HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070710DEQ approval final report.pdfSTATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY RECEI\/f.: ' 2001.JUL ! 0 AN 8: 20 1410 North Hilton. Boise, Idaho 83706 . (208) 373-0502 IDfd-!O PU81 !C'U I Ill dE;:; L:UM ~~1SSI 0i\,C.L. "Butch" Otter, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director TSP&S-150/2007 July 6, 2007 Mr. Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. Eagle Water Company, Inc. 172 W. State Street Eagle, Idaho 83616 EtfG--w -- GS~ Subject: Eagle Water Company (City of Eagle, Ada County) Approval of Final Engineering Report Dear Mr. DeShazo: The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) hereby approves the Final Engineering Report dated June 2007 for the Eagle Water Company (EWC) water system in accordance with the procedures set forth in the . DEQ/EWC Consent Order signed by both parties on February 17, 2006. A. Action Items: As part of this approval, the following plans, schedules or related activities (Action Items) set forth below and in the Final Engineering Report shall be incorporated by reference into the Consent Order and be enforceable as provided by applicable law. Restrictions and conditions pertaining to these Action Items are presented Section B. 1. EWC shall monitor system water usage during the summer of 2007 to determine the peak hour flow and maximum day demand during that period. EWe shall compare that infonnation with the values used to prepare the Final Engineering Report and present the fmdings to DEQ in a brief report by no later than October 31, 2007. 2. EWC shall submit an application for fmancing the proposed system modifications to the Idaho Public Utility Commission (IPUC) by July 15,2007. 3. EWC shall proceed as expeditiously as possible to make the following system modifications listed as mandatory" in the Final Engineering Report for correcting deficiencies in the existing system: a. Interconnect with an adjacent public water system to ensure a sufficient supply of supplemental water so that the EWe water system satisfies all applicable Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water System pressure and flow requirements with the largest (most critical) EWC water source out of service. Ewe shall provide the Preliminary Engineering Report for this interconnection to DEQ for approval by no later than July 31, 2007. EWe shall have the interconnection installed and operational by no later than December 31,2007. EWe shall operate and maintain this connection until such time as an alternative source or sources of water are provided such that EWC can continue to satisfy Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water System pressure and flow requirements with the largest (most critical) EWC water source out of service. Robert V. DeSbazo Eagle Water Company Final Engineering Report . July 6, 2007 Page 2 b. Install an automatic pressure reducing/sustaining valve (pS/RV) in the water system at Floating Feather Road. EWe shall provide the Preliminary Engineering Report for this PS/RV to DEQ for approval by no later than July 31, 2007. EWC shall have the PS/RV installed and operational by no later than December 31 , 2007. 4. EWC shall proceed in a timely manner to make the following system modifications required to satisfy system demand requirements forecast for the year 2010: a. Develop a 2,365 gallon-peT-minute (gpm) alternative source or sources of water supply such that Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water System pressure and flow requirements are satisfied system-wide with the largest (most critical) EWC water source out of service. This supplemental water may come from new wells, modifications to existing wells, interconnections with other public drinking water systems or combinations thereof. Ewe shall provide the Preliminary Engineering Report for this alternative source or sources to DEQ for approval by no later than September 30, 2007. The Preliminary Engineering Report shall provide a more detailed implementation schedule that will then be incorporated by reference into the Consent Order. EWC shall have the new source or sources, as apPI:oved by DEQ, installed and operational by no later than December 31, 2008. b. Modify the Well #2 booster pump station so that the new station can produce a combined flow of 640 gpm at 148-feet total dynamic head while satisfying Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems redundancy requirements (largest pump out of service). EWe shall provide the Preliminary Engineering Report for the booster station modifications to DEQ for approval by no later than March 31, 2008. EWe shall have the modifications to the booster station, as approved by DEQ, installed and operational by no later than November 30, 2008. 5. EWC shall proceed in a timely manner to make the following system modification required to satisfy system demand requirements forecast for the year 2014: Install a more direct pipeline connection between the service area around Well #6 and the pipeline along Floating Feather Road as set forth in the Final Engineering Report in order to improve fire flows at the west end of the EWe service area whenever Well #6 is out of service. EWe shall provide the Preliminary Engineering Report for this pipe connection to DEQ for approval by no later than March 31 , 2012. EWe shall have the loop installed and operational by no later than December 31, 2012. B. Restrictions and eonditions: With regards to the above Action Items, DEQ imposes the following restrictions and conditions: 1. The eonsent Order Final Engineering Report is the functional equivalent of a Facility Plan as defined in Section 003.34 of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (mAPA 58.01.08). To conform to requirements set forth in Section 503 of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems, EWC shall submit a Preliminary Engineering Report (see defmition in Section 003.72 in the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems) for any material modification to the water system. After DEQ approves that Preliminary Engineering Report, EWe shall then submit the plans and specifications for that modification to DEQ for approval. The Action Items involving system modifications reflect this requirement. DEQ Robert V. DeShazo, Eagle Water Company Final Engineering Report July 6,2007 Page 3 recognizes that the Final Engineering Report provided sufficient technical details for some of the proposed modifications (namely Action Items A.b and A.b) such that their Preliminary Engineering Reports could be fairly simple documents, perhaps even letter-style, referencing the Final Engineering Report. 2. The Consent Order Preliminary Engineering Report implementation schedules for individual system modifications do not address the requirement for providing Preliminary Engineering Reports. Rather than delaying the project by requiring such infonnation to be provided in the Final Engineering Report, DEQ elected to work with EWC's engineer, MTC Engineers, Inc., to establish the dates indicated in this letter. In all cases, the plans and specifications will be submitted within 30 days after DEQ approves the Preliminary Engineering Report. By agreement, these dates will become part of the overall implementation schedule for the Consent Order. For both the Preliminary Engineering Report and related plans and specifications, thereview and approval process shall be as described in Paragraph 5 of the eonsent Order. 3. With this approval of the Final Engineering Report, projects involving only water mains (sewer mains are handled separately by the Eagle Sewer District) may be approved for construction; only, by either DEQ or a Qualified Licensed Professional Engineer working on behalf of EWC. However, Sanitary Restrictions may not be lifted by either DEQ or a Qualified Licensed Professional Engineer until written authorization is provided by DEQ. DEQ will provide this authorization after 1) Action Items A.l and A.2 are completed and 2) the system modifications listed in Action Item A.3 are operational (or close enough that DEQ is satisfied that completion is assured). . 4. For system modifications involving interconnections (Action Items A.a and possibly A.4.a), the Preliminary Engineering Reports shall include calculations or modeling results from the supplemental water suppliers' demonstrating that they can satisfy the needs of the Ewe system while continuing to meet Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems requirements in their own systems. This demonstration shall be based on the EWC and supplemental water supplier simultaneously experiencing similar demand situations (i., maximum daily demand with fire flow and peak hour demand) with all of the supplemental water supplier s sources and booster pumps operational. 5. EWe shall not make any new service connections in the system s high pressure zone until all Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems redundancy requirements for the main booster station have been met. redundancy is achieved by an interconnection covered under another Action Item, then EWe shall provide a Preliminary Engineering Report for DEQ's approval that demonstrates that Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water pressure and flow requirements in the high pressure zone are met with the booster pump out of service. If redundancy is achieved through a system modification not covered under another Action Item, EWe shall follow standard Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems procedures by first submitting a Preliminary Engineering Report for DEQ's approval followed by plans and specifications. 6. Assuming redundancy requirements at the main booster station have been satisfied, the number of total service connections in the system s high pressure zone shall not exceed 125% of the total number of existing connections until EWe has demonstrated to DEQ's satisfaction that all Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems standby power requirements have been satisfied. Robert V. DeShazo, Eagle Water Company Final Engineering Report July 6,2007 Page 4 e. Recommendations: DEQ feels that the following Final Engineering Report Suggested Actions are particularly important and encourages Ewe to take the appropriate action: 1. Notify all customers in the system's high pressure zone that the main booster station currently does not have pumping redundancy or standby power. 2. Keep the eity of Eagle s plumbing inspectors and developers informed as to what parts of the service area have service pressures greater than 80 pounds per square inch (psi). Please call me with any questions at 373-0514, or contact me via e-mail at peter.bairtgtdeq.idaho.e:ov /)elY, Peter S. Bair, P. Technical II Engineer PSB:sjt Attachment: Approved copy of Final Engineering Report Tiffany Floyd, Drinking Water Manager, Boise Regional Office Mark Mason, P .E. Engineering Manager, Boise Regional Office Stephanie Ebright, Attorney General's Office, DEQ State Office Monty Marchus, P.E., Boise Regional Office James M. Rees, P., MTe, Inc., 707 N. 27dJ St., Boise, Idaho 83702 (wI approved copy of Final Engineering Report) Molly O'leary, Richardson & O'leary PLLC, P.O. Box 7218, Boise, Idaho 83707 Randy Lobb, Idaho Public Utilities eommission BRO Source File - Eagle Water eom,pany (wI approved copy of Final Engineering Report) TSP&S Reading File