HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090507EAG to Staff 1-38.pdfMolly O'Leary (ISB # 4996) Richardson & O'Leary, P.L.L.C. P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 Molly~richardsonandoleary .com Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, Inc. 10U9 MAY -7 PH 12: 38 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A CUSTOMER SURCHARGE. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. EAG-W-09-1 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC.'S RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-1 COMES NOW, Eagle Water Company, Inc. and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission to Eagle Water Company dated March 24, 2009, herewith submits the following information: Well NO.7 REQUEST NO.1: Please submit a cost breakdown for the development of Well NO.7 into the following categories: a) land purchase (and identify the seller); b) well drillng/development; c) pump and motor; d) electrical controls; c) (sic) variable frequency drive; f) mainline tie-in; and j) (sic) engineering costs. Please provide the invoices and other documents supporting these costs. Response for Request NO.1: The cost breakdown for Well No. 7 is as follows: a. The land purchase cost was $40,000 on October 01, 2001 ~ 7% interest; there is $23,800 in accrued interest to-date; for a total balance due of $63,800.00. The owner of the land is Eagle Gravel, Inc. See also, the document marked as "Response 1(a)", attached hereto. b. Well drillng/development - Please see document marked "Response NO.1 (b)" attached hereto. c. Pump & motor - Please see document marked "Response NO.1 (c)" attached hereto. d. Electrical controls - Please see document marked "Response NO.1 (d)" attached hereto. e. Variable frequency drive - Please see document marked "Response NO.1 (e)" attached hereto. f. Mainline tie-in - Please see document marked "Response NO.1 (f)", attached hereto. g. Engineering costs - $17,535.54. Please see document marked, "Response No. 1 (g)", attached hereto. h. Generator - Please see the document marked as "Response NO.1 (h)", attached hereto. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State Street, Eagle, Idaho. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 2 REQUEST NO.2: Please provide the depth and size (diameter) of the welL. Response for Request NO.2: - The well is 403 feet deep. The upper casing (from + 4 feet to - 325 feet) is 16 inches in diameter; and the lower casing (from -260 feet to - 331 feet) is 10 inches in diameter. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. REQUEST NO.3: Please provide the design capacity (gpm) of pump and size of motor (hp). Response for Request NO.3: The pump is an Emerson Motors Model 8F80A pump, 200 HP, 1770 RPM, three-phase, 460 volt with variable frequency drive. The pump capacity has tested out at 1900 gpm. Please see the documentment marked as "Response NO.3" attached hereto. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. REQUEST NO.4: Please provide the size of back-up generator (kW). Response for Request NO.4: The back-up generator is a MAGNA One 365Kw, 240/480 volts. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 27th Street, Boise, Idaho. REQUEST NO.5: Please provide the as-built plans for the complete Well No. 7 (well, pumping plant, back-up generator and mainline tie-in). Response for Request NO.5: - Please see the document marked as "Response No. 5", attached hereto, for the record drawings. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 3 Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 27th Street, Boise, Idaho. REQUEST NO.6: Please provide an explanation and documentation (competitive bid documents, selection process, work contracts, etc.) showing that cost control efforts have been applied in paying for any of the work elements for Well No. 7 (i.e., well development, installation of pumps and motors, back-up generators, etc.), to be sure that the project is built as economically as possible. Response for Request NO.6: - Due to low pressure issues in the Eagle Springs Subdivision area, and the fire flow pressure issue identified in its Application for Emergency Surcharge (at Page 4; EAG-W-05-02), Eagle Water had to move quickly to get Well #7 online as soon as possible. MTC, Inc., acting engineers for Eagle Water, put the well-driling portion of the Well #7 project out for bid and received one bid back, due to the high demand for well drillers during the ongoing construction boom. Please see documents marked "Response No. 6(a)" and "Response No. 6(b)", attached hereto. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. In addition, EWCO has determined over the course of the 35 years it has been in existence that it can manage and complete construction of the necessary infrastructure for a new well faster and more reliably than third-party contractors, and with better long- term results in terms of the overall integrity of EWCO's system, which impacts the bottom-line cost to customers. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 4 REQUEST NO.7: Please provide a copy of the well completion report and ground water right/permit associated with Well No.7, including the well driller's log and test results. Response for Request NO.7: Please see the document marked as "Response NO.#7", attached hereto. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. Floating Feather PRSV REQUEST NO.8: Please provide the as-built plans for the pressure regulating/sustaining valve project. Response for Request NO.8: - Please see the documented marked as "Response No. 8", attached hereto, for the record drawings. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 27th Street, Boise, Idaho. REQUEST NO.9: Please submit invoices supporting the payments made for this project. Response for Request NO.9 - Please see the document marked as, "Response No. 9", attached hereto. In addition, any and all invoices related to this project wil be made available to the PUC Staff for on-site inspection at Eagle Water Company. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 5 REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide an explanation and documentation (competitive bid documents, selection process, work contracts, etc.) showing that cost control efforts have been applied in contracting and/or paying for any of the work elements for the PRSV project. Response to Request NO.1 0 - Please see the document marked as "Response No. 6(b), attached hereto. In addition, EWCO has determined over the course of the 35 years it has been in existence that it can manage and complete construction of the necessary infrastructure for a new PRSV faster and more reliably than third-party contractors, and with better long-term results in terms of the overall integrity of EWCO's system, which impacts the bottom-line cost to customers. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. Tie-in to Eagle City Water System REQUEST NO. 11: Please provide the as-built plans for the tie-in to Eagle City Water System project. Response to Request No. 11: - Please see the document marked, "Response No.8", attached hereto, for the record drawings. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 6 REQUEST NO. 12: Please submit invoices supporting the payments made for the completion of the Tie-in project including materials, installation and engineering (MTC, Inc. and City of Eagle). Response to Request No. 12: Please see the document marked, "Response No. 12", attached hereto. In addition, any and all invoices related to this project wil be made available to the PUC Staff for on-site inspection at Eagle Water Company. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 13: Please explain the engineering cost paid to the City of Eagle ($9,147, Application, p.3). Response to Request No. 13: Please see the document marked "Response No. 13", attached hereto. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 14: Please provide an explanation and documentation (competitive bid documents, selection process, work contracts, etc.) showing that cost control efforts have been applied in contracting and/or paying for any of the work elements for the Tie-in to Eagle City Water System. Response to Request No. 14: - Please see documents marked "Response No. 6(b)" , and "Response No. 13", attached hereto. In addition, EWCO has determined over the course of the 35 years it has been in existence that it can manage and complete construction of necessary system infrastructure faster and more reliably than third-part EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST-7 contractors, and with better long-term results in terms of the overall integrity of EWCO's system, which impacts the bottom-line cost to customers. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 15: The Application indicates that the total cost incurred in the Tie-in to the City of Eagle Water System was $22,347. However, the previous cost estimate for this project as presented in the Final Engineering Report (page 6) was $151,250. Is there stil additional work to be done on this project? Please cite the reasons and factors why there is a huge reduction of costs between the actual cost and original cost estimate. Response to Request No. 15: There is no additional work to be done on this project. As stated in the Final Engineering Report, at p. 6 under "Mandatory Actions", the intertie cost estimate was based on a connection with United Water of Idaho. The actual intertie was with the City of Eagle. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 8 Rebuilding Well NO.4 REQUEST NO. 16: The Final Engineering Report indicates that Well NO.4 was rebuilt to provide additional water source. The Company's Notice to Customers also indicates that this is a mandatory action required by IDEQ. Please provide an explanation/documentation (i.e. Consent Order, IDEQ letters, etc.) that this project was a mandated action that needs to be completed. Response to Request No. 16: - The Notice to Customers reference was in error. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 17: Staff notes that the work done in rebuilding Well NO.4 includes increasing the motor size and adding one pump bowL. Please provide the rated capacity of the original and new pump (gpm) and motor (hp) in Well NO.4. Response to Request No. 17: The original pump capacity was rated at 2800 to 3000 GPM in 1993. In 2006, the capacity had dropped to 1700 GPM. The well pump and motor was removed in 2008 and inspected. It was determined at that time that an additional pump bowl was needed and a 300 HP motor was installed to replace the original 250HP pump. The rated pump capacity is now back to 3000 GPM. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 9 REQUEST NO. 18: Please submit invoices supporting the payments made for various items related to rebuilding Well NO.4 including motor, pump, electrical, and other costs ($58,575) and engineering ($1,200). Response to Request No. 18: - Please see the document marked, "Response No. 18", attached hereto. In addition, any and all invoices related to this project wil be made available to the PUC Staff for on-site inspection at Eagle Water Company. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 19: Please provide an explanation/documentation (competitive bid documents, selection process, work contracts, etc.) showing that cost control efforts have been applied in contracting and/or paying for any of the work elements for rebuilding Well NO.4. Response to Request No. 19: - Please see document marked "Response No. 6(b)" , attached hereto. In addition, EWCO has determined over the course of the 35 years it has been in existence that it can manage and complete construction of necessary system infrastructure faster and more reliably than third-party contractors, and with better long-term results in terms of the overall integrity of EWCO's system, which impacts the bottom-line cost to customers. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST -10 Booster Pump Rehabiltation for Well NO.2 REQUEST NO. 20: The Company's Notice to Customer (Exhibit H) indicates that rehabilitating the booster pump of Well NO.2 is a mandatory action required by IDEQ. Please provide an explanation/documentation (i.e., Consent Order, IDEQ letters, etc.) stating that this project was a mandated action that needs to be completed. Response to Request No. 20: The Final Engineering Report prepared by MTC, Inc. contained an incorrect pumping capacity for the Well #2 booster pump. Once the error was discovered, it was determined no rehabilitation was needed. The "mandatory" reference in the Customer Notice was in error. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 21: Please submit invoices supporting the payments made for various items related to the rehabilitation of the booster pump for Well NO.2 including the 1 OO-hp pump and recorder ($94,000), generator set ($75,000) and engineering ($5,700). Response to Request No. 21: Per the above response, the Well #2 booster pump was not rehabilitated. It appears that the Commission Staff may have confused the proposed Well #2 booster pump rehabilitation project with the "Main Booster Station" costs identified on page 4 of the current Temporary Surcharge Application. With that clarification, please see the document marked as "Response No. 21", attached hereto, for the "Job Costing" breakdown related to the Main Booster Station work. In addition, any and all invoices related to this project wil be made available to the PUC Staff for on-site inspection at Eagle Water Company. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 11 Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 22: Please provide a cost breakdown of the 100-hp pump and the recorder. Response to Request No. 22: Please see responses to Request No. 20 and Request No. 21, above. With that clarification, the costfor the Main Booster Station 100 h.p pump was $16,636.36 and the estimated cost for the inline recorder is $8,000.00 to $10,000.00. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 23: Please provide the size (kW) of the generator set. Response to Request No. 23: See the above responses to Request No. 20 and Request No. 21, above. With that clarification, no generator is required for the Main Booster Station at this time. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 24: Please provide the as-built plans for the Well NO.2 Booster Pump Rehabilitation project. Response to Request No. 24: Please see the responses to Request No. 20 & Request No. 21, above. With that clarification, please see the document marked, "Response No. 24", attached hereto, for the record drawings. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. . Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST -12 REQUEST NO. 25: The previous cost estimate for the Booster Pump Rehabilitation project as presented in the 2007 Eagle Water Engineering Report (page 9) was $38,115. The projected cost to complete the Rehabilitation project is $175,100, a 359% increase from previous estimate. Please explain this discrepancy between the original cost estimate and the projected cost to finish the project. Response to Request No. 25: Please see responses to Request NO.20 and Request No. 21, above. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 26: Are there any additional costs expected to be incurred to complete the Booster Pump Rehabilitation project? If yes, please provide an explanation. Response to Request No. 26: Please see responses to Request No. 20 and Request No. 21, above. With that clarification, Eagle Water Company plans to install an inline recorder wired to a remote sensor on the Main Booster Station that wil chart the gallons per minute each day. The estimated cost is $8,000.00 to $10,000.00, installed. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 27: Please indicate the timeline when this Booster Pump project is operationaL. Response to Request No. 27: The Main Booster Station pump is operational at this time. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 13 REQUEST NO. 28: Please provide an explanation/documentation (i.e. competitive bid documents, selection process, work contracts, etc.) showing that cost control efforts have been applied in contracting and/or paying for any of the work elements for rebuilding the booster pump for Well NO.2. Response to Request No. 28: Please see responses to Request No. 20 and Request No. 21, above. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. Well NO.8 REQUEST NO. 29: It is Staffs understanding that Well NO.8 was developed in part to satisfy the IDEQ mandate for interconnection with an adjacent water system (the Company selected interconnection with the City of Eagle Water System), and also in part to be able to service the anticipated growth of Eagle Water customers. Was the design capacity of Well NO.8 oversized to serve the anticipated growth? If yes, please explain assumptions used. Response to Request No. 29: A well needs to be sized to maximize its potential production. So, the "design assumption" was that a 16-inch well would adequately allow production of the currently needed 1,200 gpm without restricting potential increased production if future demand requires. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 27th Street, Boise, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 30: Please provide cost breakdown for the development of Well NO.8 and related work into the following categories: a) land purchase (and identify the seller); b) well drillng/development; c) pump and motor; d) electrical controls; e) variable frequency drive; f) appurtenances; g) pump facility building; h) back-up generator; i) EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST -14 mainline tie-in; and j) engineering costs. Response to Request No. 30: The cost breakdown for Well NO.8 is as follows: a. Land purchase - $60,000.00 ~ 7% interest, from Eagle Gravel, Inc. b. Drillng & development costs, to date: $143,350.00 c. Pump and motor - Not purchased yet d. Electrical controls - $28,000.00 for Idaho Power company line extension fee; no additional electrical has been completed at this time e. Variable frequency drive - Not completed at this time f. Appurtenances - Not completed at this time g. Pump facility building - $3,847.46 paid to Teal Architects, to date; work not completed at this time h. Back-up generator - Not completed at this time i. Mainline tie-in - $38,275.00, to date j. Engineering - $30,835.02, to date. Please see document "Response No. 300)" attached hereto. Construction work on Well NO.8 has been temporarily suspended pending City of Eagle approval of building plans for the Well House. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 31: Please provide copies of groundwater studies, design reports and construction plans completed for Well NO.8 (wells, pumping station, back- up generator, mainline tie-in, etc.). Response to Request No 31: Please see the documents marked as "Response No. 31", attached hereto. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 27th Street, Boise, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 32: Please provide the depth and size (diameter) of Well NO.8. Response to Request No. 32: Please see the documents marked as "Response No. 32", attached hereto. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 27th Street, Boise, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 33: Please provide the design capacity of the pump (gpm) and EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST -15 Response to Request No. 33: The pump design has not been completed because EWCO is awaiting the City of Eagle's approval of its Well House design and MTC, Inc. is awaiting pump curve data from the pump supplier. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 34: Please provide an explanation and documentation (competitive bid documents, selection process, work contracts, etc.) showing that cost control efforts have been applied in contracting and/or paying for any of the work elements in developing Well NO.8. Response to Request No. 34: - Please see the documents marked as "Response No. 6(b)" and "Response No. 31", attached hereto. In addition, EWCO has determined over the course of the 35 years it has been in existence that it can manage and complete construction of the necessary infrastructure for a new well faster and more reliably than third-party contractors, and with better long- term results in terms of the overall integrity of EWCO's system, which impacts the bottom-line cost to customers. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 35. Are there additional costs expected to be incurred to complete the project? Response to Request No. 35: Yes. Eagle Water needs to complete the following tasks (with associated estimated costs): EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST -16 , ,~ i TASK ESTIMATED COST a. Well-piping, well house, controls and related infrastructure $370,000.00 b. Site improvements $30,000.00 $100,000.00c. Generator Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 36: Please indicate a timeline when Well NO.8 is operationaL. Response to Request No. 36: The completion timeline is unknown at this time as Eagle Water is awaiting the City of Eagle's approval of its Well House design plans in order to continue construction. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 37: In reference to Request No. 36, please explain if there are potential issues that would affect the targeted completion date for Well NO.8. Response to Request No. 37: Completion of Well NO.8 has been delayed since February 2009, due to the City of Eagle's rejection of the original proposed Well House design, which was identical to the Well House for Well #7 which the City had previously approved. (Please see the document marked as "Response No. 31" for original Well House design.) Eagle Water then hired architect Jerry Teal to design exterior elevations to meet the City of Eagle's current design demands. Those plans were submitted in March of 2009 but subsequently rejected because the document did not have a Notary seaL. A notarized set of plans was re-submitted April 1, 2009 but no hearing date has been set by the City of Eagle. EWCO has been advised by City of Eagle staff that a hearing wil be set for Mayor June, 2009. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST -17 , .; '.. . Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President, Eagle Water Company, Inc., (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State, Eagle, Idaho. REQUEST NO. 38: Please provide a well completion report and ground water right/permit associated with Well NO.8. Response to Request No. 38: Because Well #8 has been indefinitely delayed by the City of Eagle, there is no "well completion report" at this time. Please see the document marked "Response No. 38", attached hereto for a copy of the Idaho Department of Water Resources Transfer permit for Well #8. Response prepared by James T. Rees, PE, MTC, Inc., (208) 345-0780. Records are at 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, Idaho. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 7th day of May 2009. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST - 18 . , RESPONSE NO. t(a) Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staffs First Production Request lA!R4!?AAl l~' ng 2089390267 -: f. . l~)-/ë'3/.2Oõ;, -Õu: 4¡3 f.U 2083422170 EA(:JLE :.'!ATEP CD MARCUS MERRICK PAGE 0::: ~a2 AGREEMæT BETWEeN EAGLE GR/\VEL, INC. AND EAGLE WATER COMPANY BECITA1S A. The pa.'Ities to thsA.-greement a."e Eagle Grv.èl, In.c.; 00 IdMo corpraon ("EO")-and Eag!e Water Comprmy, an Idaho corpration ("EW.;). B. EO Oi,ns property located in Eagle, Idao (ljEG Propert"). It is geray dcpiçted and d;esçribed on Exhbit A. at:hed hereo, The EO Prpert consist of approxiately 80 acres located west of a.d adjacent tu t.'ie MOrh'" prot-e an south of and adjace,t to the Eagle Bypass. C. Ei:N is an Idaho public utilty which provides water service to th ar with \vld:i the EG Property is located. :b. EW desires to acquire a -well site locate on th-e EO Proper'. which well would be incol':iorated into its public water system. In consid~mtion for the mutri;¡l terms ana. çunciitio1"!! oontanedherei. the paes a¡e as follows: AGREEMENT BETWEEN EAGLE GRAVEL AN E..GLE WATER -Page 1 1 0/'4/?A01 1~' 0q 2089390257",'1",-''''-- '_0-, ,10/0;'/2001 00: 43 fAX 2oa:H22170 EAC:¡LE l,'.,IATEF' CD "tARClJS MERRICK F'Ai3E 04 ~03 TERMS 1. QmiaJ': EO hereby grants to EW an exclusive opton ("The Opon") to pw~~ ¡ well sit~; consisting of a pa."'el of land having dir~ns¡on,; of LC,- feet x. 100 feet ("Well Site Parcel") .at a priç.e gf $40,000, toget.lier '.¥th inte.ert ;;t the rate of 7% per anum ftom Ootober 10, 20iJ ("WeB Stte Purchase Prce"). The Well Site.Par1t! ~hall 00 located on th. .... ~ -.I - - \ .- ~ eat side of .the EG Property, as depicted on Exhibit A. Th precise location :shall be ~min,ed by mutu agrement of the parti~s. 2. Exercise .QiiQn; The Option grted herein ~hWl be exercÌSld by paymont of th~ Wen Site Pucb.e Price prior to expiration otThe Option. 3, Opfion Term: The term of'I Option shaH be one year frm the date heeof. The Option shall expire at 5:00 p,m. October 10, 2002. 4. Option Pr.:vmotnr. In con§lde:oll for the grtin of th optionj EW sha pay to EG $1 ~ 000 upon execujon hi:reof. In r.~ event that 'The Optim:l is exercised, ths Option Payment shell be c..dited to the Well Site Purchae Price. 5, Eose1!(i'lr: EG shaH gr~t to E W an easment across t.he EO propert for access to the Wen Site and for !oci:tion ufthe water llie \vI.ich. cònneç't the EW well to it:s-a trmission .lne located near the Eagle Bypass right=of..\-;'aY."The nrecise location of the. ease.ti:eot o,r e19,l:.ements shall be dete.tmlnoo by mun.l agement of the paries. L:ise. the "".'..,.' value of thi s easement eif easements shall be detem-dned by U1lÍ'.m ageement of the paries an paid to EO within 30 days i.4ìer tx~rcise of The OptiDn or as otherN1se agreed to by the paes. In the event tht the pa:'"es Cfuïlct rea~h ~., agreement as to t....e vali..'e of th eaement 01 easments; the value shaH .i, determined by an ~tAI apraiser ~iected by EO. The access ro AGREEMEf\lr 3ETWEEN EA,CU: GRAVEL AND E,\GL'E WATER ~ Page "2 , 10/~4/2001 1.5: OS.' .' \ ....10/0;J/:20Úl ÚO:H 2E1E;'3JI3E12Ei 7 'P"j'i.à 208:~4j2i. 1'0 EAGLE 1,..,iATEP eei ilARÇ¡: S MERIH CIi PAGE 05 14 tl4 æsent shaH b-~feet in width. Tht' water Utl.e ea.5enient shall be feet in width. Th~ water line may be Jocated witl''! the read eaement. In the event tht a public road is çonst:ted wliich pro'vides access to the Well Site of a rig.lit of way ,i"itbin whkh th.e water IJ may be located; the ~ements provided herein shall terminate. It is understood thaI. th fu location of these e&'ïments wil be determined by EG!s dev!ilopment plan fhr the EO Pro~rt. 6- l¿Gl9lJ. t?i:Wel! Site fJi'dEasements: The loction of tiie Well Site Parel an assoiatedeasm.nt or cà1ëmêntS, as agi:d by the pal'ties, 5ha!1 be surveyed an a plat prepared shoW..g tlie ea.~mentg ~id WeB Site ?arcf;l, Said g1J4,'eying and preparation of the plat shall be pad by EW. ViMn ~igned by b~)th paries~ the plat shal constite tt.e t)ìL-iies' agement as to the location of the 'ìVell Site P;l~el fu'1d. eae..ment or eæ:~err, $ubje.~t to r~location as providec in Paragrph 9. j. Striwtpres and. L,3.caping: The arcli.;1e¡;ri.-a design and apearanc:i: of all Strcti.JNS iQçated on the Wen Sib:: Parcel shal be dlProved by EO prior to consi:on. The pares agree that sajd sinictur~ shaH be compæible ..áth EO's develQpment ofthc: prope, in design and appearani;e. EW sh;;U læidsca~ The \VeH Site Parciil accmding to a landscape pla approved by EG. 8. PVater Service: EW shall pmvid~ ad~'Ue wat¡;r~rv:¡t'e to th EGProper. Such serice shall be avaiLable when the EO Property is developed. Such serice shl be adequate for approxiately 45 ~cres of high densit" residential &'1d cow.m~rcal buHding. 9. D;içarion of rt:q,ter Ltruis: EW £h.all submit to EO a plan showi locaton of th waterlines wl-J.ch i' prop-ses tor çOf'..eçtion of the well to its system and any other ma lines. which may be requira;rl for servi~e ~o the EO Propert;,. EO shl grnt such tempora AGREEMENT BETWEEN lU.Gl£ GRAVEL AND F..GLE WATER -f'gi;:3 l, ,1 tj,"~4/ 2D01 .. 15: 0'3 2D::'33g02E 7 ~ JO/03/iOOi uö; 43 FA! 20S3422170, '" Eti(::LE V.iATEP CO '1"'RCFS ;lERF:ICK PA6E D5 ~05 eaements as may be ri;u.îred in order to t.'1corpomte the well into EW's 'l'aer system iithe weU beomes operational prior to 1Ìnalizatiun of EO' 3 development plan. In the event that location of the water lines intetièri:s v,:ithdeveJi::pmtJnt otthe EO Ptopert, EW agrees to relocate such wate. tines to accommodati. the dev;:k)pment. EO shall notify EW (jf the necessìty of relocati suc water lines at.d shan provide aherna.!ve easement or easements for th~ir :r!ùcatkn upon receipt., of~nçl:, notifiçaji)n. E\V shß.Hreh:i~te its W~H~t Jines wilhin tilie n;ew t~en"æiit or easemen at its expense. .ì O. fJscellan1!.J~: In the event that suit is bwught to enforce the ter of ths Agreement. the prevailng pa."iy shalJ b-e entitled tö recü'p~t its reasom.\bltl atorney fees. Tr.J Agreement shall bind .nid benefit the pardes., theli ~rns'fere~s, succe2scrs and assigns. Dated this _.__ day of ,200l. EAGLE WATER COM..ANY By ____---~ " RobentkShu. Jr., .President EAGL.E GRAVEL., INC. By George Hobson, Presidem AGRtEMENT BETWEEN EAGLE ORA VEL AND E.o\CU: WATER .P:ige 4 RESPONSE NO. l(b) Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staffs First Production Request .- ,. .. .', , . "I ~TEvtN& (l roN& WELL DRILLING. INC. '.109 HAWTORNE ORVE . &aiaE. IDAHO æ'10~29 - PHONE: Z08 -340726 · FAX 'lb -54..0769 ~Tl\TEmN ro:Eagle Water Co Inc PO Box 455 Eagl e, Idaho 83616 DATE: 3/21/06 PE9CRIM10N CHARGE NO. OF AMOUNT PER UNIT UNlT WELL #7 Drill ing Penn it $225 1 $225 00 1 mob; Hze &demobilize $5000 1 5000 00 2 surface seal $5500 1 5500 00 3 drill pilot hole,sample &E log $45 4011 18045 00 4 ream hole to 2411 $50 401'20050 00 5 furnish &install 1611 casing $55.50 329'18259 50 6 furnish &install lOll screens $158 SO'9480 00 7 furnish &insta 11 lOll casing $32 741 2368 00 8 furnish &install #8-12 sand $675 4 2/3 y 3145 50 9 10"X 16"swedge packer $1600 1 1600 00 10 well development $175 71 h 12425 00 11 set &pull test pUmp $4000 i 4000 00 12 test pumping &development $150 28 h 4200 00 13 swedge coupler to extend head pipe $150 i 150 00---,.----- 104,448 00 Moye rio b.ack in,clean out hole,pull packer $115 23 hI"NO ch rge pull &reset pump $2600 1 NO ch rge l~%interest per month past 30 days rOTAl.$104,448 00 RESPONSE NO. l(c) Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request . "'. '~'.. .. J.O. BOX9S!)CALDWELL, IDAHO 83935 (20) 469-351 00564574N 07118/2006 EAGLWA PØti .'. ....Jg~"".' INVOICE ,tI.' lPaaatlla.fJ.afl so L o EAGLE WATER CO. INC. P.O. BOX4SS EAGLE, lP 83616 EAGLE WATER CO. me. S H I p T o To JOB NUMBER:OOS6457 ~TI SHIPPD PURCHA$ ORtER NO.SH1PVIA F.e...TERMS TERFlrtQRY 6B ¡I;. iJ . . NETEÐAYSROBERTD. . ,,',. tb b'';' .' .¡ ; .,ph ""'lh'ci u\TÁXCOOE IJ. ,...'~. ..........'._......'.-!..:.,....'........ Hp MotorMfg Pump Mfg Rpm Pb8$Model Model Gpm R-i:Serial Seral Numbe TDH Typ Volts Type F!'ll Amps HI) GeaMfg Input Rp Hp Model OutputRpm Type Smal Number Ratio 1-200HP, i 800 RPM, Inver duty, WPi, Vercal hollow shaft motor. 1..200UP PaníoTS, Varable sped motor control. I-Amercan Mar 10iC~14 Bowl a.~sebly. I-Ameran Mar 8" Dischae head. 210' 8" X 2112" Xi 1/2" Co1u, Tube and shaft. Labor to se the pup an motor in the well. La Matål 1,749.40 43,942..60 Stm'OAt ~~=.,.. ,; ::'." 45,692.00 .' .2,197.13 , '47,889.13 , "': .'." :,". ..... i ':,.... ':. ....¡.:. ;.', , '".... . .,',;: . . .., ,: . :..:~ . :~:. :,.', .: : . . ; ~ ":~:, ~ .... ." , : i. . . ..: :;: :" ~ £.' :" ....' ~ ; ':. 'I; .: : : :..?: ,.' ; . , ',': . i: :~: '\"i i ,- . ' , ::.::. " /.::';:';/i,:i.;,',., "., ... - .._.- ...... ix....... ..... ~.1"1I '" '.i.SAtn i:V TIoC 2",n (\1= iiA.TMnNi \0 i:UIO A'dlTMSAM RESPONSE NO. l(d) Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staffs First Production Request r. l.;. .. "".."~ A.M..E. ELECTRIC, INC. 3621 ARTHUR STRET CALDWELL. tD 83605 208-459-8959 Fax 208-459..2243 INOICE DATE lNVOlCE # 7/2812006 6Q585 To: Eale Wa.ter Company PO Box 455 Eagle, ID 83616 ELECTi:IClAN P.O.NO.START DATE lOCATION ORDERED BY TERMS JVF 6/112006 2401 E.STATe ROBERT Net 30 ITeM DESCRIPTION PROVIDE AND INSTALL CUSTOMER SUPPLIED 200HP VFD. 400AMP SWITCH GEAR AND TRANSFORMER FOR LlGHTING AND MISC. 120VAC TEMP WIRE GENERATOR TO POWER UP PUMP HOUSE UNTIL iopec COULD POWER, PROGRAM AND START UP VFD Qt UNIT PRICE AMOUNT LABOR 102.5 MATERIAL SEE ATTACHED 60.00 6,150.00 13,924.96 13,924.96 PERMIT STATE OF IDAHO PERMIT C627608 1 220.00 220.00 TOT ~L ru u~ I $29,294,", /., Måke all checs payable to: A.M,E. ELECTRIC, INC. Atlpatdue accounts supje to sece tharQé of 1.112% .per mOhth or maximum perrtitted by law. PLEASE PAY FROM THiS INVOICE. NO STATEMENT WILL BE SENT. lfyou have any questions concerning this invoice, plèase can thEoffce (§ 208-459-El959 . 'J'' .~~ ,..., I THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSl , , RESPONSE NO. 1(f) Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staffs First Production Request ¡ " 4/":/ Iv 9 LaE~N_ ROBERT DeHAO ROERT DeAZO ROBERT DeO ROBERT DeHAO RoaERT DeHAO ROBERT DeHAO ROBERT DeHAZO ROBEiU DeHAO ROBERT DèHAO ROBERT DeHAO Roaei: DêHAZO BOSBODNA ROBERT DøHAZO TOM ROGERS WILLIA ROT BOBBOONAROBERT DeO ROBERT DeAZO TOM ROGRS ROBERT DeHAO TOM GILBERT ROSERT DeHAOROBRT DeO ROBT DeHAO WILLIAM ROOT ROBERT DeHAO ROBERT DeHAZO ROBT DeSHAZO R.OBERT DeSHO TOM ROGERS WILLIAM ROOT BOBBOD BRIAN BUCHMANN ROBERT DeHAZO tOM ROGERS WILLIA ROOT BOB BODNABRIA BUCHM ~BER" DeHAZO DOAviD HUMPHERYS TOM RORS WILUAMROOT BOB BODNAR BRIA BUCHMAN .ROBERT DeHAZO OQVlO HUMPHERYS WILLIA ROOT BOBOON ROBERT DeHAZO DAVID HUMPGRY WILLI ROOT SOB BODNAR BRN BUHMAN ROBERT DeSHAZO DAVID HUMPHERYS TOM ROGERS WILUAROOT BOB BODNA ROBERT DeHAO DAVID HUMPHERYS TOM ROGERS W1LUAROOTaoeBONA ROBERT DeHAO w.E!!9~1011Of19110111ll11/16111121/4a 1111121118l1122If2 21/110211122/1122I2.2I5f2'1512r2I311J23J3115l3115t~3I4I5/11251112 513112 6( f'61/2 61 r.6I126(126/16.J6/616161S/16J6181S/1l38111261126112811126If26~6I6I6I7~57151157107~57157112J712J711~7/12f7/2/7/19l1/191 WELL #7 ON-5ITE HRS. 'W 2 1 5 8 5 5 3 2 1 3 16 5.5 11 5.5 1 2 1 14 28 14 7 e 9 5 1 7 2 3 25 26 24 23 10 22 11 31 29 40 32 24 17 32 1 7 17 S 1 9 16 40 9 23 13 18 24 8 20 20 24 40 18 21 6 17 Ho"$ 25.00 S$ 25.00 $$ 25.00 $$ 25.00 S$ 25.00 S$ 25.00 $ $ 25.00 $S 25.00 $$ 25.00 $$ 25.00 $$ 25.00 $$ 25.00 $$ 25.00 $$ 20.00 $ $ 20.00 $$ 28.00 $$ 25" $$ 25.00 $$ 20.00 $$ Z5.D8 $$ 20.00 $$ 25.00 $$ 25.00 $ $ 25.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 2500 $$ 25.00 $S 21.0 $$ 2500 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.0 $$ 20.8 $$ 25.00 $$ 20.00 $ $ 20.00 S$ 20.00 $$ 2O $$ 25.. $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.0 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 25.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 26.00 $$ 20M $ $ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 2S.1O $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $ $ 20.00 $ $ 20.00 $$ 26.00 $$ 2000 $ .$ 20.00 $S 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 21JJ $ TcåLa 50.00 25.00 75.00 20.00 125.00 125.00 15.00 $0.00 25.00 75.00 45.00 137.50 27.00 110.00 20.00 40.00 17$.00 35.00 56.0035.00 140.00 20.00 22.00 125.00 20.00 175.00 50.00 76.00 62.00 520.00 48.00 46.00 20.00 55.00 22.00 62.00 58.00 eo.oo 80.00 48.00 34.00 64.00 20.00 140.00 42.00 160.00 20.00 180.00-4.00 BO.OO 100.00 46.00 26.00 45.00 48.00 160.00 40.00 40.00 eo.oo 80.00 36.00 420.00 120.00 425.00 " DAVID HUMPHERY tOM ROGRS WILLIA ROOT ROBRT DeoBo BÐ..1h sOáBONAR Tom RO BOBBONA TOMRO$.SRS WILLIAM ROTBI'1&oJa th8080NA TOM ROGERSf3l' T1iJam~Bo BoJa 1f ROBERT DeO Da HumphBo BoDaH~ TQMROGRS Bo BodDa.~TorR.. WtLLIA RootBrytalTi Kì0l HurVV ROT Br Tat8ø Bo ROERT DeHAO0a~Ti~ TOM ROGRS Br Tat &1ipm~T.Gn BsHoeGrDutn.k ..riisVød NATION WAUl WKLo,. RMi Mi A.IV.E. ELC1lC.INC. PRlESTELECTRIClDAPOR lOAOPOWER STE & SONS POWER SYSTEMS 7/1911118.1/19t711913Q~4l.i~4I1J24/1124111/2 4111J24I1J24118.41814118l4118J4I3I4W61114/7/41714 7t17121'I17ri 1/1.7127l17l'7117ri8I8I8I8l8I$28115/8115/9l5J8Isr81151 WeEnng4I814~~iJ151 Inv.l8tm Da5I6J7127/311221ri514latJ27/1712 WELL #7 ON-8ITE 16 8 7 3 9.5 7 8 9 8 2 8 6 2 10 14 3.5 B 14 7 13 20 3 4 3 8 8 8 8 8 12 24 24 12 1: 8 40 4.5 13 26 $ $ $ $ $ $ $, $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 'T~"";¡','","', Hr.~ 2 1 2 28 6qTot 20.10 $ 21.0 $ 20.00 $ aoo $ 20.10 $ a.1O $ 20.0 $ 20.0 $ 20.00 $ 20.0 $ 20.00 $ 20.0 $ 20.0 $ 20." $ ZO.08 $.M $ 20.00 $ ZO.. $2D $UM $ ..00 $ 20.. $ ZS.. $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.... S 2001 $ 20.0 $ 28.00 $ 20.8 $ 2000 $ 2U $ 20.08 $ 20.0 $ 20.00 S 20.00 $ ao.oo $ aøeo $ 2O,DD $ 32.00 180.00 140.00 75.00 190.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 180.00 40.00 180.00 120.00 40.00 20.00 28.00 10.00 160.00 28.00 140.00 3i.OO 40.00 60.00 100.00 80.00 1eC.00 180.00 1lÐ.00 180.00 180.00 24.00 48.00 48,00 24.00 54.00 160.00 eo.QO 90.00..00 52.00 .1 '.;',.,.' f1ll$ 65.00 $$ 65.00 $$ 6500 $$ 45.00 $ Am 25.88 ON SIT 909920.98 4788.138268104 2520.75 & :11 T_~ 130.00 65.00 130.00 1.:æ.00 $,.... T....$ 25.03..$ 90.99$ 20.29.96$ 47,88.13$ 82.00$ 8,84,00 $ 104,44.00$ 2,52.75 . l . · EVANS A& LOCL & iæ WESTERN SPEC. INC PRlNlWkS CO. EAGLE GRVEL INC.CIT OF E" CIT OF EAGLE:we __ Lo Co PACIFIC STEEL IDA. WATER RESOURCE DòHãSh WlJlT..V..StBu He & A1W4 ~ Inc. La of IÐAHOPri EI STEVNS & SONS Do Ho Job Cog fI Totl.J Cog . \. h.'... .t:...."'__f".~h.'-:"'l t:~ 71S6I2/10i11119l5fer51191Sl 5I5t"2129I5l9I518I9l4115l 2Q labo EqUIpmMat SubTotlpro & 0Y 'k'.' "'', ~f',:.' ~ ..' WELL #1 ON-5lTE 143.4 $ 1.43.4018.58 $ 18.58191.1 $ 191.1015.12 S 15.12100 $ 1.00.004S $ 45.0030 $ 30.0064 $ 84.0049 $ 49,92.00715.11 $ 71S.4350 $ 50.0027 $ 27.00115.42 $ 115.42137.2 $ 1,379.2955 $ 5,53.00G $ 48.0026.2 $ 2,68.201..42 $ 1.38.4246 $ 4,60.001æ $ 1~.OO .;'l~~~~i~r..:.;;;r~; ..;: :.:.: ~::: ':..:..:.h;. .¡;::::.\'~~: $ 27.,7.50 $ 1,58.00 $ m 1$.61 $ 3Ø,"11$ 46.8 $.t180M ,.- l\~._'M"i _.. l ..' \,', "" \ i ...~" _... ~ "-.:M....:1l ..-.. I' " .' r .~ 1,/i'.1 .' ;..'\ LaborROER De aOBBONA BRIA BUCHN ROBERTOeAZO TOM RORS WILUAROOT BOBBONABRIA BUCl-N ROBERT DeHA R08ERTDeHAO TOM ROGERSWlUJROT BOB SODl BRIA BUHMANRO$ER' DeO ROBERT DeO TOM GIl.T TOM ROERS BOBSODNA aRlA BUCHMANTOMROGBOBBO BRIA BUOHMN R.OBERT DeHAOROBT Deo RORT DeHAOROSERT Deo ROBeRT DeHAORO DeROBE DeOROBT DeO ROERT DeSHAORc ÐoROBERT DéO ROSRT DeAZO ROBERT DeHAOWlROORob Bo ROBeRT DeHAOTorRcg WlLL.lA ROOT ROBERT DeHAOROBE DeO ROBERT DeHAOWI.ROOT ROBERT I)HAOROBeR De0 ROBERT De0 Equipment 4I5I5t5I5t515ICl5/0iMOI5IQt5I0t5I0l517125f7Q05N7l25/71'S/71D517125l415ISI5ß1125t121141f11121121o.101911tY11ll 11117f2111'2I2l7J2I5l2f6t211!.2fr.21122JJ23If'.3l3I5l3l5t3l3~4l WELL #7 OFF..ITES 4 25 17 'Z 14 3 22 24 12 12 9 7 34 24 12 11 2 10 44 46 27 31 31 2 1 12, . 5 8 5 5 3 2 7 14 14 4 5.5 11 5.5 1 a 9 6 1 7 2 3 làfh. . $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ $. $ $ $. $. $l $ S S $ $ $ $. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ".8 $ 20.80 $ 20.0 $ 21.0 $ 2000 $ 2080 $20 $ 20.0 $ 21.0 $ 21.1 $ l8.00 $ 2000 $ 20.1 $ 20.. $21M $ 21.o $ 2O.M $ 20.00 $ 20.1 S20M $ 20.10 $ 20.00 $ 20.. $aM $ 21.1 $ .2.0 $2U $ 2l.GO $2I $ a.GO $ ..00 $ 21.0 $ 10.0 $ 2100 $ IS.. $ 25.0 $ 20.0 S 2000 $ZU $ 28.0 $ 20.0 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $2D $ 25.00 $ 25 $ 25.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100.00 50.00 34.00 67.00 2S.CI 60.00 4400 48.00 30.00 30.00 180.00 140.00 68.00 48.00 30.00 27.00 40.00 2QJlD 88.00 90.00 Sl.oo 62.00 $2(UJO SO.OO 25.00 30,00 25.00 125.00 20.00 12500 125.0 75.00 -4.00 175.00 36oo 35.00 BO.Ð 110.00 27.00 110.00 20.00 20.00 22.00 125.00 20.00 175.00 50.00 75.00 It ¡---_..... l _.." , , ' , ¥ßP/o.r,. ~ . . Iic. ."/.. E~!Y DUlIPTRUC DUMP TRUCK OUMPTRK TRAK HOE BACKHO HOE PACK LOAER LOAER îRèKHO TR HOE HO PACK LOAR DUMP TRUCK LOADR DU TRCK L.OADR LOAR DUMP TRUCK DU TRCK Ga Tn. DUMP TRUCK Tra Hoe DUMP TRUC Cat Ma Wiot NATIONA WATERWK NATINA WA'T WK PRIM EAHIn Ho Thtubl Ea W" in st Job C~ Brdo Tot Job Co ....Nt4M2t4Q5l5~5l5l510i510/5l0JSI7t25/712SI712 5117125f5t4t5ISl1f.811' 816.00 2I512115t12191719l 1mJ8..51215I La EqulpmeMaals SubTotl pro & ovea WELL #7 OFF-SlTES "'...Op S 1 1 14 3 3 1 12 18 3 1 22 8 2 2 15 5 12 1 100 2B 25 9 4 Eq..T.. An 11818.844 40.78eo $ 2,48.70 ......L..... "1'niø.$ 6500 $ 65.00$ 6500 $ 125.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 85.00$ 85.00 $ 125.00 $ 125.00 $ 66.00 $ 85.00$ 66.00 $ 85.00 $ 85.00$ 86.00$ 85.00$ 65.00$ 6500 $ 50.00 $ 65.00$ 125.00 $ 66.00$ 50.00 S 12,78.00 $ 22,35.00 $ $4.ØS.2 $ 99,151.28 $ 14,72.8 l"~$ 3200$ 65.00$ 85.00 $ 1,750.00$ 195.00$ 195.00$ 85.00 $ 1.02.00$ 2,2500$ 37.00$ 85.00 $ 1,87.00$ 52.00 $ 170.00$ 13O.QO$ 1,m.00$ 42.00$ 18.00$ 85.00 $ 5,00.00 $ 1._loa $ 3,125.00$ 58.00$ 20.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ Z2.. T.... $11.816.80 $ 44.86.00 40.78 80$ 2,4e;70 ":.... ,. 'Jl!.... ,it. ;~'. ;. '\D~::.~ '. '. !:......;....;..;...1¡ .,....,. ...~.. .' ,. ;. . :..:. ... $ 114,023.'7 ?..c.~ RESPONSE NO. l(g) Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staffs First Production Request MTC, INC. CONSULTIG ENGINERS, SURVEYORS, AN PLANRS 707 N. 27TH ST. Boise, ID 83702-3113 (208) 345-0780 Fax (208) 343-8967 FOR PROFESSNAL ENGIG SEviCES FEDER ID No. 82-0398542 ACCOUNTOF: EAGLE WATERCOMP. P.O. BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 JOB NUMBER: # 99--621 September, 2008 JOB # 99--621 WELL #7 EAGLE,ID 2008 WORK: May & June Drafsma 20.75 Hr. ~ $27.50 $570.63 TOTAL DUE September, 2098 $ 570.63 MTC, INC. CONSULTING ENGINER.S, SURVEYORS, AN PLANR.S 707 N. 27TH ST. Boise, ID 83702-3113 (208) 345-0780 Fax (208) 343-8967 FOR PROFEONAL ENGINERG SERVICES FEDER ID No 82-0398542 ACCOUNT OF : EAGLE WATERCOMP. P.O. BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 JOB # 99--621 WELL #7 EAGLE,ID JOB NUER: # 99--621 September 200 280 2 ManCtew 3.25 Hrs. (g $110.00JH. $ 3.75.50 Land Sureyor/ w Computer 23.25 Hr. (g $ 70.oolH. $ 1,627.50 Engineer (Jim Rees) 12.5 Hrs. ~ $85.oolH. $ 1,062.502005 TOTAL $ 3,065.50 200 March an Apri 2 Ma Crew 1 Hrs. (g $11O.001H. Land Sureyor/ w Computer .5 Hr. (g $ 70.001H. Engineer (Jim Rees) 1 Hrs. ~ $85.001H. Drafsma, etc. 30.5 Hr. (g $27.501H. Computer vv/Operaor 22.5 Hrs. (g $45.001H. $110.00 $35.00 $85.00 $838.75 $ 1,012.50 $ 2,081.25 May 2006 Drsma, etc. 86.75 Hrs. (g $27.501H. Prits $ 2,385.63 $ 16.90 June $ 2.402.53 Drsma, etc. 54 Hr. (g $27.501H.$ 1,485.00 $1,485.00 EAGLE WATER 99..621 Well # 7 -2- July Draftsma, etc. 20.25 Hrs. ~ $27.501H.$ 556.88 August 2006 Engineer ( Jim Rees) 4 Hr. ~ $85.001H.$ 340.00 TOTAL FOR 2005 AND 2006 PAI.....200... ....$9931.16 $ 556.88 $ 340.00 $ 9,931.16 '", .'. .. ~ MTC INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS & PLARS 707 North 271:" Street Boise LD 83702-3113 (208) 345-0780 Fax (208) 343-8967 ACCOUN OF: EAGLE WATER COM. P.O. BOX 455 EAGLE 1 iD 83616 JOB NUER: 99-621 INVOICE DATE: OCT 21,2002 DUE UPON RECEIPT FOR PROFESSIONA ENGINEE:RJ:G SERvrCES FEERA LD No. 82-0398542 INVICE JOB # 99-621 WELL # 7 WORK FROM 6-9-99 TO 12-31-2001 2 Man Crew 26.5 Hrs. e $95.00/Hour Engineer (Jim Rees) 5 Hrs. e $85. OO/Hour Engineer (Bill Rees) 53 Hrs. e $60.00/Hour Land Surveyor /w Computer . 15 Hrs. e $55.00/Hour Computer w/Operator 2 Hrs. e $45. OO/Hour Draftsman 1 Hr. e $27.50/Hour TO DATE 2002 WORK: Draftsman 4.5 Hrs. e $27.50/Hour Engineer (Jim Rees) 5 Hrs. e $85. OO/Hour Engineer (Bill Rees) 4 Hr. e $60.00/Hourlfebrury total TOT TO DATE 3-05-2002 PArD MACH 7 - 2002 DUE $2,517.50 $425.00 $3,180.00 $825.00 $90.00 $27.50 1-8~2002 $ 7,065.00' $123.75 $425.00 $240.00$ 788.75 . $7,853.75- $1,000.00';6,853.75- APRIL WORK: Engineer (Bill Rees)1 Hr. e $60.00/Hour $ TOTAL DUE 5~2-02 60.00 MA WORK: Engineer (Bill Rees)2 Hrs. e $60.00/Hour $ 120.00 TOTAL DUE 7-9-02 PAID AUGUST 29,02 TOTAL DUE OCT 2002 $ 6,913.75' $ 7,033.75 $ 3,000.00- $ 4,033.75-4 TEruS: Due on Receipt~A Finance Charge of l~ per month or 18% per annum all be added to all past due balances RESPONSE NO. t(h) Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staffs First Production Request , '~ . ;'\;: ~... ...:r .-,' "."J 'A "' LaboEm~Name ROBERT DeSHAZO BOSeOONA ROBERT DesO TOM ROGERS WILUAROOT ROBERT DeSHAO ROBERT DeHAO ROBERT DeHAO ROBERT BONA WIllIAN ROOT BRYAN rATR TOM~ooRS ROBERT BODNA WILUAMROOT BRYAN TATRO TOM ROGRS ROERT DeHAO ROBERT DeSHAO Tom RogersWlRoo BRYAN1ATRO WILLIA ROOT BRAN TATROJam Uima ROBET DeSHAO TOM ROGRS WILLIAM ROOT BRYAN TATRO ROBERT DeO Davd Humph WILLIA ROOT Ja thas BOB BODNA Rober DeShoDad Hump TOM ROGERS WILLIAM ROOT BRYAN TATROBobb Bo ROBERT DeSHAZODad Hump TOM ROGERS WILLIAM ROOT BRYAN TATRO Bobby Bona ROBERT DeHAZODa Hum TOM ROGERS WILLIA ROOT BRYAN TATRO ROBRT DeSHAZO TOM ROGERS BRYAN TATRO ROBERT DeHAO BRYAN TATRO ROBRT DeSHO ROBRT DeSHAO ROBERT DéHAZO ROBERT DeSHAO weEn8~28l06 819068J8~ 6116100 813J088I00 1/101007 1/1712007 1/10/007 1110i7 1/171201 1/17127 1117l2007 1/17l200 11171273l08 318100 3181003f 4/4120641418 41418 41111284/1112 411112 4/111208 411910041191 41191208 4f'9J084~ 41510084/510041004/51004I 51112008 !)11285/112 5/11208 511128511/2 51008 51120051008 519065~5~5/161 5116100511612513OS 6112108618 6127fiOO8 7/41208 7/17128 WELL #7 GEN SET ll.. Vl H!!.Ra8$ 25.0 $3 $ ZO.OO $11 $ 26.00 $ 2 $ 20.00 $ :3 $ 20.00 $8 $ 20.0 $6 $ 25.00 $4 $ 25.0 $ 7 $ 20.00 $6 $ 20.00 $10 $ 20.8 $8 $ 20.00 $7 $ 20.00 $8 $ 20.00 $21 $ 20.00 $6 $ 20.00 $6 $ 26.00 $ 9.5 $ 25.00 $4 $ 20.00 $ 8 $ 20.00 $ B.5 S 20.00 $12 $ 20.00 $ 8 $ 20.00 $5 $ 20.00 $11 $ 25.00 $ 2 $ 20.00 $8 $ 20.00 $3 S 2000 $9 $ ~oo $ 15 $ 20.00 $18 S 20.00 $ 23 $ 20.00 $14 $ 20.00 $ 14 $ 25.00 $ 21 $ 20.00 $10 $ 20.00 $ 14 S 20.00 $ 11 $ 20.00 $ 40 .$ 20.00 $ 11 S 25.00 $40 $ 20.00 $ 32 $ 20.00 $40 $ 20.00 $ 36 $ 20.00 $13 $ 20.00 $ 15 $ 25.00 $ 40 $ 20.00 $28 $ 20.00 $ 38 l 20.00 $24 $ 20.00 $2 $ 25,00 $5 S 20.00 $5 $ 20.00 $1 $ 25,00 $ 4.5 $ 20.00 $6 $ 2!UJO $2 $ 20.00 $4 $ 25.00 $3 $ 25.00 $ Tol..La 200.00 60.00 275.00 40.00 60.00 160.00 150.00 100.00 140.00 120.00 200.00 160.00 140.00 160.00 420.00 120.00 150,00 237.50 so. 00 160.00 170.00 240.00 160.00 100.00 275.00 40.00 160.00 60.00 225.00 300.00 360.00 46.00 280.00 350.00 420.00 20.00 280.00 220.00 80.00 275.00 BO.oo 640.00 800.00 720.00 26.00 315.00 SOO.OO 56.00 78.00 480.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 90.00 150.00 40.00 100.00 75.00 , ..a . .~ . TOM ROGERSBoBo ~OS£RT DeSHAO BoV80dM ROBE OesHAO D2 Humph Tim Kelb TO RORS WtlAM ROT SrTatoBøby Bo R.OBERT 0e D~d Humphry T"im KêI TOM ROGRSWi Root BRYAN TATROBo Sø ROSERT DeSHAOPa HuTim KeI TOM ROGRS W1LLlA ROOTBo Bo ROBRT DeSHAODa HuTim Ke WIl. ROOT BRYAN TATRO ROERT DeHAO Tim Kel.TOMR(RS EClpme DUf!TrukBa Dump lniGiGr Dump TI' MalsveJoe "St Doug Holt Tre VtA StStrCre low,S Rea MiSl WlmAM ÉI Lo$ CooetIM Bu 7J20088100 8181008J8J8~61088J8/0088l810881818~8~81818818l 8181009~589I9~9~5QI89~ 011108 9/11/208 9/11J200 9/11flOO91111; 9/11J20089111210131101 we~41414J4l 51112861712 1n.lt. Da 20.00.00 9/15100810i4183J9/151210J 414.08 WELL #7 OEN SET 2 24 6 8 9 40 6 4 35 5.5 3 8 40 1 3 7 2 3 9 24 2 1 1 2 6 8 1 3 4 4 4 2 $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $. $ $ $ S $. $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ 20.00 $ 20.. $ 21.00 $ 20.00 $ 2&.00 $ 20.00 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ "00 $ zooo $ 20.00 $ 21.00 $ 2000 $ 20.00 $ 20.0 $ ZO.OO $ 20,00 $ 21.00 $ 20.08 $ 20.0 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ ZO.OO $ 40.00 48.00 150.00 120.00 225,00 80.00 120.00 80.00 700.00 110.00 80.00 200.00 800,00 20.00 60.00 14(.00 40.00 50.00 225.00 48.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 150.00 160.00 20.00 00.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 40.00 '..--v.:.'. '. " '.', zll1 KI'. Q~ H!_1e T_I ~-2 $ 85.00 $ 13&.001 $ 65.00 $ 85.002 $ 85.00 S 130.004 $ 65.00 $ 26.002 $ 65.00 $ 130.00 Eq TO"I Aft280 VO 150 270 60'7.38 115.42 21327.1 1610.41 $ 3.38.20 $715.00 'totl.... $ 28,00.00 $ 2'70.00 $ 750.00 $ 270.00 $ 607.38$ 115.42 $ 21,327.70 $ 1,610.41; l ! 3.3e.2 ~ -. '= 1I ., I " .. Jo Co" a-kdow LabO EquipmntMaia" SUbTotl PrOf & Ovhe Tot Jo COl'g WELL #7 GEN SET _I...' .".1 ..l1. $ 21,132.50 .:i:. ': : i...r'.' at.. $ 715.00 t': :': . ,1_;..,:.' '. '.is: $ 58,a3.11 ;.,., :..: ".tn.":, . $78.1BfS-61 ".:... ~.:'.. . ....,~$, . $ 11,'1.99 $ 89,914.60 -a__2. . , RESPONSE NO.3 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request COM PAN Y,INC. April 29, 2008 Jim Rees MTC, Inc. Re: Water Draw-4own Tèst Wen House '1 Start Time 11: 15 am - Static - 7 ft. Time: 13:23 pm 14:00 pm 14:45 pm 15:30 pm Water level 91' 4" 118' 1431 151' Respelly, 11---.~ Norman RevelS Operations Manager G.P.M. 1200 gal. 1500 gat 1800 gal. 1900 gal. (2") 939.0242 FAX (208) 939-267 P.O. BOX 4SS EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 , , AERFORMANCE RECORD ! WELL NO,-:J '7.' ~- for 9.00 '7 -lYe'ar-)~ ..__..-..._.__.._...-~--f------_ Total! Product;i on Gallohs ,Janu¿¡ry 1--C?;'- Dep t h Delì t !i r rOHI fLtiLL t¥-.Enérgy 1to~Ja te r'to l.at e i~. Consuined ' DPuiip0FfPumpOn KI'IH._-.._----_.._---.--..._-_._-_....------~....-----.._-_._---_...._. ~.-.._.--_.- .---~.__..-- .-i ----- 'Q -..- '--~----...-.--..;.-----..------~--. .._---_..._-_._--.--~-- 'f)--------_._.._-------- ..-....'----..~--- ....-..--'---..... if ------------,-----_. () ._-... .~"'--------.. .---~---- -.--..-lßJ.Il~§š.~ IPOvllT I EfIùrid ¡.KH i --~ ... -~.--- .1-~.-~---~- i ¡ ------...--'1i-----.1 Capac ity iJ t No líli:i.l Pressure .- ............----.--...-.-.. ..____9Jl!~..__... ¡.¡mITII _.__.-...--.....----...... _.-----._._--_. I i:tJ' 0 ....~.....-..-..~.,,--_...--'".... '---'-1-~~ ---_~i :rebru¿H'y f ¥)tJ 'l)() .._-_..._---_._---- ._-...-!---~~- -'-""1,1(1 rcli . . I . ?oJ; "6~,,.a~~ii ~~=~~ fUq~ Hay i 3:4 7S',t,pw --~_.-."--~~-" ~.--...-.-¡.-~~. .-~~."L-í--I . ¡June J,:¿ib, 3,';6 ;ßllQ -.-------.--..--... ._-- ' .*-~-~-T"-..- ~--.---_. ~_._*_.-:"-- -:._-- -'- ---..._- t1uly' .-----~- ~~ æ~yo:ßlJ"._~-~T--i ¡Augus t 1 ~f.l ;)02 boo .-.--.--~----.. .--...-.-----~ ..i.l."__.~ Septeiiiber J______ _.J~JI,dø() ,...._.:__'" . . .... _~ _____r ''; !¡,October ¡ -_.~7~t:!~_:PO .--~.~""-..- -'-----T-- . '. .£ . 1Noveiiibei' ,. I 3 ~Ç) .~-----~--.. .~..+-~---- .---..~;.!--D(~ceriber ,l 3?"7¡~lX .,/ "" ::" 1J 1t9 l)f!i:", ", _ ILJeptll to --~----_-- '---,;.._~-......~. - _......""_.--. ~,1. ¡/ .~III Jf.....'\il~~iiy tli 0 r Ai)"- Lj iie_____._______Ofil". PUI1P Bo\'il s I-------.1 I í Hel1iJ ¡Oks : --_..__._.__.__.__._------_._-_..._-i--~------_._-""----_..._---------_._--_.. ~----_._--.;.-----""..__._--._---.~-.--... ---.-~~;.----_....--~--~,.-__.'"_--____i.-_----~.._._---_...~----_._.__._-------_.__.~-----_._-----,--~._------_._---_._------------ ------..-..--....___...____~_ . -.-.----.--.~~----_:.7--. , ,. , AMERICAN MARSH PUMPS PRIËSi ELECTRIC Selection list: - Search Criteri: Flow: 12&0 US gpm HeaCl:460ft TOlerance: _. % Of hed Fluid: Water . TémperalOl: 60 of. SG: i Viscsit 1.105 cP Vapor pressure: 0.2563 psi a Atm pféSUI': 14,7 psi a NPSHa: --- ft Advanced Critaria: Pl'ferred OpettingArea; ._ Secondary Operatg Point- Maxlemperatul': - OF Max suctio préSure: .- psi 9 Max spher siz: - in Max power: - bi'p . Max suOn spcific Spe: - (Nss) Min trim: - % or max diare. Min hed ri; - % to shlJ Curve Corrections: none -... Data Point ..- Flo: 1250 US gpr Head:46ift Eff 79% Powr: 185 bh NPSHr: 15.7 fi -- Design Curv ~ Shutoff Hea: 791 ft Shutof dP: 342 psi Min Flow: 86t US gpm BEP: 82% elf ~ 1447 US gpm NOl Pwr: 191 bhp ~a68 USgpm -- MBX Curve - Max Pwr: 200 bhp ~ &83 lJ$gpmL Wate WOfS ven 7,1 1:13 3Ðt:d fl USgpm i ~.. "f::... ;-1rv~~ PUMP DATA SHEET American-Mars Pumps 03121/00 Catalog: WTRWRKS60-2005a ve2.5a Pump: 10ZC.... (14 sta) Type: 480_VRT-TURBINE Sync/Spe: 1800 rpmSpee: 1760 rpm Dia: 8.1875 in Curv no.: 3862 Specifc Speeds Ns: 5119 Nss: 7695 Dimensions: Suction: 6 in Discarge: 6 in Vertical Turbine: BQwl siz: 9.5 in Max latel: 0.5 in Thrust K iaotr: 13.6 lblf ft '; i Pump Limit: TeJ"re: 250 "F PrèSre: 455ps 9 Spher siz: 1.438 in Powr: 450 bl Motor: 200 hp SPee: 1800 Frame: 445T Standard: NEMA Enclour: COP Sizng crteri: Max Power on Peig Curv i I! ¡ i . j--...--t,,-o..--;___.-¡___..__. -- .......__. ~, ,I 1 ._-t-_...._....~...._.._~.. -_. ..-...1__ .... .....! ¡ .l : ~ . '. -_.. _...; --_.---. ! ._-- --- '1--' . .....- ". - '-- . ! ¡r.12S" 200 ~_ .M_~. _-r.._~.... ___r,..1 : 40 . +-._--. _~.-.-... _~_. _... ....-l.___.__-+__.__~...._ ...¡____... ,_._.I i I I . I . ~-E~ X--~-f--~l=:=c::.:L~:=j:~ ~ b __.~.::i:_ ~:::.r¡---:.;;=:----J==- ~.¡ -~:;_.::'¡---:~~~...- ",ii, ~ . _... _.._~_..__. .-....; .. . ,250 500 '70 1000 1250 1500 1750 200( Ð N p S H f ", ELEctRIC41~__... O....lD ....CI..,,.__11. lb.Fr 1 NO'" 18 -08 JNI OJ ~3lt:M 31Ð~3 L 9iØóE6 S~ :91: 9ØØl/Eì/C:B Boise, Idaho - (208) 322-061 i .'\- .:::t .... , . "\(,~ Form ~~8.7 6/02 Offce USè Oniy WelllD No. Inspected byTwp _ Rge_Sec_ 1/4 1/4_1/4 Lat: Long: IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT 1. WELLTAGNO.D 12610 DRILLING PERMIT NO. 63-99-w-l019-000 Water Right or Injection Well No. 63-12559 12. WELL TESTS: ..Pump o Bailer OAir o Flowing Artesian Yield gal.min.Drown Pumpng Léel TIme . ~ .~. ,.,. :-~~~.LJ"t.J ~~~-- ~.L")'t~.LUU.J .LVV 2. OWNER:Name EagJeWater Co Inc A~ff~ PO Box 455City Eagle State~Zip83616 3. LOCATION OF WELL by legal descriptio.ii: You must provide address or Lot, Blk" Sub. or Directions to well. Twp. 4 North GA or South 0Rge 1 East ~X or West 0 Water Temp. Water Quality test or comments: Bottom hole lemp. __ Depth first Water Encounter __ 13. LITHOLOGIC LOG: (Descnbe repairs or abandonment) Water Sec.15 ,Illti~E1/4 ~1I4 i~æ 1/4 Bore From To Remarks:Lithology, Water Otatit& Temperature Y NGov't Lot ':C0!.!1ty 3Cjidiì Dia.J Lat:::Long:::,. .,.,.n ,X -'-~,.::.;UIIU ex ~uv 0;Address of Well Site HwN 55/Stãte 5t lSOOl +-SQuth n ,v (i.ell #Jj W€£~Qf Hl,Y 5lty Eagle ,.~, ::~"'-Ill~" Leu "u~JU ~ ~, uvo; ~; ~~I, ~';"'u IU,:;~uvei,uvu iuei..1\aiiuna....~lQ..'oL.l'l "Lt.-elk.Sub. Name "'..::::..U~" ..IUJ 1\" " ..,.\l i ~~;:~ :~,;UII"'?'; ~ VVV. i ,'- ..J'.... I UJ :: USE:i ~ :;:.i~~.;~i"., .1 """I-V 111'-'- I UII 1\4.\j o Domestic r:~unicipal o Monitor o Irrigation I ~~:;~v,v u-i i',.,... ..L "¡oJ OJJ ~ ::;:"''-IIU,~ lie I-OJ 111'-lUI 1\o Thermai o Injection o Other i " ,.~\l I=u~;, .l:U .uw,/I '-I..J 1\"5.TYPE OF WORK chec all that appiy (Replacement etc.)i;,;' :~uu "~IIU 1\. X~NewWell o Modify o Abandonment o Oter '-uu ~~~u iue IUJ I',...,.L ,. ~~.~~~~~~ UVVII ~Q!IU,U 1 U e I. rcrJ .. i. I e cl") 1\'"6.DRILL METHOD:,. L.'L.,"L.~::~u IUt:1. UJ i' o Air Rotary dOable o Mud Rotary o Other ' ..~,. ie9'ei 3e .:U L~u '-uu LJI UWII ::~IIU A SEAUNG PROCEDURES '-~::;i~J~~~'.UVVII ..'U,JVVILII,..UIIU ::i.rt:ci!\::1\!-".L,",","J.I~~~lilt: ul UVVII ::OIIU ASeal Material Frm To Weiht / Volume Seal Placement Method ,,UU i~~~u i. UW II \, I oy Arhì h n ?'i . 'innn#hnll1fprl ~~~IJUU I I lit:\,U 1!It:U i UIII ::Oriu A1()n 1 LL \/rl ".Ul'UWll I. IOJ AWas drive shoe used?DY ON Shoe Depth(s)'","uu i '";;V Was drive shoe secl.lested?OY ON How?'"..::U I "tv'-.:OIlU -/I '"'tU'-"TU,"u ,UVVII I.IOJ 1\ 8.CASING/LINER: Diaeter From To Gauge Material Caing Liner Welded Threaded "'I1 hI!..il ~?i: !f!-:17i:~+"",.ì X1 0 ~~ 0 '" 1 nil I?¡:n "';'~hi:c-:,. ;0 XJ 0 '" 1 nil I~hh "'7t:':t:i:"döòl 0 XJ X~0 "Leng of Headpipe ~2'has ts~~i1~u~ier 421 fi "'l"f" ..,.,.0111PackerflYON "'-"'"'' i. ~UU I-",""OJ .. ,-vypeLOp.swedge padeY'4'611 long i T 9.PERFORArlONS/SCREENS PACKER tYPE 1211 pipe with figi "''"1/ Perfration Method Screen Type & Method of Instaflation i ..,. n H From To SlOt $iZe N\.mber Diiimeter ~ieriai VVCa~in'g Liner ')') i " ,. ...,,.0 ~ Completed Depth 401 ,___(Measurablei, ,.,~vv ~::.iOJ .: 1.1 i.:0 . 1 i 1?7 inr;3/5/06''Xic ,,.,., ,..Date:Started'CompletedVJ V TV..'"V oJU ;: L,l II .:0 14. DRILLER'S CERTIFIC~ J,~O 10. FILTER PACK I~e certi~y that ail mÎnimum w construe on st rds complied with at theiRner Material time the rig was removed. / // Company Name S t~e- & Principal Driller R and Driller or Operator II From To Weighl/ Volume Placemeni Method 153 3/9/0611. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: --tt. below ground Artesian pre~lJre ~lb. Depth flow encountered ~ft, Describe access port or control devices: f"no"-=ll""I Ï\..+.. . ,, ,Detailed Report for Pump Definition: PUMP #7 AMERICAN-MARSH Pump Head Characteristics Pump Type Shutoff Head Design Head Maximum Operating Head Standard (3 Point) 791.00 ft 550.00 ft 468.00 ft Shutoff Discharge Design Discharge Maximum Operating Discha 0.00 gpm 868.00 gpm 1,250.00 gpm Pump Efficiency Characteristics Effciency Type BEP Flow BEP Efficiency Best Effciency Point 1,447.00 gpm 82.0 % Motor and Drive Characteristics Motor Effciency Variable Speed Drive? 90.0 % true Speed Effciency (%) 1.800.00 90.0. 800.0~ 700.0 500.0 1000.0 1500.0 2000.0 2500.0 3000.0 3500.0 4000.0 600.0 500.0 400.0 300.0 200.0 100.0 Titie: INITIAL RUN c:\...\current run\vsps with apex only ctrl.wcd 03/29/06 15:56:44 (§ Bentley Systems. Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA Project Engineer: DMC WaterCAD v7.0 ( +1..203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 . ,., .. AMERICAN MARSH PUMPS I"RIËST ELECTRIC Selection list: - Search Criteria: Flow: 1250 US gpm Head: 460 ft Tolerance: _. % of head Fluid: Water Temperatura: 60 of SG: i Viscsit 1.1 05 eP Vapor pressure: 0.2563 psi a Atm pressur: 14.7 psi a NPSHa: --ft PUMP DATA SHEET Americn-Mars Pumps 03/21/00 Catalog: WTRWRKS60-200Sa vers 2.5'1 Pump: 10Ze.... (14 stages) Type: 480_VRT-TURBINE Synch sped: 1800 rpm Speed: 1760 rpm Dia: 8.1875 in Curv no.: 3862 Specifc Speeds Ns: 5119 Nss: 7695 Dimensions: Suction: 6 in DiSCarge: 6 in Vertical Turbine: Bowl siz: 9.5 in Max lateral: 0.5 in Thrust K factr. 13.6 lbi Advanced Criteria: Pref erred Operaing Area: - Secondary Operati Point: .- Max temperature: - OF MaX" suctin pre6ure: -- psi 9 Max sphere~: -- in Max power: - bhp Max suCtn spcific speed: .. (Nss) Min trim: .. % of max diamete Min head !'e: - % to shuto Curve Correclioni¡; none ---- Data Point .... Flo; 1250 US gpm Head: 468 It Eff 79% Power: 185 bhp NPSHr. 15.7 ft -- Design CUrve - Shutoff Head: 791 ft Shutoff dP: 342 psi Mir Flow: 86 US gpm 8EP: 82% elf (§ 1447 US gprt NOL Pwr; 191 bhp ~86B USgpm -- Max Curve ~ Max Pwr: 200 bhp (§ 883 1)$ ~pm Wate Works vers 7.1 10 3Ð';d Pump limits: Tempeure: 250 OF Pressure: 455 psi 9Sphere sìz: 1 .438 in Power 450 bhp Motor: 200 hp Speed: 1600 Frame: 445T Standard: N EMA Encloure: ÖOP Sizing criteria: Max Power on Design CUrve ft i! "!1000,-- ----t- "-~.r.----------._~t-----.+------.-i--.--.._. _-;_ "___.~._. íi . : l -r--'--',- ; '--' ._-)" -... .--f--....---I._--._--.-+ -_. - ._.J -------. ! ._-- --- "1--' . , -..-...1.___ 7.125"200---. o N P S H r . 40 . ...,:... -..,;.__.. ._~,' ..M...... ~. .._¡:... __. ~ _..~,l ......_....._+.. ___.___i,;.... ,. .._....i i i I . i ._.t'..._....... 1--..-. ~l=:-fu-~f:=hl~l;-=L=J.... b a==l=I==:~t~~::$=~ ..... ,ool~250 500 750 1000 1250 1600 1750 2000 I USgpm 8NI OJ d3l';M 3lÐ';3 P1 ELECTiC41~"",8lDI 10 .."'(2-",F. Øl _ .861ò'Fq 1 _ .it .080 Sl :91 9Ø0ó/EZ/SGL 9GØGE:5 RESPONSE NO.5 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-0t EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request EAGLE WATER CO. EAG-W-09-01 RESPONSE NO. 5 PLEASE SEE THE FILE FOR TWO MAPS THAT ARE TOO LARGE TO SCAN RESPONSE NO. 6(a) Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request Rc celJESí "'0" ~~,(Ø :~-- P.~~ TIS AGEElvNT is daed as the ......25 th...day of ......October........in the yea ....2005...byand between Eagle Water Company (heeiner caled OWNR)and Stevens and Sons Well Drillig'(hereiner caled CONTCTOR) OWNR and CONTRACTOR in consideration of the mut covenats heiner set fo~ agee as follow: Artcle 1. WORK. Contactor SHAL COMPLETE ALL Work as specifed or indicate in the Contrct Documents. The Work is generay described as follows: Drg Eagle Water Company Well Number 7 The Project for which the Work under the Contrt Documents may be "the whole or only a par is generay described as follows: Well# 7 Aricle 2. ENGINER Th Project ha been designed by MTC ENGINERS James M. Rees, P.E. Who is hereiner caled ENGINER and who wi ase all duties and resonsibilies and wi have the rights an autori assigned to ENGINER in the Contct Docunt in conntion with completion of the Work in accordae wih the Contact Documents. Artcle 3. CONSTRCT TIME. 3.1 The Work wi be substtialy completed on or before .. ..December 31,.. .2005, and completed and ready for fil payment in accordance wih the Generl Conditions on or before ...Janua 30,2006.... 3.1 The Work wi be substially completed wi 90 days afer the date when the Contrt Time commences. Artcle 4. CONTRCT PRICE. See Attached proposed Uni Prces. Article 5. PAYMNT PROCEDURS. Contror sha submit application for payment in accordace with the Gene Conditions. Application for Payment wil be processed ENGINER 5. I Progress Payments. OWNR shall mae progress payments on account of th Contac Prce on the basis of Contractor's Applications for Payment as recommnded by ENGINER on or about the ...1 Oth... day of eah month dmig consction as provided below. All progress payments wi be on the basis of the progrss of the Work meaed by the schedule of values proved for in the attached Proposa of Uni Prices. 5. I Pror to Subsanial Completion progrs payments wi be in an amunt equa to:... ...90% of the Work Completed, and .........90.% of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored. Less in eah case the aggregate of payments previously mae. -2- 5.1.2 Upon Substantial Completion, OWNR shall pay an amount suffcient to increase total payments to CONTRCTOR to ....100...% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINER shall determe. 5.2. Final Payment. Upon:fl completion and acceptance ofthe Work in accordace with the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remader of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINER 5.3. Artcle 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS In order to induce OWNR to enter in this Ageement CONTRACTOR maes the followig representations: 6.1 CONTRACTOR has faliard hielf with the nature and extent of the t . i ' Contrac Documents, Work, localiy, and with all local conditions and federaL, state and local laws, ordinances, rues and regutions that in any maner may affect cost, progress or performc'e of the Work. 6.2 CONTRACTOR had studied carefully all reports of investigations and tests of subsurace and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwis affecting cost, progress or performnce of the Work which were relied upon by ENGINER in the preparation of the Drawings and Specifications and which have been identified in the Supplementar Conditions. 6.3 CONTRACTOR has made or caused to be made examinations, investigations and tests and studies of such reports and related data as he deems necessar for the performce of the Work at the Contract Prce, with the Contact Time and in accordance with the other term and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations, tests, reports or simlar data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such puroses. 6.4 CONTRACTOR has given ENGIEER wrtten notice of all conficts, errors or discrepancies that he ha discovered in the Contrac Documents and the wren resolution thereofby ENGINER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR Article 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNR and CONTRCTOR are atach to ths Agreement, mae a par hereofand consists of the following: 7.1 Ths Agreement (pages 1 to 3...inclusive). 7.2 Exhbits to thi Agreement(pages. . ..to.. . ..inclusive). 7.3 General Conditions (pages...5..to 12....inclusive). 7.4 CONTRACTOR's Bid(pagesl....to...4.,inclusive) maked exhbit. 7.5 Any Modifcation, including chage Orders, Duly delivered after execution of Agreement. -3- There are no Contract Documents other tha those listed. The Contract Documents may only be altered, amended or repealed by a written modifcation as defined the the General Conditions. Article 8. MISCELLANEOUS. 8.1 Ter used in this Agreement which are defied in the General Conditions shal have the meangs indicated in the General Conditions. 8.1 No assignment by a par hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another pary hereto without the wrtten consent of the par sought to be bound; and specifically but without limtation, moneys that may become due and moneys tht are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of thi restrction may be liited by law), and uness specifically stated to the contrar in any wren consent to an assignment no assignment will release or dischage the assignor from any duty or responsibilty under the Contract Documents. 8.3 OWNR and CONTRCTOR each binds hiself, his parners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other pary hereto, hi parner, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenats, agreements and obligations contaied in the Contract Documents. Article 9 OTHER PROVISIONS. IN WITNSS WHREOF, the paries hereto have signed this Agreement in trplicate. One counterar each has been delivered to OWNR, CONTRACTOR and ENGINER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identifed by OWNR and CONSTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf.n.'" n..L~Ths Ageement wi be effective on.... :.;.!?.. .~J.t.:":.;.~....... .2005 'r'- ~~.. .... ...... 0?~J..&d'TRCTO&~ .k~~ltt ~..t~!tJYj / ..'~ ~:ii:' . ...... ............ BY~""" ,/t;l...~L..................... ....M.. .. ............... Att~... ;g'r.k............... Addr s for giving notices - ?Q,..ÔOx..4?s............ .., ... ...... ..2.. ?.Cr.r.E.:~t.t?~~~ç~.We .E~~~~... .~.?/-:\.~... ~~H~...... l¡~ f.~-'.. .M.... .f.rPQf.... ......................................-......................................................................... SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRILING OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. WELL NUER 7 (Revised Jan 13, 2004) GENRA INORMTION, PROPOSAL, . CONTRCT AGREEMENT, GENERA CONDmONS, SPECIA SPECIFICATIONS, AN WELL SKETCHES EAGLE WATER COMPAN, INC. P.O. Box 455 Eagle, Idaho 83616 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION (A) - CONTRCT DOCUMNTS ........................................... PAGE 1 SECTION (B) - GENRA CONDmONS ............................................... PAGE 5 SECTION (C) - SPECIA CONDmONS .................................................. PAGE 12 PROPOSAL - SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AN PRICES.............................. PAGE 20 SECTION (A). . CONTRACT DOCUNTS EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. WELLS GENERA INORMTION i. General: The work contemplated under ths Contract comprises the drlling of one water supply well using a rota dril rig including but not limited to drlling, intallation of casing and screens, well development, and all testig requied by the State of Idao includig bacterial, chemical, yield and draw-down. It is estimated that the well will be approximately 450 feet in final depth. It is the intent of these Specifications that the Contractor shall fush all necessar labor, equipment, and materials as not provided by the Owner, and he shall perfonn all operations requied for the completed water supply well. 2. Specifications: The Specifcations under which it is proposed to execute ths work consists of all the inonnation bound or referenced herewith and is intended to be mutuly cooperative and to provide the details reasonably requied for the execution of the proposed work. Any interpretation as to the meang or the intent of the Specifcations should be directed to the Engineer in wrtig. Any interpretation or chage in the Specifications shal be made only in wrting and a copy of such interpretation or change shall be mailed or delivered to each Bidder. The Owner will not be responsible for any other explanations or interpretations of the Specifications. 3.' Type of Proposal: Proposals for the work contemplated are to be submitted on a unt price basis uness a lump sum basis is specifically designated for certai items. 4. Estimated Quantities: The estimate of quatities of work to be done is approximate only and is solely for the basis of calculation upon which the contrct award shall be based. 5. Preparation of Proposals: All blan spaces in the Schedule of Items and Prices for the well being bid upon must be filled in with ink or tyewrter. No chages shal be made in any of the items with the Proposal. Where the word "none" is applicable, it should be inerted. 6. Submission of Proposal: Proposals must be made on the prescribed forms bound herewith and submitted to the Owner, intact with the complete Specifications, with 30 days afer receipt by the Bidder. There will be no public opening of bid proposals. The Owner wil open and review bid proposals at his option. Any proposal shall be deemed inonnal which contai omissions, erasures, alterations or additions, or items not called for or which in any other maner shall fail to confonn to the conditions of these Specifications. The Bidder shall sign the Proposal in the space provided therefore. 7. Withdrawal of Proposal: No proposal may be withdrawn afer the time scheduled for submission of said proposal until a period of th (30) days afer the date of submission shall have elapsed. 8. Conditions of Work: Each bidder must inonn himself of the conditions relatig to the work and it is assumed that he has inspected the site of the work and has made hiself famliar with the Specifcations. Faiure to do so wi not relieve the successfu bidder of his obligation to enter into a contract and complete the work in accordance with the Specifications. Each bidder must also inorm hiself on al laws and sttutes relative to the execution of the work, employment of labor, protection of public safety and private propert, right-of-way and access to the work, and simar requiements. 9. Award of Contract: The Owner reseres the right to accept or reject any or al proposals. The acceptace of any proposal wi be made in wrtig, together with a notice to proceed, mailed to or delivered to the offce designted in the successfu Bidder's proposal. The successfu Bidder sha, with seven (7) days afer receivig the wrtten acceptance of award and notice to proceed from the Owner, execute the Contract Agreement attched hereto with the Owner for the performance of the work. 10. Performance and Payment Bond: The successfu Bidder shal be requied to fush the Owner at the tie of execution of the Contract Agreement, a performance and payment bond in ful amount of the contract price which bond shal be in force for one year afer the date of fial payment for the work to inure payment of al clais made agait the Contractor for the payment of labor, materials, and other servces in accordace with the laws of the State, and cover al gutees agait defective worlaanship and materials. The Surety Company fushig ths performance bond shall be acceptable to the Owner and sha be fuer autoried to do business in Idao. The Contractor shall pay the.cost of the bond. 11. Time for Completion: The successfu Bidder shal commence the work included under ths Contract with sixeen (16) days afer execution of the Contrct and prosecute said work diligently unti completed in al respects. Completion date for ths Contract sha be with 120 days afer execution of ths Contrct. 12. Licenses: Al Bidders shal be duly licensed well drlling contractors with the existig provisions ofIdao State laws. EAGLE WATER COMPAN, INC. WELLS PROPOSAL TO: EAGLE WATER COIV AN, INC. The undersigned, hereiner caled the Bidder, declares tht the only persons or pares interested in ths Proposal are those naed herein and that ths Proposal is in al respects fai and without fraud; tht it is made without collusion with any offcial or employee of the Eagle Water Company, Inc., hereiner caled Owner, and that the Proposal is made without any connection or collusion with any other person or :f makg another proposal on ths same Contract. The Bidder agees that if ths Proposal is accepted by the Owner, he wi with seven (7) days afer notification of the acceptace, execute the Contract with Owner in the form attached hereto and will at the tie of execution of the Contract deliver a performce and payment bond, and will to the extent of ths Proposal, fush all machier, tools, and other mean of consction and do al the work and fush all matenals as not provided by the Owner which are necessar to complete the work in the maner covered by the Specifications. Contractor shal pay for the bond. The bidder fuer agrees to begi work with sixeen (16) days afer execution ófthe Contract and to prosecute the work diligently until completed in al respects. Completion date for ths Contract shl be with 120 days afer execution of ths Contract.. . . The Bidder fuer agees to accept as fu payment for the work proposed herein the amount computed under the provisions of the Specifications and based on the unt price or lump sum amounts as set fort herein under the appropriate Schedule for Items and Prices. It shal be expressly understood tht the unt prices are independent of the exact quatities involved and that the unt pnces stated herein represent a tre measure of the labor and materials requied for the work includg any and al alowance for overhead or profit. If the Bidder is awarded a Contrct based upon ths Proposal, the surety who will provide theperformance and payment bond wil be whose address is The Bidder fuer certes that he ha carefully examed the Specifcations for the work; tht he ha personally inpected the sites; that he ha satisfied hiself as to the quantities of matenals, items of equipment and conditions of work involved; that ths Proposal is made accordig to the provisions and term of the Specifcations; and that he is aware and has taen into consideration all factors which may afect ths Proposal. SECTION (B) GENERA CONDITIONS EAGLE WATER C011 AN, INC. WELLS GENERA CONDmONS 1. Owner: Wherever the word "Owner" appears, it sha sign Eagle Water Company, Inc., P.O Box 455, Eagle, Idaho 83616, actig thoug its duly authoried offcers. 2. Contractor: Wherever the word "Contrtor" appears, it shal signfy the par or pares contractig with the Owner to perform the work outined and contemplated herein. 3. Engineer: Wherever the word "Engineer" appears in these Contract Documents, it sha sign the representative ofMTC, Inc., 707 N. 27th Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. 4. Wntten Notice: Wherever the ter "Written Notice" appears, it shal sign a wrtten communcation delivered in person to the individua or to a member of the fi for whom it is intended, or is delivered or sent by registered or certed mai, to the last business address mown to hi who gives such notice. 5. Work: Wherever the term "Work" appears, it shal sign all materials, labor, tools and all other appliances, machiery and appurenaces necessar to perform and complete everyg covered in the Specifcation and such additiona items of labor, matenal and equipment not specificaly indicated or described but which can be reasonably inerred as belongig to the item described or indicated and as requied by good practice to provide a complete and satisfactory well. 6. Bidder: Wherever the term "Bidder" appears, it shal signfy any person, fi, parership or corporation submittg a proposal on ths project. 7. Days: Wherever the term "Days" appears, it shal refer to consecutive calenda days. 8. Alterations: The owner, without invaldatig the Contract, may order ext work or may make changes in the specifcations by alterig, addig to, or deductig from the work ongily planed. Al such work shal be executed under the conditions of the ongial contract except tht clais for extension of tie for completion and payment for exta work occasioned by such changes sha be adjusted at the tie of makg the chage. The Engieer sha have authonty to make mior chages in the work not involvig extra cost and not inconsistent with the purose of the Contract. il other cases, however, except in an emergency endagerig life and propert, ext work or deductions from the work sha be made only upon a wrtten order from the Owner statig tht the Owner has authoried the change. No clai for additional payment shal be valid uness so ordered in wrtig. Any chages or alterations, which reduce the quatity of work to be done, shal not constitute a clai for daages for any anticipated profit on the work that is thus dispensed with. 9. Inconsistencies and Omissions: The Specifcations are complementar, and what is called for by anyone shal be as binding as if called for by alL. The intent of the Specifications is to include all labor and -material (except any specific items to be fushed by the Owner), equipment, machiery, and transporttion necessar for the proper execution of the work. Materials or work described in words, which so applied have a well mown techncal and trade meag shal be held to refer to such recogned stadards. Should any discrepancies occur or any misuderstdig arse as to the import of anytg contaed in the Specifcations, the explanations and decisions of the Engieer shal be fial and conclusive on the Contractor, and al diections and explantions requied to complete any of the provisions will be given by the Engieer. Where inconsistencies exist between the Special Conditions and any other porton of these Specifications, the Special Conditions shal govern. 10. Authority of the Owner: The owner shal have general supervsion and diection of the work. He ha authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessar to inure the proper execution of the Contract. He sha also have authority to reject al work and materials which do not conform to the contract, to diect the application of forces to any porton of the work as in his judgment is requied, to order the force increased or dished, and to decide questons which arse in the execution of the work. To prevent disputes and litigations, the Owner shal, with a reasonable tie afer their presentation to hi, mae decisions, in wrtig, on al clai of the Contrctor and on all. other matters relatig to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the Specifcations; his estate and decision sha be fi and conclusive. The Owner sha not have autority to order chages in the work or exta work except as provided. The Owner shal have at all times fu access to al par of the work. The inection of the work done shal not relieve the Contrctor of his obligations to fush proper materials, certcations and perform sound and reliable work. 1 i. Reception of Ower's Directons: The superitendent or other authoried representative of the Contractor shl represent the Contractor in his absence from the job site and all diections given to hi sha be binding as if given to the Contractor. Important directions shal be confed in wrtig to the Contrctor and other diections shal be likewise confed in wrtig upon request of the Contractor. 12. Right to Reta Imperfect Work: If any par or porton of the work done or material fushed under the Contract shall prove defectve and not in accordance with the Specifcations, and if the imperfection in the same sha not be of sufcient magntude or importance as to make the work dagerous or undesirable, or if the removal of such work will create conditions which are dagerous or undesirable, the Owner shall have the right and authority to reta such work but shal mae such deduction in the fial payment therefore as may be just and reasonable. 13. Inurce: The Contractor sha not commence any work unti he has provided ince coverage, as evidence by an Inurce Cercate or Certcates on a form supplied by the Owner. The requied coverage sha be indicated below. TYPE INSURCE Workmen's Compensation Compreheflive General Liabilty, Includig 1. Contractors Liability 2. XCD hads of explo- sion, blasg, collapse & underground 3. Contractu Liability 4. Contractors Protective Liability Comprehensive Auto Liability, includig owned vehicles, hied vehicles and other non-owned vehicles Each Person $250,000 Each Accident $250,000 Each Accident 500,000 Aggregate 500,000 Each Person $250,000 Each Accident $250,000 Eah Accident 500,000 Aggregate 500,000 Each Person $250,000 Each Accident $250,000 Each Accident 500,000 Aggregate 500,000 Each Person $250,000 Each Accident $250,000 Each Accident 500,000 Aggregate 500,000 Each Person $250,000 Each Accident $100,000 Each Accident 500,000 The Contractor shall pay the premium thereon and mata such inurance in effect until the completion of the work hereunder. Notice of expirtion of any such inurance must be forwarded to the Owner ten (10) days before expiration. The Contractor sha agree to indemn, hold haress and defend the Company from and agai any and all liabilty for loss, dage or expense which the Owner may sufer or for which the Owner may be held liable by reason of injur (includig death) to any person or damage to any propert arsing out of or in any maner.connected with the work under ths Contract whether or not due in whole or in par to any act, omission or negligence of the Owner or any of its representatives or employees together with any and al attorneys fees incured by the Owner on account thereof. 14. Maitenace Guarantee: The Contrctor agrees to make any repais or replacements necessar at his own expense for defects in materials or workmanship supplied by hi that become evident with one (1) year afer the date of fial payment. The Contractor shal make al repais and replacements promptly upon receipt of wrtten order from the Owner, and if he fails to make such repai or replacement promptly, the Owner may then do the work and the Contractor and his surety sha be liable for the cost thereof. 15. Superitendence: The Contractor shal keep on the work, durg its progress, a competent superitendent and necessar assistants, all satisfactory to the Owner. The Contractor shall give effcient supervsion to the work, using his best slåll and attention. 16. Employees: The Contrctor shal employ only competent, ski personnel to do the work; and whenever any person shal appear to the Owner to be incompetent or to act in a disorderly or improper maer, such persons shal be removed from the work imediately upon notication from the Owner and shl not be employed on the work agai except by consent of the Ower. The Contractor shal at al ties enforce stct disciplie and good order among his employees. The Contractor shal comply with al labor rues, wage scales, and reguations of the Governent of the Unìted States, and the State, City or Town and County in which the work is to be done, including nondiscritory laws. 17. Materials and Worlaanhip: The Contractor sha provide any pay for all materials, al labor, tools, equipment, light, power, tranporttion, and other facilties necessar for the execution and completion of the work. Unless otherwse specifed, al materials shal be new, and both workmanship and materials sha be of a good quaty. The Contractor sha, if requied, fush satisfactory evidence as to the kid and quaity of materials. 18. Release: The fi payment shal not become due unti the Contractor shal submit to the Owner a complete release of all liens aring out of ths Contract, or receipts in fu in lien thereof, and an afdavit tht so far as he ha laowledge or inormation, the releases and receipts include all the labor and materials for which a lien could be filed; but the Contractor may, if he is unable to fush a release or receipt in ful as provided above, fush a bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemn hi agaist any lien. If any lien remai unsatisfied afer all payments are made, the Contractor shall refud to the Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in dischargig such a lien, includig al costs and a reasonable attorney's fee. 19. Subcontractig: The Contrctor shall, as soon as practicable afer the execution of the Contract, noti the Owner, in wrtig, of the names of any subcontractors which he plans to use on th Contract and shal not employ any that the Owner may with a reasonable tie object to as incompetent or unt. 20. Progress of the Work: The Contractor shal commence the work contemplated under these Contract Documents with sixeen (16) days afer the date of execution of the Contract and receipt of the Owner's notication to begi work; it being expressly understood and agreed tht the tie of begig, rate of progress, and tie of completion of the work are of the essence of ths Contract. Al work included under ths Contrct shal be completed with 120 days afer execution of ths Contract. 2 i . Assignent: Neither par to the Contract shl assign the Contract or sublet it as a whole without the wrtten consent of the other; nor shall the Contractor assign any monies due or to become due to hi hereunder without the previous wrtten consent of the Owner. 22. Owner's Right to Temute Contract: If the Contractor should be adjudged a banpt, or if he should make a general assignent for the benefit of his creditors; or if he should persistently or repeatedly refuse or should fai, except in cases for which extension of tie is provided, to supply enough properly skilled workers or proper materials, or if he should fai to mae prompt payment to subcontractors or for material or labor, or persistently disregard laws, ordiances, or the inction of the Owner; or otherwse be gulty of a substantial violation of any provision of the Contract or any laws or ordiance, then the Owner, when sufcient cause exist to justify such action, may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, and afer giving the Contractor and Surety seven (7) days wrtten notice, trfer the employment for said work from the Contractor to the Surety. Upon receipt of such notice, the Surety shl enter upon the premises and tae possession of all materials, tools, and appliances thereon for the purose of completig the work included under ths Contract and employ, by contract or otherwse, any person or persons to fish the work and provide the materials therefore without temution of the contiuig ful force and effect of ths Contract. In case of such transfer of employment to such Surety, the Surety sha be paid in its own nae on estites accordig to the terms hereof without any right of the Con1rtor to make any clai for the same or any par thereof. In lieu of the foregoing, if the Owner so elects, he may termte the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises and of al materials, tools, and appliances thereon and fish the work by whatever method he may dee expedient. In such case, the Contractor shal not be entitled to receive any fuer payment unti the work is fished. If the expense of completig the Contract, includig compensation for additional managerial and adstrtive services, shal exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the dierence to the Owner. 23. Basis of Payment: In consideration of the faith perormance of al the covenats, stipulations, and agreements in ths Contract to be kept and performed by the Contractor, the Owner covenats and agrees to pay the Contractor, the amount bid in the Contractor's Proposal for the work actuy performed as determed by the fial estiate, together with any amounts due for exta work not classifed under the items listed in the Contractor's Proposal as provided in these General Conditions less any deductions for clais and daes paid by the Owner due to acts or omissions of the Contractor and for which he is liable under ths Contract. 24. Extra Work: Any work necessar or requied to car out the intent of these Specifcations by changes clearly not indicated or which canot reasonably be implied from the intent and meang thereof sha be paid for at the unt price agreed to in the Specifcations. If ths exta work canot be classified under any of the items for which unt prices are listed in the Contractor's Proposal, it shal be paid for as ext work at the rate agreed to in wrtig between the Contrctor and the Ower prior to the tie of commencing such extra work. If such method payment caot be ageed upon prior to the begig of the work, then such work shall be performed by the Contractor on the basis of fushig labor and material at costs and labor rates in effect at the tie the work is accomplished. 25. Fin Payment: Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall noti the Owner in wrtig that he has completed the Contract and sha request fial payment. Upon approval of th fi estiate by the Owner and receipt by the Owner of the release requied under these General Conditions and with ten (10) days afer the tie lit for the filig of al liens shal have expired, the Owner shal pay to the Contractor all monies due hi under the provisions of the Specifications, includig any retaed percentages. 26. Protection ofPropert: The Contractor shall matai adequate protection of all of his workfrom daage and shal protect the Ower's propert from injur or loss arsing in connection with the work. 27. Safety Precautions: The Contractor shal take al necessar precautions for the safety of the employees and shall comply with al applicable reguations and laws to prevent accidents or inur to persons on or adjacent to the job site. He shall erect and properly maita at al ties the necessar safeguds for the protection of workers and the public and shall post danger or warg sign agaist haards created by the constrction. Said work is to be conducted that no liabilty wil accrue under the Employers' Act ofIdaho. 28. Mium Wage Rate: The prevailig wage rates for Ada County, Idaho which are to be paid employees engaged in ths work, in accordace with Section 44-100 (c) of the Idao Code ar prescribed by the Commssion of Labor for Idaho and are published periodically. The Contractor sha conform to ths Section of the Idao Code. 29. Permts, Certficates, Laws and Ordices: The Contractor shal, at his own expense, procure all permts, certcates and licenses requied of hi by law for the execution of his work. He shal comply with all Federa, State or local laws, ordinances or rues and reguations relatig to the performce of the work. 30. Materials Furshed by the Contractor: Where the term "fushig" is used herein, it shal include hadlg, tranort, unoadg, storig, protectig from the elements and vandasm, and distrbution to the constction site. The Contractor is responsible for the care and protection of all materials until incorporated into the system and accepted. Payment in all cases shall constute fu compensaton for al transportation, hadlg and incidentas; no additional payments will be made on any item over and above the prices as stated in the Contractor's Proposal, except as otherwse provided herein. SECTION (C) SPECIA CONDITIONS EAGLE WATER CO:M ANY, INC. WELLS SPECIA CONDITIONS SECTION C-I GENERA: a. Scope: Ths Specifcation covers the complete dring, casing, screeng, development, and testig of the water supply well for Eagle Water Company, Inc. As stated herein, the estiated quatities are only approxiate. The Owner reserves the right to increase or decrease individua items in such amount as may be, in his sole judgment, to his best interest, dependig upon conditions encountered or observed durg drlling. b. Location: The general location of the well is as follows: The well site is located in the SEl/4 NEl/4 SWI/4, Section 15, TAN., R.IE., B.M., Eagle, Ada County, Idao. Said location is approximately 0.25 miles southwest of the interection of State Highway 44 and State Highway 55. The exact location of the well wil be sted inthe field prior to the award of the Contract c. Mium Well Constrction Standads: The contractor shal be requied to conform to the applicable portons of the Mium Well COnsction Stadards estblished by the Idao Deparent of Water Resources. All constrction equipment, holes, pits and chemcal storage and use shall comply fuly with all requiements of OSHA. The Engieer and IDWR Representative must be,notified 24 hours before drli and before the seal is placed and mus be on site to observe the sealing. Any seal placed without the Engieer and IDWR Representative being on site will not be accepted. d. Mobiliztion: The contractor shal move in all necessar tools, equipment and supplies requied for the work, and upon completion of the work shall remove all such items includig rubbish, dring debri and cuttgs from the premises promptly and leave the site in a rieat and orderly fason as close to origial condition as feasible. Payment for any work under ths pargraph shal be at the lump sum price bid in the bid schedule. e. Testing: Upon completion of the development of ths well, the Contractor sha test said well in the presence of the engieer to determne the yield and draw-down in accordace with requiements of Recommended Stadads for Water Works and the State of Idao Rules for Public Drng Water. The well shall be test pumped at the desired yield for the well for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours afer the drawdown ha stbiled. Alternatively, the well may be pumped at a rate of one hundred fift percent of the desired yield for at least six (6) contiuous hours afer the drawdown has stabilized. In either case, if thedrwdown does not stabilze, the pumping must contiue for at leas seventy-two consecutive hours. The field pumping equipment must be capable of maitag a constat rate of dischage durg the test. Discharge must be piped an adequate distace to prevent recharge of the well durg the test. The contractor's submitt to the state shall conta the followig (items e though f shall be documented on one hour intervals uness other wise directed in wrtig by the state): a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Test pump capacity-head characteristics np'Mth ("f't""ct 1"1'''," "ø-r.... ..-.Iw... 'o'" "..UL .P..iil' ¡',""'l.5 Time of stag and ending each test cycle The zone of inuence for the well Pumping rate Pumping water level Drawdown Water recovery rate and levels Contractor sha document all test results as requied by the State of Idao. Testig equipment shal be capable of deliverig a contiuous supply of at least 3500 GPM from a depth of 450 feet. All testig dischages sha be piped to a suitale wase site a mium of 250 feet from the well and be disposed of in an envionmentay acceptable maner. Testg shal be with a stdard tubine pump. The Contrctor shl fush and inta all necessar equipment for the testg includig a suitable means for accurately measurg the dischage from the well and the water level in the well durg the testg opertion The Contractor shal be responsible for providig a mean for safe refuelig durg.opertion, to prevent even brief shutdown durg the test. The Contrctor shal be responsible for makg arangements with the Owner for satisfactory disposal of water durg the test period. Payment for fushig, intalig and removig the testig equipment shal be at the applicable lump sum price bid in the bid schedule. Payment for opertig test-pumping equipment shal be at the hourly rate bid for conductig pumping test. 1. Flow measurg Equipment: The Contrctor sha provide flow measurg equipment capable of determing dischages of up to 3500 GPM at intervals of 25 GPM. 2. Well level Meaurement Equipment: Contracor shal provide a mean of accurately measurg water levels in the well before, durg and afer pumping tests. Electrc water level probe or and ailie is acceptable. If an ailie method is used provide an ailine, draw down gauge and ai pressure source. The pressure gauge must be accurate to 0.5 psi. The ailie shal be securely fastened to the pump unt and shal teliatèapproXiately 2 feet _u above the pump. If the electrc level probe is used it shal be accurately calibrated and be inerted between the pump colum and the well casing. 3. A prelim capacity test will be ru prior to the pumping test. Preli test sha las approxiately 1 hour to check pumping equipment and to estiate production capacity of the well. 4. Records: Make accurate wrtten records of water levels, pumping rates, tie intervals and other pertinent detais of the pumping test as requied by the State ofIdao. , g. Sand Measurements: The sand content of a new well shal not be more th five (5) pars per milion fifteen (15) miutes afer the sta of test pumping. Sand testig and measurement shall be done in accordance with Idao Rules for Public Drig Water Systems, Section . 'J"() ,Q\.\. \it f. ~"-r::c- l~N 9")1'0I:; '- W~ ~ .~ '\1'\ Abandonment: In the event that the Contractor fails to complete the well or wells to the ~ depth specified or to a greater depth as may be determed durg the act drllg or C Ì' should he abandon any well because of loss of tools or equipment or for any other cause, or /; if any well shal fail to meet the requiements for plumbness and alignent as previously seY' fort the Contractor, if requested and as diected by the Engieer~ shall fill the abandontd well with clay or cuttgs and salvage and remove such casing as can be salvaged. '" The materials fushed by the Contractor shall remain his propert. The cost of abandonment . of the well~ includig the filig and casing, shall be borne solely by the Contractor and no allowance or payment shall be made for the drlling or other work performed by the Contractor on any abandoned well. Any paral payments aleady mae to the Contractor on an abandoned well will be applied to a subsequent well which will meet the provisions of the Specifications. Plumbness and Alignent: The wells shal be drlled staight and plumb in accordace with the provisions of ths pargraph. The casing, upon completion of development, shal be sufciently straight to a depth of 4DO feet. Plu.bness and alignent of the well casing shal be tested in accordance with A WW A Stadads A-I 00. It shal be the responsibility of the Contractor to see tht the wells are being constrcted strght and plumb with these lits at al ties. The Owner may at any tie make request for Contractor to conduct test or tests as necessar to determe whether these limtations are bein met. Any additiona work requied by the Contractor in redrlling or staightenig the well shl be at no cost to the Owner. h.Disposal of Materials: It is anticipated drling mud will be recirculated with a loss of no more th two cubic yards. Arangements for the disposal of all drll cuttg, sludge and other materials from the dr sha be made by the Contrtor in accordace with Mium Well Constrction Standads for the State of Idao, and reguations by IDWR and DEQ. Disposal will be in an approved santa landfll or at another site approved in wrtig by the Engieer that meets al environmental reguations. 1.Utilties: The Contractor shal be responsible for fushig or arang for electrcity, water, or other utilties requied in the drlling of the well. J.Recovery of Tools: In the event ofloss of tools or equipment durg any phase of the work, the Contractor sha not be entitled to any payment for tie spent or expense incurd in an attempt to fish or recover the tools or equipment prior to possible abandonment of any well. k. Protection of Water Quaity: The contrctor shal take all necessar precautions to prevent contaation of the water in the well by the introduction of any foreign substaces, including contanaed water, gasoline, oil, etc. The Contractor shal disinect al down hole matenals (gravel fiter, packer, etc) and equipment as requied by AWWA B-100 Section 3, Recotnended Stadads fui Watei Wûiks or the State ofldal-o. 1. Completion and Clean-Up: Upon acceptace of the well by the Owner, the Contractor shal cut off the 16-inch casing at a point not less th 24 inches above ground level or as designted by the Engieer. The casing shall be fuer protecte by coverg with a V4-inch thck steel plate tack welded to the casing, or by other mean satisfactory to the Engieer. The well site sha be cleaned up by removig all equipment, materials, and supplies, includig the filling of any pits or excavations, and the site left in a neat and orderly fashion. No payment shal be made for any work under ths pargrph and the cost of all such work sha be included in the amount bid for other items of work. SECTION C-2 ROTARY DRILING: a. Sealing: The well shall be seaed from the water producing aquifer to the surace with Bentonite slur to prevent cross contamtion of aquifers and to prevent surace water from enterig any aquifers. The anular space between the well casing and the bore openig shal be filled by pumping Bentonite slur into the anular space from the bottom to the surace. When the Bentonite slur reaches the surace the contractor sha pump in sufcient cement grout to form a secure cement seal around the bottom of the well casing. Followig consolidation of the Bentonite slur additiona Bentonite shall be added to the top of the anular openig. As Bentonite is added to the top the temporar surace casing shall be removed as par of the groutig process. Bentonite slur shall be mixed in accordace with manufactuer's recommendation and requiements of the State of Idao. Cement grout will be a mie of 94 pounds of cement and 5.2 galons of water or as requied by Idao Well Consction Standard Rules Payment will be made for work under ths paragraph in acordace with the lump sum pnce for providing surace seal as listed in the bid schedule. The lump sum pnce shal be considered as fu compensation to the Contractor for fushig and intaing the seal to include all labor, matenals, and equipment required to complete the work. No seal may be placed without a mium of 150% of estiated seal materials being on site. A mium of 12 hours sha elapse between the placement of cement grout seal and the resumption of drlling. b. Dnlling: The well shal conta a 28-inch temporar oversize surace caing as requied by Idaho Well Constrcton Stadads and the attched plan. The temporar casing sha extend from the surace into an impervous layer. Afer the oversize temporar surace casing ha been set in place the well shal be drlled to an estted tota depth of 450 feet below ground surace. The well shall be drlled a mium of 24-inch diameter to accommodate a 16-inch diameter caing, along with a telescoping screen sized-for a 16 inch casing and requied gravel filter. It is estimated tht all drling will be in sediments such as clay, silt, sand, or gravel. The Contractor shal provide the well drlling rig and well tools as requied, and all other equipment, materials, and supplies requied for drlling and completig the welL. All such equipment shall be in good condition and properly maintaed. Measurement fm payment fm driling shal be the depth below i;ûimd suace of the hole actuly drlled. No classification of materials will be made and payment for drllig will be at the unt price listed in the bid schedule regardless of the tye of matenals encountered. Only NSF approved drllig materials and mud products will be used in drlling. Drilin Method: The Contractor sha dril an 8" pilot hole, collect soil samles in accordace with Section C~2.g of Special Conditions and conduct electronic logg of the diferent soil strta. Ths inormtion shal be used to determe how the well wil be completed. The contrctor wil provide soil samples for design of screen and gravel packig in the water strata tht wil be developed. Screen design sha include leng an slot siz. Following determtion the well wil be developed fuer, the pilot hole wil be inreased to 24" diameter to an estimted depth of 450 feet. c. Casing: It is contemplated that the well, when completed, shal be cased with a 16~inch diameter casing which shall extend from 2 feet above the ground surace to approxitely 450 feet. The screens shal consist of telescoping sections for commercial well screen as set fort elsewhere in these Specifications and drawigs and be sized for a 16-inch casing. The 16-inch casing shal have mium wall thckness of 0.375 inches and conform to ASTM- . A53 Grade B - Domestic Prie Specifcations. Al casins sh be joined with fu penetration welds made by properly quaifed operators conform to AISC Stadards. Measurement for payment for the permanent casing shall consist of the actu lengt in linear feet of blan caing intaled in the well, not includig the lengt of screens. d. Screens: The Contractor shall fush and insta the appropriate screens. Screens sha be of the contiuous wire-wound tye (UOP-Johnon maufactuer or equa) in staess steel suitable for inlation in a 16-inch diameter well casing. The screen assembly sha consist of a stess steel screen along with a mium is foot blan above the screen and 10 foot mium blan below the screen. The lower blan shall be closed at the bottom with a welded steel plate of 3/8-inch minum thckness. The manufactur shal determe the lengt of screen, depth of screen placement and size of screen slots afer the drg of the well and samples of water-bearg formations have been properly analyzed. The Engieer shal review maufactues recommendations for screen lengt placement and slot sizg and approve for intaation. Screen sizing, lengt and depths shall be deterined by material analysis, logs and other inormation supplied by the contractor. Measement for payment for screen shall be of the actu lengt of slott~ screen instaled. Payment for screens sha include all costs of the materials, equipment, and labor requied for intalation including the packers and blan above and below the slotted screen. e. Filter: Afer the screen assembly ha been inalled in the well the Contractor shal introduce a graded fiter into the anular space suroundig the well screen. The graded filter shall be designed by the screen maufactuer based on matenal samples supplied by the çontractor. The engi~lJeer wil revie\X¡ the graded filter design and approve for ination. A detailed plan showig how filter matenals wil be placed and measured in place shal be determed by the contrctor and be presented to the engieer. The engieer and Idaho Deparent of water Resources wi review and approved the inlation plan pnor to begig filter matenal placement. Measurement for payment shal be of the actu. number of cubic yards used. Payment shal be at the unt pnce bid in the bid schedule and shal include all costs of fushing and ining gred filter matenals. f. Development: Upon completion of the drling, intalation of the caing and screens and intaation of the gravel fiter, the Contractor shall develop the well or wells by compressed ai, or other method approved in advance by the Engieer. Development shal contiue until no appreciable amounts of matenal are brought into the well afer 30 miutes of vigorous surgig. Upon completion of development, al matenal shal be thorougy cleaed from inide the casing and screen. If clay, bentonite or other simlar substace ha been added to the well durg constrction, the Contractor may be requied to use dispersant and/or mud removig chemicals to remove the clayey matenals from the welL. Measurement for payment for development shall be of the actu hours spent in developing the well and shall not include tie spent in intalation or removal of equipment or for any repais or maitenance work. g. Records and Samples: An accurate, detaed log or record sha be kept by the Contrtor's drller on a form suitale to the Engineer which shall indicate for each shift worked the general character, thckness and tye of matenal encountered, the depth at which the water level stads in the well at the beging and end of each shift, and the natue and extent of all other work performed includig time spent on each item of work. The log shal be kept carefuly and accurately at the tie the work is being done; a copy of the log shal be maitaed at all ties at the job site and shal be avaiable at any tie for inpection by the Owner. Upon completion of the work, a complete copy shal be fushed the Owner and the Contractor shall fuer file with the State Deparent of Water Resources the necessar log and record on forms obtaible from the deparent. Samples. of all matenals penetrated durg drlling shall be taen at every formation chage and every 10 feet above 200 feet and every 5 feet below 200. feet. These samples sha be saved and maintaed on the job site by the Contrtor. These samples sha be at leas one pint in volume and shall be kept in transparent waterproof contaers to be provided by the Contractor. All samples shall be clearly labeled to show the depth from which they were collected. Cloth bags and used oil cans are not acceptable contaers. Samples shal be taen from a split sampler on the drl pump discharge and caught ina contaier of not less th 50-gallon capacity. When possible aquifer materials are encountered, the Contractor sha reduce his drling speed sufciently to permt accure loggig and samplig of the hole. Every effort shal be mae by the Contrctor to ine tht samples are representative of the materials penetrated. No payment wil be made to the Contractor for keeping the prescribed records or collectig samples and the cost of al such work shall be included in the amount bid for drlling in the proposa. t"'y j;~\q::¿ vv.¡Z'''. t.i.4~''f.q! ¡VOi .-1'V EAGLE WATERCO:MANY, mc. WELLS PROPOSAL TO: EAGLE WATERCOMPAN, INC. The undersigned, hereinafter called the Bidder, declares that the only persons or parties interested in ths Proposal are those named herein and that ths Proposal is Ìli all respects fai and without fraud; that it is made without collusion with any ofiicial or employee of the Eagle Water Company, Inc., hereinafer called Owner, and that the Proposal is made without any cOlliection or collusion with aiiy other person or firm making another proposal on ths same Contract. Tle Bidder agrees that if this Proposal is accepted by the Owner, he will within seven (7) days afer nqtification of the acceptance, execute the Contract with Owner in the form attached hereto and wil at: the time of execution of the Contract deliver a perf01TianCe and payment bond, and wil to the eXtent of tins Proposal, fush all machinery, tools, and otiier means of constrction and do all the work and fush all materials as not provided by the Owner which are necessary to complete the work in the maimer covered by the Specifications. Contractor shall pay for fue bond. The bidder fl.iher agrees to begin work wit1:un sixteen (16).days after execution õffue Contract and to: prosecute the work diligently i.mtil completed in all respects. Completion date for ths Contract shall be within 120 days afer execution of this Contract. The Bidder f1.1iher agrees to accept as full payment for the work proposed herein the aniount c'omputed i.mder the provisions of the Specifications and based on the unt price or lump sum amou.ts as set f01ih herein under fue appropriate Schedule for Items and Prices. It shall be expressly understood that the unit prices are independent of the exact quatities involved and that the unt prices stated herein represent a tre measure of the labor and materials requied for the work includig any and all allowance for overhead or profit. If fue Bidder is awarded a Contract based upon tlns Proposal, tiie surety who will provide theperfonnance and payment bond wil be --JY~.p 1"/1Svra.c,c: ~ whose address is 761 5~ Æ... De-50 Moines (A- 56311- ;icljl. The Bidder futher certifies that he has carefully examined the Specifications for the work; tliat he has personally inspected the sites; that he has satisfied himself as to tlie qU3niities of materials, items of equipment and conditions of work involved; that tliis Proposal is made according to tiie provisions and tenus of the Specifcations; and that he is aware and has taleen into consideration all factors wInch may affect this Proposal. SCHEDULE A ITEM NO. 1. DESCRITION Mobilization on site for üie lumn siim nrirp nf 'Pnl6 r.. ¡'Ô()stÁticl .. ---- c--- ~ dollarsand i- Co cent. 1 Lump Sum at $ ." 5 000 -complete. 2.Install smface seal for the lump SlID1 price of '. F 11/ e. -I hDù s.4.~ f I J e. h.. ",1 ".e. dollarsand f' Õ cents. i Lump Su.m at $- 0" ,ár;.o O' - complete. 3.Drill 8" pilot hole, collect soil samples & conduct electronic log, 450 linear feet at ü1e unit price of ro.-t (J f i ;;~ dollarsand /J ò cents. 450 L.F. at 3)t+c. o~Per linear foot. 4.Driling 24" hole, complete, 450 linear feet ~t the unit price of Pi l -tT dollarsand oJ ò cents. 450 L.F. at $0" 56 ~Per linear' foot. 5.Installation of 1 6-inch casing in place, 420 linear feet at ~ ll1it price of IÇl~ .ß¡i'f .f=""tf PI j PI =e ,. J dollarsand pö 6' Ç" cents. c'Ji 420 L.F. at $ £~. Per linear foot. iOilFumish and install16-inch well screen in place, 50 linear feet at the unit price of . an7~o hc)~J ~;:- kòrto l¡V6 c~~~~~rs 6. 50 L.F. at $J.lS ,,~Per linem foot. '2 TOTAL FOR ITEM (T $ ~ (5(Jb '-, ,,11 $ £; S- C1Ò --) $ Jò ,c156) D ..-- " :-3) dk .Sòò/ :2)11°° DC$.~~;' l) " $ I:A . ;)$ () ./7 7.Furnish and install gravel filter, 5 cubic yards at the unit price of and ;; / g-6t¿; fo i II e. " í'V ",;.0:-' ...... ULI. dollars cents. Per Cubic Yardd ~- 06O.J - 8.Well Development, complete, 24 hours at the unitprice of . On e. hi. rid.re.J...e iJ v-Cff t/(('"l1arsand lJ Ò cents. 24 Hours at $CO/15 -Per hour. 9.Furnish, instàll and remOVe temporaiy test pump, complete, for the lump sum price of --o v"" -t h,ó v.s~ .l ~ òand dollars cents. 1 Lump Sum at $o ~ 4. Ó 0 Ò - complete.; 10.Conduct pump test, complete (24) hours at the unit price of ,o ri e h.i ;v ve.d. .. ¡.. tt( dollarsand ¡.Z) cents. 24 Hours at $~ "1;;0 -per hour. 11.MisceUaneous Work Items, complete 20 hours at the unit price of , 0/1 e. h-v n,.i.-d s ~J e- -ta- ~/ v~ pD dollars cents. 20 Hours at $ ./15 44 per hour. /''If\ /1 TOTAL BID ~/! . j. // // //i;../~.".... //t~- j¿x:(ft'!: ~~Idaho License No, Sighature ¿)r e.S/.J~ - Sf e v e.s ~5oM. 1) n ¿I i ~ Title '.1. .. ~. .__...$. ~ 0 't H a.r"k¡ () rvi ~ l:. l! l s. e- .r:5 i 01 .. Ad -ess Dat~d this L day of .J v f' DriIling tosta11 7/ II ò :i ,200 S- days after awai'd. 3 ,/._.""CSO$ 'l;Lj,- óO$ tf J.6 ó/J $ i-I; er06 -- .. .: $ ~ 'óö isO $ 3.1 S" (76 -- 0" $ 161, g6S' - ":,. i 51~ 'J'tCL,---.- r O'r :J/-15"1 I &TEVEN& (g &ON& WELL DRILLING, INC. 3709 HAWTHORNE DRIVE. BOISE. IDAHO 83703-4529 . PHONE: 208.344-0726 . FAX: 208.344-0769 July 6,2005 Due to differences between furnished diagram & schedule A bid items and our inability to reach the engineer for clarification, we amend. bid,add these options: item 6.lOll screens 50 '$158 $7,900.00 12" screens 50'$174 $8,700 .00 head & tail pipe 1011 casi ng 251 $32 $800 .00 12"casing 25'$38 $950.00 swedge packer to 1611 1 $1600 $1,600 .00 item 7. bid sce.dule asks for GRAVEL pack,whereas engineer usually asks for COLORAD0 SAND pack COLORADO SAND 5 yd $675 $3~375.00 * due to mark~~iuctu~tion, steel;' I /7.:. .,1 I /. ./'/ t:ì/ / 1/1 ... J!fj.1 f ¡YA¡/'tr / uZ-V prices firm for 30 days only ~) RESPONSE NO. 6(b) Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request KG.t¿lJE..r NO.. '# G: ! . . CONTRACT Agreement made this 2nd day of January , 1998 , between Eagle Water Company, hereinafter Eagle and MTC Engineers, Inc. , hereinafter MTC The parties to this agreement, in consideration of the mutual covenants and stipulations set out, agree as follow: Eagle Hereby Contracts with MTC, Inc. to preform all Engineering services that may be required for the extension, upgrading and inspection of the Eagle Water Company system. The payment for these services will be on a time and materials basis in accordance with MTC i s standard rates. SECTION INSTRUMNT AS ENTIRE AGREEMENT This instrument contains the entire agreement between the parties, and no statements, promises, or inducements made by either party or agent of either party that are not contained in this contract shall be valid or binding; this contract may not be enlarged, modified, or altered except in wri ting, signed by both parties and endorsed on this agreement. SECTION EFFECT OF AGREEMENT This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the heirsi èxecutors, assignees, and Successors of the respective parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the XJ 9- '- X/\, :-First Party ~ 'l Cì. ¡"itt ~7 19 ll l(t..~.M~ RESPONSE NO. 7 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request Page 1 11/2312005 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Permit Report 63-12559 WATER RIGHT NUMBËR: 63-12559 Owner Type Currnt Ower Priority Date: Basis: Staus: Sourc GROUND WATER Benefcial Use MUNICIPAL Name and Addres EAGLË WATER CO INC 172 W STATE ST PO BOX 455 EAGLE,ID 83616-0455 (208)93:9-242 12/15/1999 Actve / Tributary Frbm To 1/01 to 12/31 Annual Volume Total Diversion: Diversion Rate 5.000 CFS 5.000 CFS GROUNDWATER Location of Point's) of Diversion Twp04N,Rge 01E, S.M. Place of Use L3 (NE114SW1/4) Sec. 15,ADA County Cönditionsof Api:roval: 1. 121 The Director retains jurisdicion to require the right holder tb provic: purchased or leased natural flow or s;:red water to offet depleton of Lower Snåke River flows if needed fbr salmon migration purpose. The amount of water required to be relêased into the Snake River or a tributary, if mieced for this purpose,'will be determined by the Director based upon the reduction in flw caused by the use of Wàter pursuant to this permit. 2. 01 M Aftr specìfc notification by the department, the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device or shall enter into an agrement With. the c:partent to determIne the amount of water diverted frm power recrdS and shall annually report the infbrmation to the departent. 3. Water bearing zone to be appropriated is frm 250 to 400 fet. Pelnt of diversion is know as Weil #7. Place of use is within the service area of Eagle Water Co. Inc. 4. 046 Right holder shall cbmply with the drillng permit requirements of Section 42-235, Idaho Oode. 5. 102 The right holder shall not proVi waer dIverted under this right for the irrgation of land having appurtnant surfce water right as a primary sourc bf irrgation water except when the surface war rights are not available fOr use. ThIs condition applies to all land with appurtenant surface watertihts, including land converted from irrgated agricultural use to other land uses but still requiring water to irrigate lawns and landscaping. 6. 004 The issuance of this right does not grant any right-of~way or easement across the land of another. 7. 26A Project constrcton shall commence witin one year from the date of permit issuance and shall p.roceed dilg.ently to completion unless it can be shown to the satisfacton of the Director of the Department of Water Resources that deiays were due to circumstances over which permit holder hadnb control. 1 . , . Page 2 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Permit Report 63-12559 Remark: Comments: 1. LGRAVES 12123/1999 MISC Comment: Per Applicant: p/d aka weii #7 and will be sealed to 200 feet. 2. SCURTIS 212312000 CORPORATE OFFICERS Comment: President -Robert Deshazo, Jr. Vice Pres. . Roland Jones Secrtary - Bet Holt Treaurer. Mick DMn 3. dgibson 3/5/2004 Request for Exension of Time Comment: Granted 2nd extension of time base on government delay. Extended proof due ele to 3/112006. Dates and Other Information: Permit Proof Due Date: 3/1/2006 Permit Proo Made Date: PennitApproved Date: 3/1/2000 Permit Moratorium. Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priorit Date: Enlargment Statute Priority Date: Field Exam Date: Date sent to State Offce: Date Received at State Offce: State or Federal: Owner Name COnnector: Water Distr Number: Generic Max Rate Per Acre: . Generic Max Volume Per Acre: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust: Swan Falls Dismissed: OLE Act Number: Carey Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False Combined Use Limits.: ¡" Element RevieWSdNerified Dates: Element Last Reviewed Date Reviewer Last Verified Date Verifier Status Verificaon Log: Element Date Time Stamo Reviewer Log text Water Supply Bank: i 11/23/2005 RECEIVED DEC 1519 Orimng Permit No. 0 3 - 99 - ú./ ,. /(J! Jl. OCÒ Drillng Permit 1.0. Tag No. :3 1 rii/P Water Right Permit No. ( t - i _59 Injection Peinít No. , ,C:on.n 235-1 1211 6/96 (LDT) WATER RESOURCES WEaTRN REGION State of Idaho Department of Water Resources CK5 & 07 9 /':57..~ APPLICATION FOR DRILLING PERMIT ¿;9t.::9¥" (FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL) E: Wa e:yi Iæ. P.O. B: 45 1. Owner (pleasè print): 2. Mailing Address: .~.. 3. Proposed Well Location: Twp. Gov' Lot No. 3 County Street Addres of Weir Site H w 4N Stte: ID Zip Coe: 8316 R 1,E S 15, ge. i . ec. Telephone en) ~42 ,NE 1/4 ME 1/4 SW Cit Eàe P. Lot, block and subdn 4. Propos.ed Use of Well: (J DOMESTIC: The use of water for homes, organization camps, public campgrounds, liVestock (1,000 head or les) and any other purp in connectn therewth, includilg irrgation of up to % acre of land, if the total use is not in excess of 13,C gpd; or any other uses,if the total use does not exceed a diversion rate of 0.04 cfs and a diversion volume of 2500 gpd. : : Long. lS: i + - s: It k ¡¡ llI ( # 1 Cit G at lea na of l' + Disnc to Roa or Laii L Lat. Ea Domestic does not include water for multiple ownership subdiVSins, mobile horne parks, commercal orbusini establishments, unless the use does not exceed a diVersion rate of 0.04 cfs and a diverson volume of 2500 gpd. NON-DOMESTIC:( J Irrigation' ( J Stock (Over 1 ,000 Head) tx Municpal ( J Test ( 1 Industnal ( i Other (Describe) ( J. INJECTION ( I MONITOR.ING: A well bore schematic and map is required for each blanketpermit. No. of proposectweUs:. . .~ I A. fx New well B. Propo Casng Diameter ( J Modify l- Per !ak~ 'efj ( J Replace 2 $ô¡-t - '. 5. Well Construction Ihfonnation: , 16" to is"Proposeå Maximum ûepth 4( IS c3 £ ¿. C. Anticipated bottom hole temperature: '. be. 85~F .or less ( J 85°F to 212°F (Cold Water Well) (Low Temp. Geo. Well) A:Ìì/Mi$ 2U 15.$3lS. Constrcton'StartOate: 7. Anticipated Well Drifler. NOTE: The actual w 8. Applicants Signature: Address Of different than owner): Cit Tite: P.de State:_ Zip Code: i Telephone (Ower, Firm Representaöve, Other) RESPONSE NO.8 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request _~l.er NO.. It/): P. 3 CITY ()FE.AGLE EAGLE, IDAHO SPECIFCATIONS FOR Eagle Water Company Pressure Reducing Valve and Interconnection City of Eagle - Ada County, 1D / August 2007 HECO Ref. No. EG 061907 Prepared By Holladay EngineerigCompany Payette,ID City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Eagle Water Company Pressure Reducing Valve and Interconnection EG 061907 SPECIFCATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION - 01 01110- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMY OF WORK 01310 - - .: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROJECT MEETIGS 01323 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROJECT SCHEULE AN MONTY INSPECTIONS 01330 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUBN.TTALS 01510 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEMPORARY SERVICES 01520 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FIELD OFFICE AN SHEDS 01560 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B~RS 01570 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEMPRAY CONTROLS 01600 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MATERI AN EQUIPMET 01720 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FIELD ENGINERIG 01770 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01785 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATIONS AN MATENANCE DATA 01815 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SYSTEM DEMONSTRTION AND TRINING SECTION-02 02051 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GENERA SIT CONSTRUCTION REQUIRMETS 02225 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TRN9liG AN BACKFILL 02510 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W Al'ERDISTRBUTION SYSl'EM SECTION-03 03400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PRECAST CONCRETE ITEMS SECTION -07 07101 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CEMET BASED WATERPROOFING 07213 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RIGID INSULATION SECl'ION - 08 08310 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MEl' AL ACCESS H. TCHES SECTION-09 09901 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GENERA PAITIG AND COAl'ING REQUIRMENTS SECTION -15 15041 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHLORIATION OF DOMESTIC WATER MAINS AN SERVICES FOR DISINFECTION 15180 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VALVES & PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES 15181 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PIPE PENETRATION SEALS 15182 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PRESSUREGAUGES - 1 - City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Eagle Water Company PressureReduc:ing Yal"veand Interconnection EG 061907 SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 01 01110 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMY OF WORK 01310 - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - PROJECT MEETINGS 01323 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROJECT SCHEDULE AND MONTI Y INSPECTIONS 01330 - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - SUBNIALS 01510 - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - TEMPORARY SERVICES 01520 - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - FIELD OFFICE AND SHEDS 01560 - - -" - -. - -_.. - - - - - - BARRRS 01570 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEMPORAY CONTROLS 01600 - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - MA TERlL AND EQUIMENT 01720. - - -.. - -. ... - ..... - - - - FIELDENGINERlG 01770 - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01785 - _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATIONS AN MAINTENANCE DATA 01815 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SYSTEM DEMONSTRTION AND TRAINING SECTON 01110 SUMY OF WORK PART 1 GENERA 1 .l DESCRITION A. All work wil be perormed under a single contract. The contractor wil be responsible for their work which will include: 1. Contrction of a new Pressure Reducing Station with two locations on the Eagle Water Company water system. 1.2 LOCATION A. Th location of the work is in Ada County, and is located in Eagle City. Page 1 of the constrction plan identifies the location with the City. 1 .3 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF PREMIES A. Constrction Camp: Establishieitof a camp with the proper will not be pertted.. . B. Contractor shall at all ties conduct his option to enure the least inconvenience to the operation of the facility. C. The Contrctor is allowed to place an offce triler and confe storage of materals within the pereter of the proper. D. Preseration of Natul Featues: Confieall opeltions to lints shown for the project. Prevent daage to suroungs. Project is within developed areas. Restore damaed ars, repairig or replacing damaged trees an plants, at nO additional expense to the Ower. 1. Provide temporar barers to protect existing trees and plants and root zones. 2. Do notremdve, injure, otdestroy trees or oth plants without pror approvaL. Consult with Engiee and remove agreed-on roots and braches tht interere with constrction. 3. Do not faste ropes, cables, or guys to existg trees. 4. Carefully supervse excavatig, gradig, fillng, and other constrction operations near trees to prevent dage. E. Existing Utilìties: Notify Engineer and utility companes of proposed locations and ties for excavation. 1. COntractor shall be responsible for locating and preventig daage to known utilities. If damage occur, repair utility at no additional expense to the Ower. 2. If damge occur to an unown utility, repai utilìty. An equitable adjustment wil be mae in accordce with the Chges clause of the contrct. F. Hauling Restrictions: Comply with all legal load restrctions in the hauling of materials. A special pert wil not relìeve Contractor of lìability for daage which may result from movig of equipment. EG 061907 01110..1 SUMARY OF WORK 1.4 SPECIA CONSTRUCTION REQUIMES A. No special constrction requirements. 1 .5 FILD VERJICATION A. Field verfy all new and existing dimensions affecting th work .ofths contrct beforeord.rig products. 1 .6 CONSTRUCTION MATERIS A. All materals, including borrow and aggregates, shall be Contrctor.furnish; PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED. PART 3 EXCUTION NOT USED. EN OF SECTION EG 061907 01110..2 SUMARY OF WORK SECTION 01310 PROJECT MEETIGS PART 1 GENERA 1 .1 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERECE A. Before sta of constrction, Engieer will arge an on-site meeting with Contractor. The meeting agenda will include the followig as a mium: 1. Authorized Represetatives 2. CorreSpondence procedes 3. Labor stadards provisions 4. Payroll reort 5. Modifications 6. Paymts to Contractor 7. Acceptace/rejection 8. Constrcton progress 9. Subcontractors . 10. Documents requied uide the contrct 11. Submitt of shop drwigs, project data sales, or appoved equal 12. As-constrcted drwigsopetion an matece (O&M mauals 13. Satuday, Sunday, holiday and night work 14. Reference mateals 15. Contractor quality control 16. Liquidated damges 17. Notice to proceed 18. Constrction schedule B. Submittls requied prior to Pre..Constrction Conference ~ The followig ite shall be submitted a miimum of one week prior to the Preconstrction Conference. Engineer will notify Contrctor of tetative date for the Pre..onstiction Conferce. 1. Letter designtig your Project Supntendent 2. Your proposed Constrction Progress Schedule 3. A list of subcontrctors for this project (must be same as in your proposal) 4. Written statements from your subcontractors cerfyng compliance with applicable labor stadard clauses 5. Location of source for borrow materal (if applicable) ê. 8tèr aÐà Waste "S.¥a-er Polfftioo Prei,eætioo PlaÐ (SWPPP) aÐà NO! C. All items listed inust be provided to the Engieer before the Pre-Constrction Conference is held. If all of these documents have not been received one week prior to the scheduled Pre- Consction Conference date, the conferce will be cancelled, Notice to Proceed will not be issued, and the Engiee will consider other contrctul remedies. Work shal not commence tmtil wrtten Notice to Proceed has been issued. 1.2 PROGRESS MEETIGS A. The Engieer will schedule weekly meetigs with the Contrctor. EG 061907 01310-1 PROJECT MEETIGS B. ,The meeting agenda wil include the follo"Wng as a rninimum: 1. Approval of minutes of previous meetings 2. Review of work progress 3. Field obserations, problems, and decisions 4. Identification of problems which impede planed progress 5. Revievi ofsubniItt..ls schedule and status of subniit+..ls 6. Review of off-site fabrcation and deliver schedules 7. Status ofproject record drwings (ninthy) 8. Status of operation and matenceda.ta mauals. (monthy) 9. Mainteance Of progress schedule 10. Corrective measures to regain projected schedules 11. Planed progress durng succeeding work perod 12. COQrdition of projected prQgress 13. Effect of proPsed changes on PlQgress schedule and coorcltion 14. Oter business relatig to work PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED. PART 3 EXECUON NOT USED. EN OF SECTON EG 061907 01310-2 PROJECT MEETGS SECTION 01323 PROJECT SCHEULE AN MONTY INSPECTONS PART 1 GENE 1 .1 DESCRTION A. Sum: The work of ths section consists of project schedule requirenentsincluding prepartion of a project schedule, schedule upte, schedule revisions and time impact .analysis. The project schedule shall be based upon the Critical Path Metod (CP for planing, scheduling and reportg progress of the Work. B. Puose: The purse of the projec schedule is to ene adequate planing, coordination, scheduling, and reprtg durg execution of the work by the Contrctor. The project schedule will assist the Contrctor and Engiee in montorg the progress of the work, evaluatig proposed chages, and processg the Contrctts monthy progres payment. C. Softare: The softare shall be the lates version of Prver Project Planer (P3), SureTra Project Scheduler, Microsoft Project, or appoved equal. The Contrctor shall provide to the Engineer a licened copy of the soft used for the prject schedule and a softe referce maual. The softe and referce maua will be reted to the Contrctor at completion of the Contrct. 1.2 SUBMIALS: A. Project Sche.dule: Afer contrct award and befor the Pre-Contrction conference, submit one electronic copy on PC compatible CD-ROM and 2 paper copies of the proposed project schedule, and accompanyig CPM Schedule Repor. B. Project Schedule Updates: On or before the 7th day precedig the progress payment request date, submit estimates of the pecent completion of each schedule activity and necessa suorg data. Provide two paper copies and one electronc copy. C. Project Schedule Revision and Time Imact Analysis: Submt one electonic copy and two paper copies of a Time Impact Analysis. Each Time Imact Analysis shall include a Fragmentar Netork (Fragnet) demonstrtig how the Contrctor proposes to incorporate a modification, change, delay, or Contractor request into the project schedule. D. Schedule of Values 1. Afer contract award and before the Pre-Constrction conference submt a schedule of dolla values based on the Contrct Bid Schedule. Breadown each lump-sum bid item into component par of work for which progres payments may be requested. The total cost for the compnent par of work shal equa the bid amount for tht lum-su item. The Engineer may request data to verfy accuracy of dollar values. Include mobilization, geeral condition costs, overhead and profit in the tota dollar value of unit price ites and in the component pars of work for each lum-sum item, as described below. Do not include mobilzation, generl condition costs, overhead or profit as a separate item. 2. Do not brea down unt prce bid items. Use only the bid amount for unit price items. 3. The total cost of all items shall equal the contract su. The Schedule of Values will form the basis for progress payments. EG 061907 01323-1 PROJECT SCHEDULE AN MONTHLY INSPECTIONS 4. An acceptable Schedule of Values shall be agred upon by the Contrtor and Engineer before the firs progress payment is processed. 1.3 PRELIMINARY REQUIMENTS A. Meeting: The Contrctor shall meet with the Enginee on the day of th prectrcton conference to conduct a joint review of the project scheule requiremets 'Of the contrct to assure the Enginee of the Contrctots and subcontractors' underdig of the reqents of this section. B. Contractots Schedule Representative: Before or at the preconstrction confere, designte in wrtig and provide the quaifidations of an authoredrepreentativeinthe0otrctots orgiztion who shall berespnsible for coordinatig wìth the Engiee durg th preptionand maintence of the project schedule. 1 .4 PROJECT SCHEDULE A. Schedule Developent: 1. The late fiish date shown on the schedule shll be the sa date as the las day of the contract perod. 2. The Contrcto shal use the Precedence Diagr Method (pDM) with limted use of lead or lag duration's betwee schedule actvities. Th Contrctos prec schedule shal consist of procurmet activities (including mobiliztion, submittal, an the fabrcation and deliver of key and long-lead pruremt ite) and cotrtion acvities. 3. The Contrctor's project schedule shall consist of, bu not be limte to, th followig for each activity: a. Idenfy each and ever activity numbe with numercal degntion (mamu 5-digit). Numberg of actvities shal be in inements of 10 digits. b. Concise descrtion of the work repesented by the actvity (mamum 48 chaters ). Avoid the use of non-stadard abbrevation. The work related to each activity shal be limited to one work trde. c. Activity durtion in whole workig days with a maim durtion of l5 wor days each, uness otherse appoved by the Engieer, except for non-constrction acvities includig mobiliztion, sh drwig and sale submtts, fabrcation of mateals, deliver of materals and equipmnt, and concret cug. 4. hi developing the project schedule, en tht subcontrctor work at all tier, as well as th prime contrtor's work, is included and coordte in the project scheule. 5. The project schedule as develope shall show the sequence and intedepdence of activities required for comlete peormce of the work. Ensure all work sequeces ar logica and the project schedule shows a coordiated plan of the work. 6. Proposed duration assigned to each activity shal be the Contrctor's best estimate of tie required to complete the activity considerng the sco and reures planed for the activity. Resource loading of each activity shalist all peronel by labor category and equipment tye and capacity proposed to complete the activity in the duration shown. 8. Consider seasonal weather conditions in planing and scheduling all work influenced by high or low ambient temperatues, wid and/or precipitation to enure completion of all work within th contract tie. Show anticipated weather conditions on project calenda. B. Joint Review, Revision, and Acceptace: EG 061907 01323-2 PROJECT SCHULE AN MONTLY INSPECTONS 1. Withn seven calendar days of receipt of the Contrct(.r'sprQPosed project schedule, the Engineer and Contrctor shall meet for joint review, corection, or adjustment of the proposed project schedule. Any areas which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cotiict with timely coniletiOI of the prject shall be subject to revision by the COItractor. 2. hi the event the Contractor faíls to defue any element of work, activity, or logic, and the Engineer revew doe not detect ths omissiOI or eror, such omssoi (.1' eror, when discovered by the Contractor or Enee, shl be corrected by the Con..ctorat:t~n.~t monthy project schedule update and shal not afect the cOItrct tie. 3. With seven calenda days aft the joint review beee the Contractor and Engin~er, the Contrctor shall revise and resubmt the project schedule in accordace with agreeents reacheddi.gthe jointreview. 4. Upona~eoftheproj~t $chedulebytheEngieer, the project schedule wiU ~tised tOe¥luate:teiCon;trai;Orsit~~~pplications for payient based \lpon inoriti()n. developed at the monthy project schedule update meetig, 1.5 PROJECT SCHEULE UPDATES A. Geer: Updte the project schedule OI a monthy basis thoughout the enti contrct tie.and untilproj.ect substatial comletiOI. The sttu date of each schedle updte shall be the 7th day preceding the progress payment request date. B. Procedure: Th Contrctor sha met with the Engieer each mOIth at a prject schedule update meetg to review actual prgress made though the st date of th project schedule upte~, including dates activities were staed and/or completed and the pecetage of work completed on each activity stad and/or completed. c. Progres~yients:Themonthy uptig of th prject schedule shl be an integr par of the process up whichprogrs paymts wi be mae unde th cont. If the cOItractor fails to provide schedule uptes or revsions, th a porton of his monthy payment may be retined until such corrections have be made. 1 .6 PROJECT SCHEDULE REVIIONS A. Requi RevisiOIs: If, as a result of th monthly schedule upte, it apps the project schedule no lOIger repesen the acl prosecuton and progrss of the work, the Engiee will request, and the Co:ntrctor shal submit, a revision to the project schedule. The Contractor may also request reasonle reviions to the project schede in the event the Contrctor's planng for the work is revised. If the Contrctor desires to ma chages in the project schedule, the Contractor shall noti the Engieer in wrtig, sttig the ren for the propsed revision. Accepd revision will be incororated into the project schedule at the next monthy schede updae. B. Procedure: If revision to th project schedule is contemlated the Contrctor or Engiee shall so advise the other in wrtig at lea seven calenda days pror to the next schedule update meetig, descrbing the revisiOI and setg for th reons therefore. Governent-requested revisions to the project schedule will be presente in wrtig to the Contractor, who shal respond in wrtig within seven calenda days. 1 .7 TI ll ACT ANALYSIS FOR CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS, CHANGES, DELAYS, AN CONTRACTOR REQUESTS A. Requirements: When contract modifications or changes are intiated, delays ar expênced, Ù'r the Contrctor desires to revise the project schedule, the Contrctor shall submit to the Engine a EO 061907 01323-3 PROJECT SCHEDULE AN MONTHLY INSPECTIONS wrtten time impact analysis ilustrtig the infuence of each modification, chage, delay, or Contractor request on the contrct time. B. Time Extensions: Activity delays shll not automatically mean that an extension of th contract tie is waranted or due the Contractor. It is possible tht a modification, chage, or delay will not affect existing critical path activities or cause nOn-critical activities to become criticaL. A modification, chage, or delay may result in only absorbing a par of the available total float that may exist withn an activity. chain of the projectschednle, thereby not causng any effect on the contrct time. Time extensions will be grted in accordance with the ters of the contrct. C. Float: Float is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either the Owner or the Contrtor. Extension of the contract time will be granted only to th(i extet the equitable tie adjusti.to the activity or activities affected by the modification, chage, or delay exceeds the total (psitive or zero) float of a crtical path actvity and (ixtends th C9::itrct completion. date. D. Procedtle:Each time impact analysis shallpe submittd wit11ii thetimepeod stated in areqU(ist for propos, or the time perod designted under the clauses entitled Changes or Default. In cas where the Contractor does not submit a Wrttei request for extenion of time and a tie inact analsis with the designated time, it is mutully agree that the parcular modification, change, delay, or Contractor request does not require an exteniQn oftlecon!act tie. Bpøn accèptace, the time ilTPactanalysis sOOlbe incororated into the project schedule at the next monthy schedule update. 1 .8 MONTY INSPECTIONS A. Project record drawigs as specified in Section 01770. B. Opation and manteance data bider as specified in Secon 01785. PART 2 PRODUCTS PART 3 EXCUION NOT USED. NOT USED. EN OF SECTON EO 061907 01323.. PROJECT SCHEDULE AN MONTLY INSPECTIONS SECTION 01330 SUBMIALS PART 1 GENERA 1 .1 DESCRION A. The wötko£thiss~ction consists of submittl requirements before and durng constrction. 1 .2 RELATED REQUINTS 1.3 SUBMmAL AN APPROVAL PROCEURS A. As specified in the individual sections, forward submttls to Engieer at least 30 days before need for approval. Unless a different numbe is specified, submit one reroducible origial and thee copies of each shop drwing, four copies of maufactuets cataog sheets (cut sheets), four specimens of each Såle, and four copies of all other submittals requested. 1. Shop Drawigs: Include the followig informtion with each copy of shop drawings: a. Date. b. Date of revisions (when aplicable). c. Contrctor's cerfication tht shop drwig has been checked for complìsnce with contract documents. d. Detals of fabrcation, assembly and erection including connections and engagent' to contiguous work. e. Materials used. f. All reuied dimensions. g. The te "by other" shall not be use. All work to be peormed by otherska1be identified by Contrctor or subcontrtor nae, discipline, or trade. 2. Samples: Samples shall be large enough to ilustrate clealy the functional chaaötestcs and full range of color, textte, or patt. 3. Manufactuers' Catalog Sheets: Submit o1ly peent pages; mak each cöpy of stdard prited data to identify specifc produets proposed for use. 4. Manufac's Inllation Instrction: When contrct documents require compliance with inufactuets prted instrctions, provide one complete set of instrctions for Engieer and keep another complete set of instrctions at the project site until substatial completion. B. Engieer reserves the right to require submtts in addition to those called for in individual sections. If the contrctor inteds on supplyig materials that differ from the salient chaacterstics specified in the individual section, th a submittl will be required. C. Approved Equals: 1. For each item proposed as an "appved equal," submt suportg data, includig: a. Drwigs and sales as appoprate. b. Comparson of the characterstcs of the proposed item with tht specified. c. Chages required in other elements of the work because of the substitution. d. Name, address, and telephone number of vendor. e. Manufactuer's literatte regarding instllation, operation, and maintenance, including schematics for electrcal and hydraulic systems, lubrication requirements, EG061907 01330-1 SUBMITTALS and par lists. Descrbe availabilty ofmäinteiance. serce, and state source of replacemèlt materals. 2. A request for approval constitutes a repesentation tht Contrctor: a. Has invetigated the propo item and dêtenined that it is eqtilör supor in all respects to.tht spfied. b. Wil provide the samewatiesror the prosed iteniasforthe ite specified. c. Has deteed that the proposed item is compatible withinteroing item. d. Wil coordinate the installation of an approved item and make all changes required in other elements of the work because of the substitution. e. Waives all clais for additional expnses tht may be incured as a result of the substitution. D. Coordinate all submitts and review them forlegiòi1ty,accurcy, completeness, and comliance with contrct requirements. Forward submittals that are related to or affect one another as a package to faciltate coordinated review. Each trttl shall contain only data specific to tht individua submittL. E. Submittal Identification: 1. Contrctor will provide a project identification st which shall be applied by the Contractor. Identification shall include the Ower nae-package number, project title, contract number, and trsmttl number. 2. All sets of shop drwings, maufactuer's cataog sheets, samles, and other documts submittd to the Engieer must have the identification infortion stamped on the submittL. If the material is bound it will not be necessar to stam ever page, but clealy sta the cover page with the identification sta. 3. Identification information shall be applied to the bottom right magi on each page. Identification inormtion on samples shall be applied to the most readily visible area on the sample or on tags attched to sample. F. Submittal Numberig: 1. Numbe each submittl consecutively. 2. For re-submittls use the origial submittal number, plus a letter sufx beginning with A. 3. Additional re-submittls of the same item shall contai the origial number with the next consecutive letter. G. Engineer's Review: 1. Submittals will be retued disapproved without techncal review if identification informtion is missing, not filled in, or if placed on the back of the submittl; an incorrect number or formt of submittals is provided; the trsmttl form is incorrectly filled out; . submittals are not coordinated; or submittals do not show evidence of Contrctor's approval. 2. An work done or orders for materals or seces placed before approval shall be at the Contractor's own risk. 3. Afer reviewing submittals, the Engieer will retu one copy of applicable (maked up) submittl sheets to the Contractor. Shop drwing review notations wil be retued on the repoducible origial shop drwing. All other submitted items will be reained. The Contrctor is responsible for producing additional copies for his/her own use. 4. The retued submitti will be marked in one of thee ways as defined below:a. APPROVED: Acceptable with no corrections. EG 061907 01330~2 (;T T' l.Æl' A T 0 b. APPROVED WIT NOTATIONS: Minor coeetiOls oriclarfications required. All comments are clear and no fuer review is required. TheC011trctor shall addrss a11..review coniments when proceeding with the work. c. DISAPPROVE - RESUBMI: Rejected as not in accordace with the contrct or as requing major corections or clarfication. The Engieer wil1idetify the reasons for disappovaL. The Cotrto shal revse and resubmit with changes clealy identified. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED. PART 3 EXECUION NOT USED. END OF SECTION EG 061907 01330-3 SUBMIALS SECTON 01510 TEMPORAY SERVICES PART 1 GENERA 1 .1 DESCRTION A. The work of ths section consists of providing tempora serices required for Contractors performce of the work of this contract. 1 .2 RELATED REQUIMENTS A. Section 01520 - Field Offces and Sheds. B. Section 01570 - Temporary Controls. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENE A. Temra materals may be new or us4~ ~iit tnt be a4equate in Cap9ity fortbe requied usage, must not create unsafe conditions, and must not violate requients of applicable codes and stadads. 2.2 SANARY FACILITIES A. Provide and matain teora toilet facilties in accordace with State Heath Depart requirements. B. Suffciently lighted and ventiated toilet facilities in weatherproof, sightpooÎ,hadicap accessible,. studyenclosures with prvacy locks. C. Provide separate facilities for men and Women. 2.3 FI PROTECTION EQUIME A. Ex.tinguisher shall have a minimum uL rating of2-A:10-B:C. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 ELECTCITY AN LIGHTING A. Make argements with utility company for metered connection to ex.stig iitiIìty .and.pay all costs. B. Tempor Electrcal: Temorarelectncal vÝòrk slial1.meetrequirements.ôf"NFA.7Ö(NEC), Arcle 305. C. When temprar connections are removed, restore existg utility serces to thei original condition. EG 061907 01510-1 TFMPOR Å RV ~i:i:nlTri:~ 3.2 HEATING, VENTILATING, AND COOLING A. No temporar heating, ventilation or cooling is required for the project. 3.3 TELEPHONE A. No telephone service is available on site for Contractor's use. Make arrangements with telephone çompanY and pay all costs. 3.4 WATER A. Make connections to existing facilties for potable water. Ower wil pay costs for watêttised. B. Furnish cool, potable water for constrction personnel in locations convenient to work stations. 3.5 SANITARY FACILITIES A. Place in approved locations secluded from public observation and convenient to work stations. Relocate as work progress requires. B. Maintain and clea toilet facilties at least weekly. C. Completely remove sanitary facilities on completion of work. 3.6 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION A. Responsible Person: A capable and qualified person shall be placed in charge of fire protection. The responsibilties shall include locating and maintaining fire protective equipment and estblishing and maintaning safe torch cutting and weldig procedures. B. Hazard Control: Take all necesa preutions to prevent fire during cofitrctiöt. DOnot store flamable or combustible liquids in buildings or manholes. Provide adequate ventilation during use of volatile or noxious substces. 1. Spark Arresters: Written determinations of periods and areas of potential fire hazd wil. be issued by Engineer. Equip all gasoline or diesel powered equipment used during periods ofpotential.fire hazds or in potential forest and grass fire locations with spark arresters approved by the USDA Forest Service..iiê C. 2. D. Service and Refueli~g Ar~as: Locate areas a minimum of 50 feet from buildings. Shut dpwn equipment before refueling. E. Smoking: Smoking within buildings or tempora storage sheds is prohibited. F. Welding: Cutting by torch or welding shall be performed only when adequate fire protection is provided. EG 061907 01510-2 TEMPORARY SERVICES 3.7 PROTECTON EQUIMENT REQUID A. 1. ')... B. EG 061907 Buildings: Furish a minimum of one extiguisher for each 1,500 squae feet of area or major fraction thereof. Travel distance from any work station to the nCãrcstextinguisher shall nûtexceed 75 feet. Vehicles and Equipment: Provide one extinguisher on each vehicle or piece of equipment. EN OF SECTION 01510-3 TEMPORAY SERVICES SECTON 01520 FILD OFFICES AN SHEDS PART I GENRA i.i DESCRON A. The requirements of ths section consist of fuishig, locatig, and removig tempor strctues, equipment, and fuishings. 1 .2 RELATED REQUIMENTS A. Temporar servces - Section 01510. PART 2 PRODUCTS 1 .3 CONTCTOR'S FI OFFCE A. The size of this project does not likely reuie a field offce. Onite materal storge wìll be pertted in the imediate project location. B. If a site office is deemed necessar, contrctor shall coodinate wìth the Ower as to the size and location of the facilties. 1 .4 STORAGE SHEDS A. Temporar weatherght sheds or other covered facilities for strage of materals subj ect to weather daage. Numbe and size of strctues shall be subject to Engineer's approvaL. PART 3 EXECUTON 1 .5 STRUCTUS A. Locate where directed by Engineer, a miimum of 50 feet from peranent strctues. 1.6 REMOVAL A. Remove strctues, equipment, and fuishigs, and terte serces after punch list is 100 percent completed or when directed by Engineer. END OF SECTON EG 061907 01520-1 FILD OFFICES AN SHEDS SECTION 01560 BARRS PART 1 GENE 1 .i DESCRITION A. The work of this section consists of fushing, intallng, and maintaining barers to protect existing facilities and the public from constrction operations. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENRA A. Materal may be new or used, but shall be suitable for intended purose. Fences and barers shall be strctually adequate and neat in appearance. 2.2 FENCING A. Safety Barer Fence: Orange plastic fence, minimum height, 4 feet. 2.3 BARCADES AN SIGNS A. Manual on Uniform Traffc Control Devices (MTCD), Par VI, 2003 edition. 2.4 LUMER A. Free of nails, large knot holes and splinters. 2.5 BARR TAPE A. Baner Guard, imprted with "CAUTION: CONSTRUCTION ARA", maufactued by Reef Industres, Inc., Houston, Texas, or approved equal. PART 3 EXECUTON 3.1 A. B. C. D. E. EG 061907 PROTECTION OF PUBLIC Fence, baricade, or otherwise block off the immediate work area to prevent unauthorized entr. Erect and mantain barcades, lights, dager signals, and waring signs in accordance with MUCD-2003. TIunnate barcades and obstctions at night; keep safety lights buring from sunset to sunise. Adequately barrcade and post open cuts in or adjacent to thoroughares. Protect pedestran traffc by guardrails or fences. 01560-1BARRS F. When pedestan trffic is detoured onto a roadway, provide temporary walkways with protection as required at ends and overhead. For walkways, use lumber ruing parllel to direction of trffic movement and provide rams at changes of elevation. G. Cover pipes, hoses, and power lines crossing sidewal and walkways with troughS.using beveled edge boards. H. Erect and maintain sufficient detour signs at road closures and along detour routes. 3.2 BARR TAPE A. histall as required around constrction area where constrction is suspended or wheredI'ted by Engieer. Keep a minimum of two rolls on site at all times. 3.3 REMOVAL A. Completely remove barers no longer neeed when aproved by Engiee. END OF SECTON EG 061907 01560~2 BARRS PART 1 SECTION 0 i 570 TEMPORAY CONTOLS GENERA 1 .1 DESCRITION PART 2 A. The. work of ths sectioiicoiisists of providiii tempora coiitrols. PRODUCTS NOT USED. PART 3 EXECUTON 2.1 HOUSEKEEPING A. B. C. D. E. 2.2 A. Keep project iieat, orderly, aid m a safe coiditioiiat all times. Provide enough coiitaiiiers for collectig constrction debrs aid coiistrctioii materials. Wet down dr materals aid rubbish to preveit blowiiig dust. Kee volatile wastes in covered coiitamers. Utilize excavated material as soon às possible. DISPOSAL Dispose of e:xcessexcavated materal (iiicludiiig rocks aid boulder) thtCa1ot be used in coiistctloii outside the Proper. B. Uiiless otherise specified, all reiovedmateral beconies theptoper of the Contractor aid shall be disposed of outside the Proper. C. Imediately reove hazdous rubbish from project site. Place other constrction debris in refuse contaiiier at least daily. Dispose of refuse at leat weekly, in a legålmamer,at public or private dumping areas outside the Propert. Do iiot bur or burrefùe inside the Proper. 2.3 A1 AN WATER POLLUTION CONTROL EG 061907 A. Take all necessa reasoiiable measures to reduce airaid water pollutioii by aiy materal or equipmeit used durg coiistrctioii. B. Do iiot dispose of volatile wastes or oils iii storm Or sarrtaty draiiis. C. Do not allow waste materials to be washed into streams or bodies of water. D. Seed slopes, as specified in Section 02923, as 800ii as possible to prevent erosion. If it is impossible to preveit erosion, the Eiigiiieer may require cOnstrctioii of sedimeitation basiiis to preveit water pollution. END OF SECTION 01570-1 TEMPORAY CONTOLS SECTON 0 i 600 MATERI AN EQUIME PART i GENERA 1 .1 DESCRITION A. The work of this section consists of the general procedures for handling,8toring,andprotecting materal and equipment. 1 .2 TRASPORTATION AN HALING A. Arange deliveres of materals in accordace with constrction schedules; coordinate to avoid conflict with work and conditions at the site. Deliver materals in undaged condition, in maufactuer's orgi contaers or packagig, with identifyg labels intact and legible. Contractor is encouraged to obtain materals in biodegrdable or recyclable/reusble packagig which uses the mium amount of packagig possible. 1 .3 STORAGE AN PROTECTION A. Store materals in accordace with maufactuer's instrctions, with seals and labels accessible for inspection. B. Interor Storge: Maita tematu and humdity with the rages requied by maufactuer's instctions. C. Exterior Storage: 1. Store products.subject to dage by the elements in weather tight enclosures. 2. Store fabricated products above the ground, on b10ckìng or skìds; prevent soiling or stainìng. Cover products subject to damge or deteroration with imerous sheet ...cover~; provide adequate vetilation to avoid condensation. 3. Store loose granular materals in a well-dined area on solid surces topreveitmixing with foreign matter. D. Protection After Installaton: Provide adequate covergs as necessa to protect installed materials from dage resultig from natual elements, traffic, and subsequent .constrction. Remove when no longe needed. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED. PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED. END OF SECTON EG 061907 01600-1 MATERI AN EQUIPMENT SECTION 01720 FIELD ENGINERIG PART 1 GENRA 1 .i LAYOUT OF WORK A. Items shown on the plans which require locations to be surveyed shal be staed one time only. CONTCTOR is responsible to mantain offset marles, hubs, nails, lath, and other physical monuments set by the sureyor or surey crews. CONTRACTOR is respnsible for maintaining marks wrtten on lath, flags or pavement. Re-stakng is not considered incidental to the contrct. If, based on the CONTCTOR's request, any mak, hub, nail, lath or other physical monument that was prevously set by the sureyor or survey crws is re-staed, then payment shall be made by CONTCTOR to :EGINER based on the ENGINER'S hourly rates. CONTCTOR shall provide a minimum of 48 hours notice pror to requesting stes set by the surveyor or surey crew. Re-establishig project control monuments is not considered incidental to the contract. ENGINER shall make project surey control monuments plain and visible to the CONTCTOR. CONTCTOR shall not destroy any surey control mQI1ument estblished by :EGINER, unless the surey control monument is in direct line with the constrction of â. road, water line,. sewer line, trench or other excavation necessa for the completion of the project. Surey control monumts which are moved, distubed or destroyed by stockpiling, equipmet movement, hauling or other activities not diectly related to earwork or trenchig, shall be re- established at CONTCTOR's expense. B.Existi~ Mon1lents: All bench maks, land comers, andtriangulatiån points,estàblishedby other sureys, existing with the constction area shall be presered. If existig monuments interfere with the work, secure wrtten perssion before removing them. Any proper monument or prope controllng monument shown on the plans which are moved, distubed. or destroyed durng the course of constrction shall be reset by a licened Professional Suteyoratthe expense of the CONTCTOR. (See Idao Code 55-1613) c.Locations and elevations shown on the drawings maybe subject to minor field adjustent by Engineer before constrction. Contractor shall imediately notify the Engineer of apparent eror discovered on the drwings or in the. initial stakeout. If chages in staeout are required, Contrctor shall cooperate with Engieer in prompt establishment of the field control for altered or adjusted work. 1.2 QUANTY SURVEYS A.Quantity sureys shall be conducted, and the data derved from these sureys shall be used in computig the quantities of work performed and the actual constrction completed and in place. B.The Contrctor shall conduct the origial ard fial stmeys and sureys for any periods for which progress payments are requested. All of these sureys shall be conducted under the direction of a representative of the Engineer, unless the Engineer waives this requirement in a specific instace. EG 061907 01720-1 l:TCT n 1:")Tl"n,.,.'Onr,, The Engineer shall mae such computations as are necesar to determine the quatities of work performed or finally in place. The Contractor shall make the computations based on the sureys for any periods for which progress payments are requested. C. Promptly upon completing a surey, the Contractor shall fush the origials of all fieldnotes and all other records relatig to the sureyor to the layout of the work to the Enginee, who shall use them as necessary to determine the amoUht of progress payments. The Contractor shal1 retan copies of all such material fushed to the Engineer. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED. PART 3 EXECUON 3.1 SURVEY STAKG SHAL INCLUDE TH FOLLOWlG: A Offsets to stonn sewer lines, manoles, catch basins and inet strctues. Offset distaces and stationing shall be as dìrected by the CONTCTOR or per plan. Offset monuments for piping wil not be set at less th 25 foot stations. Cut values shal be given to the inver of the pipe (ie), bottom ofinole or strctu, anlÌ rim of maole or strctue to the nearest 0.01 foot, basd on the design plans, or accepted engieerng practice. Two offset monuments shl be set, if requested by the CONTCTOR, if a lie is necessa for the intalation of a catch basin or other stor sewer strctue. B. Offsets to sanita sewer lines, maoles, and serces. Ofset distaces and stationig shalbe as diected by the CONTCTOR, or per plan. Offset monuments will not be set at less th 25 foot stations. . Cut vaues shal be given to the inver of the pipe (ie), bottom of maole or strctue, and rim of rnole or strcte to the nearest 0.01 foot, based on the design plans, or accepttd engIecmngpr¥ctiee....Two offset monuments slill be set, if requested by the CONTCTOR, if a line is necessar for the installation of a catch basin or other saita sewer strtue. C. Offsets to water lines, tee's, angle points, hydrts and servces. Offset distaces shll be as directed by the CONTCTOR, or per plan. Cut values will not be given for water lines, tees, angle points, hydrts or serces. D. Street curb. .offset distaces shall be as diected by the CONTCTOR, or per plan, at even station interals; horiontal cure PC's, PT's and radius points; and vercal grde break. Offset monuments will not be set at less than 25 foot stations. Cut values shall be given to the Top :aack of Curb (TBC), unless otherwse indicated by the CONTCTOR. E. Slqpe Stakes.Slopes~esshall be setwherethedesign.slopecatehes the existinggrou¡d, per plan. Slope stakes stationÙlg wil not be set at less th 50 footstations, or at such stationing as.giected by the CONTRCTOR necessar to faciltate excavation or installation of design slopes. Slope stae monuments will be staked to the nearest 0.3 feet, with reference maks set behind the slope stake. Slope stakes shall indicate the cut to the hinge point, offset to the hinge point and design slope. END OF SECTION EG 061907 01720-2 FILD ENGINERIG SECTION 01770 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 GENERA 1.i DESCRITION A. The work of this section conists of fial cleanup, closeout submittls, and final inspection procedurs. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2 .i CLEANG MATERS A. As recommended by the maufactuer of surace to be cleaned. 2 .2 POSTED OPERATIG INSTRUCTIONS A. Frame instrctions unde nonglar glas$ or approved lamatedplastic. In areas where opating instctions are subject to sunlight or moisture, provide weather-resistg materals. PART 3 EXCUTION 3 .i POSTED OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. As specified in the individual sections. Furish operatig instrctions attched to or po.sted adjacent to equipment. Include wing diagr, control diagrs, control sequence, st-up, adjustment, opeation, lubrication, shut-down, safety precautions, procedures in the event ofequipment failure, and other items of instrction recommended by the manufactu. 3 .2 CLEANG A. Before scheduling the final inspection, remove all tools, equipment, surlus materals, and rubbish. Restore or refinish suraces tht are damaged due to work of ths contract to original condition. Remove grease, dirt, stains, foreign materals,. and labels from finished suraces. Thoroughly clean building interors. Pick up all constrction debrs from the site. At time of final inspction, project shall be thoroughly clean and ready for use. 3 .3 PROJECT RECORD DRAWIGS A. Maintain one complete full-size set of contract drawings and one full-siz set of vendor-supplied drawigs. Clearly mak changes, deletions, and additions to show actul constrction conditions. Show additions in red, deletions in green, and special instrctions in blue. B. Keep record drwings curent. Make record drwings available to the Engineer for inspection at the time of monthly progress payment requests. Ifproject record drwings are not current, the Engineer may retain an appropriate amount of the progress payment. C. On completion of the total project, submit complete record drawings. Include aU shop drwigs, sketches, and additional drawings that are to be included in the final set, with clear instrctions showing the location of these drwings. EO 061907 01770-1 3 .4 CLOSEOUT SUBNI ALS A. Submit before final inspection request. 1. Project Record Drawings: As specified above. 2. Guarantees and Bonds: As specified in individual sections. 3. Spare Pars and Materals: AJ specified in individual sections. 4. Opation and Maintence Data: AJ specified in individual sections and Section 01785. 5. Keys and Keying Schedule: Submt all keys including duplicates. Wire all keys for each lock securely together. Tag and plainy mak with lock numbe, equipment identification, or panel or switch number, and indicate location, such as building and room name or number. 6. Opating Tools: As specified in the individual sections. 7. Special Tools: One set of special tools required to operate, adjust, dismatle, or repair equipment. Special tools are those not normally found in possessioIl of mechaics or maintenace peronnel. 8. System Demnstation and Trag: AJ specified in individual sections and Sectiòn 01815. 9. Mechacal and Electrcal Syst: Verfy the followig in wrtig: a. All system are complete. b. All sysems have be properly sted and are opertiona. c. All controls ar complet and opertionl, and sequences have be checked and are fuctioning proprly. 3 .5 SUBST ANrA COMPLETION AN FINAL INSPECTION A. Substantial completion and paral utilition shall be deteed in accordace to the GeneralConditions. . 3 .6 FIAL ACCEPANCE OF TH WORK A. Final acceptace of the work shall be detered in accordace to the General Conditions. END OF SECTION EG 061907 01770-2 PRO mrT ('()~P()T TT SECTION 01785 OPERATION AN MAIANCE DATA PART 1 GENERA 1 .1 DESCRWION A. The work of this section consists of furishing operation and mantenance data manuals. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Project Record Drwings - Section 01770. 1.3 SCHEULING A. At star of project, .beginaccurulatigopetionand maintenance data and initite an index. Intal and index all data in hinder with 30 days af delive .of item.. As custom wrttendata and test results are produced, add them to the operation and maintenance data file. B. Keep option and maintenance data curent. Make opation and:itenance hindersavailable to the Engieer for inspction at the tie of monthly progrss paymt requests. If opertion and mateance binders. are not curent the Engieer may retai an approprate amount of the progress payment. C. Before scheduling a fial inspection, fuish two complete sets of operation and maintencedata to Engieer for review. Should Engieer. fmd maual to be substatially incomplete, the fial inspection will he delayed. D. Within 30 days following receipt of review corments, delive four completed sets of Operationand Maitence data. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 BINERS A. White, cormercial quaity, hard back, thee-rig, 2-inch maimum rig size, lever-lockig tye slant rig, with clear window pockets on front and side. Cardinal Slant-D Rig, i:ufactuedby Atapco Offce Products Group, St. Louis, Missour; View SlantRng, maufactued by E-Z-D Premiere View Binder, ':or.ce, Californa; or approved equal. 2 .2 INEX SYS1'M A. Index sheet with mylar reinoreed edges at binder holes and tabbed divide sheets with mylar reinforced edges and pre-prted numbered tabsali$Ied with numbe and title . lines on indexsheet Cardi One-Step, manufactu.ed byAùipco Office Products Group, St. Louis, MisSOl;i; Aver Ready Index, manufactued hy Aver Denson, Covia, California; or approved equal. PART3 EXCUTION 3.1 FORM EG 061907 01785-1 A. Provide four complete sets of data. B. Number multiple binder volumes consecutively. C. Cover Sheet: Identify the project title, location, park, contract number, prime contractor'sn;a:e and address, date of substantial completion, and binder volume number. hisert cover sheet into clear plastic view pocket on front of binder. Inser sheet wìth project title and ¡;Operti~:rand Maintenancell into side clear plastic view pocket. D. hidex System: Orgaize data into sections by common subjects and subsystems. Place a consecutively nunbered tabbed divider sheet in front of each section. Place index sheet at th~ beginning of each binder, listig sections by subject nae. If multiple binders are used, place a table of contents of all data provided behind the index sheet in each binder. E. Data: Fil binder to no more th 75 pecent of capacity. Pmch holes shall not obscure anY data. Norml sheet size shall be 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches. Fold oversize sheets and inser them in 8-1/2 by II-inch clea pocket sheet prtectors placed in binders. When the contents ofa single tabbed section covers more th one item, provide colored paper sheets to sepa:te th data for each item. 1. Manufactuers' Data: Provide origials for color or copyrighted data. Black and white data may be orgis or clean goo quaity reoductions. Whereorigils.areprted on both sides of the page, reoducons shal also be prted on both sides of the .pge. Copies produced by facsimle trsson and sheets with stas, suh as submtt approval staps, will not be acceptable. hiclude only shets tht apply to ite installed; cross out inpplicable data. 2. Vendor Furshe As-Built Drawigs: Maximum 24-inch by 36-inch sheets with mimum chacter or letterg siz of 1/8 inch. Reduced-size repoductions maybe provided instead offul-size drawigs if the repoductions are clear and legible. If reduced-size drawigs are used, identify as "REDUCED SIZ" and provide graphic scales, if åpplicable. 3. Custom Written Data: Typwrtt text, supplemented by drawigs and schematics necessar to describe systems adequately. 4. Equipment Data Sheet: Typewrtten data, using form at the end of ths section. 5. Schedules: Clean, tyewrtt schedules reflectig final, as-installed conditions. Hand- wrtten mak-ups of schedules submitted earlier are not acceptable. 6. Data tht is poorly reoduced or in any way ilegible will be rejected. 3.2 CONTEN A. Manufactuers' Published Data: Provide all available data, including installation and opeting instrctions, part lists, electrcal and mechacal schematics, control circuit documentation, performce data, safety instrctions, cleaning and care instrctions, and ilustrtionsand intrctions for maintence, including lubrcation, disassembly and repai, cleaing, and serce. Indicate catalog numbes, sizes, colors, options, and other information peraining to the products fushed which would be required when orderg replacements. For equipment assemblies, provide data for each searate item. of equipment fushed as par of the assembly. B. Custom Written Data: For data not in manufactuets stadad literatue, provide text, drawings, and schematics spcifically applicable to intalled systems. Include step-by-step descrptions of opeatig procedures; identification of individual components and their fuctions; descriptions of how system components relate to one another and operte together to accomplish a common EG 061907 01785-2 OPFR ATTON ANn MAINTENANCE DATA process or function; and sequence of oP~iition for syste control circuits. For seasonally operted systems, provide star-up and shutdown instrctions. C. EquipnientData Sheets: F9reaçhi~. 9f.eauipmentincludedin the.operatiønand matence data, provide an Equipment Data Sheet using the form at the end of this section. For equipment consisting of both a drven machie and a drver (for example, a pump and a motor), the equipment data shall cover both the drven machine and the drver. For similar ty equipment (for example, multiple exhaust fans of the same model and tye), provide a single equipment data sheet with an attched schedule listg the individual equipment item. D. Vendor Furished As-Built Drawings: Provide for each electrcal and each mechanical control system. 1. For each control system, provide control circuit schemtic drwings. Identify each wie and ternal block nwnber. Show teral nutbers on all control devices. Show control wires and devices remote from the control paneL. 2. For each control panel, provide a general argement drawig showing location of each control component and ternal block on the panel front and interor. hiclude a materals listófall panel-mounted córitrol compóriértS.as well aSfiêld"-irištalledêorittol components..re;ote from the panel, identifyng components, maufactuer, niodel number, and intial set points or sensing ranges of devices where applicable. 3. For packaged equipment systems, provide general arangement drawings showing interelationships of the varous items of equipment and components. 4. In addition to the control wig schematic, provide a power wiring schematic.drawing showing the power flow to each motor. Identify each power conductor. Show all overctiert protection atd motot stårg devices. E. Schedules: Provide one copy of materal and equipment schedules, as listed in the individual sections, in the appropriate sections of the maual. F. Waranties: Place a copy of each maufactuer, supplier, and installer waranty extending for a peod greater than one year in a single separately identified tabbed section of the mauaL. G. Test Results: Include in the operation and maintenance data copies of test results for mechaical and electrcal equipment and system as listed in the individual specification sections. H. Subcontractor and Supplier List: List all subcontractors and major suppliers who worked on the project. Include each subcontrctor's or suplier's address and telephone number and identi work perormed. END OF SECTION EG 061907 01785-3 EQUIPMENT DATA SHEET Equipnient Item;Designtion: Function: Location: Project: Model No.:Serial No.: Manufactuer Address and Phone:Supplier Address and Phone: Preventive Maitenance Tasks: Nameplate Data: Spare Parts Furnshed and Other Inormation: EG 061907 01785-4 n'n1:Tl A ""A'l T A1\ TT ..'" K A TiT1'T T A "" Tr"n T' A ". A SECTION 01815 SYSTEM DEMONSTRTION AN TRAG PART 1 GENERA 1. DESCRITION A. The work of ths section consists of demonstrting systems and equipment to operating personneL. It also includes training of personneL. 1.2 COORDINATION A. Schedule demontrations and trng perods with Engineer. Conduct training sessions after the equipment or system has been accepted and tued over to the Owner. 1.3 CLOSEOUT SUBMIALS A. As specified in Section 01770. B. For eaeh traiing session, the Contractor shall submit for approval a proposed outline of the subjects to be covered. The traing shall not be conducted until the outline is approved.. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXCUTION 3.1 TRG A As specified herein and in individual sections, fuish the serces of instrctors to trai designted personnel in adjustment, operation, including seaonal and emergency options, if applicable, matenance, and safety requiements of equipment and systems. mstrctors shall be thoroughly trained in operating theor as well as practical operation and maintenance work for each tye of equipment or system. The sequence of the training shall follow the approved training outline. B. Individual sections specify the duration of training required. If no duration is listed, provide training of sufficient duration to adequately cover the subjects. When more than four days of instrction are specified, use approximately one-half of the time for classroom and the other half for hads-on instrction with the equipment or system. C. Use Operatig and Maintenance Data as a training guide. END OF SECTION EG061907 01815-1 SYSTEM DEMONSTRTION AN TRG City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Eagle Water Company Pressure Reducing Vale and Interconnection EG 061907 SPECmCATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 02 02051 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GENRA SITE CONSTRUCTION REQUIMENTS 02225 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TRNCIDG AN BACKFILL 02510 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WATER DISTRUTON SYSTEM SECTION 02051 GENERAL SIT CONSTRUCTION REQUIRMETS PART 1 GENERAL 1. SUMMY A. Includes But Not Liinited to 1. Genera procedures and requirements for SHe Work. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAA TION A. Site Verification Of Conditions 1. 48 hours minimum before performing any work on site, arange for utility loction services. 2. Perform minor, investigative excavations to verify location of various existing underground facilities at suffcient locations to assure that no conflict with the proposed work exists and suffcient clearance is available to avoid damage to existing facilities. 3. Perform investigative excavating 10 days minimum in advance of performing any excavation or underground work. 4. Upon discovery of conficts or problems with existing facilties, notify Engineer within 24 hours. 3.2 PREPARTION A. Protection 1. Spilage - a. Avoid spilage by covering and securing loads when hauling on or adjacent to public streets or highways. b. Remove spilage and sweep, wash, or otherwise clean project, steets, and highways. 2. Dust Control - See Section 02370 3. Sediment and Erosion Control - See Section 02370 4. Existing Plants And Features - Do not damage tops, trnks, and roots of existing trees and shrubs on site which ar intended to remain. Do not use heavy equipment within brach spread. Interfering braches may be removed only with perission of Engineer. Do not damage other plants and features which are to remain. 3.3 REPAIR / RESTORATION A. Adjust existing covers, boxes, and vaults to grade. B. Replace broken or damaged covers, boxes, and vaults. C. Independently confirm size, location, and number of covers, boxes, and vaults which require adjustent. EG 061907 02051-1 GENERAL SITE CONSTRUCTION REQUIRMES 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. NotifY Engineer 48 hours before perfonning excavation or fill work. B. If work has been interrpted by weather, scheduling, or other reason, notifY Engineer +4 hours minimum prior to intended resumption of grading or compacting. C. ÛWer reserves right to require additional testing to re-afrm suitability of completed work including compacted soils which have been exposed to adverse weather conditions. END OF SECTION EG 061907 02051-2 GENERA SITE CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMETS SECTION 02225 TRENCHIG AND BACKFILLING PART 1 GENERA 1.1 DESCRITION 1.2 A. B. 1. A. 1.4 A. A. Work covered by this Section includes excavating trenches for buried pipe, conduit, and appurtenances, backfillng and compaction from top of bedding to grde, and excavation and backflling appurtenances. SUBMITTALS Submittals must comply with the requirements set fort in Section 01330 - Submittls. Submit a sieve analysis and a proctor test report for grular backfll materiaL. COORDINA nON Verify Work at lower elevations is complete before placing higher elevaion work. REFERENCES All work shall be completed in accordance to the curent edition of the Idaho Stadas for Public Works Constrction, Ada County Highway Distrct Supplemental Specifications, City of Eagle Supplemental Specifications, and these specifications. The more stingent requirements shall apply. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FILL MATERlS A. Ear Backfill (BF): Excavated ea material, finely. divided and free . of stones 3 inches or greater in any dimension from 6 inches above top of pipe to surace. If suitable backfll material is not available on the site of the work the Contrctor wil be required to haul in material that is approved. B. Bedding Material (BD): Imported clean or gravelly sand with less than 5 percent passing No. 200 sieve, as determined in accordace with ASTM D 1140, or gravel or crushed rock withinmaximum paricle size and other requirements as follows unless otherwise specified. Bedding material shall be unfrozen and friable without clay balls, roots, or other organic,ateial. 1. Pipe 3 inches and greater in diaieter: 3/8-inchmaximumparidesize. ... 2. Pipe under 3 inches diameter: 1/4-inch maximum paricle size. 2.2 UTILITY LINE MAG EG 061907 A. All utilties shall be marked for location and identified by marking tape and locator wire as shown on the constrction drwings. 02225-1 TRNCHIG AND BACKFILLING PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARTION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datu. B. Protect benchmarks, existing strctures, fences, sidewalks, paving, and curs .from ex.cavatiOn equipment and vehicular trc. 3.2 EXCAVATION A. Excavate material encountered to sub grade elevations, indicated slopes, lines, depths and invert elevations required for buried pipe, conduit, and appurtenances, and for remova.l and abandonment of existing facilties noted to be removed or abandoned as shown on the Construction. Drawings. B. Cut trenches to uniform widths suffcient to enable inlation and allow inspection as shown on Constuction Drawings, unless otherwise specified, and to provide for the minimum cover specified. C. Where it is necessar to reiove existing Asphal and Concrete they shall be saw cut and should follow the requirements of Ada County Highway Distrcts Supplemental Specification and/or the Idaho Stadards for Public Works Construction. D. Do not interfere with 45 degree beaing plane of foundatons. Hand-excavate and shape trench bottom to provide uniform bearng and support of pipe. Remove loose materiaL. E. For Buried Pipe and Conduit excavate trenches to a dept suffcient as shown on.Qonstrction Drawings. Care shall be taken to detect and remove stones and debris in the bottom of the trench which would damage the pipe or be detrmental to the proper bedding of the pipe. F. When water is encountered in the trench, de-water as required to maintain the water level at least 3 feet below the bottom of the trench on a continuous basis until trench is backflled. Su.pply,opetej. andmainta,in.ipuips,piping. etc., Jor the de-watering systm. G. If the subgrde is not suitable to provide adequate foundation for the pipe or conduit to be instled, the unsuitable material may be required to be removed and replaced with approved granular materiaL. 3.3 BACKFILLING A. Carfully place backfll material so as not to daage the joints or displace the."ipe, conduit, or cable. Ba.kfll immediately. foUowing trenching and insllation operatiofr''o reduce the possibilty of damage to utilities. Do not.backfll over porous, wet, frozen or spong) ;subgrade surfaces. B. Fil and compact in 2 - foot maximum layers to 95% of standard Proctor, ASTM D698 while at a moisture content from 3% below to 2% above optiinum. EG 061907 02225-2 TRNCHIG AND BACKFILLING D. E. F. 3.4 A. B. C. 3.5 A. B. 3.6 A. EG 061907 C. Regrade and reshape all ditches and swales from existing high points to existing drainage strctures or other outlets along the proposed improvement. Ditches whichâreteshâped shall have reasonable side slopes. Vertical or steep slopes wil not. be permitted. Contractor and Engineer shall mutually agree and establish all ditch grdes to be restored prior to construction. Backfill to contours and elevations with unfrozen materials. Backfill areas remaining afr removal and abandonment of existing facilities as specified for trenches. Maintain moisture content offill materials as required to attn specified compaction density. SURACE REPAIR Provide surface restoration in all disturbed areas to meet or exceed the quality of the surfaces removed, unless otherwise indicated. Complete surface restoration and final cleanup as soon as possible and in no case longer than 30 days afer initial excavation. Surface repair shall be in accordance to the Ada County Highway District Supplemental Specification and/or the Idaho Stadard for Public Works Construction. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Engineer may check compaction of the backfll at any time. For compacted earh backfill in trenches, Contractor shall provide density tests for each lift. TRENCH PROTECTION Provide trench protection using a trench box, wood sheeting and bracing, or such other method as determined by Contractor to maintain a stable excavation and comply with applicable Laws and Regulations. B. For wood sheeting and bracing use sound lumber suitable for the purpse intended, and arange so as to support the trench walls and existing stctures and utilities. Cut off sheeting to be left in place not less than 18 inches below ground surface. C. Sheeting and bracing may be removed at the discretion and responsibility of Contrctor after placing and compacting backfll to. a level ¡it least 2 feet above the pipe top. Do not pull sheeting in increments exceeing 3 toA feet in order to avoid the.danger of bling the pipe, conduit, or cable due to the weight of the backfiL. Upon removal, immediately fill and recompact voids left due to such removaL. D. Where necessar to drive sheeting below the pipe bottom, drive sheeting to an appropriate elevation and leave such sheeting in place from a point 2 feet above the top of the pipe, conduit, or cable. 02225-3 TRNCHING AND BACKFILLING 3.7 PROTECTION, REMOVAL AND REPAIR OF TRES AND SHRUBS A. Obtain permission prior to removal of. any tree or shrub not noted on the Drawings to be removed well in advance of such removals. B. Fell trees to be removed so as not to injur trees to remain. C. Remove stmps and roots to a minimum of 12 inches below grade. D. Take every precution to prevent damage to trees and shrubs not noted to be removed. E. Carefully.. trim andslipe trees,. tree lirbs,. and bushes to provide clearce for Contrctor's equipment during constrction. Flush cut all limbs and branches. Replace trees and bushes other than those whose removal was approved, which are destroyed or .damaged to the extent that their continued life is impaired. EN OF SECTION ". '" ".'f EG 061907 02225-4 TRENCHIG AND BACKFILLING SECTION 02510 WATER DISTRüTIONSYSTEMS PART 1:GENERA 1.1 GENERA A. Pipe and fittngs for project water lines, to include domestic water lines, fire water lines, and culinary water lines. B. Valves, Fire hydrants, and appurtenant items. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM A36/A36M-05 - Stadard Specification for Carbon Strctral Steel. B. ASTM A500-03a - Stadard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Sèáïnless Cårbon Steel Structral Tubing in Rounds and Shapes. C. ASTM A307-04 - Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strengt. D. ASTM A123/A123M-02 - Stadard Specification for Zinc (Hot Dipped Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. E. ASTM AI53/A153M-05 - Stadard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-DipJon Iron and Steel Hardware. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01330 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data on pipe materials, pipe fittings, valves and accessories. C. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specifed requirements. D. Project Record Documents:. Record actåflocations of pipe lines, valves,conneetons,thrust restaints, and invert elevations. Identify and describe unexpected variations to subsoil conditions or discovery of unchaed utilities. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver and store valves in shipping containers with labeling in place. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.1 WATER PIPE A. Ductile Iron Pipe: AWWAC151-02: 1. Fittings: Ductile iron, standard thickness. 2. Joints: AWWA CI11-00,push.;ontywith rubber gaket. EG 061907 02510 - 1 W A T1R T)T~TtHtH TTTl"l\ eveTt'1\ K 3. Joints: A WW A C 111-00, mechanical joint ty with gasket, bolts and nuts. 4. Joints: A WWA C11 0-03, flange tye with gasket, bolts, and nuts. 5. Jackets: A WW A C 1 05-99 polyethylene jacket. B. Copper Tubing: ASTM B 88-03, Type K, anealed: Fittings: ASME B16.18-2ûû2, ca copper, or ASME B16.22-2001, wrought copper. Joints: Compression connection or AWS A5.8, BcuP silver braze. % _ 1 inch flare, anyting larger than 1 inch wil be compression (Mueller 110). C. PVC Pipe: AWWA C900-97 Class 150 or 200, as indicated: 1. Fittings: AWWA CI11-00, cas iron. 2. Joints: ASTM D3139-98, compression gasket rings. D. Polyethylene Pipe: A WW A C906. 1. Fittings: ASTM D 3261, thermal butt-fusion welded. 3. Joints: ASTM D 3261, thermal butt-fusion welded. E. Sche(Ìule 40. Ga-IvanizedIron Pipe: . ASTM A 53 1. Fittngs: theaded NPT 2. Joints: theaded NPT E. Tape: Magnetic detectable conductor, clear plasc covering, imprinted with "WATER SERVICE" in large leters. 2.2 VALVES A. Valves: As speified in Section 15180. 2.3 BEDDING AND COVER MATERIS A. Bedding and Backfll: As specified in Section 02225. 2.4 ACCESSORIS A Service Clamps: shall be ductile iron body, double-strap tye; Smith-Blair No. 313-0010101- 000, or acceptable equal, for up to 3 inch service lines. B. Concrete for Thrust Restraints: Concrete type specified in Section .03313. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMIATION A. Verify that water main and main line tee size, location, and invert are as indicated. 3.2 PREPARTION A. Cut pipe ends square, ream pipe ends to full pipe diameter, remove burrs. B. Remove scale and dirt on inside and outside before assembly. C. Prepare pipe connections to equipment with flanges or mechanical joints. EG 061907 02510 - 2 WATER DISTRIUTION SYSTEM 3.3 TRNCHIG D. 3.4 A. B. C. D. E. G. H. 1. 3.5 A. B. C. D. E. F. EG 061907 A. See Section 02225 for additional requirements. B. Hand trim excavation for aCcurate placement of pipe to elevations indicated. C. Form and place concrete for pipe thrust restaints at each change of pipe direction in accordance with the applicable section and standard drawings of the Idaho Standard for PUblic Works Constction (ISPWC). Backfll around sides and to top of pipe with backfill material, tap in. place and compact, thencomplete backflling. INSTALLATION - PIPE Maintain separtion. of water main from sewer piping in accordance with State code. Establish elevations of buried piping to ensure not less than four feet of cover over pipe; or as indicated on the drwings and as directed by the Engineer. Install pipe to indicated elevation to within tolerance of one inch. Install ductile iron piping and fittings to A WW A C600-99. Install PVC pressure pipe and fittgs to ASTM D2774-04. Instll polyethylene pipe and fittings to AWWA MBS F. Install pipe lines to line and grade indicated. Instal pipe to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe or joints. Install access fittings to permit disinfection of water system performed under Section 15041. Instal trace wire above top of PVC, PE, or other non..conductivepipe. INSTALLATION - VALVES AND HYRANTS Set valves on concrete block or other acceptable solid bearing. Center and plumb valve box over valve operating nut; Set box cover flush witlfinished graee. Set hydrants plumb; locate pumper nozzle perpendicular to and facing roadway. Set hydrants to grade, with nozzles at least 20 inches above ground. Locate hydrant control valve as indicaed on the drawings and as directedby the Engineer. Provide a drainage pit 24 inches square by 12inchesdeep filled with one inch wasliedgrveL. Encase elbow of hydrant in grvelto 6 inches above drain opening. Donotconnectdrain opening to sewer. 02510 -3 WATER DISTRBUTION SYSTRM G. Paint hydrants in accordance with manufacturer's stadads. Hydrant color shall be per City of Eage standards. 3.6 SERVICE CONNCTIONS A. Provide water serice âš indicated with meter box and lid, double check va-lvê;and âšsöciated appurtenaces. 3.7 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTIG WATERLINS A. Connection to existing water lines shall be made wher and as indicated on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer. The sizes of pipe, fittngs, valves and appurenant items requiredi to make connection shall correspond to the sizes of the existing pipe and of the new pipe. B. Excavate to existing pipe line at point of connection; determine actual conditions of existing pipe and all fittings and appurtenant items required to make the connection; and have all materials needed on site prior to any shut down or cuting into existng pipe lines. C. Connection which involve cuttng into existng pipe lines include: cutting and removing sections of existing pipe and fittgs as required; cleaing and preparng ends of exising pipe as required for connection; furnishing and installng all new pipe, fittings and valves required to make the connection of project pipe to the existng pipe as indicated; and all appurnant work required to complete the connection. D. Connection into existing pipe lines under pressure include: furnishing and instaling mechanical joint tapping sleeve of the appropriate site on the existing pipe at point of connection; furnishing and installng tapping valve, with valve box, on sleeve; tapping existing pipe with acceptable tye driling machine and equipment, without interrpting flow in existing pipe line; and all appurtenant work required to complete the connecon. E. Connection to existg pipe line shall be made at such ties and within the time limits and according to the directions as agreed to beeen the Contrctor and the Owner. F. Cut and plug existing pipe lines where indicated and as directed by the Engineer. Excavate as required to locate existing pipe lines to be abandoned in place; cut the exiting pipe, \as required; and install permanent plug in end of pipe to be abandoned. 3.8 RECONNCT EXISTING WATER SERVICE LINS A. Reconnect existing water service lines where and as indicated on the drwings and as directed by -the Engineer. The sizs of pipe, fittngs, saddles, corpration stops, and appure.n,t items required to make reconnections shall correspond to the sizes of existing service lies and of project pipe. B. Excavate as required to locate the existing service line; determine actual conditions of existing service line and all fitting and appurtenant items needed to make the reconnections; and have all materials needed on site prior to any shut down of existing service line. C. After project pipe line has been thoroughly tested, disinfected and put into operation, disconnect . existing water service lines from the existing water line. Excavate as reuired to expose the existing service line; cut the existing service line and remove a section of the line as required and EG 061907 02510..4 WATER DISTRIUTION SYSTEM as directed; and remove the existingcorpr'ation stop freirn the existing pipe and instll a plug. D. Tap the project pipe line with the appropriate size tapping machine and install a double strap service saddle, with corporation stop, on the project pipe. New copper tubing shall be furnished and installed to make the connection from the end of the existing service line to the newcorporation stop. The new copper tubing shall be connected to the end of the existing service line with the appropriate type coupling and to the new corporation stop. In all reconnections, at least five feet of new tubing shall be instlled, as indicated. Insulating couplings or adapters shall be used to connect pipe of dissimilar materiaL. E. After the existing water service line has been disconnected from the existig water line, the reconnection work shall be pursued dilgently so that the service line is reconnected to the project water line and put back into service in the shortest possible time. .3.9 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform testing of the water piping in accordance with the applicable section of the Idaho Standard for Public Works Constrction (ISPWC). The project engineer shall be give 48 hour notice prior to any testing and the project engineer or a representative of the project engineershall be present during all testing. B. Perform disinfection of water piping in accordance with Section 15041. C. Iftests indicate Work does not meet specified requirements, remove Work, replace and retest at no cost to Owner. END OF SECTION EG 061907 02510 - 5 WATER mRTR TRT TTT()N ~VQ'11\ City of Eagle, Ada County, Idab:o Eagle Water Company Pressure Reducing Valve and Interconnection EG061907 SPECIFCATIONS TABLE OF CONTNTS SECTION 03 03400 ~ - - - - - -~ - . - .- - - - PRECAST CONCRETE lTEMS SECTION 03400 PRECAST CONCRETE ITEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. Precast stadard sewer manholes and accessories. B. Concrete strctures as detaled on plans, precast in lieu of casting in place. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. 03120 - Cas-in-Place Concrete Forms B. 03210 - Concrete Reinforcing Steel C. 03313 - Normal Weight Structural Concrete D. ISPWC 1.3. STANDARDS See standards listed in related sections. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. For prec sewer manholes conforming to ISPWC 502.2.2.A. "Precat Maholes": submit shop drawings, manufacturer's certification, and manufacrer's installation instctions per ISPWC 502.1.4. B. For concrete items detailed in Plans that the Contrctor elects to precat in lieu of casing in place: 1. Shop drawings showing all dimenSions, all stdard views and major cross-secion views, and placement of all reinforcement (including ties and stirrps) and embedded items. 2. Placement drawings, showing lifting inserts, weight and center of grvity, and lifting method requirements. 3. Anti-buoyancy measures, where groundwater is present in the zone of placement. 4. Reinforcement schedule, with steel shop instctions, and shape details. 5. For sites with access restrction by obstacles or propert boundaries, approach plan showing positions of trnsporting trck and lifting implement to effect placement. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 Products in other sections: concrete mixes and reinforcing steel, subject to: A. For Standard Manholes, meet product requirements ofISPWC 502. B. F or other precast iters, use "water~contaning concrete" mix requirements of Section 03313. EO 06L907 03400 - PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PLACEMENT A. Place on to 4 inches of compacted % minus and/or as required to control subsidence. B. Instl plumb and true, to grade and alignment as required per plans. 3.2 FINISHIG AND SEALING A. Seal points of prec rnolesas required per ISPWC. EN OF SECTION EG 061907 03400 - 2 PRECAST CONCRETE ITEMS. City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Eagle Water Company Pressure Reducing Valve and Interconnection EG 061907 SPECIFCATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONOi 07101 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CEMENT BASED WATERPROOFING 07213 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RlGID INSULATION SECTION 07101 CE.MENT BASED WATERPROOFING PART 1 GENERAL: 1.1 Work Included: A. Furnish all materials, labor, tools, and equipment to waterproof the exterior of the Water Reservoir, and valve vault with a Portland Cement based waterproofing system. 1.2 Related Sections: B. C. 1.3 A. B. C. D. 1.4 A. B. A. Section 07119 Section 09 Section 13200 Reference Documents: Refer to applicable Material Safety Data Sheet. Refer to Product Technical Data Sheets. ASTM D4259, Stadard Practice for Abrading Concrete. ACI 515,IR.85, A Guide to the use of Waterproofing, Dampproofing, Protective and Decorative Barier Systems for Concrete. Submittals: Product Data - Submit literature, technical data and manufacturer's instalation instructions. Samples of all materials to be used shall be submitted to the engineer for approval prior to star of work. 1.5 Quality Assurance: EG 061907 A. Pre-Application Conference: Prior to application of waterproofing material, a pre-application meeting should be scheduled at the jobsite with all paries, including but not lii:ted to, the . applicator manufacturers representative, engineer and owner's representative. %e purpose of this meeting is to review work to be performed including scheduling, surface preparation, patching, application and curing of the waterproofing system. B. Apply a field sample at location designated by the engineer. One half of the sample to show surface preparation only, the other half to show surface preparation and waterproofing application. Waterproofing application wil show final color, texture, and verify coverage rates. When approved, this sample shall establish stadards of acceptabilty. 07107 - 1 CEMENT BASED WATERPROOFING 1.6 Delivery Storage and Handling: A. Accept materials in manufacturers original, sealed contaÎliers with the manu.facturer's name, labels, product identification and batch numbers intact. Refuse damaged or opened containers. B. Store materials on pallets. Protect from dampness, freezing, and direct sunlight. Store liquids at manufactures recommended temperature. 1.7 Site Cdnditions: A. Refer to manufactures technical data sheet for the recommended temperature of surfaces to be coated andarbient conditions during application and curing. B. Do not apply when temperature is below manufactures recommended temperature or expected tofall below recommended temperan.re in 24houts. C. Do not apply ifsurfa.cevvil be exposed to rain within a 24 hour period. D. The surfce should be fr of frost and ice. E. New concrete and masonry surfaces must be cured a minimum of 28 days prior to application of the waterproofing system. F. No active water leak should be present at the time of application of portland cement based waterproofing material. G. Where necessar protective measures shall be provided to protect equipment, and surfaces which are note designated to receive portland cement based waterproofing. H. Surfaces should not be contaminated between coats. I. Protect waterproofed surfaces during cure from damage and contamination. PART 2 PRODUCT: 2.1 MA TERIS A. Portland Cement Based Waterproofing 1.Material Properties at 75 degrees F and 50% RH: a. Absorption, ASTM C67 1) 24 hr soak: 4.6% 2) 5 hour boil: 4.7% b. Freeze-Thaw Resistance, ASTM C67 1) Loss at 50 cycles: 1.20% c. Durability Factor, ASTM C666 1) After 300 cycles: 101 d. Chloride Content, ASTM D144: .0098 percent e. Fungus Growth Resistce, Fed Test 141: Resistat f. Weatherometer, ASTM G26, after 6,000 hours: 1) No crazing, cracking, chipping or flaking. g. The system shall allow full breathabilty. _. EG 061907 07107 - 2 2.Approved Products - a. Tamoseal and polymer additive shall be AKO-7T, by Tamms Industries, 3835 State Route 72, Kirkland, IL 60146, 1-800-862-2667 PART 3 EXECUTION: 3. i INST ALLA nON: A. Surface to have waterproofing applied to it shall be clean, free of dirt curring compoi.nds, form realease agents, and all other containants. B. Surface to receive waterproofing shall be prepared in accordance with the waterprrofing manufactures recommendations. C. Waterproofing material shall be mixed, applied, and allowed to cure in accordace with the manufactures recommendations. 1. Waterproofing siiallbe applied in a maer such that uniform and even. coverage. .of waterprrofing is achieved. 2. Clean all spils or surfaces which ar not designated to receive the waterproofing immediately. END OF SECTION EG 061907 07107 -3 CEMENT BASED WATERPROOFING SECTION 07213 RlGID INSULA nON PART 1 GENERAL 1. SUMMRY A. Includes But Not Limited To 1. Furnish and install rigid insulation on interior side of peimeter foundation walls and under floor slabs as described in Contract Documents. 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Societ For Testing And Materials 1. ASTM C 578-00, 'Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation' 2. ASTM C 1289-01, 'Standard Specification for Faced Rigid Cellular Po1yisocyanurate Thermal Insulation Board' PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIS A. Type 1 Insulation - Below Grade 1. Meet requirements of ASTM C 578, Type IV. 2. Acceptable Products - a. Amofoam eM by Pactiv Building Products, Atlanta, GA (800) 241-4402 ww.pactivbuildingproducts.com b. Foamular 250 by Owens Coming, Toledo, OR (800) 828-7155 or (973) 267-1605 ww.owens-corning.com c. Styofoam SM by Dow Chemical, Midland, M1 (800) 441-4369 or (517) 832-1461 ww.dow.com d. Equal as approved by Engineer before bidding. See Section 01600. B. Adhesive For Type 1 Insulation 1. Acceptable Products - a. QB-300 by Ohio Sealants, Mentor, OR (800) 321-3578 or (440) 255-8900 ww.osisealants.com b. Multibond Finish Constrction & Repair Adhesive by Franklin Interatonal, Columbus, OR (800) 877-4583 or (614) 443-0241 ww.franklini.com c. MaxbondbyH.B.FullerCo,Minneapolis,MN (612)782-1755 ~¿llbfuHer.ç."O':""'.' ". ..' . d. Equal as approved by Engineer before use. See Section 01600. 2.2 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Insulation shall be manufactured to be in compliance with UBC or other applicable building codes. EG 061907 07211-1 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General - Install insulation in compliance with UBC or other applicable building codes. B. Type 1 Insulation 1. Remove ties and concrete protrsions that would keep insulation from fully contactingfoundation wall face. . 2. Install against interior side of perimeter foundation walls extending dO\onward frqmtop of slab 48 inches or to top of footing, whichever is less. Instll using 3/8 inch beds of specified adhesive at 12 inches on center vertcally and at each vertical and .horizontal joint to completely seal insulation. EN OF SECTION _\:'". ':.!''.; ,', i:,... i.\.:' . EG 061907 07213..2 RTc-un TNS:IH.ATION City of Eagle, Ada C()l1lJty, Idaho Eagle Water Company Pressure R.educÌiigValve and Interconnection EG 061907 SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 08 08310 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - METAL ACCESS HATCHES SECTION 08310 METAL ACCESS HA TCB PART 1 GENERA 1. SUMMARY 1.2 A. 1. A. 1.4 A. 1.6 A. B. C. D. 1.7 A. EG 061907 A. Work included: Furnishing and installig factory fabricated access hatch including a safety net system. B. Related Section: 1. Section 03313 - Normal Weight Strctural Concrete 2. Section 03400 - Precast Concrete Items 3. Section 13200 - Water Storage Reservoir REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials 1. ASTM A 36-93a: Stadard Specification for Strctral Steel SUBMITTALS Shop drawings and engineering data shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Section 01330 - Submittls PRODUCT HANDLING All materials shall be delivered in manufacturer's original packaging. Store materials in a dry, protected, well-vented area. The contrctor shall thoroughly inspet product upon receipt and report damaged material immediately.-. Remove protective wrapping immediately afer installation. JOB CONDITIONS Verify that other trades with related work ar complete before installing vault access hatch(s). Mounting sudaces shall be stright and secure; substates shall be of proper width. Refer to the constrction documents, shop drawings, and manufacturer's installation instctions. Observe all appropriate OSHA safety guidelines for this work.... WARNTY/GUARNTEE Manufacturer's standard waranty: Materials shall be free of defects in materìal and workmanship for a period of (25) twenty-five years from the date of purchase. Should a par fail due to function in normal use within this period, manufactuer shall fuish a new par at no charge. 08310 -1 METAL ACCESS HATCH PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUACTURR A. BILCO Co., P.O. Box 1203, New Haven, CT 06505; Phone: (203) 934-6363, Fax: (203)933-8478, Web: ww.biIco.com B. Nystrom Building Products, 1701 Madison Street NE, Minneapnlis, MN 55413,.1400, Phone: (800) 547-2635, (612) 781-7850, Fax: (800) 317-8770, (612) 781-1363, Web: ww.nystrom.com C. Hallday Products, Inc., 6401 Edgewater Drive, Orlando, FL32810,Phône: (800)298..1027, (407) 298-4470, Fax: (407) 298-4534, Web: ww.hallidayproducts.com 2.2 ACCESS HATCH A. Furnish and instll aluminum access hatch, size and load rated as indicated on the contrctdrawings. Lengt denotes hinge side. The vault access hatch shall be single or double leaf design. The vault access hatch shall be pre-assembled from the manufacturer. All.access hatch shall incorprate a safety netsystem. Each cover shall be hinged on one side, and shall have a locking device. B. .,.l 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. D. Performance characteristics: Cover: Shall be reinforced to support the designated loads, with a maxmum deflection of 11150t of the span. Manufactuer shall provide strctural calculations stped by a registered professional engineer upnn request. Operation of the cover shall be smooth and easy with controlled operation thoughout the entire arc of opening and closing. Operation of the cover shall not be afected by tempeture. Entire hatch, including all hardware components, shall be highly corrosion resist. Access hatch shall be lockable. Access hatch shall be water tight. Cover: Shall be 114" (6.3 mm) aluminum diamond pattern. Cover shall be made water tight and shall extend down around the channel from at least two (2) inches. Frame: Channel frame shall be 114" (6.3mm) ex.truded aluminum with bend down anchor tabs around the perimeter... The frè shall be a mi:nimûm of 4 " high. A. continuolIsgaket shouldbe attched to the aluminum frame to create a barier around the entirèpmmeterof the. cOver to significantly reduce the amount of dirt and debris that may enter the channel frame. Frame shall have on the inside a hatch support ledge on two (2) sides. E. Hinges: Shall be specifically designed for horizontal installation and hinges and all fastening hardware shall be Type 316/ stairílesssteeL. F. Drain Coupling: Provide a 1-1/2" (38mm) drain coupling located in the êorierofthe channelframe and connected to drainage pipe to remove storm water. G. Liftng mechanisms: Manufacturer shall provide the required number and size of compression spring operators enclosed in telescopic tubes to provide, smooth, easy, and controlled cover EG 061907 08310 - i operation throughout the entire arc of opening and to act as a check in retading downward motion of the cover when closing. H. Hatch shall have a Type 316 stanless steel slam lock with removable key and have a non- corrosive handle. 1. Hatch shall open to 90' and automatically lock with a Type-316 stnless steel hold open an with aluminum releae handle. J. Finishes: Factory finish shall be mil finish aluminum. 2.3 Access Hatch Safet Net System A. Furnish and install a fall protection system in all access hatch location. The safety net system shall be polyester with a minimum breaking stengt of 5,000 pounds. Safet system shall meet all applicable OSHA, state, federal and local saet requirements 1. Fall protecon system should be ral mounted with the access hatch. Systems rail shall allow for the saet net to eaily slide, to failtate entr and the reposition to prevent fall through. 2. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the fall protection system. is instlled in a manner that wil allow the unrsticted removal of any equipment located within the vault or reservoir. PART 3 EXECUTON 3.1 INSPECTION A. Verify that the vault access hatch installation wil not disrupt other trades. Verify tht the substrate is dr, clean, and free offoreign matter. Report and correct defects prior to any instalation. 3:2 INSTALLATION A. The instller shall check as-built conditions and verify the manufactrer's vault access hatch detals for accuracy to fit the applicaton prior to fabrication. The installer shall comply with the vault access hatch manufactuer's instllation insctions. B. The installer shall furnish mechancal fastener consistent with the vault access hach manufacturer's instctions. C. Install safety net per manufactue's instlation instrctions. 3.3 CLEAN AND ADJUSTMENT _. A. Clean adjacent surface and remove unused productsa.ci debri from site. B. Adjust hatch for smooth operation. END OF SECTION EO 061907 08310.- 1 METAL ACCESS HATCH City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Eagle Water Company Pressure Reducing Valve and Interconnection EG 061907 SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTNTS SECTION 09 09901 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GENRA PAITING AND COATING REQUIRMETS SECTION 09901 GENRA PAITIG AN COATIG REQUIRMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 GENERA A. General procedures and reuirements for field",applled painting and coating. 1.2 REFERENCES A. Master Painter Institute (lvI) 1. lvI(a), Mar 2001, 'Arhitectul Painting Specification Manual' 1.3 SUBMIALS A. Product Dat 1. Include following information for each painting system, aranged in same order as in Project ManuaL. a. Manufactrer's cut sheets for each component of system indicating ingredients and percentages by weight and by volume, environmenta restctions for application, and fim thicknesses and sprea rates. b. Manufactur's substte prepartion instctions and application instction for each painting system used on Project. c. Confiimation of colors selected and that eah ar to be paited or coated has color selected for it. 2. Provide two copies ofProouct Data submission. B. Samples - Provide two 4 inch by 6 inch minimum draw-down cads for each paint or coating color selected for this Project. 1.4 QUALIT ASSURACE A. Regulatory Requirements - Paint and painting materals shall be :fe of lea and mercury, and have VOC levels acceptable to local jurisdiction. B. Field Samples 1. Before application of any paint system, if required by Engineer, meet on Project site with Engineer, Ower's representative, and Manufacturets representative. Engineer may select one surface for application of each paint system specified. This process wil include estlishing acceptable substrte conditions required for Project before ap~tion of pants . ". and coatings. 2. Apply paint systems to surfaces indicated by Enginee following procedures outlined in Contract Documents and Product Data submission specified above. 3. After approval of samples, procee with application of paint system throughout Project. Approved saples wil serve as stdard of acceptailty. 1.5 DELIVRY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING EG 061907 09901-1 GENERA PAITIG AND COATING REQUIRMTS A. Deliver specified products in seled, original contaners with Maufacturer's original labels intact oneach contaner. Deliver áîbunt ofniterals necessar fumeeProjectrequirents in single shipment. Notify Engineer two working days before delivery of paint. B. Store materials in single place. C. Keep strage ar clean and rectifYaïydamageto.area at cømpletionofwork of this Section.Maintan storage area at 55 deg F minimum. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Project Environmenta Conditions 1. Perform painting operations at temperare and humidity conditions reommended by Manufacturer for each operation and for each product. 2. Apply painting systems at lighting level of 540 Lux (50 foot candles) minimum on suraces to be painted. Inspection of painting work shall tae place under sae lighting conditions as application. If painting and coating work is aplied under temporar lighting, deficiencies discovered upon instlaton of permanent lightingwiU be considerd latentdamage as defined in MPI Manual, PDCA P1-92 1.7 SCHEDULING A. Coordinate with other trades for materials and sys that reqüire paintillgpriorto installation. B. Schedule painting and coating work to begin when work upon which painting and coating work is dependent has been completed. Schedule installatiQJ ofpre~finished and non;;paintediteis, which are to be iilstled on painted surfaces, afer application of final. finishes. 1.8 MATENANCE A. Extr Materials - Provide painting mateials in Manutàcturer's originalcøntainers and with original labels in each color used. Provide one quar of each finish eQatandonepilltofeach primer and of each undercoat in each color used. Label each ca withêOlotname, mixture instctions, date, and anticipated shelf life. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERILS A. Materials used for any painting system shall be from single manufaetrer uilles approved otherwise in writing by painting system manufacturer. Include such approvals in Product Data~ ~ .'. :subrrittat ;. -.'. ~~'",' , ' B. Linseed oil, shellac, turpentine, and other painting materials shall be pure, be compatible with other coating materials, bear identifying labels on containers, and. be of highest quality of an approved manufacturer listed in MPI manuals. Tinting color shall be best grade of tyerecommended by Manufacturer of paint or stain used on Project. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAA nON EG 061907 09901-2 n1="RAT 'PAThT'1Tr- Ai.TT" I"r. A 'TTr" ......y...., ,_.-__ A. Instrctions to applicator to begin paiting and coatg work wil indicae that substrtes to receive painting and coatig materials have been previously inspected as par of work of i:ther Sections and are complete and redy for application of painting and coating systems. B. Before beginning work ofmis Section, exaiiiIne, âiïd tcst surfaces to be painted or coated for adhesion of painting and coating systems. . Report in wrting to Engineer of condi.tionsthatwill adversely afect adhesion of painting and coating work. Do not apply panting andcoa.tIl1g systems until such adverse conditions are corrected by par reponsible for adverse condition. C. Report defects in substrates that become apparent afer application of primer or first finish coat to Engineer in writing and do not proceed with fuer work on defective substrte until such defects ar correced by pa reponsible for defec. 3.2 PREPARTION A. Protection 1 Reioveragsand waste used in patig operations from building eah night. Take every precaution to avoid danger offire. 2. Protect other finish work and adjacent materials during painting. Do not splatter, drip, or paint surfaces not intended to be painted. These items wil not be spelled out in detail but pay special atention to the following - a. Do not pait fiish copper, bronz, chomium plate, nickel, stnles stl, anodized aluminum, or monel metl except as explicitly specified. B. Surface Preparation 1. Preare suraces in accordace with MPI requireents and requirments of.Maufacturer for each painting system specified, unless instcted differently in Contract Documents. Bring conflcts to attention of Engineer in writing. 2. Fil minor holes and cracks in woöd surfaces to receive paint or stan. 3. Surfaces to be painted . shall b~cleaand free of loose dirt. Clea and dust surfa.ces before painting or fiìli$hing. 4. Do no exteror painting while surface is damp, unless reommended by Manufactuer, nor during rany or frost weather. Interior surfaces shal be dry before painting. Moistfl content of materials to be painted shall be within toleraces acceptable to Paint Manufacturer. 5. Sand woodwork smooth in direction of grain leaving no sading marks. Clea surfaces before proceeding with stn or firs coat application. 3.3 APPLICATION . A.. 'Paint or finish 'complete all surfaces to be painted or coated as described in ConWl. Docun)ents, . including but not limited to the exterior surface of the Water Reservoir which is located above grade.; B. Apply seaant in gaps 3/16 inch and smaller between two substrates which ar to.be paiteQj:r coated. C. On wood to receive a transparent finish, putt nail holes in wood after application ()~stain using natural colored tye to match wood stain color. Bring putt flush with adjoining surfaces. EG 061907 09901-3 GENERA PAITIG AND COATING REQUIRMNTS E. F. G. H. 1. J. 3.4 A. D. In multiple coatpåint work, tinteacll súêCding coat with slightly lighter color, but approximating shade of final coat, so it ispóSsibleto check application of specified number of coats. Tint final coat to required color. Spread materials smoothly and evenly. Apply coats to iiot less than wet and dry film thicknessesanà at spreading rates ror specified products as recommended by Manufacturer. Touch up suction spots after application of first finish coat. Påint shan be thoroughly dry and surfaces clean before applying succeeding coats. Use fine sandpaper between coats as llÐCSSar to produce even, smooth surfaces. Make edges of paint adjoining other materials or colors clean, shar, and without overlaping. Finished work shaH be a "Propely Pálnted Surace" as defined in this Secion. ADJUSTlvT Corrct deficiencies in workmanship required to leave surfaces in conformance with "Properly Påinted Surface" as defined in this Section. Correction of "Latent Damage" and "Damage Caused By Others", as defined in this Section, is not included in work of this Section. 3.5 CLEANING A. As work proceeds and upon completion of work of any painting Section, remove paint spots from floors, walls, glass, or other surfaces and leave work clea, orderly, and in acceptable condition. Remove debris caused by work of paint Sections from premises. END OF SECTION EG 061907 09901-4 t1'PNP'R À T PA ~T'TThTf' A i.TT" rv.. A"" r,. ....".. .T..... ~~ .__ City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Eagle Water Company Presure Reducing Valveaiid Interconnection EG061907 SPECIFCATIONS TABLE OF CONTNTS SECTION 15 15041- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHLORIATION OF DOMESTIC WATER MAINS AND SERVICES FOR DISINECTION 15180 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VAL YES 15181 - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- PIPE PENETRATION SEALS 15182 - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - PRESSURE GA DGES SECTION 15041 CHLORIATION OF DOMESTIC WATER MAS AND SERVICES FOR DISINCTION PART ¡ GENbRA 1. SUMMARY A. Includes But Not Limited To: 1. Perform disinfection of domestic water mains, services, appurtenances and connections by chlorination for work of this Secton. B. Related Sections 1. Section 02510 C. All related work specified elsewhere,.. Or in other codes or stadards, wil be as lâ~tevised,unless a specific date of issuance is called out in opposition to later revision date(s). Other sectionsQf the.tecnnic.a1 specifications, not referel1ced below, shaH also apply to the extentrequired for proper performance of this work D. Application :aefore being placed in service or connected to existing facilties, .all facilti~s shall bechlorinated. E. Retesting Retesting of the system may be requird if90 days have passed between the date of testing and acc.epance bY the.owner. 1.2 REFERENCES A. All dOmestic water mains, water services, attached appurtenances, andçaniiectioD.,..jf any, shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA C651 and as speified herein. PART 2 MATERIS A. Sodium Hypochlorite Sodium Hypchlorite shall be supplied in liquid form containing 5 to 15 % available chlorine as detailed in A WWA B300. B. Calcium Hypochlorite Calcium Hypochlorite shall be granular or in 5gtablets and shall contain not less than 65% of available chlorine by weight PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PROCEDURE EO 061907 15041 _ 1 CHLORIATION OF nnMP~TTr W A 'TD l\1f A ThlC' D. C"U""'" T:L"'' '"M......____. A. Before being placed in service or connected to existing facilities, all facilties shall be chlorinated. B. Contractor shall notify the Engitieertwo (2) working days prior to chlorination of facilities. C. All required corporation stops and other plumbing materials necessar for.chloril1ation or flushing of the main shall be instaled by and at the expense of the contractor. D. All mains shall be thoroughly flushed prior to disinfection. Only the direct chlorine gas fuel method shall be used if containating material has entered the line. E. Every service connection served by a main being disinfected shall be tightly shutoff at the curb stop before water is tumed into the main. Care shall be taken to expel all air from the main and serices during the filling operation. F. Water shall be fed slowly into the pipeline with chlorine applied in amounts to produce a 4os~ge of not iess than 50 ppm nor more than lOO ppm in all sections of the pipeline and appi.enances. G. Treated water shall be retaied in the system for a minimum of 24 hour and shall contain a chlorine residual of not less than 25 ppm at the end of the retention period in all sections being disinfected. H. Disinfecting the mains and appurtenances, hydrosttic testing, and preliminar rete~~oii'may run concurrently for the required 24-hour period, but in the event there is leakge and repairs are necessar, additional disinfection shall be made by injection of chlorine solution into the line as provided hereinafer. I. If the tests are not satisfactory the contractor shall provide additional disinfectiónas teq.uired. J. After chlorination, the water shall be flushed from the line, in accordance with A WWA C65 1, at its extemities until the replacement water tests are approved equal chemically and bacteriologically to those of the peanent sour of supply. The chloriat waterrny be used later for testing other lines, or if not so used, shall be disposed of by the cøntraótor;as designated in A WW A C65 1, Section 6.2. The contrctor shall be responsible for all costs to dechlorinate the water before it enters any storm drain or watercourse. The Owner wil not be responsible for loss or damage resulting from such disposaL. K. Samples frm the newly disinected facilities wil be collected by the Con~tGrand.t~sted by an independent laboratory. All mains must successfully pass bactriological tests prJorto connecting to the existing system. 1. Cutting Into Existing Mais: Following the opening of an existing domestic water main, the interior ofaHaccessible pipes/and fittngs shall be swabbed with a hypchlorite solution. The drained portion of the existing line and any new section shall bef1i.shed from two directions toward the cut-in, if possible. END OF SECTION EG 061907 15041 - 2 CHLORIATION OF DOMESTIC WATER MAS & SVCS. FOR DISINFECTION SECTION 15180 VALVES PART 1 GENERA 1.1 Work Included: A. Furnish valves, actuators, . and appurtenances, complete and operable, .in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.2 References A. American Water Works Association 1. A WW A C504, Rubber - Seated Buttery Valves 2. AWWA C5Q9, Resilent - Seated Gate Valves fotWater Supply Service 3. AWWA C511, Reduced - Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly Par 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 Gen.eral A. Valves shall be new and of currnt manufacture. B. Shut-off valves 6-inches and larger shall have actators with position indica. C. Buried valves shall be provided with valve boxes to grade and covers containing position indicaors and valve extensions. The valve box shall not trsmit shock or stess to the valve and shall be centered and plumb over the operating nut of the valve with the box cover flush with the surrounding surace, or at such other level as may be directed by the Engineer. Buried valves in trafc areas shall be provided with concrete collars around the valve box. All bued valves 6- inches and larger shall have thst blocks. D. The exerior surfaces of valves and the wet interior surfaces of ferous valves of sizes 4-inches and larger shall have an epoxy coating. Flange faces of valves shall not be epoxy coated. 2.2 Gate Valves Gate Valves shall be resilent wedge tye gate valves and shall conform to ANSI! A WW A C509 Stadar and be certified to ANSI/SF 61. Valve shall have epoxy coated interior and exterior suraces. Epoxy coating shall meet the requirements of ANSI! A WW A C550 Stadard and be certified to ANSI/SF 61. Gate valves shall be equipped with hadwheels for valve operation in above ground locations or 2" squae wrench nuts in buried locations. Valve shall 'open left. Valve shall be designed for 200 psi water working pressure. Valve shall have the ty of ends and tye of stem shown on the plans. Valve shall use non-rising stm (NRS) unless OS&Y stle stem is called for. Valves shall be anchored to tee, crosses, or other fittings when possible with all-thread bolts (stainless steel or galvanized). All other installations shall be stapped to thrust blocks with galvanized staps acceptable to the Engineer. 2.3 Pressure Reducing and Pressure Sustaning Valve EG 061907 15180 '" T A. T 'TT".n A. Function: The Combination Pressure Reducing & Presure Sustaining Valve shall maintain a constant downream pressure regardless of changing flow rate and/or inlet pressure. When the upstream pressure becomes equal to the spring seing of the pressure sustaining control, the valve throttles to maintain a constant inlet pressure. "Tying" of equipment into packages for the purpose of thwaring competition shall.be considered to be in non-compliancevviththese specifications. Manufacturers shall price items under different subsections or gections separtely. B. Main Valve: The valve shall be hydraulically operated, single diaphragm-actuated, globe or angle patt. The valve shall consist of th major components: the body with se installed, the cover with bearings installed, and the diaphragm assembly. The diaphragm assembly shailbe the only moving par and shall form a sealed chamber in the upper portion of the valve, separting operating pressure from line pressure. Packing glands and/or stuffng boxes are not pernj¡ed and there shall be no pistons operating the main valve or pilot controls. C. Main Valve Body: No separate chambers shalLbe allowed between the main valve coyer and body. Valve body and covet shall beofoastmRterial. Ductile Iron is stadard and otherrnterials shall be available. No fabrication or welding shall be used in the maufacturig process. The valve shall contain a resilient, sythetic rubber disc, with a rectagular cross-section contained on three and one-half sides by a disc retiner and forming a tight sel agast a single removable seat insert. No O-ring ty discs (circular, squa, or quad tye) shall be permitted as the seating surace. The disc guide shall be of the contoured ty to permit smooth transition of flow and shall hold the disc firmly in place. The disc retaier shall be of a strdy one-piece design capable of withstading opening and closing shocks. It must have stght edge sides and a radius at the top edge to prevent excessive diaphrgm wear as the diaphr flexes across this surface. No hourglass-shapd disc retaners shall be permittd and no V-ty or slotted ty disc guides shall be used. The diaphragm assembly containing a non-magnetic 303 stinless steel stem of sufcient diameter to withstand high hydraulic pressures shall be fully guided. atbothen4sby a bearng in the valve cover and an integral beg in the valve seat. The setshaLbe a solid,.oiie- piece design and shall have a minimum. of a five-degree taper on the seting surface fora positive, drp-tight shut off. No center guides shall be permitted. The stem shall be drilledan4 tapped in the cover end to receive an af such accssries as may be deemed necess. The diaphragm assembly shall be the only moving par and shall form a seed chamber inthe upper portion of the valve, separting operating pressure from line pressure. Theflexible,non-wickig, FDA approved diaphr shall consist of nylon fabric bon.ded ~th synthetic rubber compatible with the opeating fluid. The center hole for the main valve stem must be sealed by the vulcanized process or a rubber grommet sealing the center stem hole from the operating pressure. The diaphrag must withstand a Mullns Burst Test of a minimnm of600 psi per layer of nylon fabric and shall be cycle tested 100,000 times to insure longevity. The diaphragshallnot be iiedastheseatjng surface. Thediaphrgt shall befullysupported .in the valve body and CQverby machined suraces which support no less than one-half of the total surface ar of the diaphrin eith the fully opened or fully closed position. The main valv.e Sêãt and the stem beg in the valve cover shall be removable, The Hover beng and seat in 6') and smaller size valves shall be theaded into the cover and body '. Valve seatin8"andlarger size valves shallj) rened by flat head machine.screwsforeae.qf maintenance. The lowerbeRlin,g of the valve stem shall be contained concentrically '\itliii tb.e seatandshalbeexposetothe flow on all sides to avoid deposits. Toinsure properi;ligiment of theva:lyestenithe.valvebodYan4 coverSb.aUiie machined~ith a locating lip. No "pinned" covers to the valve body shall be permit.ed.Coverbearing)#isç~iner, and seatshttl be/m1..de of the same material. All necessar repairs and/or modifications other than replacement of the main valve body shall be possible without ren¡ovingthevalve from thepipeline..packiJa~~ands and/or stuffng boxes shall not be permitted and components including cast material shall be of Nort American manufacture. EG 061907 15180 - 2 VALVES The valve manufacturer shaH wart the valve to be fr of defecsin material and workanship for a period of three years from date of shipment, provided the valve is installed and used in accordance with all applicable instructions. Electrical componentsshaU ha:vtla one,.yearWaranty. The valve manufacturer shall be able to supply a complete line of equipment from 1 1/4" though 24" sizes and a complete selecion of complementa equipment. The valve maufacturer shall also provide a computerized cavitation char which show flow rate, diñerentiaLpressUTe, percntage of valve opening, Cv factor, system velocity, and if there wil be ca,vitationdaage. E. Operating Conditions: 1. 8" PRVValvea. Maximum continuous flow (gpm) 3100 b. Minimum continuous flow (gpm) 200c. Maximum intermittent flow (gpm) 3900 d. Nora.l operating pressure upstram (psi) 80 - 82 e. Normal operating pressure downsteam (psi) 56 -60 f. Upstrm pressure adjusent rage (psi) 20.. 200 g. Downstream pressure adjustment rage (psi) 15 -75 h. Anticipated PRY settng (psi) 56 1. Anticipated PSV setting (psi) 70 J. Valve options: Flow Clean Strainer, Flow Controls,ValvePositioii Indicator, ControlTubing Isolation valves 2. 4" PRY Valve a. Maximum continuous flow (gpm) b. Minimum continuous flow (gpm) c. Maximum intermittent flow (gpm)d. Normal operating pressure upstrea (psi) e. Normal operating pressure downstream (psi) f. Upstream pressure adjustmentrånge (psi) g. Downs pressure adjustment range (psi) h. AntiCipated PRY settng (psi) 1. Anticipated PSV setting (psi) J. Valve options: Flow Clean Striner, Flow Controls 800 50 990 80-82 56-60 20 -200 15 -75 58 70 F. Pilot Control System: The pressure reducing pilot control shall be a direct-acting, adjustable, spring-loaded, normally open, diaphragm valve designed to permit flow when controlled pressure is less than the spríng setting. The pilot control is held open by the force of the compression on the spring above the diaphragm and it closes when the delivery pressure acting on the underside of the diaphragm exceeds the spring setting. The pilot control system shall include a fixed orifice.No variable orifices shall be permitted. The pilot system shall include an opening speed control on all valves 3" and smaller on the model 92-01 and 4" and smaller on the model 692-01, as stadard equipment. The pilot control shall have a second downstream sensing port which can be utilize to install a pressure gauge. The pressure sustaining pilot control shall be a direct-acting adjustable spring loaded contol which opens when upstream pressure exceeds the spring setting on the pilot. The pilot control system shall include an X44A stainer &.orifice assembly. A full range of spring setings shall be available in ranges oro to 450 psi. A direct factory representative shall be made available for sta-up service, inspection and necessar adjustments. . EO 061907 15180"trAT"lT'rn E. App:rovedManufacture: Cia-Val Co., Newport Beach, CA92659-0325. www.cla-val.com 2.4 "Duckbil" Elasomeric Check Valves A. Ftifictiofit'When line p:ressure illide the valve exceeds the backpressureoutsidethe valve by a ce:rainamòUìt, the ìine pressur forces the bills of the valve open, allowing flow to pass. When backpressure exceeds the line prssure by at the sae amount, the bills of the vaJveare forced closed. B. Main Valve Body: Check Valves are to be all rubber and the flow operated checktye with a flanged end connection. The port ara shall contour down to a duckbil which shallallow passage offlow in one direction while preventing reverse flow. The flange and flexible duckbil sleeve shall be one piece rubber constrction with nylon reinforcement. The bil portion shall be thinnerånd more flexible than the valve boy, an formedintoa cteof 1800. The flange dril1ngshall conform to ANSI B 16;1 Glass 12$IANSI B 16.$, Class 150 stadards. The valve shall be furnished with stee back-up rings for instlation. C. Approved Manufactre: 1. Tideflex Technologies 700 N. Bell Ave. Caregie, PA 1$106, Phone: (412) 279-0044 Fax: (412) 279-7878 · info~ideflex.com Par 3 EXECUTION 3.1 Installation A. All valves shall be instlled in accordance with the manufactue's printedre.oninienda.ions. EN OF SECmON EO 061907 1518Q - VALVES SECTION 15181 PIPE PENTION SEALS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 Work Included: A. Furnish a .water tight modular sealassernbly to. seal pipepenetrtioiis though the concrte vault. The penetration can be either a steel sleeve, thermoplastic (HDPE) sleeve, cored hole, or formed hole. Par 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 General A. Modular Seal 1. Shall be modular, mechanical tye, consistng of inter-locking sythetic rubber links shape to continuously fiU the anular space between the pipe and the wall opening. The elastmeric element shall be EPDM - ASTM D2000 M#3BA510. Item shall be sized an seleted per manufacturer's sizing procedure. B. Pressure Plates 1. Modular seal pressure plates shall be molded of glass reinforced N"yloDPol)er with the following properties: Izod Impact - Notched :: 2.05ft~lb/in. per ASTM D-256 Flexurl Strngt ~ Yield:: 30,750 psi per ASTM D-790 FJeXuralMödtilus== 1,124,000 psi per ASTMD-790 Elongation Break = 11.07% pe ASTM D-63'8 Specific Gravity = 1.3 8 per ASTM D-792 C. Seal Hardware 1. All fasteners shall be sized according to manufactues seal technical dat. The hardware shall be either mild stil with a 60,000 psi minimum tensile stengt and a 2 par Zinc Dichromate coating per ASTM B-633 or be 316 Stainless steel per ASTM F593-95 with a 85,000 psi average tensile stengt. Par 3 EXECUTION 3.1 Installation A.. Modular seals shall be instaled in accordance with the manufactures recommendations. . END OF SECmON EG 061907 IS181 -1 PTPP PP1\n:'TD A'TTAi.T eu ATe SECTION 15182 GAUGES, SWITCHES, TRSDUCERS PART 1 GENERAL 1. Work Included: A. The contrctor shall fuish and instl gages, switches, and tranucers as shown on the contract documents. Par 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 General A. Pressure Guages 1. Pressure and compound gauges shall be glycerin filled with a built in pressure snubber, have 41, inch minimum diameter face, be tuet stle, with a clear glas fac. The guage shall be bottom. connected into a 12 inch NP femae threa. 2. Giigesishall be mounted with an isolating ball valve to faciltate removal. 3. The pressure range, grdation, and figure interval shall be as indicated on the Contract Documents. Par 3 EXECUTION 3.1 Installation A. Pressure gauges shall be installed in accordance with the manufactes recommendations at locations shown on the Contract Documents . END OF SECTIION EG 061907 15182 - 1 GAUGES, SWITCHES, TRANSDUCERS . 1 l E c e u E . S f NO " , c3 : r: '7V CI T Y O F E A G L E .. . - EA G L E W A T E R C O M P A N Y PR E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A L V E & I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N AD A CO U N T Y E F L O A T I N G F E A T H E R R O A D JU N E , 2 0 0 7 IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N N H O R S E S H O E B E N D R D . EA G L E E F L O A T I N G F E A T H E R R O A D SI D E W A L K '~ -V h - -' N PR V 1 S I T E M A P NO T T O S C A L E \\. N E C H O H A W K W A Y SH E E T NO . 1 2 3 4 OR I G I N A L S T O R E D AT : HO L L A D A Y EN G I N E E R I N G 32 N . M A I N , PA Y E l l , I D A H O VI C I N I T Y M A P NO T T O S C A L E NO ' 1 D A T E RE V I S I O N S DE S C R I P T I O N DE S I G N E D : PR O J E C T N O . TI T L E S H E E T EA G L E W A T E R C O M P A N Y PR E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A L V E & I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N CI T Y O F E A G L E , I D A H O I SH E E T , O F 4 BY SC A L Ë S S H O W N AR E F O R " " X ' 7 " PR I N T S O N L Y H H O L L A D A Y E N G I N E E R I N G C O . E E N G I N E E R S ' G E O L O G I S T S ' C O N S U L T A N T S 32 N . M A I N P . O . B O X 2 3 5 P A Y E T 1 0 8 3 6 6 1 (2 0 B ) 6 - 4 2 - 3 3 0 4 . F A X ' ( 2 0 8 ) 6 - 2 - 2 1 5 9 £N A I L : h e c O h o l i a d a y e n g l n . . r l n g . c o m EG 0 6 1 9 0 7 K. K E T T E R L I N G DE S I G N C H E C K E D : A. G E H R K E DE T A I L E D : 0, M I T C H E L L DR A W I N G C H E C K E D : K. K E T T E R L I N G EL . M A T C H E X I S T I N G ~ ; ¡ ~ " . ; , ~ . : : ; ' , . ¿ 5 ' . . . . . \ : ~ : - ' ~ ~ , . 1 ' . : : : 's , ' , ; ;'' t ~ : 1 - LE G E N D : E Q U I P M E N T C A L L - O U T S Æj ~ ; ~ r z # ~ CD P . R . V . ( H I G H F L O W ) C L A - V A L 8 " M O D E L 9 2 - 0 1 , F L A N G E D E N D S , W I T H O P E N I N G A N D CL O S I N G C O N T R O L S , C O N T R O L T U B I N G I S O L A T I O N V A L V E S , S T R A I N E R A N D V A L V E P O S I T O N IN D I C A T O R ( O R E Q U A L ) . FL O W Q)G G 4 " Q)Q) 0)G Q) 8" G A T E V A L V E ( F L x F L ) WA T E R P R O O F B O O T O R E Q U A L GA T E V A L V E ( F L x F ) PI P E S U P P O R T SM O O T H N O S E W A T E R S A M P L I N G T A P , H O S E B I B - 3 / 4 " N P T PR E S S U R E G A U G E & B A L L V A L V E , 0 - 1 0 0 P S I , 1 P S I G R A D U A T I O N M A R K S , 1 0 P S I FI G U R E I N T E R V A L S , A N D 1 / 2 " N P T . 8" x 8 " x 4 " T E E ( F L x F L ) CO N N E C T TO E X I S T I N G 12 " W A T E R L I N E \ MA N H O L E ST E P S P E R . A B A N D O N E X I S T I N G IS P W C S D - 5 0 9 1 _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ 2 ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ R _ . : I ~ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - - - ~ - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - . -- - - ~ - - - ~ - ~ \ , ' ; ' ; , . \ , ' ; f ' , " " / ~ ' , ; : ; ; , ; : ( J ~ CD P R E S S U R E R E D U C I N G E Q U I P M E N T SE C T I O N A - A NO T T O S C A L E P. R . V . ( L O W F L O W ) C L A - V A L 4 " M O D E L 9 2 - 0 1 , F L A N G E D E N D S , W I T H O P E N I N G A N D CL O S I N G F L O W C O N T R O L S , A N D S T R A I N E R . TH R U S T B L O C K I N G PE R I S P W C S D - 4 0 3 (T Y P ) r CO N N E C T TO E X I S T I N G 12 " W A T E R L I N E § A D J U S T A B L E T H R U S T R E S T R A I N T W I T H U - B O L T , 0J P R E S S U R E G A U G E & B A L L V A L V E , 0 - 1 6 0 P S I , 2 P S I G R A D U A T I O N M A R K S , ' 2 0 P S I F I G U R E IN T E R V A L S A N D 1 / 2 " N P T . ê 8 " 0 . 1 . P I P E ( P E x P E ) . § 1 2 " ø C L A S S 1 5 0 P V C P I P E P E R A W W A C 9 0 0 . e 1 2 " x 8 " O J . 9 0 ' R E D U C I N G E L B O W ( M J x M J ) § 8 " M J A D A P T E R § 8 " F L A N G E A D A P T E R § 4 " 9 0 ' 0 . 1 . 9 0 ' E L B O W ( F L x F L ) ~ 1 2 " M J A D A P T E R ~ 1 2 " D J . E L B O W ( M J x M J ) § A - " O J . S P O O L W / F L A N G E A D A P T E R S L E N G T H A S N E E D E D ~ '0 ~ r, ~ ~ . ¿ - ¿ I . : t ) AL _ A ." . . . r , ' : ~ , , : . . ~ ' ; . . . ; ~ ; . ~ l ~ . . ; : . ; ì . \ : . : ; : : " ~ : : ' . : : . . : ¡ ; . ; ; ~ , . ~ r , ; ~ ; . ' l L . ~ ~ " ' L . , , ' ~ ~ ' r ~ . , 1 :. ~ t o P R E S S U R E R E D U C I N G E Q U I P M E N T PL A N V I E W NO T T O S C A L E OR I G I N A L S T O R E D AT : HO L A Y EN G I N E E R I N G 32 N . M A I N , PA Y E , I D A H O BY RE V I S I O N S DE S C R I P T I O N DE S I G N E D : SC A L E S S H O W N AR E F O R 1 1 " X 1 7 " PR I N T S O N L Y PR O J E C T N O . PR V V A U L T P I P I N G EA G L E W A T E R C O M P A N Y PR E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A L V E & I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N CI T Y O F E A G L E , I D A H O I SH E E T 2 O F 4 NO ' 1 D A T E K. K E T I R L I N G DE S I G N C H E C K E D : A. G E H R K E H H O L L A D A Y E N G I N E E R I N G C O . E E N G I N E E S ' G E O l S 1 . C O S I L T A N 32 N . M A I P . o . B O 2 3 P A Y E 1 0 8 3 i (2 0 8 ) 8 4 2 - 3 3 ' F I o ( 2 0 8 ) 8 4 2 - 2 1 5 9 EI A I h o c o l l o d ¡ o g i n v . - . EG 0 6 1 9 0 7 DE T A I L E D : D. M I T C H E L L DR A W I N G C H E C K E D : K. K E T I R L I N G 12 " O F 3 / 4 " M I N U S C R U S H E D A G G R E G A T E CO M P A C T E D T O 9 5 % S T A N D A R D P R O C T O R DE N S I T Y D N U N D I S T U R B E D E A R T H . ø P R E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A U L T CO N N E C T 1 S E C T I O N A A , . TO E X I S T I N G M A N H O L E N O T T O S C A L E r A B A N D O N E X I S T I N G WA T E R L I N E \ ~ ~ ~ i ! ! = ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ : " _ ~ ~ ~ R _ : I ~ : _ _ _ _ _ _ / I 1 1 / 2 " P E P I P E AC C E S S H A T C H D R A I N HS - 2 0 A C C E S S HA T C H 3 ' - 0 " x 3 ' - 0 " FI N I S H E D G R A D E : T O MA T C H E X I S T I N G G R A D E GR O U T ( T Y P ) TY P E A - 1 B A C K F I L L P E R IS P W C S E C T I O N 3 0 6 (T Y P ) '. ¡ . . 1 , , . 3' - 4 " - I ' , ' US E T E M P O R A R T Y R O D S O R O T H E R TO M A I N T A I N F L A N G E A L I G N M E N T - 1 % M I N . S L O P E T O S U M P l. ~ ' : ~ ' r , : i ' , , , ; ' 1 , ~ 1 : ' ; , ~ , : ~ ' ; , ' : , ; ; \ ; / , : : , / ~ ' ; : . , ~ : : : ; " ' , ' , ; ' : ; ~ " ~ , . " " 9' 2 1 / 2 " M I N . A S P H A L T ; MA T C H E X I S T I N G A S P H A L T (P L A C E N E W S O D T O M A T C H EX I S T I N G I N G R A S S A R E A S ) 8" M I N . 3 / 4 " M I N U S O R MA T C H E X I S T I N G B A S E LE V E L I N G C O U R S E 1. T H E C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L P R O V I D E 4 8 H O U R S N O T I C E T O T H E EN G I N E E R A N D T H E E A G L E W A T E R C O M P A N Y S Y S T E M O P E R A T O R PR I O R T O A D J U S T M E N T O F T H E P R V V A L V E S . D I S P O S A L A N D DR A I N A G E O F W A T E R U S E D F O R T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N G T H E PR V V A L V E S S H A L L B E A P P R O V E D B Y T H E C I T Y O F E A G L E . . 2. T H E C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L R E T A I N T H E S E R V I C E S O F A MA N U F A C T U R E R ' S R E P R E S E N T A T I V E T O A S S I S T W I T H I N S T A L L A T I O N AN D A D J U S T M E N T O F T H E P R V V A L V E S . 3. C O N T R A C T O R S H A L L P A I N T A L L V A U L T P I P I N G W I T H A N E P O X Y PA I N T S Y S T E M , T N E M E C S - 6 6 O R E Q U A L . S U R F A C E P R E P A R A T I O N AN D D R Y F I L M T H I C K N E S S S H A L L B E P E R M A N U F A C T U R E R ' S RE C O M M E N D A T I O N . C O L O R S H A L L B E O F F - W H I T E . 4. V A U L T S H A L L B E W A T E R T I G H T . GE N E R A L N O T E S : ;, ( ' , . - . . . .. . . ' S : . ¡ . ., ' Qr ~ : ~ f ' ~ ; a 0 i t i ~ 1 i i \ g ; VA U L T N O T E S : CO N N E C T TO E X I S T I N G WA T E R L I N E 1. H S - 2 Q , P R E C A S T V A U L T 2. A L L C O N C R E T E J O I N T S S H A L L B E S E A L E D W I T H A N A P P R O V E D FL E X I B L E S E A L A N T , R A M N E K O R E Q U A L . 3. W A T E R P R O O F W I T H T A M O S E A L F O U N D A T I O N C O A T I N G O R E Q U A L 4. A L L P E N E T R A T I O N S S H A L L B E L O C A T E D 2 " M I N . F R O M R E I N F O R C I N G ST E E L . 5. F I E L D V E R I F Y C O V E R D E P T H A N D G R A D E E L E V A T I O N T O M A I N T A I N 4' - 0 " M I N P I P E L I N E B U R Y . 6. A L L C O N C R E T E S H A L L H A V E A M I N I M U M C O M P R E S S I V E S T R E N G T H AS D E F I N E D B Y A C I C O D E O F f ' c = 4 0 0 0 P S I F O R R E I N F O R C E D "C O N C R E T E A T 2 8 D A Y S . 7. I F V A U L T I S P L A C E D U N D E R R O N J W A Y W I T H M I N I M A L C O V E R A S SH O W N , 2 " E X T R U D E D P O L Y S T Y R E N E B O A R D S H A L L B E I N S T A L L E D O N TO P H A L F O F V A U L T I N T E R I O R . -~ ~ ~ ~ i : ~ ~ ~ ; ~ - : ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ - : - ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ - , - - - - - - rI : . . . . . .. . . . . . . ~! AL _ 12 " x 1 2 " x 6 " D E E P S U M P US E T E M P O R A R T Y R O D S O R O T H E R TÕ M A I N T A I Ñ F L A N G E A L I G N M E N T - NO T E : D O N O T C U T B A R S A T PI P E S O R O T H E R B L a C K O U T S . OF F S E T B A R S T O E I T H E R S I D E AS R E Q U I R E D . 7' - 0 " : 1 i'. , . ~ I' "\ ' ~ J ' 4 " ." 2 - . , A 1. 8 ~ :.. . T :; \ ~ , ~ : : , ; i " : ~ ~ ; ' 1 : ' . ; ; ; ' , : , ~ i : ' i ' . ' : " , : ; ; ; ' . , : " J : : ' , ~ ~ . ~ ' . ¡ : . , . . ; ' " : ; " OR I G I N A L S T R E D AT : HO L A Y EN G I N E E I N G 32 N . M A I N , PA Y E I D A H O 8" 0. 2 ~ . P R E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A U L T PL A N V I E W NO T T O S C A L E RE V I S I O N S ~I D A T E ~ D E S C R I P T I O N PR O J E C T N O . PR V V A U L T D E S I G N EA G L E W A T E R C O M P A N Y PR E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A L V E & I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N CI T Y O F E A G L E , I D A H O I SH E E T 3 O F 4 DE S I G N E D : S C A L E S S H O W N K. K E T T R L I N G A R E F O R 1 1 H X 1 7 " DE S I G N C H E C K E D : P R I N T S O N L Y A. G E H R K E DE T A I L E D : D. M I T C H E l l DR A W I N G C H E C K E D : K. K E T T L I N G H H O L L A D A Y E N G I N E E R I N G C O . E E N S . G E 0 G . C O T A I . 3 2 N . M A P . O . B O m P I I ' V 1 0 l l 8 1 (2 0 ) e . 2 - 3 J ' F ¡ . ( 2 0 8 ) 8 4 2 - 2 1 5 0 EW h t c o 4 a d g l n o o 9 - 0 0 EG 0 6 1 9 0 7 , I -zi 1J~i~~~~ -" .- ' \ €. G f ' € . € . ~ ß . f ' ' f 5 1 _. . - ~~ - - IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N æ D E T A I L \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ ø I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N PL A N VI E W NO T T O S C A L E LE G E N D : CD E X I S T I N G 1 Z " 0 . 1 . W A T E R L I N E (3 Z O " H O P E W A T E R L I N E G) Z O " X 1 Z " X Z O " H O P E F A B R I C A T E D T E E G 1 Z " H O P E F L A N G E A D A P T E R G) 1 Z " B U T I E R F L Y V A L V E ( F L x F L ) o 1 Z " C 9 0 0 P V C P I P E o 1 Z " 9 0 . O J . E L B O W ( M J X M J ) o 1 Z " X 1 Z " X 1 Z " 0 . 1 . T E E ( F L X F L X M J ) o 1 Z " F L A N G E A D A P T E R QS V A L V E B O X (\\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ .- ' í \ \ .. \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ ( 1 \ \ ~ \ \\ \ \ \ o I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N PL A N V I E W D E T A I L NO T T O S C A L E EX I S T I N G S U R F A C E (F J E L v t R I F Y , \ J. a : . m ' " ,) 2 FI E L D V E R I F Y FI E L D VE R I F Y ~ß-0 \ \J FI E L D V E R I F Y ~ /! OR I G I N A L S T E D AT : HO L A Y EN G I N E E R I N G 32 N . M A I N , PA Y E . I D A H O RE V I S I O N S ~ D A T E I ~ I D E S C R I P T I O N DE S I G N E D : S C A L E S S H O W N K. K E T I R L I N G A R E F O R 1 1 " X 1 7 " DE S I G N C H E C K E D : P R I N T S O N L Y A. G E H R K E H H O L L A D A Y E N G I N E E R I N G C O . E E N G I N E ' G E O L . C C T A N T S 32 N . I I A 1 N P . e . B O X 2 3 P A ' m I D l l 6 1 (2 0 8 ) 6 4 2 - J 3 ' F A X ( 2 0 ) 6 4 2 - 2 1 5 9 EM A I h 4 c " " a d ~ - g . . . DE T A I L E D : D. M I T C H E L L DR A W I N G C H E C K E D : K. K E T I R L I N G WA T E R M A I N I N T E R C O N N Ë C T I O N EA G L E W A T E R C O M P A N Y PR E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A L V E & I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N CI T Y O F E A G L E , I D A H O I SH E E T 4 - O F 4 - o I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N EL E V A T I O N NO T T O S C A L E PR O J E C T N O . EG 0 6 1 9 0 7 RESPONSE NO. 9 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request ,\ ¡t' ..... '1..,.' ~ . . ~'.. ., 'I' l" .." ,, . 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"'~""~'.;:r".~ (;;¡" , $ 4,105.00:_:.: 'i,:,;"',:.$1. :t3....e. $2217980 ..::,'.:..,::...( ;........;' '.. ..,¡ . ~;:.,:::: .1/.':.::'.. :::/:~~,'i'.. . $ 42,64.fi -:_~~ RESPONSE NO. 12 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request '..' . .,~~. , 4l0l LaborElI~BO BOrRo DeTom.~WlRo Bry Tatr Equpm EgJ! TpOurnTruBaoeLO$ Mals VenorHOvlaworbEaIe sa Cut AsPhltCo...Tie Ba e. Wa In st J,* ÇaBlSllclJl Tot JC) Cosng we I5T17I7,.20,..71251 weEnd7ri 7125108712 InvJSt. Dlte LaequiptMats SubTotl Prom & Ovhea ~ú Fe: M"T(' c: ~6 CiTie Il."~ 27.5 21 12. 9 Ho".$ 2000 $ a.oo $ 20.00S 2080 S 20.00 T.LabQr¡ _.00 $ 52.00 $ 240.00 . 520.00 S 180.0 S $ $ $ $ $ $ '~:"':"":.::'.,I"",:"", ~ ; I 1J K". 9Jl8 l: Ra Tot Mdl:8 S 65,00 $ 52.009 $ 65.00 $ 585.007 $ 85.00 $ 595.00 $ $ $ $ SEqên Tot Am 541520,. 1418eo 150 1,70.00 Tot Mli 'tl1U$ 20..$ 128. $ 1,418.00$ lO.GO$ 150.00 $ $ $ .....W.,.lrMli.:,,', ' ':. . 'l 'l! , ': ,,:,'1.'.:. 290 !! ., l4r1 ~ cO _ dkm= 1m;;; $ 13._.90 ... RESPONSE NO. 13 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W -09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request ".. ~'e. 2. r.,..,,"fj-::~ (,l,'¡';" , ;"~",,~ .V .Er,~ ",A';$-~J::0: lI 2:itl'~':¡,~~~.l,T¡it,"f"~(~ ~~::~\ù.i"_~:'~;~:'l" .., Mayo,f Phil Bandy CIT OF RAGLE p.o, Bot isio :Eage, låa 83616 939.6813 Counoil: Ste''e GuefberM~lld Huf Nonn Sentiko Al Sholihtatian October 29. 2008 Eaglè Waíer Company Attn: Bett Fax 208-939~0267 RE: Engineering bitting for the lnterte Bett, Please dÏ$rerd the earlier le ian to you wih Ii bllUng of S2,6eS.()O frm Hollay Engineering, That bill has been paid by th Cit. Following is the final billl.tg from Holladay Engineering for the Interte Proje. As you wiH see it has be spot out and the Eagle Water Company porton is on pags 2 and 3 totaling $9,146.13. Please make payment direcy to Holladay Enaneering and forward a eopy of th payment to th City, If you have any quetions, giv me a calJ at Cit Halt, 489-8771. Thank you,~ City of Eagle Keltie McCombs Admin Clef', 11 Attachnints 1.' :7(r' .t\~1 ~ 1 ¡\\l:¡ ~ri .\ I 1 '1 Ai~(7.: t ~i~:¡7. 'h7. ïjA~ ",. ... HOIli!dal. Engineering Co. i;.= := Cit of Ea¡t POBox 1S20 Eae,I0S316 ~__~~~~~iÒ~ EGO'Nt elOlé Wa Company Intei1. o GeMral Pral!i¡1 'tM O'3~1l Prlri Us ¡¡ to omQt Q'7/Q4 l"rinci ew "" FI ~ OIe!ln'li zi oX~llo¡w* Prø- ~f1\ler L l:lll' 'Wtk Cit ~y 011 E\'C ~ 30lI¡\inI'.tlll!l Ø71011:8 P"OJect Marier i Mfl¡¡",ti swe .i8lrneyl Ui ØCiJ'.. 07102Ii PiNt Mal'gi I ewe lii, DuCIIMt 07107108 'rc"'~1 S\Jll~ léS wwl!k!llte, WQ out~~. QO!'nelln wlll '::¡\y Cn'íOrloe ~al !-.lll,.. jrici~ lIdEWC. i: CtlMnl Q~ll~ im. hl,- ~iwi ~n. Cl:"'ö'9! J:tci MiTlag i ~~i:~~..~cienC8. WOr!;ln O1/tfDl Pr=ill hi1l!'lf aQrQMoiii WIll .ltrr3 Susar andClr\ 11'1i ~ lhltWi!' ãI~ iimlle ~""ri rW ån nin6n9 at COnei. 071O~IOf Prln~ ¡¡WC ¡~ lnlii fQr CQcl 0';/1 Q,'oe l"1' Maner I Oisç&Sllili li !I'. or pl. ~,Ipcnli wl Qe 01' 'ec~iI 07/101$ FrIpll . S,*lal Coriell meeting on EY lind ,pldl illl8 a9tvM'"t aoo reflVi !ftliØlUl(.7101mli Milage 07/ò2it P.il 0710'10$ MIll!'Øgii Si~tatl Gln Co;He ¿ ... 21 r"~~ PO 8o23 . ~et. IP.R~66 P!': 12O1 Kl.334 Fax: t2Dãì si,Z-2159 InvoIce Ottte; Sap 17'. 2( lnvo Number: 34047 O.SO hrs.85.00 '00 hr '''0.00 0.50 h:..55.00 8.00 hr40 110.00 1'.00 hIS ,70.00 5.00 ri~.NO.CO 2.00 26.00 LOO hr$.110.0 U:o tin!.1.10&.00 0.50 hri,65.01) ~.$/lr¡2'7$.00 5.aO his 71500 -43.6 U.~ 43.ae .'II 81,$4 77 .. I' iI ¡v di lIt1 "CI/Ìli A~y.,~ wI a b8/I!~ dw /h l~ Ð! PMtha !1l~0J C/lc 1' /lUIlb¡ JDlI/1.1li fi.- &:*. i "i He 'r11I ~w~.~ ~r: A!r:);;~a. í: H;;)~'57 ~d\l r' .-- HoHltay EJ9Î~erns ~~. l'o~et EGll:l7 e;gil! Wfr Oop! IltiE.. EG0801 ;w ~e Wèf' Company Intrt ewe .Ea Wlt Company l.~!oslStm07/11/pe ~lilõrigt""1! 4.00 ""... Watr "l0d gf tll- ew 1i1'1l.'Ji11oe i:ricl!ll 4.00 IYIriitiil ct¡reoi an $l Ii~. EWCin~R ~ lQmo ba er !W ,iiijrQlIl ~r 01 ~ll 6. 'Jrn inadng_l107t41S Pt¡ciet __Ot~ 1Il\~ dllli. pl..ii, ~ir. as-tll rA _6r:; tr line fo I!W:;. IiEQ(f /14100 OMJO e..Ìl 1lW9moat Of ËWC _"C~. 071 ola PrlmipiIl' ~nt Mi Il .'e Inl'o"tEW !'IliSt re1""'tll1 ~ 1I.1i, DEQ ~.mairlßi011"5108 F'~eeM!llJ i POll"i~t' .,1. mOa.mljr:milSoll c.~ lit W_ mCdlQf ¡tlntieton; Witer mQdi ,~ i:'Ml\ \! 0U. ll iips rot OSQ .i¡lilløn.07f~8 !l;;d¡e'A mtlf.!t an ~ml!, ¡, itelre."cr ¡nr Ol" ini.t, uøat P1\lll fØ(j 0I1ifl pr~~07/1fiOa Prq..CI Man.r i ~lIoiig j¡.. IfllUln Wi CEQ em:tuÌÆit$t'.~0111g~ DflOl' Erìi ttlTta"I ~ri to db mo rv lI ~; !liX outpUt a!' !itJl!l)' 'a;irtCT'1f.!Ca Prini!i.sc. O=~ ~ lf ~ IoP~ wii .11m lIee. uWl tl'~lØn and mCO&6r.g!WC~~.C7!1'~ "ui ~t i eOlØspndE¡l~e; Oirlll (fll"ll 1mnlllilhr'g tnrl linei di.irifel(n ofinl'rt O1í111OS OßÎ! Eti~r ILLRMrillng t)oeo ~ OI mo~.(f117tO PiCl PUC ìr¡o 1!(l!1 E'J\ COen oriHr en Un'iri itnd SC""uie u¡i io II ~,l.'oy 1I0IQ QJ ~ om ll!! P~=l Man.. i ct7l'orid~ ~ftllio of Pln Of a:lMi:OIi umi/g Dte. for eei i~t&~: Sil'1.\~..(hO(O ()í"11 aI!! P,.ncòa EWC j\'ttle e-alls and pJ""Q7IJH\ie ProJe Milnli'l I Di~ O/1Wler jystem.1êfl eM ';ISeu~ic ef ~~ decS/i:. iit\ ~ slie~I"J ~~ ~~ Wi CliQ!reI ClijO?Jt1loe ~'et I!ti¡lIr II Mö$¡i o'.iwt and map; Mi.. llll.aG' !id~,. ~1I~0I ui''¡' :e..i....il ,... b . l,n;'Vn,'ClB _l1w.i :'/pMy,I''Q\\i- ~1l"' t1"!(3lldll.9IMM/f,é i''C ~iW"7,' Il i!//JIo, t 112~ '1Ml~ i:& ::...:==: r j 70 ri!i 2,50 hrs. :;.!O mi. 2.00 .hra 1.eo hrs ~.50 0'3. 250 t;.. :HO tirs. '.00 hni. :Uo 'i Î.()'ir" o.eo 111$. 1.00 tiri. 1.00 til' i..,ii hI', 3.50 hrs 2.00 lirs. ~ 1 (', d ~ ~r, ,:;.~ - I~wic ~047 ll'Wl\Clill: Setbø 17,%005 ".'. 2of3~.. ... 4Wl. 5~.OO 27SQC 2'750 ~1I 00 ~iil.O-J 1,207.SO ~9.lX 385.oi 115.00 41S~,OQ 111.00 :;750 131)'0 1116.'C S5.0C 3l~.0( 2"'0.OC .,..~ AIJC7 .: r'rri7 .~? ';'Alf . -"-f' . ..... , .. ~~... HQliay 51';ilneeg Oi, Projll EG0ß1 Etile INll i:mp;i'y Inierlt 600047 - E.. Water Compay Interu ewe latle Wätør Compny ~cont i"''' ''''rio; ~,:04l In\~ i;e: ~~mll ~?'.:iOOS~: hii ')711¡t PrI/lal 4.50 hf5. seua EWC lr.ei O\-$ne vi'l Rd n Qt~. EYV Inrert I)Kb wl coir~t if~ tt l'i!lill fQl tii:In. war Rights and w~1MI' e-l ro ciiy 1 e-l'ail 1)1"/08 p/'ect ~t I~1J 01 CQI1SllI. woin wll DiGi01 ~ òi lh~; Mo tlis'mfn~me~ wiit OEQ i;_ J712.209 Prioi ew lru i1$ifi'l CI$lnM MI! l\. EW irie . 1t1l. Mils e. Jim Reu lII, ire QI'S 'Jl1sWC\ii, 0';/24108 I'tnlewc umpl. ;w¡ilii 6nd e-llllt on OEQ- Ciy 0712610$ Ptli~ jiia~ng Illplln EWC inieie JmIQY8 reoon \0 C!, ta. ¡¡ an:\ Mø' Drop reir a~d~.a..IfTl1vllf0712a pr"!l ~~ iCélì1 of Inieite à/lll ~,~ fOr ølln fQt ~ Md ot EW CQO~.t,c'jl..re~07!~a Ptirill''~ \n .rOl'Mm om~. lnør.ao ~ $\. Mot). Robø. MTC !Id OEO; ~se 8Pr'lllIr O£QoalQ PH" EnIl ili Moll cú.pt r$isri ElM C0llpollim. 0I021l Adllstivo .Ai:cl_tiri i A:I1'n 9S$lIa 3.¡¡O hrs.:l8E.Or, ".So \ir¡¡.lI8l.Ol. 2.00 h'l.2Mi.OC U6 hfIJ.4:i.$Q 1,00 riri.1'M" :.ìOC Iota.O~.OO C SO brs.::i.!10 0,:'.5 liN!.10.'JO 4:"88 r~.3B 0140.~ .-.--.. 14C38,G7~.tn.D1~ 7 'd e_ct~ 0""'6108 MlInge ~el'l4l8 COnllCl SerCl . ~~ ÒØrlio,lt$Jll. ro ~ wæ~: Totl Due ThillnvolCé: H2L ,., iC'n.ii~..oM I'fIril1lAll ri\1 VJ t ~ i:~ lJ, (J d.,)1 ou I'* h\lM4 í1 ,. hø ftllr 10 f1 , !1B "...... Ciil L i 580N ~-~~: ;JO A.lIJ !kSë" 6(:Jl '~l .~=V RESPONSE NO. 18 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-0t EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request ... .¡...~ MTC, INC. CONSULTING ENGINERS, SURVEYORS, AN PLANRS 707 N. 27TH ST. Boise, ID 83702-3113 (208) 345-0780 Fax (208) 343-8967 FOR PROFESSONAL ENGINERG SEVICES FEDER ID No. 82-0398542 ACCOUNT OF : EAGLE WATER COMPo P.O. BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 JOB NUER: #93-241 Apn129, 2009 JOB # 93-241 Well #4 Eagle Idao. EVALUATION OF WELL # 4 $1,200.00 DUE TO DATE 4-29-200 $1,290.00 .., J .."" .. '._' 4~ LaboBobb 8ITom~~a~Tàl~ôb o.f\øn Revf\an ReNonr RevI\ H~ Eqpm~Tp MatlsVenldaP_AMe El, IncPr ElPr Elec we End5/8SI5J08413182/1/085/12151121 WeeEnd IrwJ$L 081e4131009141211/0 o .Job Con, Brkdo Totl .J co ~Cã f= La Eqtipment.MGtias SUbTotlProt & Ovhe kl'"C- Well" 4 R.ep HrWo 1 1 12 1 1 128.5 La nol Hc: Ra$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 25.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $$ 20.00 $ $$ $ $ $$l Tot, 20.0020.00 20.00 50.0020.0020.0020.00530.00 $7G.o HI' Qp!!! HoRati TotrEguen i! Tot~ 3114972.122488.71:ô4470..T.. $ Tot.~ $ 3.114.00$ 972.12$ 24.i!.71 $ 24,41'0.00$ $534Z .~~.~-.~ $ 700.00 $ $ $ 5$41.83 $ 770.0070.00 $ $ 5.34.58 $ $ 58.78.41 59,53.41 $ 59.53..1 \:'c. .~l I ~ l ., RESPONSE NO. 21 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request .'....f'~. ," ~."., ,.', ,," .....~ 4I00 BOOSTER PU AOON Labor ROrt DeRo De Tom Roge8rTatRob DeoROb De Br T&lWi RQBrTst$Q 80 WiIm Roo Br T:aBo BoRob .De TimKèb Ør Tet Bo BodnRob 0e Tom Rog Wl RooBtTatBo BcRober DeoOa HuTom RoWlRooBiTatBo BoRobDeS Tom Rog Wil RootBrT&tRob DtSo BI' Tå1Bo Sci1R KeTom.~WiRootBry Tat9ø9oDav Humiy WfEn81121..$120f8J012112061/417/41 713112$ 71311288I518115J28/1$288J~8I8I8f61008812128l819/9i 9151009151919l9~5 9/1112 9/11J289I1112 9/11l.080I1r.9/1819J1at9/51289~29l9f9f2SJ10110108 Eqipmnt !gUl TmbahobIhobaho Hig Li "EIln114f 7/3112008I 7/311208 Mat..~prf Et riJ$Da llWoIM HoR.Totl 4 S 2500 $100.00 JNI' 11 .2600 $215.00 ad 1 $20.00 $20.00 1 $20.00 $20.00 1 $25.00 $25.00 2 $25.00 $50.00 2 $20.00 $40.00 6 $20.00 $120.00 3 $20.00 $80.00 3 $20.00 $80.00 2 $20.00 $40.00 2 $20.00 $40.00 3 $20.00 $60.00 2 $25.00 $50.00 1 $20.00 $20.00 1.5 $20.00 $30.00 4 $20.00 $00.00 5 $25.00 $125.00 1 $20.00 $20.00 3 $20.00 $60.00 2 $20.00 $40.00 6 $20.00 $120.00 9 $25.00 $225.00 8 $20.00 $180.00 2 $20.00 $40.00 8 $20.00 $180.00 9 $20.00 $180.00 16 $20.00 $32.00 18 $25.00 $450.00 8 $20.00 $160.00 24 $20.00 $4&1.00 17 $20.00 $34.00 5 $26.00 $125.00 2 $20.00 $40.00 16 $20.00 $32.00 14 $20.00 $28.00 4 $20.00 $80.00 17 $20.00 $340.00 12 $20.00 $240.00 roo-w 8 $20.00 $180.00 12 $20.00 $240.00 $. ;i~'*~,.: 'i :li,l""'ii' HJ'. ØPra 2 3 1 3 H9!.fli. r_ licp $ 6!;iOO $ 130.00 $ 65.00 $ 195.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 195.00 Eq Tal s ~i.00 Am1Ì6.3 T.... $ 18,1338 I _i= z. '(F I .. 41 Pres ëlHO W8lEv AME l. Conc Tt.. V1,lff St Iclo Powr Job Co Btkdwn Totl Job Qog \t N& \1'E 913010089l 81912008910i Lar EquIpmt Matia.. SubTot Prot & Qvrhtt t-\C BOOTER PUMP ADmON 19497.19134.75 500.8820.72 1214 127.04 $ 3,400.00 ,...ì..;..... S~()~ $$ $ $ $ $ $ 19,497.7913,44.75 50.88 20,38.72 1,214.00 127.04 3,400.00 . ....1.... . ¡...._... ~" .~(~~ $ IUOS.OO ." S 93,80.67 '20f2 RESPONSE NO. 24 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staffs First Production Request EAGLE WATER CO. EAG-W-09-01 RESPONSE NO. 24 PLEASE SEE THE FILE FOR A THREE-PAGE BLUEPRINT THAT IS TOO LARGE TO SCAN c RESPONSE NO. 30U) Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staff's First Production Request l-_t: MTC, INC. CONSULTIG ENGINERS, SURVEYORS, AN PLANRS 707 N. 27TI ST. Boise, ID 83702-3113 (208) 345-0780 Fax (208) 343-8967 FOR PROFEONAL ENGIERG SERVICE FEERA ID No. 82..398542 ACCOUNTOF: EAGLE WATER COMPo P.O. BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 JOB NUER: # 08-913 September, 2008 JOB # 08-913 New Well # 8 EAGLE,ID Mar28l -to .July 28 WorkDr 291.5 Hrs. ~ $27.50fH. Techncian 34 Mr. ~ $45.001l. Engin 24.5 Mrs. ~ $85.oolH. $ 8,016.25 $ 1,530.00 $ 2,082.50 TOTAL DUE .JaW 281 $ ii,62875 August 208 Drafsm 78 Hr ~ $27.501l. $ 2,145.00 Techncian 149.00 Hrs. ~$45.00fH. $ 6,705.00 Engineer 9 Mr. ~ $85.oolH. $ 765.00 August. 2.008 work $ 9,615.00 TOTAL DUE Setember $21..3.75 -¿.- '", ..~,i3-NEW WELL # 8 April 28, 2'" September 2008 to March 2009 September 200 Draftsma 56 HI. ~ $27.50/H. $ 1,54.00 T eclil1Icia 18 Hrs. (a $45.001H. $ 810.00 October 2008Drsm 34.5 Hr. (a $27.50/H. $ 948.75 Engineer 26 Hr. ~ $85.001H. $ 2,210.00 Novemher 200Drsm 77.75 Hrs. ~ $27.501H. $ 2,138.13 Engineer 12.5 Mr. ~ $85.001H. $ 1,062.50 Deoomber 2008 Draftma 15.5 Hr. (a $27.50/H. $ 426.25 Techncian 1 Hrs. ~ $45.001H. $ 45.00 200 Jaiuiary 200Drsma 2.25 Hrs. ~ $27.501H. $ 61.88 Engineer 2 Hr. ~ $85.001H. $ 170.00 Febniary 200Drsma 5.5 Hr. ~ $27.50/H. $ 144.38 March 2f09 Draftsma 1.25 Hr. ~ $27.50/H. $ 34.38 Smtember to March 200 wOrk $ 9,591.27 TOTAL DUE Apri!, 200 $ 3Ø,85.02 RESPONSE NO. 31 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staffs First Production Request Saiiie of 1daoo ' Depimeni ,of E.'liroiilita Quaiity 30ise Re;¡ionai OtIce PLA~ïS ,;! SPECßfiCATIONS RmV1EW These pians i.i:or s¡iciications ¡iave ben reviewed ior comDliane:; with Depanmem m" E~vjronmellta¡ Quality rules. This review dòes'1ct relieve !ße owner, ;engineer, or !be contrctor of die responsibiiity 'io design or construct these facijities in coniiiiinCt '1"L11 all currnt appjic:i- Jiie iederaì, .3tale iliid Jocal laws. rules, reiiuJatioJli.. ur ordinances. Plans ¡lOwcr specifications must he re~ubmitteà tor review jf construction is !lot ,=ompieted within one year trom approval daie. M\_L. 1--1-"-1 ..¿toAf, -.J.JI t-S 1teviewing DEQ Engiii~r Q/i.WD8 , Approval Dat Rhkr ~~.amRefer ~o 3pproVUJ condiiions in ieHF" to: SPECIFCATIONS FOR DRILING OF EAGLE WATER COlY AN, INC. WELL NUER 8 GENERA INORMTION & PROPOSAL, GENERA CONDITIONS (CONTRCT DOCUINTS), SPECIA CONDITIONS, AN WELL SCHEMATIC .' ..cif \, \~D:g Jff J"(~:~~2ZJS¡' . EALGE WATER COlY AN, INC. P.O. BOX 455 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 t,.'0,.,.,.\f' f'" 1 . ():j,' ~\l SPECIFCATK ~l .ød'#.V J~~' al,jlOl EAGLE WATER, WELL NU GENERA INORMTION & PROPOSAL, GENERA CONDITIONS (CONTRACT DOCUMENTS), SPECIAL CONDITIONS, AND WELL SCHEMATIC ".', (.~., ' ~ / ",,:' " 1/1 "'. ". i,' ;,r, ,f' '~~J '; -\'1\ \'~:&f I gl~~ ¡~ \"~YJl:Itj;~' .1 EALGE WATER COMPANY, INC. P.O. BOX 455 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1410 North Hilton. Boise, Idaho 83706. (208) 373-0502 C.L. "Butch" Otter, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director TSP&S-17112008 August 28, 2008 Robert DeShazo Eagle Water Company P.O. Box 455 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Subject:Eagle Water Company Well NO.8 Well Specs (Eagle, Ada County) A. Well Conditional Approval B. Groundwater Under Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWUI) Determination C. Recent Federal Regulations Dear Mr. DeShazo: The plans and specifications for the subject project appear to meet state of Idaho standards, and are conditionally approved as noted below: I. STANDAR CONDITIONS: A. All conditions of this letter must be met. The standard conditions on the Departent of Environmental Quality (DEQ) review stamp are part of this approvaL. Supporting reports or documents are considered to be par of the approved documents. B. The approval applies to the drilling of the well only. Separate plans and specifications for the pump, pump house, and appurtenances must be approved by DEQ prior to constrction. The design package needs to include at least the followig: 1. General Plan and Specification Checklist. 2. Drinking Water Distrbution System Checklist. 3. Drnking Water Pumping Station Checklist. 4. Well House and Equipment Design Checklist. 5. Other items required per the checklists. 6. Other site specific items deemed appropriate by the consultant. 7. An evaluation of how disinfection and contact time would be installed, should that prove necessar. C. No work may begin until a copy of this approval letter and the plans and specifications bearng the DEQ approval stamp are delivered to and kept on the job site. As the project owner, you must ensure that the contractor, the constrction inspector, and the certifying engineer are aware of the approval conditions. D. This approval wil be voided if: 1) construction is not completed by August 28,2009; 2) the project is improperly constructed, operated or maintained; or 3) the project fails to function as intended. E. No significant deviations can be made from the approved plans without DEQ's prior written approvaL. Robert DeShazo, Eagle Water Company Eagle Water Company Well No.8 Well Specs August 28, 2008 Page 2 F. Per the project documents, the Land Developer or Owner or his representative shall ensure that a ,____________~roK~§~i()I1ai eI1gineer""itiMiÇ, Inc. provides supervsi()I1()f constrcti()n anQ'\ttencl_()c.~meI1t~tiC? ~~~~_~_follows. -------------- , ~-- - G. The Application For Drillng Permit approved by IDWR contains conditions that are an essential par of the subject plans and specifications. A copy of the Application For Drillng Permit approved by IDWR and the DEQ approved plans and specification must be maintained at the drll site. H. The project engineer must stake where the well wil be drlled in accordance with the DEQ approved well site plan. 1. Before this well can be put into servce and the water distrbuted to the public, DEQ must issue a final approval of the well and/or water system, and DEQ must issue wrtten authorization to serve water to the public. Approvals of other portons of this project and/or the lifting of sanitary restrctions shall not be interpreted as authorization to sere the public. J. Before DEQ can issue final approval, a well completion report must be submitted to and approved by DEQ. This report must at a minimum include: 1. Results of new source monitoring samples collected by the owner and tested by a cerified laboratory. A detailed list of parameters that need to be tested is attached (ths includes sand, corrosivity, and secondary contaminants). 2. Results from pump tests conducted after constrction. These results shall include the requirements listed in section 51O.06.c of the Idaho Rules for Public Drnkng Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08). -i~ 3. Docúmentation that the project was completed as approved, an as-built schematic of the well, and the well drllers log. K. DEQ wil advise you if a fial inspection and/or initial sanitar survey will be required prior to fmal approvaL. ll. PROJECT SPECIFC CONDITIONS: A. The well specification package included a Transfer of Water Right approval form issued by the Idaho Departent of Water Resources. DEQ noted the water right trsferred to Eagle Water Company establishes a diversion rate of 3.50 cubic feet per second (cfs), or about 1,571 gallons per minute (gpm). The well specification package appears to be for a well with a capacity greater than 1,571 gpm. Eagle Water Company wil not legally be able to divert water from the proposed well at a rate greater than which they hold water rights and may not use more that the approveà diversion rate in the Master Plan and associated Declining Balance Reports. Eagle Water Company must review their existing master plan with regards to water rights. Eagle Water Company must review their available water rights for this point of diversion and for the entire system to ensure adequate water rights are held for all diversion points. Robert DeShazo, Eagle Water Company Eagle Water Company Well NO.8 Well Specs August 28, 2008 Page 3 RECENT FEDERAL REGULATIONS You should be aware that recent federal regulations could affect the design and operation of water systems utilizing groundwater sources. A. The "Groundwater Rule" (71 FR 65574, November 8, 2006) will provide for evaluating groundwater sources that are not under the direct influence of surface water, for vulnerbility to microbial contamination. If a source is found to be vulnerable, it may be necessar to install disinfection and contact time prior to distrbution to the first customer. To provide for that possibility, the planning and layout of the facility needs to include an evaluation of the how the system could be modified to supply a minimum effective "CT" (disinfectant concentration times contact time) of 12 mg-min/ (as chlorine). B. The new "Stage 2 Disinfectats and Disinfection By-Products Rule" (71 FR 388, January 4,2006) regulates certain compounds that are formed when disinfectants combine with certain natually occurng, organic constituents in water. Please call me with any questions at (208) 373-0123, or contact me via e-mail at michaeL.stambulis(fdeg.idaho.gov. Sincerely, r '"il) r' ALi?1" /. ~ ~ i ; ~!o;¡..t.k,"'(-~lJ.t. "1.' -t Michael Staribulis, P.E. Technical I Engineer" MS:sjt Enclosures:One SeI( s) of Approved and Stamped Specifications Drnkig Water Monitoring Requirements for New Sources C: Mark Mason, P.E., Boise Regional Offce Tiffany Floyd, Boise Regional Offce James M. Rees, P.E., MTC, Inc. Rob Whitney, IDWR-Boise Field Office Source File 1 Eng, Eagle Water Company Well No.8 Well Specs TSP&S Reading File STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1410 North Hilton. Boise, Idaho 83706! (208) 373-0502 C.L. "Butch" Otter, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director TSP&S-172/2008 August 28, 2008 Robert DeShazo Eagle Water Company P.O. Box 455 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Subject:Eagle Water Company (Eagle, Ada County) Master Plan Addendum Required Dear Mr. DeShazo: DEQ recently approved the well constrction request for Well NO.8. DEQ noted during the review that the well specification package included a Transfer of Water Right approval form issued by the Idaho Departent of Water Resources. DEQ noted the water right transferred to Eagle Water Company establishes a diversion rate of 3 .50 cubic feet per second (cfs), or about 1,571 gallons per minute (gpm). The well specification package appears to be for a well with a capacity greater than 1,571 gpm. Eagle Water Company wil not legally be able to divert water from the proposed well at a rate greater than which they hold water rights and may not use more that the approved diversion rate in the Master Plan and associated Declining Balance Reports. Please address this detail in a letter-amendment to your master plan to Peter Bair of DEQ, care ofthe Boise Regional Office. Should additional water rights be obtained for this point of diversion, please send tht supplemental information at your earliest convenience. Please call me with any questions at (208) 373-0123, or contact me via e-mail at michael.stambulisêdeq.idaho.gov. Sincerel);, " C". II 1"1. ...." ,-7 /1./!- \"...'\1: T: i';!.', -'........1 J j/ (~ (i ìf-'''Ii_ f/' ._.-j (4)j.~.i( -,j.),ri'~~'- Michael Stambulis, P .E. Technical I Engineer MS:sjt C: Mark Mason, P.E., Boise Regional Office James M. Rees, P.E., MTC, Inc. Rob Whitney, IDWR-Boise Field Office Source File 1 Eng, Eagle Water Company TSP&S Reading File TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERA INFORMATION AND PROPOSALS---------------------------P AGE 1 CONTRAT DOCUMNT ---SECTION A- (GENERA CONDTIONS) ----------------------------------------------------PAGE 7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS-- SECTION B--------------------------------------PAGE 18 ~LL SC~lvATI C-------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 26 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. WELLS GENERAL INFORMATION 1. General: The work contemplated under thi Contract compries the driling of one water supply well using a rotar drll rig includin but not lited to dring, installation of casing and screen, well development, and all testing required by the State ofIdaho including bacterial, chemical, yield and draw-down. It is estimated that the well wil be approxitely 450 feet in final depth. It is the intent of these Specifcations that the Contractor shall fush all necessar labor, equipment, and materials as not provided by the Owner, and he shall perform all operations required for the completed water supply well. 2. Specifcations: The Specification under which it is proposed to execute thi work consists of all the inormation bound or referenced herewith and is intended to be mutually cooperative and to provide the details reasonably required for the execution of the proposed work. Any interpretation as to the meang or the intent of the Specifcations should be directed to the Engineer in writing. Any interpretation or chae in the Specifcations shall be mae only in writing and a copy of such interpretation or change shall be mailed or delivered to each Bidder. The Owner wil not be responsible for any other explantions or interpretations of the Specifcations. 3. Type of Proposal: Proposals for the work contemplated are to be submitted on a unt price basis uness a lump sum basis is specifically designated for certain items. 4. Estimated Quantities: The estimate of quantities of work to be done is approxite only and is solely for the basis of calculation upon which the contract award shall be based. 5. Preparation of Proposals: All blank spaces in the Schedule of Items and Prices for the well being bid upon must be filled in with in or tyewriter. No chages shall be mae in any of the items withi the Proposal. Where the work "none" is applicable, it should be inerted. 6. Submission of Proposal: Proposals must be made on the prescribed forms bound herewith and submitted to the Owner, intact with the complete Specifcations withi 30 days after receipt by the Bidder. There wil be no public openig of bid proposals. The Owner wil open and review bid proposals at his option. Any proposal shall be deemed inormal which contais omissions, erasures, alternatior.. or additioriS, or items not caled for or wliIch in ai--y other ffaiJler shall fail to conform to the conditions of these Specifcations. The Bidder shall sign the Proposal in the space provided therefore. -1-.- 7. Withdrawal of Proposal: No proposal may be withdrawn after the time scheduled for submission of said proposal until a period of thi (30) days after the date of submission shall have elapsed. 8. Conditions of Work: Each bidder must inorm hielf of the conditions relating to the work and it is assumed tht he has inspected the site of the work and ha made himself familiar with the Specifications. Failure to do so will not relieve the successful bidder of his obligation to enter into a contract and complete the work in accordance with the Specifications. Each bidder must also inorm hielf on all laws and statues relative to the execution of the work, employment oflabor, protection of public safety and private property, right-of-way and access to the work, and simlar requirements. 9. Award of Contract: The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The acceptance of any proposal wil be made in writin, together wih a notice to proceed, mailed to or delivered to the offce designated in the successful Bidder's proposaL. The successful Bidder shall, withi seven (7) days after receiving the written acceptance of the award and notice to proceed from the Owner, execute the Contract Agreement attached hereto with the Owner for the performance of the work. 10 Performce and Payment Bond: The successful Bidder shall be required to fush the Owner at the time of execution of the Contract Ageement, a performance and payment bond in full amount of the contract price which bond shall be in force for one year after the date of fmal payment for the work to insure payment of all claim made against the Contractor for the payment of labor, materials, and other services in accordace with the laws of the State, and cover all guaantees against defective workmship and materials. The Surety Company funishig this performance bond shall be acceptable to the Owner and shall be fuer authoried to do business in Idaho. The Contractor shal pay the cost of the bond. 11. Time for Completion: The successful Bidder shall commence the work included under this Contract with sixeen (16) days after execution of the Contract and prosecute said work dilgently until completed in all respects. Completion date for thi Contract shall be withi 120 days after execution of this Contrac. 12. Licenses: All Bidders shall be duly licensed well driling contractors withi the existing provisions ofIdao State laws. -2,- EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. WELLS PROPOSAL TO: EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. The undersigned, hereinafter called the Bidder, declaes that the only persons or paries interested in the Proposal are those naed herein and that this Proposal is in all respects fair and without fraud; that it is made without collusion with any offcial or employee of the Eagle Water Company, Inc., hereinafer called Owner, and that the Proposal is made without any connection or collusion with any other person or fir making another proposal on this same Contract. The Bidder agrees that ifthis Proposal is accepted by the Owner, he wil within seven (7) days after notification of the acceptance, execute the Contract with Owner in the form attached hereto and wil at the time of execution of the Contract deliver a performance and payment bond, and wil to the extent of this Proposal furnsh all machiery, tools, and other means of construction and do all the work and funish all materials as not provided by the Owner which are necessary to complete the work in the namer covered by the Specifications. Contractor shall pay for the bond. The Bidder fuher agrees to begin work withi sixeen (16) days after execution of the Contract and to prosecute the work diligently until completed in all respects. Completion date for this Contract shall be withi 120 days after execution ofthis Contract. The Bidder fuher agrees to accept as full payment for the work proposed herein the amount computed under the provisions of the Specifcations and based on the unt price or lump sum amounts as set forth herein under the appropriate Schedule for Items and Prices. It shall be the expressly understood that the unt prices are independent of the exact quantities involved and that the unt pries stated herein represent a true measure of the labor and materials required for the work including any and all allowance for overhead or profit. If the Bidder is awarded a Contract based upon this Proposal, the surety who wil provide the performance and payment bond wil be whose address is The Bidder fuher certifies that he has carefully examied the Specifications for the work; that he has personally inspected the site; that he has satisfied hielf as to the quatities of materials, items of equipment and conditions of work involved; that this Proposal is made according to the provisions and term of the Specifications; and that he is aware and has taken liïto consideration all factors which may affect this ProposaL. ~ !- PROPOSPAL SCHEDULE OF ITEMS AND PRICES -, 4- I .'1 ., 1 I I I .1 I I I 5 I I 6 I .1 i - i ~. ~.- 8 t-S- SCHEDULE A rrd\ NC.DESCRlPT10N 1 Mobifization on site for the lump sum plica of S c: v e h, t ¡. 0 if S r~.. ¿ dollarsand tV"D cents 1 Lump Sum at $ 7 ,,(. 0 "':complete 2 TOT.AL FOR IT $71âOd t- Instll surfac seal for the . lump sum price of 5 i )( t ¡" tJ v$. Cth ¿. -f f tJc. hc. r..d. re.d.and N 0 cants. 1 Lump Sum at $o C t, ;;QcJ -/complete 3 Drill aft pilot hole, coiled soii saples & condud electronic 109, 450 I¡ne,ar fee at the unit price of. .: .s í x: t if ,. i v' -e dollarsand ¡o c: cents. 450 LF. at$.G~" .lJ Per linea foot 4 Drillng 24Ø hole, complete, 450 linear feet at .the unit price ofSl ': tlt+-. ¡V' ¿ dollarsand . . èl 0 cents. ".45 LF. at $ ¿ S .- Per linear foot $ !nstallaton of 16-jncM casing in placè, 420 Jinear feet at the unit prica of.,4 - ~.'" '/;:'; eo I ;¡ kt ': .: i 'If ¿:ø; and v U t a dollars cent. 420 LF. at $g ¿, ~Pei linear foot Furnish and instll 10" well screen in placè" 60 linear feet at the unit price of ~ 011 e. Á ù he! r e.cie.1 ¿-At ;:.e.1 dbllarsand N l) U cents. 60 LF. at $j t.g .-:Per linear foot $ .(, ~ 00I erO $ ("' ;¿ e¡ ;25 CJ ~) . - ¿ /. ;Z5CJ -) ~/ ") l~$ -,1:,. I c:.Ò $ , l.~ II J,t6 -, Futnish and instll Colorado sand filter, .. ;t. l:ú e. 5 cubic yards at the .unit pries of S c \f ¿"" h () n¿ ,- e- ¿ L u. e,l" '1 . r' 5t.y. aU 7). S- ~ Per Cublic Yard~ $! (J.5' - Furish and instll Swedge packers at 16" for the lump Sum price. -l u/ 0 -t h C v :: 6- d- ..'.. ....';. 1 Lump Sum at $ . i' ;2 OO() ~complete r; ó L r: o.l /6 1/ x. 3LS- - oS -, I I' tL;; t ro 5.w'"-' - (j ".- $ ~) ()()O go~ '". J .J -J J J J 9. 10 11 12 Well Development, complete, 24 hours at the unit. f -J (' 'JOpnce ~ l If"' iJ e- h l- '; 'T I v '-. I tV 0 'î () 1'1 c. r.¿è '- croilarsand N o. cents. 24 Hours at S ;¿øZS a:Per hour Furnish, instail and. remove temporary test pump, to pump from 200 ft . cd .5 / C -t hò ()~ a.rt J. -- wo h v lid rdollarsand tv 0 cents. 1 Lump Sum at $G~ ()O '''-complete Conduct pump test complete (24) hours at the unit pnce of .' 7¿,tJ ii.vlïdre.¿ and (Vo. dollars cents. 24 Hours at $~ .'-() Ó -Per hour Miscellaneous Work Items, compiete20 hours, at the unit pn.ce of . + i iJ eo ( u. 0 Au ri d. r e- "* UJ ~l)â dollars. and N 0. v cents. 20 Hours at $., 'Í 5 o~A d\ C' Per hour TOTAL BID ......",',,-"/~ , ...,1 ///-~ _././ / .. 3 .// /_./~.g¡:i i jcense No. /" ,/' l-..n/,. /';~Ø)Vi :~'l- v;" e.~ (d e.,...-, Signature TItle $ !f 5" 4-oó -/ . . $l,,;ZÓ() (-0-- $ (TJfo6, $f5 (!o c: ~ 0(týt 445 -)$ Addres ~ 7 cJ i H fJ LV t- A (p-.. c z:r-..Dot5.e- (0 ~37b3 Dated this -J ô, day of Aii&, ,2ooL Drilling to strt -.. "- '\ . -(g- ITEM NO. 1 .."" SCHEDULE A DESCRIPT10N Mobilzation an site for the lump sum price of dollars and 1 Lump Sum at ;5 cents complete InstaH surface seal for the lump sum price of and cents. 1 Lump Sum at $complete TOTAL FOR ITEM $ $ 9 Well Development complete, 24 hours at the unit price of and dollars cents. 24 Hours at.$Per hour $ 10 Furnish, install and remove temporary test pump, to pump from 200 ft. and dollars cents. 1 Lump Sum at $complete $ 11 Conduct pump test, complete (24) hours at the unit price of and dollars cents. 24 Hours at .$Per hour $ '12 Miscellaneous Work Items, complete 20 hours at the unit price of dollars and cents. 20 Hours at.$Per hour $ ìOTß'IL SID .$ idaho License No. Signature Title .A.ddress Dated this day of 200-Drilling to start SECTION (A) GENERAL CONDITONS (CONTRACT DOCUMENTS) -"" ..."' EAGLE WATER COlv1PANY, INC., WELLS GENERA CONDITIONS 1. Owner: Wherever the word "Owner" appears, it shall signify Eagle Water Company, Inc., P.O. Box 455, Eagle Idaho 83616, acting through its duly authoried offcers. 2. Contractor: Wherever the word "Contractor" appears, it shall signify the pary or paries contracting with the Owner to perform the work outlied and contemplated herein. 3. Engineer: Wherever the work "Engineer" appears in these Contract Documents, it shall signify the representative of MTC, INC., 707 N. 2ih Street, Boise, ID 83702. 4. Written Notice: Wherever the term "Written Notice" appears, it shall signify a written communication delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the frrm for whom it is intended, or is delivered or sent by registered or certifed mail, to the last business address known to hi who gives such notice. 5. Work: Wherever the term "Work" appears, it shall signify all materials, labor, tools and all other appliances, machiery and appurenances necessar to perform and complete everyhig covered in the Specifcation and such additional items of labor, material and equipment not specifcally indicated or described but which can be reasonably inerred as belonging to the item described or indicated and as required by good practice to provide a complete and satisfactory well. 6. Bidder: Wherever the term "Bidder" appears, it shall signi any person, fi, parership or corporation submittin a proposal on this project. 7. Days: Wherever the term "Days" appears, it shall refer to consecutive calendar days. 8. Alterations: The owner, without invalidatin the Contract, may order extra work or may make changes in the specifications by alterig, adding to, or deductin from the work originally planed. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract except that claims for extension of time for completion and payment for extra work occasioned by such changes shall be adjusted at the time of making the chage. The Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work not involving extra cost and not inconsistent with the purose of the Contract. In other cases, however, except in an emergency endangering life and propert, extra work or deductions from the work shall be made only upon a written order from the Ower stating that the Owner has authorized the chage. No claim for additional payment shall be valid unless so ordered in writing. -- ...;... Any changes or alterations, which reduce the quantity of work to be done, shall not constitute a claim for damages for any anticipated profit on the work that is thus dispensed with. 9. Inconsistencies and Omissions: The specifications are complementar, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. The intent of the Specifications is to include all labor and material (except any specific items to be fushed by the Owner), equipment, machiery, and tranportation necessary for the proper execution of the work. Materials or work described in words, which so applied have a well known techncal and trade meang shall be held to refer to such recognied standards. Should any discrepancies occur or any misunderstanding arise as to the import of anythig contained in the Specifcations, the explanations and decisions of the Engineer shall be fial and conclusive on the Contractor, and all directions and explanations required to complete any of the provisions wil be given by the Engineer. Where inconsistencies exist between the special Conditions and any other portion of these Specifcations, the Special Conditions shall govern. 10. Authority of the Owner: The owner shall have general supervision and direction of the work. He has authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessar to insure the proper execution of the Contract. He shall also have authority to reject all work and materials which do not conform to the contract, to direct the application of forces to any position of work as in his judgment is required, to order the force increased or diminished, and to decide questions which arise in the execution of the work. To prevent disutes and litigations, the Owner shalL, withi a reasonable time after their presentation to hi mae decisions, in writing, on all claims of the Contractor and on all other matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the Specifcations; his estimte and decision shall be fial and conclusive. The Owner shall not have authority to order changes in the work or extra work except as provided. The Owner shall have at all times full access to all pars of the work. The inspection of the work done shall not relieve the Contractor of his obligations to funish proper materils, certifcations and perform sound and reliable work. 11. Reception of Owner's Directions: The superintendent or other authoried representative of the Contractor shall represent the Contractor in his absence from the job site and all directions given to hi shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. Important directions shall be conÍired in writing to the Contractor and other directions shall be likewise confired in writing upon request of the Contractor. 12. Right to Retai Imperfect Work: If any par or portion of the work done or material fushed under the Contract shall prove defective and not in accordace with the Specifications, and if the imperfection in the same shall not be of suffcient magnitude or importance as to make the work dangerous or undesirable, '-.;.. 0"" or if the removal of such work will create conditions which are dangerous or undesirable, the Owner shall have the right and authority to retain such work but shall make such deduction in the fial payment therefore as may be just and reasonable. 13. Insurance: The Contractor shall not commence any work until he has provided insurance coverage, as evidence by an Insurance Certificate or Certifcates on a form supplied by the Owner. The required coverage shall be indicated below. TYPE INSURANCE Workmn's Compensation Comprehensive General Liability, Including 1.Contractors Liability Each Person $250,000 Each Accident 500,000 Each Accident $250,000 Aggregate 500,000 2. XCD haards of explo- Each Person $250,000 Each Accident $250,000 sion, blasting, collapse Each Accident 500,000 Aggregate 500,000 & underground 3.Contractual Liability Each Person $250,000 Each Accident 500,000 4.Contractors Protective Each Person $250,000 Liability Each Accident 500,000 Compehensive Auto Each Person $250,000 Liability, including Each Accident 500,000 owned vehicles, hied vehicles and other non-owned vehicles Each Accident $250,000 Aggregate 500,000 Each Accident $250,000 Aggregate 500,000 Each Accident $100,000 The Contractor shall pay the premiums thereon and maintain such insurance in effect until the completion of the work hereunder. Notice of expiration of any such insurance must be forwarded to the Owner ten (10) days before expiration. The Contractor shall agree to indemnfy, hold harless and defend the Company from and against any and all liability for loss, damage or expense which the Owner may suffer or for which the Owner may be held liable by reason of injur (including death) to any person or damge to any propert arising out of or in any manner connected with the work under this Contract whether or not due in whole or in par to any act, omission or negligence of the Owner or any of its representatives or employees together with any and all attorneys fees incured by the Owner on account thereof 14. Maintenance Guarantee: The Contractor agrees to mae any repairs or replacements necessar at hi own expense for defects in materials or workmanship supplied by him that become evident withi one (1) year after the date of final payment. The Contractor shall make all repairs and replacements promptly upon receipt of wrtten order from the Owner, and if he fails to mae such repair or replacement promptly, the Owner may then do the work and the Contractor and his surety shall be liable for the cost thereof 15. Superintendence: The Contractor shall keep on the work, durg its progress, a competent superintendent and necessary assistants, all satisfactory to the Owner. The Contractor shall give effcient supervision to the work, using his best skil and attention. 16. Employees: The Contractor shall employ only competent, skilfl personnel to do the work; and whenever any person shall appear to the Owner to be incompetent or to act in a disorderly or improper namer, such persons shall be removed from the work imediately upon notification from the Owner and shall not be employed on the work again except by consent of the Owner. The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees. The Contractor shall comply with all labor rules, wage scales, and regulations of the Governent of the United State, and the State, City or Town and County in which the 'Work is to be done, including nondiscrimatory laws. 17. Materials and Workmanship: The Contractor shall provide any pay for all materials, all labor, tools, equipment, light, power, tranportation, and other facilities necessar for the execution and completion of the work. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new, and both workmanship and materials shall be of a good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, fush satisfactory evidence as to the kid and quality of materials. 18. Release: The final payment shall not become due until the Contractor shall submit to the Owner a complete release of all liens arising out ofthis Contract, or receipts in full in lien thereof, and an affidavit that so fa as he has knowledge or information, the releases and receipts include all the labor and materials for which a lien could be filed; but the Contractor may, ifhe is unable to furnsh a release or receipt in full as provided above, fush a bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemnif him against any lien. If any lien remains unatisfied after al payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging in such a lien, including all costs and a reasonable attorney's fee. 19. Subcontracting: The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after the execution of the Contract, notif the Owner, in writing, of the names of any subcontractors which he plans to use on this Contract and shall not employ any that the Owner may withi a reasonable time object to as incompetent or unt. 20. Progress of the Work: The Contractor shall commence the work contemplated under these Contract Documents withi sixeen (16) days after the date of execution of the Contract and receipt of the Owner's notification to begin work; it being expressly understood and agree that the time of begining, rate of progress, and time of completion of the work are of the essence of this Contract. All work included under this contract shall be completed withi 120 days after execution of this Contract. 21. Assignment: Neither pary to the Contract shall assign the Contract or subject it as a whole without the written consent of the other; nor shal the Contractor assign any monies due or to become due to hi hereunder without the previous written consent of the Owner. 22. Owner's Right to Termate Contract: If the Contractor should be adjudged a banpt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors; or if he should fail, except in cases for which extension of time is provided, to supply enough property skiled workers or proper materials, or if he should fail to make prompt payment to subcontractors or for material or labor, or. persistently disregard laws, ordinances, or the intruction of the Owner; or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of the Contract or any laws or ordinances, then the Owner, when suffcient cause exists to justify such action, may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, and after giving the Contractor and Surety seven (7) days written notice, tranfer the employment for said work from the Contractor to the Surety. Upon receipt of such notice, the Surety shall enter upon the premises and take possession of all materials, tools, and appliances theron for the purose of completing the work included under this Contract and employ, by contract or otherwse, any person or persons to finish the work and provide the materials therefore without termation of the continuing full force and effect of this Contract. In case of such tranfer of employment to such Surety, the Surety shall be paid in it own name on estimates according to the term hereof without any right of the Contractor to mae any claim for the same or any par thereof. In lieu of the foregoing, if the Owner so elects, he may termate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials, tools, and appliances theron and fiish the work by whatever method he may deem expedient. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any fuher payment until the work is finished. If the expense of completing the Contract, including compensation for additional managerial and admiistrative services, shall exceed such unpaid balance the Contractor shall pay the diference to the Owner. 23. Basis of Payment: In consideration of the faithfl performace of all the covenants, stipulations, and agreements in this Contract to be kept and performed by the Contractor, the Owner covenants and agrees to pay the Contractor, the amount bid in the Contractor's Proposal for the work actualy performed as determed by the final estimte, together with any amounts due for extra work not classified under the items listed in the Contractor's Proposal as provided in these General Conditions less any deductions for claims and damages paid by the Owner due to acts or omissions for the Contractor and for which he is liable under th Contract. 24. Extra Work: Any work necessary or required to car out the intent of these Specifications by changes clearly not indicated or which cannot reasonably be implied from the intent and meanig thereof shall be paid for at the unt price agreed to in the Specifications. If this extra work canot be classified under any of the items for which unit prices are listed in the Contractor's Proposal, it shall be paid for as extra work at the rate agreed to in writing between the Contractor and the Owner prior to the time of commencing such extra work. If such method payment canot be agreed upon prior to the begining of the work, then such work shall be performed by the Contractor on the basis of fuishing labor and material at costs and labor rates in effect at the time the work is accomplished. 25. Final Payment: Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall notif the Ower in writing that he has completed the . Contract and shall request fil payment. Upon approval of this final estimate by the Owner and receipt by the Owner of the release required under these General Conditions and withi ten (10) days after the time lit for the filing of all liens shall have expired, the Owner shall pay to the Contractor all monies due hi under the provisions of the Specifications, including any retained percentages. 26. Protection of Propert: The Contractor shall maintain adequate protection of all of his work from damge and shall protect the Owner's propert from injur or loss arising in connection with the work. 27. Safety Precautions: The Contractor shall take all necessar precautions for the safety of the employees and shall comply with all applicable regulations and laws to prevent accidents or injury to persons on or adjacent to the job site. He shall erect and properly maintain at al times the necessary safeguards for the protection of workers and the public and shall post danger or warg signs against haards created by the constrction. Said work is to be conducted that no liabilty wil accrue under the Employers' Act ofIdaho. 28. Minmum Wage Rate: The prevailing wage rates for Ada County, Idao which are to be paid employees engaged in this work, in accordace with Section 44-100 (Ç of the Idaho Code are prescribed by the Commission of Labor for Idaho and are published periodically. The Contractor shall conform to this Section of the Idaho Code. '.. "-; ,"'" 29. Permits, Certificates, Laws and Ordinances: The Contractor shall, at his own expense, procure all permts, certificates and licenses required of hi by law for the execution of his work. He shall comply with all Federal, State or local laws, ordinances or rules and regulations relating to the performance of the work. 30. Materials Furnished by the Contractor: Where the term "furnshing" is used here~ it shall include handling, tranporting, unloading, storig, protecting from the elements and vandalism, and distribution to the construction site. The Contractor is responsible for the care and protection of all materials until incorporated into the system and accepted. Payment in all cases shal constitute full compensation for all tranportation, handling and incidentals; no additional payments wil be made on any item over and above the prices as stated in the Contractor's Proposal, except as otherwise provided herein. ._~t+.~ THIS AGREEMENT is dated as the day of in the year 200_ by and between Eagle Water Company (hereinafter called OWNER) and (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNR and CONTRACTOR. in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follow: Article 1. WORK. Contractor SHAL COMPLETE ALL Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follow: Driling Eagle Water Company Well Number 8. The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a par is generally described as follows: Well # 8 Article 2. ENGINEER. The Project has been designed by MTC ENGINERS James M. Rees, P.E. Who is hereinafter called ENGINER and who wil assume all duties and responsibilities and wil have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion ofthe Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Article 3. CONTRACT TIE. 3.1 The Work will be substantially completed on or before and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions onor before 200 3.2 The Work wil be substantially completed withi 90 days after the date when the Contract Time commences. Article 4. CONTRACT PRICE. See attached proposed Unit Prices. Article 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES Contractor shall submit application for payment in accordace with the General Conditions. Application for Payment wil be processed by the ENGINEER. 5.1 Progress Payments. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor's Applications for Payment as recommended by ENGINER. on or about the...10th...day of each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments wil be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values proved for in the attached Proposal of Unit Prices. 5.1 Pror to Substantial Completion progress payments wil be in an amount equal to: ...90% of the Work Completed, and ..... ..90% of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored. Less in each case the aggregate of payments previously make. --15.,. 5.1.2 Upon substantial Completion, OWNR shall pay an amount suffcient to increase total payments to payments to CONTRCTOR to...l 00% of the Contract Price, less such amount as ENGINEER shall determine. 5.2. Final Payment. Upon fial completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINER. Article 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS In order to induce OWNER to inter in this Agreement CONTRACTOR make the followig representation: 6.1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal m state and local laws, ordinnces, rules and regulation that in any maner may affect cost, progress or performnce of the Work. 6.2 CONTRACTOR had studied carefully all reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwse affecting cost, progress or performce of the Work which were relied upon by ENGINER in the preparation of the Drawings and Specifications and which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions. 6.3 CONTRACTOR has made or caused to be made examations, investigations performnce. of the Work at the 'Contract Prce, withi the Contract Time and in accordance with the other term and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations, tests, reports or similar data are or will be required by CONTRCTOR for such puroses. 6.4 CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conficts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. Article 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR are attached to this Agreement, made a par hereof and consists of the fo llowing: 7.1 Ths Agreement (pages 15 to 17. . inclusive ). 7.2 Exhbits to this Agreements (pages.. ..to ...inclusive). 7.3 General Conditions (pages 7 to 14 inclusive). 7.4 CONTRACTOR'S Bid (pages 1 to ...4. inclusive) maked exhbit. 7.5 Any Modifcation, including change Orders, Duly delivered after execution of Agreement. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed. The Contract Documents may only be altered amended-or repealed by a written modifcation as defied in the General Conditions. Article 8. MISCELLANEOUS. 8.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the General Conditions shall have the meanigs indicated in the General Conditions. 8.2 No assignment by a par hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents wil be binding on another pary hereto without the written consent of the par sought to be bound; and specifically by without limtation, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrar in any written consent to an assignment no assignment wil release or dischage the assignor from any duty or responsibilty under the Contract Documents. 8.3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds hiself, his parners, successors assigns and legal representatives to the other pary hereto, his partner, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenats, agreements and obligations contaied in the Contract Documents. Article 9. OTHER PROVISIONS. IN WITNSS WHREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Agreement in triplicate. One counterpar each has been delivered to OWNR, CONTRACTOR and ENGINER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. Ths Agreement wil be effective on 200 O~R CONTRACTORBY BY Attest Attest Address for giving notices Address for giving notices , '"- ~ i- SECTION (B) SPECIAL CONDITIONS -18- EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC, WELLS SPECIAL CONDITIONS Section C- I GENERA: a. Scope: The Specifcation covers the complete drlling, casing, screenig, development, and testing of the water supply well for Eagle Water Company, Inc. As stated therein, the estimated quantities are only approximate. The Owner reserves the right to increase or decrease individual items in such amount as may be, in his sole judgment, to his best interest, depending upon conditions encountered or observed durg driling. b. Location: The general location of the well is as follows: The well site is located in the SW 'l NE 1/4 SW 'l, Section 15, T.4N., R.IE., B.M., Eagle, Ada County, Idaho. Said location is approximately 0.45 miles southwest of the intersection of State Highway 44 and State Highway 55. The exact location of the well be staked in the field prior to the award of the Contract. c. Minum Well Construction Standards: The contractor shall be required to conform to the applicable portions of the Minimum Well Construction Standards established by the Idaho Deparment of Water Resources. All constitution equipment, holes, pits and chemical storage and use shall comply fully with all. requirements of OSHA. The Engineer and ID WR Representative must be notified 24 hours before drlling and before the seal is placed and must be on site to observe the sealing. Any seal placed without the Engineer and IDWR Representative being on site wil not be accepted. d. Mobilization: The contractor shall move in all necessary tools, equipment and supplies required for the work, and upon completion of the work shall remove all such items including rubbish, driling debris and cuttings from the premises promptly and leave the site in a neat and orderly fashion as close to original condition as feasible. Payment for any work under his paragraph shall be at the lump sum price bid in the bid schedule. e. Testing: Upon completion of the development of ths well, the Contractor shall test said well in the presence of the engineer to determe the yield and draw- down in accordance with requirements of Recommended Standards for Water Works and State ofIdaho Rules for Public Drining Water. The well shall be test pumped at the desired yield for the well for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours afer the drawdown has stabilized. Alterntively, the well may be pumped at a rate of one hundred fifty percent of the desired yield for at least six (6) continuous hours afer the drawdown has stabilized. In either case, if the -\13 .. drawdown does not stabilize, the pumping must continue for at least seventy-two consecutive hours. The :feld pumping equipment must be capable of maintaining a constant rate of dischage during the test. Discharge must be piped an adequate distance to prevent recharge of the well during the test. The contractor's submittal to the state shall contain the following (items e though f shall be documented on one hour intervals uness other wise directed in writing by the state )a; a. Test pump capacity-head characteristics b. Depth of test pump setting c. Time of staring and ending each test cycle d. The zone of inuence for the well e. Pumping rate £ Pumping water level g. Drawdown h. Water recovery rate and levels Contractor shall document all test results as required by the State of Idaho. Testing equipment shall be capable of delivering a continuous supply of at least 3500 GPM from a depth of 450 feet. All testing dischages shall be piped to a suitable wase site a miimum of 250 feet from the well and be disposed of in an envionmentaly acceptable manner. Testing shall be with a standard turbine pump. The Contractor shall fush and install all necessary equipment for the testing including 'a suitable mean for accurately measuring the dischage from the well and the water level in the well during the testing operation. The Contractor shall bë responsible for providing a means for safe refueling during operation, to prevent even brief shutdown during the test. The Contractor shall be responsible for maing arangements with the Owner for satisfactory disposal of water during the test period. Payment for furnshig, intalling and removing the testing equipment shall be at the applicable lump sum price bid in the bid schedule. Payment for operating test-pumping equipment shall be at the hourly rate bid for conducting pumping test. 1. Flow measuring Equipment: The Contractor shall provide flow measuring equipment capable of determing discharges of up to 3500 GPM at intervals of25 GPM. 2. Well level Measurement Equipment: Contractor shall provide a means of accurately measuring water levels in the well before, durg and after pumping tests. Electric water level probe or and airline is acceptable. If an airline method is used provide an airline, draw down gauge and air pressure source. The pressure gauge must be accurate to 0.5 psi. The airline shall be securely fastened to the pump unt and shall termate approximately 2 feet above the pump. If the electric level probe is used it shall be accurately calibrated and be inserted between the pump column and the well casing. .. -;' r~...-. 3. A preliminary capacity test wil be run prior to the pumpmg test. Preliar test shall last, approximately 1 hour to check pumping equipment and to estimate production capacity of the well. 4. Records: Make accurate written records of water levels, pumping rates, time intervals and other pertinent details of the pumping test as required by the State ofIdaho per IRPDWS 51O.06.c Sand Measurements: The sand content of a new well shall not be more than five (5) pars per millon fifteen (15) miutes after the star oftest pumping. Sand testing and measurement shall be done in ~ccordance with Idaho Rules for Public Drining Water Systems, SectionS 510.006. f. Plumbness and Alignment: The wells shall be driled straight and plumb in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. The casing, upon completion of development shall be suffciently straight to a depth of 450 feet. Plumbness and alignment of the well casing shall be tested in accordance with A WW A Standards A-IOO. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to see that the wells are being constructed straight and plumb withi these limits at all times. The Owner may at any time mae request for Contractor to conduct test work required by the Contractor in redriling or staightenig the well shall be at no cost to the Owner. g. Abandonment: In the event that the Contractor fails to complete the well or wells to the depths specified or to a greater depth as may be determed during the actual drillig or should he abandon any well because of loss of tools or equipment or for any other cause, or if any well shall fail to meet the requirements for plumbness and alignment as previously set forth, the Contractor, if requested and as directed by the Engineer, shal fill the abandoned well with clay or cuttings and salvage and remove such casing as can be salvaged in accordance IRPDW 510.09 The materials funished by the Contractor shall remain his propert. The cost of abandonment of the well, including the filling and casing, shall be borne solely by the Contractor and no allowance or payment shall be made for the drilling or, other work performed by the Contractor on any abandoned well. Any parial payments already made to the Contractor on an abandoned well wil be applied to a subsequent well which wil meet the provisions ofthe Specifications. h. Disposal of Materials: It is anticipated drilling mud wil be recirculated with a loss of no more than two cubic yards. Arangements for the disposal of all dril cutting, sludge and other materials from the driling shall be made by the Contractor in accordance with Minimum Well Construction Standards for the State of Idaho, and regulations by IDWR and DEQ. Disposal wil be in an approved sanitar landfill or at another site approved in writing by the Engineer that meets all environmental regulations. 1. Utilities: The Contractor shall be responsible for fushing or aranging for electricity, water, or other utilities required in the driling of the well. ~i~ -- J. Recovery of Tools: In the event ofloss of tools or equipment during any phase of the work, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment for time spent or expense incured in an attempt to fish or recover the tools or equipment prior to possible abandonment of any welL. k. Protection of Water Quality: The contractor shall take all necessar precautions to prevent contamation of the water in the well by the introduction of any foreign substances, including contamiated water, gasoline, oil, etc. The Contractor shall disinect all down hole materials (gravel fiter, packer, etc.) and equipment as required by A WW A B-1 00 Section 3, Recommended Standards for Water Works and the State ofIdaho IRPDWs§1O.04 1. Completion and Clean-Up: Upon acceptance of the well by the Owner, the Contractor shall cut off the 16-inch casing at a point not less than 24 inches above ground level or as designated by the Engineer. The casing shall be fuher protected by covering with a Y4-inch thck steel plate tack welded to the casing, or by other means satisfactory to the Engineer. The well site shall be cleaned up by removing all equipment, materials, and supplies, including the filling of any pits or excavations, and the site left in a neat and orderly fashion. No payment shall be made for any work under thi paragraph and the cost of all such work shall be included in the amount bid for other items of work. SECTION C-2 ROTARY DRILLING: a. Sealig: The well shall be sealed from the water producing aquifer to the surface with Bentonite slurr to prevent cross contamation of aquifers and to prevent surface water from enterig any aquifers. The anular space between the well casing and the bore openig shall be filled by pumping Bentonite slurr into the anular space from the bottom to the surace. When the Bentonite slury reaches the suface the contractor shall pump in sufficient cement grout to form a secure cement seal around the bottom of the well casing. Following consolidation of the Bentonite slur a cement grout seal shall be added to the top of the anular openig to below the water table. As cement is added to the top the temporar surface casing shall be removed as par of the grouting process. Bentonite slury shall be mied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation and requirements of the State ofIdaho. Cement grout wil be a miure of94 pounds of cement and 5.2 gallons of water or as required by Idaho Well Construction Standard Rules Payment wil be made for work under this paragraph in accordance with the lump sum price for providing surface seal as listed in the bid schedule. The lump su price shall be considered as full compensation to the Contractor for fushig and installing the seal to include all labor, materials, and equipment required to complete the work. No seal may be placed without a miimum of 150% of estimated seal materials being on site. A minimum of 12 hours shall elapse between the placement of cement grout seal and the resumption of drillig. .;"22. - b. Driling: The well shall contain a 30-inch temporar oversize surface casing as required by Idaho Well Construction Standards and the attached plans. The temporar casing shall extend from the surface into an impervious layer. After the oversize temporar surface casing has been set in place the well .shall be driled to an estimated total depth of 450 feet below ground surface. Thewell shall be drilled a miimum of 24-inch diameter to accommodate a 16-inch diameter casing, along with a telescoping screen sized for a 16 inch casing and required sandI filter. It is estimated that all driling wil be in sediments such as clay, silt, sand, or gravel. The Contractor shall provide the well driling rig and well tools as required, and all other equipment, materials, and supplies required for drilling and completing the well. All such equipment shall be in good condition and properly maintained. Measurement for payment for drlling shall be the depth below ground surface of the hole actually driled. No classification of materials wil be made and payment for drling wil be at the un price listed in the bid schedule regardless of the type of materials encountered. Only NSF approved driling materials and mud products will be used in driling. Driling Method: The Contractor shall dril an 8" pilot hole, collect soil samples in accordance with Section C-2.g of Special Conditions and conduct electronic logging of the different soil strata. This information shall be used to determe how the well wil be completed. The contractor will provide soil samples for design of screen and gravel packing in the water strata that will be developed. Screen design shall include length'and slot size. Following determation the well wil be developed fuher, the pilot hole wil be increased to 24" diameter to an estimated depth of 450 feet. c. Casing: It is contemplated that the well, when completed, shall be cased with a 16-inch diameter casing which shall extend from 2 feet above the ground surace to approximately 450 feet. The screens shall consist of telescoping sections for commercial well screen as set forth elsewhere in these Specifications and drawings and be sized for a 16-inch casing. The16-inch casing shall have minimum wall thickness of 0.375 inches and conform to ASTM-A53 Grade B - Domestic Prime Specifications. All castings shall be joined with full penetration welds made by property qualified operators conform to AISC Standards. Measurement for payment for the permanent casing shall consist of the actual length in linear feet of blan casing installed in the well, not including the lengt of screens. d. Screens: The Contractor shall fush and install the appropriate screens. Screens shall be of the continuous wire-wound type (UOP-Johnson manufacturer or equal) in stainess steel suitable for installation in a l6-inch diameter well casing. The screen assembly shall consist of a stainess steel screen along with a minimum 15 foot blan above the screen and 10 foot miimum blank below the screen. The lower blan shall be closed at the bottom with a welded steel plate of3/8-inch .",;' ;:-~'" miimum thickness. The maufacturer shall determine the length of screen, depth of screen placement and size of screen slots after the drillig of the well and samples of water-bearing formations have been properly analyzed. The Engineer shall review manufactures recommendations for screen length, placement and slot sizing and approve for installation. Screen sizing, length and depths shall be determed by material analysis, logs and other inormation supplied by the contractor. Aperture entrance velocity shall not exceed 0.3 fps. Measurement for payment for screens shall be of the actual lengths of slotted screen installed. Payment for screens shall include all costs of the materials, equipment, and labor required for intallation including the packers and blans above the below the slotted screen. e. Filter: Afer the screen assembly has been installed in the well the Contractor shall introduce a graded filter into the annular space surounding the well screen. The graded filter shall be designed by the screen manufacturer based on material samples supplied by the contractor. The engineer wil review the graded filter design and approve for intallation. A detailed plan showing how fiter materals wil be placed and measured in place shall be determied by the contractor and be presented. to the engineer. The engineer and Idaho Department of Water Resources wil review and approve the intallation plan prior to beging filter material placement. Measurement for payment shall be of the actual number of cubic yards used. Payment shall be at the unit price bid in the bid schedule and shall include all costs of funishig and installing graded fiter materials. f. Development: Upon completion of the drling, inallation of the casing and screens and installation of the gravel fiter, the Contractor shall develop the well or wells by compressed air, or other method approved in advance by the Engineer. Development shall continue until no appreciable amounts of material are brought into the well after 30 miutes of vigorous surging. Upon completion of development, all materials shall be thoroughy cleaned from inside the casing and screen. If clay, Bentonite or other similar substance has been added to the well during consction, the Contractor may be required to use dispersant and/or mud removing chemicals to remove the clayey materials from the well. Measurement for payment for development shall be of the actu hours spent in developing the well and shall not include time spent in installation or removal of equipment or for any repairs or maintenance work. g. . Records and Samples: An accurate, detailed log or record shall be kept by the Contractor's drler on a form suitable to the Engineer which shall indicate for each shift worked the general character, thickness and type of material encountered, the depth to which the water level stands in the well at the begining and end of each shift, and the nature and extent of all other work pedormed including time spent on each item of work. The log shall be kept carefully and accurately at the time the work is bein~ done; a copy of the log shall be ._"¡ 4_~,~ ¡ maintained at all times at the job site and shall be available at any time for inspection by the Owner. Upon completion of the work, a complete copy shall be furnshed the Owner and the Contractor shall further file with the State Deparment of Water Resources the necessary log and record on forms obtainable from the deparment also al test pumping results shall be filed with IDWR & DEQ. They shall comprise of static water level, pumping rate and drawdown sand production and recovery at depth and time. Samples of all materials penetrated durg driling shall be taken at every formation change and every 10 feet above 200 feet and every 5 feet below 200 feet. These samples shall be saved and maintaied on the job site by the Contractor. These samples shall be at least one pint in volume and shall be kept in tranparent waterproof containers to be provided by the Contractor. All samples shall be clearly labeled to show the depth from which they were collected. Cloth bags and used oil cans are not acceptable containers. Samples shall be taken from a split sampler on the dril pump discharge and caught in a container of not less than 50-gallon capacity. When possible aquifer materials are encountered, the Contractor shall reduce his driling speed suffciently to permt accurate logging and sampling of the hole. Every effort shall be made by the Contractor to insure that samples are representative of the materials penetrated. No payment wil be made to the Contractor for keeping the prescribed records or collecting samples and the cost of all such' work shall be included in the amount bid for driling in the proposal. -"j :-:i .. - i, I ¡. , I, F j, j: L J: l,. 1;'fr ,f;I. !~ f, L'i 1 ni Æl1I Oll . L A. '1 6:'" '-" j,0,r 1 1 I:.;.... ~' llf..i.;: i( Q iNGi.oeo '~"-+J6 P'LA'Tf. CAfl'.__i. . *" "tri, ~!eE~c.i.o.:LO I !o,". .. /~ ,.~la ¡if" CA''llt:) \Nlfi:.~ HcU.: NQ~ ß.(11z!1 wlA_ 5C.RE.~E.:O ~4i +¿~ c.s î N ~ V Ê; ",¡ ,. -- J' il /1".J i ~l's,. .1;-"" MIN, AB~é w~u. Heu~e .1Iio. ~cR. :.:i -I , ,g~'II /ì c../ Mt:N'f ~Roiu 1" i 36fl SURFACG CASIN&' C-re.M p O¡i, .~ R 1f ) SUl\rA,;:r. SzAL. C~ i\Aê ~. 'T ,"..!\ÔI... '1. I" se A.L. .5/ ßEU1\N Hl.Ô i ïA8.L¡:; . ¡Ç;,D. ~ f l- f Ji 1 .I íV I \.1 \""F~ '''AQ' ::i 'l"l~1:..r\ !~~. i f' I l-I' I! j ~ i l I ¥ 1 -'. .... . . /jAAåqtJ1'=. ~l:!.T A~'-if ,1.": fi~ w~..",,.~ 6l-r ~-7. l/ . MUiitMla. 151 " ~AN~ii'i~N"!a~. N Gi QUtCß ;;/ j. ¡\ in A \I \¡ LI I-I f ~ ¡ ¡f i i. ¡ l ,l ¡ - I ¡ ..' f ¡. !l-¡l' t i. iì ¡ -'J .~ a ~ i N&oRi.NE. :!QU e~~.~l '~l i:1fo. r.~~RI""'~. .. . .¡i .P'4.~ i: =: ili=:H-r ~~/) u~ 1"Q i \tl":.t-f 3 ¡ '~l/J B!i.C~ \i'=. 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"'.-' . ï... /:':..,.. ~ ...i: ~ \ :u ~- '1-"'U.:I: .:f."..;..i:..,.i\..~~.Guica.,. .' " .... ~F'. ~EtQ.~ ,,~;:¥ i.NG-~ '!,.' . t, ". j"S12íJ\4-' '" 'r:Ri l.~,ai..~ iG . ¡~M~LS ¡ I j i k "'~ ,(~ ~ " EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. EAGLE, IDAHO ENGINERIG REPORT SITE ASSESSMENT FOR WELL NO.8 MTCINC. CONSULTING ENGINERS JU 13, 2008 PUROSE OF REPORT -1- Thi Enginrin Report is intended to safy all th Stae of Ida, Depnt of Heath an Welfe, Division ofEnvioriental Quaty requiements for modifcations to existin water systems as set fort in the Ida Regulation for Pulic Dri Water Systems. TI documnt is requi as pa of the approval procss before a new well can be conscted by Eagle Water Company tht wi provide an additional soure of grounwater to the system. The Public Dr Water Well Site Evaluation checklist as reuired by D.R Q. is provide. Copies of the Application for drli per, Water Ris Trafer, GWUI Field surey with well sitin cheklst, well site evaluaion an engineerig reports are included. GENERA DESCRITION The Eagle Water Company provides servce to commerial and residentia customes in Eagle, Idaho. Th system presently ha six wells in opertion wih a combied rate outut of 9200 galons per miute (gpm). It is propose tht Well No.8 wil be loted in th southasern pa of the system on a pal ofla sitted sout of St Hiway 44 and east of Edgewood Lane. In addition to these groundwater sources there is a 90,000-galon reservoir with booster pums located adjacent to Well No.2. A booster ston is al located nea the ne Eagle Water Company Maitenace Offce between Old Hihway 55 (Horseshoe Bend Road) an Highway 55 nort of Hil Road. CUSTOMER BASE At the being of2006 Eagle Water Company provided servces to approxitely 3,282 residences and businesses in th Eale area, most of whch are sinle dwells. The numbe of customers ha more tha doubled since the 1995 well was conscted. Continued double-digit growt is expted to for the next few yea. The conscton of Well NO.4 in 1994 an Well NO.6 in 1995 has peed Eagle Water Company to adequaly serve its cusomers in periods of pe demad. Th addition of Well NO.8 wi help bace th water pressues and supply needed volume to met pe demad in the soutea par of the system an provide improved fie flow capabilties in raidly growi commercial area of Eagle. The need for more water wa mae viible dur th June 2007 engineeri report. DESCRITION OF WELLS Well No. 1 is located off th corner of Spri Hil Dre an Ash Stree and ca produce 560 gpm (galons pe miute). This well is a prim supplier to the system dur th sumer month. Durg the wite, it becomes a seconda weii but can be reactivated as a priar well if a fie flow demad is encountered. Well No.2 is located on Rach Drve ne the inertion of Dogwood Place. Th well ca produ 470 gpm, an dishages dlreetly into th 90,000galon rervOlr. A boster pump sttion is located at the reseolr, and consists of thee pums wi a tota capit -2- of 740 gpm th pum from the reseoir dily into th dibutin system. Th booster station's smalest pum usualy operates year-around whie the larger two booster pums operate priily in the suer. Dur sum month, Wen No.2 is a seconda supplier to th reservoir. The reseoir's puose is to help meet pea demads, provide storae for fie ree, an supply th system durg a mehacal breadown. Thoughout the witer month, Well No.2 is activated as th pri supply soure. Itcontiues to dischage directly into the reservoir, wi the booster pump station providin th requied supply. Well No.3 is located east of the Cer Cour cul-de-sa, in the maenace yard at the nort end of Eagle Hills Golf Course. With a production capacity of 600 gpm, Well No.3 is th smaest, an is us stctly as a second supply source. Well No.4 is located between Edgewood Lae and Conover Street just nort of State Hihway 44, (State Street). Th well ha a variable speed pum intaed tht is capble of delieri a sued flw of 3,04 gpm. Th well provies water for much of th eaer pa of the Eagle Water Compy system. An ine booster pum system was intaed in the Eagle Water Company system in 2000. The booster pump is located at the new Eagle Water Company maenae failty nort of Hil Road betwee Highway 55 and Horsshe Bend Road. Ths boster staton consiss of a varble speed pum an ha th caity to supply water at a volume of2,100 gpm and 70 psi. Th instaltion was needed to supply volume an stbilize pressure in the rapidly developing nortst section of Eale. Well No.6 is in Van Engelen Estes No.2 Subdiviion located sout of State Hiay 44, (Wes State Stree) apprxitely one mie west of downtown Eagle. Th well is sitted on a 100 ft. by 100 ft. parcel on the easter end of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 of the suvision. The well ha a varle spee pum, which ha a capacity to provide a sus flow of up to 2,600 gpm to th Eale Water Compy dibution system. Th well supplies much of th water requied in th western portion of Eagle. Well No.7 is located in the SE 'i, NE Y4, SW 'i Section 15, TAN., R.1E., B.M., Ada Coun, Idah, which is sout and west of the intersetion of State Highway 44 and Stae Highway 55. The well bas a variable speed pum, an ha the capaity to provide a sued volue of 1,900 gpm. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS A 9O,000-gaUon reservoir is located adjacent to Well No.2. Additiona storae faili wil be addresse in the ne fue. -3- SOURCES OF WATER Th curent sources of water for thê system are th six exiing wells. Well No.1 is at a depth of318 feet an is locaed in th nortwest pa of the system. Well No.2 whch feeds th reseoìr is 230 foot deep an is locaed slightly to the eas of Well NO.1. Well No.3 is locted in th nortwest area of the system and 484 fee dee. Well NO.4 is located in the south central portion of the system and 490 feet deep. Well NO.6 is located in the southwestern area of the system and 450 feet deep. Well NO.7 is located in th souteaster area of the system and 403 fee deep. Al well are in th Bose River aquier, which has tradtionaly produced large volume of high quaty water. The proposed Well No.8 wil be located in the souteastern par of th system and is anticipated to be 400 feet deep. POTENTAL CONTAMATION The sources of potentia contation are shown on th GWUI Field Surey form These sources inlude shaow grvel extion pits in the vicin of the proposed well. The closest of th six grvel extaction ponds is 195 feet west of the well site. The five oth ponds each located are 295 feet norteas, 325 feet nortwest, 475 fee so~ 485 feet soutwes, and 610 feet souteas from the well site. The Nort Chael of th Bois River is located sout of th well, State Highway 44 is located nort of the well and th Dry Creek Ca is locaed ea of the well sie. Nort Chael of th Boise River, Stae Higway 44 and the Dry CreekCa. shoul not impac the prpose well to any extent, as they are more th 1,000 feet from the proposed well. The existing ponds are believed to be surfac water inùtrtin ino excavatins and a clay layer is believed to exit between the ponds and the aquier, which wi be tappe. Well driling opeations wi be conduced in a ma to prevent su water from enterig th deepe aquier. Seal wil be mataed during drling and all down whole drlig equipment wi be mataed in a satizd condition to prevent contaation. Inormtion obta from other Eae Water Company wells in th area indicates thre is a high probability tht clay layers exi between surfa water sours an deeer aquier. Th proposed well wi be sealed from the screen to the surce using bentonie and have an upper seal of concrete. In addition test wi be conducted on th sure ponds and well water to dete tht th sources are not th sa. FLOODING PROTECTION The propose well site is outside the flodway but wi the 100-yea flood pla To protec the well the house floor wil be conscted a minimum of 3 foot above the anticipated elevation of the 100-yea flood elevation and wi be verifed by the enineer. The top of the well caing shall be a miimum of2 feet above th floori to provide additiona protecn from floodin. In adtion the physical stture of the pum house itslf wil be seed to increase flood proofi. -4- WELL LOT DIMNSIONS Prpose Eagle Water Company Wen NO.8 wil be located on th IOO-foot x 100-foot lot tht wil be purchaed by Eagle Water Company from the Eagle Gravel Company. Th wen and pum house wil be located at the center of the lot to ma distane from th wen to th propert boun. WELL LOG DATA Ida Depaent of Water Resources records indicate there ar nie private well in th area surounin the location of Well NO.8. These well ar relaive sblow raing in depth from 63 to 189 feet. The Eagle Water Company muncipa well No. 4 locaed approxiely 3050 feet northwest of th wen site was driled to a depth of385 feet in th mid 90's. It is anticipated tht subse geology for propose Eale Wen No.8 wi be sim to tht of Eagle Well NO.4 with multiple clay layers sepaating shalow an de aquifer. WELL SCHEMATIC (See next shet) RE:FE:E:ÑLE. NO.'" 3~ P. (0 PRELIMIARY ENGINERIG REPORT EAGLE WATER CONW ANY WELL # 8 AN ASSOCIATED APPERTENANCES INCLUDING THE WELL HOUSE AUGUST 2008 MTC ENGINERS 707 N. 27TH ST. BOISE, ID 83702 BY -1- A f"i"Tnnløtp Aøt~llpA ?'P",,,.i-t o:......"la+Ah' 7'ali:t.u:"'Q a. 11 ~i;n(,.fti: u~çJ... tri.r.e Yvvy?plrlr iii.U~n::p;.J.. ..'"AJLl'4.."'''....''Ll''u, i "".lvi.. """"""u:..,.iJ J. ,..._....Q .... --r--"'- ... " .... "'"" and equipment is not known at this time. It is anticipated that a minmum of 16 inch drill well bore wil be fitted with a 12 inch inner casing and well screen capable of supplying 2400 to 3000 gallons per miute. The well screen will have adequate length and openigs for this quatity of water. The screen will have a sand pack with surace area to provide the quantity wil no more than 0.5 per miute velocity. The well will be connected to the existing system on Ancona Avenue with a 12 inch pipe. Adequate valves and thrt blocks will be provided. Other wells in the area have not required treatment before being connected to the system. However, there wil be an ara in the pump house reserved for chloriion or other tratment if required. If the well is contaated with unllowable contamiants and must be abandoned it will be done as set forth in wnws 510.09 An application for an additional point of diversion ha been submitted to IDWR and approved. If additional water rights are requird they will be transferred from existing rights already owned by Eagle Water Com.pany. Until the production is verified there is no reason to transfer an additional right. A permit to drill this well has been issued by the Deparent of Water Resources. The well house wil have frame" constrction with air conditioning and a. . j) ~,':" :!i~-'~?:; ~-~~"-':i _ _ _ _ .heater. A connection for a-péRã1e. generator set wil be provided. The site wil be fenced for safety and the building floor will be a mium of 3 feet above the BFE designated by the Corp of Engineers. The pump base will be a mimum of 30 inches above the floor. Site grading wil be away from the building. A floor drain wil be piped to a sump more tha 30 feet from the welL. ~2- The pump will be pre-hibed but the pump glands and pre-lube wil not drin to the floor but to the exterior of the buiding. There wil be no other constrction on the site that could cause contamiation of the well. No septic tank or storm water draineld wil be Dermitted within 100 feet of the- .. well. Overload protection wil be placed on each of the tree legs of the electrical supply. A flow meter that measures intantaneous and totalizing flow will be intaled. Other valves and controls wil be in accordace with stadards. The pump wil be a three phase line shaf, water lubricated pump controlled by a variable speed controller. There wil be an electrical connection suitable for connection to a portble engine-generator set. This wil allow a portable set to be moved from a well tht is out of service to one that is in service without the added expense of stationary sets. This will reduce maintenance costs but wil still provide for the few times there are power outages from the main Idao Power source. Other items will. be addressed and provided for when the well is drilled, tested, and the quantity determed. This will consist of a pump cure, pump valve if required and other mior valves like air vacuum relief: pressure relief and permanent water level measurement provisions. The well house and accessories wil provide for all the items outlined in theWell House and Equipment Design Checklist. -3- EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. EAGLE, IDAHO ENGINERIG REPORT SITE ASSESSMENT FOR WELL No.8 MTCINC. CONSULTIG ENGINERS JU 13, 2008 RSP. t.O,- 31J ~ a PUROSE OF REPORT -1- This Engineerìng Report is intended to satisfy all the State ofIdao, Deparnt of Health and Welfare, Division ofEnvionreiital Quaty requirements for modifications to 0X1~n+;""ig. ,..,1..+.0.. n~.,i*o...( ..n no+ .t"..i. :.. +i.o T..,.1." D.o.t,llo.+:-._ ~.. D.,lJ.l:_ .T"i... inking \V(&.nt~r'- ui. VV(&L,-i. "J"L"'.i c; ,,'-L i.vi.u. 1l u.'- i.üöiv ì'"'5l.Li.vu i.vi. i. uvu'- JJ ~_ Systems. Th document is required as par of th approval process before a new well can be constructed by Eagle Water Company tht wil provide an additional source of groundwater to the system. The Public Drin Water Well Site Evaluation checkl as requied by D.E.Q. is provided. Copies of th Application for drlig pert, Water Rights Trafer, GWUI Field suey wih well siting checklis, well site evaluation an engìneerìng reports are included. GENERA DESCRIPTION The Eagle Water Company provides servce to commercial and residential customers ìn Eagle, Idao. The system presently ha six wells ìn operation with a combined rate output of 9200 galons per miute (gpm). It is proposed tht Well No.8 wi be located ìn th soutern par of th system on a pacel of lad situted sout of State Hihway 44 and east of Edgewood Lae. In addition to these groundwater sources there is a 90,OOO-galon reservoir with booster pumps located adjacent to Well NO.2. A booster station is also located near the new Eale Water Compy Matenace Offce between Old Highway 55 (Horseshoe Bend Road) and Highway 55 north of Hil Road. CUSTOMER BASE At the beging of 2006 Eagle Water Compy provided serces to apprxitely 3,282 residences and businesses in the Eagle area most of which are sinle dwellins. The number of customers ha more th doubled sìnce the 1995 well was conscted. Continued double-digit growt is expted to for the next few years. The constrction of Well No.4 in 1994 and Well No. 6in 1995 has permed Eagle Water Company to adequately sere its cusomers in periods of pea demad. The addition of Well No.8 wil help baance the water pressures and supply needed volume to meet peak demad in the souteas par of the system and provide improved fie flow capabilties in rapidly growi commercìal areas of Eagle. The nee for more water was mae viible durg th June 2007 enineering report. DESCRIPTION OF WELLS Well No.1 is located off the comer ofSprìng Hil Drive and Ash Stree and ca produc 560 gpm (gallons per miute). Ths well is a primar supplier to the system during the sumer months. Durg the witer, it becomes a secondar welL, but ca be reacivated as a priary. well if a fie flow demad is encountered. Well No.2 is located on Rach Drive nea th intersection of Dogwood Place. Th well can produce 470 gpm, and dishages directly ino th 90,OOO-galn resoir. A booster pum station is located at the reservoir, and consists oftbee pums with a total capacity -2- of 740 gpm that pum from the reservoir directly into the disbution system. The booster station's smalest pum usualy operates year-around whe the lager two booster pumps operate priarily in the suer. During sumer month, Well No.2 is a seconda-j supplier to the ïeservoir. The resrvoir's pni-pûse is to help meet peak demads, provide storae for fie reserve, and supply the system during a mechacal breakdown Thoughout the witer months, Well No.2 is activated as th pri supply source. It continues to dischage directly into the reservoir, with the booster pump station providing the required supply. Well No.3 is located east of the Ceram Cour cul-de-sac, in the matenace yard at the nort end of Eagle Hils Golf Course. With a production caacity of600 gpm, Well No.3 is th smaest, and is use stctly as a seonda supply source. Well No.4 is located between Edgewood Lane and Conover Street just nort of State Highway 44, (State Street). Thi well ha a variable speed pum instaled th is capable of delivering a susaid flow of3,046 gpm. Th well provides water for much of the easern pa of th Eagle Water Company system. An inine booster pum system was installed in the Eagle Water Company system in 2000. The booster pum is located at the new Eagle Water Company maintenace facilty nort of Hil Road beeen Highway 55 and Horshoe Bend Road. Th booster station consists of a variable spee pum and has th cait to supply water at a volume of2,100 gpm and 70 psi. This installation was needed to supply volume and stabilize pressure in the rapidly developin nortea section of Eagle. Well NO.6 is in Van Engelen Estates No.2 Subdiviion locted sout of State Hiway 44, (West Stae Street) approxitely one mile west of downown Eage. The well is situted on a 100 ft. by 100 ft. parcel on the easern end of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 of the subdivision. The well ha a variable speed pum, which ha a capacity to provide a suaid flow of up to 2,600 gpm to the Eagle Water Company distibution system. Th well supplíes much of the water requied in the western portion of Eale. Well NO.7 is located in the SE v., NE Y4, SW v. Section 15, TAN., R.IE., B.M., Ada County, Idaho, which is south and west of the intersection of State Highway 44 and Stae Highway 55. Th well ha a varable sped pump, and ha th capacity to provide a sued volume of 1,900 gpm. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS A 90,000-galon resrvoir is located adjacent to Well No.2. Addiona storage facili wil be addressed in th near futue. -3- SOURCES OF WATER The cllent sources of water for the system are the six existin wells. Well NO.1 is at a r1ø't+"h n..ç '112 .f.oø+ ~..r1 ;e- l,(ru'),+o.r .;.. +h.o 'lA..i""TOS+ ..n.. ",.t+ho t"'nst0~ ~TOill liT_ .. .....,:h~ni. ..""l'''LI vi -' i v .1'-'''' u..... i~ ivvu."""u. J,J. Li\i llV.."iivv," l, .pQ. L VJ. ..i.1'- i:) "'''.l.U.. . Y "'.II .L "Iv. k VVL11\.LL feeds the reservoir is 230 foot deep and is located slightly to the eas of Well No. 1. Well No.3 is located in the nortwest area of the system an 484 feet deep. Well No.4 is located in the south central portion of the system and 490 feet deep. Well No.6 is located in the soutwestern area of the system an 450 feet deep. Well No.7 is located in the souter area of the system and 403 feet dee. Al wells are in th Bose River aquier, which has tradtionaly produced lage volum of high qualiy water. The proposed Well No.8 will be located in the southeastern par of the system and is anticipated to be 400 feet deep. POTENTIAL CONTAMNATION The sources of potential contamtion are shown on the GWUDI Field Surey form These sources include shaow gravel extacon pits in the vicinity of the propose well. The closest of the six grvel extaction pond is 195 feet west of the well site. The five other ponds each located are 295 feet nort, 325 feet northwes, 475 feet sout 485 feet southwest, and 610 feet southeas from the well site. The Nort Chael of the Boise River is located south of the well State Highway 44 is located nort of the well and the Dr Creek Can is located ea of the well site. Nort Chael of th Bois River, Stae Highway 44 and the Dry Creek Can should not impact th proposed well to any exten, as thy are more th 1,000 feet from the proposed well. The existing ponds are believed to be surface water intratin into excavations and a clay layer is believed to exist between th ponds and the aquier, which wil be tapped. Well drg operations wi be conducted in a maer to prevent sure water from enterg th deeper aquifers. Seal wil be matained during drllin and al down whole driling equipment wil be maintaied in a santized condition to prevent contation Inormtion obtaid from other Eagle Water Company wells in the area indicates there is a high probaility that clay layers exi between surace water sources and deeer aquiers. The proposed well wíl be sealed from the screen to the suface using bentonie and have an upper seal of concrete. In addition tests wil be conducted on the surace ponds and well water to detere tht the sources are not the sae. FLOODING PROTECTION The proposed well site is outside the floodway but wi the 100-year flood plai To protec the well the house floor wil be conscted a miimum of 3 foot above the anicipated elevation of the lOO-year flood elevation an wíl be verifed by the engineer. The top of the well casing shal be a mimum of2 feet above the floori to provide additiona protecton from floodin. In addiion the physical stctue of the pum house itself wil be sealed to increase flood proofig. -4- WELL LOT DIMENSIONS Proposed Eagle Water Company Well No.8 will be located on the laO-foot x 100-foot Int th",t uMIl be nn.."hoc..,,4 "h" i:"",1.. "llTa+", 1'~-n~'llV .illV~-l11 thp Pa~Q"11;' Gr'i-a~v'Pil f'Oin1î'J"'"Mi-y.£v.. t".L.H'" Ty..i ... .. l'u.",i~",y. V) .L51\. yy..""i vVll.1r-. 'J ....... . . "".....A Q.. . ... "' ..~aiJ.. The well an pum hous wil be located at the center of the lot to i:e distane from the well to the propert boundar. WELL LOG DATA Idao Deparnt of Water Resoures records indicate there are nie private well in th area suroung the location of Well No.8. These well are relative shallow rag in depth from 63 to 189 feet. The Eagle Water Company muncipal well NO.4 located approximely 3050 feet nortwest of the well site was driled to a depth of385 feet in the mid 90's. It is anticipated that subsurace geology for proposed Eagle Well No.8 wi be simla to that of Eagle Well No.4 with multiple clay layers seartin shalow and deep aquifers. WELL SCHEMATIC (See next shet) iN$. £.0 e,c '1-+'4' 1:it... -r~ C~.i=.__, /.' . .. "t,ò. ~. E.W'C.l:S2"Q l!'i .' /~~ ~tt ~""J w'E H~& No- a:'t-l.- r . , --:i '3Jl MIN.~ /!- ~iØlU 1' oS e L.- ~ ! .;. 1 . . ~ esMe:~-r ¡;~Ud .sA.\- rNÅ,1'¡~'í~t. ~.S'.. lI~'q4.t I. ' . ¡. IIr r'. ¡ ¡.~~ l i¡~. ; lJ k it.i Il1 ~j ; . , !i, ;J') jipll ~ì ~ ~ / i,' ' . ~\Î.~ ~ CA,~& '!'.STlla - A~~ Q. i 14 .. o.:r:s" ~).41~~ I f'. ; rJ ' .A ' \w. Qe '"-r4iiN~ ~ ~ ¡ f~~:d ~~ i. r\ 1.1 .1+S:t! ' ", ",' ~ i,J., I-i i I'" ! t j' ¡, ¡- i 1 i' : I~'\ ¡'f 1 '¡ Ii' ..1 L:i. t,:. .11,'.i ,;. ~ i l:\~!~.! 'ii., J r 'i ii:~ ¡ I :' ¡. 4' -e : j' .1l' i , ,.. MUl~Úì 1~~ ,- ~~~ ¡-:t.. ~:I ~~ ~~i.i' ~ ! 1'N/QlN1''5~.N~ cUl~.... ~ \;: 1"N' ij~~!l ¡ ,. . .": .,1, i,',~ ~re' ~.- - A,. .... li_i:,i: 3 i /..it.. . . .. .i' :#11'',. ¡'. 'J ~=..~¡ ~~w, .A¡ \\_~ ¡~...-.se~M. ~ ~ , t'. ¡'''t.' ' ~W\.1', r"i:~, "1 C.CN"'~I~ & t. :-,.~lì",~, " ï~.J~ì\l~æ-\~'t: /1" ç.~'. '\; ~.~::t '~N ' : l"5lrCli ... " ~:. '. '." ' · ,( 1 l'. .... ... .... ~ . \; .1:.1 - tAlt "'i!' .... L$ :r~hiit~'i ~$ll' taN~~ it '., ~~~"'~',, ".:.! IfI ~~COP\.~ fš ,i1l~." 't.w~ei I \,,;,'1' '-, '"i~~\ ~UiiM-- ~ ~~MJ' "l)1 t'-~~~"':'~1 : : 1" ~.. \J', ìN\:W i )i.';l":\'''''';Ç-4' ~~'. ~..L (./,:\,-",1;", ~.iQ .s..l4 a~ : j t..f' ,~,t . ~ II." ¡'o'- ~ fl;~'!.¡ \, " ,' (;;:'0 ;:f:)" '. ~ V\:,=L ti:" -r e.l ': 1$i..i ~iC 'l \ ï" ,¿;¡p, ~-.:... .:4~ a..~ ~ \ ~~ACb 1-6. W.A'!~iR Co.. \¡\Jia\.t- l'o. Q ,~.,~)- ""2.l6 .. 'e:~\ 1,;f l~, ltAai:~ ~ _.::e 1I.,..~;'. ,. .. .. . .f , ' 3d' SWR¥AC=- C~tl46''-t A ..ti...,.. ""e.~ P C~ .-. rt ~ ) . SUf!rA.cZ. S6L.. ni~'lOl " to A 't ""~ "-...." ,,", , I'.~~~~,'-r tH:£.'r A~~~ 'l, re.lf \N~.-~ ~"t :s~ ." , ", ¡., , , r., ~ ., .' m V /.' R.~~lled~ ... .... :;;2ivl-MJvV0?-i . lJ ~.' ~,,'R "- ilEFe R6 l/c.E No # :t 31# -p (n EAGLE WATER COMPAN, INC. EAGLE, IDAHO ENGINERIG REPORT SITE ASSESS:MNT FOR WELL No.8 MTCINC. CONSULTIG ENGINERS JU 13, 2008 ENGINERIG REPORT SITE ASSESSMENT FOR WELL No.8 June 13, 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS PUROSE OF REPORT GENRA DESCRIITON CUSTOMER BASE DESCRION OF WELLS STORAGE REQUIMENTS SOURCES OF WATER POTENTAL CONTAMATION FLOODING PROTECTION WELL LOT DIMENSIONS WELL SCHEMATIC DEQ CECKLISTS (WELL SITE EVALUATION) WELL SITE EVALUATION REPORT GWJÐl R£l5:B BHR'ÆY & Wrlb19 8I'liUSI GI~€Jg+ IW'Et:b bee 8F lÆ~Y ~lsS VICINTY MA i'\PlIQlinQ~l liR QIY:blQ PBIQl!+ \lriliFE ftSlB=8 ~l8F:BR i\llelißQ~l PAGE I PAGEl PAGE i PAGE i PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 4 PAGES APPENDIX A APPENDIXB l\PQ)~"xC ilr~æQ(Q APPENDIXE li~lQIiX F ~lQlX;Q PUROSE OF REPORT -1- Th Engeerig Report is intended to safy all the State ofIdao, Deparent of Hea an Welfe, Division ofEnviomnental Qua requirements for modications to exiin waer systems as set fort in the Idao Regution for Public Dring Water Systems. Th documnt is requied as par of the aprova process before a new wellcan be co:icted by Eagle Water Company tht wi provide an addiiona source of grounwater to the system. The Public Dr Water Well Site Evaluation checklist as requied by D.E.Q. is provided. Copies of th Application for dr per, Water Ris Trafer, GWUI Field suey wih well siti checklst well site evaluation and engeering reports are inlude. GENERA DESCRIPTION The Eagle Water Company provides serce to commercia and residentia cusomes in Eale, Idao. The system presently ha six wells in operon with a combined rate outut of9200 galons per miute (gpm). It is proposed tht Well No.8 wi be locted in the souteaser pa of th system on a pacel of la sit south of Stae Hiway 44 and ea of Edgewood Lane. In addition to these groundwater sources there is a 90,OOO-galon reervoir wi booster pumps located adjacent to Well No.2. A booster ston is als located ne the new Eagle Water Company Matenace Offce beeen Old Hihway 55 (Horseshoe Bend Road) an Higway 55 nort of Hi Road. CUSTOMER BASE At the begin of2006 Eagle Water Company provided serces to approxily 3,282 resiences an businesses in th Eagle area inst of which are sin dwellings.The number of cusomer ha more th doubled since the 1995 well was conscted. Continued double-diit growt is expected to for the next few years. Th consction of Well No.4 in 1994 and Well No.6 in 1995 has pered Eagle Water Company to adequaely sere its cusomers in periods of peak dema. The adion of Well NO.8wil help balce the water pressures and suply needed volue to meet peak demad in the soutea.wr of the system and provide imroved :fe flow capabilties in rapidly growi cOmmercial area of Eagle. The ned for more water was made viíble durinthe Jun 2007 engineerg report. DESCRIPTION OF WELLS Well No.1 is located off the comer of Spri Hi Drve and Ash Street and can produce 560 gpm (galons per miute). Ths well is a pri suplier to th system dur th sumer mont. Dur the witer, it becom.es a seconda well, but can be reactivated as a pri well if a fie flow demand is encountered. Well No.2 is located on Rach Drve ne the intersetion of Dogwood Place. Th wellca produce 470 gpm. and dichages diectly ino the 90,OOO-galn reservoir. A booster pum sttion is located at th reservoir, and consists oftbree pums wi a total capacit -2- of 740 gp th pum :fom th resoir diy in th disbuon system. Th booster ston's smlest pum usuay operates year-around whie the lager two booster pums operate priily in the suer. Duin sumer month, Well NO.2 is asenda supplier to the reseoir. The reoir's purse is to help me pe dea:rs, p,i.u'Vide storage for fie reserve, and supply the system durg a mehacal breadown Thougout th wier month, Well NO.2 is acivated as th prim suply soure. It contues to dichage dictly into the reservoir, with the booster pup staton provi th requied supply. Well No.3 is located eas of the Cer Cour cul~e-sa, in th maena yard at th nort end of Eagle Hil Golf Coure. Wit a production capaity of 60 gpm, Well NO.3 is the smaest an is us stctly as a seconda suly source. Well No.4 is located between Edgewood Lan and Conover Street just nort of State Hiway 44, (State Stree). Th well ha a variable speed pum inaled tht is cable of deliver a su flow of3,046 gpm. Th well provides waer for much of th eaer pa of the Eale Water Company system. An ine booster pum system was inaled in the Eage Water Compy system in 2000. Th booster pum is located at the new Eagle Water Company matenace fail nort of Hil Road beee Higway 55 and Horse Bend Road Th boster stn consiss of a varble sp pum an ha th cait to suply waer at a volume of2,100 gpm and 70 psi. Th inaltion was needed to supply volume and stbile pressure in the raidly developin norteast section of Eale. Well No.6 is in Van Enelen Estes NO.2 Subdviion located sout of Stae Hihway44, (Wes Stae Stree) approxiely one mie west of downtown Eae. Th well is sited on a 100 ft. by 100 ft. parcel on the easern end of Lots 1 an 2, Block 2 of thsuvision. The well ba a varble spee pum, whch ha a capaity to provie a susd flow ofup to 2,600 gpm to th Eagle Water Compy dibution system. Th well supplies much of the water requied in th wester porton of Eale. Well NO.7 is located in the SE ~, NE v., SW v. Section 15, T.4N., R1E., B.M., Ada Coun, Ida, whch is south an wes of the inertion of Stae Hihway 44 an Stae Hiway 55. The well ha a vable spd pump, an ha the cait to provide a suaied volume of 1,900 gpm. STORAGE REQUIRElvS A 9O,00Q,gaon reseroir is loced adjaent to Well No.2. Addiiona storage fail wi be addressed in the ne fu. -3- SOURCES OF WATER Th cuent sources of water for the system are th six exiing well. Well No.1 is at a depth of 318 feet an is located in the nortwest pa of th system. Well No. 2 whch feed th resevoir is 230 foot deep an is located slihtly to th eas orWell No. 1. Well No.3 is locaed in th nortwe area of th system an 484 feet de. Well No.4 is locaed in the sout central porton of th system and 490 fee deep. Well No.6 is loced in the soutweser area of the system an 450 fet dee. Well No.7 is located in th souteaer area of th system an 403 fee dee. Al wells ar in th Bose Rier aquier, which ha tronay produced lage volum ofhi qua water. The proposed Well No.8 wi be locted in th soutasern par of the system an is anticipted to be 400 feet deep. POTEAL CONTAMATION The sources of potenti contamination ar shown on the GWUDI Field Surey form These sources include show grvel extn pits in the vicin of the propose wellThe close of th six grvel exton pond is 195 fee wes of th well sit. Th five oth pond eah locaed are 295 feet nort 325 feet nortes, 475 fee south, 485 fee soutwes, an 610 feet soutea from th well site. Th Nort Clil of th Bois River is located sout of the wel4 State Highway 44 is located nort of the well an the Dr Creek Ca is located eas of th well site. Nort Cbael of the Bois River, Stae Hiway 44 an th Dr Creek Ca shoul not imac th prpose well to any extent as they are more th 1,000 feet from the propose well Th existing ponds are believed to be suce water ìntrtin ino excavatons and a clay layer is believed to exist between the ponds an the aqer, which wi be tappe. Well dr opeions wi be conduced in a maer to prevent sue waer from eatei th de aquier. Seal wi be :mtaed dur drlin and al down whole dr equipment wi be :mtaed in a saniz condion to prevent containation. Informtion obt from oth Eale Water Compy well in the area indicaes thre is a high probabilit th clay layer exi be suce water source an dee aquier. Th propose well wi be seed from the SCreen to th su.e using bentonie an have an upper se of concete. In addion tess wi be conducted on th suace ponds and well water to deter th th sources ar not th same. FLOODING PROTECTION The proposed well sie is outside th floodway bu wi th l00-yea flood pla To protect th well th hous floor wi be consed a mium of 3 foot abve th anticipaed elevation of the 100-yea flood elevation and wi be vered by th engineer. The top of the well casing shall be a Tn;niryu. of2 feet abve th floeri to provide addiioii protecon from. floodin. In adion th physica ste of th pum housitself wi be seaed to ineas flod proofi. -4 WELL LOT DIMNSIONS Propose Eagle Water Company Well No.8 wi be locaed on th 100-foot x i OO-foot lot tht wil be purcha by Eagle Water Company from th Eagle Gravel Company. The well and pum house wi be located at th center of th lot to ma distane from th well to the prope boun. WELL LOG DATA Ida Dent of Water Resurces records inicate thre are ni private well in th area suunin th locaton of Well No.8. Thes wells are relative shaow rag in depth from 63 to i 89 feet. The Eale Water Company muncipa well No.4 located approxitely 3050 feet nortwest of the wen site was dred to a depth of385 feet in the mid 90's. It is anicipated th subs geology for propose Eae Wen No.8 wi be similar to th of Eagle Well NO.4 wi mutiple clay layer setin show andee aquiers. WELL SCHEMATIC (See next sht) Wj¡'QiI '/~~ 1'""'"io CA."'~~ ,._ .. -J * ~~ ìä (, ,TIt WIA_ SC;~~l$.:O ~"Î. ~'l~~Sn-.¡ ~ V é: M '1 -:.. I' 1J ' --/. _ "~i.'. ' . -:lIw.... ,'cf "..... i._.t:. '. '..,. . ,,. _" .. I...... I"Iii:e \o;; ...... . 14..., ~.' ¡l ~ ,j. /1, aeølu'1 oS IS L.-- l ... i i 'I ~:t'!.R i'/At. ~, CSM!l.1" (ii\bl. .SA.\. lsJ .,'i~ ~i.0' q;d :t . f f' Il r ,~j"', ~l¡!"Ï"ir;:. ':lS ¡ ~~il.1V i,"it;.' " i Jt:~. f I. /I. '1".,',':"1'" lt,~ ';j k , ~ ~ \(.41 ~ èA(!l 4" 'liS., f"* - A i; ~ ë i 1 4, O. 3";S" '1',"K~e.:s I l-I \!dlf,iS. ~~' ! .;\,) Woi_i./r Gu~\ _ -+ I r~-~~N~. 1~1¡ r-. Iì "". le! Ii ¡ I " ~ '\ ¡ I n'L¡ (.J i.i ~.i L..¡ . ;1iA r; . . . ¡. I ¡, I 4' ''e. : ít'i ! '. ;," ¡ . Ml4\lÃÙM I ~~ ." ~~~~ j~~' .. J :i -1~ 1iQiJ ~ i'H/c:N'1..~N~ QWl~, .~-¡ 1"N' '~!C8 t i_~a+ '. .... ." Jl ' r;p I:~'JI 'F~"'~7' a.o",-i"1 ¡ It :s ~.. "... -. S'. '. 'ti. , '. ,M, ~ '£ , . .. .1'''1. i, iI~.. \'~,.' ¡:~ jlt" ~ C.~_~l ~ I. o ~~~.~.l~w~.,~'~ '1: L;t', ~.iL ~~e."' ' ,,I ..~iQlt- .,-- '/1 6';'1 .... ( tA/.f ..". ii4 . '- ìti~~~'i ~~~ ~ r t~~\H\ ~~~.;==~ l~wi ¡ t"r- ""',-"' ',:; ~.. y. "",--:'. ...!o; ~ 'l .. , ~ .41 :":. .~ ''l'" .,4 .. . . ~~.: " . .i:' ,.. ~À.G \.s. W.A"';"~, c.O 4 '. J..:. , ., :p~'iU~u. '. t A. ~ r=~ ~ jc" SWFiFAC~. C~StN~' c.~e. p C~ A it *t) '., SUftrAiC' $EÄL.. -..,... '. . t ~£a.t;-r til~" A~"~J.~(tW~.-"'~'Ï ~ i", . r'.. .' V I: ". 1 iv reo' ~ Si. A ~"" ~ \ ~ -CAt'. A!',M.1"~ 3.iiu.. N ~ \ '! \¡\J~~L l-Ò. Q. 'N1'~)- APPENDIX A DEQ CHECKLISTS e $ . PUBLIC DRIG WATER WELL SIT EVALUATION . DEP ARTJ OF mMONMAL QUALIT Al public wate well sites mus be aproved in wntig by DEQ pror to dr (Idaho Rules for Fublic Ðrnkng Water Systems (IDWS), SeCton 550. 03. a). "" PROCEDUR 1. Cal DEQ to dee if there is known grounwa cotaination in.the gear 2. A regied prfesionaengiee, geologi or other cons quaed in th field of hydrogeology mus prare a thoroug site evaluaon, includi it li below. 3. Sub evaluaon to DEQ, and schedúle a field inon. The exct locon of the well mus be sted by the enee pror to DEQ inpeon. 4. If the well is acptle, DEQ wi issue wrtten approval. 5. pIa andspecatons for the well-and pump house mus be approved by DEQ prior tocoon CHEOOST FOR CONSULTAN i1!;:~~ Name of prect or water syst E A &L.E. W ÂTEI" Dat DEQ coricte to dius potenti groundwate problems. COMPANY f!2!ZQO$i IName of peon contaed. 'P'1""R 1.4'11( _ M(Jliry MAflc,IJ,s...' .. PrVìde a nare dicussion exlai why the'si was chos and why it.rs"~e for a public war system well. Dission mUs include the fonowig: a. ~ Locaon (includ separ Vìcinty ma wi dion to the site) (IDWS 55Ð.;e:;;a) .;. b~ Wen lot mus be d.edcated to the wat sym ony, and on proper owned or leased by th wate system. Conta DEQ if th well10t is pa of a larger coonly owned~ ..;",1 ,., propert. (IDWS 550.03.0) c.Ì! Tei and.access for drg ng and equiment (CEP) d.'ì F100ways and floodpla (IDWS 551.0l.n) e.'E Suroudi la use (reidenti commeria in ope sp~ et.) (IDWS 550.03.a.vi) f.m A.cip prduction ra of well (IDWS 550.03.a.iv) g~ Descron of soil and lithology (provide well log from nea well) (IDWS 550.03.a.iiiü) h.1! Anticipat depth to well sceen; tye and depth of anul seal (IDWS 550.03.c) i. l! Dion of groundwater qua, and any known continnQD wi 1 mile (lDWS'¡.550.03.a.i) i Public Wat Sysem Wei"" Evaluation July 2005 P~e 1 of4 ': j~Undergroud geologica da a:d wen logs of exig neaby wells (IDWS . 55L.0L.p.üi) k.'ì Aquier rehage projec or injecton well with 1 nie, a:d how they inuence the proposed well (IDWS 550.03.a.iv) 1. 'r How the well wil be prote agin SOU-Te of polluton 01- the how site conform to the local well hea proteon pla (conta the cit or county to dete iiplemete pla). (RWW . m. ~ Potential for the well to be "Grou:waer Under the Dirct Inuence of Sur Water (GWUI; see G'WI Evaluation Procedue onpage 3). (IDWS 551.01.) n. E Oter evaluad well sits (RWW 1.1.7 .2.a) o. 'E Profesiona opinon th the sit is sule for a public waer suly well (RWW 1.1.7) ~. Sign and da the evaluaon (IDWS 551.04.a.i) 5Ì! Provide a sie map coverg at a 50 ft raus showig the followig: a. "E W ell locon (include vicin map wi dion to the well sit) (RWW 55 J .0 l.a) ~ ~6R4","'i).A1"it FUw4 Flf4Mb. Ll Diron of grund wa fl (IDWS, 550.03.a.il) 7'0 i.1l~"".JT") c. tg Potential soures of contaminaton wi 500 fee of the well (IDWS 550.03.a. vi) S4i.ll4M1" d.l! Dice from well to lot boundaes (50 feet mium) (IDWS 550.03.0, 551.01.p.ü) "ItA N/~ e. ~ Sure water sources, includig laes, rier, canal, dithes, et. (50 fe ";ium searon). (IDWS S5G.03.b) f. ì:~:( Slo e of the land (IDWS 551.011i) t~""l'4k. ri. "'i'61'e. nw.oil ~ N~ Qt"'NNii ¡"P Stns4 1lNI! A.s .sH4WA/ 414 Vl(,""'1" ~ÅP ) g. ~ Septic ta a:d dr fields (100 feet miimum seon for sm sy; cont DEQ regadig sepaon and hydrlogic analysis requients for la dial syst). (IDWS 550.03.b) h. ~ Sewer, storm dr, ingaon, and oter non-potale ma or sece lies (50 feet mium) (IWS 550.03.b) 1. 'E Oter bured utes (IDWS 550.03.b) j. 'E Subsue storm wa diosal failes or strm water ponds (100 fee mium) (IDWS 550.03.b) k. -B Injection well IRDWS 550.03.b) L -a Fuel ta (50 fee mium uness contaent is provided). (IDWS 550.03.b) ;~ ~ Pulic Wate System Well Site Evaluation July 2005 P~e2 of4 .0 m. ~ Road and pakig area (50 feet miniium). (IDWS 550.03.b) n. ~ Build.:i (50 fee :mum) (IDWS 550.03.b) o. ~ Livesock (50 feet:mui) (IDWS 550.03.b) II/A p. €J Oter potenti sources of containaton (50 fet inui) (IDWS 550.03.b) "" NOTE: DEQ reo:iends (and may reuie) dices grea th the minimum preously listed, if appriat to protect public heath RERECES Ida Rules for Public Drnkg Water Systems Recommen.d Stands for Water Works (also known as "Ten States Stads") 2003 Adminitrate Rues of the Ida Water Resouce Board: Well Conson Stcmds, RuJes Ida Wellhead Protection Pla Cities and watr pureyors are encoured to develop wellead protecon pla to prevent cotainaton of grundwater us for drg wat. DEQ ha developed a guidace maua to help comunes prpa thir pla. Th Idao Wellhead Protectin Plan is avalale at the regiona DEQ offce. GW"r.I Evaluaton Procedure (Conta DEQ) . The. system owner mus deons, pror to sering the public, th the propos souce of waer is unlikly to be consider as Groundwat Unde the Dirct Inuence of ,.. ;,"Îur Wat (GWUI). DEQ wi isue a detertion with fi wr aproval of the site in acordace wi the folloWig guidelies: i. Soures wi 200 feet of sure water mus be evalua for a six mOnth pe per Procdu IT in the protool, unless hydrgelogc inoimon is prvided to show th tesg is not requ. (Sure water is dened as water that flows or is ponded for more tha 60 das per yecr the das do not have to be contous), 2. Well locad beee 200 and 500 fe frm su wate ar usualy alowed less rigorous monitorg, and are alowed to see cusomers, under Procede IT in the protol. 3. Well located more th 500 fe from SUi-Ta. water ar genera deemed "groundwat uness the aquier is ver shalow (e.g., SPrigs or shw well fields) or vulnerle to sure waer (e.g., not protte by adequa confining layer). Pulic Water Syst Well Site Evaluaon July 2005 Pag~ 3 of4 ~ ~ Not: 1'is ehec addreses the majari of e0mlDan itelD frm the Idaho .R fur PublÎç Drki Wate SyselD (lDWS), th Recm:mended Standar far Water Works (RWW, and eOBlm:OIl engeerig praetce. Hawever, this ehec is Dot alHelllSIe and use ar expeced to fu undersnd the rues and stdards, apply them where necsary, and reues interprettions from DEQ if there are any quesns. DEQ regona offce may have addional wrien inonitin tht Will asist in the desigapprovaI process. Al of the it indtea on the abve checkl are acurly reflected in the athed Plan and Specifcatons. P.E. Stap: Dat: éhrLO!31 t .~ Public Water Sysem Well Site Evaluation July 2005 Page;4 of 4 APPENDIXB WELL SITE EVALUATION REPORT ,,~/ WELL SIT EVALUATION REPORT For Eagle Water Company WELL NO.8 =- Th propose well loation is in th SW~, NE~, SW~, Sen 15, T., 4N., RIE., B.M., Eae, Ada Coun, ID. Th well site is sited in an uneveloped ~l eflad which wi be developed into reta offce. The undeveloped la to th Nor Ea an Sout of the well si are pa of a maer development pla for commial Inets. Th five ace tr whe well No.8 is located wi be delope ino 116 dweUing un, conds, apnt and etc. To th Nortwes of th site a coinia buiness pa ha aleay been developed and is curently on th rea ese maket. To the West is pae with a few horses and cows. Th well site is apoxiely 475 ft. Nort an 450 ft. ea of th tloodway shown on th vicin map. Th well hous wi be in th 100..year flodpla bu wi be elevaed 3 fe abve th prject maum :fod. Th ar between the well site and the Bois River North Chal wi most liely rema in an unevelope ste. Commrcia development is predated on ecnomics Development sout of th well site wi be bad on prestîon of lad wi th Boise River Floodway. Six pond (as shwn on the vicin map) wer cred :fom agegate exction activiies in th pas. Th triona :fw of th aquier in th Bois Valy is :fom ea to nortwe. Th propose well wi be 40 feet deep. Th Nort Chal of th Bois Rier is approximately 1075 feet sout of th location. Th well wi be seed frm the ground su to the top of the scrn by pumin bentonie grout :fom the 300 fet level to th sue providing a sea :fom suce waer. Thee oth well in th ar ha more th one imous layer less th 300 fee below groun sece. Well repoi; ~btaied :fom the Ida Depnt of Water Resources and th Eagle Water Compy records indicae there ar eit well locaed in Seon 15, T.,4N., RIE., B.M., Eag City, Ada Coun Ida. Seven of th nie well are loca nort or adjacen to State Str. The Eage Water Company (EWC) well No.4 nort of Stae Strt is more th 3050 feet :fom th well sie. Th two closes well Sout of Stae Str ar EWC well No.7 and the well on the Idao Conce Co. prert. Well NO.7 is aproxiely 1275 feet sout an th Ida Conce well is apprxiely 1920 fee ea of th well site. Al th well in Secion 15 except Ea Water Well No.4 an No. 7 are relatively sbaow with depth rain :fom 59 to 189 fee. EWC well No.4, located 3400 feet Nortwes :fom the well site, is 385 feet dee. Th EWC well No. 7 is locted 1275 fee Sout and is 403 fee dee. No imact is expcted on th ex well. Eagle Water Company chose th site (shown on the vicinty ma) because land wa avaible for purha an ha acess to an exiin grvel road whih connts to S. Anona 4- ve. Exieleecal power is avable to th sie. Th power dibuon ~ . . --2- sysem wi be upgred to meet the area fie sie developm. A 12 inch lie wi connect to th exiin 12 inch lie in Ancona Ave. The well dr is ancipated to be a staiht-forward open. Nô acce problems for dr and development equiment are expct~ as the ter is relaively flat an there aps to be good soil beag capity. One concrn for the location is prote th well frm sure waer pollution. Increain th well site elevaton and s~ th well ca agai su waer sein ino the well wi alevie th. Th an spac wi have to be sealed to th top of th sceen. Eag Water Compy's well NO.4 is about 3050 feet to the Nortea encountered sizable aqer at abut 150 feet. It wa seed to prevent any cross-contamjnation an to prevent an :fow between the aquier. Well No.7, 1275 feet soutea wa sea to a depth of 336 fee to preven a similar sittin. A producton rate of2400 GPM is anicipated ba on th oth thee Eae Water Compy wells tht ar ne Stae Street. The is a good possbilty an arsian condon :my be encounered dur dr operns. Prcautions wi be tnade dur dr if th occus. Th water qua ca be execed to be good wiut too may gr of hadnss. The ar no knwn rechae projec wi a mie ra of the proposed well. The proposed well No.8 wi have an ancipated depth of 300 feet to th top of th well screen. Th bottm of th well sceen wi be plaed ne 400 foot de. Bentonie grut wi be pupe from th screen level to the grun suac. Cement grut wi be pum to th top of th scee to prvent th Bentonite se from se an coveri th sceen. The anul sp aroun the scee wi be fied wi suble siz sa to provi a'grvel pack". Accordi to th Eale City Plaers, no well head protecon pla is curly in effec. Th well heawi be elevate at leas 4 feet above th exiin groun. . Th fihed flor, ~y at th well hous floor dr wi be at lea thee fee above th BFE elevaton shown on th FEMA ma. Th pond shwn on th vicin ma an th GWUI field sheet are beause of th high waer tale ne Stae Strt. Water is found in most tes holes in th area at no more th five to eig feet below the ground surce. Tess wi be conducted on the well water an pond waer to ine th aquier is no frm the sae soUle. Test wi include mieral anysis an specifc conductiv. It is our request to be'alowed to serve cusomers uner procedur one in th protocol per GWUI evation. Basd on well logs we believe the suface an dee aquirs to be searted by clay laye. It is th opinn of th Engineer tht th site is sutale for a public waer suply well if th aquiers 150 feet below th groun sue ar se er ca be conveyed toth lower aquier. Well in the Bois River Aquier Jbionay ben excellent produc of high qua water' . ¿ I t; ~\J.y:,~.\ '~. 1i ~~~I~I:~l NOfi:P.CAllHG, CQLIJMNPPf: AND Cl§lN HAVE LlR'll SeALil.~At VIW .,. P"tlG. 1_-, I~V~'AIRVElT WITH SCl!lIENOVf:e;ND .' 2"Pf,e;FQf.PIETHl,EASti W/SIECURECAP , TOS'rA n: .AND LOCAL ELe;CrRlçAL CQPE. ACCORDANCE WITH CEMENT (PUMPED)'" PACKEfl: 16"XI2:' $WEPßlLAT -320 · WITH 4',.6" LONG 12" PIPE PLACED ABOVE SWEDGE .", 16" DIA. BORE HOLE FROM ~327 '.. \.TO -460' ~ ! ~ 3/4" ~W~ tALL' CORNellSJ 7: '" X e" .AN~ØR lei TS AIN HOLES ) GAL. HOLDING TANK (SEE SHT. 2-SITE PLAN) ( ._-- SEE PlAN VI¡W ANI) ~TENPEP 1.'.' ~'~~~~--' -~~~:=- ,/11"'./ ~.)//' ~l - - "', -" " . , " _ _ , _ ,'. " -. _,_ --.-.". _ _ ' _ _.. .y/,/'/ // ~~rA~lu:~L'WL. FOR"''~ i' / i' .,M ..""Jll.l'l..,_., .,/ /. // I)ÇfARGE flASE CASJNG 'ä.. -g/ / U~~.... ...... /.,/ ~. I~..'/.... ~.E~k ~ 0 '.. .. // 4!t- CQNCf ¡ FLQOR'-Z. . 1(4" Al'LJN ---_.. ",.- ,t" "'~'~"~''''''''''_"_~''. fT. FLf;c¡R .I)RAINd u D 4. 0- .c ~ 't) '. 'r¡" -'-'''''- "."~,,-,:,,, ,.f: "Qq L, l) . '.'."''''''.__..''..'''''''''':'T';:' "'---~"-'~7L-, .. ,/ SH£P -,,--'CTEP DRAINPIPE-PROCTOR l4iòj " III) \)- 1(2" E)PANSIPN l.ASTIC S" Nli.=-~ ii FOUNDA TIO'N 'lALL. NOTE: SEE FOOTING AT ' LEFT SIDE OF THIS DRWG. GQMPACT NATIVE J,ATERJAI.--- BElOW GR~VgL TO SS", Of STANDARD PROCTOR '"'..~ PUMP HEAD 8. DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) CiMENT (POURED)-.;,l..,,';~j- , 4 _.' ..~, i ".' ,", I" ).'y, BENTONITE CHIPS (POURED) ~~4 , "', 24" DIA. BOR..E HOLE FROM 0 TO _3~~j.:,..J, ì£ X PUMP BASE: . '" LI ¡~~I l l¡ BENTONITE GROUT (PUMPEDt:1 r; ! l. n, Uv p -32~ MiNOTES: ~ 10" LINER FROM ..288 ..32e TO -328 eRI;EN (304 STNLS~ V WIRE.. JOHNSON) - TYP. FROM ..328 TO ..- ..373 = -373 (Jo") - 10" LINER FROM -373 TO -401 iALL BE WATER-LUBE:D lINESHAFT TURelNE:. ~HAi.L II g~o HP, .170 RPt., :3 PHASE, 4$9 VOL T ,RIAflLEFRI;QllENÇy PRIVE OR APPROVED EQIJAL ~ PANEL S"'ALL BE AQUA VL T 8000 OR ¡P EQUAL. BE PMAse; AtiP OVERLOAD PRPTECTIPN REQUIRED. :TuREfl TQSUPPL't!QPEfATION AND MAINTENANCE ¡ fOR ALL EQuPM..T INSTALLED. ,. -401 FIL TER t(A'JERIAL: *6 - 9 SAND FROM -2_8 TO -460 (POI,R.ED) -SHADED AREA ONLY- 10" SCREEN (TYP.) -406 ~"v 10" LINER -417 10" SCREEN (TYP.l -433\10" LINER PUMP WILL 13£ WATER-LUBRICATED. j ?4l.".,,, L NEW WELLHOUSE No. 8 CONSTRUCTION PLAN IN. GL .. ",0,-',v MTC iNGlNEERS & SURVEYORS 707 N. 27!! STRK£T BOISE, IDAHO .¡.,o.~ DESIGNeD ey: JMà OAT&::~'~DRAWN BY' MOJ DA 'fE'-c,/,.:-"__'-_ ,.. ~ ,_c...,_',,_ CHEÇ~EP ev: JMIR DA ~E:~ PH. (208) 34~-0780 FAX: 343,.,9.67 "sMiÊT3 "of 5 SÇÄlE:"7S '$~WN . flRQ,~n;CT Nø.Ø'~'I:" REVISED DATE: 1I-0~H200a...R~v.i Add, Mqde.... EAGLE WATER CO. EAG-W-09-01 RESPONSE NO. 31 PLEASE SEE THE FILE FOR A FIVE-PAGE BLUEPRINT THAT IS TOO LARGE TO SCAN RESPONSE NO. 32 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-0t EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staffs First Production Request IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT 1. WELL TAG NO. D 0053205 DRILLING PERMIT NO. 985961 853289 Water Right or Injecion well No. 63- 9245 . /a¿23-7 6/02 2. OWNER:Name Eagle Water Company \lJeU..îAddre PO Box 455Chy Eagl e State -+ Zip 83616 3. LOCTION OF WELL by lel detin: You must provid addres or Lot, eik, SU. or Direcons to welL.~:. 4 =~ ~~ ~:~ 12. WELL TETS: ice OnlyWell ID No. t¡~51 Inspected byTwp_ Rge..See_ 1/4 1/4_1/4 Lat: Long: .. Pump o Bailer o Air o FlOWng Artian Yield lJJmin.Draw PumpiLevl TimeiJ.~CJ 5"1 £3 /;. ... ¡R' û ()'l i %3 ~ A,.$)- 7 / iC!It;j i S"Ç"~o hrS Watr Temp. Waer Qualit tes or commen: Bott hoe temp. _ De fit Water Encnter ~13. lIOGIC LOG: (De relS or âb) wa Sec.1 , ~4 ~1/4 S~1/4 Bo!15 Dia. !Fro To Flrk:Ulhag, Water Quait & Temre y NGov't Lot Lat:43 :41 :041 Lo: 116Ptf9 :724 bJllt 1"c:.'1....'1-V~~;Jo .."'J ..Addres of Well Site 6QQI g ,ci,=le9R8 S1:9.I:..,,~ f ,..J -1..;:;;;"'';':: .. :1':;'" f .........\I ;:~ .Ciy Eàgl€i ~i(Gi" ____Of ro.. ~1O.Roor~~~;:;:~... .... ..::.... ;;:,. ,..::.1 __.J iVLt.-alk.Sub. Name ~~~;;~_.... _ ~ -.r :;-_...."\I,~;:';:;:~..--~.-" I- ,.J v USE:.~~.;:~ ;: ~ -..,..~ - ,.~~- V I(-n4. o Doic X* Muicpa o Monior o lITn I .~;:. ;:;:~~:-..~:;..-,. '1...i ;:;:~~::;- ~:-.._...J "--o Thernia!D Injetion o Other ",~~::~::~v'v.. ......_.... v5,TYP OF WORK check aU that aply (Repacnt etc.);;:;.~::;:................ v..... ........;.. ...~x-weii o Mo o Abndment o Other ~::;:~:.;:IJ ~ "'.. .. ...oJ,"" ~:.;:~::~'"~-"'~..'".. 6.DRilL MEHOD:v ~::~;:;;.~'v....,..".J no Air Rotar o Cabe o Mud Rotary o Other r.eyerse "'ii \fLV~:;;."'~v, ....,':':....,...IV SEAUNG PROEDURES ::.:::;:~.. '''_:'.. '..01 "7." :;:~~:~........"Soa! Mailliàl Fro to Wel \I Sel Plmeri Me ,..\I::~~:: ::~ V"" .. ..,." 1"t:71"f\4!v ~i..:..~::::TO;::LI' V.... ",Uti.."'+""e-il:1 1 i: ...\1 .,VWa driv she us?Oy ~ Sho Deths)\.'-;::,:~Lli v.... .. l "'J \f " Wa drive shoe sel tested?OV HOW \.,:~~~;:"'':....l ,."\""oJ'o r"vv .. ¡oJ n 8.CASNG/LINR: Oiár From To Ga Mata Caing Wner W1 Thad '#7 it nroiit q!11 -?qO I l?O c;/( 1 t:11 +t: I ß.II ':?r:~7i:c: +øø 1 fX 0 ~0 2 ~O i -~?i; i lR skslnll?$:~1 ~?RI ~t:i:c:+øøl 0 xf 0 0 1 ri II 'H~I 111"1 I ~hi:.c:l"J:Al 0 xf _ 0 0 -_.--_.._-~ - .Length of Hedpip Length of Taipip -'0 LV 'tUU r"t.l f .,.00 11/11::1PaerXXyONTypnc.CEIVED1611X18uswedge,4'6"p;'l'e(1 ")¡.u +.:.:r"t"tv .,;0;,I 9.PERFORATINSSCEENS PAKER TYPE UN'~?MPeon Method Scn Typ & Methd of Instlaton ., r\1I.. "P _ "., , ,... \ ~eaurae)Frm To Slo Siz Null OiRmr Mal Cis¡ni Liner "'rin I ......1 ..1:. "I .... ,1 0 ~ Completed Depth 455'-....""- ~.~.~'" ''11T''0 Hf/6/08 complJ¡1/5/08ß"'~ i M,." I , fll ...Date:Sted-:~~:~~::::...... .." ~ ..0. ro,1U_~~~ ~ 1o.1:îLTER PACK ..oJ ..-.... ,.. 440'-455 '35 slot 10"stnls 1 "Îner ~~ti~mM~l .- ¡x~~~ t¿iW Materíàl ~'"=i Plcent Me I lime me rig wa removea. "'; ea-. ~.. & Sons V~/A -.~poi:red-9 sarul :BA ~~?~_11. STATIC WATER lEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE:principai Drílter... f A ~~ ~Y_?lO~_" +~f1. belo ground Aresan pressure ~Ib.~ .7....~ ~Driller or Oprator II :~~~ 2 -"'.A /"..~ ..Dep flow enountere ~ft Decribe access port or conl deic:~'¡'""Oprator i --.Dae Principal Driler and Rig Opeor Reuired, Operator I must have Signatre of Drille/Optor II. FORWARD WHIT COPY TO WATËR RESOURCES R,:~ Rt Nt--NtL 18.. ~ ~ , . RESPONSE NO. 38 Eagle Water Company, Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EAGLE WATER CO. - EAG-W-09-1 Response to Staffs First Production Request STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES TRANSFER OF WATER RIGHT TRASFER NO. 75035 ie tø¥ Page 10f3 This is to certify that: EAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE 10 83616-0455 (208)939-0242 has requested a change to the water right(s) listed below. This change in water right(s) is authorizedpursuant to the provisions of Section 42-222, Idaho Code. A surnrnary of the changes is also listed below. The authorized change.fórepchaffected water right, including conditions of approval, is shown on the following pages of this dooúment. Summary o.f WateriRÎgbæ Before the Proposed Change Right 63-9245 Origin/Basis AJC/License PriOrity Rate 061(;18/1979 3.5 cis Volume N/A Acre Limit Total Acres Sourc N/A N/A GROUND WATER Purpose of Transfer.(Chal1gesProposed)Current Number Split POD rou Add POD 63-9245 NO NO NO YES Period of Use Nature of Use NO NO Summary of Water RigbæA'terthe Approved Change Existing New No. Transfer Tra~tÂcreTotal NewNCl. Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Right (changed Rate Volume Limit Acres (remaining Rate Volume Acre Limit Total Acresportion) porton) -_._--_.._-..-._--_._----;"_.._-------_...__.._---~-_....-....--_........----_.._-------_......-_..._-_.._------------_..._---- 63-9245 63.9245 3.5 cis N/A N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A COMBINED TOTALS 3.5 cfs N/A 'NfA N/A -NIA NIA N/A N/A Detailed Water Right Description(s) attached Dated this :i '" .y day of Av~vrt ,20 oS~~ Page 2 of 3 WATER RIGHT NO. 63..9245 As Modified by Transfer No. 75035 In accordance with the approval of Transfer No. 75035, Water Right No. 63-9245 is now described as foiiows. Right Holder: EAGLE WATER CO INC PO BOX 455 EAGLE ID 83616-0455 Priority Date: June 08, 1979 Source: GROUND WATER BENEFlCIAL USE FIRE PROTECTION MUNICIPAL From To 01/01 to 12/31 01/01 to 12/31 Diversion Rate 3.50 CFS 1.10 CFS 3.50 CFS LOCATION OF POINT(S) OF DIVRSION: GROUND WATER NESENE GROUND WATER NESWNW GROUNDWATER SWSWNW GROUND WATER NESW Sec. 9 Twp 04N Rge 01 E ADA County Sec. 9 Twp 04N Rge 01 E ADA County Sec. 9. Twp 04N Rge 01 E ADA County Sec. 15Twp 04N Rge 01 E ADA County CON.DIiIQNSOF APPROVAL 1. Place of use is within the service area aftne Eagle Water Company municipal water supply systemas provided for under Idaho Law.. 2. The boundary encompassing the plaAe of us€rfortl1is wa~~r rightisâescribed with a digital boundary as defined by I.C. Section 42-202B(4) and aijthorized pur~l:ant toLC. Section 42-1411(2)(h). The data comprising the digital bound~rYi~nEl inCQ~øratec:her~iril:y ref~renceand are stored on a CD-ROM disk issued in duplicate;orI,giriaison.filewith.cÌheSRBfKDistrict Court and the Idaho Department of Water Resources. .. . 3. The right holder shall accomplish the change authorized by this transfer wihin one year of the date of this approvaL. 4. Failure of the right holder to comply with the conditions of this transfer is cause for the Director to rescind approval of the transfer. 5. Pursuant to Section 42-1412(6), Idaho Code, this water right is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of the rights or for the efficient administration of water rights as may be determined by the Snake River Basin Adjudication court at a point in time no later than the entry of the final unified decree. 6. Right holder shall compiy with the drillng permit requirements of Section 42-235, !daho Code and applicable Well Construction Rules of the Department. .. j , .. Page 3 of 3 WATER RIGHT NO. 63-9245 As Modified by Transfer No. 75035 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 7. To prevent injury to prior water rights appropriating water from the Boise River and/or the underlying shallow aquifer tributary to the Boise River, the new well used as a point of diversion for this water right located within the NESW, S15, T4N, R1E shall be constructed and maintained with unperforated casing and sealed into the first significant confining layer located 200 feet or more below ground surface. 8. After specific notification by the Department, the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device or shall enter into an agreement with the Department to use power records to determine the amount of water diverted and Shall annually report the information to the Department. 9. This right when combined with Right Nos. 63-7368 and 63-7618 shall not exceed 4.5 cfs. This water right is subject to all priorwater rights and shall be administered in accordance with Idaho law and applicable rules of the Department of Water Resources. Dated this d l, ,. day of ~l ,20 C ~ J~.~Mana~