HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180910Staff 1-17 to Bar Circle S.pdfEDITH PACILLO DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 5430 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION oF BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER COMPANY, INC. FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE COMPANY'S RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. CASE NO. BCS-W-18.01 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER COMPANY RECEIVED tit$ SIP l0 PH 2: I I ON a 5,) Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHNGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorneys for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Edith Pacillo, Deputy Attorney General, requests that Bar Circle "S"'Water Company (Company; Bar Circle "S") provide the following documents and information on or before MONDAY, OCTOBER l, 2018. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Bar Circle "S" is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations. The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name, location and phone number of the record holder FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER I SEPTEMBER 10,2018 and if different, the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be. IDAPA In addition to the written copies provided as response to the questions, please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide a copy of the signed main extension agreement between the developers of Garwood Corner and Bar Circle "S". REQUEST NO. 2: Bar Circle "S"s Tariff allows the Company to charge a customer requesting new service $2,500 when there is no existing service line tap to the main or meter box in place. The Company's Application states that Bar Circle "S" will connect the water line constructed by the subdivision developer to Bar Circle "S" system at two points: Garwood Road and Dolan Road. It goes on to say that the "hook up fee due at each closing of each purchased lot is $2,500." The meaning of this is unclear. Does the Company intend to collect $2,500 for each of the two points of connection mentioned above at closing of the sales transaction, i.e., the purchase of Lot 2 to McCarthy Capital Inc.? REQUEST NO. 3: If the answer to Request No. 2 above is yes, does the Company think the actual cost of connection will be less than the total of $5,000 collected at closing? REQUEST NO. 4: If the answer to Request No. 2 above is no, does the Company intend to collect $2,500 for each of the planned lots in the subdivision at the time of closing the sales transaction referenced above? If so, what does the Company intend to charge customers requesting service after Bar Circle "S" assumes ownership of the subdivision's water line extension? REQUEST NO. 5: Does the developer intend to install a water main line, service line taps and meter boxes within the subdivision prior to Bar Circle "S" assuming ownership? FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER 2 SEPTEMBER 10,2018 REQUEST NO. 6: Please describe the plant in service the developer is going to install. Please be specific, providing the best estimate of the number of feet of pipeline, number of lot connections, number of meter pits, meters, etc. REQUEST NO. 7: Will the developer construct a well and provide a pump and well house within the proposed Garwood Corner? REQUEST NO. 8: Please provide a map of Bar Circle "S" system as it is currently configured. Please show the locations of all mains, fire hydrants, wells, pumps, booster stations, storage tanks and reservoirs. Include the following information: a. Pipe diameters. b. Well logs and D-Tag Numbers. c. Pump make, model, capacity, and rating (horsepower). d. Storage tank capacity, and limit switch settings. REQUEST NO. 9: Please provide a map of the system configuration that will be used to support the expansion described in the Company's Application. Please show the locations of all mains, fire hydrants, wells, pumps, booster stations, storage tanks and reservoirs. Include the following information : a. Pipe diameters. b. Well logs and D-Tag Numbers. c. Pump make, model, capacity, and rating (horsepower). d. Storage tank capacity, and limit switch settings. REQUEST NO. 10: How many customers currently are being served by the Company? REQUEST NO. 11: Commission Order No. 30731 (BCS-W-08-01) amended the Company's Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Qllo. 296) to reflect the addition of the Double-T Estates subdivision. How many lots in the Double-T Estates subdivision have not yet been connected to the Company's water system? FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER 3 SEPTEMBER 10,2018 REQUEST NO. 12: Does the Company assert that Lots I and2, Block 1, Garwood Subdivision, as described in the Company's Application, exist within the boundaries of the service territory as described in the Company's CPCN (No. 296)? REQUEST NO. 13: Please provide the current Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) identification numbers (Basin-Sequence-Suffix) for all water rights currently held by the Company, and all water rights that will be transferred to the Company as a result of this transaction. For each water right, identify the current, or planned Point of Diversion (Well). REQUEST NO. 14: Please identify the fire department currently servicing Bar Circle "S" customers. Please provide the fire flow requirements currently specified by that fire department (gallons per minute and duration). Please provide the fire flow requirements that will be specified when the expansion described in the Company's Application is completed. REQUEST NO. 15: The Commission's Uniform Main Extension Rule for Water Utilities governs how a water utility provides service to new customers in situations where a main extension from the utility's existing distribution system is required. The Rule was previously incorporated into Bar Circle "S" Tariff and is attached to this Production Request. Section C of the Rule applies to extensions to serve subdivisions. Based on information that has been provided by the Company thus far, Staffls understanding is that Bar Circle "S" does not intend to collect an advance payment from the applicant/subdivision developer, which is allowed under Rule C.1.c. Instead, the Applicant will construct and install the necessary facilities and, upon completion, convey ownership to Bar Circle "S". Is Stafls understanding of the Company's intent correct? If not, please explain how the main extension and other necessary facilities will be provided pursuant to the Uniform Main Extension Rule. REQUEST NO. 16: Please provide the reports of any engineering studies that have been performed in order to determine how the plant will need to be modified in order to support the expansion described in the Company's Application. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER 4 SEPTEMBER 10,2018 REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide any reports or surveys performed by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality or the Idaho Division of Water Resources in support of the expansion described in the Company's Application. DATED at Boise, Idaho, tfri, f C {1^ day of September 2018 Pacillo Deputy Attorney General i :umisc:prodreq/bcsw I 8. I epchjtjnmm prod req I FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER 5 SEPTEMBER IO,2018 uqrou HAIr EETENSIoII Ru[E Fon rArEn urrlruES A. CEIENA! PROVISIOTS A}ID DEFIIIITIOilS l. Asolicebilltv 2 t. Alt Gtc.srtoar of dlrerlbutloo criar frol B!. ugtllty'r cxirtiag dfiBstbugtoa ayttGn, go tGF?a acr curtorrar GrcaPB tor tbora tPtci-ttcrlly rrcludrd btlor, rhrll br redr rudrr tLr provhlonr of tblrRulr udorr rp.clflc ruCtortty 1r ttnc obtrtorO tror tfr Cortrrtoa Bo d.v1,.3. t[erctrc. A rrts crtrnrloa eootr.cg abrll bc crccuBcd bytlr u3111ty ead ttr rggltrcrat 08 rlrylteutr lor ttr uto crtcartooDrforr tir uBlllty cil.acca colrtsucttoa Es! os rld crtcnrloal or,tt coarcanctcd Dy rpgltcut or rgpll,ceatrr bctcrl th. trcllltlatcoqrdllq ttr uln.rt nlloB rs. tslart rrrd to tlr utlllty. D. trGrarlcar roloty tos tlrr EydrroB, grtvrtr tlrr grctlcltoo, rcnlc,t.tgorrrr, rtea@, oa .utrf9lcatel rrrtct rlrll oot br rrdr usdcrttlr hle. G. fhr uGllttf !ry, but rl11 soB D. ngulrd tor rata rltrartoar rudcrtLtr hlc ln crrraratr or rtjbtr-ot-rry rltm tt,l.I 3nder hrvc gcttca otebllrbrd, or rtrtr .tsGet tnd.r Dm lot tccs broqbl Cottor ..t bltth.d t7 gttbttc rutLorlty. tt uGortonr rrl ledo rhco 3rrdo hrrr aot becr r*rbltrh.d ud tbrr lr'r ruroorth lrobrbtlttytlrt t!. crlrtla3 jndc 1111 br ctrnjrd, ttr utlltty rtrll rcquirctlrB ct epgl,lolt or rlpltcralt tos tir sta crtrirtoE dqlorlt, ect!. tll of crqrtlca of tLr !rl! rrturtoa r$r.r.a3, tL crtlortcda.t cort of dclocrtla3, rrtrll3, or lorrta3 -frclltclct upoE Glteb-llrimot of flsrl jndo. AdJrutrcat of rcy dlttrrcuca beBrcco tlc.louiE ro dcDorlt d .si tic ecturl corB of ralocrBlat, irtrtoj, otlorcrtq tectllctr! rtrll bo udc utELrE tcr (10) dryr eftrr. thcuCtltty irr rrccrtrlo.d rucb rcBul co.t. IfG or3 dcportB rcprc- rGoCt!! rcturl cort lr Eog rubract to rcfirsd. ftc cattrc dcporit, rclrtad go t.tG progorcd rrlocrBioa, retrtajr ot lcrcrin3 chrll bc rcfirodod ntco ruct dtrglrcceott .sc'lctcrrtacd by propcr euEhoriBy to Dc aoB roqulrcd. Detlaitloor l. Doar Fldc Curtorncr - for Ebc Aurporcr of thlr Bulc, shelI be . cus'ffioy custoilci tirucrty rcrvcd at, cbc rroc locaBion) cho hu 3ivcn satigftctory cvldcncc thre rcsvicc sill bc rcaroarbly pGraroGoB lo lhc propcrty rhicb hu bcco ioprovcd siCh e building of r pcrnrornB oaturG, aod lo shlcb ccwicc har comcnced. Thc provisionof scrvicc to a real .sBatc dcvclopcr or buildcr, during rhc con' sBrucBion or dcvelopocoB pcriod, shatt Bog a3Eablish hin as a bonaftdc cuscooer. IDAHO PUBLIC UNLTTIES COIf,T'iISSIONAPPROVED EFFESNVE Jiil zr'sl FE 1-'S Po,t -o.rc. &eq4.l3Yl#9. -{".;.a"-.,sncnEmr h- Rael Ettrtr Deve[opcE or lgilgg - for Purpotct of this Rule, shall ffir'assocracioaofindividuals'.parE,aershiP,oE corporetfod $et atviOic I parccl of hud iaBo tro (2) or oorc por- Btogt. c. Adlurtad Coargnrcttoa Cor! :. for thc Autporcr of tbtr Rula, ch.ll bc rcccd tic coltr recordcd ls coafotllty ritb 3cacrelly .cclPCGd rtBcr uttttBy .ccoltaBls! rod rc13d ca_3laccrta3pncticcr, .ad rt rpcciflcelly dcftord is B!. Ualforo Syrtco of Accouagr tor Trtcr UtlltEtcr prcrcribrd by tic Cortrtos, of tortrl-llrg lecllttlcr of rdcqurt ctp.city tol tlr rrwtc. rcqucrtcd. Ifttr utiller, rt ttl opctor, rhould t!.ttll feclltBtcr rtgb r lergcr crgrclBy or rcrul3tq ta r tarrCcr footrjr of crBlortoo thrs rcquiredlor tlr rervtcr, tlr redJutcd coarttircgtol coltn for tir purporcr ofttlr trtrlr, rtrll br detcnlard by th rpgllcrtloe of ro rdJurrncntfector to .cur.l coEltruc3toa co.t of ftctltttcr tnrhllcd. fbirfrctor rtrll b. tt retto of crttrtrd cort of nquircd trctllttGr tocrtlrrtcd corC of rcturl frclllBls!'lsrt llcd. d. Calrrloq - dull acra thr ldrho hrbll,c Uttlttl,cr Codrtoa. Onanblp. Dertrn rail Coartnrcttoa of EretllEtct u lry trctlttlcr t!!t lt.d trrcuqdcr rhrll b. t!. .oi. g*porty of thutlllty. lE tLor llrcelcrr te tlltcL ttth to G.rtrlo DosBtoE of thctutrllrttoc, .ucL .t tlrl Lydrulr, rilll D. hfd !y r pollttcel .rubdtvlrlca, rucb feclll,tlrr $r11 rct bc tsclr&hd .. r Dut of Bhc Irla stortoa udrc tblr tnh. . t. $. rlzr, ttrD.r qrrrllty of rtorlrlr, rad t[ctr locrtloa chrtl bc rpcctttcd bf tfc uBtllty; rad ttc rctul coartnrcttoo rtell bc dooc bytlr uttllty oR b, . coartncBlaE .jcEcy rccaptrblc to lt. G. tltrrc $r propcrttr of ra rppllc.lt Ir locrtcd rdJeccat to r rigbt.of-rey, crcocdiq 70 tlct ta rtiith, fir r rBr.Gt, htjbury os othar pubIlc puq)o!., ro3rrdlcr of tic rtdth of tbc trrrclcd my or t!.vcoGoti or rfrecny, c.rrrmy or rrilrord rigLE-of-my, Ehc u311iBy Ery clccE iotartrll r rll crtrnrtoa oo Bhe rr rtdc ehcrcol ll tba property of$c rgpllclat, .sd tt crtlntcd eod edJurtcd coartnrcSloo co33! toguch crrc &rl1 bc betcd upon tuch eo crtGnlion. d. l{hca rq crtcarlon Eurt coryly rith aa ordtnancc,flcrgloa of gubl,te'euthorlty, thG alBtorBcd .nd corBt of rrtd crgcatioo rhrll, bc bucd upon Eba corply BhcrcniEh. EsEto.Ecr, Phar aod Spccificrtioot rcgulaBton, or spcci- adjurlcd coosBrucBionfactllclcr rcquircd to a. Upon rcqtrcre by l potroBial appllceaB for a maln ergearion, thc ut,il-isy shall greparc, sithoug charge, a prclioinary skatch and roughe3Bio.ttt of che cost of inscallat,ion to be advanced by said agpli- canB. '3. 4 2I'UIFORI{ }'AIT{ E TENSIOII RUIT bi fry, rtrilicta3. for -a 61iq -eltcosion rcquCr3tBt thc.utllity to prep.rr ii;i.ii;d plur, rpacif-icrtioar aad cost tttia.tclrhrl|.bc rc.quirei coil;;t;-;1rt tbc utility ao .rouot cgtul t9 tbc ctthrtcd-cot3 of piipritttos of auc! Drtcsi.l-. Thc ufility-rhrll'.o!oo, rcquclt,, aekaiyrilebh r6rlta 43 dryr eftcr rcccipt of Bhc dcport-t rctcrrcd to ibo"r, rucL plmr, r9rciflertlolt rsd cort .ttit B.t .of. th. proporcd uria crtcartdc. If i!. rrtra toa lr to lscludr o"Gsttzlo! of frcili' BiGr to bc dosr rt ttc uttlity'3 Gr!,G!rG, rpproprlrCc dctetlc rhell be cct fortl ls thc plurr.rpociflcegioor ead corB GtBbrttt. G. Ia tb Gt tog r etla crt EtloE Go!3srct rttb tia utlllty lr cracutcdstrh.g 180 deyr eftcr th. uctllty furatrb.r t.lr drtrtlcd plror radrgrcltlcrtloor, t.tr dcportt, rhrll bccore r prsB of tlr rdreacc, eaddrll Dr rcfuadrd la rccordtaca ettL C!. trru of tlr rris rrtrarloo coEBr.Gt. If rucb coEG8rct 1r aot ro crcutrd, tla dOorlC, to coycrtb corg of prrprlaj plear, rgccitlottoor rnd cort .rgL.tor rbrlIbr tcrtrlt d b, ttr rgfiloat fos tb ub .rc.!!loo .d lt rmuot otttr forfrltrd drnorlc rbll bc cmdttcd Co tL .ccooal or .ecoustr toultcl t.tl rrprar of pscDertaj lrld lrt slrl nr cL1t1r{. d. ft s d.t tlcd llrnr, rlncitlcrBloor ul corC otlrtcl rtt rcquotrd,trir rpfll,cut lor r llla rrtrutoa .h.11 &ratfi I rD tc r rnltrblorc.L rloulnj tt rsslrg .od lct hyootr rlir rt L scg..trd by ttruttllty, coEBorr! or ocirr lgdlcrttoa of ttr ntrtinr rkrrtloo of ttr vrr{,our prrEr of ttr .r.r to br drrclqrcd. tt ctrefo rrr ude aubte.qu.Bt Co tt Dslrcst Btoa of tllr r.p tlr tt rggucut, rad tLcrcctrajo rrqutr ddlttoarl Gr1,.sr. ll rrvlrllj glurr rpcltlcrttoor.sd cotc .ltlrtarr rhl! rddltloorl .ry).u. rbll br Lornr b, ti.qptlcrotr loB ruDJrct to rcfirad, rld tL rddl,tloul qcor tburracov*cd shrll br crcdlBcd to tlr rccount os.cGouagr tc rttcl tlc eddlEloart crpcaac ru chrrgcd. flllar ud MlurtrGst of Adrracct l. Ualcr tlr rppllc.ot fos ltc orla crtcarloo clcctr to rmojc for tbclnrtellettoo of tle c:tcarlos hiarclf, u praltcd by llccttoo C.l.c.,tbc full .Dur3 of tlc rcquircd rdvraca or r! .ccrpublr rurcBy boodorrt bc prcrldad Co BL utlllty eB tbr tior of crccuttoo of thc ario crlcarlco rtRtctaoB. b. lt ttc rppllcrot for r aria arBcoll,oo porBt r aurety boad ia licu ofetrb, ruct rurcty boud oult bG rqrlaccd rtth eub oot lcu tbro cco(10) crlcader deyr bcforc cooctnrctioo ir Bo co@Gocr; provtdcdt horovcr, Bhet if spcciel frciligicr arc raquircd grirrily for ghe rcrvtcc rcqucrtcd, thc epplicenB for lhc GxBcoctoo oey bc rcqutrcd codcporit ruffictcng cetb Bo covca ghc cocB of cuch rpcclrl fectliticrbeforc th.y ar! ordcrcd by rhc uCtlity. c. An apglicent for a meio axtcnsion trho advancer fundr chrll bc providcds{th r 3B.teoGnB of acgual con3tEuction corg aad adjurgcd congtructtoncost shoring in rcaronablc deceil tbc corB lacurrcd for maUcrial,labor, atry other direct and indirect costr, ovcrhcadr, and totelcostsi or uoic costsl or concracL cosEs, whichever art agpropriate. 5. 3IJNIEORX IIAIH EXTENSIOT{ RUTE 6 7 d. Srid' ,'aa...oa ch.Il bc ruboiEtrd rithia sirty (60) dryr afBcr tbeict-l coartruction coter of rhe tastallrBioo havc bcca rsccrtaincd byitr utffiif. IB thr Gvaot thrB lhc .ctu.l coottrucBloo cocEs for rhil.sifp hitrllertos rbrll cot hrvc bcca dctcrrtrcd cithis l2O drys eftcr coaglctiou of cootBEuctlos rort, r prclidol-ty-dctcroiaetion of rcBurl eni rdJurtrd coargnrctlo! coltt rllll bc ruhtttcd, bescd upoo thc bug tvrlhble latomglot .B tbB 918.. r. Aoy dtffttcBcrr bctrrrd ctc rdJurgcd coortnrctioo cottr ud tbc aoorraBrdrracrd rbrll bc rhosa rr r rcvlrtoo of th uuat of edvrocc rsdrhrll bc pepblr rtcLls Ebtrey (30) dryr of lrbdrrtos of tbc ltrEc- DCot. Arttcat of lhl8 Ertcarloa Coocrtctr loy coatnct cotcrcd lglo uadar Srctlonr I ead C ol tLlr Bulc, or uadcrrlrllrr grovtrloar of fcrrr ankr, rry to utjlrd, rt3rr rgtlaGnB ofrdJurtrd coarBsuctlou cottt, ettrr rrttt.!, rcClc. 3s rhr uttllty by tbs D,oldrr of rrid coocrrct rr rlom tt th. utlllt rr ncordr. Sucb rari3a-ral rtrll rpgly ooly 3o Elcro nfundr s&lcb brca Cur rro tlro Eblrty(30) d.r. rttrr tL drt of recrtgt tr tfr utlltty of ttr logtc. ot...11n8t. It uBtllg, rlrll lot b. squtsrd to uh rqi oor rctuarl g.rr.BC uadc rucb ccolrrct Bc nrr tlra r rlqlr urlgnrr. faterontrtlor rad Drrvtrtloar Ia cur of dlnjrlca3 or dfuputr rejrrilla3 ttr rgtllc.ttoa of eay pro-vltlol of ttll tulc, or ll ctrqnunssr rtrrl tb rjpllcrttos of thirtnh l1DGrs! urclroarbh tc rtBl* p.stfr tt utlflty, qryllcrat orrgpllcratr !r, rster tho lrBtcr to Bt Corlrlos for dctclllmBloB. B. E{rEttsloNs T0 sERrrt norvlDllAf,s l. Fgcq-FogFrrt Allorrace thc utlltty rtell crtcrd iEr rrtcr dlttribuBton oetnr to 3Grrrc o,cr booaftdc curtooctr .B it. oE arl,cB3c, oSbcr tleo to rcr-va $rbdivirioar,Cr.ctr, bourioj proJcctr, ladurtrirl dcvclopocotr or or3rnizcd coucrcialdlrtrlctr, rho ttc reqrrtrrad totel lca3tb of urio cxtoartoo froo thc ocrso3B crtrttnj utlliBy frcility lr aot ta crccrt of fifty (50) fece pcr ccwtcr coaEcctloa. Admacrr If the totel lcagtb of orla Grtearloa it io G:tcGtr of ftfBy (50) feet pcrscwtcc connccBioo apglicd for, thc apgltcane or applicancc for suchscnricc shall bc requircd to advence go thc ucilicy, bcfore coostruct,ionll cormcnccdr thaB portion of thc clttnaCed reasonablc costr of such extrn-sion vhich excccds tlre escioared reasonablc cose of 50 fecc of the rnain exten3ton par scrvicr connccBton, exclugtvc of cbc corg of scrvice ptpcr, 2 4I'}TIEOR}I IIAIN EXTENSIO}T RUI"E a mtrr borfi rod ctcrl. Sucb crtintcd rcrloarblc cort rhrll bc brscd "iiitL cort, of e lrlo oog ig crcctl of rir (6) lochcr ia dioctcr crccPB ffi; a hrjrr trts tr rcqulrld by thc lpcclrl occdr 9f thc rppliceat or .iiifcrog!. - fh. rruit of tlc rdreacc ir rubJccs to adJurt*at iE .cco8. Ciier uttl gLr provl,rioar of SccBlcB A.5.!. of ttil Bnlc. Rrfuadt c. 3 ttr'mary ro edvtacrd firl! bc rcfirodG{ tt ttr uctlttyr ln cuh, stthout lt3.rGr3, ta pryrrutr equ.l to tt rdJutrd cosrtnrcttoc cort of fifty(50) fcct of tbc relo crtcartoa for rLlcb edvucr nl rtdc, for cecb.ddltlotal rrvtcr coo!.cgio'a rrdr to rrld lrlg trtrorloo crelnrlvc of'tlrt of .s, curto* torrrly rrwd to r rcuoorbh ..8c8 .t, thG t.!Glocttlor. AB tL s.qu..t of ttr rggltcra:r rrtuldt rlrll bo rrdc r1t.its ItO dryr rfC* tL dlc. of ftrrB rrvtcr to r bos. tlde cutoocr. If qo r.qu.rt 1r Ecrtvrd trr elplleeaCr ttr uttlttT rtrll laltbtr rctrsdr oqu-rolnel btltr. f,o rduldr llr11 h ndr dtrr r prlod of to (f0) tt sr lrr tb drCr of coqllrtloo of ttrr rdt .aB.ortoq rat tlc totrl rctuod rhrll oc3 crc.Gd thr unoB rdrraccd. 6. Ercotloar - hrr r tlosD of flsr (t) or nrl ladlvldul qryllcretr trqurtr rctvtcrftn gi. ur lttrortor, or b oorrurl crl.r rttrs obtrlsbt CcllrlolrattorltrctoE, th utt113y, eB ltt ogtloa, rry rrqdrr ctrt tL tsdlvfdE lor tdtvtdurtr rdrracr tb cotlro corg of ttr gll sCrutoa rr hcrclsprrtded rd ct uttllty.rtrll rrtud tllr rduucr r grovldrd ia SrctlooC.2. of tLlr blc. t ldrencrr l. Ullrr tfr procrdun outlhad ts Soetloo C.l.c. fu follorcd, a! appll,-c.lB for r uto crC,ralloa to rrrv. r !d rubdtv$too, Brsct, hourtog proJcct ot t!fu.trlll daclopecat oi oriealzcd conrctrl dlrtriccrhrll br raqutnd Co edvrocr go tt u3t1tty, brforr coortsucttoo trconoccd, 3ta crtlrtcd rcuoarblc cort of tbe GrBGartoB Bo bcrcturlly tutelld, frol tbc acrrcrc utlliEy frcilicy rt lclrB cqueltu rlzc or ceprcity to tLc oein rcqutrcd to 3cn G botb thc ocu cut- Bo8.rr ead e rergoorblc clBt8.gc of gbc DoBGoEirl curtoacrr rbo oighgbr rcrvcd dtrcctly frol thc oeia crtcnrioo rtthoug addttiooel extt[-3to!. fh. cortr of cbc crtcotloa rbll lacludc Bccerr.ry scn iccrtubr, or ccrvtcc plpcr, flttiotr, ttlcr rod houriot Shcrcfor, aad ncgrr borcr, but ch.ll ooB iacludi ocgcrr. fo thts rh.ll bc eddcd the corg of firc hydrantr rhcn requcrtcd by rhe agplicaoc for thc meia exgcnston or rcquired by publ,ic auEhority, shcaevcr such hydrants arc Eo bccooc th€ propcrty of Ehc ucilicy. a 5I'}IIFORII IIAII ETTE}TSIOI{ RUItr b. If, Cii rsy Durpotc, rpccirl faciliticc 1? Iaq*Ied prioer{Iy for thc rervicc rsquaruiO, ihc- cost of such spccirl frciliticl ory bc iocludad ls tbr rdviacc, tubjcct Bo rcfuadr 13 hcrciarftcr provtdad, rlong rith .if,ra& of tbi rdvlacr of the cott of Bhe crtcalioa frcilitieJ dec- crlbcd ln Scetloa C.1... lboYa. c. Is licu of provldlag the tdrraccr la rccordrocc ritb Sccttoo. C.l.e. ead C.l.b.r-thc .ppllcraB for r arls trtcstloo rhrll bc pcratttad, ifqurllflrd t8 ch. Jud3rat of thr uctllEy, Bo coo.gruct .Bd tartrll tbcf,rcllltlo blsrlt, ot .rnat tor thrtr tart ll.ttoa punurat EocolD.tttlv. btddla3 proccdurar lalBletld by bir rad ltd,trd to qurll-flcd blddrn. ttr corc, lrcludta3 gbr cott of iugccttoo ead rupGr-vlrto ly cL ustltBy, $rll br prid dtrrctly by rygltcrat. Itcrggllcrnt rhrll provldr tl. utll,tty rltt . .t Cst of ecauef coo-rtnlcclo8 corg la roroarbl. dctrll. Itr .Dssc to b. tarrtrd rt .a rdreocr lrbJrct to rrtuad rtrll br tlr lcrtr of (1) tb rcturl corg,or (2) tlr grlcr $ct d ls th. uglltByt. d.t l,lod cort ..tlutr. ttlutrllrgloa rlrll b. lE eccordracr rttL tll plur rod rgrcitl,cetlonr tuDrlgtcd b, C!. u3tltty pusrurrg to Sscttot A.$.b. Rrtudr t. Itr rmg r&escrd uader Srcttoor C.l.l.' G.l.b., a[d C.l.c. rhrll brrulr.ct to rrtuad tt BL uttlttt ll cerL, dtloug btrrrrt, to tL 0.s3, os D.stltr .sl13t d ttrnto .. rl3 fortb 1S tb lolloula3 troiurirrdtr-. ttr totel .DuBt ro rrtundrd rtrll dt, acrrO tLr loeel Iof tlr rrult rdsracld. Ercr1lt u hrrrlnrttrr Drovldrd, th. rcfirsdr Irtrll br ardc tB uorel, sr.{itris1l or qnrtcly lnyratr, rt th.dcctloa of thc uttllly, rni tor r prrlod 8oB to crccrd tc.Ecy (20)yr.sr rftc tL drta cl tlr eoEBrlGC. b. llhracvor cortr of ull crBrrrtonr trvr brcn rdrracct pusruot Bo Sccttoar G.t.l. or G.l,c., Bht uBtltty rbrll dctaEdoa BtG rcycnu. rccslvsd frol curgoacn o6cr tbro rcrtdcattrl, tncludtaj flrr pro- tccston e;coclcr, ruppltcd by tcnrtcc ptpcr coaocctcd dtrcctly to ttr ertCs.loo for rblct thr co.g r.r rdvrsccd. Thc rcfuad chrll bc Zilpcrccat of tbc revcaur !o rcccivcd.. lor rcrtdGattal cuttorcrt coa- acctcd dlrrctly to tbr .fG.!.loa Coi rUtch B[s corg ru ldvtcccd, thcutility shrll rrfirod 22 pcrccaB of thc rvcr.tc rcvcou. pcr rcrldcatiel cu.Boc.r of ttr cattn ryttG! for gia lnadtricly prcccdla3 l2-noatbpcrtod. (Sor Scctloo C.2.d. .Ed 8.3.) c. llhcocvcr co.tl of sgcctel facilltlcr hrvc bcen edvrnced purtuanB to Scctlour C.l.b. or C.l.c., gbc eoouoB so adveaced chrll bc dividcd bythc nrubcr of lotr Bo bs rcrvcd by Bbc rpcciel fecilicicr. fbic advracc pcr Iot, chell bc rsfiradcd for arcb Loa oa rhlch.on! or nore bone ftdc custoocrt are rcn.d by gbosc facillBicr. d. lJiBh reEPGct to a coot,ract, entcrad tnto on and aftcr the effsct.tvc dacc of rhis Ru[e, if, at aoy gtrae durint lhc 2O-year refund period specified Ebovc, 80 pcrceng of the bona fide customers for ehich rhc 2 5T'}IIFORTI I{AIN UIITEXSION RUIT a i C. .rrcg1los or tpccl.l feciliticl rcrc dcligacd rrc bciag. rgrrcd Bhcrc- ;r-r-BL utgicy shell iocdiataly aottfy thc coBtr.ct holdcr of that, fil; rod rr ttit tUe rhrll b9c9lc obligltcd -eo pfyl io c6h, aoy iii.ic. uLtcb 1ry reorlo usrcfuadcd .t ttc cod of rrtd 20'yerr pcriod. ioO t.f.acc rbtil bc rcfirodcd ia five (5) cgurl aasu.l iortellacatl,piiitii uciiasrsr 21 ycrn rftcr tlc drtc of cbe cooet.ct,. lJLcrc . cootrtct hu bcsa cntcrcd iato uadcr e foncr ortu crteasioanrh, ead rhcr 80 pcecaac of thc boar fida cutcoo Bt for rhich tbc Grara tor or rpcclel frctlltlcr rrra duljn:d erc bcllS lcrrrd thGrc-frol, ttr uttltty o.y rcloBlrtt rad cngrr isto r acr ead tubrttLutc co8ta.cB, ldcatlol to rll rc.prcts rtBb tLc ort3l^orl coagrrct, iE-cludtq tL orid.arl trratorgtoB drtr, Grccgg tlrt retd tubrtttutccoognct rhrll tacludr tLc folloullg provtrloat: rl{ottrtthrleadtag rayoib.r lrovtrloar bcrcof, .sy uarcfiradcd behacc rcrrlalat .B tlctcntartloa drtc of ttLr cootr.ct rhrll br petd la ttvc (5) cqueluarl llrt lbGEt! bcjlaatry oo. (l) y.tr rftrr grtd trrl&rttoadrta.'t trrrl,ortloo of tteto Brtruloo C,oatrretr t. As, coats.ct cotcnd lalo uadrr Scecloo C of tblr Inlcr or uadrsrtdlrr grovlrlou ol torrr ntlcr, rry b. gurclmd tt BL utlltty ead trallrtcd, rttrr tlrrt obt 1at.l3 tlr euClortrrtlco of thc Crpdrloc, rt' rry tlr rttcr tb as$c of boar tldr cuttcrt ttrlncrlvLl3 rctvic tror .tic crt.B.toE for rLtcL tlc rdrrncc ru rrdc cqurlr rt leug 60 pcrceot of ttr tocrl ardc of boar tlde cutonrrfor rhlcb rucb crteartoo utr dulpcd by Bb. utt113y .!d tL tclor rrcctlcnrtr otu.ll, rgrecd to bt tbr grrt1.. 08 thlr url3nrcr lodtllt Soctloo C.3.b. md Scctloo C.3.c. Lrnof rll corgllcd cttb. b. ltr utility, ls rsqucrtlat rutLorlzrttoo for rucb tcrd,ortlor, rhrllfunirL to. tic Corltrtoa tbr folloria3 {nrepl3foa ls wttl4 by rordrtcc lctBcr ls t!. Gr.at tbc tc.ratuBloo tr to bc rccoopllrh:d by pryreol, 1l eub, os bq7 r torlll rpplicrttoo: (l) A co1ry of tf,r uls .rtcostoo coctrrcB, Eogcthcr rlBb detr rdc-qu.Bcly ducribtaj tbe dcvclolncot for chtch thc edvrscc ru crdc esd Bha BoLl edJ[rtcd coarErucBioa cort of tLc crBcarioo. (2) thc brlracc uTntd oo thc cootrtet, ar abovc dctlncd, ar of tbc d.Bc of Bcruioetioa and tclor undcr rbtch tbc obltgrBioo it rr- qucrtcd .to bc EctlinrBcd. (3) Tbc auc of tha holder of tbc cootract uhcn Lcrrninated. (A) Thc total nunbcr of bone fidc curtoilGr3 for ehich thc cxtcnsion sa3 dcsigned end Bhc oumber of bone fide customerE accurlly re- ceivtng servtce on said rxlcnrion as of lhe proposcd ternination. dagc of cont,raca. 3 7I'UIFORII I,IAIN EKIENSION RULE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 1OTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2018, SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMIS- SION STAFF TO BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER COMPANY, IN CASE NO. BCS-W-I8-01, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWNG: ROBERT N TURNIPSEED PRESIDENT BAR CIRCLE "S" WATER CO PO BOX 1870 HAYDEN ID 83835 E-mail: avondalecon(d.fiontier.corn Jr,4z,* SECRETA*'/ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE