HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090429EAG to Staff 39-47.pdfMolly O'Leary (lSB # 4996) Richardson & O'Learyl P.L.L.c. P.O. Box 7218 Boisei ID 83707 Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 Molly (g richardsonandoleary.com Attorneys for Eagle Water Companyi Inc. El"i:l 2009 APR 29 PH 2= OS BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF EAGLE WATER ) COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY ) TO IMPLEMENT A CUSTOMER SURCHARGE. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. EAG-W-Q9-1 EAGLE WATER COMPANYi INC.'S RESPONSES TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOWi Eagle Water Companyi Inc. and in response to the Second Production Request of the Commission to Eagle Water Company dated April 9/20091 herewith submits the following information: REQUEST NO. 39: Please provide a schedule(s)i for all the surcharge related casesi showing the amount charged for legal feesi the date charged for legal feesi and to which case the legal fees apply. RESPONSE TO NO. 39: There were three (3) surcharge- related cases: Application for an Emergency Surcharge (EAG-W-05-02) fied on 08.24.05; Application for Extension of Surcharge Extension (EAG-W-07-0t) fied on 08.14.07; and the current Temporary Customer Surcharge Application (EAG-W-09-0t) fied on 01.22.09. Please see the document EWCO RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-1 marked as "RESPONSE NO. 39"1 a copy of Richardson & O'Learýs Accounts Receivable for Eagle Water Company showing total legal fees for each of the above matters. Response prepared by Nina M. Curtisi Administrative Assistant at Richardson & O'Learyl PLLCi (208) 938-7900. Records are at 515 N 27th Streeti Boisei Idaho. REQUEST NO. 40: Please provide the back-up documentation for all legal fees for surcharges and related cases for Eagle Water Company. This includesi but is not limited toi all legal bilings pertining to the Eagle Water surcharge casesi including Case No. EAG-W- 05-21 EAG-W-07-1 and EAG-W-09-1. RESPONSE TO NO.40: Please see response No. 39. Response prepared by Nina M. Curtisi Administrative Assistant at Richardson & O'Learyl PLLCi (208) 938-7900. Records are at 515 N. 27th Streeti Boisei Idaho. REQUEST NO. 41: What is the annual amount of legal service expense embedded in the base rates of the Company? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 41: Awaiting Response from Robert V. DeShazol Jr.i Presidenti Eagle Water Companyi Inc. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazol Jr.i Presidenti Eagle Water Companyi Inc.i (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State Streeti Eaglei Idaho. REQUEST NO. 42: On page 5 of the Application and in Footnote No. 21 the Company seeks recovery of an additional $6/047.94 in legal fees for Case No. EAG-W-05-2. Footnote No.2 indicates that Exhibit A to the present Application shows the correct total billng for legal services is $16/993.16. a.) Please verify the total amount of legal fees biled in Exhibit A minus the biled finance charges is $15/962.58. b.) Please verify the total amount of finance charges shown in Exhibit A is $269.26. c.) Please explain any discrepancy between the sum of the above biled legal services and finance charges in Exhibit A of $16/231.841 and the requested amount of $16/993.16. d.) Is there stil an ongoing error? EWCO RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-2 e.) Please explain the difference and why it differs from the original $10/945 authorized for recovery. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 42: a) Richardson & O'Learyl PLLCi submitted the wrong statement as Exhibit A with the current Temporary Customer Surcharge Application. Exhibit A should have been the same as Eagle Water Exhibit 2 in EAG-W-07-01. Richardson & O'Leary incorrectly submitted a statement for Eagle Water Company Matter #16 (DEQ Consent Order ¡Water Pressure) instead of the statement for Eagle Water Company Matter #15 (EAG-W-07-01 - Surcharge Application). The correct Exhibit A to the Temporary Customer Surcharge Application is attached hereto as the document marked as "Response No. 42(aY'. The correct billng amounti as evidenced by Eagle Water Company Exhibit 2 in EAG-W-07-011 is $16ß44.85 including finance charges. b) The total amount of Finance Charges on the corrected Exhibit A attached hereto as "Response No. 42(aY'1 is $279.66. c) See "Response No. 42(aY' above. d) We believe we have corrected all previous mistakes and you now have the correct numbersi as well as the correct supporting documents. e) The clerical error occurred when computing the Legal Fees for the Emergency Surcharge Application (EAG-W-05-2). On Exhibit 2 of the EAG-W-07-1 Applicationi page Ii i omitted the last invoice (lNV #3057) in the amount of $1/120.01. In adding the charges on Page Ii I had a total of $10/945.22 without the $11120.01. Theni to compound my errori i did not include the charges on Page 2. The difference ($1/120.01 plus charges of Page 2) totals $5ß99.63. Response prepared by Nina M. Curtisi Administrative Assistant at Richardson and O'Learyl PLLCi (208) 938-7900. Records are at 515 N. 27th Streeti Boisei Idaho. EWCO RESPONSE TO COMMISSION ST AFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-3 REQUEST NO. 43: Does the Company propose to recover the finance charges shown in the Application's Exhibit A? What are the reason(s) for the finance charges? Why should ratepayers be responsible for paying finance charges denoted in Exhibit A? Response to Request No. 43: Yesi the Company proposes to recover the finance charges shown in the corrected Exhibit A. The finance charges are incurred after an invoice is not paid within 30 daysi per Richardson & O'Learyl PLLCs Letter of Engagement. The legal feesi along with other professional service feesi are past due as a result of cash flow constrictions brought on by the need to expend all available resources on critical capital improvements (e.g.i Wells #7 & #8 and the mainline intertie). Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazol Jr.i Presidenti Eagle Water Companyi Inc.i (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D W. State Streeti Eaglei Idaho. REQUEST NO. 44: On page 5 of the Applicationi the Company shows that the TOTAL Biled (August 2005 to current) for the Engineering Report legal fees for the EAG- W-05-2 case is $32/786.02. a.) Does that amount include the biling "clerical error" of $6/047.94? b.) Does the amount of $32/786.02 shown on page 5 of the Application also include the previously authorized surcharge amount of $10/945.22? c.) Please provide a detailed explanation of the difference (balance) requested of $16/554.18 above the $16/232 previously authorized for recovery. EWCO RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-4 surcharge application that were authorized in EAG-W-07-01 pursuant to CommiSsion Order No. 30654. c) The Engineering Report Legal Fees reported in the EAG-W-07-01 Surcharge Application included fees from August 2005 through June 20071 which totaled $161231.84. See the document marked as "Response No. 44(c)(ll' attched hereto. The additional amount biled was $16/572.08. (Note the amount of $16/554.18 reported at Page 5 of the current Temporary Customer Surcharge Application was in error). The $16/572.08 in additional fees was for legal services provided to Eagle Water Company regarding EWCO Matter # 16 ("DEQ Consent Order/Low Pressure'1 from July 2007 through Octoberi 2008. See document marked as "Response No. 44(c)(2l'1 attached hereto. Response prepared by Nina M. Curtisi Administrative Assistant at Richardson and O'Learyl PLLCi (208) 938-7900. Records are at 515 N. 27th Streeti Boisei Idaho. REQUEST NO. 45: Please provide a schedule showing the hours biled for legal services and the hourly rate for legal services that support the Companýs request for $14/905.72 for "EAG-W-07-1" shown on page 5 of the Application. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 45: Ms. O'Learýs fees for Eagle Water Company were $175.00 per hour through 12.31.071 and $200.00 from 01.01.08 to present. Based on those hourly ratesi a total of 36 hours were biled through December of 2007 and a total of 41 hours were biled as of December 151 2008. (Please note that "Exhibit B" to the current application was in error and the correct hourly biling rate is $200.00 per houri not $225.00. The actual number of hours biled as of December 151 2008 was 77 hours.) See the document marked as "Response No. 45" attached hereto showing amount biled as of December 151 2008. Response provided by Nina M. Curtisi Administrative Assistant at Richardson & O'Learyl PLLCi (208) 938-7900. Records are at 515 N. 27th Streeti Boisei Idaho. REQUEST NO. 46: Please provide a schedule showing the biled legal services thus far (including the hourly rate and the number of biled hours) which are included in the $15/000 estimate for legal fees for this case shown on page 5 of the Application in Paragraph No.7. EWCO RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-5 RESPONSE TO NO. 46: We have biled for 28.033 hours at the fee rate of $200.00 per hour through Marchi 2009. Please see the document marked as "Response No. 46"1 attched hereto. Response provided by Nina M. Curtisi Administrative Assistant at Richardson & O'Learyl PLLCi (208) 938-7900. Records are at 515 N 27th Streeti Boisei Idaho. REQUEST NO. 47: Requests No. 20 to 28 contained in the First Production Request were related to Booster Pump Modification for Well No.2. It is StafFs understanding that modification work is currently being done on Well No.2 booster pump as cited in the Companýs Application (p.21 Item C.ii.i System Improvements). Howeveri in page 3 of the Applicationi the project listed as currently being completedi with an estimated cost of $175/0001 is occurring in the Main Booster station. Is the main booster station the same as Well No. 2 booster pump? Please explain this discrepancy. RESPONSE TO NO. 47: Please see Eagle Water Companýs response to Request No. 20. Response prepared by Robert V. DeShazol Jr.i Presidenti Eagle Water Company. (208) 939-0242. Records are at 172-D West State Streeti Eaglei Idaho. DATED at Boisei Idahoi this 29th day of April 2009. EWCO RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST-6 RESPONSE NO. 39 Eagle Water Companyi Inc. EAG- W -09-01 -A. ~~ RICHARSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 Nort 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Statement Date 7/11/2007 To: Eagle Water Company Robert. V. DeShazo, Ir" Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Amount Due Amount Ene.£ÐG-o:;-o~$4,779.62 Date BalanceTransactionAmount 07130/2005 Balance forward 08/15/2005 08/16/2005 09/15/2005 09/2112005 10110/2005 11108/2005 11/08/2005 1112112005 12113/2005 0111112006 01112/2006 02107/2006 02109/2006 03/13/2006 03/15/2006 04/24/2006 06/20/2006 06/20/2006 06/20/2006 06/26/2006 07112/2006 07/17/2006 08/10/2006 08/3112006 08/3112006 10/10/2006 1 O/l 2/2006 10/23/2006 11110/2006 12/l2/2006 01115/2007 CURRENT 0.00 15RO - Surharge- IN #2138. Due 08/15/2005. PMT #1012. from trst fud IN #2207. Due 09/l5/2005. PMT#6812. IN #2228. Due 1O/l0/2005. IN #2281. Due 1110812005. IN #FC 370. Due 1110812005. Finance Charge PMT#6989. IN #2313. Due 12/13/2005. IN #FC 398. Due 0111 112006. Finance Charge IN #2366. Due 01112/2006. IN #FC 422. Due 02/07/2006. Finance Chare IN #2427. Due 02/09/2006. IN #2489. Due 03/13/2006. IN #FC 436. Due 03/15/2006. Finance Charge INV #2537. Due 04/24/2006. IN #2664. Due 06/20/2006. INV #FC 476. Due 06/20/2006. Finance Chare IN #2689. Due 06/20/2006. PMT#7553. IN #FC 498. Due 0711212006. Finance Charge IN #2716. Due 07/l7/2006. INV #2751 Due 08/10/2006. PMT#7816. PMT#33oo. INV #2860. Due 10/10/2006. INV #FC 607. Due 10/l2/2oo6. Finance Charge PMT INV #2924. Due 11110/2006. INV #2991 Due 12112/2006. IN #3057. Due 01115/2007. 1-30 DAYS FlAST 31-60 DAYS PASTDUE DUE 256.67 -256.67 3,493.64 -3,337.50 2,762.05 2,024.08 29.18 -3,614.91 853.32 21.81 297.50 24.78 302.41 105.00 28.86 40.83 84.58 29.26 27708 -2,209.86 11.07 75.83 71.50 -821 19 -84.58 0.00 4.24 -468.98 122.36 29.17 1,120.01 OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE 256.67 0.00 3,493.64 156.14 2,918.19 4,942.27 4,971.45 1,356.54 2,209.86 2,231.67 2,529.17 2,553.95 2,856.36 2,961.6 2,99.22 3,031.05 3,1l5.63 3,144.89 3,421.97 1,212.11 1,223.18 1,299.01 1,370.51 549.32 46.74 46.74 468.98 0.00 122.36 151.53 1,271.54 61-90 DAYS PAST DUE Amount Due 46.49 594.99428.75 $4,779.6242.20 3,667.19 Page 1 .J i ) chf oJ RICHASON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 Nort 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 To: Eagle Water Company Robert. V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Statem.ent Date 7! 1/2007 Amount Due Amount Ene. $4,779.62 Date Transaction Amount Balance 02/15/2007 IN #3121.Due 02/15/2007.373.33 1,644.87 02/2112007 PMT#8431.-1,271.4 373.33 03/14/2007 IN #3169.Due 03/14/2007.221.66 594.99 04/16/2007 INV #3217.Due 04/16/2007.3,581.67 4,176.66 05/07/2007 INV #FC777. Due 05/07/2007.Finance Charge 41.77 4,218.43 05/10/2007 INV #3273.Due 05/10/2007. 43.75 4,262.18 06/06/2007 INV #FC801.Due 06/06/2007.Finance Charge 42.20 4,304.38 0611212007 INV #3334.Due 06/12/2007.428.75 4,733.13 07/11/2007 IN #FC829.Due 07/1112007.Finance Chage 46.49 4,779.62 CURRENT 1-30 DA¥:S.PAST 31~60DA¥:S PAST 61..90 DAYS PAST OVER90DAYS Amount DueDUEOUEOUEPASTDUE 46.49 428.75 42.20 3,667.19 594.99 $4,779.62 Page 2 ~~ RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Statement Date 12/31/2008 To: Eagle Water Company Robert. V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Amount Due Amount Ene. €A ~~ \J -Oì - o.:$7,611.86 Date Transaction Amount Balance 07/13/2007 Balance forward 4,779.62 15RO - Surcharge- 07/l6/2007 INV #3380. Due 07/1612007.551.25 5,330.87 08/08/2007 PMT -594.99 4,735.88 08/09/2007 INV #FC 855. Due 08/09/2007. Finance Charge 46.05 4,781.93 08/15/2007 INV #3474. Due 08/15/2007.2,27790 7,059.83 08/22/2007 PMT -3,667.19 3,392.64 08/29/2007 PMT#9087.-1, 114.74 2,277.90 09/1 i/2007 INV #FC 879. Due 09/ll/2007. Finance Charge 30.89 2,308.79 09/l7/2007 INV #3510. Due 09/1712007.884.90 3,193.69 1O/l6/2007 INV #FC 902. Due 10/16/2007. Finance Charge 31.63 3,225.32 10/18/2007 INV #3534. Due 10/18/2007.1,833.08 5,058.40 1013l/2007 PMT#9327.-459.13 4,599.27 1 l/15/2007 INV #3590. Due i l/1512007.183.75 4,783.02 1 l/28/2007 PMT#9422.-4,599.27 183.75 12/12/2007 INV #3638. Due 12/12/2007.148.75 332.50 01/l7/2008 INV #3689. Due 0 l/I7 /2008.526.75 859.25 02/14/2008 IN #3768. Due 02/14/2008.337.50 1,196.75 03/13/2008 IN #3804. Due 03/1312008.210.00 1,406.75 04/08/2008 INV #FC 1092. Due 04/08/2008. Finance Charge 14.07 1,420.82 04/14/2008 IN #3853. Due 04/14/2008.90.00 1,510.82 05/l2/2008 INV #FC 1104. Due 05/12/2008. Finance Charge 14.97 1,525.79 05/15/2008 INV #3914. Due 05/15/2008.56.25 1,582.04 06/09/2008 PMT -1,525.79 56.25 07/10/2008 INV #3991. Due 07/10/2008.116.25 172.50 08/12/2008 INV #4029. Due 08/12/2008.839.25 1,011.75 09/10/2008 INV #FC 1198. Due 09/10/2008. Finance Charge 15.18 1,026.93 09/15/2008 INV #4063. Due 09/15/2008.1,936.62 2,963.55 10/08/2008 INV#FC 1213. Due 10/08/2008. Finance Charge 44.37 3,007.92 10/13/2008 INV #4104. Due 10/13/2008.1,721.5 4,729.17 1110/2008 INV #FC 1227. Due i l/10/2008. Finance Charge 70.19 4,799.36 11/1/2008 INV #4145. Due 1113/2008.1,563.75 6,363.1 i 12/1512008 INV #4180. Due 12/l5/2008.1,248.75 7,611.86 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER 90 DAYS Amount DueDUEDUEDUEPAST DUE 0.00 1,248.75 1,633.94 1,765.62 2,963.55 $7,611.86 ~~ RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Statement Date 4/2312009 To: Eagle Water Company Robert. V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Amount Due Amount Ene. EAG--W-aq-O\$13,842.53 Date Transaetion Amount Balance 01/12/2009 Balance forward 7,611.86 15RO - Surcharge- 01/13/2009 IN #FC 1242. Due 01/13/2009. Finance Charge 112.37 7,724.23 01/1512009 IN #4211. Due 01/l5/2009.2,058.75 9,782.98 02/0512009 IN #FC 1258. Due 02/0512009. Finance Charge 143.25 9,926.23 02/1212009 !NV #4253. Due 02/l2/2009.2,249.77 12,176.00 03/1012009 INV #FC 1273. Due 03/1012009. Finance Charge 177.00 12,353.00 0313012009 INV #4285. Due 03/12/2009.960.75 13,313.75 04/21/2009 INV #FC 1287. Due 04/21/2009. Finance Charge 191.28 13,505.03 04/23/2009 INV #4316. Due 04123/2009.337.50 13,842.53 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER 90 DAYS Amount DueDUEDUEDUEPAST DUE 337.50 191.28 1,137.75 2,393.02 9,782.98 $13,842.53 RESPONSE NO. 42(a) Eagle Water Companyi Inc. EAG-W-09-01 EXHIBIT 2 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF SURCHARGE RICHASON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 To: Eagle Wàter Company Robert. V. DeShao. Jr.. Pres. PO Box 455 172"D W.Stae Street Eale. lD 836 I 6 Statement Date 7/15/2007 Amount Due Amount Enc. $4.779.62 Date Balance 07131/2005 Baance forwar Transaction Amount 0.00 61-90 DAYS PAST DUE 256.67 -256.67 3.493.64 -3.337.50 2.762.05 2.024.08 29.18 ~3.614.91 853.32 21.81 297.50 24.78 302.41 105.00 28.86 40.83 84.58 29.26 277.08 -2.209.86 11.07 75.83 71.50 -82 l. 9 -84.58 0.00 4.24 -468.98 122.36 29.17 l.20.01 OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE Amount Due 08/15/2005 08/16/2005 09/15/2005 09/21/2005 10/1012005 111081005 11/081005 1l/2112005 1211312005 0111112006 01/121006 021071200 02/09/2006 031l/2oo6 03115/2006 04124/2006 06/20/2006 06/20/2006 06/20/2006 0616/2006 07/1212006 07/17/2006 08/10/2006 0813112006 08/31/2006 10/10/2006 10/12/2006 10/23/200 1 LII0/2006 12/12/2006 01115/2007 CURRENT 0.00 15RO - Surcharge- INV #2138. D1:e08/15/2005. PMT # 1 0 i 2. from trt fud !NV #2207. Due 09/15/2005. PMT#6812. !NV #2228. Due 10/l0/2005. !NV #2281. Due 1110812005. INV #FC 370. Due 11108/2005. Finance Charge PMT#6989. INV #2313. Due 12/13/2005. !NV #FC 398. Due 0111 1/2006. Finance Chare IN #2366. Due 01/12/2006. INV #FC 422. Due 02107/2006. Finance Charge IN #2427. Due 02109/2006. !NV #2489. Due 03/13/2006. !NV #FC 436. Di.e 03/15/2006. Finance Chare !NV #2537. Due 04/24/2006. INV #2664. Due 06/2012006. INV #FC 476. Due 06/20/2006. Finance Charge INV #2689. Due 06/20/2006. PMT#7553. INV #FC 498. Due 07/12/2006. Finance Chare IN #2716. Due 07/17/2006. INV #2751. Due 08/10/2006. PMT#7816. PMT#33oo. !NV #2860. Due 10/10/2006. INV #FC 607. Due 10/12/2006. Finance Charge PMT INV #2924. Due 1l/10/2006. INV #2991. Due 1211212006. !NV #3057. Due 01/15/2007. 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31-6 DAYS PAST pUE 46.49 470.95 256.67 0.00 3.493.64 156.14 2.918.19 4.942.27 4.971.45 135654 2.20.86 2.231.67 2.529.17 2,553.95 2.856.36 2.961.6 2.99.22 3.031.05 3.1 15.63 3.144.89 3.421.97 1.212.11 1.223.18 1.299.01 1370.51 549.32 464.74 464.74 468.98 0.00 122.36 151.53 L27154 3.667.19 594.99 $4.779.62 Page 1 RICHARSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boìse, ID 83707 To: Eagle Water Company Rober. V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, lD 83616 Stateent Date 7115/2007 Amont Due Amount Ene. $4,779.62 Date Transaction Amount Balance 02115/2007 IN#3121. Due 02115/2007. 373.33 1,64.8702/21/2007 PMT#8431..1.271.4 373.3303/1412007 IN #3169.Due 03114/2007.221.66 594.9904/16/2007 INV#3217.Due 04/16/2007.3,581.67 4,176.6605/07/2007 INV#FC777.Due 05/07/2007.Finance Charge 41.77 4,218.4305/10/2007 INV#3273.Due 05/10/2007.43.75 4.262.1806106/2007 INV#FC 801.Due 06/0612007.Finance Charge 42.20 4.304.3806/12/007 INV#3334.Due 06/12/2007.428.75 4,733.130711112007INV#FC829.Due 07/1 112007.Finance Charge 46.49 4,779.62 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST 31-60 DAYS PAST 61.90 DAYS PAST OVER g( DAYS Amnt DueDUEDUEDUEPAST DUE 0.00 46.49 470.95 3,667.19 594.99 $4,779.2 Page 2 RESPONSE NO. 44(c)(t) Eagle Water Companyi Inc. EAG- W-09-01 RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 Nort 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Statement Date 7/l2/2oo7 To: Eagle Water Company Robert. V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Amount Due Amount Ene. $4,897.42 Date Transaction Amount Balance 07/29/2005 Balance forward 0.00 ø8/16/2oo5 INV#2163.Due 08/l6/2005.1,265.84 1,265.84 0&/16/2005 PMT #10 1 2. fröm trst fud -1,265.84 0.00 09/13/2005 IN#2180.Due 09/13/2005.1,318.33 1,318.33 09/2112005 PMT#6812.-1,318.33 0.00 10110/2005 IN#2229.Due 10/l0/2005.318.74 318.74 11108/2005 IN#FC 371.Due 11108/2005.Fmance Charge 3.19 321.93 11/09/2005 IN#2302.Due 11109/2005.32.09 354.02 ii2112005 PMT#6989.-318.74 35.28 1211/2005 INV#2314.Due 1211/2005.262.08 297.36 0111112006 INV#FC 399.Due 01/1112006.Finance Charge 2.94 300.30 01112/2006 INV#2367.Due 0111212006.327.04 627.34 02/07/2006 INV#FC 423.Due 02/07/2006.Finance Charge 6.21 633.55 02/09/2006 INV#2428.Due 02/09/2006.247.00 880.55 03/13/2006 IN#2490.Due 03/l312006.825.59 1,706.14 03/15/2006 INV#FC 437.Due 03/15/2006.Finance Charge 16.94 1,723.08 04/24/2006 INV#2538.Due 04/24/2006.1,352.00 3,075.08 OS/24/2006 IN#2602.Due OS/24/2006.1,227.16 4,302.24 06/20/2006 IN#2665.Due 06/20/2006.1,959.65 6,261.89 06/20/2006 INV #FC 477. Due 06/2012006.Finance Charge 42.73 6,304.62 06/26/2006 PMT#7553.-297.36 6,00726 07/1212006 IN#FC 499.Due 07/12/2006.Finance Charge 59.38 6,066.64 07/l7/2006 IN#2737.Due 07/17/2006.510.40 6,577.04 08/i0/2006 INV#2752.Due 08/10/2006.40.83 6,617.87 08/3112006 PMT#7816.-2,374.58 4,243.29 08/3112006 PMT#3300.-2,889.17 1,354.12 09/1112006 INV#2797.Due 09/l1l2006.108.92 1,463.04 10/i0/2006 INV#2861.Due 10/10/2006.142.91 1,605.95 10/12/2006 INV#FC 608.Due i O/l 2/2006. Finance Charge 15.04 1,620.99 10/23/2006 PMT -1,620.99 0.00 11110/2006 INV#2925.Due 1 l/l 0/2006.239.17 239.17 12/12/2006 INV#2992.Due 12/12/2006.497.83 737.00 CURRENT 1-3ö.öAYSFlÄST 31~60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVERèO DA.YS AmouhtDueDUEDUEDUEPAST DUE 0.00 374.42 44.48 3,107.76 1,370.76 $4,897.42 Page 1 RICHASÖN & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 To: Eagle Water Company Robert. V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 1 n-D W.State Street Eagle, 10 83616 Statement Date 7/12/2007 Amount Due Amount Ene. $4,897.42 Date Transaction Amount BaIanee 01/15/2007 INV#3058.Due 01/15/2007.512.41 1,249.41 02/15/2007 INV #3122.Due 02/15/2007.825.33 2,074.74 02/21/2007 PMT#8431.-1,249.41 825.33 03/14/2007 INV#3170.Due 03/l4/2007.545.43 1,370.76 04116/2007 INV#3218.Due 04/l6/2007.1,6.88.83 3,059.59 05/07/2007 INV#FC 778.Due 05/07/2007.Finance Charge 30.60 3,090.19 05/10/2007 INV #3274. Due 05/10/2007.1,388.33 4,478.52 06/06/2007 INV#FC802.Due 06/06/2007.Finance Charge 44.48 4,523.00 06/1212007 INV#3335.Due 06/l2/2007.326.67 4,849.67 07/11/2007 INV#FC 830. Due 07/11/2007.Finance Charge 47.75 4,897.42 CURRENT 1-30DAYSFIAST :H..O DAVSFlAST 61-9ÖDAVS PAST OVER90.DAYS Amount Due DUE DUE DUE PAST DUE 0.00 374.42 44.48 3,107.76 1,370.76 $4,897.42 Page 2 RESPONSE NO. 44(c)(2) Eagle Water Companyi Inc. EAG- W-09-01 RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Statement Date 7/15/2007 To: Eagle Water Company Robert. V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Amount Due Amount Ene. $15,453.14 Date Transaetion Amount Balanee 07/14/2007 Balance forward 4,897.42 07/1612007 INV #3381. Due 07/16/2007.1,035.41 5,932.83 08/08/2007 PMT -1,286.76 4,646.07 08/09/2007 INV #FC 856. Due 08/09/2007. Finance Charge 45.23 4,691.0 08/2212007 PMT -3,191.76 1,499.54 08/2912007 PMT#9087.-1,434.45 65.09 09/1712007 INV #3480. Due 09/l0/2007.37.92 103.01 10/16/2007 INV #FC 903. Due 10/1612007. Finance Charge 0.38 103.39 1013112007 PMT#9327.-37.92 65.47 11128/2007 PMT#9422.-65.47 0.00 05/15/2008 INV #3915. Due 05/15/2008.315.00 315.00 06/16/2008 INV #3950. Due 06/12/2008.1,563.75 1,878.75 07/10/2008 INV #3992. Due 07/10/2008.3,951.0 5,830.25 08/05/2008 INV #FC 1188. Due 08/0512008. Finance Charge 87.45 5,917.70 08/1212008 INV #4030. Due 08/1212008.8,876.25 14,793.95 09/10/2008 INV #FC 1199. Due 09/1012008. Finance Charge 220.60 15,014.55 10/08/2008 IN #FC 1214. Due 10/0812008. Finance Charge 218.00 15,232.55 11110/2008 IN #FC 1228. Due 11110/2008. Finance Charge 220.59 15,453.14 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PASTDUE DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE Amount Due 0.00 220.59 218.00 220.60 14,793.95 $15,453.14 RESPONSE NO. 45 Eagle Water Companyi Inc. EAG- W-09-01 RICHASON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 Nort 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ID 83707 To: Eagle Water Company Rober. V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Stret Eagle,ID 83616 Statement Date lI13/2009 Amouht Due Amount Ene. $7,724.23 Date 07/15/2007 Balance forward Transaction Amount Balance 4,779.62 5,330.87 4,735.88 4,78l.93 7,059.83 3,392.64 2,27790 2,308.79 3,193.69 3,225.32 5,058.40 4,599.27 4,783.02 183.75 332.50 859.25 1,196.75 1,406.75 1,420.82 1,510.82 1,525.79 1,582.04 56.25 172.50 1,011.75 1,026.93 2,963.55 3,007.92 4,729.17 4,799.36 6,363.1 1 7,611.86 112.37 15RO - Surcharge- INV #3380. Due 07/16/2007. PMT IN #FC 855. Due 08/09/2007. Finance Charge IN #3474. Due 08/15/2007. PMT PMT#9087. INV #FC 879. Dne 09/lll2007. Finance Charge IN #3510. Due 09/17/2007. INV #FC 902. Due 10/16/2007. Finance Charge IN #3534. Due i O/l 8/2007. PMT#9327. IN #3590. Due 1 LII5/2007. PMT#9422. INV#3638. Due 12/12/2007. h" .1.. ..a"' INV #3689. Due 01/17/2008. 3(" r' ø \15.00:: "'::' .w- INV #3768. Due 02/l4/2008. IN #3804. Due 03/13/2008. INV #FC 1092. Due 04/08/2008. Finance Charge INV #3853. Due 04/l4/2008. INV #FC 1104. Due 05/12/2008. Finance Charge INV #3914. Due 05/15/2008. PMT INV #3991. Due 07/10/2008. INV #4û29. Due 08/12/2008. INV #FC 1198. Due 09/10/2008. Finance Charge INV #4063. Due 09/15/2008. IN #FC 1213. Due 10/08/2008. Finance Charge INV #4104. Due 10/13/2008. INV #FC 1227. Due 1 LII0/2008. Finance Charge IN #4145. Due 1 lI13/2008. . . .0 I.... INV #4180. Due 12/15/2008. ~ L hi.5~ ~.OO ~ Pi Loc J. 1~3ØDAYSF'AST 31--0 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PASTDUE DUE DUE 1,248.75 1,633.94 . 07/16/2007 08/08/2007 08/09/2007 08115/2007 0812212007 08/29/2007 09/11/2007 09/17/2007 10/16/2007 10/18/2007 1O/3l12007 11/15/2007 11/28/2007 12/12/2007 01/17/2008 v2l14/2oo8 03!1/2008 04/0812008 04/14/2008 05/12/2008 05/15/2008 06/09/2008 07/10/2008 08/12/2008 09/10/2008 09/l5/2008 10/08/2008 10/13/2008 1 lII0/2008 11/13/2008 12/15/2008 CURRENT 0.00 551.25 -594.99 46.05 2,27790 -3,667.19 -1,114.74 30.89 884.90 31.63 1,833.08 -459.13 183.75 -4.599.27 148.75 526.75 337.50 210.00 14.07 90.00 14.97 56.25 -1,525.79 116.25 839.25 15.18 1,936.62 44.37 1,721.25 70.19 1,563.75 1,248.75 OVER 90 QAYS PAST DUE 4,729.17 Amount Due $7,724.23 Page 1 RICHARSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 Nort 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Statement Date 1/13/2009 To: Eagle Water Company Robert. V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Amount Due Amount Ene. $7,724.23 Date Transaction Amount Balance 01113/2009 INV #FC 1242. Due 01/13/2009. Finance Charge 112.37 7,724.23 JOTAL-rfJ 4í405 .1.1 #37Gl ¡:i) ( ç, ("Aí\U ChGLf2QC? ci l CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31-60 DAYS PASf 61-90 DAYS PASTDUE DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE Amount Due 112.37 1,248.75 0.00 1,633.94 4,729.17 $7,724.23 Page 2 RESPONSE NO. 46 Eagle Water Companyi Inc. EAG- W-09-01 RICHARSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Statement Date 4/23/2009 To: Eagle Water Company Robert. V. DeShazo, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, ID 83616 Amount Due Amount Ene. $13,842.53 Date Transaction Amount Balanee 01113/2009 Balance forward 7,724.23 15RO - Surcharge- 01/l5/2009 IN #421 i. Due 01115/2009.2,058.75 9,782.98 02/05/2009 INV #FC 1258. Due 02/05/2009. Finance Charge 143.25 9,926.23 02/12/2009 INV #4253. Due 02/12/2009.2,249.77 12,176.00 03/10/2009 INV #FC 1273. Due 03/10/2009. Finance Charge 17700 12,353.00 03130/2009 INV #4285. Due 03/12/2009.960.75 13,313.75 04/2112009 INV #FC 1287. Due 04/2112009. Finance Charge 191.28 13,505.03 04/23/2009 INV #4316. Due 04/23/2009.337.50 13,842.53 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER 90 DAYS Amount DueDUEDUEDUEPAST DUE 337.50 191.28 1,137.75 2,393.02 9,782.98 $13,842.53