HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDREQ&02.docx SIS ID NO 118439 REQ NO.-- 001 REQUESTS-- List of U S WEST Communications, Inc. telephone plant in service as of December 31, 1995, listed by wire center for the Idaho south jurisdiction. Additionally, a list of accumulated depreciation as of December 31, 1995 associated with each asset account for each wire center. (This schedule should be similar to Attachment A of STF000-011 from Case No. USW-S-94-4). SIS ID NO 118440 REQ NO.-- 002 REQUESTS-- Summary - FR net book cost as of December 31, 1995 for each wire center in the Idaho south jurisdiction listed by account number and field reporting code showing the date placed in service. (This schedule should be similar to Attachment B of STF000-011 from Case No. USW-S-94-4). SIS ID NO 118441 REQ NO.-- 003 REQUESTS-- Summary of the structure of U S WEST business, e.g., the ownership and/or relationship between U S WEST Communications, Inc., U S WEST Media Group, U S WEST, INC., US WEST Advanced Technologies, U S WEST Direct, U S WEST Business Resource, Inc., and other affiliates. Which companies are publicly traded? SIS ID NO 118442 REQ NO.-- 004 REQUESTS-- Trial Balance as of December 31, 1995 at the most detailed Part 32 level for each of the U S WEST companies listed in Request No. 3. SIS ID NO 118443 REQ NO.-- 005 REQUESTS-- Trial Balance as of December 31, 1995 at the most detailed Part 32 level for the Idaho south jurisdiction of U S WEST Communications, Inc. SIS ID NO 118444 REQ NO.-- 006 REQUESTS-- What is the Interstate/Intrastate separations factor related to each account in the Trial Balance from Request No. 5. SIS ID NO 118445 REQ NO.-- 007 REQUESTS-- Statements A, B, and C based on the three way agreement from the most recent three way depreciation meeting, presented for Idaho north and Idaho south on three different methods of calculation; the V G method, the ELG method, and the W L method. SIS ID NO 118461 REQ NO.-- 008 REQUESTS-- Detailed list, at the individual USOC and miscellaneous billing level, of revenue billed or posted in 1995 for U S WEST Communications, Inc. in the Idaho south jurisdiction. SIS ID NO 118462 REQ NO.-- 009 REQUESTS-- Specifically identify any revenue from request no. 8 that was posted by U S WEST Communications, Inc. as a result of business dealings with an affiliated company. SIS ID NO 119055 REQ NO.-- 010 REQUESTS-- A. Detailed chart of accounts for U S WEST Direct. (Marketing Resources Group) B. Detailed chart of accounts for U S WEST Business Resources, Inc. C. Detailed chart of accounts for U S WEST Advanced Technologies, Inc. D. Detailed chart of accounts for U S WEST, Inc. SIS ID NO 119056 REQ NO.-- 011 REQUESTS-- A. Trial Balance for U S WEST Direct (Marketing Resources Group) listing each account in the chart of accounts and the related amount at December 31, 1995. If any account has a zero balance, please list the account and indicate a zero balance. B. Trail Balance for U S WEST Business Resources, Inc. listing each account in the chart of accounts and the related amount at December 31, 1995. If any account has a zero balance, please list the account and indicate a zero balance. C. Trail Balance for U S WEST Advanced Technologies, Inc. listing each account in the chart of accounts and the related amount at December 31, 1995. If any account has a zero balance, please list the account and indicate a zero balance. D. Trial Balance for U S WEST, Inc. listing each account in the chart of accounts and the related amount at December 31, 1995. If any account has a zero balance, please list the account and indicate a zero balance. SIS ID NO 119057 REQ NO.-- 012 REQUESTS-- List of the board of directors for each of the following companies at December 31, 1995. Please list by name, job title, and U S WEST business where employed. If not employed by any U S WEST company, please so indicate. A. U S WEST Direct (Marketing Resource Group). B. U S WEST Business Resources, Inc. C. U S WEST Advanced Technologies, Inc. D. U S WEST, Inc. SIS ID NO 119719 REQ NO.-- 013 REQUESTS-- Please supply the IPUC Audit Staff with the following information: If extra parts are provided with the purchase of a new asset, how are the use of those parts accounted for and the replacement recorded? Copy of the reconciliation by wire center and by total Idaho South, of the PICS/DCPR Report to the general ledger. What are the procedures used and how are they applied? SIS ID NO 119720 REQ NO.-- 014 REQUESTS-- Please provide the IPUC Audit Staff with the following information: Copy of the pages in the General Ledger for total U S WEST Communications, Inc. and for Idaho, Southern District for the following accounts: (All of the 5000 Series - Revenue Accounts) Copy of the MR4 Report - Idaho, South SIS ID NO 119726 REQ NO.-- 015 REQUESTS-- Please provide the IPUC Audit Staff with the following information: Written summary of the depreciation reserve allocation by account to the Idaho wire centers. Specific paper flow for the calculation final result in plant in service with related depreciation reserve by wire center. Copy of the summary extract reports for Idaho South. SIS ID NO 119727 REQ NO.-- 016 REQUESTS-- Please provide the IPUC Audit Staff with the following information: Copy of the reconciliations regarding the percent subject to disposition (line 24) on the report summary. Schedule 1A, (page 1-3) Total Title 61/62 split analysis Schedule 1 (page 1-4). Southern Idaho (Summary 1 page) MR Revenue detail 1990's calculation processor. SIS ID NO 119729 REQ NO.-- 017 REQUESTS-- Please provide the IPUC Audit Staff with the following information: A. Transfers to the Collection Agency by: name, address, phone number, the amount for the months of May 1995 and November 1995. B. Transfers related to Collections from Continental Credit Service, Inc. to U S WEST for the months of June 1995 and December 1995. C. Gross revenue by publication related to U S WEST Direct for the Idaho Yellow Pages publications. D. CASS report by service showing revenue by service and cost allocation for each service. SIS ID NO 119731 REQ NO.-- 018 REQUESTS-- Please supply the IPUC Audit Staff with the following information: A. List by general location showing the total number of fiber lines installed and of that total the number of lines lit. (Idaho, South only) B. Copy of Southern Idaho directory contract payments - support for Line 8 adjustment as miscellaneous directory contracts ($312,330) C. Copy of 1995 operator services revenue booked in Idaho recorded by month by customer company. D. What is the total dollar amount of accounts receivable turned over to Continental Credit Services, Inc. during 1995? What is the total dollar amount paid back to U S WEST by Continental Credit services, Inc. during 1995. (All for Idaho south accounts) SIS ID NO 119732 REQ NO.-- 019 REQUESTS-- Please supply the IPUC Audit Staff with the following information: A. Detail for Account 5280. B. Documentation for Tech II Final Report documentation for Attachment 6 of the Tech II Final Report. Tech II Job Summary "C Dollars." C. Related to the Idaho exchanges sold: Schedule of the assets sold with the related accumulated depreciation for each account by wire center on two methods:1. The FCC amount2. The Idaho State Jurisdiction amount (specifically related to theTech Plus fully depreciated assets.) Tech II should not applybecause the funds were returned.SIS ID NO 119733REQ NO.--020REQUESTS--Please provide the IPUC Audit Staff with the following information:A. Overview of Business Office methods for Collections.B. What are the various rules for the treatment process. The Rule Table, for each market unit in Idaho. (The Thresholds)SIS ID NO 119737REQ NO.--021REQUESTS--Please provide the IPUC Audit Staff with the following information:A. List of the lines in service at December 31, 1995 by exchange and by prefix.B. Schedule showing the Title 61 access lines and the Title 62 access lines.SIS ID NO 119738REQ NO.--022REQUESTS--Please supply the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff with the following:The PICS/DCPR reports as of December 31, 1995 for the following wire centers:Idaho Falls Rexburg Rigby RobertsShelly Blackfoot Pocatello, north InkonMcCammon American Falls Caldwell NampaEagel Kuna Boise, southwest BoiseMeridian EmmenSIS ID NO 119931REQ NO.--023REQUESTS--Copy of I.M. 104 location Code Book.SIS ID NO 120277REQ NO.--024REQUESTS--Printout of the total plant in service at December 31, 1995 reported by each location code. For each location please organize the information by field reporting code and within the field reporting code by the year of installation.