HomeMy WebLinkAbout108PUC.docx 1 MOUNTAIN HOME, IDAHO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1998, 7:00 P.M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Good evening, ladies and 5 gentlemen. It's time for the hearing to begin. My name is 6 Marsha Smith. I'm one of the three Commissioners. I'm 7 your State Public Utilities Commissioner, and I will Chair 8 tonight's hearing. 9 Upon my left is Commissioner Dennis Hansen, 10 who is the president of the Commission. On my right is 11 Commissioner Ralph Nelson. The three of us comprise the 12 entire Public Utilities Commission, and we are the ones who 13 will make the decision on the case that's before us 14 tonight, which is Case No. USW-T-97-6. It's in the matter 15 of the petition of Elmore County residents for an extended 16 service calling area. These are petitions that have been 17 filed with the Commission for toll-free calling between 18 Mountain Home and Boise, and between Glenns Ferry, Hammett, 19 King Hill, and Boise. 20 We're here tonight to take public testimony 21 in this matter. First, we want to take the appearances of 22 the formal parties to the case. We will start with Staff. 23 MS. COPSEY: My name is Cheri C. Copsey, 24 Deputy Attorney General for the State of Idaho. And I 25 represent the Commission Staff. 261 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 2 U S WEST. 3 MS. DENISON: My name is Robin Denison. I'm 4 with the law office of Stoel, Rives, representing 5 U S WEST Communications. With me is John Souba, who is 6 regional manager of U S WEST. 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much. I 8 don't believe that we need any preliminary statements, so 9 what we will do is go directly to the taking of your 10 comments and testimony tonight. And we will let your 11 Senator Robbi King demonstrate how you do this. 12 Those of you who wish to make a statement 13 have signed a list. I will call your name in the order 14 that you have signed up, and you just come forward. 15 Commissioner Nelson will swear you in, and then 16 Ms. Copsey will ask you a couple of questions to get you 17 started. 18 The Commission has to base its decision on 19 the evidence that it receives. That is why we have a court 20 reporter who is taking down everything that is said 21 tonight. And so when you begin your statement, we will 22 need your full name, your mailing address, so we have you 23 properly identified. 24 Ms. Copsey. 25 262 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 SENATOR ROBBI KING, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 EXAMINATION 6 7 BY MS. COPSEY: 8 Q With that in mind, Senator King, could you 9 please state your full name, and spell it for the record, 10 and give your address. 11 A State Senator Robbi, R-o-b-b-i, King, 12 K-i-n-g. I reside at Box 28, Glenns Ferry, Idaho, 83623. 13 Q You may begin with your statement. 14 A Thank you. I'll be very brief in my 15 comments. I appreciate the opportunity to testify before 16 the Commission tonight concerning the proposed extended 17 area service petition. As I was telling Commissioner Smith 18 earlier, it's usually the Commissioners that are testifying 19 before our legislative committees, so the shoe is on the 20 other foot this evening. This is the first time I have had 21 to testify in front of them. 22 As you're aware, the proposed expansion area 23 is, in reality, considered a rural area of Idaho. While 24 many services that we are able to obtain are local, there 25 are still many necessary services that require either 263 CSB REPORTING KING Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 travel to Boise or a long-distance phone call to the Boise 2 area. Those services range from health care and personal 3 financial management to the simple task of checking on our 4 families while some of us work in the Boise area. And 5 there are many people who reside in Mountain Home that work 6 in the Boise area. 7 The benefits of the expanded toll-free 8 calling area will, in my opinion, have a direct impact on 9 the economy of this area. The potential financial savings 10 to local businesses, public services, and families will 11 enhance the economic viability here in our own community. 12 To many businesses the dramatic reduction in monthly 13 telephone bills will mean direct benefits to employees as 14 well as consumers. 15 Throughout the public service sector, I 16 believe a substantial cost savings will be realized. There 17 will no longer be the necessary fees for having to maintain 18 a Boise telephone line, in some instances. Personally, to 19 me, this expansion will mean an approximate cost savings to 20 my family of between $100 and $150 a month. 21 And finally, as an elected official, this 22 will also allow me to save the taxpayers of the state some 23 money. When you contact me with a concern, as your elected 24 official, almost every piece of information I have to 25 obtain on your behalf is a long-distance phone call to 264 CSB REPORTING KING Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Boise. I believe this is a beneficial proposal to the 2 people that I have been elected to represent and would 3 appreciate your favorable consideration. Again, thank you 4 for allowing me the opportunity to provide input here this 5 evening. 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much, 7 Senator King. 8 Now comes the hardest part. Does anyone have 9 questions? 10 MS. COPSEY: No questions. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: How about from the 12 Commission? 13 Thank you very much. We really appreciate 14 you coming here. 15 We also have State Representative 16 Jim Jones in the audience. And Representative Jones, would 17 you like to come forward and make a statement? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 265 CSB REPORTING KING Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 REPRESENTATIVE JIM JONES, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 THE WITNESS: I'm Jim Jones representing 6 District 20. And that includes Elmore and Owyhee 7 Counties. I tell everybody it's east of Ada County, south 8 of Ada County, and west of Ada County. It's one of the 9 biggest counties in the state. 10 I moved to Mountain Home in 1970. At that 11 time we took about an hour and a half to drive to Boise. 12 And the last 30 years I was representing State Farm 13 Insurance, and we could call to Salem, Oregon less 14 expensive than we can call to Boise where our 15 alliance office was. It was an expensive operation to 16 make the local calls. 17 So I very much highly favor the idea seeing 18 the area toll free. That's the only thing I want to say. 19 Let's have a bigger area toll free and it will be good for 20 the economy and good for the citizens of the area where 21 this toll-free system goes into effect. And I will say, I 22 hope you expedite the idea. 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, 24 Representative Jones. 25 Let's see if there are any questions. 266 CSB REPORTING JONES Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 MS. COPSEY: The only question I have for the 2 record is, may we have your mailing address? 3 THE WITNESS: 1107 Maple Drive. 4 MS. COPSEY: Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much. 6 THE WITNESS: Thank you folks for coming out 7 today. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Next, we have George 9 Haynes. 10 11 GEORGE HAYNES, 12 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 13 sworn, testified as follows: 14 15 EXAMINATION 16 17 BY MS. COPSEY: 18 Q Mr. Haynes, would you state your full name 19 for the record, and spell it, and give us your address 20 also. 21 A My name is George Haynes, G-e-o-r-g-e, 22 H-a-y-n-e-s, 710 East 11th North. 23 Q You can go ahead and make your statement. 24 A I'm in favor of the statements that have been 25 made here presenting this to us. If you have any calls to 267 CSB REPORTING HAYNES Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 make to Boise and pay toll, it's a little expensive. I'm 2 retired, and I now have to do all this -- 3 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Excuse me. We're going 4 to take a short recess while the court reporter moves 5 closer, because we're having a lot of difficulty hearing. 6 The acoustics in here are not that good. There are still a 7 few empty chairs near the front. 8 (Brief interruption.) 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Now we're going to try 10 again. If you can, let's ask for your cooperation by 11 keeping it quiet. The acoustics seem to amplify the sound 12 and we're having difficulty hearing. We will go again, 13 Mr. Haynes. 14 THE WITNESS: At the present time the church 15 that I represent has many calls to other districts and it's 16 a little bit expensive. And I think it would be a benefit 17 for them, the church, and to the people who phone in, and 18 its representation. So with that, I'll just say that I'm 19 in favor of the thing as presented. 20 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Let's see if there are 21 any questions for you. 22 23 24 25 268 CSB REPORTING HAYNES Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MS. COPSEY: 4 Q I just have one or two real short questions. 5 You are aware that if the Commission approves this, that 6 your telephone basic local service will increase about $6 a 7 month, are you not? 8 A Yes, I'm aware of it. 9 Q And it still would be beneficial to you? 10 A That's right. 11 MS. COPSEY: Thank you very much. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your 13 testimony. 14 Lou Berrio-Ochea. 15 16 LOU BERRIO-OCHOA, 17 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 18 sworn, testified as follows: 19 20 EXAMINATION 21 22 BY MS. COPSEY: 23 Q Mr. Berrio-Ochoa, do you want to actually say 24 your name very slowly so the court reporter can get it, and 25 spell it. 269 CSB REPORTING BERRIO-OCHOA Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 A My name is Lou, L-o-u, Berrio-Ochoa, 2 B-e-r-r-i-o - O-c-h-o-a. 3 Q Could you tell us your address? 4 A P.O. Box 561. 5 Q Thank you. Go ahead with your statement. 6 A Well, I have ten relatives who live in 7 Boise. I'll save money myself by this new plan, so I'm for 8 it. 9 Q You do live in Mountain Home? 10 A Yes, for the last 60 years. 11 MS. COPSEY: Thank you. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Any other questions? 13 MS. DENNISON: No questions. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much, 15 sir. 16 Fred Prouty. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 270 CSB REPORTING BERRIO-OCHOA Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 FRED PROUTY, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 EXAMINATION 6 7 BY MS. COPSEY: 8 Q Mr. Prouty, would you state your full name, 9 and spell it for the record, and then give us your 10 address. 11 A Fred Prouty, P-r-o-u-t-y, 410 North 8th East, 12 Mountain Home. Post Office Box 505 is what I usually use. 13 Q You can go ahead with your statement. 14 A Thank you. First of all, thank you folks for 15 coming over here. I know that it's a treacherous journey 16 to come all the way to Mountain Home. We do it to Boise 17 and think nothing of it, but we realize that you have to 18 come across the desert, and it's painful at times. 19 I just want to tell you some of my 20 background, only because I want you to understand the 21 different angles I come from. I'm on the City Council. 22 I'm a school administrator. I also own a business 23 downtown. So I have some interest in telephone bills as 24 you can well see. And I'm here to speak in favor of 25 joining the region for Mountain Home. 271 CSB REPORTING PROUTY Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 I realize there will be a definite economic 2 savings for businesses, mine included. But for the schools 3 and for the county and for the city would be a tremendous 4 savings. They're on the phone constantly to the valley, 5 especially the schools, and with sports. It's just 6 tremendous. 7 But that's not the main reason I'm for this. 8 I also have two daughters that go to BSU. I have a brother 9 and I have a couple nephews over there and numerous 10 friends, and it's going to be a savings for me. I'll tell 11 you right now, I'm going to save money due to this increase 12 you're talking about. 13 But that's still not the main reason I want 14 to go along with this. The main reason is real simple. I 15 actually stop and think before I call Boise right now to 16 contact my daughters or my brother, because it all costs. 17 And I would love to be able to pick up the phone and just 18 call my family anytime I want and not worry about it. I'll 19 take that increase, and I appreciate you supporting it. 20 That's all. Thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Let's see if we have any 22 questions. 23 MS. COPSEY: I don't have any questions. 24 MS. DENNISON: No questions. 25 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Commissioner Nelson. 272 CSB REPORTING PROUTY Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 EXAMINATION 2 3 BY COMMISSIONER NELSON: 4 Q Sir, how much do you think your fee will 5 increase if this petition is approved? 6 A Right now my wife calls the one daughter 7 every day in the morning. Well, that's what I'm talking 8 about. I call my daughter at least two or three times a 9 week. That will quadruple. I'll call my daughters every 10 day just to say, "Good morning." It's that kind of thing. 11 COMMISSIONER NELSON: Okay. Thank you. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much for 13 your testimony. 14 Next, we have Tom Rist. 15 16 TOM RIST, 17 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 18 sworn, testified as follows: 19 20 THE WITNESS: For the record, my name is Tom 21 Rist, R-i-s-t. I reside at 1298 North 10th East, city of 22 Mountain Home. I would like to also thank the Commission 23 for coming over to Mountain Home and giving the citizens an 24 opportunity to voice their opinion on this. 25 I'm a city councilman in Mountain Home, as is 273 CSB REPORTING RIST Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Councilman Prouty that spoke previous to me. I have an 2 interest from a personal standpoint, and I have family that 3 lives in Boise and our calls up there average at least 4 three a day. We think that we would probably save, between 5 my wife and I, in the neighborhood of $65, $70 per month in 6 calling. 7 From my tours and trips where I've talked to 8 people around the community in the past week or so, and 9 when it's become known we were going to have this hearing, 10 the response was overwhelming. The community is really 11 behind getting this call service from Mountain Home. 12 And I, from a personal standpoint, do support this and 13 certainly hope that this does become a reality. Again, I 14 would like to thank you Commissioners. 15 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Let's see if there are 16 any questions. 17 MS. COPSEY: No questions. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much for 19 your statement. 20 Next, we have Janet -- is it E-l-v-i-n -- 21 Erwin. 1015 South 5th West. 22 MS. ERWIN: I decline to speak. 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Donna Hardeman. 24 MS. HARDEMAN: I think they have already 25 expressed my opinions. 274 CSB REPORTING RIST Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Ralph Kramer. 2 3 RALPH KRAMER, 4 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 5 sworn, testified as follows: 6 7 EXAMINATION 8 9 BY MS. COPSEY: 10 Q Mr. Kramer, could you state your full name 11 for the record, and spell it, and also give us your 12 address. 13 A My name is Ralph Kramer, R-a-l-p-h, 14 K-r-a-m-e-r, 240 West 23rd North. 15 Q Could you state your address again? 16 A 240 West 23rd North. 17 Q That's Mountain Home? 18 A That's Mountain Home. 19 Q Go ahead and give your statement. 20 A Two things here on behalf of my wife and 21 myself. First off, we work in Boise but live in Mountain 22 Home. And we have teenagers. And sometimes there are 23 times that she's gone and I'm gone at the same time, and we 24 like to call home to check on our teenagers. That runs us 25 approximately $30 a month in long-distance calls just to 275 CSB REPORTING KRAMER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 check on the kids. I know there are a lot of other parents 2 out there the same way that call home from Boise to check 3 on their kids. 4 The other thing, on the business side of it, 5 my wife is in the process of starting a business, and her 6 monthly phone costs are from $20 to $30. And this is just 7 in the trying-to-get-started range. She very much is in 8 favor of it also. That's all I've got to say. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Let's see if there are 10 any questions. 11 MS. COPSEY: No questions. 12 AUDIENCE: Are you in favor of it or against 13 it? 14 THE WITNESS: I'm in favor. 15 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Kramer, we thank you 16 very much for your testimony. 17 Ron Swearingen. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 276 CSB REPORTING KRAMER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 RON SWEARINGEN, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 EXAMINATION 6 7 BY MS. COPSEY: 8 Q Mr. Swearingen, would you state your full 9 name, spell it for us, and state your address. 10 A I'll try. Ron Swearingen, 11 S-w-e-a-r-i-n-g-e-n. Mailing address, 1795 North 6th East 12 in Mountain Home. 13 Q Go ahead with your statement. 14 A Did I put my business address on there? 150 15 South 3rd East. My name is Ron Swearingen. I'm a 16 life-long native of Mountain Home. The group that I work 17 with was involved with the initial phase of gathering 18 petitions so people could sign with the interest of getting 19 included in the extended area of service. 20 I, as an individual, and from my business 21 standpoint, am very much in favor of this for a myriad of 22 reasons, most of which have already been mentioned. I 23 think we have a fairly good turnout tonight. You may not 24 know that you're in competition with the school dedication 25 about a mile away, which also has good attendance. And 277 CSB REPORTING SWEARINGEN Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 there are also about 100 local businessmen at Mountain Home 2 Air Force Base tonight because there's an Air Force soiree, 3 or I would have had more in attendance. 4 Because of that, I would, once again, just 5 like to state my support for your including us in the 6 extended area of service. It will be of economic and 7 personal advantage to almost every citizen of Mountain 8 Home. And I had numerous people wanting to know if they 9 could submit written testimony, so I would like to present 10 you with about 200 letters from people in Mountain Home 11 that support this proposal. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Sounds like you should 13 consider running for office. 14 THE WITNESS: I may run for the border, but 15 not for office. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Are there any 17 questions? 18 MS. COPSEY: No. 19 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Commissioner Hansen has 20 a question. 21 22 23 24 25 278 CSB REPORTING SWEARINGEN Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 EXAMINATION 2 3 BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: 4 Q Sir, those that signed those letters of 5 support, were they aware that the cost is $5.50 to $6 more 6 a month for service? 7 A Yes, sir. The letters state there that they 8 understand the bills will go up $5 or $6 a month. 9 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. 10 THE WITNESS: I appreciate the opportunity. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your 12 testimony. 13 The next person's last name is Taylor. 14 Geanna? 15 16 LEANNA TAYLOR, 17 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 18 sworn, testified as follows: 19 20 THE WITNESS: First, I would like to thank the 21 members of the Public Utilities Commission for giving us 22 the opportunity to speak to you. 23 24 25 279 CSB REPORTING TAYLOR Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MS. COPSEY: 4 Q Ma'am, could you first state your name for 5 the record, and spell it. I have this little routine. 6 A It's Leanna Taylor, L-e-a-n-n-a, T-a-y-l-o-r. 7 My address is 595 North 15th East in Mountain Home. 8 Q Thank you. You can go ahead. 9 A I won't thank you a second time. I'm the 10 mother of a teenager. And because he occasionally enjoys 11 making extended calls to friends in Boise, I now have a 12 block on my long-distance service. So I am one of the many 13 people, I think, in the community who do not make 14 long-distance phone calls. So, for me, $5 or $6 a month 15 would be money above and beyond what I'm currently paying. 16 And I'm here tonight because I want to express to you that 17 my family would happily pay that money. 18 You know Webster's defines "connected" 19 as "joined or linked, having social, professional, or 20 commercial relationships." And the communities of the 21 Treasure Valley and Mountain Home are connected in a 22 thousand different ways. 23 In my own case, my husband and daughter both 24 work in Boise. In my daughter's case, her two-year-old son 25 is in daycare in Mountain Home. So if there's a problem 280 CSB REPORTING TAYLOR Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 with him, it's a long-distance phone call. If she needs to 2 check and see how he's doing or tell the caregiver 3 anything, it's a long-distance phone call. If I want to 4 just talk to my husband to tell him what's happening, we 5 pay long-distance charges. 6 Also, there are a good number of services 7 that aren't available in Mountain Home. When my mother 8 had cancer, everything to do with her treatment was a 9 long-distance phone call. Every time I wanted to talk to a 10 specialist, it was a long-distance call. And during what 11 was already a difficult and costly time we had the 12 disadvantage that Boise area people don't have of having to 13 pay several hundred dollars over the course of her illness 14 in long-distance phone charges. 15 Finally, as a taxpayer in the city I would 16 really like to see the thousands of dollars that the city 17 currently pays, and probably other governmental entities as 18 well, in long-distance charges going to police services or 19 parks or, you know, better textbooks, whatever the case may 20 be. That is money that would be better spent, you know, in 21 the services, not in long-distance charges. 22 As I understand it, one of the most important 23 factors in your decision is our willingness to pay that 24 extra $6 a month for this service. And I just wanted to 25 tell you that I am not only willing, I am ready. Please, 281 CSB REPORTING TAYLOR Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 let it begin. 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your 3 testimony. Do you have any questions? 4 MS. COPSEY: No, I have none. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I just had one 6 suggestion. Make the teenager pay the extra. I have two 7 of those myself. 8 Dawn Monasterio. 9 10 DAWN MONASTERIO, 11 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 12 sworn, testified as follows: 13 14 EXAMINATION 15 16 BY MS. COPSEY: 17 Q Do you want to state your full name for the 18 record, and spell it, and then give us your address. 19 A My name is Dawn Monasterio, 20 M-o-n-a-s-t-e-r-i-o, 1730 East 8th North. 21 THE COURT REPORTER: Would you spell your 22 first name. 23 THE WITNESS: D-a-w-n. 24 Q That's in Mountain Home? 25 A Yes. My long-distance phone calls usually 282 CSB REPORTING MONASTERIO Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 run from $3 to $10 a month. I make all of my long-distance 2 calls on my mobile phone because it's cheaper. You should 3 see my mobile phone bill. When I call Boise, I always use 4 my mobile because it's cheaper. I have two children who 5 are in high school and middle school who have friends in 6 Boise and Meridian. They are limited to one call a week 7 for five minutes. 8 When I need service from a Boise business, I 9 usually call those businesses with toll-free numbers, which 10 eliminates the small businesses who struggle to survive as 11 it is, because only larger businesses have the toll-free 12 numbers in Boise. I'm, obviously, in favor of this. They 13 would love to call their friends every day, and I could 14 disconnect my mobile phone. 15 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Do we have any 16 questions? 17 MS. COPSEY: No questions. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: It's going to probably 19 cost you more than $6, because when the kids start making 20 all those calls, you'll have to add a second line. 21 THE WITNESS: That's okay. He's got a job. 22 He can pay for it. 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much for 24 your testimony. 25 Philip Miller. 283 CSB REPORTING MONASTARIO Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 PHILIP MILLER, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 EXAMINATION 6 BY MS COPSEY: 7 Q Mr. Miller, do you want to go ahead and state 8 your full name for the record, and spell it, and give your 9 address. 10 A Philip Miller. Last name M-i-l-l-e-r. My 11 home address is 1476 Casa Villa, Mountain Home. That's 12 C-a-s-a, V-i-l-l-a. 13 THE COURT REPORTER: Would you spell your 14 first name. 15 THE WITNESS: P-h-i-l-i-p. And my business 16 address is P.O. Box 506, Mountain Home. 17 Q You can go ahead with your statement. 18 A My interest in this is twofold; personal and 19 businesswise. I have family that lives in Boise. My 20 wife's children live in Boise, and her mother lives in 21 Phoenix. Currently, it's more economical for her to keep 22 in touch with her mother in Phoenix over the telephone than 23 with the two boys in Boise. I think that's a very common 24 thing. We live close together. We see each other 25 frequently. But we can't visit by phone very much because 284 CSB REPORTING MILLER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 it's so expensive. 2 Second of all, I'm an attorney in a law firm 3 that has offices in Boise and Mountain Home. What we see 4 is that the economic community of interest between Mountain 5 Home and Boise is very, very close. We have clients both 6 places. They're calling both offices. We're calling the 7 other city very often. We have business clients in 8 Mountain Home who have legal problems in Boise. That 9 causes a great number of telephone calls to Boise. 10 Additionally, the court systems in Elmore and 11 Ada County are very unique. Elmore County is part of the 12 same judicial district, so there are three judges that sit 13 here in Elmore County who also sit in Ada County. They 14 spend about half their time in each place currently. So 15 that, I'm quite sure, necessitates the county spending huge 16 amounts of telephone calls between the two offices. 17 You know, we are like a lot of other -- like 18 a lot of other businesses. I live in Mountain Home. I 19 frequently work in the Boise office which requires 20 long-distance telephone calls back here to talk to my 21 wife. One of our Boise employees lives in Mountain Home 22 and she has small children that she's constantly having to 23 check on. 24 I checked with the Boise office today and 25 their off-the-top estimate is that currently we spend 285 CSB REPORTING MILLER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 upwards to $500 a month, our firm does, just calling back 2 and forth between Boise and Mountain Home. 3 We personally would be very happy to see this 4 local calling started. Businesswise, we would be very 5 happy to pay for it. It would be an economic advantage to 6 us. And personally, my wife and I would be very happy to 7 pay for it. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Let's see if there are 9 any questions. 10 MS. COPSEY: No. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your 12 testimony, sir. 13 THE WITNESS: Thank you. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Marta Eguia. 15 Marta Eguia? 16 How about Arlie Jones. 17 Arlie Jones? 18 Glenda Bresliu. 19 MS. BRESLIU: I think everything that I was 20 going to say has already been stated, but I'm really glad 21 you're here. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Leola Jackson. 23 How about Barbara Ann Milligan. 24 MS. MILLIGAN: Thank you for coming here. 25 I'm here, but I don't have anything to add. 286 CSB REPORTING MILLER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Teresa Paige. 2 3 TERESA PAIGE, 4 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 5 sworn, testified as follows: 6 7 EXAMINATION 8 9 BY MS. COPSEY: 10 Q Ms. Paige, do you want to go ahead and state 11 your full name for the record, and spell it, and give us 12 your address, please. 13 A My name is Teresa Paige, T-e-r-e-s-a, 14 P-a-i-g-e. My address is 5243 South Farmhouse Place in 15 Boise, Idaho. 16 Q Thank you. You can go ahead and make your 17 statement. 18 A Thank you. First of all, I would just like 19 to thank the Commission for you to be here tonight. I am 20 directly in favor of this going through. It impacts me 21 greatly. 22 I was born and raised here in Mountain Home. 23 I've moved to Boise and call Mountain Home frequently and 24 as often as I like to everyone, friends and family. And I 25 would like you to know that it's really hard to hide that 287 CSB REPORTING PAIGE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 phone bill when it comes at the end of the month. I have 2 sent it to my work address. My husband has offered to pay 3 me to drive from Mountain Home, but I don't have time. I 4 think if I were to give you copies of my phone bill you 5 would understand that it means more to me to speak to these 6 people and find out what's going on and show my care and 7 concern than anything. So it greatly impacts my family. 8 Not only that, my marriage. 9 The other thing I would just like to point 10 out to the Commission, in looking at this going forward, I 11 have a unique situation in that I live in Boise. I come to 12 Mountain Home often, nightly, weekly, every other week, and 13 I work in Nampa. 14 It seems very discriminatory to me that I can 15 live just as far away from my home to my work, and I can 16 call freely and check on things, than I can to drive or 17 call from my home to where all my family is. 18 It's not going to stop me from paying those 19 high bills. And it may cause a divorce, but I'm trying to 20 hang on, and I have for 17 years. 21 I certainly hope that you'll take into 22 consideration possibly the things you did when you brought 23 in Nampa/Caldwell area to the local calling district. It 24 is very convenient. It has prospered businesses over 25 there, as I can see directly through my work. And I do 288 CSB REPORTING PAIGE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 believe that Mountain Home needs that in order to prosper 2 their businesses. I know that they work very hard in 3 trying to bring new business into Mountain Home, and 4 anything to help the bottom line would definitely maybe 5 have an impact on their economy and might have someone look 6 at them a little harder to come here and relocate. 7 With that, my concerns for the area, my love 8 for the area, and my personal savings, I would gladly pay 9 the $6, $7, and I probably could support many others and 10 still come out ahead. Thank you for your time. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. Let's see if 12 there are any questions. 13 MS. COPSEY: I don't have any. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much for 15 your testimony. 16 Cathy Knock. 17 18 CATHY KNOCK, 19 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 20 sworn, testified as follows: 21 22 THE WITNESS: My name is Cathy, C-a-t-h-y, Knock, 23 K-n-o-c-k. I live at 4245 C Central Road, Mountain Home 24 Air Force Base. I'm speaking on behalf of myself and some 25 of the people that work under me. 289 CSB REPORTING KNOCK Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 I'm a Tupperware consultant in the area. 2 Being that we are small, home-based in-home businesses, our 3 personal area here is not as large as we would like to make 4 a lot of money. I do pretty well, but I have a lot of 5 consultants in Boise and employees that are my 6 responsibility, not to mention over half of my customers 7 are in Boise, Nampa, Caldwell. And I'm having to drive 8 that far, but my long distance adds up. 9 My average bill is over $60 a month just for 10 business. That doesn't count calling Edwards Theatre, 11 which I think you all do, to find out what the movie is. 12 That can be a buck apiece just to find out the latest 13 movie. It's real important to me and I have been like 14 dreaming for this. 15 I did call U S WEST, actually, about three 16 days before I saw the first notice for this in the paper, 17 to find out how much it would cost to have a Boise phone 18 number in Mountain Home. I was told it's over $500 to get 19 it set up, and it's over $80 a month. This is going to be 20 a dramatic savings. I have two phone lines in my home; one 21 for family and one for business. We're a computer family. 22 That is going to affect both of the phone lines. That's 23 going to be double the monthly payment I'm going to pay, 24 but I would pay $20 a line if I have to. 25 The other thing is, I'm military. My husband 290 CSB REPORTING KNOCK Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 is. We're calling long distance enough to call our family 2 and stuff to be here. Most of us didn't choose to live 3 here. If you add on that little extra long distance to 4 find out what the movie listings are or to call about 5 something, or anything like that where -- doctors' offices 6 and stuff, it really does add up a lot. To me it would 7 really benefit my business. My business will probably 8 triple by not having to think twice about making those 9 long-distance phone calls. Thank up for your time. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your 11 testimony. 12 No questions? 13 MS. COPSEY: No questions. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Don Etter. 15 16 DON ETTER, 17 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 18 sworn, testified as follows: 19 20 EXAMINATION 21 22 BY MS. COPSEY: 23 Q Mr. Etter, do you want to state your name, 24 and spell it for us, and state your address for the record, 25 please. 291 CSB REPORTING ETTER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 A My name is Don Etter, E-t-t-e-r. I live at 2 310 South 5th East. 3 Q Thank you. You can go ahead. 4 A Thank you. I am the mayor of Mountain Home. 5 I am here this evening to testify that I think this is an 6 excellent proposal. I just feel it is two years late. I 7 wish it would have happened a couple of years ago when you 8 picked up the other long-distance calling area. 9 My wife and I have no family in Boise and we 10 do not call Boise quite a bit, but we are willing to 11 support this and make the extra payment each month on our 12 telephone bill, because I know there are a lot of people in 13 Mountain Home that work in Boise, that if they need to call 14 their family from Boise it's a long-distance call. 15 Also, by including Mountain Home and 16 Glenns Ferry into the larger calling areas, the people from 17 Boise will then be able to call Mountain Home and it won't 18 be a long-distance call for them. We are very supportive 19 of this program and hope that you will do very favorable 20 upon it this evening. 21 As I was looking at your colored map here, I 22 notice you've done an excellent job in eastern Idaho. It's 23 like you have combined the whole part of the state. 24 Mountain Home, sometimes it's out here in the middle of the 25 desert and we don't know whether we're part of the Treasure 292 CSB REPORTING ETTER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 Valley or part of the Magic Valley. Please include us in 2 the Treasure Valley this evening. Thank you. 3 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We thank you for your 4 testimony, Mr. Mayor. I think that is one of the reasons 5 we're here tonight is we want to be sure that we know 6 whether you're part of the Treasure Valley or Magic 7 Valley. 8 THE WITNESS: I love to hear that. Thank 9 you. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We need to go one way or 11 the other. 12 Are there any questions for the mayor? 13 AUDIENCE: (Inaudible). 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I'm sorry, we're not set 15 up for questions from the audience. 16 AUDIENCE: Can I turn in my wife's 17 testimony? She supports it. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Jerrie LeFevre. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 293 CSB REPORTING ETTER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 JERRIE LEFEVRE, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 EXAMINATION 6 7 BY MS. COPSEY: 8 Q Mr. LeFevre, do you want to go ahead and 9 state your full name, and spell it for the record, and give 10 us your address. 11 A My name is Jerrie, J-e-r-r-i-e, LeFevre, 12 L-e-F-e-v-r-e. My home address is 325 East 17th North in 13 Mountain Home. I am superintendent of schools in Mountain 14 Home. My business address is 140 North 3rd East in 15 Mountain Home. 16 I would like to start, first of all, by 17 thanking you-all for being here tonight. We appreciate you 18 being here. I have to tell you that this room is not 19 necessarily designed to have large meetings like this, but 20 we're going to work on it. I also want to tell you that I 21 am in favor, both personally and professionally, for the 22 proposal we're here to discuss. I'd like to go over that, 23 if I may. 24 I'm in favor, for two reasons, with the 25 school district. And that's financially and also for the 294 CSB REPORTING LEFEVRE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 purposes of time management. Mountain Home School District 2 employs approximately 600 people. We have 4,600 students. 3 We have 67 telephone lines and over 550 telephones in our 4 facilities. And last month 52 percent of our long-distance 5 telephone calls were to the Treasure Valley. 6 A year ago the district purchased and 7 installed a telephone system. We now have telephones in 8 every classroom in the school district. The main reason to 9 do this was communication. There is no other reason but 10 communication. The main reason for this was to allow our 11 staff improved opportunities to communicate with the 12 parents and the students, and to communicate with their own 13 families. 14 Many of our staff members, I would estimate 15 as many as 50, live in the Treasure Valley and commute to 16 work to Mountain Home each day. They, obviously, have 17 families, they have appointments, dental appointments, 18 recreation, and they communicate back and forth with Boise, 19 Meridian, et cetera. 20 My information tells me, and I'm going to 21 figure in the area of $3,600 for my long-distance calls in 22 the month of May with Sprint long-distance carrier. And we 23 had another figure not quite that high that I'm not assured 24 of with U S WEST. It is a financial consideration for the 25 Mountain Home School District. Although we realize there 295 CSB REPORTING LEFEVRE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 would be additional costs per line, we feel the financial 2 benefit to the district would be great. 3 I must tell you that for several years 4 Mountain Home School District was not affiliated in our 5 activities and athletics with the Boise School District, 6 Meridian, Nampa, and Caldwell. It was very informal. This 7 year -- starting a year ago this month, we started a new 8 conference. We organized the Southern Idaho Conference, 9 for not only athletics but also the School Interlock 10 Program and for other activities. Our staff makes 11 literally hundreds of telephone calls to the Treasure 12 Valley each day ranging from athletic events, substitute 13 teachers, to set up meetings, to cancel meetings, take care 14 of other business. 15 Our main affiliation is with the Nampa, 16 Caldwell, Boise, Meridian, Emmett and Vallivue School 17 Districts. We have a regional affiliation with Kuna and 18 other areas not being considered here tonight. 19 I want to go back briefly to the staff that 20 we have that live in Boise and that drive to Mountain 21 Home. Obviously, the majority of our staff lives in 22 Mountain Home and Mountain Home Air Force Base. We have 23 reason, in each of our schools and departments, to have 24 telephone trees to notify our staff in the event of snow 25 days, tragedies within the staff, which we had last year 296 CSB REPORTING LEFEVRE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 where we wanted all staff to know the deaths within the 2 student body, within the staff of the district. This is 3 quite a problem. There is a teacher who is employed by the 4 school district and he works in two different buildings and 5 has two different telephone trees. 6 We also do a significant amount of business 7 with vendors in the Boise Valley. We're trying to keep our 8 business as much as we can within our school district so we 9 don't have all the resources that we need in the Treasure 10 Valley. And we have the authority to do a lot of 11 purchasing through the billing level, so there are a lot of 12 telephone calls that way. 13 We have direct lines to Boise, but we ask our 14 staff, especially on personal business, to not use long 15 distance, to use the direct lines. These direct lines are 16 busy constantly throughout the day. This comes to the area 17 of time management. Our staff does have plenty of business 18 to conduct with Boise Valley, again, with families and 19 other business areas. I feel this would greatly increase 20 the time that they would be able to put on school-related 21 activities because their minds would be at ease because of 22 family and other problems. 23 Personally, my family is not a telephone 24 family. I get plenty of phone calls during the day and do 25 not seek additional phone calls after work. My daughter, 297 CSB REPORTING LEFEVRE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 suprisingly, is not a very active telephone user and 2 neither is my wife. However, we do have a son. One of our 3 children in this family lives in Nampa. And my grandson is 4 constantly calling me to see when we can do various 5 activities together. So that would help us as a family. 6 We also take some of our medical care out of the community 7 of Mountain Home to Boise and this would be a great benefit 8 to our family. So, in closure, I would say that the school 9 district -- I feel this would be a great benefit to the 10 school district. 11 I wanted to point out one more thing. We do 12 have students that live in Boise. As well, many parents 13 that work in Boise that we need to contact during the day. 14 But we also have students that live in Glenns Ferry that 15 attend our school district and parents who work in Glenns 16 Ferry. We have a need to have this service available both 17 going to the Treasure Valley and to Glenns Ferry. Anything 18 you can do to help out the school district, we would 19 appreciate it. 20 We do have financial concerns in our 21 district. Of 112 school districts in the state of Idaho, 22 Mountain Home is the 14th largest. However, our tax base 23 is the 96th of those 112 school districts. And we feel 24 that the addition of this service to Mountain Home would 25 encourage continued growth in our commercial area which 298 CSB REPORTING LEFEVRE Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 would transfer into the growth and tax base for the school 2 district which we would turn into improved educational 3 facilities for the students. Thank you. And I appreciate 4 the opportunity to speak. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Let's see if there are 6 any questions. 7 MS. COPSEY: Has your grandson learned how to 8 dial your number on his own? 9 THE WITNESS: Yes, he has. 10 MS. COPSEY: Congratulations. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much. 12 THE WITNESS: Thank you. 13 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Joe B. McNeal. 14 Joe B. McNeal? 15 How about Sheri Sellman. 16 17 SHERI SELLMAN, 18 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 19 sworn, testified as follows: 20 21 THE WITNESS: My name is Sheri Sellman, 22 S-h-e-r-i, S-e-l-l-m-a-n, 1520 East 8th North, Mountain 23 Home. I am a retired City Council member and now a 24 community social activist. 25 And I know I'm one of the last speakers to 299 CSB REPORTING SELLMAN Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 speak, and I would like to sum up, I think, what we've 2 heard this evening. John Donne, the poet, said, "No man is 3 an island unto himself." To paraphrase that, no city is an 4 island unto ourselves. And some of the policies of Boise 5 have made Mountain Home into an island. 6 You have not placed us in the Treasure 7 Valley, from The Statesman articles, "What to do with 8 Treasure Valley?" They completely eliminate Mountain Home 9 in the Recreation pages. The Magic Valley doesn't include 10 us, and being an island is not particularly enjoyable on a 11 social level, the family level, or the business level. 12 We have many friends, neighbors, and families 13 who work in Boise. You've heard that testimony this 14 evening. And many of your Boise folks travel to Mountain 15 Home to work here. 16 We think that you're missing out a lot, and 17 we know that we're missing out a lot without this phone 18 service that would help us economically. It is to Boise's 19 benefit to add this area into your phone system. It will 20 help you businesswise. It will help you build a better 21 response and it will help Mountain Home. 22 I'm asking you basically tonight to help us 23 build that bridge to this island. We're willing to help 24 build that bridge with $5 or $6. We just ask that you 25 build the bridge from the other end, because we really 300 CSB REPORTING SELLMAN Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 would like to be connected. I appreciate it very much. 2 Thank you. 3 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Let's see if there are 4 any questions. 5 MS. COPSEY: I don't have any. 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank very much for 7 testifying. 8 Debra South. 9 10 DEBRA SOUTH, 11 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 12 sworn, testified as follows: 13 14 EXAMINATION 15 BY MS. COPSEY: 16 Q We do need you to state your full name, and 17 spell it, and give us your address. 18 A My name is Debra, D-e-b-r-a, South, 19 S-o-u-t-h. My address is 1605 South 10th East, Mountain 20 Home, Idaho. 21 Like many others tonight, I was born and 22 raised in Mountain Home. And after 17 years of living in 23 Meridian, we chose to move back to Mountain Home. But I 24 continue to work over there. My husband is self-employed 25 and does a great deal of business over there. 301 CSB REPORTING SOUTH Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 We have three telephone lines into our house; 2 a business line, a line for the children, and a residential 3 line. On my residential line my average telephone bill per 4 month is between $100 and $150. And because of that, that 5 I continue to work in Boise, each time I need to call home 6 or one of my children needs to reach me at work, it's 7 necessary for them to call long distance. If the school 8 district has to call me for some reason or another, they 9 have to call me long distance. 10 It's just a tremendous expense. And I can 11 fully attest, by commuting back and forth every day, that 12 there are probably just as many people that drive from 13 Boise and the Treasure Valley to Mountain Home to work, as 14 driving the freeway is very busy in the morning. 15 I would like to see Mountain Home continue to 16 grow. As I said, I was raised here. My family is here. 17 We've chosen to return here. My husband's business is 18 here. And I would think it would benefit the residents of 19 Mountain Home and Mountain Home Air Force Base and, in 20 turn, benefit the residents of Boise, because too often 21 they think that Mountain Home is that 43 miles basically at 22 the end of the earth. And I think that this, as Sheri 23 said, would help build that bridge, bridge that gap that we 24 so intensely feel. We feel very isolated. 25 And quite often -- I belong to several 302 CSB REPORTING SOUTH Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 organizations over there. And when I go to volunteer to be 2 on a committee to do this and that or the other thing then 3 they will say, "Oh, it will be long distance and you have 4 to call." I think this has been too long in coming, and I 5 would very much like to see things changed. 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your 7 testimony. Let's see if there are questions. 8 MS. COPSEY: No questions. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much. 10 Barry Cahill. 11 12 BARRY CAHILL, 13 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 14 sworn, testified as follows: 15 16 EXAMINATION 17 18 BY MS. COPSEY: 19 Q Mr. Cahill, could you state your name for the 20 record, and spell it, and give us your address. 21 A My name is Barry, B-a-r-r-y, Cahill, 22 C-a-h-i-l-l. My address is 925 Holiday Drive, Mountain 23 Home, Idaho. 24 Q Go ahead with your statement. 25 A I'm also employed by the school district. 303 CSB REPORTING CAHILL Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 I'm principal of this building. And I would just like to 2 echo some of the comments of the folks who spoke earlier. 3 This building has a phone in every classroom, in every 4 room. Not a day goes by that we do not have to contact 5 parents that live -- or that work in the Boise area. That 6 is a long-distance toll call at this time. And I think 7 occasionally staff says, "Well, you know, I don't have time 8 to make that toll call, I'll do it later." I think it 9 would be a great convenience. 10 I spent 20 some years counseling in this 11 district before I became principal, and over those 20 years 12 I saw lots and lots of families starting to make the 13 commute to Boise and vice versa. We are now becoming a 14 bedroom community. Lots of people live here and work in 15 Boise. And I believe this would help very much. 16 On a personal note, I have a widowed mother 17 that lives in Weiser, and I'm glad that went that far, but 18 I would encourage to you carry this out. Thank you. 19 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Let's see if there are 20 any questions. 21 MS. COPSEY: No questions. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. We 23 appreciate your testimony. 24 25 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Grace Townsend. 304 CSB REPORTING CAHILL Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 GRACE TOWNSEND, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 THE WITNESS: My name is Grace Townsend, 6 T-o-w-n-s-e-n-d. My address is 1155 North 6th East, 7 Mountain Home. I would like to thank the Commission for 8 coming here tonight. I am currently a City Council 9 member. I work also with the school district out on 10 Mountain Home Air Force Base. 11 A year ago I worked in Boise with an employer 12 over there. And it was very hard to make calls back and 13 forth to family over here when I had family emergencies or 14 whatever. I am for this change in our telephone system. I 15 had hoped that you do consider this, and I hope by the 16 turnout tonight that it will convince you that we do want 17 this to come here. 18 I have children that are living in Nampa. 19 And so I, for personal reasons, would like to have a phone 20 system in. Again, I would thank you for your 21 consideration. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Any questions for 23 Ms. Townsend? 24 MS. COPSEY: No questions. 25 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much for 305 CSB REPORTING TOWNSEND Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 your testimony. 2 Gayle Hatch. 3 4 GAYLE HATCH, 5 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 6 sworn, testified as follows: 7 8 EXAMINATION 9 10 BY MS. COPSEY: 11 Q Ms. Hatch, do you want to state your full 12 name for the record, spell it, and state your address. 13 A My name is Gayle, G-a-y-l-e, Hatch, 14 H-a-t-c-h. My address is 3825 East Wormwood Court, Boise. 15 I was not going to come up here and speak tonight. I was 16 just going to write you a letter. But since I took the 17 time to drive over here, I decided to speak. 18 I think I have been on sizzle mode ever since 19 the Nampa, Caldwell, Melba, Idaho City areas were made 20 local calls, and Mountain Home was excluded. And I 21 thought, there are as many people who -- some of the same 22 things you've already heard -- work in Mountain Home that 23 live in Boise, or vice versa, who have to make calls all 24 day long in one way or another, making appointments, 25 checking with their families, one thing or another. And to 306 CSB REPORTING HATCH Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 add insult to injury, this is peak rate time, and there are 2 no breaks during those working hours when you're having to 3 make all those calls. 4 I, too, work for a school district. And we 5 make a lot of calls in this direction, just as 6 Mr. Cahill indicated that this school district has to call 7 over there. Actually, it was Mr. LaFevre, I believe. 8 I have a mother who lives here in town who 9 lives on a limited income, and one of the places that she 10 can control her expense is her phone, but my mother never 11 calls. It has to be an absolute emergency. 12 My own monthly bill just to Mountain Home 13 would average $75 to $100 a month. And since myself and 14 other members of my household didn't seem to be disciplined 15 enough to stop me from those calls all the time, and I made 16 them frequently, I took out my long-distance service. We 17 now use Talk-'N-Toss cards which certainly restricts the 18 time you're going to call, because you're going to be very 19 quick. It's very inconvenient as well. But I'm going to 20 leave it that way because it is probably the only way that 21 I will stop making that many calls here so that I can save 22 face. 23 I guess the bottom line is, I want you to 24 know I definitely am in favor of this change in the phone 25 billing. And the $6 or so it would cost me every month 307 CSB REPORTING HATCH Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 certainly wouldn't equal what I was spending in 2 long-distance calls. It won't even equal what I spend on 3 Talk-'N-Toss cards. Thank you. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Are there any 5 questions? 6 MS. COPSEY: One really quick question. 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Ms. Copsey. 8 9 CROSS-EXAMINATION 10 11 BY MS. COPSEY: 12 Q Are you aware that your mother will have to 13 have her bill also increase to approximately $6? 14 A But it would be worth it to me to pick up the 15 additional expense. 16 Q You're aware that people in Boise are already 17 having their rates increased to $5.50 soon? Their rates 18 are going up? 19 A I think I can live with that. 20 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much for 21 your testimony. 22 Jack Streeter. 23 24 25 308 CSB REPORTING HATCH (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 JACK STREETER, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 3 sworn, testified as follows: 4 5 THE WITNESS: My name is Jack Streeter. I 6 live in Mountain Home. I'm a businessman. I have been 7 here for 40-or-some-odd years. 8 9 EXAMINATION 10 11 BY MS. COPSEY: 12 Q Mr. Streeter, could you please tell us your 13 name, and spell it, and give us your address. 14 A S-t-r-e-e-t-e-r. 15 Q Thank you. Could you give your address. 16 A 195 North 2nd West, Mountain Home, Idaho. 17 Q Thank you. You can go ahead. 18 A I think I said that I'm a local businessman. 19 I have been here for over 40 years. I'm in the real estate 20 business. My wife is an antique dealer and appraiser. We 21 have two or three telephones all the time. And we call 22 long distance an awful lot because we need information from 23 different businesses and different real estate agencies all 24 the time. 25 And I think that this is especially an 309 CSB REPORTING STREETER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 advantage for the other communities that we're calling as 2 it is for us. And it is -- I can see no objections for it, 3 because it will increase the business flow in the area. 4 There's one thing, since you are with the PUC -- are you 5 not? 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We are the PUC. 7 THE WITNESS: Well, then I would like to 8 strongly object to these telephone slams. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We object to those, 10 also. 11 THE WITNESS: Well, why don't you do 12 something like sue them? 13 COMMISSIONER SMITH: The Attorney General 14 has. 15 MS. COPSEY: I would also like him to know 16 that the Commission is currently considering changes to its 17 customer relations rules that should restrict a great deal 18 of the slamming. There was just a state statute passed in 19 the Consumer Protection Unit within the Attorney General's 20 office that does take the slammers on. 21 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I guess I would add that 22 we had a company request to be certificated to be a 23 competitive local exchange company, and we denied them that 24 certificate because they had a history of slamming as a 25 long-distance company. So we take that seriously and we 310 CSB REPORTING STREETER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 stamp it out wherever we find it. 2 THE WITNESS: I have had it happen twice to 3 me. Maybe that's because I'm a little gullible. But the 4 thing that is difficult for me to understand is, when they 5 call up they ask you several questions, one of them is, 6 they say, "Good morning," or "Good afternoon, are you 7 Mr. Streeter? We have something here for you," blah blah, 8 blah. Then you'll tell them, "No, I'm not interested." 9 Then they will ask you one more time. "We have this for 10 you, and your name is Mr. Streeter; is that right?" If you 11 say, "Yes," then the only thing that they record is that 12 you said, "Yes." That's the way they do it. 13 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All I can say is -- 14 THE WITNESS: Never say yes. 15 COMMISSIONER SMITH: You're obviously 16 smarter, now. 17 MS. COPSEY: Also, for the record, there is 18 one more thing you can do. You can call U S WEST and 19 request that they put a restriction on your phone that 20 prevents you from having your long-distance carrier changed 21 without written permission. 22 THE WITNESS: I appreciate that. 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: That's called a pick 24 freeze. 25 THE WITNESS: That's great. I'm doing all 311 CSB REPORTING STREETER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 these things now, and I'm asking that -- Mr. Syd Lansing 2 works for you as an accountant or something? 3 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Yes, he does. 4 THE WITNESS: He's aware of it. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We thank you for your 6 testimony tonight. Are there any questions? 7 MS. COPSEY: None. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for coming. 9 We appreciate your testimony. 10 THE WITNESS: I'm real upset with this 11 slammer business. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: It's a problem. I think 13 they're even getting congress involved in that. 14 This is the end of the persons who have 15 signed up to testify. If there is anyone in the audience 16 who has listened and now wishes to make a statement, maybe 17 your points weren't covered, or you have a different 18 opinion, now is the time to come forward and we will take 19 your statement now. 20 No? 21 That being the case, I want to thank you-all 22 very much for coming tonight. The Commission takes the 23 public testimony very seriously, and it's a very important 24 part of our decision-making process. We appreciate the 25 fact that you-all took the time to be here tonight and tell 312 CSB REPORTING STREETER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 us how you feel about this. With that, we will be 2 adjourned. 3 (The hearing was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 313 CSB REPORTING STREETER Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 AUTHENTICATION 2 3 This is to certify that the foregoing 4 proceedings held in the matter of the petition from Elmore 5 County residents requesting extended area service between 6 Mountain Home and Boise and between Glenns Ferry, Hammett, 7 King Hill, and Boise. 8 And in the matter of the petition from 9 Weiser, Payette and New Plymouth residents requesting 10 extended area service between Weiser, Payette, 11 New Plymouth, and Boise. 12 The proceedings commencing at 7:00 p.m., on 13 October 7, 1998, at Payette, Idaho, and continuing on 14 October 8, 1998, at Mountain Home, Idaho, is a true and 15 correct transcript of said proceedings and the original 16 thereof for the file of the Commission. 17 18 19 20 21 JEANNE M. HIRMER 22 Certified Shorthand Reporter #318 23 24 25 314 CSB REPORTING AUTHENTICATION Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public