HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160216DIA to Staff 1-6.pdfDAPHNE HUANG DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 8370 Street Address for Express Mail: 472W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) DIAMOI\D BAR ESTATES WATER COMPAI\TY ) FOR AN INCREASE IN RATES AI\D CHARGES ) FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE Or ) IDAHO ) ) ) ) Robert N Tumipseed Diamond Bar Estates Water Company PO Box 1870 Hayden ID 83835 P: 208.665.9200 RECEIVED ?016 FEB I 6 At{ l0: 25 1f- ' i.:-l i_i! il)l tralr. ,; rr!, I \rt./Lt\J ,'l.i i..:i il{-1l'i i; ISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. DIA.W.15.O1 REPLY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAf,'F TO DIAMOND BAR ESTATES WATER COMPAIIY COMES NOW Diamond Bar Estates Water Company ("Diamond Bar Water", "Applicant" or "Company") and files this response to the first production request of the Commission Staff. Questions regarding these responses should be directed to: Alden Holm 9446W Fairview Ave. Boise ID 83704 P: 208.322.0720 Please provide copies of all correspondence, notices and orders to the above individuals. REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide a listing of plant in service items totaling $48,388 as identified in Exhibit l. Please include account number, dates placed in service, and the expected depreciable litb of each item. RESPONSE: Diamond Bar Estates Water began in 1994 and has approximately 4 miles of water line. 50 thousand gallon undersround reservoir. 50 hp well pump. which was later upgraded to a 60 hp pump, Booster Pump #1 is a 5 hp, Booster Pump #2is a 5 hp, Fire Pump 10 hp and a full electronic panel all maintained in a 48'x28' pump house surrounded by a 8' chain link fence with a locked gate. Depreciated over the years at 5% depreciation. Meters: 45 homes with one l" meter and 30 of the 45 homes have on l" meter as well as one 2" above ground irrigation meter. The meters have been depreciated at llYo depreciation. Approximately the year 2000 Diamond Bar Estates Water turned the ownership of the irrigation meters over to the homeowners. If replacement is required it is the responsibility of the home owner to replace. See Exhibit 6 a signed contract for the initial 1994 startup costs. Response prepared by Cristy Turnipseed, Admin Witness, Robert N Turnipseed REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide the general ledger reports for the income statements for 2013,2014 and2015. Please submit this in PDF as well as Excel format if possible. RESPONSE: Requested electronic format PDF and Excel files were emailed to the Commrssron Secretary I'ebruary I I 2016. Enclosed rs the hard coples requested as Exlubrt 7, Exhibit 7q Exhibit 7b. Response prepared by Cristy Turnipseed, Admin Witness, Robert N Tumipseed REQUEST NO.3: Please provide documentation explaining the source of the other income totaling $642 identified on line 3 of Exhibit 2. Please explain if this income will be recurring in future years. RESPONSE: Enclosed is Exhibit 8, and explanation of a non-recurring income. The check due to Bar Circle S Water Co was deposited into Diamond Estates Water Co due to lack of funds to pay monthly bills. Response prepared by Cristy Turnipseed, Admin Witness, Robert N Turnipseed REQT EST NO. 4: Please provide a schedule estimating the number of hours provided by Mr. Turnipseed for the activities included in the adjustment in Column C of Exhibit2 on a monthly basis. Please break these hours out by each of the activities identified. RESPONSE: Enclosed see Exhibit 9 Response prepared by Cristy Turnipseed, Admin Witness, Robert N Turnipseed REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide a schedule defining the expenses incurred to date relating to this rate case, and those the Company expects to incur by the end of this case. RESPONSE: Exponses incurred to date relating to this rate case is Professional Fees of $1200, postage fees $46 to send documents to IPUC and Consultant. Expense yet to incur $1000 Professional Fee Administration, approximately $500 in travel expense for Consultant to North ID, postage approximately $50 to send documents to IPUC. Enclosed is Exhibit 10, lOa lOb Response prepared by Cristy Turnipseed, Admin Witness, Robert N Tumipseed REQUEST NO.6: Please provide an explanation of each cost and provide invoices supporting these costs due to the pump failures in 2015 as stated in the application. RJt SPONSI-: See -bnclosed Exhlbrt l l, I la" I lb, l lc, I ld, and I le. ln each event the system went down, the customers of Diamond Bar Water still received water service. Diamond Bar Water is connected to the private well of Mr Tumipseed and is turned on until well #l is fully functional. The 2014 event, the back up well was turned on from 8ll8ll4 through 9ll0ll4. The 2015 event the back up well was tumed on from 4/16/15 through 4ll7ll5,6/10115 through 6112115 and8l24ll5 through 9/8115. In addition to the well repairs Diamond Bar Water also incurred other expenses due the electric company installing new transfofiners recommended by the engineering firm hired by Diamond Bar Estates. See Exhibit I lf Response prepared by Cristv Turnipseed. Admin Witness. Robert N Turnipseed Respectfully Submiued Owner, President Diamond Bar Estates Water Compan1.,