HomeMy WebLinkAboutUSWESTRC.docx 1 BOISE, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1996, 1:30 P. M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Good afternoon, ladies 5 and gentlemen. This is the time and place set for our 6 prehearing conference in Case No. USW-S-96-5 in the 7 matter of the application of U S WEST Communications, 8 Inc. for authority to increase its rates and charges for 9 regulated Title 61 services. 10 Let's start by taking appearances of the 11 parties. Can we begin with the Applicant. 12 MS. HOBSON: Mary S. Hobson from the Boise 13 law firm of Elam and Burke for U S WEST Communications. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, Mary. 15 Mr. Williams. 16 MR. WILLIAMS: Ronald L. Williams on behalf 17 of the Idaho Cable Telecommunications Association. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right. 19 MR. WARD: Conley Ward of the firm Givens, 20 Pursley and Huntley for the Idaho Telephone Association. 21 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Ward. 22 Mr. Miller. 23 MR. MILLER: Thank you, Madam Chairman. 24 Dean J. Miller on behalf of MCI Telecommunications 25 Corporation. 1 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Our mike seems to be 2 very alive today. 3 MR. KORN: My name is Jerry Korn. I'm the 4 attorney appearing on behalf of the Idaho Citizens 5 Coalition. 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Korn. 7 Is that spelled with a "K"? 8 MR. KORN: It is. 9 MR. PHILLIPS: Wendell Phillips 10 representing the Idaho Consumer Affairs. Thank you. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Welcome, 12 Mr. Phillips. 13 MR. HARWOOD: Greg Harwood of the firm 14 Davis Wright Tremaine on behalf of AT&T. 15 MR. HOWELL: And Don Howell and Susan 16 Hamlin, Deputy Attorney Generals, on behalf of the 17 Commission Staff. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay, I guess I'd like 19 the record to reflect that we have interventions from 20 Century, Potlatch and Troy Telephone, Northwest Payphone, 21 A.A.R.P., GTE, and the Idaho Consumer Affairs for which 22 there appears to be no one appearing. 23 Wendell? 24 MR. PHILLIPS: I represent Idaho Consumer 25 Affairs. 2 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: You're here. I'm 2 sorry, I stuck your name under the Idaho Citizens 3 Coalition. 4 MR. PHILLIPS: I haven't changed yet. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: My mistake. Thank you 6 for clearing that up. 7 I guess Ms. Hobson or Mr. Howell, are there 8 preliminary matters that bring us together in this 9 prehearing conference? 10 MR. HOWELL: The Staff doesn't have any. 11 MS. HOBSON: Not that I'm aware of. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We just did this for 13 fun? 14 MR. HOWELL: Madam Chairman, obviously, the 15 purpose of this prehearing conference was to see if the 16 parties could arrive at a schedule and present it to 17 you. In addition, earlier this week the Staff and the 18 Company have entered into a protective agreement 19 regarding the handling of materials which are alleged or 20 classified as trade secrets, confidential or 21 proprietary. It would be the Staff's intent to 22 distribute that protective agreement to the other parties 23 here in an effort to facilitate the exchange of 24 information in the case, and that's basically what the 25 Staff would have. 3 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Any other 2 issues other parties wish to bring up? Well, it sounds 3 like in that case that it would be wise for the 4 Commissioners to excuse themselves and we'll be off the 5 record until we're called. Thank you. 6 (Off the record discussion.) 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We'll reconvene our 8 prehearing conference. When we recessed, the parties 9 were thinking about a schedule. Do you have a designated 10 spokesperson? The Hobson/Howell team. 11 MR. HOWELL: Madam Chairman, the parties 12 have had an opportunity to discuss the scheduling here. 13 As you can imagine with a case of this importance and 14 significance, we have struggled mightily, but we have 15 come up at least with a schedule. The schedule more or 16 less is as indicated there on the board behind the 17 reporter. 18 The initial date would be a Staff and 19 intervenor discovery cutoff date for the production of 20 responses to any of the parties of October the 14th. The 21 parties today committed to attempting a 14-day turnaround 22 for discovery requests and the Staff will make its audit 23 requests available to the parties no later than next 24 Monday or Tuesday. 25 Following down the schedule, then, 4 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 November 19th would be the intervenors and Staff direct 2 prefiled testimony deadline; Company rebuttal of 3 December the 10th; intervenor and Staff surrebuttal or 4 rebuttal of December the 23rd. 5 Now, given the framing of the case, the 6 parties have agreed on a second discovery period to allow 7 the Company, if necessary, to ask discovery questions 8 and, again on the chart, December the 30th would be the 9 date that they would provide discovery requests to 10 parties in hand with parties responding to that discovery 11 request no later than January 7th in hand, and the 12 parties had tentatively proposed a hearing schedule for 13 January, the week of January 13th and possibly reserving 14 Monday and Tuesday of the following week for additional 15 overrun days. That is the schedule currently. 16 The parties also had a discussion about the 17 possibility of filing posthearing briefs; however, the 18 filing of posthearing briefs and the schedule for those 19 posthearing briefs is dependent upon the Commission then 20 entering into the 60 additional days for good cause on 21 the record if posthearing briefs were going to be filed. 22 The parties had discussed and basically 23 agreed on if we were going to file posthearing briefs 24 that the initial round of briefs filed simultaneously 25 would be due February the 26th with response briefs due 5 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 March 12th, and I will, I guess, leave to Ms. Hobson her 2 condition or caveat on the filing of posthearing briefs. 3 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Ms. Hobson. 4 MS. HOBSON: Thank you. At this point I am 5 not prepared this afternoon to waive on the record for 6 U S WEST the possibility of the procedural protection of 7 not going into the extra 60 days. I have committed to 8 those assembled that I will get a written response on the 9 Company's position with regard to that question, 10 hopefully by the end of the week, certainly by the first 11 part of next week, so we will know whether U S WEST is in 12 a position to stipulate. 13 It is, I think, worth pointing out that the 14 other parties could request the Commission to make that 15 finding over the objection of U S WEST if that's the way 16 it turns out or, of course, the Commission could under 17 its own authority make that finding, but I was simply 18 unprepared to waive that this afternoon and so I've asked 19 for this indulgence. 20 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I just have one 21 question because I'm sure it was discussed and I guess I 22 would appreciate the reassurance that this is the best 23 that could be done, is there no way to schedule this 24 hearing in December? Mr. Howell. 25 MR. HOWELL: Madam Chairman, on behalf of 6 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 the Staff, given even the extensive discovery that the 2 Staff has engaged in up to this point, we would not be 3 prepared to go to hearing in December. I can tell you 4 that I believe -- I don't want to speak for the other 5 parties since they're here, but this was as good a 6 schedule as we could come up with or at least the Staff 7 could come up with. 8 MS. HOBSON: Madam Chairman, we had 9 discussed setting the November 19th Staff and intervenor 10 first round of testimony on an earlier date and that was 11 adamantly opposed by Mr. Miller who had to leave and I 12 believe by Mr. Williams. 13 MR. WILLIAMS: That's correct. 14 MS. HOBSON: So with that being the case, I 15 think the rest of the dates more or less fell out from 16 that. 17 MR. WILLIAMS: Madam Chairman. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Williams. 19 MR. WILLIAMS: I am not sure I agree with 20 the conclusion of that comment, but it was a correct 21 statement that I believe it was Mr. Miller and myself as 22 well as others acknowledging that at this point the 23 intervenors needed that much time and I think Staff also 24 indicated a desire to have until the 19th to conduct 25 discovery as well as prefiled testimony, but I think that 7 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 we had also worked back and inserted many other dates as 2 well as the hearing date when we had that discussion as 3 well. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. 5 MS. HOBSON: I didn't mean to imply that we 6 hadn't done that. 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Just one more 8 question, then. Was it discussed or would there be any 9 efficiency to be gained by hearing the Company case 10 earlier and separate from the Staff/intervenor and 11 rebuttal cases; in other words, splitting it into, like, 12 two phases? 13 Any thoughts on that, Mr. Howell? 14 MR. HOWELL: It's fair to say that the 15 Staff had at one time considered that opportunity; 16 however, given the early scheduling of the dates and the 17 prefile that's already been established, we do not see 18 any gain in efficiency in bifurcating the hearing. We 19 had in those cases in the past involving telephone rate 20 cases where we had bifurcated the hearing, we had 21 bifurcated it in terms of revenue requirement and rate 22 design. Obviously, in this particular case we don't have 23 an extensive rate design phase. 24 I think bifurcating the hearing would 25 probably just crowd our already ambitious schedule, plus 8 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 it would require that our out-of-town consultant make two 2 trips to Boise and although that isn't a major factor 3 with the holdback in question, there's a question about 4 the efficiency. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. Anyone 6 else have other comments? All right, well, we appreciate 7 the work of the parties. 8 Do either of the Commissioners have 9 comments? 10 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: No. 11 COMMISSIONER NELSON: No, thank you. 12 MR. HOWELL: Madam Chairman. 13 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Howell. 14 MR. HOWELL: I did probably neglect to 15 mention one thing, that the parties more or less left it 16 to the Commission's discretion to determine the date and 17 the location of the public hearings in this matter, 18 although we had considered the possibility of one evening 19 here in Boise during the week of the hearings as well as 20 probably some public hearings in the Rexburg, Idaho Falls 21 area. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: In January, no doubt. 23 MR. HOWELL: Yeah, in January. We tried to 24 restrict it to a divided four-lane highway access, so we 25 were thinking. 9 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: The Commission will 2 keep in mind that it is important to have the views of 3 the public and we will schedule an appropriate number of 4 public hearings for our convenience, hopefully. 5 With that, we appreciate the efforts of the 6 parties and we will consider your proposed schedule and 7 issue a procedural order outlining the dates that we'll 8 proceed by and look forward to the response of U S WEST. 9 MS. HOBSON: Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you all for 11 being here and we are adjourned. 12 (The Hearing adjourned at 2:50 p.m.) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 AUTHENTICATION 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of the application of 6 U S WEST Communications, Inc. for authority to increase 7 its rates and charges for regulated Title 61 services, 8 commencing at 1:30 p.m., on Wednesday, September 18, 9 1996, at the Commission Hearing Room, 472 West 10 Washington, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct 11 transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof 12 for the file of the Commission. 13 14 15 16 CONSTANCE S. BUCY 17 Certified Shorthand Reporter #187 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 CSB REPORTING AUTHENTICATION Wilder, Idaho 83676