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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTi Prepaid LLC Annual Update 2007.pdfA' IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES (bJ commission lid (bJ IbJ O, Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 8371PIPP14. , . . no Telephone 208-334-0300'...1 r.. i :;:;.( U Facsimile 208-t~:-3fP~L';i;,.Ju .;:\; .". secretary~puc.lda Ho~~o'V UV!//"/ii.:;bit. Notice to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rule 202, IDAPA 31.42. All telephone corporations (except cooperative telephone corporations) formed since January 1 , 1988 must filea notice before offering telecommunications services in Idaho. These corporations include but are not limited to sellers of MTS or WA TS, resellers of MTS or WA TS services, Operator Service Providers, Data Providers , etc. These notices must be updated at least annually between December 1 and December 31 each year and whenever there is a change in the telephone corporation s name, address or agent. Please e-mail the completed form to: Date: The notice must contain the following information: Name of the Telephone Corporation STi Prepaid, LLC Assumed Business Name (if applicable)Telco Group; Telco; TGI; Dialarouna ~nterpnses; Dialaround: DEI' VOIP Entemrises' VOIP Corporate Mailing Address Regulatory Contact Address Line #1 30-50 Whitestone Expressway, 4th FI Address Line #2 City, State, Zip FlushinQ, NY 11354 Telephone Number 718-358-5390 Facsimile Number 718-732-7751 Electronic Address (e-mail)N/A Operations Mailing Address (if different)Name Same Address Line #1 Address Line #2 City, State, Zip Telephone Number Facsimile Number Electronic Address (e-maiD Principal Address in Idaho (if applicable)Name N/A Address Line #1 Address Line #2 City, State, Zip Electronic Address (e-mail) An agent in Idaho for service of process Name Corporation Service Company Address Line #1 1401 Shoreline Drive Address Line #2 Suite 2 City, State, Zip Boise, Idaho 83702 Agent's electronic address Person responsible for handling consumer inquiries, complaints, etc. by the public Name Patricia Newbold Toll-Free Telephone Number 888-784-8750 Facsimile Number 718-732-7755 Electronic Address (e-mail)oatrician I1Vtel coo rou oj nc. co m Person(s) designated as Customer Service contact for the Commission Staff in resolving consumer complaints, responding to consumer inquiries and answering matters concerning rates and price lists or tariffs Name Cherie R. Kiser Address Line #1 Mintz, Levin , Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P, Address Line #2 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 900 City, State, Zip Washington, D.C. 20004 Telephone Number 202-434-7300 Facsimile Number 202-434-7400 Electronic Address (e-mail) Where possible, please provide a Qeneral or shared mailbox address Person responsible for compliance in filing of reports and payment of fees due to the Commission or its Administrators Name Cherie R. Kiser Address Line #1 Same as above, Address Line #2 City, State, Zip Telephone Number Facsimile Number Electronic Address (e-mail) Please cancel my price lisUtariff Please cancel my Certificate of Public Convenience And Necessity r~r-ate Authorize