HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002Annual Report.pdf. . RE C E I V E D m FI L E D 20 0 3 A P R r 6 AM 10 = I 9 i)i \ 1 1 i. t5 l. , UT I L I T I E S CO M M I S S I O N AN N U A L RE P O R T VE R I Z O N N O R T H W E S T IN C . ST A T E O F I D A H O FO R Y E A R E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 0 2 TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Ve r i z o n N o r t h w e s t I n c . Ye a r E n d e d D e c e m b e r 3 1 . 20 0 2 JI T l Q . . . (C o d e ) .. . 1 2 - Q 2 (M M Y V ) Sc h e d u l e Ti t l e Ba l a n c e S h e e t A c c o u n t s I - 1 In c o m e S t a t e m e n t A c c o u n t s Si g n a t u r e P a g e FORM M IDAHO Page 1 of2 BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS Verizon Northwest Inc, (Dollars in Thousands)Year Ended December 31 , 2002 --.12J)2 SCHEDULE B-(Code)(MM YY) Beginning Transfers!Ending Line Account Account Title Balance Additions Retirements Adjustments Balance No,No,(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) 2001 TPIS 416,455 492 548 631 418 030 2002 PHFTU 2003 TPUC - short term 596 958 378)176 2004 TPUC - long term 2005 Telecom plant adjustment 2006 Nonoperating plant 2007 Goodwill 210 Total Plant 419,081 450 548 253 420,236 TPIS General Support 2111 Land 238 (40)198 2112 Motor vehicles 997 460 665 (136)656 2113 Aircraft 2114 Special purpose vehicle 2115 Garage work equipment 193 167 2116 Other work equipment 5,464 138 676 927 2121 Buildings 477 398 992 884 2122 Furniture 493 335 166 2123 Office Equipment 600 001 606 2124 General purpose computers 295 177 221 334 2110 Land & Support 46,757 196 933 (82\938 TPIS Central Office 2211 Analog electronic switching 2212 Digital electronic switching 69,191 309 122 412 790 2215,Step-by-step switching 2215,Crossbar switching 2215.Other electro-mechanical switching 2215 Electro-mechanical switching 2210 Central Offfice-Switching 191 309 122 412 66,790 2220 Operator systems (4) 2231,Satellite & earth station 2231,Other radio facilities 020 237 259 (187)811 2231 Radio systems 020 237 259 (187)811 2232 Circuit equipment 145 277 754 860 528 2230 Transmission 80,165 514 013 673 339 TPIS - Information OriginationfTermination 2311 Station apparatus 2321 Customer premise wire 2341 Large PBX 2351 Public telephone terminal equipment 2362 Other terminal equipment 707 197 281 623 2310 Information OriainationfT ermination 779 197 353 623 NOTE: Nonregulated activity is included in the respective Part 32 accounts, FORM M IDAHO Page 2 of 2 BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS Verizon Northwest Inc, (Dollars in Thousands)Year Ended December 31, 2002 -.12.Q2 SCHEDULE B-(Code)(MM YY) Beginning Transfers!Ending Line Account Account Title Balance Additions Retirements Adjustments Balance No,No,(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) TPIS Cable & Wire 2411 Poles 184 105 247 2421 Aerial cable 518 610 144 169 153 2422 Underground cable 531 326 112 951 2423 Buried cable 149 282 077 464 432 153 327 2424 Submarine cable 109 110 2425 Deep sea cable 2426 Intrabuilding network cable 2431 Aerial wire (1) 2441 Conduit systems 877 508 7,420 2410 Cable & Wire 209 528 628 682 760 216 234 240 TOTAL TPIS (before amortizable assets)410,424 844 103 759 412 924 TPIS - Amortizable Assets 2681 Capital leases (91) 2682 Leasehold improvements 180 190 2680 Amortizable - Tangible 271 (91)190 2690 Intangibles 760 638 445 (37)916 150X Jurisdictional Asset - TPIS 260 TOTAL TPIS 416,455 16,492 18,548 631 418,030 Depreciation and Amortization 3100 Accumulated depreciation 226 368 3200 Accumulated depreciation - PHFTU 3300 Accumulated depreciation - Nonoperating 3410 Accumulated amortization - capitalized leases 3420 Accumulated amortization - leasehold improvements 925 3400 Accumulated amortization - tangible 925 3500 Accumulated amortization - intangible 790 3600 Accumulated amortization - other 4371 Jurisdictional Reserves 340 Total Depreciation and Amortization 229,088 350 Net Plant 191 148 NOTE: Nonregulated activity is included in the respective Part 32 accounts, FORM M IDAHO Page 1 of 5 INCOME STATEMENT ACCOUNTS Verizon Northwest Inc. (Dollars in Thousands)Year Ended December 31 , 2002 GTID --.12..Q2 SCHEDULE 1-(Code)(MM YV) Line Account Account Title Amount No.No.(a)(b) REVENUE ACCOUNTS Local Network Service Revenues 5001 Basic area revenue 36.896 5002 Optional extended area revenue (2) 5003 Cellular mobile service revenue 5004 Other mobile service revenue 510 Basic Local Service Revenue (lines 4.. 7)900 5010 Public telephone revenue 5040 Local Private line revenue 259 5050 Customer premises revenue 5060 Other local exchange revenue 232 5069 Other local exchange revenue settlements 520 Local Network Service Revenues (lines 8..14)392 Network Access Service Revenues 5081 End user revenue 10,446 5082 Switched access revenue 951 5083 Special access revenue 303 5084 State access revenue 811 5080 Network Access Service Revenues (lines 18..21)511 Long Distance (LD) Network Services Revenues 5100 LD message revenue 680 5111 LD inward-only revenue 5112 LD outward-only revenue 5110 Unidirectional LD Revenue (lines 27+28) 5121 Subvoice grade LD private network revenue 5122 Voice grade LD private network revenue 5123 Audio program grade LD private network revenue 5124 Video program grade LD private network revenue 5125 Digital transmission LD private network revenue 5126 LD private network switching revenue 5128 Other LD private network revenue 5129 Other LD private network revenue settlements 5120 Long distance private network revenue (lines 31..38) 5160 Other long distance revenue 5169 Other long distance revenue settlements 525 LD Network Service Revenues (lines 25+29+39+41 +42)690 NOTE: Nonregulated activity is included in the respective Part 32 revenue and expense accounts, FORM M IDAHO Page 2 of 5 INCOME STATEMENT ACCOUNTS Verizon Northwest Inc. (Dollars in Thousands)Year Ended December 31 , 2002 GTID SCHEDULE 1-(Code)(MM YV) Line Account Account Title Amount No,No.(a)(b) Miscellaneous Revenues 5230 Directory revenue 506 5240 Rent revenue 888 5250 Corporate operations revenue 5261 Special billing arrangements revenue 5262 Customer operations revenue 5263 Plant operations revenue 149 5264 Other incidental regulated revenue 5269 Other revenue settlements 5260 Miscellaneous revenues (lines 50..54)229 5270 Carrier billing and collection revenue 766 5280 Nonregulated revenue 617 5200 Miscellaneous Revenues (lines 47+48+49+55+57+58)10,006 Uncollectible Revenues 5301 Uncollectible revenue - telecommunications 636) 5302 Uncollectible revenue - other (91) 5300 Uncollectible Revenue (2,728) 530 Total Operating Revenues (lines 15+22+44+60+65)112 870 EXPENSE ACCOUNTS Plant Specific Operations 6112 Motor vehicle 218 6113 Aircraft 6114 Special purpose vehicle 6115 Garage work equipment 6116 Other work equipment 6110 Network Support (lines 73,.77)331 6121 Land & building 616 6122 Furniture & artworks 6123 Office equipment 167 6124 General purpose computers 505 6120 General Support (lines 80,.83)344 6211 Analog electronic switching 6212 Digital electronic switching 729 6215 Electro-mechanical switching 6210 Central Office - Switching (lines 86,.88)729 NOTE: Nonregulated activity is included in the respective Part 32 revenue and expense accounts. FORM M IDAHO age INCOME STATEMENT ACCOUNTS Verizon Northwest Inc. (Dollars in Thousands)Year Ended December 31 , 2002 GTID SCHEDULE 1-(Code)(MM YV) Line Account Account Title Amount No.No.(a)(b) 6220 Operator systems 6231 Radio systems 6232 Circuit equipment 457 6230 Central Office - Transmission (lines 93..94)552 6311 Station apparatus 051 6341 Large PBX 6351 Public telephone terminal equipment 100 6362 Other terminal equipment 723 101 6310 Information OriginationfTermination (lines 97..100)900 102 103 6411 Poles 383 104 6421 Aerial cable 863 105 6422 Underground cable 181 106 6423 Buried cable 659 107 6424 Submarine cable 108 6425 Deep sea cable 109 6426 Intrabuilding network cable 110 6431 Aerial wire 111 6441 Conduit systems 112 6410 Cable & Wire (lines 103..111)173 113 650 Total Plant Specific (lines 78+84+89+91+95+101+112)029 114 115 Plant Nonspecific Operations 116 6511 PHFTU 117 6512 Provisioning 118 6510 Other Property. Plant & Equipment (lines 116..117) 119 120 6531 Power 446 121 6532 Network administration 184 122 6533 Testing 152 123 6534 Plant operations administration 735 124 6535 Engineering 428 125 6530 Network Operations (lines 120..124)945 126 127 6540 Access 544 128 129 6561 Depreciation - TPIS 662 130 6562 Depreciation - PHFTU 131 6563 Amortization - tangible 265 132 6564 Amortization - intangible 147 133 6565 Amortization - other 134 6560 Depreciation & Amortization (lines 129..133)074 135 3 f5 NOTE: Nonregulated activity is included in the respective Part 32 revenue and expense accounts. FORM M IDA age INCOME STATEMENT ACCOUNTS Verizon Northwest Inc. (Dollars in Thousands)Year Ended December 31 . 2002 GTID ---12Jl2 SCHEDULE 1-(Code)(MM YV) Line Account Account Title Amount No.No.(a)(b) 136 690 Total Plant Nonspecific Expense (lines 118+125+127+134)572 137 138 Customer Operations 139 6611 Product management 949 140 6612 Sales 127 141 6613 Product advertising 101 142 6610 Marketing Expense (lines 139..141)177 143 144 6621 Call completion 409 145 6622 Number service 983 146 6623 Customer services 723 147 6620 Services Expense (lines 144..146)115 148 149 700 Total Customer Operations (lines 142+147)292 150 151 Corporate Operations 152 6711 Executive 338 153 6712 Planning 210 154 6710 Executive & Planning (lines 152..153)548 155 156 6721 Accounting & finance 435 157 6722 External relations 500 158 6723 Human resources 471 159 6724 Information management 602 160 6725 Legal 282 161 6726 Procurement 121 162 6727 Research & development 163 6728 Other general & administrative 768 164 6720 General & Administrative (lines 156..163)226 165 166 6790 Provision for uncollectible notes receivable 167 168 710 Total Corporate Operations (lines 154 +164+166)775 169 170 720 Total Operating Expenses (lines 113+136+149+168)667 171 172 730 Net Operating Revenue (lines 67-170)203 173 174 Other Operating Income and Expense 175 7110 Income from custom work 176 7130 Return from non reg use of regulated facilities 177 7140 Gains/losses from foreign exchange 178 7150 Gains/losses from disposition of land & artworks (112) 179 7160 Other operating gains and losses (1) 180 7100 Other Operatina Income and ExDense Clines 175..179)(112) 4 f5 NOTE: Nonregulated activity is included in the respective Part 32 revenue and expense accounts. FORM M INCOME STATEMENT ACCOUNTS (Dollars in Thousands) Page 5 of 5 Verizon Northwest Inc. Year Ended December 31 , 2002 G T --.12.Q2(Code) (MM YV) IDAHO SCHEDULE 1- Line AccountNo. No. 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 Account Title (a) Operating Taxes 7210 Operating investment tax credits - net 7220 Operating federal income taxes 7230 Operating state and local income taxes 7240 Operating other taxes 7250 Provisions for deferred operating income tax - net7200 Operating Taxes (lines 183..187) ope e a 7310 Dividend income 7320 Interest income 7330 Income from sinking and other funds 7340 Allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) 7350 Gains/losses from the disposition of property 7360 Other nonoperating income 7370 Special charges7300 Nonoperating Income and Expense (lines 191..197) Nonope ati axes 7410 Nonoperating investment tax credits - net 7420 Nonoperating federal income taxes 7430 Nonoperating state and local income taxes 7440 Nonoperating other taxes 7450 Provision for deferred nonoperating income tax - net7400 Nonoperating Taxes (lines 201..205) est a ated 7510 Interest on funded debt 7520 Interest expense - capital leases 7530 Amortization of debt issuance expenses 7540 Other interest deductions7500 Interest and Related Items (lines 209..212) 790 Net Income (lines 172-180-188+198-206-213+220-225) NOTE: Nonregulated activity is included in the respective Part 32 revenue and expense accounts. aordinary Items 7610 Extraordinary income credits 7620 Extraordinary income charges 7630 Current income tax effect of extraordinary items - net 7640 Provision for deferred income tax effect of items - net7600 Extraordinary Items (lines 216.,219) Jur l Diffe ces &egu ated 7910 Income effects of jurisdictional differences - net 7990 Nonregulated net incomeJD and Nonregulated (lines 223..224) Amount (b) 769 188 786 274 11,469 (0) 207 129 140 126 147 623 799 540 540 522 ID A H O P U B L I C U T I L I T Y C O M M I S S I O N Ve r i z o n N o r t h w e s t I n c . Ye a r E n d e d D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 20 0 2 SI G N A T U R E P A G E mI D . . (C o d e ) .. . 1 2 - Q 2 (M M Y V ) I c e r t i f y t h a t I a m t h e r e s p o n s i b l e a c c o u n t i n g o f f i c e r o f G T E N o r t h w e s t I n c o r p o r a t e d ; t h a t I e x a m i n e d t h i s r e p o r t ; t h a t t o t h e b e s t of m y k n o w l e d g e , i n f o r m a t i o n , a n d b e l i e f , a l l s t a t e m e n t s o f f a c t i n t h i s r e p o r t a r e t r u e ; a n d t h a t t h i s r e p o r t c o r r e c t l y s t a t e s t h e re s p o n d e n t ' s b u s i n e s s a n d a f f a i r s i n e a c h m a t t e r s e t f o r t h f r o m J a n u a r y 1 , 2 0 0 2 t h r o u g h D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 2 . Da t e (A J ~ c, L J & Y Si g n a t u r e As s i s t a n t C o nt r o l l e r Ti t l e