges impact (15,645)$ 34,628$ 23.09$ 34,628$ 53,610$ CCF allowed 20 Consumption increase 252,994$ 200,912$ 200,912$ 654,818$ Customers 500 Monthly Consumption (CCF Fixed Winter Summer Total Calculated Annual Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated 75 14.15$ 3.72$ 21.08$ 38.96$ 233,730$ 11.54$ 8.25$ 58.72$ 78.51$ 102%471,079$ 17.31$ 12.38$ 88.07$ 117.77$ 50%706,619$ 23.09$ 16.51$ 117.43$ 157.03$ 33%942,158$ 303.10%942,158$ Eagle Water Company Rates \\PUCBOICF01\Common\ScannedFiles\ScanRoom\Response to Request 6 - Exhibit.xlsx Page 1 Eagle Water Company Proposed Rate Phase In 50%75%100% 100 cubic feet or CCF Summer Tariff Rate 0.4510$ 1.8577$ Winter Tariff Rate 0.4510$ 1.4674$ Per 3CCF Per 1 CCF Rate for first 3 CCF (winter & summer)change over 2017 EWC actual revenue 233% 600CF or less 7.84$ 3.92$ 1.307$ 1.4674$ change over existing EWC rates 235% Over 600 CF per 100 CF 0.4510$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)507,937$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)630,183$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)630,183$ Grand Total Impact 1,768,304$ GRAND TOTAL Percentage Residential Customer 3/4" Meter Over 6CCF 3CCF in Summer at Winter Rate Annual Increase 270,588$ Annual Increase 394,644$ Annual Increase 394,644$ Monthly Increase 6.44$ Monthly Increase 9.40$ Monthly Increase 9.40$ Winter/Summer Consumption 30%70%(Based on 2017 consumption by month avg.) 3/4" Meter - Monthly 7.84$ Total basic service charges impact (107,625)$ 110,828$ 10.56$ 110,828$ 114,030$ 167,640$ 9.48% CCF allowed 6 Consumption increase 378,213$ 283,816$ 0 283,816$ 945,845$ 1,600,664$ 90.52% Customers 3,500 Monthly Consumption (CCF Fixed Winter Summer Total Calculated Annual Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated 16 7.84$ 1.35$ 3.16$ 12.35$ 518,700$ 5.28$ 3.52$ 9.99$ 18.79$ 52%789,288$ 7.92$ 5.28$ 14.99$ 28.19$ 50%1,183,932$ 10.56$ 7.04$ 19.99$ 37.59$ 33%1,578,575$ 204.33%1,578,575$ 3CCF in Summer at Winter Rate Annual Increase 237,349$ Annual Increase 235,540$ Annual Increase 235,540$ Monthly Increase 39.56$ Monthly Increase 39.26$ Monthly Increase 39.26$ 15%85%(Based on 2017 consumption by month avg.) 14.15$ Total basic service charges impact (15,645)$ 34,628$ 23.09$ 34,628$ 53,610$ 20 Consumption increase 252,994$ 200,912$ 200,912$ 654,818$ Monthly Consumption (CCF Fixed Winter Summer Total Calculated Annual Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated 75 14.15$ 3.72$ 21.08$ 38.96$ 233,730$ 11.54$ 8.25$ 58.72$ 78.51$ 102%471,079$ 17.31$ 12.38$ 88.07$ 117.77$ 50%706,619$ 23.09$ 16.51$ 117.43$ 157.03$ 33%942,158$ 303.10%942,158$ Eagle Water Company Rates RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 7 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson, Vice President & General Manager SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 7: Thompson’s testimony on page 8 states, “Suez’s standards for plant maintenance, upgrades and replacements indicate that some substantial capital investments should be scheduled over the next several years.” Please provide supporting evidence including reports, analysis, etc. that demonstrates that the current Eagle Water system is not providing safe, reliable service. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 7: Whether a utility is providing, or is can provide, adequate service pursuant to Idaho Code 61-302 requires a legal conclusion. Evidence of Eagle Water Company’s current noncompliance with regulatory requirements in several critical areas as provided by SUEZ in response to staff production requests No. 9, No. 10, and No. 18 and the Direct Testimony of Cathy Cooper may bear on this issue. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 8 - PAGE 1 OF 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary, Director of Finance, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 8: Please provide the documentation that supports the increase of $158,750 in operating expenses as shown in Exhibit No. 1, Schedule 1a in Cary’s testimony. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 8: The $158,750 operating cost increase projection over Eagle Water’s 2017 year-end reported Operating & Maintenance costs, is based on the associated maintenance anticipated or as a result of the projected $13.4M capital investment discussed in Ms. Cooper’s testimony that SUEZ believes will be needed for Eagle Water system over the next three years. The operating and maintenance costs projected for Eagle Water are based on SUEZ’s own experience, cost history for similar items, and through an evaluation of the Eagle Water system and its facilities during the due diligence investigation process. The costs are conservative estimates without inflationary adjustments. SUEZ Operator wages avg. $60,000 per year, plus benefits. Based on the wage information provided by Eagle Water, SUEZ anticipates that a licensed Operator at the level required by IDEQ for the Eagle Water system would also warrant higher pay. The $2,000 estimated annual power expense for adding SCADA monitoring equipment at Eagle Water’s facilities, chemical feeds pumps, analyzers, RTU’s and pressure regulating valves is based on SUEZ’s operating cost for similar type of equipment. The approximate $24,000 for disinfection is based on SUEZ’s disinfection cost of $26.50 per million gallons based on Eagle RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 8 - PAGE 2 OF 2 Water treating 895 million gallons annually. The cost of chlorine detector CL-17 reagents and facility maintenance is also based on SUEZ’s cost history and through the evaluation of Eagle Water facilities during the inspection. Well cleaning maintenance estimate is based on SUEZ history of costs for this type of work with a variety of well depths and various methods. SUEZ’s subcontractor costs for SCADA and GIS support, licenses and maintenance fees are the basis for Eagle Water’s $5,000 anticipated cost. Generator maintenance needs and recommended testing is based on SUEZ’s experience with similar equipment, and similar costs experienced by SUEZ for landscaping upkeep and backflow device testing. Calculate Eagle Water Company Demands Maximum and Average Day Calculation Year Number of MDD/ Conn Total Demand for ADD/ Conn Calculate MDD per Customer Calculate ADD per Connection Eagle Water Company Water Demand Sumary Service Demand (gpm/ Total Connections Total Demand Company 4,046 Calculate Average Day DemandsCalculate Maximum Day Demands Suez Analysis of Current EWC Well Pumping Capacities Well Non- Pumping Water level (ft below ground Estimated Specific Capacity EWC Reported Well Capacity Pumping Water Level at EWC Reported Capacity Casing Reduction Depth (ft below ground Estimated Flow at 100' Drawdown Estimated Drawdown EWC Current Well Production Calculated Level at SUEZ Capacity (ft below ground Comments 1 51.2 15 600 91 160 1,500 2,250 - Offline since August 2015 due to a power supply 2 55.4 3.25 400 178 145 325 488 325 155 water level than sustainable, actual capacity may be 3 58.0 8 - 250 1,200 - 4 64.3 12 2,500 273 255 1,200 1,800 1,800 214 This pumping level leaves about 40' for the pump and suction level above the pump. On 5/31/18 the pump was running about 80% speed and producing 6 2.0 40 2,500 65 240 4,000 6,000 2,500 65 This well has a large specific capacity and with a 7 4.0 7 1,900 275 255 700 1,050 1,350 197 8 7.0 15 2,500 174 283 1,500 2,250 2,250 157 Pump column length 195' (pump was out while Suez was on site). Maximum from pump curve is 2250 Total 8225 Current Well Production Current Well Production Standby 1 - - 2 325 325 3 - - 4 1,800 6 2,500 7 1,350 1,350 8 2,250 2,250 Total 8,225 3,925 (largest source out of service)5,725 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 10 - PAGE 1 OF 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide the regulatory requirements and standards for the “disinfection needs” of Eagle Water Company as stated in Cary testimony page 5 line 12. Please include in your response the deficiency letters Eagle Water Company has received as a result of water testing, or any other evidence supporting these needs. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 10: Providing a chorine residual in the distribution system of a water system is typical and considered a best practice, although for systems supplied only by groundwater, chlorination is not required by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). Chlorination is a requirement for water systems that have any surface water supply, so at a point where the SUEZ and Eagle Water systems are connected, chlorination will be required. Chlorination has many benefits for any system, even those supplied only by groundwater. Chlorine maintains sanitary conditions by neutralizing any bacterial contamination that may enter a water system from a potential backflow or leak. It is also an indicator for system operators of potential contamination. Chlorine residual is easily and quickly measured in the field, making it a useful tool for operators. For example, if a chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/l is expected at a system location, but a residual of 0.1 mg/l is measured instead, the measurement results can be used to narrow in on a potential backflow or leak location. To our knowledge, Eagle Water has not had bacterial contamination issues in their water quality sampling results. The most recent IDEQ sanitary survey, however, flagged unsanitary RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 10 - PAGE 2 OF 2 conditions at Well 2 due to “numerous leaks observed along the side walls of the tank” and the tank “concrete roof is flat and pools water in low spots. Numerous cracks in roof were observed”. There is no question the leaks and pooling issues should be fixed, but a chlorine residual would provide an extra level of protection to customers against these types of potential contamination. Most water systems in the area provide chlorination for their water systems, even those that are solely supplied by groundwater. Examples include the nearby water systems owned by the City of Eagle and Garden City. Calculate Eagle Water Company Demands Maximum and Average Day Calculation Year Number of MDD/ Conn Total Demand for ADD/ Conn 2003 4,647,000 3,227 2,746 1.18 1,692 730,965,000 365 0.51 per Customer per Connection Eagle Water Company Water Demand Sumary Service (gpm/ Connections Total Demand Company 4,046 Calculate Average Day DemandsCalculate Maximum Day Demands Suez Analysis of Current EWC Well Pumping Capacities Well Non- Pumping Water level (ft below ground Estimated Specific Capacity EWC Reported Well Capacity Pumping Water Level at EWC Reported Capacity Casing Reduction Depth (ft below ground Estimated Flow at 100' Drawdown Estimated Drawdown EWC Current Well Production Calculated Level at SUEZ Capacity (ft below ground Comments 1 51.2 15 600 91 160 1,500 2,250 - Offline since August 2015 due to a power supply 2 55.4 3.25 400 178 145 325 488 325 155 4 64.3 12 2,500 273 255 1,200 1,800 1,800 214 was running about 80% speed and producing 800 6 2.0 40 2,500 65 240 4,000 6,000 2,500 65 This well has a large specific capacity and with a Use EWC reported capacity. 7 4.0 7 1,900 275 255 700 1,050 1,350 197 8 7.0 15 2,500 174 283 1,500 2,250 2,250 157 Pump column length 195' (pump was out while Suez was on site). Maximum from pump curve is 2250 Total 8225 Well Facility Current Well Production Current Well Production Standby 1 - - 2 325 325 3 - - 4 1,800 6 2,500 7 1,350 1,350 8 2,250 2,250 (largest source out of service)5,725 Calculate Eagle Water Company Demands Maximum and Average Day Calculation Year Number of MDD/ Conn Total Demand for ADD/ Conn Calculate MDD per Customer Calculate ADD per Connection Eagle Water Company Water Demand Sumary Service Demand (gpm/ Total Connections Total Demand Company 4,046 Calculate Average Day DemandsCalculate Maximum Day Demands Suez Analysis of Current EWC Well Pumping Capacities Well Non- Pumping Water level (ft below ground Estimated Specific Capacity EWC Reported Well Capacity Pumping Water Level at EWC Reported Capacity Casing Reduction Depth (ft below ground Estimated Flow at 100' Drawdown Estimated Drawdown EWC Current Well Production Calculated Level at SUEZ Capacity (ft below ground Comments 1 51.2 15 600 91 160 1,500 2,250 - Offline since August 2015 due to a power supply 2 55.4 3.25 400 178 145 325 488 325 155 water level than sustainable, actual capacity may be 3 58.0 8 - 250 1,200 - 4 64.3 12 2,500 273 255 1,200 1,800 1,800 214 This pumping level leaves about 40' for the pump and suction level above the pump. On 5/31/18 the pump was running about 80% speed and producing 6 2.0 40 2,500 65 240 4,000 6,000 2,500 65 This well has a large specific capacity and with a 7 4.0 7 1,900 275 255 700 1,050 1,350 197 8 7.0 15 2,500 174 283 1,500 2,250 2,250 157 Pump column length 195' (pump was out while Suez was on site). Maximum from pump curve is 2250 Total 8225 Current Well Production Current Well Production Standby 1 - - 2 325 325 3 - - 4 1,800 6 2,500 7 1,350 1,350 8 2,250 2,250 Total 8,225 3,925 (largest source out of service)5,725 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 11 - PAGE 1 OF 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary, Director of Finance, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 11: Please provide the source documents for the closing costs incurred to date. Did SUEZ Water Idaho competitively bid the ALTA survey? If so, please provide the bids. If not, please explain why it was not competitively bid. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 11: SUEZ Water Idaho did not competitively bid the ALTA survey work. At the time the work was starting, the potential acquisition was confidential, making a bid process infeasible. In addition, the work needed to be completed in a short timeframe by a surveying company with prior experience doing ALTA surveys and prior experience coordinating with the TitleOne title officer issuing title commitments for the numerous properties being surveyed and to be acquired. The Land Group was selected for the work based on these requirements, and the scope of work with The Land Group was authorized and signed by SUEZ’s counsel. SUEZ inquired with another surveying company about completing the work, but they were unable to meet the required timeline. The closing costs incurred to date are in the following attachments: $100,000 Earnest Money (Exhibit A to Response to Request 11) $1,964.41 AutoSort Initial Customer Notice Postage (Exhibit B to Response to Request 11) $1,154.59 International Minute Press Initial Customer Notices (Exhibit C to Response to Request 11) $24,700 The Land Group Invoice ALTA Survey first half (Exhibit D to Response to Request 11) RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 11 - PAGE 2 OF 2 $24,700 The Land Group Invoice ALTA Survey second half (Exhibit E to Response to Request 11) $3,000 The Land Group Invoice ALTA Survey Well Easements (Exhibit F to Response to Request 11) The Land Group ALTA Survey Scope of Work (executed) (Exhibit G to Response to Request 11) Legal costs to-date total $72,644.50 in the attachments listed below. Legal services included negotiation and drafting of asset Purchase Agreement; coordination of survey and title review; and preparation and prosecution of the Joint Application. $2,292.30 Givens Pursley 191701 August Invoice (Exhibit H to Response to Request 11) $7,468.10 Givens Pursley 192529 September Invoice (Exhibit I to Response to Request 11) $16,533.90 Givens Pursley 192903 October Invoice (Exhibit J to Response to Request 11) $17,674.50 Givens Pursley 194235 November Invoice (Exhibit K to Response to Request 11) $18,580.20 Givens Pursley 195392 December Invoice (Exhibit L to Response to Request 11) $10,095.50 Givens Pursley Invoices Matter 178 (Exhibit M to Response to Request 11) Givens Pursley Attn: Gary Allen 601 W. Bannock Boise, ID 83701 December 31, 2018 Project No:118124.00 Invoice No:0141026 The Land Group, Inc. 462 East Shore Drive, Suite 100 Eagle, Idaho 83616 ph. 208.939.4041 fax. 208.939.4445 Project 118124.00 Eagle Well Site ALTA Surveys Invoice submitted via email: mcc@givenspursley.com Invoice for Professional Services from December 01, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Phase .02 Well Easements Fee Number of Per Easement 5.00 Fee Each 600.00 Total Fee 3,000.00 Total Earned 3,000.00 Previous Fee Billing 0.00 Current Fee Billing 3,000.00 Total Fee 3,000.00 $3,000.00Total this Phase $3,000.00Total this Invoice Invoice due upon receipt. If you have questions, please contact Misty at (208) 939-4041. Thank you. A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. LAW OFFICES G IVENS PURSLEY L L P P.O. Box 2720 • Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 August 17, 2018 30-174 Invoice #:191701 SUEZ North American Inc. 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Federal Tax ID #: 82-0335628 REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 right issues (.4); Discuss EWC water right issues with M. Creamer (.5); Discuss EWC water right issues with C. Meyer (.6); Review EWC water rights and IDWR statutes and guidance re municipal service areas; draft TOTAL FEES 2,292.30 Previous Balance: $0.00 Payments Received: $0.00 Any Payments Received After August 17, 2018 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 08/17/18 Invoice # 191701 Page 2 SUEZ North American Inc./Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 30-174 A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment. Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. LAW OFFICES G IVENS PURSLEY L L P P.O. Box 2720 • Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 September 24, 2018 30-174 Invoice #:192529 SUEZ North American Inc. 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Federal Tax ID #: 82-0335628 REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 with C. Cooper; coordinate APA re-draft with C. ("APA"); conference call regarding same; phone call relating to franchise tax; email to C. Beeson regarding GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 09/24/18 Invoice # 192529 Page 2 SUEZ North American Inc./Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 30-174 A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. 08/31/18 Review and comment on asset purchase agreement. JCS 1.10 237.60 TOTAL FEES 7,468.10 Previous Balance: $2,292.30 Payments Received: ($2,292.30) Any Payments Received After September 24, 2018 Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment. Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. LAW OFFICES G IVENS PURSLEY L L P P.O. Box 2720 • Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 October 8, 2018 30-174 Invoice #:192903 SUEZ North American Inc. 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Federal Tax ID #: 82-0335628 REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 extension letter to letter of intent; conference with C. APA; telephone conference with C. Cooper, et al; surveys; review revised APA; correspond with N. applicability to EWC transaction; review revised APA; engage TLG as surveyors; review TitleOne correspondence regarding property ownership GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 10/08/18 Invoice # 192903 Page 2 SUEZ North American Inc./Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 30-174 A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. Bangle. 09/13/18 Locate parcels identified by TitleOne; telephone conference with C. Cooper regarding the same and regarding well lot mark-up maps showing same for surveyors; locate and identify easements for title company; correspond with N. Bangle regarding access telephone conferences with C. Cooper and correspond with J. Washburn; multiple revisions of APAs; conferences with client, title company and surveyors; pump survey; correspond with J. Washburn regarding transfer and non-foreign affidavit; correspond regarding the same; telephone call to Scott Darling and Joe Gropp regarding commitments; coordinate getting TitleOne, TLG, and Cathy Cooper regarding surveys GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 10/08/18 Invoice # 192903 Page 3 SUEZ North American Inc./Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 30-174 A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. TOTAL FEES 16,533.90 Previous Balance: $7,468.10 Payments Received: $0.00 Any Payments Received After October 8, 2018 Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment. Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A late payment charge of 18% per annum (1 ½% per month) will be charged on outstanding balances that remain unpaid for 30 days or more from the date of the invoice. November 16, 2018 SUEZ North American Inc. Invoice #: 194235 8248 W. Victory Rd. Client #: 30 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Matter #: 174 ________________________________________________________________________________________ INVOICE SUMMARY SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 10/31/2018 Regarding: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 Professional Services $ 17,674.50 Costs and Expenses $ .00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 17,674.50 Please include invoice number 194235 with your payment. Any payments received after November 16, 2018 will be reflected on your next statement. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Federal Tax ID #: 82-0335628 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 November 16, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 194235 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 November 16, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 194235 3 Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 November 16, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 194235 4 Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 17,674.50 SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Timekeeper ID Hours Rate Total TOTALS 62.10 $ 17,674.50 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 17,674.50 A late payment charge of 18% per annum (1 ½% per month) will be charged on outstanding balances that remain unpaid for 30 days or more from the date of the invoice. December 11, 2018 SUEZ North American Inc. Invoice #: 195392 8248 W. Victory Rd. Client #: 30 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Matter #: 174 ________________________________________________________________________________________ INVOICE SUMMARY SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 11/30/2018 Regarding: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 Professional Services $ 16,705.20 Costs and Expenses $ 1,875.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 18,580.20 Please include invoice number 195392 with your payment. Any payments received after December 11, 2018 will be reflected on your next statement. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Federal Tax ID #: 82-0335628 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 December 11, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 195392 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 December 11, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 195392 3 Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 December 11, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 195392 4 Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 16,705.20 SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Timekeeper ID Hours Rate Total TOTALS 53.00 $ 16,705.20 COSTS AND EXPENSES Date Description Amount COSTS AND EXPENSES $ 1,875.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 18,580.20 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 12 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 12: Please provide SUEZ Water Idaho’s capital budget projections for the years 2019-2025. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 12: SUEZ Water Idaho’s capital budget projections for 2019 to 2024 are shown in the table below. SUEZ planning is for a 6-year future projection, so no numbers for 2025 are currently available. 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Suez Water Idaho Capital Budget Projection 22,859$ 24,189$ 19,573$ 21,208$ 30,700$ 29,279$ Eagle Water Company Acquisition and Improvement Budget 11,762$ 4,089$ 4,761$ Capital Budget Filed for Approval ($ in 000's) Total Net Expenditure Excluding Corporate Overheads 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Suez Water Idaho Capital Budget Projection 22,859$ 24,189$ 19,573$ 21,208$ 30,700$ 29,279$ and Improvement Budget Projection 11,762$ 4,089$ 4,761$ Year Expenditure Budgeted ($ in Capital RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15 - PAGE 1 OF 3 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson, Vice President & General Manager SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15: Please provide the cost-benefit analysis supporting the installation of new automated meters for Eagle Water Company customers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15: SUEZ adopted its standards for automated meter reading on new and replacement meters in 2015. This change from a manual meter reading standard made sense for many reasons. Automated meters are a more efficient form of meter data collection. In response to increased development demands and system growth (avg. 1,700 meters per year), SUEZ sought automation of new meter connections as a way to contend with growth demands without increasing the headcount for manual meter readers substantially. There is no expectation that gains in meter reading efficiency will lead to any near-term headcount reductions from current staffing levels, but the company is able to contend with growth. It is notable to mention that as a result of these investments, meter reading personnel are beginning to shift from reading tasks to more data-driven field service visits for leak investigations, water usage audits, and automated system maintenance. Automated meters improve customer service by providing a more complete record of customer consumption patterns. With an average 60-day billing period for existing SUEZ customers, manual meter reading will capture six (6) readings per customer meter annually. Meters on the automated system collect a more complete profile of customer demand with hourly readings totaling 8,760 per customer meter in the same period. This frequency greatly assists RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15 - PAGE 2 OF 3 engineers with demand analysis, and informs common customer service requests for move in/out transfer readings, customer-side leak adjustments, and conservation improvements. In addition, these meters provide unique functionality for automated reversal of flow alarms to augment the Company’s backflow protection program. These benefits of automated metering would extend to current Eagle Water customer as they transfer service to SUEZ. The Eagle Water system location makes extension of the SUEZ automated meter collection system very practical. Radio collection towers read meters in the adjacent Floating Feather and Island Woods areas. No additional radio collectors are anticipated for reading meter- radio sets in the Eagle Water service area. Production Response No. 17 provides a detailed breakdown of the planned transition for Eagle Water Customer meters from 2019 to 2021. Similar to this technology’s application to support organic system growth, automated meters can provide SUEZ with the capability of supporting meter reading and field service activities to the Eagle Water System monthly with minimal head-count changes, including the addition of one meter reading service person to SUEZ staff, for a total of 6 meter reading Service persons per 100,000 customers. The system will also provide flexibility for SUEZ to read EWC monthly accounts while existing SUEZ customers remain on bi-monthly billing. Finally, an accurate and complete consumption history will be key to any current Eagle Water customer concerned with managing affordability via conservation. While automated meters are not required for online billing or consumption totals, customers with automated meters and SUEZ’s online billing tools can link directly with hourly reading data and voluntary conservation surveys to help manage consumption patterns. With the 2017 estimated average annual per customer usage by current Eagle Water Residential Customers calculated at 218ccf RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15 - PAGE 3 OF 3 (hundred cubic feet), these tools may help customers reduce usage, and associated volume billing charges, by up to 66% as compared to SUEZ residential customers whose 2017 average annual usage for 2017 was just 145ccf. 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Suez Water Idaho Capital Budget Projection 22,859$ 24,189$ 19,573$ 21,208$ 30,700$ 29,279$ and Improvement Budget Projection 11,762$ 4,089$ 4,761$ RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 13 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 13: Please provide SUEZ Water Idaho’s budgets filed for approval with the board of directors for the years 2010 through 2018. Include in your response the actual capital investments by year for 2010 through 2018. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 13: SUEZ Water Idaho’s capital budget and actual expenditure information from 2010 through 2018 are included in the table below. Year Net Capital Expenditure Budgeted ($ in 000's) Actual Net Capital Expenditure ($ in 000's) 2010 11,535$ 10,847$ 2011 11,656$ 10,101$ 2012 7,990$ 8,243$ 2013 9,173$ 10,030$ 2014 12,099$ 12,147$ 2015 12,568$ 13,863$ 2016 10,907$ 11,675$ 2017 19,201$ 19,621$ 2018 15,476$ 16,538$ Year Expenditure Budgeted ($ in Capital Calculate Eagle Water Company Demands Maximum and Average Day Calculation Year Number of MDD/ Conn 2002 4,350,000 3,021 2,599 1.16 Ann. Growth Rate 0.054 Year # Households Comment 2003 4,647,000 3,227 2,746 1.18 MDD Projection MDD (gpm)2018 10,530 2012 5,566,000 3,865 3,486 1.11 Boise and Eagle Area (Source: per Customer Service Demand (gpm/ Average Day 0.46 1,850 4,046 Company Eagle Water Company 567 households per year = growth = 5.4% per year Eagle Area Growth Projection Eagle Water Company Water Demand Sumary Additional and Redundant Supply Projections Maximum Day MGD # Connections (without private fire) per Connection Connections added per year Comments 7/14/2014 84.451 86514 0.68 7/3/2015 87.534 88138 0.69 1624 7/1/2016 82.111 89767 0.64 1629 7/14/2017 84.154 90948 0.64 1181 discrepancy between 2017 and 2018, some 2017 new customers were Average 0.66 1748.5 Total Additional and Redundant Supply Needed through 2022 for only SUEZ Additional and Redundant through 2021 for SUEZ and Year per Year per Year 2019 1.66 2.04 2020 1.66 2.04 2021 1.66 2.04 2022 1.66 Total 6.65 6.12 Add 20% Contingency to account for varying weather patterns and related fluctuations in MDD 1.33 1.22 Redundant Source (Redwood Creek Well redundant to Floating Feather Well)4.32 4.32 Total Additional and Redundant Supply Needed (MGD)12.30 11.66 Description Capital Cost (no OH) From Northwest Area Water Supply Study Capital Cost (with OH) Capacity (gpm)$/gpm Comments on Feasibility / Further Investigation Dry Creek ASR $1,800,000 $2,031,930 2,500 $813 No new supply. Shadow Valley $2,700,000 $3,047,895 1,580 $1,929 Did not turn out to be a feasible option. Land $15,600,000 $17,610,060 8,300 $2,122 New Floating $5,600,000 $6,321,560 2,800 $2,258 Redundant supply, but would have limited additional supply due to proximity to existing Redwood Creek $5,500,000 $6,208,675 2,600 $2,388 IMPROVEMENTS" options as "Redwood Creek IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER IMPROVEMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER $30,141,000 8,749 $3,445 SUEZ met with Garden City, they are not willing to sell water as they do not feel they have $800,000 $903,080 240 $3,763 IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER $41,814,000 8,680 $4,817 $7,700,000 $8,692,145 1,500 $5,795 SWTP $60,500,000 $68,295,425 7,000 $9,756 A new surface water treatment plant in challenging surface water right permitting. Dry Creek ASR Shadow Valley Sandy Hill ASR Old State Street Combined New Floating Feather Well Redwood Creek Upgrade Island Woods SUEZ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION McDonald Big Gulch Well SUEZ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS ACQUISITION New Lanewood Well SWTP $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $/ g p m Supply Alternatives Considered Calculate Eagle Water Company Demands Maximum and Average Day Calculation Year Max Day (gallons)MDD (gpm) Number of Connections MDD/ Conn (gpm) 2002 4,350,000 3,021 2,599 1.16 Ann. Growth Rate 0.054 Year # Households Comment 2003 4,647,000 3,227 2,746 1.18 MDD Projection MDD (gpm)2018 10,530 2012 5,566,000 3,865 3,486 1.11 per Customer Service Demand (gpm/ Average Day 0.46 1,850 4,046 Company Eagle Water Company 567 households per year = growth rate of 567/10530 = 5.4% per year Eagle Area Growth Projection Eagle Water Company Water Demand Sumary Additional and Redundant Supply Projections Maximum Day MGD (without private fire) per Connection Connections added per year Comments 7/14/2014 84.451 86514 0.68 7/3/2015 87.534 88138 0.69 1624 7/1/2016 82.111 89767 0.64 1629 7/14/2017 84.154 90948 0.64 1181 some 2017 new customers were Average 0.66 1748.5 Additional and Redundant through 2022 for only SUEZ system Redundant through 2021 for SUEZ and EWC System Year per Year per Year 2019 1.66 2.04 2020 1.66 2.04 2021 1.66 2.04 2022 1.66 Total 6.65 6.12 Add 20% Contingency to account for varying weather patterns and related fluctuations in MDD 1.33 1.22 redundant to Floating Feather Well)4.32 4.32 Total Additional and Redundant Supply Needed (MGD)12.30 11.66 Description Capital Cost (no OH) From Northwest Area Water Supply Study Capital Cost (with OH) Capacity (gpm)$/gpm Comments on Feasibility / Further Investigation Dry Creek ASR $1,800,000 $2,031,930 2,500 $813 No new supply. Shadow Valley $2,700,000 $3,047,895 1,580 $1,929 Did not turn out to be a feasible option. Land and water rights not available for purchase. Sandy Hill ASR $2,800,000 $3,160,780 1,500 $2,107 No new supply, and Sandy Hill Aquifer not available for SUEZ use. Old State Street Combined $15,600,000 $17,610,060 8,300 $2,122 New Floating $5,600,000 $6,321,560 2,800 $2,258 Redundant supply, but would have limited additional supply due to proximity to existing well and potential interference issues. Does not Redwood Creek $5,500,000 $6,208,675 2,600 $2,388 IMPROVEMENTS" options as "Redwood Creek IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER IMPROVEMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER $30,141,000 8,749 $3,445 SUEZ met with Garden City, they are not willing $800,000 $903,080 240 $3,763 IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER $41,814,000 8,680 $4,817 $7,700,000 $8,692,145 1,500 $5,795 SWTP $60,500,000 $68,295,425 7,000 $9,756 A new surface water treatment plant in Northwest Boise/Eagle - most expensive option, challenging surface water right permitting. Shadow Valley Sandy Hill ASR Old State Street New Floating Feather Well Redwood Creek Upgrade IMPROVEMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION Garden City McDonald Big Gulch Well IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION New Lanewood Well Western Wellfield SWTP $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $/ g p m Supply Alternatives Considered RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 16 –PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 16: Please provide SUEZ Water Idaho’s current meter replacement plan for SUEZ customers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 16: SUEZ Water Idaho’s current new and replacement meter plan is shown below. Replacement meters include both “break-fix” and programmatic replacements with AMI meters. Installation Targets 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 New Customer Meters (# of meters) 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 Meters (# of meters) 2,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 17 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide the meter replacement plan for Eagle Water customers if SUEZ acquires Eagle Water. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 17: The meter replacement plan for Eagle Water customers if SUEZ acquires Eagle Water is shown in the following table. Installation Targets 2019 2020 2021 Replacement Customer Meters (# of meters) 1,666 1,667 667 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18 - PAGE 1 OF 3 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide all workpapers supporting the analysis of Eagle Water Company’s current portfolio of municipal water rights identified in Cooper’s direct testimony page 5, lines 10-11. Please include schedules of the expected costs to resolve Eagle Water’s standalone system of the water right issues. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18: The current water right portfolio for Eagle Water Company is deficient. Matching up the authorized water right diversion rates with individual well capacities results in a total maximum allowable flow rate of 5,023 gpm, which is 1,877 gpm short of Eagle Water’s peak hour flows of 6,900 gpm. The current water right portfolio for Eagle Water Company includes six licensed water rights, summarized in the following table. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18 - PAGE 2 OF 3 The following table matches up authorized municipal water right diversion rates with available well capacities. This analysis shows that a total 5,023 gpm is available. Eagle Water Company’s current maximum day demand is 4,600 gpm. The Eagle Water production meters are read once daily, therefore no record of actual peak hour flows is available. In the Treasure Valley area, peak hour demands are typically estimated at 1.5 times maximum day demands, but in reality are often higher than that. Conservatively estimating peak hour demand at 1.5 times maximum day demand results in a peak hour demand of 6,900 gpm. This leaves a peak hour water right shortfall of 1,877 gpm (6,900 gpm minus 5,023 gpm). If Eagle Water Company were to resolve its water right shortage issues as a standalone system, SUEZ anticipates that it would need to seek a water right transfer to make each Eagle Water Well an Alternate Point of Diversion (APOD) for each existing water right. This action could allow for the full 6,228 gpm current municipal water right limit to be utilized. In addition Eagle Water would need to acquire additional water rights to cover the shortfall between 6,900 Well Suez Analysis - EWC current Well Production Capacities with Current Pumps (gpm) Capacity with Current Water Rights and Pumps (gpm) 1 0 - 2 325 325 3 0 - 4 1800 603 1,800 6 2500 1,053 7 1350 1,350 8 2250 495 Total 8,225 5,023 2250 Municipal Water Right Limit (gpm) 6,228 495 1350 1,530 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18 - PAGE 3 OF 3 gpm and 6,228 gpm (672 gpm) through purchase or appropriation. The anticipated cost for making each Eagle Water Well an APOD is estimated at approximately $25,000 in legal and technical fees (as detailed in Response 19). The cost of acquiring additional water rights is difficult to pinpoint, but could range from $25,000 (applying for a new water right) to hundreds of thousands of dollars (purchasing an existing water right). 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=7368&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-7368 Owner Type Name and Address Current Owner EAGLE WATER CO INC Current Owner EAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Original OwnerEAGLE HILLS GOLF COURSE INC 605 N EDGEWOOD LN EAGLE, ID 83616 2089390402 Original OwnerEAGLE RANCH WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 Priority Date: 11/15/1970 Basis: Decreed Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial Use FromTo Diversion RateVolume MUNICIPAL 1/01 12/312 CFS FIRE PROTECTION1/01 12/312 CFS Total Diversion 2 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERNESENE Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERNESWNW Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERSWSWNWSec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1.C18 This partial decree is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of the rights or for the efficient administration of the water rights as may be ultimately determined by the Court at a point in time no later than the entry of a final unified decree. Section 42-1412(6), Idaho Code. 2.124 Place of use is within the service area of the Eagle Water Company, Inc. municipal water supply system as provided for under Idaho Law. Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=7368&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 Dates: Licensed Date: Decreed Date: 02/06/2009 Permit Proof Due Date: 12/1/1979 Permit Proof Made Date: Permit Approved Date: 12/7/1970 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: S Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=7618&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-7618 Owner Type Name and Address Current Owner EAGLE WATER CO INC Current Owner EAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Original OwnerEAGLE LAND CO , ID Original OwnerEAGLE RANCH WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 Priority Date: 10/25/1972 Basis: Decreed Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial UseFrom To Diversion RateVolume MUNICIPAL 01/0112/311.4 CFS Total Diversion 1.4 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERNESENE Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERNESWNW Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERSWSWNWSec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1.C18 This partial decree is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of the rights or for the efficient administration of the water rights as may be ultimately determined by the Court at a point in time no later than the entry of a final unified decree. Section 42-1412(6), Idaho Code. 2.C03Right includes accomplished change in point of diversion pursuant to Section 42-1425, Idaho Code. 3.124 Place of use is within the service area of the Eagle Water Company municipal water supply system as provided for under Idaho Law. Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=7618&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 Dates: Licensed Date: Decreed Date: 04/03/2009 Permit Proof Due Date: 8/1/1977 Permit Proof Made Date: Permit Approved Date: Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: S Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=9245&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-9245 Owner Type Name and Address Current Owner EAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Original OwnerEAGLE RANCH WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 Priority Date: 06/08/1979 Basis: Decreed Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial Use From To Diversion Rate Volume MUNICIPAL 01/0112/311.1 CFS FIRE PROTECTION01/0112/313.5 CFS Total Diversion 3.5 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERNESENE Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERNESWNW Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERSWSWNWSec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERNESW Sec. 15Township 04NRange 01E ADA County Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1.C18 This partial decree is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of the rights or for the efficient administration of the water rights as may be ultimately determined by the Court at a point in time no later than the entry of a final unified decree. Section 42-1412(6), Idaho Code. 2.124 Place of use is within the service area of the Eagle Water Company municipal water supply system as provided for under Idaho Law. 3.E62 This right when combined with Right Nos. 63-7368 and 63-7618 shall not exceed 4.5 cfs per acre. 4.T07 The right holder shall accomplish the change authorized by Transfer 75035 within one year of the date of the approval. Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=9245&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 5.T08 Failure of the right holder to comply with the conditions of this transfer is cause for the Director to rescind approval of the transfer. 6.046 Right holder shall comply with the drilling permit requirements of Section 42-235, Idaho Code and applicable Well Construction Rules of the Department. 7.01M After specific notification by the Department, the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device or shall enter into an agreement with the Department to use power records to determine the amount of water diverted and shall annually report the information to the Department. 8.165 To prevent injury to prior water rights appropriating water from the Boise River and/or the underlying shallow aquifer tributary to the Boise River, the new well used as a point of diversion for this water right located within the NESW, S15, T4N, R1E shall be constructed and maintained with unperforated casing and sealed into the first significant confining layer located 200 feet or more below ground surface. Dates: Licensed Date: Decreed Date: 10/21/2009 Permit Proof Due Date: 7/1/1984 Permit Proof Made Date: Permit Approved Date: 7/18/1979 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: S Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=11798&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-11798 Owner Type Name and Address Current OwnerEAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Priority Date: 04/17/1992 Basis: License Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial UseFromTo Diversion RateVolume MUNICIPAL 1/01 12/311.34 CFS Total Diversion 1.34 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERNWNWSec. 15Township 04NRange 01EADA County Licensed Diversion Capacity: 5.6 Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1. Irrigation of large projects such as parks, golf courses, or sports activities fields is not authorized under this right. Domestic uses authorized under this right shall not exceed 13,000 gallons per day in accordance with the provisions in Section 42-111, Idaho Code. Place of use is located within the city limits of Eagle and the surrounding service area. Dates: Licensed Date: 09/30/1994 Decreed Date: Permit Proof Due Date: 11/1/1993 Permit Proof Made Date: 11/5/1993 Permit Approved Date: 6/23/1992 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=11798&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: 04/13/1992 Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: 63 Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=12147&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-12147 Owner Type Name and Address Current OwnerEAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Priority Date: 09/29/1994 Basis: License Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial UseFromTo Diversion RateVolume MUNICIPAL 1/01 12/315 CFS Total Diversion 5 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERSWSW Sec. 08Township 04NRange 01EADA County GROUND WATERNWNWSec. 15Township 04NRange 01EADA County Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1.01M After specific notification by the Department, the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device or shall enter into an agreement with the Department to use power records to determine the amount of water diverted and shall annually report the information to the Department. 2.125 Place of use is within the service area of Eagle Water Company as provided for under Idaho law. The place of use is generally described as within the city limits of Eagle and the surrounding service area. 3.004 This right does not grant any right-of-way or easement across the land of another. 4.180 A map depicting the place of use boundary for this water right at the time of this approval is attached to this document for illustrative purposes. Dates: Licensed Date: 05/12/2016 Decreed Date: Permit Proof Due Date: 2/1/1999 Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=12147&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 Permit Proof Made Date: 2/3/1999 Permit Approved Date: 2/6/1995 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: 09/27/1994 Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=12559&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-12559 Owner Type Name and Address Current OwnerEAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Priority Date: 12/15/1999 Basis: License Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial UseFrom To Diversion RateVolume MUNICIPAL 01/0112/313 CFS Total Diversion 3 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERNESW Lt 3Sec. 15Township 04NRange 01EADA County Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1.125 Place of use is within the service area of Eagle Water Company as provided for under Idaho law. The place of use is generally described as within the city limits of Eagle and the surrounding service area. 2.102 The right holder shall not provide water diverted under this right for the irrigation of land having appurtenant surface water rights as a primary source of irrigation water except when the surface water rights are not available for use. This condition applies to all land with appurtenant surface water rights, including land converted from irrigated agricultural use to other land uses but still requiring water to irrigate lawns and landscaping. 3.103 When ordered by the Director, the right holder shall provide mitigation acceptable to the Director to offset depletion of lower Snake River flows needed for migrating anadromous fish. The amount of water required for mitigation, which is to be released into the Snake River or a tributary for this purpose, will be determined by the Director based upon the reduction in flow caused by the use of water pursuant to this right. Any order of the Director issued in accordance with this paragraph shall be in conformance with applicable rules allowing the right holder due process as the need for mitigation and the amount of mitigation are determined. Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=12559&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 4.01M After specific notification by the Department, the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device or shall enter into an agreement with the Department to use power records to determine the amount of water diverted and shall annually report the information to the Department. 5.004 The issuance of this right does not grant any right-of-way or easement across the land of another. 6.930 Water bearing zone to be appropriated is 330 to 400 feet. 7.Point of diversion is known as Well #7. Dates: Licensed Date: 09/01/2016 Decreed Date: Permit Proof Due Date: 3/1/2008 Permit Proof Made Date: 1/7/2008 Permit Approved Date: 3/1/2000 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: 12/15/1999 Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20 - PAGE 1 OF 4 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20: Please reconcile the charts shown in Cooper’s testimony on pages 7, 8 and 11. a. Are there projects listed on pages 7 and 8 that are duplicated on page 11? Please explain. b. Is the total cost actually the $30.141 million as shown on page 8 plus the $13.358 million shown on page 11 for a total of $43.499 million? Please explain. c. Please identify which capital investments the Company would make with the acquisition of the Eagle Water system and which capital investments the Company would make without the acquisition of the Eagle Water system. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20: a. Yes. The charts were prepared for very different purposes and therefore some of the projects (or portions of projects) appear in multiple charts. The charts on pages 7 and 8 are an analysis comparing only the costs of providing approximately 12.5 MGD of additional and redundant supply. These charts support the benefit of the acquisition to current SUEZ customers by demonstrating that approximately 12.5 MGD of future supply can be provided for $11.7M less “with the Eagle Water Acquisition” than “absent the Eagle Water Acquisition.” RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20 - PAGE 2 OF 4 The chart on page 11 of the Cooper testimony shows project costs (or the portion of project costs) that would directly benefit Eagle Water Customers. These costs were used in the Eagle Water rate calculation presented in Cary’s testimony. b. No. As explained in section (a) of this response, the charts were prepared for different purposes. Adding the chart totals together would duplicate some project costs. c. The projects in the following table would be constructed absent the Eagle Water Acquisition to provide additional and redundant supply to current SUEZ customers. Table from Page 7 Cooper Testimony: If the Eagle Water Company acquisition is completed, the projects in the following table would be constructed to provide additional and redundant supply to current SUEZ customers and Eagle Water customers. Table from Page 8 Cooper Testimony: MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump 571$ 0.00 Optimist Booster Pump Station / New 2 MG Tank 2,894$ 2,894$ 2.16 Island Woods Connection 2,177$ 2,177$ 6.00 Marden Expansion (6 MGD, no DAF), includes Main Enlargements to move the water away from Marden: Marden and Mobley Main Enlargement (2300' of 36" pipe), and Lewis / 6th Street Main Enlargement (11,770' of 24" Pipe)2,465$ 8,618$ 8,025$ Cumulative Cost (in 000's)2,032$ 12,022$ 15,058$ 28,747$ 41,844$ Cumulative MGD - 2.2 4.3 4.3 12.5 Cost per MGD 5,565$ 3,485$ 6,654$ 3,353$ SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20 - PAGE 3 OF 4 The capital investments shown in the chart on Page 11 of Cooper’s testimony would all be made for the benefit of Eagle Water Customers. Note that the projects highlighted below are also relevant to and included in the supply analysis comparison. MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump/higher TDH 769$ 0.00 EWC Acquisition Price 10,000$ 0.00 Water Right Transfers / APODS to allow full capacity pumping from EWC Wells 56$ 3.24 New Pump EWC Well 8, PRV, connect to RWC Pipeline 1,043$ 3.60 New Pump Well 6, PRV, connect to RWC Pipeline 1,110$ 1.44 New 2 MG Tank / Rehab Well 1 (1000 gpm additional available from Well 6)2,006$ 3,135$ Cumulative Dollars 2,032$ 22,078$ 25,896$ 30,141$ Cumulative Supply Gained 0.0 2.2 7.6 12.6 Cost per MGD 10,221$ 3,425$ 2,392$ SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20 - PAGE 4 OF 4 Project Title 2019 2020 2021 Benefit Summary Add chlorination at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 56$ Chlorine residual in distribution system, protection against contamination risk. $10k plus OH per site. SCADA at each Facility (Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 2 boosters), control room and associated hardware and software 532$ SCADA controls at each facility will allow for 24-hour monitoring of system operations. Includes $250 for a control room, database, historian, radio path survey, etc if Eagle Water constructed the improvement (no OH on this portion). $35k per site, $5k contingency, plus OH. Meter and Service Replacements (2,000 @ $1500 each)1,129$ 1,129$ 1,129$ Half of EWC meters - fix problematic meter locations, move into right-of-way, lessen depth for safety and access. Install AMI meters. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Meter Replacement with AMI (2000 @ $388)454$ 438$ Half of EWC meters - Install AMI meters in existing meter boxes. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Includes $16k for two repeaters if Eagle Water constructed the improvements, no OH on this portion. Water Right Transfers to add APODS to Eagle Water and SUEZ Rights 56$ These transfers would allow the two delivery systems to be integrated in the future, enhancing the reliability and flexibility of both. In addition, shared Eagle rights and SUEZ rights would fill the current shortfall in Eagle Water rights to meet peak demands. These transfers would eliminate the need for Eagle Water to appropriate new water rights to fill its current shortfall. Map Eagle Water System into GIS and create Hydraulic Model 27$ Provides the benefit of crews being able to rapidly locate buried infrastructure. Inclusion in the model will allow for system optimization and targeted pipeline replacement planning. This will also include the Eagle Water facilities into Aquadvanced Energy, an energy-saving system operations platform. PRV at Well 8 528$ PRV and portion of piping will interconnect the Eagle Water system with the Suez system. Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. Benefit of supply and storage from Suez system. PRV at Well 6 341$ PRV and portion of piping will interconnect the Eagle Water system with the Suez system. Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. Benefit of supply and storage from Suez system. Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,133$ The Redwood Creek pipeline will be the interconnection between the Eagle Water system and the Suez system. This pipeline being in place will provide Eagle Water customers with the benefit of being able to access source and storage from the Suez system. The benefit is calculated on making up the redundancy shortfall in fireflow for Eagle Water (1375 gpm). This would also cover the shortage in peak hour redundancy (1175 gpm) and the emergency standby shortage (429 gpm). It won't be available to EWC customers until the PRV at Well 8 is in place, which is why it has been included in 2020. Cost calculated as a portion of the total pipeline cost, 1375 gpm / 7750 gpm (ultimate pipeline capacity with 1000 gpm being used locally in Floating Feather and Eagle Water area to support current customers and growth through 2021). 2 MG Tank 2,006$ 2,006$ Will bring Eagle Water into compliance with IDEQ peak hour and fire flow supply and redundancy requirements Pipeline Replacements (1% per year) 305$ 305$ 305$ 0.6 miles of pipeline replacement per year. First years will target undersized lines or lines at higher risk of breakage. Safety and Security Improvements 28$ 28$ 28$ Arcflash analysis and improvements, eyewash stations, fall protection at facility sites. Production Roll-Up Work 113$ 141$ 141$ Pump replacements, HVAC, production meter replacements, pumping facility upgrades, landscaping, sampling stations, generator replacements, add water level monitoring in wells, etc Totals $2,700 $6,708 $3,950 $13,358 Costs (in 000's) PLANNED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL BENEFIT EAGLE WATER CUSTOMERS The improvements in this table have overheads added except for portions of improvements that would be completed if Eagle Water were making the improvements. For example, with respect to needed SCADA control for the Eagle Water system, SUEZ already has a control room, servers, database, and historian computers to support the addition of SCADA at the Eagle Water facilities. Eagle Water does not have a control room or associated amenities and would have to purchase them to implement functional SCADA control if Eagle Water were constructing the improvement itself. The Eagle Water portion of the costs does not have any overheads included. Well Suez Analysis - EWC current Well Production Capacities with Current Pumps Capacity with Current Water Rights and 1 0 - 2 325 325 3 0 - 4 1800 603 1,800 Total 8,225 5,023 2250 Municipal Water Right 495 1350 1,530 Well Suez Analysis - EWC current Well Production Capacities with Current Pumps Capacity with Current Water Rights and 1 0 - 2 325 325 3 0 - 4 1800 603 1,800 Total 8,225 5,023 2250 Municipal Water Right 495 1350 1,530 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 1 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide all tables and exhibits included in all testimonies in electronic format with all formulas intact. Please also provide all associated workpapers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 1: The tables included in SUEZ testimony are produced to Staff on compact disc with formulas intact. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2 - PAGE 1 OF 3 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson, Vice President & General Manager SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2: Please identify and describe the escalation and/or change in state and federal regulations mentioned on page 3 of Thompson testimony for the years 2010 to present. Identify each agency or department requiring the regulation, and specify whether each escalation/change in regulation is local, state, or federal in nature. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2: The original intent of this referenced section from the Thompson testimony was to reflect increased regulatory obligations that utilities such as SUEZ and the Eagle Water Company will face in coming years. This includes, but is not limited to steps taken by the US Congress in 2018 regarding updates to portions of the Safe Drinking Water Act in America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, which was signed into law Oct. 23, 2018 by President Trump. Rule making has yet to establish formal guidelines on this legislation. However, it is clear that the recent legislative changes add to drinking water utility obligations in the following areas: • stronger requirements for notification of contaminant spills to downstream water utilities • encouragement to implement asset management practices • codification that provision of Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR) by electronic means are acceptable. • Required publication of CCRs twice annually for systems of significant size. • Revision of the format and content of CCRs • Utilities must now show that they are updating security and resiliency provisions for their facilities RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2 - PAGE 2 OF 3 Regarding lead and copper in drinking water, USEPA has indicated that a revised Lead and Copper Rule will be proposed in 2019. The Revised Lead and Copper Rule is expected to include new requirements for utilities to maintain inventories of distribution system materials, select targeted sampling pools, and conduct public education. Existing state administration of the current EPA rule set requires all drinking water utilities state-wide to sample for a growing list of possible contaminants. The EPA’s Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) is in its 4th generation. A clear connection is being drawn between that rule and a recently revised list of EPA Health Advisory Limits for common groundwater contaminants. EPA is also proceeding with proposed regulations for some of the currently unregulated contaminants that were included in previous rounds of the UCMR, such as perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) and 1,4-dioxane. Due to the relatively long timeline of USEPA rulemaking, State administrators are under increasing pressure from the community to promulgate their own drinking water regulations in advance of the federal initiatives. Regardless of system size, drinking water utilities will be well served to plan ahead for increasingly stringent regulation of trace contaminants. Since 2010, changes have also been seen in utility account and tax regulation. In January 2018, the Idaho Public Utility Commission directed in its Order in PUC Case No. GNR-U-18-01 (“Generic Tax Order”) a series of requirements for utilities under its jurisdiction related to the impacts of modifications to the Internal Revenue Tax Code by the implementation of The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (“TCJA”). TCJA reduced corporate income tax rates, which reduced current & deferred income tax expense, accumulated deferred income tax and eliminated the exemption for water and sewer utilities from recognizing CIAC as taxable income. SUEZ is currently in compliance with the RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2 - PAGE 3 OF 3 directives and requirements set forth in that order. The Company is not aware of any filing by Eagle Water Company in response to this same order. It is not known what accounting or procedural hurdles Eagle Water may need to overcome to come into compliance with this directive. Regardless of recent changes or new regulations on the horizon, SUEZ notes that Eagle Water Company has had difficulty meeting certain current regulatory obligations.These deficiencies can be found in the Company’s response to Staff’s production requests No. 9, No. 10, and No. 18. Excerpts from these responses will be summarized again here. • As noted in the Company’s response to request No. 9, the current Eagle Water system does not meet IDEQ requirements for redundant non-fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.17), redundant fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.18), and emergency operation (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.07). • The company’s response to request number 10 details several unaddressed material deficiencies from the system’s most recent IDEQ sanitary survey. These include leaks and structural issues with Well 2 facility, and a lack of appropriate level II licensure for the system’s lead operator. • In response to request No. 18, Company analysis has determined a significant water rights issue leaves Eagle Water with a peak hour water right shortfall of 1,877 gpm (6,900 gpm minus 5,023 gpm). RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 3 - PAGE 1 OF 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson, Vice President & General Manager SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 3: In reference to page 8 of Thompson testimony, please demonstrate how the Eagle Water system has “suffered from less than optimal capital investment” including deficiency reports from regulatory agencies, outage locations and durations, and complaints of inadequate service from Eagle Water customers. Please also provide the number of Eagle Water customers that have requested service from SUEZ Water Idaho due to the condition of the Eagle Water system. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 3: A review of Eagle Water Company’s history of owner investment in the system versus its accumulated depreciation demonstrates a non-optimal capital investment strategy over many years. The calculated negative rate base of $1,208,792 as of December 2017 indicates that the long-term capital investment needs of the system are not being met under current conditions. Further, the Eagle Water system’s reliance on emergency surcharges, most recently from 2009 through 2016, shows how stressful reactive repairs have been for this water system. Responding to urgent repairs is part of utility operations, but it should not become an immediate funding need to customers. A list of existing Eagle Water system deficiencies can be found in the Company’s response to production requests No. 9, No. 10, and No. 18. Excerpts from these responses are summarized here. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 3 - PAGE 2 OF 2 • As noted in the Company’s response to request No. 9, the current Eagle Water system does not meet IDEQ requirements for redundant non-fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.17), redundant fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.18), and emergency operation (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.07). • The company’s response to request number 10 details several unaddressed material deficiencies from the system’s most recent IDEQ sanitary survey. These include leaks and structural issues with the Well 2 facility, and a lack of appropriate level II licensure for the system’s lead operator. • Finally, in response to request No. 18, Company analysis has determined a significant water rights issue leaves Eagle Water with a peak hour water right shortfall of 1,877 gpm (6,900 gpm minus 5,023 gpm). In the Company’s due diligence efforts, no evidence was found indicating Eagle Water maintains records of customer outages or complaints. Since announcing its intentions to acquire Eagle Water Company assets, SUEZ received and tracked numerous calls from current Eagle Water customers requesting information on the PUC filing. We have not received any specific “requests for service from SUEZ Water Idaho due to the condition of the Eagle Water system.” However, the call outlined below from January 4, 2019 highlights the perspective of one current Eagle Water customer who is optimistic for improved water service. Call Summary – January 4, 2019 A SUEZ employee spoke with a longtime Eagle resident and Eagle Water Company customer who expressed his relief that SUEZ is seeking to purchase his water provider. He has experienced many water service disruptions, including an outage that lasted 7 days. Eagle Water Company brought in potable water for his neighborhood, but it was still a hardship for his family. This customer also complained of poor water pressure with Eagle Water, and mentioned automated watering of his lawn is a challenge. “Do I want my rates to go up? No, but I’m willing to take the risk with the sale that I’ll have better service,” he said. He expressed support for the sale, believes SUEZ provides dependable service, and he wants that reliability for his community. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 1 OF 6 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson, Vice President & General Manager SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4: Please quantify the monetary value of each item included in the list of “Identifiable synergies and efficiencies” listed on pages 8-11 of Thompson testimony. Please identify whether the benefit is to current Eagle Water customers or current SUEZ Water Idaho customers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4: 1) Eagle Water customers would benefit from lower operating expenses and increased capital investment. Ms. Cary’s testimony starting on page 7 discusses the minimum $54,603 projected operating expense decrease anticipated under SUEZ operation versus Eagle Water’s 2017 reported operating and maintenance costs of $611,863. The savings anticipated are the result of eliminating office space rental at a cost savings of $10,450 per year, by using SUEZ’s existing company offices. A $44,153 reduction in salary and benefit costs is anticipated by SUEZ operating the Eagle Water system with the addition of three employees – a meter reader, operator and customer service representative versus Eagle Water’s existing owner’s salary, staffing levels and benefit costs. 2) 24-hour automated system monitoring SUEZ recommends that the Eagle Water system be monitored around-the-clock through supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system and operated RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 2 OF 6 by two licensed, qualified operators. Ms. Cary’s testimony on page 6 discusses the projected operating costs for the Eagle Water system to add a dedicated SCADA operator at an estimated cost of $60,000 in payroll expense, plus benefit costs. Ms. Cooper’s testimony starting on page 10 discusses the anticipated $532,000 cost for adding SCADA controls at each Eagle Water facility. $250,000 of this capital investment includes a SCADA control room, database, historian, radio path survey etc. which Eagle Water would need that SUEZ already has in place. 3) Numerous field personnel trained and certified in water distribution, water treatment, and cross connection control that are able to respond quickly to any issues; In the company’s response to production request No. 10, several unaddressed material deficiencies from the Eagle Water system’s most recent IDEQ sanitary survey were detailed. Notably, this included a lack of appropriate state drinking water licensure for that system’s lead operator (IBOL Drinking Water Distribution Class II). As a fully licensed system in both water distribution and treatment, SUEZ can provide a fully licensed workforce where every utility worker and operator holds required Class II licensure as a condition of employment. These employees staff fully equipped repair and maintenance teams with materials on-hand from local inventory and guaranteed stock contracts with local vendors. SUEZ’s field personnel are available 24 hours per day for critical event response and issue correction. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 3 OF 6 4) Web site access for customers and electronic billing and payment options; The estimated average cost of designing, developing, and launching a website can range from $5,000 for a basic website to $100,000 or more depending on features for secure payment and integration of metering system data. SUEZ’s estimate for Eagle Water to develop a customer website with a similar level of customer service and information functionality and features as MySUEZWater.com is approximately $50,000, with additional on-going hosting and maintenance expenses. SUEZ’s incremental cost to incorporate Eagle Water’s 4,000 estimated customers into its online platform is estimated to be minimal. 5) Capital Funding Access SUEZ’s available capital budgets are substantial, as documented in Responses 12 and 13. In addition, SUEZ tracks assets and capital spending in accordance with regulated utility guidelines and does not use surcharges as a regular means of funding needed capital improvements. 6) Economies of Scale: National Contracts for Materials and Services. SUEZ uses national and global buying power to negotiate favorable terms on items that can be purchased from service providers and manufacturers. These contracts would be used in all aspects of SUEZ’s transition and maintenance of the Eagle Water system. For items used in direct operation of the system, Suez has contracts with manufacturers for meters, pipe, valves, hydrants, and lab testing/sampling equipment. The lab testing equipment contract provides discounts of 17% to 20% off list price. Our experience has shown that the RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 4 OF 6 contracts for meters, pipe, valves, and hydrants are typically 30% to 50% lower than prices that a distributor provides to smaller water systems. Suez has negotiated contracts for support services not directly used in the operation of the water system. Examples of these contracts include fleet, telecom services, uniforms, PPE products, and office supplies. Discounts will vary by item and service type. For example, telecom contracts provide a 19% to 21% discount of service and equipment. 7) Water conservation programs and no-cost conservation devices SUEZ’s comprehensive conservation program, approved by the Commission, includes customer education and outreach, xeriscape demonstration gardens, conservation devices including hose timers, sprinkler irrigation rain sensors, commercial kitchen sprayers, hose timers, etc. The cost in 2009 of designing and implementing the conservation plan was $192k. It is the Company’s position that a lack of ongoing capital investment in the Eagle Water System has provided a false impression of affordability to its current customers. When compared to usage patterns from adjacent SUEZ customers, Eagle Water customers use 150% the average annual volume per customer on record for SUEZ customers in the same period (2017). If Eagle Water residential customers were to conserve water to a similar level as the average SUEZ’s residential customer they could reduce usage, and associated volume billing charges, by up to 66%. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 5 OF 6 8) The ability to maintain the water system in regulatory compliance; SUEZ has noted elsewhere in our response to these request that Eagle Water has had difficulty meeting its current regulatory obligations. Notably, these deficiencies can be found in the Company’s response to production requests No. 9, No. 10, and No. 11. Excerpts from these responses will be summarized again here. As noted in the Company’s response to request No. 9, the Eagle Water system does not meet IDEQ requirements for redundant non-fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.17), redundant fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.18), and emergency operation (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.07). The company’s response to request No. 10 details several unaddressed material deficiencies from the system’s most recent IDEQ sanitary survey. These include leaks and structural issues with Well 2 facility, and a lack of appropriate level II licensure for the system’s lead operator. Finally, in response to request No. 18, Company analysis has determined a significant water rights issue leaves Eagle Water with a peak hour water right shortfall of 1,877 gpm (6,900 gpm minus 5,023 gpm). In conjunction with SUEZ’s standards for system maintenance, sampling, and operation, the capital investment plan offered in our testimony would bring Eagle RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4 - PAGE 6 OF 6 Water Company assets up to utility and regulatory standards enjoyed by its neighboring utilities. Further, the reasonable and stable rate structure proposed by SUEZ would ensures these investments are maintained in the future to the benefit customers. 9) The ability to spread costs of Eagle area capital improvements over a large customer base and avoidance of future surcharges. SUEZ tracks all assets and capital investments in accordance with typical regulated utility practices and does not regularly use surcharges as a means to fund needed capital improvements. One benefit of a large water system that Eagle Water customers would gain by joining SUEZ is that required costs are spread over a large number of customers. The Redwood Creek Pipeline project is a good example of this opportunity (addressed in Production Response No. 9). SUEZ customers need the Redwood Creek Pipeline to transmit additional supply to SUEZ’ Hidden Hollow Tank. Simple pressure reducing connections from this pipeline into the Eagle Water system will remedy their IDEQ pumping shortfall deficiencies. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 5 - PAGE 1 OF 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila M. Cary, Director of Finance, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide all financial analyses prepared by or for SUEZ Water Idaho for estimating the value of Eagle Water’s system. If not clearly labeled in the workpapers, please provide assumptions on the cost of capital and annual (or quarterly, if applicable) expected revenue and costs, including book depreciation, tax depreciation, income taxes, deferred taxes, property taxes, and other items typically included in a discounted cash flow analysis. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 5: The Company did not determine the Eagle Water purchase price through a discounted cash flow analysis because that valuation is highly dependent on regulatory treatment assumptions. The negotiated purchase price and estimated value of the Eagle Water system to SUEZ was substantiated by the avoided capital investment as outlined in Ms. Cooper’s testimony starting on page 5. Including the $10M Eagle Water purchase acquisition price, SUEZ estimates that $11.7M of additional planned capital investment would be avoided or deferred, while addressing the supply needs in the northwest area of the SUEZ system sooner. In that respect, the value of the Eagle Water system acquisition to SUEZ could be valued at as much as $21.7M. Other factors in the valuation consideration included the City of Eagle’s 2007 attempt to purchase Eagle Water at a proposed $6.3M price plus $900,000 in financing cost, for an estimated total cost of $7.2M. At that time, Cooper Norman Certified Public Accountants firm expressed an opinion that the proposed purchase price and financing cost “was reasonable and RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 5 - PAGE 2 OF 2 fair” to the City of Eagle. Published on its website, the City of Eagle also provided information regarding the proposed Eagle Water company purchase, which included reference to a 2002 valuation performed by JUB Engineers that estimated the value of Eagle Water company assets at that time, based on the replacement cost depreciation method, to be $6,728,593. The SUEZ acquisition price of the South County Water Company system in 1998 was $761 per customer, not adjusted for inflation, as referenced in case UWI-W-98-2 Linam testimony pages 6-8. In SUEZ’s 2015 general rate case no. UWI-W-15-01, SUEZ’s system investment was approximately $1,924 per customer at that time. SUEZ’s $10M Eagle Water proposed purchase price represents an approximate investment per customer of $2,380. In comparison, recent SUEZ small system acquisitions in New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas averaged between $3,000 and $5,000 investment per customer. Exhibit 1 Schedule 1a - Eagle Water Company projected capital and operating costs absent an acquisition, includes SUEZ assumptions for cost of capital, a 3% depreciation rate, and operating and maintenance costs based on Eagle Water’s 2017 Commission annual report, excluding any inflationary factors. The Company expects that with the acquisition of Eagle Water, SUEZ’s costs to maintain and operate the Eagle Water system would be $54,603 lower versus Eagle Water’s 2017 reported expenses, as outlined in Cary testimony pages 7-8. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 6 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary, Director of Finance, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 6: SUEZ Water Idaho proposes a three year rate phase-in for Eagle Water customers after the acquisition (Cary testimony page 12, lines 6-15). Please break down the portion of the increase that will be recovered through basic service charges and the portion recovered through consumption rates. Please explain the method and rationale used and provide all supporting workpapers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 6: The proposed three-year rate phase-in for Eagle Water customers would align rates into the existing SUEZ tariff rate structure, at an anticipated impact of $1,768,304 to create uniformity among rate payers. Exhibit 2 to the testimony calculates the $1,768,304 impact of the rate phase-in assuming 3,500 Residential customers with an average monthly consumption of 16ccfs with 70% summertime consumption and 500 Commercial Customers with a 2” meter and 75ccfs of monthly consumption and 85% summertime consumption. Using the same assumption as outlined above, the portion of the $1,768,304 increase expected to be recovered through basic service charges is $167,640 or 9.48%, while the portion expected to be recovered through consumption rates is $1,600,664 or 90.52%. These figures are calculated in the attached workpaper Response #6 Break down of increase.xlsx which is a condensed version of Exhibit 2. C:\NRPortbl\GPDMS\S274\14489379_1.xlsx Page 1 Eagle Water Company Proposed Rate Phase In 50%75%100% 100 cubic feet or CCF Summer Tariff Rate 0.4510$ 1.8577$ Winter Tariff Rate 0.4510$ 1.4674$ Per 3CCF Per 1 CCF Rate for first 3 CCF (winter & summer)change over 2017 EWC actual revenue 233% 600CF or less 7.84$ 3.92$ 1.307$ 1.4674$ change over existing EWC rates 235% Over 600 CF per 100 CF 0.4510$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)507,937$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)630,183$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)630,183$ Grand Total Impact 1,768,304$ GRAND TOTAL Percentage Residential Customer 3/4" Meter Over 6CCF 3CCF in Summer at Winter Rate Annual Increase 270,588$ Annual Increase 394,644$ Annual Increase 394,644$ Monthly Increase 6.44$ Monthly Increase 9.40$ Monthly Increase 9.40$ Winter/Summer Consumption 30%70%(Based on 2017 consumption by month avg.) 3/4" Meter - Monthly 7.84$ Total basic service charges impact (107,625)$ 110,828$ 10.56$ 110,828$ 114,030$ 167,640$ 9.48% CCF allowed 6 Consumption increase 378,213$ 283,816$ 0 283,816$ 945,845$ 1,600,664$ 90.52% Customers 3,500 Monthly Consumption (CCF Fixed Winter Summer Total Calculated Annual Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated 16 7.84$ 1.35$ 3.16$ 12.35$ 518,700$ 5.28$ 3.52$ 9.99$ 18.79$ 52%789,288$ 7.92$ 5.28$ 14.99$ 28.19$ 50%1,183,932$ 10.56$ 7.04$ 19.99$ 37.59$ 33%1,578,575$ 204.33%1,578,575$ Commercial Customer 1-1/2" Meter 3CCF in Summer at Winter Rate Annual Increase 237,349$ Annual Increase 235,540$ Annual Increase 235,540$ Monthly Increase 39.56$ Monthly Increase 39.26$ Monthly Increase 39.26$ Winter/Summer Consumption 15%85%(Based on 2017 consumption by month avg.) 1-1/2" Meter - Monthly 14.15$ Total basic service charges impact (15,645)$ 34,628$ 23.09$ 34,628$ 53,610$ CCF allowed 20 Consumption increase 252,994$ 200,912$ 200,912$ 654,818$ Customers 500 Monthly Consumption (CCF Fixed Winter Summer Total Calculated Annual Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated 75 14.15$ 3.72$ 21.08$ 38.96$ 233,730$ 11.54$ 8.25$ 58.72$ 78.51$ 102%471,079$ 17.31$ 12.38$ 88.07$ 117.77$ 50%706,619$ 23.09$ 16.51$ 117.43$ 157.03$ 33%942,158$ 303.10%942,158$ Eagle Water Company Rates \\PUCBOICF01\Common\ScannedFiles\ScanRoom\Response to Request 6 - Exhibit.xlsx Page 1 Eagle Water Company Proposed Rate Phase In 50%75%100% 100 cubic feet or CCF Summer Tariff Rate 0.4510$ 1.8577$ Winter Tariff Rate 0.4510$ 1.4674$ Per 3CCF Per 1 CCF Rate for first 3 CCF (winter & summer)change over 2017 EWC actual revenue 233% 600CF or less 7.84$ 3.92$ 1.307$ 1.4674$ change over existing EWC rates 235% Over 600 CF per 100 CF 0.4510$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)507,937$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)630,183$ Total Annual Impact (Residential & Commercial)630,183$ Grand Total Impact 1,768,304$ GRAND TOTAL Percentage Residential Customer 3/4" Meter Over 6CCF 3CCF in Summer at Winter Rate Annual Increase 270,588$ Annual Increase 394,644$ Annual Increase 394,644$ Monthly Increase 6.44$ Monthly Increase 9.40$ Monthly Increase 9.40$ Winter/Summer Consumption 30%70%(Based on 2017 consumption by month avg.) 3/4" Meter - Monthly 7.84$ Total basic service charges impact (107,625)$ 110,828$ 10.56$ 110,828$ 114,030$ 167,640$ 9.48% CCF allowed 6 Consumption increase 378,213$ 283,816$ 0 283,816$ 945,845$ 1,600,664$ 90.52% Customers 3,500 Monthly Consumption (CCF Fixed Winter Summer Total Calculated Annual Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated 16 7.84$ 1.35$ 3.16$ 12.35$ 518,700$ 5.28$ 3.52$ 9.99$ 18.79$ 52%789,288$ 7.92$ 5.28$ 14.99$ 28.19$ 50%1,183,932$ 10.56$ 7.04$ 19.99$ 37.59$ 33%1,578,575$ 204.33%1,578,575$ 3CCF in Summer at Winter Rate Annual Increase 237,349$ Annual Increase 235,540$ Annual Increase 235,540$ Monthly Increase 39.56$ Monthly Increase 39.26$ Monthly Increase 39.26$ 15%85%(Based on 2017 consumption by month avg.) 14.15$ Total basic service charges impact (15,645)$ 34,628$ 23.09$ 34,628$ 53,610$ 20 Consumption increase 252,994$ 200,912$ 200,912$ 654,818$ Monthly Consumption (CCF Fixed Winter Summer Total Calculated Annual Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated Fixed Winter Summer Total Rate Calculated 75 14.15$ 3.72$ 21.08$ 38.96$ 233,730$ 11.54$ 8.25$ 58.72$ 78.51$ 102%471,079$ 17.31$ 12.38$ 88.07$ 117.77$ 50%706,619$ 23.09$ 16.51$ 117.43$ 157.03$ 33%942,158$ 303.10%942,158$ Eagle Water Company Rates RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 7 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson, Vice President & General Manager SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 7: Thompson’s testimony on page 8 states, “Suez’s standards for plant maintenance, upgrades and replacements indicate that some substantial capital investments should be scheduled over the next several years.” Please provide supporting evidence including reports, analysis, etc. that demonstrates that the current Eagle Water system is not providing safe, reliable service. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 7: Whether a utility is providing, or is can provide, adequate service pursuant to Idaho Code 61-302 requires a legal conclusion. Evidence of Eagle Water Company’s current noncompliance with regulatory requirements in several critical areas as provided by SUEZ in response to staff production requests No. 9, No. 10, and No. 18 and the Direct Testimony of Cathy Cooper may bear on this issue. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 8 - PAGE 1 OF 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary, Director of Finance, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 8: Please provide the documentation that supports the increase of $158,750 in operating expenses as shown in Exhibit No. 1, Schedule 1a in Cary’s testimony. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 8: The $158,750 operating cost increase projection over Eagle Water’s 2017 year-end reported Operating & Maintenance costs, is based on the associated maintenance anticipated or as a result of the projected $13.4M capital investment discussed in Ms. Cooper’s testimony that SUEZ believes will be needed for Eagle Water system over the next three years. The operating and maintenance costs projected for Eagle Water are based on SUEZ’s own experience, cost history for similar items, and through an evaluation of the Eagle Water system and its facilities during the due diligence investigation process. The costs are conservative estimates without inflationary adjustments. SUEZ Operator wages avg. $60,000 per year, plus benefits. Based on the wage information provided by Eagle Water, SUEZ anticipates that a licensed Operator at the level required by IDEQ for the Eagle Water system would also warrant higher pay. The $2,000 estimated annual power expense for adding SCADA monitoring equipment at Eagle Water’s facilities, chemical feeds pumps, analyzers, RTU’s and pressure regulating valves is based on SUEZ’s operating cost for similar type of equipment. The approximate $24,000 for disinfection is based on SUEZ’s disinfection cost of $26.50 per million gallons based on Eagle RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 8 - PAGE 2 OF 2 Water treating 895 million gallons annually. The cost of chlorine detector CL-17 reagents and facility maintenance is also based on SUEZ’s cost history and through the evaluation of Eagle Water facilities during the inspection. Well cleaning maintenance estimate is based on SUEZ history of costs for this type of work with a variety of well depths and various methods. SUEZ’s subcontractor costs for SCADA and GIS support, licenses and maintenance fees are the basis for Eagle Water’s $5,000 anticipated cost. Generator maintenance needs and recommended testing is based on SUEZ’s experience with similar equipment, and similar costs experienced by SUEZ for landscaping upkeep and backflow device testing. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9 - PAGE 1 OF 8 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9: Please provide all the analysis, including all workpapers of Eagle Water Company system showing that it does not meet IDEQ requirements for redundant non-fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.17), redundant fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.17) and emergency operation (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.07) stated in Cooper’s testimony page 5, lines 1-6. Please include schedules of the expected costs to resolve the Eagle Water system requirements. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9: The existing Eagle Water Company system was analyzed for compliance with Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) regulatory requirements. Background information on demands and well capacities are important in the understanding of the analysis, and this information is presented first. Water demands were calculated by reviewing historical information. The following table shows maximum day and average day demand calculations for Eagle Water Company. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9 - PAGE 2 OF 8 A summary of demands is shown in the following table. Since Eagle Water well house meters are read manually once per day, there is no peak hour information available. A typical (although often conservative) calculation for peak hour is 1.5 times maximum day demand, which is the calculation used here. During the due diligence period for the potential acquisition, SUEZ engineering and hydrogeology staff collected field data and other available information to analyze capacities of the existing wells. The summary of the analysis is shown in the following table. The total available flow from wells at system pressures is currently 8,225 gpm. Year Max Day (gallons)MDD (gpm) Number of Connections MDD/ Conn (gpm) MDD/ Conn/ day (gal) Total Demand for Year (gal)Days/ Year ADD/ Conn (gpm) 2002 4,350,000 3,021 2,599 1.16 1,674 609,628,000 365 0.45 2003 4,647,000 3,227 2,746 1.18 1,692 730,965,000 365 0.51 2004 4,763,000 3,308 2,889 1.14 1,649 747,961,000 364 0.49 2005 5,156,000 3,581 3,196 1.12 1,613 694,869,000 365 0.41 2006 5,261,000 3,653 3,258 1.12 1,615 815,222,000 365 0.48 2007 5,459,000 3,791 3,337 1.14 1,636 858,421,000 365 0.49 2008 5,488,000 3,811 3,400 1.12 1,614 811,209,000 364 0.46 2009 5,557,000 3,859 3,322 1.16 1,673 846,790,000 365 0.48 2010 5,764,000 4,003 3,389 1.18 1,701 797,334,000 365 0.45 2011 5,955,000 4,135 3,438 1.20 1,732 768,389,000 365 0.43 2012 5,566,000 3,865 3,486 1.11 1,597 826,090,000 364 0.45 2013 5,983,000 4,155 3,537 1.17 1,692 840,560,000 365 0.45 2014 5,570,000 3,868 3,546 1.09 1,571 870,610,000 365 0.47 2015 5,406,000 3,754 3,573 1.05 1,513 861,162,000 365 0.46 2016 5,983,000 4,155 3,835 1.08 1,560 889,274,000 364 0.44 2017 Not Available 3,833 - 857,938,433 365 0.43 2018 6,250,000 4,340 4,046 1.07 1,545 Calculate MDD per Customer (gpm) Calculate ADD per Connection (gpm) High 1.20 High 0.51 Average 1.13 Avg 0.46 Low 1.05 Low 0.41 Calculate Average Day DemandsCalculate Maximum Day Demands Not Available Service Area Demand Type Demand (gpm/ connection) Total Connections (April 2018) Total Demand (gpm) Average Day 0.46 1,850 Maximum Day 1.13 4,600 Peak Hour (1.5 x MDD)1.70 6,900 Largest Fire Flow --2,500 Eagle Water Company 4,046 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9 - PAGE 3 OF 8 Analysis for IDEQ purposes requires the calculation of “firm capacity,” or the volume of water that can be produced with the largest source out of service. Firm Capacity for the Eagle Water system is currently 5,725 gpm. Eagle Water wells 2, 7, and 8 have standby generators, which provides a total capacity of 3,925 gpm with standby power capability. These numbers are summarized in the following table. Well Non- Pumping Water level (ft below ground surface) Estimated Specific Capacity (gpm/ft) EWC Reported Well Capacity (gpm) Calculated Pumping Water Level at EWC Reported Capacity (gpm) Casing Reduction Depth (ft below ground surface) Estimated Flow at 100' Drawdown (gpm) Estimated Flow at 150' Drawdown (gpm) SUEZ analysis - EWC Current Well Production Capacities with Current Pumps (gpm) Calculated Pumping Water Level at SUEZ Capacity (ft below ground surface)Comments 1 51.2 15 600 91 160 1,500 2,250 - Offline since August 2015 due to a power supply issue 2 55.4 3.25 400 178 145 325 488 325 155 Even at 325 gpm, calculation shows a lower pumping water level than sustainable, actual capacity may be a little less. 3 58.0 8 - 250 1,200 - Taken offline in 1995 due to iron bacteria 4 64.3 12 2,500 273 255 1,200 1,800 1,800 214 This pumping level leaves about 40' for the pump and suction level above the pump. On 5/31/18 the pump was running about 80% speed and producing 800 gpm at 112 psi. 6 2.0 40 2,500 65 240 4,000 6,000 2,500 65 This well has a large specific capacity and with a bigger pump could reasonably produce more water. Use EWC reported capacity. 7 4.0 7 1,900 275 255 700 1,050 1,350 197 Pump is sized for 1350 gpm. 8 7.0 15 2,500 174 283 1,500 2,250 2,250 157 Pump column length 195' (pump was out while Suez was on site). Maximum from pump curve is 2250 gpm (at end of pump curve). Total 8225 Well Facility Current Well Production Capacities (gpm) Current Well Production Capacities With Standby Generators 1 - - 2 325 325 3 - - 4 1,800 6 2,500 7 1,350 1,350 8 2,250 2,250 Total 8,225 3,925 Firm capacity (largest source out of service)5,725 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9 - PAGE 4 OF 8 It should be noted that Eagle Water’s Well 2 pumps into a 90,000 gallon storage tank, and from there, three booster pumps boost water into the distribution system. It appears that the booster pumps have a firm capacity of approximately 600 gpm (pump horsepowers are 25 hp, 25 hp, and 15 hp). While this is more flow than the well can provide, the tank is not large enough to sustain the 600 gpm flows for more than about 2.5 hours if the tank starts full. Therefore, the well capacity has been used in this analysis rather than the booster pumping capacity. The analysis for compliance with IDEQ requirements is summarized in the table below. The current Eagle Water system does not meet IDEQ requirements for redundant non-fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.17), redundant fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.18), and emergency operation (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.07). RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9 - PAGE 5 OF 8 Requirement IDAPA 58.01.08 Citation Eagle Water Company Flow Requirement (gpm) Eagle Water Company Flow Available (gpm) Meets Requirement? Redundant Pumping Capacity (Non-Fire) 501.171 Water Source Redundancy 6,900 5,725 No (shortage 1,175 gpm) Redundant Pumping Capacity (including Fire Flow) 501.182 7,100 5,725 No (shortage 1,375 gpm) Emergency Operation 501.073 4,350 3,925 No (shortage 425 gpm) 1. Under normal operating conditions, with any source out of service, the remaining sources shall be capable of providing either the peak hour demand of the system or a minimum of the maximum day demand plus equalization storage. (Peak Hour = 6,900 gpm, firm capacity available = 5,725 gpm). Note that the Eagle Water system does not have any equalization storage available. 2. Public water systems that provide fire flow shall be designed t gpm + 2,500 gpm = 7,100 gpm, firm capacity available = 5,725 gpm) 3. During a power outage the water system shall be able to meet the operating pressure requirements for a minimum of 8 hours at average day demand plus fire flow. (Note that Wells 2, 7, and 8 have generators, for total well capacity with standby po (Average Day Demand + Fire flow = 1,850 gpm + 2,500 gpm = 4,350 gpm) The expected costs to resolve the Eagle Water System capacity shortfalls are included in the chart titled “Planned Capital Improvements that will Benefit Eagle Water Customers” included in Cooper’s testimony on page 11 and reproduced on the following pages. The key projects in making up the shortfall in all three of the IDEQ deficiency categories have been highlighted. Note that this table only shows the portion of the project cost anticipated to benefit RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9 - PAGE 6 OF 8 Eagle Water customers. The total cost of these projects that remedy IDEQ deficiencies and benefit Eagle Water customers is $7.014M. One project example is the Redwood Creek Pipeline. SUEZ is constructing the Redwood Creek Pipeline to transmit additional source of supply to SUEZ’s Hidden Hollow Tank. The pipeline is being constructed whether or not SUEZ acquires the Eagle Water Company assets. Having the pipeline in place will allow for the Eagle Water and SUEZ systems to be easily interconnected, which will remedy the shortfalls in non-fire, fire, and emergency operation pumping capacity that Eagle Water currently has. The total cost for the Redwood Creek Pipeline is $12,022M (Cooper’s testimony, Pages 7 and 8), with the portion benefitting Eagle Water Company customers calculated at $2,133M (Cooper testimony page 11, table reproduced on following page). The planned improvements PRV at Well 8 and PRV at Well 6 will allow water from the SUEZ system to flow into the Eagle Water Company system, making up for the shortfalls in all three of the IDEQ deficiency categories and remedying these issues. These projects will use water from SUEZ’ Hidden Hollow Tank to provide any additional flows to the Eagle Water Company system. The Hidden Hollow Tank is already fully used by SUEZ customers, but will provide an adequate back-up supply for Eagle Water on an interim basis without negative impacts to current SUEZ customers. To utilize supply from the SUEZ system through the proposed PRVs at wells 8 and 6, which will remedy the IDEQ deficiencies, SUEZ’s Redwood Creek Pipeline project must be in place, as it is the connection to Hidden Hollow Tank. The proposed 2 MG tank is the project that will permanently bring the Eagle Water Company system into compliance with IDEQ requirements and provide peak hour and fire flows RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9 - PAGE 7 OF 8 to the majority of the Eagle Water system. It is planned to be in place during 2021. The PRVs at wells 8 and 6 will always be available for additional or redundant supply from the SUEZ system. The total cost of these improvements that will benefit Eagle Water Customers by providing a remedy to the IDEQ pumping capacity shortfalls the system currently has is $7.014M. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9 - PAGE 8 OF 8 Project Title 2019 2020 2021 Benefit Summary Add chlorination at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 56$ Chlorine residual in distribution system, protection against contamination risk. $10k plus OH per site. SCADA at each Facility (Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 2 boosters), control room and associated hardware and software 532$ SCADA controls at each facility will allow for 24-hour monitoring of system operations. Includes $250 for a control room, database, historian, radio path survey, etc if Eagle Water constructed the improvement (no OH on this portion). $35k per site, $5k contingency, plus OH. Meter and Service Replacements (2,000 @ $1500 each)1,129$ 1,129$ 1,129$ Half of EWC meters - fix problematic meter locations, move into right-of-way, lessen depth for safety and access. Install AMI meters. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Meter Replacement with AMI (2000 @ $388)454$ 438$ Half of EWC meters - Install AMI meters in existing meter boxes. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Includes $16k for two repeaters if Eagle Water constructed the improvements, no OH on this portion. Water Right Transfers to add APODS to Eagle Water and SUEZ Rights 56$ These transfers would allow the two delivery systems to be integrated in the future, enhancing the reliability and flexibility of both. In addition, shared Eagle rights and SUEZ rights would fill the current shortfall in Eagle Water rights to meet peak demands. These transfers would eliminate the need for Eagle Water to appropriate new water rights to fill its current shortfall. Map Eagle Water System into GIS and create Hydraulic Model 27$ Provides the benefit of crews being able to rapidly locate buried infrastructure. Inclusion in the model will allow for system optimization and targeted pipeline replacement planning. This will also include the Eagle Water facilities into Aquadvanced Energy, an energy-saving system operations platform. PRV at Well 8 528$ PRV and portion of piping will interconnect the Eagle Water system with the Suez system. Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. Benefit of supply and storage from Suez system. PRV at Well 6 341$ PRV and portion of piping will interconnect the Eagle Water system with the Suez system. Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. Benefit of supply and storage from Suez system. Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,133$ The Redwood Creek pipeline will be the interconnection between the Eagle Water system and the Suez system. This pipeline being in place will provide Eagle Water customers with the benefit of being able to access source and storage from the Suez system. The benefit is calculated on making up the redundancy shortfall in fireflow for Eagle Water (1375 gpm). This would also cover the shortage in peak hour redundancy (1175 gpm) and the emergency standby shortage (429 gpm). It won't be available to EWC customers until the PRV at Well 8 is in place, which is why it has been included in 2020. Cost calculated as a portion of the total pipeline cost, 1375 gpm / 7750 gpm (ultimate pipeline capacity with 1000 gpm being used locally in Floating Feather and Eagle Water area to support current customers and growth through 2021). 2 MG Tank 2,006$ 2,006$ Will bring Eagle Water into compliance with IDEQ peak hour and fire flow supply and redundancy requirements Pipeline Replacements (1% per year) 305$ 305$ 305$ 0.6 miles of pipeline replacement per year. First years will target undersized lines or lines at higher risk of breakage. Safety and Security Improvements 28$ 28$ 28$ Arcflash analysis and improvements, eyewash stations, fall protection at facility sites. Production Roll-Up Work 113$ 141$ 141$ Pump replacements, HVAC, production meter replacements, pumping facility upgrades, landscaping, sampling stations, generator replacements, add water level monitoring in wells, etc Totals $2,700 $6,708 $3,950 $13,358 Costs (in 000's) PLANNED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL BENEFIT EAGLE WATER CUSTOMERS The improvements in this table have overheads added except for portions of improvements that would be completed if Eagle Water were making the improvements. For example, with respect to needed SCADA control for the Eagle Water system, SUEZ already has a control room, servers, database, and historian computers to support the addition of SCADA at the Eagle Water facilities. Eagle Water does not have a control room or associated amenities and would have to purchase them to implement functional SCADA control if Eagle Water were constructing the improvement itself. The Eagle Water portion of the costs does not have any overheads included. Calculate Eagle Water Company Demands Maximum and Average Day Calculation Year Number of MDD/ Conn Total Demand for ADD/ Conn 2003 4,647,000 3,227 2,746 1.18 1,692 730,965,000 365 0.51 per Customer per Connection Eagle Water Company Water Demand Sumary Service (gpm/ Connections Total Demand Company 4,046 Calculate Average Day DemandsCalculate Maximum Day Demands Suez Analysis of Current EWC Well Pumping Capacities Well Non- Pumping Water level (ft below ground Estimated Specific Capacity EWC Reported Well Capacity Pumping Water Level at EWC Reported Capacity Casing Reduction Depth (ft below ground Estimated Flow at 100' Drawdown Estimated Drawdown EWC Current Well Production Calculated Level at SUEZ Capacity (ft below ground Comments 1 51.2 15 600 91 160 1,500 2,250 - Offline since August 2015 due to a power supply 2 55.4 3.25 400 178 145 325 488 325 155 4 64.3 12 2,500 273 255 1,200 1,800 1,800 214 was running about 80% speed and producing 800 6 2.0 40 2,500 65 240 4,000 6,000 2,500 65 This well has a large specific capacity and with a Use EWC reported capacity. 7 4.0 7 1,900 275 255 700 1,050 1,350 197 8 7.0 15 2,500 174 283 1,500 2,250 2,250 157 Pump column length 195' (pump was out while Suez was on site). Maximum from pump curve is 2250 Total 8225 Well Facility Current Well Production Current Well Production Standby 1 - - 2 325 325 3 - - 4 1,800 6 2,500 7 1,350 1,350 8 2,250 2,250 (largest source out of service)5,725 Calculate Eagle Water Company Demands Maximum and Average Day Calculation Year Number of MDD/ Conn Total Demand for ADD/ Conn Calculate MDD per Customer Calculate ADD per Connection Eagle Water Company Water Demand Sumary Service Demand (gpm/ Total Connections Total Demand Company 4,046 Calculate Average Day DemandsCalculate Maximum Day Demands Suez Analysis of Current EWC Well Pumping Capacities Well Non- Pumping Water level (ft below ground Estimated Specific Capacity EWC Reported Well Capacity Pumping Water Level at EWC Reported Capacity Casing Reduction Depth (ft below ground Estimated Flow at 100' Drawdown Estimated Drawdown EWC Current Well Production Calculated Level at SUEZ Capacity (ft below ground Comments 1 51.2 15 600 91 160 1,500 2,250 - Offline since August 2015 due to a power supply 2 55.4 3.25 400 178 145 325 488 325 155 water level than sustainable, actual capacity may be 3 58.0 8 - 250 1,200 - 4 64.3 12 2,500 273 255 1,200 1,800 1,800 214 This pumping level leaves about 40' for the pump and suction level above the pump. On 5/31/18 the pump was running about 80% speed and producing 6 2.0 40 2,500 65 240 4,000 6,000 2,500 65 This well has a large specific capacity and with a 7 4.0 7 1,900 275 255 700 1,050 1,350 197 8 7.0 15 2,500 174 283 1,500 2,250 2,250 157 Pump column length 195' (pump was out while Suez was on site). Maximum from pump curve is 2250 Total 8225 Current Well Production Current Well Production Standby 1 - - 2 325 325 3 - - 4 1,800 6 2,500 7 1,350 1,350 8 2,250 2,250 Total 8,225 3,925 (largest source out of service)5,725 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 10 - PAGE 1 OF 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide the regulatory requirements and standards for the “disinfection needs” of Eagle Water Company as stated in Cary testimony page 5 line 12. Please include in your response the deficiency letters Eagle Water Company has received as a result of water testing, or any other evidence supporting these needs. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 10: Providing a chorine residual in the distribution system of a water system is typical and considered a best practice, although for systems supplied only by groundwater, chlorination is not required by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). Chlorination is a requirement for water systems that have any surface water supply, so at a point where the SUEZ and Eagle Water systems are connected, chlorination will be required. Chlorination has many benefits for any system, even those supplied only by groundwater. Chlorine maintains sanitary conditions by neutralizing any bacterial contamination that may enter a water system from a potential backflow or leak. It is also an indicator for system operators of potential contamination. Chlorine residual is easily and quickly measured in the field, making it a useful tool for operators. For example, if a chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/l is expected at a system location, but a residual of 0.1 mg/l is measured instead, the measurement results can be used to narrow in on a potential backflow or leak location. To our knowledge, Eagle Water has not had bacterial contamination issues in their water quality sampling results. The most recent IDEQ sanitary survey, however, flagged unsanitary RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 10 - PAGE 2 OF 2 conditions at Well 2 due to “numerous leaks observed along the side walls of the tank” and the tank “concrete roof is flat and pools water in low spots. Numerous cracks in roof were observed”. There is no question the leaks and pooling issues should be fixed, but a chlorine residual would provide an extra level of protection to customers against these types of potential contamination. Most water systems in the area provide chlorination for their water systems, even those that are solely supplied by groundwater. Examples include the nearby water systems owned by the City of Eagle and Garden City. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 11 - PAGE 1 OF 2 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Jarmila Cary, Director of Finance, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 11: Please provide the source documents for the closing costs incurred to date. Did SUEZ Water Idaho competitively bid the ALTA survey? If so, please provide the bids. If not, please explain why it was not competitively bid. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 11: SUEZ Water Idaho did not competitively bid the ALTA survey work. At the time the work was starting, the potential acquisition was confidential, making a bid process infeasible. In addition, the work needed to be completed in a short timeframe by a surveying company with prior experience doing ALTA surveys and prior experience coordinating with the TitleOne title officer issuing title commitments for the numerous properties being surveyed and to be acquired. The Land Group was selected for the work based on these requirements, and the scope of work with The Land Group was authorized and signed by SUEZ’s counsel. SUEZ inquired with another surveying company about completing the work, but they were unable to meet the required timeline. The closing costs incurred to date are in the following attachments: $100,000 Earnest Money (Exhibit A to Response to Request 11) $1,964.41 AutoSort Initial Customer Notice Postage (Exhibit B to Response to Request 11) $1,154.59 International Minute Press Initial Customer Notices (Exhibit C to Response to Request 11) $24,700 The Land Group Invoice ALTA Survey first half (Exhibit D to Response to Request 11) RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 11 - PAGE 2 OF 2 $24,700 The Land Group Invoice ALTA Survey second half (Exhibit E to Response to Request 11) $3,000 The Land Group Invoice ALTA Survey Well Easements (Exhibit F to Response to Request 11) The Land Group ALTA Survey Scope of Work (executed) (Exhibit G to Response to Request 11) Legal costs to-date total $72,644.50 in the attachments listed below. Legal services included negotiation and drafting of asset Purchase Agreement; coordination of survey and title review; and preparation and prosecution of the Joint Application. $2,292.30 Givens Pursley 191701 August Invoice (Exhibit H to Response to Request 11) $7,468.10 Givens Pursley 192529 September Invoice (Exhibit I to Response to Request 11) $16,533.90 Givens Pursley 192903 October Invoice (Exhibit J to Response to Request 11) $17,674.50 Givens Pursley 194235 November Invoice (Exhibit K to Response to Request 11) $18,580.20 Givens Pursley 195392 December Invoice (Exhibit L to Response to Request 11) $10,095.50 Givens Pursley Invoices Matter 178 (Exhibit M to Response to Request 11) Givens Pursley Attn: Gary Allen 601 W. Bannock Boise, ID 83701 December 31, 2018 Project No:118124.00 Invoice No:0141026 The Land Group, Inc. 462 East Shore Drive, Suite 100 Eagle, Idaho 83616 ph. 208.939.4041 fax. 208.939.4445 Project 118124.00 Eagle Well Site ALTA Surveys Invoice submitted via email: mcc@givenspursley.com Invoice for Professional Services from December 01, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Phase .02 Well Easements Fee Number of Per Easement 5.00 Fee Each 600.00 Total Fee 3,000.00 Total Earned 3,000.00 Previous Fee Billing 0.00 Current Fee Billing 3,000.00 Total Fee 3,000.00 $3,000.00Total this Phase $3,000.00Total this Invoice Invoice due upon receipt. If you have questions, please contact Misty at (208) 939-4041. Thank you. A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. LAW OFFICES G IVENS PURSLEY L L P P.O. Box 2720 • Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 August 17, 2018 30-174 Invoice #:191701 SUEZ North American Inc. 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Federal Tax ID #: 82-0335628 REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 right issues (.4); Discuss EWC water right issues with M. Creamer (.5); Discuss EWC water right issues with C. Meyer (.6); Review EWC water rights and IDWR statutes and guidance re municipal service areas; draft TOTAL FEES 2,292.30 Previous Balance: $0.00 Payments Received: $0.00 Any Payments Received After August 17, 2018 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 08/17/18 Invoice # 191701 Page 2 SUEZ North American Inc./Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 30-174 A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment. Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. LAW OFFICES G IVENS PURSLEY L L P P.O. Box 2720 • Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 September 24, 2018 30-174 Invoice #:192529 SUEZ North American Inc. 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Federal Tax ID #: 82-0335628 REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 with C. Cooper; coordinate APA re-draft with C. ("APA"); conference call regarding same; phone call relating to franchise tax; email to C. Beeson regarding GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 09/24/18 Invoice # 192529 Page 2 SUEZ North American Inc./Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 30-174 A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. 08/31/18 Review and comment on asset purchase agreement. JCS 1.10 237.60 TOTAL FEES 7,468.10 Previous Balance: $2,292.30 Payments Received: ($2,292.30) Any Payments Received After September 24, 2018 Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment. Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. LAW OFFICES G IVENS PURSLEY L L P P.O. Box 2720 • Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 388-1200 October 8, 2018 30-174 Invoice #:192903 SUEZ North American Inc. 8248 W. Victory Rd. P.O. Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Federal Tax ID #: 82-0335628 REGARDING: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 extension letter to letter of intent; conference with C. APA; telephone conference with C. Cooper, et al; surveys; review revised APA; correspond with N. applicability to EWC transaction; review revised APA; engage TLG as surveyors; review TitleOne correspondence regarding property ownership GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 10/08/18 Invoice # 192903 Page 2 SUEZ North American Inc./Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 30-174 A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. Bangle. 09/13/18 Locate parcels identified by TitleOne; telephone conference with C. Cooper regarding the same and regarding well lot mark-up maps showing same for surveyors; locate and identify easements for title company; correspond with N. Bangle regarding access telephone conferences with C. Cooper and correspond with J. Washburn; multiple revisions of APAs; conferences with client, title company and surveyors; pump survey; correspond with J. Washburn regarding transfer and non-foreign affidavit; correspond regarding the same; telephone call to Scott Darling and Joe Gropp regarding commitments; coordinate getting TitleOne, TLG, and Cathy Cooper regarding surveys GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 10/08/18 Invoice # 192903 Page 3 SUEZ North American Inc./Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 30-174 A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 – 1/2% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES WHICH REMAIN UNPAID FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE FROM THE DATE OF THE BILL. TOTAL FEES 16,533.90 Previous Balance: $7,468.10 Payments Received: $0.00 Any Payments Received After October 8, 2018 Will Appear on Your Next Statement The hourly or other billing rates of our attorneys and other personnel are subject to change from time to time. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Please include invoice number with your payment. Thank you, Givens Pursley LLP A late payment charge of 18% per annum (1 ½% per month) will be charged on outstanding balances that remain unpaid for 30 days or more from the date of the invoice. November 16, 2018 SUEZ North American Inc. Invoice #: 194235 8248 W. Victory Rd. Client #: 30 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Matter #: 174 ________________________________________________________________________________________ INVOICE SUMMARY SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 10/31/2018 Regarding: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 Professional Services $ 17,674.50 Costs and Expenses $ .00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 17,674.50 Please include invoice number 194235 with your payment. Any payments received after November 16, 2018 will be reflected on your next statement. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Federal Tax ID #: 82-0335628 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 November 16, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 194235 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 November 16, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 194235 3 Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 November 16, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 194235 4 Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 17,674.50 SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Timekeeper ID Hours Rate Total TOTALS 62.10 $ 17,674.50 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 17,674.50 A late payment charge of 18% per annum (1 ½% per month) will be charged on outstanding balances that remain unpaid for 30 days or more from the date of the invoice. December 11, 2018 SUEZ North American Inc. Invoice #: 195392 8248 W. Victory Rd. Client #: 30 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Matter #: 174 ________________________________________________________________________________________ INVOICE SUMMARY SERVICES FOR PERIOD THROUGH 11/30/2018 Regarding: Eagle Water Company Acquisition - Contract Development - 2018-RO-2483 Professional Services $ 16,705.20 Costs and Expenses $ 1,875.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 18,580.20 Please include invoice number 195392 with your payment. Any payments received after December 11, 2018 will be reflected on your next statement. This invoice reflects the billing rates in effect at the time the services were rendered. Federal Tax ID #: 82-0335628 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 December 11, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 195392 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 December 11, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 195392 3 Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Client #: 30 December 11, 2018 Matter #: 174 Invoice #: 195392 4 Date ID Description of Service Hours Amount PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 16,705.20 SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Timekeeper ID Hours Rate Total TOTALS 53.00 $ 16,705.20 COSTS AND EXPENSES Date Description Amount COSTS AND EXPENSES $ 1,875.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 18,580.20 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 12 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 12: Please provide SUEZ Water Idaho’s capital budget projections for the years 2019-2025. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 12: SUEZ Water Idaho’s capital budget projections for 2019 to 2024 are shown in the table below. SUEZ planning is for a 6-year future projection, so no numbers for 2025 are currently available. 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Suez Water Idaho Capital Budget Projection 22,859$ 24,189$ 19,573$ 21,208$ 30,700$ 29,279$ Eagle Water Company Acquisition and Improvement Budget 11,762$ 4,089$ 4,761$ Capital Budget Filed for Approval ($ in 000's) Total Net Expenditure Excluding Corporate Overheads 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Suez Water Idaho Capital Budget Projection 22,859$ 24,189$ 19,573$ 21,208$ 30,700$ 29,279$ and Improvement Budget Projection 11,762$ 4,089$ 4,761$ Year Expenditure Budgeted ($ in Capital RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 13 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 13: Please provide SUEZ Water Idaho’s budgets filed for approval with the board of directors for the years 2010 through 2018. Include in your response the actual capital investments by year for 2010 through 2018. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 13: SUEZ Water Idaho’s capital budget and actual expenditure information from 2010 through 2018 are included in the table below. Year Net Capital Expenditure Budgeted ($ in 000's) Actual Net Capital Expenditure ($ in 000's) 2010 11,535$ 10,847$ 2011 11,656$ 10,101$ 2012 7,990$ 8,243$ 2013 9,173$ 10,030$ 2014 12,099$ 12,147$ 2015 12,568$ 13,863$ 2016 10,907$ 11,675$ 2017 19,201$ 19,621$ 2018 15,476$ 16,538$ Year Expenditure Budgeted ($ in Capital RESPONSE TO STAFF REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14 - PAGE 1 OF 8 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 14: Please provide the cost breakdown for the $11.7 million capital cost avoidance. Include in the response: a) analysis that shows need for new sources of supply; b) other options that were studied; and c) the cost-benefit analysis for the other options. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 14: The cost breakdown is shown in the tables on Pages 7 and 8 of Cooper’s testimony (reproduced below). These tables analyze only costs associated with providing approximately 12.5 MGD of additional and redundant supply. The $11.7M capital cost avoidance comes from subtracting the cost of providing 12.6 MGD of supply that could be developed “with Eagle Water Acquisition” ($30.1M) from the cost of providing 12.5 MGD of supply “absent the Eagle Water Acquisition” ($41.8M). $41.8M minus $31.4M equals $11.7M. The capital cost avoidance largely results from not having to complete the Marden Surface Water Treatment Plant expansion, the Island Woods Connection, and the Optimist Booster Pump Station projects before 2022 if the Eagle Water Company acquisition is completed. Table from Page 7 Cooper Testimony: RESPONSE TO STAFF REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14 - PAGE 2 OF 8 Table from Page 8 Cooper Testimony: a) The need for new and redundant sources of supply was calculated by reviewing historical data and projecting forward. For the SUEZ system, an average 1,750 connections per year have been added in recent history, with a maximum day demand per connection of 0.66 GPM. 1,750 connections at 0.66 GPM each equates to an additional supply need of 1.66 MGD per year. The following table shows the data and calculated average information. MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump 571$ 0.00 Optimist Booster Pump Station / New 2 MG Tank 2,894$ 2,894$ 2.16 Island Woods Connection 2,177$ 2,177$ 6.00 Marden Expansion (6 MGD, no DAF), includes Main Enlargements to move the water away from Marden: Marden and Mobley Main Enlargement (2300' of 36" pipe), and Lewis / 6th Street Main Enlargement (11,770' of 24" Pipe)2,465$ 8,618$ 8,025$ Cumulative Cost (in 000's)2,032$ 12,022$ 15,058$ 28,747$ 41,844$ Cumulative MGD - 2.2 4.3 4.3 12.5 Cost per MGD 5,565$ 3,485$ 6,654$ 3,353$ SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump/higher TDH 769$ 0.00 EWC Acquisition Price 10,000$ 0.00 Water Right Transfers / APODS to allow full capacity pumping from EWC Wells 56$ 3.24 New Pump EWC Well 8, PRV, connect to RWC Pipeline 1,043$ 3.60 New Pump Well 6, PRV, connect to RWC Pipeline 1,110$ 1.44 New 2 MG Tank / Rehab Well 1 (1000 gpm additional available from Well 6)2,006$ 3,135$ Cumulative Dollars 2,032$ 22,078$ 25,896$ 30,141$ Cumulative Supply Gained 0.0 2.2 7.6 12.6 Cost per MGD 10,221$ 3,425$ 2,392$ SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION RESPONSE TO STAFF REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14 - PAGE 3 OF 8 For the Eagle Water Company system, a similar analysis was performed resulting in a calculated maximum day demand of 1.13 GPM per connection, resulting in a maximum day demand calculation for the entire system (4,046 connections as of April 2018) of 4,600 GPM. Maximum Day MGD # Connections (without private fire) Max Day GPM per Connection Connections added per year Comments 7/14/2014 84.451 86514 0.68 7/3/2015 87.534 88138 0.69 1624 7/1/2016 82.111 89767 0.64 1629 7/14/2017 84.154 90948 0.64 1181 There was a meter counting discrepancy between 2017 and 2018, some 2017 new customers were counted in 2018 instead. 7/30/2018 87.363 93508 0.65 2560 Average 0.66 1748.5 SUEZ System Production Data From IPUC Reports RESPONSE TO STAFF REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14 - PAGE 4 OF 8 Year Max Day (gallons)MDD (gpm) Number of Connections MDD/ Conn (gpm) 2002 4,350,000 3,021 2,599 1.16 2003 4,647,000 3,227 2,746 1.18 2004 4,763,000 3,308 2,889 1.14 2005 5,156,000 3,581 3,196 1.12 2006 5,261,000 3,653 3,258 1.12 2007 5,459,000 3,791 3,337 1.14 2008 5,488,000 3,811 3,400 1.12 2009 5,557,000 3,859 3,322 1.16 2010 5,764,000 4,003 3,389 1.18 2011 5,955,000 4,135 3,438 1.20 2012 5,566,000 3,865 3,486 1.11 2013 5,983,000 4,155 3,537 1.17 2014 5,570,000 3,868 3,546 1.09 2015 5,406,000 3,754 3,573 1.05 2016 5,983,000 4,155 3,835 1.08 2017 Not Available 3,833 2018 6,250,000 4,340 4046 1.07 Calculate MDD per Customer (gpm) High 1.20 Average 1.13 Low 1.05 Calculate Eagle Water Maximum Day Demands Service Area Demand Type Demand (gpm/ connection) Total Connections (April 2018) Total Demand (gpm) Average Day 0.46 1,850 Maximum Day 1.13 4,600 Peak Hour (1.5*MDD)1.70 6,900 Largest Fire Flow --2,500 4,046 Eagle Water Company RESPONSE TO STAFF REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14 - PAGE 5 OF 8 COMPASS growth projections for the Eagle area were used to calculate a projected annual growth rate in households of 5.4%. This annual growth rate was used to project an average annual increase in the Eagle Water Company required Maximum Day Demand of 0.38 MGD per year through 2021. The calculation for needed additional and redundant source of supply that wraps in all of this previous information is shown in the following table. Note that for the SUEZ system alone, supply need is calculated through 2022 to correlate with the timeframe for projected supply improvements “absent Eagle Water Acquisition.” For the Suez and Eagle Water Company systems together, the supply need is calculated through 2021 to Year # Households Comment 2018 10,530 2019 11,097 2020 11,664 2021 12,231 2022 12,798 2023 13,365 2024 13,932 2025 14,500 567 households per year = growth rate of 567/10530 = 5.4% per year Eagle Area Growth Projection Ann. Growth Rate 0.054 MDD Projection MDD (gpm) GPM Added to MDD per Year 2018 4600 2019 4848 248 2020 5110 262 2021 5386 276 Average (gpm)262 Average (MGD)0.38 Eagle Water Company RESPONSE TO STAFF REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14 - PAGE 6 OF 8 correlate with the 3-year projected time frame for supply improvements “with Eagle Water Company Acquisition.” b) and c) SUEZ and a consultant completed the Northwest Area Water Supply Study in 2017 to examine alternatives available for supply in the Eagle area. To capture cost/benefit, a “cost per MGD” was calculated for each alternative. Note that the costs computed in the study have had local and corporate overheads added to be comparable to the SUEZ supply improvements alternatives. The “SUEZ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS” option costs have been converted from $/MGD (shown in the table on pages 7 and 8 of Cooper’s testimony) to $/GPM. The following graphic includes each alternative considered in the Northwest Area Water Supply Study, in addition to including the “SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION” and “SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION”. The Total Additional and Redundant Supply Needed Total Additional and Redundant Supply Needed Year MGD Needed per Year MGD Needed per Year 2019 1.66 2.04 2020 1.66 2.04 2021 1.66 2.04 2022 1.66 Total 6.65 6.12 Add 20% Contingency to account for varying weather patterns and related fluctuations in MDD 1.33 1.22 Total Additional Supply needed for growth 7.98 7.34 Redundant Source (Redwood Creek Well redundant to Floating Feather Well)4.32 4.32 Total Additional and Redundant Supply Needed (MGD)12.30 11.66 RESPONSE TO STAFF REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14 - PAGE 7 OF 8 alternatives that were less expensive than the “SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION” were either infeasible, did not include enough supply on their own to meet the total need and are included as a part of one or both of the “SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS” options, or are longer time-frame supply options and will be considered for development in the future. The Northwest Area Water Supply study is provided as a work paper and designated as confidential information. The following table summarizes all of the options examined. RESPONSE TO STAFF REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14 - PAGE 8 OF 8 Description Capital Cost (no OH) From Northwest Area Water Supply Study Capital Cost (with OH) Capacity (gpm)$/gpm Comments on Feasibility / Further Investigation Dry Creek ASR $1,800,000 $2,031,930 2,500 $813 No new supply. Shadow Valley $2,700,000 $3,047,895 1,580 $1,929 Did not turn out to be a feasible option. Land and water rights not available for purchase. Sandy Hill ASR $2,800,000 $3,160,780 1,500 $2,107 No new supply, and Sandy Hill Aquifer not available for SUEZ use. Old State Street Combined $15,600,000 $17,610,060 8,300 $2,122 Elements of this option included in both "SUEZ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS" options. New Floating Feather Well $5,600,000 $6,321,560 2,800 $2,258 Redundant supply, but would have limited additional supply due to proximity to existing well and potential interference issues. Does not meet redundancy needs for separate pipeline. Redwood Creek Upgrade $5,500,000 $6,208,675 2,600 $2,388 Included in both "SUEZ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS" options as "Redwood Creek Pipeline". Island Woods $5,000,000 $5,644,250 2,000 $2,822 Elements included in "SUEZ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION". Williamson $5,300,000 $5,982,905 2,000 $2,991 This will be a future supply option, SUEZ is working to acquire a potential well site. SUEZ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION $30,141,000 8,749 $3,445 Preferred Alternative Garden City $6,600,000 $7,450,410 2,000 $3,725 SUEZ met with Garden City, they are not willing to sell water as they do not feel they have excess supply. McDonald Big Gulch Well $800,000 $903,080 240 $3,763 Suez test pumped this well - this was a dry hole. Not a feasible option. SUEZ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION $41,814,000 8,680 $4,817 New Lanewood Well $7,700,000 $8,692,145 1,500 $5,795 Problematic well site acquisition and lengthy water right permitting process. Western Wellfield $13,300,000 $15,013,705 2,200 $6,824 SUEZ does not own these water rights and will not be able to purchase them. SWTP $60,500,000 $68,295,425 7,000 $9,756 A new surface water treatment plant in Northwest Boise/Eagle - most expensive option, challenging surface water right permitting. Calculate Eagle Water Company Demands Maximum and Average Day Calculation Year Max Day (gallons)MDD (gpm) Number of Connections MDD/ Conn (gpm) 2002 4,350,000 3,021 2,599 1.16 Ann. Growth Rate 0.054 Year # Households Comment 2003 4,647,000 3,227 2,746 1.18 MDD Projection MDD (gpm)2018 10,530 2012 5,566,000 3,865 3,486 1.11 per Customer Service Demand (gpm/ Average Day 0.46 1,850 4,046 Company Eagle Water Company 567 households per year = growth rate of 567/10530 = 5.4% per year Eagle Area Growth Projection Eagle Water Company Water Demand Sumary Additional and Redundant Supply Projections Maximum Day MGD (without private fire) per Connection Connections added per year Comments 7/14/2014 84.451 86514 0.68 7/3/2015 87.534 88138 0.69 1624 7/1/2016 82.111 89767 0.64 1629 7/14/2017 84.154 90948 0.64 1181 some 2017 new customers were Average 0.66 1748.5 Additional and Redundant through 2022 for only SUEZ system Redundant through 2021 for SUEZ and EWC System Year per Year per Year 2019 1.66 2.04 2020 1.66 2.04 2021 1.66 2.04 2022 1.66 Total 6.65 6.12 Add 20% Contingency to account for varying weather patterns and related fluctuations in MDD 1.33 1.22 redundant to Floating Feather Well)4.32 4.32 Total Additional and Redundant Supply Needed (MGD)12.30 11.66 Description Capital Cost (no OH) From Northwest Area Water Supply Study Capital Cost (with OH) Capacity (gpm)$/gpm Comments on Feasibility / Further Investigation Dry Creek ASR $1,800,000 $2,031,930 2,500 $813 No new supply. Shadow Valley $2,700,000 $3,047,895 1,580 $1,929 Did not turn out to be a feasible option. Land and water rights not available for purchase. Sandy Hill ASR $2,800,000 $3,160,780 1,500 $2,107 No new supply, and Sandy Hill Aquifer not available for SUEZ use. Old State Street Combined $15,600,000 $17,610,060 8,300 $2,122 New Floating $5,600,000 $6,321,560 2,800 $2,258 Redundant supply, but would have limited additional supply due to proximity to existing well and potential interference issues. Does not Redwood Creek $5,500,000 $6,208,675 2,600 $2,388 IMPROVEMENTS" options as "Redwood Creek IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER IMPROVEMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER $30,141,000 8,749 $3,445 SUEZ met with Garden City, they are not willing $800,000 $903,080 240 $3,763 IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER $41,814,000 8,680 $4,817 $7,700,000 $8,692,145 1,500 $5,795 SWTP $60,500,000 $68,295,425 7,000 $9,756 A new surface water treatment plant in Northwest Boise/Eagle - most expensive option, challenging surface water right permitting. Shadow Valley Sandy Hill ASR Old State Street New Floating Feather Well Redwood Creek Upgrade IMPROVEMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION Garden City McDonald Big Gulch Well IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION New Lanewood Well Western Wellfield SWTP $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $/ g p m Supply Alternatives Considered Calculate Eagle Water Company Demands Maximum and Average Day Calculation Year Number of MDD/ Conn 2002 4,350,000 3,021 2,599 1.16 Ann. Growth Rate 0.054 Year # Households Comment 2003 4,647,000 3,227 2,746 1.18 MDD Projection MDD (gpm)2018 10,530 2012 5,566,000 3,865 3,486 1.11 Boise and Eagle Area (Source: per Customer Service Demand (gpm/ Average Day 0.46 1,850 4,046 Company Eagle Water Company 567 households per year = growth = 5.4% per year Eagle Area Growth Projection Eagle Water Company Water Demand Sumary Additional and Redundant Supply Projections Maximum Day MGD # Connections (without private fire) per Connection Connections added per year Comments 7/14/2014 84.451 86514 0.68 7/3/2015 87.534 88138 0.69 1624 7/1/2016 82.111 89767 0.64 1629 7/14/2017 84.154 90948 0.64 1181 discrepancy between 2017 and 2018, some 2017 new customers were Average 0.66 1748.5 Total Additional and Redundant Supply Needed through 2022 for only SUEZ Additional and Redundant through 2021 for SUEZ and Year per Year per Year 2019 1.66 2.04 2020 1.66 2.04 2021 1.66 2.04 2022 1.66 Total 6.65 6.12 Add 20% Contingency to account for varying weather patterns and related fluctuations in MDD 1.33 1.22 Redundant Source (Redwood Creek Well redundant to Floating Feather Well)4.32 4.32 Total Additional and Redundant Supply Needed (MGD)12.30 11.66 Description Capital Cost (no OH) From Northwest Area Water Supply Study Capital Cost (with OH) Capacity (gpm)$/gpm Comments on Feasibility / Further Investigation Dry Creek ASR $1,800,000 $2,031,930 2,500 $813 No new supply. Shadow Valley $2,700,000 $3,047,895 1,580 $1,929 Did not turn out to be a feasible option. Land $15,600,000 $17,610,060 8,300 $2,122 New Floating $5,600,000 $6,321,560 2,800 $2,258 Redundant supply, but would have limited additional supply due to proximity to existing Redwood Creek $5,500,000 $6,208,675 2,600 $2,388 IMPROVEMENTS" options as "Redwood Creek IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER IMPROVEMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER $30,141,000 8,749 $3,445 SUEZ met with Garden City, they are not willing to sell water as they do not feel they have $800,000 $903,080 240 $3,763 IMPROVEMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER $41,814,000 8,680 $4,817 $7,700,000 $8,692,145 1,500 $5,795 SWTP $60,500,000 $68,295,425 7,000 $9,756 A new surface water treatment plant in challenging surface water right permitting. Dry Creek ASR Shadow Valley Sandy Hill ASR Old State Street Combined New Floating Feather Well Redwood Creek Upgrade Island Woods SUEZ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION McDonald Big Gulch Well SUEZ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS ACQUISITION New Lanewood Well SWTP $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $/ g p m Supply Alternatives Considered RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15 - PAGE 1 OF 3 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Marshall Thompson, Vice President & General Manager SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15: Please provide the cost-benefit analysis supporting the installation of new automated meters for Eagle Water Company customers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15: SUEZ adopted its standards for automated meter reading on new and replacement meters in 2015. This change from a manual meter reading standard made sense for many reasons. Automated meters are a more efficient form of meter data collection. In response to increased development demands and system growth (avg. 1,700 meters per year), SUEZ sought automation of new meter connections as a way to contend with growth demands without increasing the headcount for manual meter readers substantially. There is no expectation that gains in meter reading efficiency will lead to any near-term headcount reductions from current staffing levels, but the company is able to contend with growth. It is notable to mention that as a result of these investments, meter reading personnel are beginning to shift from reading tasks to more data-driven field service visits for leak investigations, water usage audits, and automated system maintenance. Automated meters improve customer service by providing a more complete record of customer consumption patterns. With an average 60-day billing period for existing SUEZ customers, manual meter reading will capture six (6) readings per customer meter annually. Meters on the automated system collect a more complete profile of customer demand with hourly readings totaling 8,760 per customer meter in the same period. This frequency greatly assists RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15 - PAGE 2 OF 3 engineers with demand analysis, and informs common customer service requests for move in/out transfer readings, customer-side leak adjustments, and conservation improvements. In addition, these meters provide unique functionality for automated reversal of flow alarms to augment the Company’s backflow protection program. These benefits of automated metering would extend to current Eagle Water customer as they transfer service to SUEZ. The Eagle Water system location makes extension of the SUEZ automated meter collection system very practical. Radio collection towers read meters in the adjacent Floating Feather and Island Woods areas. No additional radio collectors are anticipated for reading meter- radio sets in the Eagle Water service area. Production Response No. 17 provides a detailed breakdown of the planned transition for Eagle Water Customer meters from 2019 to 2021. Similar to this technology’s application to support organic system growth, automated meters can provide SUEZ with the capability of supporting meter reading and field service activities to the Eagle Water System monthly with minimal head-count changes, including the addition of one meter reading service person to SUEZ staff, for a total of 6 meter reading Service persons per 100,000 customers. The system will also provide flexibility for SUEZ to read EWC monthly accounts while existing SUEZ customers remain on bi-monthly billing. Finally, an accurate and complete consumption history will be key to any current Eagle Water customer concerned with managing affordability via conservation. While automated meters are not required for online billing or consumption totals, customers with automated meters and SUEZ’s online billing tools can link directly with hourly reading data and voluntary conservation surveys to help manage consumption patterns. With the 2017 estimated average annual per customer usage by current Eagle Water Residential Customers calculated at 218ccf RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15 - PAGE 3 OF 3 (hundred cubic feet), these tools may help customers reduce usage, and associated volume billing charges, by up to 66% as compared to SUEZ residential customers whose 2017 average annual usage for 2017 was just 145ccf. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 16 –PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 16: Please provide SUEZ Water Idaho’s current meter replacement plan for SUEZ customers. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 16: SUEZ Water Idaho’s current new and replacement meter plan is shown below. Replacement meters include both “break-fix” and programmatic replacements with AMI meters. Installation Targets 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 New Customer Meters (# of meters) 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 Meters (# of meters) 2,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 17 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide the meter replacement plan for Eagle Water customers if SUEZ acquires Eagle Water. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 17: The meter replacement plan for Eagle Water customers if SUEZ acquires Eagle Water is shown in the following table. Installation Targets 2019 2020 2021 Replacement Customer Meters (# of meters) 1,666 1,667 667 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18 - PAGE 1 OF 3 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide all workpapers supporting the analysis of Eagle Water Company’s current portfolio of municipal water rights identified in Cooper’s direct testimony page 5, lines 10-11. Please include schedules of the expected costs to resolve Eagle Water’s standalone system of the water right issues. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18: The current water right portfolio for Eagle Water Company is deficient. Matching up the authorized water right diversion rates with individual well capacities results in a total maximum allowable flow rate of 5,023 gpm, which is 1,877 gpm short of Eagle Water’s peak hour flows of 6,900 gpm. The current water right portfolio for Eagle Water Company includes six licensed water rights, summarized in the following table. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18 - PAGE 2 OF 3 The following table matches up authorized municipal water right diversion rates with available well capacities. This analysis shows that a total 5,023 gpm is available. Eagle Water Company’s current maximum day demand is 4,600 gpm. The Eagle Water production meters are read once daily, therefore no record of actual peak hour flows is available. In the Treasure Valley area, peak hour demands are typically estimated at 1.5 times maximum day demands, but in reality are often higher than that. Conservatively estimating peak hour demand at 1.5 times maximum day demand results in a peak hour demand of 6,900 gpm. This leaves a peak hour water right shortfall of 1,877 gpm (6,900 gpm minus 5,023 gpm). If Eagle Water Company were to resolve its water right shortage issues as a standalone system, SUEZ anticipates that it would need to seek a water right transfer to make each Eagle Water Well an Alternate Point of Diversion (APOD) for each existing water right. This action could allow for the full 6,228 gpm current municipal water right limit to be utilized. In addition Eagle Water would need to acquire additional water rights to cover the shortfall between 6,900 Well Suez Analysis - EWC current Well Production Capacities with Current Pumps (gpm) Capacity with Current Water Rights and Pumps (gpm) 1 0 - 2 325 325 3 0 - 4 1800 603 1,800 6 2500 1,053 7 1350 1,350 8 2250 495 Total 8,225 5,023 2250 Municipal Water Right Limit (gpm) 6,228 495 1350 1,530 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18 - PAGE 3 OF 3 gpm and 6,228 gpm (672 gpm) through purchase or appropriation. The anticipated cost for making each Eagle Water Well an APOD is estimated at approximately $25,000 in legal and technical fees (as detailed in Response 19). The cost of acquiring additional water rights is difficult to pinpoint, but could range from $25,000 (applying for a new water right) to hundreds of thousands of dollars (purchasing an existing water right). 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=7368&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-7368 Owner Type Name and Address Current Owner EAGLE WATER CO INC Current Owner EAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Original OwnerEAGLE HILLS GOLF COURSE INC 605 N EDGEWOOD LN EAGLE, ID 83616 2089390402 Original OwnerEAGLE RANCH WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 Priority Date: 11/15/1970 Basis: Decreed Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial Use FromTo Diversion RateVolume MUNICIPAL 1/01 12/312 CFS FIRE PROTECTION1/01 12/312 CFS Total Diversion 2 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERNESENE Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERNESWNW Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERSWSWNWSec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1.C18 This partial decree is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of the rights or for the efficient administration of the water rights as may be ultimately determined by the Court at a point in time no later than the entry of a final unified decree. Section 42-1412(6), Idaho Code. 2.124 Place of use is within the service area of the Eagle Water Company, Inc. municipal water supply system as provided for under Idaho Law. Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=7368&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 Dates: Licensed Date: Decreed Date: 02/06/2009 Permit Proof Due Date: 12/1/1979 Permit Proof Made Date: Permit Approved Date: 12/7/1970 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: S Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=7618&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-7618 Owner Type Name and Address Current Owner EAGLE WATER CO INC Current Owner EAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Original OwnerEAGLE LAND CO , ID Original OwnerEAGLE RANCH WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 Priority Date: 10/25/1972 Basis: Decreed Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial UseFrom To Diversion RateVolume MUNICIPAL 01/0112/311.4 CFS Total Diversion 1.4 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERNESENE Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERNESWNW Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERSWSWNWSec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1.C18 This partial decree is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of the rights or for the efficient administration of the water rights as may be ultimately determined by the Court at a point in time no later than the entry of a final unified decree. Section 42-1412(6), Idaho Code. 2.C03Right includes accomplished change in point of diversion pursuant to Section 42-1425, Idaho Code. 3.124 Place of use is within the service area of the Eagle Water Company municipal water supply system as provided for under Idaho Law. Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=7618&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 Dates: Licensed Date: Decreed Date: 04/03/2009 Permit Proof Due Date: 8/1/1977 Permit Proof Made Date: Permit Approved Date: Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: S Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=9245&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-9245 Owner Type Name and Address Current Owner EAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Original OwnerEAGLE RANCH WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 Priority Date: 06/08/1979 Basis: Decreed Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial Use From To Diversion Rate Volume MUNICIPAL 01/0112/311.1 CFS FIRE PROTECTION01/0112/313.5 CFS Total Diversion 3.5 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERNESENE Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERNESWNW Sec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERSWSWNWSec. 09Township 04NRange 01E ADA County GROUND WATERNESW Sec. 15Township 04NRange 01E ADA County Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1.C18 This partial decree is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of the rights or for the efficient administration of the water rights as may be ultimately determined by the Court at a point in time no later than the entry of a final unified decree. Section 42-1412(6), Idaho Code. 2.124 Place of use is within the service area of the Eagle Water Company municipal water supply system as provided for under Idaho Law. 3.E62 This right when combined with Right Nos. 63-7368 and 63-7618 shall not exceed 4.5 cfs per acre. 4.T07 The right holder shall accomplish the change authorized by Transfer 75035 within one year of the date of the approval. Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=9245&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 5.T08 Failure of the right holder to comply with the conditions of this transfer is cause for the Director to rescind approval of the transfer. 6.046 Right holder shall comply with the drilling permit requirements of Section 42-235, Idaho Code and applicable Well Construction Rules of the Department. 7.01M After specific notification by the Department, the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device or shall enter into an agreement with the Department to use power records to determine the amount of water diverted and shall annually report the information to the Department. 8.165 To prevent injury to prior water rights appropriating water from the Boise River and/or the underlying shallow aquifer tributary to the Boise River, the new well used as a point of diversion for this water right located within the NESW, S15, T4N, R1E shall be constructed and maintained with unperforated casing and sealed into the first significant confining layer located 200 feet or more below ground surface. Dates: Licensed Date: Decreed Date: 10/21/2009 Permit Proof Due Date: 7/1/1984 Permit Proof Made Date: Permit Approved Date: 7/18/1979 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: S Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=11798&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-11798 Owner Type Name and Address Current OwnerEAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Priority Date: 04/17/1992 Basis: License Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial UseFromTo Diversion RateVolume MUNICIPAL 1/01 12/311.34 CFS Total Diversion 1.34 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERNWNWSec. 15Township 04NRange 01EADA County Licensed Diversion Capacity: 5.6 Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1. Irrigation of large projects such as parks, golf courses, or sports activities fields is not authorized under this right. Domestic uses authorized under this right shall not exceed 13,000 gallons per day in accordance with the provisions in Section 42-111, Idaho Code. Place of use is located within the city limits of Eagle and the surrounding service area. Dates: Licensed Date: 09/30/1994 Decreed Date: Permit Proof Due Date: 11/1/1993 Permit Proof Made Date: 11/5/1993 Permit Approved Date: 6/23/1992 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=11798&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: 04/13/1992 Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: 63 Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=12147&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-12147 Owner Type Name and Address Current OwnerEAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Priority Date: 09/29/1994 Basis: License Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial UseFromTo Diversion RateVolume MUNICIPAL 1/01 12/315 CFS Total Diversion 5 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERSWSW Sec. 08Township 04NRange 01EADA County GROUND WATERNWNWSec. 15Township 04NRange 01EADA County Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1.01M After specific notification by the Department, the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device or shall enter into an agreement with the Department to use power records to determine the amount of water diverted and shall annually report the information to the Department. 2.125 Place of use is within the service area of Eagle Water Company as provided for under Idaho law. The place of use is generally described as within the city limits of Eagle and the surrounding service area. 3.004 This right does not grant any right-of-way or easement across the land of another. 4.180 A map depicting the place of use boundary for this water right at the time of this approval is attached to this document for illustrative purposes. Dates: Licensed Date: 05/12/2016 Decreed Date: Permit Proof Due Date: 2/1/1999 Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=12147&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 Permit Proof Made Date: 2/3/1999 Permit Approved Date: 2/6/1995 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: 09/27/1994 Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=12559&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 1/2 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT REPORT 1/9/2019 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Right Report WATER RIGHT NO. 63-12559 Owner Type Name and Address Current OwnerEAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616-0455 2089390242 Priority Date: 12/15/1999 Basis: License Status: Active Source Tributary GROUND WATER Beneficial UseFrom To Diversion RateVolume MUNICIPAL 01/0112/313 CFS Total Diversion 3 CFS Location of Point(s) of Diversion: GROUND WATERNESW Lt 3Sec. 15Township 04NRange 01EADA County Place(s) of use: Large POU InfoConditions of Approval: 1.125 Place of use is within the service area of Eagle Water Company as provided for under Idaho law. The place of use is generally described as within the city limits of Eagle and the surrounding service area. 2.102 The right holder shall not provide water diverted under this right for the irrigation of land having appurtenant surface water rights as a primary source of irrigation water except when the surface water rights are not available for use. This condition applies to all land with appurtenant surface water rights, including land converted from irrigated agricultural use to other land uses but still requiring water to irrigate lawns and landscaping. 3.103 When ordered by the Director, the right holder shall provide mitigation acceptable to the Director to offset depletion of lower Snake River flows needed for migrating anadromous fish. The amount of water required for mitigation, which is to be released into the Snake River or a tributary for this purpose, will be determined by the Director based upon the reduction in flow caused by the use of water pursuant to this right. Any order of the Director issued in accordance with this paragraph shall be in conformance with applicable rules allowing the right holder due process as the need for mitigation and the amount of mitigation are determined. Home / Water Rights / Research / Search Water Rights 1/9/2019 Water Right Report https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ.asp?BasinNumber=63&SequenceNumber=12559&SplitSuffix=%20%20&TypeWaterRight=True 2/2 4.01M After specific notification by the Department, the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device or shall enter into an agreement with the Department to use power records to determine the amount of water diverted and shall annually report the information to the Department. 5.004 The issuance of this right does not grant any right-of-way or easement across the land of another. 6.930 Water bearing zone to be appropriated is 330 to 400 feet. 7.Point of diversion is known as Well #7. Dates: Licensed Date: 09/01/2016 Decreed Date: Permit Proof Due Date: 3/1/2008 Permit Proof Made Date: 1/7/2008 Permit Approved Date: 3/1/2000 Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Accepted: Water Supply Bank Enrollment Date Removed: Application Received Date: 12/15/1999 Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Other Information: State or Federal: Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Civil Case Number: Old Case Number: Decree Plantiff: Decree Defendant: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False Well Suez Analysis - EWC current Well Production Capacities with Current Pumps Capacity with Current Water Rights and 1 0 - 2 325 325 3 0 - 4 1800 603 1,800 Total 8,225 5,023 2250 Municipal Water Right 495 1350 1,530 Well Suez Analysis - EWC current Well Production Capacities with Current Pumps Capacity with Current Water Rights and 1 0 - 2 325 325 3 0 - 4 1800 603 1,800 Total 8,225 5,023 2250 Municipal Water Right 495 1350 1,530 RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 19 - PAGE 1 OF 1 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 19: Please provide the source documents and detailed costs estimates for the $13.4 million anticipated investment for the Eagle Water system. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 19: The source documents and detailed cost estimates for the $13.4 million anticipated investment for the Eagle Water System are provided in the attached spreadsheet titled “Cooper First Production Request Exhibit Response 1 and 19.” Cumulative MGD GPM Guide MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2.16 1500 S1 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 4.32 1500 S2 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump 571$ S3 0.00 Optimist Booster Pump Station / New 2 MG Tank 2,894$ 2,894$ 6.48 1500 S4 2.16 Island Woods Connection 2,177$ 2,177$ 12.48 4166.4 S5 6.00 move the water away from Marden: Marden and Mobley Main Enlargement (2300' of 36" pipe), and Lewis / 6th Street Main Enlargement (11,770' of 24" Pipe)2,465$ 8,618$ 8,025$ Guide MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2.16 1500 S1 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 4.32 1500 S6 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump/higher TDH 769$ 4.32 0 0.00 EWC Acquisition Price 10,000$ 4.32 0 S7 0.00 56$ 12.60 1000 S10 1.44 6)2,006$ 3,135$ SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION PROJECT: Redwood Creek Pipeline LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: C18D102_060_001 NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground)11,885 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel)- 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)9,365 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial)3,160 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local)- 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial)2,730 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path)4,020 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium)1,615 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 550 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch 530 11 Tesoro Crossings 100 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 24" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,300 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 - 14 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)650 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)530 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)17,560 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)15,200 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main 1,200 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30"440 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)34 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)29 22 Connect to Existing Water Main 21 23 Flushing Station 3 24 Leakage Monitoring Station 2 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection 61 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings 24 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)21,665 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers)11,885 29 Mobilization (5%)1 30 Storm Water Management 33,550 31 Subtotal 32 Contingency 33 Total Estimated Pipeline Construction Cost 34 PRV at Redwood Creek Well House 35 Phase 1 Pipeline (already constructed - 2018) 36 Design Costs REDWOOD CREEK PIPELINE 37 Total This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, mat contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically c 20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; C Grand Total with Loc ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST LF $15.00 $178,275 LF $15.00 $0 LF $25.00 $234,125 LF $30.00 $94,800 LF $28.00 $0 LF $33.00 $90,090 LF $50.00 $201,000 LF $50.00 $80,750 LF $600.00 $330,000 LF $675.00 $357,750 LF $600.00 $60,000 LF $684.62 $890,006 LF $788.68 $0 LF $70.00 $45,500 LF $85.00 $45,050 LF $145.00 $2,546,200 LF $165.00 $2,508,000 LF $55.00 $66,000 LF $100.00 $44,000 EA $5,392.00 $183,328 EA $7,088.00 $205,552 EA $2,500.00 $52,500 EA $7,500.00 $22,500 EA $5,000.00 $10,000 EA $2,500.00 $152,500 EA $1,250.00 $30,000 LF $7.00 $151,655 LF $3.50 $41,598 LS $432,736.40 $432,736 LF $1.00 $33,550 $9,087,465 5%$454,373 $9,541,838 $200,000 $536,100 $371,500 $10,649,438 $12,021,618 e project location. This estimate is subject to change terials, equipment, and services provided by others, considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 - Class 1 -3% to + 15%. al and Corporate Overheads PROJECT: Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump, 500 HP EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 485' TDH, 3000 gpm, 500 hp 1 EA $100,000 2 500 hp Motor 1 EA $40,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $200,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 6 Design 10%$41,800 7 Contingency 10%$45,980 8 Total Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. REPLACE REDWOOD CREEK WELL PUMP 500 HP (TO GO WITH ISLAND WOODS CONNECTION) IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC COST $100,000 $40,000 $58,000 $200,000 $20,000 $41,800 $45,980 $505,780 $570,950 ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; PROJECT: Optimist Booster and 2 MG Tank LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Optimist Booster Station - 6000 gpm with generator and redundant pump 1 2 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 3 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 4 Subtotal 5 Design 6 Contingency 7 Total OPTIMIST BOOSTER AND 2 MG TANK Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $1,300,000.00 $1,300,000 GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 Bid for Recent Sunset Peak Tank - $1.39/ga LF $105.00 $157,500 $4,237,500 10%$423,750 10%$466,125 $5,127,375 $5,788,037 al and Corporate Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. allon, 1 MG tank PROJECT: Island Woods Connection LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: C18M102_060_001 NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground) 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel) 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)7,700 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial) 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local) 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial) 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path) 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium) 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 200 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch 11 Tesoro Crossings 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 20" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,000 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 14 Water Main Pipe - 16" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)7,900 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only) 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install) 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install) 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30" 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ) 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ) 22 Connect to Existing Water Main 23 Flushing Station 24 Leakage Monitoring Station 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)7,700 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers) 29 Mobilization (5%), not including well upgrades 30 Well Upgrades 2 31 Storm Water Management 8,700 32 Subtotal 33 Design and Permitting 34 Contingency 35 Total Estimated Construction Cost ISLAND WOODS CONNECTION Grand Total with Local This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at th change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typic Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST LF $15.00 $0 LF $15.00 $0 LF $25.00 $192,500 LF $30.00 $0 LF $28.00 $0 LF $33.00 $0 LF $50.00 $0 LF $50.00 $0 LF $600.00 $120,000 LF $675.00 $0 LF $600.00 $0 LF $850.00 $850,000 LF $788.68 $0 LF $125.00 $987,500 LF $85.00 $0 LF $145.00 $0 LF $165.00 $0 LF $55.00 $0 LF $100.00 $0 EA $5,392.00 $0 EA $7,088.00 $0 EA $2,500.00 $0 EA $7,500.00 $0 EA $5,000.00 $0 EA $2,500.00 $0 EA $1,250.00 $0 LF $7.00 $53,900 LF $3.50 $0 LS $113,238.80 $0 EA $500,000.00 $1,000,000 LF $1.25 $10,875 $3,214,775 10%$321,478 10%$321,478 $3,857,730 $4,354,799 and Corporate Overheads he project location. This estimate is subject to materials, equipment, and services provided by cally considered accurate in the following ranges: ; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: 6 MGD Marden Expansion LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION 1 6 MGD Marden Expansion no DAF (From 2015 Facility Plan, cont. and eng. Incl.) 2 Lewis/6th Street Main (24") 3 Marden / Mobley (2300' of 36") 4 Total 6 MGD MARDEN WTP EXPANSIO Grand This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at t project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equ determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 EA $14,215,500.00 $14,215,500 Marden Expansion Est 11,770 LF $183.00 $2,153,910 Per Foot cost from Ma 2,300 LF $242.60 $557,980 Per foot cost from Ma $16,927,390 $19,108,484 ON Total with Local and Corporate Overheads the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the ipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; to + 15%. timate from 2015 Master Facilities Plann, March 19, 2015 Project Memorandum "Marden WTP Expansion Stud aster Plan aster Plan dy", Page 5. No DAF Included PROJECT: Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump, 600 HP EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 495' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 6 Design 10%$56,300 7 Contingency 10%$61,930 8 Total REPLACE REDWOOD CREEK WELL PUMP 600 HP (TO GO WITH EWC ACQUISITION OPTION) Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC COST $125,000 $55,000 $58,000 $300,000 $25,000 $56,300 $61,930 $681,230 $769,006 ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; PROJECT: Water Rights LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 individual SUEZ water rights to Eagle Water Wells (estimate of legal and technical 1 2 1 Water Rights Grand Total with Cor This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $25,000.00 $25,000 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 $56,443 rporate and Local Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: New Well 8 Pump EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 2250 gpm, 479' TDH, 400 hp 1 EA $85,000 2 400 hp Motor 1 EA $35,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $10,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $158,700 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 6 1000' of 16" DI main 1000 EA $105 7 State Street Crossing 8 PRV 9 Design and Permitting 10% 10 Contingency 10% 11 Total NEW WELL 8 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC COST $85,000 $35,000 $10,000 $158,700 $20,000 $105,000 $150,000 $200,000 $76,370 $84,007 $924,077 $1,043,144 ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; PROJECT: New Well 6 Pump EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 500' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 6 Pipe and Connection 1 EA $50,000 7 PRV 1 EA $200,000 8 Design 0.1 $81,300 9 Contingency 0.1 $89,430 10 Total This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. NEW WELL 6 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC COST $125,000 $55,000 $58,000 $300,000 $25,000 $50,000 $200,000 $81,300 $89,430 $983,730 $1,110,484 ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; PROJECT: 2 MG Tank and Rehab Well 1 Facility LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Rehab Well 1 (new pump and piping, building)1 2 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 3 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 4 Subtotal 5 Design 6 Contingency 7 Total 2 MG TANK AND REHAB WELL 1 FACILITY Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $826,000.00 $826,000 GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 2017 Bid for SUEZ Sunset Peak Tank - $1.3 LF $105.00 $157,500 $3,763,500 10%$376,350 10%$413,985 $4,553,835 $5,140,597 al and Corporate Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. 9/gallon, 1 MG tank Project Title 2019 2020 2021 Benefit SummaryRate Analysis Cost Est. Number Guide R1 56$ R2 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 2 boosters), 532$ SCADA controls at each facility will allow for 24-hour monitoring of system operations. Includes $250 for a control room, database, historian, radio path survey, etc if Eagle Water constructed the improvement (no OH on this portion). $35k per site, $5k contingency, plus R3 Meter and Service Replacements (2,000 @ 1,129$ 1,129$ 1,129$ safety and access. Install AMI meters. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, R4 Meter Replacement with 454$ 438$ Half of EWC meters - Install AMI meters in existing meter boxes. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Includes $16k for two repeaters if Eagle R5 APODS to Eagle Water and 56$ enhancing the reliability and flexibility of both. In addition, shared Eagle rights and SUEZ rights would fill the current shortfall in Eagle Water rights to meet peak demands. These transfers would eliminate the need for Eagle Water to appropriate new water rights to fill its R6 Map Eagle Water System 27$ the model will allow for system optimization and targeted pipeline replacement planning. This will also include the Eagle Water facilities into Aquadvanced Energy, an energy-saving R7 Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. R8 Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. R9 the Suez system. This pipeline being in place will provide Eagle Water customers with the benefit of being able to access source and storage from the Suez system. The benefit is would also cover the shortage in peak hour redundancy (1175 gpm) and the emergency in place, which is why it has been included in 2020. Cost calculated as a portion of the total pipeline cost, 1375 gpm / 7750 gpm (ultimate pipeline capacity with 1000 gpm being used locally in Floating Feather and Eagle Water area to support current customers and growth R10 R11 305$ 305$ 305$ R12 28$ 28$ 28$ R13 landscaping, sampling stations, generator replacements, add water level monitoring in wells, Totals $2,700 $6,708 $3,950 $13,358 Costs (in 000's) PLANNED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL BENEFIT EAGLE WATER CUSTOMERS The improvements in this table have overheads added except for portions of improvements that would be completed if Eagle Water were making the improvements. For example, with respect to needed SCADA control for the Eagle Water system, SUEZ already has a control room, servers, database, and historian computers to support the addition of SCADA at the Eagle Water facilities. Eagle Water does not have a control room or associated amenities and would have to purchase them to implement functional SCADA control if Eagle Water were constructing the improvement itself. The Eagle Water portion of the costs does not have any overheads included. PROJECT: Add Chlorination at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Chlorination System (tank, pump, containment basin, monitoring)5 ADD CHLORINATION AT WELLS 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $10,000.00 $50,000 $56,443 al and Corporate Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: SCADA System LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 SCADA Controls at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, Yard Booster, Sage Acres Booster 7 2 Contingency on Site Controls 1 3 Subtotal 4 Subtotal with Local and Corporate Overheads 5 own control room)1 SCADA SYSTEM This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $35,000.00 $245,000 EA $5,000.00 $5,000 $250,000 $282,213 EA $250,000.00 $250,000 $532,213 Grand Total ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: Meter and Service Replacements LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Meter and Service Replacements 2000 METER AND SERVICE REPLACEMENTS Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $1,500.00 $3,000,000 $3,386,550 al and Corporate Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: Meter Replacement with AMI LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Average Installed AMI Meter Cost (incl. Sales Tax)2000 2 Meter Setter Work/Repair 2000 3 Sensus RF Radio Unit (incl. Sales Tax)2000 4 Subtotal with Local and Corporate Overhead 5 Repeaters (Eagle Water currently has no repeaters)2 METER REPLACEMENT WITH AMI This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $215.77 $431,540 EA $86.00 $172,000 EA $86.24 $172,480 $876,010 EA $8,000.00 $16,000 $892,010 Grand Total ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: Water Rights LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 individual SUEZ water rights to Eagle Water Wells (estimate of legal and technical 1 2 1 Water Rights Grand Total with Cor This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST EA $25,000.00 $25,000 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 $56,443 rporate and Local Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: Mapping and Hydraulic Model LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Create map of Eagle Water System (GPS key points, create asset register in GIS), import GIS mapping into hydraulic model and calibrate. Estimate of labor hours.1 Mapping and Hydraulic Model Grand Total with Cor This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST LS $24,000.00 $24,000 $27,092 rporate and Local Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. PROJECT: New Well 8 Pump EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 2250 gpm, 479' TDH, 400 hp 1 EA $85,000 2 400 hp Motor 1 EA $35,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $10,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $158,700 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 6 1000' of 16" DI main 1000 EA $105 7 State Street Crossing 8 PRV 9 Design and Permitting 10% 10 Contingency 10% 11 Total This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. NEW WELL 8 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018BY: CEC COST Cost $85,000 -$ $35,000 -$ $10,000 -$ $158,700 -$ $20,000 -$ $105,000 50,000$ $150,000 150,000$ $200,000 200,000$ $76,370 25,000$ $84,007 42,500$ $924,077 467,500$ $1,043,144 527,737$ ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; Calculate Eagle Water Company Benefit PROJECT: New Well 6 Pump EST LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho D JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 New Pump and Column - 500' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 6 Pipe and Connection 1 EA $50,000 7 PRV 1 EA $200,000 8 Design 0.1 $81,300 9 Contingency 0.1 $89,430 10 Total NEW WELL 6 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the proje estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitiv market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. IMATE CLASS: 5 ATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC COST COST $125,000 -$ $55,000 -$ $58,000 -$ $300,000 -$ $25,000 -$ $50,000 50,000$ $200,000 200,000$ $81,300 25,000$ $89,430 27,500$ $983,730 302,500$ $1,110,484 341,477$ ect location. This d on the cost of ve bidding and 4 -15% to +50%; Calculate Eagle Water Company PROJECT: Redwood Creek Pipeline LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: C18D102_060_001 NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground)11,885 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel)- 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)9,365 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial)3,160 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local)- 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial)2,730 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path)4,020 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium)1,615 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 550 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch 530 11 Tesoro Crossings 100 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 24" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,300 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 - 14 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)650 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)530 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)17,560 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)15,200 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main 1,200 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30"440 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)34 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)29 22 Connect to Existing Water Main 21 23 Flushing Station 3 24 Leakage Monitoring Station 2 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection 61 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings 24 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)21,665 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers)11,885 29 Mobilization (5%)1 30 Storm Water Management 33,550 31 Subtotal 32 Contingency 33 Total Estimated Pipeline Construction Cost 34 PRV at Redwood Creek Well House 35 Phase 1 Pipeline (already constructed - 2018) 36 Design Costs REDWOOD CREEK PIPELINE 37 Total Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, mat contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically c 20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; C ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST COST LF $15.00 $178,275 LF $15.00 $0 LF $25.00 $234,125 LF $30.00 $94,800 LF $28.00 $0 LF $33.00 $90,090 LF $50.00 $201,000 LF $50.00 $80,750 LF $600.00 $330,000 LF $675.00 $357,750 LF $600.00 $60,000 LF $684.62 $890,006 LF $788.68 $0 LF $70.00 $45,500 LF $85.00 $45,050 LF $145.00 $2,546,200 LF $165.00 $2,508,000 LF $55.00 $66,000 LF $100.00 $44,000 EA $5,392.00 $183,328 EA $7,088.00 $205,552 EA $2,500.00 $52,500 EA $7,500.00 $22,500 EA $5,000.00 $10,000 EA $2,500.00 $152,500 EA $1,250.00 $30,000 LF $7.00 $151,655 LF $3.50 $41,598 LS $432,736.40 $432,736 LF $1.00 $33,550 $9,087,465 5%$454,373 $9,541,838 $200,000 $536,100 $371,500 Calculate Eagle Water Company $10,649,438 $12,021,618 $2,132,868 al and Corporate Overheads e project location. This estimate is subject to change terials, equipment, and services provided by others, considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 - Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: 2 MG Tank LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 2 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 3 Subtotal 4 Design 5 Contingency 6 Total 2 MG TANK Grand Total with Loc This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 10/3/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 2017 Bid for SUEZ Sunset Peak Tank - $1.3 LF $105.00 $157,500 $2,937,500 10%$293,750 10%$323,125 $3,554,375 $4,012,356 al and Corporate Overheads ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. 9/gallon, 1 MG tank PROJECT: ROLL-UP PROJECTS LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho JOB NO.: N/A NO.DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Pipeline Replacements 1 2 Subtotal Pipeline Replacements with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 3 Safety and Security Improvements 1 4 Subtotal Safety and Security Improvements with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 5 Production Roll-Up Work 1 6 Production Roll-Up Work with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 ROLL-UP PROJECTS (CALCULATED PER YEAR) This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project lo the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipmen methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in t 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 1 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 DATE: 11/8/2018 BY: CEC UNIT UNIT PRICE COST LS $270,000.00 $270,000 LS $304,789.50 $304,790 LS $25,000.00 $25,000 LS $28,221.25 $28,221 LS $100,000.00 $100,000 LS $112,885.00 $112,885 ocation. This estimate is subject to change through nt, and services provided by others, contractor's the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 15%. Cumulative MGD GPM Supply Analysis Guide MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2.16 1500 S1 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 4.32 1500 S2 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump 571$ S3 0.00 Optimist Booster Pump Station / New 2 MG Tank 2,894$ 2,894$ 6.48 1500 S4 2.16 Island Woods Connection 2,177$ 2,177$ 12.48 4166.4 S5 6.00 move the water away from Marden: Marden and Mobley Main Enlargement (2300' of 36" pipe), and Lewis / 6th Street Main 2,465$ 8,618$ 8,025$ Cumulative Cost (in 000's)2,032$ 12,022$ 15,058$ 28,747$ 41,844$ Cumulative MGD - 2.2 4.3 4.3 12.5 Supply Analysis MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2.16 1500 S1 2.16 4.32 1500 S6 2.16 4.32 0 0.00 4.32 0 S7 0.00 56$ 7.56 2250 S8 3.24 11.16 2500 S9 3.60 12.60 1000 S10 1.44 6)2,006$ 3,135$ SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION PROJECT: Redwood Creek Pipeline ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: C18D102_060_001 BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground)11,885 LF $15.00 $178,275 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel)- LF $15.00 $0 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)9,365 LF $25.00 $234,125 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial)3,160 LF $30.00 $94,800 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local)- LF $28.00 $0 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial)2,730 LF $33.00 $90,090 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path)4,020 LF $50.00 $201,000 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium)1,615 LF $50.00 $80,750 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 550 LF $600.00 $330,000 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch 530 LF $675.00 $357,750 11 Tesoro Crossings 100 LF $600.00 $60,000 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 24" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,300 LF $684.62 $890,006 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 - LF $788.68 $0 14 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)650 LF $70.00 $45,500 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)530 LF $85.00 $45,050 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)17,560 LF $145.00 $2,546,200 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)15,200 LF $165.00 $2,508,000 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main 1,200 LF $55.00 $66,000 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30"440 LF $100.00 $44,000 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)34 EA $5,392.00 $183,328 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)29 EA $7,088.00 $205,552 22 Connect to Existing Water Main 21 EA $2,500.00 $52,500 23 Flushing Station 3 EA $7,500.00 $22,500 24 Leakage Monitoring Station 2 EA $5,000.00 $10,000 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection 61 EA $2,500.00 $152,500 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings 24 EA $1,250.00 $30,000 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)21,665 LF $7.00 $151,655 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers)11,885 LF $3.50 $41,598 29 Mobilization (5%)1 LS $432,736.40 $432,736 30 Storm Water Management 33,550 LF $1.00 $33,550 31 Subtotal $9,087,465 32 Contingency 5%$454,373 33 Total Estimated Pipeline Construction Cost $9,541,838 34 PRV at Redwood Creek Well House $200,000 35 Phase 1 Pipeline (already constructed - 2018)$536,100 36 Design Costs $371,500 37 Total $10,649,438 $12,021,618 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 - 20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads PROJECT: Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump, 500 HP ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 New Pump and Column - 485' TDH, 3000 gpm, 500 hp 1 EA $100,000 $100,000 2 500 hp Motor 1 EA $40,000 $40,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $200,000 $200,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 $20,000 6 Design 10%$41,800 $41,800 7 Contingency 10%$45,980 $45,980 8 Total $505,780 $570,950 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 - 10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. REPLACE REDWOOD CREEK WELL PUMP 500 HP (TO GO WITH ISLAND WOODS CONNECTION) PROJECT: Optimist Booster and 2 MG Tank ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Optimist Booster Station - 6000 gpm with generator and redundant pump 1 EA $1,300,000.00 $1,300,000 2 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 Bid for Recent Sunset Peak Tank - $1.39/gallon, 1 MG tank 3 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 LF $105.00 $157,500 4 Subtotal $4,237,500 5 Design 10%$423,750 6 Contingency 10%$466,125 7 Total $5,127,375$5,788,037 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Island Woods Connection ESTIMATE CLASS: 3 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: C18M102_060_001 BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground)LF $15.00 $0 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel)LF $15.00 $0 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)7,700 LF $25.00 $192,500 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial)LF $30.00 $0 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local)LF $28.00 $0 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial)LF $33.00 $0 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path)LF $50.00 $0 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium)LF $50.00 $0 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 200 LF $600.00 $120,000 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch LF $675.00 $0 11 Tesoro Crossings LF $600.00 $0 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 20" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,000 LF $850.00 $850,000 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 LF $788.68 $0 14 Water Main Pipe - 16" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)7,900 LF $125.00 $987,500 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)LF $85.00 $0 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)LF $145.00 $0 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)LF $165.00 $0 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main LF $55.00 $0 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30"LF $100.00 $0 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)EA $5,392.00 $0 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)EA $7,088.00 $0 22 Connect to Existing Water Main EA $2,500.00 $0 23 Flushing Station EA $7,500.00 $0 24 Leakage Monitoring Station EA $5,000.00 $0 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection EA $2,500.00 $0 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings EA $1,250.00 $0 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)7,700 LF $7.00 $53,900 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers)LF $3.50 $0 29 Mobilization (5%), not including well upgrades LS $113,238.80 $0 30 Well Upgrades 2 EA $500,000.00 $1,000,000 31 Storm Water Management 8,700 LF $1.25 $10,875 32 Subtotal $3,214,775 33 Design and Permitting 10%$321,478 34 Contingency 10%$321,478 35 Total Estimated Construction Cost $3,857,730 $4,354,799 ISLAND WOODS CONNECTION This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads PROJECT: 6 MGD Marden Expansion ESTIMATE CLASS: 3LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST16 MGD Marden Expansion no DAF (From 2015 Facility Plan, cont. and eng. Incl.)1 EA $14,215,500.00 $14,215,500 Marden Expansion Estimate from 2015 Master Facilities Plann, March 19, 2015 Project Memorandum "Marden WTP Expansion Study", Page 5. No DAF Included 2 Lewis/6th Street Main (24")11,770 LF $183.00 $2,153,910 Per Foot cost from Master Plan3Marden / Mobley (2300' of 36")2,300 LF $242.60 $557,980 Per foot cost from Master Plan 4 Total $16,927,390$19,108,484 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to PROJECT: Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump, 600 HP ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 New Pump and Column - 495' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 $125,000 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 $55,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 $300,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 $25,000 6 Design 10%$56,300 $56,300 7 Contingency 10%$61,930 $61,930 8 Total $681,230 $769,006 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 - 10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Water Rights ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 individual SUEZ water rights to Eagle Water Wells (estimate of legal and technical 1 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 2 Transfer all Eagle Water Rights to be Alternate Points of Diversion (APODs) from all Eagle Water wells (estimate of legal and technical costs)1 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 $56,443 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: New Well 8 Pump ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 New Pump and Column - 2250 gpm, 479' TDH, 400 hp 1 EA $85,000 $85,000 2 400 hp Motor 1 EA $35,000 $35,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $10,000 $10,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $158,700 $158,700 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 $20,000 6 1000' of 16" DI main 1000 EA $105 $105,000 7 State Street Crossing $150,000 8 PRV $200,000 9 Design and Permitting 10%$76,370 10 Contingency 10%$84,007 11 Total $924,077 $1,043,144 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 - 10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: New Well 6 Pump ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 New Pump and Column - 500' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 $125,000 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 $55,000 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 $58,000 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 $300,000 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 $25,000 6 Pipe and Connection 1 EA $50,000 $50,000 7 PRV 1 EA $200,000 $200,000 8 Design 0.1 $81,300 $81,300 9 Contingency 0.1 $89,430 $89,430 10 Total $983,730 $1,110,484 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 - 10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. NEW WELL 6 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads PROJECT: 2 MG Tank and Rehab Well 1 Facility ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Rehab Well 1 (new pump and piping, building)1 EA $826,000.00 $826,000 2 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 2017 Bid for SUEZ Sunset Peak Tank - $1.39/gallon, 1 MG tank 3 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 LF $105.00 $157,500 4 Subtotal $3,763,500 5 Design 10%$376,3506Contingency10%$413,985 7 Total $4,553,835 $5,140,597 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Project Title 2019 2020 2021 Benefit Summary Rate Analysis Cost Est. Number Guide R1 56$ R2 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 2 boosters), 532$ SCADA controls at each facility will allow for 24-hour monitoring of system operations. Includes $250 for a control room, database, historian, radio path survey, etc if Eagle Water constructed the improvement (no OH on this portion). $35k per site, $5k contingency, plus R3 Meter and Service Replacements (2,000 @ 1,129$ 1,129$ 1,129$ safety and access. Install AMI meters. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, R4 Meter Replacement with 454$ 438$ include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Includes $16k for two repeaters if Eagle R5 APODS to Eagle Water and 56$ enhancing the reliability and flexibility of both. In addition, shared Eagle rights and SUEZ rights would fill the current shortfall in Eagle Water rights to meet peak demands. These transfers would eliminate the need for Eagle Water to appropriate new water rights to fill its R6 Map Eagle Water System 27$ the model will allow for system optimization and targeted pipeline replacement planning. This will also include the Eagle Water facilities into Aquadvanced Energy, an energy-saving R7 Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. R8 Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. R9 the Suez system. This pipeline being in place will provide Eagle Water customers with the benefit of being able to access source and storage from the Suez system. The benefit is would also cover the shortage in peak hour redundancy (1175 gpm) and the emergency in place, which is why it has been included in 2020. Cost calculated as a portion of the total pipeline cost, 1375 gpm / 7750 gpm (ultimate pipeline capacity with 1000 gpm being used locally in Floating Feather and Eagle Water area to support current customers and growth R10 R11 305$ 305$ 305$ R12 28$ 28$ 28$ R13 landscaping, sampling stations, generator replacements, add water level monitoring in wells, Totals $2,700 $6,708 $3,950 $13,358 Costs (in 000's) PLANNED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL BENEFIT EAGLE WATER CUSTOMERS The improvements in this table have overheads added except for portions of improvements that would be completed if Eagle Water were making the improvements. For example, with respect to needed SCADA control for the Eagle Water system, SUEZ already has a control room, servers, database, and historian computers to support the addition of SCADA at the Eagle Water facilities. Eagle Water does not have a control room or associated amenities and would have to purchase them to implement functional SCADA control if Eagle Water were constructing the improvement itself. The Eagle Water PROJECT: Add Chlorination at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Chlorination System (tank, pump, containment basin, monitoring)5 EA $10,000.00 $50,000 $56,443 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: SCADA System ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 SCADA Controls at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, Yard Booster, Sage Acres Booster 7 EA $35,000.00 $245,000 2 Contingency on Site Controls 1 EA $5,000.00 $5,000 3 Subtotal $250,000 4 Subtotal with Local and Corporate Overheads $282,213 5 Control Room, Hardware, Software, Historian (If Eagle Water were to construct it's own control room)1 EA $250,000.00 $250,000 $532,213 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Meter and Service Replacements ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Meter and Service Replacements 2000 EA $1,500.00 $3,000,000 $3,386,550 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Meter Replacement with AMI ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Average Installed AMI Meter Cost (incl. Sales Tax)2000 EA $215.77 $431,540 2 Meter Setter Work/Repair 2000 EA $86.00 $172,000 3 Sensus RF Radio Unit (incl. Sales Tax)2000 EA $86.24 $172,480 4 Subtotal with Local and Corporate Overhead $876,010 5 Repeaters (Eagle Water currently has no repeaters)2 EA $8,000.00 $16,000 $892,010 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Water Rights ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 individual SUEZ water rights to Eagle Water Wells (estimate of legal and technical 1 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 2 Transfer all Eagle Water Rights to be Alternate Points of Diversion (APODs) from all Eagle Water wells (estimate of legal and technical costs)1 EA $25,000.00 $25,000 $56,443 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: Mapping and Hydraulic Model ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Create map of Eagle Water System (GPS key points, create asset register in GIS), import GIS mapping into hydraulic model and calibrate. Estimate of labor hours.1 LS $24,000.00 $24,000 $27,092 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: New Well 8 Pump ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST Cost 1 New Pump and Column - 2250 gpm, 479' TDH, 400 hp 1 EA $85,000 $85,000 -$ 2 400 hp Motor 1 EA $35,000 $35,000 -$ 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $10,000 $10,000 -$ 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $158,700 $158,700 -$ 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $20,000 $20,000 -$ 6 1000' of 16" DI main 1000 EA $105 $105,000 50,000$ 7 State Street Crossing $150,000 150,000$ 8 PRV $200,000 200,000$ 9 Design and Permitting 10%$76,370 25,000$ 10 Contingency 10%$84,007 42,500$ 11 Total $924,077 467,500$ $1,043,144 527,737$ Calculate Eagle Water Company Benefit This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: New Well 6 Pump ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018 JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST COST 1 New Pump and Column - 500' TDH, 3500 gpm, 600 hp 1 EA $125,000 $125,000 -$ 2 600 hp Motor 1 EA $55,000 $55,000 -$ 3 Piping Upgrades 1 EA $58,000 $58,000 -$ 4 Change Electrical Equipment 1 EA $300,000 $300,000 -$ 5 Air Conditioning 1 EA $25,000 $25,000 -$ 6 Pipe and Connection 1 EA $50,000 $50,000 50,000$ 7 PRV 1 EA $200,000 $200,000 200,000$ 8 Design 0.1 $81,300 $81,300 25,000$ 9 Contingency 0.1 $89,430 $89,430 27,500$ 10 Total $983,730 302,500$ $1,110,484 341,477$ NEW WELL 6 PUMP, ADD PRV Grand Total with Local and Corporate Overheads This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 - 10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Calculate Eagle Water Company PROJECT: Redwood Creek Pipeline ESTIMATE CLASS: 3LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: C18D102_060_001 BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST COST 1 Miscellaneous Surface Restoration (Natural Ground)11,885 LF $15.00 $178,275 2 Type C-1 Surface Restoration (gravel)- LF $15.00 $0 3 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Local)9,365 LF $25.00 $234,125 4 Type P-1 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Arterial)3,160 LF $30.00 $94,800 5 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Local)- LF $28.00 $0 6 Type P-2 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway and Shoulder - Arterial)2,730 LF $33.00 $90,090 7 Type P-4 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway with Bike Path)4,020 LF $50.00 $201,000 8 Type P-5 Surface Restoration (Asphalt Roadway - Full Lane Moratorium)1,615 LF $50.00 $80,750 9 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 30-inch 550 LF $600.00 $330,000 10 Steel Casing Pipe Boring and Jacking - 36-inch 530 LF $675.00 $357,750 11 Tesoro Crossings 100 LF $600.00 $60,000 12 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 24" IPS HDPE DR-11 1,300 LF $684.62 $890,006 13 Horizontal Directional Drilling - 30" IPS HDPE DR-11 - LF $788.68 $0 14 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)650 LF $70.00 $45,500 15 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe only)530 LF $85.00 $45,050 16 Water Main Pipe - 20" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)17,560 LF $145.00 $2,546,200 17 Water Main Pipe - 24" Poly-wrapped DI Pipe (pipe and install)15,200 LF $165.00 $2,508,000 18 Remove and Reset - Existing Distribution Water Main 1,200 LF $55.00 $66,000 19 Water Main Sleeve - 24"/30"440 LF $100.00 $44,000 20 Water Valve - 20" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)34 EA $5,392.00 $183,328 21 Water Valve - 24" Butterfly (Fl x MJ)29 EA $7,088.00 $205,552 22 Connect to Existing Water Main 21 EA $2,500.00 $52,500 23 Flushing Station 3 EA $7,500.00 $22,500 24 Leakage Monitoring Station 2 EA $5,000.00 $10,000 25 Remove and Reconnect Water Service Connection 61 EA $2,500.00 $152,500 26 Misc. Culvert Crossings 24 EA $1,250.00 $30,000 27 Construction Traffic Control (with flaggers)21,665 LF $7.00 $151,655 28 Construction Traffic Control (without flaggers)11,885 LF $3.50 $41,598 29 Mobilization (5%)1 LS $432,736.40 $432,736 30 Storm Water Management 33,550 LF $1.00 $33,550 31 Subtotal $9,087,465 32 Contingency 5%$454,373 33 Total Estimated Pipeline Construction Cost $9,541,838 34 PRV at Redwood Creek Well House $200,000 35 Phase 1 Pipeline (already constructed - 2018)$536,100 36 Design Costs $371,500 37 Total $10,649,438 $12,021,618 $2,132,868 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 - 20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. Calculate Eagle Water Company PROJECT: 2 MG Tank ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 10/3/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 2 MG Tank and site work 2,000,000 GAL $1.39 $2,780,000 2017 Bid for SUEZ Sunset Peak Tank - $1.39/gallon, 1 MG tank 2 16" Pipeline to Tank 1,500 LF $105.00 $157,500 3 Subtotal $2,937,500 4 Design 10%$293,750 5 Contingency 10%$323,125 6 Total $3,554,375$4,012,356 This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. PROJECT: ROLL-UP PROJECTS ESTIMATE CLASS: 5 LOCATION: Ada County, Idaho DATE: 11/8/2018JOB NO.: N/A BY: CEC NO.DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 Pipeline Replacements 1 LS $270,000.00 $270,000 2 Subtotal Pipeline Replacements with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 LS $304,789.50 $304,790 3 Safety and Security Improvements 1 LS $25,000.00 $25,000 4 Subtotal Safety and Security Improvements with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 LS $28,221.25 $28,221 5 Production Roll-Up Work 1 LS $100,000.00 $100,000 6 Production Roll-Up Work with Local and Corporate Overheads 1 LS $112,885.00 $112,885 ROLL-UP PROJECTS (CALCULATED PER YEAR) This cost estimate reflects our profesional opinion of accurate costs at this time based on current conditions at the project location. This estimate is subject to change through the project planning and design process. Actual construction cost will depend on the cost of labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by others, contractor's methods of determining prices, competitive bidding and market conditions. Estimates are typically considered accurate in the following ranges: Class 5 -20% to +100%; Class 4 -15% to +50%; Class 3 -10% to +30%; Class 2 -5% to +20%; Class 1 -3% to + 15%. RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20 - PAGE 1 OF 4 SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. CASE SUZ-W-18-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20: Please reconcile the charts shown in Cooper’s testimony on pages 7, 8 and 11. a. Are there projects listed on pages 7 and 8 that are duplicated on page 11? Please explain. b. Is the total cost actually the $30.141 million as shown on page 8 plus the $13.358 million shown on page 11 for a total of $43.499 million? Please explain. c. Please identify which capital investments the Company would make with the acquisition of the Eagle Water system and which capital investments the Company would make without the acquisition of the Eagle Water system. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20: a. Yes. The charts were prepared for very different purposes and therefore some of the projects (or portions of projects) appear in multiple charts. The charts on pages 7 and 8 are an analysis comparing only the costs of providing approximately 12.5 MGD of additional and redundant supply. These charts support the benefit of the acquisition to current SUEZ customers by demonstrating that approximately 12.5 MGD of future supply can be provided for $11.7M less “with the Eagle Water Acquisition” than “absent the Eagle Water Acquisition.” RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20 - PAGE 2 OF 4 The chart on page 11 of the Cooper testimony shows project costs (or the portion of project costs) that would directly benefit Eagle Water Customers. These costs were used in the Eagle Water rate calculation presented in Cary’s testimony. b. No. As explained in section (a) of this response, the charts were prepared for different purposes. Adding the chart totals together would duplicate some project costs. c. The projects in the following table would be constructed absent the Eagle Water Acquisition to provide additional and redundant supply to current SUEZ customers. Table from Page 7 Cooper Testimony: If the Eagle Water Company acquisition is completed, the projects in the following table would be constructed to provide additional and redundant supply to current SUEZ customers and Eagle Water customers. Table from Page 8 Cooper Testimony: MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump 571$ 0.00 Optimist Booster Pump Station / New 2 MG Tank 2,894$ 2,894$ 2.16 Island Woods Connection 2,177$ 2,177$ 6.00 Marden Expansion (6 MGD, no DAF), includes Main Enlargements to move the water away from Marden: Marden and Mobley Main Enlargement (2300' of 36" pipe), and Lewis / 6th Street Main Enlargement (11,770' of 24" Pipe)2,465$ 8,618$ 8,025$ Cumulative Cost (in 000's)2,032$ 12,022$ 15,058$ 28,747$ 41,844$ Cumulative MGD - 2.2 4.3 4.3 12.5 Cost per MGD 5,565$ 3,485$ 6,654$ 3,353$ SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20 - PAGE 3 OF 4 The capital investments shown in the chart on Page 11 of Cooper’s testimony would all be made for the benefit of Eagle Water Customers. Note that the projects highlighted below are also relevant to and included in the supply analysis comparison. MGD Facility Improvement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2.16 Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,032$ 9,990$ 2.16 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000 gpm Pump/higher TDH 769$ 0.00 EWC Acquisition Price 10,000$ 0.00 Water Right Transfers / APODS to allow full capacity pumping from EWC Wells 56$ 3.24 New Pump EWC Well 8, PRV, connect to RWC Pipeline 1,043$ 3.60 New Pump Well 6, PRV, connect to RWC Pipeline 1,110$ 1.44 New 2 MG Tank / Rehab Well 1 (1000 gpm additional available from Well 6)2,006$ 3,135$ Cumulative Dollars 2,032$ 22,078$ 25,896$ 30,141$ Cumulative Supply Gained 0.0 2.2 7.6 12.6 Cost per MGD 10,221$ 3,425$ 2,392$ SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20 - PAGE 4 OF 4 Project Title 2019 2020 2021 Benefit Summary Add chlorination at Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 56$ Chlorine residual in distribution system, protection against contamination risk. $10k plus OH per site. SCADA at each Facility (Wells 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 2 boosters), control room and associated hardware and software 532$ SCADA controls at each facility will allow for 24-hour monitoring of system operations. Includes $250 for a control room, database, historian, radio path survey, etc if Eagle Water constructed the improvement (no OH on this portion). $35k per site, $5k contingency, plus OH. Meter and Service Replacements (2,000 @ $1500 each)1,129$ 1,129$ 1,129$ Half of EWC meters - fix problematic meter locations, move into right-of-way, lessen depth for safety and access. Install AMI meters. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Meter Replacement with AMI (2000 @ $388)454$ 438$ Half of EWC meters - Install AMI meters in existing meter boxes. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Includes $16k for two repeaters if Eagle Water constructed the improvements, no OH on this portion. Water Right Transfers to add APODS to Eagle Water and SUEZ Rights 56$ These transfers would allow the two delivery systems to be integrated in the future, enhancing the reliability and flexibility of both. In addition, shared Eagle rights and SUEZ rights would fill the current shortfall in Eagle Water rights to meet peak demands. These transfers would eliminate the need for Eagle Water to appropriate new water rights to fill its current shortfall. Map Eagle Water System into GIS and create Hydraulic Model 27$ Provides the benefit of crews being able to rapidly locate buried infrastructure. Inclusion in the model will allow for system optimization and targeted pipeline replacement planning. This will also include the Eagle Water facilities into Aquadvanced Energy, an energy-saving system operations platform. PRV at Well 8 528$ PRV and portion of piping will interconnect the Eagle Water system with the Suez system. Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. Benefit of supply and storage from Suez system. PRV at Well 6 341$ PRV and portion of piping will interconnect the Eagle Water system with the Suez system. Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Water customers. Benefit of supply and storage from Suez system. Redwood Creek Pipeline 2,133$ The Redwood Creek pipeline will be the interconnection between the Eagle Water system and the Suez system. This pipeline being in place will provide Eagle Water customers with the benefit of being able to access source and storage from the Suez system. The benefit is calculated on making up the redundancy shortfall in fireflow for Eagle Water (1375 gpm). This would also cover the shortage in peak hour redundancy (1175 gpm) and the emergency standby shortage (429 gpm). It won't be available to EWC customers until the PRV at Well 8 is in place, which is why it has been included in 2020. Cost calculated as a portion of the total pipeline cost, 1375 gpm / 7750 gpm (ultimate pipeline capacity with 1000 gpm being used locally in Floating Feather and Eagle Water area to support current customers and growth through 2021). 2 MG Tank 2,006$ 2,006$ Will bring Eagle Water into compliance with IDEQ peak hour and fire flow supply and redundancy requirements Pipeline Replacements (1% per year) 305$ 305$ 305$ 0.6 miles of pipeline replacement per year. First years will target undersized lines or lines at higher risk of breakage. Safety and Security Improvements 28$ 28$ 28$ Arcflash analysis and improvements, eyewash stations, fall protection at facility sites. Production Roll-Up Work 113$ 141$ 141$ Pump replacements, HVAC, production meter replacements, pumping facility upgrades, landscaping, sampling stations, generator replacements, add water level monitoring in wells, etc Totals $2,700 $6,708 $3,950 $13,358 Costs (in 000's) PLANNED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL BENEFIT EAGLE WATER CUSTOMERS The improvements in this table have overheads added except for portions of improvements that would be completed if Eagle Water were making the improvements. For example, with respect to needed SCADA control for the Eagle Water system, SUEZ already has a control room, servers, database, and historian computers to support the addition of SCADA at the Eagle Water facilities. Eagle Water does not have a control room or associated amenities and would have to purchase them to implement functional SCADA control if Eagle Water were constructing the improvement itself. The Eagle Water portion of the costs does not have any overheads included.