HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130809TRA to Staff 1-7.pdfGwENs PURSLEYLLP i A -O P11 .‘ LAWOFFICES ‘j 601 W.Bannock -... P0 Box 2720,Boise,Idaho 63701 TELEPHONE:208 388-1200 FACSIMILE:208 388-1300 WEBSITE:www.givenspursley.com Michael C.Creamer Direct Dial:(208)388-1247 E-mail:MCC@givenspursley.com Gary G.len Peter G.Barton ChristopherJ.Beeson Clint R.BoUnder Erik J.Bolinder Preston N.Carter Jeremy C.Chou William C.Cole Michael C.Creamer Amber N.Dma Elizabeth M.Donick Thomas E.Dvorak Jeffrey C.Fereday Martin C.Hendrickson Steven J.Hippler Donald E. Knickrehm Debora K.Kristensen Michael P.Lawrence Franklin G.Lee David R.Lombardi Emily C.McClure Kenneth R.McClure Kelly Greene McConnell Alex P.McLaughlin Christopher H.Meyer L.Edward Miller Patrick J.Miller Judson B.Montgomery Deborah E.Nelson W.Hugh ORiordan,LL.M. Angela M.Reed Robert B.White Of Counsel Kimberly D.Maloney Retired: Kenneth L.Pursley James A.McClure (1924-2011) Raymond D.Givens (1917-2008) Ms.Jean Jewell -Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Street Boise,ID 83702 August 9,2013 Re:Terracom Inc.‘s Response to the First Production Request ofthe Commission Staffto Terracom Inc. Case No.TRA-T-1301 Dear Ms.Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission the Responses to the First Production Request ofthe Commission Staffto Terracom Inc.dated August 9,2013.I am enclosing three copies for the Commission and one additional copy to be conformed and provided to our runner.The original of these Responses has been served on Mr.Price. Please contact me should you have any questions concerning the attached Response.Thank you for your assistance in this matter. MCC:bb Enclosures 1842774_i [11884-21 / Michael C.Creamer [ISB No.4030]I?!3 iif[’—n-)GIVENS PURSLEY LLP ‘L Jb 601 West Bannock Street H P0 Box2720 III - Boise,Idaho 83701-2720 Office:(208)388-1200 Fax:(208)388-1300 mccgivenspursley.corn Attorneys for Terra Corn,Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISISON IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF TERRACOM,INC.FOR DESIGNATION ) AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS )CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 CARRIER ON A WIRELESS BASIS (LOW ) INCOME ONLY)) TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM INC. TO:THE COMMISSION STAFF AND THEIR COUNSEL OF RECORD COMES NOW,TenaCom Inc.(“TerraCom”),and in response to the First Production Request of the Cornrnission Staff to TerraCom Inc.,dated July 22,2013,herewith submits the following information: REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.1:On May 20,2013, Commission Staff received an email from TerraCom that provided information regarding the Company’s Scripps Howard security breach.The Company stated that a toll-free number was established for Lifeline subscribers to call TerraCom with questions.Please provide an update of this situation by answering the following questions: TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM INC.-1 1827619_7 [11884-21 C a.Are you aware of any issues with credit reporting or identity theft that may have resulted from this security breach? b.What,if any,action has law enforcement taken against Scripps Howard? c.Do you have any additional information to report regarding your investigation into this data breach? RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.1:To the best of TerraCom’s knowledge,there have been no reports of any credit reporting or identity theft issues associated with this incident.We are not privy to any law enforcement action; however,we have notified and provided information to the following agencies: The federal Bureau of Investigation The Minnesota Office of the Attorney General The Illinois Office of the Attorney General The Texas Office of the Attorney General The Nevada Office of the Attorney General The Colorado Office of the Attorney General The Maryland Office of the Attorney General The Kansas Office of the Attorney General The Missouri Office of the Attorney General The Indiana Office of the Attorney General The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission The Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission The Oklahoma Corporation Commission The Idaho Public Utilities Commission The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio The California Public Utilities Commission The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission The Mississippi Public Service Commission The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities The Public Service Commission ofWisconsin The Arkansas Public Service Commission The Arizona Corporation Commission The Nebraska Public Service Commission The Colorado Public Utilities Commission The Louisiana Public Service Commission The Nevada Public Utilities Commission TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST Of THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM INC.-2 1827619_7 [11884-2] The Iowa Utilities Board The Maryland Public Service Commission The Public Service Commission of West Virginia The Public Utilities Commission of Texas The Virgin Island Public Services Commission The Puerto Rico Public Service Commission The Missouri Public Service Commission The Kansas Corporation Commission The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission The Illinois Commerce Commission The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities The Nevada Public Utility Commission The Vermont Office of Consumer Counsel The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission The Georgia Public Service Commission The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission The Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission The Maine Public Utilities Commission TerraCom continues to monitor the situation and address any instances of misinformation reported in the media.Customer response and interest has been low most likely due to the proactive and open nature of TerraCom’s information.TerraCom has implemented changes to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing confidential customer information in the future. TerraCom is willing to provide details of these changes if the Commission desires;however,if such information is desired,TerraCom requests that it be permitted to be provided on a confidential basis to protect the personal information of TerraCom’s customers and avoid the risk of facilitating future unauthorized access to customer information. Person(s)who will be able to answer questions about or sponsor the answer at any hearing:Dale $chmick. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.2:On June 25,2013,the FCC released Enforcement Advisory,DA 13-1435,which reminds Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (ETCs)receiving federal universal service support from the Lifeline program that they TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM iNC.-3 1827619_7 [11884-2] are liable for any conduct by their agents,contractors,or representatives (acting within the scope of their employment)that violates the FCC’s Lifeline rules.Please verify that TerraCom understands and will comply with this requirement and explain if the Company has made any changes to the Lifeline application process as a result of this advisory. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.2:Our order process,as described below,ensured that any agent who worked on behalf of the Company was in compliance with the Lifeline rules.This process remains in effect. To apply for TerraCom Lifeline service,a customer will fill out an application,provide the necessary information that all prospective Lifeline customers must provide,and be taken through successive screens,which clearly explain all relevant legal eligibility requirements.All applications are handled electronically and subject to several layers of checks discussed below before being approved for Lifeline service.Regardless of how the customer applies for Lifeline service,each customer will end up supplying the same information via TerraCom’s standard electronic customer certification process. The first check occurs with each applicant undergoing an upfront identity check via Lexis Nexis.The customer’s name,date of birth and social security number are verified using Lexis Nexis’Flex ID service.Applicants who fail the identity check are not allowed to continue the process of completing an application for Lifeline.The next check occurs on the customer address.If the address is unable to be verified using the Melissa Data address database,once again the process of completing a Lifeline application does not continue.A third check occurs throughout the electronic application process by highlighting with an error message any application field marked required but not completed.Again,an applicant is unable to submit a TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM INC.-4 1827619_7 [11884-2] request for service unless all required fields,such as providing an electronic signature,are populated. If all of these upfront checks pass,the customer’s information is then electronically entered into TerraCom’s 05$systems,where the information is then checked against available databases (the duplicates database,and TerraCom’s list of existing customers).Duplicates are rejected for service.In the case of multiple applicants at the same mailing address,the customer must make the “one per household”certification required by §54.410(d)(l).In addition,with the Lexis Nexis verification,all applicants can be checked against the existing customers to ensure the same individual is not already receiving Lifeline service without the possibility of a misspelled name flowing through on a live order. In those states where TerraCom provides service that requires approval by a Lifeline administrator (database),TerraCom interacts with that database (for those low-income programs that make up the database information)to qualify applicants in compliance with §54.410(b)(A) and (c)(A).Where direct connections to the database are available,TerraCom’s OSS system approves or denies the applicant based on the response from the database.Where direct connections to the database are unavailable,TerraCom’s group dedicated to verifying eligibility queries the state database and either approves or denies the applicant based on the database response. For all states in which TerraCom provides service that do not have a Lifeline database, TerraCom performs the same OSS application and certification checks along with verifying correct and current proof before approving the applicant for Lifeline service. TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM INC.-5 182767 9_7 [11884-21 Only after this extensive eligibility process is completed is an eligible applicant given a phone;the first call on which goes directly to TerraCom’s customer service department for final authentication. Despite having an application process that TerraCom believes is the gold standard in the industry,TerraCom has recently terminated its direct sales agent distribution model.TerraCom has been highly successful with sales representatives in the past,and its decision to depart from this marketing channel was driven primarily by cost,by TerraCom’s desire to establish a lasting presence in each marketplace,its priority to provide high quality service to consumers and to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations in its participation in the federal Lifeline program. TerraCom has been and continues to be,in full compliance with the June 25,2013,FCC revised order.Simply put,TerraCom verifies eligibility prior to activating Lifeline service (FCC DA 13-1441,para.5)and again confirms that eligibility before seeking reimbursement in accordance with the rules under §54.407.Despite TerraCom’s focus on quality customer service and regulatory compliance,TerraCom did have the unfortunate experience of suffering regulatory consequences as the result of unapproved and improper statements made by certain of its former sales representatives in spite of comprehensive training and a clear code of conduct and disciplinary action policy.Eliminating future use of commissioned sales agents is expected to substantially reduce extraneous costs related to regulatory compliance and the potential vulnerabilities created by a few sales agents who do not follow TerraCom’s policies and procedures for the applicant enrollment process—thus further reducing unproductive costs. Copies of TerraCom’s Lifeline Compliance Practices and Procedures manual and ETC Compliance Presentation are provided with this response. TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM INC.-6 1827619_7 [11884-2] Person(s)who will be able to answer questions about or sponsor the answer at any hearing:Dale Schmick. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION Of DOCUMENTS NO.3:The FCC’s DA 13-1441,released on June 25,2013 states that “despite the directives in the Lifeline Reform Order,some ETCs may be activating phones that they represent enables use of the Lifeline- supported service for consumers prior to fully verifying the eligibility of such consumers.ETCs must determine eligibility and may not activate Lifeline service until completing the entire enrollment process.”Please verify that TerraCom understands and will comply with this requirement. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.3:As demonstrated by the previous response,TerraCom understands and will comply with this requirement. Person(s)who will be able to answer questions about or sponsor the answer at any hearing:Dale $chmick. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.4:In the above DA 1435, the FCC reiterated the Conmiission’s rule that Lifeline is a “non-transferable retail service offering.”This is a fact that must be disclosed to the consumer and included on the certification form.Please confirm that the Company understands this requirement and explain how the Company plans to comply. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.4:Please refer to the paper version of TerraCom’s Lifeline certification form for the State of Idaho provided with this response.TerraCom’s certification form contains this language which the customer must initial to prove acceptance and compliance. TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM INC.-7 1827619_7 [11884-21 Person(s)who will be able to answer questions about or sponsor the answer at any hearing:Dale Schmick. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.5:In a June 19,2013 article in the UK’s Daily Mail,TerraCom was identified as the subject of a “sting operation” regarding the misuse of the Lifeline program.The article reports that a TerraCom spokesperson stated that “the behavior is not acceptable and swift action will be taken to address this situation, including the employee’s termination from TerraCom.”Please provide your Company’s explanation of what took place and explain the outcome of TerraCom’s investigation.If TerraCom’s investigation determined that the employee was portrayed accurately,what measures are being taken to avoid such behavior in the future? RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.5:James O’Keefe,through his “Project Veritas”produced and released a video purportedly exposing flaws in the “Obama Phone”program (Lifeline),a program that Mr.O’Keefe presumably does not approve of The “story”was released to the UK Daily Mail.The video was a work of political advocacy,that contained few,if any,“facts,”and creates the impression that the actors were actually being enrolled in Lifeline.The video and resulting story documented actors engaged in,essentially,monologues employing stereotypes of low income Americans and attempting to elicit responses from Lifeline sales representatives suggesting the sales representatives condoned abuse of the Lifeline program.No actor applied for Lifeline and no actor ever received a phone. Regardless,TerraCom takes seriously any unprofessionalism and the sales representative shown in the video was terminated for responding to the actors’questions in a manner TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM INC.-8 182761 9_7 [11884-21 inconsistent with TerraCom’s policies and in violation of its Code of Conduct,a copy of which is provided in response to this Production Request No.5. Person(s)who will be able to answer questions about or sponsor the answer at any hearing:Dale Schmick. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.6:On page 9 of Exhibit D, TerraCom states that “all 611 and 911 calls are free,and do not count against the customer’s airtime.”Please confirm that 611 calls are calls made to the Company’s customer service center. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.6: TerraCom hereby confirms that 611 calls made by the customer are routed to its customer service center. Person(s)who will be able to answer questions about or sponsor the answer at any hearing:Dale Schmick. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.7:On page 17 of Exhibit D,the Company states,“[t]he customer’s account is activated upon completion of an outbound call.For purposes of enrollment in the Lifeline program,TerraCom will use the date of this first completed outbound call from its call records as the customer’s effective start date.” TerraCom must rely on the Lifeline customers who sign up via Internet sales or the inbound telemarketing channels to self-initiate the activation process.Please explain how long the service can remain inactive before the Company takes action. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO.7: The service can remain inactive for 21 calendar days from date of delivery of the handset. However,the phone is inactive until the customer makes the first call to TerraCom and that first call can only go to TerraCom’s customer service department for final authentication.Thus,until TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM [NC.-9 182761 9_7 [11884-2] that call is made,the service account is not claimed for reimbursement support,the only cost is to TerraCom,and not the Lifeline program.If such a call is not made the account is deactivated. Person(s)who will be able to answer questions about or sponsor the answer at any hearing:Dale Schmick. DATED this 9th day of August,2013. Michael C.Creamer Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for TerraCorn,Inc. TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM INC.-10 182761 9_7 [11884-21 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 9th day of August,2013,I served the foregoing discovery response upon the person(s)listed below by the method indicated: Neil Price Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington P.O.Box 83720 Boise,ID 83 720-0074 Attorney for the Commission Staff LI U.S.Mail,postage prepaid LI Email Hand Delivery LI Facsimile TERRACOM INC.’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO TERRACOM INC.-11 Micael C.Creamer 1827619_7 t11884-21 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TERRACOM,INC. RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF’S PRODUCTION REQUEST NO.2 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerroCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 1 of44 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TenaCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 2 of 44 C3 C’ z C(5 ** o Di (D r+ 0— C-’ -Di flr+ -0. — (D (D c3Di Di — 0 Di 0 0 3 :3 0 0 :3-pw *** (D U.) (0 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 Ten-aCorn Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 3 of44 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Pwduction Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 4 of 44 0 0 1,0 0 Di. w Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 5 of44 0a 0 0. S Response to Commission Staft’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Conmiission Staff Page 6 of44 C C tb .“; -4 I * JJ 0 I-, (D 0 D I0) (D 1 LJ F i C ‘i ‘5D-p -pCS U •1 .1 pS C5 -p -4 -4-4 U Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 7 of44 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TenaCom Inc.’s Response to first Production Request ofthe Commission Staff PageS of 44 H 03 n -0 nd.0 w (D -I 41: Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 9 of44 3 zC.. 0.(5 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 10 of44 -4 a Dp 10 (D oo Iw (D 1 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 11 of44 n0 I, 0 0. 53 0 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 12 of44 -1ID I,03 I, 0 0.ID Di Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to first Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 13 of44 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 10 LIFELINF .2 NONCOMPLIANCE REPORTING PROCESS .3 CUSTOMER ELIGIBLITY 4 1.IFEI.INE POLICIES 5 Duplicate Address/One Per household 5 Duplicates 9 Wireless Non-Usage Policy 10 Wireless Device 10 LIFELINE CERTIFICATION FORMS 11 Addresses (Section 4)II Slate Customer Identifying Numbers II Bcneticiaiy Name (Section 5)II VERIFICATK)N 14 1’ERRACOM SIAl’fl MATRIX 15 SAMPIR LTFEIJNE SCRIPT 16 LIFELINE COMPLIANCE TRAINING FAQS 1$ CERRACOM STATE ELIGIBLE PROGRAMS 22 ThRRACOM STATE ELIGIBLE PROGRAM DEFINIIIONS 27 TerraCain,Inc. CONflDINTIAl.Dc)CUMENr I Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-130I TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 14 of44 INTRODUCTION TO LIFELINE To help you understand,discuss and explain the Lifeline program,this manual has been created to serve as your checklist to help ensure continued compliance with the rules of the Lifeline program.Employees who are involved in TerraCom’s Lifeline business practices must USC this guide as a means to fulfill the requirement that all eligible telecommunications carriers must implement policies and procedures for ensuring that their Lifeline subscribers are eligible to receive Lifeline services.Employees should also be familiar with the TerraCom employee handbook,which focuses on how all employees can contribute to compliance with applicable communications laws. What is the Lifeline Program? Lifeline is a support program through the Universal Service Fund that make basic,phone service affordable for low-income customers.This program is based on the principle in The Telecommunications Act of 1996 that ‘consumers in all regions of the nation,including low income consumers ..should have access to telecommunications and information services. how do customers qualify for a Lifeline credit and what is Certification? Customers must be a participant in one of the qualifying state or federal assistance programs approved by the state in which they reside.“Certification”means that by completing and signing a certification form and showing proof of participation in a qualifying assistance program orhy income-based eligibility (or having that participation verified through a state database if it is available to TerraCom)the customer is now eligible to receive one Lifeline discount per household. Who decides which assistance programs qualify for Lifeline? The federal and state commissions decide which assistance programs qualif’an applicant for Lifeline.If there are no state mandates,then the state defaults to federal requirements.Lifetine certification forms are particular to each state. What is verification? Otir company is required by law to re-certify Lifeline customers each year.During this annual verification/re certification process,customers must fill out another Lifeline certification form,and verify their continued participation in a qualifying program or be verified via an available state database.This may also he done using the company’s TPV Verification process.Presentation of proof is not required in the verification process. If the customer no longer participates in a qualifying program,can they continue receiving Lifeline credit? No.As stated on the certification form,it is their responsibility to inform the company if they no longer qualify for a Lifeline credit. TerrsCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL HOC :tJMENT 2 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 15 of44 NONCOMPLIANCE REPORTING PROCESS As an employee of TerraCorn,you share the responsibility to ensure that our company adheres to the Lifeline rules,process and procedures contained within this Operations Manual.If you have any questions about this material or Lifeline policies and procedures please ask your supervisor for clarification.In addition,the TerraCom Audit and Compliance Departments are always available for questions and clarifications. Any activity that threatens the integrity of these practices and thus TerraCom’s business practices and the Lifeline Program cannot exist.It is your obligation to work to prevent any such occurrence.TerraCom’s Compliance Officer is Dale Scbmick.If your questions or concerns are not being addressed you are required to contact Mr.Schmick to discuss the situation. If you discover a sirnation that is clearly one of noncompliance with Lifeline rules and practices,you are required to immediately report the incident to Mr.Schmick.Please contact him at x7571 or (405)241-9571 and be prepared to report the details. Remember that at all times the company maintains an open door policy and should you ever have any concerns regarding Lifeline you are always welcome to bring them to any member of management,senior management or executive management. TerrsCom,Inc. CONFIDFZNTIAI.DOCUMEN’F 3 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-130l TeimCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 16 of44 CUSTOMER ELIGIBILITY To help you understand,discuss and explain the Lifeline application with the applicant,we have put together a checklist of items which can be used to help determine a ctistomcr’s eligibility as outlined below.Employees who sign up new applicants must review this checklist with each applicant and answer any questions they may have. Applicants must certify and acknowledge that: Li Lifeline discounts are strictly limited to one per household.No one at their household can be receiving a Lifeline-supported service from any other provider.If someone is,then they must cancel that service before starting service with our company. Li They are the head of the household,not listed as a dependent on another person’s tax return (unless over the age of 60)and the address listed is their primary residence. Li They either participate in a qualifying low-income program listed on the certification form or meet the income qualification to establish eligibility for Lifeline.Ifrequired to do so,they must provide accurate and current documentation of eligibility. Li They must inform us within 30 days ifthey no longer participate in a qualifying program,their annual household income exceeds the Federal Poverty Guidelines,they discover that someone in the household is receiving more than one Lifeline supported service or for any other reason they no longer satisfy the criteria for receiving Lifeline support. Li They understand that if they move,a new address must be provided to us within 30 days of the move. Li They understand that Lifeline service is a non-transferable benefit,and that the service may not be transferred to anyone else,including another eligible low-income consumer. Li They may be required to re-certify their continued eligibility for Lifeline at any time,and that failure to do so will result in the termination of the Lifeline benefits. Li They consent to the use of name,telephone number,and address to be given to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)(the administrator of the program)for the purpose of verifying that they do not receive more than one Lifeline benefit and that refusal to grant this permission will mean they are not eligible for Lifeline service.They also must allow us to access any records required to verify and confirm their Lifeline eligibility. Li There can be significant penalties for anyone who violates these rules including removal from the program, potential prosecution,being permanently barred from the Lifeline program,fines andlor imprisonment. Remember,as a company representative,you are thefirst line ofresponsibility to ensure that the customer Lc an eligible participant and that applications areJilted in accurately. lerruCom,Inc. CONFII)ENTIAI DOCUMENT 4 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-l3Ol TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 17 of44 LIFELINE POLICIES Certification •An applicant for TerraCom Lifeline servicc must first pass an electronic identity check via the Lcxis Ncxis database. •A Lifeline applicant is not allowed to self-certify that they are a participant in a qualifying program.They must show documented proof •If thcir address is in a state where we are able to verify their participation through a state database,then they do not need to provide proof.In the company state matrix that follows in this guide,you will be able to determine states with databases by referring to the “Sec Notes” indicator in the “Certification”column.The only exception to this is Nevada and Maryland, where tite customer cciii subsequently provide proof f we arc unatile to verify them by initially consulting the statepi’ovitied list. a A complete,signed certification form must be received from the applicant in order to be considered for qualification. Duplicate Address/One per household If a Litline applicant is identified as having the same address as au existing customer by checking company records or via a database,they will then have to verify that they are part of a separate household at that address. Again,the rules of the Lifeline program only allow one Lifeline service per household.For example, this means the customer can have either a Lifeline discount on one wireless or one wirelinc service,but not both. The definition of”househotcP’is “any individual or group of individuals who are living together at the same address as one economic unit.” An economic unit consists of adults connibuting to and sharing in the income and expenses of a household.Below are a few examples ofthe one-per-household rule: One economic unit examples: 1.Alice and Peter have been dating for lIve years and just moved in together.Because they will share their living expenses,including rent,utilities,and food,they are a single household and entitled to only one Lifeline service. 2.Jane lives with her mother and father in the home where she grew up.Jane works part- time but she does not pay rent.Since Jane is dependent upon her parents for support,they arc a single household and entitled to only one Lifeline service TerriCom,Inc. CONFIDENIIAL DOCUMENT 5 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-130l TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 18 of44 More titan one economic unit examples: I John rents a room in a group house.John and his roommates pay rent separately.Since they do not share other expenses with each oilier John is a separate household at this common address and thus entitled to his own Lifeline service. 2.Tony and his daughter live with Tony’s Aunt Pam.Although Tony helps out around the house,he pays rent and utilities to Aunt Pam every month and since he is not sharing expenses is thus entitled to his own Lifeline service. Important rules to remember: •“Adults”are persons eighteen years of age or older. •Children living with their parents or legal guardians are considered to be part of their patent or guardian’s household. •A household may include related and unrelated persons. •If a low-income consumer has no/minimal income,but lives with someone else who provides financial support to him/her,the low-income consumer should be considered to be part ofthat person’s household. In the case where multiple households may be using the same address (i.e.,a shelter where people live)you arc responsible for infonning the customer of these rules.In most cases there will be a unit number,bed number or apartment number.These must be included in the address. Upon receiving an application for Lifeline support,our company will be checking via TerraCom’s OSS system and,where they are available,external databases to determine whether an individual at the applicant’s residential address is currently receiving Lifeline-supported service,If nobody at the residential address is currently receiving Lifeline supported service,we can initiate Lifeline service (after determining that the household is otherwise eligible to receive Lifeline and obtaining all required certifications from the household). If we determine that an individual at the applicant’s residential address is currently receiving Lifeline supported service,or it is determined that multiple households do reside at an address,including in Tribal communities and group living facilities,we must take an additional step to ensure that the applicant and the current subscriber are part of different households.l’o enable applicants to make this demonstration,we must require applicants to complete and submit to the company a Lifeline household Worksheet (below)and this form becomes a part of their account record. Program applicants must affirmatively certify that other Lifeline recipients residing at that address are part of a separate household,(i.e.,a sel)arate economic unit that does not share income and expenses). ‘rcrrncon,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 6 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-l3Ol TeimCom tue’s Response to first Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 19 of44 Relection of an applicant’s request for Lifeline or de-enroilment will occur under this section as a result of: •any subscriber who indicates that he or she is receiving more than one Lifeline supported service per household •customer failure to complete the Lifeline Household Worksheet if it is determine an address may he receiving more than one LiIblinc supported service •a customer neglecting to complete the required one per household certification on his or her certification or annual verification form •dc-enrollment for this must take place within 5 business days. IcrraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAl.I)OCLJMENT 7 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to first Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 20 of44 IerrCom Lifeline Household Worksheet Name Address Telephone_Number Lifeline iso government program that provides a monthly discount on home or mobile telephoneserviceS.Only ONE Lifeline discount is allowed per household Members ofa household are not permitted to receivetifnlinn service from multiple telephone companies. Your household Is everyone who livestogether at your address as one economic unit (including children and people who are not related toyou). The adults you live with ore pert al yvur economicunit if they contribute to and share in the income and expenses of the household,An adult is any person 18 years of age or older or an emancipated minor(a person under age 18 who is legallyconsidered to be on adult).Hoatohold expenses include food,health care expenses (such us medical bills)and the cost of renting or paving a mortgageon your place of residence (a house orapartment,forexample)andutilities (including water,heal and electricity).income includes salary,public assistance benefits,social security payments,pensions,unemploynwnt compensation,veteran’s benefita, inheritances,alimony,child support payments,worker’s compensation benefits,gifts,and lotterywinnings. Spouses anddomestic partners are considered lobe part of the same household.Children under the age of 18 living with their parents or guardians are considered to be part oftire same household as their parents orguardians.if an adult has no income,or minimal income,and lives with someone who providesfinancial support to that adult,both people are considered part of the name household, You have been asked to complete this Worksheet becauae someone else currently receives a t)fellne.aupporeed serviceatyouraddress.This other person may or may not be a part of yourhousehold.Answer the questions below to determine whether there is more than one household residing at youraddress, 1.Does your spouse or domestIc partner (that is,someoneyou are marriedto or in a relationship witis)already receives LIfeline-discounted phone?(check nail you do nor have a apouse or partner)_YES _NO iv If you checked YES,you may not sign up for Lifeline beceuse someone in your household already receives LifelIne.Only ONE Lifeline discount is allowed per household. iv If you checked NO,please answer questIon 112. 2.Other than a spouse or partner,do other adults (people over the age of 18 or emancipated minors)live with you at your address? A.A parent __YES ,,,.,,.,,,,NO 0.An adult roommate .._......YES ................NO B.An adult son or daughter _YES ..........NO E.Other,._YES _NO C.Another adult relative (suds as a _YES NO sibling,aunt cousin,grandparent, grandchild,etc.) iv Ifyou checked NO foreach statement above,you do not need to answer theremaining questions.Please initial line B,below,and sign and date tire worksheet, iv Ifyou checked YES,please answer question #3. 3,Do you share living expenses (bills,food,etc.)and thereincome (either your income,the other person’s income or both Incomes together)with at least oneof theadults listed above in question 112?.................YES .................NO iv ifyou checked NO,then your address includes more than one household,Please initial lines A and B below.and sign and date the worksheet, iv ifyou checked YES,then your address includes only one household.You may not sign up for Lifeline because someone in your household already receives Lifeline. CERTIFICATION Please Initial the certifications belowandsign anddate this worksheet.Submit this worksheet to ____________________________(insert company L.ragencyname)along with your Lifeline application. A._lcertify that I live at on address occupiedby multiplehouseholds. B._lunderstand that violation ofthe one-per-household requkement is against the FederalCommunication Commission’s rules and TerrCom,Wiy resultin melosing my Lifeline benefits,and potentially,prosecution by the United States government. ONFIDENTIAI.Dt)CtiMINT 8 Signature____________________________________________________Date________________________ Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TetmCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page2)of44 Duplicates Our company is tasked with the rcsponsibility of not allowing customers to have mOre thami one 1)hone with Lifeline service and ensuring we adhere to the processes that prevent that from taking place.The following tools arc available to you,as a company representative,to allow you fulfill this duty. The following is clearly indicated on the company certification and annual veritication fonn and via the electronic application.This should be verbally reviewed with every applicant. Lifelitte is a federal governmetit beiteti program that offers a discount from your monthly phone service.Lifeline service is available for only one line per household;a household is defined as any individual or group of individuals who live together at the same address and share income and expenses.Households are not permitted to receive benefits from multiple providers aiid you jnay not receive multiple Lifeline discounts.You may apply your Lifeline discount to either one landline or one wireless iitnnber,but you cannot have the discount on both. •Section 7 of the company certification and annual verification forms require the customer to initial that they “...acknowlcdgc that,to the best of my knowledge,no one at my household is receiving a Lifeline-supported service from any other provider.”Anyone who accepts applications is reciuired to verbally review this with the customer.If the customer already has Lifeline service from another provider they must disconnect it or you must reject their application. •Our internal customer support systems will flag any entry that it determines is a duplicate entry. This will help prevent you from creating a second account at the same address.Should yoti have an applicant that does not believe they are applying for duplicate service,see your supervisor for the process to handle this for your department. •If a new applicant is signing up in a state with a state database,we will also use that to verify the applicant’s participation in a low-income program and,should the database have this capability, verify we arc not providing service to duplicate addresses. TcrraCom,Inc. CC)NIIl)ENIIAL DOCUMENT 9 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-t3Ol TemmCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 22 of44 Wireless Non-Usage Policy In all service areas,a customer will no longer be eligible for a Lifeline discount if they do not use their Lifeline service for 60 calendar days. Usage can bc: •making a monthly payment •purchasing additional minutes •completing an outbound call •answering a call from anyone other than us or one of our representatives •affirmatively responding to direct contact (text included)from TcrraCotn confirming he or she would like to continue service. Once an account has been moved to a non-usage status,the subscriber has up to 30 calendar days to re enroll by contacting the company.If a customer does not re-enroll or call a customer service representative within 30 calendar days of the dc-enrollment,the phone service will be deactivated (any airtime will be lost).Note:A subscriber must recertify and participation must again be verified to re enroll in the wireless Lifeline program. Wireless Device Only upon successful completion of the certification process is the customer allowed to choose a service plan and select a phone.In the case of a customer signing up for service over the phone,or at any point of distribution where phones are not immediately distributed,TerraCom does not ship a phone to a customer until it has verified the customer’s eligibility.The customer’s account is activated upon completion of an outbound call.For purposes of “enrollment”in the Lifeline program,TerraCom uses the date of this first completed outbound call from its call records as the customer’s effective start date. Up until that time all phones regardless of distribution method are only capable of calling TerraCom customer service. 1rraCoin,Inc. CONFII)F.NTIAI,DOCt3MCNI’10 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 23 of 44 LIFELINE CERTLFICATION FORMS Addrcsscs (Section 4 of the company certification form) All addresses are verified via Melissa Data to ensure that all addresses are properly formatted and to prevent fraud.Our customer management systems will not allow addresses that do not comply.Please see your supcri’isorfht the proper procedure to handle shelter addresses. State Customer Identifying Numbers In all the areas we provide service at least the last four (4)digits of the Social Security Number and the Date of Birth (DOS)are required.Some states will require a full social security number and these states are indicated as such on the company matrix that follow in this document.If the customer lives on 1’dbal Lands and does not have a Social Security Number,they should instead provide their Tribal ID Number. Some states,for example those where we certify and verify a customer through a customer database, may require another customer identifying number (i.e.,DSHS number).These are listed in each state’s particular form and must be obtained.Please refer to the matrix below for the correct way to handle a social security number and/or state specific customer identifying number in a particular area. Beneficiary Name (Section 5 of the company certification form) An applicant may use the benefits of a dependent to quaIi’for the Lifeline program should the dependent be included as part of the household.Our form has a field for name of the Qualifying Beneficiary and should be completed if this situation applies. Below is an example of a paper company certification form.This form has also been recreated on the company sign up portals to allow for electronic certification and application for Lifeline service while remaining within certification requirements. Applications must be filled out completely or the customer will not be able to receive Lifeline service,it’s as simple as that.The information we collect on these fonns,such as the last 4 digits of a social security number and Date of Birth,will also be used to establish and verit’the customer in the forthcoming National Lifeline Accountability Database so collecting it correctly up front will enable us to continue to provide Lifeline discounts in the future.(Days indicated on the form are in calendar days).Again,the customer certification forms on the online portal and website will have the same sections and required certifications as in this example. ‘rerrcm,Inc. CONIIDENHAL DOCUMENT 11 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-t301 TetmCom Inc.’s Response to first Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 24 of 44 l.41b.q *baImtr.$tFmmJ tatItqImIIyItrUII4n.t..fl SECTION 2-EUGIBIUTY BY PROGRAM (26t3) *)ladi fl I.oId..,.t.fl4it to,.fl,.p,’.IIIt4 *w p ru iIn,r...lIt LIIyI4sa iItI 1 zr,-to,n — !,flF’.rin PIttLtI RIISt I IeJttIt5It Isn FnI.h. Prin!P,ItP’.Itiip.J IInIItWOIIlliIa4ItUP SECTION 3-EUGIBIU1 Y BY INCOME **eniin s.Uon2oia I)VUtWItom.I.inbd1W!.&H’.ItmIpan’.t5 4ddt,...,Fo,.nbø,.,..qoyIt.LI.I!. Hiw nw.’!w.Ø.U.)tlt Hii.FoId?nom!.squ.Inc nU.1111qkpiRbW Il!..112 pp.ç*. 2iwcpb .!fl 41’.iØI UI7!I ,I’.!Iw!wNl Iin7 10 O!MUFY FOR P*OOItE uomtn YOU P&8T PE OOPR OF Of OR hORS OFThE DONYSLO IU.CW IF YOU PRO’.EiC DO!NTAt* flMtD rT‘dERA RIS.YEAR ØJC1 A!CURRENT PAY YOU #*TJmT THRE tal CCtUTrUSICHTUOF TUE STYPEOfOOCUMJTUwThwEc*mRENTcSUEAR NT •Pini It5e ittaarn,Riwatnb.*t •U,inIpnpnw#JUU’Hi..rç.’.Itn binad..d •0H,.iwIt..innUççtt,t aM,A W!!atyE.*.,.*aItanlTITpi5wn1 F,d.,iInc *L ras.biw il p.d*.c.awiIteU’.,..&k,nMbA WAalIt SECTION 4-CUSTOMER INFORMATION __________________________________ It’.. ____________________________ I I P!!T1A1.iPWIITACOale IPO alinraina.p*al)O,inkI’...Ii’.I.TcaiwyiA*.iwinfl ______________________ I.—I ICtY I51l Ii’.Ieti _____________________________________ I I’ _________________________________ I I L4dp,urSinid einu.!5 ItinSin T,5 IC Hiniw Ed.itEd. __I-I__I-I___ I SECTION 5-QUAliFYING BENEFICIARY apit.asin*asnsa.wohat spçU.IE*4 LUlP?eg’.T4 FlitIIt’.i MnAI LadHam. Inn. SECTION 6-STATE REQUIRED CUSTOMER INFOHUATION Not Icrr,Com,Inc. CONY IDENIJAL IiOCUMENT 12 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TenaCom Inc.’s Response to first Production Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 25 of44 .n:’tCIICf5TerraEom LIFELINE CERTiFiCATION FORM STATE OF OKLAHOMA SECTION 1—RULES ETANt pUia madIHi ItnnaeJIy hiElI ttomrid$E uiHi’..q.na..raU.Finn.Eada!.rmtcmdur4n.rdm.&IA U,add.5It )ttl ma*i DI minHird tn Bycuiiq in Sm1U’.U$do.ma**moadty ntt ,...arWrnI.at.in.in4Oddma Lid.,.I..FWma’.iwIbind.ploWwItthit o*...J.xiat Uma)mHruddy*.m.ur.Lid.’.nuddi U tidbIt.Smnidp nfl.E..c liwadwAt a Sm10*d UAlIridi.in,kd.lSjdm pnq it hd.ItItd.otto Ii’.Win ItI’.pin’.m..ud Itin.Huh mituptoine Sadmitud.uh lad pItI?dddIt lineS..bade lImo,m*i.aduu nra ru n’.M LIIU*QOr u oyapp!ytor Lids’.atHIt .rm.bidet.mnma.?.IntoadS hIS icinladShinlid HuH ItO!0S*9.HiIinHd PqAlwniw U a H’.a!Fd et end ‘.5 ini It UilinWid binlI’.pIDWRad 5abreW pe*u byU’.LItbi dedin tINiV?intdWbad.pH adidIrrid.lit..niPinflInmbh,UHf.H.dbnanHpfl.HidHOe’.mU,pUatmc.enHb.,,dlIuat5,.Lad..pun SECTION 7-ONE PER HOUSEROLD I.1Iew.1.e.V bewba*aee.y Naithdg..0010 $r.yhr.a#drIeIia.W1Wfrew lop ai SECTION 8-CUSTOMER SIGNATURE Pt!ASEREADAND IMTIMThE FaJ.OWING BY Sb31*4GaW4tI*&tG l.DW.YOUAI1EA1EEWGTOTI FajowIf0 PflO1M.PULBB I o.4y aida jaiu.By of pe.ay paiNep4ehi II..fllfoabd opalyb 4e3.r04 peoan or I m1 Wabm.044cnbr my WgIby jar LIdne I raE.db.b a..Iha..pooded w4.nria04 nqdQblI5 E l eaø I an h..l 041..Ir.e..I an a.b ii yew.or od (ai a.ai.aidp r04r),I a..rae d —.d.pr.da.4on paa.n’.lu m(u.e ooa.the .eoI4 aid 1..Wth...I.my pfrry ored I co.*m forafIra,e.o d m.mr.urder1.efowbros...pw...1.b.i b a..hcom1daidImy Iroie.4..fri b ranlwbip to thai or..U4cbwaippocadee I Ian Ina.4.a U$dn.papram 4 theIr...IipØp forTT04a.I Udne.ade..I rewbosewI 1.04 Ufdne aade..4..r—pavd I rarWy 1.41.4 ramlo.on.Ulalbi.osma.*or rae Ia..a aIan1.or moWpb LIwbew da.or .4.aic1.a.pra04d.t.I rmdardIb I MI 104cr...TwmCoswbii Odqi It (I)tolong..faInab.*.rof g.df.kç pngmm or pogos..or my ainoof hon04s.d Income aecewda 13*%of the FalpialPosaly Geadelk..e:(2)1 an rdekç ma.lana...Uaine.aWrfod ewslc.pa.hcuaelroIdor (I.1ta.y otha.raeaen.to lange..4045th.014.4.forr.t.hI’g Lid...mippot I aid wpoi&04 paiay 1.044 wdendlienidcdonr.qrIrsna.*aidWa I mq be a.becfhr penafo..WI lithr 4celie .04.. D l wkoa.bdg.Wa I nay beaqdr.d s.r.caWy n.y osIbealeIglt04Iy for Lieja.w.y lime.aidtwo 1041cr.hrdo m.d aa*Inthe fomIralon Lid..ben.Ir* E lund.rd1.elLWaIn.casio.foercorVaidanbb baidI.aid Wa Imeyrae ta.ite.my hr wry oWa bidwidoal.hichalklga.*.1a.conesn I .chrewledg.aid osanre hatheU..ofrny nai..fofofiro..torwb.r.aid Wit...hr be gicai hr the Uiww Se.vlca Iit04I.CarrWaiy LAC)(the .dodaim.of the PoWW..)sidli,.li igal.lao the papa..04 a.rW*ç Wa I do rae lamb..nro thai ane L1.Ika bendI.I wrieraird Wa racaI ha gIwl lie p......l..L.sit rnea.I an rae ie for tifolbie casio.I arolce Tenorn hr eosa.1..y 1110041 r.quimdbvaly n.y dan eberit,aidIDcor3rmn.yconthoed .tg1.tityfar L$itrre Ej I ..Jd Wa I I me..,I n.r poside a new Wit...ID T.raCa.n 041.1..04 my me..I idaaid Wa I I pralded e Adep.I rmj nalfY with T.mCoro asry hO efoys Wa tan rsir.g the aaiaaJdm..I taaiid Wa WI 104 ID do a.I ad be.n.y da.rar By n.y .çn.w.,I ca04y omit paid.y of perjray Wa I law.med end ladadecd WI.form aid Wa I aid Wa Wa kdannain ca..4.W In Ii. ltd I ha..proli.d fokuecr04 cona.I IDII bed dn.y hnawlalg.aid Wa I ..kno.bdgeWa pordIngliewor framilw,4 lrkrmitonIDrecline L1*,.benefIt.I.punidt.by law. I I0dW.DedDA],L::1 SECJ1ON 9-TRIBAL CERTIFICATION El BYOl€CX1NG IRE Ash)MV SIQNATUaACYiBI CEntrYThATMYAOOflBSSIS ONFED€RALLY RECOONEDTAI.LANDS SECTION 10-INSTRUCTIONS Mitt,.F osrçl.idform).Ta..Com,be. F..1-S77-221-l1 Aa.r VoraIfIWa.l AItm,Wy,B hIDaLaid.NJ 05054-3115 IhaáyeaWyWal .ethe,.j.WI..ogalID04elgIray I a*I be..ridewed I..necoanrydauro.rieieihrwa*y Il ew...ltd 04Wa fo eirbe04ID orlagi rby Ia os.a.y d-F.WI.iHI.ae9IDkd Nfo01.NunIra 04. IrrraCom,Inc. 1’FII)ltIIi.POUI’MENl 13 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Pwduction Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 26 of44 VERIFICATION •Verification is to be completed annually for all customers. •Verification will be completed either via state databases or by contacting the customer and having them complete a new certification form via our website or by calling and recording voice verification. •The customer does not have to provide a copy ofproof when annually verifying. A customer will have 30 days to respond to an tmntial verification notification.If the company rcccivcd no response from the customer that customer they will be dc-enrolled from the Lifeline program in 5 business days. The matrix below is to he used as a quick reference guidefor the applietthle ru/ac by state: ‘ferrCon Inc. CONFIDENTIAl.DOCIJMENY 14 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-130l TenaCom Inc.’s Response to first Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 27 of44 -t C-)C B B’p 0 ‘Co 0 C -‘C 0 B0-C g C C C C 0 CD zCC U SeCD ,., oo C — o— D 0 TE R R A C O M ST A T E MA T R I X : St a t e Ce r ü f i c a t i o n So c i a l Se c u r i t y Ve r i f i c a t i o n Nu m b e r Re q u i r e d No t e s ._ Ar i z o n a Pr o o f LA S T 4 An n u a l l y co n t a c t th e cu s t o m e r Ar k a n s a s Pr o o f 9 An n u a l l y co n t a c t th e cu s t o m e r In d i a n a Pr o o f LA S T 4 An n u a l l y co n t a c t th e cu s t o m e r Co l o r a d o Pr o o f 9 Pr o o f *C O re t i r e d da t a b a s e ef f e c t i v e 6/ 1 / 2 0 1 3 . Io w a Pr o o f 9 An n u a l l y co n t a c t th e cu s t o m e r Lo u i s i a n a Pr o o f LA S T 4 An n u a l l y co n t a c t th e cu s t o m e r An n u a l l y vi a St a t e Ma r y l a n d Vi a St a t e da t a b a s e / P r o o f LA S T 4 da t a b a s e / C u s t o m e r co n t a c t Mi n n e s o t a Pr o o f LA S T 4 An n u a l l y vi a St a t e da t a b a s e Pr o o f ne e d e d fo r Fe d e r a l Pu b l i c Ho u s i n g , Na t ’ l Sc h o o l Lu n c h . SS I Ne b r a s k a Vi a st a t e da t a b a s e / P r o o f 9 An n u a l l y vi a St a t e da t a b a s e t P r o o f or in c o m e ba s e d ap p l i c a t i o n s . Ce r t i f i c a t i o n : if ap p l i c a n t is on th e st a t e li s t th e y ar e ap p r o v e d , ot h e r w i s e sh o w pr o o f . Ve r i f i c a t i o n : If si g n e d up vi a a lo w - i n c o m e pr o g r a m , re v i e w th e li s t pr o v i d e d ev e r y 6 mo n t h s by th e Ne v a d a An n u a l l y vi a St a t e De p a r t m e n t of He a l t h an d Hu m a n Se r v i c e s . If cu s t o m e r na m e is Ne v a d a Se e No t e s LA S T 4 da t a b a s e / C u s t o m e r co n t a c t no t on th e li s t , co n t a c t cu s t o m e r an d as k th e m fo r do c u m e n t a t i o n . No n - T r i b a l Co u n t i e s : Al f a l f a , Ha r p e r , Ja c k s o n , Te x a s , Be c k h a m Co u n t y , So u t h of th e No r t h Fo r k Ri v e r , Th e We s t e r n Ha l f of El l i s Ok l a h o m a Pr o o f LA S T 4 An n u a l l y co n t a c t th e cu s t o m e r Co u n t y , Be a v e r , Cu n a n o n , Gr e e r , Ha r m o n . Ce r t i f i c a t i o n : Vi a a So l i x J L I D A ap p r o v e d fo r m an d So l i x on l u i n e po r t a l fo r Me d i c a i d , CH I P , SN A P an d TA N F . Al l ot h e r pr o g r a m s ap p l i c a t i o n s ar e su p p o r t e d by co p i e s of pr o o f do c u m e n t a t i o n . So l i x wi l l se n d us a mo n t h l y li s t of du p l i c a t e s th a t wi l l be de - e n r o l l e d . Te x a s Vi a So l i x da t a b a s e 9 Vi a St a t e da t a b a s e Ve r i f i c a t i o n : Ei t h e r vi a th e So l i x da t a b a s e or an n u a l ve r i f i c a t i o n . Vi r g i n Is l a n d s Pr o o f 9 An n u a l l y co n t a c t th e cu s t o m e r We s t Vi r g i n i a Pr o o f LA S T 4 An n u a l l y co n t a c t th e cu s t o m e r Wi s c o n s i n Se e No t e s 9 Se e No t e s Ce r t i f i c a t i o n N e r i f i c a t i o n : Vi a CA R E S da t a b a s e or DO R . Te r r a C o m , In c . CO N F I D E N T I A L DO C U M E N T 15 SAMPLE LIFELINE SCRIPT It is important that we explain to the customer up front,and in a manner in which he or she can understand,the different aspects of the Lifeline program. Please rcfer to (heJollowiug to help guide you through this procesx cindplease give the cus1oner a sample copy ofthe form to read. Hello,my name is.TerraCom has been authorized by the state of [YOUR STATE]and the FCC to provide free or discounted wireless service to applicants that qualify for the government assisted Lifeline program.Because of this program TerraCom can provide a free cell phone along with 250 free minutes that automatically renew every month.Are you interested in learning if you qualify for this discounted phone program? The first requirement is that you or someone in your household has to be participating in a government assistance program.here is a list of the approved programs for our state: [SHOW CUSTOMER THE LIST ON THE CERTIFICATION FORM] Are you receiving benefits from one of those services?(Make sure you are speaking to person with the assistance).If so,in order to sign up for Lifeline service today,I will need to see documented proof of your participation and a government issued ID.Do you have that with you? The second requirement is that no one else from your household can be taking advantage of the Lifeline discount for a cell or home phone,while you are,either now or in the future.It is strict/v one service per household.for example,if you have Lifeline home phone service now either with our company or another company and you want the cell phone,you will have to cancel the home phone service. How would you like you name to appear on the account?It has to match the name and address you use to receive your government assistance. Please tell me your address.Thank you.I need to let you know that if you move,a new address must be provided to us within 30 days of your move. ferracom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 16 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TeimCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmdoction Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 29 of44 The next thing we need is to have you complete Sections 4-7 of this certification fotm.It is very important that this be filled in completely and accurately so let me help you through this. [ASSIST IN TilE COLLEC1’ION Of JNFORMATIONJ It is vciy important that you read the next section of the form,Section 8,closely and in its entirety.It requires your initials in several places so let’s go thtough this together make sure you understand what you are agreeing to and I can answer any questions you might have, [ASSIST THE CUSTOMER IN READING AND INTERPERTATION.POIN’f OUT THE ITEMS REGARDING REQUIRED RE-CERTIFICATION,THE NON-TRANFERABILITY OF BENEFITS AND THAT PERSONAL INFORMATION WILL GIVEN TO USAC.] Are there any final questions? Please go ahead and sign and date the form. Thank you. TerruCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 17 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Pwduction Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 30 of44 LIFELINE COMPLIANCE TRAINING FAQS Qt]ESTION:for Texas,what is the process for signing applicants up for Lifeline,collecting customer eligibility documentation upfront or after theyre declined? ANSWER:In Texas,approval is via the Solix online portal for Medicaid,ChIP,SSI and TANF (all others require proof documentation).If a customer is dcclined attempting to certify under one ofthese programs,then they need to contact Solix at: Calling from Inside Texas:866-459-8387 Calling from Outsidc Texas:806-741-8101 2.QUESrION:What happens to eligibility docutnentation that customers mail in?Is that shredded or kept? ANSWER:The document(s)are scanned and uploaded to Veare for verification mid ultimately destroyed.My physical copy is destroyed immediately after processing.Originals are mailed back to the customer,however we strongly discourage customer from sending originals for which we cannot be responsible. 3.QUESTION:Arc applicants who are not U.S.citizens eligible for Lifeline if they have a work visa [tax id or ING numberJ (mid are eligible under Lifeline rules)?If so,what identification number do eligible customers with visas give?(There is no space for that on the current Lifeline Certification Form.)SSN’s of children acceptable? ANSWER:A subscriber should not use the social security number of a child to apply for service. We should not place any substitute ID number (i.e.tax ID,ING number,DHS number)in the social security field on the Certification Form.The subscriber is required to provide a social security number.Invalid personal information will result in a failed identity check and the customer will not he allowed to apply for Lifeline. Social Security Number and identification are two separate issues.Most identification will not show their SSN and we cannot discriminate nor assume someone is not a US Citizen.The requirement for identification cannot be their social security card,as that document does not have a photo. 4.QUESTION:How does an Oklahoma customer show proof ofreceiving the Oklahoma Sales Tax Relief Program? ANSWER:The customer can show current tax returns. 5.QUESTION:If a customer moves,does that customer need to fill out a new Lifeline form? ANSWER:No.However,the customer should notify us within 30 days with updated address infonnation. TerraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 18 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-130l TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 31 of44 6.QUESTION:In Oklahoma,is there an activation Fee? ANSVER:There is no activation fee for wireless subscribers in Oklahoma.‘l’hcre is a 530 activation fee for both Lifeline and non-Lifeline wireline (home phone)customers. 7,QUESTION:Ifs customer goes through third party verification f’or certification,does the customer receive the service immediately or must they wait until the company has verified eligibility documentation? ANSWER:Third party verification does not,by itself,make a customer eligible for I,ileline service. Any customer who goes through the third party verification must subsequently then provide prootof program participation. 8.QtJESTION —Regarding verification (re-certification),will customers be required to send eligibility documentation even it they go through third-party-verification? ANSWER:No. 9.QtJESTION:If a customer verifies eligibility for Lifeline but she/he verifies claiming assistance on a different program than what was claimed the year before,what is the employee to do? ANSWER:A customer who verifies only needs to indicate on the Lifeline Certification form which program through which they are receiving assistance.It this program is different from the one they originally used to certify,we do not need to collect proof. 10.QUESTION:Ifs Lifeline applicant provides an address that matches an address already in our system,what does the employee do with the active Lifeline account;disconnect or suspend it? ANSWER:No.Please have the applicant complete and turn in the Lifeline Household Worksheet. Ifthe applicant determines in the process of completing the f’om that they are not a separate economic unit,they cannot enroll in our Lifeline program. 11.QUESTION:What kind of identification do employees need to see?Is an expired,govcmment issued ID acceptable or must customers provide a valid government-issued identification? ANSWER:An unexpired ID is preferred,but any government issued picture ID is acceptable so we can identif’that they are the applicant. 12.QUESTION:Released inmates typically have no identification when they exit prison.Cuirently, these potential customers have only a letter from the Warden as ID.Is this acceptable identification, as long as it has the state seal and is not a copy? ANSWER:Yes. TerraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENI’19 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-l301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 32 of 44 13.QUESTION:If a customer fills the application form out but does not fill in the complete address (forgets the apartment number or part of the apartment number),is it acceptable to contact the customer over the phone to get the correct infonnation as long as it is noted in the custOmer’s account or must the customer fill out a new application? ANSWER:The correct address should appear on the copy of the government-issued ID.This infnnnation can be added to the certification form and account.It is certainly acceptable to contact the customer to clear up any questions regarding the information provided as accuracy is paramount. 14.QUESTION:What about proofof address? ANSWER:It is important that the company capture accurate address infonnation and why we perform electronic address verification using Melissa Data during the creation ofan account. Therefore,employees should make all attempts to collect the correct and full address from the customer upfront by carefully examining all presented documentation and talking with the customer to clear up atiy discrepancies. 15.QUESTION:A customer provided an IRS document that stated his address was the car he was living in.Is this an acceptable fonn of proof and address? ANSWER:If such a document is presented,please forward it to Compliance for review 5011 can be determined if this is acceptable. 16.QUESTION:A customer was adding minutes to a phone that wasn’t in their name and the re certification reminder window popped up.What is the process in this situation? ANSWER:Lifeline is a non-transferable benefit and may not be “handed off”to anyone.Lifeline service,and thus the handset,may only he used by the qualifier.Please inform the customer ofthis and ask if he or site would like to apply for their own Litèline service.Ifa positive response is not forthcoming,please visit with your supervisor to initiate a change of this account to non-Lifeline service.If they do apply and are eligible they can use that phone and number.The phone and number is transferable,Lifeline is not. 18.QUESTION:We get a number of complaints in Oklahoma about other carriers breaking the rules and/or providing poor service to their customers.Who can be contacted in these situations? ANSWER:In Oklahoma,a customer can register a complaint regarding these carriers with the Commission using the following contact infbnnation. Oklahoma Corporation Commission c/o Customer Assistance P0 Box 5200 Oklahoma City,OK 73152 (800)522-8154 In addition,please provide detailed information and examples to our Compliance Department. TerraCom,Inc. CONFB)ENTIAL DOCUMENI’20 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-130l TermaCom Inc.’s Response to first Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 33 of44 19.QUESTION —If customers are getting Social Security Income and their income falls under the 135% Federal Poverty Guidelines,are they eligible for Lifeline supported service? ANSWER:Yes.Income documentation provides proof ofeligibility like a form ofprogram eligibility documentation. 20.QUESTION:What is the process for someone who has power of attorney (payee)for someone cisc who is the applicant/program qualifier? ANSWER:The person holding power of attorney should present documentation that verifies they have been vested with this responsibility.The appropriate documented proof of program qualification in the subscriber’s name can he presented by the person holding power of attorney and he or she can assist the applicant in completing the Lifeline Certification with the subscriber’s personal infonnation.the subscriber should be time one who signs the Certification. If the customer is eligible AND is over 1 8 years old OR aim emancipated minor,s/he should be the subscriber because we need to be collecting that person’s information (DOB,SSN,etc.)for the National Lifeline Accountability Database.The power ofattorney can be an authorized user on that account but shouldn’t be the subscriber. 21.QUESTION:Does a customer receiving Medicaid support for Medicare Part B qualify them for Lifeline? ANSWER:Yes.The FCC has clarified participants in Medicaid,a qualifying means-tested assistance program,are eligible for Lifeline even if their Medicaid participation consists solely of assistance in payment of Medicare Part B premiums.However,documentation that states that the applicant is on Medicare Part B is not enough to qualify them for Lifeline. If they are on Medicare Part B and getting help from Medicaid we can accept: •A copy of a state document that shows that the person has Medicaid •A printout from a state electronic enrollment file or from the state’s Medicaid system that shows the person has Medicaid •Any other document from the state that shows he/she has Medicaid •A bill from an institution (like a nursing home)or a copy ofa state document showing Medicaid payment 22.QUESI’JON:Does the name on the ID and the name on the proof have to match? ANSWER:The new rules are such that Lifeline service is based on a household.The applicant is the head of household,but not necessarily the holder ofthe benefits.Where the applicant and benefit holder arc the same,proof will be in the same name.Where the benefit holder is not the applicant the beneficiary information must be provided and the proof must match the beneficiary. Example I:Ms.Smith lives with her family and receives SNAP benefits.She is the applicant and the benefits are in her name.The beneficiary line on the Certification form will remain blank. Example 2:Ms.Smith lives with her family and receives SNAP benefits but her daughter is a beneficiary ofthe National free Lunch Program.Ms.Smith will be the applicant and her daughter is lerraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 21 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-130l TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Pruduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 34 of44 the beneficiary.Proof is in Ms.Smith’s name and her daughter is listed on the beneficiary line on the Certification form. TerraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 21 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 35 of44 TERRACOM STATE ELIGIBLE PROGRAMS The following appendices contain current lists of eligible programs by state with some corresponding examples followed by definitions.Please ensure that the documents presented to yoti are ctirrcnt.Expired documentation or proof documentation that does not bear the correct customer name will resull in the applicant being denied service. It is also important to remember that a Bureati of lndian Affairs CDIB Card isn’t proof of low income assistance but only proof of Indian heritage.It does not qualify anyone for Lifeline. Please refer to tile separate and corresponding state proofdocumentation joI aid to assistyou in identifying acceptabkforms ofproofehgththtyfor the listed programs. TerraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 22 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to first Production Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 36 of44 ARKANSAS Federal Public Housing Assistance Medicaid Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAI’) Natiotial School Lunch Program Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Supplemental Security Income Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA) Income Based -135%of the federal Poverty Guidelines ARIZoNA FederaJ Public Housing Assistance Medicaid Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIIIEAP) National School Lunch Program Siipplemeiital Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Supplemental Security Income Temporary Assistance for Needy Families CHIP (State Child health Insurance Ptan/KIDCARE) AHCCCS (Arizona health Care Cost Containment System) Income Based -150%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines COLORADO Low Income Energy Assistance Program (U HEAP) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Stipplemnemital Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)(f/k/a Food Stamps) Medicaid Federal Public Housing Assistance Temporary Assistance to families (TANF) National School Lunch Program’s Free Lunch Program Income Based -135%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines INDIANA Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Supplemental Security Income (SSi) Supplemental Ntitrition Assistance Program (SNAP)(f/k/a Food Stamps) Medicaid Federal Public housing Assistance Temporary Assistance to Families (TANF) National School Lunch Program’s Free Lunch Program Income Based -135%of the Federal Poverty Giiiclelhies TerraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL I)OCUMENT Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-l301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 37 of44 IOWA Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIIIEAP) Medicaid National School Lunch Program’s Free Lumich Program Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families federal Public Housing Assistance Supplemental Security Income Income Based -135%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines LOUISIANA Medicaid Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Temporary Assistance for Families (TANF) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LJIIEAP) National School Lunch Program’s Free Lunch Program Federal Public Housing Assistance Income Based -135%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines MARYLAND Low Imicome Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Smippleniemital Security Income Medicaid Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) National School Lunch Program Federal Public Housing Assistance Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAl’) Temporary Disability Program (TDAP) PubJie Assistance to Adults (?AA) Electrical Universal Service Program (EUSP) Income Based -135%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines MINNESOTA Federal Public Housing Assistance Medicaid Low Income home Etmergy Assistance Program (LIII EAP) National School Lunch Program Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Supplemental Security Income Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Minnesota Family Investment Program Income Based -135%of time Federal Poverty Guidelines TerraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 20 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom hic.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 38 of44 NEBRASKA Medicaid Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (L1HEAP) Supplemental Nutrition Assistaitce Program (SNAP) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Kids Connection (SAM,MAC or EMAC) Federal Ptiblic Housing National School Lunch Program Free Lunch Program Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Ijicome Based -135%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines NEVADA Supplemental Security income Medicaid Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) National School Lunch Program Federal Public Housing Assistance Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Income Based -150%of the Federal Poverty Guidcliiics OKLAHOMA Supplemental Security Income (SSi) Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Vocational Rehabilitation (including aid to the hearing impaired) Tribal Administered Teniporary Assistance for Needy Families Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Oklahoma Sales Tax Relief National School Lunch Program’s Free Lunch Program Medicaid/Sooner Care Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Head Start (must meet income qualifying standard) Supplemental Nutrition Assistaiice Program (SNAP) Federal Public Housing Assistajice Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance Income Based -135%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines NOTE:No,i-TribaI areas in the State ofOklahoma include the counties of:Alfalfa,Harper,Jackson,Texas,Bcckhan County,and South ofthe North Fork River and the western halfof Ellis County,Beaver,Cimarron,Greer,and Harmi TEXAS Supplemental Security Income (551) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Medicaid federal Public Housing Assistance Health Benefit Coverage under Child Health Plait (ChIP) Income Based -150%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines Temporary Assistance for Needy Families National School Lunch Program’s Free Lunch Program TcrraCom,Inc. CONFII)ENTIAL DOCUMENI’ Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TemmCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 39 of44 US VIRGIN ISLANDS Aid to the Disabled Aid to the Blind General Assistance Aid to the Old Aged Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Federal Public Housing Assistance Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)(f/k/a Food Stamps) Medicaid Income Based -135%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines WEST VIRGINIA Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Supplemental Security Income Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) School Clothing Allowance Medicaid Low-Income Home Etiergy Assistance Program tLIIIEAP) federal Public Housing Assistance National School Lunch Program’s Free Lunch Program Income Based -135%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines WISCONSIN Federal Public Housing Assistance Temporary Assistance for Needy Families National School Lunch Program’s Free Lunch Program Ilomestead Tax Credit Badger Care Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicaid Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Wisconsin Works Income Based -135%of the federal Poverty Guidelines TerraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 40 of44 TERRACOM S’I’ATE ELIGIBLE PROGRAM DEFINITIONS Temporary Assistaitce for Needy Families (TANF)is a block grant created by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.as part of a tëderal effort to “end welfare as we know it.”The ‘IANF block grant replaced the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)program,which had provided cash welfare to poor families with children since 1935. lAid to Families with Dependent Children (AfDC)was the name of a federal assistance program in etfcct from 1935 to I 997,[l J which was administered by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.This program provided financial assistance to children whose families had low or no income.] Medicaid is a federally-funded,state-ran program that provides medical assistance for individuals and families with limited incomes and resources.It pays for your health care costs,including doctor’s visits and eye care. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program —This program provides support that enables recipients to purchase foodstuffs with support funds.The 2008 farm bill (HR.2419,the Pond,Conservation,and lnergy Act 01200$)was enacted May 22,2008 through an override of the President’s veto.The new law increased the coimnitment to Federal food assistance programs by more than $10 billion over the next 10 years.In efforts to fight stigma,the law changed the name of the Federal program to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP as of Oct.1,2008,and changed the name of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 to the food and Nutrition Act of 2008.States maintained flexibility to name the program on their own but were encouraged to change the name to SNAP or another alternate name. The Sales Tax Relief Act provides a $40 sales tax refund or credit for Oklahoma residents who lived in Oklahoma for the entire tax year iftheir yearly gross household income qualifies. The Low Income home Energy Assistance Program (LIIIEAP)-provides winter heating,energy crisis,summer cooling and/or weatherization and other energy-related home repair assistance to eligible low-income households throughout each year during specific application periods. The Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)-Vocational Rehabilitation Program helps Oklahomans with disabilities join or rejoin the workforce through career counseling,education,job placement and,when part of an approved employment plan,the purchase of specialized Iraining atid/or equipment. head Start Programs are administered locally by Community Action agencies,private nonprofit agencies,American Indian Tribes,and a school district.At the federal level,thc Head Start Bureau is part of the Administration for Children and families (ACF),United States Department of Health and lluman Services (l)HHS).Ten regional offices oversee the grant administration of Head Start grantees.Oklahoma is included in Region VI which is headquartered in Dallas.The grant administration of the 15 American Indian gratuees is overseen by a separate branch of the ACF Head Start Bureau in Washington,t)C. Public Housing was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families,the elderly,and persons with disabilities.Public housing comes in all sizes and types,from scattered single family houses to high-rise apartments for elderly families.There are approximately 1 .2 million households living in public housing unit Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance -The purpose of the Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance f11L4-Q,.4.)program is to provide cash assistance fur certain specified basic needs of individual Alaska Natives and American Indians,or families which include Alaska Natives and American TerraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 27 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-130l TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 41 of44 Indians.Covered needs include such items as food,clothing,shelter,and utilities;burial assistance may also be included as no essential need. The National School Lunch Program (NSLP)is a federally assistcd meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions,It provides nutritionally balanced and free lunches to children each school day.The program was established under the National School Lunch Act,signed by President Hany Truman in 1946. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)is a federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues (not Social Security taxes): •It is designed to help aged (those who arc 65 or older),blind,and disabled people,who have little or no income;and •It provides cash to meet basic needs for food,clothing,and shelter. What is the difference between Supplemental Security Income (SSI)&Social Security Disability? Social Security Disability:Those who receive Social Security Disability Benefits are those who have been employed in the United States and Social Security was taken out ofeach paycheck.They qualify for Social Security Disability because of their inability to work for a year or more because ofa severe impairment.They are considered disabled if the administration decides that they cannot do the work they did bet’ore and also cannot adjust to other work because of their medical conditions.Their disabilities must also last or be expected to last for at least one year or to result in death. This form of Social Security does not qualify a customer for the Lifeline service. ‘I’ransltional Employment Assistance Program (TEA)‘l’he TEA program is a state-administered program that serves families in every political subdivision in the state.‘Ihe TEA program is funded by federal funding from the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services under the l’emporaiy Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)block grant and is administered by the Arkansas l)epartment ofWorkforce Services.TEA provides thne-liinited cash assistance to needy families with (or expecting)children and furnishes parents with work training and other supportive services they need in order to attain permanent self-sufficiency.‘lhe welfare reform law changed the welfare system into one requiring participation in activities leading to employment as a condition of receiving time-limited services.The TEA program also provides assistance to children being cared for by non-parental guardians. federal Poverty Guidelines —(100%,150%,and 135%)The poverty guidelines arc issued each year in the Federal Register by the I)cparOnent of Health and Human Services (HHS).I’he guidelines are simplification of the poverty thresholds for usc of administrative purposes-for itistance,determining financial eligibility for certain federal programs. health Benefit Coverage under Child health Plan-The principal objective ofthe state child health plan is to provide primary and preventative health care to low-income,utsinsured children of this state, including children with special health care needs,who are not served by or eligible for other state assisted health insurance programs. School Clothing Allowance (SC1)-Since the rnid-70s,The West Virginia Department of Health & Human Resources has provided clothing vouchers for low-income school aged children.The program is funded through the Temporary Assistance to Needy families (TANF)block grant. TerraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 28 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-130l TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 42 of44 Mni’yland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)-MEAP is a statc program that helps recipients pay for the cost of heating their home,even if heat is included in the rent,MEAP will send mncy for the heating bill directly to the energy supplier (if he or she pays their own heating bill)or to the landlord (if heat is included in the rent).The amount received is based on income and energy usage. The Temporary Disabilits’Assistance Program (TDAP),fonnerly called TEMHA,is available to help low-income,disabled Marylanders with no other resources,to obtain cash,medical,and housing assistance.The program is funded through the State of Maryland to provide help to individuals without dependent children. The Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)Program is available to help disabled Marylanders receive cash assistance and can also help them to obtain Supplemental Security Income (SSI)from the Social Security Administration,This program offers cash and medical assistance to needy adults without children who live in Assisted Living,Certified Adult Residential Environment (CARE)Homes or Rehabilitative Residences. Wisconsin’s BatlgerCare Program is the program enacted by the Legislature and Govemor Thompson in the fall of 1997 (1997 Act 27)to make health care coverage available for the working poor.It provides family-based coverage for uninsured families with incomes between the current Medicaid limits and 185%of the federal poverty level (FPL).BadgerCare is financed with a combination of federal Title 19 and Title 21 funding,state revenue,and premiums (paid by families with incomes above 150%of FPL). The necessary federal waivers for BadgcrCare were approved on January 22,I 999. Wisconsin Works (W2)Payment.a Wisconsin Works (W2)payment is a payment received under the Wisconsin Works assistance program for participating in a community service job or a transitional placement,or a payment received as a caretaker of a newborn child.Note:Amounts received under the program for trial jobs are taxable wages and are not included in the definition of Wisconsin Works (W2) payment.Amounts received under the program for job access loans,health care coverage,child care subsidies,and transportation assistance are also not included in the definition of Wisconsin Works (W2) payment;these amounts are not includable in household income. Wisconsin Homestead Credit Claim --The homestead is the Wisconsin home occupied,whether owned or rented,and up to one acre of land adjoining it (or up to 120 acres of land if the homestead is part of a farm).For example,it may be a house,an apartment,a rented room,a mobile home,a fann,or a nursing home room.Unless the homestead is part of a farm,it does not include any part which is rented to others, used for business purposes,or a separate unit occupied by others rent free. Medical Assistance also generally lmown as Medicaid in most states. United Tribal Food Distribution Program-is to provide assistance for certain specified basic needs for individual Alaska Natives and American tndians,or families which include Alaska Natives and American Indians.Covered needs include such items as food as an essential need. Tribally Administered TANF-In 1996,Congress passed the t’crsonal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA),bringing an end to the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)Program.PRWORA replaced AFDC,Emergency Assistance,and the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills program,with the ‘femporamy Assistance for Needy families (TANF)block grant to States.Section 412 of the Act gave federally recognized Tribes the authority to independently design, administer,and operate their own Tribal TANF programs. ‘ferraCom,Inc. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 29 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 43 of 44 Aid to the Disabled —An applicant/recipient must be 18 years or older residing in the U.S.Virgin Islands.Resources such as saving/checking account and other property excluding the home in which you live cannot exceed $2,000.Benefits arc paid the 1st day of each month on a cash debit card.The monthly cash payment is $170.00. Aid to the Blind -No age limit for assistance under the Aid to the Blind program.An applicant/recipient must be a U.S.citizen or permanent resident residing in the Virgin Islands.Resources such as saving/checking account,other property excluding the home in which you reside cannot exceed $2000. Vehicle equity value cannot exceed $4,650.Benefits are paid the 1st day of each month on a cash debit card.l’he monthly cash payment is $1 70.00. Aid to tlic Old Aged -An applicanUrecipieiit must be 60 years or older residing in the U.S.Virgin Islands.You must be a U.S.citizen or pennanent resident alien.Resources such as saving/checking account,other property excluding the home in which you reside cannot exceed $2000.Vehicle equity value cannot exceed $4,650.Benefits are paid the 1St day of each month ott a cash debit card.The monthly cash payment is $170.00. TerraCom,Itic. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT 30 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.2 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 Tert-aCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 44 of 44 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TERRACOM,INC. RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF’S PRODUCTION REQUEST NO.4 Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.4 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 1 of3 SECTION 1 —RULES IMI’ORTANT:Please read this form carefully and liii it out corr4bietely.If you have questions,please ask for help.FOrrnn that orenot completed accurately will be rejected rusutling In a delay in your service or rejection of your uppllcation.By corrgrleting an application lr TerraCom Lifeline service,you cavity your eccoplunco 01 TerroCom’o Terms and Condilions located at hltpihnww.TerraConrwirel000.comttermsl. Liielate is a Federal government benefit program that otters a discount from your monthly phone service.Lifeline service ix available for only one line per household;a household is defined as any individuat or group 01 IndIviduals who live together at the same adclr050 arid shwe Income end expanses.Housetrolds are not permitted 10 receIve benetits (mm mutlipie providers and you may not reOolva multiple Lifeline discounts.You may apply your Lifeline discount to either one landline or one wireless number,but you cannot have the discount on bolh. Violufion of the one-per-household requirement is a violation of Federal floleu and wilt resuh In your removal from Ike program and potential praseculion by the United Slates grrvernmant.Applicants who wililulty make false statements in orderto obluin Liteltne benefits con be punishedby hire or impnnonment or con bn burred from the Clfeine program. You wilt be required to annually re.certity thatyou continue to qualify for Liteknebend to. SECTION 2-ELIGIBILITY BY PROGRAM (completeeilherSec(lon2or3) If you ore deponrtunt residing In your household are receiving benefits fromone or more 01 the programs listed below,please chockall fret apply.Proof of eligibility must be reviewed by an authorized TerruCom employee In some cases we maybeabletodetermine elgibillyvIa a state database,please ask yourrepresentative foryet0110, SECTION 3-ELIGIBILITY BY INCOME (complete either Soctlon2or3) If yourilrcome to et or below 135%of the tederalpoverfy guidelines,an shown below,you can quality for Lifeline, How many people are inyour Housxhokt7 fcumplnto onlyII qualifyIng underthis Section)1J Nmbrof peoplefetrweelteld TaffitArmue ermine Il Nwrla*rety.epl.leIretHndid TeleMnawi fexaloeL Nerimberof people n heseakeld Isle ilomal krmrrme at 1 person $15,512 3people $26,366 S people $37,220 2 people 620,939 4 people $31793 Each additional peruon $5,427 TO QUALIFY FOR INCOME EUGIBILITY,YOU MUST PROVIDE COPIES OF ONE OR MORE OF TIlE DOCUMENTS LISTED BELOW.IF YOU PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION THAT DOES NOT COVERA FULL YEAR (SUCH AS CURRENT PAY STUBS),YOU MUST SUBMITThREE (3)CONSECUTIVE MONTHS OF THE SAME TYPE OF DOCUMENT WITHIN THE CURRENTCALENDAR YEAR. Prioryear’sstale,federal or tribal teareturn •HetiremenuPenaiorm bevelIf ntatement •Divorce decree orchild support document Social Security banalilsstatement •Federal or tribal notice feller Dlparliclpution In Bureau01 Indian AffaIrs General AssIstance Last 4 diglto of your Social Security Number Tribal ID Nmxnber I 11 Ii I EmadAddress[ I I SECTION 5-QUALIFYING BENEFICIARY (Complete if Section 2 benefits are In a name other Ihan appficant -in Free Lunch Program) First Name Laid Name beiaI SECTION 6-STATE REQUIRED CUSTOMER INFORMATION NotApplicable irelessTerraCorn LIFELINE CERTIFICATION FORM STATE OF IDAHO SECTION 4-CUSTOMER INFORMATION P1rt Name RESIDEN17AIJPSRMANENT ADDRESS (P0Box not acceptable) orreer •UnemptoymentFNorknrs Comnponuatlon bandits statement •Current Income stulamenl trom employer or paycheck stub •VeteransAdministration benefits slutomertl Street BILLING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM RESIDENTIAUPERMANENTADDRESS) Middle LasI Name Initial Check hereIt this Is aTemporary Address [] ______________________________ 1 1Crty ]Stare I I IDlY J 1$tate Zmp Dote of BInh Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.4 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TenaCom Inc.’s Response to First Pmduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 2 of 3 SECTION 7-ONE PER HOUSEHOLD acknowledge that,to the best ofmy knowledge,rio one at my householdIs receIving aUlellne-ssppertad service Irom any other provider. ICutlonivi 10b815) SECTION 8-CUSTOMER SIGNATURE PLEASE flEADAND INITIAL THE FOLLOWING.BY SIGNING &INITIALING BELOW,YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM RULES: D I certify under penally of perjury that I eithar participate in the Indicated quatfying federal program or I meal the Income qualitication to establish my eligibility for Lifeline.If requIred to do so,I have provided accurate documentation of my eligibihty. I certify I am head of fhe household,I am an adult 18 years or older (unless an emancipated minor),I am not listed as a dependent on anotherperson’s tax return (unless over the age of 60)and lhe address britad is my primary residence. I confirm local voice service discounts under the low Income programs are limited to one per household end that my household is receiving no more than one Lifeline supported service.If I am participating In another Cifetne program af the time I apply for TerraCom Lifeline service,I agree to cancel D that Lifeline service wilh any other provider.I certify that I will only receive one Lifeline connection,wit not have simullanaous or multiple Lifeline discounts wittr enolher provider,I understand that I must inform TerraCom within 30 days 111(1)no longer participate In a federal qualifying program or programs or my annual household income eeceeds 135%of the Fedarat Poverty Guidelines;(2)1 am receiving more then one Liteilneaupportedserviceperhousehold;or (3)I,for any other reason,no longer satisfy the criteria for receiving Lifeline eupport.I attest under penalty of perjury thaI I understand this notification requirement,end that I may be subject to ponaltleaif I tall to follow this rule. D l acknowledge that I may be required to re’cartlly my continued eligibility for LIfeline at any time,end that failure to do so will result In the termination of the my Liteline benefits. D l understand that LIfeline service is a nen-treesfemiote refit iervlce offering,and that I may not transfer my setvtce to any otherIndMduel,lnckidlng another e8lble low-income consumer. I acknowledge and consent to the use of my name,telephone number,and address to be given to the Universal Service Administralive CompanyD(USAC)(the administrator of the program)end/ot its agents tot the purpose of verifying that t do not receive more than one Lifeline benahl,IunderstandthatrefusaltograntthispermissionwitmeanIemnotebgibleforLifelineservice.I also authorize TerraCom to access any records required to verity my 5tatements herein and to confirm my continued eligibility for Lifeline assistance. I undetstand that if I move,I must provide a new address to TerraCom within 30 days of my move.I understand that If I ptovided a Temporary Address,I must verify with TerreCom every 90 days that I am using the same address,I understand that if I tail to do so,I will lose my Lifelinediscount. By my signature below,I certity under penalty of perjury that I have read and understood this form end that t attest that the Information contained In Ihis application that I have provided Is true and Correct to the best of my knowledge and that I acknowledge that providing false or fraudulent intormalion to receive Lifeline benefits Is punishable by law. Signature1 I Todey’s oateIJ/j{/F SECTION 9-TRIBAL CERTIFICATION BY CHECKING IIERE AND MY SIGNATURE ABOVE I CERTIFY THAT MY ADDRESS IS ON FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED TRIBAL LANDS SECTION 10-INSTRUCTIONS Mail or Fax completed form to:TerraCom,Inc. Fax:1’877-221.Ooll Attention:Verlflcatlon/Recerttficatlon 5000 Atrium Way,Suite 8 Mount Laurel,NJ 08054 -3915 , — I hereby certify that I have followed the company’s procedures with regard to proof of eligibility.I also verify I have reviewed the necaosery documentation to verifyidentityandaddressoftheapplicant,and I am aware that talsillcalion of this is subject to termination or legal action by the company. Company Representative -Print Full Name (No Initials)Company Representalive Signature ESN Account Number MoNte Number Dale Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.4 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TerraCom Inc.’s Response to First Praduction Request ofthe Commission Staff Page 3 of3 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TERRACOM,INC. RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF’S PRODUCTION REQUEST NO.5 Response to Commission Staffs Production Request No.5 CASE NO.IRA-T-1301 TenaCom Inc.’s Response to first Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 1 of 3 V ‘irelessTerraom Yñiiñ7 /w i I I C U.v Revised Agent Code of Conduct TerraCoin /YourTcl have a commitment to provide the highest quality,most honest and professional Lifeline service available.To ensure every aspect of our business is conducted with this goal in mind,the Agent Code ofConduct sets forth the principles and practices to which Agents will adhere. I.Agents and their employees shall conduct themselves in a professional business manner when talking to customers,other Agents,other Agent employees,Agent Support Staff,Customer Service and company Management. 2.Agents and their employees shall not engage in any deceptive,false,unethical,unfair,&/or illegal consumer sales practices,marketing practices or recruiting practices.Agents shall ensure that no statements,promises or testimonials are made that are likely to mislead consumers or prospective Agent employees. 3.Agents and their employees must comply with all requirements of law,including the Federal Communications Commission’s Lifeline rules.While this Code does not restate all legal obligations,compliance with all pertinent laws and regulations by Agents and their employees is a condition of acceptance and continuing partnership with TetTaCom /Yourfel. 4.Information provided by Agents and their employees to customers shall be accurate and complete.Agents and their employees shall not make any representation to customers that cannot be verified,or make any promise that cannot he fulfilled. 5.Agents and their employees shall educate all potential customers ofthe benefits and requirements ofTenaCom /YourTcl’s l,ifelinc-supported products and services before having the consumer complete an enrollment application for Lifeline-supported services. 6.Agents and their employees shall not abuse the trust of customers,or exploit a customer’s age, illness,handicap,lack of understanding of the Lifeline program,or unfamiliarity with a language. 7.Any marketingmaterials created by the Agent must be approved by TerraCom /Yourl’cl’s Regulatory and Agent Support departments and must clearly state that the service is Lifeline- supported;that Lifeline benefits are limited to a single line of service per residence,no multiple Lifeline benefits are permitted and the discount may apply to one landline OR one wireless number,but not both;and that not all Lifeline services are marketed under the name Lifeline. 8.Agents and their employees will he required to complete the TerraCom/YourTel sales training program that includes training on all Lifeline compliance requireTnents.Only upon completion of the TeimCom /YourTcl Agent training can an Agent or their employees be certified to sell the services ofTerraCorn /YourTel. Initials TerraCom /VourTel Agent Code of Conduct Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.5 CASE NO.TRA-T-130l TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Production Request of the Commission Staff Page 2 of 3 IreIe5sTerraom LVLTTrSr I 9.Agents and their employees must follow the steps outlined below,before accepting a Lifeline form from a customer: •See the customer’s photo ID •Sec proof of the customer’s eligibility •Confirm that identity matches that ofphoto ID •Require the customer to confirm that they arc not currently receiving a Lifeline subsidy from other provider and inform the consumer that not all Lifeline services are marketed under the name Lifeline. 1 0.Agents must submit a valid ID to TerraCom /YourTel for all personnel selling or supporting TerraCom I Yourlcl’s Lifeline service offerings,so that personnel can be formally registered and then certified with TerraCorn /YourTel. 11.Agents are required to report,within 24 hours of discovety,atty waste,fraud and abuse identified from any source,Discovery and confirmation of the fidlure to do so will result in immediate termination. 12.Any returned orders that are identified as being potentially fraudulent will trigger an immediate investigation.If Agent misconduct is confirmed,the Agent will be asked that the employee be immediately terminated from all TerraCom /YourTcl-rclated activity and the fraudulent account(s)will be a charge-back to the Agent.If the Agent/Dealer is found to be a repeat offender,the Agent will be terminated. 13.Agents understand that ‘terraCorn /YourTel make the ultimate decision regarding certification and verification to enroll a subscriber for Lifeline service or not. 14.Agents agree to cooperate and work fully with TerraCom /Your’l’el,state and federal law enforcement authorities,the FCC,USAC and state public utility commissions to detect and resolve duplicate and or fraudulent Lifeline claims. Agent Company Name: Rcprcscntativc Signature: Printed Name: Title: ___________________________________________________________________ InitIals TerraCom /YourTel Agent Code of Conduct Response to Commission Staff’s Production Request No.5 CASE NO.TRA-T-1301 TermCom Inc.’s Response to First Pwduction Request of the Commission Staff Page 3 of3 Date: