HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071226BRN to Staff 1-13.pdfDec. 21, 2007 The Idao Statesman RE: Public notice of rate rase request Sirs: Brian Water Corp 5120 Overland Rd Ste C #228 Boise,ID 83705 208-869-9199 ZOOl DEC 26 PM 2: 06 IDl;,HO PUBLIC , UTILITiES COMMISS10¡ ßRN-w-ó7-ö( The Brian Water Corp. has asked the PUC for a rate rase. Curent rates are $10.501 month base and $L.08/ioOOgal. over 4000 gal. Request is to rase the base rate to $15.00/month. The last rate increas was in 2001. Please publish in the appropriate plac in the Statesman. Than you. (1)7ÂL~, Tony Bowar Brian Water Corp. Brian Wate Corpration 5120 Overland Rd Ste C #228 Boise, Id 83705 208-869-9199 208-392-4706 ZO~l DEC 26 PM 2: 06 RE: Firt Production Request Note: All inormation and answer in respons to ths request ar provided by the CEO, COO,CFO and chief meter maid of the Brian Water Corp. Request #1: 1. I've asked US Ban thee ties for a copy of the origial agement. If I don't get ths time, it's probably not available. It's jus a $ 15,000 line of credit at 9 %. I used my persona credit rag and home equity to help secur the loan. 2. I've reueste a copy of my 2005 State Tax retu for the send tie. 3. Also requeste a copy of the cancelled check # 1 02 paid to Hiddleston. Request #2: 1,2,3,4 I don't keep trck of ths tye of inormon. I don't send out delinquency notices but I may make a note oftheIr bil. I have never discnnected anyone's servce. If someone gets too far behid, I'll send a notice thatenig to termte servce if a payment is not received withn two weeks. It's ra, maybe one a year and they always calL. 5. Enclosed Request #3: 1,2,3 Ths computer was discded in '05/'06. I bought a new one and paid for it myself. The company bought some softar and a new priter..ca't fid a reipt..it was $ 1 04.98 ck# 1987 paid to VISA on08/06/06. Request #4: 1. All of my customers have ben inormed as to my rates at some tie. I tell new customers when they cal to st servce. If they have any questons, they ca calL. No one ever has. Request #5: 1. I haven't done ths yet. I ca put it in the Statesman yet. Oter th my customers, who cares what my rates are? Request #6 & 7 : 1. I have never denied sece nor do I collect deposits. Request #8 : 1. Enclosed Request #9: 1. I don't keep copies of bils sent. All the ino is on the sprehee. It's the sae as previous sample only the past due amount will be filled in. Request #10: 1. As stted earlier, I have never disconnected servce. It's never been necessar. We always work it out. Request #1 1: 1. Not needed. Request # 12: 1. No one's complaig to me. Have you ha complaits from my customers? Reques # 13: 1. I don't have a copy of the Rules Sum. I ta to new cusomer to sta. Otherwse, everyone'knows how it works. If someone ha a specific question, they calL. Please call with any questions. Sincerely,--0 Tony Bowat Brian Water Corpration PMB 228 51200verlandRd Ste C Boise,ID 83705-2680 869-9199 392-4706 REÖEIVEr, '¡f)'1 nr"" "'.- p . iL,~U 1 ~L. f ./ ~ '~/.,..n i:\ --" v -v,' f"j _.. Uv -. fÐAHO'PU.BLIC UHUTU:: S (' ~l,liii(: ~ 1.0' -~¡.i_ ~V't.o',Hil~'Yuj.., :~.~ Dec 07,2007 ~":~(.;_:''''~ J Dayley 5953 Eastwood PI Boise, ID 83716 For Perìod 10110/07 to 12/07/07 Meter Readings 6457800 Current 6419900 Past 37900 Gallons Credits 72.85. ----Past Due 0. Curent Due 53.29 Tota Due 53.29 S-OXS-E xo a::r7... .,, .. 0:7 PEiC :;.Jn7 ~.... '.~ . .... \..-... '=-.':'',. .....". .~ .._ .. /r-?f"' & ~ ,~'" : ;~~:~~~':~~~. ~ JDayIey 5953 Easood PI Boise, il 83716 -- '" -ll~l-i ?'~~,. AC~ Construction Division 3775 Adams Street Garden City ID 83714 Phone (208) 387-6280 FAX (208) 387-6289 RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMIT Permit Number Type of Permit UTILITY Date of Permit 6/14/2005 ACHD Inspector MARCO PIVA 860-6623 TtJ/spernit1s grantedtö; KENACO EXCAVATION 2316 S PHILLIPPI ST BOISE 10 83705- Main Phone (208) 860-2051 Contractor Project Number I Sub Contractor i Contractor's Contact Person and phone Number i TONY BOWAR (BRIAN WATER I( ) 869-9199 ,i NPDES Responsible perSoti7Pbone Number -CertificatioIJNiJrTper IKEN ACUFF1( ) 860-2050 ICON03-00298 I 'i KENACO EXCAVATION I Expires:r 11/7/2006 I (l Agrmt Geographical Limits: Sub or Prj No: Subdivision: Address: Nearest Cross Street: Traffc Control: Required?IYes I Approved?!Yes I No Impact?D IFOREMAN- Boise 5995 I I EASTWOOD TPL TERESA DR Use additional sheets, if necessary. Inspector Name (print) 1 Year Warranty Inspection by: Permitee Signature:* Date: 'Permit not valid unless signed. Person Issuing Permit fP--~---- Copies to: White-Inspector, Green-Contractor, Yellow-Accounting, Biue-Log Brian Water Corp 5120 Overland Rd Ste c # 228 Boise, ID 83705 208-869-9199 LÛui DEC 26 PM 2: 06 P'uaLiC ',;\D ""\55\0UT\L\T¡ COMm i Date Customer RE: Past due amount Dear........; Ths is notice tht your water seice will be discnnected if the pas due amount of $......... is not paid by (Date). Payment argements ca be mae by caling the above number. Sincerely, Tony Bowar Brian Water Corp.