HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051020Vol I.pdfti ' ~ ' Ii ' , ,, j, :.. , " ",-"""".", -,0- --"-'" ORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE EAGLE WATER COMPANY'S REQUEST FOR A TEMPORARY SURCHARGE ) ~AG-w.-o3- ) CASE NO. ,BAG 2 BEFORE ;t;:;:.~ """ ,;:;:~;:;. r"""'" ~~~~t'~:;::'; P~ :.- """" r:::' ;""11 C"')-"'I 1:-1 !c"..... f1l f'i1 --, ", .....,! !;,...,.. GO, ... ..",e":;: .... "" , -...1 fi1 n~, I::) 5;: ));~ '-", ~ " f2 (,il f) ' , ~~ NCOMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER MARSHA SMITH COMMISSIONER DENNIS HANSEN PLACE:Eagle Senior Citizen Center 312 East State Street Eagle, Idaho DATE:October 12 005 VOLUME Pages 1 - CSB REpORTING Constance S. Buey, CSR No. 187 17688 Allendale Road * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-5198 * (208) 337-4807 Email csb~spro.net , '" """'':":" :n:::~~:;r:r;m~;~r;f: :;::,::::::': ' For the Staff:Donald Howell, Esq. Deputy At torney General 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 For Eagle Water Company:RI CHARDSON & 0' LEARY by Molly 0' Leary, Esq. 515 North 27thBoise, Idaho 83702 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 83676 AP PEARANCE S WITNESS I N D E X EXAMINATION BY PAGE George Menhorn (Publ ic) Tim Adams (publ ic) Statement Wal ter Hamm (Publ ic) Statement Commlssioner Hansen Commissioner Smi Commissioner Kj ellander Statement Commissloner Hansen Commlssioner Smi Commissloner Kj ellander CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 Idaho INDEX 83676 EAGLE 1 IDAHO 1 TUESDAY 1 OCTOBER 12, 2005, 7: 00 P. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Good evening ladies and gentlemen.We'll go ahead and get started thi s evening.This is the time and place for a hearing in Case No. EAG-05-, also known as the matter of Eagle Water Company's request for a temporary surcharge. name is Paul Kj ellander.m the Chairman of this evening's public hearing.To my right is Commissioner Dennis Hansen and to my left is Commissioner Marsha Smi th .The three of us will ul timately decide the outcome of the issues presented in this case.Before we go further 1 we'll first take the appearances of the parties and we'll begin with Eagle Water. MS. 0' LEARY:This is Molly 0' Leary and I am here on behalf of Eagle Water. COMMI SS IONER KJELLANDER:And for the legal counsel representing Staff. MR . HOWELL:My name is Don Howe 11 .m a Deputy Attorney General representing the Commission Staff. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. there anyone else that needs to be recognized this evening for purposes of cross-examination?And if not CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 ID 83676 COLLOQUY then , we'll move forward with this evening's proceedings. The sale purpose of this public hearing this evening to take testimony from members of the public regarding the Company's surcharge application , and the way it will work is we have a list of those who wish to testify that had been circulated earlier and we have some names there. If throughout the evening you decide if you haven't signed up that you do want to provide testimony this evening or a statement 1 we certainly will welcome that and provide that opportunity before the evening is over. Al so 1 if we get to your name and you decide that you don't wish to testify 1 just let us know and we'll move forward from there.Again, how it will work is we'll call your name.You'll come forward and sit hopefully in a soft chair here in the center next to the microphone and legal counsel representing Staff will swear you in and simply ask you to raise your right hand and then swear that you are going to be telling the truth., I'm sorry 1 we're going to allow our own personal at torney who is also a Commissioner, Marsha Smi th , to have the honor of doing that, and then from there you're allowed to provide us your statement 1 and then once you've completed your statement, there will be an opportuni ty for some of the parties to ask some follow-up questions and also for the Commissioners to ask CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY some follow-up questions based on what you've said. We have a transcriptionist here 1 so there will be an official record that we'll be able to review as we get closer to making a final decision.I believe the next time line past this date is October 18th and believe that I s the date in which both the - - is the final deadline for written testimony to be filed or actually written comments to be filed with the Commission.That can be done also from our website and it's also the filing deadline for testimony from parties in the case most notably I believe Staff is waiting for the conclusion of this workshop and public hearing before they file their comments with the Commission and that' on the 18th. It's our intent as the Commission to move as quickly as possible to then render a decision and get that put into a final Order 1 so with that 1 we're ready to begin the proceeding this evening and I believe the first person that we need to call forward is Susan Menhorn. MS. MENHORN:I have submitted written comments which I think will suffice.I just submitted them thi s evenlng. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay 1 thank you and next 1 I believe , is George Menhorn. MS. MENHORN:Tha t 's me. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you 1 Mr. Menhorn 1 if you could come forward.That Chair doesn't have wheels on it 1 so I apologize if it's heavy. GEORGE MENHORN appearing as a public witness 1 having been duly sworn was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you state your name and spell your last name for the record , please? George Menhorn , M-e-n-r-n. And Mr. Menhorn, are you a customer of Eagle Water Company? Yes. Caul d you glve an addre s s 1 please? 9754 West Big Springs. And do you have statement you'd like present the Commlssion tonight? WeIl , my statement is why should we pay for something for somebody else that when it's paid for it belongs to them and we have no say over it and they can do with it what they want, like putting down the CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 MENHORN Public well.They put down the well , we pay for it and then after the well is down , then they add other developments on and we're back to the same place we are now as far the water pressure is concerned. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Does that conclude your statement 1 Mr. Menhorn? THE WITNESS:Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Let's see if there are some follow-up questions.Are there any questions from members of the Company?From the attorney representing Staff? MR. HOWELL:Staff has no questions. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:No questions from -- MS. 0' LEARY:Eagle Water Company has no questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:How about from members of the Commission?I just have one question , so then your real concern is about future growth and, in essence 1 planning towards that future growth; is that correct? THE WITNESS:Right. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay, thank you again for your testimony and appreciate your presence thi s evening. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 MENHORN Public (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let's call Mr. Tim Adams. TIM ADAMS appearlng as a publ ic wi tness 1 having been first duly sworn 1 testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Mr. Adams , could you state your full name and spell your last for the record, please? My name is Tim Adams, A-d-a-m-s.Ii ve at 238 Mission Drive and I've been a customer of Eagle Water for approximately 24 -and-half years. And do you have a statement 1 sir? Yes, I do. Please go ahead. It appears to me that this is really two separate issues we're looking at here.There's some expenditures that have been ordered by the Commission to be prepared.One is for the replacement of a 12-inch line ,one lS for the engineering study and one is for legal and accounting fees.The other issue is the CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 ADAMS Public further developments 1 ei ther addi tional booster pumps or well No.With regard to the items that have been ordered by the Commission , the replacement of the eight-inch line , there's some question of who is really liable for these expenses 1 but as the Company pointed out to me 1 they need an easement from these people and if the gravel company that undermined the line had paid more money to replace this 1 they would just add it to the cost of the easement 1 so there's really no way of getting out of paying for that.I have no problems wi th those expenses as a resul t . The engineering report 1 Eagle Water is a small company 1 doesn't maintain a planning staff. seems only reasonable that occasionally they're going to have to incur professional fees to get that engineering report.The legal and accounting expenses 1 there' 250 requested.Exhibits 5 and 6 of their application only addressed $5,500.Mrs. 0' Leary informed me earlier that the 7,250 number was an error and it should be 5,500 as covered by Exhibits 5 and Those are my comments regarding what the Commission already ordered.Wi th regard to well No.7 1 it seems that this has been an ongoing proj ect and in their application , it goes back to at least March of 2002.Mr. DeShazo indicated earlier that it goes back a CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 ADAMS Public little bit further than that.It seems to me that this would be more appropriately addressed separately 1 perhaps by a surcharge.m familiar with utility regulation where companies borrow money 1 create the capi tal improvement and petition the Commission once the improvement is used and useful , but it was pointed out earlier that small companies frequently do this.They begin collecting the money up front to act as collateral on the loan. My only thought on that is looking at , for instance 1 Capi tol Water 1 their surcharges are spread over a longer period of time on maj or things such as this or at least that what I've seen on your websi te 1 so it may well be that well No.7 lS an appropriate proj ect. does seem to me that choosing that prior to completing the engineering study is kind of putting the cart before the horse.Part of the engineering study 1 the resul ts of that 1 should say what the next improvement should be, so that seems a little premature 1 but it may very well be tha t that's the proper way.I would just encourage the Commission to spread those costs out over a longer period of time so not only the current customers of Eagle Water could pay for that, but the cost would also be put on the other people that will be utilizing the additional capacity created by that well. CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 ID 83676 ADAMSPublic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you Mr. Adams.AreLet's see if there are some questions. there any questions from Eagle Water? MS. 0' LEARY:No 1 we do not have any questions for this witness.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell? MR.HOWELL:questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Questions from members the Commlssion?Comml s s i one r Hansen. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: I would just like to follow up on your comment on a longer period of time.Do you have a period of time in mind, like twice as long as the proposal or Well , 30 years seem a little long 1 but I believe Capi to 1 Water has some surcharges spread over a seven-year period and as I understand 1 once enough money is collected to pay off the amount they were collecting then it stops even if that's early 1 but a seven-year period seemed more reasonable to me.I figured the Commission probably has experience wi th other small companies and surcharges and typical periods there. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 ADAMS (Com) Publ ic EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: I guess my question was similar to Commissioner Hansen's 1 only I went out the other way. Did you have in mind a recommendation for what you thought a sui table percentage surcharge would be? WeIl , I think we have to look at what the capi tal recovery required is and the percentages kind of fall out from that.I don't think you can't prej udge a percentage.I don t want to pay any 1 but it's obviously not practical to have no surcharge at all. So it wasn't a question of the actual percentage 1 just the period of time? Right.That would lower the percentage but it would also allow other people, future customers to contribute to a resource they'll be utilizing. EXAMINATION BY COMMI S S IONER .KJELLANDER: And I guess a third follow-up question on the same ine would be to extend the loan out over a greater period of time would mean additional carrying charges which ul timately means their customers will pay CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 ID 83676 ADAMS (Com) Publ ic more for that surcharge.Let's assume that 1 maybe it's a tough assumption to even get to 1 that we don't see as much growth going forward.Wi th that in mind 1 the same customers would be covering that, but actually paying more over that period of time 1 so again , what do you think would be a reasonable expectation if you were to extend it out seven to ten years?Would that carrYlng charge then factor in heavily in your support for extending it out that long? WeIl , I'm an englneer , not an economist or an accountant 1 but I don't think it's going to 1 the addi tional carrying charge is going to 1 offset 1 would cause the current customers to actually pay more.WeIl I don't think the growth is going to stop and sometimes wish it would , but again , that's not a practical assumption. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:WeIl , thank you. Are there other questions?I f not 1 thank you 1 Mr. Adams for your testimony and we appreciate your presence this evenlng. THE WITNESS:Thank you for the opportuni ty. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let I S call Jerri Richardson. CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 ID 83676 ADAMS (Com) Public MS. RI CHARDSON :m just going to submi t ml ne .I don't want to talk. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay 1 thank you. Let's call Chuck Boyer. MR. BOYER:I'll pass at this time. COMMI SS IONER KJELLANDER:Okay 1 let I s look to Wal ter Hamm.Mr. Hamm WALTER HAMM appearlng as a public witness, having been duly sworn was examined and testified as follows: THE WITNESS:My name is Wal ter Hamm and 1 i ve in the subdi vi s ion wi th the pres sure probl em. EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: And your addre s s 1 Mr. Hamm? 10478 North Cayuse Way. Thank you. Cayuse, C-I t seems that we' talking about justification for surcharges and so forth. Based on what?Based on the solutions that the Company has brought forth to us and are these viable solutions? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 HAMM Publ ic Have these been inspected by other englneers or is it their engineer?DEQ does not do engineering studies they do purification studies.I t seems we're get t ing the cart before the horse in that we're trying to establish a surcharge or a reason for a surcharge without having a solution for the problem. One of the other things, when we build roads in a new subdivision and so forth , they re usually charged to the builder and so forth , are the water installations and the headers 1 the lines 1 the pumps and all the paraphernalia that goes in it 1 are these charged into the home builder?Now ,our home builder 1 and I have no paperwork on this 1 but I'm sure that it was a fact after they put in the booster pump 1 Eagle Water came forward and said you should install a pressure pump on each one of your homes.Now , that should have told somebody there was a problem somewhere.I d like Eagle Water to tell me if this is fact or fiction because could be either.With that understanding, this was not done by the builder.He could have easily done so and charged it to the homeowner as the buyer. The solutions that have been presented here 1 the wells and the booster pump 1 within Vlew of the growth that we're experiencing here 1 yes 1 we need the we 11 .Yes 1 we need the booster pump up there def ini tely; CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 ID 83676 HAMM Publ ic however 1 I'm not so sure that the booster pump installation that they are planning is going to satisfy the situation.We have a mechanical system and mechanical systems fail and they have to be replaced or reworked 1 have some kind of work done on them periodically as a routine thing and so just as soon as one of the booster pumps fails 1 we're going to be right back to rock bot tom as we were before. m at a standstill here.m not sure that we're accomplishing what we want to accomplish. hope that we do, but I'm disturbed because we're seeing no satisfaction to our personal problem up here in the pressure si tuation.It seems that there's adequate water 1 but we have a height problem.Tha t 's w ha t I' told and if we can t get the water up there 1 what I s going to happen as they fill out the lower sections?We have huge 1 huge 1 subdivisions going in , and I thank you very much for your time. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Why don't we see if there I s some questions for you before we let you go. I want to see if there are any questions from Eagle Water. MS. 0' LEARY:No 1 we do not have any questions for this witness. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 ID 83676 HAMM Publ ic MR . HOWELL:No questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Are there questions from members of the Commission? EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: I was just kind of curious of the size of lots that you have there in your subdivision or your lot is it just a normal size or is it, like 1 a half acre or an acre lot? No 1 these are normal size lots.I have a little larger lot than some of them 1 but it I S, like, 200 by 200 on a corner lot which , of course 1 is larger. was voiced , it was also voiced in a publication that we wasted water.I have a problem wi th that and yes , we do waste water.We have large areas , larger areas for park vlew 1 whatever.m sorry 1 I can't express myself 1 but here we are 1 we're trying to take care of these large areas and this was a proposal - - we were directed , the builder was directed, to have this open area , had to have 1 what 1 seven or ten percent 1 something like ten percent open area.Now , we have huge areas up there that are wide open and we try to maintain them in the green and , of course, it takes a lot of water.WeIl , it takes CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 HAMM (Com) Publ ic a lot of money on our part 1 too.I think it's something like $33 , 000 and we're the party that's suffering from this.Now 1 the Commission here, you did not establish these park areas.Who did establish these park areas? Just a follow-up.On these larger areas and if you've had pressure problems up there , which you said you had, do you have a difficult time keeping those green?I guess the reason They turned quite brown this summer 1 yes even by -- Even though you may be accused of wasting water 1 they're still not too green? I don t know where that came from 1 but it was there 1 broad in black and whi te We regulate our watering patterns and everything else and Chuck up here he has problems early in the morning taking a shower because the water drizzles out.They have - - they took pressure readings on some of the homes there over a period of time.Now 1 I'm not privy to that information but Chuck has that information , I believe. MR. BOYER:Some mornings I was blowing air out of my pipes. THE WITNESS:m at the bottom of the hill , so I'm in better shape than most 1 but I won't be in good shape for long if we don't solve this problem.It' CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 HAMM (Com) Publ ic going to get worse before it gets better. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Hamm, how long have you resided in the Eagle Water service area? Two - and - a - hal f years. Is this summer the first time you've had these pressures problems? No 1 there's been pressure problems there constantly. And do you have a homeowner' association? Yes, we do. And are they the ones who tend the common areas? We contract maintenance crews to do that; however 1 the homeowner I s association does supervise them to some extent as far as watering these particular areas. I recall 1 and maybe my recollection is not accurate 1 but it seemed to me that there was some allegations that customers were resistant to doing something like al ternate day sprinkling or avoiding CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 HAMM (Com) Public sprinkling during peak hours and doing that at night. Are you aware of any resistance among your This has been discussed, yes 1 it has been discussed, and I think in general 1 they were perhaps not quite as insistent as they could be. Who was not insistent? The people following the board, all right the board suggestions. In other words 1 the board didn t say we want to institute alternate day sprinkling? WeIl, you can only do so much there. follows a similar trend throughout ~ny ci ty that I' ever been in where they have al ternate day watering and so forth.You'll always find a certain percentage unless you enforce it 1 you re going to have a certain percentage that's not going to follow your ruling. In your particular subdivision, is it your observation that that percentage who would be resistant to that is large or small or what do you think? We could profit by that 1 but you know where our profit would ga, it would go down in the valley here.I don t see anybody suffering that problem down here. When you say you would profit by that 1 you mean you would then have adequate water pressure during CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 ID 83676 HAMM (Com) Public peak times? It wouldn't change the water pressure don't think.Most of the watering is done at 1 say 1 in the evenings or night times up there.There are some early 1 early morning periods 1 but they cut back on that. Now 1 I don't have a schedule wi th me.We could obtain the schedule. This is for the common areas? These are for common areas 1 yes. COMMISSIONER SMITH:All right 1 thank you. THE WITNESS:Of course 1 we're trying to maintain our value of our homes there 1 too.I don' think anyone on the council or anybody else is going to let their grass just go for the heck of it. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let me follow up and take it another step further.One of the things that we're starting to hear more talk of in the valley as water becomes a tighter lssue across the board , whether it's for irrigation of homeowners or for farm or even for access because of the drought years to generate hydroelectricity and one of the CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 ID 83676 HAMM (Com) Publ ic discussions that's gaining more focus is the concept of xeroscaping which doesn't necessarily mean just letting it go to desert 1 some of it looks pretty nice.Your homeowner's association as it stands now 1 I'm assuming has covenants that more than likely would restrict any that and I'm just wondering out loud and maybe to ask a direct question, gl ven what we're seeing in the State Idaho across the board and sensitivity to water and water rights, is it time to maybe look at the homeowners get ting together and looking at some legi timate approaches to xeroscaping as they move forward and maybe even to encourage the city as they begin to look allowing new subdivisions to come on board to perhaps take into consideration the reality of where we live , the high plains desert? , I feel absolutely 1 slr.Take a look at Arizona, take a look at Phoenix.Phoenix has some very 1 very strong laws now of decorating their lots and their lands and their watering habits and so forth. We'way behind that.Eventually we will catch up. asked question earlier some gentleman down here and said how many personal water we 11 s do we have in the City of Eagle?We have seven maj or 1 Eagle Water Company has 1 but how many personal water wells do we have and how long will those personal water wells last and then where CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 ID 83676 HAMM (Com) Public are we golng to be? As an additional follow-up, we were here in Eagle about a year ago over another utility matter with a different utility and it was very evident that local government officials were in many respects very progressi ve, cared deeply about the appearance of the communi ty and were very, I think , eager to try and do what was right and in the public interest by and large. Is it time, then, to maybe go to them as a subdivision to say look, we ought to be the poster child perhaps for what might be necessary as we look at trying to manage growth as it relates to a very significant resource that we I re going to have to have in order for this community to survive? I don't think anybody is prepared to start that problem.I wouldn't be the one to answer that properly.We have a beautiful city here and it takes a certain amount of water.At least we have a rl ver. There are a lot of subdivisions that are on pressurized irrigation systems.HowUnfortunately 1 we were not. much the irrigation affects our actual water pressure in the homes is questionable.I don't know. One final question and it was in reference to earlier comments 1 I might have been misinterpreting what you were asking the Commission to do 1 so I'll just CSB REPORTING Wilder 1 ID 83676 HAMM (Com) Public try to ask the question and get your response.Were you asking us as a Commission to take our time in trying determine which option to pick? No.m a little confused in that are these solutions that have been presented to you, are these the only solutions that are being considered? That's what I'm asking.WhatAre any of you engineers? engineers engineered this part 1 these solutions that they have suggested and have they been reviewed?If you build a building downtown 1 you build a big building usually in a city 1 then you have an architectural board that goes around and they take a look at this after it has been designed and they say hey 1 that I s okay, but we ought to change thi s maybe 1 okay 1 so they change it , so what engineering group is doing this?Is it Eagle Water? So you re asking us to be quick but thorough? I'd like to know who I s putting up the solutions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. THE WITNESS:Who drafted the solution, Eagle Water , and are they good solutions?That's all ask.Thank you very much. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Are there further questions?I f not 1 thank you 1 Mr. Hamm. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 HAMM (Com) Public (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Is Mr. David Head back?No.I s there anyone el se who would ike to testify?It would be my preference to just take a quick recess for about five minutes.I believe that there were some people who had direct questions that they wanted to ask perhaps the Company and they are here and I'm more than probably fair in saying they wouldn't mind having an opportuni ty trying to respond to some of those off the record and that would give us about five minutes to allow Mr. Head who was here earlier and stepped out to see if he might return and we could take his testimony and then adj ourn the hearing thi s evening 1 so wi th that 1 we'll take about a five- to ten-minute recess. (Recess. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:We'll go back on the record and I believe that Mr. Head has not returned so if any of you know Mr. Head, David Head, from 855 Stillwell 1 you would probably be doing him a favor if you let him know that he still has an opportunity to send some wri t ten comments and we certainly would appreciate those. Regarding the written comments, the deadline will be the 16th of this month - - 18th of this month 1 trying to speed this along, aren't I , the 18th of CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY this month.That will also be the same filing date for the comments from Staff in relationship to this case. I mentioned earlier 1 it would be the intent of the Commission to move as quickly as reasonable to bring some resolution and issue an Order in this case as soon possible thereafter so there being no further testimony that will be taken this evenlng 1 we want to thank all of you for coming out 1 for taking part in both the workshop and public hearing and again , we look forward to getting out a quick Order and resolution to this matter and help you move forward with the water service in your area, so wi th that 1 we are adj ourned . (The Hearing adj ourned at 7: 40 p. m. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY T I C T I O This is to certify that the foregoing proceedings held in the matter of the Eagle Water Company's request for a temporary surcharge 1 commencing at 7:00 p., on Wednesday 1 October 12 , 2005, at the Eagle Senior Citizen Center , 312 East State Street Eagle 1 Idaho 1 is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. 187 CONSTANCE S. BUCY Certified Shorthand "\\111",,, ~st AN,!,.." ... ~ ,-~ "" """""'" ~ ', & ft' , " " v- ..., '...;:- .... ~,. :"-\' V"" = "::: g -cJ ~~ 0 :: CI'. c:::" ... ~ -;:. ;,4 ':;. "'".:-.. ~ ~ ~... -;. "JIo. "I ...;. 'lI\o I" ....'" ~ " 1111""'" ... '" 0 IDA"" III "'1111\\\\ CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY