HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040929Vol I Prehearing Conference.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITI ~~t)~t;~r4~S1ftN: 31 IN THE MATTER .OF THE APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY , INC. TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 278 , " U Ii L i r I i~~~~~~ IlJN ) EAG- W -04 - 2 ) PREHEARING ) CONFERENCE HEARING BEFORE COMMISSIONER MARSHA H. SMITH (Presiding) COMMISSIONER , PAUL KJELLANDER PLACE:. Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho DA TE :September 22 , 2004 VOLUME I - Pages 1 - 85 POST OFFICE BOX 578 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208-336-9208 COURT REPORTING cfelwf" tk edfKlNfQfl'! $.fee 1978 For the Staff:LI SA NORDSTROM Esq. Deputy At torney General 472 West WashingtonBoise, Idaho 83702 For Eagle Water:RICHARDSON & 0' LEARY by MOLLY O'LEARY, Esq.99 East State Street Eagle , Idaho 83616 For Uni ted Water:McDEVI TT & MI LLER , LLP by DEAN J. MILLER , Esq. 420 West Bannock StreetBoise, Idaho 83702 For the Ci ty of Eagle:MOORE SMI TH, BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED by BRUCE M. SMITH , Esq. 225 North Ninth Street, Boise Idaho 83702 Suite 420 For the Parrs:BRAD M. PURDY , Esq. At torney at Law 2019 North Seventeenth Street Bo i s e , Idaho 8 3 7 0 2 HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID APPEARANCES 83701 I N D E X WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Gregory P. Wyatt (United Water) Mr. Miller (Direct) Commissioner Kj ellander Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. (Eagle Water) Ms. 0 Leary (Direct) Mr. Miller (Cross)Ms. Nordstrom (Cross) Commissioner Smith Ms. 0' Leary (Redirect) Commissioner Smi Rick Sterling (Staff)Ms. Nordstrom (Direct)Ms. 0' Leary (Cross) Mr. Miller (Cross) Commissioner Kj ellander Commissioner Smith NUMBER PAGE For United Water: 101.9 / 11 / 2 0 0 3 Map 0 5 11 - 3 (Retained separately, due to size)Mar ked Admi t ted For Eagle Water: 1 .9/21/04 Letter, Rees to DeShazo, 2 pgs Marked Admitted 2 .Photographs , 14 pgs Marked Admitted HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 INDEX EXHIBITS BOISE, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 22 , 2004 , 9:39 A. Good mornlng, ladies andCOMMISSIONER SMITH: gentlemen.This is the time and place set for a prehearing conference in Case No. EAG-04-It's further identified as In the matter of the Application of Eagle Water Company, Ine. to amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No.78. My name is Marsha Smith; I'm one of the three Public Utility Commissioners, and I'm the Chairman of today' hearing.On my left is President Paul Kj ellander, who is the President of the Public Utilities Commission.And we need to excuse today our third Commissioner , Commissioner Dennis Hansen , who had business in Southern Idaho - - or, Southeastern Idaho - - that could not be rescheduled.So, you get the two of us today. I'd like to begin , first of all, with the appearances of the part ies , and we'll start wi th Eagle Water. I am Molly 0 Leary, and I amMS. 0' LEARY: appearlng today on behalf of Eagle Water. And with me is Mr. Robert DeShazo.He is president of Eagle Water. Thank you.COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Miller. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 Thank you, Madam Chairman.MR. MILLER:Dean J. Miller on behalf of United Water Idaho. Also with me is the vice president of United Water , Mr. Greg Wyatt. Okay.Weleome to theCOMMISSIONER SMITH: Commission. Thank you.MR. MILLER: COMMISSIONER SMITH:Mr. Purdy. Thank you, Madam Chair.Brad Purdy,MR . PURDY: appearing on behalf of William and Ellene Parr. And seated to my right is Ellene. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. And for the Ci ty of Eagle. MR. SMITH:Madam Chairman , Bruce Smith , on behal f of the Ci ty of Eagle.Thank you. Thank you.COMMISSIONER SMITH: And, finally, the Commission Staff. I am Lisa Nordstrom , DeputyMS. NORDS TROM : Attorney General, appearing today for the Commission Staff. And seated with me at the table is Rick Sterling, Staff englneer. Okay.I believe those areCOMMISSIONER SMITH: all the parties in this matter. The reason for today' s prehearing I think are a couple, and they re outlined in the Commission's Notice. HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 First of all , we want to have a clear understanding of the issues that the parties feel that the Commission needs to address. Second, we want to take oral argument on whether it's necessary to commenee a proceeding to alloeate the presently unallocated service area that is adj acent to I think both Eagle Water and Uni ted Water's current serving areas. Three, determine the nature of the cost data that the Commission would need in order to make an informed Decision about how to alloeate those areas. Four , to assess the abili ty of both companies to provide the serviee, I think, in terms of the aetual provision of the service and in terms of giving good customer serVlee; and then to discuss an appropriate schedule if such case lS going to be held to do so. I think what's not on that list are the rather think urgent needs of some persons for immediate water service and how those people and businesses are going to get water serviee. Is there anyone else who believes that there are other lssues I have not mentioned? All right.Well , the Chair would take suggestions on how you think the best way to proeeed.I notiee tha t there are several maps and I think maps are going to be cri tical in understanding the issues and the appropriate HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 resolution of this case.So if anyone has suggestions about how - - you know, of course, the Commission always likes the suggestion that we should adjourn for a time and the Commissioners leave and the parties will just work it out among themselves , and when you've got all the right answers we'll come back and say, Gee, that sounds great.But if that's not going to happen , then we need a plan. Mr. Miller, is that a look of "I have an idea"? Thank you, Madam Chairman.ThereMR. MILLER: are, of course, two general eategories of issues, I think.The first are the parcels where persons have requested service and apparently some of them desire service in the near future, and the second category are larger uncertified areas in the general vicini ty. Wi th respect to the first category, that is, those who have requested serviee, as the Commission knows United initially did not oppose Eagle's Application and only sought to intervene after the Staff comments indicated that the Commission might be wise to take a larger look at who is more capable of serving.So with respect to that group, United' role I think is simply to provide the Commission information regarding its facilities near the requesting parties' locations and its ability to serve.And the Commission ean then weigh that in connection with evidence of other parties willing to serve, ability to serve, and United would abide by the HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BO IS E , I D COLLOQUY 83701 Commission's direction as to who is better able to serve. Wi th respect to the second category, the uncertified areas, I think it's argued that that can proceed at a more leisurely pace.Al though it's in our view that that issue should be resolved for the benefit of both the persons living in the area and the companies, there frankly isn't the urgency wi th respect to that, to those areas.So whether the Commission addresses that in a separate proceeding or by expanding the scope of this proceeding is in the Commission' discretion, I think.But , as indicated, we've provided the Commission with maps showing the areas that are in question, and I think it would be appropriate for the Commission to, on some schedule, take up the allocation of those terri tories That's our point of Vlew. COMMISSIONER SMITH:And do you see that the Decision on the parcels where service has been requested immediately would have impact on the Decision of how to serve the - - how to allocate the unalloeated areas? MR. MILLER:I really don't believe it would. Let me check with my client. (Discussion off the record. MR. MILLER:The only potential implication would be I think in the area of quali ty of service.But in terms of location of facilities, I don't think it's one impaets the other. HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. Ms. 0' Leary, any thoughts? MS. 0' LEARY:Yes.We - - Eagle Water - - as you know, submitted its Application to amend its Certificate baek in May of this year , and with its Application , Eagle Water submitted letters from the customers who were specifically asking for service from Eagle Water, and that was Mrs. Troutner , Dorthy McKay, and Nancy Howe; Naney Howe representing the Dry Creek Cemetary, and Ms. McKay representing not only her own interests but that of I believe it's the Northwest Bible - - the chureh that is to be constructed on property owned by Ms. McKay. Eagle Water is ready, willing, and able to serve these customers, and as demonstrated by an Exhibi t 2 , Eagle Water's Application that was submitted in May, they have a letter from the engineer indicating that they have adequate water supply to serve these additional customers. Eagle Water believes that it is imperative that the customers' request for service from Eagle Water be honored by the Commission without further delay. Eagle Water further does not believe its Application to expand its service area to these customers the proper forum for deciding broader poliey matters regarding water serviee to the Eagle area for following reasons: These eustomers have been kept waiting for more HEDRI CK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 than three months and should not be required to wait any longer. These customers will be served by the - - will not be served by the booster pump line that services Eagle Springs subdivision , and that is the line that experieneed a temporary reduction in water pressure this summer due to a third-party' s interference wi th Eagle Water's service ine, thus these customers' request for service from Eagle Water should not have been held up for the past three months because Eagle Water' ability to serve these customers is totally unrelated to the temporary water pressure issues that oecurred in the Eagle Springs subdivision. In addition , Eagle Water has not had a rate increase in two decades.Geneva Trent, who is here today, is currently in the process of preparing the necessary finaneial data to file a rate case, and Eagle Water anticipates filing its rate case sometime next month. Until Eagle Water I s rates are brought in line wi th its current cost, including significant increases in its power cost due to recent Idaho Power rate increases, we believe it would be patently unfair to judge Eagle Water's future ability to serve additional customers in the Eagle area against its current financial condition.For instance, until Eagle Water's rates are brought into line with its operating costs, Eagle Water cannot obtain the necessary financing to bring a HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 new well on-line, but it has done all other -- taken all other necessary steps to acquire the rights to that well. Eagle Water is a small, locally-owned and operated utility.It is ready, willing, and able to compete with United Water for customers on water quality and serVlee quality, but it cannot compete dollar for dollar in investment capital with a multinational corporation such as United Water, nor should it be required to, and it especially cannot compete when its rates are two decades out of date. The people of Eagle look to this Commission to protect their interest, that's the public interest, and the public interest is best served by the exereise of eonsumer choiee.If the Commission acts prematurely in the allocation of the service area before Eagle Water's rates are brought into line with its cost of operations, then it could very well deny these consumers an opportuni ty for choice by ereating an even more lopsided playing field than already exists by virtue of the disproportionate seale of the two companies. And in closing, Eagle Water would just like to say that it is more than willing to partieipate in a serVlce allocation proceeding, whether that's informally discussions with United Water to see if we can reach agreement without having to take up the Commission's time, or ln a formal proeeeding before this Commission if that's what the Commission believes is necessary, but it requests that that action be HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 taken after its rate increase is improved - - approved, not improved. Thank you. Ms. 0' Leary, youCOMMISSIONER SMITH:Sure. weren't somehow implying that it was the Commission's faul t that Eagle Water's rates are two decades out of date? No, no, not at all, but that's justMS. 0' LEARY: the fact of life.That is the reality that Eagle Water faced wi th and is prepared - - I'm trying to make the point that Eagle Water has taken the steps to get its rates in line , has hired Mrs. Trent to work on that, and is prepared not to some distant time in the future but in the very near future file a rate case to address this problem that it finds has hampered its abilities. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Which is something they could have done anytime in the last 20 years? Given the information , yes.MS. 0' LEARY: COMMISSIONER SMITH:Okay.Thank you.So we had the public interest mentioned. m sorry, Commissioner Kj ellander. Have we already movedCOMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: to oral argument? COMMISSIONER SMITH:No, we're just talking. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Because those sounded like statements for oral argument, so I had a question. HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 COMMISSIONER SMITH:You can ask her a question. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:All right. I just had one quick question about the immediate needs because you did touch on that briefly in your opening statement, and was curious to the extent that you know wi regards to existing facilities how long would it take you to get service to those customers that presently have a request? MS. 0' LEARY:Let me confer with Mr. DeShazo because I know it would not take much time at all, but I can get a more precise answer if I could just visit with him for a minute. (Discussion off the record. MS. 0' LEARY:Three weeks. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Okay.The interests of the people of the Ci ty of Eagle was mentioned.I wondered, Mr. Smith, do you have any thoughts on process? MR. SMITH:Yes, Madam Chair.Wi th regard to the Applieation by Eagle Water, that was not what caught the City of Eagle's attention.It was the Staff's direetion that the uncertificated areas be allocated that necessitated the Petition for intervention. The City's view is that is a matter that requires some degree of cooperation and consul tation among the parties, both the utilities as well as the City of Eagle, and it would HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 not be the most effieient or prudent forum to undertake - - or this particular proceeding would not be the best forum in which to undertake those discussions.I think there's a degree of informality that would help that process, and so our view is if you're going to deal with Eagle Water's Petition , that's fine. The allocation I think should be separated from this and we have an informal proceeding to discuss those. Nevertheless, if it's the Commission's choiee to deal with that in this proceeding, we can do that as well , but it just - - there's related but enough separate issues, I think we should be doing it informally. COMMISSIONER SMITH:So you have no opinion on the Application of Eagle Water for the precise area in this Certificate? MR. SMITH:Tha t 's correet.I would say this, that Mr. Purdy did call me, and the City has indicated an interest in talking to the Parrs about their particular situation.I don't know if the City can neeessarily address , but the City is cognizant of that problem right now and has indicated a willingness to sit down with them and discuss that. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Mr. Purdy. MR . PURDY:Thank you, Madam Chair. As Mr. Smi th alluded to, yeah , f rankl y, the Parrs have been shopping for a water utility.We've contaeted Eagle Water , as well as Uni ted Water. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 The Parrs own roughly two acres of undeveloped property on Shields Street, and we can - - we've already looked at the maps and we can look at them further if necessary, but it's a relatively small area , an existing subdivision sandwiched between the Uni ted Water and Eagle Water serVlce terri tories.It's somewhat unique from these other outlining, uncertificated areas in that sense because it' - - it is so close in proximi ty to the already-existing serVlee terri tories. The nature of the neighborhood is kind of mixed. It's starting to change as the area changes out there. Frankly, there are some rather antiquated mobile home parks, but there's also starting to pop up some newer homes and townhouses and that sort of thing.The Parrs want to take advantage of what they see as a good opportuni ty to develop an area and change the character of the neighborhood. They don't have a pos i t ion, by the way, wi respect to Eagle Water's Application to serve that area up near State and - - or , rather, Hill Road and Highway 55.They onl y beeame interested in this case when the Staff submitted its comments saying perhaps we should take a look at all these other uncertificated areas. The Parrs ' property is currently served by a well.The problem is that that well lacks sufficient capacity and water quality to serve the development that they wish to construct, and, in fact, they recently diseovered some lead, HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 high concentrations of lead in their water.And, in addition the groundwater in that area we suspect is in a state of decline as new wells are constructed in the area.So for them realistically to develop their property, they need utility servlce. They have previously approached both United Water and Eagle Water , and for whatever reason were given the impression that neither utility was interested in serving them because they were in the - - they were not in anyone's service territory.Whether that impression was accurate or not, I guess I can't say for sure.m getting mixed signals today. But it seems, to me, that we could work out something wi respect to the Parr property fairly quickly, and whether that' done through thi s proceeding or some other proceeding I don't think is all that important.The Parrs would rather not, frankly, wait until after Eagle Water's rate case is finished. It seems that their neighborhood is of , you know, such a nature that we could probably come to some kind of an agreement wi one of the utilities, and that's our hope. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. Ms. Nordstrom. MS. NORDSTROM:Thank you. Staff has been contacted on several occaSlons regarding the need of Northwest Bible Church to begin or continue building on its property and its need for water HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 service.Staff believes that a quick resolution on their particular -- well , the five lots that are requested in this Application needs to happen in a timely manner. Staff also believes that a larger allocation of uncertificated areas is appropriate, given the rapid growth and the issues regarding water quality and the declining ability of wells in that area to serve the growth necessi tates a larger allocation of uncertificated areas. Staff also believes that the allocation of the five lots in -- requested by this Application could assist in the allocation of uncertificated serviee areas on a larger scale as well , and that that should be kept in mind. Other than that , Staff intends to keep an open mind and listen to the information presented by the other parties about their ability to serve and what ideas other parties may have on the best way to do that. Is the Staff opposing theCOMMISSIONER SMITH: Application of Eagle Water with regard to the church and the five lots? As the Commission is aware, StaffMS. NORDSTROM: initially did oppose the Application made by Eagle Water for these particular five lots, and we stand by that position unless presented with information to the contrary about the service quality issues and customer service issues in general. We've received considerable number of complaints this summer ln HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 that area, and we have some coneerns about alloeating additional parcels to Eagle Water unless those issues are addressed. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Commissioner Kj ellander. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Nordstrom, earlier the Counsel for Eagle Water had referenced that some of the difficul ties that had been experienced were due to, one, a third party s interference wi th a water source, and then a separate water source that wouldn't necessarily be connected with the service of the five customers in question today on the immediate needs list. Of the complaints we have, have they been broken down wi th regard to the water sources and the interference that were brought up by Counsel for Eagle Water?Could they be is, I think , more appropriately the question. MS. NORDSTROM:My client advises me that the area in which we received the complaints is in the vicini ty of the pareels , that they are all interconnected, and that some these issues have an affect on the parcels in question; but, you know, it's a variety of factors and not solely the aetions of the third party that are causing the problems. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Mr. Miller. MR. MILLER:If I might just make a brief reply to the comments of the other parties: With respeet to the requester eategory, those who HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 are requesting service, we have informally provided the Commission wi th maps that show the loeation of Uni ted' facilities and are certainly willing to, in whatever way the Commission desires, if the Commission does desire to weigh the abi 1 i ty of ut i 1 it ies to serve, to present that in an appropriate way so that it's properly before you. With respect to the broader uncertified areas, it's not really apparent to me why we need to wai t for the end of rate cases setting retail rates to make determinations about ability to serve and the location of utilities in respect to the uncertified areas.Certainly most of the investment to serve those areas is going to be contributed property anyway, rather than ratepayer- funded. I do agree with Mr. Smith that consultation is a appropriate way to try and address this.I think though that it would be much better to do that in the context of a proceeding where the parties could receive guidance from the Commission as necessary.So either in this case or ln some other case, it's our recommendation that the issue be addressed with perhaps a direction from the Commission for the parties to engage in some negotiations within the context of the ease. Wi th respeet to the Parr property and Mr. Purdy client, it's my understanding that United has main line facilities that are approximately 900 feet from the Parr property, and that service could be extended under Uni ted' HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 maln line extension rules which would provide for a $500 allowance from the Company toward the construction of the maln. Under United's rules as they exist, the responsibility for the rest of the investment would be on the requesting customer. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Doesn't sound like $500 would go very far in 900 feet. MR. MILLER:I don't believe it would, but that' what the rules are at the present time. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. We'll be at ease for a few moments. (Discussion off the record. COMMISSIONER SMITH:All right, let's go baek on the record now. It seems to the Commission that we need to do two things here, and first of all lS we need to immediately address the ehurch , the five lots for whieh the Application has been made earlier this year.And if the parties are prepared to do that today, we're prepared to sit here and listen and get all the information we need to decide that. And the second thing I think we would ike to do is open a case for the purpose of allocating the other unserved terri tory that is adj acent to the Uni ted and Eagle Water serving areas in the Eagle area, and this doesn't preclude having informal workshop sessions wi th or wi thout the Commissioners or informal negotiations, and, in faet, I think HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 that would be our preferred solution. I think what having a formal Commission ease does is it gives parties a sense of some time pressure so that you don't allow it to languish for months, because we will be asking, Aren't you done yet? And I think the other thing it does is if you have parties that become recalci trant or don't want to provide information, you have the resources of the Commission to get Discovery and get information that might be necessary to formulate your proposed solutions. Wi th regard to the Parrs, it seems, to us, that they do kind of fall in the issue of who should serve their presently-uncertificated area, and once you decide who serves the Parrs, that might decide their whole neighborhoods.But we would hope that there could be rather soon some of those informal discussions, and perhaps it will become immediately apparent who should serve that area of the Parrs and they can be split off, certified to the right company, and receive servlce without undue delay. Tha t 's the proposal.m open to other suggestions or tweaks that might improve that, but I think that's the way we'd like to proceed. I guess my only question is are the parties ready to go forward today with the information we would need about the five lots, the church, that are the subj ect of the HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 Application by Eagle Water? Mr. Miller. MR. MI LLER :I f we could have a brief recess, we'd be prepared to call Mr. Wyatt as a witness, have him introduce the maps and create a record on Uni ted' capabilities. COMMISSIONER SMITH:All right.So what we'd need are where are your facilities, how much would it cost , and how soon could you get there. MR. MILLER:Right. COMMISSIONER SMITH:And, Mr. Purdy, did you have a comment? MR . PURDY:m sorry.No. COMMISSIONER SMITH:You looked very thought ful Ms. 0' Leary. MS. 0' LEARY:Yes.I think wi th a brief reeess , as well , would be able to take the information that is here today and provide some basic information.Of course, not able to anticipate all of the Commissioners' questions, I think we can make a good effort to COMMISSIONER SMITH:Well, I think our questions are where are your facilities, are they adequate to serve these areas, how much would it cost, and what would it cost the customer, and how soon could you do it. MS. 0' LEARY:I think we're ready to respond to HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BO IS E , I D COLLOQUY 83701 all of that. And I think Mr. DeShazo alsoCOMMISSIONER SMITH: ought to also be prepared for questions concerning the customer service issues that seem to arise periodically with regard to hi s uti 1 it y, because I think that is a cons idera t ion for the Commission. Staff. If you would - - you know , we'MS. NORDS TROM : more than willing to, you know , have Mr. Sterling testify the Commission would like him to regarding Staff's position but we don't have any formal information to present at this time. Well , and I assume that youCOMMISSIONER SMITH: would probably be listening to the utility information and deciding whether your previous judgments were accurate or ln error. MS. NORDSTROM:Or whether they should be revised based on new information. , that's a niee way to sayCOMMISSIONER SMITH: it. Mr. Smith, any comments? Madam Chair, wi th regard to theMR. SMITH: unallocated area , lS it the Commission's intent to bifurcate and start a separate proceeding? COMMISSIONER SMITH:We don't want toYes.Yes. HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 mess up this Certificate Application with a new , broader lssue, so we'd start a new case. MR. SMITH:Okay.Thank you. COMMI S S lONER SMI TH :And would that be consistent with the interests of the City? MR. SMITH:m not golng to eommi t to that at this point. COMMISSIONER SMITH:If you know. MR. SMITH:As I indicated, we are certainly willing to sit down with these parties and discuss those lssues.Whether the formality of another proceeding necessary, I still am inclined to say, No. Is it inconsistent with the City's interest? don't know that either. So if it's the Commission's pleasure to initiate that, we will partieipate. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. And, Mr. Purdy, did you have any misgivings about where your elients got fit in this process? MR . PURDY:Wha t ?m sorry. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Did you have any misgivings about where your clients got slotted in this process? MR . PURDY:No, but just for clarification , if understood you correctly, Madam Chair, you suggested that the HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 Parrs' situation is somewhat unlque and that perhaps it could be addressed sooner rather than later? COMMISSIONER SMITH:Yes. Through an informal process?MR . PURDY: Yes , that would be our hope.COMMISSIONER SMITH: Ours as well.MR . PURDY: That it wouldn't have toCOMMISSIONER SMITH: wait until some big conclusion of everything; that people could start there , maybe finding the right answer, an Application could be filed, and the Commission could approve it. That's acceptable to us.MR . PURDY: Thank you.COMMISSIONER SMITH: That clarified myCOMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: question as well. All right.Le t 's take --COMMISSIONER SMITH: how much do you need, 15? Fifteen would be fine.MR. MILLER: Let's see if we can comeCOMMISSIONER SMITH: back at 10: 30. (Recess. All right, we'll go baek onCOMMISSIONER SMITH: the record. I think the parties have indicated they're now prepared to assist the Commission by providing information on their facilities and costs for the area whieh is the subject of HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 Eagle Water's present Certificate Application, and I believe we'll start , Mr. Miller , wi th Uni ted Water. Thank you, Madam Chairman.UnitedMR. MILLER: would call Gregory Wyatt. GREGORY P. WYATT produced as a wi tness at the instanee of Uni ted Water , being first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR.MILLER: please? m the viee president and general manager of Sir , would you state your name for the record, My name is Gregory P. Wyatt, W- And your occupation? Uni ted Water Idaho. In front of you is a map which we will mark as Exhibi t A.It hasn't been marked yet, but we will mark it and I will refer to it as Exhibit Let's call it Exhibi t 101.COMMISSIONER SMITH: We'll refer to it as Exhibit 101.BY MR. MILLER: (United Water Exhibit No. 101 was marked for identification. HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID WYATT (Di) United Water83701 BY MR. MILLER:Mr. Wyatt, was Exhibit 101 prepared under your direction? Yes, it was. To the best of your knowledge, does Exhibit 101 eorreetly depict eertain matters in the area of Ada County that's under diseussion today? Yes, it does.There's one minor adj ustment the map that I would make but I don't believe it has significant bearing, but just for accuracy's sake, intellectual honesty would eause me to make one adjustment to it. And what would that be? North of the eanal , there is a stub line shown as a two- inch PE serviee, and that is not a PE service, it is a net relief valve. Could I ask you to go to the map now and indicate for the Commission the properties that are the subj ect of this diseussion? Certainly.I m not sure how I do thi s on the reeord microphone wise, but -- COMMISSIONER SMITH:She will just take down what you say. THE WITNESS:Okay. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Speak up. THE WITNESS:In order to try to be visual about this, this would be Horseshoe Bend Road running north and HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID 83701 WYATT (Di) United Water south , and Hill Road runs roughly east and west down here. This being the canal I referenced. The five parcels, as I understand them, are these two pareels that are owned, I believe, by the Troutners. This parcel in here and I believe the parcel here are owned by the McKays. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Those are south of the canal. THE WITNESS:South of the canal. And this parcel is what has been referred to as the property the church is seeking to build on. And then there's another parcel up here that encompasses the cemetary. COMMISSIONER SMITH:That I S north of the eanal. THE WITNESS:That's north of the canal. So those are the parcels in this matter that I' aware of. BY MR. MI LLER :Is United currently providing service to any nearby parcels? Yes , United is.There's a property at the intersection of Horseshoe Bend and Hill Road on the northeast eorner whieh already has and has received service from Uni ted Water's 16 - ineh main that bounds that area through a service line into that property, and they're receiving service today. Also with reference to Exhibit 101 , could you HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578 , BOISE, ID WYATT (Di) United Water83701 indicate for the Commission the location of United Water's main line facilities in the region? Certainly.There is a 16 - ineh transmission and distribution main on the east side of Horseshoe Bend Road that runs north and south , and it receives its source of supply from wells to the west, and that line then turns east on Hill Road and continues on out Hill Road.That's the facili ties we have along the way.There's some val ving, there's air reI ief valves , there's service ines There's also an existing 12 - inch stub line comlng off of the Hill Road line to the north into what was believed to be and most likely would be an access road for the church property, which is one of the parcels in discussion. Right.So the United Water main line facilities front each of the properties that are in question, with the exception of the one that could be served by the 12-inch stub line? That's correct.United Water's facilities are on the east side of the road and frontage exists on the Troutner properties, both of those, as well as the - - what has been called the church property. It's my understanding that the McKays, who own the property which maybe we can call that a land-locked property for referencing because it does not front on either Hill Road or on Horseshoe Bend Road , but it's my understanding HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID WYATT (Di) United Water83701 they own both of those parcels, so an easement or aceess could easily be obtained by them through their own property to access the water ine on Hi 11 Road. Is there anything, before you take your seat, is there anything else on the map that the Commission should be aware of? Certainly, access to the cemetery could be obtained through a service line tap on the 16-inch north of the canal.That service is available to the cemetery property from that 16-inch maln.From the facilities that we currently have in place , the 16-inch main has adequate pressure, adequate flow , and adequate water quality to provide continuing proper serviee to any of these customers or all of them. I think that's all the questions I had with respect to the map.Thank you.You can take your seat agaln. Under Uni ted Water I s existing rules and regulations, what would the cost to eaeh of these eustomers be for United to connect to their parcels? For those parcels which front - - which have frontage on the existing mains, service taps would be at no cost to the customer.United Water's rules and regulations provide that Uni ted Water would bear the cost of the serviee line taps, meter box setting, meter , and so on to provide service at, quote/unquote, the curb line or the property line. It would then be the customer's responsibility to install HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID WYATT (Di) United Water83701 their - - what we call their customer side serVlce to serve their facility. With regard to the MeKay property and the chureh property, as I said, it really depends on how those property holders wish to configure water supply into their areas. United Water has not been the recipient of the application for servlce , so I don't have access to detailed maps from that owner as to exactly how they would prefer serviee to be rendered to them.But I would say that service is available at the main , and if they were to desire meter settings and serviee lines just off of the main , they would be at no cost to the customer. And other than the serviee ines and meters, are you aware of any other investment Uni ted would need to make on its own to provide service to these properties? , I'm not aware of any other investment that Uni ted would need to make. If the Commission were to determine that the best interest of these customers indicated that they should served by United Water , how long would it take United Water to make the necessary connections and begin providing service? To the Troutner properties and to the church property, which already have frontage, and then also to the McKay property, depending upon the way that they would want service provided, assuming those are simply service t"aps on the HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID WYATT (Di) United Water83701 existing maln , those could be scheduled and accomplished within the time frame necessary for obtaining road permits and Digline mark-outs and regularly scheduled, and we would be inside of would say two weeks, three weeks tops. We would have to - - if I could just finish, after the eustomer' s designation of location and once the property from the customer's standpoint is prepared to receive the service line, that's when we would be able to serve within that time frame.We need to have the customer tell us where , along the main , they want the service line to exist. This is sort of an unusual question, but since we haven't had a lot of opportunity for preparation, eould I just ask is there anything else that the Commission should know that you're aware of in connection with this question? The only thing that I would offer again is the lssue related to quality of service.We have not received any water quality complaints in that vicinity. The eustomer located on the interseeting corner of Hill Road and Horseshoe Bend Road recently requested serviee from United Water and obtained service from United Water , and we've had no comments or complaints from that customer. Very good. MR. MILLER:I believe that's all my questions Madam Chairman. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you, Mr. Miller. HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID WYATT (Di) Uni ted Water83701 Ms. Nordstrom , do you have any questions? MS. NORDSTROM:None at this time. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Okay. Mr. Smith, do you have any questions? No, Madam Chair.Thank you.MR. SMITH: COMMISSIONER SMITH:Ms. 0 Leary. MS. 0' LEARY:We do not have any questions for Mr. Wyatt. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Commissioner Kj ellander. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Jus t one. EXAMINATION COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER: Based on what you know of those parcels - - know that water is always an interesting issue in the state of Idaho - - I'm just curious as to what you see as the ability to actually serve them wi th the quanti ties of water they need. The reason I ask is wi th the cemetery, I'm curious how it I s gone this long wi thout somehow being connected to a water system , and if you understand what their needs are, what about the ability to actually serve with the quantities of water that they may be requesting? And that's a very good question.m not intimately familiar with what quantities of water the cemetery HEDRI CK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID WYATT (Com) United Water83701 would be requesting.I have some peripheral information , I would call it, just general knowledge, that they do - - that the cemetery does have irrigation water available for a large portion of its cemetery area.You know , I would, subj ect check , I would offer that I believe the cemetery s request for serviee is simply for relatively domestic service needs. Regarding the availability of water supply in the 16 - inch maln and through there, I will tell you that that is a supply line which we use to fill our Hidden Hollow Reservoir so we have ample supply for even if the cemetary did wish to use public water supply for its irrigation purposes, I would believe that we would have sufficient quantities. Okay.Thank you. Any redirect, Mr. Miller?COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, Madam Chairman.MR. MILLER:No. Thank you for your help,COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Wyatt. Certainly.THE WITNESS: (The wi tness left the stand. Okay.Ms. 0' Leary.COMMISSIONER SMITH: Eagle Water would like to callMS. 0' LEARY: Mr. Robert V. DeShazo, Junior, to the stand. HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID WYATT (Com) United Water83701 ROBERT V. DeSHAZO, JUNIOR, produced as a witness at the instance of Eagle Water , being first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MS. 0' LEARY: Mr. DeShazo, would you please state your full name for the record? Robert V. DeShazo, Junior. Thank you.And could you tell us, please, what your oecupation is? At present, I serve as president of Eagle Water Company. Thank you.Have you had a chanee to look at what has been identified as Exhibit 101 today? Yes, that is correct.Yes , I have. Does that map appear to be a eorrect representation of the subj ect area that is - - of the area that is the subj ect of Eagle Water's Application? Yes, it does. Okay.Could you please go to the map, as Mr. Wyatt did before you, and deseribe for the Commission the location of Eagle Water's facilities to serve the properties that are the subject of its Application? HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 Sure. Eagle Water Company's line is also on the east side of Old Horseshoe Bend Highway. Robert, you might want to stand a little bit behind the map so you're not blocking it. We're also on the east side of Old Highway 55, and we have a 12-inch main line that runs right in here to the entry to Bonita Hills.We have an eight-inch main that runs all the way on down to the corner of State and Horseshoe Bend Road. The service, basically, we are servicing at the present Dry Creek Cemetery is a national cemetery that 1 s there , is an Application we put in I think this last spring, early spring there.We had, in the Application, it was mentioned that I think the Commission came back and asked if we were asking for the whole cemetery.We really at that point didn't have an Application requesting that, and it's kind of sad because it should have been done at that time, because all they basically need is a stub for future fire protection basically what they're after. The cemetery presently serves off of wells and they do have pressure irrigation off the irrigation diteh here, and the national cemetery required they have buildings in there that required fire hydrant and fire flows and those items, so we completed this thing.And when we were there, we did put a HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 stub out in an area down here for the Dry Creek Cemetery in the future , and the reason we did it is beeause the road has been completely redone and restructured and repaved and we would have had to tear that up again , and I didn t think that was sui table to do that and espeeially right across from the entry to the cemetary of the national thing, and so we put the stub in. Mr. DeShazo, can I just clarify, when you say the national cemetery do you mean the veterans' eemetary? Well , it's a veterans' eemetery, but it is considered a national cemetery. Thank you. The Troutner property right here, we obtained - - Mrs.Troutner is in the process of selling the property and don't know whether it'happened.talked to the real tor and felt it was going to close anytime.It might have already been closed.But we had asked for an easement to run from here , down along the canal and eome into the McKay property, and that's the way we were golng to serviee both of her properties and the McKay property, and that's where we' at at this point. Okay.So you have adequate facilities to service the eurrent substation? Well , we had a fire flow test on this hydrant yes , we have.Of course, the line is always being fed from the HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID 83701 DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water basie system which is the downtown or lower areas.There are control valves that are installed up here to let the booster line be a completely separate line comlng off the pump to supply water to this subdivision.There's valves here and there's valves in the canal , and then valves down.So we can ei ther booster that section into it or bring it off the seetion coming up the Horseshoe Bend Highway. But it's your testimony that the subj ect property would not necessarily be served with this booster line that was the supply line for the Bonita Hills or the Eagle Springs subdivision that was the subj ect of the complaints this summer? That was my testimony. Okay.Under your existing rules and regulations for Eagle Water , do you know what the approximate cost would be for these properties?Do you want to go back to your Thank you. Thank you. The approximate cost for the Troutner property would be between 800 and 1 200 dollars. The McKay property, from what I've seen from the plans and stuff , it included some fire hydrants and some fire flows and this sort of lines, so it's a little bit different servlce lines, and just a loose estimate would be between 24 to 000. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 The stub out to the cemetery is around 1 500 to 600 dollars. And would service to these properties require any other investment by Eagle Water? Not that I ean think of at the present. Okay.And once the - - well, the request has already been made, but assuming that the Commission would approve your Application to amend your Certificate - - Eagle Water's Certificate - - to serve these properties , can you gl the Commission an estimate of how long it would take to provide service? We did that earlier and I said three weeks, but should have maybe clarified that.That's after we get DEQ' s permission to proceed, and that's been a real stiekler to try and do timing on and getting things to proj ects. Now, when you say it's been a stickler , that' not unique to Eagle Water, is it? I don't have any experlence with anybody else. know that we've had some problems wi th them , yes. And the problem that you're alluding to I think at this point perhaps is the complaint that was lodged regarding the bag maker property? Well , I wasn't alluding to that, but now that you brought it up, yes, that has been a real problem , al though I will say as of yesterday we are able to start construetion. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 We got our permission Friday.Materials were delivered.We' down there working on the proj ect now , so maybe that' something that's in - - by the past. Okay. I don't know if it would beMS. 0' LEARY: appropriate at this point, but we do have a letter from Eagle Water's engineer explaining what happened at DEQ with Eagle Water's Application regarding that specific proj ect. I think it would be good toCOMMISSIONER SMITH: have that as an exhibi Why don't you start with Exhibit No. (Eagle Water Exhibi t No.1 was marked for identification. Mr. DeShazo, I'm going to handBY MS. 0' LEARY: you what has been marked as Exhibit 102. COMMISSIONER SMITH:No, 1. Exhibi t And I'm going toMS. 0' LEARY:One. hand a copy as well to Staff and United Water and to the Commissioners, if I may approach. Thank you.COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you.COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Mr. DeShazo, can you justBY MS. 0' LEARY: briefly explain the context of this letter that was received from your engineer yesterday? Our engineer made Application on July 26 for the HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 offsi te extension to the property where the bag maker is being done.This was after some delays of easements and this was we had three routes to get there.The shortest route, of course, was the one we could not accomplish.The and had changed ownership, the owner had made a verbal agreement to allow us to eome through it, then he wanted money up front , and we kind of got out of that. So I got ahold of - - Jim Rees is our englneer and I said, Jim , where is this permit? And so Jim called down there. And basically what it's saying is they had lost -- they said that we hadn't even made the Application. Well , Jim went back , found it where it was stamped and date stamped and took it back in.I think it was rece i ved August the 25th , and - - is when they got it back , and then they issued us an acceptance letter on the 14th September. And I - - that's just what I'm reading here and what Jim has told me about. So the second page of this Exhibi t 1 , which is a letter to you from Mr. Rees, appears to be the date-stamped page of the Application that was submitted on Eagle Water' behalf by MTC regarding this property, and would you agree that it is date-stamped received by the DEQ or Department of Environment Quality on July 26th? HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 That's correct, yes. And yet it appears that it took another month for the Department of Environment Quality to route that to their technical serviees office? I believe that what I understand from what I' told is that the file got lost and it wasn't -- it didn't go anywhere because it got split up into two different departments down there.And then when Mr. Rees called, that's when they found this out.He took it back down to them , and that's why the other stamp is there for August 25th. Okay.So this is what you wereThank you. referring to when you said that Eagle Water would be able to provide service to these customers wi thin two to three weeks after DEQ performs its portion of the Application process? That's right.The plan , not particularly for the Troutner or for the cemetery, but for the - - or, the church property, that is extensive enough to where it has to go through DEQ approval. Thank you for clarification. Is there anything else that you think the Commission should know regarding Eagle Water's ability to serve these properties? None that I can think of. Okay.Mr. DeShazo, earlier in today' s proceedings, there was, I believe, a question raised by HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 Commissioner Smith regarding some customer eomplaints that were received this summer , and I would like to maybe discuss that have you discuss that - - wi th the Commissioners, for the Commissioners today. MS. 0 I LEARY:If it's possible, I would like to approach Mr. DeShazo wi th some photographs that were taken and then have him explain these as we go through them. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Certainly. MS. 0' LEARY: THE WITNESS: MS. 0' LEARY: THE WITNESS: MS. 0' LEARY: And -- For our booster pump up here m going to just Okay, go ahead. m going to have those identified for the record as Exhibi 2, and unfortunately, I did not bring extra copies of those to share wi th the other parties. (Eagle Water Exhibi t No.2 was marked for identification. BY MS. 0' LEARY:So, Mr. DeShazo, if you would hold up for everyone's benefit the first picture that you have there in that stack? (Indieating. And could you that picture of? explain for the Commissioners what This is a picture of our main-inch 12 line (sic) coming off of the New State Highway 55 line, and it's coming HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578 , BOI SE , ID 83701 DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water through easement to the booster station.This will be the west side of the proj ect. This is - - the picture is on the east side of the proj ect, and past this line is the booster station. Mr. DeShazo, before we go onto that second pieture, eould you please identify how that first - - the caption on that first picture so we can keep these individual pictures straight for the record? West side of gravel pit.It says: West side of gravel pit. And the other one is:Pipe at east side of gravel pi t This easement was obtained through - - this is a gravel pi t.The easement was obtained, I can't remember, seven , eight years ago, and we at the time knew that that line was going to have to be relocated sometime in the future.The gravel operator notified us that it was - - that he was going to have to be into this gravel bank he thought about sometime late July or first of August. We went out and proceeded to do another route to route the line around prior to any -- keeping the line live, route it around.In the mean time, there was some miscommunication between myself , my superintendent, and the gravel operator. We started to dig on the route-around line whieh HEDRICK COURT REPORTING o. BOX 578, BOISE, ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 would not be affeeted , it would be the permanent line, and the overburden of the gravel pi - - in other words, to get to the gravel had about 20 feet of overburden.They had a large order come in.WhatThey started running more equipment , machinery. basically they did, they just outran us.We couldn't keep ahead of them.Instead of having a six-foot trench, we were going to be digging 25 and 30-foot trench in loose soil, and was just too risky.We decided not to do that. And when the line got tore out is when the problems happened up in Eagle Springs because we weren 't golng through the booster pump.The booster pump was turned off. So then we had to come up with another route to do this, which it took a little time to do, and we told people that we were going to have some problems with it.And until this happened it was very - - the timing was very bad.I guess I can take some of the blame for it.I don't know why, but obviously have to do something.And it did cause some problems up in Eagle Springs area and as far as their serviee ability and pressures. One of the problems we have in Eagle Springs, we have a homeowners' association.They have some very large -- and I mean large - - common areas, which they don't have pressure irrigation in these two subdivisions, so the soil condi tion is that they water those things extensively.And we've asked them during peak periods of times not to water and HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578 , BOI SE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 we still don't have it.They're still watering whenever they They didn't take the attitude or anything to water atwant to. times we asked them not to.So they eause some of their own problems up there. And we did get the thing - - and I can't remember the date - - we got the booster station back on I guess three four weeks ago , I can't remember , and it seems to be working adequately and the complaints, of eourse, have pretty much stopped. Okay.Mr. DeShazo, there are some other pictures there that I handed you as part of Exhibit 2 , and I would like to go through those one by one and just have you explain for the Commission what those are pictures of.So could you hold up that first picture and read the caption of that picture for the reeord? Can I give a little background? Yes, but could you hold the picture up and read the caption first? Just a little background first: When talking to Molly yesterday, we were discussing pictures , and this is why these came up, per se, and I suggested would it be advisable to take pictures of the Complaints' properties and see what they look like.And that' what I had sent a person out, had a digital camera, and he did this yesterday afternoon.So that's the background. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 Thank you. This shows the back yard common area of Eagle Springs subdivision , and it's taken from the hill which ean look down into it. And, Mr. DeShazo, I'm going to ask you the question in the foreground, there appears to be a very dry What is that?area. That is a port ion of the Dry Creek Mi 1 i tary That's the part they're not working on qui te yet.Cemetary. So that's not an area - - common area - - of the subdi vi s ion? No, it's not. Thank you. This next picture is common area north of Big Springs Boulevard, and that's off the Horseshoe Bend Road. This is one of their common areas they have , and this is just showing the landscaping and basically the grass is green, put it that way, I guess. This is a house that's on Sage Hollow and it' one of our eomplaints.This is a front yard picture of their particular property. Could you please identify for us the address of that? It's 10625 Sage Hollow. Okay.And that would be, to your knowledge, lS HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 that the property of Mr. Jay Pinehen? I don't know.I don't know. For the record -- Could you please establish whatMS. NORDSTROM: date these pictures were taken? Mr. DeShazo did establish that theyMS. 0' LEARY: were taken yesterday. They were taken yesterdayTHE WITNESS: afternoon. MS. NORDSTROM:Thank you. THE WITNESS:This is a picture at 9706 Big Springs Boulevard and the lawn at that area. And Big Springs is the one - - this particular property is unique because it lays well elevation above the basic town of Eagle, and I can't - - I don't know what the elevation is but I know it's 3-, 4-, 500 feet difference.And that's one of the reasons the booster pump is there, so we ean get it boosted up, get it up to the top.Big Springs Boulevard is the highest part that goes up there. And here's a house that's on 9610 Big Springs and also showing the house next door at 9856 Big Springs, and this shows their front lawns.And those lawns do faee directly to the south , and that is the hot hillside part there. And the next picture that you have there? 9802 Big Springs. HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 Okay. Also in the same area, and these are people that did have filed complaints. And then the next picture that you have there? 1197 Elk River. And this al so a picture of a party who filed a complaint with the PUC? Yes, all these pictures, basically they are, yes. This is 2188 Skokie. And then we also service in this same thing we servlce what's called the Eagle Ada Skateboard Park, which is even higher up.It's up Old Highway 55, almost up to the Lazy J Tavern , and it's directly across from Trail Creek subdivision.And I had him go up there and take some pictures of that because that's - - that is considerably - - it's off the same ine And this is showing the north end of the skateboard park looking northwest - - northeast. And could you identify the eaption on that picture, please, for the record? North end of skateboard park looking northwest. Thank you. And this is skateboard park looking south from the high hill.And basically it does come back in way down here to some of the property that's in the Eagle Springs subdivision. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 When you said , Way down here, let the record show that you were pointing to the left - - upper left side of the picture. Right.These houses over here are in Trai 1 Creek subdi vi s ion. And then you say, These houses over here, you' referring to the houses at the top of the picture? The ones that run along where the landscaping is. Thank you. Another picture of skateboard park looking at the entrance.He's made a note on here the brown spot's caused during maintenance of park , and I don't know what that refers , but there's some brown spots there. But it's your testimony that that brown spot is not related to any sort of irrigation problem? It's actually cireular for some reason, so there might have been something there that I don't know of.The summer season lS over , so they have taken in a lot of their things they had out there for playground equipment. This picture, it really is kind of -- it's just showing the mud tracks in front of the common areas on Eagle Springs thing, and I don't really think this is - - it could be from weather , it could be - - and they do sprinkle these things constantly.And I haven't taken a computer to figure out how mueh area up there is actually common area versus homes.The re HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 are some very arge areas. So your appears from these pictures and from your own information testimony, Mr. DeShazo , that it regarding your system's operations that the water pressure problems in the Eagle Springs area have been resolved? I believe so at this time , yes. And during the time that there were water pressure issues related to this pipe that was intercepted by a third party, was the pressure - - are there any reeords , to your knowledge , of Eagle Water's pressure being below the required water pressure limit? Not that I know of. Now , we did put some reeorders up there - - didn't bring those; I didn't even think it was going to get into this today - - showing some recordings in that subdivision during certain parts of the day.I think that probably most of those were taken after - - after the booster pump was reinstalled. We had a recorder.We found out it was defective.By the time it got here,We ordered another one. we had the thing pretty much fixed.But we're moni toring on a daily basis now just so we kind of keep a feel of what happening up there. And was it your testimony earlier that the property that is the subj ect of your - - of Eagle Water' HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 current Application would not be serviced by the booster line that services these properties that we've just seen the pictures of? That is correct , yes. Thank you.Is there anything else that you would like to bring to the Commissioners' attention? Just as a clarify, the corner of Hill Road and Old Horseshoe Bend Highway, those people also requested service from Eagle Water , and I went and physically went over and looked at their property. She has extensive landscaping.We fel t that it would - - we knew United Water had a line in there also. think we had some meetings with United Water and we deeided to let them go ahead and service it.It would be probably more to her benefit to have it happen , would be a lot more disruptive (sic) to her property to have it serviced by United Water than Eagle Water, and so that I s how that eame about. You're referring -- To the piece of property on the corner of Hill Road and Old Highway 55. And is it your understanding at the time that that agreement was reached that that was not to be used as any sort of a precedent for service of these addi tional properties? Absolutely. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 Thank you. MS. O'LEARY:We have nothing further. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Mr. Miller , do you have questions? Just a couple of clarifications, ifMR. MILLER: I could. CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MR. MILLER: As I understand it, these booster facilities line and facilities -- are to the north of the properties in question.Right? Tha t 's correet, yes.They're on the other side of the canal. And those facilities, if Eagle were to serve, would not be used to serve these properties? That is correct. Rather, the properties would be served by a well located somewhere else? They would be served basically, Mr. Miller, from the basic system which is actually down by the river , loeated in the lower areas.I t would be served as an intermix. There's not a specific well that serves as one.They serviee all. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID DeSHAZO (X) Eagle Water83701 Where is the elosest source of supply? , on that map would be hard.The closest source of supply would be off of Edgewood off of State Street. Basically, there's a well in there. How far away that,approximately? Probably - - I 1 going just say two and a half, three miles.don't really know. Now understand it,Eagle Water does not have facilities in the Hill Road right-of-way? In that particular part, no, we don't.That' not our area to service that point. And if I understood your testimony correctly, for Eagle to serve the McKay property, it was necessary to get an easement across the Troutner property? Ei ther that or we could also get an easement down Dry Creek Cemetary.There's two ways to go. Did I understand your testimony correctly that the Troutners have refused to grant an easement? , that's not what I said. Do you have an easement? It's in the transi tion of being - - theNo. property - - it's like trying to say the property is being sold. I don't know when it's closing.We're not qui te there at thi point. She agreed to let us do this in letter form, so HEDRI CK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (X) Eagle Water83701 didn t feel that that was - - since we got into when we started this thing, and then Uni ted Water is an Intervenor, we kind of really haven't done a whole lot more than that at this point. But as we sit here today, Eagle Water does not have a legal access to the McKay property? I'd say that'd probably be correct. I was slightly confused on the discussion of DEQ snags and this letter of September 21st from your englneer. What property is that in connection with? That is in conneetion with the property that the bag maker is building a building on. And it's unrelated to these properties, apparently? Apparently, yes, it's qui te a ways away, yes. I guess I was confused then as to, frankly, what bearing does this have on service to these parcels? COMMISSIONER SMITH:I think it had bearing on the fact that the Commission said that the customer service record was one of the things we were golng to consider. even though it's not located here and it's not related to this, that was the issue, and I think I brought it up. THE WITNESS:Yes. m looking at the ApplicationBY MR. MI LLER : that was filed on behalf of Eagle Water, and in Paragraph 4 there is a sentence that says the estimated cost for this HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (X) Eagle Water83701 project is between 15,000 and $20,000, plus legal fees, all of which will be paid by the developer. Could you explain for the Commission what activities or assets are being funded by this 15 to $20,000? Maybe I'll start with is that still an accurate estimate? You re referring to which Application Mr. Miller? The Application that was filed on May 21 , 2004. Is that on the McKay property? You'll have to tell me.m just reading from the Application. I bel ieve it was the McKay property. Since that time, I received additional plans from the church engineers and that's why we have a little differenee in cost , because they have added some other things to it that we didn't have in the first estimate. So what is your current estimate of? Well , there's - - to repeat it, I said between 24- and 27 000 is what I said, basically. And what would that be for? That would be for main line, fire hydrants, serviee lines.I think there was someI don't - - let's see. irrigation in it.I don't have all of the stuff in front of me at the present.And that was labor and material to run the line, basically, from the Horseshoe Bend Highway to their HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (X) Eagle Water83701 property, and to put it to where it was on the plans, on the plot plan. And approximately how many feet of maln line eonstruetion would be involved in that? You - - when we decided to do this thing I didn'A . have that in front of me, so I kind of did some quick estimates.I think it's around - - my figures were down there Molly, but that doesn't do any good. MS. 0' LEARY:May I approach the witness? THE WITNESS:I think around 1,200 to 1,400 feet, I bel ieve BY MR. MI LLER :That would be roughly from where to where? That's from the tie-in at Horseshoe Bend Highway to the property and on the site. Yeah , it was around 12-, 1 300 feet, and it might be pI us or minus. Do you know what size of pipe would be used? Primarily, eight- inch. And that's for the parcel that you currently don't have a legal access to? Yes, it is. Thank you very much.Those are allMR. MILLER: my questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Ms. Nordstrom , do you have HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (X) Eagle Water83701 questions? Thank you.MS. NORDSTROM:I do. CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MS. NORDSTROM: Good morning, Mr. DeShazo.Does your company have any plans to build new facilities in the vicinity of these five parcels in question? Build them in the - - not in that area, no. Has Eagle Water personally received complaints from customers this summer in addition to those received by the Public Utilities Commission? Yes, we have. And could you describe the nature and number of these complaints? I think most of the people that did complain to us did write letters to the Commission.I don't - - I didn' keep a record of what that was.Operations people had that, primarily.That was what their - - that's what their job was. I did talk to individual s up there.I talked to - - I can't remember the names - - trying to explain what the problem was, what was going on , what our time frame was and where we're golng to be, and did this primarily before they had homeowners' meetings so at least they had some information to HEDRI CK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID DeSHAZO (X) Eagle Water83701 that extent. One of them called me and asked me if I would attend a homeowners' meeting, and I said I would be happy to. They haven't had one sinee that particular time, probably will have one this fall.I wi 11 be more than happy to go up there and talk to them and see what their concerns are. I know that one of our eoncerns, they have got to get control of this irrigation water, because that is the one key factor that's causing them some fluctuation in their pressures. Would it surprise you to know that the Commission has received at least 16 complaints this summer regarding water pressure and service issues in the vicinity of these five parcels? Yes, I have a list. Could you please point out on the map where most of these complaints came from? Well , I can't -- I don't think we got any complaints from the Bonita Hills subdivision , whieh is in here. m just saYlng I don't know for sure. Most of them were in - - off of Palisades, Big Springs , the higher elevations is where we had our problems.We didn't take all the pictures of all the complaints because we just kind of ran out of time yesterday afternoon. HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (X) Eagle Water83701 It's kind of interesting:Some people would have a complaint and their neighbor wouldn't, and it's kind of hard to judge what I s golng on in part of that - - part of what' happening. That's, basically, lS about where we've had our complaints.It's the higher grounds up there. Could you also point out where the gravel pi t is on that map? Well , it's basically -- basically, it'I can 't. back here, come right down this road. And where is your booster station? And it would be over here too. Okay.And the Eagle Springs subdivision? Right here. Okay. And this is called Bonita Hills.There's two subdivisions here. Okay.That's all I have for the map.Thank you. You stated that you knew that the pipe that ran through the gravel pit would need to be relocated at some point.Why didn't you act proacti vely to ensure that there wouldn't be a disruption in service if you knew that there was golng to be a problem? I tried to explain that earlier.We have our new yard is there, located right by the gravel pi We were HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (X) Eagle Water83701 watching what they were doing, keeping an eye on it.And I met with the owner of the gravel pit and we deeided that we would come up with a new route and we were proceeding to do that, and it just - - the communieation was between - - I have to say that one of the problems that I had here is my superintendent was also the brother of the owner of the gravel pit , and so the communication was pretty -- pretty open.And when we got ready to go to work up there , they - - the overburden - - I mean , they really just shut us off , we couldn't get through there, and tha t 's what happened.It wasn't an issue that we weren't trying to.We were trying to get to it and get it done. The pictures that you showed us earlier were apparently taken yesterday? Yes. When did the maj ori ty of these complaints oceur? I don't have the file, but they re dated over there.Probably -- I'm sure a lot of them started within after that booster pump went down. What date did that booster pump go down? I believe in - - I'm guessing.I think in late June or July, first of July.I don't know. So is it fair to say that the complaints regarding water pressure and customer service issues have been from late June through early September? HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (X) Eagle Water83701 That's correct. One of the complaints that was reeei ved was in regard to too high of water pressure.Could you please explain what, if anything, you know regarding the nature of that eomplaint? Well , that's completely on the other , the west end of the water eompany ' s service area, and it's off of -- there's a maj or well that's over there and that has - - produces around 100 pounds of psi.The people in that particular - - all of them down there that built were told that they would need pressure reducers installed on their house system by their plumbers.It's in the State Plumbing Board regs to do that.These particular people escaped through the - - and I don't say the people.It would be the plumbing contractors did not install the pressure reducer valves.And this particular person became aware of it and became very concerned , and that's why he filed a complaint. And then to follow up on that , we've gone to the State Plumbing Board and have requested to talk to them as to why these things weren't installed, and we - - matter of fact , I heard my operations manager talking to somebody from DEQ yesterday and what we have to do, apparently, is get on our monthly bills, is put a rubber stamp on there informing them that they may have high pressure and they should seek installing a pressure reducing valve. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (X) Eagle Water83701 Do you believe that one company should be awarded all of the five parcels in question here, or should they be split up since both United Water and Eagle Water apparently have the ability to serve them? I just made the Application because I had the That's all I can say.request. MS. NORDSTROM:I have no further questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you, Ms. Nordstrom. Questions?I assumed he was sitting this out. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:None. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: I have a couple, and you're going to have to help me understand this better. The Applieation , by looking at it, appears to be for five different parcels:Two located east of the Horseshoe Bend Road and south of the canal , which we call the Troutner parcels. That's correct, yes. Two additional ones that are also south of the canal and east of the Troutner parcels that we're calling the McKay property? Tha t 's correct. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Com) Eagle Water83701 And the southern-most McKay parcel is what we' referred to as the church property? That's right.Yes. Okay.Now then there's another piece that's the Dry Creek Cemetery Maintenance District, and is it north of the canal? Yes, it is. And how far east does it go?It doesn't go all the way to these - - this corner of this map where we see that dot ted ine going up and down? I think it does.I believe that is part of the eemetery is what they're showing in there , that drawing. Is it?Does it go east of that dottedOkay. line? Yes, it goes over to - - probably over to a bluff there, and I don't know how their boundaries are on their east side. But it wasn't your intention to plaee faeilities that far east? What they re going to do, they're planningNo. on this spring doing some improvements to their administrative building. And where is the administrative building loeated, approximately? m just kind of guessing now.It's located HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID DeSHAZO (Com) Eagle Water83701 right in here. Well , that is qui te a ways east then. Well , we're - - presently we're right in here wi maln line, right in this area for the cemetery. And that's the area you al ready serve? Yes, it is. Okay.Then it looks to me likeve got it. just south of the two Troutner parcels, immediately south fronting the road, are two unserved parcels that you re not requesting? That is correct, yes. Okay.We went through all these complaints. When was this line broken and the booster pump went down?That was late June or early July? Yes, I believe so, yes. And when was it repaired? It was either late August or early September we had it back on-line. So that kind of matehes the complaints? Yep. And is all your serVlce area metered? Yes , it is. So these people in Eagle Springs who are watering this common area, they have a meter? Tha t 's correct. HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID DeSHAZO (Com) Eagle Water83701 Okay.I guess , and just finally, the - - I guess the thing that disturbed me the most in reading the complaints and hearing of them was the fact that you don't return your phone calls.So, do you want to say anything in your defense on not returning phone calls? I do return most of my phone calls.I do have people that work in the office that are in operations that ask them to please confer wi th the people and see what their problems are and see what we can do for them.I can't, in all honesty, I can't take and talk to everybody. As you well know , Eagle is extremely busy, extremely expanding.My time demands out there are pretty pretty well wanted. And I don't mean to be - - sound like I'm off here, that's not what I meant.I try talk to people that are going to go to the meetings and so they can at least express to the other people in there what we're doing.Just to call and talk to all of them is just sometimes is almost overburdening. And we are - - we are doing communication wi them.And just because They are hearing from our office. happen to be the president doesn't mean that I can't delegate somebody to talk to these people.And we're not avoiding them by any means.They re our customers and we like them , and we try to work wi th them. Sometimes they get where you hear it and you' HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Com) Eagle Water83701 just about the worst guy in the world, and you try to tell them you really aren't the worst , you're second to the worst or something. Yeah, the worst is over here. I don't know about that. At least that's what we're told. No. I guess I appreciate your comments on that, and hope you can appreciate how difficult it is for the Commission when the customer's main complaint is that the Company is not responslve.So I guess if your employees could say that , I' returning this call on behalf of Mr. DeShazo and he' interested and concerned , but, you know, he just ean' t return every single eall. We have done that. And we've also found discrepancies of - - that people, they read into what something staff is telling them and it's not correct , and I'm trying to explain to them.And I' gone to staff and said , you know , Are you saying these things? And, no, they're not.And so you're getting the - - I don' know what you'd call it, the - - they don' - - they hear what they hear , but that's not what they're hearing - - what they want to hear , see. Sometimes people don't hear what they re told. Absolutely.Very true. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578 , BOISE, ID 83701 DeSHAZO (Com) Eagle Water COMMISSIONER SMITH:Do you have redirect, Ms. 0' Leary? REDIRECT EXAMINATION BY MS. 0' LEARY: I don't have anything specific unless, Mr. DeShazo, there's anything that you wanted to say in elosing? I think if we're going to look at doing this allocation , I'd ask that we not do it during this particular time because of the time frame.So I think that maybe we' got a little bit of breathing room where we can try to look this thing and try to discuss it. We're seeing some more changes comlng into the Eagle area and different things that are happening that are golng to have some affect on our company as well as United Water's, and we're just trying to keep ahead of it and see where we're going to be. Is it your testimony and conclusion, Mr. DeShazo that Eagle Water is ready, willing, and able to serve the customers who requested service from Eagle Water and that their requests are the subj eet of the Application before the Commission today? That is correct, yes. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Di) Eagle Water83701 Thank you. MS. 0' LEARY:Nothing further. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Well, you generated another one f rom me. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: One of the parties present today represented by Mr. Purdy were the Parrs, and do you - - have you formed any opinion whatsoever on whether Eagle Water is in a position to serve the Parrs, because they are at least one party I don' think should wai t for months I agree. - - while we sort out and look at maps and have informal get-togethers. I have looked at the proj ect I haven't done any estimates.I told Mr. Purdy and Mr. Farley that I would get down there this afternoon and get some lineal footage as to where they are, where they're located , and where we're at, and get them an approximate estimate of cost to it. ve talked to Mr. Farley I think a year and a half ago and I told him - - I says that one thing he had to look at was that offsite costs are borne primarily by the developer or the applicant that asks for it.You could go - - if you go HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 DeSHAZO (Com) Eagle Water through your neighborhood there and get some people in your neighborhood to help share in that eost, it would be advantageous to you to do that. And somehow he got the impression that I didn' want to do it or something, and I was trying to explain to him that he didn't realize that he's got front-end eosts that' golng to be - - probably make the property that he has - - it' going to lessen the value of it.And that was the latest. And then he called me here - - I think he called Mrs. 0' Leary, and I think she called me and asked me to call Mr. Farley. I don't know how he got your number , but I think that's how it went. And so I did talk to him and I told him what - - rei terated the same thing to him and I did mention that, yes, we are having - - I've got an application in front of the PUC right now , it's being held, and I don't know what the time frame would be. And then we got a letter from Mr. Purdy and this is how that's all gone from there.But I will get an estimate right away. So you weren't - - when you said you didn't want the examination of the presently uncertificated areas not to happen in this time frame, which I assume meant your rate case, you weren't referring to this property? HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Com) Eagle Water83701 m referring to the whole thing thatNo, no. they want to, you know , sit down and do the whole allocation of the whole thing. Yeah, right.I have only one more clarification: I don't know who Mr. Farley is. Mr. Farley is a real estate agent representing Mrs. - - that's -- The Parrs? He was sitting back there.m sorry, di dn 't So the Parrs and the Farleys are the same? The McCoys and the Okay. Anything further?Redireet?COMMISSIONER SMITH: Nothing further.MS. 0' LEARY: Thank you for your help,COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. DeShazo. (The wi tness left the stand. Ms. Nordstrom.COMMISSIONER SMITH: wi th the Commission's indulgence,MS. NORDSTROM: Staff would like to call Rick Sterling to the stand to clarify its position in this matter. Thank you.COMMISSIONER SMITH: HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID DeSHAZO (Com) Eagle Water83701 RICK STERLING, produeed as a witness at the instance of the Staff, being first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MS. NORDSTROM: Good morning.Please state your name and spell your last for the record. My name is Rick Sterling, S- By whom are you employed and in what capacity? m employed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as a staff englneer. Did you participate in formulating the Staff eomments filed in this docket, June 29, 2004? Yes, I did. And what was Staff's position at that time? Staff opposed Eagle Water's Application to serve the five parcels in question. What was the rationale behind that recommendation of denial? Well, the primary rationale was that at the time the Application was filed and under consideration , Eagle Water was in the midst of its booster pump problem.The Commission was receiving numerous complaints about low water pressure in HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID Sterling (Di)Staff83701 the Eagle Springs area primarily, which , as been pointed out on the map, is not far from where these five parcels are loeated and we didn't believe that -- we, being the Staff -- didn' believe that we could support Eagle Water's Application to servlce addi tional properties in that same vicini ty when they were experiencing problems already with serving some of the existing customers. At the time that Staff filed comments, was there a firm date on which the booster station was expected to be baek on-line? No, there was no firm date.The original expectation , as related to us from Eagle Water , was that the problem could be resolved , and my recollection was two to three weeks.And as we have seen, it turned out to be much longer than that before the problem got resolved. Is this the first time that there have been a number of complaints in this area filed with the Commission? Two years - - two summers ago, we experiencedNo. a lot of other complaints from the Eagle Springs subdivision and al so the Boni ta Hi 11 s subdi vi s ion which is adj acent to it, and following those complaints or approximately at the time some of those eomplaints were coming in , Eagle Water was in the process of adding its booster station to improve the pressure to that portion of its system. Based on the information that you ve heard in HEDRI CK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID Sterl ing (Di)Staff83701 this hearing today, does Staff have any eoncerns about awarding service of these five parcels to Eagle Water? Well , strictly from the standpoint of ability to provide service, I think either company has the ability to provide serVlce.As has been pointed out, they both have main ines ln the vicini ty.And if Eagle Water lS not experleneing problems similar to the problems they have had ln the past then I fully believe they eould provide adequate service. I think what it - - the question boils down to I think there are certain parcels that may be served less expensively by one company or another, al though I think ei ther company could provide the service. Customer service issues though I think are another matter that should be considered.And I certainly would not say that, you know , the pressure problems Eagle Water experienced were caused by them.There's no quest ion it was they didn't cause the problems.But they were responsible for - - for making the repairs and resolving the problems, and it did take some time to get that accomplished. But there are bigger-picture customer serVlce kind of issues too that I think are an issue for at least the Staf f We've - - we have had qui te a few eomplaints about Eagle Water Company, some which are not even specific to this part i cuI ar area.We do get the complaints about not returning phone calls.One of the parcels that's being considered here, HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID Sterling (Di)Staff83701 the parcel that the church would be built on, I was recently contacted by both the engineer on that proj ect and the pastor of the church, who both expressed frustration to me that they couldn't get phone calls returned by Eagle Water and that they've been seeking serviee for quite some time. So I think those are things that we took into consideration or should be taken into consideration in determining who serves these lots. Have you had conversations with the customer that owns the bag maker? Yes, I think I've spoken to him a couple of times. And have they expressed concerns wi th the serVlce that they have received? Yes, they have.They have also expressed, you know , frustration of the time that has been required to obtain service.And, again, you know , it may not all be Eagle Water ' faul t that they couldn't get service as quickly as they would like , but nevertheless, it's hard for us to determine just exactly who might be at fault.You know , some of the fault could have been Eagle Water's, some of it maybe wasn t, but it's hard for us to tell.But in any case, the customers have expressed complaints. Are there any other long-term lssues that cause Staff concern regarding Eagle Water? HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID Sterling (Di)Staff83701 Well , customer service is still a concern.You know , I don't probably see or get involved in every complaint that comes through the Commission , but a lot of them do find their way to me.And for the size of Eagle Water Company, we do have an awful lot of complaints.I probably deal wi th more complaints for Eagle Water than I do for United Water, and obviously United Water has many, many times more customers. But again, you know , a lot of the complaints are triggered by specific events that have occurred with Eagle Water, and as ve pointed out, some of them haven't been Eagle Water' faul t, but still , it's the response to those complaints that sometimes has caused a problem for people.People can understand that problems occur or things break down, but they expect relatively quick response to those problems and sometimes that doesn't happen. What is Staff's position at this point on this Application? Well , there has been some additional information provided today that I think has helped me to form an opinion that maybe is a little more detailed than the opinion I had before today.For example, I think the service to the veterans' cemetery might be bet ter provided by Eagle Water beeause of the facilities that they already have in plaee and because it is adj acent to the existing Dry Creek Cemetary where they are already providing service. HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID Sterling (Di)Staff83701 The McKay properties, including the one that the ehurch would be buil t on, I think serviee might be better provided by United Water beeause the MeKay properties do front Hill Road and United Water does have probably better access to those properties and may have an easier time obtaining an easement since the property owner requesting the service would be the one that they 'd have to cross. The Troutner properties I think eould go either way, al though if I were the owner of those properties, probably would seek service from Uni ted Water because of would be less expensive to hook up, al though I think ei ther company could provide the same service to the Troutner propert ies Are you aware of any other information that the Commissioners should consider in coming to their Decision? Not that I can think of. Thank you. I have no further questions ofMS. NORDSTROM: this wi tness. Thank you.COMMISSIONER SMITH: Ms. 0' Leary. HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID Sterling (Di)Staff83701 CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MS. 0' LEARY: Mr. Sterling, could you explain a little more in detail your conclusion that it would be less expensive to hook the Troutner property up to Uni ted Water than Eagle Water? Well , I believe that Mr. Wyatt explained that slnce the Troutner properties front United Water's main line, that there probably would be no cost for the Troutners since would simply be a service line and there would be no main line that would need to be installed.Mr. DeShazo, on the other hand , I think had stated that the cost to serve the Troutner properties would be 800 $1,200. Thank you. MS.0' LEARY:have nothing further. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Mr.Miller. CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR. MILLER: Has the Commission Staff received customer complaints from customers of United Water in any significant number in the general area that we're discussing? Not that I'm aware of. You've been at the Commission I think many years HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID Sterling (X)Staff83701 now probably.Don't need to admi t how many. Approximately 11, I think, 10 or 11. As a general matter, what is United Water' reputation at the Commission with respeet to its responsiveness when it does receive eomplaints? Most United Water complaints probably don't even find their way to me.They're handled by our consumer investigator staff.The only ones that I deal with typically are ones that they can't handle that involve line extension issues or more complicated things that are more than just routine, simple sorts of complaints , but there are generally quite few of those. Of the types of matters that you become involved in, have you found that United Water is responsive to Commission concerns and questions that you may have of United Water? Yes.I am not aware that any of the - - that we ever get complaints about responsiveness.When there is a complaint they get responded to usually very quickly, and so customers don't complain about the response or the time for a response. MR. MILLER:That's all I have.Thank you, Madam Cha i rman . COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. Commissioner Kj ellander. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID 83701 Sterling (X)Staff EXAMINATION BY COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER: Mr. Sterling, I'm not an engineer , and I guess have a question that hopefully you could help provide some elari ty.I think I heard from Mr. DeShazo that Eagle Water would serve the water wi th a 12 - inch main and an eight inch maln as a combination , and I believe we heard from Mr. Wyatt that United Water has a 16-inch main that runs along that route.Is there any inherent plus or minus associated with the size of the mains that would be used to provide water in those parcel s? No.The amount of water that would be required to serve those parcels, you wouldn'need anything close to a would be thanmalnmore that those parcels would 16-ineh main , and even an eight-inch sufficient for the quantity of water require.United Water 's 16-inch main is as large as it is because it's probably considered a transmission line that takes water from wells located north of Eagle, and it also helps to fill some of their storage reservoirs and serves a lot of other purposes besides just distribution , whereas Eagle Water' eight-inch line is a - - probably a fairly typical main line size that you'd have in a not real highly developed residential area. So then the Slze isn't relevant? HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 Sterling (Com)Staff I don't think it's an issue in this case. Thank you. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Sterling, I guess I had a question.Maybe you've already answered it when you gave your suggested resolution.And my question was even given the information that the Commission got today, are we in a position to determine which company could serve most economically or efficiently if we decided all things, everything else , was equal? No.My recommendation was simply based on information that has been provided today, and I would - - would hope that we could give both companies an opportunity to provide a more accurate estimate of cost to serve these properties and exactly what facilities may be necessary. think my recommendation was simply based on what I take to be fairly rough estimates at this point , especially in the case of United Water.It sounds like Eagle Water has spent a little more time making the estimates, whereas Uni ted Water may not have.But I prefer to see better numbers before. And how long would you think that would take them to do those estimates? HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578 , BOISE, ID 83701 Sterling (Com) Staf f I would expect both - - ei ther company eould do them in a matter of a few days , I would expect. Okay.And when does the church need service, do you know? The church , my last conversation with them , whieh was probably approximately a week ago , they had said, We would start construction immediately if we had water serVlee. And they have apparently already done some groundwork and maybe some foundations, I'm not sure, but they can't actually begin the construction until they have fire serVlce.And so they have said they could start immediately, as soon as they get water serVlce. Okay.Thank you very much. Do you have redirect?COMMISSIONER SMITH: MS. NORDSTROM:No. Thanks for your help.COMMISSIONER SMITH: (The wi tness left the stand. We'll be at ease for aCOMMISSIONER SMITH: moment. (Discussion off the record. All right, let's go back onCOMMI S S lONER SMI TH : the record.Based - - we, first of all, want to thank all the parties for the spur-of-the-moment little hearing.I know that it's not usually something the Commission does, but I think when we have customers waiting for service and the Commission HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 is part of that delay, it behooves us to act expeditiously. I think what we're prepared to say now is that Eagle Water should expect to and make plans to serve the cemetery. Wi th regard to the two Troutner pareels and the two McKay parcels , we would wish for both Eagle Water Company and Uni ted Water Company to provide us wi th the detailed cost estimates of serving those properties, and do so by next Wednesday.In addition to the cost estimates , we would need to know your easement arrangements, be they potential or in-hand and, of course, the cost of those.I think the Commission would be remiss in not having more detailed and firmer cost estimates in determining who is in the best position to serve this in an economic and expeditious manner.And time is also, I think , of the essence , so include your estimated time realizing that part of the permits and process that you depend on is outside of your control. Is there any other issue or matter that the parties want to bring forward to the Commission?Mr. Miller. Just one or two things:MR . MI LLER : First , we'd ask that the reporter mark the map as Exhibit 101. As the Commission is aware, informally we have provided some other maps.I f those would be useful to the Commission in any way, we could mark those as exhibi ts as well HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 and they could be before you formally. I guess I would askCOMMISSIONER SMITH: Ms. 0' Leary and Ms. Nordstrom and Mr. Smith if they have had an opportuni ty to look at the maps, if they have any obj ection to them being exhibi ts here, given that somebody may want to look at them. I did have an opportuni ty to lookMS. 0' LEARY: at them very briefly before our meeting today, and I do note that they re not accurate as to Eagle Water's current service It does not include, for instance, Petticoat Junction.area. So without more time to do a more thorough review, I would suggest that they're probably not helpful at this point. It sounds to me, Mr. MillerCOMMISSIONER SMITH: like maybe they could be brought back for the informal process that will be ongoing, and maybe if parties think there are inaccuracies, those could be addressed through that. That would be fine.I would justMR. MILLER: note that the Petticoat Junction question of whether or not it's shown on the maps is completely irrelevant to what you have before you , so that inaccuracy is immaterial. Yes, I understand that, butCOMMISSIONER SMITH: I also think that what's on Exhibit 101 probably is what' relevant and is probably suff icient to give us a Fine, we just, if you want them , weMR. MILLER: would be happy to provide them. HEDRI CK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 The only other note is we will do our best to eomply with your request for detailed cost estimates by next Wednesday, with the small caveat that since these customers did not apply to United, they did not supply to United and United has not performed any engineering detailed study of precisely what would be required to serve.I think though that United Water engineers could view the property and get reasonably accurate estimates. I was wondering, since weCOMMISSIONER SMITH: don't want to surprise customers with unanticipated Utility visits, if Mr. Sterling has had -- I know he I s had conversations with McKay and the church people, if I understood them correctly.I don't know if he I s had conversation wi th the But if he could contact them and let them know thatTroutners. United will be asking them how they want serVlce provided in order to prepare this estimate that has been requested by the Commission , maybe that could smooth the way there. And, ideally, if McKay and theMR. MILLER: church properties could provide their actually plans, which I' sure they mus t have. Or at least let you viewCOMMISSIONER SMITH: them. MR.MILLER:Right. help wi t ha t . COMMI S S lONER SMITH: Or maybe Mr. Sterling could I guess it's our goal not -- HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 to just have the best information we can so that when we make a Deeision, we have confidence that it's based on aeeurate information. If Mr. Sterling could obtain thoseMR. MILLER: plans and let us look at them , that would help a great deal giving the Commission that information. Okay.COMMISSIONER SMITH: Ms. Nordstrom. Does the Commission have any timeMS. NORDSTROM: frame in mind for when they wish to open and proceed with the second proceeding dealing with the uncertificated areas and when the issue regarding the Parrs should be dealt with? COMMISSIONER SMITH:Almost immediately, with regard to the Parrs.I don't think we have strong preference wi th regard to the rest of the area unless or until we get a request for serviee, but wi th regard to the Parrs, I think we ought to get on that right away. Now , whether that requires that we have opened a case and had a schedule, I don't know.Maybe the people can si t down informally in the next couple of weeks and maybe the answer will become apparent by doing that, I don 't know , but don't think that ought to drag out. I f there - - is there anything else, Ms. 0' Leary? Okay. We want to agaln thank you for your participation HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 and all the information we got this morning.After we get the estimates next Wednesday, the Commission will deliberate as quickly as possible thereafter so that the Companies and the eustomers know where they stand. Thank you very much.We're adj ourned (All exhibits previously marked for identifieation were admitted into evidenee. (The hearing adj ourned at 12: 06 p. m. ) HEDRI CK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID COLLOQUY 83701 AUTHENT I CAT I ON This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct transcript to the best of my abili ty of the proceedings held in the matter of the Application of Eagle Water Company, Inc., to amend its Certifieate of Public Convenienee and Neeessity No. 278, Case No. EAG-04- commenclng on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 , at the Commission Hearing Room, 472 West Washington , Boise, Idaho, and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. , 0' ' .. ,~, ! : ' t. " . ,o~'" '-'I J, 111 .. 0("\ '\ " .::::.. y .......... "~ ~ r..'5" . 0;..d ~ ~ ~ -;v . .,t. -.\oT A~ r.. . . .~~ ~..... cw . '8 . ~ \ . PUB\..\ -- c.P . . . !III -- ~ -. ....~ ,,. -....... 'h.. ".. ~ ~':h -("\,v ~//li \:v " ",g" 1.......'" WENDY J. MURRAY Not ry blicin and for the ate of Idaho, residing at Meridian, Idaho. My Commission expires 2-2008. Idaho CSR No. 475 HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 AUTHENTI CATION 09/21/2004 15: 55 9390257 ..Jil\'l Ree~ EAGLE WATER CO I NC 20834389S'l PAGE 02 p. 1 ~,-'-~~,.- "--,~,---_.."---",-,,,...,..,,--,-_..."'._-"-"'------"-""""-,--" '" " S~p 21 04 03%39p MTC, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, AND PLANNERS 707 N 27TH Si BOISE. IDAHO 83702-3' 13 (208) 345-07'38 FAX (208) 34;-8967 ""'" R'I l .-11 JI .d1 September 21, 2004 Mr. Robert DeShaT-O Eagle Wa1erCompany t 75 West State Street Eagle, Idaho 83616 RE:Water MaiD ExtensioD'J Eagle, Idaho Dear Robert: The plans for the above referenced project were submitted and marked received by the DEQ on July 26, 2004 and were also stamped by the DEQ technical service office on August 25.2004. The approval letter was signed on September 14,2004 after we called and asked when the plans approval could be expected. I was infonned that the DEQ had no record of receiving these plans. I gave them the dates we submitted the plans to them and that I had a conversation with the person on the desk to make sure the submittal was com.plete~ We ~ved an approval letter three days later. As you 1cnow we designed two different sets of plans for this project. 'Ibe first JocatiOl'\ was to cross a property that will require service in the future but the owner would not sign an easement This caused comiderable delay because after the easement was not signed we had to do the field work and design the second set of plans. If you require further explanation please call me at 345-0780, " " r ~n~~e1y, , , ", ,:/" ...,.. ,.. '.. ", i' , , 1 ~- ;' ,') \j :", M Rees~t'.- ... . .... . '1'""'. , ~," ~~~, jttc. "",.", J..:':'---t:.:.;);1,.- ,.-"',,, ~ t\\,,"J~' '~, "Ii., ' ,~. .,';'" '..,.", .-..., --.---........" u, ..,." 09/21/2004 15: 55 9390257 EAGLE WATER CO INC",_.."",-,-"..-_.~'---._-'-'._"---~".. 20834:3 89 67Jil1l Ree5 ,.,- _""'.11""";11'- S e p 2 1 o.q. a 3 : 39 disinfected ond then flushed in accordance with fSPWC Specifications. The :ed to determine if the appropriate minimum ch'orioe (C12) residuols hove PAGE 03r-' .. ~ 7ter Company, INC two (2) workinC1 days before initiol construction beging ,-four (24) hours rn Cldvance of bockfiiling. .Ievotions to assure the lid e~e.".otions match finoi street grade end thot . al) Jfode. rller disinfection and flushing but prjor to installation of other utilities. Contractor sholl preform a final pressure te$t with Eagle Weier Company.: furnish all perso'1nel and equipment necessary to conduct the test. shown in on approximate manner only. The contractor $holl determineork by utilizing "diglioe He agrees to be fully responsible for any andto exactly Iocote and preserve any and aU underground utilities. )feting the project. StIM of of Quality ~ic:81 6eNiCM . State 0Ifice PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS RE~EW These pea,. ancitW 8P8dfica1lon8 have been for com-. pI8no8 ... Department of &M'onmenbiI nMs. me review do. not reI'eve '" owner r ervr-er. or fl. contraetor of 1M to deaIgn or IteM --- in com- pUMce \tith .. cunent feeIeral, ltat& and focal taWS" rules. .regulations. or onfntnces, PtanIJ and/or speciflC8.tiona~t be tesUbo1ifted tot tWHtw if OOMtfUCtion is not comploted wtII1in -, t-- fn letter dated: '1 IVE AU6 25- OEPT. Of ENVIRONMENTAL OUAUTV~0NCAl SERVIces 0fRCE lR1 &! ~\ 17 is r-.." LQJ JUL 2 6 2rlJ4 SNVI& ARJMENT BOISe- REG' ~~ QUALITY-r V\t. OFFICE EAGLE WATER COMPANY fNCWATERLINE EXTENSION E. SIDE E. STATE ST. CONNECTION EAGLEIDAHO TO EXISE. 12-- UNE IN ANCONA SUB. .11& M T 7fn ". 21th at. m:f~.!O;,:r()2AX 208 ,5-89&7N:'(:I('./Ilm D~~ ~..~ - ,-. , WEST SIDE OF GRAVEL PIT PIPE EAST SIDE GRA VEL PIT BACKYARDS AND COMMON AREAS OF EAGLE SPRINGS SUDIVISION COMMON AREA NORTH OF BIG SPRINGS BLVD. AND OLD HORSESHOE BEND ROAD 10625 SAGE HOLLOW 9706 BIG SPRINGS BLVD. 9610 BIG SPRINGS AND 9856 BIG SPRINGS IN FOREGROUND 9802 BIG SPRINGS BLVD. 1197 ELK RIVER ~188 SKOK I E MUD TRACKS FBeNT COMMON AREA - OLD HORSESHOE BEND ROAD EAGLE SKATEBOARD PARK LOOKING NORTH AT ENTRANCE BROWN SPOT CAUSED DURING MAINTENANCE OF PARK SKATEBOARD PARK LOOKING SOUTH . . NORTH END OF SKATEBOARD PARK LOOKING NORTHWEST