HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110418Vol I Technical Hearing.pdfORIGINAL "BEFORE THE IDAHÒ PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TRACFONE WIRELESS, INC., FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER CASE NO. TFW-T-09-01 TECHNICAL HEARING HEARING BEFORE ;:-0::::m("ii ~c:-- en ~ COMMISSIONER MARSHA H. SMITH (Presiding) COMMISSIONER JIM D. KEMPTON COMMISSIONER MACK A. REDFORD --..a .:(. .' PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho DATE:March 31, 2011 VOLUME I - Pages 1 - 210 . POST OFFICE BOX 578 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208-336-9208 COURT REPORTING J'ef~ tk ¥ ~,fÍtee 19 . . 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 1 APPEARANCES 2 3 For the Staff:NEIL PRICE, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 4 5 For TracFone:GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP by MITCHELL F. BRECHER, Esq. 2101 L Street Northwest, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20037 -and- McDEVITT & MILLER, LLP by DEAN J. MILLER, Esq. 420 West Bannock Street Boise, Idaho 83702 6 7 8 9 10 11 For Intervenor CTC Telecom: RICHARDSON & 0' LEARY by MOLLY O'LEARY, Esq. Post Office Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 12 13 14 For Intervenor Idaho Telecom Alliance: GIVENS PURSLEY, LLP CYNTHIA A. MELILLO, Esq. Post Office Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 8370115 16 17 18 19 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 APPEARANCES . . 20 21 22 23 24.25 1 I N D E X 2 WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE 3 4 Jose Fuentes (TracFone) Sworn Mr. Brecher (Direct) Prefiled DirectMr. Brecher (Direct-cont.) Prefiled Rebuttal Mr. Price (Cross) Ms. O'Leary (Cross) Ms. Melillo (Cross) Commissioner Kempton Commissioner Redford Commissioner Smith Commissioner RedfordMr. Brecher (Redirect) 35 36 38 70 72 102 119 163 178 192 198 198 199 14 NUMBER PAGE 15 For TracFone: 16 1.Available International Destinations, 2 pgs Premarked 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 EXHIBITS 13 17 2.SafeLink Wireless Terms and Conditions, Premarked 16 pgs18 19 FCC 05-165, Order, CC Docket No. 96-45, Premarked 14 pgs 3. 4.PremarkedFCC 09-17, Order, CC Docket 96-45, 7 pgs 5.PremarkedCTIA Consumer Code for Wireless Service, 4 pgs 6.SafeLink Wireless Privacy Policy, 5 pgs Premarked 7 .Maine PUC Order, Docket No. 2009-263, 13 pgs Premarked HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 INDEX EXHIBITS . . 20 21 22 23 24.25 1 8.Maine PUC Notice of Investigation, Docket No. 2010-47, 5 pgs Premarked 2 9. 3 Maine PUC Notice of Rulemaking, Docket No. 2010-340, 9 pgs Premarked 4 10.Arizona Corporation Commission Premarked Recommendation, Docket T-20 664A-09-014 8, 21 pgs5 6 11.FCC 08-100, Order, CC Docket No. 96-45, Premarked 16 pgs 7 12. 8 FCC DA 11-54, Order, CC Docket No. 96-45, 7 pgs Premarked 9 13.Silver Star Communications information, Premarked 5 pgs 10 14.CTC Wireless information, 4 pgs Premarked 11 15.Syringa information, 6 pgs Premarked 12 16. 13 United States Statutes Title 47, Chapter 5, Subchapter I, 2 pgs Marked 204 14 For Staff 15 103. 16 Supreme Court of Washington Opinion, 170 Wash.2d 273, 242 P.3d 810, 18 pgs Marked 108 17 For the Intervenors: 18 207.124 19 Corporation Commission of Oklahoma Order No. 575501, 11 pgs Marked 208.Massachusetts DTC 10-6, 10/19/10, 6 pgs Marked 131 209.134Idaho PUC Order No. 29841, 26 pgs Marked 210.Marked 146Confidential 211.Marked 153CTC Wireless plans, 2 pgs 212.176California PUC Resolution T-17235, 29 pgs Marked HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 EXHIBITS . . . 1 BOISE, IDAHO, THURSDAY, MARCH 31,2011, 9:30 A.M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Good morning, ladies and 5 gentlemen. This is the time and place set for a hearing before 6 the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission in Case No. TFW-T-09-01, 7 further identified as In the matter of the Application of 8 TracFone Wireless, Inc., for designation as an eligible 9 telecommunications carrier. 10 We'll begin today with the appearances of the 11 parties, beginning with the Applicant. 12 MR. MILLER: Thank you, Madam Chairman. Dean J. 13 Miller of the firm McDevitt and Miller on behalf of the 14 Applicant. 15 Let me also introduce Mr. Rick Brecher who has 16 been previously admitted as counsel for this case; and also 17 Mr. Jose Fuentes, the director of public affairs for TracFone, 18 who, as you know, will be the TracFone witness. 19 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Thank you. 20 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Mr. Miller. Could you 21 spell your last name? 22 MR. BRECHER: Yes, I could, Commissioner Redford. 23 It's Brecher, B-R-E-C-H-E-R, with the law firm of Greenberg 24 Traurig in Washington, DC. 25 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Thank you. 1 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY . . . 1 MR. BRECHER: And to lend a little more confusion 2 to an already confused record, I was introduced as "Rick," I go 3 by "Rick," but my real name is "Mitchell." So when I sign 4 pleadings, it's "Mitchell F. Brecher"; same guy. 5 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Thank you. 6 MR. BRECHER: There you have it. 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much. 8 And for the Staff? 9 MR. PRICE: Neil Price, deputy attorney general, 10 representing Commission Staff. 11 With me is Grace Seaman, Staff witness. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Ms. 0' Leary. 13 MS. 0' LEARY: Molly 0' Leary, appearing on behalf 14 of CTC Telecom, doing business as CTC Wireless. 15 And just to share with Mr. Brecher, my legal name 16 is "Mary" but I go by "Molly," so there you go. 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. And for ITA. 18 MS. MELILLO: Cynthia Melillo with the law firm 19 of Givens Pursley, representing the Idaho Telecom Alliance, and 20 I actually go by my real name. 21 And shall I introduce -- and with CTC and ITA, we 22 have Dan Trampush as our witness. 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Thank you. 24 MS. MELILLO: And Jerry Piper as well. 25 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Who is -- 2 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 COLLOQUY . . . 1 MS. MELILLO: He is the president of the ITA and 2 general manager of CTC. 3 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Thank you. 4 As far as my records show, these are all the 5 parties to the case, so we -- I believe I have some Motions to 6 take up before we begin with the testimony. And are those 7 yours, Melillo or O'Leary? Which? 8 MS. 0' LEARY: Yes, Madam Chair, I am going to 9 take up the -- provide the argument that we have on our Motions 10 to Compel and our Motions in Limine. We filed these Motions 11 last week at the end of the week because of the time crunch 12 that we were under. I'm going to just basically address the 13 Rule that applies and the record before the Commission. The 14 I'm sorry. TracFone' s attorney did file a Response to our 15 Motion to Compel, and I would like to address those arguments. 16 The first argument in Response to our Motions to 17 Compel, Motions in Limine, was that we violated the 18 Commission's Rule 256.02, and that was a failure to confer. I 19 would just like to say straight up that they are correct, we 20 did not confer, and I apologize for that. It was an 21 inadvertent omission on my part. It just simply occurred in 22 the rush to respond to their obj ections and the context of this 23 looming hearing date. And I know Joe well, he's a good 24 attorney, and my apologies to Joe for not having called him. 25 So that's that issue. 3 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT .1 A good portion of TracFone' s Response to our 2 Motions to Compel and Motions in Limine is spent on the issue 3 of presumed or implied delay, and that argument is wholly 4 unfounded. TracFone, really, as this Commission knows from the 5 record before it, is the party that has repeatedly delayed. It 6 filed an inadequate Application which it later had to amend; it 7 failed to hire local counsel, in violation of this Commission's 8 Rule and of Bar Commission Rule 2.22, and that failure 9 continued for five months -- more than five months -- even 10 after it was pointed out to TracFone. I think that's -- that 11 would qualify as delay. In light of their failure to hire 12 local counsel until late October, this matter was not properly.13 before the Commission until such time as they were in full 14 compliance with this Commission's Rules. 15 In addition, in light of TracFone' s withdrawal of 16 its ETC Applications in other jurisdictions where it has 17 encountered opposition, Intervenors did not feel it was wise to 18 propound discovery until it was clear that TracFone intended to 19 go forward with its Idaho Application. 20 And as this Commission also knows from the record 21 before it, even in the year-plus that this matter has been 22 before the Commission in one form or another, the facts have 23 changed. It's a shifting landscape. So to propound discovery 24 five months before they have local counsel and in the midst of.25 their changing service offering would have gotten us 4 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT .1 ineffective Responses, which we would have simply had to redo. 2 That's not a good use of your resources or the parties' 3 resources. 4 As you know, a scheduling conference was held by 5 the parties November 15th once they -- again, once they had 6 local counsel, but at that point in time, even though we came 7 prepared to set forth a schedule for a hearing including 8 discovery deadlines and testimony deadlines, instead what we 9 met was a position advocated by TracFone that we didn't even 10 need a hearing. And the result of that November 15th 11 scheduling conference was this decision that we should file an 12 issues brief..13 We were against that. We thought we should have 14 gone ahead with the scheduling conference as this Commission 15 had ordered us to do -- in fact, had ordered it to be done 16 clear back in the spring, six months earlier but, again, 17 that was delayed because of TracFone' s failure to hire local 18 counsel. So instead of going forward with the scheduling 19 conference at that point in time and scheduling a hearing and 20 discovery and testimony, what we ended up instead was a 21 three-month delay. 22 We filed a issues brief for this Commission to 23 consider, which it did consider, and as a result of that filing 24 we are here today. We did decide -- you decided, rather.25 that a technical hearing was, in fact, important in this matter 5 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 of first impression. That was like another three-month delay, 2 because the Commission's Order for the technical hearing came 3 out February 17th. 4 And just to back up for a minute, the Commission 5 took up the matter of our issues brief on whether or not we -- 6 a hearing -- a technical hearing was needed in this matter on 7 January 24th. At the conclusion of that technical hearing, I 8 visi ted with Mr. Price, the Commission's attorney on this 9 Application, and expressly requested of him that whatever 10 hearing date we came up with, that there was enough time built 11 into the schedule for appropriate discovery, not only for us to 12 propound our discovery but for the TracFone to answer the 13 discovery. And I also specifically noted that there had been 14 discovery disputes in many jurisdictions where TracFone has 15 submi tted their ETC Applications, that it was -- it was very 16 clear or predictable that we would have discovery disputes here 17 as well, and that that needed to be factored into the issue. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: So, Ms. 0' Leary, I think the 19 Commission is aware there are discovery disputes, so I guess 20 could we focus the discussion on what the discovery disputes 21 are, what was asked for, what was not provided, why should it 22 be compelled? 23 MS. O'LEARY: Okay. 24 COMMISSIONER SMITH: The whole -- 25 MS. O'LEARY: Yes, Madam Chair. 6 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT .1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We will stipulate there's a 2 tortured history. 3 MR. BRECHER: What? 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I said, "We will stipulate 5 there's a tortured history." 6 MS. 0' LEARY: The tortured history has been 7 stipulated to. Thank you. 8 So now we get to the real issue, as you say, and 9 that is the relevance of our Discovery Requests. I'm going to 10 take these in the order of the Discovery Requests that were 11 asked, referring to our First Production Request and those 12 questions, and then our Second Production Request..13 Our First Production Request was basically for 14 financial information. As you know from reviewing the 15 materials submitted by TracFone, they make much ado about the 16 free nature of their Lifeline service and the related handset. 17 They also claim that 100 percent of the Lifeline support that 18 they receive from the federal USF flows through to the 19 customers. They make these claims as a basis for this 20 Commission to determine whether its proposed service meets all 21 applicable federal Rules and this Commission's Rules and is in 22 the public interest. 23 Intervenors' Production Requests 7 and 10, I'm 24 going to speak to the relevance of those. Production Request 7.25 is essentially we ask for the business plans, budgets, 7 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 forecasts, and margin analyses or related studies showing 2 profi tabili ty by product or service. No. 10, we asked for some 3 financial information regarding the cost of the so-called free 4 handsets. 5 In a confidential Response to our Production 6 Request No. 21, TracFone identified the number of customers it 7 expects to capture the first three years if it is granted ETC 8 status. Because of the confidential nature of that, we don't 9 need to go into numbers. TracFone' s rebuttal testimony, 10 however, claims that it is going to increase participation in 11 the Lifeline program anywhere from 100 to 600 percent. 12 The budgets or forecasts that we have asked for 13 would enable us to confirm what they really expect to achieve. 14 The margin analyses that we asked for would shed light on how 15 much of the forecasted support would be passed through to 16 customers, versus how much of the support is actually retained 17 by TracFone. The forecasts that we asked for would show how 18 the cost of the handsets which TracFone asserts they give away 19 and absorb the cost of are actually treated by TracFone from a 20 budget business case standpoint. 21 Bear in mind that those handset costs were the 22 subj ect of the ex parte disclosure that the FCC -- or, that 23 TracFone made to the FCC and which prompted us to say, No, we 24 really do need to get this information. They're providing it 25 elsewhere and we are going to come forward with a Motion to 8 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . 1 Compel based on that. 2 Which, by the way, we discovered the ex parte 3 communication on March 23rd and we filed our Motion to Compel 4 the following day. No delay there; 24-hour turnaround. 5 Intervenors' First Production Request No. 14 had 6 to do with copies of the Reseller Agreements that TracFone has 7 entered into with its underlying carriers. That would be AT&T, 8 T-Mobile, and Verizon. TracFone only provided the AT&T 9 Agreement in Response to Staff's First Production Request 31, 10 and in that document that they provided to Staff, the cost data 11 towards the back of the Agreement was redacted. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. So I'm looking at 13 Request No. 14 -- 14 MS. 0' LEARY: Uh-huh. 15 COMMISSIONER SMITH:and it asks for 16 Resellers' Agreements or contracts with T-Mobile and Verizon 17 Wireless. 18 MS. 0' LEARY: Yes, it does. The point being we 19 did have, because of the Production Request propounded by 20 Staff, we did have a copy -- a redacted copy -- of the AT&T 21 Agreement. 22 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. MS. O'LEARY: What we did ask for in 14 was in 24 the Staff's Request 31 to TracFone, they asked for these --.25 they asked for all three. They got one and TracFone promised 9 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 to give them the other two. The other two never showed up. So 2 by the time we were involved and did our discovery, we noted 3 that and said, Well, let's get these other two Agreements. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. Okay, got it. 5 MS. 0' LEARY: So the AT&T Agreement, by the 6 way -- again, we don't have to go into it right at this 7 moment but it was provided confidentially to the Staff. I 8 just want to make note of that. 9 The reason we asked for these Agreements was 10 because these Agreements will provide the Commission with 11 information regarding the duration of the contracts and terms 12 if TracFone is a pure reseller,for cancellation; how long 13 its service -- its ability to serve customers in Idaho depends 14 on those underlying contracts. I think it's important for this 15 Commission to know exactly how long TracFone is going to be 16 able to provide the service it's asking for ETC designation 17 for. 18 The other important element of these contracts 19 would be the coverage which is relevant to TracFone' s proposed 20 service area. I'm sure this Commission has come to the 21 realization by looking at the record that the issue of 22 TracFone' s coverage is really 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Which question was that? 24 MS. 0' LEARY: This was No. 14, Reseller 25 Agreements. 10 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Okay. 2 MS. O'LEARY: I'm telling you why they're 3 relevant, why we are asking for them. We're asking for them to 4 get to the terms and conditions for cancellation of the 5 contracts and the expected contract duration; also to be able 6 to look at their coverage so that we could line that up with 7 what they are saying that their proposed service area is; and 8 then the other piece of it is the direct cost of the data. I 9 mean, it's purchased from the underlying carriers. That is 10 relevant to knowing how much of the Lifeline support TracFone 11 receives is actually passed through to the customers. This 12 pass-through of 100 percent of its Lifeline support is an issue 13 that TracFone has promoted in this proceeding and is saying 14 that this is one of the reasons why the Commission should rule 15 in favor of its Application 16 And then, finally, in the financial portion of 17 this discovery discussion, we had our Request for Production 18 No. 24, and in that one, we asked for measures used by TracFone 19 to monitor quality of service and internal management reports 20 for the past three years. Again, TracFone responded in part 21 with a confidential Response; however, that Response was 22 incomplete. The Response lists two types of measures, 23 discloses two data points about answer time and time 24 resolution, but that's all. The Answer is incomplete and 25 TracFone should be compelled to fully answer this Request, as 11 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 this Request goes to the issue of whether TracFone meets this 2 Commission's requirement that an ETC Applicant be able to 3 demonstrate its commitment to service quality. TracFone says 4 it will provide service quality comparable to other ILECs, but 5 there is no evidence in this record to support that claim. And 6 these this Discovery Request was intended to see what 7 evidence there might actually be, either in favor or against 8 that claim. 9 Then, finally, the Second Production Request that 10 we filed a Motion to Compel on was we asked for all of the 11 communications between TracFone and/or its agents and Governor 12 Otter or Representative Jaquet and/or any of their agents. We 13 received an objection to that Request March the 23rd, and we 14 filed our Motion to Compel the following day; again, a 24-hour 15 turnaround, not evidence of delay. 16 The reason that that information is relevant is 17 because that is in the record, intended presumably to show that 18 there's a lot of political support for this Application, that 19 someone no less than the Governor of the State of Idaho has 20 said, Yes, this is a good thing for Idaho; and we think it's 21 important that those letters be viewed in the context in which 22 they were written. 23 There was -- we were simply trying to get to 24 evidence of, well, what did Governor Otter know when he wrote 25 that letter? Did he know about all the various issues that are 12 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 going to come to light in this hearing. 2 We did get a Response from TracFone yesterday, 3 just before noon yesterday. It was a one-page Response, and it 4 essentially was saying that their lobbyist had visited with -- 5 had oral communications with Representative Jaquet and had oral 6 communications with Governor Otter or his office, but they 7 acknowledged that the information was incomplete and could not 8 be completed because their lobbyist is out of the country. 9 So, in conclusion, I would like to again renew 10 our Motion to Compel the Response to these Discovery Requests 11 or, in the alternative, to strike from the record any claims by 12 TracFone related to these Discovery Requests which they have 13 refused to provide information to support. 14 And, you know, just as a final note, if, in fact, 15 the Commission would prefer to wrap this all up very quickly 16 and simply deny TracFone' s Application based on the record 17 before it, we would support that Decision as well. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I guess, Mr. Brecher, are 19 you going to be the person speaking or 20 MR. BRECHER: Yes, I am. 21 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. So before we get to 22 that, Ms. O'Leary, I just want to let you know that we'll hear 23 his Response and then any final comments you have, but if you 24 seriously want to strike material from witnesses' testimony, 25 you need to be prepared with page and line number. It's just 13 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 we'll rule on your Motion to Compel the discovery, but if 2 that's not adequate and you have a desire to strike testimony, 3 you're going to have to be prepared with page number and a line 4 reference. 5 Mr. Brecher. 6 MR. BRECHER: Thank you, Commissioner Smith. 7 Good morning. I'm Mitchell Brecher for TracFone. 8 Let me just say as a preliminary matter with 9 respect to the -- 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Just one moment. One more 11 clarification: The First Production Request has I think 50 12 questions, but we are only dealing with Nos. 7, 10, 21, 14, and 13 24. Is that correct? 14 MS. 0' LEARY: I don't think there's a -- excuse 15 me. I didn't have my -- 16 We're dealing with 7, 10 -- just 7 and 10, 14, 17 and 24. The reference to 21 was simply to explain why the 18 other information as a whole was important. 19 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right, so just four of 20 the 50. Okay, thank you. 21 MR. BRECHER: May I proceed? 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Yes, please. 23 MR. BRECHER: Thank you. As a preliminary 24 matter, with respect to the Intervenors' acknowledged violation 25 of Rule 256.02, let me just state: Apology accepted. All of 14 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 us who practice law from time to time make missteps. I've 2 missed them, I've missed deadlines, I've failed to comply with 3 discovery Rules. It happens to everybody. No hard feelings. 4 That said, there are reasons for Rules, and in 5 the case of discovery, there are meet and compel -- meet and 6 confer requirements to avoid exactly the situation we're in 7 today: Wasting your resources and your time arguing about 8 issues that the parties could have resolved. Rules have 9 consequences, and if you don't follow them, you pay the price 10 for not following them. 11 Now, as far as the concerns about delay -- and I 12 don't want to dwell on delay because I think you are much more 13 interested in the substantive concerns -- let me just say that 14 whatever delay TracFone caused back in 2009 by not filing what 15 was deemed to be a satisfactory Application and not engage in 16 local counsel, that was TracFone' s responsibility; and, quite 17 candidly, TracFone paid a stiff price for that: The initial 18 Application was denied, we had to go through reconsideration, 19 TracFone had to reapply. So that's, as far as I'm concerned, 20 is water over the dam. The delay that we're talking about in 21 this Petition is a delay in the hearing once the hearing on the 22 Amended Application has been scheduled. 23 Now, let me walk you through very quickly the 24 timeline: 25 Hearing was scheduled for March 31st. 15 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 There was a March 11th Response date for the 2 Discovery Requests that were submitted to TracFone by the 3 Intervenors, and under the Rules of this Commission, objections 4 had to be lodged one week in advance. 5 On March 4, 2011, TracFone filed a series of 6 obj ections to those Discovery Requests. 7 The Intervenors had from March 4th until March 8 24th or 25th, knowing full well about the objections, to 9 obj ect. They didn't have to wait until three or four business 10 days before the hearing. 11 Okay, I don't want to belabor that; let's move 12 on. 13 The first -- the first Discovery Request that for 14 which information is being compelled is No.7, which is a 15 detailed -- or, excuse me, business plans, budgets, and 16 forecasts. I understand that discovery is liberally construed 17 to look to seek information that could lead to admissible 18 evidence, and I realize that the discovery material need not 19 itself be admissible. That said, discovery is not an unlimited 20 license to engage in a fishing expedition about an Applicant's 21 business. The scope of discovery has to be reasonably limited 22 to the subj ect matter of the proceeding, and this proceeding is 23 about whether or not TracFone Wireless meets the specified 24 qualifications for designation as an eligible 25 telecommunications carrier, under applicable federal law and 16 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT .1 applicable Idaho law, and whether that would meet the 2 designation would meet the public interests. And its business 3 plans and its forecasts, which are admittedly nothing more than 4 best guesses, has nothing to do with whether or not it meets 5 the qualifications, the qualification requirements, and whether 6 or not designation would serve the public interest. 7 As far as the handset costs, let's put this to 8 rest once and for all. TracFone is a designated ETC in 36 9 states. It provides Lifeline service in all but two or three 10 of those states which it simply hasn't brought out the service 11 yet. Every TracFone customer in each of those states receives 12 a telephone, a wireless handset, paid for by TracFone. Whether.13 that phone costs a dollar, $10, or $100, it's coming out of 14 TracFone' s pocket. There is not a scintilla of evidence in the 15 record of this proceeding that any portion of that handset cost 16 is being paid for by anybody but TracFone; and how much that -- 17 how much that telephone costs TracFone has nothing to do with 18 who's paying for it. Okay? What it pays to its vendors -- and 19 TracFone' s handset vendors are the leading vendors of wireless 20 telecommunications equipment that are household names of all of 21 you: Motorola, Samsung, LG, Nokia, and so on -- those are the 22 product of confidentially-negotiated business relationships 23 between TracFone and those vendors. That is none of the 24 Intervenors' business. How much those handsets cost is not.25 relevant to whether or not designation of TracFone as an ETC in 17 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT .1 Idaho would serve the public interest. There is no dispute, 2 there can be no dispute, that neither the ratepayers nor the 3 federal Universal Service Fund nor any state fund is going to 4 contribute a dime to payment of those handsets. 5 As far as the Agreements with the underlying -- 6 with TracFone' s underlying carriers AT&T, Verizon Wireless, and 7 T-Mobile, I understand that this Commission, like many State 8 Commissions, is very familiar with regulated reseller 9 arrangements between CLECs, other resellers, and 10 facilities-based carriers. Under Section 252 of the 11 Communications Act, as I'm sure that you're aware, the prices 12 that companies pay to resell or acquire access to incumbent.13 telephone companies' networks is regulated. In sharp contrast 14 to that, Wholesale Agreements between underlying wireless 15 providers and resellers are what the term "de jure" is; mobile 16 virtual network operators like TracFone, those Agreements are 17 not regulated, they are not subject to the provisions of the 18 Communications Act, they are the result of arms-length 19 negotiations. And let me tell you what happens: 20 TracFone sits down periodically with each of 21 those vendors: With AT&T, with Verizon Wireless, with 22 T-Mobile. TracFone wants to get as much capacity from those 23 carriers at the lowest possible price. And, guess what? Each 24 of those vendors wants TracFone to pay the highest possible.25 price. And the more service that TracFone is willing to buy, 18 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT .1 the more those vendors are willing to offer a favorable 2 wholesale price. The point is that those are the result of 3 very proprietary arms-length business negotiations, and what 4 TracFone pays or doesn't pay to its vendors is not relevant to 5 whether or not it meets the qualifications of being an eligible 6 telecommunications carrier. 7 Now, I heard Ms. 0' Leary suggest that those 8 Agreements would be necessary in order to determine TracFone' s 9 coverage. With all due respect, that is simply incorrect. 10 There is nothing in those Agreements that address coverage. 11 What those Agreements address is price and the terms of 12 service. If you want to know where AT&T has coverage in.13 Ohio -- excuse me, in Idaho -- it's not terribly difficult: 14 You go to AT&T and you get its coverage map, the same for 15 T-Mobile, the same for Verizon Wireless. TracFone' s coverage 16 area is the sum of the coverage areas of each of those 17 carriers. Those coverage maps are readily available from the 18 carriers and from other sources. In fact, we have provided 19 coverage maps, and our coverage maps are not created by us, 20 believe me. They are simply compendia of the underlying 21 carriers' coverage maps. The point is there is nothing in the 22 Agreements that would provide any information about where in 23 Idaho those carriers have coverage that isn't available already 24 on the record in this proceeding..25 Now, as far as the fore-going back to the 19 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT .1 forecasts, I heard Ms. 0' Leary state -- I may have 2 misunderstood -- that TracFone represented that it would 3 increase the participation in the Lifeline program in Idaho by 4 100 to 600 percent. 5 Well, that's not quite what TracFone said, 6 because TracFone doesn't know how much it's going to increase 7 participation by. It thinks it will increase it by quite a 8 bit. It expends considerable effort in resources to attract 9 Lifeline customers. 10 What it said in Response to a Data Request is 11 that in other states, it had been able to increase Lifeline 12 participation by 100 to 600 percent. And I believe that we.13 provided -- it may have been in Mr. Fuentes' rebuttal 14 testimony, I don't recall -- examples of other states where 15 the -- we provided the range of increase in Lifeline 16 participation. We don't know how successful the Company is 17 going to be in Idaho. We hope it's going to be very 18 successful. We hope that tens of thousands of low-income 19 households who are not Lifeline participants today will 20 participate in the TracFone Lifeline program, but it is 21 impossible to project how many will. It depends on the market, 22 it depends on the economy, it depends on competition. If three 23 other companies come into the state and offer a similar 24 service, it will be harder for TracFone to attract customers.25 than if nobody else does. We can't control those factors. 20 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 As far as quality of service, we have described 2 in the testimony the way TracFone provides service and the way 3 it addresses customer complaints, and I think the record is 4 ample in that respect. 5 As far as how long the Company will be providing 6 service, let's get this straight, let's get this clear: 7 TracFone began to provide wireless resale service to the 8 goingUni ted States in 1996. It's been at this going on 14 9 on 15 years. It's got a pretty good track record. I am not 10 worried about AT&T pulling the plug next month and forcing 11 TracFone to shut its doors in the state of Idaho. Its track 12 record speaks for itself. It's been an MVNO for 15 years, it 13 has managed to procure network capacity services from 14 underlying that enable it to provide the service efficiently 15 and economically for all that time. 16 Now, one last point and then I'll close: There's 17 been a lot of discussion about this issue of whether or not the 18 entirety of the Universal Service Fund support that TracFone 19 receives is going to flow through to consumers. Here's what we 20 know based on the existing record: 21 We know that every ETC in the state, wireline and 22 wireless, gets about the same amount of support from the 23 federal Universal Service Fund, and that amount of support 24 and it's all codified in the FCC's Rules. I refer you to 25 47 CFR 54.403 which sets the ground rules, and there's Tier 21 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 One, Tier Two, and Tier Three support. The only variable is 2 Tier One is based on the subscriber line charge of the local 3 exchange carrier, and if it's 6.50, then the total support is 4 $10. If it's less than 6.50, it's a little bit less than $10. 5 If TracFone's an ETC, it will get $10 or thereabouts per month 6 for every Lifeline customer it signs up, just as each of 7 Ms. O'Leary's and Ms. Melillo's ETC clients get the same $10. 8 So then it seems, to me, what's relevant is 9 whether or not the amount of service that TracFone provides 10 with that $10 is comparable to the amount of service that other 11 ETCs provide receiving the same $10; and this is not the time 12 to argue the substance of our case, but I think that the record 13 will demonstrate that at the very least, the service is 14 comparable. 15 Now, one last point, and that was on the Second 16 Data Request, which was a Request for information regarding the 17 communications with Governor Otter and Representative Jaquet. 18 As Ms. 0' Leary pointed out, TracFone provided Response to that 19 Request yesterday, and it provided all the information that it 20 had. And all it said was that it engaged the services of a 21 professional public relations lobbying consultant here in 22 Idaho -- a Mr. Reberger who I have never met; I'm sure you are 23 familiar with him -- to represent TracFone in trying to obtain 24 support from public officials, including the Governor. 25 Well, this is the United States of America. In 22 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 the United States of America, people are allowed to petition 2 their government and ask their local -- their elected officials 3 to support them. My client does it, the Intervenors do it. 4 It's perfectly permissible. There is nothing secretive about 5 it, there is nothing not aboveboard about it. TracFone 6 retained a consultant; we identified the consultant. 7 Unfortunately, Mr. Reberger is out of the country, so whatever 8 e-mails or notes or telephone calls he had were not available 9 to us. If they were, I would provide them. If they become 10 available, I will provide them later. But there's no secret 11 about it. TracFone engaged its professional service provider 12 to procure that support 13 I don't want to wear out my welcome. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: That's very wise. 15 Ms. 0' Leary. 16 MS. 0' LEARY: Thank you, Madam Chair. I would 17 like to just respond briefly to Mr. Brecher's argument. He did 18 touch again on the issue of delay briefly; I'm not going to go 19 on ad nauseum about that. 20 COMMISSIONER SMITH: No, that's not even relevant 21 to these four questions which we're trying to get to the bottom 22 of. 23 MS. 0' LEARY: All right. All right. If you 24 really stop and listen to what Mr. Brecher said, an awful lot 25 of what he said is kind of like what they say throughout this 23 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 process and the Application and the testimony: It is because 2 we tell you it is. That's all the information we have to 3 provide you. We will just tell you in fact that the handset is 4 free and you don't need to ask us about that. We will tell you 5 in fact that 100 percent of the support flows through; you 6 don't need to explore any further than that. We tell you it 7 is; therefore, it is. You don't need additional information to 8 test that testimony against. 9 Relative to the issue of -- 10 Oh, I did like this comment by Mr. Brecher: He 11 said -- he referred to the fact that there was not a "scintilla 12 of evidence in the record." That's a good phrase, I like that, 13 because we're going to see more of that as the day goes on. 14 "There is not a scintilla of evidence in the record" regarding 15 the cost of the handsets. 16 Well, that is precisely why we asked for this 17 information, so that there could be some evidence in the record 18 regarding the cost of the handsets, since this seems to be a 19 key point that TracFone relies on in its Application as to why 20 its service and offering would be in the public interest. 21 Again, I will just touch on the Reseller 22 Agreements. We're aware, this Commission is aware, that those 23 Agreements are not regulated. That's nothing new. It has 24 nothing to do with the reason we were asking for them. 25 And as he said, sure enough, the more service you 24 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 push and sell, the better the price. We all know about supply 2 and demand, and we all know about how all of that works. 3 He also referred to the fact that they're 4 proprietary. Well, we did file -- or, we all signed a 5 Protective Agreement, and we are bound by that Protective 6 Agreement. And that Protective Agreement says that we cannot 7 share it with anyone who has not also signed an Exhibit A to 8 that Protective Agreement, and we cannot use it for anything 9 other than the purposes of this hearing. So to try to argue 10 that it's, well, we didn't have to give it because it's 11 proprietary, it just ignores the whole process that we went 12 through in signing a Protective Agreement so that we would have 13 access to this information. 14 Let's see. He does say, again referring to the 15 Reseller Agreements again, he says, Trust me, I know what's in 16 them. They aren't going to tell you a thing about coverage. 17 Well, gee, if we had a chance to look at them, I 18 guess we would know whether that statement was true or not, but 19 we're being asked to just rely on that statement. 20 And he says he's not worried about TracFone' s 21 ongoing ability to provide service once it gets ETC designation 22 because they have been in business since 1996. But the 23 question isn't whether or not Mr. Brecher, who is representing 24 the Applicant, is worried; the question is should this 25 Commission be worried. That is the point of asking for those 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 Agreements, so the light of day can be shed on all the facts 2 and then the Commission can make its Decision based on all of 3 the facts. 4 Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I forgot to ask, are there 6 any questions from the Commissioners? 7 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Yes, I do have a question 8 of Ms. O'Leary. 9 You've made the comment that you should be 10 entitled to have information as to the Agreements and to the 11 cost, et cetera, et cetera. 12 What if you find out that the cost is $1 or you 13 find out it's $200? What I'm trying to dig at, what the 14 relevance of the cost of the handset is to this proceeding as 15 to whether TracFone should be an ETC carrier or not. What 16 I'd kind of like to ask you a little bit of an offer of proof 17 of what -- what it is you expect to -- not to find, but when 18 you do find out what you find out, what do you intend to do or 19 what is the point of -- for the Commission to consider as far 20 as granting an ETC license? 21 MS. O'LEARY: Thank you, Commissioner Redford. 22 If you would like an offer of proof, then I would like to bring 23 our expert witness to the stand, have him sworn in, and have 24 him tell you exactly what it was that he would do with that 25 type of information. 26 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Well, it seems, to me, 2 that maybe that was something that you should have put into 3 your Motion in Limine. If you're going to ask that the -- 4 ei ther the evidence be stricken under a Motion under the in 5 limine theory, what is it -- it seems, to me, that you should 6 have provided to us what it is that you intend to either find 7 or that you -- variations of finding. I will take your word 8 for what your expert is going to say, but I think you can give 9 the offer of proof orally. And if we have any further 10 questions about it, I want to know what's the difference? 11 What's the relevance? 12 MS. 0' LEARY: Commissioner Redford, the issue -- 13 we don't care if the handsets cost a dollar or $200, only to 14 the extent that that flows into how they are accounted for by 15 TracFone and where all of this money is going. They are 16 getting -- this is a very unusual -- what's the word I want 17 an unusual model, if you will, for a Universal Service support. 18 Typically, when a telecom provider gets Universal Service 19 support, this Lifeline discount, it flows through, it's on the 20 bill, you can see what it is: Here's what the cost of the 21 service is if you have it, here's what the cost of the service 22 is if you don't have it. It's $10 from the Feds, 3.50 from 23 Idaho, it's 13.50 total, there it is. With TracFone, it all 24 kind of depends on how they choose to price their minutes. 25 It should be noted that TracFone is only offering 27 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 a very stripped down, limited version of its many prepaid 2 wireless offerings for its Lifeline customers. Why that 3 limi tation? How is it accounting for those minutes? You know, 4 why are the minutes worth X number of cents in the one context 5 when it's free, and then when the customer is paying for them 6 they're worth less money per minute? You know, who's 7 subsidizing the difference in that cost? 8 That is the type of information that we think 9 we -- our expert, who has experience in accounting matters and 10 finance matters and business matters, would be able to look at 11 that information and determine exactly, you know, what is 12 where, what is flowing where, how is it all calculated. That 13 is our intent. 14 Our intent is not to get sensi ti ve business 15 information. We're here because of the Application; otherwise, 16 we wouldn't be here. This is not a fishing expedition. We 17 truly have an intent to look at that information and see if 18 we can -- if TracFone can substantiate its claims. 19 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: It seems -- 20 Madam Chairman. 21 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Yes. 22 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: It seems, to me, that 23 you're going -- delving into a little -- into an area that I'm 24 not sure is really relevant. So what the -- so what if the 25 phone costs nothing? So what if TracFone has to come up with 28 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT .1 extra dollars to pay for the phone? It's a business plan, it's 2 a business scheme, whereby TracFone all admittedly believe that 3 it's for the purpose of gathering and gaining customers. How 4 they get to the cost of it is beyond me how it's really 5 relevant to whether or not or whether ETC -- whether TracFone 6 is entitled to become an ETC carrier. And I think we're taking 7 up a lot of time on issues that don't seem, to me, are all that 8 relevant, but go ahead. 9 MS. 0' LEARY: If I may, Commissioner Redford, you 10 know, I guess part of me says, Well, gee, we'll agree that the 11 free handsets and the free minutes are not relevant and 12 therefore should not be part of this Application and should not.13 be part of this Commission's Decision. 14 And that would go to the issue of the Motion in 15 Limine. If you think that information isn't relevant, might be 16 willing to agree with you on that. 17 We think it's relevant to the extent that they 18 have said that that information is relevant, they have put it 19 in their Application, they have put it in their testimony, they 20 have made claims about the free nature of their service. 21 They're saying the free nature of their handsets, the free 22 nature of their air minutes, all has to do with the public 23 interest element that is a requirement of this Commission to 24 get ETC designation..25 It's also a requirement of this Commission and 29 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 the FCC that they comply with FCC Rules regarding Lifeline 2 support. We are trying to ascertain whether or not, in fact, 3 100 percent of the support they receive is flowing through to 4 the customers. Again, when you have a traditional Lifeline 5 support telecom provider, you can see that it's being flowed 6 through, it's right there under -- it's just not complicated 7 mathematics. In this particular business model, it is very 8 difficul t to tell whether or not 100 percent of the support is 9 actually being flowed through to the customer in the form of 10 free minutes, subsidized minutes; or if, in fact, there is 11 something perhaps going on with how those minutes are valued 12 which then in the back end of things actually allows some of 13 that support to not be buying air time from AT&T and T-Mobile 14 and Verizon, but to in fact be covering some of the costs of 15 the free service by using the subsidy to subsidize the free. 16 So, they're saying, We're the good guys. We're 1 7 giving it away for free. We're giving away this handset. It's 18 coming out of our pocket. It's coming out of our pocket. 19 We don't know that. We have no proof, not a 20 scintilla of evidence in this record. 21 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Well, I won't belabor this 22 any longer, but so what? So what if it's coming out of their 23 pocket or it's not coming out of their pocket? The fact of the 24 matter is -- and I believe that you can probably ascertain the 25 information that you're seeking from the cross-examination of 30 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 the witnesses that TracFone is intending to present -- I -- you 2 know, again, how does this have anything to do with whether or 3 not TracFone should be granted ETC status? 4 And I'm not going to -- you don't have to respond 5 to that, but I -- I'm having a great deal of difficulty with 6 that. 7 Thank you, Madam Chairman. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Commissioner Redford. 9 MR. BRECHER: May I briefly respond to one point? 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Brecher. 11 MR. BRECHER: I realize, Chairman Smith, that at 12 this Commission, like in most tribunals, the moving party bears 13 the burden of proof and gets to go last. It's not my intent to 14 depri ve Ms. 0' Leary of that, but I cannot let inaccurate 15 statements go unrefuted. 16 And Ms. 0' Leary in her response made a statement 17 where she referred to the TracFone Lifeline program as a 18 stripped-down version of TracFone service. And let me be as 19 clear as I can possibly be about that: That is unquestionably 20 inaccurate. The service that TracFone provides to its Lifeline 21 customers is identical in every respect to that of other 22 TracFone customers. The calls are carried on the same network. 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Brecher, may I suggest 24 that when your witness takes the stand, you could clarify that 25 with him? 31 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 MR. BRECHER: Okay. 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thanks. 3 We are going to take about a ten-minute break, 4 and we'll be back at 10: 30. 5 (Recess. ) 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right, we'll go back on 7 the record. The Commission has conferred on the Motions to 8 Compel. 9 Wi th regard to Request No.7, it's the 10 Commission's determination that the profitability of TracFone 11 is not regulated by the Commission, and that this information 12 would not be relevant to our concern of customer treatment and 13 the public interest. 14 Wi th regard to Request No. 10 about the handset 15 cost, we find that the relevant issue to the Commission is what 16 the customer pays, not what TracFone pays, and so we will not 17 compel Answer to that either. 18 For Request No. 14 with regard to the Resellers' 19 Agreements, if the Request is for the purpose of determining 20 coverage, we believe the maps are sufficient with one 21 exception, and that is if any of the service area coverage 22 includes a tribal area, we request that TracFone provide 23 information on any negotiations or contacts it has had with 24 tribal authorities, because we understand that the TracFone is 25 not able to piggyback on the underlying carriers' service in a 32 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 tribal area. 2 With regard to Request No. 24 about quality of 3 service which had what Ms. 0' Leary termed an "incomplete" 4 Response, if TracFone needs to supplement its Response, it 5 should do so. The Commission, however, believes that if it 6 if we choose to grant ETC status for this Company, we will be 7 designing our own reporting and measures of customer quality of 8 service which will be for our purposes, so probably we don't 9 need to know what other people are doing. 10 Wi th regard to the Second Production Request, we 11 just find that the Request is truly irrelevant. Under our 12 process, anyone may comment. The Commission's Decision will be 13 based on the record that's created here today with the 14 witnesses and the cross-examination and the briefs the parties 15 have filed. So, public comment is taken from anyone, and we do 16 read them and consider them and give them the weight to which 17 they're entitled. 18 So, that is the Commission's Decision on the 19 discovery issues. With that, if there's nothing else -- 20 anything else, Ms. 0' Leary? 21 MS. 0' LEARY: Would this be the time to cover 22 other preliminary matters? 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: It would be. 24 MS. O'LEARY: Okay, thank you. Two other 25 preliminary matters, Madam Chairman: 33 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 The first would be that it came to our attention 2 in preparing for this hearing that TracFone did not comply with 3 the Commission' Rule 228.02 regarding identifying the witness 4 who was responding to our discovery on its behalf. So we would 5 like to have TracFone clarify for the record whether or not we 6 do, indeed, have a TracFone witness here today who can respond 7 to questions regarding its discovery Responses. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: So are these 9 cross-examination questions that you intend to ask of their 10 witness today? 11 MS. O'LEARY: Yes. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I think you will go ahead 13 and ask them; and then if it turns out he wasn't responsible or 14 can't answer, then if you have an obj ection, you can raise it 15 at that time. 16 MS. 0' LEARY: Okay, thank you. 17 And one final matter: We may have some 18 cross-examination on confidential information that's been filed 19 pursuant to the Protective Agreement that I referred to 20 earlier, and we would like to know what process the Commission 21 would like to use when we hit that little bump in the road. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: When you get to that stage, 23 we will ask anyone in the hearing room who has not signed a 24 Protective Agreement to leave the room, and we turn off the 25 speaker system which allows the proceedings in this room to be 34 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 ARGUMENT . . . 1 heard in the offices of the Commission Staff. And I -- 2 Is that acceptable, Mr. Brecher? 3 MR. BRECHER: Yes, it is. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And I leave it to you, 5 Mr. Brecher, to know if people in the room don't leave when 6 they're supposed to, because you're the folks who know who 7 signed those Agreements. 8 MR. BRECHER: Thank you. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And it's your information. 10 Okay, anything else? 11 MS. 0' LEARY: That's it. Thank you. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. All right, we'll 13 turn to Mr. Brecher. 14 MR. BRECHER: Thank you, Chairman Smith. At this 15 time, I'd like to call TracFone' s first and only witness, 16 Jose Fuentes, to the stand. 17 18 JOSE FUENTES, 19 produced as a witness at the instance of TracFone, being first 20 duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: 21 22 MR. BRECHER: May I proceed? 23 24 25 35 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di ) TracFone . . 1 DIRECT EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MR. BRECHER: 4 Q.Good morning, Mr. Fuentes. Would you please 5 state your name, title, and business address for the record? 6 A.Good morning. Jose Fuentes, director of 7 government relations for TracFone Wireless. We're located 8 at 9700 Northwest 112th Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33178. 9 Q.Mr. Fuentes, on or about February 25, 2011, did 10 you cause to be filed in this proceeding prefiled testimony 11 consisting of 32 pages? 12 A.I did. 13 Q.And did that testimony contain with it Exhibit 14 Nos. 1 through 6? 15 A.Yes, it did. 16 Q.Was that testimony prepared by you or under your 17 immediate supervision? 18 A.It was. 19 Q.Mr. Fuentes, if I were to ask you the same 20 questions today under oath as those that you addressed in your 21 prefiled initial testimony, would your answers be the same? 22 23 A.They would. Q.Do you have any additions or corrections to your 24 testimony?.25 A.None at this time. 36 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di) TracFone . . 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 1 MR. BRECHER: At this time, I would ask that 2 Mr. Fuentes' direct testimony be entered into the record, and 3 marked for identification with the Exhibits 1 through 6. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: If there's no obj ection, we 5 will order that the prefiled testimony with Mr. Fuentes be 6 spread upon the record as if read, and Exhibits 1 through 6 are 7 identified. 8 (The following prefiled direct testimony 9 of Mr. Fuentes is spread upon the record.) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 37 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di) TracFone .1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q. 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . WHAT is YOUR NAME AND OCCUPATION? My name is Jose Fuentes. I have been Director of Governent Relations for TracFone Wireless. Inc. ("TracFone") for the past two years. i am responsible for facilitating TracFone's designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrer by state utility commissions and for implementing SafeLink Wireless~ Lifeline service throughout the United States. I am also the corporate spokesperson for the SafeLink Wireless4Î brand. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY? This direct testimony is being filed in support ofTracFone's First Amended ETC Application. filed with this Commission on March i. 2010. My testimony wil show that TracFone's First Amended ETC Application meets the federal and Idaho requirements for ETC designation to the extent those requirements are applicable to TracFone as a prepaid. non-facilities-based reseller of commercial mobile radio service ("CMRS") that seeks ETC designation for the limited purpose of using federal Universal Service Fund resources to provide Lifeline serice to qualified low-income Idaho households. The federal requirements are contained at Section 2 1 4 of the Communications Act of 1934. as amended. and in the rules of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"). The Idaho ETC designation. certification and reporting requirements are contained in the Appendix to In the Matter of the Application ofWWC Holding Co., Inc. DBA Cellular-One~ Seeking Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carer That May Receive Federal Universal Service Support. Order No. 29841. Case No. WST - T -05- 1 (Idaho Pub. Utilties 38 Fuentes. Di 1 TracFone Wireless. Inc. . 2 3 Q. 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 Q. 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 . Comm'n: August 4.2005). which I will reference as the "ETC Checklist" in my testimony. WHAT is TRACFONE? TracFone is a 98%-owned subsidiary of America MoviL. America Movil is the fourth largest wireless telecommunications carrer in the world. serving over 260 millon customers throughout Latin America. the Caribbean and the United States. TracFone is the largest provider of prepaid wireless service in the United States serving over 17 millon customers under the brands TracFone4Î. NETI04Î. Straight Talk4Î. and SafeLink Wireless4Î. TracFone's market share in prepaid wireless in the United States continues to grow. now at over 30% according to Neilson and others. TracFone is also the fifth largest wireless carrer and largest mobile virtal network operator in the United States in terms of total customer counts. TracFone is incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware and is headquarered at Miami. Florida. Its corporate offces are located at 9700 N.W. 1 12th Avenue. Miami. FL 33178. DOES TRACFONE HAVE A PRESENCE IN IDAHO? TracFone is a reseller of CMRS throughout the United States. including the State ofIdaho. TracFone provides service through a "virtual network" consisting of services obtained from licensed operators of wireless networks. TracFone has provided CMRS service throughout the State of Idaho continuously for over twelve years. In Idaho, TracFone obtains service from the following underlying carriers: AT&T Mobility. T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless. TracFone's 39 Fuentes. Di 2 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .2 3 Q. 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Q. 17 18 A. 19 20 21 22 23 . . arangements with these providers enable it to offer services wherever any of those providers offer service in the State of Idaho. DOES TRACFONE HAVE THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE LIFELINE? Yes. TracFone, though its arangements with the underlying carers listed above. has the ability to provide all services and functionalities supported by the universal service program, as detailed in the FCC rules at 47 C.F.R. § 54.101, throughout its underlying carers' coverage areas in Idaho. Upon designation as an ETC, TracFone wil make available to consumers a Lifeline offering, under the brand SafeLink Wireless4Î, which wil provide consumers with all of the functionalities and features currently provided by TracFone to existing customers. TracFone wil provide Lifeline service to qualifying low-income Idaho households requesting these services pursuant to the univeral service program and in accordance with federal law. TracFone requests ETC designation statewide in all exchanges to the extent that its underlying carers have facilties and coverage. WHAT ARE THE GENERAL TERMS OF TRACFONE'S SAFELINK WIRELESS4Î LIFELINE SERVICE? TracFone's Lifeline customers in all states, including Idaho, have the option to select from three monthly plans. The plans are as follows: 1) 250 free minutes each month, which do not car over to the next month if unused (unless there are unused purchased minutes at the end of the month), with texting available at a rate of one text per minute of airtime; or 40 Fuentes, Di 3 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i 1 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 . 2) 125 free minutes each month, which carryover to the following month if unused, with texting available at a rate of one text per minute of airtime; or 3) 68 free minutes each month, which carryover to the following month if unused, with texting available at a rate of 3 texts per each minute of airtime, plus International Long Distance calling to over 100 destinations. A list of the international destinations is provided as Exhibit No. I. Customers who choose the 125 minute plan or the 68 minute plan are able to carryover all unused minutes on a month-to-month basis. There is no limit on the number of minutes that may be carried over to the following month. As noted above. whenever a SafeLink Wireless4Î customer enrolled in the 250 minute plan purchases additional airtime minutes. those purchased additional minutes wil not expire at the end of the month of purchase. Instead. those purchased minutes wil be carred over for three succeeding months. In addition, when such customers purchase additonal minutes during a month the unused portions of those customers' free allotment of 250 minutes will not expire at the end of the month. Rather, like the purchased additional minutes. they wil be carred over for three succeeding months. However, if a customer enrolled in the 250 minute plan does not purchase any additional minutes, unused minutes wil not carr over to the following month. Extending the expiration of the free allotted minutes of Lifeline customers who purchase additional airtime minutes wil ensure that no customer 41 Fuentes, Oi 4 TracFone Wireless. Inc. .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Q: 22 . . who purchases additional minutes wil lose any purchased. but unused. minutes in less time than the normal expiration date for such purchased minutes of airtime. TracFone wil provide E91 I-compliant handsets to its paricipating Lifeline customers at no charge. The cost of those handsets, including delivery to consumers, wil be borne solely by TracFone with no support from the federal Universal Service Fund. TracFone wil pre.-activate handsets provided to qualified customers, enroll the customers in the Lifeline plan, and allocate the appropriate number of minutes of usage to the customers' accounts. The handsets wil be delivered to customers upon enrollment in the program with the first month's free usage allotment already activated and ready for immediate use upon receipt. Low-income customers who have limited access to communications sources wil gain immediate and free access to wireless telecommunications service simply by turnng on the handsets provided by TracFone. In addition, SafeLink Wireless4Î Lifeline customers in Idaho wil be able to contact customer service by dialing 61 1 from their Safe link Wireless4Î phones, without having any minutes deducted. TracFone pledges that one hundred percent of the federal Lifeline support it receives wil be flowed through to Lifeline customers in the form of free usage. TracFone's terms and conditions governing SafeLink Wireless4Î Lifeline service are attached as Exhibit NO.2. WILL IDAHO LIFELINE CUSTOMERS BE ABLE TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL WIRELESS AIRTIME MINUTES? IF SO. AT WHAT PRICE? 42 Fuentes. Di 5 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .A: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 1 Q: 12 13 14 15 A: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . Yes. SafeLink Wireless~ Lifeline customers will be able to purchase additional minutes at any retail location where TracFone services are sold at a rate of $0. I 0 per minute. Although additional minutes may be purchased, based on TracFone's experience as an ETC in other states, it does not expect that many Idaho Lifeline customers wil purchase additional minutes. In the states where TracFone has been providing Lifeline service as an ETC under its prior plan, fewer than seven percent of Lifeline customers purchased additional wireless airtime in any month. With the increase of the availability in the number of free minutes to 250. TracFone has observed that a significantly lower percentage of customers who select the 250 minute option purchase additional minutes. EARLIER IN THIS PROCEEDING, TRACFONE STATED THAT ITS SAFELINK WIRELESS4Î SERVICE INCLUDED 67 MINUTES OF AIRTIME EACH MONTH. WHY DID TRACFONE ENHANCE ITS LIFELINE PROGRAM WITH THESE NEW OPTIONS? TracFone is the industry leader in prepaid wireless Lifeline service. It was the first wireless carrer to obtain a favorable forbearance ruling from the FCC to enable it to be designated as an ETC for the purpose of providing Lifeline service without providing service, at least in part, using its own facilities. TracFone was the first non-facilities-based telecommunications company to become designated as an ETC in any state. TracFone was the first ETC to offer a Lifeline plan which provided Lifeline customers with free service rather than discounts on the monthly service prices biled to those customers. As TracFone's Lifeline business grew, and as it sought ETC designation in other states, it was becoming apparent 43 Fuentes, Di 6 TracFone Wireless. Inc. .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Q: 17 A: 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . that consumer groups and others were becoming increasingly critical of TracFone's program and were advocating that low-income consumers needed more free minutes. TracFone was also aware that another ETC offering prepaid wireless Lifeline service in certain states had introduced a Lifeline plan which provided its Lifeline customers with 200 free minutes per month. As a result of these developments. TracFone began to evaluate its Lifeline program and to consider changes. In 2010, TracFone commissioned extensive market research into customer needs and wants and commenced a series of market tests in which it offered differing amounts of free minutes in varous states. The results of that research and testing enabled TracFone to gauge such factors as the relationship of free minutes to consumer demand, whether consumers preferred additional free minutes to other benefits such as the ability to carr over unused minutes to succeeding months, or the ability to place international calls, and the importance of text messaging to Lifeline customers. TracFone analyzed the data it compiled from its market tests and developed the three options. PLEASE DESCRIBE THE DIFFERENCES IN THE THREE OPTIONS? The first option provides for 250 free minutes of wireless airtime each month. Unlike the other two options, unused minutes do not car over from month to month (unless, as I explained earlier, there are unused purchased minutes at the end of the month). This plan was developed in response to concerns from consumer advocacy groups around the countr that low-income households need more free minutes than were available under TracFone's prior plan. TracFone's second option provides 125 free minutes each month with unused minutes 44 Fuentes, Di 7 TracFone Wireless, Inc. carrng over from month to month. That option also allows for text messaging at the rate of 1 text per minute of airtime. This plan, like TracFone's initial plan (now the third option) allows for minutes to carryover but provides 57 more minutes (nearly an hour of airtime) per month. It also allows for text messaging. The third option provides 68 free minutes each month, with unused minutes carrying over to the following month. The plan also allows for text messaging, but at a lower rate than the text rate of the first two options. The plan also allows for international long distace callng. This is the only plan in the industry that allows international long distance callng to more than i 00 international destinations at no additional charge. WHICH OPTION IS MOST BENEFICIAL TO CONSUMERS? Which of the three options is most favorable to any Lifeline customer wil depend on the calling needs of the specific customer. For those customers who want the maximum amount of free airtime each month, the first option wil be the best choice. Therefore, TracFone expects that most Lifeline customers wil select that option. However, TracFone's market research and testing confirmed that some Lifeline-eligible low-income households prefer the carryover feature and prefer to save unused minutes from month to month rather than lose unused minutes at the end of the month. For those customers, either the second or third option would be preferable. Other customers do not have large daily callng needs but do have an ongoing need to communicate with persons in foreign countries. For example, many of TracFone's Lifeline customers who are recent immigrants value the ability to use their free Lifeline minutes to call frends and relatives in.45 Fuentes. Di 8 TracFone Wireless. Inc. .2 3 4 5 6 Q: 7 8 A: 9 10 I 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . their home countries. For such customers. the third option which includes international callng would be the most attractive option, despite the fact that the option provides fewer total free minutes than either of the other two options. The point is that Lifeline eust9mers will have a choice of options which best meet their needs. DOES TRACFONE ANTICIPATE FURTHER CHANGES TO ITS LIFELINE OPTIONS? The wireless telecommunications serice market is evolving as new competitors enter, new products are introduced and technology improves. TracFone, like most prudent businesses. constantly monitors market developments and changes its services accordingly. When TracFone first introduced SafeLink Wireless4Î in 2008, its plan was "state ofthe art." No other company before had offered a Lifeline program which included free service. As with other wireless services, what was deemed to be a desirable service two years ago may no longer be what consumers need and expect. It is for that reason that TracFone introduced its new plans in August 2010. At this time, TracFone has no plans to change these options. However, it is possible that in the future, furter changes wil be appropriate. One thing is certain -- thoughout the history of the commercial mobile service industry the consistent trend has been lower prices, increased and improved services and features. TracFone expects that trend to continue thoughout the wireless telecommunications market, including the Lifeline segment of the market. TracFone is a company prepared for change and it wil continue to respond accordingly. 46 Fuentes, Di 9 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .Q: 2 3 4 A: 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 Q: 14 15 A: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . WILL TRACFONE ASSIST APPLICANTS FOR ENROLLMENT IN ITS LIFELINE PROGRAM TO SELECT THE OPTION MOST APPROPRIATE FOR THE APPLICANTS? Yes. TracFone's website will contain detailed descriptions of each of the three options. In addition, when prospective SafeLink Wireless4Î Lifeline customers contact TracFone's Lifeline enrollment department, they will be asked to select which option they prefer. Customer service representatives who assist customers in the Lifeline enrollment process wil be trained to explain the options. to answer questions and to help applicants determine which option is best for them. Moreover, customers are free to change plans as often as they wish. Therefore, if a customer is not satisfied with a certain option. he or she can switch to another option. HOW DOES TRACFONE'S LIFELINE OFFERING BENEFIT IDAHO CONSUMERS? Not too many years ago, wireless telecommunications service was considered to be a luxury item that only upper income consumers and business customers could afford. In recent years, wireless service prices have decreased. new and improved services and devices have become available and milions of Americans have come to rely on wireless service as an essential tool in an increasingly mobile society. Until recently, the lowest income segments of the population had limited, and often no, available wireless service options. TracFone has made it possible for Lifeline-eligible low-income households in many states to obtain wireless handsets and mobile seivice through its SafeLink Wireless4Î Lifeline program. 47 Fuentes. Di to TracFone Wireless, Inc. .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 15 A. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . Furermore, the mobile nature of SafeLink Wireless4Î wil bring Lifeline- supported service to those needy Idahoans with no peranent fixed address. TracFone has been working with the FCC and with operators of homeless shelters in various states to enable homeless persons residing in such shelters to enroll in SafeLink Wireless~. It plans to do that in Idaho as well. TracFone's Lifeline offerng wil enable low-income Idaho residents who qualify for Lifeline assistance to receive 250 minutes of free service per month. TracFone is not aware of any pary to this proceeding who has suggested that 250 free minutes wil not be a suffcient amount of service. Neither is TracFone aware of any wireless ETC operating in Idaho or elsewhere which provides Lifeline customers with more free minutes than TracFone wil provide to Idaho Lifeline customers under its first option. WILL TRACFONE'S LIFELINE OFFERINGS DIFFER FROM THOSE OF OTHER IDAHO ETCS? IF SO. HOW? TracFone's Lifeline offerings differ from other Idaho ETCs' Lifeline programs in several ver important respects. First, TracFone wil offer low-income consumers the convenience, portability, and security of wireless serices. In addition, unlike all other ETCs' Lifeline programs, TracFone's Lifeline service wil provide quantities of wireless usage at no charge to the consumer. Stated simply. TracFone's Lifeline service wil be free to qualified customers. Typically, Lifeline programs provide participating consumers with discounts below carers' standard rates. However. enrolled Lifeline customers stil must pay the ETC's discounted rates as well as standard rates for additional services and features not 48 Fuentes, Di 1 1 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 Q. 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 . subject to the Lifeline discount (including. for example. long distance toll charges and charges tor vertical features like call waiting, voice mail, and caller 10), and face service termination if they fail to pay the amounts owed. For example, if a provider's standard monthly charge is $30.00 and the Lifeline customer receives a $ 10.00 discount funded by the USF. the customer wil stil receive an invoice for $20.00. plus additional charges incurred during the biling period as well as various taxes and fees. Such customers wil face tennination of service .if they fail to pay those biled amounts -- amounts which often are well in excess of the discounted local service portion of their bils. TracFone's Lifeline customers wil not receive bills. Furthermore, TracFone's Lifeline customers wil be able to initiate and receive calls from their wireless phones without incurring any activation charges. In addition, unlike the Lifeline services of other Idaho ETCs. TracFone's service wil include at no additional charge important vertical features like caller ID. call waiting, and voice maiL. DOES TRACFONE MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ETC DESIGNA nON? TracFone meets all applicable federal and Idaho requirements for ETC designation. In addition, TracFone recognizes that the Communications Act states that ETCs shall offer services. at least in part, over their own facilties and prohibits state commissions from designating as an ETC a telecommunications carer that offers services exclusively through the resale of another carrier's services. However. on September 8, 2005. the FCC granted a petition fied by TracFone that requested the FCC to exercise its forbearance authority with respect 49 Fuentes. Oi 12 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 22 . . to the facilities-based service requirement ("TracFone Forbearance Order"). The TracFone Forbearance Order is attached as Exhibit NO.3. In an Order dated April i 1, 2008, the FCC designated TracFone as an ETC in ten states and the District of Columbia, subject to the conditions set forth in the TracFone Forbearance Order. Those conditions include TracFone providing its Lifeline customers with 911 and enhanced 91 I ("E91 1") access regardless of activation status and availability of prepaid minutes; obtaining a certification from each Public Safety Answering Point ("PSAP") where TracFone provides Lifeline service confirming that TracFone complies with the 911 service condition; providing its Lifeline customers with E91 I-compliant handsets; requiring its customers to self-certify at time of service activation and annually thereafter that they are the head of household and receive Lifeline-supported serice only from TracFone; and establishing safeguards to prevent its customers from receiving multiple TracFone Lifeline subsidies at the same address. On March 5, 2009, the Commission issued an Order modifying one of the conditions imposed in the TracFone Forbearance Order requiring that TracFone obtain a certification from each PSAP where TracFone provides Lifeline service confirming that it provides its customers with access to basic and E91 1 service. The March 5, 2009 Order is attached as Exhibit No.4. DO ANY OF THE CONDITIONS IMPOSED ON TRACFONE IN THE FORBEARANCE ORDER APPLY TO TRACFONE'S DESIGNATION AS AN ETC IN IDAHO? 50 Fuentes, Di 13 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .A. 2 3 4 5 6 Q. 7 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . Yes. I understand that all state commissions, including this Commission, are required to comply with the FCC's decision to forbear from applying or enforcing the facilties requirement on TracFone. Accordingly, the FCC-imposed conditions of forbearance are binding on TracFone in all jurisdictions where it may be designated as an ETC. WHAT FUNCTIONS WILL TRACFONE OFFER TO LIFELINE CUSTOMERS IF GRANTED ETC STATUS? Upon designation as an ETC in Idaho, TracFone wil offer all of the services and functionalities required by the FCC's rules (47 C.F.R. § 54.101) and the ETC Checklist, ~ A.2. as applicable to TracFone. These services and functionalities include the following: Voice Grade Access to the Public Switched Network. The voice grade access provided by TracFone enables a user of telecommunications services to transmit voice communications, including signaling the network that the caller wishes to place a call, and to receive voice communications, including receiving a signal indicating there is an incoming call. Local Usage. As par of the voice grade access to the public switched telephone network, an ETC must provide local calling. TracFone provides customers the ability to send and receive local phone calls wherever it provides service. TracFone's Lifeline offering allows customers to use their free airtime minutes (68, 125, or 250 minutes, depending on fhe Lifeline offering in which the customer is enrolled) to send and receive local phone calls by using their free 51 Fuentes,Oi 14 TracFone Wireless, Inc. airtime minutes. Thus, a certain amount of free local usage is included in.2 TracFone's Lifeline callng plan. The FCC rules require an ETC applicant to 3 show it has a local usage plan comparable, although not identical, to that offered 4 by the incumbent local exchange carrers ("ILECs") in the same service areas. 5 Furthermore, the FCC has not adopted any minimum local usage requirements. 6 As a designated ETC, TracFone wil comply with any applicable minimum local 7 usage requirements established by the FCC. Wireless and wireline services, 8 though increasingly substitutable for each other, are different from each other and 9 they are priced differently. Given those differences, the FCC and ETC 10 designating authorities in 24 states have concluded that TracFone's local service 11 offering meets the comparability standard codified in the FCC's rules. 12 This Commission, however, does not require ETC applicants to comply.13 with the FCC's comparability standard. Instead, ETC Checklist, ~ B.4 requires an 14 ETC applicant to provide a description of its local usage plans and a description 15 of the local usage plans ofthe ILECs. As I just described, TracFone's Lifeline 16 offering includes free airtime minutes that can be used for local calling. Based on i 7 a review of information available on ILECs' websites, ILECs providing service 18 within TracFone's proposed Lifeline service area offer unlimited local usage at 19 the following rates: Cambridge Telephone Company - $16.50-$24.10; Inland 20 Telephone Company - $13.80-$26.00; Rural Telephone Company _ $25.76; 21 Verizon Northwest - $12.78; Qwest Corporation - $12.00-$24.00. The ILECs' 22 monthly rates may var depending on the location ofthe customer. ILECs'local .52 Fuentes, Di 15 TracFone Wireless, Inc. usage plans are also available on the Commission's website at http://www.puc.state.id.us/tarff/approved/approved.htm. Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) Signaling or Its Functional Equivalent. DTMF signaling allows carrers to provide expeditious call set-up and call detail information and enables modem usage. All telephone handsets provided by TracFone are DTMF-capable as required by federal law. Single-party Service or Its Functional Equivalent. Single-party service means that only one party wil be served by a subscriber line or access loop in contrast to a multi-party line. TracFone provides customers with single-party access for the duration of every phone call. Access to 911 and E91 1 Emergency Service. TracFone provides universal access to the 911 system for its customers. TracFone has implemented and wil continue to implement enhanced 911 services consistent with the FCC's rules and orders applicable to wireless resellers. Given that TracFone is a reseller, it does not own or operate any facilties. TracFone has the ability to remain functional in emergency situations. TracFone provides service in Idaho by reselling services of underlying wireless network carrers, including AT&T Mobility, T -Mobile, and Verizon Wireless. Those network operators have implemented state-of. the-art network reliabilty standards. TracFone and its customers benefit from the network operators' high standards. Throughout its more than twelve years of operation, TracFone has never received a complaint about a 91 1 system failure. Access to.Operator Services..53 Fuentes, Oi 16 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 I 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 A. 19 20 21 22 23 . . TracFone offers all its customers access to operator services. Access to Interexchange Service. TracFone does not impose separate charges for interexchange calls. Long distance callng is included in TracFone's service with no additional charge. Access to Directory Assistance. All TracFone customers, including those customers located in Idaho, have access to directory assistance services provided by TracFone's vendors. Unlike other telecommunications carers, TracFone does not impose separate charges for directory assistance. Toll Limitation for Qualified Low-Income Customers. There is no need for TracFone to offer a toll limitation feature to qualifying low-income customers. Since TracFone's service is a prepaid service, no customer wil incur toll charges that they cannot pay for or be disconnected for failure to pay toll charges or, for that matter, any other charges. TracFone treats long distance minutes of use as any other usage. Therefore, customers are not subject to additional charges for toll services. WILL TRACFONE OFFER LINK-UP SERVICE IN IDAHO? TracFone does not seek designation as an ETC for the purose of offering Link- Up service to customers. In the TracFone Forbearance Order, the FCC forbear from applying the facilties requirement to TracFone only for the purpose of offering Lifeline service. Moreover, TracFone does not impose activation or coiuectIon charges -- charges which are offset by Link-Up support. Thus, there is no need for TracFone to offer Link-Up. 54 Fuentes, Di 17 TracFone Wireless~ Inc. .Q.HOW QUICKLY WILL TRACFONE BE ABLE TO START PROVIDING 2 LIFELINE SERVICE? 3 Within a very reasonable timeframe, since TracFone already provides 4 service in Idaho by reselling service which it obtains from underlying facilities- 5 based providers. Each of those providers' networks are operational and largely 6 built out. Thus, TracFone already serves those areas. The only delay wil be the 7 time needed to implement procedures and internal systems to offer the Lifeline 8 program. 9 Q.HOW RELIABLE is TRACFONE'S QUALITY OF SERVICE? 10 A.As a reseller of other carriers' wireless services, TracFone's service is of the same 11 quality and reliability as that of its underlying vendors. I cannot assure the 12 Commission that TracFone wil never experience service disruptions. Occasional.13 dropped calls and inconsistent coverage depending on atmospheric conditions are 14 a fact of life in the wireless industry. However, TracFone's service is as reliable 15 as that of any other wireless provider serving the Idaho market. To demonstrate 16 its commitment to high service quality, TracFone wil comply with the CTIA - 17 The Wireless Association4Î Consumer Code for Wireless Service. A copy of the 18 CTIA Code is attached as Exhibit NO.5. TracFone's SafeLink Wireless(l service 19 is also subject to a Privacy Policy available to all customers on its website at 20 www.safelink.com. A copy of the Privacy Policy is attached as Exhibit No.6. 21 Q.CAN TRACFONE MEET ALL RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE CTIA 22 CONSUMER CODE GIVEN ITS RESELLER STATUS? .55 Fuentes, Di 18 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . Yes. TracFone is able to and does meet each of the CTIA Consumer Code provisions. The following describes TracFone's compliance with each of the provisions of the CTIA Consumer Code for Wireless Service. Disclose rates and terms of service to consumers: TracFone discloses its rates and terms of service to consumers on its website. Make available maps showing where serice is generally available: TracFone makes available maps showing where service is generally available on its website. See http://www.tracfone.com/jsplib/verify mapcov.jsp. Coverage maps are accessed by clicking on "Site Map" on TracFone's home page, then clicking on "Coverage Maps". Provide contract terms to customers and confirm changes in servce: TracFone does not require its customers to enter into contracts. TracFone's service is governed by the terts and conditions as set fort on its website. Allow a tral period for new serice: TracFone only offers prepaid service and does not charge an early termination fee. Consumers can purchase the amount of airtme minutes they wish to use. Therefore, there is no need for TracFone to offer a tral period for service. Customers may terminate their use ofTracFone service at any time without incurrng any penalty or termination charge. Provide specific disclosures in adverising: TracFone provides specific disclosures in any advertising of prices. TracFone does not charge activation or initiation fees, monthly access fees, or early termination fees and does not have a required contract term or peak and off-peak callng times. TracFone makes all disclosures related to prices that are applicable to its service. 56 Fuentes, Di 19 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 22 A. 23 . Separately identify carrer charges from taxes on billing statements: As a prepaid , service provider, TracFone does not issue biling statements. Therefore, requirements concerning biling statements are not applicable to TracFone. Provide customers the right to terminate service for changes to contract terms: TracFone does not require its customers to enter into contracts. TracFone's service is governed by the terms and conditions as set forth on its website. Therefore, requirements concerning cancellation of contracts are not applicable to TracFone. Provide ready access to customer service: TracFone provides ready access to its customer serice department via a toll-free telephone number during regular business hours. TracFone's toll-free customer service telephone number is provided on its website and in all communications with its customers. Promptly respond to consumer inquiries and complaints received from governent agencies: TracFone promptly responds to consumer inquiries and complaints received from federal and state government agencies. Abide by policies for protection of consumer privacy: TracFone's Privacy Policy is available to all customers on its website. TracFone also complies fully with applicable requirements governing Customer Proprietary Network Information set forth at Section 222 of the Communications Act and in the FCC's rules. HOW WILL TRACFONE ENSURE THAT ELIGIBLE CUSTOMERS ARE MADE A WARE OF ITS SERVICES? TracFone wil aggressively advertise the availability of its SafeLink Wirelesstl Lifeline service and the associated charges using media of general distribution, in 57 Fuentes, Di 20 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 16 17 18 A. 19 20 21 22 23 . . accordance with the requirements under federal and Idaho state law. TracFone plans to utilize such marketing and outreach efforts as necessary and appropriate to ensure that as many potentially eligible consumers are aware ofTracFone's prepaid wireless Lifeline offering. TracFone understands that it wil be competing with other ETCs in Idaho, including the incumbent local exchange carers, which may be chosen by consumers to be their Lifeline service provider. TracFone wil utilze traditional means for promoting the availability of its Lifeline program. These means wil include print and broadcast advertising in media outlets most likely to reach consumers eligible for Lifeline. These would include national publications as well as local and community newspapers, and commercial broadcast stations, especially those stations whose programming is targeted to significant lower income communities including, for example, Spanish language stations in areas with significant Spanish-speaking populations. WILL TRACFONE OFFER LIFELINE SERVICES THROUGHOUT THE PROPOSED SERVICE AREA AND ATTEMPT TO PROVIDE SERVICE TO EVERY REQUESTING CUSTOMER IN THE AREA AS REQUIRED BY ETC CHECKLIST,,r B.l? Yes. This requirement is based on FCC rule 54.202(a)(l)(i) (47 C.F.R. § 54.202(a)(l )(i)), which provides that in order to be designated as an ETC, a carer must commit to provide service throughout its proposed designated service area to all customers making a reasonable request for service. ETC Checklist, , B. 1 also refers to the six-step process that must be used when service is requested within the applicant's service area, but outside its existing network coverage. The 58 Fuentes, Di 2 i TracFone Wireless, Inc. .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 12 A..13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . purpose of this requirement is to ensure that an ETC is using high-cost support to expand and improve network services. TracFone does not own and operate a network and it will not seek high-cost support. However, TracFone wil provide service on a timely basis to all qualified customers requesting Lifeline service within its designated service area. TracFone, as a reseller, defines its service area to include the coverage areas of its underlying carers. TracFone does not have the ability to expand or make any changes to the networks of its underlying carers. As such, it can only comply with requests for service within its underlying caers' service areas. is TRACFONE ABLE TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES AS REQUIRED BY ETC CHECKLIST, ir B.2? In accordance with FCC Rule 54.202(a)(2) (47 C.F.R. § 54.202(a)(2)) and ETC Checklist, ir B.2, TracFone has the ability to remain functional in emergency situations. Given that TracFone is a reseller, it does not own or operate any cell sites, microwave hubs, or switches. Therefore, the requirement that TracFone demonstrate that it has back-up power and is able to reroute and manage traffc in emergency situations is not applicable. TracFone provides service in Idaho by resellng services of underlying wireless network carrers, including AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless. Those network operators have implemented state-of-the-art network reliability standards. TracFone and its customers benetìt from the network operators' high standards. Throughout its over twelve years of operation, TracFone's service reliability has compared favorably with that of any facilities-based operator in the wireless 59 Fuentes, Di 22 TracFone Wireless, Inc. telecommunications industr..2 Q.WILL TRACFONE'S RESELLER STATUS LIMIT ITS ABILITY TO 3 RESOLVE ALL COMPLAINTS REGARDING ITS SERVICE THAT MAYBE 4 RECEIVED BY THE COMMISSION? 5 A.No. TracFone has been providing nationwide wireless telecommunications 6 service for more than twelve years. During that time period, TracFone has 7 satisfactorily resolved complaints that have been forwarded to it by state utility 8 commissions and by the FCC. TracFone's status as a reseller has not limited its 9 abilty to address and resolve any complaint. TracFone wil promptly work to 10 resolve any complaints it receives from this Commission or from an Idaho 1 1 customer. 12 Q.WILL TRACFONE BE ABLE TO COMPLY WITH THE ANNUAL.13 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR ETCS IN IDAHO? 14 A.TracFone understands that the anual reporting requirements for ETCs are set 15 fort in the ETC Checklist, ,¡ C. TracFone wil be able to comply with all 16 reporting requirements to the extent that they are applicable to a reseller that only 17 offers Lifeline service. Some of the reporting requirements relate to high-cost 18 support or network improvements, such as the two-year network improvement 19 plan required by'¡ C. 1 and the high-cost certification required by'¡ D. Such 20 reporting requirements are not applicable to TracFone because it does not seek 21 high-cost support and does not own or operate a network. 22 ETC Checklist, ,¡ C.2. requires a wireless ETC to fie an annual outage 23 report consistent with 47 C.F.R. § 54.209(a)(2).ETC Checklist, ,¡ C.2 requires.Fuentes,Di 23 60 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 Q. 19 20 A. 21 22 23 . the annual outage report to include information detailing: (A) the date and time of onset of the outage; (B) a brief description of the outage and its resolution; (C) the particular services affected; (D) the geographic areas affected by the outage; (E) steps taken to prevent a similar situation in the future; and (F) the number of customers affected. TracFone receives outage information from each of its underlying carers in Idaho. The information received by TracFone identifies the date and time of the onset of the outage, the duration of the outage, the nature of the outage, and the general geographic location of the outage. However, as a reseller, TracFone does not own or operate any switches, and therefore cannot identify the steps taken to prevent a similar situation in the future. Furthermore, the outage information provided to TracFone does not enable TracFone to identify the number of customers affected. Therefore, TracFone will provide outage infoniiation to the extent that it is able to do so. In this regard, the Commission should be aware that Section 54.209 of the FCC's rules is applicable to TracFone as a designated ETC. TracFone submits Section 54.209 reports annually to the FCC for the states in which it is a FCC-designated ETC. WHY WOULD DESIGNATION OF TRACFONE AS AN ETC SERVE THE PUBLIC INTEREST? The FCC has determined that designation of competitive ETCs serves the public interest by promoting competition and benefits consumers by increasing customer choice, innovative services, and new tecluologies. Designation of TracFone as an ETC wil provide a valuable alternative to the existing Lifeline wireline and 61 Fuentes, Di 24 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . wireless services available in Idaho. TracFone's Lifeline service wil provide important public interest benefits, including larger local callng areas, the convenience and security afforded by mobile telephone service, the opportnity for customers to control their costs by purchasing in advance only the volumes of service which they need and supplementing those quantities on an as-needed basis after exhausting their monthly supply of free service, availability of important vertical features such as caller ID, call waiting, and voice mail at no additional charge, and availability ofE91 1 service in accordance with the FCC's E91 1 requirements. In addition, TracFone's inclusion of all distance callng (local and long distance) and roaming withn its callng plans wil enable consumers to avoid the risk of becoming burdened with large and unanticipated charges for toll calling. IS TRACFONE ADDRESSING THE CURRENT ECONOMIC DOWNTURN? TracFone's SafeLink Wireless4Î Lifeline service offers important benefits that are especially needed by low-income Idaho residents in this time of economic downturn. Idaho has an unemployment rate of9.5 percent. These conditions have had a significant impact on Idaho residents. The availability of a mobile telephone is critical to many unemployed Idaho residents' efforts to search for other employment opportunities. Without a mobile telephone, unemployed individuals face extreme difficulty in finding employment. A mobile telephone allows individuals to be reached at any time and location, which enables unemployed individuals to respond to potential employers immediately. In addition, a mobile telephone assists employed low-wage individuals by allowing 62 Fuentes, Di 25 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 I 1 12.13 14 15 Q. 16 A. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . those individuals to stay in contact with employers, manage relationships with supervisors, and respond to requests for work of additional shifts or hours. TracFone's SafeLink Wireless4Î Lifeline program wil enable thousands ofldaho residents, including residents seeking employment and residents with low-wage positions, to obtain a handset and wireless service which would otherwise be unavailable to them. WHY WOULD IDAHO BENEFIT FROM ANOTHER ETC PROVIDING LIFELINE SERVICE? As I wil describe below, a significant number of Idaho residents who are eligible for Lifeline benefits are not enrolled in a Lifeline program with an ETC. While TracFone does not know the precise causes for the underutilzation of a program established to provide discoU11tèd telecommunications services to low-income households, based 011 its experience in other states, it believes that its Lifeline service wil attract a significant number eligible low-income Idaho consumers. WHAT ARE SOME BENEFITS OF INCREASED COMPETITIVE CHOICE? The benefits of competitive choice are especially valuable in situations in which wireless providers like TracFone seek to provide service to rural communities and elsewhere. The availability of a wireless competitive alternative benefits those rual consumers who often must drive significant distances to work, schools, stores, and other community locations. TracFone's prepaid wireless service alterative wil provide all qualified Lifeline consumers with convenient and affordable telecommunications service, both from their residences and when they are away from their homes. 63 Fuentes, Di 26 TracFone Wireless, Inc. I TracFone believes that many consumers, including qualified Lifeline.2 customers, view the portability and convenience of wireless service as a modem 3 necessity, not a luxury. Parents need to be able to reach their children wherever 4 they may be, and vice versa; persons seeking employment opportnities need to 5 be reachable by potential employers, even when they are away from home; 6 persons need to be able to call for emergency assistance while away from home, 7 since not all emergencies requiring 91 1 access occur at home. TracFone 8 recognizes that not all Lifeline-eligible low-income Idaho consumers wil select 9 TracFone's SafeLink Wireless4Î offering. Some consumers wil prefer the 10 traditional Lifeline plans of other ETCs, such as that of their incumbent wireline 1 i local exchange carer. For those consumers who would prefer the benefits of a 12 wireless Lifeline plan, SafeLink Wireless4Î wil provide an important alterative..13 According to most recent FCC data available, Idaho's statewide Lifeline 14 paricipation rate is 22.1 percent of eligible households and according to i 5 Universal Administrative Service Company the statewide participation rate for 16 2009 was between 20 and 50 percent of eligible households. In other words, more 17 than 50 percent of low-income Idaho household that are eligible to receive 18 Lifeline are not receiving Lifeline benefits. TracFone expects that many i 9 qualified low-income households wil elect to enroll in its SafeLink Wireless(ß 20 Lifeline program, and that the availability of competing Lifeline programs wil 21 encourage greater paricipation in Lifeline. In fact, since late 2008 when 22 TracFone commenced offering SafeLink Wireless4Î Lifeline service in three states 23 (Tennessee, Virginia, and Florida), TracFone has substantially increased the .64 Fuentes, Di 27 TracFone Wireless, Inc. number of Lifeline participants in each state where SafeLink Wireless4Î is offered. For example, in each of those states, TracFone has increased Lifeline enrollment by more than one hundred percent. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF TRACFONE'S SERVICE OFFERINGS? As described earlier in my testimony, TracFone's entire business model is predicated on providing easy-to-use, pay-as-you-go, affordable wireless telecommunications service to consumers to whom wireless service would be otherwise unavailable or unaffordable. TracFone wil offer qualified low-income Idaho consumers an opportunity to acquire wireless service using state-ot:the-art E91 I-compliant handsets and such features as caller ID, call waiting, voice mail, text messaging, and long distance callng without toll charges, as well as international callng to more than i 00 destinations. Because TracFone's service requires no tenn contracts, no minimum service periods or volume commitments, no credit checks, and no early termination fees, the service is available to everyone - irrespective of age; irrespective of residency; irrespective of creditworthiness. Moreover, TracFone's prepaid service is unique in that usage information and remaining balance information is stored in the handsets and is thus available to consumers on a "real-time" basis. TracFone's prepaid service offers Lifeline-qualified customers access, quality and price. All of these benefits and advantages wil be available to TracFone's Idaho Lifeline customers. .65 Fuentes, Di 28 TracFone Wireless, Inc. I Q.WILL TRACFONE'S DESIGNATION AS AN ETC RESULT IN.2 CREAMSKIMMING IN THE RURAL ILEC AREAS IN WHICH IT SEEKS 3 DESIGNATION AS AN ETC? 4 A.No. A creamskimming analysis as par of the Commission's consideration of 5 TracFone's ETC application is neither not relevant nor appropriate. TracFone is a 6 reseller which seeks ETC designation for the limited purpose of providing 7 Lifeline service and wil not seek support from the high-cost fund. The FCC 8 developed the "creamskimming" analysis requirement when it began to designate 9 wireless ETCs who sought support from this high-cost portion of the Universal 10 Service Fund to subsidize the costs of building alternative networks which would 11 compete with rural LECs. The FCC's concern was that such facilities-based 12 wireless ETCs would get high-cost support to build out competing networks with.13 those of the rural LECs but would actually deploy competing networks only in the 14 most populous areas of the rural ILECs service terrtories -- effectively 15 "creamskimming" in the LECs' terrtories since the ILECs had to build out 16 thoughout their entire service areas, including the sparsely-populated portions of 17 their service areas. Since TracFone is a reseller, it wil not, and canot, engage in 18 creamskimming as that term has been used by the FCC. It can provide Lifeline 19 serice only where its underlying vendors have wireless coverage. If its 20 underlying vendors do not have coverage, it canot provide service. 21 Q.WHAT KIND OF IMPACT WILL TRACFONE HAVE ON THE FEDERAL 22 UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND IF GRANTED ETC STATUS? .66 Fuentes, Di 29 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .The FCC considered the impact on the USF when determining whether to grant TracFone's petitions for designation as an ETC and concluded that designation of TracFone as an ETC for the limited purpose of offering Lifeline would not have a significant impact on the USF. The FCC noted in its decision granting TracFone forbearance from the fàcilities requirement for ETCs: "Any increase in the size of the fund would be minimal and is outweighed by the benefit of increasing eligible paricipation in the Lifeline program, furthering the statutory goal of providing access to low-income consumers." TracFone Forbearance Order, ii 17. Whatever impact designation ofTracFone as an ETC in Idaho wil have on the size of the universal service fund wíl be relatively modest and wil be more than offset by the fact that USF resources wil be used for a very important purpose -- to make available to all Americans, including low-income persons,.affordable telecommunications services. TracFone seeks ETC designation solely to enable it to offer Lifeline benefits to eligible low-income Idaho consumers. TracFone does not seek access to funds from the federal Universal Service Fund for the purpose of obtaining high-cost support. TracFone's designation as an ETC wíl not increase the number of persons eligible for Lifeline support. As stated in the Communications Act, the universal service fund was established to ensure that quality services are available to all individuals at just, reasonable, and affordable rates. TracFone's abilty to increase the Lifeline paricipation rate of qualified low-income individuals from the current participation rate ofless than 50 percent wil further the goal of Congress to provide all individuals with affordable access to telecommunications service. .67 Fuentes, Di 30 TracFone Wireless, Inc. Q.ARE THERE ANY OTHER WAYS IN WHICH TRACFONE'S.2 DESIGNATION AS AN ETC WILL BENEFIT THE PUBLIC INTEREST IN 3 IDAHO? 4 A.As a national leader in prepaid wireless services, TracFone has done much to 5 advance the availability of wireless service for those portions of the population for 6 whom wireless service is otherise unavailable or, if available, is too costly and 7 requires ter duration and volume commitments which are beyond the means of 8 many consumers. 9 Moreover, designation of TracFone as an ETC wil serve the public 10 interest by further promoting the extensive role TracFone plays in the provision of 11 communications services to lower income and lower volume users, transient 12 users, as well as other consumers who either choose not to enter into long-term.13 service commitments or who are unable to meet the credit requirements necessar 14 to obtain service from other wireline or wireless carers. TracFone's wireless 15 service enables consumers to enjoy the convenience and security of wireless 16 telecommunication without being subject to extensive credit reviews and long- 17 term service commitments which historically have limited the availabilty of 18 wireless service to many Americans, including many Idaho residents. 19 Q.IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD TO YOUR 20 TESTIMONY? 21 A.Based on my testimony above, I would like to reiterate that TracFone meets all 22 legal requirements for designation as an ETC and that designation ofTracFone as 23 an ETC for the limited purpose of providing Lifeline serice to low-income Idaho Fuentes,Di 31.68 TracFone Wireless, Inc. 1 households wíl serVe the public interest. Accordingly, the Idaho Public Utilties.2 Commission should unconditionally and promptly grant TracFone's application 3 for designation as an eligible telecommunications carer so that TracFone may 4 commence providing its SafeLink Wireless4Î servce to low-income Idaho 5 households at the earliest possible time. . .69 Fuentes, Di 32 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . . 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hear ing . ) 3 Q.BY MR. BRECHER: Okay. Mr. Fuentes, do you also 4 have in front of you testimony dated March 23rd that you caused 5 to rebuttal testimony that you caused to be filed consisting 6 of 30 pages? 7 A.I do. 8 Q.And did your rebuttal testimony consist of -- 9 include also Exhibit Nos. 7 through 151 10 A.It does. 11 Q.Do you have any corrections or additions to your 12 rebuttal testimony? 13 A.I do not. 14 Q.Mr. Fuentes, if I were to ask you the same 15 questions today under oath as those that you've answered in 16 your rebuttal testimony, would your answers be the same? 17 A.They would. 18 MR. BRECHER: I would ask that Mr. Fuentes' 19 rebuttal testimony be spread upon the record as if read, 20 including Exhibits 7 through 15. 21 At this time, the witness is available for 22 cross-examination. And before that, just so I understand the 23 procedures at this Commission, is it your preference that we 24 formally move the admission of the evidence after the.25 cross-examination or before? I've seen it done both ways. 70 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di ) TracFone . . 20 21 22 23 24.25 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Well, we will now spread the 2 prefiled rebuttal testimony of Mr. Fuentes upon the record as 3 if read if there is no obj ection, and identify the exhibits. 4 (The following prefiled rebuttal testimony 5 of Mr. Fuentes is spread upon the record.) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 71 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di ) TracFone .Q.WHAT is YOUR NAME AND OCCUPATION? 2 A.My name is Jose Fuentes. I have been Director of Governent Relations for 3 TracFone Wireless, Inc. ("TracFone") for the past two years. I am responsible for 4 facilitating TracFone's designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carier 5 ("ETC") by state utility commissions and for implementing SafeLink Wireless4Î 6 Lifeline service throughout the United States. I am also the corporate 7 spokesperson for the SafeLink Wireless4Î brand. 8 Q.WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY? 9 A.The rebuttal testimony I am providing today responds to the testimony and 10 exhibits fied by Grace Seaman, a Utilties Analyst employed by the Commission, 11 and by Daniel L. Trampush, a consultat retained by Idaho Telecom Allance 12 ("IT A") and CTC Telecom, Inc. ("CTC") fied with the Commission on March.13 18,2011. 14 Q.HA VE YOU PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED TESTIMONY IN THIS 15 COMMISSION'S PROCEEDING CONCERNING TRACFONE'S ETC 16 APPLICA TION? 17 A.Yes. On February 25,2011, I provided direct written testimony and exhibits to 18 the Commission. My direct testimony was filed in support of TracFone's First 19 Amended ETC Application, fied with the Commission on March 1,2010. 20 Q.HA VE YOU REVIEWED THE TESTIMONY OF MS. SEAMAN? 21 A.Yes. 22 Q.WHAT is YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF MS. SEAMAN'S TESTIMONY? .72 Fuentes, Di-Reb 1 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .A.Ms. Seaman testifies that Commission Staff believes that TracFone's ETC 2 Application does not meet Idaho's ETC requirements, and, therefore, the 3 Commission should not designate TracFone as an ETC. 4 Q.WHA T REASONS DOES MS. SEAMAN PROVIDE FOR COMMISSION 5 STAFF'S CONCLUSION THAT TRACFONE DOES NOT MEET IDAHO'S 6 ETC REQUIREMENTS? 7 A.Ms. Seaman asserts that TracFone's ETC Application should be denied for three 8 reasons: (1) non-payment to the Idaho Telecommunications Assistance Program 9 ("ITSAP"); (2) non-payment of the 91 1 fee to the Idaho Emergency Services fund 10 ("91 I Fund"); and (3) incomplete evidence to support that all rural wire centers 1 1 are fully served. 12 Q.DID MS. SEAMAN INDICATE THAT THERE ARE ANY OTHER REASONS .13 FOR THE COMMISSION TO DENY TRACFONE'S ETC APPLICATION? 14 A.No. 15 Q.DO THE ISSUES RAISED BY MS. SEAMAN WARRANT DENIAL OF 16 TRACFONE'S ETC APPLICATION? 17 A.No. While TracFone appreciates Staffs concerns, issues regarding whether 18 TracFone is required to pay certain state fees can be resolved by other means as I 19 wil describe in this rebuttal testimony. As it has done in other states, TracFone 20 wil remit all fees upon final detennination that such fees are applicable to it 2 I pursuant to state law. In addition, Ms. Seaman's concerns about rural wire center 22 coverage is not relevant to whether TracFone should be designated as an ETC in 23 its service area in Idaho..Fuentes, Di-Reb 2 73 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . HOW DOES TRACFONE PROPOSE TO ADDRESS STATE FEE ISSUES? Based on Ms. Seaman's testimony, it appears that Commission Staff does not agree with TracFone's conclusion based on its own examination of the relevant state law provisions that it is not obligated to contrbute to the ITSAP fud nor to the 91 1 Fund. Idaho is not the first state where attempts have been made to subject TracFone to state fee requirements which TracFone concluded are not applicable to it, or to delay approval of TracFone's ETC applications based on disputes regarding such fees. Neither is it the only state where legitimate, good faith, disagreements regarding applicability of certain fees and taxes have been shown to exist between TracFone and others, including state commission stafs. In such states, TracFone has consistently worked cooperatively with legislators, regulatory deparments, and other stakeholders to resolve such disputes and has been able to reach agreements for mechanisms which would allow TracFone to be designated as an ETC and to deliver its unique SafeLink Wireless4Î Lifeline service to low-income households while TracFone and other staeholders sought resolution of the issues regarding fee applicabilty. As discussed below, TracFone is committed to doing the same in Idaho. If the Commission deems it necessar to determine whether TracFone and other prepaid wireless providers are legally obligated to contribute to the ITSAP and 9 i 1 funds, it should open a separate proceeding to address that issue. TracFone faced a similar issue before the Maine Public Utilties Commission ("Maine PUC"). In the Maine PUC proceeding regarding TracFone's ETC petition, the Maine PUC Staff raised the issue of whether TracFone was obligated 74 Fuentes, Di-Reb 3 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 1 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . to make contributions to certain Maine fùnds, including the Maine USF and Maine Telecommunications Education Access Fund ("MTEAF"). TracFone asserted that it was not obligated to contribute to those funds because under applicable laws, contributions were based 011 biled intrastate revenues, and TracFone, as a provider of prepaid wireless services, does not bil its customers, and therefore has no biled intrastate revenues within the ambit of the applicable statutes. In the order designating TracFone as an ETC, the Maine PUC noted that its designation of TracFone as an ETC did not "absolve TracFone of any obligations it may have to abide by the Commission's rules regarding contributions to MUSF, MTEAF and payment of other regulatory fees." The Maine PUC decided to "open an investigation in a separate docket into whether TracFone is required to contribute to MUSF and MTEAF, and whether TracFone is in compliance with its obligations to pay other applicable regulatory fees." The Maine PUC's Order designating TracFone as an ETC and the Maine PUC Notice of Investigation are provided as Exhibit No.7 and Exhibit No.8. The Maine PUC subsequently closed the investigation and opened a rulemaking proceeding to address the applicability of the subject fees to all prepaid providers, including TracFone. The Maine PUC's Notice of Rulemaking is provided as Exhibit NO.9. Like the Maine PUC, this Commission could open a separate docket to address any statutory fee issues within its jurisdiction, rather than resolve those issues in this ETC proceeding. Because the Maine PUC wisely chose to resolve the fee dispute issues in a proceeding separate from the ETC designation process, today many low-income Maine households are able to enroll in SafeLink Wireless~ and 75 Fuentes,Di-Reb 4 TracFone Wireless, Inc. receive free mobile telecommunications service, while the Maine PUC and affected stakeholders address the fee requirements. Similarly, when TracFone sought ETC designation in Arizona, issues were raised regarding the applicability of certain Arizona fees to TracFone's prepaid wireless services. On March I, 201 1, the Arizona Corporation Commission designated TracFone as an ETC enabling it to provide Lifeline service to that state's low-income households. However, that designation was subject to a condition that TracFone send letters to each of the State of Arzona deparents with jurisdictional authority to enforce the fee requirements at issue. Specifically, TracFone was directed to solicit opinions from those departments as to whether the fees in question are applicable, and to submit copies of those letters and any responses received to the Arizona Corporation Commission as a compliance item in the TracFone ETC docket. A copf of the Arizona order is provided as Exhibit No. 10. The Maine and Arizona solutions serve as examples of ways in which the Commission may address questions about the applicabilty ofITSAP and 91 1 fees to TracFone without depriving Idaho's neediest households of an invaluable wireless Lifeline service offering. ARE THE ITSAP FEE AND 911 FEE WITHIN THIS COMMISSION'S JURISDICTION? TracFone understands that the ITSAP fee is within the Commission's jurisdiction. However, the 9 i 1 fee is subject to enforcement by the Idaho Emergency Communications Commission, which is par of the Deparent of Administration. 76 Fuentes,Di-Reb 5 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .Q.IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT HA VE JURISDICTION TO ENFORCE 2 THE 91 1 FEE, HOW SHOULD THAT ISSUE BE RESOLVED? 3 A.As noted above, TracFone recently faced a similar issue in Arizona.TracFone, as 4 a requirement of the Order designating it as an ETC, shall submit letters to the 5 state agencies with jurisdiction to enforce the disputed fees (i.e., Arizona 6 Department of Administration, the Arizona Commission on the Deaf and Hard of 7 Hearing, and the Arizona Corporation Commission), seeking a determination as to 8 whether the fees, over which the agencies have jurisdiction, are applicable to 9 TracFone's services as an ETC in Arizona. This Commission, similarly could 10 require TracFone to submit a letter to the Idaho Emergency Communications 11 Commission seeking a determination as to whether TracFone is obligated to 12 contribute to the 91 1 fund under current law..13 Q.IF THIS COMMISSION OR THE EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS 14 COMMISSION DETERMINED THAT TRACFONE IS SUBJECT TO THE i 5 ITSAP AND 91 1 FEES, WOULD TRACFONE COMMENCE PA YMENT OF 16 THOSE FEES? i 7 A.TracFone would commence payment of the ITSAP and 91 1 fees upon receiving a 18 final determination that it is obligated to remit those fees. 19 Q.WHAT IS MS. SEAMAN'S CONCERN ABOUT TRACFONE PROVIDING 20 LIFELINE SERVICE IN ALL WIRE CENTERS? 21 A.In response to a production request from IT A and CTC, TracFone provided a list 22 of exchanges and ILEC rate centers in which it provides service. Ms. Seaman is .77 Fuentes, Di-Reb 6 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 Q. 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 . concerned that TracFone's service area may not include entire rual wire centers, and as such may raise the issue of creamskimming. WHAT is TRACFONE'S RESPONSE TO THIS CONCERN? First, I want to point out that creamskimming is not a relevant issue when a wireless service provider seeks ETC designation solely for puroses of providing Lifeline service. In 2008, when the FCC designated TracFone as an ETC in 11 States, it stated: "In addition, we need not perform a cream skimming analysis because TracFone is seeking to be eligible for Lifeline support only." A copy of the FCC's Order is provided as Exhibit NO.1 1. Furhermore, as I noted in my direct testimony, the FCC developed the "cream skimming" analysis requirement when it began to designate wireless ETCs who sought support from the high-cost portion of the Universal Service Fund to subsidize the costs of building alternative networks which would compete with rural LECs. The FCC's concern was that such facilities-based wireless ETCs would get high-cost support to build out competing networks with those of the rual LECs but would actually deploy competing networks only in the most populous areas of the rural ILECs service territories -- effectively using Universal Service Fund support to engage in "cream skimming" in the ILECs' territories since the ILECs had to build out throughout their entire service areas, including the sparsely-populated portions of their service areas. Since TracFone provides service only where its underlying vendors have wireless coverage, it wil not, and canot, engage in creamskiniing as that term has been used by the FCC. It is for that reason that the FCC 78 Fuentes, Di-Reb 7 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . concluded in 2008 that a creamskimming analysis is not necessary when considering Lifeline-only ETC designation requests. Second, requiring TracFone, or any wireless carrier, to define its service area in tenus of ILEC wire centers is inappropriate. Wire centers are wireline service area concepts; they have no relevance to wireless services. While TracFone can clearly define its service area in terms of Zip Codes and can provide service area maps, it does not have access to information that would allow it to identify whether it is serving a portion of an ILEC wire center. Third, while other state commissions considering TracFone's ETC applications have required TracFone to describe its coverage area in terms of wire centers or exchanges, no state commission has conducted a creamskimming analysis or required TracFone to perform such an analysis. Indeed, of the 36 states in which TracFone has been designated as an ETC, only the Kansas Corporation Commission analyzed whether TracFone's coverage area included parial wire centers and then designated TracFone only in those wire centers that were fully included within TracFone's coverage area, based on Kansas Corporation Commission Staffs analysis of the coverage area information TracFone provided and other data available to the Staff. All other state commissions and the FCC that have designated TracFone as an ETC have defined TracFone's service area as all areas within the coverage areas of TracFone's underlying carriers or by using other coverage area information provided by TracFone. For the reasons I just discussed, a creamskimming analysis is unnecessary and inappropriate. 79 Fuentes, Di-Reb 8 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .1 Q.WHAT is TRACFONE'S RESPONSE TO MS. SEAMAN'S TESTIMONY 2 THAT DUPLICATE CLAIMS ARE AN ISSUE? 3 A.Duplicate claims for Lifeline support occur when an individual receives Lifeline- 4 supported service from more than one ETC. This is an issue throughout the 5 industry and is not limited to TracFone's service. At this time, ETCs only have 6 access to their own customer lists; ETCs have no access to other ETCs' customer 7 lists. Only a few states maintain and make available to ETCs databases of 8 enrolled Lifeline customers which can be used to determine whether an applicant 9 for Lifeline service is receiving Lifeline-supported service from another ETC. 10 Idaho is not one of those states. Moreover, under the FCC's rules and the rules of 1 i most states, ETCs are required to obtain from applicants for Lifeline servce self- 12 certifications under penalty of perjur that the applicant is not receiving Lifeline.13 benefits from another ETC. All ETCs must rely on those self-certifications in the 14 absence of accessible databases to confirm the accuracy of the customers' self- 15 certifications. Therefore, neither TracFone nor any other ETC -- wireline or 16 wireless -- has access to information to enable it to determine whether a Lifeline 17 applicant is already receiving Lifeline-supported service from another ETC. The 18 FCC's current rules do not provide any means for minimizing duplicate claims. i 9 However, the FCC has recently commenced a rulemaking proceeding in which it 20 is considering changes to the FCC's rules governing Lifeline to prevent the waste 21 of fuds caused by duplicate claims. One option being considered by the FCC is 22 the development of a database of all Lifeline customers that would enable ETCs 23 to check whether a Lifeline applicant is already receiving Lifeline service from.80 Fuentes, Di-Reb 9 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12.13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . another ETC. See In the Matter of Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization, et aI., No/ice of Proposed Rulemaking, WC Docket No. 1 i -42, (released March 4,2011). The FCC's Lifeline proceeding has been commenced in response to recommendations received from the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service in November 2010. The Federal-State Joint Board received comments from many interested stakeholders, including state commissions, and consumer groups, as well as many telecommunications companies and their industry associations. TracFone was among the entities submitting comments to that Joint Board. In FCC fiings with the Joint Board, TracFone advocated for establishment of such as database as the most effcient and effective means to minimize duplicate enrollment in Lifeline programs. TracFone continues to believe that a national database is the best way to prevent duplicate claims. The FCC's rulemaking notice articulates a clear intent by that agency to promulgate reforms to the Lifeline program to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of Universal Service Fund resources and to mandate that such reforms become minimum requirements for states. Among those FCC proposals is the establishment of a national database and suggested by the Joint Board and as supported by TracFone and others. TracFone expects that the concerns about improper duplicate enrollment described in Ms. Seaman's testimony will be addressed by the FCC. Accordingly, TracFone encourages the Commission and other affected stakeholders in Idaho to participate in that proceeding and share their views and suggestions with the FCC, rather than deny the benefits of TracFone's Lifeline service to low-income Idaho households while the FCC addresses those issues. 81 Fuentes, Oi-Reb 10 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . WHAT DOES TRACFONE DO TO PREVENT DUPLICATE CLAIMS? TracFone, like all other ETCs, does not have access to information that would allow it to determine whether a Lifeline applicant or customer is receiving Lifeline-supported service from another ETC. Therefore, at this time, there is no way for TracFone or any other ETC to ensure that an applicant or customer is not receiving Lifeline benefits from another service provider. However, in accordance with the FCC's 200S Forbearance Order (the FCC order which allowed TracFone to be designated as an ETC without providing service using its own facilties), TracFone requires every Lifeline customer to verify on an anual basis that the customer remains head of household and only receives Lifeline- Supported services from TracFone. That additional verification requirement was imposed by the FCC on ETCs like TracFone who are subject to forbearance. It is not imposed on other ETCs. No Idaho ETC is required to verify anually that every Lifeline customer receives Lifeline-supported service only from that ETC. Thus, if designated as an ETC by the Commission, TracFone would be subject to a more rigorous condition to prevent duplicate enrollments than any other Idaho ETC. As Ms. Seaman notes in her testimony, TracFone petitioned the FCC to modify this requirement to allow it to request the required self-certification from a statistically-valid sample of its Lifeline customers, rather than from all of its Lifeline customers. However, the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau denied TracFone's petition. The Wireline Competition Bureau's stated reason for denying TracFone's petition was that the fact that TracFone's Lifeline service is 82 Fuentes, Di-Reb i i TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 Q. 4 A. 5 Q. 6 A. 7 8 Q. 9 10 1 1 12 A..13 14 15 16 Q. i 7 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 . provided for free increased may increase the risk of duplicate claims. A copy of the Denial Order is provided as Exhibit No. 12. HA VE YOU REVIEWED THE TESTIMONY OF MR. TRAMPUSH? Yes. WHA T is YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF MR. TRAMPUSH'S TESTIMONY? Mr. Trampush testifies that designation of TracFone as an ETC in areas served by rural companies in Idaho is not in the public interest. WHA T REASON DOES MR. TRAMPUSH PROVIDE FOR HIS CONCLUSION THAT TRACFONE'S DESIGNATION AS AN ETC IN AREAS SERVED BY RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANIES IN IDAHO IS NOT IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST? Mr. Trampush cites several reasons for his conclusion, including his belief that the public interest benefits claimed by TracFone are not valid. Mr. Trampush also asserts that TracFone's Lifeline offering does not provide any unique advantages over the current Lifeline plans available in Idaho. DO YOU AGREE WITH MR. TRAMPUSH'S CONCLUSION? No. TracFone's SafèLink Wirelessoo Lifeline service is a unique offering. It differs significantly from the Lifeline services of any other Idaho ETC. TracFone's Lifeline service wil provide important and invaluable public interest benefits. Many of these benefits were described in TracFone's Amended ETC Application and in my direct testimony and will not be repeated here. Suffce it to say that TracFone was the first ETC in the nation to provide Lifeline customers with free wireless handsets (paid for by TracFone with no support from the USF), 83 Fuentes, Di-Reb i 2 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 I I 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . free quantities of wireless all-distance airtime, and a ful complement of important vertical features, such as call waiting, caller ID, and voice mail -- features which other Idaho ETCs, including several of those who sponsored Mr. Trampush's testimony, offer only at additional charges -- charges which are not subject to Lifeline discounts. The perceived value of TracFone's Lifeline service is best demonstrated by the fact that more than 3 milion low-income households are currently enrolled in the program and enjoying its benefits in the more than 30 states where the service currently is available. IN TRACFONE'S ETC APPLICATION, TRACFONE ASSERTS THAT ITS LIFELINE SERVICE WILL PROVIDE LARGER CALLING AREAS IN IDAHO. PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW IT EXPANDS LOCAL CALLING AREAS FOR IDAHO RESIDENTS? TracFone, through its relationsl1ips with AT&T Mobilty, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless, offers a coverage area that exceeds the coverage area of each of the four wireless ETCs mentioned in Mr. Trampush's testimony, as well as the coverage areas of each of the ILECs who are members ofITA. A TracFone customer in Idaho can use airtime minutes to place and receive calls from all areas where its underlying cariers have coverage throughout the United States, without incurrng any roaming charges. While Mr. Trampush asserts without any factua support that TracFone wil not provide larger local callng areas, that is obviously incorrect. As generally understood, a local calling area is the geographic area within which a telephone service customer may initiate calls without being subject to additional charges. For wireline ETCs, the local calling area is the 84 Fuentes, Di-Reb 13 TracFone Wireless, Inc. geographic covered by some -- or a portion of -- that carrier's exchange facilities. Calls within that area are not subject to additional charges; calls beyond that specified area are subject to additional charges. Thus, a call traversing a distance of only a few miles will often be subject to toll charges simply because such calls are beyond the ETC's limited local calling area. With TracFone's service, callers may call anywhere within the United States and not incur additional charges. Even roaming calls are not subject to additional charges. In short, unlike Idaho's other ETCs, and contrary to Mr. Trampush's testimony, the entire United States (including, of course, the entire State of Idaho) wil be the local callng area for TracFone's Lifeline customers. Even Idaho's currently-designated wireless ETCs have a more limited local calling area. For example, Silver Star Wireless charges a higher rate for roaming (i.e., calls initiated outside that company's coverage area). As stated on its website: "Roaming minutes wil be charged at 50 cents per minute. Roaming charges will apply to all calls originating outside of the Silver Star Wireless network (see map). Nationwide calling is on CDMA network with Silver Star Wireless preferred CDMA roaming partners." Silver Star, by charging a 50 cent roaming rate for calls outside of its network, limits its customers' local calling area. See Exhibit No. 13. eTC Telecom, itself an intervenor in this proceeding and a sponsor of Mr. Trampush's testimony, also has "home" airtime rates and "roan)" airtime rates. See Exhibit No. 14. Syringa Wireless requires customers to use at least 50 percent of their monthly airtime minutes on the Syringa Wireless network. See Exhibit NO.1 5. TracFone offers its customers, including its Lifeline customers, national callng. Thus, TracFone offers a .85 Fuentes, Di-Reb 14 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 7 A. 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. significantly more expansive "local callng area" then that offered by the current wireless ETCs in Idaho -- all of whom subject their customers, including their Lifeline customers, to costly additional charges for calls initiated outside their limited local callng areas. DO THE CURRENT IDAHO WIRELESS ETCS OFFER PLANS THAT ARE COMPARABLE TO THE LIFELINE PLAN PROPOSED BY TRACFONE? No. Mr. Trampush claims that TracFone's Lifeline service is not unique because wireless ETCs in Idaho offer pay-as-you-go plans with unlimited local callng. He states that Silver Star Wireless offers weekly and monthly pay-as-you-go plans. Silver Star Wireless's least expensive monthly plan provides for "up to 250 minutes" for $25. See Exhibit No. 13. Under this plan, local minutes are charged at a rate of $0.25 per minute, while calls for which roaming is necessary are charged at a rate of $0.50 per minute. Assuming that a Lifeline discount of $13.50 is applied, Silver Star Wireless's Lifeline customers would pay $1 1.50 per month ($25.00 - $23.50 = $1 1.50). As compared with TracFone's SafeLink Wireless4Î most popular Lifeline option which provides 250 minutes at no charge, a Silver Star Lifeline customer on the plan described above would pay $ 11.50 for the additional 50 minutes above the free minutes that the customer could receive at no charge under TracFone's plan. Those additional 50 minutes would require the Lifeline customer to pay $0.23 per minute -- assuming that all of those minutes were local minutes within Silver Star's local callng area, and not subject to roaming charges. Similarly, although Syringa Wireless offers unlimited local callng for $30.00 (which would cost $16.50 for a Lifeline customer), at least half 86 Fuentes, Di-Reb 15 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .of the calls must be on the Syringa Wireless Network or service will be 2 terminated. See Exhibit No. 15. Mr. Trampush refers to a $24. I 0 monthly plan 3 for crc Wireless. However, the least expensive wireless plan I have found for 4 CTC Wireless is 300 minutes per month tor $35.50 (which would cost $22.00 for 5 a Lifeline customer after application ofthc $13.50 discount funded by the 6 Universal Service Fund). See Exhibit No. 14. Comparing that Lifeline plan with 7 that of TracFone, a CTC Wireless Litèlinc customer would have to pay $22.00 8 per month to acquire 50 minutes more than TracFone would provide that 9 customer at no charge. The per minute price of those 50 additional minutes 10 (assuming that all those calls were local calls) would be $.0.44 -- a per minute 1 i price substantially higher than the $0.10 per minute price which TracFone wil 12 charge for additional minutes beyond the 250 free minutes. I simply do not.13 understand the basis for Mr. Trampush's conclusion that the public interest would i 4 be served by charging low-income consumers $0.44 per minute for minutes which 15 TracFone would provide at no charge. I understand how that arangement would 16 be in CTC Wireless's interest, but I do not understand how it would serve the 17 public interest. Moreover, given this substantial disparity between the real costs 18 incured by TracFone's Lifeline customers and the real costs incurred by those 19 other ETCs' Lifeline customers, I do not understand the basis for Mr. Trampush's 20 conclusion that TracFone's Lifeline program wil not be different from those of 21 other Idaho ETCs. TracFone's Lifeline plan, which provides 250 minutes that can 22 be used anywhere in the United States tor no charge whatsoever, plus a free .87 Fuentes, Oi-Reb 16 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .I 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 . . handset, provides unique advantages over each of the plans cited by Mr. Trampush. DO TRACFONE'S LIFELINE CUSTOMERS INCUR ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE HANDSET? No. Mr. Trampush asserts that the Commission needs to know the cost of the handset to determine whether TracFone's customer's end up paying more for Lifeline service from TracFone than from an existing ETC. This assertion is baseless. TracFone does not charge its Lifeline customers a single dime for the handset either directly or in the form of other charges. TracFone's Lifeline service is completely free to qualified low-income households. Moreover, TracFone offers a larger "local" calling area than the current Idaho wireless ETCs, plus it does not charge for roaming. TracFone's Lifeline customers may purchase additional airtime minutes, if they choose, at a rate of no more than $0.10 per minute -- significantly lower than Silver Star Wireless's local rate of $0.25 per minute -- or CTC's rate of $0.44 per minute for the additional 50 minutes. There simply are no inflated or other charges associated with TracFone's decision to provide free handsets to Lifeline customers. Lest there be any doubt about whether TracFone's uses its Lifeline plan to force customers to purchase additional service, no Lifeline customer is required to purchase additional service and, in fact, very few do so. According to company data, less than 2 percent of Lifeline customers who choose the 250 minute plan purchase any additional service. 88 Fuentes, Di-Reb 17 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 i 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . DOES TRACFONE EXPECT TO INCREASE THE LIFELINE PARTICIPATION RATE IN IDAHO? Yes. In several states in which TracFone has provided Lifèline service it has increased the Lifeline participation fate by more than 100%. For example, TracFone has provided Lifèline service in Florida, Virginia, and Tennessee since late 2008 and in several other states since 2009. In October 2009, TracFone analyzed the impact of the introduction otÏts Lifeline service on enrollment in several states. As of October 2009, TracFone had enrolled more than 2.5 milion low-income households in its Lifèline program and had dramatically increased Lifèline enrollment in the fo1lowing states: Alabama - 162 percent; Florida _ 300 percent; Georgia - 285 percent; North Carolina - i 56 percent; Teiiessee _ 268 percent; and Virginia - 692 percent. Based on its history of significantly increasing Lifeline enro1lment from historically low levels in every state where it offers Lifeline service, TracFone is confident that it wil similarly increase Lifeline enrollment among qualified low-income Idaho households. Mr. Trampush notes that the Universal Service Administrative Company ("USAC") website shows that Idaho's Lifeline paricipation rate for 2009 was between 20 and 50 percent (i.e., that in the "best case," more than one-half of the state's Lifeline-eligible low-income households are not receiving Lifeline benefits) and that the participation rate for several states in which TracFone offers Lifeline at least one-half of Idaho's low-income households currently do not receive Lifeline benefits does not indicate that TracFone wil not materially increase the Lifeline participation rate in Idaho as it has done in every other state where it offers Fuentes, Di-Reb i 8 TracFone Wireless, Inc. 89 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 1 1 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . Lifeline service as an ETC. First, TracFone only commenced service in many states in 2009, so any increase in paricipation rates would most likely occur in 2010. Second, the USAC data do not indicate where within the 20 to 50 percent range lies Idaho's actual Lifeline enrollment. Nothing in his testimony provides any basis for concluding that Idaho's current Lifèline participation rate is not closer to twenty percent than to fifty percent of eligible households. Based on TracFone's experience in other states, it anticipates that it wil be able to significantly increase the Lifeline participation rate in Idaho. MR. TRAMPUSH ASSERTS THAT A LOW LIFELINE PARTICIPATION RATE SIMPLY MEANS THAT MANY PEOPLE ELIGIBLE FOR LIFELINE ARE DECIDING NOT TO TAKE ADV ANT AGE OF THE PROGRAM. DO YOU AGREE WITH THAT ASSESSMENT? No. TracFone believes, that a low Lifeline paricipation rate is the result of there not being an attractive Lifeline service of which eligible people are aware. TracFone has substantial experience in serving and marketing to low-income customers and believes that it has developed a Lifeline product that wil meet the needs of low-income Idahoans. TracFone has succeeded in enrollng large numbers of quaified low-income households in Lifeline where other ETCs have failed. It attributes this to two primar reasons. First, TracFone has aggressively and creatively marketed its Lifeline service. It advertises in print and electronic media likely to reach targeted low income households -- households who all too often in the past were never made aware of the availabilty of Lifeline support despite the requirement contained at Section 214(e)(l)(B) of the federal 90 Fuentes,Di-Reb 19 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 1 12 Q. 13 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . Communications Act and in the FCC's rules that ETCs advertise the availability of Lifeline using media of general distribution. Second, TracFone's Lifeline service is frec. Qualified customers receive telecommunications service with no financial outlay whatsoever. To many low-income households, even the discounted prices charged by ETCs after receipt of their Lifcline subsidies leave the service priced beyond their means. Relatedly, there is no risk ofa TracFone Lifeline customer incurring billed charges for additional services which the customer cannot afford to pay and then having service terminated for non- payment. These factors -- aggressive and creative marketing, and free service-- have enabled TracFone to increase significantly the number of low-income households enrolled in Lifeline programs. DOES MR. TRAMPUSH ASSERT THAT THERE ARE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACFONE BEING DESIGNATED AS AN ETC? Yes. Mr. Trampush states that because TracFone wil only provide service where its underlying carners have coverage and wil not expand the existing networks, there is a potential for creamskimming. As I testified earlier, a creamskimming analysis is unnecessary and inappropriate when a wireless telecommunications provider seeks designation as an ETC solely to provide Lifeline service. Mr. Trampush also asserts that when a customer switches service from an ILEC to TracFone, that customer no longer contributes to the Universal Service Fund, and therefore, there is an upward pressure on the fund. Mr. Trampush provides no basis for this position and the statement is erroneous. TracFone contributes to the Universal Service Fund based on its interstate telecommunications service Fuentes, Di-Reb 20 TracFone Wireless, Inc. 91 .revenues in the same manner as do all other providers of such service. It 2 completes and fies FCC Form 499 as required and remits the amounts invoiced to 3 it based on those reports. 4 Q.DOES MR. TRAMPUSH RAISE ANY OTHER CONCERNS ABOUT 5 TRACFONE'S SERVICE? 6 A.Yes. Mr. Trampush asserts that TracFone has not demonstrated its abilty to stay 7 functional in an emergency and is not able to meet the CTIA Consumer Code for 8 wireless services. Neither of these accusations are correct. TracFone provides 9 service in Idaho by resellng services of underlying wireless network cariers, 10 including AT&T Mobilty, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless. Those network 11 operators have implemented state-of-the-art network reliabilty stadards and 12 TracFone and its customers benefit from their high standards. Thrughout its.13 more than twelve years of existence, TracFone's service reliabilty has compared 14 favorably with that of any facilties-based operator in the wireless 15 telecommunications industr. TracFone currently provides wireless service 16 Idaho, and has done so for more than twelve years. During that period, it never i 7 has failed to remain functional during an emergency. Moreover, the ETC 18 designating authorities in not less than 36 states have found that TracFone has 19 demonstrated its abilty to remain functional in an emergency, and so should this 20 Commission. 21 Q.WHAT IS MR. TRAMPUSH'S CONCERN REGARDING TRACFONE'S 22 COMPLIANCE WITH THE CTIA CONSUMER CODE? .92 Fuentes, Di-Reb 21 TracFone Wireless, Inc. A.Mr. Trampush alleges that TracFone does not comply with the CTIA Consumer.2 Code because it does not offer a trial period or provide its customers a refund for 3 unused minutes.This assertion too is incorrect. The CTIA Consumer Code 4 provides the following regarding trial periods: "When a customer initiates service 5 with a wireless carrier, the customer wil be informed of and given a period of not 6 less than 14 days to try out the service. The carrier wil not impose an early 7 termination tee if the customer cancels service within this period, provided that 8 the customer complies with applicable return and/or exchange policies. Other 9 charges, including airtime usage, may stil apply." As I already testified in my 10 direct testimony, customers may terminate their use of TracFone service at any 1 i time without incurring any penalty or termination charge, therefore a 14 day trial 12 period is not necessary..i 3 Q.MR. TRAMPUSH ASSERTS THAT THERE ARE COMPLAINTS ABOUT 14 TRACFONE'S CUSTOMER SERVICE ON THE INTERNET, INCLUDING 15 COMPLAINTS REGARDING WAIT TIMES. WHAT is TRACFONE'S 16 RESPONSE TO THESE ASSERTIONS? i 7 A.While I am not aware of the specifics of the complaints referenced in Mr. 18 Trampush's testimony, I do know that TracFone is highly committed to providing 19 high quality customer service to all of its customers. TracFone has a process for 20 resolving complaints quickly and effectively. TracFone also continuously 21 monitors customer service and analyzes the quality of its customer service based 22 on several criteria and then makes changes to its customer service when .93 Fuentes, Di-Reb 22 TracFone Wireless, Inc. I necessary.Finally, TracFone's wait times compare favorably to the industry. 2 average. 3 Q.DO YOU AGREE WITH MR. TRAMPUSH THAT THE ONLY PUBLIC 4 INTEREST BENEFIT TO TRACFONE'S LIFELINE SERVICE IS THAT IT 5 WILL PROMOTE COMPETITION? 6 A.No. As I testified earlier, TracFone's Lifeline service offers unque advantages 7 over the Lifeline plans offered by wireline and wireless ETCs in Idaho, including 8 those ETCs who have sponsored Mr. Trampush's testimony. Those advantages 9 include a more expansive, indeed, a nationwide, local callng area, importt 10 service features at no additional charge, and a free handset. No ETC currently 11 operating in Idaho provides that unique combination of consumer benefits. 12 TracFone also anticipates that it wil significantly increase the Lifeline.13 paricipation rate among low-income households in Idaho as it has done in every 14 other State where it offers Lifeline'service as an ETC. Furthermore, there are no 15 risks associated with designating TracFone as an ETC. While TracFone's 16 entrance into the Lifeline service market wil promote competition, that is not the 17 sole public interest benefit of its Lifeline service. 18 Q.HOW WILL TRACFONE CERTIFY THE ELIGIBILITY OF LIFELINE 19 APPLICANTS IN IDAHO? 20 A.TracFone wil certify the eligibilty of its Lifeline in accordance with Idaho law. 21 Pursuant to Section 56-903(1) of the Idaho Code, "the department of health and 22 welfare shall develop procedures for taking applications for assistance and for 23 determining and certifying program eligibilty." As noted on the ITSAP fact.Fuentes, Di-Reb 23 94 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 1 I 12 A. 13 14 15 Q. 16 17 18 19 A. 20 21 22 . . sheet available on the Commission's website at http://www.puc.idaho.gov/CONSUMERIITSAP.PDF, a person who is interested in receiving Lifeline must apply at a Community Action Partnership ("CAP") offce or with an Idaho Department of Health and Welfare ("DHW") Regional Office. If the person is detennined to be eligible, the person's information wil be forwarded to the person's chosen telephone company. Therefore, a CAP or DHW, not TracFone, will verify eligibility in Idaho. However, TracFone wil work with the CAPs and DHW to ensure that only eligible individuals are accepted into the Lifeline program. TRACFONE WAS RECENTLY AUDITED BY VSAC. WHAT DID USAC FIND? USAC found that TracFone's Lifeline service, including the process it uses to certify initial eligibility and continued eligibilty for Lifeline service complied with the FCC's rules. WHA T DO THE FCC RULES PROVIDE REGARDING HOW ETCS MUST CERTIFY THE INITIAL ELIGIBILITY OF LIFELINE APPLICANTS WHO CLAIM THEIR ELIGIBILITY BASED ON PARTICIPATION IN A LOW- INCOME PROGRAM? The FCC rules provide that such applicants must certify under penalty of perjury that they participate in a program that qualifies them to receive Lifeline benefits. As USAC found, TracFone complies with the FCC's rules concerning certification of eligibility. However, in Idaho, and as permitted by the FCC's Fuentes, Di-Reb 24 TracFone Wireless, Inc. 95 .rules, TracFone wil comply with Idaho's rules governing certification of 2 eligibilty. 3 Q.IS THE FCC CONSIDERIG REVISING THE RULES GOVERNING THE 4 LIFELINE PROGRAM? 5 A.Yes. As Mr. Trampush mentions, the FCC is concerned about waste, fraud and 6 abuse in the Lifeline program. One issue about which the FCC is paricularly 7 concerned is when an individual receives Lifeline service from more than one 8 ETC. This is known as "double dipping" "duplicate enrollment." As I explained 9 earlier, ETCs do not have access to other ETCs' customers lists. Therefore, it is 10 difficult, if not impossible, for any ETC to prevent duplicate enrollment. The 11 FCC has initiated a rulemaking proceeding to address this issue, as well as other 12 issues related to the Lifeline program. The FCC also is actively considering.13 taking interim steps to prevent duplicate enrollment pending completion of the 14 FCC rulemaking proceeding. In recent weeks, TracFone has been an active 15 paricipant in meetings convened by the FCC to develop such an interim solution. 16 If such an interim solution is finalized and adopted while this proceeding is 17 pending, I wil submit a supplement affidavit describing that solution and 18 attaching any FCC documents memorializing the solution. 19 Q.WHILE THE FCC PROCEEDING IS PENDING, SHOULD THE 20 COMMISSION DEFER A DECISION IN THIS CASE? 21 A.No. Any new rules ultimately issued by the FCC in the rulemakng proceeding 22 wil apply to all ETCs. In the meantime, TracFone, as well as all other ETCs, are 23 required to comply with the curent rules The FCC, fully aware that carers are.Fuentes, Di-Reb 25 96 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 Q. 16 17 18 19 A. 20 21 22 23 . . continuing to request ETC designation at the FCC, as well as at state commissions, has not required that any ETC proceedings be delayed or suspended. Mr. Trampush's assertion that customers may be confused by changes in the rules is unfounded and provides no basis for delaying the current proceeding. Delaying the proceeding will only result in delaying the availabilty ofTracFone's Lifèline service to eligible low-income Idahoans. WHY HAS TRACFONE REFUSED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION ABOUT ITS COST STRUCTURE TO ITA AND CTC? TracFone's costs and expenses are not relevant to any requirement for designation as an ETC. So far as TracFone is aware, no other ETC has been required to provide cost information as part of the ETC designation process in Idaho. In this regard, I remind Mr. Trampush and others that Section 332(c) of the federal Communications Act prohibits states from regulating the rates of commercial mobile radio service providers. MR. TRAMPUSH ASSERTS THAT THE COMMISSION SHOULD IMPOSE A NUMBER OF CONDITIONS AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ON TRACFONE IF IT IS DESIGNATED AS AN ETC. WOULD TRACFONE AGREE TO THOSE CONDITIONS? Mr. Trampush proposes that TracFone should be required to make a compliance fiing for approval by the Commission. The fiing would include TracFone's Lifeline rate plans, terms and conditions, proposed advertising language, a Lifeline application form for Idaho, and a certification that TracFone wil comply with all applicable federal and state statutes and regulations. TracFone does not 97 Fuentes, Di-Reb 26 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Q. 20 21 A. 22 23 . . oppose these conditions, with two exceptions. First, Mr. Trampush proposes that the advertising language should include information directing customers to contact the Commission or an appropriate Idaho state agency for complaints regarding any Lifeline service issue. The New Jersey Board of Public Utilties ("New Jersey Board") also required similar language in TracFone's advertising, but has since asked TracFone to remove the reference to the New Jersey Board in its advertising. According to the New Jersey Board Staff, they were receiving numerous calls regarding various Lifeline service issues that had no relation to complaints, and that responding to these inquiries was straining that Board's resources. TracFone has no objection to including such language in its Idaho advertising if the Commission deems it appropriate. However, TracFone cautions the Commission that the inclusion of language in advertising materials directing customers to contact the Commission may result in the Commission receiving numerous calls and burdening Commission resources. Second, TracFone clarifies that it would be wiling to certify compliance with all applicable laws governing state fees, once those laws are determined to be applicable to TracFone either in a separate proceeding or through a final determination made by the appropriate state agency. WOULD TRACFONE AGREE TO THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED BY MR. TRAMPUSH? Mr. Trampush proposes several reporting requirements, including that TracFone fie any future changes to its rates, terms and conditions, at least i 0 days prior to the effective date of the changes, provide infonnation on its terms, rates, and 98 Fuentes, Di-Reb 27 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 1 1 12 A. 13 14 i 5 16 17 18 Q. 19 A. 20 2 I 22 . . conditions in the welcome packet sent to Lifeline customers, and post its rates, terms, and conditions on its website. TracFone would agree to this requirement. Mr. Trampush also proposes that TracFone apply a non-usage policy in Idaho whereby TracFone would be required to deactivate a Lifeline customer who has no usage for 60 consecutive days. TracFone has a non-usage policy in place in all states in which it otfers Lifeline service and wil also follow that policy in Idaho. Incidentally, the FCC has proposed in its Lifeline rulemaking proceeding that all ETCs be required to implement a 60 day non-usage policy, based on TracFone's current non-usage policy. ARE THERE ANY OTHER REPORTING REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED BY MR. TRAMPUSH? Mr. Trampush also states that TracFone should be required to provide quarterly reports on the number of Lifeline customers enrolled each month in each of the plans and the number of customers deactivated and the reason for the deactivation. TracFone would not oppose this requirement. Although, like the non-usage policy, the benefits of that proposed reporting requirement are such that all ETCs should be subject to it. DOES MR. TRAMPUSH PROPOSE ANY OTHER REQUIREMENTS? Mr. Trampush asks that TracFone be required to comply with Commission Staffs requests for information. TracFone wil comply with requests from the Commission Staff, but wil seek appropriate protections for confidential information. TracFone wil also work with DHW and the CAPs to verify the 99 Fuentes, Di-Reb 28 TracFone Wireless, Inc. .eligibilty of all Lifeline applicants and wil advise the Commission of the 2 verification procedures agreed upon. 3 Q.WOULD TRACFONE BE WILLING TO FILE WITH THE COMMISSION ITS 4 CUSTOMER RECORDS AND A REPORT ON CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS 5 ON AN ANNAL BASIS? 6 A.TracFone would agree to fie customer records so long as they receive 7 confidential treatment. TracFone would need to work with Commission Staf to 8 agree upon a format and scope of the records to be fied. TracFone would also 9 agree to fie an annual report on customer complaints fied with TracFone, the 10 Commission and the FCC. 11 Q.WOULD TRACFONE BE WILLING TO PROVIDE A COPY OF ITS 12 ANNAL LIFELINE VERIFICATION SURVEY RESULTS THAT IT FILES.13 WITH USAC EACH YEAR? 14 A.Yes. Indeed, there is merit to many of Mr. Trampush's reporting requirement 15 proposals. Since that information would be invaluable to the Commission's 16 efforts to effectively monitor the performance of TracFone as an ETC as well as 17 the operation of the Lifeline program in Idaho, I respectfully suggest that those 18 reporting requirements be made applicable to all ETCs providing Lifeline service 19 in Idaho. 20 Q.SHOULD THE COMMISSION BE ABLE TO REVOKE TRACFONE'S ETC 21 DE SIGNA TION IF TRACFONE FAILS TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE 22 CONDITIONS OR REPORTING REQUIREMENT PROPOSED BY MR. 23 TRAMPUSH?.Fuentes, Di-Reb 29 100 TracFone Wireless, Inc. 1 A.TracFone understands that the Commission has the right to revoke an ETC.2 designation for violation of applicable legal requirements. However, TracFone, 3 like any other ETC, should provided with notice and afforded an opportunity to 4 be heard and present evidence as to why its designation should not be revoked in 5 the event that the Commission determines that revocation may be necessar. 6 Q.is THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD TO YOUR 7 TESTIMONY? 8 A.Based on my testimony above, i would like to reiterate that TracFone meets all 9 legal requirements for designation as an ETC and that designation of TracFone as 10 an ETC for the limited purpose of providing Lifeline service to low-income Idaho 1 i households will serve the public interest. Accordingly, the Idaho Public Utilties 12 Commission should unconditionally and promptly grant TracFone's ETC.13 Application so that TracFone may commence providing its SafeLink Wireless4Î 14 service to low-income Idaho households at the earliest possible time. TracFone 15 looks forward to soon bringing this important Congressionally-mandated 16 telecommunications benefit to low-income Idaho households as it already is doing 17 in 33 other States. 18 Q.DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY? 19 A.Yes, it does. .101 Fuentes, Di-Reb 30 TracFone Wireless, Inc. . . 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing.) 3 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And you may ask for 4 admission of the exhibits at the end; or if I forget to do 5 that, by operation of our Rules, they are admitted. 6 MR. BRECHER: That's good to know, because on 7 more than one occasion I've forgotten. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We have a safety net there 9 if somebody forgets. Then by operation of our Rules, the 10 exhibits are automatically admitted at the close of the 11 hearing. 12 MR. BRECHER: Thank you, Chairman Smith. 13 Mr. Fuentes is available for cross-examination. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 15 Mr. Price. 16 MR. PRICE: Thank you, Chairman Smith. 17 18 CROSS-EXAMINATION 19 20 BY MR. PRICE: 21 22 23 Q.Good morning, Mr. Fuentes. A.Good morning, Mr. Price. Q.To start off, I would refer you to page 6 of your 24 rebuttal testimony, speaking of lines 9 through 12. And in.25 this passage, you make the assertion that the Commission could 102 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 1 ask the Idaho Emergency Communications Commission to submit a 2 letter as to whether or not the E911 fee is applicable to 3 TracFone. Correct? 4 A. That is correct. 5 Q. And have you had an opportunity to review all of 6 the comments that were issued in this case? 7 A.Yes. 8 Q.And would that include the comment filed by 9 Mayor Garret Nancolas, chair of the Idaho Emergency 10 Communications Commission? 11 A.No, not that one. 12 Q.Okay. So then you are not aware that he did 13 express an opinion to that matter? 14 A. No, I am not aware. 15 Q. I would refer you to the testimony of Staffperson 16 Grace Seaman. Do you have that in front of you? 1 7 A. I do not. 18 MR. BRECHER: If you would give me a moment, I 19 can provide him with a copy. MR. PRICE: Okay. I would refer the 21 Commissioners there as well. 22 Q.BY MR. PRICE: Do you have that in front of you 23 now? 24.25 A.I do, if you can cite the -- Q.If you turn, the very last page or second to last 103 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 page of her testimony. 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: That would be page 16? 3 Q.BY MR. PRICE: It's actually following the 4 prepared testimony and it's used as an attachment. It's a 5 letter with the letterhead Idaho Emergency Communications 6 Commission. 7 A.Yes. 8 Q.Addressed to the Commissioners. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: That would be Exhibit 102. 10 MR. PRICE: Okay, I'm sorry, referred to as 11 Exhibit 102. Thank you. 12 Q.BY MR. PRICE: And could you please read in that 13 first paragraph the last full sentence? 14 A.First paragraph, last full sentence. 15 Q.I'm sorry, the last two sentences. 16 A.On the first paragraph. 17 Q.On the first paragraph. 18 A.Last two sentences: 19 Further, it is the IECC's position that 20 TracFone' s failure to do so is in violation of the Idaho 21 Emergency Communications Act, Idaho Code Section 31-4801, 22 et sequi ter. 23 Q.Okay. So, you know, I understand that TracFone 24 disputes this matter, but that does, in fact, represent a.25 communication from the chairperson for the Idaho Emergency 104 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 Communications Commission as to the matter of whether the E911 2 fees are applicable to TracFone. Correct? 3 A.On that first paragraph, yes, it would. 4 Q.Okay. All right. Well, I'd also refer you to 5 page 21 of your rebuttal testimony. And in your testimony, I'm 6 speaking of lines 15 and 16, the sentence there that begins 7 with "TracFone," you make the statement that TracFone has been 8 operating in Idaho for more than 12 years. Correct? 9 A.Correct. 10 Q.And during that time, TracFone has not 11 contributed any funds to the E911 fund. Correct? 12 A.Not that I'm aware of. 13 Q.Nor to the ITSAP fund. Correct? 14 A.Not that I'm aware of. 15 Q.And one of the -- one of the justifications that 16 TracFone uses for why it shouldn't have to contribute to 17 this -- these funds is that it doesn't render a traditional 18 end-of-the-month bill to its -- to the end user. Correct? 19 A.Correct. But if you're getting into specifics 20 about the fund and how things are managed, I'm not the 21 appropriate person 22 MR. BRECHER: Let me address that. I was going 23 to object but I didn't because it was a very limited question. 24.25 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Is your mic on? Thank you. MR. BRECHER: It's just touch. 105 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. o. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 Mr. Fuentes, neither his direct testimony nor his 2 rebuttal testimony addresses the legal issues surrounding the 3 applicability of the 911 surcharge or for that matter the ITSAP 4 charge. The Company has articulated a legal position in its 5 filings; it is prepared to further articulate those in 6 memoranda or law or briefs. Mr. Fuentes' responsibilities do 7 not include making legal determinations as to the applicability 8 of taxes and fees, and he is not competent to address those. 9 We can address those as a matter of law using the appropriate 10 process. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Price. 12 MR. PRICE: I wasn't asking Mr. Fuentes to make 13 ita legal conclusion. I understand that that's beyond his 14 expertise. However, I do think that we have the leeway to ask 15 him whether or not he's aware that the Company contributes to 16 those funds in Idaho, as a representative for the Company. 17 MR. BRECHER: Fair enough. I have no objection 18 to that. 19 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I will allow the question. 20 MR. PRICE: Okay. Should I restate the question? 21 I think it stands on its own. He did answer it previously, so 22 I'll go ahead and move on. 23 Q.BY MR. PRICE: So, is it your understanding that 24 the Company does have a mechanism in place to track the usage 25 rate of its individual customers? Correct? 106 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 A. "Its usage rate" meaning how many minutes are 2 deducted from the phone? 3 Q.Correct. 4 A.Yes, we can see our customers, if they were to 5 contact us with an issue, how many minutes was last recorded 6 that we could see on their time tank, as we call it. 7 Q.Okay. So the Company does track service periods, 8 end dates, and deactivation times. Correct? 9 A.Yes. 10 Q.And that was the finding that was reached by the 11 Washington Supreme Court. 12 MR. PRICE: I do have an exhibit that I would 13 like to present if I had permission to approach the witness. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: You do. 15 MR. BRECHER: Again, I'm going to renew my 16 objection. I have no problem whatsoever with administrative 17 law Decisions or judicial Decisions being introduced into the 18 record; they're public documents. I -- Mr. Fuentes is not 19 competent to interpret, construe, or explain those Decisions. 20 21 MR. PRICE: And I will not ask him to do that. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Price. This 22 will be 103. 23 24.25 MR. PRICE: Yes. COMMISSIONER SMITH: We will mark this as Exhibit 103. 107 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 21 1 (Staff Exhibit No. 103 was marked for 2 identification. ) 3 Q.BY MR. PRICE: With the previous admonition, I 4 won't ask you to render a legal conclusion regarding this 5 Decision. However, I would refer you to the last full page of 6 the Decision rendered by the Washington State Supreme Court and 7 I'm speaking of the document in front of you, TracFone 8 Wireless, Incorporated, versus Washington Department of 9 Revenue, argued on November 10, 2010, and decided October 28, 10 2010. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Page number, Mr. Price. 12 MR. PRICE: That would be page 18. 13 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Well, my pagination has two 14 numbers: One at the top 15 MR. PRICE: I'm sorry, page 18 of the original 16 page number. 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Which would be 19 of 19? 18 MR. PRICE: Nineteen of 19. I omitted the 19 Westlaw page. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. Q.BY MR. PRICE: I apologize. I marked it on my 22 original one and I made copies and I am sorry. It is on 23 page 16. That would be 17 of 19. And then the section on the 24 left-hand side below Conclusion, starting with the word.25 "because," could you read that sentence? 108 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 A. Because TracFone knows the service periods, end 2 dates, and deactivation times for the radio access lines wi thin 3 its prepaid services, it can calculate the amount of tax due 4 wi thout any problem with uniformity. Moreover, regardless of 5 claim difficulties in collecting the tax from the use 6 subscribers, the tax may lawfully be assessed with payment made 7 by TracFone. 8 Q.That's enough right there. So, TracFone has made 9 it a practice or a custom to dispute whether or not these E911 10 fees are applicable in multiple states throughout the United 11 States. Correct? 12 A. Where the law has been vaguely defined or does 13 not include prepaid as wi thin the law, we do not pay. 14 Q.And is TracFone currently contributing to the 15 E911 fund in Washington, at this moment? 16 A.I can't tell you "yes" or "no." I don't know the 17 answer to that question. 18 Q.And TracFone has made similar arguments to the 19 one it made before the Washington State Supreme Court in other 20 states, including Ohio, Maine, California, Colorado, and 21 Kentucky? 22 A.Ohio; we did propose an argument in Maine; it's 23 currently under review by the Maryland Public Service 24 Commission, I believe. One more state. 25 MR. BRECHER: I'm going to reiterate my objection 109 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 that this witness is not responsible for the Company's 2 decisions whether and when to challenge state tax laws. 3 That said, to move things along, I am prepared to 4 stipulate that TracFone has contested the applicability of 5 certain 911 tax laws in a number of jurisdictions, including 6 several which Mr. Price mentioned, if that helps. 7 MR. PRICE: Okay, that's enough for me. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Thank you. 9 MR. PRICE: That Stipulation is sufficient. 10 We'll move on then. 11 Q.BY MR. PRICE: In your testimony in Response to 12 Staff's Production Request, you have stated that TracFone will 13 seek to provide service to residents of homeless shelters. 14 Correct? 15 A.Correct. 16 Q.And this business plan would normally violate the 17 FCC's one household policy. Correct? 18 A.Correct. 19 MR. BRECHER: Objection: A, it calls for a legal 20 conclusion; B, I think it's an inaccurately-worded question. I 21 don't think the determination has been made by the FCC. 22 Q.BY MR. PRICE: Okay. Well, I guess we can refer 23 to the Response that the Company made to Staff's Second 24 Production Request. Do you have that in front of you?.25 A.Just a minute. Let me check my notes here. Not 110 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 wi th this testimony, but hold on. 2 Q. It's the Response regarding Staff's Production 3 Request dealing with service provided to shelter -- in a 4 shel ter program. 5 MS.O'LEARY:Thirty-three. MR.PRICE:Thirty-three. MR.BRECHER:Do you have the number of the page? MS.MELILLO:Third page of the document. MR.BRECHER:Thirty-one. MR.PRICE:Have you been able to locate that 6 7 8 9 10 11 yet? 12 MR. MILLER: Jose. 13 MR. BRECHER: My copy only goes to 31. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Let's be at ease. 15 (Discussion off the record.) 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right, let's go back on 17 the record. 18 Q.BY MR. PRICE: Okay, so in that 19 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Price, would you please 20 identify what you're having the witness look at? 21 MR. PRICE: Okay. I have directed the witness to 22 review the Response to Staff Production Request No. 33. 23 Q.BY MR. PRICE: And that Response was issued by 24 you, Mr. Fuentes. Correct?.25 A.Uh-huh. Correct. 111 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 Q. And in that, you describe certain negotiations 2 that have been undertaken with the FCC regarding the shelter 3 program. Correct? 4 A. Correct. 5 Q. And that those negotiations were imperative, 6 because if not, the FCC and TracFone was concerned that there 7 would be a violation of the one household policy? 8 A.Correct. However, we -- when it comes to 9 shel ters, we do not advertise. And that's something that we 10 discussed with the FCC. We do not advertise that we are 11 providing services to shelters. The shelters have to be aware 12 of it and they contact us, and there's a series of processes 13 that are in place before a shelter can even begin to receive 14 phone service. There is a protocol. There are documentation 15 materials that they need to provide before that even starts. 16 Q.Okay. So the Company finds a shelter 17 representati ve is what was referred to in your Response. 18 Correct? 19 A.Finds a shelter representative, but the 20 shel ter -- in this case, the representative of the shelter 21 would contact us, and that would begin the series of procedures 22 that we would have to put in place. 23 Q.And that individual, this shelter representative, 24. is responsible for helping to enroll shelter residents? 25 A.The shelter in the end is responsible for the 112 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 phones and the service that is being provided, and they have to 2 ensure that the phone is -- from my understanding is the phone 3 is designated to a bed or room in this case, whichever it may 4 be, and that during that period of time, that phone is active. 5 And the shelter must inform us when that -- there's no occupant 6 in that area, and then that phone is deactivated. 7 Q.Okay. And you would agree that residents of 8 homeless shelters are, by nature, transitory. Correct? 9 A.Yes. 10 Q.Doesn't that situation seem ripe for duplication 11 of claims? 12 A.Absolutely not, because what we're doing is the 13 shel ter would notify us and they're immediately deactivated 14 from the service. 15 There are very strict guidelines and procedures 16 that have been in place, and this has been in consultation with 17 the FCC. And nor would we even remotely allow a phone to be 18 active if it's not being used and there's no name associated 19 wi th that phone. 20 Q.But you're relying upon this shelter 21 representative to come in contact with you after the fact, 22 after these persons have moved on to wherever they're going, 23 because obviously this is a temporary situation for them; 24 you're relying upon that shelter representative to contact the.25 Company and let them know that they're no longer living there. 113 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 Correct? 2 A.Of course. But, I mean, they have made great 3 pains to contract us. And believe me, the process to sign up 4 for the service is not easy, it's not a blanket window that 5 they just walk in through and we just hand them phones. They 6 have to go through a very strict process, and there have been 7 shel ters that have walked away from willing to abide by the 8 rules. 9 Q.All right. We'll move on to -- 10 Oh, I'm sorry, can we get our binder back? 11 A.Is this your binder? 12 Q.Yeah. Let's proceed to pages 28 through 29 of 13 your testimony. 14 MR. BRECHER: Direct or rebuttal? 15 Q.BY MR. PRICE: Your rebuttal testimony. 16 And that incomplete sentence on page 28 of your 17 direct rebuttal testimony beginning with "TracFone" states that 18 you will work with the Department of Health and Welfare 19 acronym DHW -- and CAPs -- Community Action agencies -- during 20 the Lifeline enrollment process. Correct? 21 22 A.That is correct. Q.And do you have the names of any individual 23 contacts of those agencies in Idaho? 24.25 A.Not yet. Q.Can you describe a process or procedure for 114 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 working with Department of Health and Welfare or the CAP 2 agencies in Idaho? 3 A.I would assume that if they have a database, our 4 operations team would get in contact with their IT person or 5 operations to find out how they would like the information to 6 flow. Once that's done, we would probably do a test run to 7 make sure that the system's working fine. And that's pretty 8 much it. I mean, it's pretty self-explanatory. 9 Q. Have you personally spoken with anybody from the 10 Idaho Department of Health and Welfare or an Idaho CAP 11 agency? 12 A.No, I have not. 13 Q.Next, I would go to page 11 of your rebuttal 14 testimony, lines 4 through 6. And in that sentence beginning 15 with "therefore," you make an assertion that it's virtually 16 impossible for the Company TracFone -- to verify the end 17 users are not receiving Lifeline service from another provider. 18 Correct? 19 A.Correct. 20 MR. BRECHER: Just to clarify the question, the 21 words "virtually impossible" do not appear in that statement. 22 Isn't that correct, Counsel? I believe it says there's "no 23 way. " 24.25 MR. PRICE: I wasn't aware that I was under examination, but they don't appear. That is my phrasing of the 115 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 question. 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I think it would be more 3 clear if you would use the witness's exact quotation. 4 Q.BY MR. PRICE: Could I have you read then that 5 sentence beginning with "therefore" and ending with 6 "provider"? 7 A.Therefore, at this time, there is no way for 8 TracFone or any other ETC to ensure that an applicant or 9 customer is not receiving Lifeline benefits from another 10 service. 11 Q.So, essentially, TracFone claims that duplicate 12 entries or duplicate enrollments cannot be eliminated? 13 A.Under the current system, no, because, I mean, no 14 ETC is going to call another ETC to ask them, Hey, is this 15 person on your rolls? 16 And the best way to solve that is if a database 17 by a third party or state entity or federal entity or whatever 18 maintains that list. Would we be more than happy each month or 19 on a quarterly basis provide our subscriber data as well as 20 every other ETC to check for duplication? Sure, as long as 21 it's right up all across the board, every ETC has to do the 22 very same thing. We have no issues with that. 23 We take double-dipping very seriously. We do 24 everything possible that we can on our end to eliminate 25 double-dipping. We have verification systems set up in place 116 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 to make sure within our own systems that a customer cannot use 2 that residence more than once. Or if that customer moved, we 3 do verification, we check, because sometimes there's been 4 si tuations where a person moves out of an apartment or a new 5 person comes in and that person is receiving Lifeline benefits 6 from that, and we go through a very painstaking process to make 7 sure that the customer moved or the customer was deactivated 8 from the program and a new customer is in and does live at that 9 new address. 10 Q.However, it's your own statement in your 11 testimony that there is, quote, no way for TracFone or any 12 other ETC to ensure that an Applicant or customer is not 13 recei ving Lifeline benefits from another service provider. 14 Correct? 15 A.The way that the system is set up at this time, 16 yes. 17 Q.Okay. And are you aware of the most recent audit 18 from USAC in the state of Florida regarding duplicate claims? 19 A.Yes. 20 Q.And what is the approximate percentage of 21 duplicate claims in Florida? 22 A.That, I don't recall the exact percentage. It 23 might be somewhere in the 40 s, I'm not sure. 24.25 Q.All right. Well, as I mentioned earlier, TracFone has been involved in this sort of litigation regarding 117 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 18 1 E911 fees in various other states, and you responded that you 2 were aware that in the state of Maine that was a disputed 3 issue. Correct? 4 A.Yes. That was delinked from ETC's designation 5 and it went through its own process. 6 Q.And that's referenced in page 4 of your rebuttal 7 testimony? 8 A.Correct. 9 Q.You propose an approach wherein the proceeding 10 would be bifurcated -- in other words, that there would be a 11 separate rulemaking proceeding -- as to whether TracFone would 12 have to contribute to an E911 fund? 13 A.That is correct. 14 Q.You support that approach in Idaho? 15 A.Absolutely. 16 Q.What was the outcome of that case in Maine? 17 A.It hasn't been decided yet, to my knowledge. Q.So while that's under dispute, the Company is not 19 currently contributing to that fund? 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 A.That is correct. MR. PRICE: That's all I have. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Price. Ms. 0' Leary. MS. 0' LEARY: Thank you. 118 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MS. 0' LEARY: 4 Q.Mr. Fuentes, I do have a few questions to ask you 5 today. In TracFone' s Amended Application, it provided a copy 6 of what has been commonly referred to as the Forbearance Order 7 as Exhibit 4. Do you have a copy of that exhibit with you? 8 A. I believe I do. 9 MR. BRECHER: Make sure you give it back. 10 THE WITNESS: Was it Exhibit 4? 11 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Exhibit 4, your Application. 12 MR. BRECHER: No, no, it was September 8, 13 Forbearance Order. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay, we'll be at ease for a 15 minute. 16 (Discussion off the record.) 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay, so just so the record 18 is clear, this is not Exhibit 4 to the witness's direct 19 testimony. This is Exhibit 4 to the Amended Application which 20 was filed with the Commission on March 1, 2010. All right. 21 22 23 MS. O'LEARY: Yes, thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Mr. Fuentes, would you please 24 turn to page 10 and read the first sentence that begins at the.25 bottom of page 10 and continues at the top of page 11, just 119 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 19 1 that first sentence? 2 A. You're referring to line 23.Correct? 3 Q.On Paragraph 23, yes. 4 A.I'm sorry, Paragraph 23. 5 Q.Yes. 6 A.Public interest. Section 10 (a) (3) requires that 7 we consider whether enforcement of the facilities-based 8 requirement of Section 24 -- 214 (e) for a pure wireless 9 reseller that seeks ETC designation for Lifeline support only 10 is in the public interest. In this instance, based on the -- 11 Q.Yes, go ahead. I was going to ask you to read 12 that next sentence, so please continue with that next sentence. 13 A.Okay. In this instance, based on the record 14 before us, we find that the statutory goal of providing 15 telecommunications access to low-income consumers outweighs the 16 requirement that TracFone own facilities, where TracFone, 17 should it be designated an ETC, will be eligible only for 18 Lifeline support. Q.Okay. Thank you. So according to the language 20 you just read, Mr. Fuentes, the FCC expressly limited its 21 Forbearance Order to the record before it. Is that correct? 22 23 A.Correct. Q.Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, at page 14 of your 24 direct testimony, you state that it is your belief -- I'm going.25 to get there while you're getting there. 120 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 MR. BRECHER: Are you going to ask him more 2 questions about that Order or can I retrieve my book? 3 MS. O'LEARY: Right now you can retrieve your 4 book, but I couldn't guarantee you that -- 5 MR. BRECHER: You'll ask some more? 6 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Okay, page 14 -- I had to get 7 there myself, sorry. At the top of page 14 of your direct 8 testimony, beginning with line 1, you state well, would you 9 read that first sentence? Your answer there would be lines 1 10 through 5 at the top of page 14 of your direct testimony, 11 A.Forgi ve me, I was looking at my rebuttal. 12 Lines 1 through 5? 13 Q.Yes. 14 A.Okay: 15 Yes. I understand that all State Commissions, 16 including this Commission, are required to comply with the 17 FCC's Decision to forbear from applying or enforcing the 18 facili ties requirement on TracFone. Accordingly, the 19 FCC-imposed conditions of forbearance are binding on TracFone 20 in all jurisdictions where it may be designated as an ETC. 21 Q.Thank you. I think if I understood your earlier 22 responses to Mr. Price's cross-examination and Mr. Brecher's 23 objections to some of that line of questioning, that you are 24 not an attorney?.25 A.That is correct, I am not. 121 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. o. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 21 1 Q. You are not. So then you are not qualified to 2 render a legal opinion on the question of whether this 3 Commission is required to comply with the FCC's Forbearance 4 Order. Is that correct? 5 A.To a certain degree, but 36 jurisdictions have 6 approved us as an ETC and the forbearance issue has not been 7 Q.I'm sorry, I asked you are you qualified to 8 render a legal opinion 9 A.No, I am not. 10 Q.-- before this Commission? 11 A.No, I am not. 12 Q.Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, are you aware of any 13 state in which TracFone has applied for ETC designation that 14 did not agree with your position that all State Commissions are 15 required to comply with the Forbearance Order? 16 A.Yes. 17 Q.And what state did not agree with that 18 conclusion? 19 A.Oklahoma. Q.Thank you. Mr. Fuentes -- MS. 0' LEARY: I'm sorry, Mr. Brecher, I am going 22 to ask for the Forbearance Order again. 23 24.25 MR. BRECHER: All right. COMMISSIONER SMITH: And that would be Exhibit 4 to the Application. 122 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 i THE WITNESS: Thank you. 2 MS. O'LEARY: Yes, Exhibit 4 to the Application. 3 MR. MILLER: The Amended Application. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Oh, sorry. Thank you. The 5 Amended. 6 MS. 0' LEARY: Actually, Madam Chair, if I may, I 7 would like to introduce an exhibit in relation to the question 8 I just asked Mr. Fuentes about the Oklahoma Commission. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Sure. Oh, that brings up 10 your exhibit numbers, which I notice that the Commission did 11 not issue a Notice of Parties, so your numbers will be in the 12 200 series. So your prefiled would be 201 to 206, and this 13 would be 207. 14 MR. PRICE: I will state on the record that that 15 is my fault. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Not necessary, but happy 17 when people take responsibility. 18 MS. O'LEARY: If I may? 19 COMMISSIONER SMITH: You may. MS. 0' LEARY: I don't need to approach the 21 witness because he says he's familiar with this, but I did 22 bring copies for the parties that are here and for the 23 Commission Staff. And as was just noted by Commissioner 24 Smith -- I'm sorry this will be marked as Exhibit 207..25 I don't have any further questions -- I have one 123 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 22 1 for you; I'll be right back. 2 I do not have any further questions at this time, 3 but I did want you to have that in your possession. 4 (Intervenors' Exhibit No. 207 was marked 5 for identification.) 6 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Now I am ready to move on to 7 Exhibi t 4 once again to TracFone' s Amended Application. And 8 you do have that in your hand. Is that correct? 9 A.That is correct. 10 Q.Okay. I am going to ask you to turn to page 9 11 and Paragraph 18, and if you'll just take a moment to 12 familiarize yourself. I'm sure you've read this a hundred 13 times, but just to make sure we' re literally all on the same 14 page if you'll just take a moment to look at that. 15 A.Okay. 16 Q.Is it your understanding from having read this 17 numerous times and just reviewing that paragraph there that the 18 FCC requires TracFone to require its customers to self-certify 19 under penalty of perjury that they are the head of household 20 and only receive Lifeline-supported service from TracFone? 21 A.Yes. Q.Okay. Do you -- did you prepare TracFone' s 23 Response to -- this is where we're going to get into is he the 24 right witness for the Discovery Responses, Madam Chair..25 Did you prepare TracFone' s response to the ITA 124 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 19 1 and CTC Telecom -- hereafter, we're going to call ourselves the 2 "Intervenors" -- First Joint Production Request No. 26? 3 A.I did not prepare it, but I was part of the 4 overseeing. 5 Q.I'm sorry? 6 A.I didn't prepare it mysel f, but I am aware of it, 7 I did oversee the production of it. 8 Q.So are you the proper witness to respond to 9 questions regarding ITA and CTC' s Discovery Requests and your 10 Response -- TracFone' s Responses to those Requests? 11 A.Yeah, for the most part. 12 Q.Okay. Well, we'll just struggle along as we go 13 here. 14 MR. BRECHER: What was the date of those 15 Responses? 16 MS. O'LEARY: Oh, heavens, Mitch -- I mean Rick. 17 March 4? March 11th? 18 MS. MELILLO: Yeah, it was March 11th. MS. O'LEARY: If you'll bear with me, I'm going 20 to get there. 21 22 23 MR. PRICE: It's date-stamped March 17th. MR. BRECHER: I have it. Q.BY MS. O'LEARY: Do you have a copy of that in 24 front of you, Mr. Fuentes?.25 A.No, I'm trying to find it right now. 125 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 1 MR.BRECHER:Do you have a particular question you're asking him about? MS.0' LEARY:Number 26. MR.BRECHER:I'm sorry.Here you go. THE WITNESS:This is marked "confidential. " 2 3 4 5 6 Q.BY MS. O'LEARY: You've had a chance to look at 7 that, Mr. Fuentes? 8 A.Yes. Yeah, it is confidential. 9 MR. BRECHER: This is asking about a confidential 10 Response. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: So, Ms. O'Leary, will your 12 question require the disclosure of confidential information? 13 MS. O'LEARY: Yes. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Anyone who has not signed a 15 Confidentiali ty Agreement should vacate the room. We'll be at 16 ease while they do that. 17 (Whereupon, persons who had not signed a 18 Confidentiality Agreement were directed to leave the room.) 126 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone .1 (This page is CONFI DENT IAL and under 2 separate cover at the Commission.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 127 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING FUENTES (X)P.O.BOX 578,BOISE,ID 83701 TracFone .1 (This page is CONFIDENTIAL and under 2 separate cover at the Commission.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 128 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING FUENTES (X) P. o.BOX 578,BOISE,ID 83701 TracFone . . 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing, and persons previously directed to leave the 3 hearing room were allowed back in.) 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right, please proceed. 5 MS. 0' LEARY: We're ready to continue here? 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Yes, we are. Thank you. 7 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Mr. Fuentes, did you prepare 8 TracFone' s Response to Intervenors' First Joint Production 9 Request No. 31? 10 A.This question is relating to how many TracFone 11 customers have been prosecuted for providing Lifeline service? 12 Q.That is the question. 13 A.I just wanted to clarify. Yes. 14 Q.You did prepare or supervise that? 15 A.Yes. 16 Q.And how many -- can you read the question and 17 TracFone' s Response? 18 A.Please identify how many TracFone customers have 19 been prosecuted for providing false information on a Lifeline 20 enrollment form since TracFone began offering 21 Lifeline-subsidized cell phone service. For each such 22 customer, please identify: A, in what state the customer 23 resided at the time of their enrollment; B, what the nature of 24 their perjury was; C, by whom they were prosecuted; and, D,.25 what penal ties were imposed. 129 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 Q.And TracFone' s Response? 2 A.TracFone is not aware of any customers who have 3 been prosecuted for providing false information on the Lifeline 4 enrollment form. 5 But if you allow me to expand, it's not for lack 6 of trying. We don't 7 Q. No, I don't need you to. 8 A. We've tried. 9 Q.I just simply wanted to know how many. Okay, 10 next question, if I may: 11 Mr. Fuentes, what percentage, on average, of 12 TracFone' s customers have been determined to be ineligible for 13 Lifeline-supported service after they have been enrolled? 14 A.What question is that? I'm sorry, are you 15 reading off of still? 16 Q.I am not looking at discovery. I am asking you a 17 question now 18 A.Of how many? 19 Q.in follow-up. i will repeat the question: 20 What percentage, on average, of TracFone' s 21 customers have been determined to be ineligible for 22 Lifeline-supported service after they have been enrolled? 23 24.25 A.That's -- MR. BRECHER: And I'm going to direct the witness only to answer the question if he knows the answer, and not to 130 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 guess. 2 THE WITNESS: No, I don't know. 3 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Thank you. 4 MS. 0' LEARY: If I may, I would like to approach 5 the witness with an exhibit. Thank you. And if I'm keeping 6 track of numbers correctly, this will be marked as Exhibit 208. 7 I may have done my math right and had the right number. Again, 8 this is Intervenors' Exhibit 208. 9 (Intervenors' Exhibit No. 208 was marked 10 for identification.) 11 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Mr. Fuentes, would you please 12 read the first three sentences of Section 1? 13 Well, before I ask you that, I'm going to 14 establish for the record what it is I've just handed the 15 wi tness. This is a Decision from the Commonwealth of 16 Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Cable, dated 17 October 19, 2010, and the case number on this document is 18 DTC 10-6. And it is labeled an Order. It says TracFone 19 Wireless, Inc., Annual Verification of SafeLink Wireless 20 Lifeline subscribers. 21 A.I am very familiar with it. However, you didn't 22 provide me with a copy. 23 24.25 Q.Oh, I'm sorry. A.I have a copy with me if you ran out. Q.We will give you your very own copy. 131 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 A.That ruling seems to follow me. 2 Q.Especially if I'm asking you to read, I think it 3 would be nice of me to give you a copy. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Could we go at ease for a 5 minute. 6 (Discussion off the record.) 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We will go back on the 8 record. 9 MS. 0' LEARY: We are back on the record. Again, 10 I am -- I've handed the witness Intervenors' Exhibit 208. It 11 is an Order from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department 12 of Telecommunications and Cable, dated October 19, 2010. 13 MR. BRECHER: Just to correct the record, it's a 14 part of an Order. Is that correct? 15 MS. O'LEARY: It is. We're missing page 4, I'm 16 sorry, page 4, which will be provided to the Commission at the 17 soonest available moment. 18 Q.BY MS. O'LEARY: I am going to ask the witness to 19 turn to page 2 of this Order and read the first three sentences 20 of Section 1 on page 2. It begins "The audit report." 21 A.The audit report indicates that TracFone verified 22 140, or 57 percent, of the subscribers in the sample. Audit 23 report at Attachment 1. The remaining 104 subscribers, or 43 24 percent, of the sample were ineligible. The Department finds.25 that while the audit results have improved slightly since last 132 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 year, the rate of ineligible subscribers remains unacceptably 2 high, again raising the issues of probability -- I'm sorry, 3 issues of possibly significant numbers of customers 4 fraudulently obtaining Lifeline service. 5 Q.Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, does TracFone have a 6 procedure for reporting suspected perj ured applications or 7 eligibility certifications for prosecution, a process for 8 reporting suspected perj ury? 9 A.Reporting to whom? 10 Q.To the authorities that are responsible for 11 prosecuting any perjured statements. 12 A.That I'm aware of -- and we've tried -- there is 13 no state or federal entity that has a Lifeline police, and 14 we've been told this repeatedly. 15 Q.Excuse me. I'm sorry? 16 A.We've been told repeatedly by state authorities 17 that it's not their responsibility to prosecute, that it's a 18 federal matter. And the federal government has not indicated 19 at all who to go to. There's no Lifeline police out there. 20 And we've tried to prosecute. We've had 21 instances, and all that we're able to do on our end is 22 deactivate the person from service and they will never receive 23 service from us. That is all that we can do. And until a 24 state entity or federal government agency is willing to.25 prosecute, we cannot do a single thing, because we have tried. 133 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 Q.Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, I would like to ask you 2 if your -- is it your testimony that TracFone' s Amended 3 Application meets all of the requirements set forth in this 4 Commission's Idaho ETC Requirements Order, which is Order No. 5 29841? 6 A.Yes. 7 Q.Are you familiar with that Order? 8 A.I have to read it in front of me, but vaguely. 9 MS. O'LEARY: May I approach the witness? 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: You may. 11 MS. 0' LEARY: This will be marked as Intervenors' 12 Exhibit 209 for the record. 13 (Intervenors' Exhibit No. 209 was marked 14 for identification.) 15 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Have you had a chance to look 16 that over? 17 A.Yes. 18 Q.Okay. Mr. Fuentes, is TracFone requesting 19 designation as an ETC in any portion of Idaho that includes 20 tribal lands? 21 A.Not off of the top of my head do I remember. I 22 believe that we are in all areas, in all areas that our 23 carriers have coverage area. 24.25 Q.So there are tribal lands wi thin the area that you are requesting ETC designation for? 134 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 1 A.I would assume. 2 Q.Okay, thank you. Mr. Fuentes, would you please 3 turn to the appendix of this Order that I just handed to you 4 which-- 5 I'm sorry. Exhibi t 209, for the record, is a 6 copy of this Commission's Order 29841 in which the Commission 7 sets forth what is known as the Idaho ETC requirements for 8 designation. 9 Do you have the appendix handy, Mr. Fuentes? 10 A.I have it in front of me, yes. 11 Q.Okay. Could you please look on page 2 of that 12 appendix? 13 A.Yes. 14 Q.And could you look at the top of the page where 15 it lists Item 5, and that's in category Subsection A. At the 16 top of the page, it's just marked "5" and starts Tribal 17 Notification? 18 A.Yes. 19 Q.Could you read that for me, please? A.An ETC applicant seeking ETC designation for any 21 part of tribal lands shall provide a copy of its Application to 22 the affected tribal government or tribal regulatory authority 23 as applicable at the time it files its Application with the 24 Commission. In addition, the Commission shall send the.25 relevant public notice seeking comment of any petition for 135 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 designation as an ETC on tribal lands, at the time it is 2 released, to the affected tribal government and tribal 3 authori ty as applicable. 4 MR. BRECHER: Your Honor, let me see if I can 5 save everybody a little bit of time with the tribal land issue. 6 I will stipulate to the fact that TracFone did not comply with 7 the requirement that Ms. 0' Leary just read. But let me state 8 further that service to tribal lands raises a host of other 9 issues. There is Tier Four issues, there is the impact on the 10 companies serving tribal lands. 11 I am prepared to discuss with the client 12 modifying the Application so as not to seek ETC designation to 13 serve tribal lands, because I recognize that that raises a 14 variety of complicating factors that could take a lot of the 15 Commission's resources and it simply may not be worth the 16 effort. And just so you know, the Company has agreed to do 17 that in other jurisdictions. 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Do you have any more 19 questions regarding the tribal notification issue, Ms. 0' Leary? 20 MS. 0' LEARY: I do not have any more questions on 21 that. I just want to make sure I understand that it has now 22 been stipulated to by TracFone that their Amended Application 23 does not, in fact, comply with this element of the Idaho ETC 24 requirements Order. 25 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Well, it sounded to me like 136 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 18 1 what they're asking is to file a Second Amended Application. 2 MS. 0' LEARY: That the current Application does 3 not comply and that they are asking to file a Second Amended, 4 yes. 5 Okay, I'm ready to move on. 6 MR. BRECHER: I trust that could be dealt with by 7 an Amendment and not resubmitting the entirety of the 8 Application. Is that correct? 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Well, I guess we'll talk 10 about that. 11 Ms. 0' Leary. 12 MS. O'LEARY: One moment, please. 13 Q.BY MS. O'LEARY: Mr. Fuentes, at page 25 of 14 TracFone' s Amended Application 15 A.I don't have it. 16 MR. BRECHER: I think I gave him a copy of it. 17 Do you have the Application? THE WITNESS: No, no, I don't have the 19 Application. I have my testimony. 20 21 Application itself. MR. BRECHER: This is not the testimony, it's the 22 23 24.25 THE WITNESS: Yeah, thank you. Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Are we there? A.Yes, page 25. Q.Thank you. At page 25 of TracFone' s Amended 137 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 Application, Mr. Fuentes, TracFone pledges that 100 percent of 2 the federal Lifeline support that it receives will be flowed 3 through to Lifeline customers in the form of free usage. Is 4 that correct? 5 A.That is correct. 6 Q.Mr. Fuentes, what verifiable documentary evidence 7 is there in the record before this Commission that 100 percent 8 of the Lifeline support TracFone receives in any of the 9 jurisdictions where it currently offers Lifeline service is, in 10 fact, flowed through to Lifeline customers? 11 A.I believe the FCC stated it to TracFone itself 12 that we must, and we do. 13 Q.But the question was what verifiable documentary 14 evidence is there in the record that this statement is, in 15 fact, true? Is there any documentary evidence supporting this 16 statement? 17 A.Not off the top of my head do I know if we filed 18 anything to support that. 19 Q.Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, how is 100 percent of 20 the Lifeline support claimed by TracFone from the Universal 21 Service Fund, the federal fund, flowed through to TracFone 22 customers -- a TracFone customer who does not use all of its 23 free minutes in a given month or its cumulative free minutes in 24 a period of a year if it's on a plan that rolls minutes 25 forward? 138 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. o. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 A.Those minutes just rollover, and as long as they 2 have the phone active and they are receiving free minutes and 3 they're a active Lifeline subscriber, they will continue 4 getting minutes. 5 Q.So if I understand your answer correctly, there 6 could be a Lifeline phone that has been issued and activated to 7 a customer, and it could be used or not used for a period of 8 time and Lifeline could continue to -- or, TracFone could 9 continue to get support for that? 10 A.No. If it's not -- if it's not being used, 11 there's a 60-day inactive policy in which we make all the means 12 necessary to notify the customer that they will be deactivated 13 from the program. 14 Q.And, Mr. Fuentes, what happens to the support 15 that TracFone receives in the interim from the Universal 16 Service Fund for a phone that has not been used? 17 A.Like any other company, we still collect from 18 USAC those payments. 19 Q.Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, at Footnote 39 on 20 page 25 of TracFone' s Amended Application 21 A.Yes. 22 Q.-- TracFone states that it reserves the right to 23 modify its Lifeline plan based on changes in market conditions 24 or the amount of USF support available. Is that correct? 25 A.That is correct. 139 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 Q.Since TracFone filed its initial ETC Application 2 in this case in October 2009, TracFone has increased its free 3 minutes from 67 or 68 -- there was a difference in that -- to a 4 maximum of 250. Is that correct? 5 A.That is correct. 6 Q.And TracFone has also agreed not to deduct 7 air-time minutes from customer services. Is that correct? 8 A.That is correct. 9 Q.And TracFone has agreed to drop the cost of 10 additional air-time minutes from 20 cents a minute to ten cents 11 a minute. Is that correct? 12 A. That's correct. 13 Q.So, Mr. Fuentes, would you say TracFone has 14 already demonstrated an ability to respond to market 15 condi tions? 16 A.Yes. 17 Q.So just as the facts that TracFone based its 18 initial Application on have changed since October 2009 and, 19 again, since it filed its Amended Application in February of 20 2010, the facts that TracFone currently bases its Request for 21 ETC designation on may change. Is that correct? 22 23 24.25 Is that correct? It's just a "yes" or "no." A.It may change, but very doubtful. Q.Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, we previously discussed the Commission's Order 29841, commonly 140 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. o. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 1 referred to as the Idaho ETC requirements Order. Is that 2 correct? 3 A.I'm sorry, could you repeat that? 4 Q.I will. We've previously discussed this 5 Commission's Order 29841, commonly referred to as the Idaho ETC 6 requirements Order. Is that correct? 7 A. Yes, that is correct. 8 Q. And that's been marked as Exhibit 209 for this 9 proceeding. Do you have that in front of you?10 A. I do. 11 Q. Could you please again refer to the appendix of 12 that Order? 13 A.Yes. 14 Q.Could you please read into the record, 15 Mr. Fuentes, Requirement No. 2 on page 3 of the appendix to 16 that Order? 17 A.Read page 2? Q.Page 3. A.I'm sorry,page 3. Q.Requirement No.2. A.Requirement No.2. remain functional in emergencies. 18 19 23 demonstrate that it has a reasonable amount of backup power to 24 ensure functionality without external power source, is able to.25 reroute traffic around damaged facilities, and is capable of 141 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. o. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 21 22 1 managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. 2 Q.Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, has TracFone 3 demonstrated that it has a reasonable amount of backup power to 4 ensure functionality without an external power source? 5 A.That is in a scope of area that I am not familiar 6 wi th in our process. I'm not an engineer wi thin the Company. 7 I do know that we have fail-safes within the Company to ensure 8 that service does continue, and there are -- 9 Mr. Fuentes, has TracFone demonstrated that it isQ. 10 able to reroute traffic around damaged facilities? 11 A. I know for a fact in the Company we train because 12 we're in the in Miami, hurricanes are very frequent, and 13 every year we go through training exercises to ensure that 14 service does continue without interruption. 15 Q.Mr. Fuentes, the question was has TracFone 16 demonstrated to this Commission that it is able to reroute 17 traffic around damaged facilities? 18 MR. BRECHER: That was not the question. The 19 question was, "Has TracFone demonstrated." I believe the 20 witness has answered the question. MS. O'LEARY: I'm sorry. COMMISSIONER SMITH: We will allow the witness to 23 answer the question Ms. O'Leary just propounded. 24.25 Q.BY MS. O'LEARY: I'll repeat the question. Mr. Fuentes, has TracFone demonstrated its 142 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . i that it is able to reroute traffic around damaged facilities, 2 demonstrated to this Commission? 3 A.Define "demonstrated." 4 Q.Provided verifiable documentary, factual 5 evidence? 6 A.I have to check. 7 Q.It's a "yes" or "no" question. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Ms. O'Leary, give the 9 wi tness a moment to find his response. 10 THE WITNESS: I don't have it in any of my notes, 11 but usually I believe that's incorporated in our Amended 12 Application where we state that TracFone does have the 13 capabili ty, in the event of a natural disaster and emergency, 14 that service would continue without interruption. 15 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: So your answer, if I understand 16 it correctly, is that you have stated as much in your 17 Application, but you are not able to put your hands on any 18 verifiable documentary evidence to support that statement? 19 A.I don't have the amended testimony -- Amended 20 Application before me, but I know that it's a common procedure 21 that we do add that to our Application. 22 23 Q.Mr. Fuentes, has TracFone demonstrated that it is to this Commission -- that it is capable of managing 24 traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations?.25 A.Again, I would have to look through the Amended 143 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 1 Application and find the section in which we do state it. 2 Q.So your testimony is that you believe there's a 3 statement to that effect in the Application, but my question is 4 is there any documentary verifiable evidence in the record? 5 MR. BRECHER: Would it help, Counsel, if I showed 6 the witness or referred the witness to his own direct testimony 7 which he has in front of him at page 22, line 10, where he is 8 asked: Is TracFone able to remain functional in emergencies, 9 as required by ETC checklist B. 2? 10 MS. 0' LEARY: It certainly I have no obj ection 11 to you showing him that. I'm not sure that exactly answers the 12 question, but he can certainly look at that. 13 MS. MELILLO: I'm sorry, which one were you in? 14 MS. 0' LEARY: This was in TracFone' s direct, did 15 you say, Mr. Brecher? 16 MR. BRECHER: Yes, page 22, beginning at line 10. 17 THE WITNESS: Yes, I have it here in front of me. 18 And in accordance with FCC Rules 19 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: I'm sorry? A.In accordance with FCC Rules, TracFone has the 21 ability to remain functional in emergency situations. 22 Q.Thank you. So, my question to you, Mr. Fuentes, 23 was has TracFone demonstrated, and you asked me to define 24 demonstrated and I said provided verifiable documentary.25 evidence to support your testimony on page 22, line 12 through 144 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 1 line 14? 2 A.No, but if the Commission would request that 3 documentation, I'm sure we would be more than happy to 4 facili tate that. 5 Q.So there is no such evidence in the record before 6 the Commission? 7 A.No, there is not. 8 Q.Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, in Response to Staff's 9 First Production Request No. 11 you know, actually, I'm 10 going to move on. I don't need to ask that question. Sorry, 11 I will move on. 12 I am going to refer now to a confidential 13 exhibit, so we have to go through the fire drill again about 14 who has and has not signed the Protective Agreement. Sorry. 15 (Whereupon, persons who had not signed a 16 Confidentiali ty Agreement were directed to leave the room.) 17 145 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone 1 (This page is CONFIDENTIAL and under.2 separate cover at the Commission.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ."25 146 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING FUENTES (X)P.O.BOX 578,BOISE,ID 83701 TracFone .1 (This page is CONFIDENTIAL and under 2 separate cover at the Commission.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 147 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING FUENTES (X)P.O.BOX 578,BOISE,ID 83701 TracFone .1 (This page is CONFIDENTIAL and under 2 separate cover at the Commission.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 148 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING FUENTES (X) P. O.BOX 578,BOISE,ID 83701 TracFone .1 (This page is CONFIDENTIAL and under 2 separate cover at the Commission.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 149 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING FUENTES (X)P.O.BOX 578,BOISE,ID 83701 TracFone .1 (This page is CONFIDENTIAL and under 2 separate cover at the Commission.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 150 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING FUENTES (X)P.O.BOX 578,BOISE,ID 83701 TracFone .1 (This page is CONFIDENTIAL and under 2 separate cover at the Commission.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 151 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING FUENTES (X)P.O. BOX 578,BOISE,ID 83701 TracFone .1 (This page is CONFIDENTIAL and under 2 separate cover at the Commission.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 152 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING FUENTES (X) P. O.BOX 578,BOISE,ID 83701 TracFone .i (This page is CONFIDENTIAL and under 2 separate cover at the Commission.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.25 153 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING FUENTES (X) P. O.BOX 578,BOISE,ID 83701 TracFone . . 20 21 22 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing, and persons previously directed to leave the 3 hearing room were allowed back in.) 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right, we'll be back on 5 the record. 6 MS. 0' LEARY: Thank you. For the record, I have 7 just handed the witness an exhibit marked as Exhibit 211. It 8 is a CTC Wireless brochure which describes the CTC Wireless 9 offerings available in its rural ETC designated service area. 10 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Mr. Fuentes, have you had a 11 chance to look this over? 12 A.Yes. 13 Q. Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, are you aware that CTC 14 Wireless offers its customers in Cambridge, Council, Cuprum, 15 Bear in Indian Valley, and other portions of its rural service 16 area 3,000 minutes per month under its Talk-A-Lot Plan for just 17 24.95? 18 A.Is that for Lifeline? 19 Q.24.95 before the Lifeline discount is deducted? A.No, I'm not aware. MR. BRECHER: Is that on thi s page? MS. O'LEARY: Yes, it is. It is on the left-hand 23 column of the first page, Talk-A-Lot Plan, in the blue section 24 on the left-hand side..25 MR. BRECHER: I see, where it says 3,000 minutes 154 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 of local calling? 2 MS. O'LEARY: Yes. 3 MR. BRECHER: I see it. 4 Q.BY MS. O'LEARY: So you're -- I'm going to repeat 5 my question since we 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: He actually answered your 7 question, so I think you can move on. 8 MS. 0' LEARY: Okay, he was not aware of that. 9 Okay. 10 Q.BY MS. O'LEARY: And that this plan includes 11 caller ID and call waiting. Were you aware of that? 12 A.Okay, yeah. 13 Q.And that it does not require a monthly contract. 14 Were you aware of that? 15 A.No. 16 Q.Thank you. Mr. Fuentes, I don't know how good 17 you are at math, but if CTC Wireless's Talk-A-Lot Plan provides 18 3,000 minutes for 24.95 a month, and after 13.50 in state and 19 federal low-income support that plan -- is deducted that plan 20 would only cost the customer $11.45, what is the cost of that 21 service plan per minute for Lifeline customers? 22 A.I think it's up to the consumer to decide whether 23 or not they want a paid Lifeline service or a free service. 24.25 Q.So, Mr. Fuentes, would it surprise you if I told you that 11.45 divided by 3,000 minutes is less than four cents 155 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 1 a minute? 2 A.I don't know. ¡ was very bad in math in 3 school. 4 Q.Thank you. 5 MR. BRECHER: Just I'd like a point of 6 clarification, Counsel: Are you referring to this plan that 7 says 3,000 minutes of local calling? 8 MS. O'LEARY: Yes, that is the -- 9 MR. BRECHER: Local calling, no other calling? 10 MS. O'LEARY: That is the Talk-A-Lot Plan, yes. 11 That is the one I referred to in my question. 12 THE WITNESS: So this doesn't include 13 international destinations or long distance phone calling? 14 Q.BY MS. O'LEARY: I asked about the local 15 Talk-A-Lot Plan. 16 A.Texting. No, because I think there's a 17 difference between our plan, which is free, which includes all 18 of that -- 19 Q.Mr. Fuentes -- COMMISSIONER SMITH: Let the witness respond, 21 please. Thank you. 22 23 Mr. Fuentes. THE WITNESS: I'm just -- I know what you're 24 trying to get at here, and we -- our plans are very different..25 Our plans include international calling, they include texting, 156 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 they include local calling. And local calling for us is 2 nationwide calling; it is not a local phone call. 3 And -- but what you all -- what your -- who you 4 represent offers is a plan for 3,000 minutes local. I don't -- 5 that is a tremendous difference between plans. 6 Q.Thank you. 7 A.And, in addition, our plan is free. 8 Now, if you were to change your plan and say 9 3,000 minutes for whatever amount of 13.50 it was and include 10 all that, that might be a very attractive offer. But at the 11 end of the day, it's up to the consumers to decide which plan 12 is better for them, not necessarily what another telecom says 13 is better for them. 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 15 Q.BY MS. 0' LEARY: Mr. Fuentes, are you aware that 16 CTC Wireless also offers its customers in Cambridge, Council, 17 Cuprum, Bear in Indian Valley, and other portions of its rural 18 ETC service area 250 minutes per month under its Simple 250 19 Plan -- which I will direct the witness's attention to the 20 middle column on the first page of Exhibit 211 that starts 21 it says Simple Plans, and right underneath it, it says 1,000 22 nights and weekends included -- for just 29.95 before the 23 Lifeline discount is deducted? 24.25 A.So as opposed to 250 free minutes each month that include nationwide calling? 157 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 Q.I just asked you, Mr. Fuentes -- I would 2 appreciate it if you would actually answer the question. 3 A.Right, I will answer. I'm just differentiating 4 our plans. One is a paid service and one is a free service for 5 $30, 250 minutes, yes, I see that here. 6 Q.Thank you. So were you aware that this 250 7 minutes per month for 29.95 includes caller ID, call waiting, 8 call forwarding, and voice mail ? 9 A.Yeah, I think it's in my -- I think we reference 10 it in my testimony here, but it doesn't include nationwide 11 calling. 12 Q.And the plan includes 1,000 free nights and 13 weekend minutes? 14 A.Okay. That I was not aware of. 15 Q.Were you aware that this free CTC -- that this 16 plan also offers free CTC Wireless mobile-to-mobile minutes? 17 A.I wasn't aware of that. 18 Q.Were you aware that this plan also offers free 19 calls for its customers wi thin their friends and family network 20 of up to ten people? 21 A.I -- that is a marketing -- that is a marketing 22 tool that's used by CTC Wireless. They have a marketing plan 23 how to get and attract customers. We have our own plan too. 24 We can go down the list of differences between the plans, and,.25 again, one's free and one is paid. It should be up to the 158 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . i customers to decide which one is best for them. And if at the 2 end of the day it turns out if we were approved you actually 3 get more customers because we were advertising the service and 4 you started -- and CTC Wireless started advertising a little 5 bi t more, then fine, we have no obj ections to that. It's the 6 fact that Lifeline has been nonexistent and all we're trying to 7 do is provide a service. And if that propels other companies 8 like Assurance Wireless in the past to increase and create 9 competi tion, then it's a heal thy business model, for everybody. 10 Q.Thank you, Mr. Fuentes, for testifying in 11 addi tion to the question I actually asked you. 12 A.You're very welcome. 13 Q.Mr. Fuentes, are you familiar with the comments 14 that were filed in this case? I think we spent some time 15 talking about those a couple hours ago. These would be, in 16 particular, I'm asking about the comments that were filed by 17 Governor Butch Otter and Representative Wendy Jaquet? 18 A.Yes. I don't have it in front of me. 19 Q.I don't actually need you to look at the records, 20 I'm not going to ask you to read from them, but you are 21 familiar with them? 22 23 A.Yeah, to -- yes. Q.Okay, thank you. Mr. Fuentes, is there any 24 verifiable documentary evidence in the record regarding what.25 information Governor Otter had regarding TracFone' s operations 159 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 in Idaho or elsewhere prior to writing that letter? 2 A.No. 3 Q.Mr. Fuentes, are you familiar with the letter 4 signed by Representative Jaquet? I think you said you were 5 familiar with both of those. Is that correct? 6 A.Yes. 7 Q.Mr. Fuentes, is there any verifiable documentary 8 evidence in the record regarding what information 9 Representati ve Jaquet had regarding TracFone' s operations in 10 Idaho or elsewhere prior to writing that letter? 11 A.No. 12 Thank you. So, Mr. Fuentes, there is no evidenceQ. 13 in the record from which this Commission can determine whether 14 Governor Otter and/or Representative Jaquet were aware at the 15 time they wrote those letters that TracFone does not collect or 16 remit ITSAP surcharge fees? 17 A.Not that I'm aware. 18 Or that TracFone does not collect or remit 911Q. 19 fees? 20 I'm not the person to be talking about fees.A. 21 Q.Or that the FCC has specifically ruled that 22 TracFone' s compliance with all applicable state laws is a 23 precondi tion to designation of TracFone as an ETC? 24.25 A.I wouldn't -- MR. BRECHER: Objection. That's not what the FCC 160 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . .25 1 ruled. 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Ms. O'Leary, are we going to 3 ask the same questions about the letter from the Alliance for 4 Generational Equity, the National Consumers League, the League 5 of United Latin American Citizens? 6 I mean, public comment is filed with the 7 Commission all the time, in all our cases, and I guess I don't 8 see the relevance of inquiring what the people knew when they 9 wrote. 10 MS. 0' LEARY: I believe 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: So I guess I don't know what 12 point you're trying to make here, but 13 MS. O'LEARY: I believe, Madam Chairman, the 14 relevance is to provide context to go to the weight of the 15 comments. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And the Commission will 17 determine that accordingly, thank you. 18 MS. O'LEARY: And I'm sure the Commission will, 19 Madam Chair, but it is my obligation on behalf of my client to 20 provide the contextual background if available, if it is not 21 provided. 22 Q.BY MS. O'LEARY: That is all I have for you. 23 Thank you, Mr. Fuentes. 24 A.Thank you very much. COMMISSIONER SMITH: I assume the Commissioners 161 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 18 19 20 1 may have questions. 2 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: No, I don't. 3 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: I do. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Would you like to do lunch 5 first or questions first? 6 MS. MELILLO: Madam Chair, I actually have some 7 questions of the witness. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Oh. Then we will do lunch 9 first. 10 MR. BRECHER: I do have a question. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I'm sorry I misunderstood. 12 I thought Ms. 0' Leary was taking it for the group you term 13 Intervenors. 14 MR. BRECHER: My procedural question, Madam 15 Chairman, is I am going to want to do some very limited 16 redirect, and is that appropriate either before or after the 17 Commissioners' questions? COMMISSIONER SMITH: Usually we do it after. MR. BRECHER: Okay. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Because sometimes it's the 21 Commissioners who generate the most redirect. 22 23 MR. BRECHER: Makes sense to me, your Honor. 24 adj ourned until 1: 30. COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right. We'll be .25 (Noon recess.) 162 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 18 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We'll go back on the record. 2 Ms. Muleeloe (phonetic)did I say that right? 3 Mulie- (phonetic) -- help me. 4 MS. MELILLO: Mulilloe (phonetic). 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 6 MS. MELILLO: You're welcome. 7 Madam Chair, I do have page 4 to one of the 8 exhibits, but I'm trying to find out which exhibit it was. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: It is -- 10 MS. MELILLO: 208. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: -- 208. 12 MS. MELILLO: Are you ready for me? 13 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Yes. 14 MS. MELILLO: Fortunately for Mr. Fuentes, I 15 think I had about 30 pages of questions, but Mr. Price and 16 Ms. 0' Leary took most of those, so -- 17 THE WITNESS: I was hoping for 55 questions. 19 I'm sure you'll let me know if I am. MS. MELILLO: I will try not to be repetitive, so 20 21 22 CROSS-EXAINATION 23 BY MS. MELILLO: 24.25 Q.I want to back up to the 911 issues. A.Uh-huh. 163 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. o. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 Q. In your rebuttal testimony, you stated that 2 TracFone was confident that it would increase Lifeline 3 participation rates in Idaho. And that was referred to 4 earlier, there were a bunch of -- it's rebuttal. 5 MR. BRECHER: What page reference? 6 MS. MELILLO: It is at lines 15 to 30 in rebuttal 7 testimony, and I don't have a page number. 8 THE WITNESS: Page 6? 9 Q.BY MS. MELILLO: And this is where you gave the 10 other -- I don't think it's page 6. 11 MS. 0' LEARY: Here, I think it probably is at -- 12 Q.BY MS. MELILLO: And in any event, you already 13 testified to the increases in other states and -- 14 There we go. It is page 18 in rebuttal 15 testimony, lines 10 through 13 or so -- 13. 16 You said that you are confident you'd increase 17 your rates, and obviously you don't know how much, but the 18 average increase if you looked at all those that you said is 19 about 300 percent. And if you were likely to increase it here 20 by that much, wouldn't that increase in customers also increase 21 the demands upon the Emergency Communications System? 22 A.Not necessarily, because there's a couple of 23 factors you have to look into. Some states are 24 self-certification states, meaning that upon penalty of.25 perj ury, the person is certifying that the information that 164 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 they provided to you is correct. 2 My guess -- 3 Q. I don't think we're answering? 4 A. I'm getting to your answer. 5 Q. Okay. 6 A. My guess in the state of Idaho, the system is 7 different. It's technically a full certification state, 8 meaning we can't approve anybody off the bat. It has to go 9 through its process and it has to be approved by a state 10 agent -- by the state agency or CAP. So the percentages there 11 would probably -- I would assume they wouldn't be as high. 12 Yet would we increase the penetration rate? Yes, 13 but I wouldn't see as a dramatic increase off the bat, because 14 there's all these other series of steps that need to be taken 15 before. 16 Q.Wouldn't any increase increase the demands on the 17 Emergency Communication System? 18 A.Best way that I can look at is those 19 noninitialized phones that are given out by police stations, do 20 those increase a burden on the 911 system? 21 Q.I didn't hear what kind of phone you're talking 22 about. 23 A.A noninitialized phone, meaning a phone that is 24 not activated, can only dial 911, that's issued by police 25 stations, women who are abused. 165 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 Q.But yours would also increase the burden on the 2 911 system? 3 A.If -- 4 Q.It's a simple "yes" or "no," Mr. Fuentes. 5 A.No, I'm saying I don't think it would increase 6 any more than any line service that's been provided. 7 Q.But you maintain you don't have to have a fund to 8 deal with that burden. 9 MR. BRECHER: I'm going to obj ect to the question 10 as asked. 11 MS. MELILLO: Wi thdrawn. 12 Q.BY MS. MELILLO: If you take customers from other 13 phone companies that aren't paying into the fund as well, 14 aren't you doubly increasing the burden on the 911 fund? 15 A. But we're not saying we're not going to pay into 16 the fund. What we've said is in this particular case, the 17 issue should be delinked and a separate proceeding should be 18 determined on whether or not the funds needed to be paid. 19 Now, at the end of the day, if there was a ruling 20 and it said you must comply with 911 fees, we will comply with 21 911 fees. We won't skirt that obligation. But there has not 22 been an official determination yet that states you must pay 911 23 fees. 24.25 Q.Okay. In your testimony in one place, you said TracFone had been in business in Idaho for ten years and 166 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 somewhere else it was 12 years. And you also stated that the 2 Idaho Emergency Communications Act as presently drafted with 3 the prepaid wireless language in it has been on the books since 4 2007. 5 We haven't attempted to get a -- TracFone hasn't 6 attempted to get a determination prior to this time whether it 7 would be required to pay those funds? 8 A.I wouldn't be aware if we have or haven't. I 9 don't know that answer. 10 Q. But now that you want something from this 11 Commission, you want that determination now? 12 A.I don't know. I mean -- 13 Q.Okay. I'm going to go back to the certification 14 and verification of eligibility, and I'm just kind of confused 15 on this issue. On page 17 in the Amended Application, TracFone 16 asserts that it will petition the Commission for a waiver of 17 any rules that impose certification and verification of 18 requirements that differ from the FCC requirements. 19 Specifically, are there any requirements from 20 which TracFone will seek a waiver here in Idaho? 21 A.So your question was any specific 22 Q.Will you be seeking a waiver; and if you are, 23 what requirements are you seeking a waiver from? 24 A.That I'm aware of, I think in my rebuttal 25 testimony we stated that we would comply with all the rules 167 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 including when it came to certifying a customer by using the 2 Department of Human Resources (sic) or the Community Action 3 Program. 4 Q.Okay. I just wasn't sure, because you had 5 contradictory things in there. 6 In your rebuttal testimony on page 14, lines 7 7 through 9, you stated that TracFone will work with the CAPs and 8 DHW to ensure. 9 So could you tell me how that would work, how 10 TracFone would work with them? Would they follow the processes 11 that they have in place? 12 A.We would follow the same process as any other ETC 13 when it came to DHR (sic) or CAP. We would have -- and as I 14 stated earlier in the cross-examinations, we would contact 15 them, we would find out how their systems work, and see how 16 we can integrate our systems with the agencies' integration and 17 move from there. 18 Q.Okay, that's the part I'm not understanding. So 19 there will be no TracFone self-certification online process 20 then? 21 A.There can't be any. The Rules state that you 22 have to go through this process. 23 Q.All right. Okay. So once verified -- and I 24 think some of these issues were hit upon by Mr. Price on the 25 duplication thing, so I won't get into that. 168 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 Once someone has been verified, TracFone sends a 2 phone? A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. to go? A. Q.Does TracFone track who actually got that phone? 3 Yes. 4 And the phone is active? 5 Yes. 6 With the minutes? 7 Yes. 8 So when I open my box, I've got my phone, ready 9 10 Yes. 11 12 Is there any verification that the person who said, "I'm Joe 13 Smith, I live at this address," how do we know that Joe Smith 14 at this address got this phone? 15 A.My understanding that we use FedEx, and it has a 16 tracking system and it shows when the phone was delivered. 17 Q.TracFone has a policy in place that if the phone 18 is not active for 60 days, then upon a 30-day notice, you will 19 deactivate that phone and stop seeking USF support. Correct? 20 A.After 60 days, we stop. We will not seek 21 reimbursement. 22 23 Q.Would you define what "usage" is? A."Usage" can be anything: A text message, 24 recei ving a phone call, dialing a -- making a phone call..25 Q.Okay. Do you have your direct testimony in front 169 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. o. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 1 of you? 2 A.Yes. 3 Okay. Your terms and conditions are attached asQ. 4 Exhibit 2 to your direct testimony? A.Uh-huh. Q.And I want you to look at Section 8. A.Section 8. Q.If you can just give me a minute,please.Okay. 5 6 7 8 9 Under No Usage, De-enrollment, and Deactivation, 10 third line down, would you define "usage" there? 11 A.What was the 12 Under Section 8, the one, two, three -- theQ. 13 fourth paragraph down, it says No , De-enrollment, and 14 Deactivation. 15 A.You said Section A or 8? 16 Eight, the number. This is the terms andQ. 17 conditions that was attached to your direct testimony, not to 18 your Application. They're different. 19 A.Right. COMMISSIONER SMITH: So are we talking about 21 Exhibit 2? 22 23 MS. MELILLO: Exhibit 2 to the direct testimony. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Yeah, okay. We're on 24 Exhibit 2..25 THE WITNESS: Right, direct testimony, but 170 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 21 1 Section 8, Service End Date, Deactivation and Reactivation? 2 Q.BY MS. MELILLO: Yes, fourth paragraph down. 3 A.Yes. 4 Q.Third line down, Usage. Would you please read 5 that, the definition of "usage"? 6 A.The whole paragraph or starting -- 7 Q.No, just the definition of "usage." 8 A."Usage" is defined as any transaction including, 9 but not limited to, making or receiving calls, sending or 10 opening a text message, downloading data content, adding air 11 time, or receiving your free monthly air time. Upon 12 de-enrollment 13 Q.No, that's fine. So just by you pushing out your 14 free monthly air time to them every month, that's usage; 15 whether or not they use it at all, the unilateral action of 16 TracFone pushing out those minutes is defined as usage? 17 A.If the phone does receive its minutes, it's 18 considered usage. But it's entirely up to the customer that 19 first month if they're going to use the phone. Q.I understand. A.And there are many circumstances in which we have 22 seen customers that have been deactivated and they later call 23 back, and the reason why they have been deactivated was because 24 they were in the hospital, or in some instances they were on.25 vacation and they just didn't take that phone. 171 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . . 1 I mean, the phone is designed really for what its 2 intended purposes is, an emergency situation, which could be 3 ei ther their car broke down or they need gas. And we've seen 4 instances where our customers leave those phones in the glove 5 box and use it in the cases of when they need it the most. 6 Q. But we have this nonusage requirement for a 7 reason. Right? 8 A. Yeah, and we designed it along with the state of 9 Wisconsin, and it's been implemented in the 34 actually, in 10 every single state that we operate in. And we were the first 11 ones to do so and we abide by our own usage policy of 60 days. 12 It's no different than any other company that -- a wireline, 13 for example, if they're on Lifeline and that person seems to be 14 out for a whole month, they didn't use the phone. 15 Q.Li ttle difference though, don't you think? 16 A.No. 17 Q.In that the wireline person actually also pays 18 for that service? 19 A.Our service is no different from any other 20 service except with the fact that instead of receiving a 21 discount on your phone, what we do is the monthly discount that 22 you would receive is a credit -- is credited towards the 23 minutes and that's how many minutes you receive, whether from 24 68 ranging to 125 to 250 minutes. 25 Q.My point is TracFone can keep that phone active 172 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 just every month shooting out those 67 minutes? 2 A. Not every month. Not every month.On 60 days, 3 on day afterwards, if they haven't used that phone for whatever 4 reason, they are discon- -- deactivated from the service. 5 Q.But it says usage is getting the free minutes? 6 A.Yeah. 7 Q.Make me understand. 8 A.No, it's no different from any other company that 9 sends -- in your case what you're saying is it sends a bill but 10 that line is discounted, but that person may not use the phone 11 for a whole month. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: So if the person doesn't use 13 the phone, are the free minutes still sent the next month? 14 THE WITNESS: For that first time period, yes, 15 they are. 16 COMMISSIONER SMITH: So what about the second 17 month? 18 THE WITNESS: The second month, if we see 19 nonusage, if we don't see activity, that's when we flag the 20 phone and we start making every attempt possible to contact the 21 customer, warning them in that -- in the time frame they have 22 60 days. 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Are the free minutes sent in 24 the second month if there's no usage in the first?.25 THE WITNESS: Yes. 173 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Are the free minutes sent in 2 the third month if there was no usage in the first and 3 second? 4 THE WITNESS: Let's see. Thirty, sixty. No, 5 that would be we have 30 days in which we monitor and then 6 day one or two. It would be three months total. 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: So are the free minutes sent 8 in the third month if there is no usage on the phone in the 9 first two months? 10 THE WITNESS: Yes. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Are the free minutes sent in 12 the fourth month if there's no usage in the first three 13 months? 14 THE WITNESS: No. 15 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Thank you. 16 MS. MELILLO: Thank, Madam Chair. 17 Q.BY MS. MELILLO: In your Response to Intervenors' 18 First Production Request No. 23, we asked TracFone where they 19 had had Applications that have been denied. Do you recall your 20 Response? 21 22 A.I don't have that one in front of me. MR. BRECHER: Do you have a date of those 23 Responses? 24.25 MS. MELILLO: First Production Request, it's 11. It's the 11th. It's the 11th of March. May be wrong. 174 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 19 20 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: We'll go at ease. 2 (Discussion off the record.) 3 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right, we'll go back on 4 the record. 5 Q.BY MS. MELILLO: In Response to that question, 6 your answer, it says Where TracFone' s Applications have been 7 denied. 8 MR. BRECHER: Do you have the document in front 9 of you? 10 THE WITNESS: No. It's not the one that I have 11 here. 12 Okay. 13 Q.BY MS. MELILLO: Where has TracFone' s Application 14 been denied? 15 A.Alaska. 16 Q.Is that the only state? 17 A.Oklahoma is also a state, but the circumstances 18 are different from -- Q.So, Oklahoma and Alaska? A.Alaska was as it relates to low-income support. 21 It's very different from Oklahoma. Oklahoma was a forbearance 22 issue that they have completely wrong. 23 MR. BRECHER: Just to correct the record, your 24 Honor, no Application was denied in Oklahoma. TracFone.25 withdrew its Application voluntarily in Oklahoma. 175 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for that 2 clarification. 3 MS. MELILLO: I have an exhibit. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Do you think that maybe 5 Ms. 0' Leary could pass those out and you could keep talking? 6 MS. MELILLO: You bet. 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: And we could move along. 8 MS. MELILLO: What Ms. O'Leary is handing out is 9 an Order from the State of California, which will be -- 10 THE COURT REPORTER: 212. 11 MS. 0' LEARY: 212. Our court reporter says we're 12 on 212. 13 (Intervenors' Exhibit No. 212 was marked 14 for identification.) 15 Q.BY MS. MELILLO: Mr. Fuentes, could you just read 16 the bold caption right there in the middle under "Resolution." 17 A.Resolution to deny the Request of TracFone 18 Wireless to be designated as an eligible telecommunications 19 carrier in California. 20 21 Q.So we can add California to that list? A.No. I believe that we withdrew our Application 22 wi thin California. 23 Q.Do you recall how long it was before this 24 Resolution was that you withdrew your Application?.25 A.I'm not familiar with all the circumstances of 176 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 21 22 23 1 California. There were issues that were beyond my scope, and 2 that was taken -- that was done above me. 3 Q.Would it surprise 4 MR. BRECHER: Counsel, are you planning to 5 introduce the subsequent Order in this case, the case where 6 this Decision was vacated? 7 MS. MELILLO: No, I was not. I was merely trying 8 to point out that you withdrew two days before the Order was 9 issued, kind of like quitting on the way to the boss's office. 10 In any event 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Could we just strike that 12 comment. 13 As I said previously, the lawyer's job is to ask 14 the questions, the witness is going to answer, and extraneous 15 remarks are not appropriate. 16 MS. MELILLO: Sorry, Madam Chair. 17 Q.BY MS. MELILLO: Just one other question, 18 Mr. Fuentes: In what other states has TracFone voluntarily 19 withdrawn its Application? A.Oklahoma comes to my mind, but Q.I'm sorry, I can't hear you. A.Oklahoma is the only one that I'm MR. BRECHER: Your Honor, just to move this 24 along, I am prepared to stipulate to the fact that in addition.25 to Oklahoma, TracFone voluntarily withdrew an Application in 177 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (X) TracFone . . 20 21 22 1 the state of Colorado. 2 THE WITNESS: Yes. 3 MR. BRECHER: The witness may not recall that, 4 but it is true and I have no reason not to disclose that. 5 THE WITNESS: Yes, that is correct. 6 MS. MELILLO: Thank you. I have no further 7 questions. 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Questions from the 9 Commission. Commissioner Kempton. 10 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Thank you, Madam Chairman. 11 12 EXAMINATION 13 14 BY COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: 15 Q.Okay, Mr. Fuentes, on page 2 of your direct 16 rebuttal-- 17 MR. BRECHER: Direct or rebuttal? Direct 18 testimony or rebuttal? 19 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: I said, "Direct rebuttaL." MR. MILLER: Rebuttal. COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Page 2. Is this working up here for me? Do you hear me 23 all right? 24.25 Let me pull this over here. Can you hear me now? Not to get that mixed up with some other telecommunication 178 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . 1 company. 2 Q.BY COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: So on your direct 3 rebuttal on page 2, line 19, in the middle of line 19, there 4 the sentence starts with "As." Do you have that? 5 A.Yes. 6 Q.Could you read that for me, please, and read 7 through the bottom of the page? 8 A.As it has done in other states, TracFone will 9 remi t all fees upon final determination that such fees are 10 applicable to it pursuant to law. In addition, Ms. Seaman's 11 concern about rural wire centers' coverage is not relevant to 12 whether TracFone should be designated as an ETC in its service 13 area in Idaho. 14 Q.Who makes the final determination, in your mind, 15 of whether such fees are applicable? 16 A.I believe that with regards to the 911 fee, the 17 911 -- it's in the 911 Commission's jurisdiction to make that 18 determination. 19 When it comes to the ITSAP fees, it's -- it 20 should be determined by this Commission. 21 Q.Okay. And I was ambiguous in that question, so 22 let me rephrase it. 23 In terms of whether it's the office who has the 24 primary responsibility of making such a determination at the.25 state or federal level, is that, in fact, the final determining 179 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . 1 factor or are there other issues that TracFone might introduce 2 into consideration as to whether that's a final decision? 3 A.To be honest, Commissioner, I would not know that 4 answer. That's just beyond my scope. But I would just assume 5 that it's just these two issues that we are discussing. 6 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Mr. Brecher, same 7 question. 8 MR. BRECHER: I'm not sure I'm permitted to 9 testify. 10 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Let me put it this way: 11 Do you have anybody here that can answer questions related to 12 final determinations of TracFone? Because it's replete in this 13 document of emphasis on that final determination. 14 MR. BRECHER: I think I can, if you indulge me, 15 and I realize I'm not the witness. 16 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Sure. 17 MR. BRECHER: The Company's policy, so there's no 18 misunderstanding, is to take a very careful look at tax and fee 19 laws, mindful of the fact that unlike companies that have a 20 mechanism to collect taxes and fees from customers through a 21 billing process, it does not. It takes a careful look. If it 22 concludes that the fee or the tax is applicable to it, it 23 complies. It may not be happy about it, but it complies. If 24 it concludes that the fee or the tax is unapplicable to it, it.25 asserts its reasons why, and whatever tribunal has the 180 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . 1 authority to make that determination, whether it be the State 2 Public Service Commission or the State Department of Revenue or 3 an appellate court, that would be a final determinate. 4 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON : Thank you. 5 Q.BY COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: So, Mr. Fuentes, how 6 many states where TracFone operates their wireless service have 7 an ETC designation? 8 A.We are approved in 36 states. 9 Q.And in those 36 states, are there any ongoing 10 actions where states have imposed postapproval requirements for 11 TracFone to comply with? 12 A.Wi th regards to the subj ect of fees? 13 Q.Yes. 14 A.Okay. Commissioner, Maine is still ongoing its 15 proceeding. Arizona in its ETC designation requested that we 16 send letters for declaration on where we stand with fees. Ohio 17 is still reviewing. Those are the only ones that come to my 18 head right now, Commissioner. 19 Q.Thank you. And those you have referred to in 20 your testimony in various spots, I believe. In other words, 21 there are only three or four states right now where there are 22 ongoing issues related to whether the ETC compliance is being 23 met? 24.25 A.Yes, sir. Q.And how long is the longest one of those, how 181 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . 1 long has it been going on, roughly? 2 A. I would -- I would I wouldn't know, sir. 3 MR. MILLER: Isn't Ohio? 4 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Is that a response to the 5 question that I asked? 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: No, they just need to turn 7 off their mic. 8 MR. BRECHER: My apologies. 9 Q.BY COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Okay, if you would 10 refer to page 6 of your direct rebuttal? 11 A.Yes, Commissioner. 12 Q.And on line 9 again, if you would read the 13 sentence beginning with "This Commission"? 14 A.This Commission similarly could require TracFone 15 to submit a letter to the Idaho Emergency Communications 16 Commission, seeking a determination as to whether TracFone is 17 obligated to contribute to the 911 fund under current law. 18 Q.Okay. And earlier in the testimony you were 19 referred to Ms. Seaman Exhibit 102, which had a letter from the 20 E911 administrator that -- let's just go to that exhibit. 21 22 23 A.Yes, I recall the letter. Q.So let's go to Exhibit 102. In that letter and I'll read this time. This letter also this is the third 24 paragraph:.25 This letter is also to confirm that TracFone has 182 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . . 1 not made any attempt to negotiate a process for collecting the 2 Emergency Communications fee for the IECC or any of the local 3 governments that collect a fee. 4 And then jumping down to the last sentence on 5 that page: Accordingly, the Commission of the IECC 6 respectively requests that the PUC deny the Application for 7 them until TracFone comes into compliance with existing law 8 regarding the kind of services they provide in Idaho. 9 Would you consider that a final determination, a 10 final Decision, on the issue of E911? 11 A.It's not wi thin my purview. It would need to be 12 a decision with our the legal counsel in my Company to make 13 that determination. 14 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Mr. Brecher, would you 15 care to indicate why there is no attorney present that can 16 address this or any other Company representative you would like 17 to have had address the issue of compliance on fees? 18 MR. BRECHER: Well, with your indulgence and with 19 the disclaimer that I am not a witness -- excuse me. 20 With your indulgence and the disclaimer that I am 21 not a witness, perhaps I can explain or at least provide you 22 wi th an answer, and that is, yes, there was a letter sent over 23 about a year ago by the Idaho Emergency Communications 24 Commission. There was never an opportunity at that point for 25 TracFone to articulate its legal justification why those -- why 183 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone .1 it believes the fee does not apply. 2 If this Commission were to direct TracFone to 3 solicit an Opinion from the Emergency Communications Commission 4 and afford an opportunity to state its case, my advice to my 5 client would be to avail itself of that, get that Opinion, and 6 if the Opinion was the fees were applicable, that my advice 7 would be to pay them. 8 And that's precisely what TracFone has done in a 9 number of other states. These issues have come up around the 10 country, and very candidly, Commissioner Kempton, TracFone has 11 prevailed in some, it's lost in some. All we would ask is that 12 we be given a chance to explain to the decision maker, to the.13 appropriate tribunal, the reasons why it believes that the fee 14 under the current law is inapplicable. 15 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Okay. Thank you, 16 Mr. Brecher. 17 And so let me, in recognizing that you are not 18 formally testifying but are providing background information to 19 the Commission, is it your experience with the Company that the 20 Company always expects a Commission requirement of the Company 21 to go do those things, rather than the Company initiating that 22 on their own initiative? 23 MR. BRECHER: Not necessarily, Commissioner 24 Kempton. It depends on the state, it depends on the laws of.25 the state. In a number of states, the issue of fee 184 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . . 1 applicabili ty has arisen wholly outside the context of the ETC 2 designation process. 3 For example, in the state of Washington -- your 4 wi tness was asked questions about the Washington Supreme Court 5 Decision earlier. The Utili ties and Transportation Commission 6 had nothing to do with that; they were aware of it. But that 7 was a matter where TracFone challenged a preliminary finding of 8 the Department of Revenue, had a full hearing before the 9 Department of Revenue, it lost. It exercised its right to seek 10 judicial review of that Department of Revenue Decision and it 11 lost at the Supreme Court. 12 So, it really depends on the state. I hope 13 that's responsive. 14 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: It is. And during this 15 time, as I understand it, in those -- in the case of 16 Washington, the ETC had been authorized. Is that correct? 17 MR. BRECHER: Excuse me. At the time of the 18 appeal? 19 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Uh-huh. 20 MR. BRECHER: No. The Department of Revenue 21 enforcement process began before TracFone had applied to become 22 an eligible telecommunications carrier, and the eligible 23 telecommunications carrier Application with the Utility and 24 Transportation Commission was pending while the appeal was 25 pending. And the Commission, in approving the ETC Application, 185 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . . 1 made it clear -- and I don't recall if this was an express 2 condi tion in the Order or not, I just don't have it in front of 3 me. It was very clear of the Commission that it will not get 4 in the middle of the fee dispute that's before the Supreme 5 Court, but it would consider the Supreme Court Decision when it 6 was rendered. 7 The Decision was rendered, and as far as I'm 8 concerned, that issue is a dead issue. My client lost at the 9 Supreme Court and it's required to pay the fees, and as far as 10 I know, it does. 11 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: All right. So my question 12 is, as you pointed out, it is irrelevant about who won or lost 13 in another state, but it is relevant as to whether TracFone was 14 actively soliciting customers during that period of time. 15 MR. BRECHER: Soliciting customers or soliciting 16 Lifeline customers? 17 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Lifeline customers. 18 MR. BRECHER: Oh, no, it could not solicit 19 Lifeline customers until it was approved as an ETC by the 20 Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. 21 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Right. And so let's go 22 ahead and terminate that, because like you say, you're not in 23 the position of providing anything other than background 24 information. 25 BY COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: I'll refer to anotherQ. 186 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . . 1 case where the ETC was actually extended to thè Company and 2 then this went on for some time, which is a concern to me 3 personally simply because of the process of soliciting 4 customers before the -- there's certain knowledge that TracFone 5 has actually accomplished the obj ecti ves of the different -- 6 the obj ecti ves of the different states when they impose those 7 obj ecti ves on TracFone as a condition related to the issuing of 8 the ETC. So I will get back to that and then give you some 9 forewarning of where I'm going to be going there. 10 In Ms. Seaman's testimony, in her direct 11 testimony on page 13, there's a discussion that goes on there 12 in relation to just exactly what we talked about just now, and 13 that was in Ohio; and that discussion relative to the ETC 14 designation and conditions imposed by Ohio goes over to 15 page 14. And, Mr. Fuentes, the top line on page 14, it 16 mentions 17 Let's go back to the bottom line on page 13. Do 18 you have that page, Ms. Seaman's page? 19 A.No, I do not have her testimony with me. 20 Q.Seaman direct, 13. 21 A.Yes, Commissioner. 22 Q.Okay. The bottom sentence there on page 13 and 23 this has to do with ETC being extended to -- you know, through 24 the state of Ohio, and the language on line 24: In Ohio, in 25 May 2009, the Public Utilities Commission granted a one-year 187 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . . 1 conditional ETC designation and ordered TracFone to remit 911 2 fees. 3 The latter part of that being on page 14. 4 Almost two years later, the Company has not yet 5 complied. 6 It goes on: In other states such as Florida, 7 Oregon, and Minnesota, TracFone supported legislation to 8 require retailers to collect and remit the 911 fees. The 9 legislation had been successful in Florida but has been 10 taken -- has taken the Florida legislation two years to be 11 enacted. In the meantime, rapidly increasing number of 12 TracFone users, both prepaid and Lifeline, in the state have 13 the benefit of accessing emergency services without 14 contributing funding to support the agencies providing this 15 public service. 16 So going back, you were issued a conditional ETC 17 for one year, but it took almost two years and the Company 18 hasn't yet completed the requirements of one year. So are 19 those extensions of the Ohio Utilities Commission, I mean, 20 officially, is this something that TracFone has asked, or how 21 do we get to two years for a one-year conditional ETC? 22 A.There was a hearing, but Ohio still hasn't made a 23 determination yet. We're still waiting to hear from them. 24 In the case of Florida, there's a moratorium 25 on 911, and I'm not entirely sure, but I believe that 188 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . 23 .25 1 point-of-sale legislation was trying to be enacted in that 2 state. 3 Minnesota -- to be honest with the remaining 4 states of Oregon and Minnesota, I really can't discuss as much 5 as what the status is on those with -- as it pertains to 911 6 fees, but I can tell you in Minnesota we haven't launched in 7 the state yet. 8 Q.Okay. In Ohio though, they did issue a one-year 9 condi tional ETC. 10 A.Correct. But then they had their hearing. We 11 submitted testimony, rebuttals, but the Ohio Public Service 12 Commission has not made a final determination yet. 13 Q.The substance of my concern though still being 14 there, that during the period of time, that's two years plus 15 whatever time is extended on beyond that, are you actively 16 soliciting customers during that period of time? 17 A.Yes, we are. 18 Q.Okay. 19 A.Which we're allowed to by the -- the State of 20 Ohio at no point has ever asked us to suspend our ETC process. 21 Q.Right. 22 MR. BRECHER: Commissioner Kempton. COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Mr. Brecher. 24 MR. BRECHER: Would you object if I provide more background? 189 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone .1 In Ohio, you're correct, there was a one-year 2 conditional ETC designation awarded. At the end of the year, 3 the PUC of Ohio commenced, oh, I guess you'd call it an 4 investigation. It sent some questions, inquiry letters, to 5 TracFone. 6 TracFone also formally raised the question of the 7 applicability of the 911 fee in a letter to the attorney 8 general of Ohio. In Ohio, the way it works, the Attorney 9 General's Office provides legal support to the Public Utility 10 Commission, so the letter was sent to the Attorney General's 11 Office, the attorneys that work with the puc. A Response was 12 received. Nothing was ever resolved..13 The PUCO then I guess "converted" is the best 14 term the TracFone inquiry into more of a generic proceeding, 15 into prepaid Lifeline services in general, and solicited 16 comments from all kinds of interested parties on a host of 17 issues, many of which are the same issues as the subj ect of 18 this hearing: Not just fees but verification and eligibility, 19 the type of issues that Commissions federal and state talk 20 about when they talk about Lifeline, some of the changes to the 21 service. 22 Comments were filed. The reply comments were 23 filed. The Public Utility Commission of Ohio has not made a 24 ruling on that yet..25 In the meanwhile, the Public Utility Commission 190 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone 1 of Ohio is aware that TracFone continues to provide service; it.2 has told TracFone it can continue to provide service, there's 3 no question about that; and the ball is in the State 4 Commission's court. 5 And I think analogies or experiences in other 6 states are always a little bit dangerous because every state 7 operates differently, every state's law is a little bit 8 different. I guess my suggestion to you, if it's appropriate 9 for me to make a suggestion, is that if you convene any kind of 10 an inquiry like that, that you don't take the year and a half 11 or so that the PUC of Ohio has done. I don't know why it's 12 taken them that long, but that's something also I don't think.13 that any of us can control. 14 Q. BY COMMI S S lONER KEMPTON:Mr. Fuentes, in the 15 states where you've had an extended time from the issuance of 16 an ETC to resolving the conditional nature of that ETC; and 17 where TracFone has continued to solicit customers , give them 18 free phones, sign them up for the program; it would seem, to 19 me, that the unwinding of a Gordian knot that is established 20 that way where you have the conditional ETC approved and then 21 you go through the process of the conditions is not an 22 advantage to either the Company or the Commission that's 23 reviewing it. 24 Have you ever had to -- had a Commission Decision.25 that, after the conditional issuance, the ETC was retracted? 191 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . . 1 A.No. 2 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: That's all the questions I 3 have, Madam Chair. 4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Did you have any questions? 5 6 EXAMINATION 7 8 BY COMMISSIONER REDFORD: 9 Mr. Fuentes, after listening to the testimonyQ. 10 today, is ita Company policy that once you're denied for the 11 ETC designation, that you al- -- as your Counsel stated, you 12 always go to a supreme court or you go to a court to have this 13 matter finally resolved? 14 Commissioner, that's a legal question that in myA. 15 three years at the Company, I think it just depends on the 16 nature and the circumstances of the opinions given. I don't 17 necessarily think that we always opt for court. 18 But it is a pretty good indication that from theQ. 19 testimony today, that that's your Company policy. Would you 20 say that's correct? 21 I guess in the circumstances that were providedA. 22 in this case, yeah, then those cases we have gone to court. 23 So it's generally your position that you don'tQ. 24 pay the fees unless you're forced to pay fees by some 25 Commission or some court; and then if you're turned down by 192 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . . 1 that Commission or the court, you generally go to court to have 2 this finally resolved? 3 A.Not necessarily. I know that in states where 4 there might be a ruling or a Commission determines that we have 5 to pay 911 fees, we are very interested in passing point of 6 sale. 7 And from the legislative perspective, that's 8 where we try to do most of our work is to change the 911 laws 9 to be fair to prepaid in general. It's an industry issue; it's 10 not a TracFone issue. 11 Q.Where do you -- what states have you been 12 successful in in changing the legislation? 13 A. In point of sale, I believe it's been in 13 14 states: Texas, West Virginia was the first state 15 How many times were you turned down or were youQ. 16 approved? 17 A.To my knowledge, I wouldn't know where we may 18 have lost, but it started -- West Virginia was our first state, 19 and then from there it started to pick up some. Virginia is 20 another point that passed point of sale. 21 And that's the best method. 22 And it seems to me that there's also some sort ofQ. 23 a trend or a policy that once you get to a point in a 24 proceeding that it doesn't look too good for TracFone, you 25 wi thdraw your Application? 193 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . 1 A. No, Commissioner, that would be the worst mistake 2 I think our Company can make. 3 Q.Well, you've done it here. You've done it 4 elsewhere. 5 A.We re- -- we made some errors on our Application 6 and we refiled. 7 Q.You did it in Washington? 8 A.In Washington, no, we did not. 9 Q.How about California? 10 A.California, that's -- that's an entirely 11 separate -- the conditions in California are very, very 12 different from -- 13 Q.How about in Ohio? 14 A.In Ohio, we did not withdraw in Ohio. 15 Q.Okay. But you do use it quite often when things 16 are looking bad, you just withdraw the Application? 17 A.No, I would say not. I think it's -- it would 18 look very bad on our Company. I think it would give the 19 appearance that this is a -- that our Company would be one that 20 if we don't get our way, we just leave. 21 And we're not a fly-by-night Company. We're the 22 fifth largest provider. We take our role seriously. We take 23 our service that we provide seriously. And, personally, 24 Commissioner, I wouldn't work for a company like that..25 MR. BRECHER: Commissioner, if I could perhaps 194 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . 21 1 save some time, I'm prepared to stipulate to the fact that 2 TracFone has withdrawn its Application for ETC designation in 3 three states: The states of California, the state of Colorado, 4 and the state of Oklahoma. And the Oklahoma withdrawal was 5 voluntarily for reasons that had nothing to do with any dispute 6 as to any fee. 7 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: And the state of Idaho? 8 MR. BRECHER: No, TracFone never withdrew an 9 Application in the state of Ohio -- Idaho. TracFone had an 10 Application denied in the state of Idaho, but it never 11 withdrew. 12 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: But you withdrew your 13 Motion for Reconsideration, I believe? 14 MR. BRECHER: On advice of Staff Counsel. 15 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: On what? 16 MR. BRECHER: On advice of Staff Counsel. I was 17 advised not to seek reconsideration but to resubmit an 18 Application, and that's what I did. 19 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay. Well, sometimes 20 you're bound by your attorney. MR. BRECHER: But, again, to be clear, TracFone 22 never withdrew an Application for ETC. It withdrew a Petition 23 for Reconsideration. 24.25 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Well, just being very candid with you, sir -- and you have testified quite a bit 195 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . . 1 here, without objection, of course -- it just seems, to me, 2 that you haven't brought a lot of witnesses that could have 3 answered the questions that were posed by Counsel. And when 4 the witnesses were a little technical or were a little 5 confusing, you jumped in to offer the testimony. And while you 6 can do that, it seems, to me, that all the questions or a 7 majority of the questions that we have received today, they 8 were fair questions, and very few of them were able to be 9 answered. I am -- I won't say any more. 10 BY COMMISSIONER REDFORD: But, also, I wanted toQ. 11 get back to this -- oh, the letter on which extension or -- 12 Exhibit 102, Mr. Fuentes, from the Idaho Emergency 13 Communications Commission. Once that the -- you received this 14 letter or a copy of the letter 15 Or, I guess I'll ask you, did you receive a copy 16 of the letter? 17 I did not personally receive a copy.A. 18 Did the Company?Q. 19 I believe. Yeah, I would assume that.A. 20 Well, I can understand that you don't receiveQ. 21 every document that comes in to the Company. 22 It feels like it sometimes.A. 23 So if the Company received it, I'd like you toQ. 24 acknowledge that the Company did receive it. 25 A.Yes. 196 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . . 1 Was there any effort on your behalf or any effortQ. 2 on behalf of the Company to go back to the Idaho Emergency 3 Communications Commission and say, Wait a minute, we'd like to 4 clear this up with you so that we can get a favorable 5 recommendation to the PUC? 6 It doesn't seem like you did that, and I believe 7 that the statement was made: We don't do that until the final 8 dog is heard in a state or the Commission or in the court. 9 Am I misinterpreting that? 10 I wouldn't know what our Response would haveA. 11 been. 12 Did you make an effort to go back to the IdahoQ. 13 Emergency Communications Commission? 14 A. I don't know if we did or not. 15 Who knows all of these questions?Q. 16 That would be our in-house legal counsel.A. 17 Okay. Well, I don't have any further questions,Q. 18 but it just seems, to me, like your -- a lot of your 19 questions -- your answers have been very, very evasive, and not 20 forthcoming. 21 Thank you. 22 23 24 25 197 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . . 1 EXAMINATION 2 3 BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: 4 Mr. Fuentes, are you the person who makes theQ. 5 Company policy? 6 A.No, I am not. 7 So you wouldn't know when or why they .wouldQ. 8 establish a policy to not go to the various state agencies and 9 get a determination before some Commission makes them? 10 That would not be me. I would not know.A. 11 Okay. Thank you.Q. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Redirect. 13 MR. BRECHER: May I have a moment? 14 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Certainly. 15 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Madam Chairman, could I 16 ask one more further questions? I'm sorry. 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Sure. 18 19 EXAMINATION 20 21 BY COMMISSIONER REDFORD: 22 Q. Who is that person that would make the 23 determination? Does your legal counsel run the Company or 24 in-house legal counsel? You keep saying that was an effort 25 made by the legal counsel? 198 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Com) TracFone . . 20 21 1 A. That would either be our executive vice president 2 and general counsel Richard Salzman, or our deputy assistant 3 counsel Leighton Lang. 4 Q.Don't you have directors and officers that make 5 those policy decisions? 6 A.We do, but I work in an entirely different 7 division altogether when it comes to that. That's all done on 8 that end. 9 Q.Well, do you have a boss? 10 I do, but he does not make determinations onA. 11 fees. He is the senior vice president of Lifeline services, 12 and his job is to ensure that Lifeline 13 in-house legalQ.Is it your legal counsel 14 counsel -- that makes all these policy determinations? 15 A.Wi th regards to -- with fees, yes. 16 Q.Okay. Thank you. 17 MR. BRECHER: May I proceed with redirect? 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Please. 19 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 22 BY MR. BRECHER: 23 Q.Working backwards, Mr. Fuentes, Ms. Melillo asked 24 you some questions about the nonusage policy, and she asked you.25 to read from the statement of terms and conditions. I just 199 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di) TracFone . . . 1 want to clarify one point: 2 When -- in order for a customer -- a Lifeline 3 customer -- of TracFone to receive the minutes at the end of 4 the month, is it necessary that the handset be turned on? 5 A.Correct. 6 So if the customer is not using the service, theQ. 7 handset is in the glove compartment or in a dresser or lost and 8 not turned on, that customer will not receive minutes? 9 A.Correct. 10 And that customer -- and there will be no usageQ. 11 that month? 12 A.Correct. 13 So the customer must perform an overt act ofQ. 14 turning on the phone in order to receive the minutes? 15 A.Correct. 16 Now, you were asked, were you not, I believe byQ. 17 Mr. Price regarding a Decision of the Supreme Court of the 18 State of Washington 19 Do you have that document with you? 20 A.Yes, I do. 21 Can you turn to it?Q. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: You're now referring to 23 Exhibit 103. 24 MR. BRECHER: I believe that's correct. 25 BY MR. BRECHER: And I direct your attention toQ. 200 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di) TracFone . . 20 21 22 23 1 page 16. That's page 17 of 19 of the handout, but page 16 of 2 the actual printed Opinion. 3 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: I'm sorry, what page? 4 MR. BRECHER: Page 16 of the Opinion. 5 Q.BY MR. BRECHER: And following the conclusion, do 6 you see the words in capitals "WE CONCUR," colon? 7 A.Yes. 8 Q.And how many names follow that Opinion, those 9 words, "WE CONCUR"? 10 A.Four. 11 Q.Now I direct your attention to page 18 of the 12 Supreme Court Decision. And on the right-hand column following 13 a dissenting Opinion that was authored by Justice Chambers, do 14 you see the words "WE CONCUR" and how many names appear 15 there? 16 A.Three. 17 Q.So this was, would you agree, sir, that the 18 maj ori ty Opinion authored by Chief Justice Madsen was a five to 19 three Decision of the Supreme Court? A.Yes. Q.It was not a unanimous Decision? A.It was not. Q.Would that indicate to you that even the Justices 24 of the Supreme Court of Washington --.25 MR. PRICE: I'm going to object to that. That 201 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di ) TracFone . . . 1 calls for a legal conclusion. 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Price. 3 MR. PRICE: I'm going to obj ect to that on the 4 grounds that it calls for a legal conclusion. 5 MR. BRECHER: Question withdrawn. 6 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 7 BY MR. BRECHER: You were asked again I believeQ. 8 by Mr. Price about the Company's policy of providing service to 9 residents of homeless shelters, and you've testified that the 10 Company had developed some procedures in consultation with the 11 Federal Communications Commission? 12 A.Correct. 13 Do you have any idea how many residents ofQ. 14 homeless shelters have been enrolled in TracFone' s Lifeline 15 program under those policies? 16 I don't have an exact number, but I would assumeA. 17 that it's relatively low. 18 Q.Fewer than 100 maybe? 19 It could be around that number.A. 20 And in how many jurisdictions has TracFoneQ. 21 enrolled customers of homeless shelters? 22 A.Two. 23 Q.And those are? 24 DC -- District of Columbia -- and Massachusetts.A. 25 Now, there's been quite a bit of discussionQ. 202 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di ) TracFone . . 24.25 1 during your cross-examination about what's commonly referred to 2 as duplicate enrollment. You refer to it as double-dipping. I 3 prefer not to refer to it as double-dipping because when I do, 4 I put on a few pounds. 5 Is it your understanding that the FCC is aware of 6 this problem? 7 A.Yes. 8 Q.And what has the FCC done about it? 9 I understand that the FCC has been takingA. 10 aggressive steps in meeting with various ETCs to come up with 11 an interim solution to the duplicate situation. 12 Has TracFone been a party to those discussionsQ. 13 wi th the FCC? 14 A.Yes, it has. 15 Q.And is the subj ect of duplicate enrollment and 16 how to prevent it addressed in the FCC's recently issued 17 Lifeline Notice of Proposed Rulemaking? 18 A.Yes, it is. 19 Q.Now, during 20 MR. BRECHER: I'd like to hand out an exhibit, I 21 guess will be marked for identification as -- 22 What number are we up to, your Honor? 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Sixteen. MR. BRECHER: This will be Exhibit 116. Is that correct? 203 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di) TracFone . . 1 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Sixteen. 2 MS. SEAMAN: Sixteen. 3 COMMISSIONER SMITH: One six. 4 MR. BRECHER: One six. 5 (TracFone Exhibit No. 16 was marked for 6 identification. ) 7 Q.BY MR. BRECHER: What I've shown you, 8 Mr. Fuentes, is a copy of Section 10 of the Communications Act 9 of 1934, as amended, codified at 47 United States Code, 10 Section 160. 11 You were asked some questions by Ms. 0' Leary 12 about the effect of the FCC's forbearance Order. Do you 13 remember those questions? 14 A. Yes. 15 Q.And you were specifically asked whether the 16 record before the FCC would make that forbearance Order 17 applicable to the state of Idaho? 18 A.Correct. 19 Q.I'd like to draw your attention to Section -- 20 Subsection (e) of 47 United States Code 160, and would you be 21 kind enough to read into the record what Subsection (e) says? 22 A.Subsection (e), State enforcement after 23 Commission forbearance. A State Commission may not continue to 24 apply or enforce any provisions of this chapter that the.25 Commission has determined to forbear from applying under 204 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES ( Di) TracFone . . . 1 Subsection (a) of this section. 2 Q.Now, I recognize that you're not a lawyer and 3 you're not qualified to render a legal opinion, but looking at 4 Subsection (a), the plain English, is it your understanding 5 that the FCC's forbearance Order would be binding on states 6 based on Section 10 (e) ? 7 MS. MELILLO: Object: That's exactly what he's 8 asking for, a legal conclusion. 9 MR. BRECHER: Withdrawn. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 11 BY MR. BRECHER: You were asked about a DecisionQ. 12 rendered by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. Are you 13 familiar with that Decision? 14 A.Yes. 15 And is that the Decision where the OklahomaQ. 16 Corporation Commission voted not to follow the FCC's 17 forbearance Order? 18 A.Correct. 19 In how many states is TracFone designated as anQ. 20 eligible telecommunications carrier? 21 A.Thirty-six states. 22 Has any state Commission that you're aware ofQ. 23 other than Oklahoma concluded that the FCC forbearance Order is 24 not applicable to it? 25 A.No. 205 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di) TracFone . . 20 1 Q.Would you conclude that the view of the Oklahoma 2 Corporation Commission on that question is what represents the 3 weight of authority among the states? 4 A.No, it doesn't. 5 MS. 0' LEARY: Obj ection: Asks for a legal 6 conclusion. 7 MR. BRECHER: I think the question has already 8 been answered. 9 MR. PRICE: Motion to strike. 10 MS. 0' LEARY: Can we have that comment stricken 11 from the record? 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: If you have something to 13 say, you're going to have to use your mic. So 14 MS. 0' LEARY: Thank you. I'm sorry. 15 COMMISSIONER SMITH: So, it did seem, to me, that 16 you are asking for a legal conclusion. We've already 17 established hours ago -- 18 MR. BRECHER: I'll withdraw the question. 19 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. Q.BY MR. BRECHER: Now, you were also asked 21 you were shown a document -- and I apologize, I believe it was 22 Document No. 208 or Exhibit No. 208, pardon me, which was an 23 audit issued by -- on October 19, 2010, by the Commonwealth of 24 Massachusetts Department of Telecommunication and Cable..25 A.Yes. 206 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES ( Di) TracFone . . 1 Q.Do you recall those questions? 2 A.Yes. 3 Q.Do you have the document in front of you? 4 A.I do. 5 Q.I'd like to call your attention to page 2 of that 6 document, and at the top of the page, you see Roman numeral 7 two? 8 A.Yes. 9 Q.And how is that Roman numeral two captioned? 10 A.Background and procedural history. 11 Q.No, Roman numeral two at the top of page 2. 12 COMMISSIONER SMITH: This is Exhibit 208. 13 Q. BY MR. BRECHER: 208. This is the Massachusetts 14 Department of Telecommunications and Cable audit report. 15 I was reading the wrong one, I apologize.A. 16 Analysis and findings, annual verification audit. 17 Okay. Would you, sir, read into the record theQ. 18 first sentence of Roman numeral two? 19 As an initial matter, the Department finds thatA. 20 TracFone complied with current eligibility verification 21 requirements. 22 Q.Are you aware of any Decision rendered by any 23 federal or state regulatory agency that has concluded that 24 TracFone does not comply with current eligibility verification.25 requirements? 207 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di) TracFone . . 1 A.None. 2 Q.Are you aware of any conclusion rendered by the 3 Uni versal Service Administrative Company that has concluded 4 that TracFone has not complied with existing eligibility 5 requirements? 6 A.None. 7 Q.Now, you were asked some questions about receipt 8 by TracFone of Lifeline support for customers that do not use 9 their service for a period of time: 30 days or 60 days? 10 A.Yes. 11 Q.Now, is it correct that if a customer doesn't use 12 the service to make a single phone call during a 30-day period, 13 TracFone would get Lifeline support for that customer? 14 A.Yes. 15 Q.Okay. Now, are you familiar with other ETCs, 16 including those that operate in the state of Ohio? 17 MR. MILLER: Idaho. 18 Q.BY MR. BRECHER: Idaho. 19 A.Yes. 20 If another ETC in the state of Idaho, landline orQ. 21 wireless, had a customer that went -- a Lifeline customer -- 22 had a Lifeline customer that went 30 days without making a 23 single phone call, would that ETC receive Lifeline support from 24 the Universal Service Fund?.25 A.Yes. 208 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES ( Di) TracFone . . 21 1 Q.Are you aware of any requirement that would 2 obligate that ETC to refund the Lifeline support for those 3 customers that did not use the service for 30 days? 4 A.No. 5 Q.Is it possible that other ETCs' customers by 6 reason of illness, absence from the state, whatever, might go 7 30 days without using the service? 8 A.It is possible. 9 Q.So that is not a situation that would be unique 10 to TracFone? 11 A.No. 12 Q.In your testimony, you described that TracFone 13 would remain functional in emergency situations, and that was 14 the subj ect of some cross-examination earlier today. 15 Are you aware of any situation since you've been 16 employed by TracFone or prior to that where the Company's 17 service became unavailable due to an emergency situation? 18 A.I've never heard of a situation. 19 Q.You have never heard of a situation? 20 A.A situation where we weren't able to operate. Q.Are you aware of any state Utility Commission 22 that has ever concluded that TracFone is not able to remain 23 functional in an emergency situation? 24.25 A.No. MR. BRECHER: I believe that's all the redirect I 209 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES ( Di) TracFone . . 20 21 22 23 24.25 1 have, Chairman Smith. 2 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you very much. 3 We thank you for your help, Mr. Fuentes. 4 THE WITNESS: Thank you very much, Commissioners. 5 (The witness left the stand.) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 210 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FUENTES (Di) TracFone